HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA1140Al?I,,\.NNING DEPAR'mENT .. 3300 Newport Boulevard PO O.Box 1768 N~~rt Beach.CA 92658-8915 (114 i .644-3200 •'VAAIAN'<::EAP\'L1t~T!~ ,CITY OF NEWPORT .llpplicant (print)BANZUELO/RIERSON!OUFF to Assoc ••Inc .phone (714)777-061;6 4501 E..l.A PAl.MA AVE..SU,TE 202,ANAHEIN,CA 92807-1907 Y M C A (7l41 642-9990 92660 ,-,,. icaiess of Property thv81ved 2300 UNIVERSITY DRIVE,NEWPORTBEACH <PI1rr>Qse of lIpplicdti=i(describc full}')ALLOW AN INCREASE HEIGHT OF 4'hGOVETHE .·.PREVroUS HEIGHT RESTRICTION. ZOne R-1 Pre~nt U~e Y M C A AfHLETIC FACILITY -------------- ,~lEiAnACHf6ance necesSary to preserve property riqht""",_ ~l agent n~ysign fr~the owner "written authorIzation from the record owner is filed with the "pacation. ________.......................__~..R ._..•_ ---------~-----------------------------~---------_.._--------------------------------~ 00 NOT COMPLETE APPLICATiON BELOWTHIS LINE ~frJ '4f/~ 3/'1 1'.C.Action (S~'~l!:~'",._._ Appeal __._.__C. fl""ring Date,.L.:::."""""_ Date_"--'-""'--e:.-<-_ C.lIearing,_ C.C.Actio"--._Date •• ~~AlICE PLANNING DIVISION lLPUilLIC \lORKS DEPARTMENT lLTRAFFIC ENGINEER lLFIRE DEPARTMENT Z_PLMi REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS &RECREATION lLPOLICE DEPARTMENT _MARINE SAFETY lLGRADING CITY OF IIElJPORTilEACH PLtOOlING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST ..1LPLANS ATTACHED (I"l.l'.ASE RETURli) _PI.llliS ON FILE III !'I..t.mmIGDEPT. APPLICATION OF:Banzuelo(Rierson/Duff &A.so~iate~,Inc. FOR:Variance 1140 (Amended) Regu.est to amond a previQusly approved variance wh..1£~tted tb~ ~~~lon of a proposed expansion to the eni§ting Y.H,G,b,facility whl~b exceeded the 24 foot bAsic height lImit in th~24/28 Foot Height LimitatIon District.TIt..,proposed atnendmP,cDt involves a request ...t.2...JJpproye a further ~~ase in the height by 4 ft>p.t on portic!.D..L.Q.f.the pr~yiQusly approved !B!.i.l!llil&. LOCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT Rr~UESTED BY:~~ COMMISSION REVIEW:4-13-89 ~TS:,_ ~s:.'"Thepllt-cel·.ill lOcllte4.t.n'U:·,.lI.l:.mofnJ;kllt'bay..'·.leh 'Is 4$slpated fer "OOVMIlI«Iti4L.BDIl'CATl(JlW,.,'AD IlIlSTlT1mmw.FACl,L'lTU:>"by bel:h the Land Use Element and "l'1an"(L.U.E,)of the General PI"",and the Lecal Coasral Program,tand Use I'1'm (L.C.P.).ThislaItdU8~category permits uses which are a part of the ·social infrastructure"of the community,and specificallyall0W",s for ,the ,eXistence of the Y.H.C.A.,The proposed expansion of this facility is censistent.with these categorieal guidelinas, and with .tho.are""pedfi~.lar.d use policies.They have ,,_tabU_hed I.l site development limit of 66,000 +/-square feet,The expansion of the current 15,769 facility falla well within this maximum standard. 03 April 1\189 •• CITY OF NEI1PORT BEACH PLAmHNG DEPARlHENT PLAN REVIEW REqUEST X-ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION X-PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT lLTRAFFrC ENGINEER lLFIRE DEPARlHENT lLPLAN REVIEW DIVISION PARKS &RECREATION:J'X:::POLlcJ,i?DEP~':.JJ _MARINE SAFETY X-GRADING Da''''.J:larch22.1939 .lLPLAN3 ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURJli ___PLANS ON FILE IN PLANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF:Banzue10/Rierson/Duff &Associates,Inc. FOR:Variance 1140 (Amended) Request to Bmend a previouslL approved Stlriance which pemitted t.hi constructicn of a proposed expansion to th@-IXlsting Y,M,C,A,fociiie;Which exceeded the 2/1 foot basic height 11ml t in the 24/28 Foot Hdght I.1mit;ti;~ District .~proposed amendmentinvolves 4 request to approve A furth'#r 1.n£.re3.se in the height by ,~feet:Oil portion"of the previous]y approvt!J!lliill.1n&' LOCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT REqUESTED BY:4-3-89 COMMISSION REVIEW:4-13-89 COMMENTS :_...I.;0,-=-,(J~J!'c;:/;f.::"._''-f~--'~~~.:.L.--:,,"",__ CITY OF NEYPORT BEACH PUNNING DEPARTMENT PUN REVIEW REQUEST Z-ADV~~CE PUNNING DIVISION lLPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.·LTltAWIOI£ll'9I~1!Il lLFlRE DEPARTMENT lLPUN REVIEW DIVISION --PARKS &RECREAYION lLPOLICE DEPARTMENT -.JjARINE SAFETY lLGRADING Date March 22,1989 -lLPUNS ATTACHED (PI.I'..ASE RETURN) _PUNS ON e v v APPLICATION OF:BanzuelojRierson/Duff &Associates, FOR:Variance 1140 (Amended) constrqction 2f a proposed expansion v n exceeded the 24 ~basic height limit in the 24/28 Foot Hel;ht Li;it:ti~~ District.The proposed amendment f.nvolvps a request to Approve a further increase in the hei&ht by 4 feet on port!ons of the previou31y approvedbuilding, LOCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT REQUESTED BY:!l:.l:..~ COMMISSION REVIEW:4.13.89 COMMENTS:_tVo ",J.J.J-~(';m.J.d-~-8J.d ,eg/({;'v M.: __.....DC&.troUt CITY OF NEII1'ORTBEACH PU.NNING DEPARTI4EN! PUN REVIEl/'REQUEST ~j\~VANCE PLANNING DIVISION ~)J1U:C~D~ARnfllN'l' lLTRAFFIC ENGlNEER lLnRE DEPARTMENT K-PUN REVIZW DIVISION _PARKS &RECREATION lLrOLICE DEPARTMENT .JIARINE SAFETY lLGMOING Datt'.Ji.Il1;ch220illJ!. -lL,PUNS ATTACHED (PLPASE RETURN) ___PUNS ON FILE IN PlANNING DEPT. APPLICATION OF:Banzuelo/Rierson/Duff &Associates,Inc. FOR:Varhnce 1140 (Amended) Request to amend 8 previously appro;e~v:;~:~;~~£~~QI.mitted the cOnstruction of a proposed expansIon to h ex v b/~J(o~o~+~.fqcility which exceeded the 24 foot basic height l~~~~4~~~~)t I,imitation District 0 The proposed amendment Iv s ..rg~,,~t h rJllfJLa furthrl:: increase in the hflight by 4 feet on!iortions he preYlously approvedbuilding. LOCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT REqUESTED BY:4-3-89 COMMISSION REVIEl/':4-13-89 COMMENTS: K-ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION lLPUBLIC loIOtU<S DEPARTMENT "»~~~.'~.'"":'".'.Xl)'.''....", lLl'LAN REVIEIl DIVIS ION JARKS &RECREATION lLPOLICE DEPARnmIT --.MARINE SAFETY lLGRADlNG Date Hun"22,1989 CITY OF lIEIIl'OII.TBEACH PLANNING DEPARThEIlT PLAN REVIEIl REQUEST ...lLPLANSATTACHED (PLFAIlII:RETURN) ,_PLANS ON FILE IN PLANUING DEPT. APPLICATION OF:Banzue1o/Rierson/Duff &Associates,Inc. FOR:Variance 1140 (Amended) Request to amend A previously approved ypr'ance which fimrmitted~ construction of a proposed expension to the existin£X.H.C,A.facility which exceeded the 24 foot badc height 11mlt in the 24728 ~::,:mi:g:~District,The proposed amendmentinvolves a ra....n;e;Jt, LOCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT REQUESTED BX:4-3-89 COHHISSION REVIEIl:4-13-89 COIlMENTS:.'.•r:;....~,'_.,_ CiTY OF NEIlPOIl.TBEACH PlA.'1NINGDEPARTMENT PIAN REVIEW REQUEST lL,ADVANCE l'UllIiINGDIVISION li_PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1LTRAFFIC ENGXNEER 1LFiRE DEPAR'IHEllT 'i~'~!i_~$t~(.·. _PARKS &RECREATION 1LPOLlCE DU ...li.'IHEllT -.llARINE SAFETY 1LGRADING Da~e~Gh 22.1989 ..lLPIANS ATTACHED (PLEASR KETUlW) _PlANS ON FILE IN PIANNIIW DEI'T. FOR:Variance 1140 (Amended) APPLICATION OF:Banzuel~/Rierson/Duff &Associates,Inc. &eguest to amend a preYiouply approve?ygriAnc,wbichP'rmitt'd the yonstruction of a proposed expaoslo&~q the exisClne Y,M.C,A.££cility ybieb exceeded the 24 foot basic heieht 1 irek io the 24128 fPot HeiMe UmitAt:ion pistrict.The Bhoposed amendment iovolves a ~eouest t~:e!~:;ta ~~increase iO the height by 4 feet pn pprtipns 2i the r y II V dbUildioe· LOCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT R.EQUESTED 1lY:4-3-89 COMMISSION REVIEW:4.13.89 COMIIENTS:__--""'""'...,..."""'~.............-"-_ lLADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION XJ1]IlLIC WORKS DEPARntENT lLTRAFFIC EtlGINEER lLFIRE DEPARTMENT lLPLAN ~JIEW DIVISION _PARKS &RECREATION lLPQLI<::EDEPARTlmlT '1!~iA~~~ETY Dat~_Harch 22.1:89 CITY OF HElIPORT IlEAIAI PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST -lLPLANS ATTACHED (PLf'ASE >l.ETUIlN) ___PLANS ON FILE IN PI~ING DY.PT. APPLICATION OF:llanzuelo/Rierson/Duff &Associates,Inc. FOR:Variance 1140 (Aaended) Request to 4mcnd a preyiouslv approved variance which p,rgLttad the k2D1.tructiou of a proposed oXRAnSlon to the existing Y,M.e A,facility whiCh exceeded the 24 foot basic height limit in the 24/28 Foot Hel¢bt LimicAt12n District.The proposed _Dyment f,Dvolves ft request to approve a further. increase in the height by 4 feet on portions of the preylously ADprOV;dbuilding. LDCATION:2300 University Drive REPORT REqUESTED IlY:4-3-a2, COHKISSION REVIEW:4·13-89 COIiHEIlTS:a yeu:L.~ CHECK UST FOR APPUCATIONS .us 1'12 c1'0 Propeny owners'list on gummed labels ~0 Radius map ~0 Plans -dimensioned,and to scale 0 [3 Environmental document required? 0 ~Resubdivision or tract map required? (Building to be constructed over a common property line?) 0 B Modification(s)to the Zoning Code required? D ~Traffic Study required? D ~Coastal Residential Development Permit required? D (3 Affordable housing (non-coastal)required? D ~Letter from the applicant with details of tlte project? Received by:~- Dat~:3",--"_'~L..-_ Application No.__-,-_ •• WHAT EXCEPTIONAL CIRCIJISTAJICES APPLY TO THE BUILDING,PROPERTY OR USE? PER THE CONDITIONS ADOPTED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN 1983,THE Y.M.C.A. AGREED TO SINK THE BUILDING THIRTY-TWO INCHES IN-ORDER TO PLEASE A FEW RESIDENTS IN THE ARE~.THIS NEGATIVELY IMPACTED THE Y.M.C.A.BUDGETAPPROXI~ATELY $40.000.00. AT THAT TIME THE RESIDENTS.AS SURMIZED BY THE Y .M.C.A.;FELT IHllMlDATEO BY THE ROOF-TOP RUNNING TRACK.AS OUR PLANS CLEARLY SHOWN.THE ROOF-iOP RUNNINC TRACK HAS BEEN TOTALLY ELIMINATED AND WILL NOT BE BUILT AT A LATER DATE.THE ROOF STRUCTURE AS DESIGNED WOULD NOT STRUCTURALLY ACCO~~DATE A RUNNING TRACK AND THE LEGAL EXITS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED:THEREFORE WE BELIEVE THE ROOF-TOP RUNNING TRACK WILL NEVER BE BUILT.THE FEAR RESIDENTS MAY HAVE ABOUT STRANGERS INVADING THEIR VISUAL PRIVACY AND NIGHT-TIME ILLUMINATION AND NOiSEHASBEENELIMINATED. ALSO,THE ACTIVITIES IN THIS FACILITY ARE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE ON THE SURROUNDING R-I PROPERTIES.THE Y.M.C.A.OFFERS BOTH ATHLETIC A~TIVITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES.THe:SYSTEMS TO SERVE THOSE ACTIVITIES CAN BE OF A DIFFEREIH MAGNITUDE THAN THOSE IN TIlE ADJACENT STRUCTURES. THE Y.M.C.A.REQUIRES A MINIMur1 25'CLEAR HEIGHT IN THE GYM AND GYMNASTICS ROOMS IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR INTERNATION OLYMPIC EVENTS SUCH AS BASKETBALL. VOLLEYBALL AND GYMNASTICS.IN AN INFORr;AL SURVEY BY THE Y.M.C.A ••THERE ARE NO PRESENT FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH THAT QUALIFY BY THE OLYMPIC CQMIollTTE FOR OLYMPIC USE.THE 25'CLEAR HEIGHT IS THE MINIMUM STANDARD OF THE SPORTS INTENDED FOR THESE USES.THE Y.M.C.A.ORIGINALLY WANTED 30'CLEAR BUT RELUCTANTLY REDUCED THE CLEAR HEIGHT TO 25'AS AN ATTEr4PT TO MAINTAIN GOODWILL WITHIN THE COMMUNITY AT A SACRIFICE TO THEIRSERVICES. THE ADDITIOIIAL INCREASE OF 4'IS DRASTICALLY REQUIRED IN ORDER FOR THE Y.M.C.A.TO ?ROVIDE THESE SERVICES AND STILL CONFORM TO THE C.U.P. REQUIREMENT TO SCREEN MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM VIEW.EVERY ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE.I.E.VARYING HEIGHTS OF BUILDING ELEMENTS AND OFFSETS;BUT THE USE OFEQUIPMENTSCREENINGISSTILLNECESSARY. IIHY WIll PROPOSAL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO lHE NEIGHBORHOOD? THE Y.M.C.A.SERVES THE HEALTH,RECREATIONAL AND SOCIAL NEEDS OF THE HARBOR AREA.THE INCREASED BUILDING EFFICIENCY WILL HELP PROVIDE A FACILITY TO MORE ABLY SERVE THE COMMUNITY.THE NEEDLD HEIGHT INCREASE DOES 1I0T BLOCK ANYADJACENTVIEWSNORSETANYPRECEDENTS. WHY IS A V4RIANCE NECESSARY TO PRESERVE PROPERTY RIGHTS? THE BUILOING SYSTEMS,AND IN TURN THE VERY SERVICES PROVIDED 8'(THE Y.M.C.A. TG THE CO~~UNITY.ARE BEING IMMENSELY AFFECTED BY THE CURRENT BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATIONS.THE EFFECTS ARE BOTH FUNCTIONAL AND ECON~~IC. THE 1.M.C.A.HEIGHT AS ALLOWED BY THE CURRENT C.U.P.DOES 'lOT iJUJCK THE VIEIIS TO THE BACK BAY ANY MORE THAN IT HAS SINCE 1969 WHEN TliE Y.M.C.A.WAS ORIGINALLY BUILT.THIS WAS ILLUSTRATED BY A COMPREHENSIVE SLIDE PRESENTATION TO THE PLANNING COMl4ISION AT TliE 1983 HEARING.IT WAS ALSO IlUJSTRATED AT TliE Y.M.C.A.SITE TO MEMBERS OF PLANNING STAFF.PLANNIHG COMMISSION AND RESIDENTS OF SURROUNDIN6 AREA DURING THE 1983 HEARINGS.AN AOOITIONAL HEIGHT OF 4'.IN OUR OPINION,WOULD NOT EFFECT THE VIEW TO THE BACK BAY AREA ANY1~ORE THAN WHAT IS ALREADY PERMITTED. THE aEIGHTS REQUESTED BY THIS VARIANCE IS PERMITTED BY THE COASTAL COfIMISSION.THE ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LAND ll~E COMMISSHlN AND THE FEDERALAVIATIONADMiNISTRATION. THE HEIGHTS REQUESTED BY TlUS VARIANCE WOULD CONoRIBUTE GREATlY TO NOISEREDUCiIONTOSURROUNDINGNEIGHBORHOODS. NOTICE OF PU8LIC H&ARING Notice is hereby given that the Planning I.:ommissionof the City 01 N~wport Beech lIill hold a public hearing on the appacation of Banzuelo/Duff "AuolUlltg8 for V8[~ No.1140 IAmende1l-on property located at 2300 University DriyU. Request to amend a prevlpusly approved variance which perm1tt,d the cODstruction of a propos,d expansion to th',xisting Y,H,C,A,facility wbi~~8xc~dL~~f:;~~:~~ height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height I\~ion DW:h:i b;t1:~d n t involves a request to approve a further ~r sse in h ,bt on portions of the previously approved building, This project has been reviewed,and it has been det.mllined that it is categorictolly exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, Notice io hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the l1tb day of April 1989,at the hour of lL2Q p,m,in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall,3300 Newport Boulevard,Newport Beach,California,at which time and place an)and All persons interested may appear and be heard thereon,If you challenge this project in court,you may be limited to raising only thoRO iSDues you or someone e12e raised at the public hearing described in this no.ice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at,or prior to,the public hearing.For information call (714)644-3200. Gary J.Di Sano,Secretary,Planning COm3iasion,City of Newport Beach. Note:The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from theapplicant. Z-ADVANCE PLANNING DIVI~ION lL!'UBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEl1T lLTRAFFIC ~GINEER lLFIRE DEPARTMENT lLPLAN REVIEW DIVISION _PARKS &RECREATION lLPOLICE DEPARTMENT -J{ARINE SAFETY lLCRADING Date MArch 22.1982 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENl PLAN REVIEW REQUEST ,jLPLANS ATTACHED (I'LF.A!lERETURN) _PLANS ON !'ILE IN PlANNING DEPT. FOR:Variance 1140 (Amended) APPLICATION OF:Banzue1ojRiersen/Duff &Associates,Inc. Request t2 amend a previou!l!ly approved variance which permitted the construction of a prop9sed expansion to the existing X M.C~.facility which excuded the 24 foot bnsic height 11..i\;in the 24/28 Poot Il;,~t l:m~~;:;:e District,The proposed amendmentinvolves a request to =r VA . .Increase in the heigh\;by 4 feet on porUons of the preViousiy ,,;;;;;bulldiDll· LOCATION:2300 University Drive COMMENTS:----------~__ REPORT REQUESTED BY:4-3-89 COHMISSION REVIEW:4-1~.89 S vel'(ane .' .....Newport Beach,CA .119-252-05 '2300'IJN vers ity Drive .' .Newport Beach,CA 92660 119-261-08 PETER KALlONZES2904PaperLane Newport Beach,CA 92660 t19-2!l1-14 R.LEE/J.COLLINGS267-A Termino AvenueLongBeach.CA 90803 119-252-15 SALLY BROWN22B5Golden CircleNewportBeach.CA 92660 119-252-12 THE IRVINE COMPANY550NewportCenter DriveNewportBeach.CA 92660119-261 ..13,21440-142 ..23 .''•.•.~'~•.,.•••_,".,0 <TIMOTHY SHEPARD,>2215 Annivesity Drive<Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-253~IB W •WILLIAMSON '. 2908 511 ve,.Lalle'Newport Beach ,eA 92660 119-252-07' H.N.TIN2281Golden CircleNewportBeaCh.CA 92660 119-252-13 .WILLIAM PENNELL2245GoldenCircleNewportBeach.CA 92660 119-252-18 RICHARD DINKENS2416University DriveNewportBeach.CA 92660 439-301-19 liMOTjiYOOONHLEY2904SilverLaneNI!WlXU'tBeach.CA 92660 119-252-06 WILLA LEE 2240 r~lden CircleNewportBeach.CA 11!H!!l3-02 RICHMD BECKNER2909SilverLaneNewportBeach.CA 92660 119-253-03 !;i~'bfrj~~~·P.O.llg;;1141 . Newport Beach.CA 92663 439-301-21 CYNTHIA BROWN 2274 Golden Circl Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-252-14 EARL SAWYER 535 Via Lido Soud Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-20 S;"i'Y.BANK····OFiAHER I CA .801N.Main Street Santa Ana.CA 92701 439-301-22 CLAYTON BEIlLIIiG 2207 Anniversity Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-253-09 EOMOUND SWEARINGEN 2261 Golden Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-252-16 GERTRUDE COROIINA 2424 University Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-07 J.KEITH THOMPSON 2250 Golden Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-253-03 JAMES KLIEGEL 4521 Gorham Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-18 JOHN CLABAUGH 22625 Lakeside Lane .~I'Tofo.CA 92630 ,119-252"'11 JOHN VAN IAN 1724 W.Newport Hills Drive Newport Belch.CA 92660 119-253-16 JOSEPH PARKINSON 2230 Golden Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-253-16 LEAR OHLAND versity DriveNe\ilpor'tBeach.CA 92660 fiRST AMtRICAN TRUST CO. 2101 San JoaqUin Hills Rd. Newport Beach.Ca 92660 439-301-09 GEORGE OCIlANI;R IB34 Univer~lty Drive Newport 8each.CA 92660 439-301-08 HELEN JOHNSON 2410 University Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-16 HESTER fOY 2237 Golde"Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-252-25 JAMES COOPER 2253 Golden Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-252-17 JAMES DEANE 73-210 El Paseo Suite 2HPalmDesert.CA 922 119-261-12 I), I JEFFREV PIEROSE 421 Mari90ld Avenue Corona Del Mar.CA 92625 119-252-10 JEN KE PARTNERSHIP 2260 Golden Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 119-253-04 JOHN MOSHER 1131 Anniversity Lane Newport Beach,CA 92660 119-253-06 JOliN SIGRIST 25v6 Un1vers~ty Drive Newport BeaCh.CA 92660 439-301-14 JOHN WRIGHT 2404 University Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-11 JOSEi'H MESHI 226B Golden Circle Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-13 KATHERINE HAGENBUCH 2400 University Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-11 LAWREIiCE BEMIS 2404 University Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 439-301-13 LYMAN JORDAN 2402 UnIversity Drive Newport Beach.CA 92660 MAHMOOD SHAREEF 2926 Silver Lane Newport BeaCh.CA 92660 ok of AlMr'tc. l N.,,,In It....An.,CA '9V01.+&"I-"?,o,.'1'l,. _vton ""Un, 1 Annlw~.'tv Dr.1iO;;."'t Iktach.CA 92h60 "<\$"-0'1 Eu!unfI ....,.tn..,. 224t1 1Io1.den Ctrd. ......t Be"h,CA 92660 "'l.'l,.~"",c, GoItr-trude COr'ann. 2424 Uni.,.,..Uy Dr. .......-t.hach.CA'2460+....""1-0; J ..I(eUh ~Hn 22SO 8al.d.,Ct.-d. ........t "uh.CA92640,,,'t.'I.'S'\.It)..._;""~'..~.,:..,;,7".~.:'<:'. ~~lC1i~.l4821_h ...ilr •. ........t.,8IIactI~CA 9'26.0 ';H"'''0'~tI,'",~'~~' 'how.Cillil ........ 2262S ~.k ••id.Lan_ 11 ,Tero,CA If243011'1 -'l.n-I\ ,". .tohn,y*".". ,Inot"............Min.Dr. ~t,.."h~CA92660 ;icll'l''Io ~1.,,'7 .zo.e,m p.,kln..-m 2230 Golden Clrel. ~-..ch.CA92660...,'I-'Zoo.-,t...• 0'.,.'._, hnk C'f ~ort P.O.Bolt 1747"-"'Pat't "'.cI1,CA'P2~3 411-"'01-'1.1 Cynt.hia I)rDMtl 227S 201den Cirel. ~t bach,CA "211&0 ""''1~'1-I'' Firat American T~at Co. 210t S.n J~qui"Hilla Rd HMlPOf"t hac:h.CA 1'26~ .4.'1-'"<>'."., ..I.,.,Johnwon 2~IOUni~.ity Dr. ~t "aclt,CA '9211bO+1"-'!oD I -J (, J __ 22S3 801d.n Ctrcl. ~t Bc.ch,CA 9~ .""-'l.n-I, --'.a.-ff,..y 'ttWo- ,42&...,.1Qold AY_. .Caran&riel .......CA .262:1 '.11"-'l.$"l.-IO J__ 2%SJ.Annl"...,..~ty Un_ .....cr-t Beach,CA ¥20b0 /Iq -1.n-D" J_...lont 24<WlJniY .....lt:y.Dr.,....,.t Iuch'CA ~ ~S<\-l"'I-IS; Kattt-eri n.~buch 2400 UniY~&.~yDr. ........t.hac::h,CA 92640.'4'~·~o,·11 IS.y Cor"por.t..jilin_~ :001 Do.tt.l"bcr 81vel.Iea_ta ....IN.CA 92i126 I IIq-'1."I~1l ;\ «.,.)hwv"- ~~Via Lido Saud Nawport.e..ch.CA 92660 4\1·...'·:.'" hGrQ.QchllnM .834 Univera''tv Dr'. NtnoIport ".chl CA 'f'2b60 41'1-101-08 ....t:....Fay2237Golden Cire1. NeMpCl"t.eeach,CA 92bobO 1/'!-"L7"l.."L5 Jaee_n•.". 73-210 El P......'Suit.2H Pal It n••.,.t.CA 92:2 11'l~'l.IoI·I'\. "en ~p.,.t..,...,.p 2260 Solden C.~cl.........t dI.CA~II'·'l,.S ~ .John 819"'t_t 2504 Un1 ".,..ltv Dr. HMtpc:w"t ".en.CA fl2b60 1$-1,\-,01-1+ Jauph......,'2268 Solo.n Circle NhplW',t .hadt,CIt 9U6O '1l4-1.n-0 S" L.•.",..,ce ...... 2404 UnSy~~Sty Dr~ Nftwport hach,C.'f'2i*O 4-11"",-IJ ~9h.,-* 2926 atly ....Lane"'"'Perot IhNeh.:A 92b6O II 4."tl;"l.-"'. Pitt ....KaUcnz:•• 2904 P.....-Lan. ~t ".ch.CA 92660114....'t'.'lj. .aUy 8r'a.n 2?B5 Gold~Circle Nttttprwt hech.t:A n6bOIIq,-"5 'l._,-,.j :1 Ti8Ot:hy Shepard 221:5 AnnlvoW'.ity Dr. ........ort e..Ch.CA ~ i/Q-1.n-o 9jWtllt..Pann.ll 224fi Golden Cll"~l. Nlhlpar1:"ach,CA IPZb60 1\'1-'/.5'/.·'8 Rofutrt Kelland 2905 filll~Lane.....ort a..c.h,CA 92600""-'1.S"l..'''' R..L.../J ..Col1lt\<1. 267 ....1.,.._*"0 ..... LGrtQ "acft,CA li10801"q ....,,,-,SO Th.Irvin.~MJV ~~Qf""t Cent.,tw. .....='"t a.~h.CA 't2-6-6O 1l1-,""1 ...~,'&.I 440 ""14'1.-1.') w.NUHaeeon 2900 !ii1v.,Len. NAowoGIort.Beach I CA IIf2.6&O /''l-1.S'1-0, H.N.TSf'l 2281 9clCf.n t."cl. ~t Beach,CA 92660114.·z.r ....,?> r· eUcnard Dink..,. 24J6 Unsverelty Dr. ~t ae.ch,CA 92660H~·''',.'''' n.,t.hy n:.tm.Uey 2'f04 II'J VfW Leue ~t Beach,CA 9'266(j If'l-1.~"I.."" "U"Loe2240Golcs.n Cir"c:l .. ~h.et1r t:A '¥2660 IIq·....U-O"1, ••••••• • 119 •26 , 8 BLK.5 /@ J'OIA~. S=E / ::I:N~E.RT/ / ------:h~----,:\ :\ I I • ... fl9.2~ \ \ \ \J \'0\ : t CD•• ..,' ,...... I''" •NO 4444 :,M:@ '",(i)•~• o=J .. CD c-D ~ ~®l.. @ : " ~ .-@ @)•" 439-30 Planning C"...issicn Keen,,?..__JIPrll D.lill Ag"nda Item 110..-"".1.._ CITYOF NEWPORTBEACH TO:Planning Commission FROM:Planning Department SUllJECT:Variance No.1140 (Amended)<Public HeariD&! Request to 8IIIenda previously approved varianca which permitted the construction of a pr0l'osed expansion t<>an existing Y.M.C.A,facility which exceeded th,,2/.foot ba8ic height limit in the 24/?8 Foot Height LiRitation District.The proposed amendment 1nvc>!ves a request to approv~3 further increase in the height by 4 feet on portions of the previously approvedbUilding. LOCATION:Parcel No.1 of Parcel Kap No.3-35 (R..subdlvlslon No.215), located at 2300 University Drive,on the northerly side of University Drive,easterly of Tustin Avenue in the West BayArea. ZONE:R-l Al'PLICA..'IT:Banzuelo/Rierson/Duff and Associates,Anaheim OWNER:Newport Costa Mesa Y.M.C.A.,Newport Beach Application Th!s is a request to amend a previ<lusly approved Var1allC<>which limited the height of portiona of the building to 28 feet above ,",!sting grade.The applicant wlahes to,.odify th1scnndition so aa to permit parapllt ,willIs to increase~n additional~feet for "aesthetic reasons and to aid in the screening of roof mounted mechanical equipaent. lIAl'kground ~.,,. At its iIl""tlng (If MayS.,1983,the PlanninsC01B~...~on 4pprov~4 a pJ;p/losed f/xpanslonof.theexistlng RsvpoJ;t CQste Kasa100JA (then called th.e.Orange<Cosst 'YMCA);Sa14action -inclucSEod:theappJ;oval ofthefolJ,f;I.!!lng "l'plicetloQP:. 1.Accepcancaof a Traffic Study prepared p~r~~t~Cltat>t~l:lS;l.O of the Newport Besch llunicipal Code ("Traffic 1'Iwsing·Ordinance")and City Policy S·l ("Administrative G>1idelines for Implementing the Traffic Phaaing Ordinance"), TO:Planning Commission ·2. been prepared in compliance with the California Environ11lentalQuality Act (CEqA),the ·State CEqA Guideline.·snd City Policy K-3, 3.The approval of an amendment to Use Permit No.1128 so as to allow the construction of a 44,564 ±sq.ft.~ddition that Included youth and family fitness facilities,a gymnastics centar,a child care cflinter,offices,a community meeting center,and an illuminated roof top jogging/exercise area. The proposal also included modifications to the Zoning Code so as to allow a portion of the propo.ed building,a new trash enclosure, and a six foot vall to encroach inco the required 20 foot front yard setback,a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces,and to allow two wall llIOUntedidantif1cation signs in excess of 2 sq.ft. 4.The approval of Variance No.1098 to allow a portion of the proposed addition to exceed the maximum allowable height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. In accordance with Sections 20.80.090 and 20.82.090 of the Municipal Code,use psrmits and variances automatically expire after 24 months from the effective date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently perused to completion. Inasmuch as building permits were not issued for the project within 24 months of the effective date of approval for Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)IIndVariance No.1098,said applications expired on MIIy 27,1985 in accordance with the provisions of Sections 20.80.090 and 20.82.090 of the Municipal Code. At its I/Iaetingof July 9,1987,the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 1128 (Ardendad)and Variance No.1140 which granted the M"'!l'."'1pl:""",ls as previously granted by the Planning Commission for the same project,.Said action was taken with the findings and subject to the condlt1ons of approval set forth in the attached excerpt or the Planning Commission minutes dated July 9,1987. Staff has also attached aeopy of the July 9,1987 staff report for the Planning Commission's information:It should also be noted that the second approval of Use Permit No.1128 <Amended)wss for a period of three years;therefore,said approval is vslid until July 30,1990. At its m~eting of Harch 9,1989,the Planning Commissioll made a deter~instion 't!\ata review of the 'revised·pllMSl of the 'YMCA facilities were.in ll'abstantial eonfo1'laaneewiththe plimllprevlously approved by the Planning C'1I/IIlIisslj)t\OtlJuly 9.1987,by Use Pti:rmitNo;'1128 (Amendad)andVari'lRceNo,1140,.AlfIo,it was datermined that no further traffie study would be required for the di~cr"'pancy il1 sllllllrefool:,ge, TO:Planning Commission -3. Environmental Sitpificance In conjunction with the Planning COlll111hsion'sconsideration of the pr~·Jl"u.Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)and Variance No.1098,an Initial Study wa.prepared and it was determined that the project would not have a significant envl.r.......ntal impact.Ssaed upon th ..infoI1ll4tion contained in the Initial Study and suggested mitigation measures,the Planning Commissionaccepted a Negative Declaration forthepreviousproject. Inasmuch as there have been no changes in the subject project and further that th"r~are no significant environmental impacts resulting from the current project that were not considered in the previous Initial Study,no further ellvironment!.l1 review is required at this time and the previous accepted environmental documentshallapplyinthiscase. Conformance with the General Plan And the L?cal Coastal Program The Land Use El~ment of the General Plan snd the Local Cosstal Program des1gnate the site for "Governmental,Educfttiona,l,and Institutional facl,11tles"uses.The existing YMCAcomplex on the property in question fall.w!thin the usespermitted. Subject Property and Surrounding Land U,~ The Newport Costa I14sa YMCAcomplex is located on the si te.The existing development is constructed on a pad apprOXimately 15 feet abOve the adjoining properties.To.thenorthea ..t is.the Annivarsery EstateG single family residential development;to the southeast!s an office complex;'to the southwest, across the Univers1.ty Drive right-of-way,is vacant property;and to the northwest,ecrossa 28foC)t,w~~alley,it<all.att.ched Ill\Jlt1-tAlllily residentialarea.. Analysi'of Variance ReguAst The applicant is requesting an au,endment to Variance No.1140 so as to sllow portions of the approved struc:tl1re an increlllled height which will match the height of the apPJ;oved..ll}'IIIl1lIsi\yAII,and which will exceed the maximumallowable height in the 24/28 F~oj:)leigh';.Lil&it~tionDbtrict..As shown on the attached el""'''t:ions anddepictadbycr(Jjls-h"tching,~hehightlst porUC)l1of the proposed additions will be the Parape'~..wallaeroundth41gymnaslUlll,racquetball courts, and multi-purpose room.The gymnasiumwae previouSly approVad to a maximl.uilof 33 to 35 feet to top of parupet.and the incr41aaedheight of the tacquatball court and multi-purpose rooa'portions of the bUlldingw1l1notillcCe'l<Pthia height.The illCr41s,sedh..illllt..t9the.par~pet.Ji.lla is.to eoha.nce.the ae.sthetic look of the·atrueture as well as ·to aid in the scteening ofpropoaed roof tC)j> lllechanical equipment.Anotherre ....on f"r.th"il)cr!'lI4ledl)ei/lhtis to a..,,,id any ,dellignor cotUltruetionprobl"lllliJihichliU1Y Mfesdt.at ..an'infraased bd/lht ot the approved atl:\.lC~reand.which ;ccul,d.possib.lyforestal1 the'ci>~lItnu:tion while .application for a varianc"111.aull"lj:j:cid...TC)assiat tlie .•Pl"rming 'CoiI!Iiss1im in identifY~!lg.t~aJ;eall.o~·'.~II~iA~.d,p~~,a!=..tf ..hill>P;flll ..r"cl'tJlci~"llowillg table.whictt aeta forth theprevi"l1s1y appiovedheigfJt'th4!P~~~••d int:ressas,';;'it))~: ;}~, TO:Planning Commission-4. Pro!lQII~.!J ~1(~J.ui!tl.&ht and the corresponding locations of each portion of the building as shown on the attached plans. The Zoning Code requires that in order to grant any varianc",.the Plenning Commission must find that the applicant has established the grounds for a variance set forth in Chapter 20.82 (Section 20.82.020 of th"Ne",port lleach Municipal Code): 1.Tha~there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applying to land.1:>llilding or use referred to in the application,which cir.c\llllstances or c.o.nditions do not apply generally to land,buildings and/or uses .in the same dist~ict. 2 •That thegr.int1ng of the awlication is MeeSllary for the preservat >n and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicant. 3.That the granting of such applicat.ion "'ill not.under the circumstances of the particular case,be materielly detrimental to the health.safe.t:>"peace.cOmfort.and general weIfare af persons residing or working in the neighbOrhood of the propllrty of the apPlicant .anr.will not unde.rthe cii'cumstancesofthe particular case b~...,.l:er1,:,.ly detrimental to.the public welfare or ittjurioll&to prape~t:y im~rov~mentsin thene1ghbOrhood. fprtion pf Building Sheet No. Qrig1>'11 Height Approved A-7 Varies 33 ft.- 3S ft.to top of parapet. Gymnasium Multi-Purpose Room A-7 28±ft.to top of pliral'et; 30 ft.(a-,erage) to midpoint of insulatlld sky- lights. Racquetball Courts A-l 28±ft.to top of parapet. 32±fe.to top of parapet;skylights ..11lli""t.d from plan. 32i ft.to top of psupet. APp'l t:c,a.nt,i'.i'.S ¥ateme#~'s"tft'SW~~ort' jIb'lt ellCeDd.Orikr el rF!!'l's~&ri$~sapph to the Wtldl.nt.P1:ooettyoj;uset. TO:Planning Commission-5. top running track has been totally eliminated and will not be bUilt at a later date.The roof structure as designed would not scrucrurally aecolllOOOd.otes runnh.g track and the legal edts htive been P.1iminated.Thar..fore we beHeve the roof-top running track will never be built.The fear residents may hev.. about strangers invading their visual privacy and night-time 111'~lnatlon and noise has been eliminated.Also,the activities in this facility are diff ..rent from those on the surrounding R·l properr.ies.The Y.H.C.A.offllu bor.h ath16tic activities and cOlll1l1Ullityservice acr.ivitie".The "ysteu to serve tht>ae activities can be of a different msgnir.uder.han r.hose in r.he adjacent structures. The Y.H.C.A.requires a minimum25 foot clear height in the gym and gymfI-dtics rooms in order to qualify for intenear.ional olympic evencs such as basketball, volleyball and gymnastics.In an infomal survey by the Y.M.C.A..there are no presenr.facilitiu in the City of Newport Beach that qualify by the Olympic COIl1lllUteefor olympic use .The 25 foot cl ....r height ,is th"\lIini""",,s.tandard of the spores intended for these uses ..TheY.H.C.A.origill411ywsnted 30 foot clear but reluetently reduced the clesr height to 25 feet as an attempt to ~intain goodwill within the communityat a sacrifice to their 5ervices.The·additional increase of 4 feer.is drastically required in order for the Y.H.C.A.to prOVide these services and still conform to the conditional use permit requirement to screen mechanical equipment from view.Every attempr.has been made.1.e.varying heights of building elements and offsets;but the Ise of equipmenr.screening is etill necessary." Why-is a 'VAriance necessaty to pre"ry@ property rights? "The building systems,snd in r.urn the very services provided by the Y.H.C.A. to the c01lllllUt1.ity,are being ill1lllenselyaffected by the curr:"ntbuilding height limitations.The effects are both functional and economic.TheY.H.C.A.height as allowed by the current conditional use permir.does not block the views to the Back Bey any IIOre than it has since 1969 when r.he Y.H.C.A.W411originally built. This w....illustrated by a comprehensive slide pr,,"'!Ilr.ll,t:ion/!:Q.th..Pla~ing COllilllissionat the 1983 hearings.An sdditional hei~t o(4f ..et",in.~r opinion, would not effecr.the view to theBtick Bay area any mOJ;e'th&nwbatiS already permitted.The heights requested by this variance is permitted by the Coaetal Commission,the Orenge County Airport Land Use COlllllission and the Federal Aviar.ion Administration.The heights requested by this,;yariance would contribute greatly to noise reduction to surrounding neighborhoods." ., Why will propos&1 !lot be detr1mentalsp the I!l!iBhbprhpod? "The Y.H.C.A.serves the health,recreational and social needs of the hsrbor area.Tho increased building efficienoy.w1ll halp .provide It facility to more ably serve the cOllllllUnity.The needed height increasudoee not block any aojacent views nor set anyprecedente.~ TO:Planning Commission -6. ~'Gific Findings and Recommendation Sect.ion 20.80.060 of the Newport Beach MUnicipal Code provides t.hat in order to grant any variance,the Planning Commissionshall find that:d",establishment. "'-'Iintenance,or op..rat~on of the us ..or building applied for will not,under the circUl8J!ltancesof the particular caae,be detrillllmtal to tlu.health,aafety, peace,morals,comfort,and general welfare of persons redding or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detriroental or inj'Jflous to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the genexal welfare 01 the City. Staff is of .the opinion that the proposed increased .h61.ght of the various portions of the structure will IUlt result in any ad4itional loss ef views then is affected by the "xlsting at>proved structure.The increued height of the psrapets is ~lso necessary to ensure c""pliancew1th Condition NoZ of Use Pemit No.1128 (Alll&rlded),requiring "thAt all mechanical equij)1ll8ntand trash areu shall be screened from University Drive and adjoining propertiu.,which may not be possible d,,"to Condil:.ion No.3 of Variance·No.1140 rfl;quir1ng "that the hdght of the parapet walls shall be limited to that required by Code,which is 42 inches.The proposed stairwells .hall be no higher than the approved heightoftheparapetwalls." Should the Hanning COIllllll9sionwish to approve the request to incr ....."the height of portions of the Y.M.C.A.facility,the findings and conditions of approval .et forth in the attached Exhibit "A"are suggested.If the Planning Commis.ion desires to dany the variance request,an attached Exhibit "S"with appropriate findings has been providad. PI.AllNIlIGDEPARTKEIlT JAMESD.IIElnCKER,Dliectbr ~~By .:IL'~ avterGarcia·•.&Jilt ... .Senior Planner·' Attachments:Vicinity Map Exhibit "A" Exhibit "a" Excerpt,of Planning CommissionMinutes ..dsted'llarch 9,1989 Excerpt of Planning CommissionMinute. ,da.te<lJuly9,1987 Pll1llning'C01lllll1sB1onStaff lleport dared July'9,1987 Excerpts of Planning COlI!IIIlSsion·Ki'llures dated April 21,1983 and May 5,1983 Plot Plan.Floor Plans and Elevation. TO:Planning Commission -7. £lO:lIBIT "A" FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAl. VARIIu'lCE NO.1140 ("""ended) Findings: 1.That thel'e are exceptional or extraordinary cil'cumstancesapplying to the land,bUilding,and use proposed in this application,which circumstances and conditions do not generally apply to land.bUilding. and/or USes in the same district inasmuch aD the increased height of the various portions of thp. structure will not result in any additional 1088 of views than is affected by the existing approved structure that exceeds the permitted bUilding height. 2.That the granting of a variance to the height requirement i.necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicant.inasmuch as without the height.the proposed mechanical equipment on the roof may not be screened as required hy the approval of Use Permit No.1128 (Amended). 3.That the establishment,maintenance.and operation of the use,propel'ty.and bUilding will not.under the c1rcumst""""s of.the particular ease.be detri....ntal to the health,safety.peace.,comfort,and general welfare of;persons residl.ng9r ~orking in the neighborhood of such proposed use or dl'trimental or injurious to property and improve....nts in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Conditions: 1.That developOlentshall be in substsntial with the approved plot plan.floor elevations.except as noted below. conformance plans.and 2.That all applicable conditions of Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)shall be fulfilled. 3.That the height of the paupet walls shall be as required by the Uniform Building Code.but no higher than 32±feet.above existing grade.The proposed stairwells shall be no high6r than the approved height of the parapet walls. • TO:Planning Commission -8. EYJlIBIT •B" FINDINGS rOF DENIAL OF VARIANCE N~.1140 (Amend~d) 1.That there ore no exceptional or cMraordinary circumstances applying to the land,bUilding,and use "roposed in this application,which circUl••tsnce land conditions do not generally apply to land,building, and/or uses 0..the other hts in the arca which justify the af;>roval of the proposed illCreased height.in exccs. of the height limit approved by the previous Variance No.1140. 2.That the granting of a variance to the height requirement is not necessary for the pr~servation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the spplicant,inas=h ..s the proposed mechanical equipment on the roof could be relocated eluowhere on the property,and so,the additl.onal height of the parapet walls would not be necessary. 3.That the establishment,maintenance,and ope,ation of the use,property,and building will,under the circumstancea of the particular case,be detrimentsl to the health,safety,peace,comfort,and general welfare of persons residing or wor~ing 1n the ne1ghbothvvd of sueh proposed us ..and be dstr1mental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood snd the general welfare of the City,inasmuch as the proposed development will inerease the visual bulk of the building. II II I\ I I '.:., "I ,, I! I \ \1 1\ II Iin" II ( Ii 1\ 1\I, III: 1\,. Ii III I \ \ 1I Ii ...------=x-_..«-".m ft=--.---.:::""-----, "1"'"". •I \~\rr \~~ I 1-1~l ~!>n.-~u ~••i~?w v,•::..•z J"0w0-u :.:J0 ':;:;:.c 6~~:..~<: c!.. ,", I.II.\ \, \ \ COMMISSIONERS· ROLL CALL • CITV OF NEWPORT BEACH I INDEX All Ayes • DISCUSSION ITEMS: {:t,i!l!ly Uni t O["dir~~ Review of Y K,C,A Flans DlSCU:,;siOfI It,elm 1 Request to review revised plans of the Y.M C.A,facUlties so as to determine if saId plans are in &ub§tantial confomanc.e with the pll4I1lllapproved oJ the Pl&nning Comission. Commissioner Pers6n made a mot.ion to :1eterm.int::that.the plans are 1n substantial conformance. CotmIliS51ooorWinburn concurred.She state-d that after reviewing the proposed project and takir'll into consideration that the applicant is 11 n()f)-proflt orgdnlzatlon,that a traffic study vould not be Iwcep.s~ry. Chairman Pomeroy and Commissioner 01 SatKl concurred wi th the foregoing statements. Mr.Tony Sanzuelo,architect,appeared before the Planning Commission to address the 3.000 square foot error,and the time lapse between 1983 when the proj~ct waa approved to this date.Mr.Banzuelo stated that th~re i.a porsibility that tha applicant will come to the Planning Commission to request an amendment to the variance regarding the height of thflbuilding. Th~foregoing BOtion was vo~ed on.MOTION CARRIED. *** Req t to revieW'and clarify the intent of 'p(\rtions.of thfi Granny it Ordinance. C01lllllluioner rs6n requested thae th<l City Attorney .·mend the Granny Uni rdinance to reflect that the pr .'""ry residence shall be cupied by the property owner at the time the occupying pe e is grantadforthe granny unit. Robert Burn!ullll.City At nay.suggested to provide for occupancy of the'....in st ure by the property owner at the time the construction 0 e granny unit i••igned off by r~~Building Department. CI1"VOF NEWPORT·.BEACH IiNDEX ~at oil mini!lWm of five off-street parkir"J spilces g 1 be required in conjunction with th~rroposl~d cpel'on. XU ..110.a llPllla Yill.2. P£Proved 4.That shall park on-site. 5.Commission may add or lIlOdify al to this use p"rmit,c reconoeOO to the ei council the revocation of this use permit.upon determination that the operation which is the SuD et of this use p"ndt causes injury.or is detr 1 to too OOalth, safety,peace.raorals,comfort,general welfare',f the ccmmunity. 6.This use p"rmit shall expire unle...orcieed within 24 ..,nths from the date of appr specified in Section 20.80.090 A of the 1IleWJ>'IEt Bead.Municipal Code. • A.Use Permit 110.1128 (Amended)(Public Hearing) Request to _00 a preViously approved use permit which permitted the eatabliabDent of a~faeility in the R-l District.The proposed _n&oent involves a request to construet ..44,564~3q.ft.eddition that ineludes youth and falllily fitJllllesfaeilities,..9}'l!lI'llIl .... tic.,"cenj:er,a child caracenter,ofn"""""cCllllZlilnlty lIMiatin'1""ntu and an •iU\lIS1lll1ted roof t:opj~9inq/fJOX~ erei ....."rea.The propC>lIIll"ISO .ineludes a lIlOdifieation to the ZOning COde so as to aUow:"portion·of the proposed buildin'1,an enclosed trash area,and a 6 foot high wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback,a portion of the"required parking spaces to be compact spaces,and to aUow t_wall mounted identification si'1n9 in excess of 2 sq.ft. B.Varianc"110.1140 (Public Hearing) Request to allow elterationa and additwns to .the exisl:inq YMCA facility tohich will exceed the maxitwm allowable building heiqht in the 24/2~Foot lIeight Limitation District.. -20- ROLL CALL 'CITY OF NEWPORr ','BEACH INDEX Motion Parc~l No.1 of Parcel Map no.j-)5 (Reaubdivision No~215),locdt~d at 2300 Uni .....ersity Drive _on thfJ north- erly side of University Dr1v~,~a$terly of ~~stin Avenue in the West nay Area. ZONE,R-l llPPLlCANT,Newport Costa Mesa YMCA OWNER,Same as applicant The public hearing was opened in connection with this item,and Mr.James de Boom,Executive Oir~tt~r for the Newport Costa Mesa YMCA appeared before the COmmission. Mr.de Boom stated his concurrence "'i th th..staff report a"d the findings and conditions <>f approval ccntained in Exhibit -A." In response to a query by Commis9ioner Winburn,Mr.de Boom said that the Newport Costa ""sa YMCAoperated several sites throughout the City and served some 16,000 persons. CCllDJ.aaionsr Debay opined that the completion of the propoaedprojeet would add greatly to youth faciliti~a "in ·the City. COIlIIlisaioner Winburn,In answer,to ,a query by CCOIois- aion ..r .<Debay,expl4in"d 1:¥1:.~cau""of,prev10as Cbjectiollsto th",heiqhto.£.the,,,trupture,it "aa he!ng "lowered 30 ,.iDChea'".iJlto the ,gr~dt and any further lowering would be ...ost prohibitive to the project. Motion was _de to Variance Mo.1140 conditions contained approve Use Permit subject to the in Exhibit "~.• Mo.1128 and fL"ldinqs and There being no others desirinq to appear "lid be heard, the p'~lic hearinq was closed at this tIme.' InrecaUil1gthelasttim<l 'that the pr~S6d project wsa heard b2fore 'the Planning Colma1ssion,I'lanninq Director Hewicl<er stated 1:iIato;te~t~.inStitutions such'.as·,the YiICA',#Iur'rhes'0 ;'t'rr ~have r ..ce~ved',ap- prc>~~!for their "espect,ive,p"()je~\:!,,and then,~ue t.o various reasons,sre u#ble to ,ge1:the project,started before the 24 IlOtlth eXpiration ~riod.•'1'IIerefore;if the Planning COlIIIaissionwiahes to extend the ~year -21- ROLL CALL AmendJ!ent to Motion All Ayes CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH July 9,1<>67 INDEX period as it applies to the proposed Ff"'~)N:;t,the Commission could do so with an amendment to t.~R~tiQn on th£!floor..Mr..Hewicker also cJ.arifl(1f)that i;l.n extension of the permit period would not off.ct the approved Traffic Study which expires on D(::c~~!'f.ber 10, 1987. The IllOtion on the floor was amended to include cll"'''1ing Condition No.42 to read "That this use pc.rtdt shall expire unless exercised within 36 months fram the date of approval as specified in Section 20.80.090 A of the newport Beach Municipal Code."l~tion voted ona MOTION CARRIED. A.Use Permit No.1128 (Amended) FINDINGS: 1.That the proposed use is consistent with the '....nd Use Elements of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program,and is compatible with surround- ing land uses .. 2.That the proposed number of compact car sPAces constitutes 19 percent of the parking requirements which is within limits,generally accepted by the Planning COIllIDissionrelative to preVious similar applications. 3.That the proposed uSe of compact parking spaces, thefrontyardencroac:hl!lenta and pl'opo*"d idfilnti- fiC:"tion>signs,willnot,.tmdel'the circUlll5tsncee of the thie particulal'case,be detri1llental to the health,safety,peace,comfort,and general welfare of pel'sons residing 01'working in the neig!lb<>l'bood of such proposed use or be detri- mental or injurious to property and improvelllents in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City an/l 'further that the proposed modifications areeonsistent with the legiolaUve intent of Title 20 of this Code. 4.TMt the·projeet will cooply with all applicable City and State .Building c::odes and Zllning require- mentsfornew.buildingappll.cable to tIKI di$tr1ct in which the pl'oposed pl'oject is lceated,except '.:hose it""'"requested in conjunedon·with·tlKl proposed modifieations.'. CIT·YOFNEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL 6.That adequate off-street parking i.Uld rel.:st.bd vehicular circulation are being prt,1Vided in conjunction with the proposed developm'mt. 7.That all significant environmental c()nc~rns for the proposed project have been addrU."d in a previously certified environmental doc""""nt.,and further,that there art:no a.dditional rf!'oluJonable alternative or miti~ation measures that should be considered in conjunction with said projact. 5.That the project lot size contom.5 to th ..Z0nitlrl Code area requirements. a.That baaed on the information contained in t.he previous Initial Study and Negative O"elaration, the project incorporates sufficient mltiqatlon measur~s to reduce potentially significant en- vironmental effects,and that the project will not result in signifiCAnt environmental impaeto. 9.That the approval of Use Paxmit 110.H20 (_oded) will not,under the circumstances of this case be detrimental to the health,safety,peace,morals, comfort and gsneral welfare of persons residing and working in·the ne1ghlx>rhoodor be detrimental or injurious·to property or improvements in the neighlx>rhood or the genel'al welfl>re of tile City. <:o!IDITIOIlS, 1.Tbal:<levelopaent shall be.in substant{~l eonfor-' manee ··with'the·spproved plot plan,floor .plans, elevation.and sections,except as noted below. 2.That !Ill mechanical equipment and truh areas shall be screened from University Drive and adjoining properties. 3..Thai:all·illlprovl!1llentsbe constructed as·required by ordinance and .the l'ubllc Works Department... 4.That vehicular access be provided to the existing stOrm'drain .easement acee.s road located:at the nbrth""st"rlycorner of the parcel to the sad .... factiondf the Public Works Department,. July."1ge7 INDEX CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROll CALL INDEX 5.Thc1.t the on-site vehicular and P(~dc8-trj;)'i r:jrcu- lution systems he subject to fUT.t-hNr cec;riew by the Public Works Department,inc14~lfi~the design of the proposed service dri.ve",aya, 6 &That prior to the occupancy of th~proposed project,the circulation system impt!J'!J~nts described in the Traffic Study dated April,1983 on Page 10 prepared by JEF Engineering,Inc., shall have been acc""'PUshed unless sl:lblleqUent project approvals require modifications thereto. (The ult~mate design of the intersection shall be subject to the approval of the City Traffic Enqineer). 7.That the eXisting deteriorated drive apron and gutter on the University Drive frontltflc 1J4.re- placed under an encroachment permit i5nued by the Public Works Oepartment. B.That prior to the issuance of a buildinq penllit, the applicant shall demonstrate to the sotisfac- ti.on of the Planning Department and too Public Works Department,that sever facili~ies wUl be available for the pr<>ject at the Hili<!of occu- pancy. 9.That arrang_nts be made with the Public Works Department to guarantee satisfactory completion of ..the publ1c1mprov_nts. 10.T1ia.ta·"",ster pillno!sever,water and s.tora drain faciliti"s be prepared and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of any buildinq pe""'its. 11.Development of site shall be subject to a gradinq penlli t to be approved by the Buildinq alld Planning Departments. 12.That a grad1ng plan,1f required,shall inclUde a complete plan for telll[lOrary llo"l r>ermanentdrainage facilitiesj to Ddniwize ronypotential lMpa~tsfrOM 311t,debris,"nd ot"~r water pollutanu. 13.The grading 1"'....1<:shall inclUde,it required," description of haul routes,&cces~po+nts,to the site,watering,'nd sw.,eping proql'8l!l designed to mii11mb:e·ilOpact·(>f Ila\ll.operations i ROLL CALL INDEX • C1T,Y OFNEW.RORT BEACH 14.An erosion,siltation and dust cont.rol plail,if required,sha.ll be submitted and be ::;WiJ".."ct 1.t)the approval of the Building Department iJfld .)I,,'(ipy shall be forwarded to the Californil.!li(!/:llnruf! Water Quality Control Board,Santa Ana Rt:qlOJI. 15.The velocity of concent.rated run-off from the project shall be evaluated and erosiv ..~Vi'1(~Ch,ie9 contl'olled as part of the project design. 16.That grading shall be conducted in accordance with plans prepered by a Civil Engineer and ba~ed on recommendations of a soil engineer and I1n engi- neering geologist subsequent to the c~pletion of a comprehensive soil and geologic inv~Bti9ation of the site.Pe.nwment reproducible coples of.the "Approved as Built"grading plans on ntlllirl11rd size sheets shall bP furnished to th~Building DGpart- mente 17.That erosion control measureH shall be donQ on any exposed slopes within thirty days after grading or as approved by the Grading Engineer. 18.A landscape a.'id irrigation plan for th~project shall be prepared by a licensed landscape archi- tect.The landscape plan shall integrate and phase the installation of .landscaping with the proposed,CQnstruction.",ch~ule..IPrior.to the occupancy of any.structure,the licenftd.landscape architect shall certify to the PlanninqO&partaent that the landacapin!J.has.been installed ihaccor- dance with the prepared plan). 19.The landscape plan shall be subject to the review of the Parks,Beaches and Recreation Department and approval of the Planning Department. 20.The landscape plan.shall incluee,a l!4intenance program which controls the use of fertilizers and pesticides. 21.The lanclllcspe plan •..shall place heavy ~..ph'lsi.".on the use of dr""ght,.rest'stant native and be irrigated with s system avoid I<urface runoffand.oller-watering. 22.The landllC./lpe.Plan~haliplace heavy flre'"retardant ....yeq ..~atAorh The July 9,1987 ROLL CALL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX plan shall be designed so as to lnt/·'tir.i fy t.he landscaping for screening purposes,~vtJ;),cent t.:;;, the Anniversary J..ane Tract,and t.o ifir.;r(1,')ge the wa.ll and landscaping at the northwEHjtf1t'ly corner of the site where the foot traffic itFJ.(;(;curriw;, so as to preclude persons from gainir,q h¢cess at this location. 23.Landscaping shall be regularly maintained free of weeds and debris.All vegetation s~~11 he regu- larly trimmed end kept in a healthy COt.dltion. 24.That any roof top or (lther mechanical l!!<juipment shall be sound attenuated in such a frll!llifler as to achieve a llllIXiIaum sound level of 55 dM at the property line. 25.That any meehanical equipment and ."..,rgoncypuwer generators shall be screened from view and noise associated with said installations shall be sound attenuated to acceptable levels in receptor areas. The latter shall be based upon the recommendations of a licensed engineer or a professional engineer practicing in acoustics,and be approved by the Planning Department, 26.That,all buildings ,on the project sa".sball be equipped with fire suppression syst~approved,by the Fire Department.' 27.That all access to the b~i.lding be appraved ~the Fire Department, 28.Th~t fire vehicular access,includinq th~proposed planter islands,,;hall be approved by tho Fire Department. 29.Final de_ign of the project shall,provide for,the incorporation of water.,saving devicu,for project lavatorics and other water-using factlities. 30.'Tha\\the ,lighting system.within in the off-street·,parl<ing lot and maintained in such a manner Hgh!:IW\1rce &lid t()minimize '9Iate 'to the ,adjacent,re"idential 'llhr:lU'be·'preparad,&lId,s:l,'1ned tr1cal'lilnqitleerl:w1tl1.,a),ettar "tatinq that,in hiB opinion, been ....t. 'CITY/OF;NEWPORT/BEACH ROLL CALL INDEX 31.That the final design for the parking bY('R he approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 32.That a minimum of 181 pa.rking spaces be ,tIrovidt}Jj on-site at all times. 33.That the location of the """'Pact parUn<1 ~p$ces shall be redistributed within the parkin'J tot to the satisfaction cf the City Traffic Enqir~kr. 34.That five handicap parl:in<j soaces shall b.,pro- vided on-site unless otherwise perooitted by the Building Department. ~s.That a maximum o~19'±()S spaces)of the parking on-site may be compact ~rkinq spaces. 36.That the service <!r.iv<!Wayaahall be uubject to further review and approval of the City Engineer and City Traffic Enqineer. 37.That no niqhttimelightinq shall be pemi tted on the running track/exercise area.except for pacing lights 011 t,he running track. 38.That no permanent uplified pagin9 systems shall he 'permitted in any outdoor area ,on the subject property. 39.That the two proposed w~ll signs shall 'not be ill\llllil1l>ted• 40.It shall be the responsibility of the YMCA to monitor its programs for the proposed facility so as to not exceed the capacity of the proposed parking lot.If iti.determined by the Planning Department that proqrllJllS "xceed the on-site pIIrlting spaces.they shall be lIlOdified by the YMCA in a manner approved by the Planning Department. 41.That a gate shall be required across the driveway to "lose off the parlciIl9,:10t during the non-bu"i~ nesl!'hours. '42.1'hat this use permit shall expire un).e.,,'exercised '"itllirt'36"Dontbs frooa"the date i of awrov81,"s 'l!peci£ied'illiS~t1on 20,'1lO.09{)A of 't!ie,N~rt Beach'MUnicipel:Code.", ROLL CALL July 9,19117 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Variance No.1140 l'lNDIllGS: 1..That there are exceptional or extraordlC11,U'Y circumstances applying to the lan~,buildl,,,:!,aoo ......proposed i~.this application,which circ ...... stances and conditions do not genenlly apply to lanC!,building,and/or u....s in the a""",dhtr1ct inas=>ch as the YMCI.'a <JY1II'l"ai....requires apecifk diJDensions and height thet do not apply to adja- cent propertiea in the vicinity. 2.That the granting of a varUnce to the height requirlll!leJ1t is neeesGar/for the preservation aoo enjoy1llent of subatsntild property right"of the applicant,inasau:h &s without the height,the YMCAcould not offer proqr...necessary to sustain i taeU and serve the COIIIIWIity. 3.That the establishllent,maintenance,and operatiCI' of the uae,property,and building will not,under the circumstances of the parti~lar case,ba detriJDental to.the health,safety,peace,comfort, aoo general welfare of perllOlls residing Or working in the neighborhood of such propoHd WIfl or cletrlMntal or injurious toproperiy and ieprove- ...nts"in,.the ~eighborhood or the ger.eral .....lfare oftheC:i~.·, COIlDITIONS : 1.Thatdevelopsent shall ba in substantial confor- mance ..ith .the·approved plot plan,floor plans, revia~d .ievationa and sectiOllS,excepl.as notedbalow.·.. 2.That all applicable conditions of Use Penoit No. 1128 (_nded)shall ba fulfilled, 3.That the httight ofthef'Uapet walls shall.be IWted to that required by Code,ill 42 inchea, The proposed litairwells"s~lbe no higher ,J;llan the approved height of thel;>arapet ...11s... ••• Ager.da It"'"110......;;8:,:...-'-,;;.... CITY OF NEWPORT REACH TO:Planning Commission PROII:Planning Department SUB.TECT:A.Use Permit 110.1128 l~~endedl (Public 1~.rl~-1l Request to amend a previously approved use pe~it vhich permitted the establishment of a YMCA facility in the R-I District.The proposed amendment involves a request to oonstruct a 44.564t sq.ft.wdition thst includes youth and family ~itness facilities.agymnas- tics center.a child care center.officeo,a community meeting center and an illuminated roof top jogging/ex- ercise area.The proposal also in,cludes a lOQ4ification to the zoning Code so as to allow:a porU,,,,of the proposed building.an enclosed trash area.4nd a 6 foot high wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback.a portion of the required parking spaces to be compact spaces,and to allow two waU mounted identification signs in excsss of 2 sq.ft. LOCATION: B.Variance No;ll40'(Publ1c Hearing) Reqllul:t:ci'';li",,'alteratlons and additions to the eXisting YMCA facility 'Which'will exceed,the'.w.~ allowable building height in the 24/28 Foot fReight Limitation District.' Parcel No.l'of"Parcel Map Ho.3-35 lap-subdivision 110. 2151.located 'at 2300 University Drive.on the north- erly side of University Drive.easterly of Tustin Ave- nue in the West Bay Area. ZONE: NtlVport Costa Mesa.YMCA OWIIER:Same'l!!I'applicant' Applications These applications involve a request to amend a use permit which permitted the:-1District.The :::~'-:~:l;~:: 2l Acceptance of an Initial Study and lIegative ll<lclaratioll as having be.en prepared in coeplian"e ..i th the California El\virolllMntal Quality Act CCEQA),the 'State CEQAGuide- lines"andClty policy 11:-3. 3)The approval of an uiendlllentto tlse Pemit 110.1126 eo a8 to allow the eo!l~~~tion ()f a 44,S64±lIq.ft.addition thet inc1udad YOUth'iandfuUyfitnus ..facilities •.lIqyl1U>4"tics center,II..'::hi1dcar~.eenter~offices,II·cOllllllUnity'meting center,alld IIn'illiminatedrooftopj09<Jing/exercillearell. 'l'he.proposlllalso included modifications to the Zoning Code so as to.allow a portion of the proposed building.a new truh enclosure,andaaile foot wall to encroach into the requirad 20 ..foot front··yard set:b&ck,a portion of the required parkinq spaces to be cOl!lp&Ctspaces,and to allow two ..all mounted identification signs in e"cess of 2 sq.ft. communitymeeting center and an illuminated roof top jogging/eMercise area.The proposal also includes:a variance to allow the 41teratinn~ and additions to exceed the maximumallovable building height:in U~0 24/28 Foot Height Lim:ttation District:a modification to the Zcnil'v:1 Code so as to allow a.portion of thf'!proposed buildintJi an enclonuli: trash area and is.6 high foot wall to encroach into the r('.(i\Jire~l 20 foot front yard setback;a portion of the required ~arkinq ~pacee to be compact spaces,and to allow two ..all ~unted ~dentificat!on ai~ns in excess of 2 sq.ft.Use permit procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.80 and variance procedures are set forth in Chapter 20.B~of the Newport !l<IachMunicipal Code. Background At its meeting of Hay 5,1983,the Planning C.,..ission approved a proposed expall"ionc.of the existinq lIewpert Costa Mesa YMCA (th"n called the Orange Coast 1IIICA).Said action included th"approval of the following applications, 1)Acceptance of II Traffic Study prepared pursuant to Chapter 15.40 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("~raffic Phalling Ordinance")and City Poliey 5-1 (MAdministrative Guidelines for I~lementing the Traffic Phasing Ordinance"). 4)'!'he approval of varia,nce 110.1098 to allow a portion of th. proposed addition to exceed the maximue allowable height in the 24/28 Foot Hei¢1t.Limitation Dist:d.ct. ill accordance with sections 20:80.090,20.61.090,and 20.82.090 of the cMt\nicipal Code"use pemits,D!Odifications &J\d·vari_s aUtolrtlltically ·e"pire after.24.~ths frofll·tlie effective dat.of·aPPrQv<ll if a )JUildinq permit lias·not been·!sBU4Idprior to tlWl eXpiration !late and subsequently construction is dl1ici<mtly punuod'to'<lOOIpletion. Ina .....ch as no building parmitll were is,,~fo:l:t!'w.project,witllin 24 "clOOnthll,~f,,the .'iI.ff,!<;:!:l'j'lldJI.teOf,lipprWlll for UI«t I'IU;lIllt.110 •.11211 C","",nd4!d),vai:-iinCetto~'1096 Ma.nlAtea·1lIo41neat;i<:>ui.;,.ilL,:IlWliea-..ti()fts ex i ritd.C'n Ksy 27,.1 .......). Tel:Commis51on -3.. The ilpprov(>o Traffic:Study will expire on D~cem.ber 101 }()fj"i'unless f';.o".t"Tl'li.t~have not.br.p.n issued .J.no construct ion begun on th(~pro;:H)":.i:d d~ve 1opR»::nt prior to that.date.Attached for the PI an~d hfJ C-orr.mis- r:;ion'5 information is an excerpt of the Planning Comrniutdon l'foinatefj fOT Us~Permit No.1128 (Amended)and Variance No.]09~.~atej April !J,1993 and May 5.1993. Rnviron~ental Significance In conjunction with the Planning Corrrnis5ion's considerattf,m of the previou~Use Permit No.1129 (Amended)and variance No.1098.an Initial Study was prepared and it was determined that th~project would not have a significant environmental impact.Bas~d upon the information contained in the Initial Study and suggested mitigation ....asures.the Planning Commission accepted a Negative Declaration for the previous project. Ina"",uch as tlJere have been no chanqes in the subject project and further that there are no siqnificant environmental impacte re"ultinq from the current project that were not i;"onsidered in tilt;preVious rnitial Study,no further enviro:uaenta1 Tcview 1s requir~d at t.his ti ....and the preVious accepted envirorunental document shall apply in this caso.A copy of the previous envlronm~ntal document 1Mnttached for the Planninq CommisFion's information. Confor1llllneewith the General Plan and the Local Coastal Progr"m The Land Use Element of the General PIan and the Local Coastal Program designate the site for "Gover""",ntal,Edu"ational,and Institutional Faeilitie~"u""s.The existinqYMCA cOlliplelC On the property in question fa1l8 within theus'"""""1"itt"d. Subject property and surrOUndinq~nd Uses ;e:":;;;~',coasta~sa,yMtA';OIIIPJ.~",iS loeated'on the site.The existing development is constructed on a padapprdximately 15 feet above the adjoining properties.To the northeast is the Anniversary Estates sinqle family residential ~evelopment,to the southeast is an office complelC,to the,""utbw"'lIt,,aer"ss ,the,University Drive right-of-way,is VlIclIntpropertY/,and,to the nortmiest,across a 28 foot wide alley,is an attached multi-family residential area.,...."....'....,..-..,"',-" Analysis Th"applicant is nOWpipp<>~in",t."ci""t~n ...eWi~li the project and has requested consideration of,a'llew !'lIe,P<>rmit andv~rianc8.'!'he proj- ect,as reflected in the'new aPPlications is identical to th~previous projectapprovecl.,.by:.,.tb.<!!'1~nnin9C~issi"n on MayS,1993.Said project consists of.a .4~,S~4tSq~f~.~x~~"sio"of th~e"illtinq.lS,769± sq;ft,,YMCAfacilitY"Th'"a~ditici"viII'inC'l"deyoutband f ....ily .fitness facilitles "a q~~atics,c.lrltl>r.achl1d care center ,officl>s,•••••.'~il~:::;~~~::~.~jtl~,,~!inq;;<;tlj\ttil''andanillw.inated roof joq- TO:..~an'nllngC""""ission -4.c• La'"SIZF.:175,677!sq.fto BlJIWING SP.TBACKS:Required Propl')~~~ Front:20 ft.min.B ft,:.(at corn(~,.. of WCfit addition) S1d"s:4 ft.29 ft.and 47 ft. Rear:10 ft.lISt it;. BUILDABLE AREA:lS8,35lt sq.ft. 2 x BUILDABLE AREA, (permitted in the R-1 District) 316,702!sq.ft. EXisting Structure: cast Addition: West Addition: 15,769 sq.ft 14,380 sq.ft. 30,184 sq.ft. PROPOSED GROSS STRUCTURAL AREA,60,333~sq.ft. TOTAl.60,333 sq.ft. FLOOR AREA RATIO:.38 x buildable axea PARKING: Proposed:181 spaces (142 standar~spaces,3S compact spaces, 4 handicapped spaces) il"qiIired:See aetails below BUILDING HEIGHT: Permitted:29 ft.24 ft. Proposed:See details below See details below proposed Encroachments into Required Front Yard Setback The applicant'isaltlo ,1'equelItinqalDOdification.t<>.t:he Zonin\iC<><!e80 as to permit variOu8'structural.enC1:oach....ll):sint!'tl\..'r~qu!~ed 20 foot front yard setback adjacenttoUniverlli):YDriy~."SIli~'ei,,:roach-m<!llt"include:.a lIllIaU portion of the westerly additlori.d.ich en- cr~ache~to within 8fellt oftbe frontpl;OpertY,11n81 a trash enclo- sure that i,"cro~ches to within,6.feet .of.the f,rc>ntl'~operty line;and a6 foothiqhwaU that.en"roachesto.'withill~:f(>et of the front pr'operty line;"Statf ,hUM objections toth~~c>I'C>~ed ..ncroachments inasmuch as they are minor in nature and will notpl~k any views fromadjacP.nt . CommiBr.>ion -5.• Proposed Idp.ntificati.o-n Logos Two 50!:sq.ft.logos depicting a fly"are proptJ50:.'d to be inntilllf:(l on thp.front and westerly side walls of the wegt addition of UH:-L''H;ility wherf~only a 2 sq.ft.identification sign is permitted in th~.?R-l Di.strict.Staff feels that the propo!:cd signs are rc<~!;onilhlf!for the institutional use on the site.However,staff feels that th~rdc:;na should not be illuminated,so ag to be more compatible to the adjoining residential USf!S to the northwest of the site. Variance Request The applicant is again requesting approval of a variance so as to allow a portion of the proposed addition to exceed the maximumallow- able height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation Oistrict,As shown on the attached elevations and sections,the highest portion of the proposed west addition will be the parapet walls around the rooftop jogging/exercise area.The "",ximum height of this portion of the structure is 35t ft.above existing grade (see Section B on Sheet No. A-4 of the attached plans).Other portions of thE proposed addi~ions will exceed the maximum !",mitted height as well.To assist the Planning Commission in identifying these areas on the submitted plans, staff has prepared the following table which sets forth the various building heights !tnd the corresponding locations of each portion of the building as shown on the a~tached plans. Portion of Building Sheet No.Haight GYl1\nasium Sheet 4A,Section A &B Varies 33 ft.- 35 ft.to top of parapet. Multi-Purpose Room Sheet 4A ,e Section A 20t ft,eto top of paraPet: 30ft,Jllverage} to midpoint of insulated sky- lights. Recketball Courts Sheet 4A,Sec'tion C 28t ft.to top of parapet. 'rheceZoningCode requires that in order to grant any Varianee.the e pl"l'l"ing cMin~gi:ionlllUst!i1ld th ..ttheapplicOlnt h....established the gr"uridsfor eairarian6l!set'forth'ine Chapter 20.82 (Section 20.82.020 ofth;"N~wpoit:seaCh'MllnicipalCOde).,-"-<':.,',-.;,'."-.'."-;"", That ~h"reare exceptional oreextra<>rd,illary ~l,r?;';';~~ances "applyin9'to land,building,,or use ref ....redetoin'theappli- 'cation,'"hichCircumstances or eOllditi9nsd~,not'applygenerallye'to ;land i buildings,,and/ore uses h the sam«<11&-'trict."eC'eeee ';")e,,,ej',,eee e TO'......man,,!Commissio...-6. 2.That the qranting of the application is r.~c(~t'HJary fr)r the preservation and enjoyment.of substantial profnI"t.y riqht8 ~)f the applicant. ).That the qrar~tin9 of such application will not,undftr the cirCUfCStanceli of the particular case,be I'!'Vitor fa]1'l detrimental to the health,safety,peace,comfort,and general welfare of persons residing or worldNJ I...the neighborhood of the property of the applicant and will not under the circumstances of the particular case be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property improv......nts in the neighborhood. Applicant'"Statements of support The applicant has "ubmittad the following stat.ements In sUpPort of this application. Hardship involved? The property is irregularly shaped and alig~nt of new expansion with existing facility requires one corner of the qymnasiumto project into front setback.The present R-l zone is """"",hat unreasonable in its application to an institutional building, especially regarding building height. ~lat exceptional circumstances applY to the property? The requireddilllensiotls and hei'1ht.of"",.,9111a"ionsizeqymnaRiUl!l are extraordinary ..to .theuse of .this property and do not'apply to other R~l zoned properties and other properties in the·~ieinity. Whyis a variance neces~~ri;to pre,,~~i pidisrtY'r19h~:~' The heiqht and front sefu~';*'·~~~i6~clm..!ritc",n"ot:be teduc<!d in sbe without .destrpying,,the ,~te'1r.ity .of the proposed use. \oathout thedevelO[UQnt of ,these'fac,ilities the YMCAprogram could not offer the.types of px;oqrlllU~requiredto sustain itself. ,;,,1,',.., It 1&staff's ppini"n .tbatth.,requested heightvaiiance ill both reasonable and warranted illulIluch l\sth~proposed a.dditions collid not reasonably be plal:e4~()nptherporl:ions of the property 'withoutdso exceedin'1the ...U"",ab.le .hei911t limits...rtshould al"o be note4 that the reQuired4iDiensions·arid'heights of a regulation .slze:'JYIllIasJ.umaree1ttr4,Ord~ary"c:>the use.of this property a.nd .do,not jIIpply,.toa<Jjac'mt.P/lrcG!s•.''!'he .proposed structure 'isl1lso located Iltle~t~rf~"t fX;otn the,Oie~tedy side property line and the adja.::ent resident:ial.~el'elOplllent to the northwellt is separated from the sit.e by an'exlstiri"falley; Off-Street P~rking TO:Commission -7. It is sta:ff'sopillionthatthellumher of parking spaciis is adequate for the ..propos!,dex~ansion,provided that the applicant monitors its programs in th!,YMCJ(~?'as n?tto exce&dthecal'lllcityof,tlu!parking. The numb'erof cOmp"act:",pace·s·'(19\)iaalsoconsistent witb,the other similar,requests that have been approved by the Planning Commission. '::,~',:,,',::,:,",""':',,,<':~(.--:,;":'-;':',:(',','i:-:::';,,~',""~'",'--:--,':",''''',:':"'~''-:'' the YMCAstaff,the gymnasium,offices,the mUlti-purpo~~roum,and other facilities wilt never be occupied to maximumoccupancies at thl:'! same t.ime. In conjunction wit.h the consideratlon of the 19B3 applicE.:tion of One Pennit No.1128 (Amended),the YMCAstaff had submitted "r.,th"r extensive parking survey for the existinq facility.The llo1rking survey indicated that the maximumnumber of cars parked "t an hourly average occupied at the noon hour,was approximately 5\i autOfl\()bilen. Although these parking figures are over four years old,the YMCAataft have indicated that its membership has remained relatively the Sl>1l\e since 1983 and thllt the previous'parking deJDandfor the facility has not changed significantly.staff has recentlyvisit",d the site on several occasions,including visits during the noon hour,and it Is our opinion that the figures included in the ..previous parking study are reasonably representative of the current parking situation on thp. sUbject property (see attached copy of 1983 parking stUdY). As shown on the attached site plan,t,he awlicant is proposing 181 on-si te parking spaces in conjunction with the propo6cdcxpaneion. Said parking plan includes 142 standard spaces,35 compact spaces and 4 har.di-capped spaces.This is the salT'"number of parking spaces previously approved by the Planning commission.The City Traffic Bngine"r has inoicated ar.additional handicap parking space be provided on-site.He has also suggested that the proposed compact parking spaces be redistributed within the parking lot to his satisfaction. Specific.F'indinqs and Re~<>IIIIIendati~n .,,-Scction20.80.060 of ·the ltetiport'Seach Hunicil'llll'Code provides that in ordcrtogrant"ny u!le pe""'it;·.the Planning.Commissionshall find that the establishment,maintenance';oroperationcof theusc or bui1dJng .applieclf"r w.ill rIot,.~~d~r th.~circumstances of the particular case, l>e detri",ental.·to.c the~E!lilth;Cs~te'ty,peace~_al ..,comfort,and general,welfare .~f.!'!'r80~s •t"sidL"tg or working.'in the neighborhood of such pr'1PP~ed··~se ·'C>r .be.det:rir.entd i 'orinjurious ,.to property and improvement~:inth~neighbOrhoOdor ,the'general welfare o~.the City. c"',,'",''';'',''''",,",',",",',-',""',:,•• 5t"ffrec""",,~nd~t:Il;'~#~x,-.>V"'l·OfUSep<frmi tHo .1122 •JAml>nded)and Variance ff'?,"J14~··"ndsuggest ..that'the 'Planning·Commissiont"k"such acd'1Il."wi-~th;'nndin~sand8uIijeet:to the'c"nditions.8et forth in the ,attached Exhibit'"Ii";' '1'0, Attach ....nh:Exhibit '"A" Vicin1t:y Hap Information submitted by the Applicant Parking Study Previously accepted Environmental Docunent Excerpt.sotthe Plarminq Consission Minutes dated April 21,1983 and Hay 5,1983 Plot Plan,Floor Plans,Elevations and sections EXHIBIT -1\" FIIIDIIIGS AND CO!IDITIOItS ,0.',APPROVAL FOR USE PERMIT NO.1128,IAl!EllDEllI AND VARIANCENO.1140 A.U....PemitHo.1l28,IlYMnd6d1 FINDINGS. 1.Tl"Jatthe proposed use is consistent 1I1th the Land Use Elellents of the General Plan and,the Local Coastal Pr~am,and is compatible with surround- in'}land uses. 2.That the proposed,nlllllber of"<:<lI'lp&ct,cars1*ces eonstit"!;!s 19 pe1."c(tntof,the,parlcill9 re<iUlrellents lIhichi ..withi~limits qenerally ~cceptedbythe Planninq COftmission relative to previous sailar applications. 3.That the proposed use of compact parkinq spaces, the front yard encroaca-ents and propo~identi- fication siqna will not,under the cirC\lllUltances of the this particular ease,be detrimental to the health,safety,peace,COIlfort,and general welfare of persons r.asidin'ij or workin'ij in the neiqhborhood of such proposed UIIS or be detri- mental or injurious to property and l.llIprov_nts in the nei9hborhood or the qeneral welfare of the City tlnd further thet the proposed lIIOdifications are consistent wit1l.the le<Jislattve inblnt of 'litle 20 of this Code. That·thG'Project willCOlllply with al1aWl1cable City and state Build1n<;JCodes and Zoriin9 require- _nte for new bUild1nq applicable to the district in lIhich the proposed project is located,except those items requested in conjunction with the proposed lIIOdifications. That the project lot size confoms to the ZoII nq Code area requir_nts. s. 6. -''::~,,;r ,:~<;i~l';: -'-'if'2 -"';'-~-h' 8.Thatbuedon the in~orN'tion contained in the previous Initial ,Study and./feqative Declaration. the project incorporates sufficient mitigation measures to reduce potentially siqnificant en- vironmental effects,and that the prcject will not result in significant environmental impacts. 9..Thalt the approval ~fl1"".Permit No.1126 (I\JlIend&<l) will not,'under,the cirCWllsi:ancesof this case b" detrimental to the health,safety,P'!'ac..,morais, COIIIfor.t'and.qeneralwelf'l}';e o~.,'persons residing and working inthel\eighborhood or he detri_ntel .orinjudous.to,prorerty ..or improv_nts in the neighborhood or the 9~!\~a{welfare of the City. COIll>I'fIONS. 1.That development shall be in suhstl>ntial confor- unce'with the approved plot plan,floor plans, elevationsand sections,except as noted below. 2.That all IIlfiIchanical equipment and truh areas shall be screened froB University Drive and adjoiningp~rtil!!s •. 3'.'that'all:·iJoproV_t.s b<l.constructed as required by OrdirilUlCe:and,!:hl!!,I1ubUcWorksDepartlllent.':·:·:,>:i,,',i'",". 4;,That vehicular "eeesa.be.prOVided to the exillltinq 'stci,nvclrain 'US818ll11t.A!'~SS ro.!ld located at the nOt'tbeastel'ly CiOJ<'ner'.of",the pucel to the satis- 'faotton,oe :1:hePUqlic iII9~S.Dep&rtlllent. S."'~~th~'~~si~~;;~hi~l;u.and pedestrian circu- lation'syste18&))e.·subjeet·to ,further review by the Public Work.,Depart18ent,including the design of the propDlHld"""ice driveways. ~--:_--)---:::"::- ,-:;":":',-:::>-',< ;-:::':,;. i~!:W:::--/" 6;'That 'prior"to'the ocpupancy of the proposed ',prbjeeti'•the,',ou;culat1on &yst_improv_nts delicribed :l.n the ~r;alficStudy dated April,1983 on"P£lge;,10'"prepared"by JEll'Engineering,Ine., 'shall 'have',been",a~ished unlOlls subsequent ""'pro:lect,,~vals ~re modifications thereto. ,"(Tha"ulu-:t&.,design,of •.the intersection shall be '!i\ibj«t\to'the ..~"'al of the city Traffic Engineer)."..'-'.<.;..:'/i>,":_'.',_:,':.:'"'.....','...:.'...:..-','-,'.\.>':.:,....:_':>_..::,",'_:,,:::'::.?:'.:,:."0--'":'".:.,,":'....'.:':':,',:,',:":>,,,",_;",' 1:'"Ths1:!1:he,GlCis1:inq.,deteriollAtGd drive lIpron and "'9111:_.'Oft."IIm;'.~,iI~J;yDriv"frontage be re-,'~1~,,~,''igi~ltlt pemu by the, ,Public ,Work £to That prior to the issuance of a building I»rmit. theapplicarit shall~nstrate to the "..thfac- tion of 'the Planning Department and the Public !fork..Department,tMt sewer facilities wHl be available for the proJect at the ti"",of occu- pancy. 9,.That arrangements be made with the Public Works Department to quarantee satisfactory completion of the public i~royements. 10.~ata IIUlsterpl.n of sewer.water and stOrtli drain f"ciUtiesbeprepared,andapproved by th'"PubUc Works'Department ,prior "to issuance of any buildinq peX1lit:S. 11.Development of site shall be subject tOil qradinq );Omit to be approved l>y,thelJuildinq and Planning Departments.',' 12.That a grading plan.if required,shall lhC'lude II complete plan for~'porary and permanent drainaga facilities.to minulize any potential Lmpacts from silt,debris,and other water pollutants. 13.The qradinq 'pemsitahall,,!nclude,if required.a description of haul routes.acease points to the site,i watering,land cl1weepingprogram delliqned to Il!!nfiiize ,iJIpa(:t,of haul operations. -.,..-'c_ 14.'An erosion',sUtation and dus~control plen.if ,requiAll.'shall,be'lJUbeoitted and be subject to the ,ilppi:oval,~f the'BuiJ,dinq Department and a copy ,llba):l,'be"forifa%lle4",to ,the Califomia lIeqional ,Wate~Quality Control sOard,Santa Ana !leglon. 15.'The'velocity ,of ,concentrated'run-off from the project'shan,be eyuuated and erosive yeloeities eontrolledu ,pu1:'of the project design. 16.'That grading sbaUbe oonducted in 4ccordance with "~lan.preparedi by ,,'a ,Civil Enqineer and based On reclcillliiGndati-:m1lof,'fa,~£l engineer and an engi- iieering'feOloqut subsequent tel tha cOtl!Plation of ,,Ii 'canpi:ellltnsive 'aoUw,qeologic investigation of ,'thei"'.it:ll~e'_t:,repro<lUcible copies of the i '"lIpPro\red'as,'lIUilt!'qrlldu-q pl!'ns on sundard size ,.b'.~s"shall be fln'/lisllad to the lIUildin9 nepert- lII"nt.', l7:~i '1'ha1:'eJ:O.iOft/control ..lljIure!J shall be done on any ,eXpo.'ed'.10111 swit:h!l1'-t!Iirty clays after gra4inq or '1iS,'iI~~l':'.~~~~Enqineer..',.,••,......'. 18 •..A landscape and.irdgation pian for the project ..hall be prepared by a licensed landseaT""archi- tect.'fit..landscapepl.<!n shall ir,tcgrate ..nd phase the installation of landseapll,q "'i th the proposed construction schedule.(Pfl.or to the occupancy of any structure.the licen""a landscape architect shall certifytc.the Planning Department that thell!ndscaping has ,been inst"U«l in accor- .dance with the,preparedplanl • 19..The.lalidscilpe.plallshal1,be subject to the review of.tile,Park .....Beach,..arid RecreaU<>ntleparteent .and appro"alQfthePlanll1ng Departeent. 20.The l~pe:~l~~h~llinclude I,lIlaintenance 'Pr<l'Jr;llll""'icb ,controls;t,he use of fertilizers and pesticides •. 21.The landscape p~n ~h~hplace heavy emphasis on the use of drouqht-renistant native v~etation and be irrigated ",i th a systelll designed to avoid surface runoff and over~",atering. 22.The landscape plan shall place heavy CIIIlPhasison fire-retardant vegetation.The final landscape plan shall be designed so as to intensify the land"capill9',for .screening purposes.adjacent to ,:the ,l\nn1"erllllry Laris'Tt;,oict;'and to increase the waU,An4landsaapill9','at:the northwesterly comer of the site where tile foot traffio if:occurrinq. ,·,so:..to.preCluda,persons from qdnill<J aCCeSSat .>-:.),.;"'.',tb$.._c2!~~t;i~~.;,.....'"','.' :-:'.';'-,:-.'_-:'~:':-~>;,;«._::-:,;>;;:l.~"J;--',::>~,?j~L;:':'-~:~''--"__",:'-._,,',.--,,';...-' ,23.Landscaping shall'lie r~larly lII&illtain<!'5,free of ,'weeds:snd,del:u"l.s.,Allcvegetation .11 be regli- ,larly:tr.t.n..ed 'at..!'J(epi"in /i'healthy condition. ,..,.".".''--".-....,'",.,'"-,,-...:". ,;'-:,-' :24.,Tba~,:l!ny roof,tpp,or,,other mchanical equipment "shall """'.o.~1ld at?,n~ted 'in such II ...nner as to ,jlQhieve:II 1ItA,~sou,l\d level of 55 -IDA at the proI'8rty line. 'f·.:~-;;~,,-~(.'~_;~:_:'::-i,~'_-7 ,'!?~o:.;<:,'y-,.,;':..:,'i',;_';-"',':'. 25."Tha.t.,any J!Il!<?hat!icaLeiNi",,"nt and _rqency power ,q~llJiatp"'ll,s~lr~:screened frOlll view and noise ASlIOCiatedwith Said installations shall he sound ,'i .,at~,u;'~~,~~c"ptab~leY;IlIs in receptor areas. i The lattl!!1':lIJ1#l::tie:,n..~upOn the reeOllllll8fldat1ons of a licensed engineer,or a prot ..",,,1onal engineer__,."",-,.c,'",·.<'",'.,_""".,_',''practicing in aCoustics.and be approv<!'5by the'"""Pl~1p9)ew;~;~::u;,,;j , Tl:uat:I'll buUdings on·the project,site a<!U1P11lG"e,"1~:t~~ppre~S10nSysteM ' C""'i"- 27.That all access to the building be approved by the Fire Department• 28.That fire vehicular access,including the proposed planter'islllnds ,shall 00 approved by th..Fire Department. 29.Final de'sign of theprojecl:shall provi4e for the ineoi-p<)rati6riof wlll:er-llavillgdevices for project lavatories'and other water-using facilitle8. 30;Thatt:hE\'lighting'ayst:elllwlthln the strueture and ill the off-etreet PG*ill9 lot shall be Gesigned 'and maintained'in such aunner as to concell1 the li'ilht s<>Urceand"to lOinilllize light spillage and qlare ,~~the ad:lecentirelltdential usos.'1'he plans sh411bepreparetillndlligned by a Lic<ll'lsedZlec- tricalEnqineen'with a "letter fr"'"the Enqineer stating that,in h18 <>pinion,this requir""",nt hag beefl'Jilet••' 31.That the final desi9n to,-the parking area be,approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 32.'1'hata,lIIini_of,181 pilrking spaces be provided ,on'-lliite at all 'tillil!f. '33.Th~t t1te1i:lCat:ioit0f the compact parking spaces "'iI,#ll'~,re.tiatribtitedwithin the parkinq lot to tb.'liati.fii~fohof,the'City Traffic E~ineer. :"',"-..:,-,-,,_._,:'-0'",-.;...-,•...;.."",'.',.-'0 34;'1'Ii4t'-fiv.'~1caP ~rICing spaces ghall be pro- vided on-aiu,'\lnlellfl'otherwige pemitt9d by the ,Jl.u~di?g,p,e~~~~"" -,35.''That:'a iaUfiai..df-19\t'(35 spacesl of the parking oil":.itit 'My be ccoaPactpsrkinq spaces. _r;v,,,,,.driveways-shall be subject to!:~;~~;~~:;~:~:a~~::~~aloftheCityEngineer 40.It shall be tMresponsibility of the YMCA to IllOnitor its prO<Jr4lllSfor the proposad r"'''ili ty so as to not eX.,..,dthecapacity of th ..proposed parkill910t.If it isdete .....ined by ',h..Planning Depar1:lllent that prograllll!axceed th<>on-sit" parkingspaces,th$yshall be modifie<!hy the YMCA in a manner approved by the Planning O@pac1:lllent. 41.That a gate shall be required across the driveway to close off the parking lot during the non-busi-ness hours. 42.That this Use permit sha.ll expire unll.l!lllexercised within 24 1IIOIIth"frOl!l the date of approval as specified in Section 20.BO.090 A of the NewportBeachMunicipalCode. Variance No.1140 FINDINGS: 1.That>there are eXceptional or extraordinary cirClllllSt&ncesapplying to the land,building.and use proposed in this application.which cirCUlll- stances and conditions.do not generally apply to land.building.and/or uses in the same district ina-.uch as the YMCA'sqymnasiua requires specific dilllensions.and height that do not apply to adja- cent properties in the vicinity. ~tii~e'l1"atlting \cifavll~i.ance.'.'.t(>·Ythl>.i••h~i9l1t ·rf!'lUi.1-~t.~sllec(l~lIary ~orth(lPl:'e~ilt;'onand .~lIjoymelltof"l.lbstalltialpropertYri9l1ts of the applicant •.inaSlllUchas without the h$ight.the YIlCAcould not offer proqr8llls necessary to sustain itself and serve the community. 2. 3.That the establishment .....intanance.and operation of the1llle.pr0Ptlrty.ahd bUildintJ will not,under the ...cirCUlllStances of the.particular case.be detl'illlental~.i:heheal th •safety.peace •comfort •lll'ld.genel:'aliwclfare of persons resi<l!nqor working .tntne neigbbol:'hood..'Of such.pt'0p<:>sed•.us...,r detrilaental or injurioUli .topr0P(lJ:'tYlimd.iMprove- Mnts,in .the nei'1hbOrhoodor thIB g"nei-al.welfsr"of the City. CONDITIONS I COOIIlission-15.TO: 3.That the height of the parapet walla shall be 11miteu to that requir ..d by Code.is 42 inchea. The proposed stairwells shall be m,higher than the approved height of the parapet wall •. 2.That all applicable conditions of UOi.Pennit No. 1128 (Amended)shall be fulfilled. ...~~._-+----!~.. r--...---i'ci-" I I ( II! ,-·t ,;t t '.•k .i ill,•"-....~'.\••,·•.:-II II ,•••..••r;'~!;•,hi;f .,I I ~l;.!i':;:U jiit ...",.'I ~itd.ijtl ..~l ;!i~'ji1 .. -~,-:;iiinl~l;~'ib~...ll~i dil!;!~, ~':;::~:';....J I:...~I I '--,,.!H"I '-I ••,.,i'• ORAIIGF.COASTYMCA' FACiliTY F.XPANSIOH, PROGRAMDEFINATIOH I The Orange Coast VHCAseeks to add 45.000 square feet to its existing 16,000 square foot facility which is located at 2300 University Drive,Newport Beach.Here below are listed the program spaces along with program defination. GYHNASUIM -pri~rly to house existing programs such as aerobic fitness which is offered five tlmes"lId;jy,c:lO the outdoor slab;ski fi tness offered twice a week; men's basketball.offerl!d twJce a week at noon and other times court Is vacant; youth phyiscal,edli~adf.!r'offered after school;'VilA league for chi ldren currently offered six daysa"!,,eeki,nafternoons.Gyronasui ..would allow us to serve our pre- sent members wt,t~I:,cOc)cer!1 for weather which causes class loss and incO<Oe loss. GVMNASTICCENTER -would take the lace ofo"r lobb located multi-r e room in which we offer movement education or children 3 months and older;gymnastics for older children;self defense,judo,Karllte for adults;ballet and da~e classes for chlldrell and adults. FOUR RACQUETBALLCOURTSwould allow the YMCA and allow for more youth tl~on the courts. and tournaments on a regular basis plus some to retain more of it~existing members We would also be able to offer leagues new programs such as walleyball. TWOHEWLOCKERROOMS would ailow us to provide seperate change room and shower facilities for our existing members based on age and sex.Currently women and girls have one locker facility and men and boys have another.Seperate facilities for each of the four groups would be provided., WEIGHTROOMthis new room would replace the 'existing facility wt,ich would be turned into a maintance center with shop equipment.The new facility would house CAMII and olympic weight room equipment. P.E.STORAGE(,OFFICE SPACEwoold be usedito house existing staff;,nd store existing equipment.Some new equipment for gymnastics would be required.' TWOP.L AREAI1EETIIIG ROOI1SadJacer.t to the Gym and pool area would house meeting~ of existing grollps such as scuba Classes,'life saving classes,He~lthy Back.lead- ership training'near the facility of use rather than in the chap"'!Of>red rOOlit. ..";~.' MEW'S FiTNESS CENTER a new f"ci Ii ty f~r ()ur 320 men'fitne~stellter RlOOlberswhile women would use the el<istlng facll I ty.lloth groups W()uI':!lIaj,0611cccss to thei'r center will Ie the YMCAIs open rather than,on I iml tedtime'l;lasl$>We would have a 'shared exercise aree and el<erclse equl'i>me/lt."..',',' '!,HUm-PURPOSE ROOI1for large grout meetiJ.istha~at'e~fteJlIl.k;heldo"t door~or in a stuffEtd lobby area.Room would aJsobe:available for AYSO,Boy$couts,etc'to use. ",'-,';:.-.-':.: if.'"J",_,"',_",'..,::;KITCHEN to replace lll<lstlng kitchen fac:1 Ijl tv with largll"mor.functional food service ;)11~ellar@ti~"a~1'~~~¥.J.c~.fafl,Hty~,We would~1<able ,to prepare mea1:l.and snacks for ."",:~$o,~~)~}~~{'~~~r~:~Y'~,~~V~.,.)~~;~',~.~I de '{I!f,~,.,!.!!,{~ght,;~,::)~C,\ ;FAI'\ILV CRISIS CENTEROFFICES t;'house'ellfstlng'sta hY;'eurren'tt","cSWted at I r II osta;.lICs ••nd!·~llIresult III .:reductlf,1i1 alldout ,i;trl'','"J.'e,lci '!ital'fl,',,'_.'('c,·,:··...;,·'.-".~;-',,';:"',',.", re \•page 2 HEEiiNG ROOHS £,STAfF OFFICES to house existing staff and to "rovid"additional space for groups which currently Meet at the YMCA.Currently our parent-child program l~adership groups meet at the Y,often tighly s~heduled around olher meet- ings In the same two rooms,i.e.healthy back class. NURSERY meeting class. outdoor The YMCA currently hos over 12,000 member/participants on an annual basis partici- pating In a variety of classes,organized programs and drop In activIties.lie see addltltonal participants In such things as aerobic fitness classes,but basically from our existi",memberShip/participants.The new participants will ~ellerate in- come to pay for acilities and staffing costs. The amount of time that a person might stay at the YMCA would Increase as more programs are offer"d,but we do not see the same person mak I fl9 more than one trip per day to the YMCA.The av~rage length of stay would increase from I hour to I hour ~O minutes. The only facilities where we would have increase current members 330 ISO me~~rshlp in are proposed membersIIso "50 Hen's Fitness Center Women's Fitness Center TheYHCA fadlitles ~are crowded l1ClW,per our members.If expansion is not done in t~e{f1ext 12~18 montlls,'ourmembershlp/par:ticlpat!on wi ,IIdrop from the 12,000 mark b!'Cl<to themid~1970lsnumber of.6 to 7,,000 people ann}lally. ·TRAFFIC STUDY ~ DAILY LOG DIRECTION DIRECTION TYPE OF VEHICLE FROH GOING V'I 0 IU'"<>-V'I W .<>-....'"~0 0 0 V'I <0;...z V'I z V'I '"UU.....V'I ::>wV'I ........'"0 ...0...%V'I ......V'I ......VI ::>%U zN...<co co co co 0 <0;...'"0-'"'"%"'%%u V'I .......~'".....~'"...•<.......z :z :z z ...~>...0-...~~<0;<0;:0:...'"'"...'"'".........'"... DATE 0 ::>0 0 '"'"...'"'"w ~>...0Iu...l-I--,-e 0 <<>-I- TUESOfIY,FEIlP.UARY15.1983 212 96 308 ~58 128 107 73 105 122 81 428 H-0 IIEONESOAY,FEIlRUARY 16.1983 172 L04 276 403 112 102 64 95 116 70 3741 I/;6 THyRSOAY.FESRUARY 17.1983 477 13\119 9\105 :125 9S 480 I/;2 FRloAY,l'EIlRlJARY 18,1';183 113 '8'6 71·75 10\71 410!Ii 2 /'-"SATUROAY.FEIlRlJARY 1983 56:69.,.,2215 15 3/4•19.29 15 100 1 0 ~ SUrlOAY,FEIlRUARY 20,1983 20 18 38 '39 13 15 9 12 15 10 62 H 0 MOIIDAY.FEBRUARY 21.1983 IIi 12 184 238 71 66 49 57 67 62 356 2 2 -~-- "Oft:'f./$!"GllsT ljJlf(/l ~rrK >1&01/.K"'j.' Jf1.",o n 1'-...'O!?w~Jq,"rrA .r; /{,,,t .(f)~A 1/tJ R f)~'&~'-}-N ~' 1/"".,":!JII', /1,A1,6:0-0 3 12-,10 IS :;JK v,s C~"O ;;,k, J;6"0 I :.3 S ~.~(17):l..J¥3 ",I I,"6':10 ?'..."12..1°(IS If ,6 (f(),!i P s 'I e."'3,S'"')~0'<1 ~?:''''L(6 ~'I ~f:(l7)7 I 3 "t I S.!J '{,I ..,~'1 0 t ',O'Q ')./12 II ;JZ '1 ;III (/~11..~I .::I.Jf.I 16 6..5 -;:06 '1':\0 7 /I S 'I :l.-I'{"g I)10 ~fI 5 ro &3 Ii",6•<t '.Co ;1..7 It:/9 10 ;to 11QS)P-It;.f(I 7 11;1.!16,tJ "t ~0'0 eno 17 ~.o II '7 {«,0(;1.?J I')"IA /;1..5,?n,5 1°,)..'l :,0, "e~&}/5 ...... \.../0:4 ,"Ie If{I').I~/0 ,I .,I~,).,10-'IO~O 1°:10 6 'I /0 S /0 I~~S)II ;a ~If '7 ~.11 'I.:',14 :Hl II :00 II if(/7 ~"t 1~(3~I~~l?'3 :J 2 ¢"·r IO.y "~'f) "'10 7 1 "}I)..lr II f36}7 'I :5 I .i If ¢7 ('?11:30 I\.b,,;I).:C4 1'1 '3 1'/~10 ·35:S-6'.IG'?-~e !>3 /0 ,'';1.).3 6";~1;t!4D AJ ..,.; /1 :10 7 a-g-G 10 ,,"-1 (O S .,.'0 'I ¢~,.~G,'1~'14 I ~cc 3 7 ~o ,~f 9 :'31'.'J..'{~'.0 f'(:3 5 6 S ".'7 1 '.diJ ,:fa ~I{I7 5 /5 S '':.ti l'i ~/)..JIf 6 G 5"3 If,,I:~o ~':10 6 'I I'J."3 1<:1 'I .il:15 ~<f:'pi 3 'f 3 ','I g .1 2..~4& ~'1'~;1 ~7 7'6 (f(1),'6 5 ¢~,F,6;1(,'l{.'f .,.,~G ~,:~e':t (1 It 7 "(10)1°12-1'7 It P A;Gi 5.''1 ,./1~da ~J .,:u>3 l!I 7"/S 7 lf01)6 ;1 ,If ;l..:J.G $0.3 5.1 1:10•.l(!400 10 '1 ..,.•..§./'-'1/V,/)10 !13 1'1 I!~;'I 'I 7 '1,y .,~c" I(I~It 6 7 7',I '6'(In f!s 7 {:l./;1 'C '3.'7 q.,"11t!J '-(:<'t>1//3 If l'a\3·''1$(1'(1 {;",S 'I k !I /'1,'{1.'1 s ·,,0 ......... ~~10 /If :1 q'?\/'~~'Ii 12-?16 /6'.,'I.((!'O (..--e rT /0 12..'C'?;I').,)It 3 10 p,I{."'·7 C 't!o 6:~,t '1 I~7 IS ./p.;)I).¥.3 I~s.e 1f.'1 ~";,;. ,~1&00 I 8 I~7 9 't 1;1.<:»1'7 7 1"-6.....(1.7 :40"/~'1 /S ~/d 7 I'e'/~<l''8 ;f I('.6 !.'{'7'10,~~.t '0[.I '{9 '-~~~,<lO 'I 6 3.6 G.'eo :t)<l ~'~/?go "2-'I 'ic (2.':{!9 ~3 ;l.5.'(r'1CI.- "C><,I 13 7 ;l..~.!)JJIS\,'1 I ¢(.({5.2".~·o,:, 'nc s P:'./;.'1 6.6 '1'.""I I'7 jd .ii.')i f (J/If,fJ g'p!;j1f/'1 ~/IS 11.7."IOleo 1-~)l..If.Ii>:..!.~..\'~~l·\i51'~ •';i:;,:.;~ -5''1"si SO 'f' 11& ljlt u~ • ROll CAll MlNunsApril21,1983 t··Bea<.:h. Traffic Study (Public He,,!ing) Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjunction with a 45,000 sq.ft.addition to the YMCA fac!.Uty. Items tk). 7.8an69. Use Permit No.1128 (Amended)(Public Hearinq) ~equestto amend ..a previously approved Use permit that permitted the establishment of a Y~tacility in the R-l District.The proposed _n<!mentil>"request·to construct ..45,000 ±sq.ft.addition that includes 'lcuth and family fitness facilities,a 9ymnastics center,a child care center I officen,.1 COfrtmUnity .eeting center and an illuminated toof top jogc;ing/exercise area.The proposal also includes a JIlQdification to the ZOning Code so as to allow a portion of the proposed building,an enclosed trash Area,and a 6 foot \Ian to encroach into the required 20 ..£00t front yard setback,a p<>rtion of the tequired parking spaces to be <:olII£'ACtspaces,and to.allQW a wall ""","tad.i<ientificationsign in .exceu of 2.sq. f.t./and the aC9~ptarice of an environmental docu~ent. ALL CONTIIlUED TO MAY 5,19B3 AND Yariano"No.1.~9B(Pulilio He~drlg} Requ"s~,to allow a portion of the I'rapos<ld addl tl on to th"Oran'i!e Coast YMCAto exceed the maximumallowable height in the 24/28 Foot HeIght Limitation District. LOCATION,l'"rcel No.1 of ~arcell1ap NQ.3-35 (Reuubdivision NO.215)lcl",.tcod at·2300 University Drive;Oil the Ilottl!erly'side of University D~ive;eamterlY 'of TUstin J\venue in the \lest B,ly art'a.: ZOllE,R-1 APPLICANT,Oranqe Coast XHCA' S""'"as applicant ;.' Ne"P')r Beach ROll CAll April 21,1SS3 Aqenda Items No.7,8 and 9 were heard concurrently, due to their relationship. The public hearing opened in connection ·.1th these items,and Mr.James de Boom,becutive Oirt'H.:t.orfor the Oranqe Coast YMCA,and resident of Nawpot:t Beach, appeared,before the Commission.Mr.de Boom delivered a slide presentation which depicted the various proqr/lllllllwhich are offered by the Or~ng"Coast 'iMCA. Mr~,de ',1loooI ,s~t:e<ltiu,t.th;<:urrent'£acUhy centa!ns approld ....tely 16,000 square feet which lIervices approximately 13,000 persons;He stated that the objective of the prOposed expansion b·.to provide additl'onal space to serve its current Dleri:Jersmore adequately.He stated that he has the following questions on several of the conditions listed in Exhibit "A"for the use pemit approval: Mr.de Boom referred to Condition 110.7,relating to the '/chicular access to be prOVided to the existing sto:pn dr.ain':eas4Hlen'taccess _road,,arid:asked if the eXist~1'I9 parkin<]spaees at this location wHl be lost. Mr •.i>ollAtd,Webb'City Engineer •.stated that vehicular acce"lIito the stom drain is 'needed for "",inl:enanee purpO~e";but that the oicldsting parkinq spaces ,",uld oot be lost... :.;',",.'.. Mr •.,<I"lloooI",ef""red t,o ConditionN<.'/.:6,telat.ing to thereplaceMentof.thelleteriorated ill"iv":aprOn,and stated that they feel that the respons1biHty Heswith ~idonwhichutili%ed heavy equipillCnt onth"drlv",",ay. Mr.Webb .s,tat~that ,the Public Works Depart ....nt does not care who replaces the drive apron and gbtter.as 10n9 as it gets replaced. M:r'de~"',r ..ferred toc:onditionNo.25 ,relating totl1"~ire.suPl'reSlilion syst ....s.and "sked,what 49f!1lcy h.... ~ntrol •"ve"•the sprinkler syste",..Planning Qirsetor Hewiek~r st4t.edthat the Fire DepartMnt huauthOrity over'the fire suppression systems to be utili~ed.' Mr.de BoOlll referred to·Coooition 110.33,"hieh prohibits,nightti_li9htin9 on the ruri"iJl9 trackl exerciseatea,and "tilted·.that they ;are :deslrOj1s of insta,llin9,knee-bl.gh walkway li9h~s.atoiloo thii inside of th"traclt..'.. -39- COM~April 21,1983 MINUTES' t BeachCityof., ROltCAU lNQEX Hr.de IloaIII stated that they vould 11J,"to be able to utilize eh"track area until 10,00 p.II..<It th"latest. Plannill9 Director H"wicker stat"d that the sUff "as concemOOwith the.close prox"",ity of till.track ar"a to the",surrounding ,residen~i.al area and tll"•.impactS which the 'nighttime use of'th~track area may hsve upon the surrounding residential area. Chs1=an King ~s.k.."H it ~uld be possible topat.tern the lighting on the track tei'not 'utend above the parapet wall.,,Plan~lngDirector H..wieker'stated that even if the light1ll<}is patterned in such :..manMr. there will still be activity on the track durinq the evenill<}hours,which My be offen.ive to the surrounding residential area. Planning Director Hcvicker stated that during the SUIIIIlCrmonths,it reMins light until 9,00 p.m.He stated that d,,:ring the winter months,it.get~dark IIUch ,earlier and is ..uch cold"r.Therefore,he stat.ed that the ..easons candictate.hov late in the evening:the tra('.lt c""IJe utilized,rather than insta1l1nq nighttimeliqhtill<}.' Hr.deiloclllst~ted t~at the airport oWcfalehave requ<istedtlia,~a,,?ftred li<;~t De itlstalled on,the tOP.O;~~f •.p~anniri'iDire~tox:Hewicker statod an aircraft varriitlqliqht wOuldb&acc"Ptablc. ,Hr •.&!13<"""referl'ed.e:'~~nditiOntl<i.34,prOhibiting an M1Pl1fied paginqsystemin'any outdoor area,and asked ,it a port,a,le public addre.ss.S15t.<....."'quld be allow~for:,,theSat.ur:daYllOrninq "'Iim mcets.and dpring the evanir~ir..the~MIPlire·circle'.Planninq Direc~or Hawicker s~t84'thatC~nditionNO.34.eOuld,b~~1fied to read,-Tliatno'permanent lllI1pHfieClpagirig 'syst.ems shall be permit.ted in any'outdoor 'area on 't~e :subject .prOp<!rty.-' Kr·I1~BO<JOlrefe~~e<fto.Condition '110.'3~,'r414ting to Prograil ~~'j.toriJ)9",oftbe ,,,ropo';,,,,'faCility,and s"qqe~ted.,~A~~befO~loWiri9>1(irdingbf 4n""rH in the l,AStsente~,:e,"th~program••hall !Jo,mi>difi"d by the .YIIC\,i"....annh~ppr(,Ve~bY'~he ~ltln'!iri9 pepart""nt." iPl.nni"qoir~ct9"'1/"",i"k(!i:'ilit4t.e.l,that iit ~s !not t.h(· (>lannin9o<>partolent'Ii'int,"';!:'to m<ldHi tho'progrllms of the YMCA.'L!' ,__40~"'~::'c :'j''':~;H Apr~l 21.1983 of.t Beach nt···CAU Mr.de Ilo<>ol referred to Page 4 of the "toff repoH which addresses inconsistencies with th~approved conditions of sfproqal in conjunction with the eXisting developIMnt.lie stated that the masonry ",,,II adjacent to the I\nniversary L<m"tract was constructe1 in 1%8 and .."s ~rOved by a City ins!*,tor.He stated t1uIt the outdoor basketball court:.and playground h enc;l."sed by a 10 foot high fence.rather t1uIn a S foot high fence.lie statl!dtha".the revolving doonto the pool and the.weather d"""',:,re stored In the.outdoorstorsge ar......CltaiJ:llllUl.King stllltl!d.that this area would be replaced by the proposed expansion. Mr.de Ilo<>ol stated that the 4 foot h~gh liqht standards were continually being destroy~d by chUdren on bicycles.lie stated that over a year a90.two ot the YMCA volunteers installed the higher li<jht standard. for safety and security purposes for the ~rs. Mr.de Ilo<>ol referred to Condition No.29.relating to the !iqhting syst.....and stated that they will cOfIlply withll4id C()n.sition..He stated that they are also willin9 to COfIlplywith·thelandseapin9 conditions which have .been recOlllllendedin the staff report:. In rellponse t:o a'lU~"tionposed by Cltainan Kil\9.Ilr. de.BooI!Istitted that ..the four foot hi<jhHqhl:standar<ls have~j\UiWl.red and Wouldbe .removedfor the proposedexpaill'i';';.··...•..•...•.•:i •.•.. C~i~~i~nei Balaii.aSlc:edHr.de soom.ui the vb "as considu.edusill<l satelite facilities within the c"""""nity•rather than co..oinin9 the proqralll"into one facUity •.Hi,.d..Iloolll stated that they have conSidered thl'lsatditec:o""ept.but the costsinvolvinq land, .addi.t1ol'al.facilities and·staff have not proven feasible .• Commissioner Bal.1is stated that aJ;ound .tlte.lJlISIS facUity or •~l~ntaiy .si:~""l.site WOUldbei>"oqr....s of the Yl\CA.Mr.dlii hav"expi9re~the ¢Orona de 1 s.it(!.butthe~e ~sllotappear .comoiu~i~Y·suPi'<>rt/f1nancially <ir:~~:~~l:nsupper"the operati<incf ilY~.elocation.·...... (COM~April 21,1963 tBeach MIl~..JllS .. INDEX Mr.de Boom stated that the YMCAoffers 'Jfj-ait(,fitness programs for the eaaployees at the Pord ".rOllut.ronics complex and swi.Baing instructions ilt apdrt.ment """'Plexes vithin the c,,-mily.lIe ..u ted th.t the Orlln9"Coast.YIlCA IIIeIObers are equa Il y "pH t bet",een Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.residents,with the balance of the IOelllberG"'ho are e..ployed In the airport ar*a and reside in varivus cities. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis,Hr..de Boom stated that:th"facility is generally utilized by the following 'lroups Of perSons during a typical day:6:00 a ....to 9:00 ...~.-working ddults,9:00 a.m.to noon -hOUSCW1Vft~and senior citizens,noon to 1:30 1'....local buoi"essM'"late afternoon -children,5:00 to 7 :00 p.m.-working adults,and,7:00 p.m.lo 10:00 p.m ..-local residents. In renponse to a question posed by COmMissioner Balalis,Mr.de 80ce stated that the running track will be constructed with an artificial surface·over liqhtveiqhtconcrete,which "ill help.t(>eliminate the noi....eo-isaionerMeLauqhlin stated that sh"1. concerned ",ith the ooi ...which will be qeneratedby.the perllOns utilizing the running track,not necessarily th"noise of theruMin,:sur.face. 'Cresponseto aquest:i<>~.posed •by •ce...iCsioner HcL&ugblin,Hr•.deBoom stated that.t~"Corons del ~~r 1l1ementsry Scho<>l .site "'''S considi<red f.or latch key children,'~but therewa.s not"sufficient interest to support an after-schoel program at thin location. eo.usaioner,Goff.stated .that since tile ,running track ·couldl>eutilized.until 9;00p ....durin\!.the s .......r ""'nths ",ithout the benef.1t of glumination,ha allk.,.,if the ',adj<>ininqresidl!lnta,VQuld find,it acteptable to iUWIlihat.therunni"9.track un"H 9:(!0 plm;during the winter ""'nths.'."Ch4i.rtlI&~lI:iJi.qsU'lgest"d'that perhaps',r ..coned ,lightinqOQlild i><!..insta!led ,inth!'parapet .'",all on,the ,running'track which .....y.not be offensive to the ,surrounding ,reside~ts. ';:" Mr.de BOOOIr"ferrecl '..to·,s,,model .of iU",'.'!quested development which depicted the proroied layput •. -42- April 21.1983 Cit of New t Beach MlNUTlS INDEX Commissioner HcLaugh~in asked Mr.de Boom if they had considered placinq a portion of the facility undergrour.d or lowering the facil!tv so as not to exceed the """'illtum allowable height.!'Ir.de Boom stated that this concept had been discusll<ld.however the Costs of the project would increase because of theamountofsoilexcavationwhichwouldbenecessary. Chab.1llllnlCinq stated that beC4\lse the project ,",uld be developed with donations and matching grant furids.the applicant is trying to keep the costs at a mini8UB. Hr.Raleigh Pu ....rd.resident of 2139 Anniv@tsary Lane and retired i.'irector of the YMCA.appeare4 before the Commission.ile statad that the YMCA Oll"rates from progr"'"memberships.COIllIIl"~nityfunds and donations.He stated that the National YMCA has stringent regulations for their professionally trained and coll"qe educated staff melllbers.He stated that illpOrt..llt ,incOllle is dedved frOll adult physical educati,?n metIib<lrships.He stated that the proposed developeent is needed in order to",,?r~adequateIY 'Ilene the meooI>ersof,thec"""'!"nitl'. He .st~t~that the 'concerns of the surrounding resfde"tsaM'the 'concerns which have been:expressed. can 'be 'resolved;,.. C<:>IliIlIl"iliorierWinburnasked Uthe wall..,adjaeebt;to the Anniver ..ry Lane tract.which!,was :co~structed ,?rigil\dly 1968,was constructed attlJe fminilltuia1'Ieight• ."ra~er"than5 feet ,in heIght becaUlle'of"ai lack of fWlds.Hr.'Puilardst.ated that furids "e"e'lacking in 1968,bUt thattha residents'Df the are.~Drked with the'YMCAin resolving the problems ~hlch arose. ,'"'''..\,' Hr•.JDhn Shear.resident of 2128 lIesa Drive.su9gested 'tha~'the handball oourtbe:constructed under9ro~d.He stated thet..variance/to ,'exceed:tl,..height ,is not warran,ied.bec,au ....of the lack.of funds.He Htated that thepropos~developlnent'can,be cut down in s1z:e and .till 'acec:iolltodate the needs ofthef ac 11i ty •He Stated thAttiieblinlcin9I*ing light on the r)lnnin'J;track are ol:ijectlonableand',that,en·""'Plifled paging syst"'" sliOUtdnot,be allowed during the:lIV/'nil><Ii!\ours.lie also 'eXpressed,'h1a''concarn that':the ..prciposed development may ~arrant the expansioi>:of Ilnl.versity llrive'in thlPfuture.·,,:''. -43- April 21,1983 Chai.rman Kil19 stated that pacing lights which he has observed at other far:iliticfi are not.flt..Jticeable,lJnt;] the runner himself approaches the light. Ms...Karg~et Polson,resident of the Four Fours CondominiumAssociation.andout-qoinq ~reaident.of the Association,aweared before the C=hsion.Ms. Polson ..tatad that the IIll!lIIbGrsof the Aenociation are not fully aWal'...",f.;th..iOlpacts '.of the proposed developaent.Sh...expressed their concerns relating to the proposed l1ghtil19 •.pacing lights.landllcapil19, nQise,traffic.and the general impacts'upon the COIIIllWlity.She requested that thit<item be continued so that the members of the Association can become mo~e familiar with the proposed development. Ms.Polson stated that the YMCA delivered a presentation to the Four Fours Association latt week. but not all members of the Assoei~tion were in attendance for the presentation. Chairman Kinq ..ask....if it wOUldbep<:)ssibl"to locate tha pacing ..lights.i,!·.thee ,"para~t walls.Planning Director Hewick..r stated that theanly enclosure of the parapet walls is in'the c~rners.with anapen railinginbetween... Hr.Dave Lorenzini,~h~_,,_arch~tect for 'the 'project, stated that the parapet wall "ill be located approxiJAately ,18 to 2.4 inches ahoye,the surface of the running track..which -'_.can.,acc-oaimOdar:fZ:the iproposcd walkway liqhtiIl9.H"stat.ed that the pacing lights utili~.VI!~.10lf.voltage ..nd beeausp.of th~height of :thebuildinq •.the "',djacent residents "",uld not be able to see the lights. .;';;i Ch4i"....phri9,;~~t~4p;4tiens~s of ;the paeil\9 lights lira s1al~lar ...to tratfic.Ughts.whi,eh can not be seen ,'\Inle~~,ap"=BOri,is ,l1~el'ing •tbem ,f~o",!':hMd on .podtio".<r....tl!er ..than.a,side;an"}".i Hr.'l.orr,nzini stated that thep4cingl~gb.ts donat ;f1!'sh hnd are not bright.He stated tnatthe paeinq liqltts ;>re cov<lred with colored lenses a.descrlbeil 1>y1ch ..ini"n Kj.nq. ;!'.,',':.,..;,.c·;; "ROll CAll In response to a question posed by COil:ft!mHon~r Goff, Mr.Lorenzini further explained the d"4l"rl of the parapet "'all.Mr.Lorenzini stated that the intent is to keel'the height of the parapet wall aa Ie"as possil,Ie.in order to keep the bolk of tll"buildil"l'J as low,as poss:il:>le.He stated that.the HlJhts will he located in th~sidew~IIOf the parapet wall.He stated that only the open raiHng will be .Ilb<w ..,the parapet wlSll~,!Ie stated.that thalights will he Installed to only 18inch~~above the runnillg surface.,lie stated that t:h~"alk"aYUghtl1lwillonly cast a,glow upon the runnillg 'surfac.and'will not 00 visible frem adjoining residents.' H6.Cynthia.BrO\l.Yfl,residfwt of 227~)("~ldon Cir~le, located directly oohind the YHC'.."pp<>ar",;before the COOIlItission.Ms.i!rown st.ated that she wu opposed to Ughting which was requested atth"1919 hearing on this IIlAtter~However.she stated that U."Hghtinq wa.. installed and it is very objection"!>i,,to her.She expressed her concerns relating to 1:h"tra.h which is depo.ited upon her property.the Ioud'p"akeu which are u,tiUzed and"the,....intenance of th"land"",,!,ing.She stated'that ,the uss 'of the propo""d i!<welopment is ob:lilletfonable~that ..he isopposedtQ the height lilili t being exi:eede4." In re.pons~,to a question po.e~byC""""bsl.oner Allen, /1s•.8r~stated that she r"aIi7-""that the Iiqht source!r""the 'light standardS,can'b.,concealed, 'hO<oiever,Mli.Brown stated that she is oppd""d to the illUmination which is'generated 'frooi the parking lot llqhtinlJ·' April 21,1983 NeWOCy't Beach ROllCAll Ms.Martha Ourkee,resident of 20311 Cypres~tH:r~~t and President of the Ba~k Bay Associati~n~dr~c4tr~before the Commission,and stated that the ~r:i fir the Back Bay Assceiation were never infomed ot tt."YMC" proposal.I<Is.Durkee stated that they ani j II favor of development of the YMCA.However,she stated that they are concerned with tha following:the MisG r,leMrat"d from the"amplified speakers,the maintenance and landscaping of the area.and the height of the proposed fa:c~lity.,She atated that the excess height IroUld set a ,preceden""for the area.She furtMl:',"tated that they feel as though the proposed runnirtlJ trl1lcl<would not be necessary.because of tha many running trails in the Back Bay arell.She suggested that the "i W be qraded in order to construct the proposed f acili ty lower on the site.She reqtoested that the i telllS be contin"ed in order for furthar study by the ."".b"rs of the Back Bay Association. Mrs.!loth.....resident of 2~4S1 Upper Bay Drive. appeared 'before the Commission.Kn.lletha..stated that she is in favor of the YMCA,h"""ever,she is cOncerned with'the excessive height of'the proposed facil1ty.,Shestatedt.hate1ght h"""","on lie....Drive will bea~erselyaffected by the proPQf«I(\heiqht.She expressed'her'concern relating to th~illCrease in tr<af'fic,ol\U~ive~slty Drive,and qUeliltioned how a west bOund lane C6uldbe added to the int:ermti"n.' In response to Plannin9 Director "'ill be reqUired CommiSlllion. a question posed by Mrs.Batham, "ewicker stated that this upplicRtion to obtain r ?proval fr..,.,the Coastal Mr..Ilatham stated that publi c notices of the hearing should have been ...iled to all of the condominium residents,rather th".,just the I'resident;of th" condominium association.She r"que.ted that these items be continued until'lIuch notIces ere moiled. cOOIitiissioner AH"nrequested'that'Mrs.,Ilatham su1>roit a Hst 'ofth,e 'addiesses on !lesa Drive to,the ,Planninq Dej>artment.,'Shestatedthatthe staff,will also send public notices to the affected COllllilunitya£sOl:iations. Planning Director "....ieker notice. are normally not .ent limite April 21,1983 t Beach MlNUl'f.S INDEX Mr ~Donald Webb,City Engineer,respo1id,.,.a.to Hr!!:o. 8at!wn's concern relating to the addlHon of , westbound right turn lane on tlniversHy Drive.He stated that the street is of sufficl~nt width to restripe,which would allow for Ii tMr\!lb.e at this location. Planning Director Hawielear stated that public notices were sent to 1111 ownera of the ~ondomirdu..proj eet which were within the 300 foot a..it,..hieh is approximately one-half of the condollinlum owners. Chairman ....Kill9 auggested that the rCllJliMer of the condominium owners be notified of th~proposed development. Planning Director lIewicker stated that tho eU.,ination of the proposed running track will not solve the height problem.He atated that height of the proposed C]}'lIlIl8siumalone,exceeds the allowable height in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation District. Mr.de 800m stated that approximately 3~members of the Four P'ours CondOlOiniwn/lssociation met at the .YMClIat 7,30"p....on,April.12th,.to discuss.the pr.oposr<! development.He stated.that the pr:>posed fightinq and traffic were.a1s~dia"'U....d •...He sUt~.th.lt the YMCA .hadagreed.t';'Jchain i:hed~i,,"1"ay •aft"r .IO,OOp.m.in order 'to exclude.",ehi"les.f~"",ent<lrinlJ the parking lot tifter hOur..He\lIta~th"i:Jthey ,also llgree!!to;place a stop sign across the exit path and that 'the eXisting stop sign would be.relocated .to be:more visible.He statec!that the YMCA.also.had a preliminary meeting with'the Board ot .Directors of the A05ociation to discuss the proposed develoPll"rlt. 'COIlIIlhsionerGoff stated.that the chainln<J .of parking lots has.presented problems ill the .past.Hr.d~Boom suggest<ldthat ,.a g"te ••could be utilized ''1 501ve the problem ..' 'Mr'oded!OClOIstat<ldi:hatllll\rtY of the <:orice~nhexpressed relating to the noi"eq"nerated bY;the!YllClI;~ill be gr ....tly,reducedwith.tlle proPosedd<iv~loPa>ent because .astof the activitie"can then be heldiindoor.,rather .than outside." ',:!" ROil.CAll April 21,1963 r4t(.... Ml1:-\JI.S. Hotion All Ayes Conmi!iaioner:Balalia suggested that the a r.r::Iii lfH':t consider the possibility of h)Wering th(:bui Idinq.HI;' also suggested that the YMCA notify the l.lM1ediate residents of the area and float balloons to the proposed height of the structure.Mr.de Boom concurred and stated that this can ~.o'acc.-:mtpli$hed en Saturday,April 30th.He stated that he ",,11 distribute flyers t?~~Anni~~rsary Tract,Meaa Drive and condominiwa residents.He stated that he will also take photographs of the balloon dl!1llOlISrration.If" stated that the YMCA wants to continue to be a good neighbor. COJmnlssioner Goff stated that the conditions on the oClriq1nal use perml t were specific in thdt no outdoor g~me courts or activities of 4 noisy nature were to be permitted without first obtaining ..use permit. However,he statod that the testimony has revealed that noisy outdoor activities do take place.lie stated that ....ny of the noisy outdo<>r activities will be moved inside the f.acility with approval ot the proposed developll1ent.He further stated that if the proposed developoent were to be approved,the YMCAwould be required to adhere ,to the conditions relating to the lighting syst .....and landscaping... Chairman King stated that the staff would not have to send additional public notices t~th~r~r~o~s'who have already 'been '1\Otified.oftbepublic heflrlnq,but only to those p.;rsons .and associationS WhO have been previously "",ntioned as not having received a public nottce. Kotion was Co..Aisslon CARRIED. made to continue these i.tems to the P]anninq Meeting of May 5,19$3,which MOTION ••• ''''''5,1983 ROIl CAU ~roort Beach Items 110. 5,.;&7 I*roVED ,/1 COIlOI.., ~y Traffic Study lConeinued Public Hearin2) Request to consider a Traffic Study in conjun~tion with a 45.000 sq.ft.addition to the Y~~facility. Use Pel'lllit 110.1128 IAloended)ICont1n"'d Public'Rearing) Request to amend a previOusly approved us~~r.it that permitted th"e~tablishment of a 'fHCAfacUity in the R-I District.The proposed e.mendment,is •request to construct a 45,000 1 sq.ft.addition that includes youth and fa0ily fitness facilities,a~jmnastics r:enter,a child care center,offices,4 COIlIDUnity meeting "enter and an illWllinatod roof top 1ogging/el<ercille area.The proposal also includes a modification to,the Zoning Code so all to allow a portion of the proposed building,an enclos,ed trash area,and a 6 foot wall to encroach into the required 20 foot front yard setback"a portion of,the required pnkingspacas to be compaCt spaces,,and to aUow e wall mount"didentification sign in ""ceae of 2 "'l. ft.,and the acceptance of an environment:41 dOCUll:ent. ,lIND V"daticeNo.'log8/Continued Public Heai:injll R"9Uest~o~l~C>W ••'~porti~n of the pr<>posedaddit1on to the Orange Coast YMCA to exceed the,maximum allowable height in the 24(28 Foot Height Limitation Dist~ict. LOCATION,Parcel No.I of Parcel Hap HI'.,3-35 lResubdivision Ho,215116<i,,6Idat 2300 University Drive,on tile northerly side of University Drive~easterly of Tustin Avenue ill the West lIay area. ZONE:R-l Orange Coast YHCA Newport BeaCh'APPLICAIIT, OWNER: May 5,1983 Aqenda Items No.5,6 and "were heard c-ohcurrent.lYI d'Je to ttl~ir relationship. The public hearing opened in connection \di th these items and Mr.James de Boom,Executive ~ircctor for the Orange Coast YMCA,and resident of tl~rt Bedch, appeared before the Commi&sion~Mr.dl'i!800m stated that the YMCA held an open house on April 3D,19B3,to demonstrate the height of the proposed strueture to all inter0stedpa.rties..:He stated that one neighbor,one Planllin'fCOminissioner and sever"l ofth ..YMCAstaff members attended·thed~nstration.He thensubloitted to the Planning Commission the invitatioos which were circulated to the surrounding neighhcrhood and a sUbsequ'!!nt letter which was circulated wh~ch advised that the height of the proposed building would be reduced.He also submitted a petition containing approxiJnately 93 signatures in support of the YMCA request and a petition containin9 4 si9n&tur~G opposed to the YMCl\request • .Mr.de Boom delivered a sli....presentation which depicted the existing'facility and demonstrated.w.ith balloons,the reducedheiqht of the pnY...,.e<l structu ..e inr81l1tionship to adjacent properties,inc!udinq Ms. 8rown-'s'residence;'the 'Four Fours t:'cndami-nium,'site,.'and Mesa Dil"e. Hi.'dellO<llllstated that they are nowpr01Y.>sing'to l""'er the·r.ei9ht of the :proposedstruetu-"by droppinqthe structure f'ntcJthe qround by approximately 30 inches which will oost approximately $20.000.00.lie stated that in order to lower the structure 49 inches into the ground,the cost ..ould be approd ...tely SlOo;J.•500.00. He stated that it would not be feasible to lower the !3trocture 49 inches'into the CJ'rour.dbecause extent;:ivc excnvation and ha'lling of earth W<>uldbe :required,it would be locat~d below the wdter line,_wat;er~proofinq ~'ould~be''n'eeessary,'Additional drainage,catch basin systems and .additional handieappedr"...,ing Would have to be installed. Mi.de DO"",stat:ed that the staff rep<>rt indicates the revised heights in relationship to the originally requested heiqhts.He stated tha~the .proposed gymn~sium parapet has been reduced,to ;ft!ct..::8:ndj t.he roof 'ha~been redlJicl!d to 28 £(-et In that the corner extension ~as 34 feet 10 ifilche. Mli'UTES M~l'S.19!1) HI.de Boom stated that the propofwtJ h{!!jqhts are necessary in order to have a gymnasiWI'Q!~t;!li ty that is usable t01:basketball ~r.d vclleyball C(~eJt;i(;l\.Ile stated that the requested qyrnnasiumheiqht er~!$not set a precedent for Qffice buildings in the ar~a~ In response to a question posed by e.:-issfoner McLauqhlin.Mr.de !l<>ool stated that the revised roof heiqht of 28 feet 10 inches.include'"lMtedng the structure into the groun<1by approxu.ablly )0 inches. He stated,thet if .the.structure were to·ba lowered IIIOre than 30 incli......vater-proofinq of the~d"'"flocr would continuously be a problem. Commissioner McLauqhlin asked why the c~rner extensions are essential to the desiqn of the facility.Mr.de Boom stated that th~corner extensions are necessary in order to break up the desiqn of the flat roof for the running track. Mr.Roy Knutson.resident of 2504 University Drive and an officer of the Four Fours CondoodniW!lAssociation. appearedbefore·the CoI:missio.,•.Mr.,Knut"",n expr.......d his concernvitll the.traffic illIpact.which ,vill b.. qeneratedby .t:I14 propoSQdexpansion.'.HequflsUoned,the assUll!ptiollll o~the Traffic Study ,in qeneral,:and;those re.latinq te LIe intersection ..,})f IrVine /lve-,and Santillqo Dr.'e.!Ie further questioned the ~ight turn lane solution on,U.uver"ity Drive ai>d,st&ted ~t the traffic on,University Ddve.·will aaver ...ly ilspact the sur~~ndinq residential uses. In response.to a question posed by Mr.Knutson ,M.r. Donald Webb."Ci ty Enqineer.stated that the adja<:ent offioe condominium vas included intlle:traffic counts and the 1C1/"alculations of the Traffic Study. C.-.1.9si;,ner Go(f"Sl<ed,.Mr.Webb to C08IIl!<tnton the assUIl!ptions .f:ort/le:illterse.ction of 1ryi ....,Avenue'and Santi"qo Drive/22nd,~treet.Hr.Webb sUted.that the assUIl!ptions do constitute a tine iine.but .tlWt'the analysis was ,performed under the,same irul~s as apply to otherdeveloplllCnts.,, ."". llay 5,1983 MNJTES . Ms.Cynthia Brown,resid<!nt of 2275 Goltl~h Circle. located directly behind the YJ«::A,appeu"d b"tore the C""""i$5ion.Ms.Brown stated that ooe atwnd<!ll the open house and >.hat the YMCAhas resl"'nd<ld to her concerns.However,she stated that the proposed expansion will adversely af.feet her resillenee and the value of her property.She sl:atedthat she has experienced security prcblCllls with her proporty""d .tated that she concurs with the proposed .•landscape plan'for'the back'".11.on .her proporty.She 5U9gested that·thelandscapfng.be h<!.avyenouqh.to prevent perSons frOll gaining ace ..".to her property.She urged that the YJ«::Aparking lot be required to.b<l secured by a gate during non-business bours.Sh..further expressed her concern with the height and th~IUS.of the proposed facility. In response to a question posed by COmmissioner Winburn,Ms.Brown stated that her propertl'is currently,llpars ..ly landscaped on th ..back ...aU.Ms. Brown atated thet th ..proposed landscaping plan should ""·abl ..to 'giveherprivaey,yet b<l able to filter light through to her property • KlI{Kay weist;resident of 2499 Anniversary Lane, "PPeared before 1:he CoIIIois"ion.and lItatGd .that.theYJ«::A ptlWid ....·.'a·.iIee<'Iad service for ,the imi;ite.C03lIlwnity. She',"tatedthet thacurrent YMC1,'facility;needs ."xpalUIion·forl:heir,prcgrllll"...Sheffurther stated ,that 'l:h<i ttaffic'prcbl_have expanded in all areas of the City,not just in the area of the YMCA. Planning Director .newicker referred to the Traffic .study and explai ...ed .'.the se ....itivity of the trip ~""ration and'the ....~lIt of t.raffic to the intetseetion of Irvine Avenue .and Santiago Drive.He stated'that therear ..tht:ee separate;tests'which'each intersection goes through in.a Traffic :Study •He stated that in this particular Traf He:Study,'it "'as determined·that i to passed the first test... Mrs.Bathaa,reeident .of 20451,Upper Bdy'Dbve. llJ;lpeared'beforetlte C"""'isGion.Mrs,lI..~alO ie'/pre$sed h(!r'concern with,thelle!.AJht of tile r r-ropo!ied facility and'the propesedllkylights..She:r"f~rred ,to;the mitiqationmeasurea;and ~ta~;that "hen:M$clification. are heill9 consid<!rod for the prop<>....d r\>cility,\t"" :"",!,;::i :j i; -19~ May 5.1963 public should be notified of .~.She f.rth~r stated that the State of California requires that any counseling facility be sound "Uenuated to "lev"l of45dba. MS.Ada Taylor.resident of 2$14 University Drive, stated that she is in favor of th..YMCA au an organtz"tion.However.she .xpres ....d her concern with the traffic impacts of tho pr~ed exp&nsion"ndthe a.sthetics of the project.She stated that the lands"api"'1 of the current.facility .needs (iowro_nt. SIte ask<!<lhowtll.new conditions of apprQ'lal relati"'1 tc>the .landscaping .plan will be enforced. In response to a question posed by Ms.Taylor,Planning Direetor Hewicker discus.ed how landscapi"'1 conditions of approval are enforc.d by the City.He stated that a complaint or a violation can ba reported to the City's Code Enforc .....nt Officer which will follow up on the COIlIplaint. lis.Beverly lIullen.resident of 2031 M<laa Drive in SantaAnaHeight ....tatedthatsheis in.favor of.the YMCA;however;.she'is oppo ....d.to the pr~r"'l"":lIts. She stated that the propollal ill situated in !:he unique, ecologically .senllitive.Upper Bay ar ....;.SIIe ~tllted.that theproposeci si9lls.-ldbaoffensive(to the~l'Bay '..envir°ntHnt.Shedurther expresseaher:""ncern ..with tile "excessbeheight,of·the'propolledl )lU~ldi~9'and I!Itatedthat:it:>wilLbe ,detr.iJilental to lob!>l'IUrr~J\ding ..·neiqhborhoOd.·She,stll1:edthat 1:he structure'sbould not be'a11_to exceed the 2B foot heiqht limn. IIr.DaveLOren:1ni.the architect for ,v,e project, stated that 97\of th",perimeter of the par.pet (wan ;,i11\:1e established at 29·feet in heiqht'above the grade.·He'stat:ed.tbat ..the corner '''''tfln~i''''s'and rallin9s will be approxi ...te1y 1 f"et'above:theparap<>t:. .-.:.-:': Tn response toa question posed,by.Co!mn~ssioner lIa1a115.MG.Kullen st ..ted that she .i..o;ppOsi!d,to the structure'"exceeding the.28 foot:hd~ht lillli t..She stated 'thaf:the .comec eJ\tensi"n"anll ~n:railings willbellltlliheiqht oi3Sf"''',wh~c~tS!oliIject;i"!,,llble for'1Il,>tesfdenUal ...area.·'Sh,,:atat~'til":t.the ·""'''''I.n9 track shOUld not be located on the P~llpf>sedig~.."as'i""'. -20--!i ""-1 .~ May S.19,13 MINUTES ,.,....,. Ms.Martjuezoite Butler,.resident of the Your rour" Condominium Association,atal.rtd that she is 1n frivol:(.If the proposed expansion of the yMCA f~cility.She expressed her concern with the height of the parapet. however.she state,]that the YMCA has tried to conform to the concerns ex?ressed by the residents. Mr.Eli Elman.resident of Dalboa eovlevard and President of the Y-knots,a YMCA ~rqanizatlon,.ppearcd before the eoOlllhsion.,Hr.Elman,~tat4d ,that ,the residents,of ,the,Citr will be utilizing the expanded YIICA facility.He stated that the a4jacent office condominium will generate three times the traffic than that of the YI1Cl\facHi ty.He stated that the YMCA facility will not generate a large volulIllI of traffic during the peak.traffic hours.He stat"d that the proposed expa.nsion will enhance the cODIIm.Znitya.nd not he detrimental to th"community. Hr.Michael,Ashe.resident of 106 Via Xanthe and Chairman of,the Board for the Orange Coast YMCA. appeared ,before the,~ission.Hr.,Ashe stated that the Y~~~.WOrl<~,hard to propo....a.viable,project for the c:ommunity;,lie st"te~that due to,a lack of fundsin196S.thegymnaaium c,,~ld not be cons~ructed atth.>ttim"••,H~s~at:"dth"t the'proposedhei<Jhtrecluestisnotun'reason8bi,9:,,',' .Hr.Sam Estons"n,resident ,?f 1770,West B~lb.>a ,',Bou!.e;vard.I'iUted tl1at'the,p~oposed"xpansion"'il1 'aUowhi ..and,hiswifet:o utlli,ze the facility at the same timedurin<J the evening hours.vhich'will help to alleviate some'of,,the traffic 1"the ar"". Mr.Don Glli\llll'"r<lsidentof .13272'WeymOuth Court. exp~essed •his concern ,witl)the future,expansion of pniversity D~ive"Mr.Don Webb,city ll:nqJ.n""I.-.:stated that the ~el19th C)f the right turn lane,w,ill be approxilloately 100 (eel.in length at ti,e maximum;If" stated'th"t the eit:'""Loe"l Coastll1 Plan ,does not prOVide for the extension of UnlverftitY,Drl~ei how~vcr, the <:;lty's (;ir,<;ullJt1,,"f:l.,.,.,~t ,d""s prMlid"for this. He stat';dthat,l>e"c";'nots"twhe~.:orif,thls,wlll happen,lled~'i'lit:a~e<l thath"doe.";",t antiCipate Ow. ",ldenln9,of'University'Orlve on'the ooutherly:side, •",,-""'",".."..;"'_,"',';"..C-'_..•.,..._,,(..",_"• -21- Hay 5,1983 t Beach Mr.David Tonh.resident of Corona dQl 11",and the former Chalcnan of the Board for the Orafi9~Coast YMCA, stated that he supports the proposed eXr,J<6IflfSJ_n1~:for the YMCAfacility. Mrs ..B&tham reit:erllted that'she is not oppt')tm-dto the YMCAitself,but she is opposed to the pr~po'ed heiqht of the facility.She stated that the ,City has stated that,it will maintain a low profile on t.he bay and -the beaches.She ,stated that the proposed liqt;Unq should b~,Conditioned,at,four feet:so as,not to'adversely affect.the surrounding area: Ms.Cynthia Brown ~eitti~~t.ed that she isc~cerned with the height and the mas.of t.he proposed structure.She suggested that thl!funds be raised in order to lowQr the structure further into the ground. Mr.de aoomstated that,the way in which the gymnasium has been 4esi~ed.the corner extensions will not make the entire'structure,appear hiqher than the 28 teet. lie"r~fer,,"d to th.~'landsca~'plan which also.provides for tile c;once,,!,s~xpressed byMa.Brown.,l!estated thai:,1;heyare alto willing to increase,the heiqht of th~bioc1c ",aU}n the corner to 5 feet.,.Ke stated that the pr.,pqsed expandon is needed in or.3"r to serve'itsmembers'.''"",, Mje".~e 8()0l0 stated that they are ~n,concurren<:ewith ConditionN'o·29,wbich relates to the li9htinq System. ile stated tl'"t parking l~t lightinq is.necess4l'y in ordei ,to ensure,the<safety and security of ita ""'!Obera during t.he evening hours.lie stat ell that the proposed signs .are only 50 square Ceet in:siz"whicb "i 11 be recessed·into .the waU and'nat illUOlinated.lie re~teratedthai:it ,"ouldnat be C~asible to lower the s!:rUctl1re ..further!nto the.·grourA •because .watox-prooi'inq .....and.the gymnaeiWlt floor would .continuously be a problem. Commt~storier Winburn stated that afl'(>ppO'aedto the heiqhtor the 'thep~0Posed .qymnasiWltand asked 1s """<lssary;···lis proposilld; Associate Executive Director of COMMlSSlONERS MlNUfES .( Hay 5.1963 ,.,,-, explained that the organizad jogging programs ere <.feared.towards persons who have tfnderyone cardiac operations.He explained the importance that such programs "",st be monitored clo..ely by ._ers of the staff and held in a controlled envirolllilenl:.Restated that jogging around the existing dirt track or the qymnasium floor does not provide for It qusU ty j0'J9ing program.Mr.de Boomstated that access to I:~running track will be controlled·by electronic ~curlty cards. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Balalis.Mr.Harding stated that the %lIMing track will he utilized by cardiac participants as well""other _rs of the YMCl\interested in joqql.n1 fitness classes.Mr.Harding stated that the jogging fitness classes attract many participants,which Is why the i0'J9ing track is necessary. Coonissioner BalaUs askeel if it would be feasible to construct the running track at ground level.Mr.de Boom stated that locating the run~ing track around the pool would not be feasible with the amount of children utilizing tbe pool facilities. C<lIlIoiss1onerBdalisstated ,.that if a cardi"c . participantwne to'experience pr()b1~.it,would be diffii:lll1i to transport thepErSOfl to l:h~iowa>:lev"l of the faeili ty and to the.hospital.·.Mr.Harding reiterated 'that •controlled envir0rim<1ntis necessary in order for the steff to mOnitor the jogging participants,so that injuries are prevented. Commissioner Balalis asked why the 7 foot high corner extensions are necessary,other than for:architectural purposes.Hr.H/lr4ing stated that the corner extensions are necessary tu pr~vent:the t'u~ersi fr0t4 feeling as though·tMy will run oHof the rooftop. Commissioner Salalis asked if a OIlnllllUO\he1qht of 42 Inchu would serve the same put!">,,,,:Mr.IIdrdiflg stated'that!·this ....y be acceptable,h""'eve',:he litated that the h"i9hl:Of the stairwell is at the !hei'lht of the cornet extension;;which tie the liuOdifl9 t"qether. COIllIIIissloner,Goff··'asked··if 'it would i bi.:f""s~ble to locate t~rullning track in an are,,'Of the site 'which 15 currently set asid"Cor land.<:apirlg.:ltr.:lIardinq stated that most of the landscapcd,,,~easwill!i~clude -23- ,-, '.'.,1,.-,. " parking spaces and Eideva.lk.s.Be stated thllt 1~;catin9 the runnin'l track in th@3e areas would not Pl~Jide for a controlled atDlosph$re.He stated that th~r"•~00 contiguous,unobstruct.ed arca on thl1;site in 'ilfhlch the runni09 >:rack could be located.He sta~"d that restripin'l .the parki09 lot would not he felli/dbl.or re,."lve the prahl ..... Mr.de Boom stated that in order to mak.the project more viable,they would be willin'l to 'reduc"the corner extendonstothe height <lfthe raili09,Ch4i......n :1':109 steted·thatllarbor Vi""Hills overlooks ell"runnin'l track at The Sporting !lqJse and to his knowledge,there have been no complaints received'frOlO the adjacent residential uses re'larding the runninq track. In response to a question posed by Coromissioner McI.aughlin,Planni09 Director Hewicker .teted that the open ra11in9 is ill""trated on the plans as bei09 an open pipe ra111n9 with horizontal ..embers approximately one.foot.apBrt. Planni09 ;Director ollevicker...tated that 0 theheiqhtlii for the various zone cla$Sifications ere;9enerally dete%1lliinedbythetypes of.u..,swhie:t wouldno ......lly be found in.the zOnes'..1I....t"lOed j that iu,,"".sucll liS cburehes;..'lov"mIIe"tel buiidi09s and inatitutional,uses are petlllittedin,r""i~ntial zones,;~lIft;to seeilrin'l a USepel:lllit,lie o"ta~.tl1at there.lirC!no different requlations for 9reater·hei'lht U...it..'which apply to Dueh UDes.-Howev..r,be stated th ..t such uses are generally not desi~ned as that of resid~ntial uses. Plannin'l Director IIcwicker stated that the proposed 50 "-quare .toot·si'lns.are Ofle-tourth of th"siZe of a sign which would llutOlMtically b<>permitted in a eC>lllm<!rel.n1 dilltrict.. -24- May S.1983 LBeach INDEX. In response to a question posed by Ca-1Uitmer GMf, Nr.Webb stated that reduction of the corner extensions to the height of the raiU"".reduces the height of the building from 3S teet to 31 teet 6 inches. In response to a question posed by eommi~sioner McLaughlin,PlanningDir"ctor He.,icl-et ~-Ut<ldthat the use.permit,h4s been conditioned so.thet thera .,ill he no illumination of the proposed slgns; COllllnissloner Kurlander asked if a S foot high wall would be required where the 4 foot high .,all currently exists,Planning Director He.,icker stated thst adding .One foet to the,existin~.wall could be Ii problem in matching the brick aJ1d mortar.Heetated that in some instanc~s.a,wa,ll ,beCQOlesmore unsightly when brick and mortar are ..dded "f a 14te ..date. CoImiIissioner ,~rl~er,st~ted that a higMr "alluy be ~cessar:Y .for .s.et:llr1ty •p11tpOses fnrtMsurroundins resid4nl;ial,uus •.,.Chail:1'l4n King·.stated ,that an alternativeweultl.b<i .tOinteiu,ify,1::e.dOlnsity 'of the 1..n<lJj0llPip9..t.ti]bParticular ,looation~.. lnresponse t.o a t.luestion posed 1>-1 COllOmissioner Kurlander.Planning Dire~tor Hewicker stated that time 11mita tions are not··imposed upon Tr aft ic ,Study approvals.He state·':that the City's 'I'rafficPh4sin9 Ordinance procedures wou,ld ha~e,to be amended in order to do so.He stated··that:·'uses such as.c;hurches and institutions relyuponprivlIte donations for .their c"ns~""oti"n •.,hichl!lartes.it impractical to 'guaranteo theU"",t>;"""'.in .which the project will be'completed. kotion All Aye. May 5.19l1J t Beach x X X X X • ,I. TRlU'I'ICSTUDY Motion vas made for approval of the Traffic Study, subject W the following findin<Js and condition,which IlO'rIOI'I CARRIED: I'INDIIIGS: 1,That a Traffic Study h""been prepared which "na1yzes the iJopaet.of t.he pl'OpOMdproject on the cireu1at1Cln,sYstem in accordaAeewi tIl Chapter 15040 of tile ~rtBeach Municipal Code an4 City 1'011cyS-1. 2.That tile Traffic Study ind,cates that tile project- generuted traffic will be greater than one percent of tile existin9 traffic duri%the 2.5 hour pealt peri04 on any 1"9 of the critical lnter~ctions, and w111 add to an unsatiSfactory level of traffic ""rvice al:critical intersection which will have an Intersection Capllcity Utilization of greater than .90, :)','That the,Traffic:Studi~s sug9.sta circulation ,,81'St.iliprOV'!"'Gntwhich will improve the level of traffic"J:'ViCe',to an acceptable lweI at a11 ,criticalintersect1ons; ,4.'rfut"the ~rcposed project.includill'1 circo.1laticn systt<ll improv_nt:s will neitller'<:au~"nor lIake l'One an unsatisfactory level of traHic service on any •...jor·,·pl'1.iI8ry-modified·or ·pri ....ry· street. CONDITIOI'Ii 'l'batprior to tile occupancy,-.f,tile proposedl'ro1o!ct",·the .cir~latio"syscem improv......nt. desCribed in tile Traffic Study dated April 1983 on Page 10 prepared by JEF En<Jineering.,Inc.,'sllall have been accomplished unless subsequent .project approvals require modifi~ationo;theret:o~.(The ultimate duign of the inteu~ctidn,shall be subject to tbe approval of 'tile.City ,TrafficEr,gineeri ... -26- MlNUns Motion All Ayes x X x X X • May 5,1983 USE PERMIT NO.1128 (AMENDED) .I !lotion wan Ill/lde for approval of Use Puttlit No.1128 (Aaendedl ,subject to the followin'1 f1ndil19l/1 and conditions,with ('.andition No.21 to b&.,..rnl<rd 'to reflect that the.YMCA wUI intensify the landscaping adjacent to the Anniversary Lane Tract,end 'inercue the wall and landscaping at tnenorthwesterly GOmer of ~site wIleuthe 'footl:ratfic is occurrlng.wllich will' precludepersonatrOll1 ",,,ininqaccess at this hdadon, CUndltion No.34 be amended to include the;wordinq. ·permanent·amplified paging systeMS,Ccr~ltion No.36 b&amended to reflect that the prnqr""'''$han b& modified by the YMCA in a ....nner approved by the Planning Department,and,an ~ition ..l condition which would refleet that a gate b<!provided across the driveway to close off the parking lot during the non-busL'less hours,which IIO'1'IONCARRIEO: FINDINGS: l~That an Initial Study andllegative Declaration have been prepared in ca.pUanee wit.'",'the california ,,£nvirOfllllentalQuality Act;and that their "'eontent.s.4ve b&en considilred'in the declJionson 'thiaproj..,t. 2.That based on the information contained in the Negative ,Declaration,the project incorporates sufficient ,mitigation measures to redue .. potentially siqnificant enviroMental .iffeets,and that the project will not re.ult insignificant envirOlUl1ental,.impacts. 3.The project will c"'"PIl'with all N'Pllcable c and'State Buildin9 :Codes and for new,buildinqappl1cable to which,the proposed·project::c.~i,~S:u"L~i~te'$~those it:itmts-:requested'in ( proposed modifications. 4..'That the proposed IUl'Lis co,nsu"o"", Use )!:le....nt·of the GenerGl Plan, wi th surroundinq land uses. Hay 5,1983.. g'!.>o·==~;t,Beach 5.The project lot sbe conform.to tlle Zt>nlnq Cede areA requirements. 6.The Police Department has indicated that It d~~ not contemplate any problems. 7.~equate off-streetparkingand,related vehicular circulation are being provided in conjunction with the propo8ed'developaent. fl.'nw>proposad nlJlllber of COIIIp4ct car Bpaees constitutaa'l9 percent of theparkinq r~ir ...nts whic:ll'Is within Halt..<Jenerally considered acceptable by the City Traffic Enqineer. 9.The approlral of U8e Permit 110.1128 11lJDtndedlw111 not.under the circumstances of thb case be d"triDlental to the health,safety,p;lac.,IIOra18. cOlllfort and 'Ieneral welfare of perllOJlS residifl<] and workinq il'l'the nei<Jhborhood or be d"tdll8ntal or injurious to property or illprovements in the nei9hborhood or the general welfare of the City. ;;, Thlit<&!velopaentsha11 be in '''ubsWdal 'conforroancewiththe approved plot plan.,fide .. plan./'rev:l:sed,elev"Uons'and sectj.ona'except ,as noted below. 2.'l'hilt all 'I!lllchanical,equiPlll8nt and treah areaB ahall be'Bcreenedfrom University Drive'anJ adjoining properties.' J.That all >illprOvementsbe ~(~~'::~~~i~~~:e~;~.it:edbyOrdinanceandthePublicWork" ,''l'het !vehicular'access be ,provi.ded iltonrdrain',easelBent,acceas road ,located oortheaaterly ,corner''of the 8atiaf""Uon'of "the Public Works Dl!pa:rt••,,,,t.. s.That the on~site vehicular circulation syste ...:be!,subject by ',the,Public Worke',DepartJllent.L:,. CQMN'lISSlCN.RS MtNUliS .hay 5,1983 6.That the existir.g deteriorated dr1vt ~pron and gutter on the Unlverdty Drive fr<IIltD<;e be replaced under aneneruilcrnnent permt.t t nr;u(l'd by the 1'ublic Works Department. 7.That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall demonstrlitQ to the satisfaetic.n of the Planning Department .and the 1'ublic Woeks Department,that set/er facilities "'loll be ,,',allable for the project at the·'time of occupancy, 8.That arrangements be made with the Public ~lor1cs Department to quarantee satisfactory COMpletion of the public improvement•• 9.That a master plan of sewer,water ~nd storm drain facilities be prepared and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of any buildingperidt:s.. 10.De"J;!l<lp1lertt'ofsite shall be subject to a:<.Iradingperldtt:C>be approved by the Building,and ,Planning Departments. ":i ;.:l ! 11.'That'a"qradin<jplani 1f 'required~kh.U :iJ\<;lude,a c08pletepbn for tempo"..ry and p"rtII4hent ,drainage 'fablliti ...i!,~<>minbiiz"'/6nypoten'tiali i~4ct!sfrOOl sHt,debris;'in'\!other'water poll,utants.'.,-,.-:,',:"; The qrarlinq permit shall inclUde,if req»ired," descrl.Ptlo'n'of ,·haul;rOiites,~"cce3u Pointi::,to;,t~c aite;waterinqi'and'sweeping pr.n~am desiqned to ".,inimi"e impllct'of'hauI'operations.,'",--'.-'.'-,. AIl ...rosion,sUtationand dust control 'plan,if reiJuirild;,shaUbe subtlli1:ted and ,b~sub~e(:tt'!the apPi-ovd of'tM}BuHdihg Depar~"'nt ,,"6 ilcopy s!iitl'l"b"f6~ardlOdto',the Ca1itn~IIia 'Regional ,lIat"rQu41HyCont.'ol'a()ard,Sallta '''ria )leg ion;, <-,,-~:.. TheveJocl'ty 'otconi:~ntrated ;'U~-~fe 'from!the project<sh"ll'be evaluated and ,!ros1ve v~l.;.etties ,I::<iritrOllildlII5'patt ,of th"projcc~darli<in.j .,,, -29- Hay 5,1983 MINUTES . 15.That grading sball be conduc~J in accordance with plans prepared by a.Civil l:nqir.e..r MId bamed On reee-en'dations ,of a ."U er>gifleer and an ~ineerinq qoologist aubseque~t to the completion ofa ~rebensive soil and qeologic investi9"~ion of tl,e site.Permanent reproducible cop!...of'~ "Approved as ~uilt"gradinq plans on Standard .iie sheets shall be furnisbed to tke'Buildin" Deparblent. 16.That erc~lon centrol"'allures shall ,l>$done on any exposed slopes Withint:hirty days :afterqradinq or ....approved by th ..Gradinq Enqineer ~', 17.A landscape lUId irrigation plan for the project shall be prepared I>y a licensed landscape archite¢!;.Thel$ndscape plan shall lntequte and pba..th-1natallaUors of landlicapinq witb the proposed conatrucUon.schedul...(Prior to the occupancy of any atrl>ctu~e,the l1cl",aed land~cape architect Shull certify to the Planninq;Depar~nt that the lan4sc..,ing haa beC!l'l inoitallcd in ,acoordance,wi tl1 thepr,ep¥ed plan). The l;sndscape pian sh~libe SUbject to tile 'rMli..... of th..Parks,Beacbes and Rccr<iation.Deplirtloe!lt and app"oyal,:of.t.he.Planninq ,DepartJ,..,nt..:'1 18. 20. Th.,i~nd~ape 'p1.an'"hal1 1'rog,,'";,hich ~ocitrols ,thepesticidee..,."",'" Th<l'land.capepl,~Gblill place ~e~vy ~';slGon the us",o(,lS"ol1qht';'r!'elstant nativ ..veq"'l:l\tiol\I\-"\d be h:rigat~".'!'itb"system des~ql\e<l to "'voi,S."rface runoff and over .....aterinq.'". Th<l'la'nd.oaP<'~l~'1.~bali place ~e~vY ~"~4dr 'on ,#re"ret:ardant:,vllqetst:J.on.The:~1.11allalul,cape PlllnShl:ll~,be lS~siim<Od so as ~o:inter/llifY!the l$ndSc"piMfo"screAAl-nq pur~s~,\id~a~n~ito the Anniveraary Lane Tract,and to!iilereas'!the wall,..nd~ano;l.cap~nqat,tb~','norl:h!-e~t~rly:c~r~fIratl:he,site,whe!"e the',foot t:<affir-b:,*cj1r!"irlq, S()as to,.pr ..dn~per"onG !rOlll !Ja~n~",!lce...s ',at thie location.''!: 21. ,, -30·· Hay 5.1983 MINUTES, 22.Landscapinq shall be re\JUlarly Il!alntat,.,,"free of weeds and·dabris.All ve<]etatton 'haa be regularly trimmed and kept In a healthy condition. 23.That MY roof top or other mechanical equil!t!l"nt shall be sound attenuated in such a ....nner as to achieve a,lIIllCimWII sound level of 55 'Dba'at the property line. 24.,That any ...chanical equl_t alId eraerq""cy power 'lenerators shall·be screened Ir"""vlevandnoise associated with aaid installations ahall be soUnd attenuated to acceptable levels in rec~ptorar~8s. The latter ahall be based upon the recomaend&tions of •<pJa)1 fied acoustical enqineer I and'be approvelll by the Plannln'l Depar1:Jllent. 25.That all buildin'la 0..the projeetaite ahall be equipped'with fire suppreasion Gyal:elMapprove4 by the Fire Depar1:Jllent. 26.'That ·all accesato .tbe buildinqs be.apprOVed by the ..ire ,Departllent.· INDEX.' That··.fL~,vehicle acceas.inclUdlnq planter islands.shall be appr.>ir"" Oepar1:Jllent. the propoaed by!the Fire ,",~;.j )';~ ,<:28.,l"i04];·de819n oft:be project sh411 I1rovldei f~r'the incorporaUonof wat.r~savin'l deVices:for'project lavatories and other water-ualnq fa~ilities. 29.That the lighting syatem within the ~tructure and in the off-st.reet parkin'l lot'ahall.be desl<;ned and maintained In such s manner ~8:t~concealithe light source and to minilllize 119htspill1l9'"and 91are to th.adjacent reaidential:usea.'The p~an. ahall be prepared and ai9ned;by;a 'Llcenaed Electrical En'llneer,with a:le'ter from 'the )•':IEngineerstatingthat.in biG .opjni~n..this requir_nt haa b~en ...t.,;, That to'>e final deaign for tile;p~r~inq i ar~~be approved by the City Traffic Engineer'. 30. 31.That 4 minimum of 181 on-aite at all ti.-c. CQMN63i:NR5 May S,1983 32.That a lI&XiIium of 19'i:(3S spaces'of the parkinq on-site ...y be caopact parkin'l spae .... 33.That no ni'lbttiu 1igbtinq shall be peDlitt:ed on the runnin'l track/exercise area,except for pacinq li'lhts on the nmninq track. 34.'l'ttat no pe........nt nplifted Pll'linq oy,,_shall be peDlitUd in any outdoor area on the SUbject property. 3S.ThoU the two proposed wall sign"shall not be illUlllinated. 36.It shall be the responsibility of tha YMCAto IDOnt tor its procp:_for the propotlfld facility so as to not exceed the capaci tyof the proposed parkifl9 lot.If itisdeteDlined by the Planaing 'D4partaenttbat·procp:_exceed,the ,cn-dte parkinq,spaces,they 8hall be lIlOdifted by the YJCA in a IIllUIJIerapprovedby the Planntnq DftpaE'ment. 37. ;:' That a 'late 8ha1l,be required acre ..:t1'"'.k1'teway to close 'off·the parkinq'lot during •the non-bustnes8 hour8. COM~Mll'UTESMay5,1963 ~roort Beach ROU.CAll VARIAIlCE1lO.109B K:>tion All Ayes •Motion vas _de for approval of Variance No~1098, subject ~~the following findinqs and conditions,with an additional condition that the height of the parspet walls be liJllited to that required by ~e which would be 42 inches,which MOTIONCAIUlIED: x X X X FINllIIIGS: 1.That there are exceptional or extraordinary circ:wutanu ..applyin9 to the l.md,buil,Unq,and use proposed in thie application,which circumst8nCes and condition..do not qenerally apply to land,buildinq,and/or uses in the """'" district inasmuch as the YMCA'sqyan&sium requires specific d1aensions and height that do not apply to adjacent properties in the vicinity. ..,". 2.That the granting of a variance to the heiqht requirement is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property r1qhts of the applicant,1nall1'lllch as without the beiqht,the YMCAcould not offer proqraas ""ce"84r'/to lIUstain itself and ....rve the c:ooaunity • 3.That the establishment,...intansnce,and operation of the use,property,and buildinq ,,111 not,under the circlllll8tances of the perticul,u'case,be detr1Joental to the health,safety,peace,CClSlfort, and general welfare of persons residinq or worldnq in the neighborhood of such proposed use or detrimental or injurious to property and !aprove- ""'nts in the neighborhood or the qeneral wel fare of ':he City. CONllITIOl!S: 1.That dovelopment shall be in substantial confot'lOoUlcewith the approved plot plan,floor plans,ruv1sed elevations and sections,excopt 4S noted below. 2.That all applicable conditions of US"Permit No. 112B (Amended)shall be fulfilled. 3.That tbe heiqht of the parapet walls shall lait<!<!to that required by Code,which would 42 The P:~:~':~atai ......Us &hall be C April 13,1989 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ROLL CALL---~I++++-t+t-------------_·__._~- INDEX Motion All AyfJS • April 20,1 Planning Commission meeting us requested by the appliesn'and that Item No.8,Gt<I1Aral Plttn Amendment 89-1{G)Amendment No.676,u1gnrding a precise alig~~ent of Me Drive to Birch Strkfit In Santa Ana Heights,be continued t he April 20,1989,Planning Commission meeting. Motion wan made and voted on to continu t~m No . May 4,1989,Planning Commission meeting,to Items No.6 and No.8 to the April 20,198 , Commisaion meeting.MOTIONCARRIED. A *;l; Variance NOt 1140 (Am&nded)(Public Hearing)Item No.1._---- R~quest to amend oR previously approved vile j linea which Yl140A permitted the construction of a proposed expf1U11{on to lln exis ting Y.M.C.A.fac 11i ty which exceeded the 21,foot bllSic Approved height limit in the 24/28 Foot Height Limitation Distri~t. The proposed amendment involves a l'equcst to approve a further increase in the height by 4 feet on portions of the previously approved building. LOCATION:Parcel No.1 of l'arcel Map 110.3-35 (Resubdivision No.215),l')c ..ted at 2300 University Drive,on the northerly side of University Drive,eastedy ,·)f Tustin Avenue in the West Bay Area. ZONE:R-l APPLICAIIT:Banzuelo/Rierson/Duff 'ond ",wociates, Anaheim OWNER:Newport Costa Hese Y.H.C,A.,Newport Beach The public hearing was opened in co,mection with this item, and Mr.Tony Banzue10,applicant and architect,appesred before the Planning.Commission.Mr.Bsnzuelo stated that he concurred with the findings and conditions in Exhibit -A". Discussion ensued bet.ween Mr.Banzue10 and Commissioner Winburn regarding the Y.M.C.A.·s requests to exceed the basic height limit in 1983 and 1987, ROLL CALL ~1otior. All Ayes April 13,1989 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH INDEX Mr.Eric Glcss.project manager.e.ppeared h(dl)r~the Planning Commission tn response to Cormm1stl:lonE:l ;JSfihurn's lnqui~i~s.Mr.Clegg explained that the purpose to ~~caed the building's height from 28 feet to 32 feet i.to provide a parap~t to scre~n mechanical equipmen~. In response to questions posed by Commis5ioner Pernon,Mr. Gless and Mr,Banzue10 described the design of the air conditioning system as it is proposed to be installed on the roof of the b~ilding. In response to que:s::ions posed by Commissioner Edwards regarding the no15(1 that the air conditionIng equipment will generate,Mr.Banzuelo replied that the only noise would be emitting from the alr conditioning fans. There being no others desiring to appear and b£,heard,the public hearing was closed at this tim.e. •Motion was made to approve VarIance No.11/.0 (Amended) subject to the findings and conditions in Exhibit "AU. Commissioner Di Sano supported the motion on the basis that the applicants have complied with the required findings to approve a Variance,and their response to "~hy will the proposal not be detrimental tc the neighborhood"as stated in the staff report. The foregoing motion was voted on,and MOTIONCARRIED. Flndlnlls: 1.Th3t there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applying to the land,building,and use proposed in this application,which circumstances and conditions do not generally apply to land,building, and/or uses in the same district inazmuch as the increased height of the various portions of the structure will not resuit in any additional loss of visws than is affected by the existing approved structure that exceeds.the permitted bUilding height. 2.That the granting of a variance to the height requirement 18 necessary for the preservatien and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the applicant,inasmuch as without tho h.ight,the proposed mechanical equipment on the raof may not be ·3· • INDEX April 13,1989 ROLL CAU- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH '*'*'* screened liD required by the approval of U;;;e!Pendt No.1128 (Arn~nded). 3.That the estA.blishment,maintenance,and o;rsration of the use,prt>perty,and building w111 ',,;ot,under the circumstances of the particular CMge,be detrimental to th~health,saf.ety,peace,comfort. and general welfare of persons residir~or wo:king in the neighborhood of such proposed use cr detrlmentnl Qr l.njurlous to property and improvementfi tv the nftlghbol'hood or the generr.l welfare of the City. Conditions: 1.That df:velopment shall be In s!,;bstanttal eonformance with the vpproved plot plan,floor plon$.~nd elevation!•.except as noted below. 2.That all applicahle conditions of U ••PermIt 110.1128 (Amended).hall be fulfilled. 3.That the height of the parapet wall.ohall ba as required by the Uniform 8uilding Code,but no higher than 32±feet above existing grade.The proposed stairwella shall b.no higher than the approved height ~f the parapet walls. ieque to amend a previously approved use permit which permitte e establishment of a reataurent with on-sale besr and win~property located in the C-N-H District. The proposed amen nt includes a request to permit an as- built patio dining a in conjunction with th~existing reataurant. LOCATlON:Parcel 3 Parcel Map 49-22 (Resub~ivi.ion No.located at 2531 ra.tbluff Drive,at t l>o-.northwesterly r~:ner of Eastbluff Drive a Vista del Sol ~n the Eastbluff 5h~pplng er. ZONE:C-II-H ·4·