HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-016Reference No. PA2019-016 February 7, 2019 Zoning Assessments, LLC Attn: Shannon Vogele Shannon@keyzoning.com RE: 20350 and 20360 Birch Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 APNs: 439 382 37 and 439 382 38 Dear Shannon: The above referenced properties are currently located within the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SP-7) – Business Park (BP) Zoning District and designated as General Commercial Office (CO-G) land use designation within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. For the abutting properties to the north and east, the Zoning District is Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SP-7) – Business Park (BP) and the General Plan land use designation is General Commercial Office (CO-G). Westwardly and southwardly abutting properties are located within the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SP-7) – Residential Equestrian (REQ) Zoning District and the General Plan land use designation is Single-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D) At the time the building permits were finaled, the building and parking requirements were in substantial conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is considered to be nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the property. With the exception of the discretionary approvals for signs, copies of those approvals are attached. Please contact the Planning Division for further details on any discretionary application: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER VIA EMAIL PA2014-121 Page 2 Zoning Compliance - PA2019-016 Tmplt: 08-15-176 PA2006-280 - Use Permit No. UP2006-039, Tentative Parcel Map No. NT2007-002, and Traffic Study No. TS 2006-003 approved on October 18, 2007 to allow the construction of four (4), 2-story 64,973-square-foot medical office buildings over a parking level. PA2008-148 - Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 approved on September 8, 2008 for commercial condominium purposes. 20352 – 20412 Birch Street PA2014-121 - Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-032, Site Development Review No. SD2014-005, Traffic Study No. TS2014-006, Parcel Map No. NP2014-017 (County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2014 -171) approved on February 19, 2015 to allow the construction of two, two-story medical office buildings totaling 64,000 square feet in gross floor area and a 324-space surface parking lot. The subdivion would resubdivide four existing lots into three lots for commercial development and condominium purposes. 20350 and 20360 Birch Street PA2016-148 - Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-012 approved on December 2, 2016, to authorize signage for a new medical campus. The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 644 - 3215 and the Building Division at (949) 644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plot maps or public rights-of way, please contact the Public Works Department at (949) 644 -3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at (949) 644-3237, pachis@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, On behalf of Seimone Jurjis, PE, CBO, Community Development Director By: Enclosures: Aerial Map Municipal Code Section 20.90.120 - Business Park District: SP-7 (BP). Figure LU11 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan PA2006-280 PA2008-148 PA2014-121 PA2016-148 20372 Birch Street PA2014-121 Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 2/7/2019 0 833417 PA2014-121 PA2014-1212/7/2019 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN 20.90.120 Business Park District: SP-7 (BP). 8 (0 SHARE A. Purpose and Intent. The BP District is established to provide for the development and maintenance of professional and administrative offices , commercial uses, specific uses related to product development, and limited light industrial uses. Attention shall be given to the protection of the adjacent residential uses through regulation of building mass and height, landscape buffers, and architectural design features . B. Principal Uses Permitted . 1. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a minor use permit per Part 5 of this title : a. Professional and administrative offices . b. Financial institutions. c . Civic and government uses. d. Office-serving commercial uses , including restaurants, located within a building primarily devoted to office uses. e. Communication transmitting, reception or relay facilities . f . Public/private utility buildings and structures. g. Blueprinting, reproduction and copying services . h. Message, mail and delivery services. i. Medical and dental offices. j . Retail businesses. k. Service businesses . 2. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Commission per Part 5 of this title : a. Restaurants subject to the following : i. Not permitted adjacent to REQ lots. ii. No live entertainment. iii. No dancing. b. Automobile rental agencies not permitted adjacent to REQ lots . c . Commercial recreation . d. Assembly of components or finished products. e. Research, testing and development laboratories. f . Any other uses which the Planning Commission finds consistent with the purpose and intent of this district. C. Temporary Uses Permitted . 1. Temporary uses per Part 5 of this title . https://www.codepublishing .com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090 .html#20 .90 .120 1/6 PA2014-121 PA2014-121 PA2014-121 PA2014-121 PA2014-121 !2!1 !8 !16 !4 !3 !13 !18 !15 !10 !21 !17 !7 !21 !9 !11 !5 !6 !22 !21 !14 !14 !12 !12 !19 !19 !2.1 BAYVIEWB A YV I EWBAYCREST AV E BA Y F A R M P L AVENUECIRCLE LA C A N A D A UNI V E R S I T Y PAPER LN DRI V E IRVINESILVER LNACACIA STDRI V E DRIVE ME S A BIRCHCYPRESS STME S ACIRCLELANE GOLD E N A N N I VERSARYOR C H A R D D R ZE N I T H A V E PLACECIRLNEG R E T CT CO R M O R A N T C O R M O R A NT CIRCLECTBA Y C R E S T CT AVEDOLPHIN-STRIKER WAY NEWPORT PLACE DR QU A I L S T BOWSPRIT DRDOVE JAMBOREEST R E E T KARMANBIR C H S T TELLER AVEDRI V EBARDEEN AVECA M P U S ROADJAMBOREEBIRCH STDO V E S T CAMPUS DRIVEVON KARMAN AVE DRI V E BIR C H S T BIRCH STREETWAY CORINTHIAN SCOTT DRDOVE STUPPER BAY DRSPRUCEORCHIDAZ U R E BAY VIEWCT SHEARW A T E RSHEARWATER PLDRI V E GANNETBAYVIEW B L V DROADBAYVIEW WAYJAMBOREES/E B R I S T O L S T BRI S T O L S T R E E T N O R T H FAIRCHILDAVENUESANTAANAST R E E T A V E N UEIR V IN E BRI S T O L WESTERLY PLQ U A I LDRIVE OR C H A R D STREETSPRUCE STST R E E T ST R E E T NO R T H BRI S T O L ST R E E T BRI S T O L BIRCHBLVDMARTINGALE WAYMACARTHURDRIVEBLVDROADKLINE DRRIVERSIDE DRSW BIRCH STSE B R I S T O L S T R E E T SW BIRCH STU N I V E R S I T Y D R I V E ORCHARD DRIVE 20250UNIVERSITY DRIVE TELLER AVERED RIVERSIDE DRREDLANDS DRREDLANDS DRRIV MA R T I N MES A DU P O N T D R DRIVE AUGUS T LN INDUS ST KLINE DRCD M F R E E W A YSAVANNA LNVONUPP ER N EWPORT PLAZ A RDBLVDCAMPUSMIR A L O M A CD M F R E E W A Y P LAVENUE ROADCAMPUS WAYSANTA ANA AVECD M F R E E W A Y PELICANMACARTHURMACARTHURME S A D R C T OR C H I D H I L L P L STREETAVENUEDRIVEOR C H A R D DR CORMORANTBRI S T O L S T R E E T N CAMPUSPEGASUS ST RIVERSIDE DRESTUARY LNBR U I NB A RK L N CYPRESS STCYPRESS STRM14 /ac 14 /acRM 0.5 CO-G RS-D RM CO-G0.5 0.5CO-G 88 du RS-D CO-GRM29 /ac RM11 /ac RM43 /ac OS AO MU-H2 MU-H2 MU-H2 PF CG CO-G CG CG AO AO PF CG CO-G MU-H2 6 5 C N EL N oise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour65 CNEL Noise ContourJ6 J5 L4J6 !2!1 !8 !16 !4 !3 !13 !18 !15 !10 !21 !17 !7 !21 !9 !11 !5 !6 !22 !21 !14 !14 !12 !12 !19 !19 !2.1 BAYVIEWB A YV I EWBAYCREST AV E BA Y F A R M P L AVENUECIRCLE LA C A N A D A UNI V E R S I T Y PAPER LN DRI V E IRVINESILVER LNACACIA STDRI V E DRIVE ME S A BIRCHCYPRESS STME S ACIRCLELANE GOLD E N A N N I VERSARYOR C H A R D D R ZE N I T H A V E PLACECIRLNEG R E T CT CO R M O R A N T C O R M O R A NT CIRCLECTBA Y C R E S T CT AVEDOLPHIN-STRIKER WAY NEWPORT PLACE DR QU A I L S T BOWSPRIT DRDOVE JAMBOREEST R E E T KARMANBIR C H S T TELLER AVEDRI V EBARDEEN AVECA M P U S ROADJAMBOREEBIRCH STDO V E S T CAMPUS DRIVEVON KARMAN AVE DRI V E BIR C H S T BIRCH STREETWAY CORINTHIAN SCOTT DRDOVE STUPPER BAY DRSPRUCEORCHIDAZ U R E BAY VIEWCT SHEARW A T E RSHEARWATER PLDRI V E GANNETBAYVIEW B L V DROADBAYVIEW WAYJAMBOREES/E B R I S T O L S T BRI S T O L S T R E E T N O R T H FAIRCHILDAVENUESANTAANAST R E E T A V E N UEIR V IN E BRI S T O L WESTERLY PLQ U A I LDRIVE OR C H A R D STREETSPRUCE STST R E E T ST R E E T NO R T H BRI S T O L ST R E E T BRI S T O L BIRCHBLVDMARTINGALE WAYMACARTHURDRIVEBLVDROADKLINE DRRIVERSIDE DRSW BIRCH STSE B R I S T O L S T R E E T SW BIRCH STU N I V E R S I T Y D R I V E ORCHARD DRIVE 20250UNIVERSITY DRIVE TELLER AVERED RIVERSIDE DRREDLANDS DRREDLANDS DRRIV MA R T I N MES A DU P O N T D R DRIVE AUGUS T LN INDUS ST KLINE DRCD M F R E E W A YSAVANNA LNVONUPP ER N EWPORT PLAZ A RDBLVDCAMPUSMIR A L O M A CD M F R E E W A Y P LAVENUE ROADCAMPUS WAYSANTA ANA AVECD M F R E E W A Y PELICANMACARTHURMACARTHURME S A D R C T OR C H I D H I L L P L STREETAVENUEDRIVEOR C H A R D DR CORMORANTBRI S T O L S T R E E T N CAMPUSPEGASUS ST RIVERSIDE DRESTUARY LNBR U I NB A RK L N CYPRESS STCYPRESS STRM14 /ac 14 /acRM 0.5 CO-G RS-D RM CO-G0.5 0.5CO-G 88 du RS-D CO-GRM29 /ac RM11 /ac RM43 /ac OS AO MU-H2 MU-H2 MU-H2 PF CG CO-G CG CG AO AO PF CG CO-G MU-H2 6 5 C N EL N oise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour65 CNEL Noise ContourJ6 J5 L4J6 STATISTICAL AREASJ6, L4 CITY of NEWPORT BEACHGENERAL PLAN Figure LU11 L4 Industrial Districts Commercial Office Districts General Commercial OfficeCO-G Medical Commercial OfficeCO-M Regional Commercial Office CO-R Public, Semi-Public and Institutional Private Institutions Single-Unit Residential Attached Single-Unit Residential Detached RS-A Residential Neighborhoods RS-D Two-Unit ResidentialRT RS-A Multiple-Unit Residential Detached Multiple-Unit Residential RM-D RM Commercial Districts and Corridors General Commercial Recreational and MarineCommercial Neighborhood Commercial CN Corridor CommercialCC CG CV Visitor Serving Commercial CM Regional Commercial CR Airport Supporting Districts Airport Office and Supporting UsesAO Mixed -Use Districts Mixed Use VerticalMU-V Mixed Use HorizontalMU-H Mixed Use Water RelatedMU-W IndustrialIG Public FacilitiesPF Open Space PR Parks and Recreation OS City of Newport BeachBoundaryStatistical AreaBoundary Land Use Delineator Line Refer to anomaly table 0 990495 Feet Tidelands and Submerged LandsTS PI LU11_Airport.mxd February /2011 2011-21 GP2007-009 PA2007-213 02/22/2011 Increase the maximum allowable developmentlimit by 11,544 square feet and create anomalyNo. 2.1 for 4300 Von Karman. CC Resolution No.GPA No.Project No.Adopting Date Description PA2014-121 PA2014-121 II 1111111111111111 II *NEW FILE* PA2006-280 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov VIA EMAIL September 25, 2014 Jason Krotts 4100 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 120 Newport Beach, California 92660 JKrotts@REDALLC.com RE: Discretionary Approval Extension Request 20372 Birch Street Medical Office Building (PA2006-280) Use Permit No. UP2006-039 Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007-002 Traffic Study No. TS2006-003 Dear Mr. Krotts, The Planning Division is in receipt of your request for a 24-month time extension of the above referenced permits. Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007-002 is set to expire on October 18, 2014. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66452.24, the expiration date of Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007-002 is automatically extended to October 18, 2016. Additionally, pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.54.060A.5, the expiration date of Use Permit No. UP2006-039 is also extended to October 18, 2016, consistent with the parcel map. Pursuant to the Municipal Code Chapter 15.40 (Traffic Phasing Ordinance), no extensions are allowed for Traffic Study No. TS2006-003 and that approval expired on October 18, 2012. Therefore, should you decide to proceed with the project, it will be necessary to re- apply for approval and obtain approval of a traffic study pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance prior to the issuance of building permits. Should he have any questions, please contact me at fnueno@newportbeachca.gov. or (949) 644-3227 Sincerely, PA2014-121 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 3300 Newport Boulevard, Building C, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov October 9, 2012 John Bral Newport Executive Court, LLC 2601 Main Street, Suite 560 Irvine, CA 92614 RE: Discretionary Approval Extension Request 20372 Birch Street Medical Office Building (PA2006-280) Use Permit No. UP2006-039 Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007-002 Traffic Study No. TS2006-003 Dear Mr. Bral, This letter serves to clarify the extension letter sent April 12, 2011 by Associate Planner Rosalinh Ung regarding the above captioned approvals authorized by Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 on October 18, 2007. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66452.23, the expiration date of Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2007-002 is automatically extended to October 18, 2014. Additionally, pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.54.060A.5, the expiration date of Use Permit No. UP2006-039 is also extended to October 18, 2014, consistent with the parcel map. Pursuant to the Municipal Code Section 15.40.030 (Transportation Phasing Ordinance), no extensions are allowed for Traffic Study No. TS2006-003 and that approval will expire on October 18, 2012. Therefore, should you decide to proceed with the project, it will be necessary to re-apply for approval and obtain approval of a traffic study pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance prior to the issuance of building permits. Please contact me should he have any questions. Sincerely, 949-644-3219 gramirez@newportbeachca.gov PA2014-121 PA2014-121April 12, 2011 John Bral Newport Executive Court, LLC. 2601 Main Street, Ste. 560 Irvine, CA 92614 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION REQUEST FOR USE PERMIT NO. 2006-039, TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 2006-003 & TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2007-002 (PA2006-280) LOCATED AT 20372 BIRCH STREET, NEWPORT BEACH Dear Mr. Bral: The Planning Division is in receipt of your request for a one-year time extension of the above referenced permits for the construction of four, two-story medical office buildings totaling approximately 64,973 square feet of fioor area with an underground parking garage. These permits were approved by the Planning Commission on October 18, 2007, and were granted a two-year time extension which is scheduled to be expired on October 18, 2011. This letter is to inform you that your request has been approved in accordance to Section of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. This action shall extend the expiration date to October 18, 2012. Please be aware that this is the last extension request that could be granted under this Municipal Code Section. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 949-644-3208 or by e-mail: rung@newportbeach.org. R salinh Ung Associate Planner 3300 Newport lloukvnrd · Pusl 0111cc Box 17G8 · Newport Hcach, Cnlifomln 92658-8915 Telephone: (!'.M9) 6114-3200 · fnx: (fM!J) G44-:~2'..W. www.clly.newporl-bcach.ca.us PA2014-121 t August28,2009 Jenifer Cannon Newport Executive Court, LLC. 2601 Main Street, Ste. 560 Irvine, CA 92614 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION REQUEST FOR USE PERMIT NO. 2006-039, TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 2006-003 & TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2007- 002 (PA2006-280) LOCATED AT 20372 BIRCH STREET, NEWPORT BEACH Dear Ms. Cannon: The Planning Department is in receipt of your request for a two-year time extension of the above referenced permits for the construction of four, two-story medical office buildings totaling approximately 64,973 square feet of floor area with an underground parking garage. These permits were approved by the Planning Commission on October 18, 2007 and are scheduled to expire on October 18, 2009. This letter is to inform you that your request has been approved in accordance to Section· 20.91.050.B of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. This action shall extend the expiration date to October 18, 2011. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 949-644-3208 or by e .. mail: rung@newportbeach.org. t R~salinh Ung Aisociate Planner 3300 Newport Boulevard· Post Office Box 1768. Newport Beach, California 92658-8915 Telephone: (949) 644.:3200 · Fax: (949) 644-3229. www.city.newport-beach.ca.us PA2014-121 Newport Executive Court, LLC. August 13, 2009 Attn: David Lepo City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd PO Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RE: CUP #P A2006280 for 20372 -20412 SW Birch Street Dear Mr. Lepo, RECEIVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT AUG 18· 2009 CITY . OF NEWPORT BEACH We would like to extend Conditional Use Permit, PA2006280, for an additional 24 (twenty- four) months until November 1, 2011. We have not exercised our permit in the past two years due to the lack of demand for medical condos in that area and the market conditions (Financial Market). We are requesting a time .frame of 24 months,_ in which time we anticipate that there will be a substantial change in · both situations. Thank you very much for your assistance with the above request. Sincerely, Newport Executive Court, LLC \LOJUki CdMJm_ Jenifer ltannon For Davood Guity-Mehr Managing Member cc: John Bral 2601 Main Street, Suite 560, Irvine CA 92614 p949-721-8600 /949-752-2583 PA2014-121 01 Resolution_Ordinance_Action PA2014-121 - RESOLUTION NO. 1735 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADOPTING NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 2007- 005 (SCH NO. 2007-071158) AND APPROVING USE PERMIT NO. 2006- 039, TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 2006-003 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2007-002 ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20372 BIRCH STREET (PA2006-280) WHEREAS, an application was filed by Newport Executive Court, LLC with respect to property located at 20372 Birch Street, and legally described as Lots 99, 125, 126, and 127 of Book, Page 25 of Miscellaneous Maps, requesting approval of a use permit to allow the construction of four, two-story medical office buildings totaling approximately 64,973 square feet of floor area; a traffic study pursuant to the Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO); and tentative parcel map for a 4-parcel consolidation. WHEREAS, on October 18, 2007, the Planning Commission held a noticed hearing in the City Hall Council Chambers, at 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California at which time the project application was considered. Notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with law and testimony was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at the hearing; and WHEREAS, a use permit for the proposed medical office development has been prepared in accordance with Section 20.91.035 of the Municipal Code based on the following findings and facts in support of such findings: 1. Finding: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the objectives of this code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. Facts in Support of Finding: Medical offices are permitted in the Business Park (BP) District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan subject to the approval of a use permit. The proposed location of the office use and the conditions under which it would be operated and maintained are consistent with the purpose and intent of the Business Park District and consequently compliant with the findings for a use permit. 2. Finding: That the proposed location of the use permit and the proposed conditions under which it would be operated, or maintained, will be consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the district in which the site is located; will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the neighborhood of such use; and will not be detrimental to the properties or improvements in the vicinity or to the general~i welfare of the City. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed project is con$istent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan. All development regulations. of the BP Zoning District would be met, including building and landscape setbacks, structure height limitations, parking and development limits. The proposed project will not be detrimental to the welfare of persons residing or working in or adjacent to the PA2014-121 9 City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 2 of 12 neighborhood of the business park. The proposed project will be of similar nature to the surrounding business park uses, thereby complementary to the surrounding neighborhood as envisioned in the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The project is designed to be compatible with the adjacent residential properties along the south and east property lines by providing greater building setbacks and landscaping, and decorative block walls. No other sensitive land uses (e.g. schools, hospitals, etc.) are in the immediate vicinity. 3. Finding: That the proposed use will comply with the provisions of this code, including any specific condition required for the proposed use in the district in which it would be located. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed development and the proposed conditions, under which it would be developed and maintained, are consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of the district in which the site is located. As indicated in the previous sections, the project complies with all applicable development standards and is generally consistent with the design guidelines with the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 19.12.070 of the City Subdivision Code, certain findings and facts in support of such findings shall be made for approval of a Tentative Parcel Map. Such findings and facts of support are as follows: 1. Finding: That the proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with General Plan and any applicable specific plan, and with the applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the City Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: The project is consistent with the General Plan and the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed parcel map for lot consolidation and has concluded that it is consistent with the Subdivision Code. Conditions of approval will also be included to ensure compliance. 2. Finding: That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding: The subject site is not within a zone deemed to be subject to seismically induced liquefaction potential based upon the geotechnical report. The project complies with the maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.5. There is a minor change in topography between the subject property and the adjacent properties. This change has been incorporated in the design of the project. The site is suitable for the type and density of development proposed in that the infrastructure serving the site and surrounding area has been designed and developed to accommodate the proposed project. PA2014-121 r e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 3 of 12 3. Finding: That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat; however, notwithstanding the foregoing; the decision-making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Facts in Support of Finding: A mitigated negative declaration has been prepared for the project. It concludes that the project will have a less than significant impact to the environment with mitigation measures and no cumulative impacts have been identified. The site is developed in a highly urbanized area and no significant natural resources exist in the area of the project site. 4. Finding: That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. Facts in Support of Finding: No evidence is known to exist that would indicate that the proposed development will generate any serious public health problems. All mitigation measures will be implemented as outlined in the mitigated negative declaration to ensure the protection of the public health. Finding: That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not confl.ict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision- making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Facts in Support of Finding: No public easements for access through, or use of, the property have been retained for the use by the public at large. 6. Finding: That, subject to the detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding: The site is not subject to a Williamson Act contract; therefore, this finding does· not apply. PA2014-121 • e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 4 of 12 7. Finding: That, in the case of a "land project" as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (a) there is an adopted specific plan for the area to be included within the land project; and (b) the decision-making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding: The project is consistent with the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. Medical office use is one of the principal permitted uses subject to the approval of a use permit. 8. Finding: That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Facts in Support of Finding: Title 24 of the Uniform Building code requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Department will enforce Title 24 compliance through the plan check and field inspection processes for the proposed development. 9. Finding: That the subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City's residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Facts in Support of Finding: The proposed project does not create residential units; however, the project does generate jobs. The applicant has projected a figure of approximately 350 employees for the medical office buildings. The City's Housing Element addresses the regional housing needs and its fair share to ensure that job and housing are balanced. 10. Finding: That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Facts in Support of Finding: Waste discharge into the existing sewer will be consistent with the commercial use of the property, which does not violate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. The RWQCB has not provided any comments related to the proposed mitigated negative declaration during the 30-day review period. The proposal is in compliance with the parcel map standards for lot size, width, depth, and square footage as required by the Municipal Code. The standards specify that lots must be a minimum of 19,800 square feet within the Business Park PA2014-121 • • City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 5 of 12 District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan. The proposed lot consolidation would result in a lot of approximately 133,479 square feet in size. Therefore, the project is consistent with the legislative intent of Chapter 19 of the Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. 11. Finding: For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act. Facts in Support of Finding: The subject property is not located within the Coastal Zone; therefore, this finding does not apply. WHEREAS, a traffic study has been prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates under the supervision of the City Traffic Engineer pursuant to the TPO and its implementing guidelines, CEQA analysis for cumulative projects and intersection capacity , utilization (ICU), and General Plan analysis. The project will result in a net increase of 3,260 new average daily trips, 195 vehicle trips during morning (AM) peak hour and 325 vehicle trips during the afternoon (PM) peak hour. The study concluded that the proposed project will not cause a significant impact at the study area intersections; therefore, no improvements are required at these intersections; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) have been prepared in compliance with the Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and City Council Policy K-3. The Draft MND was circulated for public comment from July 27 to August 27, 2006. Comments were received from the Airport Land Use Commission, California Cultural Resource Preservation Alliance, Inc., City of Irvine, Department of Toxic Substance Control, the Irvine Ranch Water District, and Department of Transportation. The contents of the environment document, including comments on the document, have been considered in the various decisions on this project. As result, it has been determined that the MND adequately describes the potential impacts of the project; and WHEREAS, on the basis of the entire draft environmental document, the proposed project will have a less than significant impact upon the environment and there are no known substantial adverse affects on human beings that would be caused. Additionally, there are no long-term environmental goals that would be compromised by the project, nor cumulative impacts anticipated in connection with the project. The mitigation measures identified are feasible and reduce potential environmental impacts to a less than significant level; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that judicial challenges to the City's CEQA determinations and approvals of land use projects are costly and time consuming. In addition, project opponents often seek an award of attorneys' fees in such challenges. As project applicants are the primary beneficiaries of such approvals, it is appropriate that such applicants should bear the expense of defending against any PA2014-121 • e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 6 of 12 such judicial challenge, and bear the responsibility for any costs, attorney's fees, and damages which may be awarded to a successful challenger; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Use Permit No. 2006-039, Traffic Study No. 2006-003, and Tentative Parcel Map No. 2007-002, subject to Conditions of Approvals in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part hereof. Section 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 20062007-005 (SCH No. 2007-071158), including Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared for the project in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof. Section 3. This action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 18th DAY OF OCTOBER 2007. AYES:Eaton. Peotter. Cole Hawkins. Toerge. McDaniel. Hillgren PA2014-121 • City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 7 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-039, TRAFFIC STUDY NO. 2006-003, AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2007-002 Conditions in bold-italics are project specific conditions. All others are standards conditions. .. r Planning Department 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the plans stamped received October 10, 2007. 2. The total gross floor area for the entire office development shall not exceed 64,973 square feet 3. A minimum of 326 parking spaces, 222 surface parking spaces and 104 spaces with the parking garage shall be provided at all times. 4. A minimum 6-foot-high, slump-stone block wall shall be constructed along the north, south and east property lines. The block wall footings shall be eccentric ("L" shaped) where they will not encroach onto the adjacent properties. 5. These approvals shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the end of the appeal period as specified in Section 20.91.050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 6. Two new trash enclosures shall be constructed for the proposed development. All storage of cartons, containers and trash, along with ground mounted mechanical equipment, shall be enclosed by a building or by a wall not less than 6 feet in height. No such structure shall be located within 10 feet of any property line abutting the REQ District If unroofed, no such structure shall be located with 40 feet of any property line abutting the REQ District and no closer than 10 feet from any side property line abutting the BP District. 7. Any change in development characteristics and/or density of the office development, shall require amendment to this use permit or the processing of a new Use Permit. 8. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, PA2014-121 • e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 8 of 12 penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the use permit; and/or the City's related California Environmental Quality Act determinations. 9. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect or licensed architect for on-site planting areas. These plans shall incorporate the landscape guidelines for Business Park in accordance to Section 20.44.020.C of the Zoning Code, and the requirement .for satellite based or moisture measuring controllers for the irrigation system, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a building permit. All planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground automatic sprinkler irrigation system of a design suitable for the type and arrangement of the plant materials selected. Planting areas adjacent to vehicular activity shall be protected by a continuous concrete curb or similar permanent barrier. Landscaping shall be located so as not to impede vehicular sight distance to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. 10. All landscape materials and landscaped areas shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 11. Exterior on~site lighting shall be shielded and confined within site boundaries. No direct rays or glare are permitted to shine onto public streets or adjacent sites or create a public nuisance. "Walpak" type fixtures are not permitted. All exterior lighting fixtures shall have zero cut-off fixtures and light standards for the parking lot shall not exceed 20 feet in height. Light standards for exterior walkways shall not exceed 1 O feet in height. Other exterior light sources shall be no higher than 4 feet. 12. The proposed development shall be subject to all applicable transportation demand management requirements such as the provisions of carpool parking, bicycle lockers, vanpool accessibility, lockers and showers, etc. The applicant may have the option of deleting or modifying any or all of the site development requirements if equivalent facilities or measures are provided. The applicant shall demonstrate the equivalency of the proposed measures to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy. PA2014-121 Public Works Department e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 9 of 12 13. A construction and parking management plan shall be prepared, reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department, prior to the issuance of building permit. 14. The proposed project shall comply with the City's sight distance standard STD-110-L. All planting within the limited use area shall be limited to 24 inches in height. All walls or other obstructions shall be limited to 30 inches in height. 15. Parking layout shall be per City standard STD-805-L-A and STD-805-L-B. Drive aisle adjacent to 90 degree parking stalls shall be 26-foot wide minimum. 16. The drop-off area shall be designated as one-way. The project shall provide prominent pavement markings and signage to discourage wrong-way travel. 17. Both access points to Birch Street shall be installed with a stop sign. 18. A parcel Map shall be recorded. The Map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83) and shall include the required variable width dedication for public street and utilities purposes along the Birch Street frontage. 19. Prior to Map recordation, the surveyor/engineer preparing the Map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in the Orange County Subdivision Code and the Orange County Subdivision Manual. The Map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 20. Prior to Map recordation, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in the Orange County Subdivision Code and the Orange County Subdivision Manual. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 21. If it is desired to record the Map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements, the applicant will provide the City through the Public Works Department with either a refundable deposit or Materials/Labor/Performance bonds to guarantee satisfactory completion of the required public improvements. PA2014-121 e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 10 of 12 22. The City of Newport Beach requires all new development and significant redevelopment projects to prepare and submit a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) to the City for review and approval. Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the project applicant shall have an approved final Project WQMP. The applicant may obtain a copy of the WQMP template document from the website: www .cleanwaternewport.com. ::3. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. Additional public works improvements may be required at the time of private construction completion at the discretion of the Public Works Department. 24. A detailed on-site drainage plan which shall include requirements a) to handle off-site drainage and off-site flow; b) to minimize storm water runoffs to the greatest extent practicable; c) to ensure that the storm runoff that travels down the drive ramp will be discharged in a timely manner so as to prevent the underground garage from being flooded during storm events. The plan shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Building and Public Works Departments. 25. All catch basins shall be installed with full-width antibacterial filters. 26. ADA compliant curb access ramps shall be installed at each of the proposed Birch Street driveway curb returns. Easements for street purposes may need to be recorded as a part of the parcel map to accommodate the required curb ramps. 27. The portion of the proposed southerly perimeter wall foundation system to be constructed over the existing sewer/utility easement shall be designed to support the wall in place and at the same time allow future ground excavation and the installation of underground utilities under the wall. The installation of removable wall sections or gates within the easement limits is highly recommended. The final wall/fencing design shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works Department. 28. All above ground facilities, including signs, light poles and landscaping shall be located outside the sight distance planes per City standard plan STD-110-L. 29. All utilities serving the proposed development shall be undergrounded. Building Department 30. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building and Fire Departments. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. PA2014-121 • e City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 11 of 12 31. Disabled parking shall be required to locate next to each elevator in the parking garage 32. The parking garage shall have a 8-foot, 2-inch clearance. 33. All elevator shafts shall maintain the required occupancy separation in the parking garage. All doors to elevator shafts shall be provided with fire and smoke protectors. Fire Department 34. All elevators shall be gurney-accommodating in accordance with Chapter 30 of the California Building Code, 2001 Edition. 35. The buildings shall be provided with fire sprinklers. 36 Public fire hydrant shall be provided within 150 feet and shall be located on the same side as the fire department connection. 37. On-site fire hydrants shall be provided. 38. Fire sprinkler system shall be provided with flow switches and sectional valves for each building and parking structure. 39. Fire sprinkler monitoring system shall be provided separately for each building if separate ownership or managed under an association. 40. The applicant shall comply with all mitigation measures identified in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Appendix DJ of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 2007-005, attached to the Planning Commission Resolution as Exhibit "B 11• 41. The applicant shall provide and install six 48-inch Brisbane Box trees to the adjacent residential property, located at 2141 Mesa Drive, with a cost for the removal and replacement not to exceed $10,000.00. In the event that the Brisbane Box trees are not chosen, the trees to be installed shall be sufficient number and height to provide adequate screening. The agreement by the applicant and the property owner is further described in the letter dated October 18, 2007. 42. A detailed on-site drainage plan including the effects on adjacent private properties shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Building Department prior to the issuance of grading and/or building permit. In the event that the adjacent residential property, located at 2141 Mesa Drive, PA2014-121 • 4t City of Newport Beach Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 Page 12 of 12 drains onto the subject property, proper drainage shall be provided by the applicant to the satisfaction of the Building and Public Works Departments. PA2014-121 e e PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (949} 644-3200 FAX (949) 644-3229 NOTICE OF ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION September 8, 2008 Newport Executive Court, LLC 4120 Birch Street, Suite 110 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Approved Application No. Site Address Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) County Parcel Map No. 2008-140 20372 Birch Street On September 8, 2008, the Zoning Administrator approved the above referenced application based on the findings and conditions in the attached action letter. JSG:cs/rm cc: contact Walden and Associates Attention: Brenda Wright 2552 White Road, Suite B Irvine, CA 92614 APPEAL: The Zoning Administrator's decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 14 days of the action date. A $ 600.00 filing fee shall accompany any appeal filed. No building permits may be issued until the appeal period has expired. PA2014-121 Application No. Applicant Site Address Legal Description PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (949) 644-3200 FAX (949} 644-3229 PARCEL MAP NO. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) County Parcel Map No. 2008-140 Newport Executive Court, LLC 20372 Birch Street TR 706 LOT 127 SWLY1/2 On September 8, 2008, the Zoning Administrator approved the parcel map request for commercial condominium purposes. The map will allow for the individual sale of building and/or tenant space. The site will have reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking of the common area lot. The property is located in the SP-7 (Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan): Business Park District. The Zoning Administrator's approval is based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions. FINDINGS The Zoning Administrator determined in this case that the proposed parcel map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings per Section 19.12.070 of Title 19: 1. The property is currently one parcel to be subdivided for condominium purposes. The proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with SP-7 (Santa Ana Heights) Zoning District, the current General Plan Land Use Designation "General Commercial Office," with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Code. 2. The lot is regular in shape, it has very little slope. The Site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. 3. This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). 4. The design of the subdivision, for commercial condominium purposes, will not cause serious public health problems. PA2014-121 L - 5. The proposed parcel map is for commercial condominium purposes allowing for the individual sale of tenant areas. The construction of the proposed condominiums will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes. Public improvements will be required of the developer per Section 19.28.010 of the Municipal Code and Section 66411 of the Subdivision Map Act. All ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval will be complied with. The design of the subdivision will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public-at-large for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. Currently, there are no public easements located on the property. 6. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act since its use is not agricultural. 7. The property is located within the boundaries of a specific plan and is subject to the specific plan regulations. 8. The proposed subdivision and improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Department enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. 9. The proposed subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the regional housing need, since the property is commercial and no residential units are involved. 10. Wastewater discharge into the existing sewer system is not directly affected by this tentative parcel map and does not violate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. 11. The proposed parcel map is not located in the Coastal Zone and is not subject to the California Coast Act. CONDITIONS 1. A parcel map shall be recorded. The map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83). Prior to recordation of the map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 2. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Sections 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set on each lot September 8, 2008 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs -2008\PA2008-148\NP2008-018 appr.doc Page 2 PA2014-121 e e corner, unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 3. Each commercial unit shall be served with individual gas and electrical service connection and shall maintain separate meters for the utilities, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department or Utilities Department. 4. The applicable conditions from Planning Commission Resolution No. 1735 shall remain in force and apply to all improvements to the parcel. 5. This parcel map shall expire if the map has not been recorded within 3 years of the date of approval, unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. APPEAL PERIOD The decision of the Zoning Administrator may be appealed to or by the Planning Commission within 14 days of the decision date. A $600.00 filing fee shall accompany the appeal to Planning Commission upon submittal. Building permits will not be issued until the appeal period has expired. or Javier S. Garcia, AICP JSG:cs/rm Attachments: Vicinity Map Appeared in Opposition: None Appeared in Support: None September 8, 2008 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs -2008\PA2008-148\NP2008-018 appr.doc Page 3 PA2014-121 PA2008-148 for NP2008-018 20372 B1RCH STREET • Newport Executive Court, LLC PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3300 Newport Boulevard D Tract Map ~ Parcel Map Project No: Fee: _____ _ Newport Beach, CA 92663 Fee: 1 JO - Phone: (949} 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 Activity No: TENTATIVE MAP (RESUBDIVISION) APPLICATION APPLICANT (Print): CONTACT PERSON (if different): lJEWEOt2.1: tKEGUTI\JE WL2l2I1 LI.L., ~e:-JJD.b-W12-L&HT Mailing Address: 4 l 2-0 'E::,f 12.C H ST. t110 Mailing Address: W ,b..t_;Df:N ~ A~SOG . N.EWP012I 'E7EAC 1--1 t CA 4 2.0'70 '2002. NH LTE.. 12-l>. SIB. e:, l j2.VINE. I CA ct 2.'=:; 14- Phone: ~ f:>SZ -1"?:JC:,t, Fax ( ) Phone: Et4l (p&t) .. 0 l lO Fax fl~ 0G:,o-o+1B Email Address: Email Address: bwr~vrt ~Wttldenossoe-itz.~ Property Owner (if different from above): SAHE AS A-PPL-l~T' Mailing Address: Phone: ( ) Fax ( ) Email: PROJECT ADDRESS: 20372-'E?t 12-C H vT12£6'f ZONE 5P-J PRESENT USE CUf2..12-WJL':( VA~T1 pgoB=§ED lHJ?R.Q\/eM,-BNT u t-.i De-R-12-B v L v.tJ. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED (if too long, attach separate sheet) PAl2Cek I of PH 2.cob--2-ctt, e:e11'1& A soe,D\v'tStoN oF Po12,no~s OF LQTS qq) (2'7 AND 127 A:tJD AkL-OF WT !'20 N)D A Pol2,TIDJ Of b(2.(,.+:\ ST. 1 M. M, 2.1 /"2-0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION (Please select all that apply): [ ] Residential M. Commercial Condominium purpose: ~ New Units [] Existing Units [ ] Lot Consolidation [] Other: ___________________________ _ LIST ANY EXCEPTIONS REQUESTED FROM STANDARD SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS F:\Users\PLN\Shared\Forms\APPLICATIONS\Parcel Map (Resub)\Parcel Map (Resub).DOC Updated 12/12/07 PA2014-121f' • **Please Note: The property owner's signature MUST be notarized** OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (I) (We) /\If wpo/Q... 7 E :XE Ci.ti/ V £ WLJ!R.. '{ LI-C, depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property(ies) involved in this application. 1 (1) (Y\/e) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Please Print '°Atl.OOL) 91.//TY-P/Et/1( NOTE: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the application. PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE -PLANNING DEPT. USE ONLY Date Filed:----- Receipt No: R J-8] ~ 14 Fee Pd: Check N-o.=_Jr-1"0:8:b=== Received by:. ____ _ Hearing Date: ___ _ Date Deemed Complete:-------Post/Mail Date:-------- Zoning Administrator Action (Date):-------0 Approved D Denied (Check one) Pler,niA~ ~~r Action _.u,...B...i;fi~~U-~(\.q(J::.x.:,,,i_-4;=:::::J_:....__c,t..:. ... ...::~=---...lloit...Y~---------- Date ______________ Appeal. ____________ _ P.C. Hearing, ________ . .,, ___ _ Date ___________________ _ C.C. Hearing __________ _ Withdrawal Date: ---------- Dzoo&--ooCac,t, /fl "ZO 08" -II.{ 8' NP 'lOOt'"'4 l8' P.C. Action. ___________ _ Appeal. ______________ __ C.C. Action. ___________ _ Refund Amount: ------------- Refund Date:----------- L1f: (7 0 -G7 z: SP., 7 JUL 2 8 2008 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\Forms\APPLICATIONS\Parcel Map (Resub)\Parcef Map (Resub).DOC Updated 12/12/07 PA2014-121 • CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ,G~@'."veil:~~~~~.e{'~,£;:f@'Q~@'.'~~~~~ State of California County of a t::A~ On <,j/gµqo f before me, Date LJ personally appeared L«. I/ ode/ 4.,' q.e.5' who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signatur~~--- P1aca Notary Seal Abov& OPT/ONA~ _ , n . r ! Not ry Public Though the informatfon below is not required by law. it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document:---------------·---.. ---·----·--·-·-·------ Document Date:----------- Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies} Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: _____________ _ Individual Corporate Officer -Tltle(s): ··" Partner -Limited General Attorney in Fact Trustee fl!R\1~ I Too of t11uml, nAce i Guardian or Conservator Other: _______ -----------I I I i Signer Is Representing: _________ _ I ______ : ,;; 2007 Nalional Notary Association • 9350 De -------Number of Pages:--------- Signer's Individual Corporate Officer -Title(s): --------- Partner -C Limited C General Attorney in Fact Trustee Guardian or Conservator Other:-------- Signer Is Representing: _____ _ -·------·------- Top ot thumb here PA2014-121 L__ ~ALDEN & • ..,.nssoCIATES July 28, 2008 City of Newport Beach Planning Department 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Tentative Parcel Map No. 2008-140 20372 Birch Street To Whom It May Concern: 2552 WHITE RO.SUITE B • IRVINE, CA 92614-6274 949/660-0110 FAX 949/660-0418 CIVIL ENGINEERS -LAND SURVEYORS -PLANNERS This letter is to satisfy the "Accompanying Written Statement" as required on the Tentative Parcel Map Application. The existing use of the parcel is vacant. Improvement plans are currently in review at the City. Plans are tagged with number 0201-2008 and PA 2006-280. Parcel Map No. 2006-298 has been submitted and approved that coincides with said improvements. This application is for condominium purposes. Improvements and public utilities are proposed to be installed once approval has been given and permits issued. G:\projdata\1547\DWG\Maps\TPM2008-140 App letter.doc PA2014-121... TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Chris Savan Planning Technician at (949) 644-3253 or csavan@city.newport-beach.ca.us 20372 Birch Street Parcel Map No. 2008-018 (PA2008-148) HEARING DATE: September 8, 2008 -Agenda Item No. 4 APPLICANT: Newport Executive Court, LLC PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant requests the subdivision of one parcel for commercial condominium purposes. The map will allow for the individual sale of building and/or tenant space. The site will have reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking within the common area lot. No waivers of Title 19 Development Standards are proposed with this application. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Zoning Administrator approve Parcel Map No. 2008-018 (PA2008-148) subject to the findings and conditions attached in Exhibit No. 1. DISCUSSION The subject parcel is located on the south side of Birch Street between Mesa Drive and Orchard Drive within Specific Plan 7: Santa Ana Heights. The site is adjacent to Mesa Birch View Park (under construction) and residential developments to the west and southeast, and a commercial/office development to the northeast. The specific plan land use designation is Business Park and the General Plan designates the site as CO-G. Both designations permit office uses. A project has been approved to construct four, two-story medical office buildings situated above a single-level, below grade parking lot. On October 18, 2007, the Planning Commission approved Use Permit No. 2006-039, Traffic Study No. 2006-003, Tentative Parcel Map No. 2007-002, and adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 2007-005 authorizing the proposed construction. Tentative Parcel Map No. 2007-002 PA2014-121 • • was performed to consolidate four parcels to create the existing 3.06-acre parcel. The project was submitted for plan check on February 4, 2008. The Public Works Department has issued conditions and those pertaining to this application are attached in the draft findings and conditions (Exhibit 1 ). The Building Department, Utilities Department, and Santa Ana Heights PAC Committee have no comments. Environmental Determination: This project qualifies for an exemption from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 {Class 15) of the Implementing Guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Class 15 exempts minor land divisions in urbanized areas zoned for residential, commercial, use into four or fewer parcels. Alternatives: The Zoning Administrator may amend the project scope and conditions or deny this application if the findings cannot be met. Prepared by: Chris Savan, Planning Technician EXHIBITS 1. Draft Findings and Conditions 2. Photos 3. Project Plans PA2014-121f . L • • • PROJECT REVIEW REQUEST Planning Department Please Distribute to: Planning -Jay Garcia • Building -Jurdi Public Works -Brine/Keely Utilities Department-M. Elias Applicant: Newport Executive Court, LLC Address: 20372 Birch Street Date: August 8, 2008 Staff Planner: Chris Savan Planning Technician at (949) 644-3253 or csavan@city.newport-beach.ca.us Please return PRR and Plans to Ruby Garcia- May Contact: Brenda Wright (949)660-0110 (949)660-041 B(fax) bwright@waldenassociates.net Application: Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) Proposal: A Tentative Parcel Map application has been submitted for commercial condominium purposes. The map as proposed will establish four parcels of land under four new buildings to allow individual sale of those parcels and reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking of the common area lot. The property is located in the SP-7 (East Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan): Business Park District. jREPORT REQUESTED BY: 8-22-08 MODIFICATIONS HEARING: September 8, 2008 Check all that apply: Notes: 0 No comments on the project as presented. 0 Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design. 0 Recommended conditions of approval are attached. 0 Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project. 0 I contacted the applicant on 0 To schedule an appt. for Code review 0 To discuss the following Signature Ext. Date (see notes) PA2014-121 • • PROJECT REVIEW REQUEST Planning Department Please Distribute to: Planning -Jay Garcia Building -Jurdi /Ir Public Works -Brine/Keely Utilities Department-M. Elias Applicant: Newport Executive Court, LLC Address: 20372 Birch Street Date: August 28, 2008 Staff Planner: Chris Savan Planning Technician at (949) 644-3253 or csavan@city.newport-beach.ca.us Please return PRR and Plans to Ruby Garcia- May Contact: Brenda Wright (949)660-0110 (949)660-041 S(fax) bwrig ht@waldenassociates.net Application: Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) Proposal: A Tentative Parcel Map application has been submitted for commercial condominium purposes. The map will allow for the individual sale of building and/or tenant space. The site will have reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking of the common area lot. The property is located in the SP-7 (Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan): Business Park District. I REPORT REQUESTED BY: 8-22-08 MODIFICATIONS HEARING: September 8, 2008 Check all that apply: Notes: fl-No comments on the project as presented. 0 Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design. 0 Recommended conditions of approval are attached. D Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project. D I contacted the applicant on D To schedule an appt. for Code review D To discuss the following see notes f/-;e,/a~ Ext. Date PA2014-121r ' • • PROJECT REVIEW REQUEST Planning Department Please Distribute to: Planning -Jay Garcia Building -Jurdi Public Works -Brine/Keely,t Utilities Department-M. Elias Date: August 8 1 2008 Staff Planner: Chris Savan Planning Technician at (949) 644-3253 or csavan@city.newport-beach.ca.us Please return PRR and Plans to Ruby Garcia- May Applicant: Newport Executive Court, LLC Contact: Brenda Wright Address: 20372 Birch Street (949)660-0110 (949)660-041 S(fax) bwright@waldenassociates.net Application: Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) Proposal: A Tentative Parcel Map application has been submitted for commercial condominium purposes. The map as proposed will establish four parcels of land under four new buildings to allow individual sale of those parcels and reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking of the common area lot. The property is located in the SP-7 (East Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan): Business Park District. I REPORT REQUESTED BY: 8-22-08 MODIFICATIONS HEARING: Check all that apply: 0 No comments on the project as presented. 0 Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design. 0 Recommended conditions of approval are attached. Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project. 0 I contacted the applicant on 0 To schedule an appt. for Code review 0 To discuss the following (see notes) September 8, 2008 <..UL-~~~--~-'3 __ ~3£-1 ?/.?1/tJr Ext. Date PA2014-121 • • City of Newport Beach PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT August 21, 2008 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: David Keely Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) 20372 BIRCH STREET FINDINGS: 1. That public improvements will be required of the Applicant per the Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. 2. That the Newport Beach Municipal Code requires public improvements be completed in commercial areas prior to the issuance of building permits for a new structure. The applicant shall provide additional information regarding the ownership of the former Birch Street ROW and property adjacent to the City Park. CONDITIONS: 1. A parcel Map shall be recorded. The Map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83). Prior to recordation of the Map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the Map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The Map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 2. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Sections 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. • PA2014-121 • • 3. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. Additional Public Works improvements may be required at • the time of private construction completion at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 4. All unused driveway approach along Birch Street shall be replaced with a new driveway plug per City Standards. 5. All existing overhead utilities shall be undergrounded. 6. An encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right- of-way. 7. All improvements shall comply with the City's sight distance requirement. See City Standard 110-L. 8. In case of damage done to public improvements surrounding the development site by the private construction, additional reconstruction within the public right- of-way could be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector. 9. All on-site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality requirements. 10. Remove and replace any damaged concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter and concrete alley pavement fronting the development. Said limits of work shall be determined by the Public Works Inspector. 11. If it is desired to record the Map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements, the applicant will provide the City through the Public Works Department with either a refundable deposit or Materials/Labor/Performance bonds to guarantee satisfactory completion of the require public improvements. 12. The City of Newport Beach requires all new developments and significant redevelopment projects to prepare and submit a Water Quality Management Plan (WIMP) to the City for review and approval. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant shall have an approved final project WIMP. 13. A detailed on-site drainage plan which shall include requirements (a) to handle off-site drainage and off-site flow; (b) to minimize storm water runoffs to the greatest extent practicable; (c) to ensure that the storm runoff that travels down the drive ramps will be discharged in a timely manner so as to prevent the under garage from being flooded during storm events. The plan shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Building and Public Works Departments. 14. All catch basins shall be installed with full width antibacterial filters. 15. ADA compliant curb access ramps shall be installed at each of the proposed Birch Street driveway curb returns. Easements for the street purposes may need PA2014-121• • • to be recorded as a part of the parcel map to accommodate the required curb ramps. 16. Additional requirements may be placed on the development upon the submittal of detailed water, sewer, storm drain, pavement, parking and striping plans. PA2014-121 I • • PROJECT REVIEW REQUEST Planning Department Please Distribute to: Planning -Jay Garcia Building -Jurdi Public Works -Brine/Keely N Utilities Department-M. Elias-*\ Date: August 8, 2008 Staff Planner: Chris Savan Planning Technician at (949) 644-3253 or csavan@city. newport-beach .ca. us Applicant: Newport Executive Court, LLC Contact: Brenda Wright (949)660-0110 (949)660-041 B(fax) bwrig ht@waldenassociates.net Address: 20372 Birch Street Application: Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) Proposal: A Tentative Parcel Map application has been submitted for commercial condominium purposes. The map as proposed will establish four parcels of land under four new buildings to allow individual sale of those parcels and reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking of the common area lot. The property is located in the SP-7 (East Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan): Business Park District. I REPORT REQUESTED BY: MODIFICATIONS HEARING: Check all that apply: D No comments on the project as presented. D Application of Standard Code requirements are not expected to alter the project design. D Recommended conditions of approval are attached. D Application of Standard Code requirements or the attached conditions of approval will substantially impact or alter the design of the project. D I contacted the applicant on D To schedule an appt. for Code review D To discuss the following (see notes) 8-22-08 September 8, 2008 Notes: c.tJ& -tJoAVT\L.t\tes (w~~, 'NM,ew~) \N --n-t\~ APeA. • Signature Ext. Date PA2014-121 • • Page 1 of 1 Savan, Chris From: Rick Dayton [rdayton@juno.com] Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 10: 15 AM To: Garciamay, Ruby; Savan, Chris Cc: jghall@fea.net; wwfwmblds@aol.com; sunrun1426@adelphia.net; TedBosley@yahoo.com; bvontv@hotrange.com; Cashwho@aol.com Subject: Re: Project Review Request -Parcel Map -20372 Birch Street Attention: Chris Savan, Case Planner Ruby Garciamay, Planning Coordinator City of Newport Beach Hi Chris and Ruby, Regarding the PRR for Tentative Parcel Map NP2008-018 (P A2008-l 48) for Newport Executive Court, LLC at 20372 Birch Street, PAC has no comments on the project as presented. Thank you for giving PAC the opportunity to review this application. Rick Dayton PAC Development Committee Need name bac:lges? Click here to find great name badge solutions_! 08/28/2008 PA2014-121 • PUBLIC NOTICE Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 (PA2008-148) • Notice is hereby given that property owner Newport Executive Court, LLC has submitted a Tentative Parcel Map application for commercial condominium purposes. The map will allow for the individual sale of building and/or tenant space. The site will have reciprocal use for ingress, egress and parking of the common area lot. The property is located in the SP-7 (Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan): Business Park District. Property located at: 20372 Birch Street After reviewing this project, it is determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). On Monday, September 8, 2008 at 3:00 pm, the Zoning Administrator will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chambers (Building A) located at 3300 Newport Boulevard. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing (described in this notice) or in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing. All interested persons may speak and all correspondence will be read during the public hearing. The 14-day appeal period will begin from the Zoning Administrator's decision date. During the appeal period, any interested party or their authorized agent aggrieved of that decision may file a notice of appeal to the Planning Commission with a $600.00 filing fee to defray the cost of the appeal procedure. For general information, please contact the City of Newport Beach Planning Department at (949) 644-3200. For questions regarding details of the project please contact Chris Savan Planning Technician at (949) 644-3253 or csavan@city.newport-beach.ca.us. NOTE: The expense of this notice is paid from a filing fee collected from the applicant. PA2014-121 3100 VICINITY MAP ·. / 20311 Y 20321 ·. . "·{ 20'52 // 201.lli:2 /:,,c 20351 ,/ /"·· / 20312 ,···::~~1 ··/:0322 / ?'(, / // ~~/"'/ 20411 / fJ' ·"'2161 / 20371 20381 20391 20401 Parcel Map No. NP2008-018 PA2008-148 ',,..,., >· .. ,20362 wan·· 20372 Birch Street September 8, 2008 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs -2008\PA2008-148\N P2008-018 appr.doc Page4 "-i, PA2014-121 Rec#: 41 APN: 439-382-34 RICHARD A MORIARTY 20362 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1725 Rec#: 43 APN: 439-392-31 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT Rec#: 45 APN: 930-684-99 MOTORCROSSJOHNNYLLC 20321 SW BIRCH ST 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1756 Rec#: 47 APN: 930-685-01 EDWARD P Pl SCHROEDER 33322 MESA VISTA DR DANA POINT, CA 92629-1115 Rec#: 49 APN: 930-685-03 PETER DUNN BRANDOW 20301 SW BIRCH ST 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1754 Rec#: 51 APN: 930-685-05 HUSTING VERPLANK LLC 20281 SW BIRCH ST 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1774 Rec#: 53 APN: 930-685-07 HOOVER FAMILY TRUST 20271 SW BIRCH ST S100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1752 Walden and Associates Attention: Brenda Wright 2552 White Road, Suite B Irvine, CA 92614 • • Rec#: 42 APN: 439-392-29 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPMENN"TI.AGEJl!Gllr---~ Rec#: 44 APN: 439-392-32 FERRADO BAYVIEW LLC 3847 BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2616 Rec#: 46 APN: 930-685-00 GRGL LC 2201 MARTIN 203 IRVINE, CA 92612 Rec#: 48 APN: 930-685-02 NEWPORT PLASTIQUE LLC 20311 SW BIRCH ST 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1755 Rec#: 50 APN: 930-685-04 ROGER MICHAEL STONE 5015 BIRCH ST 101 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-8112 Rec#: 52 APN: 930-685-06 CHENGSONSPROPERTY PO BOX 39123 DOWNEY, CA 90239-0123 Rec#: 54 APN: 930-685-08 RICHARD MERLE KETTLEY 2390 REDLANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-3428 FILE COPY PA2008-148 for NP2008-018 20372 BIRCH STREET Newport Executive Court, LLC PA2014-121 Rec#: 1 APN: 119-310-04 NEWPORT GOLF CLUB LLC 2025 W BALBOA BL VD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663-4300 Rec#: 3 APN: 439-061-06 ROBERT ANDERSON 2182 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1710 Rec#: 5 APN: 439-371-01 CHARLES E CHURCH PO BOX9279 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-9279 Rec#: 7 APN: 439-371-03 RAE DONALD KIM MC 2221 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0718 Rec#: 9 APN: 439-371-05 JAMES A CANDELMO 20431 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0717 Rec#: 11 APN: 439-371-07 JOSEPH G JONES 20401 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0717 Rec#: 13 APN: 439-371-09 MIKE AUN 20381 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 Rec#: 15 APN: 439-371-11 MICHAEL K MCGRATH 20361 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 Rec#: 17 APN: 439-371-13 GLENN JAMES HANSEN 3007 LOREN LN COSTA MESA, CA 92626-2730 Rec#: 19 APN: 439-381-01 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY PO BOX4106 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4106 e Rec#: 2 APN: 439-061-03 CARLA ZWART BROCKMAN 20271 SW ACACIA ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1731 Rec#: 4 APN: 439-061-07 RANDY BOHART 2242 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1711 Rec#: 6 APN: 439-371-02 ANDREW CREAN 2211 MESADR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0718 Rec#: 8 APN: 439-371-04 CARLA ZWART BROCKMAN 20271 SW ACACIA ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1731 Rec#: 10 APN: 439-371-06 STUCKER TRUST 20411 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0717 Rec#: 12 APN: 439-371-08 JOSHUA J MERRELL 20391 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 Rec#: 14 APN: 439-371-10 GORDON SCOTT GRANT 20371 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 Rec#: 16 APN: 439-371-12 LILLIAN A GROHARING 20351 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 Rec#: 18 APN: 439-371-14 SOMERS-COCKS SHARON M TRUST 20331 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 Rec#: 20 APN: 439-381-02 ORANGE COUNTY PA2014-121 L_ Rec#: 21 APN: 439-381-32 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPME,......,'"''"''-' Rec#: 23 APN: 439-381-36 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPME':!.N~=''''-' Rec#: 25 APN: 439-381-39 20341 BIRCH STREET LLC 20341 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1516 Rec#: 27 APN: 439-381-41 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPME.,,.,_-·-·- Rec#: 29 APN: 439-382-03 HOLLY GATEHOUSE JARVIS 2141 MESADR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1709 Rec#: 31 APN: 439-382-05 TIMOTHY B STOAKS 20162 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0713 Rec#: 33 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COU&:~'C Rec#: 35 APN: 439-382-26 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT Rec#: 37 APN: 439-382-29 BIRCH BUSINESS PROPERTIES LLC 20320 SW BIRCH ST 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1791 Rec#: 39 APN: 439-382-32 ALICE J RODRIGUEZ 20462 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1726 --Rec#: 22 ORANGE COUNTY DEVELOPUi:;w=r-1rr. Rec#: 24 APN: 439-381-37 BIRCH BAYVIEW PLAZA LLC 3847 BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2616 Rec#: 26 APN: 439-381-40 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT LLC 4120 BIRCH ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2228 Rec#: 30 APN: 439-382-04 VALERIE B BATH 2161 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1710 4120 BIRCH ST NEWP EACH, CA 92660-2228 Rec#: 36 APN: 439-382-27 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT 4120 BIRCH ST 11 NEWPO ACH, CA 92660-2228 Rec#: 38 APN: 439-382-31 ROGER C SUMMERS 1663 ALISO AVE COSTA MESA, CA 92627-4702 Rec#: 40 APN: 439-382-33 RAUL E RODRIGUEZ 20462 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1726 PA2014-121~ ~ e e 1 Line Owner Report a Developer Services ConT11onweallh • Gateway • Lawyers • Southland Rec# APN Name Address Ci~/State z;-e. 119-310-04 NEWPORT GOLF CLUB LL 2025 W BALBOA BLVD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663-4300 2 439-061-03 CARLA ZWART BROCKMA 20271 SW ACACIA ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1731 3 439-061-06 ROBERT ANDERSON 2182 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1710 4 439-061-07 RANDY BOHART 2242 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1711 5 439-371-01 CHARLES E CHURCH PO BOX9279 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-9279 6 439-371-02 ANDREW CREAN 2211 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0718 7 439-371-03 RAE DONALD KIM MC 2221 MESADR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0718 8 439-371-04 CARLA ZWART BROCKMA 20271 SW ACACIA ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1731 9 439-371-05 JAMES A CANDELMO 20431 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0717 10 439-371-06 STUCKER TRUST 20411 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0717 11 439-371-07 JOSEPH G JONES 20401 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0717 12 439-371-08 JOSHUA J MERRELL 20391 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 13 439-371-09 MIKE A LIN 20381 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 14 439-371-10 GORDON SCOTT GRANT 20371 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 15 439-371-11 MICHAEL K MCGRATH 20361 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 16 439-371-12 LILLIAN A GROHARING 20351 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 17 439-371-13 GLENN JAMES HANSEN 3007 LOREN LN COSTA MESA, CA 92626-2730 18 439-371-14 SOMERS-COCKS SHARON 20331 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 19 439-381-01 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL PO B0X4106 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4106 20 439-381-02 ORANGE COUNTY PO BOX4106 &&&&& 21 439-381-32 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL PO BOX 4106 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4106 22 439-381-34 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL PO BOX 4106 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4106 23 439-381-36 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL PO B0X4106 SANT A ANA, CA 92702-4106 24 439-381-37 BIRCH BAYVIEW PLAZA L 3847 BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2616 25 439-381-39 20341 BIRCH STREET LLC 20341 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1516 26 439-381-40 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE C 4120 BIRCH ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2228 27 439-381-41 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL PO BOX 4106 SANT A ANA, CA 92702-4106 28 439-381-42 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL 29 439-382-03 HOLLY GATEHOUSE JARV 2141 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1709 30 439-382-04 VALERIE B BATH 2161 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1710 31 439-382-05 Tl MOTHY B STOAKS 20162 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0713 32 439-382-06 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE C 4120 BIRCH ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2228 33 439-382-07 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE C 4120 BIRCH ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2228 34 439-382-10 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE C 4120 BIRCH ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2228 35 439-382-26 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE C 4120 BIRCH ST 120 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2245 ,:,;e ",-%"::%& ',»'@~ ,lt®. .. , af" AW .. \ YM{. ,;.,,,. Monday, June 23, 2008 Pagel o/2 PA2014-121. ~ e e Rec# APN Name Address Cii/State Zif!. 36 439-382-27 NEWPORT EXECUTIVE C 4120 BIRCH ST 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2228 37 439-382-29 BIRCH BUSINESS PROPE 20320 SW BIRCH ST 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1791 38 439-382-31 ROGER C SUMMERS 1663 ALISO AVE COSTA MESA, CA 92627-4702 39 439-382-32 ALICE J RODRIGUEZ 20462 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1726 40 439-382-33 RAUL E RODRIGUEZ 20462 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1726 41 439-382-34 RICHARD A MORIARTY 20362 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1725 42 439-392-29 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL POBOX4106 SANT A ANA, CA 92702-4106 43 439-392-31 ORANGE COUNTY DEVEL POBOX4106 SANT A ANA, CA 92702-4106 44 439-392-32 FERRADO BAYVIEW LLC 3847 BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-2616 45 930-684-99 MOTORCROSSJOHNNYL 20321 SW BIRCH ST 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1756 46 930-685-00 GRG L LC 2201 MARTIN 203 IRVINE,CA 92612 47 930-685-01 EDWARD P Pl SCHROEDE 33322 MESA VISTA DR DANA POINT, CA 92629-1115 48 930-685-02 NEWPORT PLASTIQUE LL 20311 SW BIRCH ST 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1755 49 930-685-03 PETER DUNN BRANDOW 20301 SW BIRCH ST 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1754 50 930-685-04 ROGER MICHAEL STONE 5015 BIRCH ST 101 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-8112 51 930-685-05 HUSTING VERPLANK LLC 20281 SW BIRCH ST 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1774 52 930-685-06 CHENGSONSPROPERTY PO BOX39123 DOWNEY, CA 90239-0123 53 930-685-07 HOOVER FAMILY TRUST 20271 SW BIRCH ST S100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1752 54 930-685-08 RICHARD MERLE KETTLE 2390 REDLANDS DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-3428 ,11;, ,,,-iz.·*..'%c;, "*· Monday, June 23, 2008 Page2of2 PA2014-121 -- 1 Line Residents Report a Developer Services Commonwealth • Gateway • Lawyers • Southland Rec# APN Address City/State Zip Code 119-310-04 3100 IRVINE AVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-3104 2 439-061-03 2100 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 3 439-371-01 2191 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 4 439-371-04 2231 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0718 5 439-371-13 20341 SW CYPRESS ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-0716 6 439-381-02 2081 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 7 439-381-37 20401 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1795 8 439-381-39 20341 SW BIRCH ST 300 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1515 9 439-382-05 2181 MESA DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1710 10 439-382-31 20352 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1725 11 439-392-32 20411 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1775 12 930-685-00 20321 SW BIRCH ST 2ND NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1756 13 930-685-01 20311 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1777 14 930-685-02 20311 SW BIRCH ST 2NDF NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1777 15 930-685-04 20301 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1754 16 930-685-06 20281 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1753 17 930-685-08 20271 SW BIRCH ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-1752 ,'84! ",;,f.' 'i'i'\"'' zy-·-,· '*'..ill' -~ 0' ,; '~m.' '*if .ht'"/-,,,\<' 4#'' ~ Monday, June 23, 2008 Pagel of 1 PA2014-121 CorrrnonwMllh • Ollleway • Lawye11 • Southland 6/23/2008 From: Matthew Thompson, Engineer Land America Developer Services 3131 Camino del Rio North #1400 San Diego, CA 92108 RE: 300' Radius Map, Ownership List & Mailing Labels 3131 Camino del Rio North, Suite 1400 San Diego, California 92108 Phone: 619-686-2186 I, Matthew Thompson, hereby certify that the attached list contains the names and addresses of all persons to whom property is assessed as they appear on the latest available assessment roll of the County of Orange within the area described and for a distance of three hundred (300) feet from the exterior boundaries of property legally described as: All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: APNs: 439-381-40, 439-382-06, 439-382-07, 439-382-10, 439-382-26 and 439-382-27 I certify (or declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California) that the foregoing is true and correct. 6/23/2008 Dated PA2014-121 PARCELS ARE SHOWN AT THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY; IT IS NOT A PLAT OR SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. THIS MAP IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS ANO OTHER THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE THER BIRCH ~, .... ~ "' ,- ~ ;;,:,· ~ "' .lO I JO "' MARCH 1984 LOT 122 LOT 123 LOT ?]4 0 0 124 /1 V 0 TRACT NO. 706 PARCEL MAP LOT 125 CD 39 POR. POR. WT 65 WT 66 I _I --------- 1 J I ® 2 217 AC.: wr 98 LOT 126 I I I I I I '. ! I.OT 97 LDT 127 ® @ @ ® M.M. 21 to 25 inc. P. M. 268-31, 340-06 Go .ll.91' PAR. 3 ® O. 974 AC, ;: WT 128 @ I• . ll 37 D D PIQ 300' RADIUS P.M. PROJ£C1 930-68-499-508 PAf?. ® 1 ? 199 AC. '10' 55' St' I , I.OT 130 LOT 129 @ 1. 683 AC . 25l ASSE5SOR'5 BLOCK & PARCEL NUMBERS -· , ........ i,~•' ... -""~""'' -- 439-3 8 i" = 100' lO?' fit} ~ @ ...... ~ ~ ~ LOT 9i WT 9? ~ ci ,w· i: 91' @ e, STREET ?; ~ ~ ~ (.j ~ ~ 5! ~ Hf l ,j :rv: • 706 @l 1!£!.. . A 1 5 MAP BOOK 439 PAGE 38 _...._,,a1-1"'1"'l,> -~ _ ......... ,-- PA2014-121 Tf/ IS MAP WAS PREPAR[D FOH DRANCF CDl!NTY ASSESSOR D[Pr. PURPOSES ONLY. /HE ASSESSOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE AS TO I TS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY Li AB Ill TY FDR OTHER US[S. NG! TO BE REPR0DUC£[J, AU HU:J1T5 RESEllVED. ©COPYRIGHT ORANG£ COUNTY ASSESSOR 2004 MARCH 1957 D PIQ D 1000' RADIUS .PARCELS ARE SHOWN AT THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY; IT IS NOT A PLAT OR SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. THIS MAP IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OTHER LAND. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE THEREON. 25 o. TR. NO. 706 TR NO. 3'68 M. M. M. M. 21-25 93-9,IO, II C. 30 /?. S. 110 -42 NO TRACT POR. LOT 10.J NEWPORT BEACH GOLF COURSE 0 3,543 AC, NO. 706 -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN C JRCL ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 119 PA 31 COUNTY OF ORANGE 119-31 /'Y /V :!, D PA2014-121 0 0 MESA 38 I I I 1 I I I I I j I f I ! I I I ----. !119 ,_ -----,---1'.!_ 112 I J I f l I I f I l I I i @ !RV/NE ® 2J8AC I I I I I I l J t f ' l f I I 37 l I I l I I l I I r J f 1 l I I l f f _l!!!_ --___ Ji!~ PON. un 152' BLK 51 .. --- ' , f /? i SVB. "·"' ,_as_ II.II: 21-25 P.1'-9-17 \ \ \ PA2014-121 TH IS M4P ll-'.45 FOR 1,9ANDE ?I n<;E5 ON!. r. (OUNn' PUR If \NrEF AS !O !HE AS~'.t.SS0l? MAi\C5 NO GUA I rs ACCURAU NOR 4S5UMU I ,/'t L /TY ?I ror, NOT TO P 4lf ·( ASS£ ::l 80' 0 "' ... I .. ~ 92 C:i 0 ., i;j ~I 254' TRACT CD f ,, LOT 161 I/ 0 2J•· 168' ~ t 0 .1 ~ LOT 162 ~ G) a ~ 0 4 "'! .... ., 16$' ~--· .l.'.il!, -, 0 CYPRESS "' " 7330' 72.70' 13' ,.,,_'I' .. LOT 15J e ., 0 0) 0 0 !' "' ,. ,. I \ y y LOT 8 © .., ,. e.s· LOT tO 0 234' ~ (0 'AF 'OF p F ~ ~ JO' I..!:. k:;ELSARE INFORMA1 0 © "'! 2 A LOT 164 \ ( I <> © "' "' .. 234' ISHOWN AT THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION ION PURPOSES ONLY. THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY; IT IS NOT A PLAT OR SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. THIS MAP IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS ANO OTHER LAND. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE THEREON. ~ II\ !t t' ' 160 LOT 159 0 © G) " " " " 165 LOT 166 0 © G) I\ 1, ~ "I 04 MARCH 1984 TRACT NO. 706 ALM. 21-25 P.M. 313-47 PARCEL MAPS 1\ I' " LOT 158 @ G) ,,_ --~ ' " LOT 1E7 @ 0 I\ ~ D eo e D 300' RADIUS / ./// 38 I/ LOT @ l@ " H LOT @ '1 8 /1 I\ 1, y 157 LOT 156 LOT ~ (0 @ © ' ,, ' " j ,, " II 168 LOT 169 LOT @ @ @ G) I l ~ l/ NOTE -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CI 't '1 It \(' /' /y ,,/( .. / / / I 0,)' J I, ,;(.,(•: 1!).'' LOT 153 ,r, @ ·- I:;,, PAR 2 :,)I' @ 1i)2~02' :) R.S. 7S-6 LOT rss 154 P.M. Jt 4 "' @ @ ~ ;f,~,{)4' f,f,Q;' 1(1,2.0.,"' LOT 153 I\ @ 't !\ 0 @~ 1!l 1' I @ ' .. &&· ,02· STR££T 0 "' ,, " 1$6· 61' ' @ I• !02' ., I @ 1\ 170 LOT 171 I/ @ @ @ z LOT 172 .... @ V\ ~ \• [' I V NO. @ 706 1(!2'· 03 ASS£SSOR 1 S MAP BODI< 439 PAGE 37 COUNTY OF ORANGE 439-3 7 "' "' ., I'- <I " "' "' 0 "' t j;; 60' D PA2014-121 0 ,.,, I !! - D PIQ D 300' RADIUS l l I -·---___ --__ --_ _ _ 57 I t ~~. \ \~ @ t.655 AC. -· ___ ·-·· ___ -· 59 ACACIA 60 1M6' I S' 61, -1 I ~\ I ~t 1 I : ! 62 Vi··--··-------~ -:!I I V I LOT 56 ! LOT 55 I 0 r @ I I t.364 AC. R.s. BJ-48 I POR. LOT 65 I 1 I I I I I ® I 2,143 AC. l I I I '"'~ POR, LOT 66 TRACTN~ PARCEL r"' ... P ~ M.M. 21 -25 P.M. 219 -20, 340-06 119-20 LOT 54 @ 8 @) !31~ PAR. 1 ® 0.642 AC. 11>4,43' 38 I I I i \ I I I ' I LOT !SJ LOT S2 I I I l PAR. 4 @ @ I @ l :@ 1 'I I ' ' I :1.U4 AC. 'I \ I I • I ,s I LOT 51 I 11 I I' I PJ.t 219-20 I I I I 1115.Jjt· !'.iUl' 211$.W STREET ,01' 40,10' •• LOT fg LOT 70 @ PARCELS ARE SHOWN AT THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. THIS MAP IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION ONLY; IT IS NOT A PLAT OR SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. THIS MAP IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OTHER LANO. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE THEREON. I I I I I I I l I 1' 1..01 71 © TE -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP BOOK 439 PAGE 39 COUNTY OF ORANGE PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES 439-3 9 I D··· PA2014-121 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2008-140 IN THE CITY Of' NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY Of' ORANGE STATE <5t' CAL('ORNIA BEING A SUBOMSION Of PARca 1 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 2006-298 AS SHOWN ON lHE MAP FILED IN BOOK PAGES __ INCLUSI\/E, OF PARCa MAPS IN lHE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY. FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES WALDEN & ASSOCIATES JEFFREY A. WALDEN, P.L.S. 7914 JULY 2008 APPROVED BY: ~-s~ :::: Planning Director i Zoning Administrator ~ Planning Commission D City Council I As Submitted o As Modified Refer to: o Resolution 'fl Approval Letter # of Pgs Approved: I ~ 1-.... Date: o,, Of / Of '-'-'"-'' &... -...,11,,..,.11 ~ I l'l,J,..-1..,. I Newport Executive Court, LLC PA2014-121 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2008-140 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE Of' CAL~RNIA BEING A SUBDMSION OF PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 2006-298 AS SHOWN ON THE MAP FILED IN BOOK _ PAGES ---INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNlY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNlY. FOR RECORD OWNER· NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT, lLC A CALIFORNIA LIMITED UABUTY COMPANY 4120 BIRCH ST. SUITE 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES WALDEN & ASSOCIATES JEFFREY A. WALDEN, P.L.S. 7914 JULY 2008 SUBDMDER· NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT. lLC A CALIFORNIA UMITID LIABILITY COMPANY 4120 BIRCH ST. SUITE 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 852-1358 J:!OI[S; MAP PREPARER· WALDEN & ASSOCIATES 2552 WHITE RO., SUITE 8 IRVINE. CA 92614 (949) 660-0110 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS, 439-381-40 .=:-s,co!.."FOR"" ~E~Jl~~ C:~:Jt~~N~R :o:...ov~8':H 439-382-06, 07, 10, 26 & 27 ~~ m nrriti~~· ~MsJillfE lf~'lflrmf. @ :~E°'tNr:sSE~bNT~CTRl~LWA~·Jl;~~ ~~ERAN~UST COMPANY IN THE DEED RECORDED JULY 27, 1929 IN BOOK 297. PAGE 147 OFFICIAL RECORDS. (PORTION Of' EASEMENT \\1THIN MAP BOUNDARY TO BE QUITCLAIMED BY SEPARATE OOCUMENT). © ~~TESOl'AN~~E~J~~~=~i.A\4~9r~~~~J~~o.lN1::~gMtnTHE OffiCIAL RECORDS. @ :Co~~ c":t w~~~ =. fiE~~~ ft~~ ft. ~i~A ~~sftft;l:::l Dl&fflCT NO. 2007000129446, OFRCIAL RECORDS. L01 96 i C Lor e1 O• BUILDING SUMMARY· ~ NO Qf UNITS EJRST fl-PQR NO PE UNITS S£C0NP FLOOR •A• 1 1 "f/' .. 4 ·e-5 2 ·[)" ... 5 LINE L1 w L2 w L3 w L4 w DISTANCE 47.10' 1.00' 1.00' 1.00' PA2008-148 for NP2008-018 20372 BIRCH STREET Newport Executive Court, LLC PA2014-121 SCALE:1" =50' EASEMENT NOTES: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2008-140 IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 2006-298 AS SHOWN ON THE MAP FILED IN BOOK _ PAGES INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY. FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES RECORD OWNER: NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT, LLC A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILllY COMPANY 4120 BIRCH ST. SUITE 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 WALDEN & ASSOCIATES JEFFREY A. WALDEN, P.L.S. 7914 JULY 2008 SUBDIVIDER: NEWPORT EXECUTIVE COURT, LLC A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILllY COMPANY 4120 BIRCH ST. SUITE 110 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 852-1358 . NOTES: MAP PREPARER: WALDEN & ASSOCIATES 2552 WHITE RD., SUITE B IRVINE, CA 92614 (949) 660-0110 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 439-381-40 @ INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR STREET RIGHT OF WAY, PIPE LINES, TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH AND POWER LINES RESERVED FOR THE IRVINE COMPANY AND FOR BRYAN BRADFORD & W.M. McCOY OR THEIR GRANTEES, ON TRACT NO. 706, M.M, 21/25. (PORTION OF EASEMENT WITHIN MAP BOUNDARY TO BE QUITCLAIMED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT). BUILDING SUMMARY: 439-382-06, 07, 10, 26 & 27 @ INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR STREETS, ALLEYS, PIPE LINES, ELECTRICAL POWER, LIGHT, --~-• --~E1£PHON&-LINES AND ELECTRl/3--RAILWAYS AS RESERVED BY TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY IN THE DEED RECORDED JULY 27, 1929 IN BOOK 297, PAGE 147 OFFICIAL RECORDS. (PORTION OF EASEMENT WITHIN MAP BOUNDARY TO BE QUITCLAIMED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT). BUILDING NO. OF UNITS FIRST FLOOR --------------- " A" 1 4 5 4 ----. ------ NO. OF UNITS SECOND FLOOR 1 l I @ INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR SLOPE, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF THE COUNlY OF ORANGE, RECORDED FEBRUARY 15, 1996 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 19960071077 OFFICIAL RECORDS. @ INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR SEWER PURPOSES IN FAVOR OF COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT AND THE CllY OF NEWPORT BEACH, RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 2007 AS INSTRUMENT . NO. 2007000129446, OFFICIAL RECORC'JS. LDl' 96 ------- v LDl' 97 ------- 0• • 13" "c' • rf' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING L1 N 01'32'00" w L2 N 01'54'38" w L3 N 25'06'55" w L4 N 2758'48" w DISTANCE CURVE 47.10' C1 1.00' C2 1.00' C3 1.00' C4 4 2 5 CURVE TABLE DELTA RADIUS 01·24•34• 641.00' 23'12'17" 640.00' 02'51 '53'' 641.00' 04'11 '43" 640.00' LENGTH 15.77' 259.20' 32.05' 46.86' PA2008-148 for NP2008-018 20372 BIRCH STREET Newport Executive Court, LLC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov VIA EMAIL March 10, 2015 Real Estate Development Associates Attn: Jason Krotts, Principal 4100 MacArthur Blvd., #120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 jkrotts@redallc.com Re: Birch Medical Offices (PA2014-121) Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-032 Site Development Review No. SD2014-005 Traffic Study No. TS2014-006 Parcel Map No. NP2014-017 (County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2014-171) 20352 - 20412 Birch Street Dear Mr. Krotts: It was a pleasure working with you on the Birch Medical Offices project. Please find attached the approved resolution for your project. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, JC/fn PA2014-121 PA2014-121 RESOLUTION NO. 1970 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR USE PERMIT NO. UP2014-032, SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. SD2014· 005, TRAFFIC STUDY NO. TS2014-006, AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NP2014-017 FOR A MEDICAL OFFICE PROJECT LOCATED AT 20352-20412 BIRCH STREET AND RESCINDING, IN PART, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1735 (PA2014-121) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Real Estate Development Associates, LLC. ("Applicant"), with respect to property located at 20352-20412 Birch Street, and legally described as Lots 125, 126, 127, and a portion of Lot 128 of Tract 706, requesting approval of a Minor Use Permit, Site Development Review, Traffic Study, and Tentative Parcel Map. 2. The Applicant proposes to resubdivide four lots into three lots for commercial development and condominium purposes. The project includes the construction of two, two-story medical office buildings totaling 64,000 square feet in gross floor area and a 322-space surface parking lot. 3. The subject property is located within the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SP-7) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is General Commercial Office (CO-G). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on February 19, 2015, in the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. On October 18, 2007, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1735 adopting an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration ("IS/MND") that was prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the State CEQA Guidelines, and City Council Policy K-3. The project reviewed under the IS/MND included a Tentative Parcel Map, Use Permit, and Traffic Study to allow the construction of four, two-story medical office buildings consisting of approximately 65,000 gross floor area over a parking structure on a vacant 3.06-acre site. PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 2 of 18 2. The Applicant proposes to include additional land area to the project site, demolition of two single-unit dwellings, and construction of two, two-story medical office buildings totaling 64,000 square feet in gross floor area. Due to these proposed changes compared with the approved project, an Addendum to the IS/MND was prepared pursuant to Section 15162 (Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations) and 15164 (Addendum to an EIR or Negative Declaration of the State CEQA Guidelines). The City retained Kimley-Horn and Associates to prepare the Addendum and a revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ("MMRP") was also prepared, and all applicable mitigation measures from the previous MMRP were included. 3. On the basis of the entire environmental review record, the proposed project will not result in any new significant impacts that were not analyzed in the IS/MND, nor will the project cause a substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified environmental impacts. The potential impacts associated with this proposed project would either be the same or less than those described in the IS/MND. In addition, there are no substantial changes to the circumstances under which the proposed project would be undertaken that would result in new or more severe environmental impacts than previously addressed in the IS/MND, nor has any new information regarding the potential for new or more severe significant environmental impacts been identified. Therefore, in accordance with Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines, an Addendum to the previously adopted IS/MND is the appropriate environmental documentation for the proposed project. In taking action on any of the approvals for the proposed project, the Planning Commission considered the whole of the data presented in the IS/MND, as augmented by the Addendum, and the MMRP. 4. The Addendum to the IS/MND, including the MMRP, is hereby approved. The document and all material, which constitute the record upon which this decision was based, are on file with the Planning Division, City Hall, 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Minor Use Permit In accordance with Section 20.52.020(F) (Conditional and Minor Use Permits) of the Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property as General Commercial Office (CO-G) with the maximum floor area to land area ratio ("FAR") of 0.50 (CO-G 0.50), which is intended to provide for administrative, professional, and medical offices with limited accessory retail and service uses. The 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 3 of 18 proposed project is consistent with this designation as it is a medical office development with a 0.36 FAR. 2. The subject property is located within the Business Park District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Zoning District (SP-7 BP), which is intended to provide for the development and maintenance of professional and administrative offices, commercial uses, specific uses related to product development, and limited light industrial uses. Pursuant to Section 20.90.120 (Business Park District: SP-7, BP), medical office uses are a principal permitted use subject to the approval of a minor use permit. Finding: B. The use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and the Municipal Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject property is located within the Business Park District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Zoning District (SP-7 BP), which is intended to provide for the development and maintenance of professional and administrative offices, commercial uses, specific uses related to product development, and limited light industrial uses. Pursuant to Section 20.90.120 (Business Park District: SP-7, BP), medical office uses are a principal permitted use subject to the approval of a minor use permit. 2. The BP District guidelines emphasize the protection of the adjacent residential uses through regulation of building mass and height, landscape buffers, and architectural design features. The proposed design includes a setback from the abutting residential uses of 78 feet to the south and 138 feet to the east with a site wall, landscaping, and sutiace parking, and the architectural design of the project meets the intent of the SP- 7 BP District. 3. Pursuant to Section 20.90.030 (Design Guidelines), the intent of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan design guidelines is to promote a consistent, high quality character of development that will result in the overall enhancement of the aesthetic character of the community. The proposed two-story buildings are 36 feet in height, provide the required setbacks from all property lines, and include a courtyard to separate the buildings. The hardscape includes enhanced paving at the drop off area, front of the buildings, and courtyard. The architectural design creates visual interest through building articulation, window treatments, and blending with landscaping. The mechanical equipment, refuse, and generators are proposed to be screened from view. The project is designed within the required framework and sufficiently complies with the guidelines. 4. Section 20.90.120 (Business Park District: SP-7 -BP) establishes the required site development standards for floor area, setbacks, and landscaping. The buildings provide more than the minimum required setback from each property line and are proposed at 0.36 FAR, where 0.50 FAR is allowed. The proposed landscaping 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 4 of 18 includes trees, shrubs, and groundcover and the landscape setbacks are met or exceeded with the proposed project design. 5. Pursuant to Table 3.10 in Zan ing Code Section 20 .40 .040 ( Off-Street Parking Spaces Required), medical office uses are required to provlde one parking space for every 200 square feet of gross floor area. The gross floor area of the proposed buildings is 64,000 square feet; therefore, the project requires 320 spaces. The proposed project includes sutiace parking with 322 parking spaces, thus, the project provides a surplus of two spaces. Finding: C. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the use are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Commercial and residential uses are allowed in the vicinity, including medical office, retail sales, personal service, restaurant, professional and administrative office, and single-unit residential uses. The subject property is located among other medical office uses along Birch Street to the north, and the proposed medical office uses are compatible with the allowed uses in the vicinity. 2. The project design locates the two-story, 36-foot high buildings towards the middle of the property with large setbacks from the property lines, which provide separation to ensure compatibility with the abutting commercial and residential properties. Furthermore, the buildings include high performance glazing windows resulting in privacy to residential uses to the south and east. 3. The buildings are proposed at 0.36 FAR, where 0.50 FAR is allowed. The 64,000- square-foot medical office use does not create any traffic impacts and is compatible with the allowed commercial and residential uses in the vicinity. 4. The proposed medical office uses will operate as a typical medical office use. The design includes a drop-off/pick-up area with seating, landscaping, and enhanced pavement. A courtyard is proposed between the two buildings as an amenity to the employees and visitors. Code required parking is provided ensuring that employees and visitors may park on-site. Therefore, the operating characteristics are compatible with the allowed commercial and residential uses in the vicinity. Finding: D. The site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, shape, size, operating characteristics, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access and public services and utilities. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Facts in Support of Finding: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 5 of 18 1. The subject property is 4.1 acres in area (178,405 square feet), generally rectangular in shape, located in a commercial area with residential uses nearby, and is proposed to be developed with two, two-story medical office buildings. 2. The project design locates the two-story buildings towards the middle of the property with large setbacks used for surface parking and landscaping. The site is proposed with 322 spaces, which is two more spaces than required by the Zoning Code. Adequate trash storage facilities for the medical office tenants is provided in two enclosed areas, thereby preventing any odor or related issues for the residential uses nearby. 3. The site has pedestrian and vehicular access along Birch Street, which is a four-lane secondary commercial road with sufficient capacity as shown by the traffic study. The two driveways proposed will be constructed pursuant to City Standards and reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department. The provision of emergency vehicle access will continue along Birch Street. 4. All water services will be approved by the Irvine Ranch Water District and all sewer services will be approved by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. 5. The Public Works Department, Building Division, and Fire Department have reviewed the application. The project is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City Building and Fire Departments and must comply with the most recent, City-adopted version of the California Building Code. Finding: E. Operation of the use at the location proposed would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed use is similar to and compatible with other office uses in the vicinity, and is not detrimental to the abutting residential uses due to the office nature of the business and location of the buildings on-site. 2. The proposed development is consistent with the planned land use for the site. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of development proposed because the infrastructure serving the site and surrounding area has been designed and developed to accommodate the anticipated commercial development use of the site. Therefore, the operation of the use is not detrimental. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 6 of 18 3. As demonstrated in the traffic study, the proposed project does not result in a traffic impact; therefore, the operation of the proposed medical office use is not detrimental. 4. The proposed use does not create any adverse noise impacts, and is subject to the noise standards within the Municipal Code. 5. Adequate trash storage facilities for the commercial tenants are provided in two screened areas, thereby preventing any odor or related issues for the abutting residential uses. 6. Compliance with the Municlpal Code and the conditions of approval is required and will further ensure that the proposed use will not be detrimental. Site Development Review In accordance with Zoning Code Section 20.52.0BO(F) (Site Development Review), the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: F. Allowed within the subject zoning district. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject property is located within the Business Park District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Zoning District (SP-7 BP), which is intended to provide for the development and maintenance of professional and administrative offices, commercial uses, specific uses related to product development, and limited light industrial uses. Pursuant to Section 20.90.120 (Business Park District: SP-7, BP), medical office uses are a principal permitted use subject to the approval of a minor use permit. Finding: G. In compliance with aJI of the applicable criteria identified in subsection [20. 52. OBOJ(C)(2)(c): a. Compliance with this Section, the General Plan, this Zoning Code, any applicable specific plan, and other applicable criteria and policies related to the use or structure; b. The efficient arrangement of structures on the site and the harmonious relationship of the structures to one another and to other adjacent development; and whether the relationship is based on standards of good design; c. The compatibility in terms of bulk, scale, and aesthetic treatment of structures on the site and adjacent developments and public areas; d. The adequacy, efficiency, and safety of pedestrian and vehicular access, including drive aisles, driveways, and parking and loading spaces; PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 7 of 18 e. The adequacy and efficiency of landscaping and open space areas and the use of water efficient plant and irrigation materials; and f. The protection of significant views from public right(s)-of-way and compliance with Section 20.30. 100 (Public View Protections). Facts in Support of Finding: 1 . The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property as General Commercial Office (CO-G) with the maximum 0.50 FAR (CO-G 0.50), which is intended to provide for administrative, professional, and medical offices with limited accessory retail and service uses. The proposed project is consistent with this designation as it is a medical office development with a 0.36 FAR. 2. The subject property is located within the Business Park District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Zoning District (SP-7 BP), which is intended to provide for the development and maintenance of professional and administrative offices, commercial uses, specific uses related to product development, and limited light industrial uses. Pursuant to Section 20 .90.120 (Business Park District: S P-7, BP), medical office uses are a principal permitted use subject to the approval of a minor use permit. 3. The proposed structures are arranged in a way to provide for harmonious relationships with one another and with the adjacent surroundings through site layout and positioning of the two buildings. The project design includes two grey and white medical office buildings located near the middle of the property surrounded by surface parking, drive aisles, and landscaping. At the front of the buildings near the vehicular entrance from Birch Street is a drop-off/pick-up area with enhanced paving. A six-foot high block wall is proposed along the rear and side property lines. 4. The design of the buildings includes obscure glazing facing the residential properties intended to provide privacy to the community. Both buildings feature two story glass entry ways with a slight curve on the front of Building 2 facing Birch Street. An outdoor courtyard is provided between the two buildings as an amenity area for employees and visitors, and will also serve as an access between the rear parking area and the front building entrances along Birch Street. 5, The proposed 36-foot high buildings are located towards the middle of the site. The building location, surface parking, landscaping, and site walls would provide separation from the abutting residential uses. Therefore, the height, bulk, and scale of the proposed project are compatible with the commercial and residential uses in the area. 6. Appropriate vehicular and pedestrian access is provided from Birch Street with two driveways proposed. The proposed site layout provides efficient vehicular circulation throughout the site and a drop-off/pick~up area for visitors at the building entrances. Adequate pedestrian access is provided from street to the building entrances, and full pedestrian circulation would be provided between the buildings. The Public Works 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 8 of 18 Department has reviewed and approved the site plan and parking configuration subject to the conditions of approval. 7. The proposed landscaping is designed to meet water efficiency standards and to enhance the overall site design. The proposed landscaping includes trees, shrubs, groundcover, and vines. Several tree species are proposed for a total of approximately 121 trees throughout the site. The landscaped areas along Birch Street include shrubs to screen the parking areas from view. The project includes a courtyard, pedestrian landscaped areas, and landscaping around the site perimeter. 8. The subject property is not located at or near a public view point or corridor as identified in the General Plan Figure NR3 (Coastal Views); and therefore, is in compliance with Section 20 .30.100 (Public View Protections). Finding: H. The proposed development is not detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed development. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The new construction complies with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes. The project complies with all City ordinances and conditions of approval. 2. The project has been conditioned to ensure that potential conflicts with surrounding land uses are minimized to the extent possible to maintain a healthy environment for both businesses and residents. 3. The proposed project includes 322 parking spaces and exceeds the parking requirements provided in Municipal Code Section 20.40.040 (Off-Street Parking), which will allow for medical office uses. 4. The proposed project design includes adequate separation from the buildings to the abutting residential properties and has site walls and sufficient landscaping. Traffic Study In accordance with Municipal Code Section 15.40.030(A) (Traffic Phasing Ordinance), the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: I. That a traffic study for the project has been prepared in compliance with this chapter [15.40] and Appendix A. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Facts in Support of Finding: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 9 of 18 1. A traffic study, titled "Traffic Impact Analysis for the proposed Newport Executive Center" dated November 2014, was prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. under the supervision of the City Traffic Engineer for the project in compliance with Municipal Code Chapter 15.40 (Traffic Phasing Ordinance) and Appendix A. Finding: J. That, based on the weight of the evidence in the administrative record, including the traffic study, one of the findings for approval in subsection (B) can be made: Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Construction of the project is anticipated to be completed in 2016, within 60 months. If the project is not completed within 60 months of this approval, preparation of a new traffic study is required. 2. The traffic study included 15 study intersections that were analyzed for potential impacts based on the City's Intersection Capacity Utilization ("ICU") analysis. Utilizing the ICU analysis, the traffic study determined that the 15 primary intersections identified will continue to operate at satisfactory levels of service as defined by the Traffic Phasing Ordinance. Finding: K. That the project proponent has agreed to make or fund the improvements, or make the contributions, that are necessary to make the findings for approval and to comply with aJ/ conditions of approval. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 . No improvements or mitigation is necessary because implementation of the proposed project will neither cause nor make worse an unsatisfactory level of traffic service at any impacted primary intersection within the City of Newport Beach. Tentative Parcel Map The Planning Commission determined in this case that the proposed parcel map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings pursuant to Section 19.12.070 (Required Findings for Action on Tentative Maps) of the Municipal Code: PA2014-121 Finding Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 10 of 18 L. That the proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan 1 and with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding 1 . The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property as General Commercial Office (CO-G) with the maximum floor area to land area ratio ("FAR") of 0.50 (CO-G 0.50), which is intended to provide for administrative, professional, and medical offices with limited accessory retail and service uses. The proposed project is consistent with this designation as it is a medical office development with a 0.36 FAR. The subject property is located within the Business Park District of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan Zoning District (SP-7 BP), which is intended to provide for the development and maintenance of professional and administrative offices, commercial uses, specific uses related to product development, and limited light industrial uses. Pursuant to Section 20.90.120 (Business Park District: SP-7, BP), medical office uses are a principal permitted use subject to the approval of a minor use permit. The Tentative Parcel Map application is requested for the resubdivision of four parcels into three parcels and for condominium purposes. Each building would be located on its own lot with the third lot as the remainder of the site including parking and landscaping. Parcel 1 is 11,159 square feet and contains Building 1, Parcel 2 is 23,106 square feet and contains Building 2, and Parcel A is 143,572 square feet. Building 1 has up to four condominium units and Building 2 has up to six condominium units. Therefore, the proposed Tentative Parcel Map and the design and improvements of the subdivision is consistent with the General Plan, Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan, and Subdivision Code. 2. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed parcel map and has concluded it is consistent with the Subdivision Code, and conditions of approval will be included to ensure compliance with applicable provisions. Finding M. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The 4.1-acre site is regular in shape, has a slope of less than 20 percent, and is not within a zone deemed to be subject to seismically induced liquefaction potential. The site is large enough to accommodate the intensity proposed in compliance with all applicable Zoning requirements. The site is suitable for the type and density of development proposed in that the infrastructure serving the site and surrounding area has been designed and developed to accommodate the proposed project. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Finding Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 11 of 18 N. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the decision-making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The proposed project is not located near fish or wildlife habitat and the design of the subdivision will not cause substantial damage to habitat. An Addendum to the previous IS/MND has been prepared for the project consistent with the implementing regulations of CEQA The Addendum concludes the project will have a less than significant impact to the environment with mitigation measures and does not identify any cumulative impacts. The site is developed in a highly urbanized area and no significant natural resources exist on the project site or in the area of the project site. Finding 0. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The proposed Parcel Map is for the resubdivision of the lots and for condominium purposes. All construction for the project complies with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, which are in place to prevent serious public health problems. Public improvements will be required of the developer per Municipal Code Section 19.28.01 O (General Improvement Requirements) and Section 66411 (Local agencies to regulate and control design of subdivisions) of the Subdivision Map Act. Furthermore, the proposed project conforms to all applicable City ordinances. 2. No evidence is known to exist that would indicate that the proposed development will generate any serious public health problems. All mitigation measures will be implemented as outlined in the Addendum to the previously adopted IS/MND to ensure the protection of the public health. Finding P. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, tor access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision-making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 12 of 18 provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to easements previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The design of the development does not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed development as there are no public access easements that are located on the property. Sufficient site access is provided from the abutting public right-of-way (Birch Street) with the proposed parcel map. Finding Q. That, subject to the detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding 1. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act. The subject property is not designated as an agricultural preserve and is less than 100 acres. Finding R. That, in the case of a "land project" as defined in Section 11000. 5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (a) there is an adopted specific plan for the area to be included within the land project; and (b) the decision-making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding 1. California Business and Professions Code Section 11000.5 was repealed by the Legislature in 2006 via Assembly Bill 2711. However, the proposed subdivision is not a "land project," as defined in prior California Business and Professions Code Section 11000.5 because it does not consist of 50 or more parcels. Finding S. That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473. 1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Facts in Support of Finding Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 13 of 18 1. The proposed Parcel Map locates the buildings towards the middle of the property with 30 feet between the two buildings, which allows for future passive or natural heating and cooling opportunities. The proposed building height is 36 feet, which is compatible with other structures in the area. The proposed improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards based on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Division enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. Finding T. That the subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California. Government Code regarding the City 1s share of the regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City's residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Facts in Support of Finding 1 . The General Plan and Zoning Code designate the site for commercial uses. The proposed project does not create residential units; however, the project does generate jobs. The City's Housing Element addresses the regional housing needs to ensure that job and housing are balanced. Finding U. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Facts in Support of Finding 1. Wastewater discharge from the project into the existing sewer system has been designed to comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board ("RWQCB") requirements. Finding V. For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Facts in Support of Finding Planning Commission Resolution No . 1970 Page 14 of 18 1. The subject property is not loc ated within the Coastal Zone. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1 . The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-032, Site Development Review No. SD2014-005, Traffic Study No. TS2014-006, and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014-017, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A , which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. The Minor Use Pe rmit, Site Development Review, and Traffic Study actions shall become f inal and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution is adopted unless within such t ime an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Tit le 20 Planning and Zon ing, of the Newport Beach Munici pal Code. 3. The Tentative Parcel Map action shall become final and effective 10 days after the adoption of this Resolution un less within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 19 Subdivisions, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 4. Planning Commission Resolution No . 1735 is hereby rescinded , except as to that portion which adopted the IS/MND and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 191 H DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2015. AYES : Brown, Hillgren, Koetting, Kramer, Lawler, Myers and Tucker NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None BY: ~ 1 J Larry Tuclfor, 'Chair 07-2 2-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 15 of 18 EXHIBIT ''A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, building elevations, and photographic simulations, stamped and dated with the date of this approval, except as modified by applicable conditions of approval. 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 4. Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-032 and Site Development Review No. SD2014-005 may be modified or revoked by the Planning Commission should they determine that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 5. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-032 and Site Development Review No. SD2014-005 or the processing of a new Minor Use Permit. 6. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. These plans shall be in substantial conformance with the concept landscape plan stamped and dated with the date of this approval. 8. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 9. The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 16 of 18 opinion of the Director of Community Development, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall prepare photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Division. Parking lots shall be lighted so that there is a minimum illumination over the entire lot of 1.0 footcandle and an average over the entire !at of 2.5 footcandles. The survey shall show that lighting values are 1 .0 footcandle or less at all property lines. 11. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a geotechnical report shall be submitted to the Building Division for review. 12. A wheelchair accessible path of travel shall be provided from the public sidewalk to both of the buildings. 13. Commissioning and acceptance testing shall be required for both buildings. 14. A parcel Map shall be recorded. The Map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83). Prior to recordation of the Map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the Map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The Map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 15. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Sections 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set On Each Lot Corner unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 16. If it is desired to record the Map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements, the applicant will provide the City through the Public Works Department with either a refundable deposit or a Performance and Labor and Materials bond for the estimated cost of the public improvements to guarantee satisfactory completion of the required public improvements. 17. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 18. An encroachment permit shall be required for all work activities within the public right- of-way. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 17 of 18 19. All unused driveway approaches shall be removed and replaced with full height curb and gutter and sidewalk per City Standards. 20. The proposed driveway approaches shall be constructed per City Standards. 21. The proposed parking lot layout shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Parking aisles and spaces shall comply with City Standard #805-L-A&B. 22. All improvements shall comply with the City's sight distance requirement, City Standard #110-L. 23. All damaged curb, gutter, sidewalk and asphalt pavement on Birch Street shall be removed and replaced per City Standards. Limits of reconstruction shall be determined by the Public Works Department. 24. All water services and/or improvements proposed for this development shall be approved by the Irvine Ranch Water District and comply with their standards. 25. All sewer services and/or improvements proposed for this development shall be approved by the Costa Mesa Sanitary District and comply with their standards. 26. A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the proposed project shall be prepared and submitted to the City for review and approval. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant shall have an approved final project WQMP. 27. Additional requirements may be placed on the development upon the submittal of detailed water, sewer, storm drain, pavement, parking and striping plans. 28. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay any unpaid administrative costs associated with the processing of this application to the Planning Division. 29. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 30. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self-latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 31. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self-contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1970 Page 18 of 18 with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 32. Deliveries and refuse collection for the facility shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., daily, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development, and may require an amendment to this Minor Use Permit. 33. Storage outside of the building in the front or at the rear of the property shall be prohibited, with the exception of the required trash container enclosure. 34. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 35. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to the City's approval of the Birch Medical Offices including, but not limited to, Minor Use Permit No. UP2014-032, Site Development Review No. 802014-005, Traffic Study No. TS2014-006, and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2014-017. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, the City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The Applicant shall indemnify the City for all of the City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The Applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 36. A reciprocal easement agreement and Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall be provided pertaining to parking and maintenance, and shall be subject to approval by the City Attorney's Office prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The CC&Rs shall be recorded and any subsequent changes shall be reviewed and approved in writing by the Planning Division and City Attorney's Office. 37. A master sign plan for the entire site shall be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Admlnistrator prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. This plan shall be in the form of a Comprehensive Sign Program if required by the Municipal Code or as project plans that address all signage on-site. 07-22-2014 PA2014-121 ~I lliit ltJ C" .. V I• ~--~ I I Mess age I In sert !I Op ti o ns Format Te xt Review RE: PA20 16 -148 Comprehensive Sign Program -Message (HT ML) Adob e PDF ~ llil Co lors • ~ a= a=~ I~ [r1 Request a De livery Rece ipt a= a= = ·=~ •= ~ IA) Fonts • ~ Themes Page • @] Effects • Co lor Bee From Perm iss ion Use Voting [rl Request a Read Rece ipt Buttons ... Themes Show Fields Permission To ... Adam Burrows <aburrows@l/\•aremalcomb .com> JG2] Send Cc ... Subject: I RE: PA20 16 -148 Comprehens ive Sign Program Attached : 11 From: Whel a n, Melinda Sen t: December 02, 20 16 7 :51 AM To: Adam Burrows Cc: Garciamay , Ruby; Bynum , Patricia Su bj ect: PA20 16 -148 Co mprehensiv e Sign Program 0 See m ore about: Adam Bu rrow s. Tracking Ii Save Sent De lay Direct Item To ... De livery Rep li es To More Options i ... -' F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION LETTER Application No. Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-012 (PA2016-148) Applicant Ware Malcomb Architects Site Address 20350 and 20360 Birch Street Newport Heights Medical Campus Sign Program Legal Description Lots 125, 126, 127, and a portion of Lot 128 of Tract 706, requesting approval of a Minor Use Permit, Site Development Review, Traffic Study, and Tentative Parcel Map. On December 2, 2016, the Zoning Administrator approved Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-012, to authorize signage for a new medical campus. The site includes two 2- story multi-tenant medical buildings on a 4.1 acre single lot. The program includes project identification ground signs, tenant identification ground signs, primary and secondary tenant wall signs, parking signage, wayfinding signage, and address signage. The intent of this sign program is to allow additional multiple tenant signage, additional ground signs, and larger wall signs. A comprehensive sign program is required for the following circumstances: 1. three (3) or more separate tenant spaces are proposed or created on the same lot; and 2. a structure has more than 300 linear feet of frontage on a public street. The subject property is located within the Business Park of the Santa Ana Heights Specific Plan (SP-7 BP) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is General Commercial Office (CO-G). The property is not located in the Coastal Zone. This approval is based on the following findings and standards and is subject to the following conditions: PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 2 CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 FINDINGS Finding A. The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15315, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Facts in Support of Finding 1. Class 11 exempts minor structures accessory to existing commercial facilities, including signs. The proposed signs are incidental and accessory to the principal office use of the property and do not intensify or alter the use. In accordance with Section 20.42.120 (Comprehensive Sign Program) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following standards and facts in support of such standards are set forth: Standard B. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42], any adopted sign design guidelines, and the overall purpose and intent of this Section [Section 20.42.120 – Comprehensive Sign Program]. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The proposed Comprehensive Sign Program complies with the purpose and intent of Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards) and SP-7 BP signage regulations because it provides multi-tenant office buildings with adequate identification while guarding against an excessive proliferation of signage on these larger business park properties. It preserves and enhances community appearance by regulating the type, size, location, quantity, and illumination of signs. Through said regulations, the Comprehensive Sign Program will help to enhance the safety of motorists and pedestrians by minimizing the distraction of signs, as well as to protect the life, health, property, and general welfare of City residents and visitors. 2. The purpose of a comprehensive sign program is to integrate all of a project’s signs. A comprehensive sign program provides a means for the flexible application of sign regulations for projects that require multiple signs in order to provide incentive and latitude in the design and display of signs, and to achieve, not circumvent, the purpose of the Municipal Code, including Chapter 20.42 and SP-7 BP. This approval integrates all of the signs for the subject property while meeting the purpose and intent of Chapter 20.42 and SP-7 BP. PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 3 CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 3. The Comprehensive Sign Program is consistent with the Citywide Sign Design Guidelines Manual because the proposed signs are designed to be compatible with the building design in terms of scale, size, and materials. As proposed, signs are designed to effectively communicate a message without creating sign clutter through the use of legible text that contrasts with the background. The location and size of the signs do not dominate, but rather are consistent with the proportions of the façade on which they are located. The monument signs are also proportionate to the size of the property and the street frontage. 4. The proposed primary and secondary signage will provide for building and tenant identification located on elevations where the architectural design of the building suggests placement of a sign. All proposed signs will employ a consistent sign pattern and are designed to fit with the overall scale of the buildings and their relationship to Birch Street and the adjacent Business Park and residential area. Standard C. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program, to the structures and/or developments they identify, and to surrounding development when applicable. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The site is large in scale, similar to the other large business office properties in the immediate area. The number and location of signs will not contribute to an overabundance of signage that will have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood. 2. SP-7 BP restricts ground signs to one double-faced sign per building site containing only the address of the property. The length of the property is approximately 450 feet long. This requires the additional monument sign along the frontage to adequately identify the site. The monuments on the street frontage display the addresses and the name of the medical campus. The tenant names are not on these signs in order to preserve the intent of the BP area which includes minimizing the clutter of an abundance of tenant names on the street frontages. 3. SP-7 BP restricts wall signs to 1 identification sign placed on each wall facing a public street and additional tenant signs allowed only above each tenant’s entrance. Additional signs for the multiple-tenants with multiple facades are required in order to provide adequate identification for such a large property that includes one long (approximately 450 feet) major street frontage along Birch Street. The additional signs that are on the sides of the buildings will not be illuminated. A sign program in this area is common for this purpose. 4. Proposed signs will not obstruct public views from adjacent roadways because there are no public views through or across the subject property. PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 4 CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 5. The proposed signs will not interfere with sight distance from any street, driveway, or parking area. The freestanding signs have been reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer. 6. All proposed signage will integrate well with the character and architectural style of the building by maintaining consistency in location, sign height, and materials across the street frontage. Standard D. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent, temporary, and exempt signs. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The proposed Comprehensive Sign Program addresses all project signage. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the sign program shall be regulated by the provisions of SP-7 BP and Zoning Code Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards). The Comprehensive Sign Program allows for prospective tenant signs in the future but still within allowances of the Sign Code per this Sign Program. Standard E. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program has been designed to be effective for the medical campus by providing signage opportunities for both buildings and their tenants. 2. The Comprehensive Sign Program establishes allowed type, number, location, and area of signage with flexibility to accommodate any future tenants. 3. It is not anticipated that future revisions to the Comprehensive Sign Program will be necessary to accommodate changes in tenants or uses. However, the Community Development Director may approve minor revisions to the Comprehensive Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. Standard F. The program shall comply with the standards of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42], except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and/or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter [Chapter 20.42]. PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 5 CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 Facts in Support of Standard 1. The monument signs meet the size requirements of SP-7 BP. The wall signs utilize the maximum allowed increase by the Comprehensive Sign Program in sign area which is 30 percent of 40 square feet resulting in a maximum area of 52 square feet. This increase in sign area is necessary to adequately identify the larger buildings and their tenants. 2. The approval also enhances the overall development by integrating all of the project’s signs with the overall site and structure design into a unified architectural statement. The Comprehensive Sign Program establishes signage for the entire medical campus including identifying the campus and its individual tenants without an overabundance of signage that could impact the surrounding area. 3. There is a reasonable need for the number of wall signs and monument signs at the subject site to provide adequate identification of the buildings and to direct vehicular traffic. 4. The interior monument tenant signage is necessary to direct pedestrians within the campus once they have parked. 5. The deviation from the number of wall signs will allow for signage placement that fits well with the architectural background on which it is proposed. Standard G. The approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by this Chapter [Chapter 20.42]. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign program does not authorize the use of prohibited signs as per Chapter 20.42 or SP-7 BP. Standard H. Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not consider the signs’ proposed message content. Facts in Support of Standard 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program contains no regulations affecting sign message content. PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 6 CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 CONDITIONS All proposed signs shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plans, Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix Table, and provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless otherwise indicated in the following conditions: 1. Anything not specifically approved by this Comprehensive Sign Program is prohibited. 2. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of installation of the signs including review and approval the City Traffic Engineer. 3. A copy of this letter shall be incorporated into the plan check sets of plans prior to issuance of building or sign permits. 4. Signs shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition. 5. The sign area shall be measured by two (2) perpendicular sets of parallel lines that surround the proposed sign copy area. 6. Signs that are permitted to be illuminated as provided in the sign matrix shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Section 20.42.070 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. If, in the opinion of the Community Development Director, existing illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or sensitive habitat areas, the Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 7. All work performed near or within the public right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department or Caltrans under an encroachment permit/agreement, if required. 8. Any future revisions or changes to the signs approved by this Comprehensive Sign Program due to a change in the use or tenants of the building shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division, so long as the sign size, copy configuration, and number of signs authorized by this approval does not substantially change or increase. The mandatory reduction or elimination of signs shall be exercised as necessary. Revisions that would substantially deviate from the original approval shall require approval of a new/revised comprehensive sign program by the Zoning Administrator. 9. The Zoning Administrator may add to or modify conditions of this approval, or revoke this approval upon a determination that any sign that is authorized by this approval has been altered beyond the parameters of the authorization and therefore beyond the justification. PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 7 CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 10. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within twenty-four (24) months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning), of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 11. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of the Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program including, but not limited to, Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-012 (PA2016-148). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within fourteen (14) days following the date of the action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at 949 644-3200. On behalf of Patrick Alford, Zoning Administrator By: GBR/msw Attachments: ZA 1 Vicinity Map ZA 2 Sign Matrix Table ZA 3 Plans PA2014-121 Attachment No. ZA 1 Vicinity Map PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Comprehensive Sign Program Page 2 Action Letter for CS2016-012.docxTmplt: 04/01/16 VICINITY MAP Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-012 PA2016-148 20350 and 20360 Birch Street Future Medical Campus PA2014-121 Attachment No. ZA 2 Sign Matrix Table PA2014-121 Sign Type Primary Frontage (Birch St.) Secondary Frontage Freestanding Sign Sign Type 1: Number: Two (2) Type: Monument with Exterior illumination. Address and name of campus only no tenant names. Size: Maximum height 6-feet. Maximum 46-square feet. Location: Front planter along Birch Street designed to meet site distance requirements of the City Traffic Engineer. Wayfinding Directional Signs Sign Type 2: Number: Ten (10) Type: Internal parking/directional signage. Size: Maximum height 5 feet tall. Location: Throughout site and around parking areas not visible from a Birch Street frontage. Not to encroach into parking spaces and must meet requirements of the City Traffic Engineer. Pedestrian Tenant Directory Sign Sign Type 3: Number: Two (2) Type: Internal tenant directory sign. Size: Maximum 6 feet tall. Location: In front of each building and not visible from the Birch Street frontage. Wall Signs Sign Type 4: Number: Four (4) Type: Internally illuminated tenant wall signs Size: 36-inch maximum letter/logo height. 52-square-foot maximum area. Location: 2 per each building primary frontage on Birch Street. Sign Type 4A: Number: Total of Seven (6) – Three (3) on 20360 Birch Street and Three (3) on 20350 Birch Street Type: Non-illuminated tenant wall signs Size: 36-inch maximum letter/logo height. 52- square-foot maximum area. Location: 1 maximum per each building wall façade except for primary frontage on Birch Street. Parking regulatory and ADA Sign Type 5 through Sign Type 8: Number: As required by Code. Type: Various parking lot signs. Size: As required by Code. Building Mounted Address Signs Sign Type 9: Number: 1 for each building or as required by Code. Size: As required by Code. Entry Address Sign Type 10: Number: 1 for each building above entry. Size: 1 square foot. NOTES: A. Requirements for all sign types per Municipal Code Chapter 20.42, except as provided in this sign matrix. B. Pursuant to Section 20.42.120.F of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Director may approve minor revisions to the Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS Comprehensive Sign Program Matrix CS2016-012 (PA2013-148) PA2014-121 Attachment No. ZA 3 Plans PA2014-121 SIGNAGE PROGRAM 20350 & 20360 BIRCH ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA IRV14-3012-01 11.28.2016 NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Exterior Sign Location Paln SHEET LP111.28.2016 ±4'-9"13'-6"131'-9"5'-0"26'-0" CLEAR 26'-0"CLEAR26'-0" CLEAR 6'-0"30'-0"CLEAR10'-5"8'-6" TYP.17'-0"TYP.17'-0"TYP.8'-6" 14'-6" TYP.14'-6"TYP.9'-0" TYP.19'-0"TYP.17'-0"TYP.5'-0" TYP. 9'-0" TYP. 8'-0"8'-6"TYP.56'-0"30'-0"75'-0"26'-0" CLEAR 10'-0"17'-0"8'-6" TYP.8'-6"TYP.12'-0"10'-2" 8'-6" TYP. 19'-6"10'-2"26'-0"CLEAR8'-6"TYP.8'-6" TYP. 9'-0" TYP. 8'-0" 5'-0"26'-4"CLEAR17'-0"T Y P .14 '-6"T Y P .14'-6" TYP. 14'-6" TYP.26'-0"CLEAR14'-6"TYP.11'-6"26'-0"CLEAR14'-6" TYP.14'-6"TYP.R20'-0" 115'-0"85'-9"7'-1"197'-6"8'-0"5'-6"133'-7"75'-0"6"11'-6" 50'-9" ±5'-3"14'-6"133'-7"77'-7"R20'-0"-R40'-0"5'-6"±34'-10" 49'-9"4'-0" 4 2 '-1 "" 5'-0" 4'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-04'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 7'-4" 4'-0" ±17'-5" ±17'-5"3'-0"10'-0"3'-0"3'-0" 12'-0"8'-0" 6" ±2'-9" BIRCH ST REET VAN VAN DATA ROOM 104 ELECTRICALROOM 102 STAIR #2 103 FUTURE TENANT 101 MEN'SRESTROOM 107 WOMEN'SRESTROOM 106 MACHINE ROOM 108 ELEVATOR 105 LOBBY 100 STAIR #1 109 DATA ROOM 104 ELECTRICALROOM 102 STAIR #2 103 FUTURE TENANT 101 MEN'SRESTROOM 107 WOMEN'SRESTROOM 106 MACHINE ROOM 108 ELEVATOR 105 LOBBY 100 STAIR #1 109 DATA ROOM 104 ELECTRICALROOM 102 STAIR #2 103 FUTURE TENANT 101 MEN'SRESTROOM 107 WOMEN'SRESTROOM 106 MACHINE ROOM 108 ELEVATOR 105 LOBBY 100 STAIR #1 109F.E.C.8 BUILDING 1 2-STORY 20,000 SF BUILDING 2 2-STORY 44,000 SF MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING B OCCUPANCY TYPE II-B 20350 BIRCH ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA20350 BIRCH ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA MOB 1 20360 BIRCH ST. NEWPORT BEACH, CA MOB 2 N LOCATION PLAN - LEGEND 1 Tenant / Address Monument 2 Waynding Sign 3 Tenant Directory Sign 2 qty. square footage 10 2 46 SF EA 17 SF EA 28 SF EA3 4 Primary Tenant On-Building Sign 5 Parking Regulatory 3 ADA Accessible Parking Sign 4* 2 12*** 52 SF EA 4A Secondary Tenant On-Building Sign 6** 52 SF EA - -6 3 Stop Sign 2 -7 3 Reserved Parking TBD -8 3 Building Mounted Address 2 6 SF EA9 3 Entry Address 2 1 SF EA10 *TWO ILLUMINATED TENANT SIGNS FOR EACH BUILDINGS’ PRIMARY FRONTAGE (4) TOTAL. **ONE NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN PER BUILDING ELAVTION NOT FACING PRIMARY FRONTAGE (6) TOTAL. ***OR AS REQUIRED BY CODE ALL SIGNS SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL 1.1 2.17.1 5.1 6.3 6.4 6.1 4.1 4.2 2.10 9.1 6.2 2.2 3.1 3.2 2.3 2.4 1.2 2.5 7.2 5.2 SITE PLAN SCALE: NTS 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 2.6 2.7 2.8 6.11 6.12 4.4 4.3**ALTERNATE LOCATION 4.3 9.2 10.2 4A.1 10.1 2.9 4A.2 4A.3 4A.2 4A.2 4A.2 PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Sign Type 1 - Monument Sign SHEET 111.28.2016 SIGN TYPE 1 TYPICAL - ADDRESS MONUMENT SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” END VIEW SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” 46 SQUARE FEET NOTES: FABRICATED PAINTED ALUMINUM SIGN. ADDRESS LETTERS TO BE BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL. PROJECT NAME TO BE FLAT CUT ALUMINUM PAINTED WHITE. SIGN IS DOUBLE SIDED WITH OPTIONAL GROUND MOUNTED ILLUMINATION AS NEEDED. SIGN SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS 6'-0" 7'-8" PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Sign Type 2 - Waynding Sign SHEET 2 SIGN TYPE 2 TYPICAL - WAYFINDING SIGN SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” END VIEW SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” 17 SQUARE FEET NOTES: FABRICATED PAINTED ALUMINUM SIGN. DIRECTIONAL MESSAGE/ARROW TO BE SILVER VINYL. PROJECT NAME TO BE FLAT CUT ALUMINUM PAINTED WHITE. SIGN IS DOUBLE SIDED WITH OPTIONAL GROUND MOUNTED ILLUMINATION AS NEEDED. SIGN SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL 6" MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS 5'-0" 3'-4" 11.28.2016 PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Sign Type 3 - Building Address/Tenant ID Sign SHEET 3 SIGN TYPE 3 TYPICAL - TENANT DIRECTORY SIGN SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” END VIEW SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” 28 SQUARE FEET NOTES: FABRICATED PAINTED ALUMINUM SIGN. TENANT GRAPHICS TO BE SILVER VINYL. PROJECT NAME TO BE FLAT CUT ALUMINUM PAINTED WHITE. SIGN IS SINGLE SIDED WITH OPTIONAL GROUND MOUNTED ILLUMINATION AS NEEDED. SIGN SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4'-8" 11.28.2016 10" 6'-0" PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Sign Type 4 - Tenant On-Building Sign SHEET 4 TENANT NAMELOGO SYMBOL SIGN TYPE 4 TYPICAL - (ILLUMINATED) PRIMARY TENANT ON-BUILDING SIGN SCALE NTS 52 SQUARE FEET MAX EACH 20350 BIRCH ST. 20360 BIRCH ST. 4.1 4.2 4A** 4.44.3 4.3* *ALTERNATE LOCATION (CAN BE USED ONLY IF STANDARD LOCATION IS NOT USED) 36" MAX TENANT NAMELOGO SYMBOL SIGN TYPE 4A TYPICAL - (NON-ILLUMINATED) SECONDARY TENANT ON-BUILDING SIGN SCALE NTS 52 SQUARE FEET MAX EACH 36" MAX NOTES: FABRICATED PAINTED ALUMINUM/ACRYLIC INDIVIDUAL CHANNEL LETTERS AND/OR LOGO SYMBOL. SIGNS SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL 11.28.2016 **TYPICAL LOCATION SHOWN. SIGN CAN BE LOCATED ON SIDES AND/OR BACK OF BUILDING ONLY, NOT ON BLDG. ELEVATION FACING STREET. 1 (ONE) MAXIMUM PER BUILDING FAÇADE OR FACE. PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Code Signage Family SHEET 5 SIGN TYPE 6 - ACCESSIBLE PARKING SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” SIGN TYPE 6A - ACCESSIBLE DIRECTIONAL SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” (LOCATIONS AS NEEDED) SIGN TYPE 7 - STOP SIGN - ELEVATION SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” VA N ACCESSIBLE MINIMUM $250 FINE 1'-0" 6'-4" SIGN TYPE 5 - PARKING REGULATORY SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” FIRE LANE NO PARKING IN RED ZONE UFC 10.207 CVC. 22658A. & 22500.1 PRIVATE PROPERTY UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPERLY PARKED VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED AWAY AT VEHICLE OWNER’S EXPENSE. CVC. SECTION NO. 22658A UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES PARKED IN DESIGNATED ACCESSIBLE SPACES NOT DISPLAYING DISTINGUISHING PLACARDS OR LICENSE PLATES ISSUED FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES MAY BE TOWED AWAY AT VEHICLE OWNER’S EXPENSE. CVC. SECTION NO. 22652. TOWED VEHICLES MAY BE RECLAIMED BY TELEPHONING 000.000.0000 2'-2" 5'-0" 2'-6" 7'-0" STOP SIGN TYPE 8 - MISC. INFO SIGN SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” (LOCATIONS AS NEEDED) 1'-2" 6'-4" R RESERVED OR MISC. INFO HERE MEDICAL CAMPUS NEWPORT HEIGHTS NOTES: FABRICATED PAINTED ALUMINUM SIGNAGE WITH VINYL GRAPHICS. 11.28.2016 PA2014-121 Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Sign Type 9 - Building Mounted Address SHEET 6 20350 BIRCH ST. 20360 BIRCH ST. 20360 20350 SIGN TYPE 9 - BUILDING MOUNTED ADDRESS SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” 6 SQUARE FEET SIGN SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL 1'-6" 9.1 9.1 9.2 9.2 3'-6" NOTES: NON-UILLUMINATED FLAT CUT OUT PAINTED ALUMINUM INDIVIDUAL NUMBERS. 11.28.2016 PA2014-121 20360 20350 SIGN TYPE 10 - ENTRY ADDRESS SCALE 1”=1’-0” 1 SQUARE F00T SIGN SUBJECT TO CITY REVIEW AND APPROVAL 10.1 10.2 NOTES: NON-UILLUMINATED FLAT CUT OUT PAINTED ALUMINUM INDIVIDUAL NUMBERS. Newport Heights Medical Campus Newport Beach, CA Sign Type 10 - Entry Address Sign SHEET 711.28.2016 TYPICAL EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE 1/2”=1’-0” 8" 1'-7" EQ EQ PA2014-121 RCP0010311 PA2014-121 Zoning Compliance Application PROPERTY OWNER{S) NAME Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive/ P .0. Box 1768 / Newport Beach,. CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov Newport Heights Ventures LLC ADDRESS CITY, STATE I ZIP CODE. 4100 MacArthur Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 EMAIL PHONE NO. I FAA NO. 949-7 43-1463 APPLICANTCS)/CONTACT(S) NAME Key Zoning Assessments, LLC / Shannon Vogele ADDRESS CITY.STATE I ZIP CODE P.O. Box469 Necedah, WI 54646 EMAIL PHONE NO. I FAA NO. shannon@keyzoning.com 608-565-3164 866-247-9165 SITE/PROJECT l AD~~~:o and 20350 Birch street INFORMATION REQUEST I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 439-382-38 and 439-382-37 Please Check the box(es) next to the requested information 9<. Current zoning/General Plan designation of the prqperty ~ Overlay district Di Abutting Zoning/General Plan designation ~ Discretionary Approvals Legal nonconforming uses or structures Developed with Site Plan approval Other (attach additional sheet(s)) if necessary: __ s_e_e_a_t_ta_c_h_e_d_. -------- DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE -FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: \.2'£>.zo\q Fee Paid: ~ 'b12, ..PlP Form of Payment: C\\'t-- I Check No. \ ({(L\ Receipt No. Planner L"" I Ext." s23 4 Remarks: Target Date: \)~ Z~f\-CDH.P Date Completed Date Mailed: F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_DMsion\Applicatlons\Zoning Compliance\lnfo&App.docx Updated 3/11113 PA2014-121 KZA -Corporate Office P.O. Box 469 Necedah, WI 54646 P (608) 565 3164 F (866) 247 9165 KEY ZONING ASSESSMENTS, LLC City of Newport Beach Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Sent via: USPS Priority Mail ~t.cE\Veo 13 ,, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT January 22, 2019 JAN 2· 8 2019 CITY OF 4J c~ ~~i>oRT SE-~ Subject: Newport Heights Medical Campus located at 20350 and 20360 Birch Street (Parcel Numbers: 439-382-38 and 439-382-37) Dear Sir or Madam, KZA is researching the subject property and hereby requests a zoning verification letter. Please answer the following questions about the subject property. 1. What is the zoning district classification, including overlay(s)? 2. Is the current use, medical offices, a permitted use in this district? 3. What are the adjacent zoning districts? (please provide zoning map) 4. Is the property subject to any variances, special permits, or planned unit developments? (please provide copies) 5. Was the property subject to site plan approval? (please provide copy if available) 6. Are you aware of any legal nonconformities affecting this site? 7. Is the property subject to any open/ outstanding zoning or building code violations at this time? 8. Please provide a copy of the certificate(s) of occupancy. If a copy is not available, is the absence a violation? Please find payment of $372 enclosed with this request. If this amount is incorrect, please notify me as soon as possible. Please return the completed zoning verification letter and documents to me via email, shannon@keyzoning.com, or fax (866) 247 9165. Thank you for your help. Please contact me at (608) 565-3164 with any questions. Sincerely, Shannon Vogele KZA PO Box 469 Necedah, WI 54646 (608) 565-3164 Attached: $372 to City of Newport Beach (2019.1046) and completed application