HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - Amending a Development Agreement for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (PA2020-065)Q �EwPpRT CITY OF O � z NEWPORT BEACH <,FORN'P City Council Staff Report August 25, 2020 Agenda Item No. 3 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director - 949-644-3232, sjurjis@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Patrick Achis, Assistant Planner, pachis@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3237 TITLE: Ordinance No. 2020-18: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending a Development Agreement for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (PA2020-065) On July 28, 2020, the City Council voted unanimously to introduce Ordinance No. 2020- 18 amending Restated Development Agreement No. 5 ("Agreement") between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). This fourth amendment extends the Term of the Agreement one additional year in light of COVID-19 related impacts that have constrained Hoag's ability to plan for future development. RECOMMENDATION: a) Find all significant environmental concerns for the proposed project have been addressed in a previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Supplemental EIR, and that the City of Newport Beach intends to use said document for the above noted project, and further that there are no additional reasonable alternative or mitigation measures that should be considered in conjunction with said project; and b) Conduct a second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 2020-18, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending a Development Agreement between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (Development Agreement Amendment No. DA2020-003). FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. 3-1 Ordinance No. 2020-18: Adoption of an Ordinance Amending a Development Agreement for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (PA2020-065) August 25, 2020 Page 2 DISCUSSION: On July 28, 2020, the City Council conducted a public hearing and introduced Ordinance No. 2020-18 (Attachment A) amending the Term of the Agreement with Hoag. This fourth amendment extends the Term of the Agreement one additional year in light of COVID- 19-related impacts. Existing development regulations and required mitigation measures as provided in the Agreement and subsequent amendments remained unchanged by the subject Fourth Amendment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") (Cal. Pub. Res. Code §§21000, et seq.) and its implementing State regulations (CEQA Guidelines) (14 Cal. Reg. §§15000, et seq.), the City of Newport Beach prepared Final EIR No. 142, which was certified by the City of Newport Beach in 1992. Final EIR No. 142 was prepared to address the potential environmental effects associated with the Hoag Hospital Master Plan development program. EIR No. 142 is a program EIR that ensures appropriate mitigation of impacts of the buildout of Hoag Hospital over time. A Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 19910071003) was prepared in accordance with the provisions of the CEQA Public Resources Code §§21000, et seq., and the State CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq. The purpose of the Supplemental EIR to the original program EIR was to analyze the potential impacts of the proposed changes to the Hoag Hospital Master Plan development program. The City Council considered and certified the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report on April 16, 2008, by adopting certain CEQA Findings of Facts and a Statement of Overriding Considerations contained within City Council Resolution No. 2008-27. All significant environmental concerns for the proposed project have been addressed in the previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 (certified 1992) and its Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report (certified 2008). The proposed Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Agreement only extends the term of the agreement and does not amend any development standards, development requirements, or required mitigation measures identified in Final EIR No. 142 and the Supplemental Final EIR (SCH No. 19910071003). NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENT: Attachment A - Ordinance No. 2020-18 3-2 ATTACHMENT A ORDINANCE NO. 2020-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN (DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. DA2020-003) WHEREAS, on February 14, 1994, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ("City") adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving Restated Development Agreement No. 5 ("Development Agreement") between the City and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). Ordinance No. 94-8 went into effect on March 16, 1994. The Development Agreement was executed and recorded, as document number 94-0207276, on March 23, 1994; WHEREAS, Section 6.3, "Term of Agreement," of the Development Agreement provides a twenty-five (25) year term ("Term") from the effective date of the original adopting ordinance, WHEREAS, on May 13, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008-10 amending certain provisions of the Development Agreement ("First Amendment") that went into effect on June 12, 2008. The Amendment was executed and recorded with the Orange County Clerk -Recorder, as document number 2008000289321, on June 17, 2008. The Amendment did not modify the Term of the Development Agreement; WHEREAS, on March 12, 2019, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2019-6 extending the term of the Development Agreement ("Second Amendment"), which was set to expire, for an additional six (6) months. The Second Amendment was executed and recorded with the Orange County Clerk -Recorder, as document number 2019000188999, on June 3, 2019; WHEREAS, on July 23, 2019, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2019-12 extending the term of the Development Agreement ("Third Amendment") for an additional ten (10) years in exchange for certain public benefits provided by Hoag. The Third Amendment was executed and recorded with the Orange County Clerk -Recorder, as document number 2019000318392, on August 27, 2019; 3-3 Ordinance No. 2020-18 Page 2 of 6 WHEREAS, Hoag requests a fourth amendment to extend the Term of the Development Agreement an additional one (1) year in light of COVID-19-related impacts that have constrained the ability to plan for the development allowed by the Development Agreement ("Fourth Amendment"). The existing development regulations and required mitigation measures as provided in the Development Agreement and subsequent amendments remain unchanged by this Fourth Amendment; WHEREAS, on July 9, 2020, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, at which time the Planning Commission considered the Fourth Amendment. A notice of time, place, and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with California Government Code Section 54950 et. seq. (the "Ralph M. Brown Act") and Section 15.45.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC"). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to and considered by the Planning Commission at the hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission adopted a Resolution No. 2020-26 recommending City Council approval of the Fourth Amendment; WHEREAS, on July 28, 2020, the City Council held a public hearing in the Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. A notice of time, place, and purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and Section 15.45.050 of the NBMC. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to and considered by the City Council at the hearing; WHEREAS, Section 15.45.040 of the NBMC requires that development agreements include the term, permitted uses, density and intensity of development, maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes; WHEREAS, the Development Agreement and Fourth Amendment comply with Section 15.45.040 of the NBMC in that the Fourth Amendment includes a Term of one (1) year and the Development Agreement includes the permitted uses, density and intensity of development, maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes; WHEREAS, the City Council finds the Fourth Amendment is entered into pursuant to, and constitutes a present exercise of, the City's police power and is in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the City, its residents, and the public; Ordinance No. 2020-18 Page 3 of 6 WHEREAS, the City Council finds the Fourth Amendment is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan Policy LU 6.1 Strategy 6.1.5 by supporting Hoag in its mission to provide adequate facilities to meet the needs of area residents and by working with Hoag to ensure that future development plans consider its relationship to and assure compatibility with adjoining residential neighborhoods and mitigate impacts on local and regional transportation systems; WHEREAS, the City Council finds the Fourth Amendment is consistent with California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and local law, including Chapter 15.45 (Development Agreements) of the NBMC, which authorize binding agreements that: (i) encourage investment in, and commitment to, comprehensive planning and public facilities financing; (ii) strengthen the public planning process and encourage private implementation of the local general plan; (iii) provide certainty in the approval of projects in order to avoid waste of time and resources; and (iv) reduce the economic costs of development by providing assurance to the property owners that they may proceed with projects consistent with existing policies, rules, and regulations. COVID-19 has put a strain on the health-care system and demands Hoag's full attention as a regional provider treating those sick with the virus. Temporary closures in the development industry resulting from COVID-19 have also effectively reduced the time Hoag has to act on the by -right development provisions of the Term. If the one (1) year extension is not granted, Hoag might divert its attention from COVID-19 to plan for future development. They might also incur increased development costs and needless expenditure of time and resources because long-term development plans would need to be reconstituted under a tighter future timeframe. Hoag intends to exercise the development assurances of the Term completely to invest vitai health-car6 infrastructure in the community, and needs one (1) additional year to account for the unforeseeable complications from COVID-19; WHEREAS, the Development Agreement and Fourth Amendment is consistent with these provisions in that the Project has allowed for the development of a hospital to serve a community, provides a Term sufficient to complete the Project, and requires development in accordance with the Project entitlements; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that judicial challenges to the City's CEQA determinations and approvals of land use projects are costly and time consuming. In addition, project opponents often seek an award of attorneys' fees in such challenges. As project applicants are the primary beneficiaries of such approvals, it is appropriate that such applicants should bear the expense of defending against any such judicial challenge, and bear the responsibility for any costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which may be awarded to a successful challenger. 3-5 Ordinance No. 2020-18 Page 4 of 6 NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 2: All significant environmental concerns for the Project are addressed in previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 (certified 1992) and its Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report (certified 2008). In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") set forth in the California Public Resources Code Section 21000, et. seq. and its implementing State regulations set forth in the California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3 ("CEQA Guidelines"), the City Council certified Final EIR No. 142 in 1992 that addressed potential environmental effects associated with the Project. Final EIR No. 142 included a supplemental EIR volume (Final EIR No. 142, Volume V), which was prepared in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15163, provided clarifications to the EIR and Project, and was distributed before Final EIR No. 142 was certified. On April 16, 2008, the City Council certified Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 19910071003) in accordance with the provisions of the California Public Resources Code Section 21000, et. seq., and the CEQA Guidelines. The purpose of the Supplemental Final EIR was to analyze the potential impacts of the proposed changes to the Hoag Hospital Master Plan development program. As part of its certification of the Supplemental Final EIR, the City Council adopted certain CEQA Findings of Facts and a Statement of Overriding Considerations contained within Resolution No. 2008-27, which are hereby incorporated by reference. The Fourth Amendment does not change the Project but rather only extends the Term of the Development Agreement by an additional one (1) years to account for COVID-19-related impacts. The Fourth Amendment does not amend any development standards, development requirements, or required mitigation measures identified in Final EIR No. 142 and the Supplemental EIR. Section 3: The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and has determined that modifications to the Project made by the City Council, if any, are not major changes that require referral back to the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation. 3-6 Ordinance No. 2020-18 Page 5 of 6 Section 4: The Fourth Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 between Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian and the City of Newport Beach (Development Agreement Amendment No. 2020-003) attached as Exhibit "A" is approved. Section 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 6: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Hoag shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of this Fourth Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 (Development Agreement Amendment No. 2020-003) and/or the City's related California Environmental Quality Act determinations related to this project. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Hoag, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. Hoag shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed pursuant to this provision. This Section 6 shall in no way be interpreted as limiting or suspending Hoag's indemnification obligations as set forth in Sections 6.8 and 11.17 of the Development Agreement. Section 7: The Mayor shall sign and the City Cleric shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414, and the same shall become effective thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. 3-7 Ordinance No, 2020-18 Page 6 of 6 This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 28th day of July, 2020, and adopted on the 25th day of August, 2020, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS - F.110 -11001:1041115 WILL O'NEILL, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE AARON C. HARP, CITY AYTORNEY Attachment(s): Exhibit "A" — Fourth Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 UU:1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: City Clerk (Space Above This Line Is for Recorder's Use Only) This Agreement is recorded at the request and for the benefit of the City of Newport Beach and is exempt from the payment of a recording fee pursuant to Government Code §§ 6103 and 27383. FOURTH AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved August 25, 2020 Ordinance No. 2020-18 3-9 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Pursuant to California Government Code sections 65864-65869.5) This FOURTH AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ("Fourth Amendment") is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation ("City"), on the one hand, and HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Hoag"), on the other. City and Hoag are sometimes collectively referred to in this Fourth Amendment as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party." RECITALS A. Hoag is the fee owner of approximately thirty eight (38) acres of real property located in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, located at 1 Hoag Drive (Assessor Parcel Nos. 423-011-30, 423-011-28), ("Property"). The Property is more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto and as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, and as more particularly depicted as attached hereto in Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. B. City and Hoag entered into that certain Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian dated February 14, 1994, for reference purposes and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on March 23, 1994, as document number 94-0207276 ("Agreement") attached hereto as Exhibit C with a twenty five (25) year Term of the Agreement. C. City and Hoag entered into that certain Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008, and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on the same date, as document number 2008000289321 ("Amendment") attached hereto as Exhibit D which incorporated references to a Supplemental EIR and amendment to the General Plan, an increase in public benefits, designation of the City as the point of sale to the extent allowed under applicable law, and amendments to the Hoag Hospital Planned Community Text. D. City and Hoag entered into that Second Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on June 3, 2019, as document number 2019000188999 ("Second Amendment') attached hereto as Exhibit E which extended the Term of the Agreement for an additional six (6) months. E. City and Hoag entered into that Third Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on August 27, 2019, as document number 2019000318392 ("Third Amendment') attached hereto as Exhibit F which extended the Term of the Agreement for an additional ten (10) years. F. City and Hoag now wish to enter into that Fourth Amendment extending the term one (1) year. 3-10 G. On July 9, 2020, due to COVID-19, the Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing on this Fourth Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. Consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC2020-26, recommending the City Council approve this Fourth Amendment. H. On July 28, 2020, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on this Fourth Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. On August 25, 2020, consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the City Council held second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 2020-18 approving this Fourth Amendment. I. This Fourth Amendment is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan, including without limitation the General Plan's designation of the Property as "Private Institutions - PI," Ordinance No. 2007-6, entitled "Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.45 of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") Regarding Development Agreements" that amended the terms of NBMC Section 15.45 (the "Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance"), the Agreement, Amendment, Second Amendment and Third Amendment (collectively the "Amended Agreement"). J. In recognition of the significant public benefits provided in the Amended Agreement, and the fact that the one (1) year extension is requested as a result of delays due to COVID-19, the City Council has found that this Fourth Amendment: (i) is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan as of the date of the Agreement, Amendment, Second Amendment, Third Amendment, and this Fourth Amendment; (ii) is in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of City, its residents, and the public; (iii) is entered into pursuant to, and constitutes a present exercise of, City's police power; (iv) is consistent and has been approved consistent with the final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR No. 142) ("FEIR") and the supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. ER2007-003) (SCH41991071003) ("EIR") that have been certified by the City Council on or before the date of approval, which analyzed the environmental effects of the proposed development of the project on the Property, and all of the findings, conditions of approval and mitigation measures related thereto; and (v) is consistent and has been approved consistent with provisions of California Government Code section 65867 et. seq. and Chapter 15.45 of the NBMC. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Hoag agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement. Section 6.3 of the Amended Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "Term of Agreement. The term of this agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until September 15, 2030, unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to its terms." 2. Full Force and Effect. Except as modified by this Fourth Amendment, the Agreement, Amendment, Second Amendment and Third Amendment, attached hereto as Exhibit 4 3-11 C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, and Exhibit F, respectively, are incorporated into this Fourth Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Counterparts. This Fourth Amendment may be signed by the Parties in different counterparts and the signature pages combined shall create a single document binding on all Parties. 5. Recordation. The City Clerk of City shall record this Fourth Amendment in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange within the period required by California Government Code section 65868.5 and City of Newport Beach Municipal Code section 15.45.100. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] 3 3-12 SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOURTH AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 ATTEST: No Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk APPROV D AS TO FORM - By: C. o�L Aaron C. Harp, City Attorney CITY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation and charter city Will O'Neill, Mayor HOAG: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation By: Name: Sanford Smith, ATA Title: Senior Vice President Real Estate & Facilities By: Name: Andrew Guami Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (All Signatures to Be Notarized) Attachments - Exhibit A: Legal Description Exhibit B: Legal Depiction Exhibit C: Development Agreement dated February 14, 1994 Exhibit D: Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated .lune 17, 2008 Exhibit E: Second Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 Exhibit F: Third Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No. 5 4 3-13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of )SS. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of )SS. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) 3-14 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of )SS. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) 6 3-15 FOX -94 -PITH". LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2 - That portion of Lot 172 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Al 3-16 EXHIBIT B LEGAL DEPICTION OF THE PROPERTY 3-17 I at�1 I r I AaFM Ma fJ11�C � Na 10587 AV oK ALK r PARCEL 2 Mira& INE � � h t 4 � • f V PARCEL 1 V 4 , 5 \,` O S 5 tar ON AG` ' om u► w 1 `, `� �iL l An.cr sir t �,• • R AWN \� s � Ccwjr � � r 1 m / 1 a 1 ^ A64MCN J" PKW mAt /-W Mort- aria a .smears ru, ov TAMCl Afl t�llt hum mum= 4".8 M Arac MWM4M?Ace rtACT Ail AN A14M 4_q� * v000w N �3A COtMr CY 0+• - - 3-18 EXHIBIT C DEVELOPNIE\T AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14. 1994 C1 3-19 ME 6108 Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to: City Clerk/ -"G- city of Newp�i? -"G- city Beach 3340 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 0 - 11 AML DOC # 94-0207276 23—MAR-1994 03:59 pM Record in Ef Cial Reiurds of Orame Comity, California Lee A. Branch, Coantr RecorQer °ase 1 of 61 Fees: i 0.00 Fax: $ 0.40 DRVELOPMENT AGREJU " BSTUM THE CITY OP NEWPORT BRACH AM ROAD XZKORIAL HOSPITAL PHBSBYTSAIAN Approved February 14,_.-1994 Ordinance No. 94-8 RECEIVED '��" 3-20 DEVELOPMENT AGREBF[8HT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into between the City of Newport Beach (the "City"), and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). RECITALS. This Agreement relates to the following: 0- 1.1 Puroose of Agreement. This Agreement is intended to: (a) Enable Hoag to adapt to the ever changing health care needs of those residents within its service area by authorizing design parameters of new or additional facilities in a manner that will allow Hoag to respond to rapid changes in medical and health care technology and delivery systems. (b) Establish strict, binding limits on the amount and height of permitted development as well as ensure compliance with numerous conditions on the density, location, and timing of construction to minimize, to the extent feasible, any environmental impacts of Hoag's proposed expansion. (c) Impose exactions such as dedication of property, construction of public improvements and/or the installation of landscaping visible to the public, which, when considered in conjunction with the public services provided by Hoag, benefit the general public. 1.2 Authorization. This Agreement is authorized by, and is consistent with, the provisions of 65864 et seg. of the Government Code of the State of California, and Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 1.3 Interest of Hoag. Hoag is the legal and/or equitable owner of approximately forty (40) acres of real property located in the City and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" (the "Property"). 1.4 Development of the property. This Agreement authorizes development on the Property consistent with the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan ("Master Plan", a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference when appropriate), subject to the conditions and mitigation measures identified in Environmental Impact Report No. 142 and imposed by the City Council as conditions to approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement and, for all development within Aft 3-21 the coastal zone subject to approval of a coastal development permit by the California Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 1.5 planning Comimiission�Cjty Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, • January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992, and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public hearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23, 1992, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992. 1.6 nc . This Agreement is consistent with the various elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Master Plan, and other applicable ordinances, plans, and policies of the City. This Agreement is also consistent with the: purpose and intent of state and local laws authorizing development agreements in that it represents comprehensive planning, provides certainty in the approval of subsequent projects subject to compliance with conditions, reduces the economic costs of development by providing assurance to Hoag that it may generally proceed with projects in accordance with existing regulations, and provides assurance to adjoining property owners that limits on the height of structures and amount of development as specified in the Master Plan and this Agreement will remain in full force and effect for a period of twenty- five (25) years. 1.7 Police Power. The City Council has determined that this Agreement is in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the City, its residents and the public, was entered into pursuant to, and represents: a valid exercise of, the City's police power, and has been approved in accordance with the provisions of state and local law that establish procedures for the approval of development agreements. 1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving this Agreement and authorizing the j City to enter into this Agreement. The Adopting Ordinance will become effective on Larch 16, 1994. DRFINITTONH. 2.1 The "Adopting rd nancex refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. 2.2 "Agreement" refers to this "Development Agreement Between the ' City of Newport Reach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian". 2 i AM i 3-22 2.3 4Annual Review" refers to the review of Hoag's good faith compliance with this Agreement and conditions on development as set forth in Section 5. 2.4 The "Approval Date" means the date on which the City Council voted to adopt the Adopting ordinance. 2.5 All forms of use of the verb "assign" and the nouns "assignment" and wass__S�nee" shall include all Contexts of hypothecations, sales, conveyances, transfers, leases, and assignments. 2.55 "California Coastal Commission" refers to the California State Resources Agency established under the California Coastal Act of 1976. 2.6 "CEOA" and the "MA Guidelines" refers to the California Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guidelines promulgated by the Secretary of Resources of the State of California, including any amendments adopted subsequent to the Effective Date. 2.7 "City" refers to the City of Newport Beach, California. 2.8 "City Council" refers to the City Council of the City. 2.9 "Cure Period" refers to the period of time during which a Default may be cured pursuant to Section 4. 2.10 A "day" or " !I: refers to a calendar day, unless expressly stated to he a business day. 2.11 A "Default" refers to any material default, breach, or violation of the provisions of this Agreement. A "cit Default" refers to a Default by the City, while a "_Hoag Default" refers to a default by Hoag. ; 2.12 The "Effective Date" refers to the effective date of the Adopting Ordinance and is the effective date of this Agreement. provided however, the Agreement has been approved by the California Coastal Commission, and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission is in receipt of a copy of this Agreement signed by both parties. 2.13 The "FIR" refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. 2.14 An "Estoppel Certificate" refers to the document certifying the status of this Agreement required by Section 5.6 in the form of Exhibit "D". 3 AM 3-23 im • • 2.15 An "Exaction" refers to those specific dedications and improvements required of Hoag and set forth in Section 8.2 below. 2.16 An "EXhibit" refers to an exhibit to this Agreement. All Exhibits are incorporated as a substantive part of this Agreement. The Exhibits to this Agreement are: Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property Exhibit B: Kap of the Property Exhibit C: The Master Plan Exhibit D: Estoppel Certificate 2. J.7 "EXistir!q General Regulations" means those General Regulations i approved by the City on Jor before the Approval Date (irrespective of their effective date) and not rescinded or superseded by City action taken on or before the Approval Date. 2.18 "Future General Regulations" means those General Regulations (see Section 2.19 below) adopted by the City after the Approval Date. 2.19 "General Regulations" means those ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines of the City, which are I generally applicable to the use of land and/or construction i within the City and include, the Fair Share Traffic Contribution Fee Ordinance, Uniform Building Codes and water and sewer connection and fee ordinances. 2.20 "General Plan" refers to the City's General Plan in effect on the Approval Date, plus all amendments to the General Plan i adopted by the city on or before the Approval Date and effective prior to the Effective Date. 2.21 "Hoag" refers to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, a non- I profit corporation. 2.22 *Includes' and all contexts and forms of the words "includes" and "_including" shall be interpreted to also state "but not j limited to." 2.23 "&I -_ter Plan"" refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the city on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"). 2.24 "Mortgaoee" refers to the holder of a beneficial interest under any mortgage, deed of trust, sale-leasebauk agreement, or other 4 I i s E 3-24 • transaction under which all or at portion of the Property, including those portions acquired by assignees, is used as security (a "Mortgage") or the owner of any interest in all or any portion of the Property under a Mortgage, including those portions acquired by assignees. 2.25 notice" refers to any written notice or demand between the Parties required or permitted by this Agreement. 2.26 The " a ie�!" refers to the City and Hoag and a "Party" shall refer to either of the Parties_ 2.27 "Plannij2cf Co ssio " refers to the Planning Commission of the City. 2.28 The "Project" refers to the proposed development of the Property pursuant to the Master Plan and this Agreement. 2.24 "Project s Approvals" weans all site-specific (meaning specifically applicable to the Property only and not generally applicable to some or all other properties within the City) plans, subdivision maps, permits, or other entitlement. Project Specific Approvals include subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permits, coastal development permits, variances, grading and building permits, as well as amendments or modifications to those plans, naps and permits. Project Specific Approvals does not include Existing or Future General Regulations. 2.30 The "Property" refers to the real property described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B." CONDITIONS TO DEV-4LOPKENT. 3.1 Introduction. The provisions of this Section express the intent of the parties regarding the extent to which this Agreement vests Hoag's right to proceed with the development described in the Master Plan. Hoag acknowledges that its right to proceed with development described in the Master Plan is subject to numerous conditions and mitigation measures including the following: (a) The specific limitations and restrictions contained in the Diaster Plan; (b) conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council to mitigate significant effects identified in the EIR: 5 3-25 (c) Conditions imposed by the City as a result of subsequent or supplemental environmental analysis pursuant to provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; (d) conditions imposed by the City Council in conjunction with the approval of Traffic Study No. 81 and Variance No. 1180; (e) Compliance with the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement. (f) Compliance with Existing General Regulations. 3.2 Compliance with aster Plan Conditions /-Kit I gat ion Ngasures. Hoag acknowledges that city council approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement was subject to compliance with numerous conditions and mitigation measures designed to minimize or eliminate the significant adverse effects of the Project and ensure the health, safety, and welfare of nearby residents as well as Hoag patients and employees, Many of these conditions and mitigation measures impose specific development standards and requirements to be implemented in conjunction With further study and analysis of site or subsurface conditions before grading or construction. specific mitigation measures that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur include the following: (a) Slope excavation techniques which insure stability; (b) Grading and excavation techniques which minimize disturbance to adjacent residents and the general public; (c) Identification of potential faults on site and construction of buildings pursuant to recommendations of certified geologists and in a manner which insures that nearby residents, Hoag patients and Hoag employees are not exposed to a significant risk of injury; (d) Evaluation of soil corrosivity and removal of corrosive soils or use of corrosion resistant construction materials; (e) Mitigation of impacts caused by removal of wetlands through off-site restoration as required by resource agencies; (f} Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study prior to development of Phase I of the Master Plan (if Hoag proposes a land use other than specified in the approved Traffic study); 6 3-26 (g) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study as a condition to construction of development in Phases II and IFI of the Master Plan; (h) Preparation and approval of a Traffic Phasing Ordinance analysis prior to construction of development in Phase II and Phase III of the Master Plan; (i) Preparation of a view impact analysis of each proposed building prior to issuance of permits; (j) Analysis and mitigation of emissions in accordance with the regulations of the South Coast Air quality Management District; (k) Preparation and approval of a construction phasing and traffic control plan for each phase of development. Hoag's right to develop the Property pursuant to the. Master Plan is contingent upon compliance with, and satisfaction of, the conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council as of the Approval Date, conditions imposed by the California Coastal Commission required for approval of coastal development permits, as well as conditions and mitigation measures resulting from subsequent environmental analysis as specified in Paragraph 3.3. 3.25 Future Coastal Act discretionary review may result in specific mitigation measures to ensure consistency with the Coastal Act that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur. 3.3 Pr am EIR4K , Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program IR." The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, ursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's equests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated With the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the city and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. 3.4 [litigation Monitoring Plan. city shall prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Plan ("Plan") within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date. Hoag shall not submit any application for Project Specific Approval until the Plan has been approved by the City Council and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or the appropriate entity of its successor agency. 3-27 The Plan shall comply with and satisfy the requirements of CEQA and the Guidelines and the Coastal Act. The Plan shall be available to the public upon request. 3.5 Compliance with General Re latio s. Hoag is required to comply with the Existing General Regulations. As to those Existing General Regulations which require the payment of fees, costs, and expenses, Hoag shall pay the fee, cost, or expense required as of the date on which Hoag submits the application for Project specific Approval. Hoag shall also comply with any Future General Regulations that do not impair Hoag's ability to develop the Property in accordance with the density, intensity, height and location of development specified in the Master Plan. Hoag shall also comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, whether adopted before or after the Approval Date, which are in effect at the time applications for Project Specific Approvals are submitted. Hoag shall also comply with the Coastal Act and the City's certified Local Coastal Program. 4. RIGHT TO D 4.1 R10t to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project specific Approvals for construction on the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and e, city shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan and this Agreement unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as 4D Opposed to permitted) by state or federal law. 4.2 Reservations r— —De of Land. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no dedications or reservations of the Property shall be required of Hoag in conjunction with the application or issuance of any Project Specific Approvals. 4.3 conflicting geasures. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no initiative measure, moratorium, referendum (except as provided in Government Code Section 65857.5), ordinance, statute or other provision of law which in any way limits or restricts development of the Property to the full extent permitted by the blaster Plan and this Agreement (including density, intensity, timing, phasing, and sequencing) shall be applied to the Property during the term of this Agreement. AM 3-28 4.4 Time for Construction ano completion of Project. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and the !Baster Plan, Hoag shall have the right to decide the timing, phasing, and sequencing of construction on the Property and shall be entitled to apply for, and receive approval of, in a timely manner, permits or approvals at any time. 5. ANNUAL R$VIBW. 5.1 City andHoag gesr=sibilities. At least every twelve (12) months during the 'Perm, the City shall review Hoag's goad faith substantial compliance with this Agreement (the "Annual Review"). After the Annual Review, the city's finding of good faith compliance by Hoag shall be conclusive for the purposes of future Annual Reviews or legal action between the Parties. Rither Party may address any requirements of the Agreement during the Annual Review. However, fifteen (15) days' written Notice of any requirement to be addressed shall be made by the requesting Party. If, at the time of the review, an issue not previously identified in writing is required to be addressed, the reviev shall be continued at the request of either Party to afford sufficient time for analysis and preparation of a response. 5.2 Public_ Hearing, The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Reach !Municipal Code. 5.3 Information to be Provided to Ho The City shall mail to Hoag a copy of the staff report and related exhibits concerning Agreement performance a minimum of ten (10) days before the Annual Review. 5.4 Mitigation Review_ The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan_ The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. For the five year monitoring period Imposed by the Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement entered into between the Department of Fish and Game and Hoag, the annual review shall also assess the success of any off-site wetlands mitigation. Five years after the completion of the Department of Fish and Game monitoring period, Hoag shall submit a final report assessing the success of the off-site wetlands mitigation in its annual review. If the survival and cover requirements set forth in the Streambed Alteration Agreement have not been met, Hoag shall be responsible for replacement planting to achieve these requirements. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the city Council determines, based upon the Aft 3-29 • evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. 5.5 !review Letter. If Hoag is found to be in compliance with the Agreement after the Annual Review, the City shall issue, within ten (10) days of Hoag's written request, a letter to Hoag stating that the Agreement remains in effect and Hoag is not in Default. 5.6 Est Certificate, Either Party may at any time deliver *Written Notice to the other Party requesting an estoppel certificate (the "Estoppel Certificate") stating: (a) The Agreement is in full force and effect and is a binding obligation of the Parties. (b) The Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or in writing or, if so amended, identifying the amendments. (c) No Default in the performance of the requesting Party's obligations under the Agreement exists or, if a Default does exist, the nature and amount of any Default. A Party receiving a request for an Estoppel Certificate shall provide a signed certificate to the requesting Party within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request. The Planning Director may sign Estoppel Certificates on behalf of the city. An Estoppel. Certificate may be relied on by assignees and Mortgagees. The Estoppel Certificate shall be substantially in the same form as Exhibit "D." 5.7 Failure to Conduct Annual Review. The City's failure to conduct an Annual Review shall not constitute or be asserted by the City as Hoag's Default. 6. GENERAL PROVISIONS, 6.1 Effective Date. This Agreement and the obligations of the Parties shall be effective as of the Effective Date. However, this Agreement shall bind the Parties as of the Approval Date, subject only to the Adopting ordinance becoming effective pursuant to California law. 6.2 Applicability to Coastal Zone. This Agreement shall not be applicable to those portions of the Property located within the Coastal Zane as defined by the California coastal Act (Division 10 3-30 20, California Public Resources Code, beginning with Section 30000) until either (1) the required local Coastal program for the Property has been certified by the California Coastal Commission or (2) the California Coastal Commission has approved this Agreement. This Subsection is intended solely to comply with the provisions of California Government Code Section 65869 and shall be of no force or effect if Section 65869 is repealed_ 6.3 Term of.. Agreement. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") is shall begin on the Effective Date and continue for twenty-five (25) years unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to the review and approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 6.4 Assignment. Hoag has the absolute right to assign (see Section 2.5) its rights and/or delegate its obligations under this Agreement as part of an assignment of all or a portion of the Property. Any assignment shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. As long as Hoag owns any part of the Property, Hoag may assign the benefits of this Agreement without delegating the obligations for the portion of the Property assigned. If that occurs, however, the benefits assigned shall remain subject to the performance by Hoag of the corresponding obligations. Where an assignment includes the delegation of both the benefits and the corresponding obligations, those obligations become solely the obligations of the assignee. If an assignee is in Default, then as to Hoag or any assignees not in Default, the Default shall not constitute their Default, give grounds for termination of their rights under this Agreement or be a basis for an enforcement action against them. 6.5 Amendment of Agreement. (a) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (b), and subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (L,CP), this Agreement may be amended from time to time by the mutual consent of the Parties, or their successors in interest, but only in the manner provided by the Government Code and this Agreement. After any amendment, the term "Agreement" shall refer to the amended Agreement. (b) The City Council shall not approve, and Hoag shall not request, any amendment to the provisions of the Master Plan or this Agreement that would increase the maximum 11 Aft 3-31 C7 • 7. Amk permitted gross floor area or the maximum permitted building height (within any lettered building envelope) above that established by the Master Plan as of the Effective pate of this Agreement. This Subsection shall prevail over any conflicting ordinance, resolution, policy or plan adopted by the City Council. 6.6 E orcement, This Agreement is enforceable by each of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. 6.7 Termination. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further effect upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Expiration of the twenty-five (25) year term; (b) Entry, after all appeals have been exhausted, of a final judgment or issuance of a final order directing the City to set aside, withdraw, or abrogate the City's approval of this Agreement or any material part of the Project, or, (c) The effective date of a Party's election to terminate the Agreement as provided in Section 9.3 of this Agreement, 6.6 Hoag shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees with respect to any claim, loss or damage in any way related to the grading, excavation or stabilization of the slopes adjacent to the view parks by Hoag or its employees, agents contractors or representatives. This Section is not intended to impose liability on Hoag for the acts of persons other than Hoag or its agents, representatives or contractors. 6.9 Hoag shall enter into an agreement with City to accept ownership of, and responsibility for maintenance of, the existing methane gas venting flare and any device for collecting gas that is subsequently installed on the property pursuant to conditions or mitigation measures imposed in conjunction with the Master Plan approval or subsequent environmental analysis. COKFLICT LAW. 7.1 Conflict with State and Federal Laws and Regulations. Where state or federal laws or regulations prevent compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement, those provisions shall be modified, through revision or suspension, to the 12 3-32 extent necessary to comply with such state or federal laws or regulations and the modified Agreement shall remain in effect, subject to the following: (a) the City shall not request modification of this Agreement pursuant to this provision unless and until the City Council makes a finding that such modification is required (as opposed to permitted) by state and federal laws or regulations; (b) the modifications must be limited to those required (as opposed to permitted) by the state or federal laws; (c) the modified Agreement must be consistent with the state or federal laws or regulations which required modification or suspension; (d) the intended material benefits of this Agreement must still be received by each of the Parties after modification; (e) neither the modification nor any applicable local, state, or federal laws or regulations, may render the modified Agreement impractical to enforce; and (f) Hoag consents in writing to the modification. {g} Any modifications, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP) are subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. Hoag shall have the right to seek judicial review of any proposed modification to ensure compliance with this Section. 7.2 Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as a result of changes in state or federal law, Hoag remains obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 6.2(a) and (b), unless Hoag has completed construction of less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the maximum permitted development. a. PUBLIC BENEF TS BTACTIOHB. 8.1 public Benefits. City and Hoag agree that this Agreement confers a substantial public benefit by enabling Hoag to construct facilities most appropriate to changes in medical technology and thereby better satisfy the health care needs of residents within its service area. In addition, the Master 13 Aft 3-33 Plan and this Agreement confer benefits on the public and nearby residents by imposing long term restrictions on tate height, amount and location of development as well as the public improvements described in Section 8.2. 6.2 Exactions. Hoag shall, as a condition to the right to develop, do the following: (a) Prior to commencement of development, irrevocably offer to dedicate and grade the proposed linear and consolidated view park identified in Figure 3.2.1 of Volume 1 of the EIR. The City shall accept the offer of dedication within sixty (60) days after the initial grading permit has been finalled by the City. The first stage of development shall include grading of the public linear and consolidated viewpark identified in Figure 3.2.1. of Volume I of the SIR. Hoag shall grade and excavate the slope adjacent to the proposed .28 (28/100) acre consolidated public view park and .52 (52/100) acre public linear view park in a way that ensures stability of the park and adjacent slopes. The grade (between the bicycle path and edge of slope) of the view parks shall be the minimum necessary to insure adequate drainage. The improvement for the linear and consolidated public parks shall be completed within three (3) years after the offer of dedication has been accepted by the City. The city shall ensure that adequate erosion control weasures are implemented prior to construction. (b) Subsequent to the approval of this Agreement by the Coastal Commission and the expiration of any statute of limitation for filing a legal challenge to this Agreement, the Baster Plan, or the SIR, Hoag shall deposit Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in an account, and at a financial Institution, acceptable to City. The account shall be in the name of the City provided, however, Hoag shall have the right to access the funds in the event, but only to the extent that, Hoag constructs or installs the improvements described in (i) or (ii). Funds in the account shall be applied to the following projects (in order of priority upon notice to proceed served by City on Hoag): {i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 Amk 3-34 9. DEFAULT4 REMEDIZO MM TERMINATION. 9.1 General_ Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 Aft 3-35 (ii) The construction of facilities necessary to bring reclaimed water to West Newport and/or the Property; Any funds remaining in the account after completion of the projects described in (i) and (ii) shall be used by the City to fund, in whole or in part, a public improvement in the vicinity of the property. • (c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in West Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport oil company property. The study shall analyze, among other things, the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trails and the potential for those trials to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improve=ments that may be permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00)- (d) Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (c) are contingent on Coastal Commission approval of the Master Plan and attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement with no significant reduction in entitlement from that authorized in the Master Plan. Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (b) shall be reduced through good faith negotiations in the event the coastal Commission reduces entitlement by ten percent (lot) or more from that authorized in the Master Plan. 9. DEFAULT4 REMEDIZO MM TERMINATION. 9.1 General_ Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 Aft 3-35 a written Notice of Default. The Notice of Default shall specify the nature of the alleged Default, and a reasonable manner and sufficient period of time (not less than thirty (30) days) in which the Default must be cured (the "Cure Period"). During the cure Period, the Party charged shall not be considered in Default for the purposes of termination of the Agreement or institution of legal proceedings. If the alleged Default is cured within the Cure Period, then a Default shall be deemed not to exist. 9.2 OP -tion to Imititute ai Proceedings.gr to Terminate. If an alleged Default is not cured within the Cure Period, the noticing Party must give the defaulting Party a Notice of intent to terminate the Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after giving of the Notice, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in the manner set forth in Government Code Sections 65865,65867, and 65868, as amended, to consider and review the matter. 9.3 Notice of Termination. After considering the evidence presented to the City Council, the Party alleging the Default, at its option, may give written Notice of termination of the Agreement to the other Party and the Agreement shall he terminated immediately upon giving the Notice. A termination shall be valid only if good cause exists and clear and convincing evidence was presented to the City Council to establish the existence of a Default.. The findings of the City Council as to the existence of a Default shall have no weight In any legal proceeding brought to determine the existence of a Default. The validity of any termination may he challenged pursuant to Section 11.16, in which case the court must render an independent judgment, on the basis of clear and convincing evidence, as to the existence of good cause for termination. Termination may result only from a material Default of a material provision of this Agreement. 9.4 waiver. Failure or delay in giving Notice of Default shall not waive a Party's right to give future Notice of the same or any other Default. 9.5 Default by Hoa . If the City alleges a Hoag Default, the City shall conduct a hearing utilizing the Annual Review procedures required by this Agreement before the City may commence legal proceedings to terminate this Agreement. 9.6 Default by the City.. If Hoag alleges a City Default, Hoag, without limiting any of its other remedies, shall not be 16 AMk I� i 3-36 obligated to proceed with or complete the Project or any phase of the Project, nor to perform any further obligations under the Agreement. Upon a City Default, any resulting delays in Hoag's performance shall neither be Hoag's Default nor constitute grounds for termination or cancellation of the Agreement by the city. .0 ENCUMBRANCES AND RSLEMRB ON PROPERTY. 10.1 Discretion to Encumber. Hoag may encumber all or any portion of the Property in any manner. The city acknowledges that lenders providing financing may require technical modifications to the Agreement which do not materially alter the intent of the Parties. The City agrees to meet, upon request, with Hoag and/or lenders to negotiate in good faith any lender request for modification. The city agrees to not withhold unreasonably its consent to such modification. Any such modification, prior to effective certification of the city's Local Coastal Program (LCP), is subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director of the coastal commission or its successor agency. 10.2 Entitlement to Written Notice of Default. Any Mortgagee and its successors and assigns, upon written request to the city, shall be entitled to receive from the City written Notice of any Hoag Default at the same time Hoaq is provided with Notice pursuant to Section 9.1. 11.o KISCELLANEBUS PROVISIONS. 11.1 Notices. All Notices (see Section 2.26) shall be written and delivered by personal delivery (including federal Express and other commercial express delivery services providing acknowledgments or receipt), registered, certified, or express mail, or telegram to the addresses set forth below. Receipt shall be deemed complete as follows: (a) For personal delivery, upon actual receipt; (b) For registered, certified, or express mail, upon the delivery date or attempted delivery date as shown on the return receipt; and (c) For telegram, upon the transmission of the telegram. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 17 3-37 To the City: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, cA 9266o Attention: city attorney Attention: City Hanager To Hoag: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 42563 Attention: President With a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan, McHolm G Winton 19200 Von Harman, 8th Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613 The addresses to which Notices shall be sent may be changed by giving Notice of a new address. 11.2 Enforced Delay; Extesi OILoF_Time of Performance. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in I3afault where delays or non- performance are due to war, insurrection, strikes, walkouts, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, oil spills, casualties, acts of nature, unavailability of materials, governmental restrictions imposed or mandated by governmental entities, suspension of rights in accordance with the existence of unforeseen circumstances, litigation, or similar bases for excused. performance. If written Notice of such delay is given to the other Party within thirty (30) days after such delay begins an extension of time for performance shall be granted in writing for the period of the delay, or longer as may be mutually agreed upon. In no event shall the term of this Agreement be extended as a result of the application of this Subsection. 11.3 Severability. If any material part of the Agreement is found by a court to be invalid, void, or illegal, the Parties shall modify the Agreement to implement the original intent of the Parties. These steps may include the waiver by either of the Parties of their right under the unenforceable provision. If, however, the Agreement objectively cannot be modified to implement the original intent of the Parties and the Party substantially benefitted by the material provision does not waive its rights under the unenforceable provision, the entire in AMk 3-38 Agreement shall become void. For purposes of this section, and without excluding the possible materiality of other provisions of this Agreement, all provisions of sections 3, 4 and 8 are deemed "material." 11.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and Agreement of the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all negotiations and previous agreements between the Parties 0 regarding that subject matter. 11.5 Waivers. All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the Party making the waiver and, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to approval of the Coastal commission or its successor agency. 11.6 Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth in Section 1 are part of this Agreement. 11.7 Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. neither Party shall do anything which shall have the effect of harming or injuring the right of the other Party to receive the benefits of this Agreement. 11.8 further Actions and Instruments. Upon the request of either Party, the other Party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 11.9 Successors and Assigns- subject to section 6.3 above, the burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of the Agreement inure to, all successors -in -interest and assigns of the Parties. 11.10 ponstruction of Agleement. All language in all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole and given its fair meaning. The captions of the paragraphs and subparagraphs are for convenience only and shall not be considered or referred to in resolving questions of construction. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. This Agreement is not intended to impermissibly contract away the 19 Aft 3-39 legislative and governmental functions of the City, and in particular, the City's police powers or to surrender or abrogate the city's governmental powers over the Property. 11.11 Authority to Execute. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Hoag warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to do so and the authority to bind Hoag to the performance of Hoag's obligations under this Agreement. 11.12 Consent. Any consent required by the Parties in carrying out the terms of this Agreement shall not unreasonably be withheld. 11.13 Effect_ on Title. This agreement shall not continue as an encumbrance against any portion of the Property as to which this Agreement has terminated. 11.14 Recording. The City clerk shall cause a copy of this Agreement to be executed by the City and recorded in the official Records of orange County no later than ten (10) days after the Effective date. The recordation of this Agreement is deemed a ministerial act and the failure of the City to record the Agreement as required by this Section and Government Code Section 65868.5 does not make the Agreement void or ineffective. 11.15 Institution of Lecral Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either Party may institute legal action to cure, correct, or remedy any Default, to enforce any provision of this Agreement, to enjoin any threatened or attempted violation of this Agreement, to recover damages for any Default, or to obtain any remedies consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Legal actions shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, or in the Federal District Court in the Central District of California. 11.16 or s' Fees_ In any arbitration, quasi-judicial, administrative, or judicial proceeding between the Parties initiated with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and all costs, expenses, and disbursements in connection with such action. 20 AMk 3-40 ' Date: d , 1994 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Clarence rner, Mayor - W I l Date: March 9 , 1994 HOAG ?iEI�SORIAL OSPiT SITYTERIAN BY: Albert J. A e Chairman of t e Board i i u AMk wb�s"q*A. Tn1 1/21194 21 3-41 Exhibit A � A1C 'sal The subject property is the following real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California,- Parcel alifornia; Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block l of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. 3-42 i 0 x caur 1 W ii 1 IIM47V !!P� PW 4&f AM Ala ivw PARCEL 1 � u► w AG ► +,, u► w PROW a"" , \ y � t i 0� m 04 NCA!• MAOR 1 AU) n9WY AU SM XX Aq RUQ MM= 4=-*+ 't r �a K=4n V " CLIVI► Cr pa. &X I PARCEL 2 m;rm 3-43 • HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESSYTERLiN PLANNED COW MUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRI TER1A AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission February 20, 1992 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance Na 92-3 May 26, 1992 Exhibit C 3-44 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page • May 26, 1942 Aft V 3-45 Number L IDtrodaction 1 M General Notes 2 III. Definitions 4 IV. Development Plan 6 V. District Regulations 11 VL Sign Program 20 VII. Parld-g Program 22 VIII, Landscape Regulations 24 IX. Site Plan Review 27 • May 26, 1942 Aft V 3-45 • • EXBaB[TS Par Number 1. Planned Community Development Plan 7 2 Internal CirCUIaiion 9 3. Development Criteria LS TABLES 1. Statistical Analysis 10 I 2 Parking Requirements 2 i May X M H 3-46 1. INT ODUCnON Dacku�Lund 'The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be ciassified and developed for hospital -related uses. `lice specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the upper and lower campuses of Hoag Hospital In gencral, over the long terra, the upper campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. • !Hap 71, 1992 Ank 3-47 II. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-5 and K -G regarding archaeological and paleontological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments_ 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximi m ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and access shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. New mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults, excluding communications devices, on the upper campus shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be screened on the lower campus. Noise shall not exceed 55 dBA at all property lines_ No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. Wray 26. 1992 r-19 2 3-48 S. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in acmrdance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Depattmenm 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building • permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities czist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that Landscaping of exposed slopes shall be installed within 30 days of the completion of grading. is May :5. 1442 Aft 3 3-49 M. DEF[TlI'I'1ONS ��lding Elewdtinn: 1. a vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL. (mean sea level). 2, a flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. I Building Env__.__ to . the volume in which a building may be built as circurnscnbed by I setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Bulading Height: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all, points, the height measurement shalt run with the slope of the land. f l=.atmel=n a Room a service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. EM Aid: low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations_ eral.Pian: the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereof, Qr ,Slg: for the purpose of determining building height: � 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, • a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to i allow for subterranean parking.) AML 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. fisting - the current elevation of ground surface. lripati@ni15eS: hospital patient services which require overnight stay. Landscap, Area: the landscape area shall include on-site waLlis, plazas, water, rooftop t sur 26, IM 4 3-50 landscaping and all. other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. i M, ea Level: a reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. a Otalpat nt Uses: hospital patient services which do not require overnight stay. Residential Care: medially -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: for the purpose of determining development area: } 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. Z Net - parceI area after dedications. e Special Landscap Street: West Coast Highway is designated as a special landscaped street, containing special landscape requirements. Streets: reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. 0 n+.y us, Ian R 3-51 IV. DEVELA)PMEN1' PLAN W The upper campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 1757 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments (the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire condominiums) to the west_ The lower campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 20.41 acres and adjoins the upper campus at its eastern boundary. The upper campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential Care and support services. l2evelotnnent On. The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1. From 1990 to 2015, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the upper campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies The Development Plan includes a 0.9 acre view park adjacent to the bike trail between the lower campus and the Villa Balboa/Stafaire Condominiums_ This view park includes a twenty -foot wide linear park area adjacent to the bike path (approximately 0.5 acres) and a consolidated view parr at the westerly edge of the property (approxi- mately 0.3 acres). A bike trail connection is also provided between the existing bare trails at the northern and southern boundaries of the lower campus. Access to the Iower • campus will be from West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, as well as from Hospital Road, via the upper campus. Exhibit 2 shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital related ruses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Corrunuitity District, Becauuc of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health rare services are delivered, the Development Plan for Haag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan- '" .)5, 1971 F— --I 3-52 LEGEND mAREA OF OEVELOi MD(T PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXNorf I HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN n - M= 3-53 The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag HospitaL In order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development cap is not exceeded, this Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical aualysi& For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as Iong as a corresponding adjustment in square footage � d trip generation for another use were to occur. 'This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (Le, square feet) or the trip generation limit for the peak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded. Adjustments to the Development Plan may be allowed if the torah square footage or trip generation allowed in the current phase of development is exceeded, if the total development or trip generation allowcd under the Development Plan is not exceeded. is M" as, g9w Awk 3-54 r is LEGEND ® PRIMARY ACCESS (SIGNALIZED) ® SECONDARY ACCMiSS ® SERYICE ACCESS PUBLIC CIRCULATION STAFF) ONFIVICE CIRCULATION ~� OOAiT 7UT VEHICULAR ACCESS EXHIBIT, HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN ®zm 3-55 1 Fuu div kgrmcat of the eppa u d io r mmpu s anadpated to o r ower m approomatz W -y— period =d dill 1i3tctJ occur in thtrc, —tin y"r phare 2 Up m $0% of the erisvug upper ramp" mry be rr fe.zloped by maaaer plaq buildout. 1 Baud ort dnedapmeoc atloovS under the Ci_ncrel Plan at a floor ,iter ratio to V,­cire area of 65 for the lode, enmpuc aad LD for the upper mmpm Building BuM limit for the ]over ompuc is 090 for all etrocl r which incfudn .ba zvdc cwctrd parking t.(ry ZQ 1552 Aft 10 3-56 Table 1 STATISTICAL, ANALYSIS' Sguarc Fect 1,0%,er Campus Elisting. Outpatient Services (Hoag C uccr Center) 65,000 Child Care 7,800 Subtotal: 72,800 Phase I: Outpatient Services 115,000 Support Service 55,000 Administrative 30,000 Subtotal: 200,000 Phases II & III: Subtotal: 305,089 hfallvnK Camnu 577,889 Upper Campus Fjdsti ngZ 480,000 Phase I: Outpatient Services 25,000 Inpatient 115,000 . Subtotal: 140,000 Phases II & IIi: 145,349 Total Upper Campus 765,349 GRAND TOTAL 1,343,2383 1 Fuu div kgrmcat of the eppa u d io r mmpu s anadpated to o r ower m approomatz W -y— period =d dill 1i3tctJ occur in thtrc, —tin y"r phare 2 Up m $0% of the erisvug upper ramp" mry be rr fe.zloped by maaaer plaq buildout. 1 Baud ort dnedapmeoc atloovS under the Ci_ncrel Plan at a floor ,iter ratio to V,­cire area of 65 for the lode, enmpuc aad LD for the upper mmpm Building BuM limit for the ]over ompuc is 090 for all etrocl r which incfudn .ba zvdc cwctrd parking t.(ry ZQ 1552 Aft 10 3-56 V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories is not an exhaustive list. Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five permitted use categories are allowed by defmitiom Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments sball be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Departments. A EeEmitted Uses I. Lower Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: L Outpatient services: • Antepartum Testing • Cancer Center Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation • Conditioning • Surgery Center • Clinical Center • Day Hospital • Back and Neck Center • Biofeedback e Breast Imaging Center • CT Scan • Dialysis • EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory • Fust Aid Center • Fertility Services • G.I. Laboratory • Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Nuclear Medicine • Occupational Therapy • Pediatrics Pharmacy • Physical Therapy . Pulmonary Services !".r 2j� ren F--7 11 3-57 3-58 • Radiation Therapy • Radiology • Respiratory Therapy - • Sleep Disorder Center + Speech Therapy • Ultrasound ii. Administration • Admitting • Awdliary Office • Business Offices • Information • Registration • Patient Relations • Social Services m. Support Services: • Employee Child Care • Health Education • Power/Mechanical/Auxiliary Support and Storage • Food Services Cashier • Chapel/Chaplaincy Service • Conference Center • Dietitian. • Gift Shop • Laboratory Medical Library + Medical Records • Pharmacy • Engineering/Maintenance • Shipping/Receiving + Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities iv. Residential Care: • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Services • Extended Care • Hospice Care • Self or Minimal Care • Congregate Care Mq 266 ova 12 3-58 V. Medical/Support Offices b) Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system W-9 16, 1992 AMk 13 3-59 components. C) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. d) 'Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. • 2 Upper Campus a) Hospital fatalities, including, but not limited to_ i) Inpatient uses: • Critical Care • Emergency Carc Unit • Birth Suites • Cardiology * Cardiac Care Unit Intensive Care Unit • Mother/Baby Unit • Surgery/Waiting Rooms • Radiology Laboratory • Pharmacy H) Outpatient services as allowed on the lower campus iii) Administrative uses as allowed on the lower campus iv) Support services as allowed the lower on campus v) Residential care as allowed on the lower campus vi) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. c) 'Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. W-9 16, 1992 AMk 13 3-59 ` B. Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Emergency Room b) Heliport C. Maidpwig Building Hei b The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3 which established the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower (235 feet above mean sea level). 2. Upper Campus Midrise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed 140 feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking zone - maximum building height not to exceed 80 feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator tower. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub-Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub-area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building beights indicated on the development criteria Exhibit 3. 5, Lower Campus Zone, Sub-,Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center (57.5 feet above mean sea level). D. t6a Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3, I. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa / Se ,&e Condominiums, as defined below.- a) elow:a) Upper campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the exMag cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b) Lower campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 29 minimum building setback. Mwy z6, im 14 3-60 A �nlu IDa AM {. F4f AOYY+� (MYp LdV�O �Tfm11/1t�� \l r ILIO �flO�.Y�[u�ia w�ln� O.1A1�hY iwoC DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA HOAGAEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN---. 3-61 F51 - ED ®F�wFye^uno�rvWiO IfC1O MIlor[MLW S�� IppA�MmmPo4��'Rppga �lilll NJI�EK ®u�da'.e.++R �W - MrCkMY�O�[anS maTlOOY[ b 1. BLS lk\B•IILLAU ISR IaaY I/O1f fJ1 �aY u wmM A� raour�.a. rm�rL luw. v �M 1+7Y wnwn ww�n �ra�r.n r� An�.n. ooy ertrncy A �nlu IDa AM {. F4f AOYY+� (MYp LdV�O �Tfm11/1t�� \l r ILIO �flO�.Y�[u�ia w�ln� O.1A1�hY iwoC DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA HOAGAEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN---. 3-61 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be 15 feet - In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required_ If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requiremcnts of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20%v of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet 3rd Floor and above; A minimum of 201/1a of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be 45 feet. i In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as fnilows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in beight, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. . 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 55 feet M.r 2b, 1492 3rd Floor and above; A minimum of 20%a of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 65 feet. t i In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. Additional- ly, 20%; of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 16 3-62 10'0 of the linear length of height zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between bindings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defused in Section IX. . 3. There will be no building setbacks along the boundary with CalTraus east property at Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. 4_ A 20 fiat setback Ecom pruperty line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point 600 feet south; a 25 foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Liphting The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimiw light spillage and glarc to the adjacent residential uses The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical I~ngineer. F. Roof T Cattnent Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lawer Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment neccssary for operadrig purposcs will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. G. Signs All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, fart Vl. H. Parlzin All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. t.4y X 1992 17 t 3-63 All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag hospital Landscape Regulations, Part Viii. k ".TOY. O r•_ . 1eT Prior to issuance of a building. permit, the project sponsor shall subunit platys to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mecbanicai equipment and trash areas will be sacened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. K Internal Circulation Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program that controls usage of the Upper and Lower Campos service roads during non- working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (i e. 7:00 a -m- to 8:00 p.m..), signage to restrict use of the road by Hospital employecs, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods to restrict use. The hospital will also request that vendors not deliver (La. scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program will be submitted to the City prior to the Issuance of the grading permit If such results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the Hospital, and provided . that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. if operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures will be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. 2. The lower campus service road shall include provisions for controlled access to limit usage to physicians and stafty and service vehicles. May 26, 3942 18 3-64 • L Loading Bock Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the project sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area - 113c design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition_ Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implica- tions of enclosing the loading dock area. If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. May 26, IWZ 19 3-65 C7 • VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A- 1!1LtWsc and Intent 1. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wail and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordi- nance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital_ B. (ar ,Ural Sign StAqdWds 1. All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, nor create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be flush or surface mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said budding or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance l I{ -L C. Number of Sighs A1lawed 1_ One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two single faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total marinrum signage area shell not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (I0) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, io be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject N6y A 1992 Ln RMOT01 is to the same number and area maximums desm-bed above. This sign may also occur as pan of an entry gateway systern. 2- Secondary identification signs shall be allowed. 'This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of 48" average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction- Maximum sign area shall not exceed thirty-five (35) square fec . This sign may oc= as a wall sign to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums desmbed above. 3. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced or double-faced sign- This sign type shall occur with the sign suspended between two upright supports having the same depth (thickness) as the sign cabinet described above. 4. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital tower parapets, one (1) at each elevation- The elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property fine) may not be illuminated. 5. On the lower campus, one (1) building -mounted identification sign will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa/Seafaire property. Such signs will he no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. racy M, IM 21 3-67 Vl[. HOAG HOSPXTAL PA LING EtEGUTATIONS A n r' 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Pariong may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. . 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review e and approval of the city Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Depart- ment u 3. Parking Iot lighting shalt be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimi=s impacts on adjacent Land uses. Nightdme lighting sball be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential arca. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements has been. met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Reouirements for Offstreet Parkin Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon building type and the area allotted to the following functiom, Any area which is calculated as part of the total floor area fimitation shall be included in the gross floor area to determine the parking requirement. !may 2bi W2 3-68 • 1 Category Outpatient Services support Administrative Residential Gare Medical Offim Inpatient Table 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS n 2.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet` 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet` 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet - 125 spaces/1,000 square feet•• Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. " Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand. Hay 26. 1942 23 f 3-69 • [-I VIII. HOAG HOSMAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A- General i. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the Planning and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments and approved by the Public Work Departments prior to issuance of a building permit and installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Pian may include a concept for the roofs and the parking structures, Trees shall not be used, but a planter boar or trellis system shall be designed to provide visual relief of parking structures. All landscaping shall conform to the building height limits established in this test 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than fifteen (15) gallon size, I Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than one (1) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from (1) gallon containers or from root cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shah be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed that damage to trees, irrigation units and shrubs is avoided 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing is not required and irregular groupings may add interest. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their ultimate size without restriction. 7. Heavy emphasis shall be placed on the use of drought -resistant native and naturalized vegetation and the use of an irrigation system designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. S. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. 2. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. May 26, 1992 24 3-70 3. All plantings are to be kept in a stealthy and growing condition. Fer iliza- don, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of regular maintenance. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system should be part of regular maintenance. 5. Stakes, guys and ties on trees should be chccked regularly for correct function; ties to be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems_ b. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. C. Special Landseapcd Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street A IS building setback from right-of-way / property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage are allowed in the setback arca, Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner_ Tree size to be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Vill n The area between the Villa Balboa/Floag property line and the loading dock service . access road shall be landscaped except for any driveway, walkway, or other hardscape elements in said area. The purpose of the landscaping will be to screen and buffer residential units from hospital activities. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area_ Planting of trees may be in groups and need not necessarily be in regular spacing. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berating and depressing of parking areas. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. K -r A 091 • • A rooftop landscaping program may be developed for parking structures and shall be subject to the review of the Pa kse Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departrncnts. Rooftop landscaping small conform to height restrictions_ May 26, ]992 26 3-72 rf- SrfE PIAN REVIEW. ►� The City Council finds that development on the West Coast Highway frontage of the lower campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the West Newport area as viewed from surrounding arterial roadways_ The effect of this section is 10 establish a Site Pian Review requirement by the Planning Commission for certain individual projects which are proposed by the hospital to differ from the setback, horizontal and vertical articulation reguirements as set forth in Section VD2 to insure that these projects conform with the objectives of the General Plan and the Master Plan for Hoag Hospital - B. Findin The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, cacemivc building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of c'dsting properties in the arca. C. Application Site Plan Review approval shall be- obtained prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure which does not conform to the provisions of Section V.D2 D. Plaris a m Submiftcd • The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. Tile plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles_ The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. May 7l-, IM 27 3-73 r� l� u 2. A landscape plan. drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, readedngs or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all. elevations of the proposed buildinp and structures as they will appear Upon completion_ 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. E= The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in subsection B, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the site plan review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Test); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborbood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximie the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the stseetscape on West Coast Highway; K.y 26, IM 28 3-74 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consider- ation to functional aspects of site development. G. Public Hearin - Reouired Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Pian Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall he posted in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing - IL L Action the Planning _ornmission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Commission sball specify the standard or Standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission- The action of the Commission an any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been (Red by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. Mar 26, r"n 29 3-75 Arty Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision- An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council_ iJ. Action hy the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council, and the City Councii may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. K- �i an and .Revocation of Site Plan R 1. Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of 'Perms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. 3. Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a bearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council The City Council shall act thereon within 60 days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. t�--�Planentg\PCIPJCI\H4AG HRSP "26. 1992 30 3-76 F'fjf� 4 OnA ft, 1 •� h i EKMW D Deis Paquatod: Dade of CGrtlBctie: On ,the Gty at Nevrport Basch approved the 'Dem MwnwW AAQ,.raye,,rrw ti *ww to Gly d Newr�,ro�rlt DomM w4 !~help Tl', 6ioppel Certtksoo w" a that. Is d ft 'Do,* " Qer� eet forth � CHE" WHERE APPUCAR E 1. The Dmabprmrif Aar ment remakm bbxft end ef[&L*s; Z. The Dattefoprnent AQreurnerit has not igen sawxW; S. The Dawr*p7bwd AWwr&M hu bean w. mm rd in to t im 4. Neither HosQ nor fYnjn of 4 wiconwM ter In 1e9a10- under the Dovefppnwd Agement; 5- The Umirg dek tf3 exbt under the DW*pment AW m M TNS Cartf @tB mate be refied upon by any trent finee or mortMee hareet In the property whish is of tine Doti bpment AWommmnL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY: NAAAE- TITLE. EXHIBIT D son 1 pII7 Ify 3-78 EXHIBIT D AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 DATED JUNE 17, 2008 DI 3-79 RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO; i City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P_O. Boa 1758 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 This Document was electronically recorded by ER Cert Mail D Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk -Recorder 11®®,,,®®11111 NO FEE 2008000289321 12:35pm 06/17/08 120 33 A17 56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 EXEUPT FFQM EILING T -'US CAL. GOVT (Space above this line for Recorder's use) IRT RECORDING REQUES1 GCNERNMENT C"01DE 47383 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERCAN AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Nemport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-10 FINAL 5/16108 10W1.34 H&O: #58720 A 3-80 RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 _ - EXEMPT EKQM F1LJNG FEES CAI_. G!2V'x CODE & 6 1 Q (Space above this line For Recorder's ase) EXEMPT RECORD NG REQUEST PER G011ERNMEN7 CODE 21363 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 1 t BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPI'T'AL PRESBYTERIAN i AND i THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) i Approved May 13, 2008 � Ordinance No- 2008-10 4 r - FINAL 511 W8 10001.34 H& 0o N58720 A i 3-81 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Hoag Memoria3 Hospital Presbyterian) THIS AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ("Amendment") is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder (the "Effective Date") by and between the City of Newport Beach (hereinafter "City") and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (hereinafter "Hoag'). RECITALS I . The "RECITALS" to the Restated Development Agreement are amended to add new Sections 1.9 through Section 1.19(f) to read as follows: 1,9 Hoag Propert _ Hoag is the fee owner of approximately 38 acres of real property located in the City divided between the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B" (the "ProperV). 1,10 Hoag Healthcare Services. Hoag is a modern, state-of- the-art acute care, not-for-profit hospital providing a comprehensive mix of healthcare services to treat virtually any routine or complex medical condition. Hoag features centers of excellence that include Hoag Cancer Center, Hoag Heart and Vascular Institute, Hoag Neuroscience Institute, Hoag Orthopedic Services and Hoag Women's Health Services, as well as advanced medical programs in many other specialties. 1.11 Hoag Community Benefit Programs. In addition to providing state-of-the-art hospital, diagnostic imaging and emergency room care medical services, Hoag is involved in many other community benefit programs such as police and SWAT team, fire department and paramedic support services, designating the City as the point of sale for major hospital equipment purchases and construction projects, providing financial and transportation support for the City's senior Oasis Center, and providing methane gas flare burnoff to mitigate methane gas fumes along Pacific Coast Highway. Hoag's community medicine program allocates approximately $I0 million annually toward improving the community's overall health, primarily through disease prevention and wellness and health promotion, especially for those vulnerable and disadvantaged populations_ CJ FINAL 5/1608 10001.34 R&D: 45mo yr 3-82 1. 12 EIR No. 142 and P.C. Text, On May 26, 1992, the City Council of City ("City Council"} certified the Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final EIR No. 142 and adopted the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan ("Hoag Master Plan") and the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations ("P.C, Text") setting forth the development standards and terms and conditions by which the Property may be developed, including the maximum permissible building area, building height limits and permitted land uses. 1.13 Square Footage of Buildable Area. Under the existing Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text, the Property allows a total of 1,343,238 square feet of buildable area with 577,889 square feet allocated to the Lower Campus and 765,349 square feet allocated to the Upper Campus. 1. 14 Development Agreement No. 5. On May 26, 1992, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 924 approving Development Agreement No. 5 between the City and Hoag incorporating the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text and granting vested rights to Hoag to develop the Property pursuant to the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text for the term of the Development Agreement. The Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California on August 4, 1993 as Instrument No. 63-05272-36- 1.15 Restated Development Agxeement. On February14, 1994, the City Council of City adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving an Amendment and Restatement of Development Agreement No. 5 ("Restated Development Agreement") incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Restated Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California an March 23, 1994 as instrument No. 94-0207276. 1.16 First Amendment to P.C. Text. On August 13, 2002, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2002-17 approving the First Amendment to the P.C. Text to provide that certain non -occupied building areas are not counted towards the maximum permissible building floor areas for development of the Property. 1.17 Noise Limitation. The existing PC Text provides that noise generated from Hoag Hospital from new mechanical appurtenances shall not exceed 55 dBA at the Property lines. This noise limitation was established prior to the adoption of the City's FINAL 5116.98 1000 E .34 H&O: #59720 vi 3-83 Noise Element in the General Pian and Noise Ordinance. It is proposed that noise generated and originating from the Property be governed by the City Noise Ordinance with certain exceptions. 1.18 Noise Attenuation. Hoag has taken significant actions to attenuate noise generated from mechanical equipment and has installed landscape screening and walls to mitigate and buffer noise and improve aesthetic impacts for adjacent residential properties. 1.19 Restated Development AgcM% t Amendments. The City and Hoag propose to further amend the Restated Development Agreement by this Amendment to incorporate references to: a Supplemental EIR; an amendment to the City General Plan; an increase in the Public Benefits; designation of the City as the point of sale to the extent allowed under applicable law; and amendments to the Hoag Hospital Planned Community Text ("P -C. Text") to, among other things: (a) eliminate the reference to 1.0 Floor Area Ratio ("FAR") for the Upper Campus and the .65 FAR for the Lower Campus in the General Plan Land Use Element. In place of the reference to the FAR's, an absolute maximum allowable budding area of 1,343,238 square feet will remain available for development of the entire Property comprised of the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus,- (b) ampus; (b) maintain a rap under the General Plan Land Use Element Amendment for development of the Lower Campus at 577,889 square feet (if no square footage is reallocated) and establish a cap on development of the Upper Campus at 990,349 square feet (if a]1225,000 square feet are reallocated from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus); (c) allow the transfer of up to 225,000 square feet of buildable area from the bower Campus to the Upper Campus, which, if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated, would result in a maximum allowed density of 990,349 square feet for the Upper Campus and a reduction to permit 352,889 square feet of allowable development for the Lower Campus; (d) to modify the noise standards applicable to the Property; FINAL 5A 608 I ODD I.34 H&O:#18720 A 3-84 (e) delete a provision that required the City and Hoag to conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of the Semeniuk SIough, including a requirement that Hoag fund the study and potential future improvements in an amount not to exceed $200,000; and (0 incorporate the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: I. Section 1.5 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Planning Commission/City Council Hearings is amended to read as follows: "1.5 PloWne Commissian/City Council Hearings- The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992 and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public hearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23, 092, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held a public hearing to consider this Amcndrnent, the Supplemental EER, the General Plan Amendment, and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on January 31, 2008, February 7, 2008, March 6, 2008 and March 20, 2008. The City Council conducted a public hearing on this Amendment, the Supplemental EIR, the General Plan Amendment and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on April 16, 2008." 2. Section 1.8 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled City Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 948 approving a Restated Development Agreement No. 5 incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Adopting Ordinance became effective on March 16, 1994. On May 13, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008-10 approving FINAL 5/16M 10001,34 H&O: #58726 vi 3-85 this Amendment and authorizing the City to enter into this Amendment. The adopting ordinance will become effective on June 12, 2008." 3. Section 2.1 ofthe Restated Development Agreement entitled the Adopting Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "2.1 The "Adopting Ordinance" refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. "Adogting_ Ordinance" further refers to Ordinance No. 2008-10 adopted on May 13, 2008 by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Amendment." 4. Section 2.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Agreement is amended to read as follows: "2.2 "Agreement' refers to the "Restated Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian," and this Amendment." 5. Section 2.13 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled The EIR is amended to read as follows: "2.13 The "EW' refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach, and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142." 6. Section 2.23 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Master PIan is amended to read as follows: "2.23 "Master Plan" refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Pian which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"), as amended." 7. Section 3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Conditions to Development is amended to add a new paragraph after Subsection (q to read as follows: "Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, any provisions set forth in this Amendment shall supersede and control over any inconsistencies with this Section." N FINAL �. 5/1608 I GM 1.34 H&O: #58720 yr 5 3-86 8. Section 3.3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Program EIR is amended to read as follows: "3.3 Pram EIR. Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program EIR" and includes Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. I42. The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA." 9. Section 4.1 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Right to Develop is amended to read as follows: 114.1 Right to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project Specific Approvals for construction on the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan, as amended. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan, as amended, the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as opposed to permitted) by state or federal law." 10. Section 5.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.2 Public Bearing. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual reviews should be scheduled in April of each year." JAI. S/1W08 10001.34 H&o: #58720 A 3-87 It. Section 5.4 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall also include a noise regulation compliance assessment that includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly basis. The noise assessment shall identify noise regulation compliance issues and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the BIR. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. Hoag shall pay the City administrative costs incurred in conducting Annual Reviews. Hoag shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by the City associated with Fluor Enterprises' review of the cogeneration plant during the 2008 Annual Review." 12 Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to delete Subsection (c), which reads as follows: "(c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk SIough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in West Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport Oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things, the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trials and the potential for those trails to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that may be permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00)." f~ FTN AL 5116/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 vl 13. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to renumber Subsection (d) to Subsection (c); and to add a new Subsection (d) to read as follows: "(d) City and Hoag acknowledge and agree that the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment confer private benefits on Hoag that should be balanced by commensurate public benefits in favor of the City. Accordingly, the City and Hoag intend to provide consideration to balance the private and public benefits by the imposition of a Development Agreement Fee, which fee shall be used to reimburse the City for public improvements in the area and to fund certain additional needed public improvements identified by the City. Hoag shall pay to the City a Development Agreement Fee of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000). Payment of one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be made upon the Effective Date of this Amendment. Payment of the remaining one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be paid to City 12 months from the Effective Date of this Amendment or at the time of issuance ofthe first building permit by the City for development of a project on the Upper Campus as provided in Exhibit "C" attached to this Amendment, whichever occurs earlier. The fust $1.5 million of the Development Agreement Fee shall be used to reimburse the City and/or pay for the costs associated with the following projects: (i) construction of the Superior Avenue medians extending from Ticonderoga Street to Dana Road; (ii) construction of the right -tum pocket for southbound Newport Boulevard to westbound Hospital Road; and (iii) funding of the operational improvements and traffic signal upgrade at the Hospital Road and Placentia intersection ("Priority Public Improvements"). Construction of tate first two Priority Public Improvements listed above occurred during 2007, and the third is anticipated to occur in 2008. The City shall be obligated to pay the actual cost difference, if any, for construction of these Priority Public Improvements. However, if there are any funds remaining after construction of the Priority Public Improvements is completed, the City may retain the funds to be used for other City projects or services that benefit the public. The City shall also have the sole authority to decide the design, cost and scope of the Priority Public Improvements and the sufficiency of City's performance on the Public Improvement Projects shall not be subject to Hoag's approval. The balance of the Development Agreement Fee ($1.5 million) and any fiends remaining after the construction of the Priority Public Improvements shall be used by the City in the City's sole discretion to Rr1A. 5116108 10001.34 FMO: #58724 v1 $ 3-89 offset costs associated with other City and community projects or services that benefit the public such as, among other things, public parks (for example, Sunset View Consolidated Park), landscaping improvements adjacent to public right of ways, sound abatement programs, public buildings, public road improvements, water quality improvements, law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency preparedness and other public safety facilities." I4. A new section, Section 8.3, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled SaleslUse Tax Origin, to read as follows: lFINAL 5116108 10001.34 tf&o; #58720 A "8.3 Sales/ Use Tax Oriein (a) Hoag will include in its general contractor construction contract a provision that Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors, to the extent allowed by applicable law, will obtain a Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit for the jobsite at the Project Property and allocate all eligible sales and use tax payments for individual contracts over $5 million to the City. Hoag will provide Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors with the name and contact information of the City's Revenue Manager and notice of the Revenue Manager's availability to meet and confer with there on the implementation of the Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit procedures. Hoag will further include a notice in its general contractor construction contract that prior to beginning a qualified construction project, the general contractor and subcontractors are encouraged to meet with the City's Revenue Manager to review the process to be followed with respect to sales and use taxes. Hoag will further include a provision in its general contractor construction contract that the general contractor or subcontractors will certify in writing that the person(s) responsible for filingthe tax return understands the process of reporting the tax to the City and will follow the guidelines set forth in the relevant sections of the Sales and Use Tax Regulations_ Hoag shall not be responsible for failure of Hoag's general contractor or subcontractors to follow the procedures set forth in this Section. 91 I 1 i 3-90 Hoag, if readily available, shall provide to the City or any City designated representative the names, addresses, phone numbers and contact name of the general contractor and all subcontractors. (b) Hoag will continue to follow the Direct Payment Permit Process established in the Revenue and "taxation Code and use the permit for all qualifying individual purchases in excess of $100,000 so that the local share of its sales/use tax payments is allocated to the City as the point of sale. (c) It is understood and agreed that any fixtures, materials and equipment with a purchase total that exceeds $100,000 purchased directly by Hoag and shipped to Hoag's Newport Beach location may also be eligible for direct allocation of sales/use tax to the City. Upon request of the City, Hoag will provide City on a semi-annual basis with a list of purchases exceeding the $100,000 threshold during the preceding six-month period, including the amount of the purchase and, if readily available, the name and contact information for the vendor upon request by the City. The City agrees to review the semi-annual list of purchases made by Hoag and advise Hoag of any missed opportunities for direct allocation. Hoag agrees to file its Direct Payment Permit with vendors identified by the City in an effort to improve the direct allocation of the local share ofsal es/use tax payments in future periods." 15. A new section, Section 8.4, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Sunset Vier Park Improvements, to read as follows: "8.4 Hoag shall reimburse the City up to $ 150,000 for the installation of groundcover, shrubs and irrigation systems within the unimproved portion of Sunset View Park and Superior Avenue, approximately 20,500 square feet in area, located northerly of the cogeneration building. Reimbursement to the City shall be within 30 days of Hoag receiving an invoice from the City." FINAL 5116108 1400134 HcD: 458726 A 1 Q 3-91 16. A new section, Section 8.5, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment, to read as follows: "$.5 Hoag shall install a weather station capable of identifying ambient conditions necessary in documenting cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather station shall be tied into the cogeneration plant controls in order to maximize automatic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operational changes and load shifting, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations. Hoag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers within the Hoag Lower Campus. Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such reduction shall be measured from a baseline (to be measured at the cooling towers) of operating three existing generators and absorption chillers at 100% of design capacity. This reduced capacity operation shall be implemented daily between November I" and April 30'x', between the hours of 7:00 ATM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or above 60% and when ambient temperatures are equal to or less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 17. Section 1 I A (c) of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Notices is hereby amended to delete: "With a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan., McHolm & Winton 19100 Von Karman, 8" Floor PA_ Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613" and to add: `with a copy to: Dennis D. O'Neil Hewitt & O'Neil LLP 19900 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 1050 Irvine, CA 926I2 1t FFNAL 5116108 16001.34 kl*Q: 1158720 V1 l l 3-92 with a copy to: Gary McKitterick Allen Matlains Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP 1900 Main Street, 5th Floor Irvine, CA 926147321" 18. A new Section 11.17 shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement as follows. "11.17 Indemnification/Hold armless To the fullest extent permitted by law, Hoag shall indemnify, defend and hold harnfless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every ]anti and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of this Amendment, including, but not limited to, the approval of the Planned Community Text and/or the City's related California Environmental Quality Act determinations, the certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, the adoption of a Mitigation Program, and/or statement ofoveriding considerations for this Project. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Hoag, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. Hoag shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. Hoag shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition." FINAL 5/108 IMI.34 R&O: #58714 A 1 2 3-93 19. Exhibit C of the Restated Development Agreement shall incorporate the First Amendment to the P.C. Text as part of this Second Amendment to the P.C. Text in revised Exhibit C entitled: "HOAG MEMORIAL. HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNTT Y DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No.2008-10 May 13,2008" 20. Except as provided for in this Amendment and not otherwise superseded by this Amendment, the provisions set forth in the Restated Development Agreement, all of the other terns, conditions, provisions and exhibits of the Restated Development Agreement continue to have full force and effect as provided therein and this Amendment shall constitute an integral part of the Restated Development Agreement. Exhibits A through C constitute a part of this Amendment and are incorporated into this Amendment in full by this reference. 21. In the event there is any conflict between any provision of the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment, the later approved and recorded document shall prevail in interpretation, operation and implementation. 22. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Amendment to be recorded with the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California within ten ( 10) days following the effective date of adoption of the Ordinance approving this Amendment_ [Signature page follows] FINAL 5116/08 10041.34 H&O: #58724 v1 13 3-94 1 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Development Agreement No. 5 to be binding as of the Effective Date. CITY: THE CITY OF NE RT B CH, a municipal corporation oft S,tate fCali rr}ia By. Edw e ich, or AT r�$T: LaVonne Harkless, City Clerk Al'.P OVED AS TO FO Fri / Robin Clauson, City Attorney OWNER: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL i PRESBYTERIAN, a Califomia onlprofit public ! benefit co ti By, it1� Richard F. Afab , M.D. President and CE i (,411 Signatures to be Xotarized) I 4 FINAL 5/1608 10001-14 H&O: #58724 A 14 ! 3-95 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of ci6, On t\ V* before rt1e, t Dow personally appeared fJ tSi�( CorrrnLzrlon # Tbd3477 'r root -y Pubdc - CJS Orange Couray - My Comm. r Jon 25.201 LELAN L ititOWN GQmv**)n # 1633477 qty pubic - coft"da 00011 a county iawconvm2l' J n25.1'01 Ra— Notary serf AtV N who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(e) islam subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she*ey executed the same in heir authorized capacity(e*, and that by hWhmWiaic signature(s) on the instrument the person(# or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct_ WITNESS my hand d official sea]. �1 Signature stp,a, of fie OPTIONAL Though rho Information below is not repirad by Tarr, it may prove vafir able to persons relying on the document and could prevent 8audulant removal and realtachmsnt of this corm to another doeumsnt Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Sigrser(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Clalmed by S"r(s) Signer's Name: G Individual Corporate Officer—Tine(s): — C Partner —'3 Limited G General El Attorney in Fact i-] Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator 0 Other: Signer Is Representing: i11CHT IHUI�1pt'niNT n;. Sli[NEn Number of Pages: Signers Name: * Individual ❑ Corporate Officer — 'Fitle(s): [3Partner— C]Limited El General ❑ Attorney in Fact C Trustee C Guardian or Conservator J Other: Signer Is Representing: air,'-�TTn U-.�Hpr w Or SK r4E=; 02C07 JN4aW Not y A&m cWaw• 8350 G Sob A»9, P,O.et:12402 - Chauw rv,, CA 91313-2402• m Na[al,a.'NmarF9'9 Pom r$207 Re9rder; GaJ'faS f wn 1-800878.L8Z7 3-96 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of On NN� i j, 2e o s before me, e,,.L), c (Rete u�crri rramc and IiUe of the officer} � personally appeared 12i-0_k"'ed A'Cq 0C who proved Io me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(,o whose ❑amam subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatQ'ak/ tely executed the same in thb;ir authorized capacity(i*, and that by 1 if /their signature$ j on the instrT*nent the person(o , or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s� acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. 6E34gk NJili�S WITNESS my hand and official sea]. mxlxumt �l SiguatrucofNiotary Public(�Y ) ADDMONAL, OffIONAL INFORMATION DESCRJYflON OF THE ATTACHF'D DOCUMENT �P -4'6��FL'EJl a-iCtJc•Ia E..ireli- (Tide or dscziptian of attached docurribt) MU& or de=V iiwt of attached docurn tr i cantinupt) Number of Pages 33.,_. Document Date s (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER 0 Individual (s) its Corporate Officer :de rf aNa.CEo (Title) '� PartncY(s) D Attorney -in -Fact D Trust=(s) D Other 2008 Version CAPA v12.14.07 806-873-9865 www.IVetaryClasses.cout INSTRUCFTONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any aebiowledgmort completed in Ca46rnta amst contain v Kaye erectly as appears abore in the notary secdon or a separate aclwowkar mere form must be properly completed and artadred io ihar docrmtent. The only cr option it if a dacwmaf is to be recorded outride of Cal(jarnia. fr sud in<r. Azes., any ala?tkrtivc ackno-wledgmem verbiage as may be printed on such a daartrenr sa fang o the verbioge does not m pine the notary to do son thbrg That a dlsgal for a nucry is Colgkrntta r.e. certifying the authortrrj rapacity of 11fe signer). Please check the docranemt carefully for proper notarial Kvrdhtg and auaeh thin fprrn if rcgrdred • 5mre and County inforrmticn must be the State and County where tie doramtenr signets) personelly appeared before thenotaty public for achrowledgmertt • Date of nwAzittion must be the date that the sigwr(s) persaoslly appeared wbich must atm be ibe stone daze the ackwwtedgment is eornplesed. • The notary public must runt his or her name as it appears within his or bei cm umL%on followed by a cormna and thea your tide (nrttsry pablic)- • Print the narne(s) of docur'ntur sigurs(s) who pc* sally appear at the bine of aamratian. • hidicate the correct .angular or plural forms by crossing off inco[ct forma (ir. Wfth.-Jdwy,- is lase) or circling the correca forms. Failure to =cctly indicate this infortation ruay lead to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impre-ssion roust be cl= and Photographically rcproducibla tMiXressian away not cover text or linea. !f seal itnpztssion smudges, re -seal if a sir cicni are permits, otherwise eomplete a difiereat ac{mow1cdgment farm • Signature of the notary public noim march the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. r Additionf information is not rrg7iircd but could bele to ensure [his acknowledgment is not misuacd or attached to a dis3Ercru 6c uncut v lndicata tide or type of acached document, number of pngm and data 4 Indicate the capacity daimul by the signer. If the claimed capazity is a cotwwc: offiu , indicue the title (i c. CEO, CFQ. Ser=tary), • Securely antt,ch this decimev to the signed document 3-97 I i 1 7 f � 7 EXHIBIT A i j LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject property is the following real property in the City ofNewport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: j Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page $$ of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California Parcel 2: That portion ofLot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in book 1, Page $$ of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. FINAL 5115108 10001.34 1{&0. 959720 vt A-] I 3-98 a - u.� k9VM •. Upper C Yihpus + ` + 4 himm �r s � Ad low PARCEL I ,. RON Lff go • a Arrn "W rw. 4 # was amm � rrrKf i ■ s" R r. IhN4'P i. HlNpN ti tIq PARCEL 2 � X` A � PA AIOL 04 .wnar am,,,,fir sra �� 0-0POW. Sax . Ammon aW 171'Jc7 AC! NAM mot $4� 6=40FNArA Af Ir �� I i AWWR rr arms 03AM, ar p. j 319 i EXHIBIT C E HOAG MEMORIAL HOSrrrAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Adapted May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-9 Effective June 12, 2008 1 J FINAL y 5/16106 IM134 H&a 958720 Yl C-1 3-100 PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 2008-10 May 13, 2008 FTNRL_Hoag PC_4a 1909&DOC 3-101 i 1 Hoag .'ifemorial ffospita'f Presbyterian Planned Caftw xity D next Criteria and District ReWadoms TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number I. INTRODUCTION I 11. GENERAL NOTES 2 III. DEFINITIONS 3 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5 V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS to VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM 21 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS 23 VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS 24 IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW. 27 (�. F1NAI,_Hoag_PC_04 ] BpBa TQC 3-102 —Hoag Afemorial Hos ' al Presbyterian Planned Carrrmunity Development CriWia and Ditrricf Regulations LIST OF EXHIBITS 1. PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP 2. VEHICULAR ACCESS 3. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA 4_ PROPOSED SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN 5. LOADING DOCK AREA LOCATION 6. LANDSCAPE MATRIX 7. LOWER CAMPUS LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 8. COAST HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE SCREEN LIST OF TABLES 1. BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 2. PARKING REQUIREMENTS FIN.A1,_Hnag_PC 041808ai)oc Page Number 7 8 14 19 20 32 33 34 4 23 3-103 Hoag Metwdal Hospital PresbvferFan Planned Commuwty Development Cnled and District Regulations 1. INTRODUCTION Background The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses_ The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the Upper and Lower Campuses of Hoag Hospital. In general, over the long term, the Upper Campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community teat shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. c,) ..-` FINAL_Hoag_PC_N1848&.r)OC 3-104 Hoag MemorW Hospital Presbyterian Planned Cammrnity Development Criteria and Dts'nel Regulations 11. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K4 and K-5 regarding paleontological and archaeological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, al] construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments_ 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements or the requirements of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development as applicable. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any Fre equipment and acetFs shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. Excluding communications devices on the Upper Campus, new mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults on the Upper and Lower Campuses shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be designed utilizing compatible architectural materials on the lower Campus. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Excavation and Grading Code and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall commence within thirty (30) days of the completion of grad i ng. FINAL Hoag_PC_04I309a DOC 3-105 Haag M~ -al Hospital Presbyferian Plam4r4 Community Derwlopmeni Criteria and District Regulanoas M. DEFiMUONS Building Elevation: 1. A vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e.; MSL (mean sea level). 2. A flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side ofa building. Building_Envelome: The volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. BuildingH_ e_iQht: The vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. EmerZency Room: A service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medicsd services for possible life threatening situations. Entitlement, Gross Floor Area: Any area of building, or portion thereof, including the surrounding exterior walls, but excluding: I. Area of a building utilized for stairwells and elevator shafts on levels other than the first level of a building in which they appear; 2. Area of a medical building, that is not used for general or routine occupancy but rather is for interstial or mechanical occupancies, that measures less than 19 feet from finished floor to ceiling; 3, As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, area of a building used specifically for base isolation and structural system upgrades directly related to requirements of governmental agencies and is not for general or routine occupancy;and 4. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August I3, 2002, enclosed rooftop mechanical levels not for general or routine occupancy. First Aid: Low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: The General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and al elements thereof. Grade: For the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) (- e[�n� Hoo�rc_oa,sosaaoc 3 3-106 Hoag,ilemorW Hospital Presbyterian Plawned Community Development Criteria and Disinct Regulations 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. I Existing - the current elevation of ground surface_ inpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which require twenty-four (24) hour or more stays. Landscape Area: The landscape area shall include on-site walks, plazas, water, rooftop landscaping and a]I other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: A reference or datum mark treasuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Outpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which do not exceed twenty-four (224) flours. Residential Care: Medical}y-oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: For the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2. Net - parcel area after dedications_ r Streets: Reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. FINA L_Hoag_PC_OA I Rp&a pOC 4 3-107 Hoag Menmrial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations IV. DEVELOPi fENT PLAN Project Characteristics The Upper Campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments to the west. The Lower Campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Sunset Yew linear and consolidated park and Villa Balboa Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 37.38 total acres, including 8,603 square feet of land encumbered by a roadway easement. The Lower Campus adjoins the Upper Campus at its eastern boundary. The Upper Campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services_ Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1, Planned Community Site and Boundary Map. 'Through the year 2017, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the Upper Campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. Access to the Louver Campus will be from West Coast Highway and from Hospital Road, via the Upper Campus. Exhibit 2, Vehicular Access, shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. i The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital -related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nattare of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Haag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. The maximum allowable building area for Hoag Hospital, which encompasses both the Lower Campus and the Upper Campus, is 1,343,238 square feet. Each Campus is also subject to a maximum allowable building area limit: the maximum allowable building area for the Upper Campus is 990,349 square feet; the maximum allowable building area for the Lower Campus is 577,889 square feet. Table 1, Building Area Statistical Analysis, provides a summary of allowable square footage for both the Upper and Lower Campuses. Implementation, Pram EIR and Subseouent Proiect Specific Approvals Hnag has acknowledged that the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the development and implementation of the Hoag Master Plan pursuant to this Planned Community Development Plan is a "Program EIR." The City has prepared and certified two program Environmental Impact Reports - Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final Program EIR (Final EIR No. 142) and a Supplemental EIR for the Master Plan Update (SCI -141991071003). The EIRs analyze the impacts of construction phased overtime and, pursuant to CEQA, the City is under a continuing FINAL_atoag PC 041808a.DOC 3-108 Hoag Me—hal Hospital P—A"enan Planned Comr wm4 Dewfopment Criteria and Dablef Regolafdons obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the requests were fully addressed in the EIRs. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIRs, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIRs. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. ` RNAL Hca&_PC_4a18o8a_DGC 6 3-109 � k 1i1E�Ef�.�[ Li�i17TYa r �"PITAI 136Z •� ! NOAG 0lpy{ NCeM P4AtAl¢ ' k eiAtlCrllef ean" t WOKBO•e PMWDN �`� �•1, •- alae + Iae rwpaYUPa�,� ware tnsleuAnna 1 +C 7101ikEtf.NE I3➢Lpe tfOGYtlftll'WIE '7 s01lfmN0ACOAK /'-' ` , � `'�'"'•`:� . `-• _ � 'tom- �.,i 1_.� �- PAMI{` I / t; ONGtil t' ,R".¢ ^� fllelCNAIE L 7iUgf,W[Plytelqcam n -•I .. .. --� _ � _,.... .. .. CDrrER PILOMMUNE LOWER CAMPUS EE)„� - �r ° ` < / .d4 OW NORTH PAMRS 100 0 too 200 Note: Sulldings labeled foridenUflcation purposes only SCALE, 10d200' PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP QW18171 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 08-20.07 REVISED 01.22.08 VA 3-110 LEGEND �� 1r(.j PRIMARY ACCESS (S,GNAUZED) ��� SECONDARY ACCESS L 1 PRIMARY ROADWAYS wnn190000XJUMor9vJ&Vi SECONDARY DRIVEWAY AND SERVICE ]• +� r yyEe Dye �, A muffrsrnu�RMS xc AFOALM ! BULD" ; 1� 1 1!� +w�xc enxumr� 260CAM vx �; 1 OA�OIx✓tt its -2 flommo t 4tAM1 Ll140 W D !)C)CK -t--r it esutusrtuse a�ou use �\ ..-� nuaaevw�� \ wum�roAnwsu� + Lv �_ wM"Nfww '`4 � ! �` J !t- _� �` `h $ �J 7�9C�{INETUMF. � j � `-•1�` r . _ '►�/.u.� .I � ,1 CLJw GAaRM smucw rj pAcw CDNFEWh FAWM NOM . U 100 0 100 200 Nute: Buildings labeled for Idendficatlon purposes only SCALE: t"-200' VEHICULAR ACCESS EXH18IT 2 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 08.20.07 REVISED 01.22.08 m 3-111 I Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Developmmt Criteria and District R%xlatiaet j TABLE I BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS As of the date of adoption. Z Up to 225,040 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus ' Demolition of Borne existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet 1 FINAL -Hoa? PC_041808a-DOC 9 3-112 TOTAL of LOWER CAMPUS & UPPER CAMPUS &RLDiNG AREAS - MAxImum ALLOWABLE. 1,343,238 SQUARE -FEET Maximum Allowable Net Allowable Site Area Building Area Existia t Remainin rn U 765,349 sq. ft. 765,349 sq. ft. 698,121 sq. ft. 6748 sq. ft. 990,349 sq. ft C4 w a rn 862,815 sq. ft. 577,889 sq. f. 188,149 sq. 1 389,740 sq. ft- 577,889 sq. t. O a 0 1,618,164 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. ft. 886,270 sq. fi. 456,968 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. fL' F - As of the date of adoption. Z Up to 225,040 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus ' Demolition of Borne existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet 1 FINAL -Hoa? PC_041808a-DOC 9 3-112 Hoag Ue—ial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Camnwnity Development Criteria and District Regulations V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories are not an exhaustive list Other hospital -related uses which fft into the five (5) permitted use categories are allowed. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments. A. Permitted U5 Lower Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) Outpatient services: (a) Antepartum Testing (b) Cancer Center (c) Skilled Nursing (d) Rehabilitation (e) Surgery Center (f) Clinical Center (g) Day Hospital (h) Back and Neck Center (i) Biofeedback 0) Breast Imaging Center (k) Dialysis (1) EEGIEMG/NICE Laboratory (m) First Aid Center (n) Fertility Services (o) G.I. Laboratory (p) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (q) Neurology (r) [nuclear Medicine (s) Occupational Therapy (t) Pediatrics (u) Pharmacy (v) Physical Therapy (w) Pulmonary Services (x) Radiation Therapy (y) Respiratory Therapy (z) Sleep Disorder Center (aa) Speech Therapy (bb) Ultrasound (cc) Urgent Care FRNAL Hoag_PC_PdI&69AADC IQ 3-113 .i II f i i Hoag Memorial Haspiial Presbyterian Planned Cornnwn4 Developmew Criteria and Dislriel Regulations (2) Administration: (a) Admitting (b) Auxiliary Office (c) Business Offices (d) Infnrmation Desk (e) Registration (f) Patient Relations (g) Social Services (3) Support Services: (a) Employee Child Care (b) Health Education (c) Power/MechanicaUAuxiliary Support and Storage (d) Food Services (e) Cashier (Ej Chapel/Chaplaincy Service (g} Conference Center (h) Dietitian (i) Gift Shop 0) Laboratory (k) Medical Library (1) Medical Records (m) Pharmacy (n) Parking Facilities4 (o) Engineering/Maintenance (p) Shipping/Receiving (q) Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities (4) Residential Care: (a) Substance Abuse (b) Mental Health Services (c) Extended Care (d) Hospice Care (e) Self or Minimal Care (f) Congregate Care (5) Medical/Support Offices ' Parking structures or decks do not count toward square -footage FINAL_HoatLPC_041808a.D 0C l 1 3-114 t i Hoag Mrmariat Hospital PraByterian Planned Community Development Crfterea and Diurict Regulations b. Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system components. C. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. I € d. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. t 2. Upper Campus a Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to -- (1) o:(1) Inpatient uses including, but not limited to: i j (a) Critical Care (b) Emergency Department (c) Birthing Suites (d) Cardiology (e) Cardiac Care Unit (f) Intensive Care Unit j (g) Mother/Baby Unit (h) Surgery (i) Laboratory (k) Patient Beds (2) Outpatient services as allowed on the Lower Campus (3) Administrative uses as allowed on the Lower Campus (4) Support services as allowed on the Lower Campus (5) Residential care as allowed on the Lower Campus (6) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development_ c. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. S Does not count toward square -footage 1 FINAL_ Hang_ PC_Od180giLDOC 12 3-115 ifoag Merwrial Hospital Prerbytrrian Planned Community De mlopment Criteria and D&&icl Regulations B. Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a. Emergency Room b. Heliport C. Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy 2. Upper Campus a_ Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy C. Maximum Building Height The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3, Development Criteria Plein, which establishes the following height zones: I. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower which is two -hundred thirty-five (235) feet above mean sea level. I upper Campus Mid -rise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed one - hundred forty (140) feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking Zone - maximum building height not to exceed eighty (80) feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator towers. 4. Dower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated by the development criteria shown on Exhibit 3. 5_ Lower Campus zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center which is fifty-seven and one-half (57.5) feet above mean sea level. FINA ,_nnab_Pc a4I808O.00c 13 3-116 LL_U L-1116 Rov„r m+ffa L sso subs �xmuua PWcft .7{ v HOSPITAL ROAD -X. ,,.h y f, ilaop2A3/Wfa 1 f 1 ' Nst E�ped►,o ELXn]_ ... —._1 \ f.'1 1� YY�S P,pa�: avy"'°w^tr++u.nytse• ,J � e , �.. � `. ` {t i"ria�,.,.� ,mu"w,.a•+s tae c�cr4T''•^'j',t�:i�^.: \ ` �`t � �\ �•� .�C s,...r.�. Mux LAAC1xA DOCK •�� , � NR! PM C. CEIM l67WYnM011F+g4AM0 sftm`°'°a A. caw„ r� *�G_ar� �E NORTH �Sa,.M,or.w.w+s6osc6• �► u+ ', + !- '-7� /* °` IAby L•�ITNilpe4HY d f�/ 140 0 100 200 /f MnYs�WAe6 hOW .xa►�6w..xaawu Nate: 60ditslabeledlarEdenflPeltlnnpurposes only S..* DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PLAN � _ _ IXHIBFT3 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. PRESBYTERIAN 08-20-07 REVISED 01.22.08 14 3-117 PPER CAMPUS ZONES TOWER ZONE- MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 235' ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL A1IDRISE 20NE• MAIdMUM RIILWNO HELOHT 140' ABOVE MEAN BEA LEVEL ® PARKING LONE.. MAMMUM BLk1,OLNO HEIGHT 80' ABOVE MEAN SFA Lt L. DLCl11SfVE OF ELEVATOR TOWER LOWEtt CAMPUS ZONES LOWER CAMPUS ME- SUB • AREASA, B, C, F, AND G• 140 BUILDING SHALL EXCUO THE HEIGHT OF THE EXISTING SLOFE OR THE RANGE OF MAI WWW BUILOLNG HEIGHTS LNDLCATEO O wu,4omuml54MAU SUS -AREAS OAND E•MAMMUMBUWIMHEIGHT +R fmrALmauofVA"40 5T.5FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL HM' , A66YE FRE MMM CAADLS ® RAUL HAhOC W MR+1nN `1 W. f Fp,./yM w, U— A11OM Hf•1f M MW NA M. (MSL1 iyi..i r+•1no [a`rxdA I ro(ZSu FFQa°°v.. * �} 11..62j AIiM4E AtIK FSFYA1t9x fha pla be—HAW _ 1 L sso subs �xmuua PWcft .7{ v HOSPITAL ROAD -X. ,,.h y f, ilaop2A3/Wfa 1 f 1 ' Nst E�ped►,o ELXn]_ ... —._1 \ f.'1 1� YY�S P,pa�: avy"'°w^tr++u.nytse• ,J � e , �.. � `. ` {t i"ria�,.,.� ,mu"w,.a•+s tae c�cr4T''•^'j',t�:i�^.: \ ` �`t � �\ �•� .�C s,...r.�. Mux LAAC1xA DOCK •�� , � NR! PM C. CEIM l67WYnM011F+g4AM0 sftm`°'°a A. caw„ r� *�G_ar� �E NORTH �Sa,.M,or.w.w+s6osc6• �► u+ ', + !- '-7� /* °` IAby L•�ITNilpe4HY d f�/ 140 0 100 200 /f MnYs�WAe6 hOW .xa►�6w..xaawu Nate: 60ditslabeledlarEdenflPeltlnnpurposes only S..* DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PLAN � _ _ IXHIBFT3 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. PRESBYTERIAN 08-20-07 REVISED 01.22.08 14 3-117 Hoag Menwrial Hospital Presbyterian Planned C'ammunhir Development Criteria and District Rrgulationy D. Building Setbacks Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa condominiums, as defined below: a. Upper Campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b. Lower Campus northern boundary, ail of which will have a 20 -foot minimum building setback. 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be fifteen (15) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of die West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: lst Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor_ 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of twenty (20) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of twenty-five (25) feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be forty-five (45) feet. j In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the ' I ' signal for buildings within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast I Highway frontage. as follows: 1 Ist Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the Ist floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. yl FTNAL_HmS_PC OJIAM.DOC 15 3-118 Hoag Memorud Hos ' Pnnbyrerime Planned Community Develegmenf Criteria and Dawn Regularions 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of fifty-five (55) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of sixty-five (65) feet_ In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than two -hundred fifty (250) linear feet in width. Additionally, 20a1a of the linear frontage within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings, 10% of the linear length of Height Zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicyclelpedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX. 3. Where will be no building setbacks along the westerly boundary of the Lower Campus (adjacent to the municipal parking lot at Superior and West Coast t Highway). d_ A twenty (20) foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point six -hundred (600) feet south; a twenty- five (25) foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Lim The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to shield the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Minor rooftop equipment, necessary for operating purposes, will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be designed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. FtN A1._Haag_PC_o4 [ 9Q&.00C 16 3-119 Hoag Memorial Harplial Presbyterian Planned Comnwnity Development Criteria and Dixtricl Regulations G. Signs All signs shall be as specified under the [-coag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. H. Parkin All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. Landscape All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. J. Mechanical and Trash Areas Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets and immediately adjacent residential properties. K. West Hoag Drive Circulation Limitations The project sponsor shall continue to limit the use of that portion of West Hoag Drive adjacent to residential uses located on the Upper Campus. Deliveries to loading areas shall not occur after 8:00 PM or before 7:00 AM daily. The project sponsor shall physically restrict access to the roadway between these hours and appropriate signage indicating permitted delivery hours and access limitations shall be installed and maintained at all times. Might time deliveries and vehicular access to the loading area located along West Hoag Drive are allowed where critical supplies, services or materials are necessary for the continued operation of the hospital. L. Loading Dock The project sponsor shall provide a sound wall along West Hoag Drive as shown in the approximate location on Exhibit 4. Said wall shall be installed within 12 months of project approval, subject to issuance of required permits. To the maximum degree feasible, the sound wall shall be constructed to retain existing vegetation, which serves as a visual screen. Please refer to Section VIII, D. for additional landscaping requirements related to the sound wall. ,Mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels in the Loading Dock Area shall be incorporated into the design and operations of the hospital; such mitigation shall include relocation of the trash compactor and baler, limiting the hours of truck deliveries to the loading dock area, and enclosure of the trash compactor. FINAL_f-fvag_PC_941SON DOC 17 3-120 i Hoag Uemarr'a! FTaspital Presbyterian Planned Co mna finny Development Criteria and DaYnct Regalatfnns j M. Noise- Standards Noise generated at the Hoag Hospital property shall be governed by the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance, except as noted below for the Loading Dock Area. Refer to Exhibit 5, Loading i Dock Area Location, For the location. 1. The applicable noise standard at the Hoag Hospital property line adjacent to the { Loading Dock Area shall be as follows: l 7 AM — 10 PM 10 PM — 7 AM Daytime Nighttime { Leq (15 min) 65 dBA 55 dBA 2. Within the Loading Dock Area during daytime hours, vehicles shall be exempt from applicable noise standards as listed above. Vehicle idling shall be prohibited on West Hoag Drive and within the loading dock areas, except that refrigerated vehicles may idle while at the loading docks when refrigeration is necessary. In addition, the grease pit cleaning which is exempt from the City Noise Ordinance as a maintenance activity shall occur on P Saturday between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM_ l 0 FINAL Hoag`PC_C14I808aDOC 18 3-121 LEGEND ExIsdag Fence - — Pmperty LJne Easement Line 18.5' High Weil. r ` •` . 23' High Wall '` iT High Wail r N .. .. �: • � .. ....... 14' High wall 1 NOTE Sound Wall is apprasimately 470 Linear Feet l f,, i•' ' w , w Sound Wall height measured from adjacent roadway surface. ,. �b z- c 1iTa4?�Es� non. SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN apol3, 2008 0 40 8o E)(HIBIT 4 3-122 ............ LEGEND PROPERTY LINE AS IDEFMfTED IN SECTION M.1., DISMCI REGULATIGNS LOADING DOCK AREA AS FDE?0 FIED IN sEenoN MI., DIM ICT R EGULATIGN$ UPPER CAMPUS WWAL �"-- IIP161'ifr1lHIRi1 ,i! ,,� \ +rw+uiisu�ran+ r ' rn cakffuft I -,,Ft JVITIT IMP! 'H HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 20 3-123 Nam LOWER CAMPUS NAM* foo a 100 200 Nobe: BuIldhigs 1044ed for ilantfflcatlon purposts onty SCALE: i'-200' LOADING DOCK AREA FXWIRrrFi HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 20 3-123 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbytenan Planxed Community IDevelopmeni Criteria and Ash -rd R xlatroxs VL HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A. PuEpose and Intent The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordinance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. S. General Si Standards All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground - mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, or create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4_ All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 1 10-L. 5. For purposes of this section, a building shall be defined as any occupied structure or any occupied portion of a structure that is constructed as an addition to an existing structure and identified as a separate building for way finding purposes. Individual building numbers uniquely define the buildings on the Hoag campus. C. Number of Signs Allowed One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two (2) single -faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project C) F3NAl. ha ag_PC_041808a, DOC 21 3-124 Hoeg Memorial Hospttal Presbyforlan Planned Commundy Development Criteria and District Regulations boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Primary entrance identification shall be allowed at the main entrance to the facility and at the main entrance to the Emergency Department. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eight (8) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed seventy (70) square Feet. 3. Secondary building and entrance identification signs shall be allowed. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of nine (9) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid- point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet whether freestanding or wall -mounted - 4. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced, double-faced, or triple -faced sign. The sign shall be sized to allow for proper readability given the number of lines of copy, speed of traffic, setback off the road and viewing distance. This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eleven (1 1) feet average height above finished grade. 5. Donor recognition signage shall be allowed, one (1) at each building elevation. Maximum sign area shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five (175) square feet for donor recognition signage. 6. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital towers, one (1) at each elevation. The maximum sign area shall not exceed two hundred seventy- five (275) square feet. Any hospital identification signage on the elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 7. On the Lower Campus, two (2) building -mounted identification signs will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa property. Such signs shall adhere to the requirements above for secondary building and entrance identification signage and shall be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. 8. Each public parking structure shall be allowed one (1) identification sign above each entrance and exit of the structure. The maximum sign area of each identification sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. Adjacent regulatory parking signage does not count toward the maximum sign area. . • nNAL HwS_PC_04 E BOBa DOC 22 3-125 .','oaSr Memorial Hospital Preshylerian Planned Community Depelopment Cnreria and District R Kfations VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General I . Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Department_ 3. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. ne plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements have been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Requirements for Off -Street Parkin Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon the area allocated to the use categories. TABLE 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Use Category Parking Requirements Outpatient Services 2.31 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) Support 0.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (1)(2) Administrative 5.3 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) Residential Care 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Inpatient 2.35 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) (1) Parking factor based on parking analysis prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan dated October 15, 2001 for Traffic Study 2001-002 approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. [542. (2) Support Services generates parking demand that is accounted for in one of the other categories. (3) Parking requirements based upon a study prepared by LSA Associates dated September 27, 1991. rINAL_J4oaC_PC_04I608a])OC 23 3-126 Haag .1lenwrial I&Fpital Presbyterian Planned Corrrrrur io Dewtopswnt Criteria and District Reguhajons VII]. HOAG ROSMAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan shall include a concept for rooftop parking and parking structures if proposed for the Lower Campus. Trees shall not be used, however planter boxes, green roof treatments or trellis systems shall be designed to provide added visual relief of rooftop parking or parking structures. All rooftop or top of parking structure --' landscaping proposals shall conform to the building height limits established in this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than five (5) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from one (1) gallon containers or from rooted cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed as necessary to avoid damage to trees, irrigation systems, shrubs and other planting materials. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing or the introduction of irregular groupings may also be considered to add interest and variety. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their mature size without restriction. 7. Emphasis shall be placed on the use of native, drought -tolerant, non-invasive plants on the Lower Campus. On the Upper Campus, naturalized vegetation selections, as well as those plants allowed on the Lower Campus, will be emphasized. Automatically controlled irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. S. Installation and maintenance of landscape, screening and irrigation systems per Exhibit 46, Exhibit #7 and Exhibit #8. All improvements shall be shown on landscape and irrigation plans to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department and which shall be in substantial compliance with the Exhibits #6, #7 and 98. Hoag shall complete all of the improvements within the timelines set forth in Exhibit 46. FtNAL_H0ag_PC_04 I Ma.DOC 24 3-127 Hoag Memorial Hospital Prevb rerian Planned CommYnity Development Criteria and Disniet Regulations B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris and cultivated as necessary to maintain. 2. Lawn and ground cover areas are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertilization, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of a regularly scheduled annual maintenance program. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in good working condition at all times. On- going monitoring, adjustments and cleaning of systems are to be part of regular maintenance procedures_ 5. Stakes, guys and tree ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties shall be adjusted to avoid creasing abrasions or girdling of branches or central leaders_ G. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. 7. Plantings and irrigation are to be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. C. Special Landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A fifteen (15) foot building setback from right-of-way/property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage structures are allowed in the setback areas. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Installed trees are to be no smaller than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Landsme .Zone The area between the Hoag property line and the sound wall will be referred to as the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone. This portion of the Hoag Hospital property will have a specific landscape process to ensure consultation with Villa Balboa on the planting and maintenance of the area. Existing Iandscaping on Villa Balboa's side of the wall shall be preserved to the extent feasible or replaced with specimen plant material as designated on a plan to be approved by the Planning Director after consultation with the Villa Uboa Community Association. The plan frNAt._Hoeg_PC_041809m.DDC 25 3-128 float Memorial Has itat PresWrri—.Planned Community Devdopmwat Crileria and District Reguta6ons shall also include sufficient additional landscaping to screen or soften the soundwall required pursuant to Section V.L. Hoag shall maintain all landscaping on Hoag's property and to the extent new plant material is installed as a result of wall construction by Hoag on the Villa Balboa property adjacent to the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone (with their permission), Hoag shall maintain such new plant material on Villa Balboa's property for a period of two years after installation to ensure healthy growth. All landscape installation shall occur within 45 days of the completion of the wall or earlier. Any future modifications made to said wall and landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area landscape calculations. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not be regularly spaced. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter panting area landscaping, benning and depressing of parking areas to provide additional screening. ,Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Newport Beach Planning Department. A rooftop landscaping program shall be developed for parking structures and rooftop parking proposed for the Cower Campus and Shall be subject to the review and the approval of the Newport Beach Planning Department. FINAL Hoa&_PC_04ISO&LDOC ZG 3-129 Hoag Memorial Hospital Prerbyterlan Planned Community Drvelopmrat Criteria and Dishict Regulafions I t IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW I s A. P_ uEpose T,,- Council finds that deveiopi,i. at on the Lower Campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the community. The effect of this section is to establish a Site i Plan Review requirement for certain individual projects - to insure that these projects conform with the goals and policies of the General Plan, provisions of this Planned Community Development plan, the Development Agreement and the standards set forth below in sub -section F. The following classifications of projects are subject to the Site Plan Review: Planning Commission review: 1. Any project that differs from setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D.2. Planning Director's review: I . Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions that could have an impact to visual resources. 2. Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions creating objectionable odors or other impacts to air quality. 3. Replacement of existing cooling towers; emeept for aiiaaek�- $_ Findings The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C_ Application Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure, as outlined in Section 1X.A above, prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit or issuance of an approval in concept for Coastal Commission or Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development review. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: FINAL Hoag PC_0418GSa.DOC 27 j Nuag M—&r-I HO -I. -f ! Presbyterian Plaxned Community DT+elaprnenl Criteria and District Regulations A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees (proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained); and indicating the amount, type, and location of any landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for automatic irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties_ 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional informatidn necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. Fee The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section A, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the Site Plan Review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Text); Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3_ Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special FINAL_Houg_PC 44IEGgaDDC 28 3-131 Moar L Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planner! Community Development Criteria and District Regulations consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas. pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consideration to functional aspects of site development. Potential impacts shall be mitigated to less than significant levels. G. Public Hearing - Reciuired Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. in addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two (2) conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H. Action by the Planning Director If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Director shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Director shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Director shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Planning Director_ The action of the Planning Director on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Director's action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been fled by the applicant, or any other person, the Planning Director has requested a review of its decision, or unless the Planning Commission, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Director's action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Director, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The Planning Commission may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the Planning Commission shall be final, unless subsequently appealed or reviewed_ Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. xtNAL_tioag_rC_oa 1908a DOC 29 3-132 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commrtnity Development Crilena and Dislrlet Regukdomy If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty -ane (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision_ Such action by the City Council shall be final. Appeal to the ity Council Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. K. Action by the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council within sixty (60) days of filing a letter of appeal, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. Is_ Expiration and Revocation of Site Plan Review Approvals t. Expiration_ Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time_ 2_ Violation of Terms. Any Site flan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection there with_ 3. Hearin. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within sixty (60) days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. FINAL_Haag_pC 041808aDOC 30 3-133 i sTGn� yre.n..m.r daerav . �irm.tlNMryvi f..►q.>tbCamgnlugMM r? aaaa ervunu lm avaee.oleenweenQe.a...Mmr.[r.,l �Ml or Ne.Prl9och an Irpl.arAe Mw ee anmetra ro+ scrw., �..,, orwem Faano 9 ,,t P' -,4,g .o[yc t.tM9d w a+t d Ln.r C-" Yore Fle(.v Ungbon Area 16e3cAptlon Landxape Element Schedule GavammernlAganey Ar>sfclpatad I Nath talyWd 11 Status Qutcame ! Mct Ca.yg[ Cm.n I y ree..e r.ae 8.M-b�vacmur,...n�rcc awe "'"?`Ito, mor N,InIeG 'r,�-n�rm.xa /dCipvlhs#amp nM.on - ade.N.emn F.wr a:.wt Soren..a aea n,.nww ,gray w Ala. t. to O,.. dMerOtl.� rt. and r,gs'bn nJ'1peW I1rr'ad.�ya1>tau1T + Pn�4fWI. PSJq .na um el Ca GtlY eubrp i ' '. .�•�' ! -. -. - Am7..r hwe.,aV•..,cnf. uen ane n.x+7ecaWlr fty /A]Ao+ut nem joalAry lne.rm .emPr,1199 JWf IGomm Apgv.m �.Ue Am.0 .c+e enbd�G len Fhs. 1 ArMy-CO Wn Imm - loa mrnaru,y iegr� I I i i - ...dlil�mlawn,n•MAI.r..[.mlm.er. ;7— M" 20M 'aww uewve�ar. r.a,d.e��la7 'm.lb c.,.F Acnc.�zea •ws+..r.,.r � I.9.rot,aRm PtY.p... . re]yrun.e.et. 5, _ :. •..I'.�L`:.; h igdMnNAt WeOM ['aldlyk 23.]C IfF 4bwng eea ere]h.. m0119 om C.iMWWnarai mwv Nra.w•cyrrs mdn .ma Ngmm �1v.vwellrn K n,wrae.ee+y aa. m.. e..n.ery. eaa.aa,xry tra.NNra... I�w.ane za ,p.mtc rlww ar G Gn a.v i E I .A,WPlm4pw h, Lo'w'.a0. bnq..d.{.TNa m,4ley .a PM1d e+.yxmrl e.a • a7 mReiNh:l h4..S R ek��,daed I .y+.rnaA,W "� . - - -�1•a.# 14-4Cclyen b.n aonsp.Omdw.11 Am Y,ruaee aopp.Y.Q +r 1,C Y..: a�a S.1 Ii1�IJ �etir: go�+erc« � a i .b—PIN�'9a NUINw 7007 Ee1r8tl IOroJrygfey tree emee.la nti�w.rmewwlMtYrm rrdam I Idld ��pewi�� qugr Iwr.wp Ma.,Mlm sm FN � ? { sTGn� yre.n..m.r daerav . �irm.tlNMryvi f..►q.>tbCamgnlugMM r? aaaa ervunu lm avaee.oleenweenQe.a...Mmr.[r.,l �Ml or Ne.Prl9och an Irpl.arAe Mw ee anmetra ro+ scrw., �..,, orwem Faano 9 ,,t P' -,4,g .o[yc t.tM9d w a+t d Ln.r C-" Yore Fle(.v iCrr4ymM d.agwMnena Nath talyWd 11 � ' .aN mPvaae bf sK S i Ca.yg[ Cm.n I y ree..e r.ae gXia�.rrm�t.awnMM 1N9. MV .d RaeexmndN.a Soren..a aea n,.nww ,gray w ;._tlydn.ed yF.ey.11�wlt rFaue9 bt wC+ . ..Y.. .: �: 01wab1d PtnLYq I�PNOV..+*w'4 d41 dMerOtl.� rt. and r,gs'bn nJ'1peW I1rr'ad.�ya1>tau1T + Pn�4fWI. PSJq .na jlstpllRltl M of Lrr CesapnY Flepe . i 42, 6r fa•r*a..M .ne. eM a N ENe ]00 bamNtl IW— MW-V i P"M�ea,p+.w I � ... d ePn Pm ^a S ram i 1 MlaeedM Val daa,. C.vpu xoaPm}c � � ;hv.aara alone .nd aalN � I.9.rot,aRm PtY.p... 5, _ :. •..I'.�L`:.; h igdMnNAt WeOM ['aldlyk 23.]C IfF 4bwng eea ere]h.. m0119 om C.iMWWnarai mwv Nra.w•cyrrs mdn .ma im®lwM K .A,WPlm4pw h, Lo'w'.a0. bnq..d.{.TNa m,4ley .a PM1d e+.yxmrl e.a • a7 mReiNh:l h4..S R ek��,daed MmVgdtT.w.by bpd - - -�1•a.# x.binlq rel S.1 MevMPw,O<ww..�'L ecd M1e.LQ♦M ltng9?Ip�rn l.leti'vnAL lFrhnalnn Met an,als,xm iR Effnylude.dYldtpq � a I�m',.rv�45 'arN.n .ens tamn tzomfadccv,:�,w re a,r�urc..�n 4°+hTMth+*a roan cored z �M Apwderyl eti.. af.tts 11 Crr.. ao.aa a,.a 6p� .F aCiw I%�igPrk9 .-_ IHo IE °A�a P"19 cmpeted m�+,�aMreh! 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PSJq .na �kr oan.el Im{svierrm evl xv.a sM corn p.rpr.,ee. epa.'w q -Ytpa.,Wtai .yy1 V trf MapaM1 r.F.e Pana. ay.lnp,a.Y1.wp F � p✓•M[ Y.1 la .utrMl.db d7aaDe� l+W6eai+ bio \R raltd]FA hR Ier Cft _ Exhibit #6 31 3-134 HOAG LOWER CAMPUS IMPROVVilaNT PLAN Exhibit *7 A\ 32 3-135 WAX HOAG LOWER CAMPUS IMPROVVilaNT PLAN Exhibit *7 A\ 32 3-135 PARTIAL ELEVATION - PCH LANDSCAPE SCREEN (DRAM f,,acprt• rh Hoag Memori lHc !ttPlmsmedan W34/mm Nn�wnlem, L Exhibit of 2a 3-136 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } I, LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2008-10 as duly and regularly introduced before and adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Council, duly and regularly held on the 13th day of May 2008, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Henn, Rosau,sky, Curry, Daigle, Gardner, Mayor Selich Noes: None Absent: Webb Abstain: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the official seal of said City this 14th day of May 2008_ (Seal) ,7 IV City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ] COUNTY OF ORANGE } as. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) I, LAVONNE M_ HARKLESS, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 2008-10 has been duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City and that same was so published in The Daily Pilot, a daily newspaper of general circulation on the following date, to wit: May 17, 2008. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this day of 2008. City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California 3-137 EXHIBIT E SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 E1 3-138 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: City Clerk (Space Above This Line Is for Recorder's Use Only) This Agreement is recorded at the request and for the benefit of the City of Newport Beach and is exempt from the payment of a recording fee pursuant to Government Code §§ 6103 and 27383. SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65564-65569.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved February _, 2019 Ordinance No. 2019- 3-139 SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Pursuant to California Government Code sections 65864-65869.5) This SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Second Amendment") is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation ("City"), on the one hand, and HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Hoag"), on the other. City and Hoag are sometimes collectively referred to in this Second Amendment as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party." RECITALS A. Hoag is the fee owner of approximately thirty eight (38) acres of real property located in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, located at 1 Hoag Drive (Assessor's Parcel No.'s 423-011-30, 423-011-28), ("Property"). The Property is more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto and as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference, and as more particularly depicted as attached hereto in Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference. B. City and Hoag entered into that certain Development Agreement dated February 14, 1994, for reference purposes and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on March 23, 1994, as document number 94-0207276 ("Agreement"). C. City and Hoag entered into that certain Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008, and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on the same date, as document number 2008000289321 ("Amendment"). All terms not otherwise defined in this Second Amendment shall have the meanings given them in the Amendment and the Agreement. D. Under the Agreement, the Term of the Agreement was for twenty five (25) years and the Parties now desire to enter into this Second Amendment to the Agreement to extend the Term another six (6) months. E. On March 13, 2007, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2007-6, entitled "Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.45 of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") Regarding Development Agreements" that amended the terms of NBMC Section 15.45 (the "Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance"). This Second Amendment is consistent with the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance. G. This Second Amendment is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan, including without limitation the General PIan's designation of the Property as "Private Institutions - PI," and the Amendment and Agreement. H. On January 17, 2019, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on this Second Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. On January 17, 2019, consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the Planning Commission 3-140 adopted Resolution No. PC2019-003, recommending the City Council approve this Second Amendment. I. In recognition of the significant public benefits that the Agreement, as amended, provides, the City Council has found that this Second Amendment: (i) is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan as of the date of the Agreement, the Amendment, and this Second Amendment; (ii) is in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of City, its residents, and the public; (iii) is entered into pursuant to, and constitutes a present exercise of, City's police power; (iv) is consistent and has been approved consistent with the final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR No. 142) ("FEIR") and the supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. ER2007-003) (SCH#1991071003) ("EIR") that have been certified by the City Council on or before the Agreement Date, which analyzed the environmental effects of the proposed development of the Project on the Property, and all of the findings, conditions of approval and mitigation measures related thereto; and (v) is consistent and has been approved consistent with provisions of California Government Code section 65867 and NBMC chapter 15.45. J. On February 26, 2019, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on this Second Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. On , 2019, consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the City Council held second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 2019-, finding the Second Amendment to be consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan and approving this Second Amendment. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, City and Hoag agree as follows: Term of Agreement. Section 6.3 is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until September 15, 2019, unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program ("LCP"), are subject to the review and approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency." 2. Full Force and Effect. Except as modified by this Second Amendment, the Agreement and Amendment, attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively, are incorporated into this Second Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Counterparts. This Second Amendment may be signed by the Parties in different counterparts and the signature pages combined shall create a single document binding on all Parties. 2 3-141 5. Recordation. The City Clerk of City shall record this Second Amendment in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange within the period required by California Government Code section 65868.5 and City of Newport Beach Municipal Code section 15.45.100. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] Attachments - Exhibit A: Development Agreement dated February 14, 1994 Exhibit B: Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008 Exhibit C: Legal Description Exhibit D. Legal Depiction 3-142 SIGNATURE PAGE TO SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 CITY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation and charter city Diane B. Dixon, Mayor ATTEST: in Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FO By: Re r Aaron C. Harp, City Attorney 1*44"1414 HOAG: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation By: Name: Sanford Smith, AIA Title: Senior Vice President Real Estate & Facilities By: Name: Andrew Guarni Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (All Signatures to Be Notarized) 4 3-143 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature -5- (seal) 3-144 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of Califomia County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature W (seal) 3-145 EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14,1994 -A1- 3-146 R `f �D0a6p18 REQI�STPER GWERMWMK 61Q Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to: City Clerk' J ?. %n' - City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 0 — • DOC # 94-447276 23—MAR-1944 o3:59 pM Recorded in Official Recur& of Oram Canty, ratifornia Lee A. Braod, County Recorder Pase 1 of til Fenn f 0,00 Tax. t 010 REDj VED kW 6 DE"LOPMM AGUE=NT HHTWSSli THE CITY OF sEWPORT BEACH 1 AHD HOAG MSMORM HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Approved February 14, 1994 Ordinance No. 94-8 3-147 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into between the City of Newport Beach (the "City"), and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). RECITALS. This Agreement relates to the following: 1.1 Purpose of Agreement. This Agreement is intended to: (a) Enable Hoag to adapt to the ever changing health care needs of those residents within its service area by authorizing design parameters of new or additional facilities in a manner that will allow Hoag to respond to rapid changes in medical and health care technology and delivery systems. (b) Establish strict, binding limits on the amount and height of permitted development as well as ensure compliance with numerous conditions on the density, location, and timing of construction to minimize, to the extent feasible, any environmental impacts of Hoag's proposed expansion. (c) Impose exactions such as dedication of property, construction of public improvements and/or the installation of landscaping visible to the public, which, when considered in conjunction with the public services provided by Hoag, benefit the general public. • 1.2 Authorization. This Agreement is authorized by, and is consistent with, the provisions of 65864 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, and Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 1.3 Interest of Hoaq. Hoag is the legal and/or equitable owner of approximately forty (40) acres of real property located in the City and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" (the "Property"). 1.4 Development of the Property. This Agreement authorizes development on the Property consistent with the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan ("Master Plan", a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference when appropriate), subject to the conditions and mitigation measures identified in Environmental Impact Report No. 142 and imposed by the City Council as conditions to approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement and, for all development within Aak 3-148 the coastal zone subject to approval of a coastal development permit by the California Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 1.5 Planning Commission/Cita Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992, and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public bearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23, 1992, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992. 1.6 Consistency. This Agreement is consistent with the various elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Master Plan, and other applicable ordinances, plans, and policies of the City. This Agreement is also consistent with the purpose and intent of state and local laws authorizing development agreements in that it represents comprehensive planning, provides certainty in the approval of subsequent projects subject to compliance with conditions, reduces the economic costs of development by providing assurance to Hoag that it may generally proceed with projects in accordance with existing regulations, and provides assurance to adjoining property owners that limits on the height of structures and amount of development as specified in the Master Plan and this Agreement will remain in full force and effect for a period of twenty- five (25) years. 1.7 Police Power. The City Council has determined that this Agreement is in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the City, its residents and the public, was entered into pursuant to, and represents a valid exercise of, the City's police power, and has been approved in accordance • with the provisions of state and local law that establish procedures for the approval of development agreements. 1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving this Agreement and authorizing the City to enter into this Agreement. The Adopting Ordinance will become effective on March 16, 1994. 2. DEFINITIONS. 2.1 The "Adopting Ordinance" refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. 2.2 "Avreement" refers to this "Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian". Aft 3-149 4 2.3 "Annual Review" refers to the review of Hoag's good faith compliance with this Agreement and conditions on development as set forth in Section S. 2.4 The "Approval Date" means the date on which the City Council voted to adopt the Adopting Ordinance. 2.5 All forms of use of the verb "assign" and the nouns "assignment" and "assignee" shall include all contexts of hypothecations, sales, conveyances, transfers, leases, and assignments. 2.55 "California coastal Commission" refers to the California State Resources Agency established under the California Coastal Act of 1976. 2.6 "CEOA" and the "CEOA Guidelines" refers to the California Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guidelines promulgated by the Secretary of Resources of the State of California, including any amendments adopted subsequent to the Effective Date. 2.7 "City" refers to the City of Newport Beach, California. 2.8 "City Council" refers to the City Council of the City. 2.9 "Cure Period" refers to the period of time during which a Default may be cured pursuant to Section 9. 2.10 A "day," or "days" refers to a calendar day, unless expressly stated to be a business day. 2.11 A "Default" refers to any material default, breach, or violation of the provisions of this Agreement. A "City Default" refers to a Default by the City, while a "Hoag Default" refers to a default by Hoag. 2.12 The "Effective Date" refers to the effective date of the Adopting ordinance and is the effective date of this Agreement. provided however, the Agreement has been approved by the California Coastal Commission, and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission is in receipt of a copy of this Agreement signed by both parties. 2.13 The "EIR" refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. 2.14 An "Estoppel Certificate" refers to the document certifying the status of this Agreement required by Section 5.6 in the form of Exhibit "D". 3 AML 3-150 2.15 An "Exaction" refers to those specific dedications and improvements required of Hoag and set forth in Section 8.2 below. 2.16 An "Exhibit" refers to an exhibit to this Agreement. All Exhibits are incorporated as a substantive part of this Agreement. The Exhibits to this Agreement are: • Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property j Exhibit B: Map of the Property Exhibit C: The Master Plan Exhibit D: Estoppel Certificate 2.17 "Existing General Regulations" means those General Regulations approved by the -City on or before the Approval Date (irrespective of their effective date) and not rescinded or superseded by City action taken on or before the Approval Date. 2.18 "Future General Regulations" means those General Regulations (see Section 2.19 below) adopted by the City after the Approval Date. 2.19 "General Regulations" means those ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines of the City, which are 1 generally applicable to the use of land and/or construction i within the City and include, the Fair Share Traffic i Contribution Fee Ordinance, Uniform Building Codes and water and sewer connection and fee ordinances. 2.20 "General Plan" refers to the City's General Plan in effect on • the Approval Date, plus all amendments to the General Plan adopted by the City on or before the Approval Date and effective prior to the Effective Date. i 2.21 "Hoag" refers to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, a non- profit corporation. 2.22 "Includes" and all contexts and forms of the words "includes" and "including" shall be interpreted to also state "but not j limited to." w 2.23 "Master Plan" refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"). 2.24 "Mortgagee" refers to the holder of a beneficial interest under any mortgage, deed of trust, sale-leaseback agreement, or other 4 AIM 3-151 • r Aft transaction under which all or a portion of the Property, including those portions acquired by assignees, is used as security (a "Mortgage") or the owner of any interest in all or any portion of the Property under a Mortgage, including those portions acquired by assignees. 2.25 "Notice" refers to any written notice or demand between the Parties required or permitted by this Agreement. 2.26 The "Pa ieg", refers to the City and Hoag and a "Party" shall refer to either of the Parties. 2.27 "Planning Commission" refers to the Planning Commission of the City. 2.28 The "Project" refers to the proposed development of the Property pursuant to the Master Plan and this Agreement. 2.29 "Project Specific ApprgXals" means all site-specific (meaning specifically applicable to the Property only and not generally applicable to some or all other properties within the City) plans, subdivision maps, permits, or other entitlement. Project Specific Approvals include subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permits, coastal development permits, variances, grading and building permits, as well as amendments or modifications to those plans, maps and permits. Project Specific Approvals does not include Existing or Future General Regulations. 2.30 The *Property" refers to the real property described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B." CONDITIONS TO DBVBLOPMSNT. 3.1 Introduction. The provisions of this Section express the intent of the parties regarding the extent to which this Agreement vests Hoag's right to proceed with the development described in the Master Plan. Hoag acknowledges that its right to proceed with development described in the Master Plan is subject to numerous conditions and mitigation measures including the following: (a) The specific limitations and restrictions contained in the Master Plan; (b) Conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council to mitigate significant effects identified in the EIR; 5 3-152 9 (c) Conditions imposed by the City as a result of subsequent or supplemental environmental analysis pursuant to provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; (d) Conditions imposed by the City Council in conjunction with the approval of Traffic Study No. 81 and Variance No. 1180; (e) Compliance with the terms and conditions specified in • this Agreement. (f) Compliance with Existing General Regulations. 3.2 Compliance with Master Plan Conditions/Mitigation Measures. Hoag acknowledges that City Council approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement was subject to compliance with numerous conditions and mitigation measures designed to minimize or eliminate the significant adverse effects of the Project and ensure the health, safety, and welfare of nearby residents as well as Hoag patients and employees. Many of these conditions and mitigation measures impose specific development standards and requirements to be implemented in conjunction with further study and analysis of site or subsurface conditions before grading or construction. specific mitigation measures that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur include the following: (a) Slope excavation techniques which insure stability; (b) Grading and excavation techniques which minimize disturbance to adjacent residents and the general public; (c) Identification of potential faults on site and construction of buildings pursuant to recommendations of certified geologists and in a manner which insures that nearby residents, Hoag patients and Hoag employees are not exposed to a significant risk of injury; (d) Evaluation of soil corrosivity and removal of corrosive soils or use of corrosion resistant construction materials; (e) Mitigation of impacts caused by removal of wetlands through off-site restoration as required by resource agencies; (f) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study prior to development of Phase I of the Master Plan (if Hoag proposes a land use other than specified in the approved Traffic Study); 6 3-153 (g) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study as a condition to construction of development in Hoag's right to develop the Property pursuant to the Master Plan is contingent upon compliance with, and satisfaction of, the conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council as of the Approval Date, conditions imposed by the California Coastal Commission required for approval of coastal development permits, as well as conditions and mitigation measures resulting from subsequent environmental analysis as specified in Paragraph 3.3. 3.25 Future Coastal Act discretionary review may result in specific mitigation measures to ensure consistency with the Coastal Act that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur. 3.3 Program EIR. Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program IR." The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, ursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's equests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. 3.4 Mitigation Monitoring Plan. City shall prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Plan ("Plan") within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date. Hoag shall not submit any application for Project Specific Approval until the Plan has been approved by the City Council and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or the appropriate entity of its successor agency. 3-154 Phases II and III of the Master Plan; (h) Preparation and approval of a Traffic Phasing Ordinance analysis prior to construction of development in Phase II and Phase III of the Master Plan; (i) Preparation of a view impact analysis of each proposed building prior to issuance of permits; (j) Analysis and mitigation of emissions in accordance with the regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District; (k) Preparation and approval of a construction phasing and traffic control plan for each phase of development. Hoag's right to develop the Property pursuant to the Master Plan is contingent upon compliance with, and satisfaction of, the conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council as of the Approval Date, conditions imposed by the California Coastal Commission required for approval of coastal development permits, as well as conditions and mitigation measures resulting from subsequent environmental analysis as specified in Paragraph 3.3. 3.25 Future Coastal Act discretionary review may result in specific mitigation measures to ensure consistency with the Coastal Act that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur. 3.3 Program EIR. Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program IR." The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, ursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's equests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. 3.4 Mitigation Monitoring Plan. City shall prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Plan ("Plan") within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date. Hoag shall not submit any application for Project Specific Approval until the Plan has been approved by the City Council and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or the appropriate entity of its successor agency. 3-154 The Plan shall comply with and satisfy the requirements of CEQA and the Guidelines and the Coastal Act. The Plan shall be available to the public upon request. 3.5 Compliance with General Reculations. Hoag is required to comply with the Existing General Regulations. As to those Existing General Regulations which require the payment of fees, costs, and expenses, Hoag shall pay the fee, cost, or expense required as of the date on which Hoag submits the application for Project Specific Approval. Hoag shall also comply with any Future General Regulations that do not impair Hoag's ability to develop the Property in accordance with the density, intensity, height and location of development specified in the Master Plan. Hoag shall also comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, whether adopted before or after the Approval Date, which are in effect at the time applications for Project Specific Approvals are submitted. Hoag shall also comply with the Coastal Act and the City's certified Local Coastal Program. 4. RIGHT TO D 4.1 Right to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project Specific Approvals for construction on the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan and this Agreement unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as 0 opposed to permitted) by state or federal law. 4.2 Reservatiops or Dedications of Land. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no dedications or reservations of the Property shall be required of Hoag in conjunction with the application or issuance of any Project Specific Approvals. 4.3 Conflicting Measures. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no initiative measure, moratorium, referendum (except as provided in Government Code Section 65857.5), ordinance, statute or other provision of law which in any way limits or restricts development of the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan and this Agreement (including density, intensity, timing, phasing, and sequencing) shall be applied to the Property during the term of this Agreement. Amh 3-155 4.4 Time for Construction and Completion of Project. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and the Master Plan, Hoag shall have the right to decide the timing, phasing, and sequencing of construction an the Property and shall be entitled to apply for, and receive approval of, in a timely manner, permits or approvals at any time. 5. ARWAL RMER. 5.1 City and Hoacr Responsibilities. At least every twelve (12) months during the Term, the City shall review Hoag's good faith substantial compliance with this Agreement (the `Annual Review"). After the Annual Review, the city's finding of good faith compliance by Hoag shall be conclusive for the purposes of future Annual Reviews or legal action between the Parties. Either Party may address any requirements of the Agreement during the Annual Review. However, fifteen (15) days' written Notice of any requirement to be addressed shall be made by the requesting Party. If, at the time of the review, an issue not previously identified in writing is required to be addressed, the review shall be continued at the request of either Party to afford sufficient time for analysis and preparation of a response. 5.2 Public Hearing. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 5.3 Information to be Provided to Hoaq. The City shall mail to Hoag a copy of the staff report and related exhibits concerning Agreement performance a minimum of ten (10) days before the Annual Review. 5.4 Nitiaation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. For the five year monitoring period imposed by the Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement entered into between the Department of Fish and Game and Hoag, the annual review shall also assess the success of any off-site wetlands mitigation. Five years after the completion of the Department of Fish and Game monitoring period, Hoag shall submit a final report assessing the success of the off-site wetlands mitigation in its annual review. If the survival and cover requirements set forth in the Streambed Alteration Agreement have not been met, Hoag shall be responsible for replacement planting to achieve these requirements. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the AMA 3-156 �J • Alk evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. 5.5 Review Letter. If Hoag is found to be in compliance with the Agreement after the Annual Review, the City shall issue, within ten (10) days of Hoag's written request, a letter to Hoag stating that the Agreement remains in effect and Hoag is not in Default. 5.6 Estoppel Certificate. Either Party may at any time deliver written Notice to the other Party requesting an estoppel certificate (the "Estoppel Certificate") stating: (a) The Agreement is in full force and effect and is a binding obligation of the Parties. (b) The Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or in writing or, if so amended, identifying the amendments. (c) No Default in the performance of the requesting Party's obligations under the Agreement exists or, if a Default does exist, the nature and amount of any Default. A Party receiving a request for an Estoppel Certificate shall Provide a signed certificate to the requesting Party within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request. The Planning Director may sign Estoppel Certificates on behalf of the city. An Estoppel certificate nay be relied on by assignees and Mortgagees. The Estoppel Certificate shall be substantially in the same form as Exhibit "D." 5.7 Failure to Conduct Annual Review. The City's failure to conduct an Annual Review shall not constitute or be asserted by the City as Hoag's Default. GE?MRAL PROVISIOH8. 6.1 Effective Date. This Agreement and the obligations of the Parties shall be effective as of the Effective Date. However, this Agreement shall bind the Parties as of the Approval Date, subject only to the Adopting Ordinance becoming effective pursuant to California law. 6.2 Applicability to Coastal Zone. This Agreement shall not be applicable to those portions of the Property located within the Coastal zone as defined by the California Coastal Act (Division 10 3-157 20, California Public Resources Code, beginning with Section 30000) until either (1) the required local coastal program for the Property has been certified by the California Coastal Commission or (2) the California Coastal Commission has approved this Agreement. This subsection is intended solely to comply with the provisions of California Government Code Section 65869 and shall be of no force or effect if Section 65869 is repealed. • 6.3 Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the Effective Date and continue for twenty-five (25) years unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to the review and approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 6.4 Assignment. Hoag has the absolute right to assign (see Section 2.5) its rights and/or delegate its obligations under this Agreement as part of an assignment of all or a portion of the Property. Any assignment shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. As long as Hoag owns any part of the Property, Hoag may assign the benefits of this Agreement without delegating the obligations for the portion of the Property assigned. If that occurs, however, the benefits assigned shall remain subject to the performance by Hoag of the corresponding obligations. Where an assignment includes the delegation of both the benefits and the corresponding obligations, those obligations become solely the obligations of the assignee. If an assignee is in Default, then as to Hoag or any assignees not in Default, the Default shall not constitute their Default, give grounds for termination of their rights under this Agreement or be a • basis for an enforcement action against them. 6.5 Amendment of Agreement. (a) subject to the provisions of Subsection (b), and subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), this Agreement may be amended from time to time by the mutual consent of the Parties, or their successors in interest, but only in the manner provided by the Government Code and this Agreement. After any amendment, the term "Agreement" shall refer to the amended Agreement. (b) The City Council shall not approve, and Hoag shall not request, any amendment to the provisions of the Master Plan or this Agreement that would increase the maximum it F_ 3-158 • 7. AM permitted gross floor area or the maximum permitted building height (within any lettered building envelope) above that established by the Master Plan as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. This Subsection shall prevail over any conflicting ordinance, resolution, policy or plan adopted by the City Council. 6.6 Enforcement. This Agreement is enforceable by each of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. 6.7 Termination. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further effect upon the occurrence of any of the following events. (a) Expiration of the twenty-five (25) year term; (b) Entry, after all appeals have been exhausted, of a final judgment or issuance of a final order directing the City to set aside, withdraw, or abrogate the City's approval of this Agreement or any material part of the Project; or, (c) The effective date of a Party's election to terminate the Agreement as provided in Section 9.3 of this Agreement. 6.8 Hoag shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees with respect to any claim, loss or damage in any way related to the grading, excavation or stabilization of the slopes adjacent to the view parks by Hoag or its employees, agents contractors or representatives. This Section is not intended to impose liability on Hoag for the acts of persons other than Hoag or its agents, representatives or contractors. 6.9 Hoag shall enter into an agreement with City to accept ownership of, and responsibility for maintenance of, the existing methane gas venting flare and any device for collecting gas that is subsequently installed on the Property pursuant to conditions or mitigation measures imposed in conjunction with the Master Plan approval or subsequent environmental analysis. CONFLICTS OF L711f. 7.1 Conflict with State and Federal Laws and Re4ulations. Where state or federal laws or regulations prevent compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement, those provisions shall be modified, through revision or suspension, to the 12 3-159 extent necessary to comply with such state or federal laws or regulations and the modified Agreement shall remain in effect, subject to the following: (a) the City shall not request modification of this Agreement pursuant to this provision unless and until the City Council makes a finding that such modification is required (as opposed to permitted) by state and federal laws or regulations; (b) the modifications must be limited to those required (as opposed to permitted) by the state or federal laws; (c) the modified Agreement must be consistent with the state or federal laws or regulations ich required modification or suspension; (d) the intended material benefits of this Agreement must still be received by each of the Parties after modification; (e) neither the modification nor any applicable local, state, or federal laws or regulations, may render the modified Agreement impractical to enforce; and (f) Hoag consents in writing to the modification. (g) Any modifications, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP) are subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. Hoag shall have the right to seek judicial review of any • proposed modification to ensure compliance with this Section. 7.2 Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as a result of changes in state or federal law, Hoag remains obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 8.2(a) and (b), unless Hoag has completed construction of less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the maximum permitted development. 8. PUBLIC BENEFITS/SZACTIONS. 8.1 Public Benefits. City and Hoag agree that this Agreement confers a substantial public benefit by enabling Hoag to construct facilities most appropriate to changes in medical technology and thereby better satisfy the health care needs of residents within its service area. In addition, the Master 13 3-160 Plan and this Agreement confer benefits on the public and nearby residents by imposing long term restrictions on the height, amount and location of development as well as the public improvements described in Section 8.2. 8.2 Exactions. Hoag shall, as a condition to the right to develop, do the following: (a) Prior to commencement of development, irrevocably offer to dedicate and grade the proposed linear and consolidated view park identified in Figure 3.2.1 of Volume 1 of the EIR. The City shall accept the offer of dedication within sixty (60) days after the initial grading permit has been finalled by the City. The first stage of development shall include grading of the public linear and consolidated viewpark identified in Figure 3.2.1. of Volume I of the EIR. Hoag shall grade and excavate the slope adjacent to the proposed .28 (26/100) acre consolidated public view park and .52 (52/100) acre public linear view park in a way that ensures stability of the park and adjacent slopes. The grade (between the bicycle path and edge of slope) of the view parks shall be the minimum necessary to insure adequate drainage. The improvement for the linear and consolidated public parks shall be completed within three (3) years after the offer of dedication has been accepted by the City. The City shall ensure that adequate erosion control measures are implemented prior to construction. (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 Aak 3-161 (b) Subsequent to the approval of this Agreement by the Coastal Commission and the expiration of any statute of limitation for filing a legal challenge to this Agreement, the Master Plan, or the EIR, Hoag shall deposit Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in an account, and at a financial institution, acceptable to City. The account shall be in the name of the City provided, however, Hoag shall have the right to access the funds in the event, but only to the extent that, Hoag constructs or installs the improvements described in (i) or (ii). Funds in the account shall be applied to the following projects (in order of priority upon notice to proceed served by City on Hoag): (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 Aak 3-161 DEFAULT, REMEDIES AND TERMINATION. 9.1 General Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 3-162 (ii) The construction of facilities necessary to bring reclaimed water to West Newport and/or the Property; Any funds remaining in the account after completion of the projects described in (i) and (ii) shall be used by the City to fund, in whole or in part, a public improvement in the vicinity of the property. (c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in west Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things, the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trails and the potential for those trials to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that may be permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand • Dollars ($200,000.00). (d) Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (c) are contingent on coastal Commission approval of the Master Plan and attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement with no significant reduction in entitlement from that authorized in the Master Plan. Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (b) shall be reduced through good faith negotiations in the event the Coastal Commission reduces entitlement by ten percent (10*) or more from that authorized in the Master Plan. DEFAULT, REMEDIES AND TERMINATION. 9.1 General Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 3-162 a written Notice of Default. The Notice of Default shall specify the nature of the alleged Default, and a reasonable manner and sufficient period of time (not less than thirty (30) days) in which the Default must be cured (the "Cure Period"). During the Cure Period, the Party charged shall not be considered in Default for the purposes of termination of the Agreement or institution of legal proceedings. If the alleged Default is cured within the Cure Period, then a Default shall be deemed not to exist. 9.2 Option to Institute Legal Proceedings or to Terminate. If an alleged Default is not cured within the Cure Period, the noticing Party must give the defaulting Party a Notice of intent to terminate the Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after giving of the Notice, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in the manner set forth in Government Code Sections 65865,65867, and 65868, as amended, to consider and review the matter. 9.3 Notice of Termination. After considering the evidence presented to the City Council, the Party alleging the Default, at its option, may give written Notice of termination of the Agreement to the other Party and the Agreement shall be terminated immediately upon giving the Notice. A termination shall be valid only if good cause exists and clear and convincing evidence was presented to the City Council to establish the existence of a Default. The findings of the City Council as to the existence of a Default shall have no weight in any legal proceeding brought to determine the existence of a Default. The validity of any termination may be challenged pursuant to Section 11.16, in which case the court must render an independent judgment, on the basis of clear and convincing evidence, as to the existence of good cause for termination. Termination may result only from a material Default of a material provision of this Agreement. 9.4 Waive . Failure or delay in giving Notice of Default shall not waive a Party's right to give future Notice of the same or any other Default. 9.5 Default by Hoa . If the City alleges a Hoag Default, the City shall conduct a hearing utilizing the Annual Review procedures required by this Agreement before the City may commence legal proceedings to terminate this Agreement. 9.6 Default by the City. If Hoag alleges a City Default, Hoag, without limiting any of its other remedies, shall not be 16 i 3-163 obligated to proceed with or complete the Project or any phase of the Project, nor to perform any further obligations under the Agreement. Upon a City Default, any resulting delays in Hoag's performance shall neither be Hoag's Default nor constitute grounds for termination or cancellation of the Agreement by the City. �.0 ENCUMBRANCES AM RELZROZO ON PROPIM. 10.1 Discretion to Encumber. Hoag may encumber all or any portion of the Property in any manner. The City acknowledges that lenders providing financing may require technical modifications to the Agreement which do not materially alter the intent of the Parties. The City agrees to meet, upon request, with Hoag and/or lenders to negotiate in good faith any lender request for modification. The City agrees to not withhold unreasonably its consent to such modification. Any such modification, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), is subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 10.2 gntitlement to Written Notice of Default. Any Nortgagee and its successors and assigns, upon written request to the City, shall be entitled to receive from the City written Notice of any Hoag Default at the same time Hoag is provided with Notice pursuant to Section 9.1. 11.0 MIBCSLLANEOUs PROVISIONS. 11.1 Notices. All Notices (see Section 2.26) shall be written and delivered by personal delivery (including Federal Express and other commercial express delivery services providing acknowledgments or receipt), registered, certified, or express mail, or telegram to the addresses set forth below. Receipt shall be deemed complete as follows: (a) For personal delivery, upon actual receipt; (b) For registered, certified, or express mail, upon the delivery date or attempted delivery date as shown on the return receipt; and (c) For telegram, upon the transmission of the telegram. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 17 Ank 3-164 To the City: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention: City Attorney Attention: City manager To Hoag: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian . Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Attention: President With a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton 19100 Von Barman, 8th Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613 The addresses to which Notices shall be sent may be changed by giving Notice of a new address. 11.2 Enforced Delav:Extension of Time of Performance. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in Default where delays or non- performance are due to war, insurrection, strikes, walkouts, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, oil spills, casualties, acts of nature, unavailability of materials, governmental restrictions imposed or mandated by governmental entities, suspension of rights in accordance with the existence of unforeseen circumstances, litigation, or similar bases for • excused performance. If written Notice of such delay is given to the other Party within thirty (30) days after such delay begins an extension of time for performance shall be granted in writing for the period of the delay, or longer as may be mutually agreed upon. In no event shall the term of this Agreement be extended as a result of the application of this Subsection. 11.3 Severability. If any material part of the Agreement is found by a court to be invalid, void, or illegal, the Parties shall modify the Agreement to implement the original intent of the Parties. These steps may include the waiver by either of the Parties of their right under the unenforceable provision. I£, however, the Agreement objectively cannot be modified to implement the original intent of the Parties and the Party substantially benefitted by the material provision does not waive its rights under the unenforceable provision, the entire i8 Aft 3-165 Agreement shall become void. For purposes of this section, and without excluding the possible materiality of other provisions of this Agreement, all provisions of sections 3, 4 and a are deemed "material." 11.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and Agreement of the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes • all negotiations and previous agreements between the Parties regarding that subject matter. 11.5 Waivers. All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the Party making the waiver and, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 11.6 incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth in Section 1 are part of this Agreement. 11.7 Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. Neither Party shall do anything which shall have the effect of harming or injuring the right of the other Party to receive the benefits of this Agreement. 11.8 Further Actions and Instruments, Upon the request of either Party, the other Party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any • actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 11.9 Successors and Assicns. Subject to Section 6.3 above, the burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of the Agreement inure to, all successors -in -interest and assigns of the Parties. 11.10 Construction of A=eement. All language in all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole and given its fair meaning. The captions of the paragraphs and subparagraphs are for convenience only and shall not be considered or referred to in resolving questions of construction. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. This Agreement is not intended to impermiseibly contract away the 19 AMk 3-166 legislative and governmental functions of the City, and in particular, the City's police powers or to surrender or abrogate the city's governmental powers over the Property. 11.11 Authority to Execute. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Hoag warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to do so and the authority to bind Hoag to the performance of Hoag's obligations under this Agreement. 11.12 gmsent. Any consent required by the Parties in carrying out the terms of this Agreement shall not unreasonably be withheld. 11.13 Effect on Title. This Agreement shall not continue as an encumbrance against any portion of the Property as to which this Agreement has terminated. 11.14 Recording. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Agreement to be executed by the City and recorded in the official Records of orange County no later than ten (10) days after the Effective Date. The recordation of this Agreement is deemed a ministerial act and the failure of the City to record the Agreement as required by this Section and Government Code Section 65868.5 does not make the Agreement void or ineffective. 11.15 Institution of Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either Party may institute legal action to cure, correct, or remedy any Default, to enforce any provision of • this Agreement, to enjoin any threatened or attempted violation of this Agreement, to recover damages for any Default, or to obtain any remedies consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Legal actions shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of orange, state of California, or in the Federal District Court in the Central District of California. 11.16 Attorneys' Fees. In any arbitration, quasi-judicial, administrative, or judicial proceeding between the Parties initiated with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and all costs, expenses, and disbursements in connection with such action. 20 Ask 3-167 Hata: '�-a�-9v 1994 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH By Clarence rner, Mayor Date: March 9 , 1994 HOAG MEMORIAL OSPIT SBYTERIAN • By: Albert J. A e Chairman of the Board wb0u2da4. int 1/21/94 • Amk 21 i� 3-168 Exhibit A The subject property is the following real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in • Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. • Ask 3-169 awlive t .tiM. + " • Via. f . %% allsomf ?PAGEL ma low�� ` 8LXs y" • "'� Oa `` OLK 1 '� AMU cow t._, fes....,,..._..,` t�pp�rxt• I `R (/ 1 mom • or CA, Mow" a» � 4$.ar� sxra n- a -j 3-170 CJ HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission February 20, 1992 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 92-3 May 26, 1992 F� Exhibit C 3-171 TABLE OF CONTENTS • may 26, 1992 1 3-172 Page aL Number 1 Introduction IL General Notes 2 III. Definitions 4 IV. Development Plan 6 V. District Regulations 11 VL Sign Program 20 VII. Parking Program 22 VIII. Landscape Regulations 24 Ix Site Plan Review 27 • may 26, 1992 1 3-172 EXHIBITS • May 74 1992 AMk ii 3-173 Page Number 0 1. Planned Community Development Plan 7 2. Internal Circulation 9 3. Development Criteria 15 TABLES 1. Statistical Analysis 10 2. Parking Requirements 23 • May 74 1992 AMk ii 3-173 OnRODUCITON and 0 The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the upper and lower campuses of Hoag Hospital. In general, over the long term, the upper campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text confect with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code &hail regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. May 26, ]992 3-174 II. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the Qty of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the 0 flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-5 and K-6 regarding archaeological and paleontological resources. 4. Facept as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and access shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. New mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and atility vaults, excluding • communications devices, on the upper campus shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be screened on the lower campus. Noise shall not exceed 55 dBA at all property lines. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. May 26, 1992 Adw 3-175 is 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and shall be subject to permits issued by the Budding and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. S. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities east. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall be installed within 30 days of the completion of grading. May 26, 1992 3-176 RI. DEFINITIONS Buildinig Elevation i 1. a vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). 2. a flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. WdWg I Emmk=: the volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by j setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Builth; Height: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Emergency goon . a service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. I Fast Aid: low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations General Plan: the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereoL i Grade: for the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. In Uses: hospital patient services which require overnight stay. Landscape ea: the landscape area shall include on-site walks, plazas, water, rooftop May 2s,1992 4 3-177 • landscaping. and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: a reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Otitl►a&W Uses: hospital patient services which do not require overnight stay. Residential Care: medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area for the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2 Net - parcel area after dedications. Soeaal LandmMd Saw : West Coast Highway is designated as a special landscaped street, containing special landscape requirements. Streets reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. may A im 5 { i 3-178 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN rrolect unmar,nsttcs The upper campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the • north and existing residential developments (the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire condominiums) to the west The lower campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 20.41 acres and adjoins the upper campus at its eastern boundary. The upper campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Ex}u'bit 1. From 1990 to 2015, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the upper campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. The Development Plan includes a 0.8 acre view park adjacent to the bike trail between the lower campus and the Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums. This view park includes a twenty -foot wide linear parr area adjacent to the bike path (approximately 0.5 acres) and a consolidated view park at the westerly edge of the property (approxi- mately 03 acres). A bike trail connection is also provided between the existing bike traits at the northern and southern boundaries of the lower campus. Access to the lower campus will be from West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, as well as from Hospital Road, via the upper campus. Exhibit 2 shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. M.r X isn 3-179 1 • I.EGBHD AREA OR DEVELOPMENT i a L" PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN� �HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 3-180 The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag Hospital. In order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development cep is not exceeded, this Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in • the statistical analysis. For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as long as a corresponding adjustment in square footage and trip generation for another use were to occur. This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (Le, square feet) or the trip generation limit for the peak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded. Adjustments to the Development Plan may be allowed if the total square footage or trip generation allowed in the current phase of development is exceeded, if the total development or trip generation allowed under the Development Plan is not exceeded. �J M,y za, M i 3-181 • Una" • D IMPRIMARY ACCUS ISIGNALIZED ® OECONOARYACCEBB MI IERVICE ACCEBB PUBLIC CIRCULATION ITAFF 1IERVICE CIRCULATION WOT cow VEHICULAR ACCESS �HOAG MEMORIAL !- 3-182 1 pull development of the upper and lower campuses is an ted to own over an approdmate 20 -year period and will Mmly oomr in throe, seven -pear phases 2 Up to 50% of the ea Wng upper campus may be redeveloped by master plan buildout 3 Based on development allowed under the Oeacral Plan at a Mor awA ratio to gross site area of .65 for the laver campus and 1D for the upper campus. Building Hulk limit for the laver campus is 0.90 for @H shvctures which iodudes above grade covered patting. May 26, 1942 10 ' 3-183 Table 1 STAUST'ICAL ANALYSIS' ,Square Feet Lower Campus Eristing: Outpatient Services (Hoag Cancer Center) 65,000 Child Care 7,800 Subtotal: 72,800 Phase I.- :Outpatient OutpatientServices 115,000 Support Service 55,000 Administrative 30,000 Subtotal: 200,000 Phases Q & III: Subtotal: 305,089 Total Lower Campos 577,889 Upper Campus Existing`: 480,000 Phase I: Outpatient Services 25,000 Inpatient 115,000 Subtotal: 140,000 Phases 1I & iu: 145,349 Total Upper Campus 765,349 GRAND TOTAL 1,343,2383 1 pull development of the upper and lower campuses is an ted to own over an approdmate 20 -year period and will Mmly oomr in throe, seven -pear phases 2 Up to 50% of the ea Wng upper campus may be redeveloped by master plan buildout 3 Based on development allowed under the Oeacral Plan at a Mor awA ratio to gross site area of .65 for the laver campus and 1D for the upper campus. Building Hulk limit for the laver campus is 0.90 for @H shvctures which iodudes above grade covered patting. May 26, 1942 10 ' 3-183 • V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS the following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories is not an exhaustive list. Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five permitted use categories are allowed by definition. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i. Outpatient services: Antepartum Testing • Cancer Center • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation • Conditioning • Surgery Center • Clinical Center • Day Hospital • Back and Neck Center • Biofeedback • Breast Imaging Center • CT Scan • Dialysis • EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory • First Aid Center • Fertility Services • G.I. Laboratory • Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Nuclear Medicine • Occupational Therapy • Pediatrics Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Pulmonary Services May x 1992 11 3-184 • Radiation Therapy • Radiology • Respiratory Therapy • Sleep Disorder Center • Speech Therapy • Ultrasound iii. Support Services: • ii. Administration: • • Auxiliary Office • • Business Offices • • Information • • Registration • • Patient Relations • • Social Services iii. Support Services: • Employee Child Care • Health Education • Power/Mechanical/Auxiliary Support and Storage • Food Services • Cashier • Chapel/Chaplaincy Service • Conference Center • Dietitian • Gift Shop • Laboratory • Medical Library • Medical Records • Pharmacy • . Engineering/Maintenance • Shipping/Receiving • Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities iv. Residential Care: • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Services • Extended Care • Hospice Care • Self or Minimal Care • Congregate Care May 26.1992 12 3-185 V. Medical/Support Offices b) Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system ?&y w 1M Ank 13 3-186 components. c) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. d) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. . 2. Upper Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i) Inpatient uses: • Critical Care • Emergency Care Unit • Birth Suites • Cardiology • Cardiac Care Unit • Intensive Care Unit • Mother/Baby Unit • Surgery/Waiting Rooms • Radiology • Laboratory • Pharmacy ii) Outpatient services as allowed on the lower campus • iii) Administrative uses as allowed on the lower campus iv) Support services as allowed on the lower campus v) Residential care as allowed on the lower campus vi) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. c) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. ?&y w 1M Ank 13 3-186 B. Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Emergency Room b) Heliport C. Maximum Build rma Height The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3 • which established the following height zones-. 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower (235 feet above mean sea level). 2. Upper Campus Nfidrise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed 140 feet above mean sea level. j 3. Upper Campus Parking zone - maximum building height not to exceed 80 feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator tower. I 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated on the development criteria Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center (57.5 feet above mean sea level). D. Setbacks • Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. i 1. Setbacks will he provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa / Seafaire Condominiums, as defined below: a) Upper campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said lime of the existing service drive. May 26, 1992 b) Lower campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20' minimum building setback. 14 3-187 . ......... M.7lb, I997 UMMANZ-Am 3-188 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be 15 feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the tad Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be 45 feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal far buildings within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor. Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. • 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 55 feet. May X 1992 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 65 feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width, Additional- ly, 20% of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 16 3-189 a 10% of the linear length of height zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX I There will be no building setbacks along the boundary with CalTraus east property at Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. 4. A 20 foot setback from property line shalt be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point 600 feet south; a 25 foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road E. lighting The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. l4lmor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. G. Sign All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. H Parlang All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. MAY x 1992 17 3-190 All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. . Prior to issuance of a budding permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program that controls usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non- working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (Le. 7:00 am. to 8:00 p.m.), signage to restrict use of the road by Hospital employees, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods to restrict use. The Hospital will also request that vendors not deliver (Le. scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program will be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the grading permit. If such results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the Hospital, and provided that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Pian procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. N operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures will be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. I The lower campus service road shall include provisions for controlled access to limit usage to physicians and staff; and service vehicles. May 16. 1992 18 3-191 L Loadirig Dock Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the project sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area_ • The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. • Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation imphica- tions of enclosing the loading dock area. If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. May 26,1992 19 3-192 VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A. I'ttu= and Intent 1. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordi- nance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital - 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. B. General Sign Standards I. All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, nor create the illusion of notion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be flush or surface mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. Allstreet signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 110-L C. Number of Signs Allowed 1. One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two single faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject May 26, 1971 r. 20 3-193 to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Secondary identification signs shall be allowed. This sign type shag not exceed a maximum height of 48" average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed thirty-five (35) square feet. Ibis sign may occur as a wall sign to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wail, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. 3. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed This sign type may occur as a single -f Iced or double-faced sign. This sign type shall occur with the sign suspended between two upright supports having the same depth (thickness) as the sign cabinet described above. 4. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital tower parapets, one (1) at each elevation. The elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated 5. On the lower campus, one (1) building -mounted identification sign will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa/Seafairc property. Such signs will be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted May 26, 1992 21 3-194 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Depart- ment. I Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimi7rs impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential arca. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements has been met The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department B. Requirements for Offstreet Parkins Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon building type and the area allotted to the following functions. Any area which is calculated as part of the total floor area limitation shall be included in the gross floor area to determine the parking requirement • M" 2s.. M 22 Ask 3-195 ' Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand_ • May 26, 1992 23 Adft. 3-196 Table 2 Use CatrgQly PARKING REQUIREMENTS Outpatient Services Parking Rmirements ZO spaces/1,000 square feet' Support 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' Administrative • Residential Care 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' Inpatient 1.75 spaces/1,000 square feet" ' Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand_ • May 26, 1992 23 Adft. 3-196 VIIL HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General L Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the Planning and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments and approved by the Public Work Departments prior to issuance of a building permit • and installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan may include a concept for the roofs and the parking structures. 'Nees shall not be used, but a planter box or trellis system shall be designed to provide visual relief of parking structures. All landscaping shall conform to the building height limits established in this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than fifteen (15) gallon size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than one (1) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from (1) gallon containers or from root cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. S. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed that damage to trees, irrigation units and shrubs is avoided. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing is not required and irregular groupings may add interest. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their ultimate size without restriction. 7. Heavy emphasis shall be placed on the use of drought -resistant native and naturalized vegetation and the use of an irrigation system designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. 2. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. Way 26, 1992 24 3-197 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Ferdliza- tion, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of regular maintenance. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system should be part of regular maintenance. 5. Stakes, guys and ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties to be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. C. Spc&W L.uped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A 15' building setback from right-of-way / property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage are allowed m the setback area. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Tree size to be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Wig Balboa Landscaue Zone The area between the Villa Balboa/Hoag property line and the loading dock service • access road shall be landscaped except for any driveway, walkway, or other hardseape elements in said area. The purpose of the landscaping will be to screen and buffer residential units from hospital activities. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not necessarily be in regular spacing. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berthing and depressing of parking areas. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. WAy 26, 1M 25 3-198 u E A rooftop landscaping program may be developed for parking structures and shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. Rooftop landscaping shall conform to height restrictions. May 26.1992 26 3-199 DL SITE PLAN REVIEW. The City Council finds that development on the West Coast Highway frontage of the lower campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the West Newport area as viewed from surrounding arterial roadways. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement by the Planning Commission for certain individual projects which are proposed by the hospital to differ from the setback, horizontal and vertical artictilation requirements as set forth in Section VMZ to insure that these projects conform with the objectives of the General Plan and the Master Plan for Hoag Hospital. B. The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. Application Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure which does not conform to the provisions of Section V.D2. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted • The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. 'Ilse plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. May 26, 1992 27 3-200 • u 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. S. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. F= The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. &ndards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section B, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the site plan review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; Mf y 26, rM 28 3-201 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consider- ation to functional aspects of site development. G. Public Hearing - Reouired Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage • prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. R. Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Co *loon shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. May 26, tan 29 3-202 Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. . J. Actin tM the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Councid is final. K. Pacairation and Revocation of Site Plan R 1. Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval if a budding permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. 3. Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed 0 revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within 60 days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. F\-.\Plaming\PcnDn'1nOAG- MV 26 IM 30 3-203 f. (1 if .L7 �T Ir'fd.arlPa:rae;•DSL F.�; _ �e�s-- ,��� l�ci'+5 �f •.r a �. �' tl�, �iJPGRIIP.I( t`tlq{•' �6r ��'yrlyt , 'f�`,' p ,•� ILMI c .e cr � ., � iii �11 ii ,�.I�;��; ��•;": ,'�� r�1�1' � -y A EXHIMIT D c MMEL_ Dab AKpGsad: DOD d Cerlikos: On . the Cky of Newport Beach approved the -Om Apraantant BMVM the Cty d W mVW Beach and Hog Memorlel AoobyftIm (Uts'DrAlopnentAgrmenwir)- Thb Estoppel Oer�e cam that. as d the 4 De4 d Cormods ad tlordt r • CHM WHERE APPLICABLE 1. The Devebpnterrt AW"ment remains Wndhg and aRseft; 2. Ift Dwsbprrtsrtt AWoentsnt has not bw wAnded; & 7ha Oweloprott AWwwrA ltt has bum artrendsd In the tkm • 4. Nearer MM rtor uy Of Re m ocsam SM in .Irl Lrmiw the Dweloprtent Ap wnw t: S. The foibo*V detbub exist under the De"MXrterd AW n wt This EdoAPel Certilloole may be robed upon by eny blo tateree or mortpegea hoereet In the property whtoh is subject of the Developrrrerrt Awwoment. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY: NAME 77TL.E: Emil= E MIBIT o ww 3-205 EXHIBIT B AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 DATED JUNE 17, 2008 ME 3-206 RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO, City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 j"ARNMEN �ODEU 27333 This Document was electronically recorded by ER Cert Mail D Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk -Recorder 111'1®®®11"Ir1 NO FEE 2008000289321 12:35pm 06/17/08 120 33 A17 66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES CAL. GOVT CODE --4 6103 (Space above this line for Recorder's use) AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-10 FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 v1 3-207 r RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES CAL. GOVT CODE ✓Z 6103 (Space above this line for Recorder's use) EXEM RECORDING REQUEST PER GCWRNMENi CGDE 21303 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 FINAL 511"8 10001.34 H&O: 1158720 A BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-10 3-208 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian) THIS AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ("Amendment') is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder (the `Effective Date") by and between the City of Newport Beach (hereinafter "City") and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (hereinafter "Hoag"). RECITALS 1. The "RECITALS" to the Restated Development Agreement are amended to add new Sections 1.9 through Section 1.19(f) to read as follows: 1.9 HoagProper. Hoag is the fee owner of approximately 38 acres of real property located in the City divided between the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit `B" (the "Pro1eron• 1.10 Hoag Healthcare Services. Hoag is a modern, state-of- the-art acute care, not-for-profit hospital providing a comprehensive } mix of healthcare services to treat virtually any routine or complex medical condition. Hoag features centers of excellence that include Hoag Cancer Center, Hoag Heart and Vascular Institute, Hoag Neuroscience Institute, Hoag Orthopedic Services and Hoag Women's Health Services, as well as advanced medical programs in many other specialties. 1.11 Hoag. Community Benefit Programs. In addition to providing state-of-the-art hospital, diagnostic imaging and emergency room care medical services, Hoag is involved in many other community benefit programs such as police and SWAT team, fire department and paramedic support services, designating the City as the point of sale for major hospital equipment purchases and construction projects, providing financial and transportation support for the City's senior Oasis Center, and providing methane gas flare burnoff to mitigate methane gas filmes along Pacific Coast Highway. Hoag's community medicine program allocates approximately $10 million annually toward improving the community's overall health, primarily through disease prevention and wellness and health promotion, especially for those vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. FNAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: 458720 vl 3-209 1. 12 EIR No. 142 and P.C. Text. On May 26, 1992, the City Council of City ("City Council") certified the Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final EIR No. 142 and adopted the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan ("Hoag Master Plan") and the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations ("P.C. Text") setting forth the development standards and terms and conditions by which the Property may be developed, including the maximum permissible building area, building height litnits and permitted land uses. 1.13 Sguare Footage ofBuildableArea. Under the existing Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text, the Property allows a total of 1,343,238 square feet of buildable area with 577,889 square feet allocated to the Lower Campus and 765,349 square feet allocated to the Upper Campus. 1.14 DeveloWent Agreement No. 5. On May 26, 1992, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 924 approving Development Agreement No. 5 between the City and Hoag incorporating the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text and granting vested rights to Hoag to develop the Property pursuant to the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text for the term of the Development Agreement. The Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California on August 4, 1993 as Instrument No. 63-0522236. 1.15 Restated Development Agreement. On February 14, 1994, the City Council of City adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving an Amendment and Restatement of Development Agreement No. 5 ("Restated Development Agreement") incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Restated Development Agreement was recorded in the Oficial Records of Orange County, California on March 23, 1994 as Instrument No. 94-0207276- 1. 16 4-0207276. 1.16 First Amendment to P.C. Text. On August 13, 2002, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2002-17 approving the First Amendment to the P.C. Text to provide that certain non -occupied building areas are not counted towards the maximum permissible building floor areas for development of the Property. 1.17 Noise Limitation. The existing PC Text provides that noise generated from Hoag Hospital from new mechanical appurtenances shall not exceed 55 dBA at the Property lines. This noise limitation was established prior to the adoption of the City's FINAL 51160 10001.34 H&O: #58720 vi 3-210 Noise Element in the General Plan and Noise Ordinance. It is proposed that noise generated and originating from the Property be governed by the City Noise Ordinance with certain exceptions. 1.18 Noise Attenuation. Hoag has taken significant actions to attenuate noise generated from mechanical equipment and has installed landscape screening and walls to mitigate and buffer noise and improve aesthetic impacts for adjacent residential properties. 1.19 Rest ted Development Ag element Amendments. The City and Hoag propose to further amend the Restated Development Agreement by this Amendment to incorporate references to: a Supplemental EIR; an amendment to the City General Plan; an increase in the Public Benefits; designation of the City as the point of sale to the extent allowed under applicable law; and amendments to the Hoag Hospital Planned CommunityText ("P.C. Text") to, among other things: (a) eliminate the reference to 1.0 Floor Area Ratio ("FAR') for the Upper Campus and the .65 FAR for the Lower Campus in the General Plan Land Use Element. In place of the reference to the FAR's, an absolute maximum allowable building area of 1,343,238 square feet will remain available for development of the entire Property comprised of the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus; (b) maintain a cap under the General Plan Land Use Element Amendment for development of the Lower Campus at 577,889 square feet (if no square footage is reallocated) and establish a cap on development of the Upper Campus at 990,349 square feet (if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus); (c) allow the transfer of up to 225,000 square feet of buildable area from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus, which, if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated, would result in a maximum allowed density of 990,349 square feet for the Upper Campus and areduction to permit 352,889 square feet of allowable development for the Lower Campus; (d) to modify the noise standards applicable to the Property; -^. FINAL 5/16/08 16001.34 H&O: #58720 Y1 3-211 (e) delete a provision that required the City and Hoag to conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of the Semeniuk Slough, including a requirement that Hoag fund the study and potential future improvements in an amount not to exceed $200,000; and (f) incorporate the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1.5 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Planning Commission/City Council Hearings is amended to read as follows: "1.5 Planning Commission/City Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992 and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public hearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23,1992, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992.. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, he0a public hearing to consider this Amendment, the Supplemental BIR, the General Plan Amendment, and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on January 31, 2008, February 7, 2008, March 6, 2008 and March 20, 2008. The City Council conducted a public hearing on this Amendment, the Supplemental EIR, the General Plan Amendment and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on April 16,2008." 2. Section 1.8 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled City Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving a Restated Development Agreement No. 5 incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Adopting Ordinance became effective on March 16, 1994. On May 13, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008-10 approving 'n FINAL 5/16M 10001.34 H&O: #58720 vl 4 3-212 this Amendment and ..authorizing the City to enter into this Amendment: The adopting ordinance will become effective on dime 12, 2008." .. 3. Section 2.1 ofthe Restated Development Agreement entitled The Adopting Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "2.1 The "Adopting Ordinance" refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. "Adgptirig Ordinance" further refers to Ordinance No. 2008-10 adopted on May 13, 2008 by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Amendment." 4. Section 2.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Agreement is amended to read as follows: "2.2 "A_�reement" refers to the "Restated Development Agreement Between the CityofNewport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian," and this Amendment." 5. Section 2.13 of the Resisted Development Agreement entitled The EJR is amended to read as follows: "2.13 The "Eff' refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach, and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142." 6. Section 2.23 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Master Plan is amended to read as follows: "2.23 "Master Plan" refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C'), as amended." 7. Section 3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Conditions to Development is amended to add a new paragraph after Subsection (f) to read as follows: "Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, any provisions set forth in this Amendment shall supersede and control over any inconsistencies with this Section." FINAL "'ttt iii 5116108 1000134 H&:O: #58720 vt 5 3-213 8. Section 3.3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Program EIR is amended to read as follows: "3.3 Progam EIR_ Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program EIR" and includes Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA." 9. Section 4.1 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Right to Develop is amended to read as follows: "4.1 Riszht to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project Specific Approvals for construction on ` the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan, as amended. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan, as amended, the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as opposed to permitted) by state or federal law." 10. Section 5.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.2 Public Hearing. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual reviews should be scheduled in April of each year." J FINAL 5/16/08 IOOOL34 H&O: #58720 vl 6 3-214 11. Section 5.4 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall also include a noise regulation compliance assessment that includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly basis. The noise assessment shall identify noise regulation compliance issues and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. Hoag shall pay the City administrative costs incurred in conducting Annual Reviews. Hoag shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by the City associated with Fluor Enterprises' review of the cogeneration plant during the 2008 Annual Review." 12. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to delete Subsection (c), which reads as follows: "(c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in West Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport Oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things,. the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trials and the potential for those trails to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that maybe permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (1~200,000.00)." FINAL _ 5/16108 10001.34 N&O: #58720 A 3-215 13. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to renumber Subsection (d) to Subsection (c); and to add a new Subsection (d) to read as follows: "(d) City and Hoag acknowledge and agree that the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment confer private benefits on Hoag that should be balanced by commensurate public benefits in favor of the City. Accordingly, the City and Hoag intend to provide consideration to balance the private and public benefits by the imposition of a Development Agreement Fee, which fee shall be used to reimburse the City for public improvements in the area and to fund certain additional needed public improvements identified by the City. Hoag shall pay to the City a Development Agreement Fee of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000). Payment of one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be made upon the Effective Date of this Amendment. Payment of the remaining one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be paid to City 12 months from the Effective Date of this Amendment or at the time of issuance ofthe first btulding permit by the City for development of a project on the Upper Campus as provided in Exhibit "C" attached to this Amendment, whichever occurs earlier. The first $1.5 million of the Development Agreement Fee shall be used to reimburse the City and/or pay for the costs associated with the following projects: (i) construction of the Superior Avenue medians extending from Ticonderoga Street to Dana Road; (ii) construction of the right -tum pocket for southbound Newport Boulevard to westbound Hospital Road; and (iii) funding of the operational improvements and traffic signal upgrade at the Hospital Road and Placentia intersection ("Priority Public hnprovements"). Construction of the first two Priority Public Improvements listed above occurred during 2007, and the third is anticipated to occur in 2008. The City shall be obligated to pay the actual cost difference, if any, for construction of these Priority Public Improvements. However, if there are any funds remaining after construction of the Priority Public Improvements is completed, the City may retain the funds to be used for other City projects or services that benefit the public. The City shall also have the sole authority to decide the design, cost and scope of the Priority Public Improvements and the sufficiency of City's performance on the Public Improvement Projects shall not be subject to Hoag's approval. The balance of the Development Agreement Fee ($1.5 million) and any funds remaining after the construction of the Priority Public Improvements shall be used by the City in the City's sole discretion to ... eNAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O! #58720 A c4 216 offset costs associated with other City and community projects or services -that benefit the public such as, among other things, public parks (for example, Sunset View Consolidated Park), landscaping improvements adjacent to public right of ways, sound abatement programs, public buildings, public road improvements, water quality improvements, law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency preparedness and other public safety facilities." 14. A new section, Section 8.3, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Sales/Use Tax Origin, to read as follows: "8.3 Sales/ Use Tax Origin (a) Hoag will include in its general contractor construction contract a provision that Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors, to the extent allowed by applicable law, will obtain a Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit for the jobsite at the Project Property and allocate all eligible sales and use tax payments for individual contracts over $5 million to the City. Hoag will provide Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors with the name and contact information of the City's Revenue Manager and notice of the Revenue Manager's availability to meet and confer with them on the implementation of the Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit procedures. Hoag will further include a notice in its general contractor construction contract that prior to beginning a qualified construction project, the general contractor and subcontractors are encouraged to meet with the City's Revenue Manager to review the process to be followed with respect to sales and use taxes. Hoag will further include a provision in its general contractor construction contract that the general contractor or subcontractors will certify in writing that the person(s) responsible for f lingthe tax return understands the process of reporting the tax to the City and will follow the guidelines set forth in the relevant sections of the Sales and Use Tax Regulations. Hoag shall not be responsible for failure of Hoag's general contractor or subcontractors to follow the procedures set forth in this Section. FINAL - 5116/08 10001.34 H&o: #59720 A 9 3-217 Hoag, if readily available, shall provide to the City or any City designated representative the names, addresses, phone numbers and contact name of the general contractor and all subcontractors. (b) Hoag will continue to follow the Direct Payment Permit Process established in the Revenue and Taxation Code and use the permit for all qualifying individual purchases in excess of $100,000 so that the local share of its sales/use tax payments is allocated to the City as the point of sale. (c) It is understood and agreed that any fixtures, materials and equipment with a purchase total that exceeds $100,000 purchased directly by Hoag and shipped to Hoag's Newport Beach location may also be eligible for direct allocation of sales/use tax to the City. Upon request of the City, Hoag will provide City on a semi-annual basis with a list of purchases exceeding the $100,000 threshold during the preceding six-month period, including the amount of the purchase and, if readily available, the name and contact information for the vendor upon request by the City. The City agrees to review the semi-annual list of purchases made by Hoag and advise Hoag of any missed opportunities for direct allocation. Hoag agrees to file its Direct Payment Permit with vendors identified by the City in an effort to improve the direct allocation ofthe local share ofsales/use tax payments in future periods." 15. A new section, Section 8.4, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Sunset View Park Improvements, to read as follows: "8.4 Hoag shall reimburse the City up to $ I50,000 for the installation of groundcover, shrubs and irrigation systems within the unimproved portion of Sunset View Park and Superior Avenue, approximately 20,500 square feet in area, located northerly of the cogeneration building. Reimbursement to the City shall be within 30 days of Hoag receiving an invoice from the City." MAL 5/16/0910001-34 H&O: 7158720 v1 10 3-218 16. A new section, Section 8.5, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment, to read as follows: "8.5 Hoag shall install a weather station capable of identifying ambient conditions necessary in documenting cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather station shall be tied into the cogeneration plant controls in order to maximize automatic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operational changes and load shining, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations. Hoag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers within the Hoag Lower Campus. Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such reduction shall be measured from a baseline (to be measured at the cooling towers) of operating three existing generators and absorption chillers at 100% of design capacity. This reduced capacity operation shall be implemented l daily between November 1� and April 300, between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or above 60% and when ambient temperatures are equal to or less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 17. Section 11.1(c) of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Notices is hereby amended to delete: "with a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton 19100 Von Karman, 8th Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613" and to add: `with a copy to: Dennis D. O'Neil Hewitt & O'Neil LLP 19900 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 1050 Irvine, CA 92612 MAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&o: #S8720 A 11 3-219 with a copy to: Gary McKitterick Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP 1900 Main Street, 5th Floor Irvine, CA 926147321" 18. A new Section 11.17 shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement as follows: "1 L 17 Indemnification/Hold Harmless. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Hoag shall'indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of this Amendment, including, but not limited to, the approval of the Planned Community Text and/or the City's related California Environmental Quality Act determinations, the certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, the adoption of a Mitigation Program, and/or statement of overriding considerations for this Project. This indemnification shall include, but notbe limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attomeys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Hoag, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. Hoag shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. Hoag shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition." FINAL 5116/48 10001.34 H&o: #56720 A 12 220 19. Exhibit C of the Restated Development Agreement shall incorporate the First Amendment to the P.C. Text as part of this Second Amendment to the P.C. Text in revised Exhibit C entitled: "HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Comrnission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No.2008-10 May 13,2008" 20. Except as provided for in this Amendment and not otherwise superseded by this Amendment, the provisions set forth in the Restated Development Agreement, all ofthe other terms, conditions, provisions and exhibits of the Restated Development Agreement continue to have fall force and effect as provided therein and this Amendment shall constitute an integral part of the Restated Development Agreement. Exhibits A through C constitute a part of this Amendment and are incorporated into this Amendment in full by this reference. 21. In the event there is any conflict between anyprovision of the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment, the later approved and recorded document shall prevail in interpretation, operation and implementation. 22. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Amendment to be recorded with the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California within ten (10) days following the effective date of adoption of the Ordinance approving this Amendment. [Signature page folloxs] FINAL 51I &P8 10001.34 H&Q: #58720 A 13 3-221 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Development Agreement No. 5 to be binding as of the Effective Date. ATTE T: LaVolme Harkless, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FO �4 _ �-- -- Fr r Robin Clauson, City Attorney CITY: THE CTTY OF NE RT 8 ASH, a municipal corporation oft tate o ali ria By: Edw a ch, r OWNER: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a Califomia onprofit public benefit co ti By: Richard F. Afab , M -D. President and CE (A11 Signatures to be Notarized) FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 x&o: #58720 A 14 • • f f �,..C':. ,cy:,.':Yc �h::�. v.. @S:Y�...%1.3 .-.�.�2;..»�:':�',:>..i9Yia•S.4�c:?a<�'.:y:�,...c�'a?�c:..a....c�e.,c:a.� ..�O.�r vweC.?n.i,•,�� .�ac><:v::�. �[.:v State of California Q County of On � 1� I'g before me, LeLM; 'fir" ul�f�7 PUP Dale Here Insertema an dle at the 0WWr personally appeared EDWA& R tEttW L BROWN COnmisslan+81631x77 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(* whose name(e) ls4am subscribed to the Notary Puhldc ' Cowomia within instrument and acknowledged to me that C l he/shefiey executed the same in hisilu*4heir authorized WComrn. X201 capacity(ies), and that by hislherJtkwic signature(s) on the instrument the person* or the entity upon behalf of which the person(a) acted, executed the instrument. tEMWI L BROWN rk4o, ConvrMfflon # 1613x77 I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is �Q* C� j'@'MvConmFM true and correct_ rJon=201 WETNESS my hand and offici I seal. Signature l,t Platy Notary Seal Above 9l8nal ofw6fary Put'iIc OPTIONAL Though the information below Is not required by few, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this lomr to another document. Description of Attached Document Titre or Type of Document: Document Date: Signers) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: C Individual G Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited G General _ ❑ Attorney in Fact Tvp of thumb here ❑ Trustee El Guardian or Conservator D Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: Signer's Name: • Individual ❑ Corporate Officer — Title (s): C Partner — ❑ Limited 0 General Attorney in Pact O Trustee Guardian or Conservator i Other: Signer Is Representing: RIl i�TFTS1GHUr:91iNEaIN?. OPA 02007 Nedonal Notary Assosfaft- 8350 De Soto Ave., P.a E1=2402 • Chatsvorth, CA 913132402• www.NaWaffW2rgorg Item 95807 Reartlor: C.3 fTol-Free 1.800.8764827 3-223 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of C)Aprm a e On M&�- 19, s Zoo before me, QeL62a, OAAleS 4 find); C , (Here insert mune an�f�d Ode of the officer) personally appeared 121&40-d 40-d ffPA W1 - who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(a) whose namam subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatSaiwIltay executed the same m /choir authorized capacity(AW, and that by /d*k signature$0 on the instrument the person(i* or the entity upon behalf of which the person(&� acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official sea]. tarr�ue N 9V CM cam. SigoatutnofNomry Public (No ) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached docuro t) �a,2ecaard�ii- fan• s � (Titleor description ofattached document continued) Number of Pages 33_ Document Dtue ,,5^) q—c: 6 (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER 0 Individual (s) 19 Corporate Officer P85;de4 ANd cco (Title) ❑ partner(s) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other 2008 Version CAPA vll.10.07 800.873-9865 www.NotaryClasses,con INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any ae/mowk4ment complexed in CaGfamla mum contain verbiage exactly as appears above in the notary section or a separate acknowledgment form must be properly completed and auached to that document The only acception it if a documeat it to be recorded aawde ofCallornia. In such insmm=, any alternative acknowledgment verbiage as may be prrmrd on such a atocuarem so Ing as rhe verbiage does nor regaire the notary in do sometbbgg chat a illegal for a notary in California (i. e. cerajyuW the authorimd cgvdty of the signer), Please check the decmeemtt mreftdly far proper noarrlal wording and attach thirfm,n ifngvired • State and County information most be the State and County where the doc•mmmtt sigmer(s) personally appeared before the nosy public for acknowledgment • Date of notarization must be the date that the signals) personally alb which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completer) • The notary public must print his or he name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). • Not the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (Le. hdshe/fkey is here) or circling the conva roma. Failure w correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document receding. • The notary seal impression trust be clear and phatogtaphicalty reproducible. Impression nmol not cover text or fines. If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a suf d nt arca permits, otherwise Complete a differ at admowledgmoht foam • Signature of the notary public must snatch the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. rr Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a dif%rent documt. 4 ladicate title or type of attached dDeurnent, number of pages and data • Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer_ If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate rho title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Secuefy attach this document to the signed document 3-224 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject property is the following real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 174 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. FINAL �v 5116108 10001.34 H&O: #58720 A A-1 3-225 11�+M51r' t)t9At aumma &Ww a PAI M OUSM 1 IMI N QIW ASM90" AW 4=401M 3-226 EXHIBIT C i HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN ! i PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Adopted May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-9 Effective Jane 12, 2008 FINAL 5/16/06 10001.34 H&O: #58720 vt C-1 3-227 HOAG.M MORUL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS .recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 2008-10 May 13, 2008 L F[NAL Hoag_PC: 041808aD0C Haag Menmrial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commvinity Develapnreat Criteria and District Regalations TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number I. INTRODUCTION 1 11. GENERAL NOTES 2 III. DEFINITIONS 3 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 5 V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS 10 VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM 21 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS 23 VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS 24 IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW. 27 `L FINAL_Hoag_PC 041808a.DQC 3-229 { ............ ... ... Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Conmamly Denetopment Criteria and District Regalatiom LIST OF EXHIBITS Page Number 1. PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP 7 2. VEHICULAR ACCESS 8 I' 3. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA i 14 4. PROPOSED SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN 19 5. LOADING DOCK AREA LOCATION 20 6. LANDSCAPE MATRIX 32 7. LOWER CAMPUS LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 33 I i 8. COAST HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE SCREEN 34 LIST OF TABLES 1. BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 9 2. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 23 FINAL_Hoa&_PCj4I808a00C -230 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Developnreat Criteria and District Regulations I. INTRODUCTION Backgrround The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the Upper and Lower Campuses of Hoag Hospital. In general, over the long term, the Upper Campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. FINAL _Hoag_PC_04 f 80U DOC 3-231 Hoag Memrorlal Hospital Presbyterlan Planned CommanityDevelopment Criteria and Disinct ftulddons 11. GENERAL NOTES Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach, 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-4 and K-5 regarding paleontological and archaeological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements or the requirements of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development as applicable. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and acce?s shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. Excluding communications devices on the Upper Campus, new mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults on the Upper and Lower Campuses shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be designed utilizing compatible architectural materials on the Lower Campus. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Excavation and Grading Code and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall commence within thirty {30} days of the completion of grading. FINAL Hoag__PC_041 808a.DOC Hoag !Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Con mundy Development Criteria and District Regulations III. DEFiMTIONS Building Elevation: 1. A vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean ' sea level). 2. A flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. i Building Envelope: The volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. BuildingH_ eight: The vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the I structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. r Emergency Room: A service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Entitlement, Gross Floor Area: Any area of a building, or portion thereof, including the surrounding exterior walls, but excluding: 1. Area of a building utilized for stairwells and elevator shafts on levels other than the first level of a building in which they appear; 2. Area of a medical building, that is not used for general or routine occupancy but rather is for interstial or mechanical occupancies, that measures less than 19 feet from finished floor to ceiling; 3. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, area of a i building used specifically for base isolation and structural system upgrades directly related to requirements of governmental agencies and is not for general or routine occupancy;and 4. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, enclosed rooftop mechanical levels not for general or routine occupancy. First Aid: Low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: The General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and al l elements thereof. Grade: ,For the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) �- FINAL Hoag PC_041868aDOC 3 3-233 Hoag Meneorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. Inpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which require twenty-four (24) hour or more stays. Landscape Area: The landscape area shall include on-site walks, plazas, water, rooftop landscaping and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: A reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Outpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which do not exceed twenty-four (24) hours. Residential Care: Medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: For the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2. Net - parcel area after dedications. Streets: Deference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. ` FINAL Hoag PC_041ROUDOC 4 3-234 Hoag Menwrial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commndy Development Criteria and District Regulations IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Proiect Characteristics The Upper Campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments to the west. The Lower Campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Sunset View linear and consolidated park and Villa Balboa Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 37.38 total acres, including 8,603 square feet of land encumbered by a roadway easement. The Lower Campus adjoins the Upper Campus at its eastern boundary. The Upper Campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1, Planned Community Site and Boundary Map. Through the year 2017, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the Upper Campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. Access to the Lower Campus will be from West Coast Highway and from Hospital Road, via the Upper Campus. Exhibit 2, Vehicular Access, shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital -related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Pian. The maximum allowable building area for Hoag Hospital, which encompasses both the Lower Campus and the Upper Campus, is 1,343,238 square feet. Each Campus is also subject to a maximum allowable building area limit: the maximum allowable building area for the Upper Campus is 990,349 square feet; the maximum allowable building area for the Lower Campus is 577,889 square feet. Table 1, Building Area Statistical Analysis, provides a summary of allowable square footage for both the Upper and Lower Campuses. Implementation, Program EIR and Subsequent Project Specific Approvals !-coag has acknowledged that the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the development and implementation of the Hoag Master Plan pursuant to this Planned Community Development Plan is a "Program EIR." The City has prepared and certified two program Environmental Impact Reports - Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final Program EIR (Final EIR No. 142) and a Supplemental ECR for the Master Plan Update (SCR41991071003). The EIRs analyze the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, the City is under a continuing r� F INAL_Hoag_PC_041808a. DOC 3-235 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the requests were fully addressed in the EIRs. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIRs, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIRs. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. FINAL Hoag_PC_041808aDOC 3-236 vtran %onmrva • � _ HOAR eRrvE ,,` " , < „Racy PAOMRi6 10ADk16RDCa�1MAM --� —. ANCUAR1 ROaDe1R N WOIQ'!i'S PAVIWON ,! L apaxa„aazeu�wyc NMIy LOWYIB DpCI( \ I g Z,9 VMRiWIE ��"L. ..t�� -•'lei; Y——• E Cfl �011liff UN��,E J ,it SamL. 2f0CABNEY1ANE /'�BOLX6110'IARE �` SUNN NOA80RRfE . -... ma swimm r _ r......... :::1x .. • ..'�`�> .: _ r f(.l it ... f � �. 1�€3 J jSURFACEPAgtOyl o �,• • ., � caw ... ........... MCIRC LOWER CAMPUS ` ` . F �1 / / NORTH 100 0 100 200 Note: Buildings labeled ioridentlBcation purposes only „ SCALE: i =200' PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP WWII 1 HOAG MEMORIAL HUSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN REVISED 01.22.08 7 3-237 f �03PJTAL ROAD PA LOADINO DOCK jJjftd&r8.1dQ) ANCUM V WOMEWWWWR am 2WCAGNEY ORO . W1952WROM MAIN LCIADL40 DOCK I 21OLRUELANt✓ 27Com. WAE 280CMWriAME CAMS P 10" 17A MILE kwwm" PROPM CONFEtEk + NORTH +0 100 0 100 200 --L—j Note: Buildings labeled for identification purposes only SCAtE-. 1"-200' VEHICULAR ACCESS QWMM2 HOA9 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 05.7"T REVISED 01.22-08 M. IEGEND 116:1 PRIMARY ACCESS (.SaNAUZED) SEOMARY ACCESS PRIMARYRQAUWAYS SECONDARYDRIVEWAYAND SERVICE f �03PJTAL ROAD PA LOADINO DOCK jJjftd&r8.1dQ) ANCUM V WOMEWWWWR am 2WCAGNEY ORO . W1952WROM MAIN LCIADL40 DOCK I 21OLRUELANt✓ 27Com. WAE 280CMWriAME CAMS P 10" 17A MILE kwwm" PROPM CONFEtEk + NORTH +0 100 0 100 200 --L—j Note: Buildings labeled for identification purposes only SCAtE-. 1"-200' VEHICULAR ACCESS QWMM2 HOA9 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 05.7"T REVISED 01.22-08 M. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned CommunUy Depelopment Criteria and District Fegulatinns TABLE 1 BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TOTAL of LowER CAMPUS & UPPER CAMPUS BMDING AREAS - MAmmum ALLOWABLE: 1,343,238 SQUARE -FEET ' As of the date of adoption. Z Up to 225,000 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus a Demolition of some existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet r") FiNAL_Hoag__PC 041808a.DOC 9 3-239 Maximum Allowable Net Allowable Site Area Building Area Existing' Remaining to U 765,349 sq. ft. 765,349 sq. ft. 698,121 sq. ft. 67,228 sq. ft. 99,349 sq. ft. s a w a 862,815 sq. ft. 577,889 sq. ft. 188,149 sq. ft. 389,740 sq. fL 577,889 sq. ft. O rn 0 1,618,164 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. ft. 886,270 sq. ft. 456,968 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. ft.1 O F- ' As of the date of adoption. Z Up to 225,000 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus a Demolition of some existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet r") FiNAL_Hoag__PC 041808a.DOC 9 3-239 I ` i i Hoag Vemonal Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations I V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories are not an exhaustive list Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five (5) permitted use categories are allowed. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) Outpatient services: (a) Antepartum Testing (b) Cancer Center (c) Skilled Nursing (d) Rehabilitation (e) Surgery Center (f) Clinical Center 1 (g) Day Hospital (h) Back and Neck Center (i) Biofeedback 0) Breast Imaging Center (k) Dialysis (1) EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory (m) First Aid Center (n) Fertility Services (o) G.I. Laboratory (p) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (q) Neurology (r) Nuclear Medicine (s) Occupational Therapy (t) Pediatrics (u) Pharmacy (v) Physical Therapy (w) Pulmonary Services (x) Radiation Therapy (y) Respiratory Therapy (z) Sleep Disorder Center (aa) Speech Therapy (bb) Ultrasound (cc) Urgent Care 5� F I N A L_ Ho ng_ P C_041908 a D O C 10 3-240 i Hoag Memorial hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regrdations (2) Administration: (a) Admitting (b) Auxiliary Office (c) Business Offices (d) Information Desk (e) Registration (i) Patient Relations (g) Social Services (3) Support Services: (a) Employee Child Care (b) Health Education (c) Power/MechanicaVAuxiliary Support and Storage (d) Food Services (e) Cashier (f) Chapel/Chaplaincy Service (g) Conference Center (h) Dietitian (i) Gift Shop 0) Laboratory 1 (k) Medical Library (1) Medical Records (m) Pharmacy (n) Parking Facilities4 (o) Engineering/Maintenance (p) Shipping/Receiving (q) Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities (4) Residential Care: (a) Substance Abuse (b) Mental Health Services (c) Extended Care (d) Hospice Care (e) Self or Minimal Care (f) Congregate Care (S) Medical/Support Offices a Parking structures or decks do not count toward square -footage 4: FINAL Hoag_PC_041808a.DOC l l 3-241 f I 11009 Memorial Hospital Presbytedw Planned Commumty Development Criteria and District Rer datdons b. Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system components. C. Accessory uses nonnally incidental to hospital development. d. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 2. Upper Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) inpatient uses including, but not limited to: (a) Critical Care (b) Emergency Department (c) Birthing Suites (d) Cardiology (e) Cardiac Care Unit (0 Intensive Care Unit (g) Mother/Baby Unit (h) Surgery (i) Laboratory 0) pha:,.�acy (k) Patient Beds (2) Outpatient services as allowed on the Lower Campus (3) Administrative uses as allowed on the Lower Campus (4) Support services as allowed on the Lower Campus (5) Residential care as allowed on the Lower Campus (6) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use PermiW b. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. C. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. - uoes not. counr mwara square-toxage FINAL_Hong_PC 04I8D8a.DOC 12 3-242 i i I I I Hoag Menwhal Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations B. Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a. Emergency Room b. Heliport C. Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy 2. Upper Campus a. Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy C. Maximum Building Height The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3, Development Criteria Plan, which establishes the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower which is two -hundred thirty-five (235) feet above mean sea level. 2. Upper Campus Mid -rise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed one - hundred forty (144) feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking Zone - maximum building height not to exceed eighty (80) feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator towers. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated by the development criteria shown on Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center which is fifty-seven and one-half (57.5) feet above mean sea level. FINAL Haag_PC_04I906a.DOC 13 3-243 HEM:NimNES' , PPER CAMPUS ZONES TOViER ZONE- MAXIMUM BUILDI All PA '.Isis 4.Nm8tRagfrm+d �` Note: Buildings labeled for Identification purposes only DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PLAN NG HEIGHT 338 ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL MIDRiSE ZONE- MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 140' ADM MEAN SEA LEVEL PARKING ZONE- Af MMUM BIULDING HEIGHT 80' ABOVE MEAN SEA LLL�i n LEVEL-, E)MAISPIE OF ELEVATOR TOWER IDAawaDoalryna.rwnana L41NE#t CAMPUS Z014ES ! , 3 LOWER CAMPUS ZONE- SUB - AREM A, B, C, F, AND G- NO BUILDING SHALL L_J EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF THE 03STM SLOPE OR 1HE Q RANGE OF MAX MUM BUiLOM HEXWfS WftTED B ulw H"W SUB ME" SUB - ARE" D AND E- MAMMUM BIULOING HEIGHT Mru ROU aF VAC M 57.5 fEErABOVEIVIFAN SEA LEVEL KMHf, MM PIMMED WOES ® rmROM OFmawm 101: WFtaNage ahgl4ww 7 BWi m f1mm • MEO WA Lm Ww 20'eyp,s lA —Y i72 �aNmprwoecv"V r AVEAABE SWK iIFY dolt �cmfdan 0snwcn BWmaos 1 — tC11 r4!!s �173689.f.1! \ 4IDPARI6U+Ni ,-!'f" ,.! F \\j_1\ � / 21D U13lE tAT7E� /T3D ._ `�-•••+,._. �.—_ �. 9ANf E��,,;i �. it ...fit--.. r•""•""_.?I `_•'�;'.?'s"�`"'?:. All PA '.Isis 4.Nm8tRagfrm+d �` Note: Buildings labeled for Identification purposes only DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PLAN MAIN madliffm ?INNOWre.t';• •1'y . CBIIFJI •'�„�fanlW? CONS •.x' '�w" :'�i1D:i9� t1 1 "T A•.'N 4 NORTH too 0 140 200 SCALE: P-2001 WA REVISED 01.22.08 14 IDAawaDoalryna.rwnana MAIN madliffm ?INNOWre.t';• •1'y . CBIIFJI •'�„�fanlW? CONS •.x' '�w" :'�i1D:i9� t1 1 "T A•.'N 4 NORTH too 0 140 200 SCALE: P-2001 WA REVISED 01.22.08 14 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commanfty Development Criteria and Disirird Regulations i D. Building Setbacks Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. i I. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa condominiums, as defined below: a. Upper Campus westem boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratoty building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b. Lower Campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20 -foot minimum building setback. 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be fifteen (15) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: Ist Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the Ist floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shalt be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of twenty (20) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of twenty-five (25) feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be forty-five (45) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: Ist Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the Ist floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. FTNA L_Hoag_PC_Q418O8aDOC 15 r i 4 I 3-245 Hoag Memorwl Hospital Presbylenan Planned Community Devdopm m Criteria and District Regulations 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of fifty-five (55) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of sixty-five (65) feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than two -hundred fifty (250) linear feet in width. Additionally, 201/0 of the linear frontage within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of West Coast .Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 10% of the linear length of Height Zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX. 3. There will be no building setbacks along the westerly boundary of the Lower Campus (adjacent to the municipal parking lot at Superior and West Coast Highway). 4. A twenty (20) foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point six -hundred (600) feet south; a twenty- five (25) foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Lighting The fighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to shield the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The pians shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Minor rooftop equipment, necessary for operating purposes, will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be designed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. FtNAI_Haag PC 04I808a.DOC 16 M• Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and Dutrirt Regulations G. Signs All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. H. Parking All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. I. Landscape All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. J. Mechanical and Trash Areas Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets and immediately adjacent residential properties. K. West Hoag Drive Circulation Limitations The project sponsor shall continue to limit the use of that portion of West Hoag Drive adjacent to residential uses located on the Upper Campus. Deliveries to loading areas shall not occur after 8:00 PM or before 7:00 AM daily. The project sponsor shall physically restrict access to the roadway between these hours and appropriate signage indicating permitted delivery hours and access limitations shall be installed and maintained at all times, Night time deliveries and vehicular access to the loading area located along West Hoag Drive are allowed where critical supplies, services or materials are necessary for the continued operation of the hospital. L. Loading Dock The project sponsor shall provide a sound wail along West Hoag Drive as shown in the approximate location on Exhibit 4. Said wall shall be installed within 12 months of project approval, subject to issuance of required permits. To the maximum degree feasible, the sound wall shall be constructed to retain existing vegetation, which serves as a visual screen. Please refer to Section VIII, D. for additional landscaping requirements related to the sound wall. Mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels in the Loading Dock Area shall be incorporated into the design and operations of the hospital; such mitigation shall include relocation of the trash compactor and baler, limiting the hours of truck deliveries to the loading dock area, and enclosure of the trash compactor. FWAL_Hoag_PC_041808a.ROC 17 3-247 Hoag Afenwnal Eospffal Presbyterian Planned Community Developnwnt Criteria and District Regulations M. Noise Standards Noise generated at the Hoag Hospital property shall be governed by the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance, except as noted below for the Loading Dock Area. Refer to Exhibit 5, .Loading DockArea Location, for the location. I. The applicable noise standard at the Hoag Hospital property line adjacent to the Loading Dock Area shall be as follows: 7AM-10 PM IOPM-7AM Daytime Nighttime Leq (15 min) 65 dBA 55 dBA 2. Within the Loading Dock Area during daytime hours, vehicles shall be exempt from applicable noise standards as listed above. Vehicle idling shall be prohibited on West Hoag Drive and within the loading dock areas, except that refrigerated vehicles may idle while at the loading docks when refrigeration is necessary. In addition, the grease pit cleaning which is exempt from the City Noise Ordinance as a maintenance activity shall occur on P Saturday between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. FINAL -Hoag -PC -04 1808a.DOC 18 3-248 LEGEND Edsting Fence Property IJ� Easement Line - - — — — — — — 18.51 High WalL 23' High Wall tt \" . y', .� ir High wall `P ................ 14' High Wall NOTE: sowd Wall is appmxfmately 470 LIRW Feet Ap Y. % SOW Vb11 height C2 adjame ra= measured fromurface. A's y— as L CA is SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Aprfl3,2008 I 1 1 040 so EXHIBIT 3-249 LEGEND PROPEW LATE AS lDMFIFDIHSECTION M.I., DIISTItICTREGULATIONS UPPER CAMPUS TLWWINQ DOCKAREAAS IDB"FIED IN SECTION M2,01MICT REGULATIONS , WON wRimpAnustrim Ammom r . ......... sop Trrp limp #$vow 17folim"', �110G'iItNH4M�R W.,w ft v 5 7 comi ffim" LOWER CAMPUS 100 0 100 200 Nota BuIldinp labeled forldon0cation ouqxmw only Ste: V-200' LOADING DOCK AREA HOAG ME4NORIAI HOSPrFAL PR MAN 20 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Plaaned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A. Purpose and Intent I. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordinance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. B. General Sign Standards All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground - mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source_ No sign shall be constricted or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, or create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 1 10-L. 5. For purposes of this section, a building shall be defined as any occupied structure or any occupied portion of a structure that is constructed as an addition to an existing structure and identified as a separate building for way finding purposes. Individual building numbers uniquely define the buildings on the Hoag campus. C. Number of Signs Allowed One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two (2) single -faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project °— FINAI_Hoag_ 041808a.D0C 21 3-251 Hoag Memorial. Hospital Presbyterian Planned Cominumly Development Criteria and District Regulations boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Primary entrance identification shall be allowed at the main entrance to the facility and at the main entrance to the Emergency Department. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eight (8) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed seventy (70) square feet. 3. Secondary building and entrance identification signs shall be allowed. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of nine (9) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid- point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet whether freestanding or wall -mounted. 4. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced, double-faced, or triple -faced sign. The sign shall be sized to allow for proper readability given the number of lines of copy, speed of traffic, setback off the road and viewing distance. This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eleven (t 1) feet average height above finished grade. 1 5. Donor recognition signage shall be allowed, one (1) at each building elevation. Maximum sign area shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five (175) square feet for donor recognition signage. 5. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital towers, one (1) at each elevation. The maximum sign area shall not exceed two hundred seventy- five (275) square feet. Any hospital identification signage on the elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 7. On the Lower Campus, two (2) building -mounted identification signs will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa property. Such signs shall adhere to the requirements above for secondary building and entrance identification signage and shall be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. 8. Each public parking structure shall be allowed one (1) identification sign above each entrance and exit of the structure. The maximum sign area of each identification sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. Adjacent regulatory parking signage does not count toward the maximum sign area. FINAL_Hoag_PC_04I808a.00C 22 3-252 Ioag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian.Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Department. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements have been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Requirements for Off -Street Parking Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon the area allocated to the use categories. TABLE 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Use Category Parking Reg_uirements Outpatient Services 2.31 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) Support 0.0 spaces/ 1,000 square feet (1)(2) Administrative 5.3 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) Residential Care 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Inpatient 2.35 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) (1) Parking factor based on parking analysis prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan dated October B, 2001 for Traffic Study 2001-002 approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 1542. (2) Support Services generates parking demand that is accounted for in one of the other categories. (3) Parking requirements based upon a study prepared by LSA Associates dated September 27, 1991. 1 P1NAL_l1oag PC_04160b.DOC 23 3-253 Hoag Memorial ftospdal Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regalations VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan shall include a concept for rooftop parking and parking structures if proposed for the Lower Campus. Trees shall not be used, however planter boxes, green roof treatments or trellis systems shall be designed to provide added visual relief of rooftop parking or parking structures. All rooftop or top of parking structure landscaping proposals shall conform to the building height limits established in this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than five (5) gallon size_ Ground covers will be planted from one (1) gallon containers or from rooted cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed as necessary to avoid damage to trees, irrigation systems, shrubs and other planting materials. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing or the introduction of irregular groupings may also be considered to add interest and variety. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their mature size without restriction. Emphasis shall be placed on the use of native, drought -tolerant, non-invasive plants on the Lower Campus. On the Upper Campus, naturalized vegetation selections, as well as those plants allowed on the Lower Campus, will be. emphasized. Automatically controlled irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. 8. Installation and maintenance of landscape, screening and irrigation systems per Exhibit #6, Exhibit #7 and Exhibit #8. All improvements shall be shown on landscape and irrigation plans to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department and which shall be in substantial compliance with the Exhibits #6, #7 and #8. Hoag shall complete all of the improvements within the timelines set forth in Exhibit 46. F1NAL Hoag PC_04ISOMDOC 24 3-254 ffoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris and cultivated as necessary to maintain. 2. Lawn and ground cover areas are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertilization, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of a regularly scheduled annual maintenance program. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in good working condition at all times. On- going monitoring, adjustments and cleaning of systems are to be part of regular maintenance procedures. 5. Stakes, guys and tree ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties shall be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling of branches or central leaders. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. 7. Plantings and irrigation are to be maintained in accordance with the approved - plans. C. Special Landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A fifteen (15) foot building setback from right-of-way/property line is required along West Coast Highway_ Only driveways, parking and signage structures are allowed in the setback areas. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Installed trees are to be no smaller than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Landscape Zone The area between the Hoag property line and the sound wall will be referred to as the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone. This portion of the Haag Hospital property will have a specific landscape process to ensure consultation with Villa Balboa on the planting and maintenance of the area. Existing landscaping on Villa Balboa's side of the wall shall be preserved to the extent feasible or replaced with specimen plant material as designated on a plan to be approved by the Planning Director after consultation with the Villa Balboa Community Association. The plan C) _.; FtNAL_1Joag_Pc_041908u.nOC 25 3-255 Koag Memorial MgpU Presbyterian Planned Commumly Development Criteria and Aistriet Regaladons shall also include sufficient additional landscaping to screen or soften the soundwall required pursuant to Section V.L. Hoag shall maintain all landscaping on Hoag's property and to the extent new plant material is installed as a result of wall construction by Hoag on the Villa Balboa property adjacent to the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone (with their permission), Hoag shall maintain such new plant material on Villa Balboa's property for a period of two years after installation to ensure healthy growth. All landscape installation shall occur within 45 days of the completion of the wall or earlier. Any future modifications made to said wall and landscaping shal I be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area landscape calculations. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not be regularly spaced. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berming and depressing of parking areas to provide additional screening. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Newport Beach Planning Department. A rooftop landscaping program shall be developed for parking structures and rooftop parking proposed for the Lower Campus and shall be subject to the review and the approval of the Newport Beach Planning Department_ FINAL_Hoag PC_041808aDOC 26 3-256 Hoag Memories! Hospital P—hyted- .Planned Community Development Criteria and Distriet Regulations IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW A. Purpose Tu, Council finds that developl;w,it on the Lower Campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the community. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement for certain individual projects - to insure that these projects conform with the goals and policies of the General Plan, provisions of this Planned Community Development Plan, the Development Agreement and the standards set forth below in sub -section F. The following classifications of projects are subject to the Site Plan Review: Planning Commission review: I . Any project that differs from setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D.2. Planning Director's review: I . Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions that could have an i impact to visual resources. 2. Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions creating objectionable odors or other impacts to air quality. 3. Replacement of existing cooling towers, except fer easuak5- f B. Finding s The City funds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. Application Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure, as outlined in Section IX.A above, prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit or issuance of an approval in concept for Coastal Commission or Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development review. D. PIans and Diaarams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: FINAL Hoag_PC 04184Be.DOC 27 3-257 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Dever t Criteria and District Regulations A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees (proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained); and indicating the amount, type, and location of any landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for automatic irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. Fee The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section A, in order to cavy out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the Site Plan Review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special FINAL_ Hoag_FC_041808a.DOC: 28 3-258 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Communhy Development Criteria and District Regulatdom consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, Iandscaping and other site features shall give proper consideration to functional aspects of site development. 5. Potential impacts shall be mitigated to less than significant levels. G. Public Hearing - Required Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the e)derior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as requited by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two (2) conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H. Action by the Planning Director If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Director shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Director shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Director shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Planning Director. The action of the Planning Director on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Director's action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Planning Director has requested a review of its decision, or unless the Planning Commission, not more than twenty-one (2 1) days after the Director's action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Director, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The Planning Commission may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the Planning Commission shall be final, unless subsequently appealed or reviewed. Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. FINAL-Hoagg I1C_041808a.DOC 29 3-259 Haag Memorial llosplaa/ Presbyterian Planned Community Development Crileria and DWrlcl Reguladans If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final_ J. Anneal to the Citv Council Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such leiter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council, K. Action by the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council within sixty (60) days of filing a letter of appeal, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. L. Expiration and Revocation of Site Plan Review Approvals Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terns of this Title shall expire within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may he revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection there with. Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within sixty (60) days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. C) FINAL Hoag_P( _041808a.DQC 30 3-260 Ijkma(kd as pm 0 La Cqm MA Roles Locatton Area Descdptloo Landscape Element Schedule Govern OVAgency I Anticipated I zttts Outcome i Eftct r+ldMiaWeevpbnlh9 AM5, Pe .q.9 0, Nem —g—aertl bem Novfie7lralellm Plo-O -T~ rF—Ml rvey 2 39'O. Pat. .2007 t*Wcd -1.4 zwl—qT,"Aqy0M cooed romm Apw� 2me Adore eamen Mqmcr— _r IN— —.Varwnu� .................. ................ !T.-- Wy 2DOS. . lin", MmodbmJWr z Am— zva SaeeMOR P..ft vlewa o! ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . AM Oil W.=,4ty MW sna i—rodft� IT. My2Wl. Co C— owm ngaael E ZA ... ..... Ith. 2007 k"lkd !Pod—pww 630. b. —VWi..Twa jtVW T. —,Om, daR bpdS RI F IN W. .4�la-' INov 200F �,Md lAddOM Ijkma(kd as pm 0 La Cqm MA Roles 0, Nem —g—aertl bem Novfie7lralellm Plo-O -T~ 39'O. Pat. .2007 t*Wcd 1pmj--T,".d —.Varwnu� .................. ................ . Oil [CDP b, MW sna i—rodft� CasatM Coon Ith. A75�i: •.K, .. Rmwtv youqdr4&ffl 630. b. Cduddaepodnenkbn ate I—W —,Om, daR bpdS 'mfflv —q 3: 2009 q ky, W WY giamamverPamtlr9 AddftNotre O.W 2w h -um Yea avaaMt4 ate MdtlnQ VH9yMM lftjw�� [=dAWft— 20M u>mlw C— App.., kw—&WfY.." pftrtung W�WOMFCH nD U..*d Addkbnwpm s—.—.T'—tp.Wg MmW-b pWdMPCH6or "Un Lm tram PCH .O4w dmlbe fw-�ls monNa CUpi_.byh. Comtel Canm. T.*.-ymove AdmaetdM fb— F—HO-6 VOM—d Ml-dV*IWT.* t Status ColayCode lndlcatfng Cunvw P .a hvr—nb a ww w rnl -Prl In1x`del �,'apPwed but P'Pm t W mrtl4akml Exhibit #6 .31 1 4'.7me 3-26' HOAG LOWER CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN Exhlblt #7 32 At Rm n AT ll _Q nmc� 3l HOAG LOWER CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN Exhlblt #7 32 PARTIAL ELEVATION - PCH LANDSCAPE SCREEN (DRAFT) Rabb rb'"' Carr Hoag Memorial HcMp al Presbyterian 041141Me ...r..,... ,v...... .v,.. NerpartBae�,ck ErhltNt A8 73 !0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } I, LaVonne M. Harkless, City CIerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2008-10 as duly and regularly introduced before and adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Council, duly and regularly held on the 13th day of May 2008, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: i Ayes: Henn, Rosansky, Curry, Daigle, Gardner, Mayor Selich Noes: None , Absent: Webb Abstain: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the official seal of said City this 1411, day of May 2008. (Seal) r City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ► ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } i I, LAVONNE M. HARKUSS, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 2008-10 has been duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City and that same was so published in The Daily Pilot, a daily newspaper of general circulation on the following date, to wit: May 17, 2008. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this day of 2008. E City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California 3-264 EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. -C1- 3-265 EXHIBIT D LEGAL DEPICTION OF PROPERTY -D1- 3-266 I p—I PARCEL 2 n _av am 04 I i / \ Now 6ayrtr OF °'' OAMOCS I" COW s� Atli i.Nt o mra saw no es 3-267 EXHIBIT F MELINDA HOAG SMITH CENTER FOR HEALTHY LIVING AGENCY PARTNERS F1 3-268 Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy UNAng 3-269 The Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living (MHSCHL) is a robust one -stop -shop of interconnected and supportive services that promote health and well-being. The Center houses a wide variety of non-profit partner agencies and the programs that address key issues affecting the health of our community. The Center provides culturally sensitive services and resources that enable prevention, address the root causes of disease and improve health outcomes. Services are offered in English and/or Spanish depending on the program. There is no fee to become a member of the Center. The membership provides access to a majority of agencies and services, at no cost, however there may be health insurance prerequisites. For more information or to set an appointment, please call us at 949-764-6551 or stop by for an in person visit. Hours of Operation: Monday -Friday 8 a.m. — 7 p.m. I Saturday 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Vision Inspire and empower our community to take control of their own health and wellbeing. Provide culturally sensitive services and resources that enable prevention, address the root causes of disease and improve health outcomes. Offer services that meet the needs of the whole person: mind, body and spirit. Mission To work synergistically in a shared location with our partner agencies and community residents to bridge the gaps in services, build capacity and maximize impact in our under - resourced communities. 3-270 Partner agencies and programs offered inelL Ide: + d Academy of International Dance Ballet and hip-hop classes Art and Creativity 4 Healing Art workshops designed to aid with stress reduction and to increase coping skills Be the Change Yoga Yoga classes for all levels Big Brothers Big Sisters of OC Youth mentoring for those 6 -16 years of age Cancer Kinship I Mentorship, education and support programming for cancer patients in any stage of diagnosis, treatment or remission Children's Bureau General needs assessment, case management and linkage to resources - - -- - Healthy Habits educational series _ .... - ... _. - . -- ..... __.._..... - _ . _._ ..... ._.._._ Children's Health Connection i Provides connections to health services, health screenings and health education along with safety equipment CHOC PODER (Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes through Health and wellness education including nutrition and physical fitness Education and Resources) - (Community for Innovation, Support and educational workshops related to business and entrepreneurial skills, resume Innovation, Entrepreneurship, writing, financial and computer literacy Leadership & Opportunities) Community Action Partnership Healthy Couples/Families workshops which focus on enhancing interpersonal skills and problem solving skills Social, educational and support services for children and families. Services offered in Costa Mesa Family Resource Center English/Spanish. Collaborative partners: Human Options, Children's Bureau, Girls Inc., Raise Foundation, Help Me Grow, and Strong Families Strong Children. Council on Aging English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults; Balance and Mobility classes; computer skills classes; HICAP - support & education regarding MediCare benefits CPR, First Aid Certification CPR and First Aid Certification for adults Crime Survivors Support groups, self-defense classes and resources for victims of crimes Drumming Circles i Stress reduction drumming circles for adults Girls Inc. Afterschool programming for boys & girls: homework support; spring and summer camps; Hoag - Mental Health Center dance classes; Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) classes Help Me Grow OC Developmental screenings for young children; resources for enhancing child development Hoag - ASPIRE (After School i Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for 13-17 year olds experienc ng mental health Program: Intervention and difficulties; program guides teens and their families through skills -based training. Resiliency Education) (Need private health insurance) Hoag - Case Management Case management and linkage to resources Hoag - Health Coaching Health and wellness coaching Hoag - Health Ministries ! Faith community nursing outreach, seasonal flu clinic and blood pressure clinics Short term outpatient counseling services for individuals, couples and/or families Hoag - Mental Health Center Support groups and educational classes English, Spanish and Farsi speaking therapist (Sliding -scale fee) Hoag - OC Vital Brain Aging Program Complimentary memory screening for adults over age 45 Hoag - Promotora/Community i Support and resources for adults experiencing stress and mental health challenges Health Worker Human Options Domestic violence prevention and intervention services, counseling, parenting classes, PEP (Personal Empowerment Program), support groups MOMS OC Preparation for childbirth classes, Mommy & Me classes NAMI - National Alliance for the Support groups and educational classes for family members and caregivers who have a loved Mentally III __.—..._ _.... _... _. one (child or adult) living with mental illness __.._.......... _....-- -------- .--_..__..... _.- Olive Crest Parenting classes Orange County Department of Child Assistance for parents with obtaining, modifying and collecting child support Support Services Orange County Public i Nursing case management, nursing assessment, health educatio-i Health Nursing 21 3-271 Partner agencies and programs offered inClUde: Pilates Pilates classes for adults Project Youth, OC Bar Foundation --------- -- -- - Youth diversion programs - "SHORTSTOP" and "Stop Short of Addiction"; Health and wellness programing for women - "Madres Unidas" Project Self Sufficiency Support, mentoring and linkage to resources for single parents enrolled in college Public Law Center Civil legal services and individual counseling focusing on family law related matters for low income adults and families Linkage to resources, assistance with applications for government programs: Raise Foundation MediCal, CalFresh (food stamps); CalWorks (Cash aid); Volunteer opportunities through: Youth Advisory Council (YAC); Community Engagement Advisory Committee (CEAC) Second Harvest Food distribution for families in need (must be an adult to participate) Full scope primary care including preventive health care, urgent medical care and chronic SOS Children & Family Health Center disease management (health insurance requirements and/or sliding scale available) SOS Dr. Robert & Dorothy Beauchamp Child and Family General and specialty dental services for infants to adults Dental Center SPIN - Serving People in Need Housing assistance for families in need, GAPP -guided assistance to permanent placement Strong Families Strong Children Team of peer navigators and clinical case managers help provide support, resources, and counseling for active duty or veteran family members Susan G. Komen OC Breast health and cancer prevention education, mammogram screenings, survivor support groups United Way Tax preparation assistance for low income families Youth Employment Services Securing and maintaining employment assistance for 16-24 year olds Zumba Zumba classes for adults and Zumbini classes for adult caregivers and young children Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living 307 '01acentia Avenue Newport Beach, CA. 92663 On the corner of Placentia and Hospital Road (across the street from Hoag Hospital). Entrance to parking lot is off Placentia. meljncja Hoag Srnitj-r ren-:er `oi- HealthY Living 307 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-764-6551 hoag.org/MHSCHL 151h st ,:1q �i�al itl_ it l� Hospital RUHOAG a, HOSPITAL I -)2 3-272 � W4 10410119 THIRD AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 F1 3-273 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: City Clerk (Space Above This Line Is for Recorder's Use Only) This Agreement is recorded at the request and for the benefit of the City of Newport Beach and is exempt from the payment of a recording fee pursuant to Government Code §§ 6103 and 27383. THIRD AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH F.IWI HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved July _, 2019 Ordinance No. 2019-12 3-274 THIRD AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Pursuant to California Government Code sections 65864-65869.5) This THIRD AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ("Third Amendment") is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation ("City"), on the one hand, and HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Hoag"), on the other. City and Hoag are sometimes collectively referred to in this Third Amendment as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party." RECITALS A. Hoag is the fee owner of approximately thirty eight (38) acres of real property located in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, located at 1 Hoag Drive (Assessor Parcel Nos. 423-011-30, 423-011-28), ("Property"). The Property is more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto and as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, and as more particularly depicted as attached hereto in Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. B. City and Hoag entered into that certain Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian dated February 14, 1994, for reference purposes and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on March 23, 1994, as document number 94-0207276 ("Agreement") attached hereto as Exhibit C with a twenty five (25) year Term of the Agreement. C. City and Hoag entered into that certain Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008, and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on the same date, as document number 2008000289321 ("Amendment") attached hereto as Exhibit D which incorporated references to a Supplemental EIR and amendment to the General Plan, an increase in public benefits, designation of the City as the point of sale to the extent allowed under applicable law, and amendments to the Hoag Hospital Planned Community Text. D. City and Hoag entered into that Second Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on June 3, 2019, as document number 2019000188999 ("Second Amendment") attached hereto as Exhibit E which extended the Term of the Agreement for an additional six (6) months. The Agreement, Amendment, and Second Amendment may collectively be referred to herein as "Amended Agreement." E. City and Hoag now wish to enter into that Third Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 ("Third Amendment') extending the term and providing additional public benefits. F. On June 20, 2019, the Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing on this Third Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. Consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement 3-275 Statute and Ordinance, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC2019-019, recommending the City Council approve this Third Amendment. G. On July 9, 2019, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on this Third Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. On July 23, 2019, consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the City Council held second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 2019-12approving this Third Amendment. H. This Third Amendment is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan, including without limitation the General Plan's designation of the Property as "Private Institutions - PI," Ordinance No. 2007-6, entitled "Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.45 of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") Regarding Development Agreements" that amended the terms of NBMC Section 15.45 (the "Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance"), the Agreement, Amendment and Second Amendment. 1. In recognition of the significant public benefits provided, the City Council has found that this Third Amendment: (i) is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan as of the date of the Agreement, the Second Amendment, and this Third Amendment; (ii) is in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of City, its residents, and the public; (iii) is entered into pursuant to, and constitutes a present exercise of, City's police power; (iv) is consistent and has been approved consistent with the final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR No. 142) ("FEIR") and the supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. ER2007-003) (SCH41991071003) ("EIR") that have been certified by the City Council on or before the date of approval, which analyzed the environmental effects of the proposed development of the project on the Property, and all of the findings, conditions of approval and mitigation measures related thereto; and (v) is consistent and has been approved consistent with provisions of California Government Code section 65867 et. seq. and Chapter 15.45 of the NBMC. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, City and Hoag agree as follows: 1. Term of Agreement. Section 6.3 of the Amended Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "Term of Agreement. The term of this agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until September 15, 2029, unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to its terms." 2. Public Benefits Pursuant to Third Amendment. Section 8.6. entitled "Public Benefits Pursuant to Third Amendment" is hereby added to the Amended Agreement to read as follows: "Public Benefit Pursuant to Third Amendment. City and Hoag acknowledge and agree that this Third Amendment and Amended Agreement confer private benefits on Hoag that should be balanced by commensurate public benefits to the community of Newport Beach. Based thereon, Hoag agrees as follows: 2 3-276 a. Hoag agrees to pay a total of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) in ten (10) equal annual installments of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) to one or more non-profit community partner(s) to operate a homeless shelter, as recommended by the Newport Beach Homeless Task Force and approved by the City Council. The initial Three Hundred Thousand Dollar ($300,000.00) installment is due and payable by Hoag to the community partner(s) determined by the City Council within thirty (30) calendar days of Hoag receiving written notice from the City. Thereafter, prior to the anniversary of the Effective Date of this Third Amendment, the City shall provide Hoag with thirty (30) calendar days' notice in the event of a change to the designated community partner(s). Subsequent installments of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) shall be paid by Hoag to the community partner(s), designated by the City Council, on the anniversary of the Effective Date of this Third Amendment. If the City Council does not identify any community partner(s) in accordance with the foregoing, Hoag will deposit the funds in a trust account until a community partner(s) is/are identified. Upon written notice by the City to Hoag that a community partner(s) is/are identified then the funds deposited in the trust account will be released to the community partner(s) to pay for all or a portion of the cost to operate the homeless shelter. Without limiting Hoag's obligations set forth herein, Hoag, at its option, may be involved in the co -naming of the homeless shelter. b. During the term of this Third Amendment, the public benefits provided in Section 8.6(a), above, shall be in addition to the annual funding Hoag provides through the Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living Agency Partners at its discretion to the non-profit organizations identified in Exhibit F as may be amended from time to time. c. Hoag recognizes that services from the Melinda Hoag Smith Center may be available to any member of the public including, but not limited to, members considered homeless. 3. Full Force and Effect. Except as modified by this Third Amendment, the Amended Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit C, Exhibit D, and Exhibit E respectively, are incorporated into this Third Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. 4. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 5. Counterparts. This Third Amendment may be signed by the Parties in different counterparts and the signature pages combined shall create a single document binding on all Parties. 6. Recordation. The City Clerk of City shall record this Third Amendment in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange within the period required by California Government Code section 65868.5 and City of Newport Beach Municipal Code section 15.45.100. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] 3-277 SIGNATURE PAGE TO THIRD AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: i �2o C Harp, City Attorney CITY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation and charter city Diane B. Dixon, Mayor HOAG: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation By: Name: Sanford Smith, AIA Title: Senior Vice President Real Estate & Facilities By: Name: Andrew Guarni Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (All Signatures to Be Notarized) Attachments - Exhibit A: Legal Description Exhibit B: Legal Depiction Exhibit C: Development Agreement dated February 14, 1994 Exhibit D: Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008 Exhibit E: Second Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 Exhibit F: Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living Agency Partners E 3-278 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of )SS. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) 3-279 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of )SS. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. (seal) State of California County of } ss. On 120 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 0 (seal) 3-280 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Al 3-281 EXHIBIT B LEGAL DEPICTION OF THE PROPERTY 3-282 Z__ J_j cow 1 04 ( MOS uon• foom W% a 00 �R saw pfM� x or Q n 3-283 EXHIBIT C DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1994 C1 3-284 R '►REQtIES[PER 6AYCJd11AEI OME 6103 Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to: City Clerk/ '?. "W' City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 0— Aft DOC # 94-4247276 23—MAR-1994 03:59 pM Recorded in Official Records of Draw County, California Lee A. Brooch, County Retarder Pace 2 of U Fees t 0.04 Tax: { 0.00 DEVELOPMENT AAREMMUT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NHWPORT BEACH AND HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Approved February14. 1994 Ordinance No. 94-8 RECEIVED 3-285 DEVELOPMENT AGREE[$NT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into between the City of Newport Beach (the "City"), and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). RECITALS. This Agreement relates to the following: 0* 1.1 Purpose of Agreement. This Agreement is intended to; (a) Enable Hoag to adapt to the ever changing health care needs of those residents within its service area by authorizing design parameters of new or additional facilities in a manner that will allow Hoag to respond to rapid changes in medical and health care technology and delivery systems. (b) Establish strict, binding limits on the amount and height of permitted development as well as ensure compliance with numerous conditions on the density, location, and timing of construction to minimize, to the extent feasible, any environmental impacts of Hoag's proposed expansion. (c) Impose exactions such as dedication of property, construction of public improvements and/or the installation of landscaping visible to the public, which, when considered in conjunction with the public services provided by Hoag, benefit the general public. 1.2 Authorization. This Agreement is authorized by, and is consistent with, the provisions of 65664 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, and Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal code. 1.3 Interest of Hoag. Hoag is the legal and/or equitable owner of approximately forty (40) acres of real property located in the City and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" (the "Property"). 1.4 Development of the Property. This Agreement authorizes development on the Property consistent with the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan ("Master Plan", a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference when appropriate), subject to the conditions and mitigation measures identified in Environmental Impact Report No. 142 and imposed by the City Council as conditions to approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement and, for all development within Aak 3-286 y the coastal zone subject to approval of a coastal development permit by the California Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 1.5 planning Commission/City Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992, and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public hearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23, 1992, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992. 1.6 Consistency. This Agreement is consistent with the various elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Master Plan, and other applicable ordinances, plans, and policies of the City. This Agreement is also consistent with the purpose and intent of state and local laws authorizing development agreements in that it represents comprehensive planning, provides certainty in the approval of subsequent projects subject to compliance with conditions, reduces the economic costs of development by providing assurance to Hoag that it may generally proceed with projects in accordance with existing regulations, and provides assurance to adjoining property owners that limits on the height of structures and amount of development as specified in the Master Plan and this Agreement will remain in full force and effect for a period of twenty- five (25) years. 1.7 Police Power, The City Council has determined that this Agreement is in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the City, its residents and the public, was entered into pursuant to, and represents a valid exercise of, the city's police power, and has been approved in accordance with the provisions of state and local law that establish procedures for the approval of development agreements. 1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving this Agreement and authorizing the City to enter into this Agreement. The Adopting Ordinance will become effective on March 16, 1994. 2. DEFINITIONS. 2.1 The "Adapting ordinance" refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. 2.2 "Agreement" refers to this "Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian". Ank 3-287 . � x 2.3 "Annual Review" refers to the review of Hoag's good faith compliance with this Agreement and conditions on development as set forth in Section 5. 2.4 The "Approval Date" means the date on which the City Council voted to adopt the Adopting Ordinance. 2.5 All forms of use of the verb "assign" and the nouns "assiQnmentn and "assignee" shall include all contexts of hypothecations, sales, conveyances, transfers, leases, and assignments. 2.55 "California Coastal Commission" refers to the California State Resources Agency established under the California Coastal Act of 1976. 2.6 "CEOA" and the "CEOA Guidelines" refers to the California Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guidelines promulgated by the Secretary of Resources of the State of California, including any amendments adopted subsequent to the Effective Date. 2.7 "City" refers to the City of Newport Beach, California. 2.8 "City Council" refers to the City Council of the City. 2.9 "Cure Period" refers to the period of time during which a Default may be cured pursuant to Section 9. 2.10 A "day" or "days" refers to a calendar day, unless expressly stated to be a business day. 2.11 A "Default" refers to any material default, breach, or violation of the provisions of this Agreement. A "City Default" refers to a Default by the City, while a "Hoag Default" refers to a default by Hoag. 2.12 The "Effective Date" refers to the effective date of the Adopting Ordinance and is the effective date of this Agreement. provided however, the Agreement has been approved by the California Coastal Commission, and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission is in receipt of a copy of this Agreement signed by both parties. 2.13 The "EIRn refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. 2.14 An "Estoppel Certificate" refers to the document certifying the status of this Agreement required by Section 5.6 in the form of Exhibit "D". 3 Am 3-288 2.15 An "Exaction" refers to those specific dedications and improvements required of Hoag and set forth in Section 8.2 below. 2.16 An "Exhibit" refers to an exhibit to this Agreement. All Exhibits are incorporated as a substantive part of this Agreement. The Exhibits to this Agreement are: Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property 40 Exhibit B: Map of the Property Exhibit C: The Master Plan Exhibit D: Estoppel Certificate 2.17 "Existing General Regulations" means those General Regulations approved by the -City on or before the Approval Date (irrespective of their effective date) and not rescinded or superseded by City action taken on or before the Approval Date. 2.18 "Future General Rggulations" means those General Regulations (see Section 2.19 below) adopted by the City after the Approval Date. 2.19 "General Regulations" means those ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines of the City, which are generally applicable to the use of land and/or construction within the City and include, the Fair Share Traffic contribution Fee ordinance, Uniform Building codes and water and sewer connection and fee ordinances. 2.20 "General Plan" refers to the City's General Plan in effect on the Approval Date, plus all amendments to the General Plan i adopted by the City on or before the Approval Date and effective prior to the Effective Date. i 2.21 "Hoag" refers to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, a non- i profit corporation. 2.22 "Includes" and all contexts and forms of the words "includes" and "including" shall be interpreted to also state "but not j limited to." i 2.23 "Mastgr Plan" refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"). 2.24 "Mortgagee" refers to the holder of a beneficial interest under any mortgage, deed of trust, sale-leaseback agreement, or other 4 AMk 3-289 • 0. AWk transaction under which all or a portion of the Property, including those portions acquired by assignees, is used as security (a "Mortgage") or the owner of any interest in all or any portion of the Property under a Mortgage, including those portions acquired by assignees. 2.25 "Notice" refers to any written notice or demand between the Parties required or permitted by this Agreement. 2.26 The "Parties" refers to the City and Hoag and a "Party" shall refer to either of the Parties. 2.27 "Plann_ina ommission" refers to the Planning Commission of the City. 2.28 The " ro " refers to the proposed development of the Property pursuant to the Master Plan and this Agreement. 2.29 "Project Specific Approvals" means all site-specific (meaning specifically applicable to the Property only and not generally applicable to some or all other properties within the City) plans, subdivision maps, permits, or other entitlement. Project Specific Approvals include subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permits, coastal development permits, variances, grading and building permits, as well as amendments or modifications to those plans, maps and permits. Project Specific Approvals does not include Existing or Future General Regulations. 2.30 The "Property" refers to the real property described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B." CONDITIONS TO DMLOPM8NT. 3.1 Introduction. The provisions of this Section express the intent of the parties regarding the extent to which this Agreement vests Hoag's right to proceed with the development described in the Master Plan. Hoag acknowledges that its right to proceed with development described in the Master Plan is subject to numerous conditions and mitigation measures including the following: (a) The specific limitations and restrictions contained in the Master Plan; (b) Conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council to mitigate significant effects identified in the FIR; 5 3-290 5 (c) Conditions imposed by the City as a result of subsequent or supplemental environmental analysis pursuant to provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; (d) conditions imposed by the City Council in conjunction with the approval of Traffic Study No. 61 and Variance No. 1180; (e) Compliance with the terms and conditions specified in • this Agreement. (f) Compliance with Existing General Regulations. 3.2 Compliance with Master Plan Conditions/Mitigation Measures. Hoag acknowledges that City Council approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement was subject to compliance with numerous conditions and mitigation measures designed to minimize or eliminate the significant adverse effects of the Project and ensure the health, safety, and welfare of nearby residents as well as Hoag patients and employees. Many of these conditions and mitigation measures impose specific development standards and requirements to be implemented in conjunction with further study and analysis of site or subsurface conditions before grading or construction. specific mitigation measures that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur include the following: (a) Slope excavation techniques which insure stability; (b) Grading and excavation techniques which minimize disturbance to adjacent residents and the general public; • (c) Identification of potential faults on site and construction of buildings pursuant to recommendations of certified geologists and in a manner which insures that nearby residents, Hoag patients and Hoag employees are not exposed to a significant risk of injury; (d) Evaluation of soil corrosivity and removal of corrosive soils or use of corrosion resistant construction materials; (e) Mitigation of impacts caused by removal of wetlands through off-site restoration as required by resource agencies; (f) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study prior to development of Phase I of the Master Plan (if Hoag proposes a land use other than specified in the approved Traffic Study); 6 AMk 3-291 (g) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study as a condition to construction of development in Phases II and III of the Master Plan; (h) Preparation and approval of a Traffic Phasing ordinance analysis prior to construction of development in Phase II and Phase III of the Master Plan; (i) Preparation of a view impact analysis of each proposed building prior to issuance of permits; (j) Analysis and mitigation of emissions in accordance with the regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District; (k) Preparation and approval of a construction phasing and traffic control plan for each phase of development. Hoag*s right to develop the Property pursuant to the Master Plan is contingent upon compliance with, and satisfaction of, the conditions and mitigation measures imposed by. the City Council as of the Approval Date, conditions imposed by the California Coastal Commission required for approval of coastal development permits, as well as conditions and mitigation measures resulting from subsequent environmental analysis as specified in Paragraph 3.3. 3.25 Future Coastal Act discretionary review may result in specific mitigation measures to ensure consistency with the Coastal Act that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur. 3.3 Enwam SIR. Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program IR." The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, ursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's equests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. 3.4 Mitigation Monitoring Plan. city shall prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Plan ("Plan") within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date. Hoag shall not submit any application for Project Specific Approval until the Plan has been approved by the City Council and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or the appropriate entity of its successor agency. 3-292 The Plan shall comply with and satisfy the requirements of CEQA and the Guidelines and the Coastal Act. The Plan shall be available to the public upon request. 3.5 Compliance with General Regulations. Hoag is required to comply with the Existing General Regulations. As to those Existing General Regulations which require the payment of fees, costs, and expenses, Hoag shall pay the fee, cost, or expense required as of the date on which Hoag submits the application • for Project Specific Approval. Hoag shall also comply with any Future General Regulations that do not impair Hoag's ability to develop the Property in accordance with the density, intensity, height and location of development specified in the Master Plan. Hoag shall also comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, whether adopted before or after the Approval Date, which are in effect at the time applications for Project Specific Approvals are submitted. Hoag shall also comply with the Coastal Act and the City's certified Local Coastal Program. 4. RIGHT TO D 4.1 Right to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2. Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project Specific Approvals for construction on the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan and this Agreement unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as opposed to permitted) by state or federal law. 4.2 Reservations or Dedications of Land. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no dedications or reservations of the Property shall be required of Hoag in conjunction with the application or issuance of any Project Specific Approvals. 4.3 Conflicting Measures. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no initiative measure, moratorium, referendum (except as provided in Government Code Section 65857.5), ordinance, statute or other provision of law which in any way limits or restricts development of the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan and this Agreement (including density, intensity, timing, phasing, and sequencing) shall be applied to the Property during the term of this Agreement. Aak 3-293 4.4 Time for Construction and Comuletion of Project. subject to the provisions of this Agreement and the Baster Plan, Hoag shall have the right to decide the timing, phasing, and sequencing of construction on the Property and shall be entitled to apply for, and receive approval of, in a timely manner, permits or approvals at any time. 5. AMPAL REVISIT. 5.1 City and Hoag Responsibilities. At least every twelve (12) months during the Term, the City shall review Hoag's good faith substantial compliance with this Agreement (the "Annual Review"). After the Annual Review, the City's finding of good faith compliance by Hoag shall be conclusive for the purposes of future Annual Reviews or legal action between the Parties. Either Party may address any requirements of the Agreement during the Annual Review. However, fifteen (15) days' written Notice of any requirement to be addressed shall be made by the requesting Party. If, at the time of the review, an issue not previously identified in writing is required to be addressed, the review shall be continued at the request of either Party to afford sufficient time for analysis and preparation of a response. 5.2 Public Hearin. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Reach Municipal Code. 5.3 Information to be Provided to Hogg. The City shall mail to Hoag a copy of the staff report and related exhibits concerning Agreement performance a minimum of ten (10) days before the Annual Review. • 5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. For the five year monitoring period imposed by the Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement entered into between the Department of Fish and Game and Hoag, the annual review shall also assess the success of any off-site wetlands mitigation. Five years after the completion of the Department of Fish and Game monitoring period, Hoag shall submit a final report assessing the success of the off-site wetlands mitigation in its annual review. If the survival and cover requirements set forth in the Streambed Alteration Agreement have not been met, Hoag shall be responsible for replacement planting to achieve these requirements. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the Aft 3-294 evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. 5.5 Review Letter. If Hoag is found to be in compliance with the Agreement after the Annual Review, the City shall issue, within ten (10) days of Hoag's written request, a letter to Hoag • stating that the Agreement remains in effect and Hoag is not in Default. 5.6 Est92pel Certificate. Either Party may at any time deliver written Notice to the other Party requesting an estoppel certificate (the "Estoppel Certificate") stating: (a) The Agreement is in full force and effect and is a binding obligation of the Parties. (b) The Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or in writing or, if so amended, identifying the amendments. (C) No Default in the performance of the requesting Party's obligations under the Agreement exists or, if a Default does exist, the nature and amount of any Default. A Party receiving a request for an Estoppel Certificate shall provide a signed certificate to the requesting Party within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request. The Planning Director may sign Estoppel Certificates on behalf of the city. An Estoppel Certificate may be relied on by assignees and Mortgagees. The Estoppel Certificate shall be substantially in • the same form as Exhibit "D." 5.7 Failure to Conduct Annual Review. The City's failure to conduct an Annual Review shall not constitute or be asserted by the City as Hoag's Default. 6. oENERAL PROVIBIONB. 6.1 Effective Date. This Agreement and the obligations of the Parties shall be effective as of the Effective Date. However, this Agreement shall bind the Parties as of the Approval Date, subject only to the Adopting ordinance becoming effective pursuant to California law. 6.2 Applicability to Coastal Zone. This Agreement shall not be applicable to those portions of the Property located within the Coastal Zone as defined by the California Coastal Act (Division 10 3-295 20, California Public Resources Code, beginning with Section 30000) until either (1) the required local coastal program for the Property has been certified by the California Coastal Commission or (2) the California Coastal Commission has approved this Agreement. This Subsection is intended solely to comply with the provisions of California Government Code Section 65869 and shall be of no force or effect if Section 65869 is repealed. 06.3 Term of Aareement. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the Effective Date and continue for twenty-five (25) years unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to the review and approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 6.4 Assiannent. Hoag has the absolute right to assign (see Section 2.5) its rights and/or delegate its obligations under this Agreement as part of an assignment of all or a portion of the Property. Any assignment shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. As long as Hoag owns any part of the Property, Hoag may assign the benefits of this Agreement without delegating the obligations for the portion of the Property assigned. If that occurs, however, the benefits assigned shall remain subject to the performance by Hoag of the corresponding obligations. Where an assignment includes the delegation of both the benefits and the corresponding obligations, those obligations become solely the obligations of the assignee. If an assignee is in Default, then as to Hoag or any assignees not in Default, the Default shall not constitute their Default, give grounds for termination of their rights under this Agreement or be a • basis for an enforcement action against them. 6.5 Amendment of Agreement. (a) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (b), and subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), this Agreement may be amended from time to time by the mutual consent of the Parties, or their successors in interest, but only in the manner provided by the Government Code and this Agreement. After any amendment, the term "Agreement" shall refer to the amended Agreement. (b) The City Council shall not approve, and Hoag shall not request, any amendment to the provisions of the Master Plan or this Agreement that would increase the maximum 11 3-296 permitted gross floor area or the maximum permitted building height (within any lettered building envelope) above that established by the Master Plan as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. This Subsection shall prevail over any conflicting ordinance, resolution, policy or plan adopted by the City Council. 6.6 Enforcement. This Agreement is enforceable by each of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. 6.7 Termination. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further effect upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Expiration of the twenty-five (25) year term; (b) Entry, after all appeals have been exhausted, of a final judgment or issuance of a final order directing the City to set aside, withdraw, or abrogate the City's approval of this Agreement or any material part of the Project; or, (c) The effective date of a Party's election to terminate the Agreement as provided in Section 9.3 of this Agreement. 6.8 Hoag shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees with respect to any claim, loss or damage in any way related to the grading, excavation or stabilization of the slopes adjacent to the view parks by Hoag or its employees, agents contractors or representatives. This Section is not intended to impose liability on Hoag for the acts of persons other than Hoag or its agents, representatives or contractors. 6.9 Hoag shall enter into an agreement with City to accept ownership of, and responsibility for maintenance of, the existing methane gas venting flare and any device for collecting gas that is subsequently installed on the Property pursuant to conditions or mitigation measures imposed in conjunction with the Master Plan approval or subsequent environmental analysis. 7. CONFLI(TB of LA11. 7.1 Conflict with State and Federal Laws and Regulations. 'Where state or federal laws or regulations prevent compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement, those provisions shall be modified, through revision or suspension, to the 12 AM 3-297 extent necessary to comply with such state or federal laws or regulations and the modified Agreement shall remain in effect, subject to the following: (a) the City shall not request modification of this Agreement pursuant to this provision unless and until the City Council makes a finding that such modification is required (as opposed to permitted) by state and • federal laws or regulations; (b) the modifications must be limited to those required (as opposed to permitted) by the state or federal laws; (c) the modified Agreement must be consistent with the state or federal laws or regulations wbigh required modification or suspension; (d) the intended material benefits of this Agreement must still be received by each of the Parties after modification; (e) neither the modification nor any applicable local, state, or federal laws or regulations, may render the modified Agreement impractical to enforce; and (f) Hoag consents in writing to the modification. (g) Any modifications, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP) are subject to approval of the Coastal commission or its successor agency. Hoag shall have the right to seek judicial review of any proposed modification to ensure compliance with this Section. 7.2 Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as a result of changes in state or federal law, Hoag remains obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 8.2(a) and (b), unless Hoag has completed construction of less than twenty-five percent (25k) of the maximum permitted development. 8. PUBLIC BENEFITS/EZACTIONS. 8.1 Public Benefits. City and Hoag agree that this Agreement confers a substantial public benefit by enabling Hoag to construct facilities most appropriate to changes in medical technology and thereby better satisfy the health care needs of residents within its service area. In addition, the Master 13 Aft 3-298 Plan and this Agreement confer benefits on the public and nearby residents by imposing long term restrictions on the height, amount and location of development as well as the public improvements described in Section 8.2. 8.2 Exactions. Hoag shall, as a condition to the right to develop, do the following: (a) Prior to commencement of development, irrevocably offer • to dedicate and grade the proposed linear and consolidated view park identified in Figure 3.2.1 of Volume 1 of the EIR. The City shall accept the offer of dedication within sixty (60) days after the initial grading permit has been finalled by the City. The first stage of development shall include grading of the public linear and consolidated viewpark identified in Figure 3.2.1. of Volume I of the EIR. Hoag shall grade and excavate the slope adjacent to the proposed .28 (28/100) acre consolidated public view park and .52 (52/100) acre public linear view park in a way that ensures stability of the park and adjacent slopes. The grade (between the bicycle path and edge of slope) of the view parks shall be the minimum necessary to insure adequate drainage. The improvement for the linear and consolidated public parks shall be completed within three (3) years after the offer of dedication has been accepted by the City. The city shall ensure that adequate erosion control measures are implemented prior to construction. (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 AMk 3-299 (b) Subsequent to the approval of this Agreement by the Coastal Commission and the expiration of any statute of limitation for filing a legal challenge to this Agreement, the Kaster Plan, or the EIR, Hoag shall deposit Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in an account, and at a financial institution, acceptable to City. The account shall be in the name of the City provided, however, Hoag shall have the right to access the funds in the event, but only to the extent that, Hoag constructs or installs the improvements described in (i) or (ii). Funds in the account shall be applied to the following projects (in order of priority upon notice to proceed served by City on Hoag): (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 AMk 3-299 DEFAULT, RBMSDIEB AND TERMINATION. 9.1 General Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 1 3-300 (ii) The construction of facilities necessary to bring reclaimed water to West Newport and/or the Property; Any funds remaining in the account after completion of the projects described in (i) and (ii) shall be used by the City to fund, in whole or in part, a public improvement in the vicinity of the property. . (c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in West Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things, the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trails and the potential for those trials to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that may be permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00). (d) Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (c) are contingent on Coastal Commission approval of the Master Plan and attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement with no significant reduction in entitlement from that authorized in the Master Plan. Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (b) shall be reduced through good faith negotiations in the event the Coastal Commission reduces entitlement by ten percent (104) or more from that authorized in the Master Plan. DEFAULT, RBMSDIEB AND TERMINATION. 9.1 General Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 1 3-300 a written Notice of Default. The Notice of Default shall specify the nature of the alleged Default, and a reasonable manner and sufficient period of time (not less than thirty (30) days) in which the Default must be cured (the "Cure Period"). During the Cure Period, the Party charged shall not be considered in Default for the purposes of termination of the Agreement or institution of legal proceedings. if the alleged Default is cured within the Cure Period, then a Default shall be deemed not to exist. 9.2 Option to Institute Legal Proceedings or to Terminate. If an alleged Default is not cured within the Cure Period, the noticing Party must give the defaulting party a Notice of intent to terminate the Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after giving of the Notice, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in the manner set forth in Government Code Sections 65865,65867, and 65868, as amended, to consider and review the matter. - 9.3 Notice of Termination. After considering the evidence presented to the City Council, the Party alleging the Default, at its option, may give written Notice of termination of the Agreement to the other Party and the Agreement shall be terminated immediately upon giving the Notice. A termination shall be valid only if good cause exists and clear and convincing evidence was presented to the City Council to establish the existence of a Default. The findings of the City Council as to the existence of a Default shall have no weight in any legal proceeding brought to determine the existence of a Default. The validity of any termination may be challenged pursuant to Section 11.16, in which case the court must render an independent judgment, on the basis of clear and convincing evidence, as to the existence of good cause for termination. Termination may result only from a material Default of a material provision of this Agreement. 9.4 Waiver. Failure or delay in giving Notice of Default shall not waive a Party's right to give future Notice of the same or any other Default. 9.5 Default by Hoag. If the City alleges a Hoag Default, the City shall conduct a hearing utilizing the Annual Review procedures required by this Agreement before the City may commence legal proceedings to terminate this Agreement. 9.6 Default by the City. If Hoag alleges a City Default, Hoag, without limiting any of its other remedies, shall not be 16 AMk s 3-301 obligated to proceed with or complete the Project or any phase of the Project, nor to perform any further obligations under the Agreement. Upon a City Default, any resulting delays in Hoag's performance shall neither be Hoag's Default nor constitute grounds for termination or cancellation of the Agreement by the City. �.0 ENCUMBRANCES AND RELEASES ON PROPSRTY. 10.1 Discretion to Encumber. Hoag may encumber all or any portion of the Property in any manner. The City acknowledges that lenders providing financing may require technical modifications to the Agreement which do not materially alter the intent of the Parties. The City agrees to meet, upon request, with Hoag and/or lenders to negotiate in good faith any lender request for modification. The City agrees to not withhold unreasonably its consent to such modification. Any such modification, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), is subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 10.2 Entitlement to written Notice of Default. Any Mortgagee and its successors and assigns, upon written request to the City, shall be entitled to receive from the City written Notice of any Hoag Default at the same time Hoag is provided with Notice pursuant to Section 9.1. 11.0 MrSCELLAMUS PROVISIONS. • 11.1 Notices. All Notices (see Section 2.26) shall be written and delivered by personal delivery (including Federal Express and other commercial express delivery services providing acknowledgments or receipt), registered, certified, or express mail, or telegram to the addresses set forth below. Receipt shall be deemed complete as follows: (a) For personal delivery, upon actual receipt; (b) For registered, certified, or express mail, upon the delivery date or attempted delivery date as shown on the return receipt; and (c) For telegram, upon the transmission of the telegram. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 17 Ank 3-302 To the City: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention: city Attorney Attention: City Manager To Hoag: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ew Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 Attention: President With a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton 19100 Von Harman, 8th Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613 The addresses to which Notices shall be sent may be changed by giving Notice of a new address. 11.2 Enforcgd_Delay, Extension of Time of Performance. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in Default where delays or non- performance are due to war, insurrection, strikes, walkouts, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, oil spills, casualties, acts of nature, unavailability of materials, governmental restrictions imposed or mandated by governmental entities, suspension of rights in accordance with the existence of unforeseen circumstances, litigation, or similar bases for excused performance. If written Notice of such delay is given to the other Party within thirty (30) days after such delay begins an extension of time for performance shall be granted in writing for the period of the delay, or longer as may be mutually agreed upon. In no event shall the term of this Agreement be extended as a result of the application of this Subsection. 11.3 Severability. If any material part of the Agreement is found by a court to be invalid, void, or illegal, the Parties shall modify the Agreement to implement the original intent of the Parties. These steps may include the waiver by either of the Parties of their right under the unenforceable provision. If, however, the Agreement objectively cannot be modified to implement the original intent of the Parties and the Party substantially benefitted by the material provision does not waive its rights under the unenforceable provision, the entire is 3-303 Agreement shall become void. For purposes of this section, and without excluding the possible materiality of other provisions of this Agreement, all provisions of sections 3, 4 and a are deemed "material." 11.4 Entire Aareement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and Agreement of the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes • all negotiations and previous agreements between the Parties regarding that subject matter. 11.5 Waivers. All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the Party making the waiver and, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCR), are subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 11.6 Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth in Section 1 are part of this Agreement. 11.7 Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. Neither Party shall do anything which shall have the effect of harming or injuring the right of the other Party to receive the benefits of this Agreement. 11.8 Further Actions and Instruments. Upon the request of either Party, the other Party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any • actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 11.9 Successors and Assigns. Subject to Section 6.3 above, the burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of the Agreement inure to, all successors -in -interest and assigns of the Parties. 11.10 Ponstruction of Agreement. All language in all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole and given its fair meaning. The captions of the paragraphs and subparagraphs are for convenience only and shall not be considered or referred to in resolving questions of construction. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. This Agreement is not intended to impermissibly contract away the 19 AMk 3-304 legislative and governmental functions of the city, and in particular, the City's police powers or to surrender or abrogate the city's governmental powers over the Property. 11.11 Authority to Execute. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Hoag warrants and represents that he/she has the 0 authority to do so and the authority to bind Hoag to the performance of Hoag's obligations under this Agreement. 11.12 Consent. Any consent required by the Parties in carrying out the terms of this Agreement shall not unreasonably be withheld. 11.13 Effect on Title. This Agreement shall not continue as an encumbrance against any portion of the Property as to which this Agreement has terminated. 11.14 Recording. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Agreement to be executed by the City and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County no later than ten (10) days after the Effective Date. The recordation of this Agreement is deemed a ministerial act and the failure of the City to record the Agreement as required by this Section and Government Code Section 65868.5 does not make the Agreement void or ineffective. 11.15 Institution of Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either Party may institute legal action to cure, correct, or remedy any Default, to enforce any provision of • this Agreement, to enjoin any threatened or attempted violation of this Agreement, to recover damages for any Default, or to obtain any remedies consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Legal actions shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, or in the Federal District Court in the Central District of California. 11.16 Attorneys' Fees. In any arbitration, quasi-judicial, administrative, or judicial proceeding between the Parties initiated with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and all costs, expenses, and disbursements in connection with such action. 20 3-305 Date: '1� , 1994 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH � By�/� iLcuwu ' Clarence6rurner, Mayor i Date: March 9 , 1994 HOAG MEMORIAL OSPIT SBYTERIAN • By: Aer A e Chairman of t e Board L • Aft wb\hoagdaC fnl 1/21194 21 3-306 Exhibit A The subject property is the following real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 40 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block i of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. LJ AAk 3-307 mow Sm Aga 1.0 a m ArAc ram* Litee,wat ISISES a m m CROW ASS93M AW 0=40PArpt CKW or OR. m x =r 3-308 • HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission February 20, 1992 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 92-3 May 26, 1992 Aft Exhibit C 3-309 TAB%E OF CONTENTS L Introduction H. General Notes III. Definitions IV. Development Plan V. District Regulations VL Sign Program VII. Parking Program VIII. Landscape Regulations IX. Site Plan Review t May 26, 1992 Page Number 1 2 4 6 11 20 22 24 27 3-310 • E AM EXI�BiI'S 1. Planned Community Development Plan 2 Internal Circulation 3. Development Criteria TABLES 1. Statistical Analysis 2 Parking Requirements May 266 1992 Page Number 7 9 is 10 23 H 3-311 INTRODUCTION Racketound The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the upper and lower campuses of Hoag HospitaL In general, over the long term, the upper campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. • ALy 26, 1992 Amk 3-312 IL GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the 0 flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-5 and K-6 regarding archaeological and paleontological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text; the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and access shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. New mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults, excluding • communications devices, on the upper campus shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be screened on the lower campus. Noise shall not exceed 55 dBA at all property lines. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. ty 7q IW2 0 3-313 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department 40 that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall be installed within 30 days of the completion of grading. 0 May 26, 1992 AMk 3-314 III. DEFINMONS Building Umtion 1. a vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). 2. a flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. Building Env�elone: the volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Building Heieht: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Emer n!a Room:. a service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Fast Aid: low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. G ner la Pian: the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereof: Grade: for the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. 1watient Uses: hospital patient services which require overnight stay. Landsca4!r, Are the landscape area shall include on-site walks, plazas, water, rooftop M.y 26, IM 4 3-315 • landscaping. and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mcan Sea Level: a reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. -OuwAtient Uses: hospital patient services which do not require overnight stay. Residential Care: medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area for the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2 Net - parcel area after dedications. Special_ Undsopod Street: West Coast Ifighway is designated as a special landscaped street, containing special landscape requirements. Streets: reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. may xIM S 16 IV. DEVELOPMENT PIAN ftier,t Characteristics The upper campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments (the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Scafaire 40 condominiums) to the west. The lower campus is located north of West Coast highway, south of the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 20.41 acres and adjoins the upper campus at its eastern boundary. The upper campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1. From 1990 to 2015, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the upper campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. The Development Plan includes a 0.8 acre view park adjacent to the bike trail between the lower campus and the Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condomirdurnc. This view park includes a twenty -foot wide linear park area adjacent to the bile path (approximately OS acres) and a consolidated view park at the westerly edge of the property (approxu mately 03 acres). A bike trail connection is also provided between the existing b&c trails at the northern and southern boundaries of the lower campus. Access to the lower campus will be from West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, as well as from Hospital Road, via the upper campus. Exhibit 2 shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. Wq A rvn 3-317 0 LEGEND M I AREA OF DEVEI.OFMENT • • III i i PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Examen �HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 3-318 The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag Hospital. In order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development cap is not exceeded, this Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis. For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as long as a corresponding adjustment in square footage and trip generation for another use were to occur. This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (Le., square feet) or the trip generation limit for the peak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded Adjustments to the Development Plan may be allowed if the total square footage or trip generation allowed in the current phase of development is exceeded, if the total development or trip generation allowed under the Development Plan is not exceeded. • N+rA IM AML 3-319 LEGEND mPRIMARY ACCESS (SIGNALIZED) ImlSECONDARY ACCESS SERVICEACCESS PUBLIC CIRCULATION STAFF I SERVICE CIRCULATION Mut • L. VEHICULAR ACCESS EXMBIT 2 �HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN « __�- -- 3-320- ---- • ,7 r -I Table 1 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS` 5Quare Feet Lower Campus Msting: Outpatient Services (Hoag Cancer Center) 65,000 Child Care 7,800 Subtotal• 72,800 Phase I: Outpatient Services 115,000 Support Service 55,000 Administrative 30,000 Subtotal: 200,000 Phases II & III: Subtotal: 305,089 Total Lower Campus 577,889 Upper Campus Existine. 480,000 Phase I: Outpatient Services 25,000 Inpatient 115,000 Subtotal: 140,000 Phases II & Ill: 145,349 Total Upper Campus 765,349 GRAND TOTAL 1,343,2383 Pun development of the upper and iotrer amperes is anticipated to occur ova an approidmate 20•year period and will "occur is that, sevealarpheses. 2 Up to 50% of the -Laing upper campus may be .ede kgxd by master plan buildout. 3 Based on development allowed under the General Han at a floor area ratio to Voss rite area of .65 for the lower campus and L0 for the upper campus. Building Bulk limit for The lower campus is 0.90 for all atruct res which includes above grade covered parking. May 26, 1992 10 3-321 V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories is not an exhaustive list. Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five permitted use categories are allowed by definition. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning. Building and Public Works Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval . of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Departments. A Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: L Outpatient services: • Antepartum Testing • Cancer Center • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation • Conditioning • Surgery Center • Clinical Center • Day Hospital • Back and Neck Center • Biofeedback • Breast Imaging Center Cr Scan • Dialysis • EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory • Fust Aid Center • Fertility Services • G.L Laboratory • Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Nuclear Medicine • Occupational Therapy • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Pulmonary Services May 24 1992 AML 11 3-322 AWk 3-323 • Radiation Therapy • Radiology • Respiratory Therapy • Sleep Disorder Center • Speech Therapy • Ultrasound ii. Administration: • Admitting . • dliar Y Office trrriliar Aw • Business Offices • Information • Registration • Patient Relations • Social Services iii. Support Services: • Employee Child Care • Health Education • Power/Mechamcal/Auxiliary Support and Storage • Food Services • Cashier • Chapel/Chaplainry Service • Conference Center • Dietitian • Gift Shop • Laboratory • Medical U'brary • Medical Records • Pharmacy • Engineering/Maintenance • Shipping/Receiving • Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities iv. Residential Care: • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Services • Extended Care • Hospice Care • Self or Minimal Care • Congregate Care Mr 2. IM 12 AWk 3-323 V. Medical/Support Offices b) Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system May Ts, IM 13 AML 3-324 components. c) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. d) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. • 2 Upper Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i) Inpatient uses: • Critical Care • Emergency Care Unit • Birth Suites • Cardiology • Cardiac Care Unit • Intensive Care Unit • Mother/Baby Unit • Surgery/Waiting Rooms • Radiology • laboratory • Pharmacy ii) Outpatient services as allowed on the lower campus Siv) iii) Administrative uses as allowed on the lower campus Support services as allowed on the lower campus v) Residential care as allowed on the lower campus vi) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. c) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. May Ts, IM 13 AML 3-324 B. Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Emergency Room b) Heliport Ij C. Maximum Buidin , H-eie jtt The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3 • which established the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the ! existing tower (235 feet above mean sea level). 2. Upper Campus Midrise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed i 140 feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking zone - maximum building height not to exceed 80 feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator tower. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated on the development criteria Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height sball not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center (57S feet above mean sea level). . D. Setba& Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. 1. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa / Seafaire Condominiums, as defined below: a) Upper campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b) Lower campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20' rninimu building setback. May zc, 1M 14 AML I 3-325 ............ ... . DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA HOAG-MEMORIAL.KO-SPITAL PRESBYTERIAN_. M!aw-&%-VAA 3-326 El EF1 HI ---- ............ ... . DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA HOAG-MEMORIAL.KO-SPITAL PRESBYTERIAN_. M!aw-&%-VAA 3-326 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be 15 feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage. as follows: 1st Floor. Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required • H the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. ?&Y 26. 1992 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 204/4o of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be 45 feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: Ist Floor. Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 55 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 65 feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. Additional- ly, 20% of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 16 3-327 10% of the linear length of height zones A and B as viewed from the a existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section VC 3. There will be no building setbacks along the boundary with CalTrans east 40 property at Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. 4. A 20 foot setback from property tine shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point 600 feet south; a 25 foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot budding setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. jbjng The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minim; light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The pians shall be prepared and sighed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Trea ent Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. G. 5iM All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. H Parkin All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. May 2. IM 17 j 3-328 All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. • Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program that controls usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non- working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) during working hours (Le. 7:00 am. to 8:00 p m.J signage to restrict use of the road by Hospital employees, physicians, patients and visitors during non -working hours, and other methods to restrict use. The Hospital will also request that vendors not deliver (Le. scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. Ibis restriction specifically applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program will be submitted to the Qty prior to the issuance of the grading permit. H such results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the Hospital, and provided • that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. If operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures will be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. 2. The lower campus service road shall include provisions for controlled access to limit usage to physicians and staff, and service vehicles. try 241992 18 3-329 L Loading Dock Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the project sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area. . The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. u Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implica- tions of enclosing the loading dock arm if enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. M" 26, IM 19 3-330 0 • Amok► VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A. EuWse and Intent 1. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordi- nance and the information signage requirements of Hoag HospitaL 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital, 1. All signs visible at the exterior of any budding or facility of the Hospital, ground mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method maybe by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, nor create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All sigas attached to building or facility exteriors shall be flush or surface mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 110-L G Number of Signs Allowed 1. One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two single faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and sball not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject nmy A tm W 3-331 to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Secondary identification signs shall be allowed This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of 48" average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed thirty-five (35) square feet. This sign may occur as a wall sign to 40 be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. 3. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced or double-faced sign. Ibis sign type shall occur with the sign suspended between two upright supports having the same depth (thicimess) as the sign cabinet described above. 4. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital tower parapets, one (1) at each elevation. The elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 5. On the lower campus, one (1) budding -mounted identification sign will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa/Seafaire property. Such signs will be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted May 26, 1992 21 3-332 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review • and approval of the city Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Depart- ment. i • 3. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements has been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Reouirements, fo Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon building type and the area allotted to the following functions. Any area which is calculated as part of the total floor area limitation shall be included in the gross floor area to determine the parking requirement. M" 26, IM 0 3-333 Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DIGS Associates in May, 1987. " Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand. May 26, IM 23 Table 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS rj Cateeory Parjiag Regpirements Outpatient Services 2.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* Support 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' Administrative • Residential Care 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' Inpatient 125 spaces/1,000 square feet" Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DIGS Associates in May, 1987. " Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand. May 26, IM 23 VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General 1. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the Planning and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments and approved by the Public Work Departments prior to issuance of a building permit • and installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan may mcIude a concept for the roofs and the parking struchres. Trees shall not be used, but a planter box or trellis system shall be designed to provide visual relief of parking structures. All landscaping shall conform to the building height limits established in this text z Parking lot trees shall be no less than fifteen (15) gallon size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than one (1) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from (1) gallon containers or from root cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed that damage to trees, irrigation units and shrubs is avoided 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing is not required and irregular groupings may add interest Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their ultimate size without restriction. 7. Heavy emphasis shall be placed on the use of drought -resistant native and naturalized vegetation and the use of an irrigation system designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. 2. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. May u, IW2 24 3-335 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertiliza- tion, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of regular maintenance. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system should be part of regular maintenance. 5. Stakes, guys and ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties to be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. C. Special landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A IN building setback from right-of-way / property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage are allowed in the setback area. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with Iandscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Tree size to be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Iandscaoe Zone The area between the Villa Balboa/Hoag property line and the loading dock service access road shall be landscaped except for any driveway, walkway, or other hardscape elements in said area. The purpose of the landscaping will be to screen and buffer residential units from hospital activities. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not necessarily be in regular spacing. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berming and depressing of parking areas. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. May A im 25 I -I 3-336 • A rooftop landscaping program may be developed for parking structures and shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. Rooftop landscaping shall conform to height restrictions. May 26, amt r 3-337 IX SITE PLAN REVIEW. Pw The City Council finds that development on the West Coast Highway frontage of the lower campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the West Newport area as viewed from surrounding arterial roadways. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement by the Planning Commission for • certain individual projects which are proposed by the hospital to differ from the setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D2 to insure that these projects conform with the objectives of the General PIan and the Master Plan for Hoag Hospital. B. Fmdinzs The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. ApaUmtion Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure which does not conform to the provisions of Section V.D2. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. May X 1941 27 3-338 CJ 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structum as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. E= The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section B, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the site plan review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Teat); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; May 26, 1942 28 3-339 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consider- ation to functional aspects of site development. G. Public Hearin - Rewired Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage • prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. IL Action by the Planner Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on anySite Plan Review shall be final and • effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing bas been filed by the applicant, or any otber person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. may zc, IM 29 3-340 Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. • I Action ta the C4 Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. K Exviration and Revocation of Si 1. Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Phan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. I Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten days prior to the bearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within 60 days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. t\_\ft-'in9\PCiMMHOAQHOSP M.y 26.1992 30 3-341 • IIni 1h rAp min • • Date Paqueod: Data d Cwfficate: On, to Cky of Newport Basch approved to -Do Apreantartt Betwem ftw Cty of Newport Beaofi and taap MOMM PrmbyLe bnm (the Uwbprrtertt Aprosmen ,4 71115 6loppd Owdc oe cmdAea that, n d the 'Oats d 0wMoW Bet tottt t CHECK WHERE APPLICABLE t Me Umbpmrt Ap mMd mmlm MMft and d*t16e; L The Dwdoptwtt AgreKnwtt has not bam a *%W; 9. 7tte Dwdopmertt Aproemsm has been rmntMd b the t km 4. NeMher mmg nor any of $a &=aam an M default oder the Development Aprseme * 3. 7118 fodowing dWaft adst under the W"bp d AgrsatteM lbb Eftppel Cwffimte may be rolled upon by any trrnaferee or morlmae kdareet In the property ~ to rib) of of the Derebpment Agreement. CRY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY: NAME: TITLE: susm, EXHIBIT D ww 3-343 EXHIBIT D AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 DATED JUNE 17, 2008 D1 3-344 RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 This Document was electronically recorded by ER Cert Mail D Recorded in Official Records, orange County Tom Daly, Clerk -Recorder NO EEE 2008000289321 12:35pm 06/17/08 120 33 A17 56 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXEMPT FROM FRIG FEES CAT.. GOVT CGDE b 6103 (Space above this line for Recorder's use) 1't i,vTT RECORDING REQUES PER -C) IRr MEN CODE 21383 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN AND j THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May I3, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-I0 FINAL ✓ 5116/06 10001.34 H&O: #58720 A 3-345 W RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 EXEMP OM FILM FEES CAL. GOVT CODE 8 6103 (Space above this tine for Recorder's use) EXEC RECORDING REQUEST PER GOVERNMEW CODE 21383 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 f BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN FINAL ` 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 A AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-10 3-346 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian) THIS AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ("Amendment') is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder (the "Effective Date") by and between the City of Newport Beach (hereinafter "City") and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (hereinafter "Hoag'). RECITALS I . The "RECITALS" to the Restated Development Agreement are amended to add new Sections 1.9 through Section 1.19(f) to read as follows: 1.9 Hoag_Proper yt . Hoag is the fee owner of approximately 38 acres of real property located in the City divided between the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B" (the "Property"), 1.10 Hoag Healthcare Services. Hoag is a modern, state-of- the-art acute care, not-for-profit hospital providing a comprehensive } mix of healthcare services to treat virtually any routine or complex medical condition. Hoag features centers of excellence that include Hoag Cancer Center, Hoag Heart and Vascular Institute, Hoag Neuroscience Institute, Hoag Orthopedic Services and Hoag Women's Health Services, as well as advanced medical programs in many other specialties_ 1.11 Hoag Communily Benefit Programs. In addition to providing state-of-the-art hospital, diagnostic imaging and emergency room care medical services, Hoag is involved in many other community benefit programs such as police and SWAT team, fire department and paramedic support services, designating the City as the point of sale for major hospital equipment purchases and construction projects, providing financial and transportation support for the City's senior Oasis Center, and providing methane gas flare bumoff to mitigate methane gas fumes along Pacific Coast Highway. Hoag's community medicine program allocates approximately $10 million annually toward improving the community's overall health, primarily through disease prevention and wellness and health promotion, especially for those vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. FINAL ' 5/16/08 10001.34 H&A: #58720 of 3-347 L 12 E1R No. 142 and P.C. Text. On May 26, 1992, the City Council of City ("City Council"} certified the Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final EIR No. 142 and adopted the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan ("Hoag Master Plan") and the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations ("P.C. Text') setting forth the development standards and terms and conditions by which the Property may be developed, including the maximum permissible building area, building height limits and permitted land uses. 1.13 Square Footage of Buildable Area. Under the existing Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text, the Property allows a total of 1,343,238 square feet of buildable area with 577,889 square feet allocated to the Lower Campus and 765,349 square feet allocated to the Upper Campus. 1.14 Development Agreement No, 5. On May 26, 1992, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 92-4 approving Development Agreement No. 5 between the City and Hoag incorporating the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text and granting vested rights to Hoag to develop the Property pursuant to the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text for the term of the Development Agreement. The Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California on August 4, 1993 as Instrument No. 63-0522236. 1.15 Restated Development Agreement. On February 14, 1994, the City Council of City adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving an Amendment and Restatement of Development Agreement No. 5 ("Restated Development Agreement") incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Restated Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California on March 23, 1994 as Instrument No. 940207276. 1.16 First Amendment to P.C. Text. On August 13, 2002, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2002-17 approving the First Amendment to the P.C. Text to provide that certain non -occupied building areas are not counted towards the maximum permissible building floor areas for development of the Property. 1.17 Noise Limitation. The existing PC Text provides that noise generated from Hoag Hospital from new mechanical appurtenances shall not exceed 55 dBA at the Property lines. This noise limitation was established prior to the adoption of the City's FINAL w.- 5/16108 J 0001.34 H&O: #158720 vi 2 Noise Element in the General Plan and Noise Ordinance. It is proposed that noise generated and originating from the Property be governed by the City Noise Ordinance with certain exceptions. 1.18 Noise Attenuation. Hoag has taken significant actions to attenuate noise generated from mechanical equipment and has installed landscape screening and walls to mitigate and buffer noise and improve aesthetic impacts for adjacent residential properties. 1.19 Restate �DeveIopment AgnentAmendmexlts. The City and Hoag propose to further amend the Restated Development Agreement by this Amendment to incorporate references to: a Supplemental EIR; an amendment to the City General Plan; an increase in the Public Benefits; designation of the City as the point of sale to the extent allowed under applicable law; and amendments to the Hoag Hospital Planned Community Text ("P. C. Text") to, among other things. (a) eliminate the reference to 1.0 Floor Area Ratio ("FAR") for the Upper Campus and the .65 FAR for the Lower Campus in the General Plan Land Use Element. In place of the reference to the FAR's, an absolute maximum allowable building area of 1,343,238 square feet will remain available for development of the entire Property comprised of the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus; (b) maintain a cap under the General Plan Land Use Element Amendment for development of the Lower Campus at 577,889 square feet (if no square footage is reallocated) and establish a cap on development of the Upper Campus at 990,349 square feet (if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus); (c) allow the transfer of up to 225,000 square feet ofbuildable area from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus, which, if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated, would result in a maximum allowed density of 990,349 square feet for the Upper Campus and a reduction to permit 352,889 square feet of allowable development for the Lower Campus; (d) to modify the noise standards applicable to the Property; FINAL 5116106 1000 [ 34 H&O: 158729 A 3-349 (e) delete a provision that required the City and Hoag to conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of the Semeniuk Slough, including a requirement that Hoag fund the study and potential future improvements in an amount not to exceed $200,000; and (f) incorporate the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1.5 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Planning Commission/City Council Hearings is amended to read as follows: "1.5 Planning_ Commission/City Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5,1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992 and February 20, 1992. The City Council . conducted public hearings on the MasterPlan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23,1992, March 30,1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992.. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held a public hearing to consider this Amendment, the Supplemental EIR, the General Plan Amendment, and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on January 31, 2008, February 7, 2008, March 6, 2008 and March 20, 2008. The City Council conducted a public hearing on this Amendment, the Supplemental EIR, the General Plan Amendment and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on April 16, 2008." 2. Section 1.8 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled City Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving a Restated Development Agreement No. 5 incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Adopting Ordinance became effective on March 16,1994. On May 13, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008-10 approving i FINAL l 5116108 10001.34 H&O: #58720 vt 4 3-350 this Amendment and ..authorizing the City to enter into this Amendment. The adopting ordinance will become effective on June 12, 2008." 3. Section 2.1 ofthe Restated Development Agreement entitled TheAdopting Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "2.1 The "Adoptive Ordinance" refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. "Adog_ting Ordinance" further refers to Ordinance No. 2008-10 adopted on May 13, 2008 by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Amendment." 4. Section 2.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Agreement is amended to read as follows: "2.2 "Agreement" refers to the "Restated Development Agreement Between the City ofNewport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian," and this Amendment." 5. Section 2.13 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled The EIR is amended to read as follows: "2.13 The "EI "refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach, and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142." 6. Section 2.23 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Master Plan is amended to read as follows: "2.23 "Master PIan'refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"), as amended." 7. Section 3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Conditions to Development is amended to add a new paragraph after Subsection (f) to read as follows: "Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, any provisions set forth in this Amendment shall supersede and control over any inconsistencies with this Section." j FINAL 5/16178 1000134 H&.0: #58720 vt 8. Section 3.3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Program EIR is amended to read as follows: "3.3 Program EIR. Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program EIR" and includes Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA." 9. Section 4.1 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Right to Develop is amended to read as follows: "4.1 Right to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project Specific Approvals for construction on ._.. •' the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan, as amended. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan, as amended, the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as opposed to permitted) by state or federal law." 10. Section 5.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.2 Public Hearing. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual reviews should be scheduled in April of each year." FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 vl 3-352 11. Section 5.4 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall also include a noise regulation compliance assessment that includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly basis. The noise assessment shall identify noise regulation compliance issues and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. Hoag shall pay the City administrative costs incurred in conducting Annual Reviews. Hoag shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by the City associated with Fluor Enterprises' review of the cogeneration plant during the 2008 Annual Review." 12. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to delete Subsection (c), which reads as follows: "(c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study ofpossible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in West Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport Oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things, the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trials and the potential for those trails to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As apart of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that maybe permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00)." FINAL 5116MS 10001.34 N&O: #58720 vl 3-353 13. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to renumber Subsection (d) to Subsection (c); and to add a new Subsection (d) to read as follows: "(d) City and Hoag acknowledge and agree that the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment confer private benefits on Hoag that should be balanced by commensurate public benefits in favor of the City. Accordingly, the City and Hoag intend to provide consideration to balance the private and public benefits by the imposition of a Development Agreement Fee, which fee shall be used to reimburse the City for public improvements in the area and to fund certain additional needed public improvements identified by the City. Hoag shall pay to the City a Development Agreement Fee of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000). Payment of one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be made upon the Effective Date of this Amendment. Payment of the remaining one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be paid to City 12 months from the Effective Date of this Amendment or at the time of issuance ofthe first building permit by the City for development of a project on the Upper Campus as provided in Exhibit "C" attached to this Amendment, whichever occurs earlier. The first $1.5 million of the Development Agreement Fee - shall be used to reimburse the City and/or payfor the costs associated with the following projects: (i) construction of the Superior Avenue medians extending from Ticonderoga Street to Dana Road; (ii) construction of the right -turn pocket for southbound Newport Boulevard to westbound Hospital Road; and (iii) funding of the operational improvements and traffic signal upgrade at the Hospital Road and Placentia intersection ("Priority Public lmprovements"). Construction of the first two Priority Public Improvements listed above occurred during 2007, and the third is anticipated to occur in 2008. The City shall be obligated to pay the actual cost difference, if any, for construction of these Priority Public Improvements. However, if there are any funds remaining atter construction of the Priority Public Improvements is completed, the City may retain the funds to be used for other City projects or services that benefit the public. The City shall also have the sole authority to decide the design, cost and scope of the Priority Public Improvements and the sufficiency of City's performance on the Public Improvement Projects shall not be subject to Hoag's approval. The balance of the Development Agreement Fee ($1.5 million) and any funds remaining after the construction of the Priority Public Improvements shall be used by the City in the City's sole discretion to FINAL. � _ 1 5/16/08 IOGOI-34 H&O: #58724 A offset costs associated with other City and community projects or services -that benefit the public such as, among other things, public parks (for example, Sunset View Consolidated Park), Iandscaping improvements adjacent to public right of ways, sound abatement programs, public buildings, public road improvements, water quality improvements, law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency preparedness and other public safety facilities." 14. A new section, Section 8.3, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Sales/Use Tax Origin, to read as follows: "8.3 Sales/ Use Tax Origin (a) Hoag will include in its general contractor construction contract a provision that Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors, to the extent allowed by applicable law, will obtain a Board of Equalization Wes/use tax subpermit for the jobsite at the Project Property and allocate all eligible sales and use tax payments for individual contracts over $5 million to the City. Hoag will provide Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors with the name and contact information of the City's Revenue Manager and notice of the Revenue Manager's availability to _. meet and confer with them on the implementation of the Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit procedures. Hoag will further include a notice in its general contractor construction contract that prior to beginning a qualified construction project, the general contractor and subcontractors are encouraged to meet with the City's Revenue Manager to review the process to be followed with respect to sales and use taxes. Hoag will further include a provision in its general contractor construction contract that the general contractor or subcontractors will certify in writing that theperson(s) responsible for filingthe tax return understands the process of reporting the tax to the City and will follow the guidelines set forth in the relevant sections of the Sales and Use Tax Regulations_ Hoag shall not be responsible for failure of Hoag's general contractor or subcontractors to follow the procedures set forth in this Section. FINAL 5116/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 yr 9 3-355 Hoag, if readily available, shall provide to the City or any City designated representative the names, addresses, phone numbers and contact name of the general contractor and all subcontractors. (b) Hoag will continue to follow the Direct Payment Permit Process established in the Revenue and Taxation Code and use the permit for all qualifying individual purchases in excess of$100,000 so that the local share of its sales/use tax payments is allocated to the City as the point of sale. (c) It is understood and agreed that any fixtures, materials and equipment with a purchase total that exceeds $100,000 purchased directly by Hoag and shipped to Hoag's Newport Beach location may also be eligible for direct allocation of sales/use tax to the City. Upon request of the City, Hoag will provide City on a semi-annual basis with a list of purchases exceeding the $100,000 threshold during the preceding six-month period, including the amount of the purchase and, if readily available, the name and contact information for the vendor upon request by the } City. The City agrees to review the semi-annual list of purchases made by Hoag and advise Hoag of any missed opportunities for direct allocation. Hoag agrees to file its Direct Payment Permit with vendors identified by the City in an effort to improve the direct allocation ofthe local share of sales/use tax payments in future periods." 15. A new section, Section 8.4, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled .Sunset View Park Improvements, to read as follows: "8.4 Hoag shall reimburse the City up to .$ 150,000 for the installation of groundcover, shrubs and irrigation systems within the unimproved portion of Sunset View Park and Superior Avenue, approximately 20,500 square feet in area, located northerly of the cogeneration building. Reimbursement to the City shall be within 30 days of Hoag receiving an invoice from the City." i FINAL 5116/08 1000134 H&O: 1458720 A 10 3-356 16. A new section, Section 8.5, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment, to read as follows: "8.5 Hoag shall install a weather station capable of identifying ambient conditions necessary in documenting cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather station shall be tied into the cogeneration plant controls in order to maximize automatic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operational changes and load shifting, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations. Hoag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers within the Hoag Lower Campus. Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such reduction shall be measured from a baseline (to be measured at the cooling towers) of operating three existing generators and absorption chillers at 100% of design capacity. This reduced capacity operation shall be implemented daily between November la and April 3e, between - the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or above 60% and when ambient temperatures are equal to or less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 17. Section l 1.1(c) of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Notices is hereby amended to delete: "with a copy to: Tim Panne Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton 19100 Von Karman, 0 Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-96I3" and to add: "with a copy to: Dennis D. O'Neil Hewitt & O'Neil LLP 19900 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 1050 Irvine, CA 92612 KNAL `-' 5/16/0810001.34 H&O: #58720 A 1 l 3-357 with a copy to: Gary McKitterick Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP 1900 Main Street, 5th Floor Irvine, CA 92614-7321" 18. A new Section 11.17 shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement as follows: "11.17 Indemnification/Hold Harmless. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Hoag shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every land and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of this Amendment, including, but not limited to, the approval of the Planned Community Text and/or the City's related California Environmental Quality Act determinations, the certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, the adoption of a Mitigation Program, and/or statement of overriding considerations for this Project. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, i damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Hoag, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. Hoag shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forthin this condition. Hoag shall pay to the Cityupon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition." F' FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 88:0: 459720 A 12 19. Exhibit C of the Restated Development Agreement shall incorporate the First Amendment to the P.C. Text as part of this Second Amendment to the P.C. Text in revised Exhibit C entitled: "HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBY'T'ERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No.2008-10 May 13,2008" 20. Except as provided for in this Amendment and not otherwise superseded by this Amendment, the provisions set forth in the Restated Development Agreement, all of the other terms, conditions, provisions and exhibits of the Restated Development Agreement continue to have full force and effect as provided therein and this Amendment shall constitute an integral part of the Restated Development Agreement. Exhibits A through C constitute a part of this Amendment and i are incorporated into this Amendment in full by this reference. 21. In the event there is any conflict between any provision of the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment, the later approved and recorded document shall prevail in interpretation, operation and implementation. 22. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Amendment to be recorded with the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California within ten (10) days following the effective date of adoption of the Ordinance approving this Amendment. [Signature page follows] FINAL 5l16/08 10001.34 a&O: #58720 vl 13 3-359 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Development Agreement No. 5 to be binding as of the Effective Date. ATTEST: LaVonne Harkless, City Clerk APP OVED AS TO FO c..�__ F� +� Robin Clauson, City Attorney CITY: THE CITY OF NE RT B A6H, a municipal corporation of tate ali ria By: Edwar D eich, N or OWNER: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nprofit public benefit co ti By: ft1� Richard F. Afab , M.D President and CE (All Signatures to be Notarized) FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 x&o: #58720 %d 14 CALIFORNIAALL-PURPOSEf r t ci:_�L.eo..:a;.�ac%y;;.�. st._,n. �enrwe,: ��i�ts:.v,.��s,:-�r..3 a:s� �c.ytiwrrss ,.7..:�tic�e,:3<<��,a..:�.XcLac; y�c�.,.•..�.�„��i;,� wsv',t� :�• c�eae:s� .csu.. State of Californiaa�Q �� County of E„)�`�'! rU(•7� On ti r v * �+ "'fug before me, )Aj (, %tN i �- Date I re Inmrt Name anN'rNe o} the 0111mr� J— personally appeared " Y t r �r �" 641t� tea.__-• . Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document. Document Date: Sfgner(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signee's Name: C Individual ❑ Corporate Officer—Tille(s): C Partner — ❑ Limited C General L Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee Top of thumb here D Guardian or Conservator O Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: Signet's Name: 171 Individual 0 Corporate Officer — Title(s): C Partner —❑ Limited 0 General D Attorney in Fact Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator D Other.- Signer ther: Signer Is Representing: RIfiH77HUriAPRIN7 OF 31uNER 02007 Nadonal Notary Assoctatlan• 9350 pe Sora Ave., P,O.Box2402•Clta nth, CA 81313.2402•wWv.N81iona1NWaryor9 ftem 95907 Reader. COTalf-Free 1-MV15:SK7 3-361 who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to _ u:tt.ann t. MOWN be the person(* whose name* is/are subscribed to the Co""15%510n %510n # 1693177 r NOS bft within instrument and acknowledged to me that ' COWO rga _ Orange County he/aSeAhW executed the same in hisllae*k authorized r# �ycamrn.E>�Ite�Jan26.203 capacity(iee), and that by hislber,Waeit signature(e) on the instrument the persons} or the entity upon behalf of which the persons} acted, executed the instrument. LBLAM L BROWN I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws conrr"M 1633477 ft0 Alltiec ' Captacra of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is omnge caaNY true and correct. Uy ccMrn.brpiaJan25 201 WITNESS my hand and official seat. �4$f9ri81 Signature Place Notary Seal Above of Nwary %bt;c OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons rW*g on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document. Document Date: Sfgner(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signee's Name: C Individual ❑ Corporate Officer—Tille(s): C Partner — ❑ Limited C General L Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee Top of thumb here D Guardian or Conservator O Other: Signer Is Representing: Number of Pages: Signet's Name: 171 Individual 0 Corporate Officer — Title(s): C Partner —❑ Limited 0 General D Attorney in Fact Trustee 0 Guardian or Conservator D Other.- Signer ther: Signer Is Representing: RIfiH77HUriAPRIN7 OF 31uNER 02007 Nadonal Notary Assoctatlan• 9350 pe Sora Ave., P,O.Box2402•Clta nth, CA 81313.2402•wWv.N81iona1NWaryor9 ftem 95907 Reader. COTalf-Free 1-MV15:SK7 3-361 CALIFORNIA. ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of 0 e& OnM6� ilt Z061i before me, De16a a,esu 1.i— oT_�l 61)ic (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared 121 &A Ad 14,PA 6) C who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(4 whose namam subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatQVsike/&oe executed the same m thbir authorized capacity(i*, and that by /their signaturett on the instrument the person(4* or the entity upon behalf of which the person(4 acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. '��� C�oar+i.ttb6 WITNESS my hand and official seal. NKMM MC4ZIFOW N .i.. GM � M�noh 14Z I SignatumoMotary public ( Seal)Notary ADDMONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT 1, -{'e Aj +Afed �etxl�o�v�•�i t A (Title or desaWtion ofattached docrau in ) i�1a,2P&meej_)' Ufa. S {Title or description of attaehrd document continued) Number of Pages 33 Document Dated / 9-6 ,t (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) 9 Corporate Officer :dw� Ap 6 C£4 (Title) O Partnegs) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other 2008 Version CAPA v12.10.07 800.873-9865 www.NotaryCkssm.com INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any acimawleeigment camplered in CaGfonria must contain verbiage exactly as appears above in the notary sectian or a separate acknowledgment form must be properly completed and auarbed to that dacwneRt The only exception u tf a document is to be recorded outside of Cal(fornia. In such instances, any alternative acknowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as the verbiage doer not require the notary to do something that is legal for a notary in Callfornla (1,e. cerdoft the authorized capacity of the signer). Please check the docmnmt carefully for proper noumial wording and attach des form if required • State and County ptfotmatien must be the State and County where the document sigaer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment • Due of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which mast also be the same date the a6mawiedgmertt is completed • The notary public meat print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comms and then your title (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signa(s) who personally appear at the time of notarmation. • indicate the correct singular or plural farms by crossing off incorrect forms (io. Wahelihey; is /are) or circling the correct forms_ Failure to correctly iodic uc this infmraation may iced to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression retest be clear and photographically, rcpmducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re -seas if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different admowledgment form. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. g Addidona! information is not required but could help to easure this acknowledgment is not adauscd or attached to a different documaet v Indicate title or type of anechai document, number of pages and date. fi Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If thea claimed capacity is a corporate oifieer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO. Secretary), • Securely attach this document to the signed document 3-362 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIMON The subject property is the following real property in the City ofNewport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block I oflrvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. FINAL c� 5/16/0810001.34 x&o- #58720 vl A-1 0' 5116/08 10001.34 H&Q #58720 vi [a Id g ?-364 EXHIBIT B Ila to (3 t If rrr «r CL 0' 5116/08 10001.34 H&Q #58720 vi [a Id g ?-364 EXHIBIT C HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Adopted May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-9 Effective Jane 11, 2008 `3 FINAL 5116/36 ] 000134 1i&O: 458720 vi C-1 p 3-365 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 2008-10 May 13, 2008 `? FINAL HoV_PC'_041SOUDOC 3-366 I i Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Comnwwo Development Criteria and District Reg dations i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page j I Number I. I INTRODUCTION 1 i H. i GENERAL NOTES 2 III. DEFINITIONS 3 IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN S V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS 10 VI. i HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM 21 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS 23 VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS 24 IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW. 27 FINAI,_Hoag.,FC 041808aDAC 7 r Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Conmanily Development Criteria and District Regulations LIST OF EXHIBITS Page Number 1. PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP 7 2. VEHICULAR ACCESS 8 3. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA 14 4. PROPOSED SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN 19 5. LOADING DOCK AREA LOCATION 20 6. LANDSCAPE MATRIX 32 7. LOWER CAMPUS LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 33 8. COAST HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE SCREEN 34 LIST OF TABLES I. BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 9 2. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 23 FINAI._Hoag_PC�_041808anOC 3-368 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Conmunity Development Criteria and District Regulations I. INTRODUCTION Background The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the Upper and Lower Campuses of Hoag Hospital. In general, over the long term, the Upper Campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community teat conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other goveming building codes. L,. FINAL_Hoag_PC_041808aA0C 3-369 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned ConimuniiyDeveloparent Criteria and Mind Regulations H. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-4 and K-5 regarding paleontological and archaeological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements or the requirements of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development as applicable. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and aces Fs shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. Excluding communications devices on the Upper Campus, new mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults on the Upper and Lower Campuses shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be designed utilizing compatible architectural materials on the Lower Campus. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Excavation and Grading Code and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall commence within thirty (30) days of the completion of grading. —' F)NAL Hoaa—PC_041908a.DCC 70 Hoag iLle rud Hospital Presbyterian Planned Conwwnity Development Criteria and District ltegulddons Ild. DEFINITIONS Building Elevation: 1. A vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). 2. A flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. Building Enveloae: The volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Building Height: The vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Emergency Room: A service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Entitlement, Gross Floor Area: Any area of a building, or portion thereof, including the surrounding exterior walls, but excluding: 1. Area of a building utilized for stairwells and elevator shafts on levels other than the first level of a building in which they appear; 2. Area of a medical building, that is not used for general or routine occupancy, but rather is for interstial or mechanical occupancies, that measures less than 19 feet from finished floor to ceiling; 3. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, area of a building used specifically for base isolation and structural system upgrades directly related to requirements of governmental agencies and is not for general or routine occupancy;and 4. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, enclosed rooftop mechanical levels not for general or routine occupancy. First Aid: Low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: The General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereof. Grade: For the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) ��•� FINAL Hoag_PC_04I808a.DOC 3 i f3-371 Hoag Mentorml Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Developmene Criteria and District Regulations 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. Inpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which require twenty-four (24) hour or more stays. Landscaue Area: The landscape area shall include on-site walks, plazas, water, rooftop landscaping and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: A reference or datura mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Outpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which do not exceed twenty-four (24) hours. Residential Care: Medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: For the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications, 2. Net - parcel area after dedications. Streets: Reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. FINAL Hoa,�_PC_04180gaDOC 4 3-372 Hoag Menmrial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Conm itay Development Criteria and District Regulations IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Protect Characteristics The Upper Campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments to the west. The Lower Campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Sunset View linear and consolidated park and Villa Balboa Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 37.38 total acres, including 8,603 square feet of land encumbered by a roadway easement. The Lower Campus adjoins the Upper Campus at its eastern boundary. The Upper Campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1, Planned Community Site and Boundary Map. Through the year 2017, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the Upper Campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. Access to the Lower Campus will be from West Coast Highway and from Hospital Road, via the Upper Campus. Exhibit 2, Vehicular Access, shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. i The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital -related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. The maximum allowable building area for Hoag Hospital, which encompasses both the Lower Campus and the Upper Campus, is 1,343,238 square feet. Each Campus is also subject to a maximum allowable building area limit: the maximum allowable building area for the Upper Campus is 990,349 square feet; the maximum allowable building area for the Lower Campus is 577,889 square feet Table 1, Building Area Statistical Analysis, provides a summary of allowable square footage for both the Upper and Lower Campuses. Implementation, Progr E[R and Subsequent Protect Specific Approvals I-toag has acknowledged that the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the development and implementation of the Hoag Master Plan pursuant to this Planned Community Development Plan is a "Program EIR." The City has prepared and certified two program Environmental Impact Reports - Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final Program EIR (Final EIR No. 142) and a Supplemental EIR for the Master Plan Update (SCH#1991071003). The EIRs analyze the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, the City is under a continuing " FINAL _Hoag PC_04J808a.DOC 3-373 Hoag Menwriat ffospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regalodans obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the requests were fully addressed in the EIRs. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIRs, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIRs. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. FINAL_ Hoag_PC_041808aDOC 6 3-374 �rr�R s.htmrva _•WSALS ROAD - _. ---� e MoAC DRryE .. �-y ` lIORIH PA4IWc �. 11 r ... SiRUCIUPE LDADIN6DOLR{WIMHuiWinp--------�—. ANCUM wjxm -` S1oMF7i'S�AYIFUo° ./ Me 2eoCA9A9'uAlf r ` �� � owdwu�aeuwn�c +1 s ��> reFmta+o%lonc�s ~^` •�. ,r . / ai . ztovAatswF�\`'� �Tr�y t 2.. ULffM G°E �f2toGONFYtANE> �� \� SONNi1oAe OXU1E / awawFra�FArwf ♦ _ _'_- qL rt» - - Sa aSURFJICEPAF{toq 1C pra com s rj CDW WK m PACMO �:: — - ✓ cog LOWER CAMPUS ' cum ,vR Nomm PAWN Note: Buildings labeled forldentiftcation purposes only 100 0 100 200 SCALE: 1"=200' PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN REVISED 01. - 22.008 7 LEGEND y' �'. --, i�osrr%ALRiLID PRIMARY ACCESS (-S aNAUZED) _�,� ..+NeAanAwF .;��j(`�• Ho�xa�n�u ! M1 __ .., 6fIWCiUNE SECONDARY ACCESS ss•' w;�� f'RIMANYAflADWAYS LOADING ancxGuae,eaQ.rel----�51� �.MCUARYMUM �c� 1 SECONDAAYORWEWAYAND SERINCE )1 MAW LOADING DOM ssocAONEruNE� � , r;• � omsr+AG�sne�AGaxo j �iopAx�suvaE 1 �f, f / 'f 1\1 , a it t slOIIWEiAHE ((��noU UltlE '' �p�.n ►Wrt �� 'TEpCAOMfl'WIE i� SOITIN HOA¢ORA'E� 'g i cam HANE FARM- - _ f C.CRi 91RUGflN1E �.. 1 :.. cum - 'i0AF110E f � . PA1dN10 d h; •r 1 ~•. `' s i` ~'•�` ') oil -'";:I j""�" {. ; .. .. -. ti #' PAW M..�1 '' • : l _ CENRR PMP ",/417.�ti H►wYw�r _'�i � Note: Bulidingslabeledfor Identification purposes onry NORTH loo 0 loo 200 ___j---L--j SCALE:1"-200' REVISED Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Crderia and District Regulations I TABLE 1 BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TOTAL OF LOWER CAMPUS & UPPER CAMPUS BUILDING AREAS - MAXIIIUM ALLOWABLE: 1,343,238 SQUARE -FEET As of the date ofadoption. 2 Up to 225,000 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus 'Demolition of some existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet "� F[NAL_Hoag_PC 041808a.DOC 9 3-377 Maximum Allowable Net Allowable Site Area Building Area Existing' Remaining a U 765,349 sq. ft. 765,349 sq. ti. 698,121 sq. ft. 67,228 sq. ft. 990,349 sq. ft. x 0. j U 862,815 sq. ft. 577,889 sq. it. 188,149 sq. ft. 389,740 sq. ft. 577,889 sq. ft. 0 1,618,164 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. ft. 886,270 sq. ft. 456,968 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. ft.' 0 i✓ As of the date ofadoption. 2 Up to 225,000 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus 'Demolition of some existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet "� F[NAL_Hoag_PC 041808a.DOC 9 3-377 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ,Planned q4 mTwnuy Development Criteria and District Regulations V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories are not an exhaustive list Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five (5) permitted use categories are allowed. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) Outpatient services: (a) Antepartum Testing (b) Cancer Center (c) Skilled Nursing (d) Rehabilitation (e) Surgery Center (f) Clinical Center I (g) Day Hospital - (h) Back and Neck Center (i) Biofeedback 0) Breast Imaging Center (k) Dialysis (l) EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory (m) First Aid Center (n) Fertility Services (o) G.I. Laboratory (p) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (q) Neurology (r) Nuclear Medicine (s) Occupational Therapy (t) Pediatrics (u) Pharmacy (v) Physical Therapy (w) Pulmonary Services (x) Radiation Therapy (y) Respiratory Therapy (z) Sleep Disorder Center (aa) Speech Therapy (bb) Ultrasound (cc) Urgent Care J F[NAi._Hoag PC_041808aAOC 10 '-378 I I i i Haag Menroria! Haspilal Presby[erian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (2) Administration: (a) Admitting (b) Auxiliary Office (c) Business Offices (d) Information Desk (e) Registration (f) Patient Relations (g) Social Services (3) Support Services: (a) Employee Child Care (b) Health Education (c) Power/MechanieaVAuxiliary Support and Storage (d) Food Services (e) Cashier (f) Chapel/Chaplaincy Service (g) Conference Center (h) Dietitian (i) Gift Shop ti 0) Laboratory (k) Medical Library (I) Medical Records (m) Pharmacy (n) Parking Facilities4 (o) Engineering/Maintenance (p) Shipping/Receiving (q) Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities (4) Residential Care: (a) Substance Abuse (b) Mental Health Services (c) Extended Care (d) Hospice Care (e) Self or Minimal Care (f) Congregate Care (5) Medical/Support Offices a Parking structures or decks do not count toward square -footage _.. = blhfAi,_Hoap_PC_041 BDSa.DOC l l 3-379 e Hoag Memorial iYospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regaknoms b. Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system components. C. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. d. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 2. Upper Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) Inpatient uses including, but not limited to: (a) Critical Care (b) Emergency Department (c) Birthing Suites (d) Cardiology (e) Cardiac Care Unit (f) Intensive Care Unit (g) Mother/Baby Unit (h) Surgery (i) Laboratory (k) Patient Beds (2) Outpatient services as allowed on the Lower Campus (3) Administrative uses as allowed on the Lower Campus (4) Support services as allowed on the Lower Campus (5) Residential care as allowed on the Lower Campus (6) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. C. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 5 Does not count toward square -footage �`- , F1NAL_Hoag_PC_041808a.DOC 12 I I Hoag Memorial Hospital Prcrbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and D40ricl Regulations I B. Prohibited Uses f I 1, Lower Campus a. Emergency Room f j! b. Heliport C. Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy 2. Upper Campus a_ Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or ! routine occupancy C. Maximum Buildina Height The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3, Development Criteria Platt, which establishes the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower which is two -hundred thirty-five (235) feet above mean sea level. 2. Upper Campus Mid -rise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed one - hundred forty (140) feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking Zone - maximum building height not to exceed eighty (80) feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator towers. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated by the development criteria shown on Exhibit 3. 5. tower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center which is fifty-seven and one-half (57.5) feet above mean sea level. C FINAL xoaU rC_o4QORa.noC 13 3-381 A.aaau�a rI�alTmwEs' PPER CAMPUS ZONES TOWER ZONE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 235' ABOVE MEAN SEA MEL MIDWSE ZONE- MAXIMUM BUtLOING HEIGHT 140' ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL PARKING ZONE- MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 80' ABOVE MEAN SIA LOU, EICUISIVE OF £LEVATOR TOWER LOWER CAMPUS ZONES { LOWER CAMPUS ZONE- SUB - AREASA, B, C, F, ANO G• NO BUIDING SHALL EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF THE EXISTING SLOPE OR THE RANGE OF MAXIMUM BUIIAING HEIGHTS INDICATED L; ! HErcHr s� SUB - AREAS D AND E- MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT �2 Mm PAM of VURO G 57.8 fEETABOVEMEAN SEA LEVEL HNNt. MW PADMED OWES a PYrM RANGE 0 MAM@t 7n%.d FrarNpC abni4w I 2v Yn7su OMM HEI&M MEAN SEA EkVEl. MSU iYk�eufruzo3dwa1 ve8! I1j�s't�Aa'ee(, Shot R'gsOe Opanriaw 4�....— i7Z WERAGE SLAFE EDAM" E G.A" gee g�pt 230 nammmv r" •'ti Note: Buildings labeled for Identification purposes only DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PLAN PAD ILADIHDDOMfUnder"00 6AAIX �DADGHi D[X.'% -'f �'�'`::•.`• � `r �� �`� ' �•: j� . �, o ..a�,.� . {ti• IfTA:, E . �...� .. - oo.eirw _ _ , ,. mir 71 r cumN SOWN y ,s 1. p � G►�" NORTH HI'AY 100 0 100 200 is uo� e„naeE eemea� vW) AAOYtlIo+elN uW 2G Alae SeoW FwNegnPaud SCALE :1'=240' FYIdIRrr 14 REVISED 14 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations i D. Building Setbacks 4 Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. I. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa ! condominiums, as defined below: a. Upper Campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b. Lower Campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20 -foot minimum building setback. 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be fifteen (15) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: Ist Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the lst floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd FIoor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of twenty (20) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of twenty-five (25) feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be forty-five (45) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast Highway frontage. as follows. 1st Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the lst floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. FINAL Hoag PC Q41808a.DOC 15 i 3-383 Hoag Memorial Hmptat Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District .Regulations 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of fifty-five (55) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of sixty-five (65) feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than two -hundred fifty (250) linear feet in width. Additionally, 20% of the linear frontage within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 10% of the linear length of Height Zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX. 3. There will be no building setbacks along the westerly boundary of the Lower Campus (adjacent to the municipal parking lot at Superior and West Coast Highway). 4. A twenty (20) foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point six -hundred (600) feet south; a twenty- five (25) foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Lighting The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to shield the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Minor rooftop equipment, necessary for operating purposes, will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be designed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. FINAL. Hess ec a4I808a.00c 16 3-384 Noag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations G. Sums All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. H. Parkin All parking shall be as specified in Part VII, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. I. Landscape All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. I Mechanical and Trash Areas Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets and immediately adjacent residential properties. K. West Hoag Drive Circulation Limitations The project sponsor shall continue to limit the use of that portion of West Hoag Drive adjacent to residential uses located on the Upper Campus. Deliveries to loading areas shall not occur after 8:00 PM or before 7:00 AM daily. The project sponsor shall physically restrict access to the roadway between these hours and appropriate signage indicating permitted delivery hours and access limitations shall be installed and maintained at all times_ Night time deliveries and vehicular access to the loading area located along West Hoag Drive are allowed where critical supplies, services or materials are necessary for the continued operation of the hospital. L. Loading Dock The project sponsor shall provide a sound wall along West Hoag Drive as shown in the approximate location on Exhibit 4. Said wall shall be installed within 12 months of project approval, subject to issuance of required permits. To the maximum degree feasible, the sound wall shall be constructed to retain existing vegetation, which serves as a visual screen. Please refer to Section VIII, D. for additional landscaping requirements related to the sound wall. Mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels in the Loading Dock Area shall be incorporated into the design and operations of the hospital; such mitigation shall include relocation of the trash compactor and baler, limiting the hours of truck deliveries to the loading dock area, and enclosure of the trash compactor. —' FINAL_Hoag PC 041808a.DOC 17 3-385 i Hoag Menwridd Hospdtal Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations r M. Noise Standards Noise generated at the Hoag Hospital property shall be governed by the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance, except as noted below for the Loading Dock Area. Refer to Exhibit 5, Loading Dock Area Location, for the location. 1. The applicable noise standard at the Hoag Hospital property line adjacent to the Loading Dock Area shall be as follows: 7AM-10 PM IOPM-7AM Daytime Nighttime Leq (15 min) 65 dBA 55 dBA 2. Within the Loading Dock Area during daytime hours, vehicles shall be exempt from applicable noise standards as listed above. Vehicle idling shall be prohibited on West Hoag Drive and within the loading dock areas, except that refrigerated vehicles may idle while at the loading docks when refrigeration is necessary. In addition, the grease pit cleaning which is exempt from the City Noise Ordinance as a maintenance activity shall occur on a Saturday between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. F1NAL_H0ag_PC_041808a.D0C 18 I 4 LEGEND Existing Fence Property Vim. Easement Line :.fmµ '' .a„�: \ ., ' ,. o� ► _ — — — — — — 18.5' High Wali, .�;. 33' High Wall 17 High Wall S• r. .� `� 5;. ............... 14''}ii gh Wall .. NOTE: Sound Wall is aPPrtudmately 470 Linear Feet \- •h .`}' �. Sound Wall height measured from adjacent roadway surface. 20 ,y •V `. .r• • x ” t _ '• ft> .a ... _.. r........ .... ..... SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Apri13, 2008 0 40 so EXHIBIT 4 7 �,. a '• " � `�` �ti! •.n -.fit 'tit '' `,'� es '� G •' tl �• • x ” t _ '• ft> .a ... _.. r........ .... ..... SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Apri13, 2008 0 40 so EXHIBIT 4 7 UPPER CAMPUS LEGM PROPEWLINEAS IDOMRM INUMON M.1, DWRCT REWLAVONS AASIDMFIEDINS=MM.2,01MIC78COULATIONS LOADINGDOCKARF WEFX am am""LlmaLam Ac"Qm JA 2ft . ..... FIRM mm fou"m K M., filM-z --tr V7— TeT NORTH LOWER CAMPUS lw a 100 200 Note; OWkfings[abdedforldantMCalti4npUMOMonty SCALIE: V-200' LOADING DOCK AREA FYU[Rrr R HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPIYAL PRESBYrERIAN "T, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations W. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A. Purpose and Intent I. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordinance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. B. General Sign Standards I . All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground - mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, or create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 1 10-L. 5. For purposes of this section, a building shall be defined as any occupied structure or any occupied portion of a structure that is constructed as an addition to an existing structure and identified as a separate building for way finding purposes. Individual building numbers uniquely define the buildings on the Hoag campus. C. Number of Signs Allowed 1. One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two (2) single -faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project i1NA1._Hoac_PC_041808 a.DOC 21 3-389 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commuady Development Criteria and District Regulations boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Primary entrance identification shall be allowed at the main entrance to the facility and at the main entrance to the Emergency Department. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eight (8) feet average height above finished grade. [n the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed seventy (70) square feet. 3. Secondary building and entrance identification signs shall be allowed. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of nine (9) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid- point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet whether freestanding or wall -mounted. 4. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced, double-faced, or triple -faced sign. The sign shall be sized to allow for proper readability given the number of lines of copy, speed of traffic, setback off the road and viewing distance. This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eleven (11) feet average height above finished grade. l 5. Donor recognition signage shall be allowed, one (1) at each building elevation. Maximum sign area shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five (175) square feet for donor recognition signage. 6. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital towers, one (1) at each elevation. The maximum sign area shall not exceed two hundred seventy- five (275) square feet. Any hospital identification signage on the elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 7. On the Lower Campus, two (2) building -mounted identification signs will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa property. Such signs shall adhere to the requirements above for secondary building and entrance identification signage and shall be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. 8. Each public parking structure shall be allowed one (1) identification sign above each entrance and exit of the structure. The maximum sign area of each identification sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. Adjacent regulatory parking signage does not count toward the maximum sign area. Cl) . MNAL_H-8_PC_041808aD0C 22 oag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Department. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements have been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Requirements for Off -Street Parking Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon the area allocated to the use categories. TABLE 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Use Category Parkins Requirements Outpatient Services 2.31 spaces/1,000 square feet (I) Support 0.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (1)(2) Administrative 5.3 spaces/1,000 square feet (l) Residential Care 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Inpatient 2.35 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) (1) Parking factor based on parking analysis prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan dated October 15, 2001 for Traffic Study 2001-002 approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 1542. (2) Support Services generates parking demand that is accounted for in one of the other categories. (3) Parking requirements based upon a study prepared by LSA Associates dated September 27, 1991. rJNAL_Jioag PC_04I 808aDOC 23 3-391 Hoag Memorial AraspJdal Presbyterian Planned Commumty Developmenl Criteria and Disincl Reguladons VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General Detailed Iandscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan shall include a concept for rooftop parking and parking structures if proposed for the Lower Campus. Trees shall not be used, however planter boxes, green roof treatments or trellis systems shall be designed to provide added visual relief of rooftop parking or parking structures. All rooftop or top of parking structure -- landscaping proposals shall conform to the building height limits established in this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than five (5) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from one (1) gallon containers or from rooted cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed as necessary to avoid damage to trees, irrigation systems, shrubs and other planting materials. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing or the introduction of irregular groupings may also be considered to add interest and variety. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their mature size without restriction. 7. Emphasis shall be placed on the use of native, drought -tolerant, non-invasive plants on the Lower Campus. On the Upper Campus, naturalized vegetation selections, as well as those plants allowed on the Lower Campus, will be emphasized. Automatically controlled irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. 8. Installation and maintenance of landscape, screening and irrigation systems per Exhibit #6, Exhibit #7 and Exhibit #8. All improvements shall be shown on landscape and irrigation plans to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department and which shall he in substantial compliance with the Exhibits #6, #7 and #8. Hoag shall complete all of the improvements within the timelines set forth in Exhibit 46. 0 FINAL Hoag_PC 041808a.D0C 24 3-392 R—S Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations B. Maintenance 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris and cultivated as necessary to maintain. 2. Lawn and ground cover areas are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertilization, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of a regularly scheduled annual maintenance program. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in good working condition at all times. On- going monitoring, adjustments and cleaning of systems are to be part of regular maintenance procedures. 5. Stakes, guys and tree ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties shall be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling of branches or central leaders. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. 7. Plantings and irrigation are to be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. C. Special Landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A fifteen (15) foot building setback from right-of-way/property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage structures are allowed in the setback areas. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Installed trees are to be no smaller than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Landscape Zone The area between the Hoag property line and the sound wall will be referred to as the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone. This portion of the Hoag Hospital property will have a specific landscape process to ensure consultation with Villa Balboa on the planting and maintenance of the area. Existing landscaping on Villa Balboa's side of the wall shall be preserved to the extent feasible or replaced with specimen plant material as designated on a plan to be approved by the Planning Director after consultation with the Villa Balboa Community Association. The plan FINAL_Hoag_PC 0418080.DOC 25 3-393 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regalations shall also include sufficient additional landscaping to screen or soften the soundwal) required pursuant to Section V.L. Hoag shall maintain all landscaping on Hoag's property and to the extent new plant material is installed as a result of wall construction by Hoag on the Villa Balboa property adjacent to the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone (with their permission), Hoag shall maintain such new plant material on Villa Balboa's property for a period of two years after installation to ensure healthy growth. All landscape installation shall occur within 45 days of the completion of the wall or earlier. Any future modifications made to said wall and landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area landscape calculations. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not be regularly spaced. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berming and depressing of parking areas to provide additional screening. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Newport Beach Planning Department. A rooftop landscaping program shall be developed for parking structures and rooftop parking proposed for the Lower Campus and shall be subject to the review and the approval of the Newport Beach Planning Department. I FINAL_Hoa&_PC_041806aDOC 26 3-394 Hoag Memorial Mospatal Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regaldtions IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW A. Purpose � - Ta, Council finds that developnF_.,it on the Lower Campus of Hoag l4ospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the community. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement for certain individual projects - to insure that these projects conform with the goals and policies of the General Plan, provisions of this Planned Community Development Plan, the Development Agreement and the standards set forth below in sub -section F. The following classifications of projects are subject to the Site Plan Review: Planning Commission review: 1. Any project that differs from setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D.2. Planning Director's review: 1. Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions that could have an impact to visual resources. 2. Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions creating objectionable odors or other impacts to air quality. 3. Replacement of existing cooling towers, exeept fef eastte]#- B. Findings The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. Application Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure, as outlined in Section 1X.A above, prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit or issuance of an approval in concept for Coastal Commission or Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development review. D. Plans and Diaarams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: FINAL_Haag_PC 041808a.DOC 27 c f 3-395 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbydenaa Planned Conwma dy Development Criteria and District Regulations 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees (proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained); and indicating the amount, type, and location of any landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for automatic irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. Fee The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section A, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the Site Plan Review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special FINAL _Ho 28 ug_PC_041808a-DOC; 3-396 Hoag Memorud Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consideration to functional aspects of site development. 5. Potential impacts shall be mitigated to less than significant levels. G. Public Hearing - Required Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property_ It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two (2) conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H. Action by the Planning Director If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Director shall approve I the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Director shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Director shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Planning Director. The action of the Planning Director on any Site Pian Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Director's action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Planning Director has requested a review of its decision, or unless the Planning Commission, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Director's action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Director, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The Planning Commission may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the Planning Commission shall be final, unless subsequently appealed or reviewed. Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. FrNAL_Hoa&_PC_04 I808a.DQC 29 3-397 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Crileria and Distrlci Rertiadioas If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision_ Such action by the City Council shall be final. J. Anaeal to the Citv Council Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a letter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall he accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. K. Action by the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council within sixty (60) days of filing a letter of appeal, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. L. Expiration and Revocation of Site Plan Review Approvals Eviration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terns of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection there with. Hearin. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within sixty (60) days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. FINAL_14oag_yC_041808a.DOC 30 3-398 Exhibit #6 34 w,L2 j 3-399 1 ! GovernmenVAgency Anticipated Location Area Description Landscape Hement Schedule $fetus Oufcotne f Effect 3.4rbm CYagteG'laartm I—ld i ,yppT M.WMO :ProK[tcoma�d �mNadnOveµg Of.Nl1 Mc1-Co Oan Addfi—I—Pfidip uM dGO GEneW]tg♦ rmm9..t _.�........_ k _. ___.._. .._......___._ ._... :.'::.:::"'.;'.r•: • :• �.:.. :;;;.:: :'.-': i::: .: ADI J. as has avegraalaaeenbae ala mv% ITorominenea raaV 2708. tater aamptdwi.faly cmaat con.m arcvwm 2A9 AGnad acmmAtp dCa Gan Riw2Co.Gin.�::,. :,: Amllww tnm Pm"imwtlwt Imm 1 F+.`° .. pr atlplWlHylegueX j )Tom,vrmsa Mey2]oe. Naonmelaprtm aaMnlenbe eaudurnro jllPfePmnpdi.n JWy :(:mattl CnxN. P(yraveo 2/OE �pHpR�r�gg vkwc of /:d Gen Wk" :: Am Penn $assn cove reit PtYlHg akvtlbrt 1�10pB. :: report 1 osommeron May2w8. }tj P+.rc tlOvtttrp vaue m mvw groan cogen i�9ceeNmgm IrtNA canglahon July Canmt agawed2/o-a sPiaOtaaats of Co Gan &Ad.9 E 1`�a �� 10 3`:�.,"ii`E U ' , C: a"' ���,� �.:L, �' ;: GNenargtapraia jMLmwekub..muubm+erFd mw I rdpaPon — few 20W iPoj.drntyfdad ARPod vhud am apt, - q ''rv�},1fhjiq,<r.:: nwdn rlO.a.hrvb grolrtmavel s amada[0 yd anan oamaeeanawdt ��� tmlale] ervaon mstat t-- ai '�'•' i4 twn.fhuls aN pamdWv` Ptad'9. erd iNov207 ais.w i ip od M'tPwo Pddetl mmpte vild posy r:'F, �: ?.; -: 1: Tfee ennta utd newvsnemn4avirylnlppkq y9am wlQ Naial aanhel aead,n.e talmng �. _. 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AWtbrwi tlamatlruba S7>rar. efvatla w:d p:audmvwmtlrww IDee2Ag7 n1�'iM Proiecn eamaelc(1 ADtfetl Vbtmf euoltly. Pn'1°uQ Fie iaemh9 am aedYlp 'w autawlECOt'if PlbHng wew taldea �dmpofl iM entry a:ei rrmn.,vo&gtwndravaawnaw mq3 bn jn.WWW—..W Oee JP—kgdlV.PpNaliM—O a018da gory FCH ane �amdmvaratal tweep 'a:lanm parar vnt i2L09 arta l-aald Corel AVPwa1 plentltq h;Hapoalm W118¢i 7a{IVMN � ImmedFaeh upas auime am � � hW:wat:� Cmagt^IL7 bydte GT a Nca" fj ro Add ltbndanorleaianJ=;CH apo ..id PPM eroNfaarhdapreeneaeen +tmteer ndmtertmnGac .eA bvwtan 1. ion aW a wpMhd rw hnun—PCHtnetlenb datroro & traetge xa¢B eema. cauuumonaaaaPfp;wwwrm aM ban PCH WW—18 ormuw cBemPaaml+trvme x� cwaetcawn. .• ...::. 4":1:� artpWay natiM :..J eoalelMWloMereM 6�a HydRe.+d WwN � Idem FlmlmuVvst iligT.ton aen4ulmM 5! pwmre vaepmwnent PitaNB Imlellef l]C200 llryriven,etgl and oLnpsd pendhglutl+ ,.dg oris Paudmvafntintmp Wdapjp aided imbultHpn C-WCoda lndkatina Canent PmlntStatus `Fa:,r�':rkL."`Y s•. 4dLaM arneMlmpovetut:ro Uef rave gen - Immpcdperprenlate aPFio+ea i I Yabn tn3KNpeelp(Mlmtip Inegfed Out tof open amaentl peae4 : *L fMkalainpmvanet�ln dmbn g—,.1 to he eubmaed for d0' a atpnay igrovalf ___ _ —._.__ _.__�._._.-.._ ;�•::-�s•::'i:;-�r."::� ty.G_(4.•<:.:ra:i:..:itj';'::;:: Io®citaYtawanorroPaP4ed but int i I alferinaNuaen ensue RWWC at9NB fa G y Exhibit #6 34 w,L2 j 3-399 la a .mnaa .. - aT 111. ) rj 1,..,.:.- ..T • Fil - li I Yea ' to P�CFiC _ All caw HOAQ LOWER CAMPUS IMPROW-MEN1 PLAN Exhibit #7 32 PARTIAL ELEVATION - PCH LANDSCAPE SCREEN Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbytedan nwwneent,rx W/14/20M Fxh/bl1 #8 73 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } I, LaVonne M. Harkless, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do f hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2008-10 as duly and regularly introduced before and adopted by the City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Council, duly and regularly held on the 13th day of May 2008, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: i Ayes: Henn, RAsansky, Curry, Daigle, Gardner, Mayor Selich Now: None Absent: Webb Abstain: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the f official seal of said City this 14th day of May 2008. (Seal) City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) I, LAVONNE M_ HAR.Ki.F7SS, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 2008-10 has been duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City and that same was so published in The Daily Pilot, a daily newspaper of general circulation on the following date, to wit: May 17, 2008. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this day of 2008. City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California 3-402 EXHIBIT E SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 E1 3-403 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attn: City Clerk (Space Above This Line Is for Recorder's Use Only) This Agreement is recorded at the request and for the benefit of the City of Newport Beach and is exempt from the payment of a recording fee pursuant to Government Code §§ 6103 and 27383. SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. S BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH l HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 658 64-658 69.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved February _, 2019 Ordinance No. 2019- 3-404 SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Pursuant to California Government Code sections 65864-65869.5) This SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Second Amendment") is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation ("City"), on the one hand, and HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Hoag"), on the other. City and Hoag are sometimes collectively referred to in this Second Amendment as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party." RECITALS A. Hoag is the fee owner of approximately thirty eight (38) acres of real property located in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, located at 1 Hoag Drive (Assessor's Parcel No.'s 423-011-30, 423-011-28), ("Property"). The Property is more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto and as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference, and as more particularly depicted as attached hereto in Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference. B. City and Hoag entered into that certain Development Agreement dated February 14, 1994, for reference purposes and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on March 23, 1994, as document number 94-0207276 ("Agreement"). C. City and Hoag entered into that certain Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008, and recorded in the Official Records of Orange County on the same date, as document number 2008000289321 ("Amendment"). All terms not otherwise defined in this Second Amendment shall have the meanings given them in the Amendment and the Agreement. D. Under the Agreement, the Term of the Agreement was for twenty five (25) years and the Parties now desire to enter into this Second Amendment to the Agreement to extend the Term another six (6) months. E. On March 13, 2007, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2007-6, entitled "Ordinance Amending Chapter 15.45 of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") Regarding Development Agreements" that amended the terms of NBMC Section 15.45 (the "Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance"). This Second Amendment is consistent with the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance. G. This Second Amendment is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan, including without limitation the General Plan's designation of the Property as "Private Institutions - PI," and the Amendment and Agreement. H. On January 17, 2019, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on this Second Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. On January 17, 2019, consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the Planning Commission -1- 3-405 adopted Resolution No. PC2019-003, recommending the City Council approve this Second Amendment. I. In recognition of the significant public benefits that the Agreement, as amended, provides, the City Council has found that this Second Amendment: (i) is consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan as of the date of the Agreement, the Amendment, and this Second Amendment; (ii) is in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of City, its residents, and the public; (iii) is entered into pursuant to, and constitutes a present exercise of, City's police power; (iv) is consistent and has been approved consistent with the final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR No. 142) ("FEIR") and the supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR No. ER2007-003) (SCH#1991071003) ("EIR") that have been certified by the City Council on or before the Agreement Date, which analyzed the environmental effects of the proposed development of the Project on the Property, and all of the findings, conditions of approval and mitigation measures related thereto; and (v) is consistent and has been approved consistent with provisions of California Government Code section 65867 and NBMC chapter 15.45. J. On February 26, 2019, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on this Second Amendment and considered the testimony and information submitted by City staff, Hoag, and members of the public. On -'2019, consistent with applicable provisions of the Development Agreement Statute and Ordinance, the City Council held second reading and adopted Ordinance No. 2019-_, finding the Second Amendment to be consistent with the City of Newport Beach General Plan and approving this Second Amendment. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, City and Hoag agree as follows: Term of Agreement. Section 6.3 is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: "Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") shall begin on the Effective Date and continue until September 15, 2019, unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program ('LCV), are subject to the review and approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency." 2. Full Force and Effect. Except as modified by this Second Amendment, the Agreement and Amendment, attached hereto as Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively, are incorporated into this Second Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. 3. Recitals. The Recitals set forth above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Counterparts. This Second Amendment may be signed by the Parties in different counterparts and the signature pages combined shall create a single document binding on all Parties. 3-406 5. Recordation. The City Clerk of City shall record this Second Amendment in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange within the period required by California Government Code section 65868.5 and City of Newport Beach Municipal Code section 15.45.100. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] Attachments - Exhibit A: Development Agreement dated February 14, 1994 Exhibit B: Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5 dated June 17, 2008 Exhibit C: Legal Description Exhibit D: Legal Depiction 3 SIGNATURE PAGE TO SECOND AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 ATTEST: LI -A Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FO By: r Aaron C. Harp, City Attorney CITY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation and charter city Diane B. Dixon, Mayor HOAG: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation By: Name: Sanford Smith, AIA Title: Senior Vice President Real Estate & Facilities By: Name: Andrew Guarni Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (All Signatures to Be Notarized) 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of )SS. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. (seal) State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 511 (seal) 3-409 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of } ss. On , 20 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. (seal) State of California County of )SS. On 120 before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared , proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (seal) 3-410 EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 14,1994 -A1- 11 Zr RDQciesr M rMK 6103 Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to: City Clerk City of Newp6rt Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 0 — is Aft IOC # 94-4247276 23—MAR-1944 03:59 Pm Recorded in Official Retards Of Orange County, California Lee A. Branch, County Recorder °age 1 of 61 fees.. f Q,ev Tax: t 0.00 DN"LOPM8NT AGRBSMSNT BBTIISBN THE CITY OF NSWPORT BRACH AM HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN ApprovedFebrua��4, 19941994 ordinance No. 94-8 3-412 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into between the City of Newport Beach (the "City"), and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag"). RECITALS. This Agreement relates to the following: 1.1 ase of Agreement. This Agreement is intended to: (a) Enable Hoag to adapt to the ever changing health care needs of those residents within its service area by authorizing design parameters of new or additional facilities in a manner that will allow Hoag to respond to rapid changes in medical and health care technology and delivery systems. (b) Establish strict, binding limits on the amount and height of permitted development as well as ensure compliance with numerous conditions on the density, location, and timing of construction to minimize, to the extent feasible, any environmental impacts of Hoag's proposed expansion. (c) Impose exactions such as dedication of property, construction of public improvements and/or the installation of landscaping visible to the public, which, when considered in conjunction with the public services provided by Hoag, benefit the general public. 1.2 Authorization. This Agreement is authorized by, and is consistent with, the provisions of 65864 et seg. of the Government Code of the State of California, and Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 1.3 Interest of Hoag. Hoag is the legal and/or equitable owner of approximately forty (40) acres of real property located in the City and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted in Exhibit "B" (the "Property"). 1.4 Development of the Prooertv. This Agreement authorizes development on the Property consistent with the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan ("Master Plan", a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference when appropriate), subject to the conditions and mitigation measures identified in Environmental Impact Report No. 142 and imposed by the City Council as conditions to approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement and, for all development within Aft 3-413 the coastal zone subject to approval of a coastal development permit by the California Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 1.5 Planning Commission/City Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992, and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public hearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23, 1992, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992. 1.6 Consistency. This Agreement is consistent with the various elements of the Newport Beach General Plan, the Master Plan, and other applicable ordinances, plans, and policies of the City. This Agreement is also consistent with the purpose and intent of state and local laws authorizing development agreements in that it represents comprehensive planning, provides certainty in the approval of subsequent projects subject to compliance with conditions, reduces the economic costs of development by providing assurance to Hoag that it may generally proceed with projects in accordance with existing regulations, and provides assurance to adjoining property owners that limits on the height of structures and amount of development as specified in the Master Plan and this Agreement will remain in full force and effect for a period of twenty- five (25) years. 1.7 Police Power- The City Council has determined that this Agreement is in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the City, its residents and the public, was entered into pursuant to, and represents a valid exercise of, the City's police power, and has been approved in accordance • with the provisions of state and local law that establish procedures for the approval of development agreements. 1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving this Agreement and authorizing the City to enter into this Agreement. The Adopting Ordinance will become effective on March 16, 1994. 2. DEFINITIONS. 2.1 The "Adopting Ordinance- refers to City Ordinance No. 94-8, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. 2.2 "AgFeement" refers to this "Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian". 3-414 t 2.3 "Annual Review" refers to the review of Hoag's good faith compliance with this Agreement and conditions on development as set forth in section 5. 2.4 The "Approval Date" means the date on which the City Council voted to adopt the Adopting Ordinance. 2.5 All forms of use of the verb "assign" and the nouns "assignment" and "assignee" shall include all contexts of hypothecations, sales, conveyances, transfers, leases, and assignments. 2.55 "California Coastal Commission" refers to the California State Resources Agency established under the California Coastal Act of 1976. 2.6 "CEOA". and the "CEOA Guidelines" refers to the California Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guidelines promulgated by the Secretary of Resources of the State of California, including any amendments adopted subsequent to the Effective Date. 2.7 "City" refers to the City of Newport Beach, California. 2.8 "City Council" refers to the City Council of the City. 2.9 "Cure Period" refers to the period of time during which a Default may be cured pursuant to Section 9. 2.10 A "day" or " a s" refers to a calendar day, unless expressly stated to he a business day. 2.11 A "Default" refers to any material default, breach, or violation of the provisions of this Agreement. A "City ilefault" refers to a Default by the City, while a "Hoag Default" refers to a default by Haag. 2.12 The "Effective Date" refers to the effective date of the Adopting Ordinance and is the effective date of this Agreement. provided however, the Agreement has been approved by the California Coastal commission, and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission is in receipt of a copy of this Agreement signed by both parties. 2.13 The "EIR" refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. 2.14 An "Estoppel Certificate" refers to the document certifying the status of this Agreement required by Section 5.6 in the form of Exhibit "D". 3 Aak 3-415 2.15 An "Exaction" refers to those specific dedications and improvements required of Hoag and set forth in Section 8.2 below. 2.16 An "Exhibit" refers to an exhibit to this Agreement. All Exhibits are incorporated as a substantive part of this Agreement. The Exhibits to this Agreement are: • Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property Exhibit B: Map of the Property Exhibit C: The Master Plan Exhibit D: Estoppel Certificate 2.17 "Existing General Regulations" means those General Regulations approved by the -City on or before the Approval Date (irrespective of their effective date) and not rescinded or superseded by City action taken on or before the Approval Date. 2.18 "Future General Regulations" means those General Regulations (see Section 2.19 below) adopted by the City after the Approval Date. 2.19 "General Regulations" means those ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines of the City, which are generally applicable to the use of land and/or construction within the City and include, the Fair share Traffic Contribution Fee Ordinance, Uniform Building Codes and water and sewer connection and fee ordinances. 2.20 "General Plan" refers to the City's General Plan in effect on • the Approval Date, plus all amendments to the General Plan adopted by the City on or before the Approval Date and effective prior to the Effective Date. 2.21 "Hoag" refers to Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, a non- profit corporation. 2.22 "Includes" and all contexts and forms of the words "includes" and "including" shall be interpreted to also state "but not j limited to." i 2.23 "Master Plan" refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"). 2.24 "Mortgagee" refers to the holder of a beneficial interest under any mortgage, deed of trust, sale-leaseback agreement, or other 4 AIM 3-416 • transaction under which all or a portion of the Property, including those portions acquired by assignees, is used as security (a "Mortgage") or the owner of any interest in all or any portion of the Property under a Mortgage, including those portions acquired by assignees. 2.25 "Notice" refers to any written notice or demand between the Parties required or permitted by this Agreement. 2.26 The "Parties" refers to the City and Hoag and a "Party" shall refer to either of the Parties. 2.27 "Planning Commission" refers to the Planning Commission of the City. 2.28 The "Pr " refers to the proposed development of the Property pursuant to the Master Plan and this Agreement. 2.29 "Project Specific Approvals" means all site-specific (meaning specifically applicable to the Property only and not generally applicable to some or all other properties within the City) plans, subdivision maps, permits, or other entitlement. Project Specific Approvals include subdivision maps, site plan review, conditional use permits, coastal development permits, variances, grading and building permits, as well as amendments or modifications to those plans, maps and permits. Project Specific Approvals does not include Existing or Future General Regulations. 2.30 The "Property" refers to the real property described on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B." CONDITIONS TO DRVSLOPMSNT. 3.1 Introduction. The provisions of this Section express the intent of the parties regarding the extent to which this Agreement vests Hoag's right to proceed with the development described in the Master Plan. Hoag acknowledges that its right to proceed with development described in the Master Plan is subject to numerous conditions and mitigation measures including the following: (a) The specific limitations and restrictions contained in the Master Plan; (b) Conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council to mitigate significant effects identified in the EIR; 5 3-417 9 (c) Conditions imposed by the City as a result of subsequent or supplemental environmental analysis pursuant to provisions of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines; (d) Conditions imposed by the City Council in conjunction with the approval of Traffic Study No. al and Variance No. 1160; (e) Compliance with the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement. (f) Compliance with Existing General Regulations. 3.2 Comolianc1t with Master Plan Conditions/Mitiaation Measures. Hoag acknowledges that City Council approval of the Master Plan and this Agreement was subject to compliance with numerous conditions and mitigation measures designed to minimize or eliminate the significant adverse effects of the Project and ensure the health, safety, and welfare of nearby residents as well as Hoag patients and employees. Many of these conditions and mitigation measures impose specific development standards and requirements to be implemented in conjunction with further study and analysis of site or subsurface conditions before grading or construction. Specific mitigation measures that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur include the following: (a) Slope excavation techniques which insure stability; (b) Grading and excavation techniques which minimize disturbance to adjacent residents and the general public; (c) Identification of potential faults on site and construction of buildings pursuant to recommendations of certified geologists and in a manner which insures that nearby residents, Hoag patients and Hoag employees are not exposed to a significant risk of injury; (d) Evaluation of soil corrosivity and removal of corrosive soils or use of corrosion resistant construction materials; (e) Mitigation of impacts caused by removal of wetlands through off-site restoration as required by resource agencies; (f) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study prior to development of Phase I of the Master Plan (if Hoag proposes a land use other than specified in the approved Traffic study); 6 3-418 (g) Preparation and approval of a project trip generation study as a condition to construction of development in Phases II and III of the Master Plan; (h) Preparation and approval of a Traffic Phasing ordinance analysis prior to construction of development in Phase II and Phase III of the Master Plan; (i) Preparation of a view impact analysis of each proposed building prior to issuance of permits; (j) Analysis and mitigation of emissions in accordance with the regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District; (k) Preparation and approval of a construction phasing and traffic control plan for each phase of development. Hoag's right to develop the Property pursuant to the Master Plan is contingent upon compliance with, and satisfaction of, the conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the City Council as of the Approval Date, conditions imposed by the California Coastal Commission required for approval of coastal development permits, as well as conditions and mitigation measures resulting from subsequent environmental analysis as specified in Paragraph 3.3. 3.25 Future Coastal Act discretionary review may result in specific mitigation measures to ensure consistency with the Coastal Act that require compliance with, or satisfaction of, standards before grading or construction can occur. 3.3 Program SIR. Hoag acknowledges that the ETR is a "Program IR 04 The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, ursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's equests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. 3.4 Mitigation Monitoring Plan. City shall prepare a Mitigation Monitoring Plan ("Plan") within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date. Hoag shall not submit any application for Project specific Approval until the Plan has been approved by the City Council and the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or the appropriate entity of its successor agency. 3-419 The Plan shall comply with and satisfy the requirements of CEQA and the Guidelines and the Coastal Act. The Plan shall be available to the public upon request. 3.5 Compliance with General Regulations. Hoag is required to comply with the Existing General Regulations. As to those Existing General Regulations which require the payment of fees, costs, and expenses, Hoag shall pay the fee, cost, or expense required as of the date on which Hoag submits the application • for Project Specific Approval. Hoag shall also comply with any Future General Regulations that do not impair Hoag's ability to develop the Property in accordance with the density, intensity, height and location of development specified in the Master Plan. Hoag shall also comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, whether adopted before or after the Approval Date, which are in effect at the time applications for Project specific Approvals are submitted. Hoag shall also comply with the Coastal Act and the City's certified Local Coastal Program. 4. RIGHT TO D 4.1 Riot to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project specific Approvals for construction on the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan and this Agreement unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as opposed to permitted) by state or federal law. 4.2 Reservations or Dedications of Land. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no dedications or reservations of the Property shall be required of Hoag in conjunction with the application or issuance of any Project Specific Approvals. 4.3 Conflicting Measures. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no initiative measure, moratorium, referendum (except as provided in Government Code Section 55857.5), ordinance, statute or other provision of law which in any way limits or restricts development of the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan and this Agreement (including density, intensity, timing, phasing, and sequencing) shall be applied to the Property during the term of this Agreement. 3-420 4.4 Time for construction and Completion of Proiect. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and the Master Plan, Hoag shall have the right to decide the timing, phasing, and sequencing of construction on the Property and shall be entitled to apply for, and receive approval of, in a timely manner, permits or approvals at any time. 5. AW AL RBDISR. 05.1 C t and Hoag Responsibilities. At least every twelve (12) months during the Term, the City shall review Hoag's good faith substantial compliance with this Agreement (the "Annual Review"). After the Annual Review, the City's finding of good faith compliance by Hoag shall be conclusive for the purposes of future Annual Reviews or legal action between the Parties. Either Party may address any requirements of the Agreement during the Annual Review. However, fifteen (15) days' written Notice of any requirement to be addressed shall he made by the requesting Party. If, at the time of the review, an issue not previously identified in writing is required to be addressed, the review shall be continued at the request of either Party to afford sufficient time for analysis and preparation of a response. 5.2 Public Hearing. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 5.3 Information to be Provided to Hoaq. The City shall mail to Hoag a copy of the staff report and related exhibits concerning Agreement performance a minimum of ten (lo) days before the Annual Review. • 5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. For the five year monitoring period imposed by the Department of Fish and Game Streambed Alteration Agreement entered into between the Department of Fish and Game and Hoag, the annual review shall also assess the success of any off-site wetlands mitigation. Five years after the completion of the Department of Fish and Game monitoring period, Hoag shall submit a final report assessing the success of the off-site wetlands mitigation in its annual review. If the survival and cover requirements set forth in the Streambed Alteration Agreement have not been met, Hoag shall be responsible for replacement planting to achieve these requirements. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the AMk 3-421 • • 6. AM evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. 5.5 Review Tetter. If Hoag is found to he in compliance with the Agreement after the Annual Review, the City shall issue, within ten (10) days of Hoag's written request, a letter to Hoag stating that the Agreement remains in effect and Hoag is not in Default. 5.6 Estoppel certificate. Either Party may at any time deliver written Notice to the other Party requesting an estoppel certificate (the "Estoppel Certificate") stating: (a) The Agreement is in full force and effect and is a binding obligation of the Parties. (b) The Agreement has not been amended or modified either orally or in writing or, if so amended, identifying the amendments. (c) No Default in the performance of the requesting Party's obligations under the Agreement exists or, if a Default does exist, the nature and amount of any Default. A Party receiving a request for an Estoppel Certificate shall provide a signed certificate to the requesting Party within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request. The Planning Director may sign Estoppel certificates on behalf of the city. An Estoppel Certificate may be relied on by assignees and Mortgagees. The Estoppel Certificate shall be substantially in the same form as Exhibit "D." 5.7 Failure to Conduct Annual Review. The City's failure to conduct an Annual Review shall not constitute or be asserted by the City as Hoag's Default. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 6.1 Effective Date. This Agreement and the obligations of the Parties shall be effective as of the Effective Date. However, this Agreement shall bind the Parties as of the Approval Date, subject only to the Adopting Ordinance becoming effective pursuant to California law. 6.2 Applicability to Coastal Zone. This Agreement shall not be applicable to those portions of the Property located within the Coastal Zone as defined by the California Coastal Act (Division 10 3-422 20, California Public Resources Code, beginning with Section 30000) until either (1) the required local coastal program for the Property has been certified by the California Coastal Commission or (2) the California Coastal Commission has approved this Agreement. This Subsection is intended solely to comply with the provisions of California Government Code Section 65869 and shall be of no force or effect if Section 65869 is repealed. 6.3 Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") 0 shall begin on the Effective Date and continue for twenty-five (25) years unless otherwise terminated or modified pursuant to this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to the review and approval of the Coastal commission or its successor agency. 6.4 Assignment. Hoag has the absolute right to assign (see Section 2.5) its rights and/or delegate its obligations under this Agreement as part of an assignment of all or a portion of the Property. Any assignment shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. As long as Hoag owns any part of the Property, Hoag may assign the benefits of this Agreement without delegating the obligations for the portion of the Property assigned. If that occurs, however, the benefits assigned shall remain subject to the performance by Hoag of the corresponding obligations. Where an assignment includes the delegation of both the benefits and the corresponding obligations, those obligations become solely the obligations of the assignee. If an assignee is in Default, then as to Hoag or any assignees not in Default, the Default shall not constitute their Default, give grounds for termination of their rights under this Agreement or be a • basis for an enforcement action against them. 6.5 Amendment of Agreement, (a) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (b), and subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), this Agreement may be amended from time to time by the mutual consent of the Parties, or their successors in interest, but only in the manner provided by the Government Code and this Agreement. After any amendment, the term "Agreement" shall refer to the amended Agreement. (b) The City Council shall not approve, and Hoag shall not request, any amendment to the provisions of the Master Plan or this Agreement that would increase the maximum 11 Amk • 7. Amk permitted gross floor area or the maximum permitted building height (within any lettered building envelope) above that established by the Master Plan as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. This Subsection shall prevail over any conflicting ordinance, resolution, policy or plan adopted by the City Council. 6.6 Enforcement. This Agreement is enforceable by each of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. 6.7 Termination. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further effect upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a) Expiration of the twenty-five (25) year term; (b) Entry, after all appeals have been exhausted, of a final judgment or issuance of a final order directing the City to set aside, withdraw, or abrogate the City's approval of this Agreement or any material part of the Project; or, (c) The effective date of a Party's election to terminate the Agreement as provided in Section 9.3 of this Agreement. 6.8 Hoag shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees with respect to any claim, loss or damage in any way related to the grading, excavation or stabilization of the slopes adjacent to the view parks by Hoag or its employees, agents contractors or representatives. This Section is not intended to impose liability on Hoag for the acts of persons other than Hoag or its agents, representatives or contractors. 6.9 Hoag shall enter into an agreement with City to accept ownership of, and responsibility for maintenance of, the existing methane gas venting flare and any device for collecting gas that is subsequently installed on the Property pursuant to conditions or mitigation measures imposed in conjunction with the Master Plan approval or subsequent environmental analysis. CONFLICTS of L71R_ 7.1 Conflict with State and Federal Laws and Regulations. Where state or federal laws or regulations prevent compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement, those provisions shall be modified, through revision or suspension, to the 12 1 3-424 extent necessary to comply with such state or federal laws or regulations and the modified Agreement shall remain in affect, subject to the following: (a) the City shall not request modification of this Agreement pursuant to this provision unless and until the City council makes a finding that such modification is required (as opposed to permitted) by state and • federal laws or regulations; (b) the modifications must be limited to those required (as opposed to permitted) by the state or federal laws; (c) the modified Agreement must be consistent with the state or federal laws or regulations ich required modification or suspension; (d) the intended material benefits of this Agreement must still be received by each of the Parties after modification; (e) neither the modification nor any applicable local, state, or federal laws or regulations, may render the modified Agreement impractical to enforce; and (f) Hoag consents in writing to the modification. (g) Any modifications, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP) are subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. Hoag shall have the right to seek judicial review of any proposed modification to ensure compliance with this Section. 7.2 Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as a result of changes in state or federal law, Hoag remains obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 8.2(a) and (b), unless Hoag has completed construction of less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the maximum permitted development. 8. PUBLIC BEWFITB/S2ACTIOHB. 8.1 Lblic Benefits. City and Hoag agree that this Agreement confers a substantial public benefit by enabling Hoag to construct facilities most appropriate to changes in medical technology and thereby better satisfy the health care needs of residents within its service area. In addition, the Master 13 r 3-425 Plan and this Agreement confer benefits on the public and nearby residents by imposing long term restrictions on the height, amount and location of development as well as the public improvements described in Section 8.2. 8.2 factions. Hoag shall, as a condition to the right to develop, do the following: (a) Prior to commencement of development, irrevocably offer . to dedicate and grade the proposed linear and consolidated view park identified in Figure 3.2.1 of Volume 1 of the EIR. The City shall accept the offer of dedication within sixty (60) days after the initial grading permit has been finalled by the City. The first stage of development shall include grading of the public linear and consolidated viewpark identified in Figure 3.2.1. of Volume I of the EIR. Hoag shall grade and excavate the slope adjacent to the proposed .28 (28/100) acre consolidated public view park and .52 (52/100) acre public linear view park in a way that ensures stability of the park and adjacent slopes. The grade (between the bicycle path and edge of slope) of the view parks shall be the minimum necessary to insure adequate drainage. The improvement for the linear and consolidated public parks shall be completed within three (3) years after the offer of dedication has been accepted by the City. The City shall ensure that adequate erosion control measures are implemented prior to construction. (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 3-426 (b) Subsequent to the approval of this Agreement by the Coastal Commission and the expiration of any statute of limitation for filing a legal challenge to this Agreement, the Master Plan, or the EIR, Hoag shall deposit Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars • ($250,000.00) in an account, and at a financial institution, acceptable to City. The account shall be in the name of the City provided, however, Hoag shall have the right to access the funds in the event, but only to the extent that, Hoag constructs or installs the improvements described in (i) or (ii). Funds in the account shall be applied to the following projects (in order of priority upon notice to proceed served by City on Hoag): (i) The construction of a sidewalk and installation of landscaping in the CalTrans right-of-way along the west side of Newport Boulevard southerly of Hospital Road; 14 3-426 9. DEFAULT, REMEDIES AM TERMINATION. 9.1 General Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 Aft f 3-427 (ii) The construction of facilities necessary to bring reclaimed water to West Newport and/or the Property; Any funds remaining in the account after completion of the projects described in (i) and (ii) shall be used by the City to fund, in whole or in part, a public improvement in the vicinity of the property. • (c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in west Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport Oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things, the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trails and the potential for those trials to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. ,its a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that may be permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the city Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00). (d) Hoag's obligations pursuant to Subsection (c) are contingent on Coastal Commission approval of the Master Plan and attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement with no significant reduction in entitlement from that authorized in the Master Plan. Hoag's obligations pursuant to subsection (b) shall be reduced through good faith negotiations in the event the Coastal Commission reduces entitlement by ten percent (10%) or more from that authorized in the Master Plan. 9. DEFAULT, REMEDIES AM TERMINATION. 9.1 General Provisions. In the event of a Default (see Section 2.11), the Party alleging a Default shall give the other Party 15 Aft f 3-427 a written Notice of Default. The Notice of Default shall specify the nature of the alleged Default, and a reasonable manner and sufficient period of time (not less than thirty (30) days) in which the Default must be cured (the "Cure Period"). During the Cure Period, the Party charged shall not be considered in Default for the purposes of termination of the Agreement or institution of legal proceedings. If the alleged Default is cured within the Cure Period, then a Default shall be deemed not to exist. . 9.2 Option to Institute Leaal Proceedings or to Terminate. If an alleged Default is not cured within the Cure Period, the noticing Party must give the defaulting Party a Notice of intent to terminate the Agreement. Within thirty (30) days after giving of the Notice, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in the manner set forth in Government Code Sections 65865,65867, and 65868, as amended, to consider and review the matter. 9.3 Notice of Termination. After considering the evidence presented to the City Council, the Party alleging the Default, at its option, may give written Notice of termination of the Agreement to the other Party and the Agreement shall be terminated immediately upon giving the Notice. A termination shall be valid only if good cause exists and clear and convincing evidence was presented to the City Council to establish the existence of a Default. The findings of the City Council as to the existence of a Default shall have no weight in any legal proceeding brought to determine the existence of a Default. The validity of any termination may be challenged pursuant to Section 11.16, in which case the court must render an independent judgment, on the basis of clear and convincing . evidence, as to the existence of good cause for termination. Termination may result only from a material Default of a material provision of this Agreement. 9.4 Waiver. Failure or delay in giving Notice of Default shall not waive a Party's right to give future Notice of the same or any other Default. 9.5 Default by Hoaa. if the City alleges a Hoag Default, the City shall conduct a hearing utilizing the Annual Review procedures required by this Agreement before the city may commence legal proceedings to terminate this Agreement. 9.6 Default by the City. If Hoag alleges a City Default, Hoag, without limiting any of its other remedies, shall not be 16 3-428 obligated to proceed with or complete the Project or any phase of the Project, nor to perform any further obligations under the Agreement. Upon a City Default, any resulting delays in Hoag's performance shall neither be Hoag's Default nor constitute grounds for termination or cancellation of the Agreement by the City. �.0 ENCUMBRANCES AND RSLSASES ON PROPERTY. 10.1 Discretion to Encumber. goag may encumber all or any portion of the Property in any manner. The City acknowledges that lenders providing financing may require technical modifications to the Agreement which do not materially alter the intent of the Parties. The City agrees to meet, upon request, with Hoag and/or lenders to negotiate in good faith any lender request for modification. The City agrees to not withhold unreasonably its consent to such modification. Any such modification, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), is subject to the review and approval of the Executive Director of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 10.2 gntitlement to Written Notice of Default. Any Mortgagee and its successors and assigns, upon written request to the City, shall be entitled to receive from the City written Notice of any Hoag Default at the same time Hoag is provided with Notice pursuant to Section 9.1. 11.0 NISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 11.1 Notices. All Notices (see section 2.26) shall be written and delivered by personal delivery (including Federal Express and other commercial express delivery services providing acknowledgments or receipt), registered, certified, or express mail, or telegram to the addresses set forth below. Receipt shall be deemed complete as follows: (a) For personal delivery, upon actual receipt; (b) For registered, certified, or express mail, upon the delivery date or attempted delivery date as shown on the return receipt; and (c) For telegram, upon the transmission of the telegram. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 17 Amk 3-429 To the City: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention: City Attorney Attention: City manager To Hoag: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Newport Boulevard op Newport Beach, CA 92663 Attention: President With a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan, HcHolm & Winton 19100 Von Harman, 8th Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613 The addresses to which Notices shall be sent may be changed by giving Notice of a new address. 11.2 Enforced Delav:Extension of Time of Performance. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in Default where delays or non- performance are due to war, insurrection, strikes, walkouts, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, oil spills, casualties, acts of nature, unavailability of materials, governmental restrictions imposed or mandated by governmental entities, suspension of rights in accordance with the existence of • unforeseen circumstances, litigation, or similar bases for excused performance. If written Notice of such delay is given to the other Party within thirty (30) days after such delay begins an extension of time for performance shall be granted in writing for the period of the delay, or longer as may be mutually agreed upon. In no event shall the term of this Agreement be extended as a result of the application of this Subsection. 11.3 $everabi,lity. If any material part of the Agreement is found by a court to be invalid, void, or illegal, the Parties shall modify the Agreement to implement the original intent of the Parties. These steps may include the waiver by either of the Parties of their right under the unenforceable provision. If, however, the Agreement objectively cannot be modified to implement the original intent of the Parties and the Party substantially benefitted by the material provision does not waive its rights under the unenforceable provision, the entire 18 Awk 3-430 Agreement shall become void. For purposes of this section, and without excluding the possible materiality of other provisions of this Agreement, all provisions of sections 3, 4 and a are deemed "material." 11.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and Agreement of the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes • all negotiations and previous agreements between the Parties regarding that subject matter. 11.5 waivers. All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the Party making the waiver and, prior to effective certification of the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), are subject to approval of the Coastal Commission or its successor agency. 11.6 incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth in section 1 are part of this Agreement. 11.7 Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. Neither Party shall do anything which shall have the effect of harming or injuring the right of the other Party to receive the benefits of this Agreement. 11.8 Further Actions and Instruments. Upon the request of either Party, the other Party shall promptly execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments and writings and take any • actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this Agreement or to evidence or consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 11.9 Successors and Assigns. Subject to Section 6.3 above, the burdens of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and the benefits of the Agreement inure to, all successors -in -interest and assigns of the Parties. 11.10 Construction of Agreement. All language in all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole and given its fair meaning. The captions of the paragraphs and subparagraphs are for convenience only and shall not be considered or referred to in resolving questions of construction. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. This Agreement is not intended to impermissibly contract away the 19 Aak 3-431 legislative and governmental functions of the City, and in particular, the City's police powers or to surrender or abrogate the city's governmental powers over the Property. 11.11 Authority to Execute. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Hoag warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to do so and the authority to bind Hoag to the . performance of Hoag's obligations under this Agreement. 11.12 gMsent. Any consent required by the Parties in carrying out the terms of this Agreement shall not unreasonably be withheld. 11.13 Effect on Title. This Agreement shall not continue as an encumbrance against any portion of the Property as to which this Agreement has terminated. 11.14 Recording. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Agreement to be executed by the City and recorded in the official Records of orange County no later than ten (10) days after the Effective Date. The recordation of this Agreement is deemed a ministerial act and the failure of the City to record the Agreement as required by this Section and Government Code Section 65868.5 does not make the Agreement void or ineffective. 11.15 Institution og Iggal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either Party may institute legal action to cure, correct, or remedy any Default, to enforce any provision of • this Agreement, to enjoin any threatened or attempted violation of this Agreement, to recover damages for any Default, or to obtain any remedies consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. Legal actions shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of orange, state of California, or in the Federal District Court in the Central District of California. 11.16 Attorneys' Fees. In any arbitration, quasi-judicial, administrative, or judicial proceeding between the Parties initiated with respect to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and all costs, expenses, and disbursements in connection with such action. 20 3-432 Date: "�" ^ 9v , 1994 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY:I./ Clarence 621urner, Mayor } i Date: March 9 , 1994 HOAG MEMORIAL OSPISBYTERIAN BY:7V, i Albert J. A e j Chairman of t e Board I wtAhu9d&4 • int 1/21/94 • Amh 21 3-433 Exhibit A The subject property is the following real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in . Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California - 0 r 3-434 �v. V . •^I u 1 . E I � N wr AM r PARCEL 1 �. `. + Or AO RK w AV + mom + .fit ^ /� �. Mmoc a >maor Ws to= mows M � ACAI � M twet n rA��.........,•�es P" x s v mopon n M.F OW40 FAM aouw OF ON. 3-435 u HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA, AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission February 20, 1992 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 92-3 May 26, IM F Exhibit C 3-436 TABLE OF CONTENTS • L Introduction II. General Notes III. Definitions IV. Development Plan V. District Regulations VL Sign Program VII. Parking Program VIII. Landscape Regulations Ix Site Plan Review • Play 26, 1942 Page Number 1 2 4 6 11 20 22 24 27 i 3-437 ExHwrrS Page Number • 1. Planned Community Development Plan 7 2. internal Circulation 9 • 3. Development Criteria 15 TABLES 1. Statistical Analysis 10 2. Parking Requirements 23 May 26, 1941 ii 3-438 1. INTRODUCTION Background • The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classified and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the upper and lower campuses of Hoag Hospital, In general, over the long term, the upper campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. May 26, 1992 3-439 II. GENERAL NOTES 1. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 02. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. I All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council i Policies K-5 and K-6 regarding archaeological and paleontological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and access shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. New mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults, excluding i communications devices, on the upper campus shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall he screened on the lower campus. Noise shall not exceed 55 dBA at all property lines. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. "76. IM 2 3-440 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Grading Ordinance and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building • permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be Further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall be installed within 30 days of the completion 1 of grading. s • May as, IM 3 AMk 3-441 III. DEFiNMONS $nildiny Elevation: i 1. a vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). • f 2. a flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building: I WftEuvalone the volume in which a building may be built as circumsedbed by j setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. uiWing Height: the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Emergenav Room . a service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Fast Aid: low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: the General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and all elements thereof, Grade: for the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, . a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. Jrtgatiat j ses: hospital patient services which require overnight stay. landscape Area: the landscape area shall include on-site walks, plazas, water, rooftop Mayas, IM 4 3-442 landscaping. and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular paridng and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: a reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. • Outpatient Uses: hospital patient services which do not require overnight stay. Residential Care: medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area for the purpose of determining development area: 1. Grass - parcel area prior to dedications. 2 Net - parcel area after dedications. Soecial LandaoMd Street: West Coast Highway is designated as a special landscaped street, containing special landscape requirements. Streets reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. • m y u, M2 3-443 W. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Project Characteristics The upper campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 1757 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments (the Versailles and Villa Balboa/Seafaire condominiums) to the west The lower campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Versailles and Villa Balboa/SeafWre Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 20.41 acres and adjoins the upper campus at its eastern boundary. The upper campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the lower campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Develizmot Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1. From 1990 to 2015, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the upper campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. The Development Plan includes a 0.8 acre view park adjacent to the bike trail between the lower campus and the Villa Balboa/Seafaire Condominiums. This view park includes a twenty -foot wide linear park area adjacent to the bike path (approximately OS acres) and a consolidated view park at the westerly edge of the property (approxi- mately 0.3 acres). A bike trail connection is also provided between the existing bike trails at the northern and southern boundaries of the lower campus. Access to the lower campus will be from West Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, as well as from Hospital Road, via the upper campus. FA it 2 shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. MW Jsn 1 LEGEND smAREA OR DEVELOPMENT • • ODAW PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN men, �HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 3-445 The statistical analysis (Table 1) provides a summary of a potential development profile for Hoag Hospital. in order to provide flexibility for the hospital to respond to changes in the health care industry, while at the same time ensuring that trip generation restrictions are adhered to and the overall development rap is not exceeded, this Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in • the statistical analysis. For example, if changing hospital needs necessitate the development of additional outpatient uses, this development would be allowed, consistent with the Development Plan, as long as a corresponding adjustment in square footage and trip generation for another use were to occur. This Development Plan allows Hoag Hospital to adjust the development profile provided in the statistical analysis (Table 1) as long as the development limit (Le., square feet) or the trip generation limit for the peak period (as identified in the Environmental Impact Report) established within each phase of development is not exceeded. Adjustments to the Development Plan may be allowed if the total square footage or trip generation allowed in the current phase of development is exceeded, if the total development or trip generation allowed under the Development Plan is not exceeded. M" zs, IM F— -I 3-446 r • LEGEND • ImPRIMARY ACCIESSI$IQNAUZE0) ImEECONOARYACCEBB BERVICEACCEBB PUBUCCIRCULATICN Q2TAFF / 9ERVICE CIRCULATION - -r JW _ ��-�.__ •~~�......._ .. MUT +Nr-Nr_•CWI � �� '� r .r I1 VEHICULAR ACCESS 3-447 C� • Table 1 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS' u5c ware Feet Lower Campus EidsthW. Outpatient Services (Hoag Cancer Center) 65,000 Child Care 7,800 Subtotal: 72,800 phase I: Outpatient Services 115,000 Support Service 55,000 Administrative 30,000 Subtotal: 200,000 Phases H & III: Subtotal: 305,089 Total Lower Campus 577,889 Upper Campus Eidstin&X 480,000 Phase I: Outpatient Services 25,000 Inpatient 115,000 Subtotal: 140,000 Phases II & III: 145,349 Total Upper Campus 765,349 GRAND TOTAL 1,343,2383 Full development of the upper and kmmr c mpaw is anticipated to ower over an appraumaa 20 -year period and in WW4 on= in ours, seven-pur phases. 2 Up to 5096 of the ed ting upper oampus may be redev fcped by matter plan buildout 3 Based on development allowed under the C3eneral Plan at a floor area ratio to grow site arra of .65 for the loser eampua and LA for the upper campus. Building Bok limit for the hewer o pus U 0.90 for N structures which includes above grade Covered parking. May 26, 1942 10 ' 3-448 • • Aft V. DISTRICT REGULATTONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories is not an exhaustive list. Other hospital -related uses which fit into the five permitted use categories are allowed by definition. Prior to the issuance of a budding permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i. Outpatient services: • Antepartum Testing • Cancer Center • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation • Conditioning • Surgery Center • Clinical Center • Day Hospital • Back and Neck Center • Biofeedback • Breast Imaging Center • CT Scan Dialysis • EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory First Aid Center • Fertility Services • G.L Laboratory • Laboratory • Magnetic Resonance Imaging • Nuclear Medicine • Occupational Therapy • Pediatrics Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Pulmonary Services May 26, 1992 11 3-449 • Radiation Therapy • Radiology • Respiratory Therapy • Sleep Disorder Center • Speech Therapy • Ultrasound iii. Support Services: • ii. Administration: • • Auxiliary Office • • Business Offices • • Information • • Registration • • Patient Relations • • Social Services iii. Support Services: • Employee Child Care • Health Education • Power/Mechamcai/Auxiliary Support and Storage • Food Services • Cashier • Chapel/Chaplainry Service • Conference Center • Dietitian • Gift Shop • Laboratory • Medical Library • Medical Records • Pharmacy • • Engineering/Maintenance • Shipping/Receiving • Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities iv. Residential Care: • Substance Abuse • Mental Health Services • Extended Care • Hospice Care • Self or Minimal Care • Congregate Care May x6,1992 12 V. Medical/Support Offices b) Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system May w, IM AdNk 13 3-451 components. c) Accessary uses normally incidental to hospital development. d) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 2. Upper Campus a) Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: i) Inpatient uses: • Critical Care • Emergency Care Unit • Birth Suites • Cardiology • Cardiac Care Unit • Intensive Care Unit • Mother/Baby Unit Surgery/Waiting Rooms • Radiology • laboratory • Pharmacy ii) Outpatient services as allowed on the lower campus iii) Administrative uses as allowed on the lower campus iv) Support services as allowed on the lower campus v) Residential care as allowed on the lower campus vi) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use Permit) b) Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. c) Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. May w, IM AdNk 13 3-451 ' B. Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a) Emergency Room b) Heliport C. Maximum Buildin¢ Height i The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3 . which established the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the i existing tower (235 feet above mean sea level). 2. Upper Campus Midrise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed 140 feet above mean sea leveL Ij 3. Upper Campus Parking zone - maximum building height not to exceed 80 feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator tower. i I 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area r no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated on the development criteria Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center (573 feet above mean sea level). • D.S;tbacks Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. i 1. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa / Seafaire Condominiums, as defined below: a) Upper campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation i of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b) Lower campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20' minimum building setback. May 26, 1992 14 3-452 � hart mel Gil6141a1 6LBITt DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA SPrrAL PRESBYTERIAN__... Mimmmi-mi-WA HOAG-MEMORIAL-H 3-453 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be 15 feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor. Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required . If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 20 feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 25 feet The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be 45 feet In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within 150 feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: 1st Floor: Up to 18 feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the 1st floor exceeds 18 feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor (up to 32' in height): A minimum of 20016 of the building 40 frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of 55 feet May X 1992 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of 65 feet In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than 250 linear feet in width. Additional- ly, 20% of the linear frontage within 150 feet of West Coast Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 16 3-454 10% of the linear length of height zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX I There will be no building setbacks along the boundary with CalTrans east property at Superior Avenue and West Coast Highway. 4. A 20 foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point 600 feet south; a 25 foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Ilgum The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to conceal the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which • illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not be located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Rather, such buildings will have clean rooftops. Minor rooftop equipment necessary for operating purposes will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be concealed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing materials. G. All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part VI. I -L All parking shall be as specified in Part VA Hoag Hospital Parlang Regulations. MMr x IM 17 3-455 L Lmdmlm All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIIL • Prior to issuance of a building permit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets, alleys and adjoining properties. K Internal Circulation 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit for any of the proposed Master Plan facilities, the project sponsor shall implement a pilot program that controls usage of the Upper and Lower Campus service roads during non- working hours. Such controls may include requesting that the majority of vendors deliver products (other than emergency products) daring working hours (Le. 7:00 a.m. to 8.00 pm.), signage to restrict use of the road by Hospital employees, physicians. patients and visitors during non-worlong hours, and other methods to restrict use. The Hospital will also request that vendors not deliver (Le. scheduled and routine deliveries) on the weekends. This restriction speciifcally applies to scheduled and routine deliveries. The results of this program will be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the grading permit. N such results indicate that such controls do not significantly impact the operations of the Hospital, and provided • that requests for specified vendor delivery times is consistent with future Air Quality Management Plan procedures, the City may require that the program be implemented as hospital policy. U operation impacts are significant, other mitigation measures will be investigated at that time to reduce service road impacts to the adjacent residential units. 2. The lower campus service road shall include provisions for controlled access to limit usage to physicians and staff, and service vehicles. May A 1992 is 3-456 L Loading Dock Within one year from the date of final approval of the Planned Community District Regulations and Development Plan by the California Coastal Commission, as an interim measure, the pmject sponsor shall implement an acoustical and/or landscape screen to provide a visual screen from and reduce noise to adjoining residences from the loading dock area. . The design process for the Critical Care Surgery Addition shall include an architectural and acoustical study to insure the inclusion of optimal acoustical screening of the loading dock area by that addition. Subsequent to the construction of the Critical Care Surgery Addition, an additional acoustical study shall be conducted to assess the sound attenuation achieved by that addition. If no significant sound attenuation is achieved, the hospital shall submit an architectural and acoustical study assessing the feasibility and sound attenuation implica- tions of enclosing the loading dock area. If enclosure is determined to be physically feasible and effective in reducing noise impacts along the service access road, enclosure shall be required. Any enclosure required pursuant to this requirement may encroach into any required setback upon the review and approval of a Modification as set forth in Chapter 20.81 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. May 26, 1992 19 3-457 VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM A 1'_ttt�lose and Intent 1. The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the (Sty of Newport Beach Sign Ordi- nance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital- • 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital, B. General Sign Standards 1. All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground mounted or on building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, nor create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be flush or surface mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. Allstreet signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 110-L G. Number of Sign Allowed 1. One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two single faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject WY 24 IM 20 3-458 to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Secondary identification signs shall be allowed This sign type shall not exceed a maxirmtm height of 48" average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not . exceed thirty-five (35) square feet. This sign may occur as a wall sign to be located upon a project boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. 3. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed This sign type may occur as a single -faced or double-faced sign. This sign type shall occur with the sign suspended between two upright supports having the same depth (thickness) as the sign cabinet described above. 4. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital tower parapets, one (1) at each elevation. The elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 5. On the lower campus, one (1) building -mounted identification sign will be allowed per structure and sball not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa/Seafaire property. Such signs will be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. • May 26> 1992 21 3-459 VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in panting structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review . and approval of the city Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Depart- ment. 3. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shalt be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements has been met. The lighting plan shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. • B. Reauirements for Offstreet Parkin Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon building type and the area allotted to the following functions. Any area which is calculated as part of the total floor area limitation shall be included in the gross floor area to determine the parking requirement. Mry 26, 1992 0 3-460 • Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand_ N" ab, IM 23 3-461 Table 2 Use Category PARKING REQUIREMENTS Parking Outpatient Services Requirements 20 spaces/1,000 square feet' support 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet' Administrative Residential Care 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet* 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet` Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet• Inpatient 1.25 spaces/1,000 square feet" • Parking requirements are based on a study performed by DKS Associates in May, 1987. Parking requirement is based on current Hoag Hospital parking demand_ N" ab, IM 23 3-461 VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General 1. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the Planning and Parks, Beaches and Recreation Departments and approved by the Public Work Departments prior to issuance of a budding permit • and installed prior to issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Pian may include a concept for the roofs and the parking structures. Trees shO not be used, but a planter box or trellis system shall be designed to provide visual relief of parking structures. All landscaping shall conform to the building height limits established in this text I 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than fifteen (15) gallon size. i 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than one (1) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from (1) gallon containers or from root cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed that damage to trees, irrigation units and shrubs is avoided. i 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be { repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing is not required and irregular . groupings may add interest. Care should be exercised to allow plants to I grow and maintain their ultimate size without restriction. 7. Heavy emphasis shall be placed on the use of drought -resistant native and i naturalized vegetation and the use of an irrigation system designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. B. Maintenance I 1. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris. 2. Lawn and ground covers are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. May w, IM 24 3-462 3. AD plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertiliza- tion, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of regular maintenance. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system should be part of regular maintenance. S. Stakes, guys and ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties to be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. b. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. C. S al I dsojind Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street A 19 building setback from right-of-way / property line is required along West Coast Highway. only driveways, parking and signage are allowed in the setback area Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar mann r. Tree size to be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Vi to Balboa I AndsZone The area between the Villa Balboa/Hoag property line and the loading dock service access road shall be landscaped except for any driveway, walkway, or other hadscape elements in said area. The purpose of the landscaping will be to screen and buffer residential units from hospital activities. E. Parkin Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parking areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not necessarily be in regular spacing. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, berming and depressing of parking areas. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. way 26, IM 25 A` 3-463 • • A rooftop landscaping program may he developed for parking structures and shall be subject to the review of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department and the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. Rooftop landscaping shall conform to height restrictions. May 26, 1992 26 3-464 UL SITE PLAN REVIEW. F-1 The City Council finds that development on the West Coast Highway frontage of the lower campus of Hoag Hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the West Newport area as viewed from surrounding arterial roadways. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement by the Planning Commission for S certain individual projects which are proposed by the hospital to differ from the setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section VD2. to insure that these projects conform with the objectives of the General Pian and the Master Plan for Hoag Hospital. LO The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. AP41fication Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit for any now structure or the addition to an existing structure which does not conform to the provisions of Section VD2. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: May 26, 1992 F- A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and Brits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. 27 3-465 • • Ask 2. A landscape plan, drawn to scale, showing the locations of existing trees proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained; and indicating the amount, type, and location of landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for irrigation. 3. Grading pians when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, Iocation, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. F= The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section B, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the site plan review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1. The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to m<a)dmi'e the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; M.y 26, IM 3-466 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular accas5 ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consider- ation to functional aspects of site development. G. Public Hearing - Required Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the Property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H Adop by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Plan Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been fried by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. nay u, M 29 3-467 Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a Ietter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council. J. Action by the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the C=mission. The decision of the City Council is final. IL 1. Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within 24 months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. I Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection therewith. 3. Hearing. The Planning Commission shalt hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten days prior to the hearing, and shall submit Its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within 60 days after receipt of the recommendation -of the Planning Coiion t\- \ l M=9\PC1EXr\UOAGHOSP M" 4 '1992 U-11 3-468 C,. 0 a_it."..tt I.I.._ 1 not //��: Dolor d V01dkab: On the Cly of Newport Beach approved the'Den Ap/Nmsrtt the Clay of Newport Beach and Haag M*=M Preebybrten• (ttta'Dsttdoftt w t Aproemavl-14 716Estoppel CerIffiaa, cxrtt tt>et: as d the 'Dab d Certlllaabe' sd ltxtft • ONE" WHERE APPLICABLE 1. lite Dette%WM AWasmant r MON Wn ft and ModVe; Z The Dw* ptnrtt AWMnsnt has not been Iamndad; 3. The DsttelopYWtt AWwram hes peen arrwt M In the **m • 4. Neither HM nor any of Its nocome rs an in tielttutt trader the Da okprtartt Aorsemert S The Um*V debuke e3* tinder the DevoWment "mot I This EMoppol Cwdknbs may be raged upon by any bmfo or mor%nn lntereet In the property which is subJeat of the Dew4xnwtt Apra moat CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY: NAME- TME: AMEtiTl..E: Im"Imm EXMIBIT D MA 3-470 EXHIBIT B AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 DATED JUNE 17, 2008 me 3-471 RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 EX 1E PT RE'C0RDING RE,IJ'cS 'I ='cR "/ERINME T, ("ODE 27333 This Document was electronically recorded by ER Cert Mail D Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Tom Daly, Clerk -Recorder 1111e®11NE51 NO FEE 2008000289321 12:36pm 06/17/08 120 33 A17 86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES CAL GOVT CODE ti 6103 (Space above this line for Recorder's use) AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN AND t THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Tursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-10 RNAL 5/16/08 1000I,34 H&O: #58720 vi 3-472 RECORDING REQUEST BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92659-1768 EXEMPT FROM FILIM FEES CAL. GOVT CODE 4 6103 (Space above this line for Recorder's use) EXEMPT RECORDING REQUEST PER GOVERNMENT CODE 21363 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 BETWEEN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN AND THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 and Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 15.45) Approved May 13, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-10 FINAL 5/16/18 1000134 H&O: #58720 A 3-473 AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO.5 (Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian) THIS AMENDMENT TO RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 5 ("Amendment') is entered into and effective on the date it is recorded with the Orange County Recorder (the `Effective Date") by and between the City of Newport Beach (hereinafter "City") and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian (hereinafter "Hoag"). RECITALS 1. The "RECITALS" to the Restated Development Agreement are amended to add new Sections 1.9 through Section I ,19(fl to read as follows. 1.9 HoagProperly. Hoag is the fee owner of approximately 38 acres of real property located in the City divided between the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B" f (the "Property'. i 1.10 Hoag Healthcare Services. Hoag is a modem, state-of- the-art acute care, not-for-profit hospital providing a comprehensive mix of healthcare services to treat virtually any routine or complex medical condition. Hoag features centers of excellence that include Hoag Cancer Center, Hoag Heart and Vascular Institute, Hoag Neuroscience Institute, Hoag Orthopedic Services and Hoag Women's Health Services, as well as advanced medical programs in many other specialties. 1.11 Hoag Community Benefit Programs. In addition to providing state-of-the-art hospital, diagnostic imaging and emergency room care medical services, Hoag is involved in many other community benefit programs such as police and SWAT team, fire department and paramedic support services, designating the City as the point of sale for major hospital equipment purchases and construction projects, providing financial and transportation support for the City's senior Oasis Center, and providing methane gas flare burnoff to mitigate methane gas fumes along Pacific Coast Highway. Hoag's community medicine program allocates approximately $10 million annually toward improving the community's overall health, primarily through disease prevention and wellness and health promotion, especially for those vulnerable and disadvantaged populations. FINAL 5/16U8 10001.34 H&O: 458720 v1 3-474 L 12 EiR No. 142 and P.C. Text. On May 26, 1992, the City Council of City ("City Council') certified the Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final EIR No. 142 and adopted the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan ("Hoag Master Plan") and the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations ("P.C. Text") setting forth the development standards and terms and conditions by which the Property may be developed, including the maximum permissible building area, building height limits and permitted land uses. 1.13 Sguare Footage of Buildable Area. Under the existing Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text, the Property allows a total of 1,343,238 square feet of buildable area with 577,889 square feet allocated to the Lower Campus and 765,349 square feet allocated to the Upper Campus. 1.14 Development Aeseement No. 5. On May 26, 1992, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 924 approving Development Agreement No. 5 between the City and Hoag incorporating the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text and granting vested rights to Hoag to develop the Property pursuant to the Hoag Master Plan and P.C. Text for the term of the Development Agreement. The Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, J California on August 4, 1993 as Instrument No. 63-0522236. 1.15 Restated Development A.sreement. On February14, 1994, the City Council of City adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving an Amendment and Restatement of Development Agreement No. 5 ("Restated Development Agreement") incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Restated Development Agreement was recorded in the Official Records of Orange County, California on March 23, 1994 as Instrument No, 94-0207276. 1.16 First Amendment to P.C. Text. On August 13, 2002, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2002-17 approving the First Amendment to the P.C. Text to provide that certain non -occupied building areas are not counted towards the maximum permissible building floor areas for development of the Property. 1.17 Noise Limitation. The existing PC Text provides that noise generated from Hoag Hospital from new mechanical appurtenances shall not exceed 55 dBA at the Property lines. This noise limitation was established prior to the adoption of the City's } FINAL 5/161D8 10001.34 H&O: #58720 v1 2 3-475 Noise Element in the General Plan and Noise Ordinance. It is proposed that noise generated and originating from the Property be governed by the City Noise Ordinance with certain exceptions. 1.18 Noise Attenuation. Hoag has taken significant actions to attenuate noise generated from mechanical equipment and has installed landscape screening and walls to mitigate and buffer noise and improve aesthetic impacts for adjacent residential properties. 1.19 Restate, DeveIopn mt A.MMent Amendments. The City and Hoag propose to further amend the Restated Development Agreement by this Amendment to incorporate references to: a Supplemental EIR; an amendment to the City General Plan; an increase in the Public Benefits; designation of the City as the point of sale to the extent allowed under applicable law; and amendments to the Hoag Hospital Planned Community Text CT. C. Text") to, among other things. (a) eliminate the reference to 1.0 Floor Area Ratio ("FAR') for the Upper Campus and the .65 FAR for the Lower Campus in the General Plan Land Use Element. In place of the reference to the FAR's, an absolute maximum allowable building area of 1,343,238 square feet will remain available for development of the entire Property comprised of the Upper Campus and the Lower Campus; (b) maintain a cap under the General Plan Land Use Element Amendment for development of the Lower Campus at 577,889 square feet (if no square footage is reallocated) and establish a cap on development of the Upper Campus at 990,349 square feet (if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus); (e) allow the transfer of up to 225,000 square feet ofbuildable area from the Lower Campus to the Upper Campus, which, if all 225,000 square feet are reallocated, would result in a maximum allowed density of 990,349 square feet for the Upper Campus and areduction to permit 352,889 square feet of allowable development for the Lower Campus; (d) to modify the noise standards applicable to the Property; FINAL 5116MB IDMI.34 H&O: #58720 vl 3-476 (e) delete a provision that required the City and Hoag to conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of the Semeniuk Slough, including a requirement that Hoag fund the study and potential future improvements in an amount not to exceed $200,000; and (0 incorporate the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Section 1.5 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Planning Commission/City Council Hearings is amended to read as follows: "1.5 Plannine Commission/City Council Hearings. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held public hearings to consider a development agreement, the proposed Master Plan, and the EIR on December 5, 1991, January 9, 1992, January 23, 1992, February 6, 1992 and February 20, 1992. The City Council conducted public hearings on the Master Plan, this Agreement and the EIR on March 23,1992, March 30, 1992, April 13, 1992 and May 11, 1992.. The Planning Commission, after giving appropriate notice, held a public hearing to consider this Amendment, the Supplemental EIR, the General Plan Amendment, and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on January 31, 2008, February 7, 2008, March 6, 2008 and March 20, 2008. The City Council conducted a public hearing on this Amendment, the Supplemental EIR, the General Plan Amendment and the Second Amendment to the P.C. Text on April 16,2008." 2. Section 1.8 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled City Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "1.8 City Ordinance. On February 14, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 94-8 approving a Restated Development Agreement No. 5 incorporating certain provisions clarifying the role, review and approval authority of the California Coastal Commission for development of the Property to ensure consistency and compliance with the California Coastal Act. The Adopting Ordinance became effective on March 16, 1994. On May 13, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2008-10 approving InFINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 v1 4 3-477 this Amendment and :authorizing the City to enter into this Amendment. The adopting ordinance will become effective on June 12, 2008." 3. Section 2.1 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled The Adopting Ordinance is amended to read as follows: "2.1 The "Adopting Ordinance' refers to City Ordinance No. 948, adopted on February 14, 1994, by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Agreement. "Adopting Ordinance" further refers to Ordinance No. 2008-10 adopted on May 13, 2008 by the City Council, which approved and authorized the City to enter into this Amendment." 4. Section 2.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Agreement is amended to read as follows: "2.2 "Agreement" refers to the "Restated Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian," and this AmendmenL" 5. Section 2.13 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled The ED? is amended to read as follows: I "2.13 The "EIR" refers to final Environmental Impact Report No. 142 of the City of Newport Beach, and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142." 6. Section 2.23 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Master Plan is amended to read as follows: "2.23 "Master Plan'refers to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan and Planned Community Development Plan which was adopted by the City on May 26, 1992 (Exhibit "C"), as amended." 7. Section 3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Conditions to Development is amended to add a new paragraph after Subsection (0 to read as follows: "Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, any provisions set forth in this Amendment shall supersede and control over any inconsistencies with this Section." FINAL SA 6/08 I OW I.34 H&.O: #58720 vl 3-478 8. Section 3.3 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Program EIR is amended to read as follows: 1.3 Proeram EIR_ Hoag acknowledges that the EIR is a "Program EIR" and includes Supplemental Environmental Impact Report No. 142. The EIR analyzes the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, City is under a continuing obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the request were fully addressed in the EIR. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIR, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIR. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA." 9. Section 4.1 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Right to Develop is amended to read as follows: "4.1 Right to Develop. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 3 and 8.2, Hoag shall have a vested right to develop and receive Project Specific Approvals for construction on the Property to the full extent permitted by the Master Plan, as amended. Subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 8, City shall only take action which complies with and is consistent with the Master Plan, as amended, the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment unless Hoag otherwise consents in writing. Subject to this Subsection, City shall have the authority to impose only those Exactions which are specifically described in this Agreement, except as expressly required (as opposed to permitted) by state or federal law." 10. Section 5.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.2 Public Hearing. The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual reviews should be scheduled in April of each year." 1 FINAL / 5/16/U86R78 10001.34 H&O: #58720 v1 6 3-479 11. Section 5.4 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Mitigation Review is amended to read as follows: "5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall also include a noise regulation compliance assessment that includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly basis. The noise assessment shall identify noise regulation compliance issues and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views as depicted in the EIR. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon the evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. Hoag shall pay the City administrative costs incurred in conducting Annual Reviews. Hoag shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by the City associated with Fluor Enterprises' review of the cogeneration plant during the 2008 Annual Review." 12. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to delete Subsection (c), which reads as follows: "(c) City and Hoag shall conduct a study of possible future improvements in and around the easterly end of Semeniuk Slough that would, among other things, improve the appearance of the area and, potentially, serve as a component to improve public access from residential areas in West Newport to park land and public recreation facilities proposed in conjunction with development of the West Newport Oil Company property. The study shall analyze, among other things,.the type of improvements that would improve the area without adversely impacting wetlands, the possible location of pedestrian trials and the potential for those trails to improve access to proposed recreational facilities, phasing of the improvements, potential public benefits, and the cost of the improvements. As a part of the study, Hoag and City shall meet and confer with resource agencies relative to the type and extent of improvements that may be permitted in or adjacent to wetlands. Hoag shall fund the study and participate in the cost of constructing any improvements in the area that the City Council determines are feasible and in the public interest, provided, however, the financial contribution of Hoag, including the costs of the study and improvements, shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00)." FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&0; #58720 vl 3-480 13. Section 8.2 of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Exactions is hereby amended to renumber Subsection (d) to Subsection (c); and to add a new Subsection (d) to read as follows: "(d) City and Hoag acknowledge and agree that the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment confer private benefits on Hoag that should be balanced by commensurate public benefits in favor of the City. Accordingly, the City and Hoag intend to provide consideration to balance the private and public benefits by the imposition of Development Agreement Fee, which fee shall be aced to reimburse the City for public improvements in the area and to fund certain additional needed public improvements identified by the City. Hoag shall pay to the City a Development Agreement Fee of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000). Payment of one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be made upon the Effective Date of this Amendment. Payment of the remaining one-half of the Development Agreement Fee of $1.5 million shall be paid to City 12 months from the Effective Date of this Amendment or at the time of issuance ofthe first building permit by the City for development of a project on the Upper Campus as provided in Exhibit "C" attached to this Amendment, whichever occurs earlier. The first $1.5 million of the Development Agreement Fee - shall be used to reimburse the City and/or pay for the costs associated with the following projects: (i) construction of the Superior Avenue medians extending from Ticonderoga Street to Dana Road; (ii) construction of the right -turn pocket for southbound Newport Boulevard to westbound Hospital Road; and (iii) funding of the operational improvements and traffic signal upgrade at the Hospital Road and Placentia intersection ("Priority Public Improvements"). Construction of the first two Priority Public Improvements listed above occurred during 2007, and the third is anticipated to occur in 2008. The City shall be obligated to pay the actual cost difference, if any, for construction of these Priority Public Improvements. However, if there are any funds remaining after construction of the Priority Public Improvements is completed, the City may retain the funds to be used for other City projects or services that benefit the public. The City shall also have the sole authority to decide the design, cost and scope of the Priority Public Improvements and the sufficiency of City's performanceon the Public Improvement Projects shall not be subject to Hoag's approval. The balance of the Development Agreement Fee ($1.5 million) and any funds remaining after the construction of the Priority Public Improvements shall be used by the City in the City's sole discretion to FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&o: #58720 A 8 3-481 offset costs associated with other City and community projects or services that benefit the public such as, among other things, public parks (for example, Sunset View Consolidated Park), landscaping improvements adjacent to public right of ways, sound abatement programs, public buildings, public road improvements, water quality improvements, law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency preparedness and other public safety facilities." 14. A new section, Section 8.3, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Sales/Use Tax Origin, to read as follows: "8.3 Sales/ Use Tax Origin (a) Hoag will include in its general contractor construction contract a provision that Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors, to the extent allowed by applicable law, will obtain a Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit for the j obsite at the Project Property and allocate all eligible sales and use tax payments for individual contracts over $5 million to the City. Hoag will provide Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors with the name and contact information of the City's Revenue Manager :i and notice of the Revenue Manager's availability to meet and confer with them on the implementation of the Board of Equalization sales/use tax subpermit procedures. Hoag will further include a notice in its general contractor construction contract that prior to beginning a qualified construction project, the general contractor and subcontractors are encouraged to meet with the City's Revenue Manager to review the process to be followed with respect to sales and use taxes. Hoag will further include a provision in its general contractor construction contract that the general contractor or subcontractors will certify in writing that the person(s) responsible for filingthe tax return understands the process of reporting the tax to the City and will follow the guidelines set forth in the relevant sections of the Sales and Use Tax Regulations_ Hoag shall not be responsible for failure of Hoag's general contractor or subcontractors to follow the procedures set forth in this Section. 4 F NAL 5116108 10001.34 H&O: X158720 A 3-482 Hoag, if readily available, shall provide to the City or any City designated representative the names, addresses, phone numbers and contact name of the general contractor and all subcontractors. (b) Hoag will continue to follow the Direct Payment Permit Process established in the Revenue and Taxation Code and use the permit for all qualifying individual purchases in excess of$100,000 so that the local share of its sales/use tax payments is allocated to the City as the point of sale. (c) It is understood and agreed that any fixtures, materials and equipment with a purchase total that exceeds $100,000 purchased directly by Hoag and shipped to Hoag's Newport Beach location may also be eligible for direct allocation of sales/use tax to the City. Upon request of the City, Hoag will provide City on a semi-annual basis with a list of purchases exceeding the $100,000 threshold during the preceding six-month period, including the amount of the purchase and, if readily available, the name and contact information for the vendor upon request by the City. The City agrees to review the semi-annual list of purchases made by Hoag and advise Hoag of any missed opportunities for direct allocation. Hoag agrees to file its Direct Payment Permit with vendors identified by the City in an effort to improve the direct allocation of the local share ofsales/use tax payments in future periods." 15. A new section, Section 8.4, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Sunset View Park Improvements, to read as follows: "8.4 Hoag shall reimburse the City up to .$ 150,000 for the installation of groundcover, shrubs and irrigation systems within the unimproved portion of Sunset View Park and Superior Avenue, approximately 20,500 square feet in area, located northerly of the cogeneration building. Reimbursement to the City shall be within 30 days of Hoag receiving an invoice from the City." FINAL 5/16/08 1000134 H&o: #58720 A 10 3-483 16. A new section, Section 8.5, shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement entitled Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment, to read as follows: "8.5 Hoag shall install a weather station capable of identifying ambient conditions necessary in documenting cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather station shall be tied into the cogeneration plant controls in order to maximize automatic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operational changes and load shining, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations. Hoag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers within the Hoag Lower Campus. Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such reduction shall be measured from a baseline (to be measured at the cooling towers) ofoperating three existing generators and absorption chillers at l 000/c of design capacity. This reduced capacity operation shaII be implemented daily between November la and April 30'h, between 4 the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or above 60% and when ambient temperatures are equal to or less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 17. Section 11.1(c) of the Restated Development Agreement entitled Notices is hereby amended to delete: "with a copy to: Tim Paone Paone, Callahan, McHolm & Winton 19100 Von Karman, 8th Floor P.O. Box 19613 Irvine, CA 92713-9613" and to add: "with a copy to: Dennis D. O'Neil Hewitt & O'Neil LLP 19900 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 1050 Irvine, CA 92612 i FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: #58720 A 11 3-484 with a copy to: Gary McKitterick Allen Matkins Leek Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP 1900 Main Street, 5th Floor Irvine, CA 92614-7321" 18. A new Section 11.17 shall be added to the Restated Development Agreement as follows: "I L 17 indemnification/Hold Harmless. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Hoag shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of this Amendment, including, but not limited to, the approval of the Planned Community Text and/or the City's related California Environmental Quality Act determinations, the certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, the adoption of a Mitigation Program, and/or statement of overriding considerations for this Project. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by Hoag, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. Hoag shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. Hoag shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition." ~ ! FINAL 5/16/08 10001.34 H&O: #59720 A 12 3-485 19. Exhibit C of the Restated Development Agreement shall incorporate the First Amendment to the P.C. Text as part of this Second Amendment to the P.C. Text in revised Exhibit C entitled: "HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Comrnission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No.2008-10 May 13,2008" 20. Except as provided for in this Amendment and not otherwise superseded by this Amendment, the provisions set forth in the Restated Development Agreement, all ofthe other terms, conditions, provisions and exhibits of the Restated Development Agreement continue to have full force and effect as provided therein and this Amendment shall constitute an integral part of the Restated Development Agreement. Exhibits A through C constitute a part of this Amendment and are incorporated into this Amendment in full by this reference. 21. In the event there is any conflict between any provision of the Restated Development Agreement and this Amendment, the later approved and recorded document shall prevail in interpretation, operation and implementation. 22. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of this Amendment to be recorded with the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California within ten (10) days following the effective date of adoption of the Ordinance approving this Amendment. [Signature pagefollows] FINAL 5/16/08 1000134 H&0: #58720 A 13 3-486 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to Development Agreement No. 5 to be binding as of the Effective Date. CITY: THE CITY OFNE RT B A—.H, a municipal corporation of tate o ali rtiia By: Edw etch, r V 4[UV ,YrL rrI .Irwryi LaVotme Hark]ess, City Clerk A-PPRIOVED AS TO FO F-0 r Robin Clauson, City Attorney OWNER: HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN, a Califomia onprofit public benefit co ti By: �t1� Richard F. Afab , M.D. President and CE (All Signatures to be Notarized) FINAL 5116108 10001.34 x&o: #58720 A 14 3-487 CALIFORNIA ALL -(PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California( County of+ 7 I�Gi On �� �� before me, 1_-j�ti,`� ✓ f,+I✓Y 1 �i��' Date ere Insert Neum an Ala a1 Ura Ofgear personally appeared ' wt tit Names) a slgaertal tERAM C SA WN who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons) whose names) is/am subscribed to the comrnlsacn * 1633477 }� ,► Notary pultift - cam�_ within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ executed the same in hl� authorized Mycom�m 2p1 capa, and that by his/her�twic signatures) on the instrument the person(*, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(Q) acted, executed the instrument. MIK MW L 9RONIft1 Camrrifto� • tassnn I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is Holarq Rett - Colr O F true and correct. LN mvemmm6rpYetJart25 201 4 -W, WITNESS my hand and offici 1 seal. Signatures �•- PlaCe Noiery Seal Above9fgnat of Public OPTIONAL Though the informaffon below Is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons rely4 on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this torr to another document. Description of Attached Docament Title or Type of Document Document Date: Number of Pages: Signers) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(fes) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: C Individual G Corporate Officer—Titfe(s): CI Partner — 0 Limited C General Attorney in Fact Top of thumb here ❑ Trustee Guardian or Conservator J Other: Signer Is Representing: Signer's Name: Individual C Corporate Officer — Title(s): C; Partner — ❑ Limited 0 General ❑ Attorney in Fact 0 Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator u Other: Signer Is Representing: 02007Ndonal Notary A&wda0an-B350De Soto Am.,RaBU2402-Chatsworth•CA 013132402-wWw.NaU0nalrgWWy&org Item#5001 Reordr:CJTo1l-Fhe1-800-876 827 3-488 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of 0 A p m aK On MT 19r— 2ao s before me, S� cl,an o, 1- Ao_je�. mt,4-A ew VU.LJ; c , (flare insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared R l c_ 4e -d A PA bl c who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personW whose nam( am subscribed to the within instalment and acknowledged to me thatQVaWd a@Y executed the same in /thtWV authorized capacity(A*, and that by dQbw/thm signature" on the instrument the person(4* or the entity upon behalf of which the person(4acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. camC 1M0 WITNESS my hand and official seal. karaigrPm X-talltoW 0 __D' 8�• i�aQD .,9V*cmret W1��tt2o. Mmtt-' � (ary seal) SignatturcofNotary Public ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT fir -He 4cl4f" (Title or description of attached doewa t) (Title or daacriptim of attaeJxd document continued) Number of Pages 33 Document Dated (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER o Individual (s) Irk Corporate Officer �es;de. Atud CE6 (Title) ❑ Partner(s) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact El Trustee(s) ❑ Other 2006 Version CAPA vl2.10.07 800-873-9865 www.NolmyCkasses.com INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM Any an(mowkdgment completed fir California must conarin verbiage exactly as appears above in the nomry section or a separate ackaowkdgment form mast be Property cvrnpkaed and atraclred to that doamteit The only acception it if a docronear is to be recorded owside of California. In such lasanecec, any alternative acknowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as rhe verbiage does ant require the notary to do something that is !Regal for a notary in Cal46ru1a fie. certifying the authorized capacity of the signer). Please check the doc+ar ent rcrefalfyfor proper notarial wording and attach this form ifregwred • State and County information must be the State and County where the doctmweat signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Dec of notarization must be the date that the sigter(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date fix acknowledgment is Completed_ • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her coaradssion followed by a comma. and then your title (notary public). • Priat the namc(s) of documcut signer(s) who personally appear at the time of aotanzation. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (ie. hKsbe/they= is /are) or circling the correct foes. Failum to correctly indicate this iafmmation may lead to rejection of docmneat rocorwag. • The notary seal impression most be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lem if seal haxnession smwrdgcs, re -sed If a sufficient arca permits, otherwise complete a different admowledgrnrnt farm • Siguture of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk, • Additional information is not required but could belp to eastmc this acknowledgment is tot misused or attached to a differ mt document. v Indicate title or type of attached document, number of pages and data • Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer_ 1f the claimed capacity is a corporate of ocr, indicate the title (i.c. CDD, CFO, Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document 3-489 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject property is the following real property in the City ofNewport Beach, County of Orange, State of California: Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. FWAL E. 5116/08 1000134 U H&O_ #58720 v1 A-] 3-490 — ------ ---- Wit paw tipper Cumpftv N go= PARCEL iiiVVP Ao dA WN as ma.a1w or AU k Lower C'lampto PARCEL 2- 103 04 mom a man Aw At* 140 mom tanow 11 ;# womw a Como coww to Cm. 3-491 EXHIBIT C AOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Adopted May I3, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-9 Effective June 12, 2008 ?� ✓1 FINAL. 5116M 10001.34 H&Q #58720 v1 C-1 3-492 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS Recommended for Approval by the Planning Commission March 20, 2008 Adopted by the City Council City of Newport Beach Ordinance No. 2008-10 May 13, 2008 FINAL Hasig_PC_Od1808&D0C: 3-493 Haag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Communfty Devdlopmeet Criteria and District Regulations TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION U. GENERAL NOTES M. DEFINITIONS IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS VI. HOAG HOSPITAL SIGN PROGRAM VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW. MAL Hoag`PC 041808a.DOC Pz gc Number 1 2 3 5 10 21 23 24 27 3-494 0 Hoag Memorial Hos Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulatfom LIST OF EXHIBITS 1. PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP 2. VEHICULAR ACCESS 3. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA 4. PROPOSED SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN 5. LOADING DOCK AREA LOCATION d. LANDSCAPE MATRIX 7. LOWER CAMPUS LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 8. COAST HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE SCREEN LIST OF TABLES 1, BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 2. PARKING REQUIREMENTS EINAI._Hoag—PC_041808af)0C Page Number 7 8 14 19 20 32 33 34 9 23 3-495 Hoag Memmoriat Hospital Presbyterian Plagued Community Development Criteria and District Regulations I. INTRODUCTION Background The Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community District in the City of Newport Beach has been developed in accordance with the Newport Beach General Plan. The purpose of this Planned Community District is to provide a method whereby property may be classed and developed for hospital -related uses. The specifications of this District are intended to provide land use and development standards supportive of the proposed use while ensuring compliance with the intent of all applicable regulatory codes. The Planned Community District includes district regulations and a development plan for both the Upper and Lower Campuses of Hoag Hospital. In general, over the long term, the Upper Campus will become oriented primarily towards emergency, acute and critical care (predominantly inpatient) uses and the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient uses, residential care and support services. Whenever the regulations contained in the Planned Community text conflict with the regulations of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the regulations contained in the Planned Community text shall take precedence. The Municipal Code shall regulate this development when such regulations are not provided within these district regulations. All development within the Planned Community boundaries shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code and other governing building codes. } FINAL_ Hoag-PC_041808a.DO C 3-496 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned ComnwallyDevelopmeat Criteria and District Regaladons 1Q. GENERAL NOTES I. Water service to the Planned Community District will be provided by the City of Newport Beach. 2. Development of the subject property will be undertaken in accordance with the .flood protection policies of the City of Newport Beach. 3. All development of the site is subject to the provisions of the City Council Policies K-4 and K-5 regarding paleontological and archaeological resources. 4. Except as otherwise stated in this text, the requirements of the Newport Beach Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The contents of this text notwithstanding, all construction within the boundaries of this Planned Community District shall comply with all provisions of the Uniform Building Code, other various codes related thereto and local amendments. 5. All buildings shall meet Title 24 requirements or the requirements of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development as applicable. Design of buildings shall take into account the location of building air intake to maximize ventilation efficiency, the incorporation of natural ventilation, and implementation of energy conserving heating and lighting systems. 6. Any fire equipment and access shall be approved by the Newport Beach Fire Department. 7. Excluding communications devices on the Upper Campus, new mechanical appurtenances on building rooftops and utility vaults on the Upper and Lower Campuses shall be screened from view in a manner compatible with building materials. Rooftop mechanical appurtenances or utility vaults shall be designed utilizing compatible architectural materials on the Lower Campus. No new mechanical appurtenances may exceed the building height limitations as defined in these district regulations. 8. Grading and erosion control shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the City of Newport Beach Excavation and Grading Code and shall be subject to permits issued by the Building and Planning Departments. 9. Sewage disposal facilities within the Planned Community will be provided by Orange County Sanitation District No. 5. Prior to issuance of any building permits it shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that adequate sewer facilities will be available. Prior to the occupancy of any structure it shall be further demonstrated that adequate sewer facilities exist. 10. Mass grading and grading by development phases shall be allowed provided that landscaping of exposed slopes shall commence within thirty (30) days of the completion of grading. FINAL_Hoag__PC_041808a.DOC 3-497 s Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Comnurnity Development Criteria and DoVict Regulations i M. DEkTMTIONS Building Elevation: 1. A vertical distance of a building above or below a fixed reference level, i.e., MSL (mean sea level). 2. A flat scale drawing of the front, rear, or side of a building. Building_ Envelope: The volume in which a building may be built as circumscribed by setback lines and maximum allowable building heights. Building Height: The vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure. At all points, the height measurement shall run with the slope of the land. Ememencv Room: A service and facility designated to provide acute emergency medical services for possible life threatening situations. Entitlement Gross Floor Area: Any area of a building, or portion thereof, including the surrounding exterior walls, but excluding: 1. Area of a building utilized for stairwells and elevator shafts on levels other than the first level of a building in which they appear; 2. Area of a medical building, that is not used for general or routine occupancy but rather is for interstial or mechanical occupancies, that measures Iess than 19 feet from finished floor to ceiling; 3. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, area of a r building used specifically for base isolation and structural system upgrades directly related to requirements of governmental agencies and is not for general or routine j occupancy; and 4. As applied to new construction permits issued on or after August 13, 2002, enclosed rooftop mechanical levels not for general or routine occupancy. First Aid: Low acuity medical treatment for non -life threatening situations. General Plan: The General Plan of the City of Newport Beach and al I elements thereof. Grade: For the purpose of determining building height: 1. Finished - the ground level elevation which exists after any grading or other site preparation related to, or to be incorporated into, a proposed new development or alteration of existing developments. (Grades may be worked into buildings to allow for subterranean parking.) FINAL HoagPC_04I808a.DOC 3 3-498 Hoag Mentors! Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commmnity Development Criteria and District Regulations 2. Natural - the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state before man-made alterations. 3. Existing - the current elevation of ground surface. Inpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which require twenty-four (24) hour or more stays. Landscape Area: The landscape area shall include on-site walks, .plazas, water, rooftop landscaping and all other areas not devoted to building footprints or vehicular parking and drive surfaces. Mean Sea Level: A reference or datum mark measuring land elevation using the average level of the ocean between high and low tides. Outpatient Uses: Hospital patient services which do not exceed twenty-four (24) hours. Residential Care: Medically -oriented residential units that do not require the acuity level generally associated with inpatient services but require overnight stays. Site Area: For the purpose of determining development area: 1. Gross - parcel area prior to dedications. 2. Net - parcel area after dedications. Streets: Reference to all streets or rights-of-way within this ordinance shall mean dedicated vehicular rights-of-way. FINAL -Hoag; PC_041AOUDOC 4 3-499 Hoag Memorial ArospMW Presbyterian Planned Cornet W& Development Criteria and District Regulations IV. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Project Characteristics The Upper Campus of Hoag Hospital is located on a triangular site of approximately 17.57 acres and is bounded by Newport Boulevard to the east, Hospital Road to the north and existing residential developments to the west. The Lower Campus is located north of West Coast Highway, south of the Sunset View linear and consolidated park and Villa Balboa Condominiums, west of Newport Boulevard and east of Superior Avenue. It contains approximately 37.38 total acres, including 8,603 square feet of land encumbered by a roadway easement. The Lower Campus adjoins the Upper Campus at its eastern boundary. The Upper Campus is, and will continue to be, oriented towards inpatient functions, while the Lower Campus will be developed with predominantly outpatient, residential care and support services. Development Plan The Planned Community Development Plan for Hoag Hospital is shown on Exhibit 1, Planned Community Site and Boundary Map. Through the year 2017, many of the existing buildings shown on the Development Plan for the Upper Campus may be redeveloped in order to functionally respond to the needs of the Hospital and conform to the requirements of State agencies. Access to the Lower Campus will be from West Coast Highway and from Hospital Road, via the Upper Campus. Exhibit 2, Vehicular Access, shows the internal circulation for Hoag Hospital. The Development Plan does not specify building locations or specific hospital -related uses. Instead, a developable area is identified based on the regulations established for this Planned Community District. Because of the dynamic nature of the health care industry which leads to rapid technological changes that effect how health care services are delivered, the Development Plan for Hoag Hospital sets development caps as a function of allowable densities established by the Newport Beach General Plan. The maximum allowable building area for Hoag Hospital, which encompasses both the Lower Campus and the Upper Campus, is 1,343,238 square feet. Each Campus is also subject to a maximum allowable building area limit: the maximum allowable building area for the Upper Campus is 990,349 square feet; the maximum allowable building area for the Lower Campus is 577,889 square feet_ Table 1, Building Area Statistical Analysis, provides a summary of allowable square footage for both the Upper and Lower Campuses. Implementation, Program EIR and Subsequent Project Specific Approvals !'oag has acknowledged that the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the development and implementation of the Hoag Master Plan pursuant to this Planned Community Development Plan is a "Program EIR." The City has prepared and certified two program Environmental Impact Reports - Hoag Hospital Master Plan Final Program EIR (Final EIR No. 142) and a Supplemental EIR for the Master Plan Update (SCH#1991071003). The EIRs analyze the impacts of construction phased over time and, pursuant to CEQA, the City is under a continuing 6 ~� FINAL Hoag_PC 04I808a.DOC 3-500 Hoag dfemarial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commamty Development Criteria and District Regulations obligation to analyze Hoag's requests for Project Specific Approvals to ensure the environmental impacts associated with the requests were fWly addressed in the EIRs. Subsequent environmental documentation is required if this analysis reveals environmental impacts not fully addressed in the program EIRs, identifies new impacts, or concludes the specific request is not consistent with the project described in the EIRs. Hoag acknowledges the right and obligation of the City and the Coastal Commission or its successor agency to impose additional conditions as the result of the subsequent environmental analysis required by CEQA. ' FINAL Hoag_PC_041808a.DOC 3-501 i l i/>t'rCR ti.Amrva _.. 11"PRAIlrDAp — MORIN PARIM l9ADN+G9DLNAweei s�dl ,--.�— .... AMMLAFr( RORORI6 N '• WONON'S PAVIWON wwJ �•�• BLN i 24GCAWMX ANN \ ` s ORIOINRC I9R2 sUIWING IN rIGDCId� 219 PAR19IANE i. •� � � ���J,, � � 790U IANE � � ,..� �` SDU1N i10ADDROIE ,ti„1 �, YtO UUfffUO,E � � 270CAONEI'!A!#�, 7BOCADRO'UWE j�... _... _ ..... 5` salol J j r Y ?- � .. g7RD00NtE is 1 r ' •=t ,�•ir 75URFACEPAI{RWOPAIM1111F CE `•. • ^�. ;..J `. . j k `.'(Arv- DENIER .PRO LINE' . .... ... -..... _.._ • � e :p: LOWER CAMPUS �+sr -�..' .. E" �1 �,�F ,,,, soer"e+7m fl . /+p, • N NORTH FAINVIO ;;p •Y• 100 0 100 200 Note: Buildings labeled forfdentiflcation purposes only SCALE: 1"=200` PLANNED COMMUNITY SITE AND BOUNDARY MAP E011011 1 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 0320.07 REVISED 01.22.08 7 3-502 IEGEND PRIMARY ACCESS (5,aXALIZED) �'— ��-1 � ?;4 '•• • xo�coawF �. �►�j'• . KD�nxP�wrm+s � . SECiit+1DARY ACCESS. =s� �� srnuctu9E PRIMARYROADWAYS WAVING DOCK (wa.,e.9cift) �� -:NOLLARTBOMB }- -•-•- ---j SECONDARYORIVEWAYAND SERVICE 260CAM i0f\ O916MLLL1962 &9101N0 1 !„ MAIN LOADING DOCK ♦t „ : '�+'I i '� �� ��� : (� fy ten` �•.. .10 1 210PAPo6Wff� '� L. \2� .,,,J� 1• '..: ,, +' ;�� `, F 2i0U fW,�6iANE 270U 1AHF F 27 u. ) f_/ 360GGf1EYlAt9i ` `•. '.500RI NOAGW�6IE� -f t J rasa ,. � . AuuK 1�c :..::: mm _- TRU t „�. _.... >su9 FA<'iPA910N9 •.` •;�..�a� ti: a .,lf:'F ,.... 'r7 PIIOPEfllYWIE '1•.`.^+__,��r -i r: • �: 'Ci __ irk�_. ... v ....,.. ._.. CDIIFoE1r.'E f .. corm / ii$ ..• a+� NOW V' 100 0 100 200 —j Note: 8ulldings labeled for identification purposes only SCALE :1° -200' VEHICULAR ACCESS HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PREsi3yrERIAN 03.20.0-1 REVISED 01.22.08 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Communfty Development Criteria and District Regulations TABLE 1 BUILDING AREA STATISTICAL ANALYSIS TOTAL OF LOWER CAMPUS & UPPER CAMPUS BUILDING AREAS - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE. 1,343,238 SQUARE -FEET 'As of the date of adoption. z Up to 225,000 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus 3 Demolition of some existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet `D FINAL—HoagPC 041808a.DOC 9 3-504 Maximum Allowable Net Allowable Site Area BuMing Area Existing Remaining_ to U 765,349 sq. ft. 765,349 sq. ft. 698,121 sq. ft. 67,228 sq. ft. 990,349 sq. ft.2 x w a U 862,815 sq. ft. 577,889 sq. ft. 188,149 sq. f1. 389,740 sq. fL 577,889 sq. ft. O 3 1,618,164 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. & 886,270 sq. ft. 456,968 sq. ft. 1,343,238 sq. ft. O 'As of the date of adoption. z Up to 225,000 square -feet can be transferred from the Lower to the Upper Campus 3 Demolition of some existing structures on the Upper Campus will occur to ensure maximum square -feet will not exceed 1,343,238 square -feet `D FINAL—HoagPC 041808a.DOC 9 3-504 Hoag Urnm ial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Coamutntty Development Criteria and District Regula&ons V. DISTRICT REGULATIONS The following regulations apply to all development within the Hoag Hospital Planned Community. The individual uses listed under the five permitted use categories are not an exhaustive list Other hospitakrelated uses which fit into the five (5) permitted use categories are allowed. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plot plans, elevations and any other such documents deemed necessary by the Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments shall be submitted for the review and approval ofthe Planning, Building, Public Works, and Fire Departments. A. Permitted Uses 1. Lower Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) Outpatient services: (a) Antepartum Testing (b) Cancer Center (c) Skilled Nursing (d) Rehabilitation (e) Surgery Center (f) Clinical Center j (g) Day Hospital k" (h) Back and Neck Center (i) Biofeedback (j) Breast Imaging Center (k) Dialysis (1) EEG/EMG/NICE Laboratory (m) First Aid Center (n) Fertility Services (o) G.I. Laboratory (p) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (q) Neurology (r) Nuclear Medicine (s) Occupational Therapy (t) Pediatrics (u) Pharmacy (v) Physical Therapy (w) Pulmonary Services (x) Radiation Therapy (y) Respiratory Therapy (z) Sleep Disorder Center (aa) Speech Therapy (bb) Ultrasound (cc) Urgent Care i - FINAL_Hoa&PC 041608&D0C IN 3-505 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Commundy Development Criteria and District Rep*doas (2) Administration: (a) Admitting (b) Auxiliary Office (c) Business Offices (d) Information Desk (e) Registration (i) Patient Relations j (g) Social Services ` (3) Support Services: (a) Employee Child Care (b) Health Education (c) Power/Mechanical/Auxiliary Support and Storage (d) Food Services (e) Cashier (f) Chapel/Chaplaincy Service (g) Conference Center (h) Dietitian (i) Gift Shop (j) Laboratory (k) Medical Library (1) Medical Records (m) Pharmacy (n) Parking Facilities4 (o) Engineering/Maintenance (p) Shipping/Receiving (q) Microwave, Satellite, and Other Communication Facilities (4) Residential Care: (a) Substance Abuse (b) Mental Health Services (c) Extended Care (d) Hospice Care (e) Self or Minimal Care (f) Congregate Care (5) Medical/Support Offices " Parking structures or decks do not count toward square -footage r) "' FiNAL Hoag PC_OA1806a.DOC 1 l 3-506 lfoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterean Planned Community Developmmt Criteria and District Regulations b. Methane gas flare burner, collection wells and associated system components. C. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. d. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 2. Upper Campus a. Hospital facilities, including, but not limited to: (1) Inpatient uses including, but not limited to: (a) Critical Care (b) Emergency Department (c) Birthing Suites (d) Cardiology (e) Cardiac Care Unit (f) Intensive Care Unit (g) Mother/Baby Unit (h) Surgery (i) Laboratory 0) Pha: ". dcy (k) Patient Beds - (2) Outpatient services as allowed on the Lower Campus (3) Administrative uses as allowed on the Lower Campus (4) Support services as allowed on the Lower Campus (5) Residential care as allowed on the Lower Campus (6) Heliport (subject to Conditional Use PermiW b. Accessory uses normally incidental to hospital development. c. Temporary structures and uses, including modular buildings. 5 Does not count toward square -footage - FINAL _Moag_PC 041808e.DOC 12 3-507 �f i I I Hoag r6fenmrlal Hospital Presbyterian Planned Con munity Developn+ent Criteria and District Regulations B_ Prohibited Uses 1. Lower Campus a. Emergency Room b. Heliport C. Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy 2. Upper Campus a. Conversion of mechanical or structural spaces to uses that allow general or routine occupancy C. Maximum Building Height The maximum building height of all buildings shall be in accordance with Exhibit 3, Development Criteria Plan, which establishes the following height zones: 1. Upper Campus Tower Zone - maximum building height not to exceed the existing tower which is two -hundred thirty-five (235) feet above mean sea level. 2. Upper Campus Mid -rise Zone - maximum building height not to exceed one - hundred forty (140) feet above mean sea level. 3. Upper Campus Parking Zone - maximum building height not to exceed eighty (80) feet above mean sea level, exclusive of elevator towers. 4. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas A, B, C, F and G - within each sub -area no building shall exceed the height of the existing slope and conform to the range of maximum building heights indicated by the development criteria shown on Exhibit 3. 5. Lower Campus Zone, Sub -Areas D and E - maximum building height shall not exceed the height of the existing Hoag Cancer Center which is fifty-seven and one-half (57.5) feet above mean sea level. FINAL Hoa6_PC 04I808a.DOC 13 3-508 Rt l01TZONfS� PPER CAMPUS ZONESAOV %W Fn -mo TOM tnnE- MAXIMUM s1xLBTNG HEIGHT 235' ATIM MEAN SFA LEVEL r" — •• 11i u.:r_wonmm . .•^„'— M10RtSE ZONE- IAAAIM iULOTNG HEG}T FgALAQAo—..'..�- Tk .t•-+:.._- 140' AHOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL 1 l;; t: 'y"ir:•: y: '.:'' ai r' r?�;` :� ".- ' •-,p. _ C�LL4 PARKING ZONE- MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGW 80' ABOVE MEAN SEA LEvEI, Ixcu,snrE OF ELEVATOR TOWER �'i:�� '' • '`\�9j <. 'v �' .` lj LOWER CAMPUS ZONES LOWER CAMPUS ZONE- SUB - ARFAS A, B, C F, ANOG- HVD BUILDING SIiAt1 tnwwauoairona.redie1nn—r�:.:—$�T' ;; �` �. �\ ♦,• "' EXCEED THE HEIGHT OF THE EXISTING SLOPE OR INE' - RANGE OF MAXWUM SUNDiNG HEMITS INDICATED Pq suaa,XaH[rettsuss+trAs SUB - ARM OAND E-l.IA,OIMUAIBUILDING HF1t1HT 1WW a use 57.5fEETABOVEMEANSEA IEVEt CoawwwunaFm.x . ' q iR IMC41. RAW AF YACM # dbgrleM'�tP/apaRyU09 BOVE FRM�� y��L7 t.._.._....... . HMW. AM GRADES .J f � ��:�_��': � •• _ L 2SNw.mwm IYP1ak ROM Of WAVA6EA (!e%NFranlepe aloq linea 1 2PwVetx.aar y4.Frta maenrsm eme 260 CAGAd \ ,•,� { ` ', � `�`' \, ' Bikl m Xmwm NEW 3% we IN5U 1 .......-_y iJlll�.•': ;.,�:: ` \ -_._. ._. Iahapmr*CmY Avila : (SZAcna(22�t6sF.l }SaCpM i72 AVENGE stavE flF/Alli1X m,o►arc me�pou ve«r,,, , ?}'' 0 �ae eaaa.aocoaaai• ig a22fian ffa369sF.lt 250PARtfiiAXE -S� "`,� 1 \` �•+ -S 'S 2f0 Uli1EtN7E 2NU UNE 4ROaA8lIUfSANE• �'�; � - ,, 2TOmRTUOIE � �•" ,{ 1 ���•••1 i Rel--�y�_�� __•_' ^—j 47ir a.. �_ -� +.._ � .-..��1 _.. rte.. �.. r•:r�:�rs�• - p .-.'... LU y ,-•�.. -}.e c:''..'', .� 'i. � 2 r % ... a� .� fY ' D��sA7l: � • � �.� F. tie! •_ � `' c � •PAI�,6 fin. :. ..�" ` FAIO(IHO/'•I ' r G:�fN � • �' • �_ ?'`��'.y. •.Q :';. •: M1t rsYr••,s: _�4', �'.t.<--'l, ..F1: .; t..' iB1tER lNtinlRn �: i :c '•H� jjX DROtFAfYLXE .µl�r. ` •?s•s .e .j .'1;`-.•r'. r, +�' _ 'B ' ,•>''. -_�" ���,•+• •�'� ';iWDOUM •Y .~' .'rr7.�.yJ ,i7 r .. :'.•-•-..•'Y ;",• '�.- .r I. •���FA ' -.._ �_1._'.,,C�. ��OOFFFHI�.r: ' �,•!'i A ••,'�`���� 'LL.w��.y....,. .w.s.a... s •'� 'S /• 34, '45AkhtRm &R08ry SaDYlt _`Wi7/ $p»!1 .'�/• •; M'- NORTH swsA+reoula0o�bi ).t 66'edFS�,}7,," j�� FrMW pWWm PArBIINC , -..j : •%P ,�°. LOO 0 100 200 ,6 NYWnuq aWttlnx 8C1Dvk ("�-� PWs ArAalMlon 02d aq 25' ..,`-...1 Note: Buildings labeled for identification purposes only EMry' FN A0a PiNq SCAIE:la, 240` DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA PLAN REVISED 01.22.08 14 Hoag Memo► Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and Disind Regulations D. Building Setbacks Setbacks for the Hoag Hospital Planned Community are shown on Exhibit 3. I. Setbacks will be provided along property boundaries adjacent to the Villa Balboa condominiums, as defined below: a. Upper Campus western boundary setback shall be the prolongation of the westerly edge of the existing cafeteria/laboratory building to the points of intersection with the easterly curb line of the existing service drive, then continuing along said line of the existing service drive. b. Lower Campus northern boundary, all of which will have a 20 -foot minimum building setback. 2. The setback on West Coast Highway easterly of the hospital entry signal shall be fifteen (15) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings easterly of the signal within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: Ist Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. _ If the Ist floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average i 2nd floor setback of twenty (20) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of twenty-five (25) feet. The setback on West Coast Highway westerly of the hospital entry signal shall be forty-five (45) feet. In addition, vertical articulation shall be required for buildings westerly of the signal for buildings within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of the West Coast Highway frontage, as follows: Ist Floor: Up to eighteen (18) feet in height no additional articulation is required. If the Ist floor exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, it shall be subject to the articulation requirements of the 2nd Floor. (J FINAL_ Hoag_PC_041808a.DQC 15 A 3-510 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyleiran Planned Community Development Criteria and District Rega/adion' 2nd Floor, up to thirty-two (32) feet in height: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 2nd floor setback of fifty-five (55) feet. 3rd Floor and above: A minimum of 20% of the building frontage shall be articulated in such a manner as to result in an average 3rd floor and above setback of sixty-five (65) feet. In order to avoid any future structures in this area (within 150 feet of West Coast Highway) from presenting an unacceptable linear mass, no single structure shall be greater than two -hundred fifty (250) linear feet in width. Additionally, 201/0 of the linear frontage within one -hundred fifty (150) feet of West Coast .Highway shall be open and unoccupied by buildings. 10% of the linear length of Height Zones A and B as viewed from the existing bicycle/pedestrian trail, exclusive of that area adjacent to the consolidated portion of the view park, shall be maintained as view corridors between buildings. These requirements may be altered for individual buildings, if requested by the hospital, through the site plan review process defined in Section IX. 3. There will be no building setbacks along the westerly boundary of the Lower Campus (adjacent to the municipal parking lot at Superior and West Coast Highway). 4. A twenty (20) foot setback from property line shall be provided along Newport Boulevard from Hospital Road to a point six -hundred (600) feet south; a twenty- five (25) foot setback from property line shall be provided along the remainder of Newport Boulevard and along the Newport Boulevard/West Coast Highway Interchange. 5. A ten (10) foot building setback from the property line shall be provided along Hospital Road. E. Lighting The lighting systems shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to shield the light source and to minimize light spillage and glare to the adjacent residential uses. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed Electrical Engineer. F. Roof Treatment Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project sponsor shall submit plans which illustrate that major mechanical equipment will not he located on the roof of any structure on the Lower Campus. Minor rooftop equipment, necessary for operating purposes, will comply with all building height criteria, and shall be designed and screened to blend into the building roof using materials compatible with roofing: materials. ' KNAI Haag_PC o41808a.00C 16 3-511 Hoag Memories[ Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and Distriet Regulations G. Sins All signs shall be as specified under the Hoag Hospital Sign Program, Part Vt. H. Parking All parking shall be as specified in Part VTI, Hoag Hospital Parking Regulations. I. Landscape All landscaping shall be as specified in the Hoag Hospital Landscape Regulations, Part VIII. J. Mechanical and Trash Areas Prior to issuance of a building pennit, the project sponsor shall submit plans to the City Planning Department which illustrate that all mechanical equipment and trash areas will be screened from public streets and immediately adjacent residential properties. K. West Hoag Drive Circulation Limitations The project sponsor shall continue to limit the use of that portion of West Hoag Drive adjacent to residential uses located on the Upper Campus. Deliveries to loading areas shall not occur after 8:00 PM or before 7:00 AM daily. The project sponsor shall physically restrict access to the roadway between these hours and appropriate signage indicating permitted delivery hours and access limitations shall be installed and maintained at all times_ Night time deliveries and vehicular access to the loading area located along West Hoag Drive are allowed where critical supplies, services or materials are necessary for the continued operation of the hospital. L. Loading Dock The project sponsor shall provide a sound wall along West Hoag Drive as shown in the approximate location on Exhibit 4. Said wall shall be installed within 12 months of project approval, subject to issuance of required permits. To the maximum degree feasible, the sound wall shall be constructed to retain existing vegetation, which serves as a visual screen. Please refer to Section VIII, D. for additional landscaping requirements related to the sound wall. Mitigation measures to reduce the noise levels in the Loading Dock Area shall be incorporated into the design and operations of the hospital; such mitigation shall include relocation of the trash compactor and baler, limiting the hours of truck deliveries to the loading dock area, and enclosure of the trash compactor. -r) FINAL_Hoag_PC 041808aAOC 17 3-512 Hoag jifem nal Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations M. Noise Standards Noise generated at the Hoag Hospital property shall be governed by the City of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance, except as noted below for the Loading Dock Area. Refer to Exhibit 5, Loading DockArea Location, for the location. 1. The applicable noise standard at the Hoag Hospital property line adjacent to the Loading Dock Area shall be as follows: 7AM-10 PM IOPM-7AM Daytime Nighttime Leq (15 min) 65 dBA 55 dBA 2. Within the Loading Dock Area during daytime hours, vehicles shall be exempt from applicable noise standards as listed above. Vehicle idling shall be prohibited on West Hoag Drive and within the loading dock areas, except that refrigerated vehicles may idle while at the loading docks when refrigeration is necessary. In addition, the grease pit cleaning which is exempt from the City Noise Ordinance as a maintenance activity shall occur on a Saturday between the hours of 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. FINAL_Haag_PC 041808a.D0C 18 3-513 3-514 LEGEND Existing Fence Property 'Joe � Easement Line - . oE:,4 •`, — — — — 18.5' High Wali, v 23' High Wall `i r' ^.N \ • —�- �— — 1T, High Wali •' r ,. ................ 14' High Wail Sod Walt is approximately 470 Umar Feet % v: Sound Walt heigirtmeasured from IPA adjacent Medway surface. w G �ti+., �' c<.� .t •.'i;*. ... ?.�`:�, .off;! _ \� 4 .-I.. . •tom �' � V';:-,'�•;:�`i ..•i; 114 CP— ..5. P t �l .. ti :.. s ....... .. &OHC. " •- � &a5D1#3..5:. •Z' ... ,.:, . Wil. . \ SOUND WALL LOCATION PLAN HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN APru3,2W8 0 40 so - EXHIBIT 4 3-514 IEMD PROPERW LINE AS IDENTIRED IN MITRON M.I., DISTRICT REGULATIONS UPPER CAMPUS 'MOO ' .IIP (IR H I -R., i,;=� ; .4 shy f Jlz 1 LP LOWER CAMPUS NORTH o too 200 I --j Nota BuIldlop labeled forldet0callon purpom only LOADING DOCK AREA HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN ce Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and Distriet Regalatlons VI. HOAG HOSMAL SIGN PROGRAM A. Purpose and Intent The purpose of this Sign Program is to provide adequate, consistent and aesthetically pleasing on -building wall and ground -mounted signage based upon the provisions set forth by the City of Newport Beach Sign Ordinance and the information signage requirements of Hoag Hospital. 2. The intent of this Sign Program is to produce uniform standards for Hoag Hospital. B. General Sign Standards 1. All signs visible at the exterior of any building or facility of the Hospital, ground - mounted or on -building, may be illuminated or non -illuminated, depending upon need. Illumination method may be by external or internal source. No sign shall be constructed or installed to rotate, gyrate, blink or move, or create the illusion of motion, in any fashion. 2. All signs attached to building or facility exteriors shall be mounted as is appropriate to the architectural design features of said building or facility. 3. All signs together with the entirety of their supports, braces, guys, anchors, attachments and decor shall be properly maintained, legible, functional and safe with regard to appearance, structural integrity and electrical service. 4. All street signs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer, and shall be in compliance with Ordinance 110-L. 5. .For purposes of this section, a building shall be defined as any occupied structure or any occupied portion of a structure that is constructed as an addition to an existing structure and identified as a separate building for way finding purposes. Individual building numbers uniquely define the buildings on the Hoag campus. C. Number of Signs Allowed One (1) double-faced primary identification ground -mounted sign or two (2) single -faced gateway entry signs shall be allowed per street frontage. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Total maximum signage area shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height per sign and street frontage. This sign may occur as a wall sign, to be located upon a project rJNAL_Hoag_PQ_V41808a.D0C 21 3-516 Hoag Memorial Hospital .Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations boundary perimeter wall, subject to the same number and area maximums described above. This sign may also occur as part of an entry gateway system. 2. Primary entrance identification shall be allowed at the main entrance to the facility and at the main entrance to the Emergency Department. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eight (8) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid -point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed seventy (70) square feet. 3. Secondary building and entrance identification signs shall be allowed. If freestanding, this sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of nine (9) feet average height above finished grade. In the case of a sign occurring upon a slope, the average height shall be established by measuring the sign height at the mid- point of the sign length perpendicular to the slope direction. Maximum sign area shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet whether freestanding or wall -mounted. 4. Vehicular and pedestrian directional signs shall be allowed. This sign type may occur as a single -faced, double-faced, or triple -faced sign. The sign shall be sized to allow for proper readability given the number of lines of copy, speed of traffic, setback off the road and viewing distance. This sign type shall not exceed a maximum height of eleven (1 I) feet average height above finished grade. 5. Donor recognition signage shall he allowed, one (1) at each building elevation. Maximum sign area shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five (175) square feet for donor recognition signage. 6. Hospital identification signs shall be allowed upon hospital towers, one (1) at each elevation. The maximum sign area shall not exceed two hundred seventy- five (275) square feet. Any hospital identification signage on the elevation facing west (Villa Balboa property line) may not be illuminated. 7. On the Lower Campus, two (2) building -mounted identification signs will be allowed per structure and shall not be placed so as to directly face the Villa Balboa property. Such signs shall adhere to the requirements above for secondary building and entrance identification signage and shall be no higher than the roof line of the building upon which they are mounted. 8. Each public parking structure shall be allowed one (1) identification sign above each entrance and exit of the structure. The maximum sign area of each identification sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet. Adjacent regulatory parking signage does not count toward the maximum sign area. i 1 F1NAL_Ho3g_PC 04l808aD0C 22 3-517 i +I j . oag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian .Planned Contnutnity Developowal Criteria and Disdict Regulations VII. HOAG HOSPITAL PARKING REGULATIONS A. General 1. Off-street parking for Hoag Hospital shall be provided on-site. Parking may be on surface lots, subterranean or in parking structures. 2. The design and layout of all parking areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic Engineer and the Public Works Department. 3. Parking lot lighting shall be developed in accordance with City standards and shall be designed in a manner which minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. Nighttime lighting shall be limited to that necessary for security and shielded down from any adjacent residential area. The plans shall be prepared and signed by a licensed electrical engineer, with a letter from the engineer stating that the requirements have been met. The lighting pian shall be subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. B. Requirements for Off -Street Parking Parking requirements for specific sites shall be based upon the parking criteria established in Table 2. All parking shall be determined based upon the area allocated to the use categories. TABLE 2 PARKING REQUIREMENTS Use Category Parking Requirements Outpatient Services 2.31 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) Support 0.0 spaces/ 1,000 square feet (1)(2) Administrative 5.3 spaces/1,000 square feet (1) Residential Care 1.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Medical Offices 4.0 spaces/1,000 square feet (3) Inpatient 2.35 spaces/1,000 square feet (I) (1) Parking factor based on parking analysis prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan dated October 15, 2001 for Traffic Study 2001-002 approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 1542. (2) Support Services generates parking demand that is accounted for in one of the other categories. (3) Parking requirements based upon a study prepared by LSA Associates dated September 27, 1991. -�: FINAL_Hoap,._PC_041808a.D0C 23 3-518 Hoag Afemonal Bospdal Presbyterian Planned Comm mo, Development Critena and District RegnWiens VIII. HOAG HOSPITAL LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS A. General Detailed landscape and irrigation plans, prepared by a registered Architect or under the direction of a Landscape Architect, shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy. The Landscape Plan shall include a concept for rooftop parking and parking structures if proposed for the Lower Campus. Trees shall not be used, however planter boxes, green roof treatments or trellis systems shall be designed to provide added visual relief of rooftop parking or parking structures. All rooftop or top of parking structure — landscaping proposals shall conform to the building height limits established in this text. 2. Parking lot trees shall be no less than twenty-four (24) inch box size. 3. Shrubs to be planted in containers shall not be less than five (5) gallon size. Ground covers will be planted from one (1) gallon containers or from rooted cuttings. 4. Every effort should be made to avoid using plants with invasive and shallow root systems. 5. Earth berms shall be rounded and natural in character, designed to obscure automobiles and to add interest to the site. Wheel stops shall be so placed as necessary to avoid damage to trees, irrigation systems, shrubs and other planting materials. 6. Trees in parking lots should be limited in variety. Selection should be repeated to give continuity. Regular spacing or the introduction of irregular groupings may also be considered to add interest and variety. Care should be exercised to allow plants to grow and maintain their mature size without restriction. 7_ .Emphasis shall be placed on the use of native, drought -tolerant, non-invasive plants on the Lower Campus. On the Upper Campus, naturalized vegetation selections, as well as those plants allowed on the Lower Campus, will be emphasized. Automatically controlled irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid surface runoff and over -watering. 8. Installation and maintenance of landscape, screening and irrigation systems per Exhibit #6, Exhibit #7 and Exhibit #8. All improvements shall be shown on landscape and irrigation plans to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department and which shall be in substantial compliance with the Exhibits #6, #7 and #8. Hoag shall complete all of the improvements within the timelines set forth in Exhibit 46. FDVAL F%ag_PC 04 i 808a.DOC 24 3-519 Floag Memorial Mospital Presbyterian Planned Commuarty Development Criteria and Disb3et Regulations B. Maintenance I. All planting areas are to be kept free of weeds and debris and cultivated as necessary to maintain. 2. Lawn and ground cover areas are to be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. 3. All plantings are to be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Fertilization, cultivation and tree pruning are to be carried out as part of a regularly scheduled annual maintenance program. 4. Irrigation systems are to be kept in good working condition at all times. On- going monitoring, adjustments and cleaning of systems are to be part of regular maintenance procedures. 5. Stakes, guys and tree ties on trees should be checked regularly for correct function; ties shall be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling of branches or central leaders. 6. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. 7. Plantings and irrigation are to be maintained in accordance with the approved - plans. C. Soeciai Landscaped Street West Coast Highway is designated in the Hoag Hospital Planned Community as a special landscaped street. A fifteen (15) foot building setback from right-of-way/property line is required along West Coast Highway. Only driveways, parking and signage structures are allowed in the setback areas. Parking areas shall be screened from view of West Coast Highway with landscaped berms. Landscaping along West Coast Highway shall consist of trees, ground cover and shrubbery. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking or circulation shall be landscaped in a similar manner. Installed trees are to be no smaller than twenty-four (24) inch box. D. Villa Balboa Landscape Zone The area between the Hoag property line and the sound wall will be referred to as the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone. This portion of the Hoag Hospital property will have a specific landscape process to ensure consultation with Villa Balboa on the planting and maintenance of the area. Existing landscaping on Villa Balboa's side of the wall shall be preserved to the extent feasible or replaced with specimen plant material as designated on a plan to be approved by the Planning Director after consultation with the Villa Balboa Community Association. The plan _ RNAL_tloag_PC_04IBD8a.D0C 25 3-520 Koag Memorial Mosp W Presbyterian Planned Comowmiy Development Criteria and Drstriet Regulations shall also include sufficient additional landscaping to screen or soften the soundwall required pursuant to Section V.L. Hoag shall maintain all landscaping on Hoag's property and to the extent new plant material is installed as a result of wall construction by Hoag on the Villa Balboa property adjacent to the Villa Balboa Landscape Zone (with their permission), Hoag shall maintain such new plant material on Villa Balboa's property for a period of two years after installation to ensure healthy growth. All landscape installation shall occur within 45 days of the completion of the wall or earlier. Any future modifications made to said wall and landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. E. Parking Areas A minimum of 5% of the surface parting areas shall be devoted to planting areas. Planting areas around building shall not be included in parking area landscape calculations. Planting of trees may be in groups and need not be regularly spaced. Alternative landscape programs may be developed, including perimeter parking area landscaping, bermhrg and depressing of parking areas to provide additional screening. Alternative landscape programs shall be subject to the review of the Newport Beach Planning Department. A rooftop landscaping program shall be developed for parking structures and rooftop parking proposed for the Lower Campus and shall be subject to the review and the approval of the Newport Beach Planning Department. F1NAL_Hoag PC_041808aDOC 26 3-521 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations IX. SITE PLAN REVIEW A. Pu ose T14, Council finds that develops;,, at on the Lower Campus of Hoag hospital may have the potential to affect the aesthetics of the community. The effect of this section is to establish a Site Plan Review requirement for certain individual projects - to insure that these projects conform with the goals and policies of the General Plan, provisions of this Planned Community Development Plan, the Development Agreement and the standards set forth below in sub -section F. The following classifications of projects are subject to the Site Plan Review: Planning Commission review: 1. Any project that differs from setback, horizontal and vertical articulation requirements as set forth in Section V.D.2. Planning Director's review: 1. Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions that could have an 1 impact to visual resources. i 2. Any project that could have the potential to generate emissions creating objectionable odors or other impacts to air quality. v 3. Replacement of existing cooling towers, except fef easttak� B. Findines The City finds, determines and declares that the establishment of Site Plan Review procedures contained in this section promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the community by ensuring that the development of Hoag Hospital proceeds in a manner which will not result in inadequate and poorly planned landscape areas, excessive building bulk on arterial roadways, inappropriate placement of structures and impairment of the benefits of occupancy and use of existing properties in the area. C. Application Site Plan Review approval shall be obtained for any new structure or the addition to an existing structure, as outlined in Section 1XA above, prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit or issuance of an approval in concept for Coastal Commission or Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development review. D. Plans and Diagrams to be Submitted The following plans and diagrams shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval: FIN AL_Hoag_PC 041809a -DOC 27 3-522 Hoag Men+orud Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations 1. A plot plan, drawn to scale, showing the arrangement of buildings, driveways, pedestrian ways, off-street parking and off-street loading areas, landscaped areas, signs, fences and walks. The plot plan shall show the location of entrances and exits, and the direction of traffic flow into and out of off-street parking and loading areas, the location of each parking space and loading space, and areas for turning and maneuvering vehicles. The plot plan shall indicate how utility and drainage are to be provided. 2. A landscape plan, drawn to state, showing the locations of existing trees (proposed to be removed and proposed to be retained); and indicating the amount, type, and location of any landscaped areas, planting beds and plant materials with adequate provisions for automatic irrigation. 3. Grading plans when necessary to ensure development properly related to the site and to surrounding properties and structures. 4. Scale drawings of exterior lighting showing size, location, materials, intensity and relationship to adjacent streets and properties. 5. Architectural drawings, renderings or sketches, drawn to scale, showing all elevations of the proposed buildings and structures as they will appear upon completion. 6. Any other plans, diagrams, drawings or additional information necessary to adequately consider the proposed development and to determine compliance with the purposes of this chapter. E. Fee The applicant shall pay a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council to the City with each application for Site Plan Review under this chapter. F. Standards In addition to the general purposes set forth in sub -section A, in order to carry out the purposes of this chapter as established by said section, the Site Plan Review procedures established by this Section shall be applied according to and in compliance with the following standards, when applicable: 1, The development is in compliance with all other provisions of the Planned Community Development Criteria and District Regulations (P -C Text); 2. Development shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood and surrounding sites and shall not be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the surroundings and of the City; 3. Development shall be sited and designed to maximize the aesthetic quality of the project as viewed from surrounding roadways and properties, with special NlFINAL_Hoag_P 041808aDOC: 28 3-523 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Developmwot Criteria and District Regulations consideration given to the mass and bulk of buildings and the streetscape on West Coast Highway; 4. Site plan and layout of buildings, parking areas, pedestrian and vehicular access ways, landscaping and other site features shall give proper consideration to functional aspects of site development. Potential impacts shall be mitigated to less than significant levels. G. Public Hearing - Required Notice A public hearing shall be held on all Site Plan Review applications. Notice of such hearing shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days before the hearing date, postage prepaid, using addresses from the last equalized assessment roll or, alternatively, from such other records as contain more recent addresses, to owners of property within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain and provide to the City the names and addresses of owners as required by this Section. In addition to the mailed notice, such hearing shall be posted in not less than two (2) conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. H. Action by the Planning Director If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Director shall approve . I the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. If the development is disapproved, the Director shalt specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Director shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Planning Director. The action of the Planning Director on any Site Plan Review shall be. final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Director's action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Planning Director has requested a review of its decision, or unless the Planning Commission, not more than twenty-one (2 1) days after the Director's action, an its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Director, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The Planning Commission may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the Planning Commission shall be final, unless subsequently appealed or reviewed. 1. Action by the Planning Commission If all applicable standards established by this Section are met, the Planning Commission shall approve the development. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring said development into conformity. FINAL_Hoap11C_041809n.DOC 29 3-524 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Planned Community Development Criteria and Dbtrlcl Regulafteav If the development is disapproved, the Commission shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. A Site Plan Review decision of the Planning Commission shall be subject to review by the City Council either by appeal, or upon its own motion, or upon the request of the Commission. The action of the Commission on any Site Pian Review shall be final and effective twenty-one (21) days following the Commission action thereon unless, within the twenty-one (21) day appeal period an appeal in writing has been filed by the applicant, or any other person, the Commission has requested a review of its decision, or unless the City Council, not more than twenty-one (21) days after the Commission action, on its own motion, elects to review and act on the action of the Commission, unless the applicant consents to an extension of time. The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision. Such action by the City Council shall be final. J. Appeal to the Citv Council Any Site Plan Review decision of the Commission may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant or any other person, at any time within twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Commission decision. An appeal to the City Council shall be taken by filing a tetter of appeal in duplicate, with the Planning Department. Such letter shall set forth the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Resolution of the City Council, K. Action by the City Council An appeal shall be heard and acted on by the City Council within sixty (60) days of filing a letter of appeal, and the City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Commission. The decision of the City Council is final. L. Expiration and Revocation of Site Plan Review Approvals Expiration. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title shall expire within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval if a building permit has not been issued prior to the expiration date and subsequently construction is diligently pursued until completion, unless at the time of approval the Planning Commission has specified a different period of time. 2. Violation of Terms. Any Site Plan Review granted in accordance with the terms of this Title may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such Site Plan Review are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated in connection there with. Hearing. The Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on any proposed revocation after giving written notice to the permittee at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, and shall submit its recommendations to the City Council. The City Council shall act thereon within sixty (60) days after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Commission. dFINAL HoaS_PC 041808a.DOC 30 3-525 Exhibit #6 . 31 .'s=B 3-526 Govemment/Agenry Anticipated Location Area De3CliPtlOn LandwApe Element Schedule status Outcome I Effact �andaid S.. ftn-3.fwaet ,Props Pe q..th— F—PCH ........ .. z TIrslall 1=--,g CoQn !T-- V- ':Coes 7=7! IT. aNmeta Mv MOB, Co A�W ZIN Pft vM .f C. G. EbAdM 1nanlYdb R" R—S — 0oaw g-naenen jlnFWcompqftwJq IC4� 200& -, . .''"i: .. . . . . . . . . .2m- dftd !P'.jd—pwd Maas Naaa9Vr+Y.ne ,i*bd W -b jtw 2007 tr...d %JW Mpkl. b4 and elmien aonnd Wo 01--v p. a L— C-,,- %J- I., it'. aw IMMICd Payee V 2. 31'� b—ft� d 4 F. V." �flk. 2dW �.W� 1P.J—~ Paddle IPram pd W I T—pl-lov bm ft..v a fen Fi—thv O.O.Ullm.&WO—W W, W. m3mm w Foll a irjw 2w? �.l P*d --O� Cddthgf.*— wpw M" ph. L—C.�W�P'*d Merthan D= jalW2:W;LQ It= �r EnRafoetl ' 3:eeTp- ftb� 5ya— CC== W� q-4. n".4 P� 1,Wqwi.,Yw- i7trem,atvobo era OnamJmvmaM new!D� zw hwdkw L)w —T.Cm eevwfm M2 Screerwo aw bLoftg W--O—Pwdq . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.PYQV!-{.M.b a om-.� ovw. I=- D- IP—�,; dlV —.0 4.01 —M PW*N dww�MmmFeH rldCl1111'C=Apprwa' nsy A*­MbCorMO(AIC)bytne llp— I" 1-11� 1191- 6--t-51P.M-9 F", V-1wUbpf.*v :2DM Comm. W�PCH 46 -*ctwy native I wills Color Coda Indicating Cunvat EmImtsut.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ll dbw mcga pmnb Wta�ii''i': ft..P—bt- app -vet fa M-albddn RMWMfiwrai Cay C -,dl M.*v Exhibit #6 . 31 .'s=B 3-526 HOAG LOWER CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN Exhibit #7 32 3-527 PARTIAL ELEVATION - PCH LANDSCAPE SCREEN Hoag MOMwKal Hasp ms" !al[tal Presbyterian ewp oa/7'42MM EIWWt NO 33 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH } I, LaVonne M Harkless, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council is seven; that the foregoing ordinance, being Ordinance No. 2008-10 as duly and regularly introduced before and adopted by the , City Council of said City at a regular meeting of said Council, duly and regularly held on the 13th day of May 2008, and that the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: i Ayes: Henn, Rosansky, Curry, Daigle, Gardner, Mayor Selich j Noes: None Absent: Webb Abstain: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the official seal of said City this 14tb day of May 2008. (Seal) (2E �&mL 62. City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ► ss. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) I, LAVONNE M. HARIMESS, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 2008-10 has been duly and regularly published according to law and the order of the City Council of said City and that same was so published in The Daily Pilot, a daily newspaper of general circulation on the following date, to wit: May 17, 2008. 2008. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this day of City Clerk City of Newport Beach, California 3-529 EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Parcel 1: That portion of Lots 169 and 170 in Block 2 and a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 172 of Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. -Cl- 3-530 EXHIBIT D LEGAL DEPICTION OF PROPERTY -D1- 3-531 3-532 EXHIBIT F MELINDA HOAG SMITH CENTER FOR HEALTHY LIVING AGENCY PARTNERS F1 3-533 rA Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living 3-534 The Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living (MHSCHL) is a robust one -stop -shop of interconnected and supportive services that promote health and well-being. The Center houses a wide variety of non-profit partner agencies and the programs that address key issues affecting the health of our community, The Center provides culturally sensitive services and resources that enable prevention, address the root causes of disease and improve health outcomes. Services are offered in English and/or Spanish depending on the program. There is no fee to become a member of the Center. The membership provides access to a majority of agencies and services, at no cost, however there may be health insurance prerequisites. For more information or to set an appointment, please call us at 949-764-6551 or stop by for an in person visit Hours of Operation: Monday -Friday 8 a.m. — 7 p.m. I Saturday 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Vision Inspire and empower our community to take control of their own health and wellbeing. Provide culturally sensitive services and resources that enable prevention, address the root causes of disease and improve health outcomes. Offer services that meet the needs of the whole person: mind, body and spirit. Mission To work synergistically in a shared location with our partner agencies and community residents to bridge the gaps in services, build capacity and maximize impact in our under - resourced communities. 3-535 Partner agencies and programs offered include. ® D D Academy of International Dance Ballet and hip-hop classes Art and Creativity 4 Healing Art workshops designed to aid with stress reduction and to increase coping skills Be the Change Yoga Yoga classes for all levels Big Brothers Big Sisters of OC Youth mentoring for those 6 -16 years of age Cancer Kinship Mentorship, education and support programming for cancer patients in any stage of diagnosis, treatment or remission Children's Bureau General needs assessment, case management and linkage to resources Healthy Habits educational series Children's Health Connection Provides connections to health services, health screenings and health education along with safety equipment CHOC PODER (Prevention of Obesity and Diabetes through Health and wellness education including nutrition and physical fitness Education and Resources) CIELO — (Community for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Support and educational workshops related to business and entrepreneurial skills, resume Leadership &Opportunities) writing, financial and computer literacy Community Action Partnership Healthy Couples/Families workshops which focus on enhancing interpersonal skills and problem solving skills Social educational and support services for children and families. Services offered in Costa Mesa Family Resource Center English/Spanish. Collaborative partners: Human Options, Children's Bureau, Girls Inc., Raise Foundation, Help Me Grow, and Strong Families Strong Children. Council on Aging English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults; Balance and Mobility classes; computer skills classes; HICAP — support & education regarding MediCare benefits CPR, First Aid Certification CPR and First Aid Certification for adults — Crime Survivors I Support groups, self-defense classes and resources for victims of crimes Drumming Circles Stress reduction drumming circles for adults Girls Inc. Afterschool programming for boys & girls: homework support; spring and summer camps; dance classes; Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) classes Help Me Grow OC Developmental screenings for young children; resources for enhancing child development Hoag — ASPIRE (After School Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for 13-17 year olds experienc ng mental health Program: Intervention and difficulties; program guides teens and their families through skills -based 'training. Resiliency Education) (Need private health insurance) Hoag — Case Management Case management and linkage to resources Hoag — Health Coaching Health and wellness coaching Hoag — Health Ministries Faith community nursing outreach, seasonal flu clinic and blood pressure clinics Short term outpatient counseling services for individuals, couples and/or families Hoag — Mental Health Center Support groups and educational classes English, Spanish and Farsi speaking therapist (Sliding -scale fee) Hoag — OC Vital Brain Complimentary memory screening for adults over age 45 Aging Program Hoag — Pra/Community Health Workerorker Support and resources for adults experiencing stress and mental health challenges Human Options Domestic violence prevention and intervention services, counseling, parenting classes, PEP (Personal Empowerment Program), support groups MOMS OC Preparation for childbirth classes, Mommy & Me classes NAMI — National Alliance for the Support groups and educational classes for family members and caregivers who have a loved Mentally III one (child or adult) living with mental illness Olive Crest Parenting classes Orange County Department of Child Assistance for parents with obtaining, modifying and collecting child support Support Services Orange County Public Health Nursing Nursing case management, nursing assessment, health education 21 3-536 Partner agencies and programs offered include: Pilates I Pilates classes for adults Project Youth, OC Bar Foundation Youth diversion programs - "SHORTSTOP" and "Stop Short of Addiction"; "Madres Health and wellness programing for women - Unidas" Project Self Sufficiency Support, mentoring and linkage to resources for single parents enrolled in college Public Law Center Civil legal services and individual counseling focusing on family law related matters for low income adults and families Linkage to resources, assistance with applications for government programs: Raise Foundation I MediCai, CalFresh (food stamps); CalWorks (Cash aid); Volunteer opportunities through: Youth Advisory Council (YAC); Community Engagement Advisory Committee (CEAC) Second Harvest Food distribution for families in need (must be an adult to participate) Full scope primary care including preventive health care, urgent medical care and chronic SOS Children & Family Health Center disease management (health insurance requirements and/or sliding scale available) SOS Dr. Robert & Dorothy Beauchamp Child and Family General and specialty dental services for infants to adults Dental Center SPIN - Serving People in Need I Housing assistance for families in need, GAPP -guided assistance to permanent placement Strong Families Strong Children I Team of peer navigators and clinical case managers help provide support, resources, and HOAG PaCTCC counseling for active duty or veteran family members Susan G. Komen OC I Breast health and cancer prevention education, mammogram screenings, survivor support groups United Way - Tax preparation assistance for low income families Youth Employment Services Securing and maintaining employment assistance for 16-24 year olds Zumba ' Zumba classes for adults and Zumbini classes for adult caregivers and young children iMelinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living 307-I(acentia Avenue Newport Beach, CA. 92663 On the corner of Placentia and Hospital Road (across the street from Hoag Hospital). Entrance to parking lot is off Placentia. i f,jelinda I -coag Srni th Center for l-Aealthy Living 't t5lh Bt 307 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92563 949-764-6551 hoag.org/MHSCHL 22 3-537 1 43/ l [zJ Hospital Rd '1 HOAG PaCTCC , Q IEWMBEACA� � } i i l .I 307 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92563 949-764-6551 hoag.org/MHSCHL 22 3-537