HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-011PA2019-011 Batch 4269210 Confirmation Page 1 of 2 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 12.00 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 * $ R O O 1 0 6 5 0 7 2 0 $ * 2019000053128 2:57 pm 02/20/19 47 NC-5 C17 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. C02019-004 (PA2019-011) California Government Code Section No. 66499.35(c) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Owner: 706 Poinsettia. LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Company Site Address: 706 Poinsettia Avenue City of Newport Beach, County of Orange Assessor Parcel Number: 459-232-04 Number of parcels for which this Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded: One (1) LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Northeasterly 25 feet of Lot 8 and the Southwesterly 15 feet of Lot 10 in Block 7 43 of Corona del Mar, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California as per map recorded in Book 3, Page(2) 41 and 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County. https://gs.secure-recording.com/Batch/Confirmation/4269210 02/20/2019 PA2019-011 Batch 4269210 Confirmation 706 Poinsettia Avenue Page: 2 of2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE California Government Code Section No. 66499.35(c) CONTINUATION Newport Beach Certificate of Compliance No. C02019-004 (PA2019-011) Notice: This document certifies compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act, specifically Government Code 66499.35, and the local subdivision ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. City of Newport Beach '\ elsea Crager, As ciate Planner, for Seimone Jurjis, PE BO Community Development Director ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY NOTARY PUBLIC February 20, 2019 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Page 2 of2 On F' ~b .-u ru-':l .w . w12 before me, I ~i ""-R.t e ~, Nolwj Tub{;c. personally appeared ___ ___,,Ch~~-:£.,.~.bL.e:s,C..· =e.A~-Ci~~euac...c..c..;1-"lj=---· (Place Notary Seal Above) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the perso~whose name"8)" is/are-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatJ:te-/she/tQ&r executed the same inpisther/theff: authorized capacity..(iesr, and that by p.istner/theirsignatureL&t-on the instrument the persorWir, or the entity upon behalf of which the perso~ acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that ·the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my han~ a~~cial seal. • Signature }1~ ?Ji#... Signature ofNotaryPublic https:// gs.secure-recording.com/Batch/Confirmation/ 4 269210 02/20/2019 PA2019-011 ·- 1AlJ..a{Jt •... a' , \ I ?6 /\4 5v\?\I\I'-,+ Certificate of Compliance Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov Address · ' 47'5 -foe>Ttl'k.\ L,',r~~ City, State e,, R'w\l NCt~ Ml Email 1 --~ em t L : o-r& l l Zt>@. mail. ~ Phone No. q 4-'i--'1Z.'f-il.f,10t,){p Fax No. Address · t>.io. 'le>a>'K oollt,5 City, State Zip Code 'f 2.0Z.3-OJ loS .;; N c:,1 N \1AS. e->,.. Email Phone No. Fax No. ho-+e,.i\--ozs.3 Site/Pro"ect Address Assessor's Parcel No. 7·D/J Po1N~m~ AVE--zaz.-o..4- Along with the above portion of this form completely filled out, please submit the following: 1. A legible copy of the latest Recorded Grant Deed or Contract of Sale showing current ownership, include the Title Insurance Policy if available. 2. A copy of the latest Tax Bill and Assessor's Map. • 3. A copy of any and all documents supporting original creation of the parcel (e.g. Grant Deeds, Contracts of Sale, Records of Survey, Building Permits, or other documents). 4. If the project is improved, include legible copies of: • A Plot P Ian, fully dimensioned on an 8% " x 11" sheets howing entire parcel, al I improvements, and parcel area in square feet. • A Building Permit for a Principal Building on the Property. 5. An application fee in the amount of $318 ($306 + OC Recorders Fee $12) payable to the City of Newport Beach. Please note parcels not in compliance with Subdivision or Zoning regulations may incur additional costs. · Do Not Complete Application Below This Line -For Office Use Only PA No. rA '2 <D1q-{) 11 Submitted: j r '2..'5. ,Z~1'i Planner CL I ext. x 32 z 1- CO No. c~ 2.¢1\ <i\ _ (pl©L( Fee Paid: £~Sep cpfb Date Mailed D No. D 2¢1¥-tDt:52.~ Form of Payment: Check No. Date of OR iz·check ·1,zsbi D Credit Card Pin Chck No. 23~-Z((n~ Receipt No. ~C.f (b\.l)\(p 2.QI' OR No. Remarks: Updated 09/21/18 PA2019-011 ; !lfCORDING REQI.ESleD BY FIRST MERICMI 1111.E C(t.lP/\NY RESll'fN'IW. OMSlON ~ING REQllESfED B\': Citywide Escrow Services, Inc. Order No. 5082130 -~ W Escrow No. 28921-CS Parcel No. 459-232-04 AND WHEN RECORDED 1\-IAIL TO: 706 POINSETTIA. LLC. A MICHIGAN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY C/0 FORD ESTATES. LLC 2000 BRUSH STREET. 1#440 DETROIT, Ml 48226 ;··1 IJ'"I .j,:~ ... .,,·I ;:·-., Recorded in Official Retords, orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder 111111 I I 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 llll 15. 00 * $ R O O O 8 1 9 6 4 6 0 $ * 2016000091083 9:31 am 03/04/16 62 Sec2 G02 4 07 1210.00 1210.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S US!! GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S} DECLARE(S) THAT DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $2.420.00 and CITY S 181 computed on full value of property conveyed, or 0 computed on full v;due less liens or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. . D unincorporated area: f8I City of Newport Beach, and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Roder le A. Camp and Emily E. Camp. Trustees of The Camp Family Trust established February 23, 1999 and The Camp/Lee-Warren Family Trust established January 9, 2007, each ns to nn undi\·ided 1/2 interest, as Tenants in Common hereby GRANT(S) to 706 Poinsettia, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Company the following described real property in the County of Orange, State of California: The Northeasterly 25 leet of Lot 8 and the Southwesterly 15 foet or Lot IO in Block 743 of Corona Del Mar, in the City of Newport Beac~, County of Orange, State of California as per map recorded in Book 3, Page(s) 41 and 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County. More commonly known as: 706 Poinsettia Avenue. Corona· Del Mar, CA 92625 Date January 21., 20 16 The Camp Family Trust established February 23, 1999 SIGNED IN COUNTERPART · By: Roderic A. Camp, Trustee The Camp/Lee-Warren Family Trust established January 9, 2007 / .? ...t:>'? <..~::_:..:, ~ ...L ;;; c._... . ~,_. ·····;, . /ff ..r·d fl< By: Roger 0. Camp, Truste? 7 OThis Deed may b~ executed in Counterpart. SIGNED IN COUNTERPART By: Emily E. Camp, Trustee .I" I~ ~ ~ -!. )/i~ A I,. -• , c:..,..,-, Jd..(,, '(,L,• L' ~c... tC L:!::::: UlJl.1.{._ I~ ijy: Susan E. Lee-Warren, Trustee Mail Tax Statement to: SAME AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below PA2019-011 ~,J!~~~~~~~:·~11t;•;~1t::~:;,·:·:~~~J20~r:~~:=·;:~,;\~s:~~~~~f ~;1:1~i~ <:~'~'·· :;ri=G. 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L , \/·O';· K. to Edison Co. 194 0. K. No. /~) -:};! .,,. M ft-• . ;/. ~ .... .-p . . : ........ ·. PA2019-011 ' -i}t:;.:,~:~PB:::1;~~f ·~7:z;~:!~;~!:;f ;~7~~:z:??:h ,, ~ -~_:· .. > .. -~.·¥r ''w!!'~~ /~tA!. ?-~. ··---~., ..... ~ ... ~_:.,._ ..... __ .~lliliC..:...,;..;.......:_ .. --. ~--.. -. _,.;~......,,...;,;.;,;-... {.~t J • ~·-:.. •• : ,.• • •• 'Mltiilib .... ·. ···.'' ...,,,__....,_~-------.... ~·----=-----~~-------...... -----. ---------------------------"":': ·--:.1>:.--'._::· _ -194 -~·o .. x. .£ . .-~::'._~ ~·-· .'JI('. ...... -·.· .· -~ .. : .· .· · .. Permit No. -Date 194 o. K. .(;\'lilatalled By )~\/ -------~·--·---...... --,-----·--~R~ ....... _, ______ , __ , .. _IW' --..i,,,i111111'11aa: aa: :.\,, t ...... ,v,,c -~~~:;{··._· . . · .... ~ ... -... :,:· . : ... -· PA2019-011 A/C NEVI WALL w > <( <( NEW CAT< J--NEW WALL w en z 0 a.. .s;w A/C KEYNOTES III UNEoFOOERIORMU.TYP. liaJ NOTu&ED Iii UNEOFROOFOYEIIHANG/ Iii) NOTUIIED 1,1 RUEYITBACKS iii NDTUSED Ill PIIQPERT'l'UNE.l'tP. ~ IEWGIJIAOE I>] B NOTU$Etl Iii NEWGASIETER ~ NDTUSED rn ul NOTUSED Iii WEWEI.ECTIIICMElEA. INCREASET017SA. I!] """"" 118.00' PROPERlY LINE ADJACENT NEIGHBORING RESIDENCE PROPOSED SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. SPOTDIMENSIONSINDICATEESTIIM.TEDCiRADEI-EIOHTS.VERlfYIN FEl.OPIUOIITOCONS'UIUC1ION. %. =-U>INGPlANI FDRAI.LOTHERDIMENSIONSMCNCJTESNOT 3. &EE BULDIIG PLANS AND ICH!Dll.ES Jrtlll.AU. EXTERIOR DOQRIJ,O WNDOW IIEFERENCEI IMO LOCATDNL "-PAO\IIOETUIOEllT.HOSEIBSOFFIAAIG.liffll. S, YAR0SE'18ACK8ARET08EMEAII\JREOFROMTHEEXTERIDRMU.FINIIH TO THI!" PROPfRTV UH! AND NOT FROM THE OUl'SIDE OF THE fOOTWG !CR FACE OF SlUIJ&~ THE PLAHS YUt!T II! Dl!lllONEDmH THl!Mlt. flNISl-l THICKhlESS 11,E. 7W' STUCCO, &TC.)ADDED TO tHE PLAN FCR Tl£ ~~=ic,~A~=~OOtHEPLANtEO IS. NEW El.ECTRIC SERVICE IS TO IIE VNOEltGROUNO P00\.5, SPAS. WALLS. l'l!ta&, PATIO COV9IS AND OTHER FREESTANOINGSTRUCTURU REaUIRE 5EJl'ARATE REIIIEWI AND PP.Wr8 7. FfNCE8.HEDGE8.MU.S.RETAININGWW.S.GIIMDJIAUANO IWalAILS ORAi« COIUIIMTIONntfftl!:01' 8Hllll NOT EXCl!ED .cz" FIKIM EXliTIHIJGRADE PRJCIR TO CONSTRUC'tlCINlllfTHH R!QLIRED SE'IBACKAREAS. I, CM..DSHi\l'9WITl&lll!:QUIU!ORIRl!ICoWATIONSDEEPEll.~f/AND 5HOAOIGANOLINOERPINNINO. GREEN BUILDING CODE NOTES t. SlfE &HAU. IE PI.AIH!:DANO tleVELCIPEDTO KEEP 5URFACEW,,1EII: AWAV FAOl.t BL/LDINOS. Pt.ANS IHALL BE PROVIDED AND APPIIOVEO BY lHE CflY &NalNEl!R fflAT 5HDNalraGRAD1t«JAND PROI/IDI! !'Oft liTGRII WATER RETENflONAND DRAIMGE DURIN:JCONSTRUCIION. BIPS ™T ARECURRENrl.Y EMFCJRCEDBYTHECITV ENGINEERMLISTBE llill'Ll!Ml!Nf!DPRIC>RTDN'l'lll.lNIPECTIONBYTIEILILDl<IGOEPT. Z. IS§OFCCNSTRUCfllNWQTEISTOll!R!CJCL!O. 3. VOC'SMUITCOMPLVWITHTHELIMITA1k>NUSTEDINSECTIDN4.5(1U AHD TABLES "51M. 1, 4.511U. UOC1. AND ,UOU l'Cll:ADHl!Sll!!B, PAINrS ANDCDl'<TIMGS.CARPETANOOOMPOSITIOHWOODPRODUC'IS. 4. INTERIORMOISTURECONTROLATSLAIIDNIIRADER.DORISHI\LLBE PROIIIOE09YTHESDII.ENG1tEERRESPOHSl8LEFORlHEPR0.IECTSOIL REPORTl'DI CGCSl!C11DNUll!U.1, rrl!M3. IFASOILl!NGIN!ERHf.SNDT PIIEl'AREOASOLREPDRTFOR THISPROJEc:1'. THEFOI.LOWIGIS R!QUlR!!D:A•"THICKIASEOF11Z'ORLARGERCI.EANAGGl!a».TE IH,\LLBEPROVIDl!DWITHAVAPORIARIUl!!RJNDIIIECTCONTACTNTM CDNCRETE.'MTHACOHCftETEMIXDESIONVffCHll'ALADDAESII Bl.l!l!DIHO. SHIUNKAOEAND CUll:LINGIHALL BE USED. PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED SITE DATA SETBACK LINE LOTSUE 118'X39.99' = 4,71a8SF PROPOSED BIBLDING FOOTPRINT AREA OF COll:RETE AREA OF GROUNO COVER 2,058 SOUARE FEET INCLUDNG GARAGE(477 S~ PRDPOS.ED SITE HARIJSCAPE OMPERVIOUS AREA) 1,721 SQUARE FEET AREA OF PAYERS PROPOSEO SITE LANDSCAPE (PERVIOUS AREAi 94lSQUARE FEET ELEVAmN MAKERS DF1HEUSTED IETHCIDSUSTED1NCOCSEC'ODNL5D'J.:I I. PRIDRTOFINALAl'PROIIALOFTHl!IULDlilBTtELICDISl!D comRACTOR. ARCHrTECTDR ENGINEER INREIPONSIILE CHARGE OF THE OVERALL cONBTRIJCllON MUST COMPLETE ANDSIONTtEGIIEENIUIUlllNIJ&TANDARDSCl!IITFICATXIH FORMANDGJ\IENTOTHEIUP.OIWGDEPTOfFIC&ALTOBE • Fl.fD'MTHTH!APPRO\IEDPI.ANB T. LANDSCN'EIRRIGATIDN~TERUllESHAllHWE'M:ATtER IWIEOCONTRCILI.ERS. DIRECTIONAL PATHWAY UGHTil«l SITE LIGHTING HDUSESPOTUiHTS I. PllOJECT8WiCHDIITUR8LEISTHANCNEACf1EOFSDLIWILL MAH*JE STORM ~TER DRAINAGE DURINGCONSlRIJCTIDN 8'I' ONE OF THEl'OUOVIINO:A.Rl!TENllONMSN.LWHEIIE S1Qft11WI\Tl!lll8 CONVE'l'ED TOA PWLIC DRAIMIJE SYSTEII, W'ITER IHALLBEFILTERED IYUSE0FAIIARRIER&V51EM.MffiEDRD1HERN'PRO\IEDMETHOO. COCLIOU. I. TH!CCINIRACTDR8HA1.LSUIIIITACOH81'RUCTIDNIN'8TE I.WWJEl,IENJPLANTOTHIEJURISDICllDNAGl!JCY'IHATREOUI.ATl!S WASTE MANAGEMENT, PER COC 4.40U. 'Ill. THEBUIUIERIS'IQPRD\ISOEANOPERA'Tk»IMANUAL,ooNTAINING HORWITICN FDll II IIANTANNO APl't.MNCES, l!TC.l l'OR THE C7MER ATTHETIIIIEOFFINALINSPECTICIN.OCICUIIUI 11, D\IIUIGCONS'IRUCTIDN.l!NC!aOll'DUCTOPEYNGSARl!'IQBESEALEO. ANDM~L&a.MENTIIITOIECCIVERED.C0C4.5IN.1 FIRE NOTES 1. NEWANDEJ(ISTINGBUILDNiSIIHAl.l.H/M!APPROVED AIXIRESINUPIIBERIIDRN'PRaV&DBUIUJNJ IDEN'L'IFICATIONPI.ACEDJNAPOSITIDNTW.TISPtAM.V I..EGtBLEAt.0VISJBLEFDRIITl£STREETORROAD l'RONTINQTHEPROPl!RTY. THHl!NUMIERS&Ht.Ll.lll!A .. NIMUMOF" INCHEll HIBHMTHAMINMUMSTROICE(JF .S WCHl!S. W£Jtl! ACCl!IS IS BY MEAIG OP A P'IWATI! ROAD AND THE BUILDINGCAN,IOT BE VIEWED FROM THE PU8Lkl MY,AMOl&II.EN1'.POLEOROTHl!IIISIONDIIIMEAW1$WILL l!Ul51!DTOICIENJIFYTHl!STRIJClURE.CFCIECTIDN!ID5.1 2. ALLFIREAPPARAru&ROAOSACCESSIIIOADS IHALLHAVl!ANUNDB.ITRUCTl!DVl!RTICAL CI.EIIRANCEOF'NOLE&8THMIUFEE'TIINCHE5. 0 0 ::) " ::; ~ .... "' o: ti) ., ~! 0{ ,, Q~ :c + .... .. ~ ti "'; <I'. ~ ;': j 0.. u ,( " .. ~ . z: z ..c t') " -· 0 ~ "'' " ~i ti) w 0 project 706 Poinsettia Ave Newport Beach, CA 92625 £····'-· d1111criplian Proposed Site Plan drownby y,p/1$f ,heelnoA-S 1.2 PA2019-011 GRAPHIC SCALE k.-.-Lu BASIS OF BEARING: TIE&eMINGaa«M'N IEAEOM ARE BA8BJ QM THii.lEIIING 'N ... anD"e"Ofl11CCDRERIJtEQl<~- Ma!CMWOl'4IULDl1,.1Gf1.fUl8.tlnl. MONUMEJIIT NO'I&: •-fWCl-tffASNCITtll 0 •2Tr.o1Uo0TASN011D @·~~~~~:~cs= u. 7mi LEGEND, PREPARED FOR: 80DMAN PLC MfflfONY CRACctUOLO S'IH FlOOR AT roi:to FlE1J) 1901 51'. ANTOINE STftEET OETffOIT, l,ICHIOAN 48:1211 PHONE:: (31J) 393-7552 [MAIL: Act,IACCMIOLOIIBODMANLA.W.CON I.SiAL DESCIIJPIION: ............ BOUNDARY SURVEY OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 8 & 10, BLOCK 743 OF CORONA DEL MAR, Ill i Ill ~ IN THE 01Y OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUN!Y OF ORANGE, STAll! OF CAUl'ORNfA AS FER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAGES 41 • 42 OF MISCELLANBlUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY LDT12 l =l"i~=· ~ • ( -,,____,,~ --~---~---~-..IJII.l~-~--...l!l!ll'..--~---~----..,..,,,.___...__.,., f706 . II I . 1 1! I------------------------------1111j/ L 1.111'1 ----------\-~ -~ ---....... --------- .,. ~Nlllml:IISIEIIJ..YutEPBI =m~~:ons .... .,. .. , 1.111"1 t;f,.7J~I~ 2/l'::~16 Registration No. LS. 7325 Eicplres December J1, 201Ci PA2019-011 Shfill:d L F:r,c".:hikmk:h~ CPA Or2n i;g.t CiJLa n!j,i lif:;1};:u r11,-:n· -'J ~1:.;: C,o~kL·;c)(H i'J!).il:;f..!Y. i1!'.1~ &· tf-i'r!'Wi .e.n-.., .. ~ ?!iii'fri-'11.it~ ~qp.to:rie~,·~~aHi~-ri1.wmmnrt~.igmimfrnlinr ~5 :ii. El;.:.~ Sf.r!:!=li!:: £11.1ll1U~, fl il.flm:i;t1 ~~1 Si:rnh'.i A:ri:i! {!f;li;r;.,r,:,Hi,.tJr!.: ,~jJV11'-5i.!iJPJf.:tfumilJ.,.i · J:irii'.111)1 ~'iii!'¥''-' 1/itr~w. ·i.;,.mr:1i1riH:'k~£.Hfi.!?i p:llll, f,l,::J.t .. :5J~H '!Y.:!f::'P ,r.a>!!!lf!~J·~;;JhlU ;m P:i~I~ Be!J;iklr'.qJUly'i.0!11El:lf1d;~dirig~~. :rote iOCf!lln!,i»:L~~ ~1'lilft-m 'T,!,1:,7:J(] !r;;(:'ifl)IJ iVfflMMLBHV "'IH!*liHll<Ji.UTO"AU FOR MDC ~111 #4592 3204: 2',!,M 8 o# hJ·,001lil11i at~lt(l·~hJ&ume d8fl!P..td!l\.lfl!J,servl&1:ti'lftl bj ~~ mm] in ffll~~ r.eeslpt. . ~:~~~~~.:fl:-1pn~eJ!k~or:~~ID!lad~lltJ~$M·,d:BJe. iUJi)!l;tialbu(ill~.:l~:~.~:!lfl.ld'pJJJlf,~,g;etJDllt~~~iJiBDid~!Mliw.ifji .BI piiS(nied: j;\1!·M~IJl'e :tl: .. iqtm(!~ ~·c~ lrta!i·dmlm!~,dilee parlh!·kl Q~ti{iftlce "'IP~Jii8ti ~ I tl~l~1ill:f,n'll[IE 1 il 1·ll!lt 1IIIJ1I •t1 11:1l1p I It I lllli1l~l'l~llil 111 11 l:1 l1lm TIMi 'POINSIITTiA LLe cm 'RlffDi ESTATES UC *D BRUSH ST SfiE ~410 a~ rmi.~~11 Pd. ~ih,ctBD,~31 ,,(),,r,h, .. JJ~ S U/#88·~ 3., \.\ ~sh 'D ASSESSEE: 100 POINSETfirA Ll1C Make cihedk.s 1pay,atnle to: ,counLy ,Oif Orange COUNTY' OF ORlAf~GE AT:T:tt TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR IP~o~ Box 1438 Sama Ana. CA 9:2702-1438 LAND IMPRCMJEJPIRENT$ -IWll.!Olt,bG TffiOlAL '1AUJES:;. "fm".AJL. NE.f 'lfMABl.E VAt.lE~ :&if.il)31Ms M;SES&ISI\IT•e~Eti l'IQ~,AiUl J\N'f ASWif v,!tirfflieom~,Qlolc i!VF\l'm WA'T,tm ~y elm ,ocw,~.~'~Si fflON!iiNJO.. ~1;1~ ... ~ilm1 -i!ffi.i,5i1W ~·~~-, Vi~~ r.&11 1:.~ t11.60 ~~.lf«ll 10:FIANGE COUNTY 201&,.1:B PROPERTY TAX PDJ'!iffl.~nt! 111/~dk gr;llw'mifil i:sm1 Eeiteck el. :~ ·.:11· -• fm!.· ~~I •·~~ ·wSA · :1Bi:.:f'ea, M/lli. tui _,ii.,,.....~· &:an,~·~oo•w ~!P1BY '~~vJCmmi'o;;~ Joor ~i!f:le paroeJ ,i:;inUine 5,e,cood knstaM1n1:1nl DUE FEB, 11 20,19 L-~1;;·20·············'* .. ·.,:. ~] I ------