HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-017 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 • San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 581-2888 • Fax (949) 581-3599 April 15, 2019 City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention: David Lee, Assistant Planner Subject: Withdrawal of Application for Coastal Development Permit Bayside Marina Seawall Repair – PA2019-017 1353 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach Dear. Mr. Lee, On behalf of Irvine Company, CAA Planning, Inc. withdraws the application for a Coastal Development Permit to allow for the repair of approximately 47-foot section of an existing seawall at Bayside Marina. This request is being made subsequent to our receiving notification from the City of Newport Beach that a Coastal Development Permit is not required for the repairs. Therefore, we request that the Coastal Development Permit application fee of $2,129.00 be refunded to the Irvine Management Company, 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, 92660. We recognize that an administrative permit is still required to make the repairs to the seawall and cap which continue to be necessary due to natural erosion of the aging seawall. If you have any questions, please call Paul Shaver or myself at (949) 581-2888. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. Shawna L. Schaffner Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Coastal Development Permit Application c: Greg Sinks, Irvine Company PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 CAA PLANNING Community Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment Via Email March 28, 2019 CAA Planning, Inc. Attn: Shawna Schaffner 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 San Juan Capistrano CA 92675 sschaffner@caaplanning.com Subject: Bayside Marina Seawall Repair Project (PA2019-017) Dear Ms. Schaffner, City staff has reviewed the application for the seawall repair project at 1353 Bayside Drive and has determined that the project is exempt from coastal development permit requirements. Section 21.52.035.C.4 (Projects Exempt from Coastal Development Permit Requirements) of the City’s Local Coastal Implementation Plan states that repair and maintenance of seawalls are exempt from the requirement to obtain a coastal development permit from the City where the work does not involve substantial alteration of the foundation of the structure, placement of solid materials on a beach, replacement of 20 percent of more of the structure’s materials, or involve the use of mechanized equipment or materials on the sand area or water. As described in the project’s application, the project is strictly for repair of the bulkhead cap and for maintenance purposes. There will be no alterations to the foundation, involve replacement of more than 20 percent of the structure’s materials, or placement of materials or use of equipment on the sand or water. Therefore, no coastal development permit is required. Please submit a letter requesting the withdrawal of the project and a refund of any application fees. Thank you, __________________________ David S. Lee, Assistant Planner PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 Community Development Department Planning Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in-Concept -AIC # D Lot Merger Iii Coastal Development Permit D Limited Term Permit - D Waiver for De Min imis Development D Seasonal D < 90 day 0>90 days D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit D Condominium Conversion D Off-Site Parking Agreement D Comprehensive Sign Program D Planned Community Development Plan D Development Agreement D Planned Development Permit D Development Plan D Site Development Review -D Major D Minor D Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map 2. f»r~j~ct A~dress{e~)/Assessor's ~arc_el No(s) 1353 Bayside Drive (050-391-11 , 050-401 -01, 050-401-49) Cir O T EA 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach , California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment D Staff Approval D Tract Map D Traffic Study D Use Permit-OMinor □Conditional D Amendment to existing Use Penn it D Variance □ Amendment -□Code □PC □GP 0LCP D Other: 3. Proje_ct Description and Justification (Attac'1 addi~ional sheets if necessary): Repair and maintenance to an existing seawall. Please see attached justification letter for additional detail. A I. tJC N California Recreation Company, Attn: Greg Sinks 4. pp 1can ompany ame -_ Mailing Address 11137 Bayside ~rive : , : : : Sulte/Unlt l .,....._ -::.::.-::.-::.-::.::..-::.::.-::.::.-:::,-, City I Newpo ~ Beach State lcA . ·. . . . I Zip 192625 . . I Phone I 94~-721-~1 ~ 1 _ . I Fax 1949-]21-0118 ] Email f gsinks@irvinecor:ripany.com 1 ' Suite/Unit 1285 j 5 C t tlc N lcAA Pl ;n~ing, l~c., ~ttn :-S~awna -Scha~er . on ac ompanj: .. ame ... __ . _--: _ M .1• Add 30900 Rancho. v ... ieJ.·o R.oad ";:::;===== Stat<,lcA I Zip 1· ..... 9_26_75~ __ ____,J ·--, Fax l .-9-4-9--5-~1---35_9_9 ___ ] Email l sschaffner@caaplanning.com --l a1 mg res~_ . . . City l san Juan Capistrano Phone 1949-581-2888 6. Owner Name [~~m~ a~ Applicant . ~: -I --======================:::;------;::======:::::: ::rg Address 1 ....... ·~-~-~-----~----l-s-ta~t-e-;...1--=..-=..-::...""':..--------=--s-u_ir;::l-;:I =====11 Phone t . . . ··_ 1 Fax ...... 1 _~-~-J Email ),,,.__~~~~~~~~~-~ 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (I) 0fVe)j !....S=e-~•·-a~tt~=c_h~~~--~~-tt=-~=r_o~f_A_u-th-o;~riz-;=t~~on=~-~-~~--~~-~--~~---~....,..,) depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application . (I) 0fVe) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): ~ 'j;. WL--: Title J 6-FD / 7 UJ Signature(s): ______________ Title: t --:.·· .. r ] Date: L1-sJ-J 1 -, DD/MO/Y~A~ __ -j Date: f: ] *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized . F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Application_Guidelines\Planning Pemiit Application -CDP added.docx Rev: 01124117 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: __ }_._._~_\ _ _.._\_'\ __ APN No: 0 S 0-LJ O \ -0 I ----------- ~700-5000 Acct. Deposit Acct. No. _________ _ Co u n c i I District No .: 5 General Plan Design-a-tio __ n __ : __ fj: ___ _ Fee Pd: ------ao...,---------------- Zoning District:----..--+-£±=: ______ _ Coastal Zone: if.,_ves D No Receipt No: ___________ _ Check#: ---- Visa □ MC 0 ~DM Residents Association ,and t:;hamber ~ Communl ty Association(s): [(yJJ. 'I,,@ C6Ji1l · ~ · Development No: D ~ ) °) -tf) 3' ~R-\J~\UJ\ ~-~.)~DA )~ Project No: ea ~\ 8!-O JJ J.;.J.o.-,J-l?'b · J f>~ G,,.,.:,,.....J-'t i,,~1 {)ell!)of\..w,,-J Activity No C...D :2-io) °) -c,ei q ~-~-) ~l~'"-• ~~a~• Related Permits: ----------- APPLICATION □ Approved □ Denied D Tabled: Remarks: □Planning Commission Meeting □Zoning Administrator Hearing □Community Development Director ACTION DATE APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): _________ _ APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: Remarks: F :\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Office Use Only.docx Updated 08/15/17 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 BAYSHORE VILLA COVE BALBOA BAYSIDE BAIR ISLAND November 13, 2018 Mr. Jim Campbell Deputy Director, Community Development City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Bayside Marina Seawall Repair, Letter of Authorization Dear Mr. Campbell: Please be advised that CAA Planning, Inc. is authorized to represent Irvine Company in securing a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the Bayside seawall cap repair project. CAA is authorized to execute , take delivery, request and take necessary action on behalf oflrvine Company pertinent to obtaining said CDP from the City ofNewport Beach. Sincerely, IRVINE COMPANY G eg inks, General Manager alifomi'a Recreation Company I~iu.~dmpany cc: Shawna Schaffner 1137 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92625 949 . 721.0111 702 Bair Island Road, Redwood City, CA 94063 650.701.0382 ----■---••----■- PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 CAA PLANNING January 31, 2019 Mr. Jim Campbell Deputy Director, Community Development City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Bayside Marina Seawall Repair -Application for Coastal Development Permit Dear Mr. Campbell: On behalf of Irvine Company, CAA Planning, Inc. submits this application for a Coastal Development Permit to allow for repair to an existing seawall at Bayside Marina. The repair to the seawall and cap is necessary for an approximately 47-foot section of the seawall is necessary due to natural erosion of the aging seawall. Project Description Irvine Company proposes to repair the cap of an approximate 47-foot section of the seawall at the Bayside Marina, as shown on the attached Seawall Repair Plans, prepared by Anchor QEA. This project is proposed strictly for repair and maintenance purposes, and there will be no expansion of the seawall. The concrete cap and internal steel rebar supporting the cap in this section of the seawall is exposed and has deteriorated to a point where the structural integrity of the wall could be in question. Included with this application, is a photo of the exposed steel rebar. If left unaddressed, further deterioration will occur at an accelerated rate. The project will include spall (broken concrete) repair of the seawall cap and repair of exposed steel reinforcing bars. The repair will not enlarge the profile of the existing seawall and any concrete fragments that may have entered the water below the section of the cap will be removed and disposed of or recycled at an appropriate facility. Equipment used to repair the seawall cap will operate from the adjacent parking lot. Best management practices will be employed to ensure that construction material or debris or other contaminants will not enter the bay waters. Any debris entering the harbor basin will be retrieved and disposed of within 72 hours of occurrence. Access to the marina docks and slips will not be impeded by the project. Biological Resources Bayside Marina is located within Area 2 (Yacht Club/Basins) as identified in the City's 2016 Newport Bay Eelgrass Survey. Area 2 is within the Transitional Eelgrass Zone and collectively has approximately 2.02 acres of eelgrass in its area. Seawall repair activities will occur above the water level and will not impact eelgrass. The Project will employ Best Management Practices to ensure that repair activities do not impact potential eelgrass in the area. 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 • San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • (949) 581 -2888 • Fax (949) 581-3599 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 January 31, 2019 Mr. Jim Campbell Page 2 of 3 Required Findings The City's Coastal Implementation Plan (IP) Section 21.52.15 (F) requires that in order for a CDP to be approved, the following Findings must be made: 1. Conforms to all applicable sections of the certified Local Coastal Program (e.g. development standards, no impacts to public views, natural resources, etc.); and The location of the seawall repair is adjacent to the existing marina parking lot and does not include new development, and would not impact public views or natural resources. 2. Conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act if the project is located between the nearest public road and the sea or shoreline of any body of water located within the coastal zone. Bayside Marina is located between the nearest public road and the Newport Harbor shoreline. The seawall adjacent to the marina parking would be repaired. The repair activities conform with the policies of Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and would not adversely impact public access or recreation. Coastal Act Consistency Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act (Public Resources Code §30200-30265.2) identifies standards for the permissibility of development in the Coastal Zone. The Bayside Marina seawall cap repair maintenance efforts are consistent with these standards and policies based on the following: Article 2. Public Access - The repair and maintenance of the existing seawall cap will insure continued access through the removal of broken concrete cap and arrest continued deterioration of the seawall cap wall. Recreation The marina will continue to provide water-oriented recreation opportunities, a priority land use for waterfront property. This repair and maintenance effort will insure the integrity of the seawall. Article 3. Marine Environment - No impacts to eelgrass or other marine life will occur. All debris will be removed via the landside and new construction material will be delivered using landside access. Article 4. Land Resources - As noted, the land side of the developed marina site does not support sensitive species or habitats and no landside improvements are proposed. Therefore, there will be no impacts in this regard. PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 January 31, 2019 Mr. Jim Campbell Page 3 of 3 Article 5. Development - No new development is proposed with the seawall cap repair as the project represents a maintenance effort and is limited to replacing a section of seawall cap which has deteriorated with age and exposure to the marine environment. The public will be protected from construction related activities by barriers that will be in place to provide safe access to the marina slips during the construction process. Building permits will be obtained from the City Building Department to ensure that the project is in compliance with all codes and regulations related to the repair of the seawall cap. The project will protect coastal access, recreation and the marine environment and will not produce any significant impacts related to coastal resources. Costa/ Development Permit Application Included with the CDP Application Form are the following documents: • Copies of relevant plans ( two sets) • CEQA Notice of Exemption • Assessor's parcel maps -Mailing labels for each property owner and occupant within 300 feet of property lines and a list of names, addresses and assessor's parcel numbers • Vicinity/Location/ U.S. Pierhead Line, Bulkhead Line and Project line maps • Photos of existing seawall • Fee in the amount of $2,129.00 for a Coastal Development Permit We request your consideration of the issuance of a Coastal Development Permit for the Bayside Marina seawall cap repair project and appreciate your concurrence that the project will have no impact on coastal resources. We appreciate your prompt attention on this important repair activity. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. ~filf=~ Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Coastal Development Permit Application c: Greg Sinks, Irvine Company PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 LOCATION: \~~?, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FILING DA TE NOTICE POSTED: _2 ______ \---1l1--\-------l9 _____________ _ The public hearing for this application has not yet been scheduled. When the hearing, or determination are scheduled, further notice will be provided. The application is available for your review at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay C-1st Floor), at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, CA 92660. Prior to the public hearing, the agenda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed. For more information, call (949) 644-3200 (please reference the application number). F: \ Users \CD D \Shared\Adm in \Planning_ Division \Applications \CDP Rev 02/14/17 Rev 02/14/17 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FILING THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECENTLY RECEIVED A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: PROPOSED PROJECT: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ LOCATION: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT: ___________________________________________________________ APPLICATION NO.: ______________________________________________________ DATE NOTICE POSTED: __________________________________________________ The public hearing for this application has not yet been scheduled. When the hearing, or determination are scheduled, further notice will be provided. The application is available for your review at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay C-1st Floor), at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, CA 92660. Prior to the public hearing, the agenda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed. For more information, call (949) 644-3200 (please reference the application number). City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements - Page 8 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) Seawall cap repair for a 47 foot section of an existing seawall. 1353 Bayside Drive California Recreation Company PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 Notice of Exemption To: County Clerk County of Orange Public Services Division Santa Ana, CA 92702 Project Title: Bayside Marina Seawall Cap Repair From: City of Newport Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Project Applicant: California Recreation Company, 1137 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92625 {949) 751-0111 Project Location -Specific: 1353 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA Project Location -City: Newport Beach Project Location -County:_O_ra_n __ g...._e _______ _ Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: California Recreation Company proposes to repair the cap of an approximate 47 foot section of the existing seawall at the Bayside Marina. The internal steel rebar supporting the cap in this section of the seawall is exposed and has deteriorated to a point where the structural integrity of the wall could be in question. If left unaddressed, further deterioration will occur at an accelerated rate. The repair of the seawall cap will not enlarge the profile of the existing seawall and any concrete fragments that may have entered bay water below the section of the cap which has failed will be removed and disposed of or recycled at an appropriate facility. Equipment used to repair the seawall cap will operate from the adjacent parking lot and best management practices will be employed to insure that construction material or debris or other contaminants will not enter the bay waters. The repair will benefit existing and future lessees and guests of the marina and prevent further damage resulting in safety issues. Name of Public Agency Approving Projec=t:....;:C=it::.&y....:o::;..;f....;.N..:..;e:a..:w:..:..pc..o=rt:..::...:B;..;:e=a=c:..;.h ________________ _ Name of Person or Agency Carrying out Project: California Recreation Company/Greg Sinks (949) 751-0111 Exempt Status: (check one): □ Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(1); 15268); D Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)); D Emergency Project (Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)); Ii] Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: Class 1-Existing Facilities D Statutory Exemptions. State code number: _______________________ _ Reasons why project is exempt: Class 1 consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing or minor alteration of existing public or private structutres. Bayside Marina is an existing private marina providing docking facilities to recreational boat owners and guests. Age and wear related deterioration of the seawall cap has created an unsafe condition and additional deterioration is likely to continue . Class 1 specifically allows for the restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures (Section 15301(d)). No environmental impacts will occur during the repair of 47 feet of the seawall cap.Equipment staging wil be done from the land-side parking area and the repairs will not result in the expansion of the eixsting seawall. Therefore, the Bayside Marina seawall cap repair project can be considered exempt under a Class 1 Categorical Exemption. Lead Agency Contact Person: Area Code/Telephone/Extension: PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? □Yes D No Signature: ____________ _ Date: ______ _ □Signed by Lead Agency D Signed by Applicant Authority cited: Sections 21083 and 21110, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 21108, 21152, and 21152.1, Public Resources Code. Title: ____________ _ PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 1/28/2019 0 200100 PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 0 LITTLE BALBOA ISLAND P.O. ASSOC. KEN YONKERS 215 CRYSTAL AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 IRVINE TERRACE COMMUNITY ASSN FIRST SERVICE RESIDENTIAL 15241 LAGUNA CANYON RD IRVINE, CA 92618 MAI KAI COMMUNITY ASSOC. 27051 TOWNE CENTRE DR 200 FOOTHILL RANCH 92610 BALBOA ISLAND IMPROVEMENT ASSOC. TERRY JANSSEN 126 RUBY AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH 92662 BALBOA ISLAND BUSINESS ASSOC. SHERRY DRURY P.O. BOX 64 BALBOA ISLAND 92662 BAYSIDE COVE HOMEOWNERS ASSN. Keystone Pacific Management 16775 VON KARMAN 100 IRVINE, CA 92606 South Coast District California Coastal Commission 301 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 300 Long Beach, CA 90802 Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce Attn: Linda Leonhard 2855 E. Coast Hwy #101 Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Corona Del Mar Residents Association Attn: President P.O. Box 1500 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 California Recreation Company Attn: Greg Sinks 1137 Bayside Drive Newport Beach, CA 92625 Corona Del Mar Village Association No contact info OWNER/APPLICANT/CONTACT CONTACT Irvine Company “Listed on Ownership Labels” CRC is Irvine Company California Recreation Company Attn: Greg Sinks 1137 Bayside Drive Newport Beach, CA 92625 CAA Planning, Inc. Attn: Shawna Schaffner 30900 Rancho Viejo Road #285 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 PA2019-017 for CD2019-004 1353 Bayside Drive CD – 5 419 Labels PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019#9180 16-Nov-18 J;./Advanced Listing Services Inc / · · ~1 Ownership Listings & Radius Maps p{::'~~~ P.O. Box 2593 •Dana Point CA •92624 ~~~ Office: (949) 361-3921 •Cell: (949) 310-6869 300' Ownership Listing 300' Occupant Listing Prepared for: www.Advancedlisting.com Denise@Advancedlisting.com BAYSIDE MARINA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-141-01 CA THARJNE B ALLAN PO BOX28 BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 050-141-32 RACHEL STULL 1850 STALLION DR SANT A YNEZ CA 93460 050-141-35 KA TE S JEREMIAS 339 ONYX AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-03 JOAN H GREGORIUS 1405 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-06 332 MARINE A VENUE LLC 332 MARINE A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-10 KHOEUNG YAM 8436 TERRANOVA CIR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92646 050-151-29 JAMES ZIEGLER 8SAROS IRVINE CA 92603 050-151-38 ROBERT KOURY LLC 200 MAIN ST 206 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92648 050-141-02 MARILYN A & A PADOVA 1209 NBA Y FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-141-33 KAREN L BUCCI 327 ONYX AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-01 NOEL G WATSON 2156 FARMINGTON BAY CT HENDERSON NV 89044 050-151-04 BASILGWITT 111 ABALONE A VE BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 050-151-08 CHARLES P DURNIAN 1524 ANTIGUA WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 050-151-11 SAINT JOHN VIANNEY CHAPEL 13280 CHAPMAN A VE GARDEN GROVE CA 92840 050-151-30 DONALD BREWER 1711 E BELT LINE RD COPPELL TX 75019 050-151-39 SCHULEIN 15 LINDA ISLE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 CAA Planning, Inc. 30900 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 285 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 050-141-03 JAY GREER 1207 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-141-34 MICHAEL LEDERER 1096 LAKEVIEW CANYON RD WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362 050-151-02 LYNN NEWTON 1407 NBA Y FRONT BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 050-151-05 HOLLIE A SUTHERLAND 1401 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-09 PI CANTE MAR TINS LLC 320 MARINE A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-27 DARYL F WILSON 112 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-33 KATHLEEN CARRELL 333 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-40 RICKEY M WARNER PO BOX 5867 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-151-41 050-151-42 050-151-43 DANIEL & TAMMY GANNON TONYMJONES SYDNEY HEAD 319 GRAND CANAL 327 GRAND CANAL 331 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-01 050-152-02 050-152-03 RANDY & BONNIE BOHART DEBORAH DAY WILLIAM CA TON 2242 MESA DR PO BOX 5959 PO BOX 50106 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 PASADENA CA 91115 050-152-04 050-152-05 050-152-06 WATSON PHYLLIS H GLONGO BAKMAN RANCH 2156 FARMINGTON BAY CT 17 SHORELINE PO BOX 7965 HENDERSON NV 89044 NEWPORT COAST CA 92657 FRESNO CA 93747 050-152-07 050-152-08 050-152-09 ROBERT EVERAKES ROBERT C & BONNIE JINKENS RONALD L WALTERS 3055 W ORANGE A VE 104 326 1/2 ONYX A VE 324ONYXAVE ANAHEIM CA 92804 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-10 050-152-11 050-152-12 GREGORY A COOK PATSY R TIPTON DONALD N LARSEN 322 ONYX AVE 30 MISSION BAY DR 318 ONYX AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-27 050-152-28 050-152-29 YUM CHAN PANOS KEFALLINOS MARILYN G ALEXANDER 13439 BEAUMONT A VE 7820 E TURBO ST 380 ASTER ST SARA TOGA CA 95070 LONG BEACH CA 90808 LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 050-152-30 050-152-31, 32 050-152-33 BALBOA BRENTWOOD LLC CAUSEY INVESTMENTS FOREST FISHER 1 WEYMOUTH CT 1401 AVOCADO AVE 901 1417 ANTIGUA WAY NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 050-191-24 050-191-34 050-192-01 JLBOGGS FRANKLIN C SIMS PATRICIA M ECKERT PEARL AVE 225 1 /2 MARINE A VE 224 ABALONE A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-02 050-192-03 050-192-04 JAMES MADISON RODNEY & NICOLE EGDORF MONDINI DIANE THE JAH 222 ABALONE A VE 7 CROOKED STICK DR 218 ABALONE A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-05 050-192-22 050-203-05 050-192-23 DAVID ROVSEI( DAVID R CARMICHAEL RICHARD B OLIVER 216 ABALONE A VE 1525 SERENADE TER 5486 LA PALMA A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 LAP ALMA CA 90623 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-192-24 050-192-25 050-192-26 W BROWN MANCLARK ROBERT EV ANS 114 CRYSTAL AVE 313 EBAY AVE 1611 BALBOA AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-27 050-192-28 050-192-29 EDWARD C GIERMANN PATRICIA RENO CECILY W WOOD 1609 BALBOA A VE 13093 CAMINITO DOSAMANTES 114 PEARL AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 SAN DIEGO CA 92128 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-30 050-193-01 050-193-23, 24 DONNA J HAMMOND BERNARD C & KRISTINE CLERX FRED ANDERSON 1603 BALBOA A VE 216 CRYSTAL AVE 350 SELBY LN NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 ATHERTON CA 94027 050-193-25 050-193-26 050-201-01 STONE GARY THE STONE KRISTINE A THAGARD ROBERT D OLSON 12952 MIRIAM PL PO BOX 8184 351 EBAY AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-02 050-201-03 050-201-04 JEANNE LEW AND GREGORY A & JACLYN JOHNSON STEVEN F GROSSLIGHT 343 EBAY AVE 1127 SOMERSET LN 339EBAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-06 050-201-07 050-201-08 MARTIN FURMANSKI STEVEN E BRIDGES DAVID DICK 1333 BEACHMONT ST 331 EBAY AVE 500 W JEFFERSON ST 1510 VENTURA CA 93001 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 LOUISVILLE KY 40202 050-201-09 050-201-10 050-201-11 RUDOLPH F & SUZANNE BARON PENCO INVESTMENTS LLC CAROLE M CASSELL 323 EBAY AVE 28LANDPORT 2269 LADE RA VISTA DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 FULLER TON CA 92831 050-201-12 050-201-13 050-201-14 MICHAEL P NAGEL EPSMOOT WILLIAM R MANCLARK 12780 FIELDING RD 315 EBAY AVE 313EBAYAVE LAKE OSWEGO OR 97034 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-15 050-201-16 050-201-17 311 EAST BA YFRONT LLC GEOFREY WICKETT DAVID A RUFFELL 848 N RAINBOW BL VD 848 309 E BAY FRONT 1924 HARBOR BLVD LAS VEGAS NV 89107 BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 COSTA MESA CA 92627 050-201-18 050-201-19 050-201-20 JOHN P KENSEY RICHARD C RIVETT WILLIAM B UNCAPHER PO BOX41B 301 EASY BAY 335 E BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-201-21 050-202-01 050-202-02 FRANK ZINZER DONALD L ABRAMS MICHAEL H MEYERS 337 EBAY AVE B POBOX6 2265 PELHAM A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 LOS ANGELES CA 90064 050-202-03 050-202-04 050-202-05 MATTHEW J OLMSTEAD ANIA M LOWENTHAL TERESA HAUSMAN 3000 OLYMPIC BLVD 1310 31441 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY 316 GRAND CANAL SANTA MONICA CA 90404 RCHO ST A MARGARITA CA 92688 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-06 050-202-07 050-202-08 PAULINE H GODFREY SELINE NIGUEL PARKER 314 GRAND CANAL 201 N WAYFIELD ST 29 775 GAINSBOROUGH DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 ORANGE CA 92867 LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 050-202-09 050-202-10 050-202-11 JEFFREY S MOORAD CAROL C KRAUSE LYNNE D FINIGAN PO BOX LL 10775 QUEENSLAND ST 304 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 LOS ANGELES CA 90034 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-16 050-202-17 050-202-18 ONEIL BARRY P THE B P & AH ONEI GARY J PILUZZA BARBARA NIELSEN 715 PROMONTORY DR 301 ABALONE AVE 307 ABALONE A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-19 050-202-20 050-202-23 MARCHELE G SEYMOUR WILLIAM P HOLLINGSWORTH 302 GRAND CANAL 20991 MORNINGSIDE DR 309 WIGMORE DR 18140 ANDREA CIR 1 TRABUCO CANYON CA 92679 PASADENA CA 91105 NORTHRIDGE CA 91325 050-202-24 050-203-01 050-203-02 PETER BRANDOW PAUL C RICATTO ROBERT SEAT 1504 BALBOA AVE 3118 MONTAGNE WAY 1122 HYDE PARK DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 THOUSAND OAKS CA 91362 SANTA ANA CA 92705 050-203-04 050-203-06 050-203-07 323 CRYSTAL LLC LLC MICHAEL WOLD GEORGE R & ROANN TURK 323 CRYSTAL A VE 1516 ABALONE PL 1520 ABALONE PL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-204-02 050-204-03 050-204-04 LORENE KENT AUDREY N GRAHAM JEROME BOURASSA 1600 BALBOA AVE 1602 BALBOA AVE 1608 BALBOA A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-204-05 050-204-06 050-204-07 MCGINLEY-RICE CORMIER LEONARD L 3RD GREGORY P BRAKOVICH 11661 SAN VICENTE BLVD 410 306 ABALONE A VE 311 CRYSTAL AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90049 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-263-02 050-263-03 050-263-04 DOLPHIN LLC MCINTYRE WILLIAM L D H KENNETH MEANY 1119 DOLPHIN TER MCINTYRE 1131 DOLPHIN TER CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 370 E ROWLAND ST CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 COVINA CA 91723 050-263-05 050-263-06 050-263-07, 14 SCOTT CONNELLY DLI PROPERTIES LLC DIY AR IRVINE LLC 1137 DOLPHIN TER 27489 AGOURA RD 2901 W COAST HWY 242 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 AGOURA HILLS CA 91301 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 050-263-09 050-263-15 050-263-16 1202 BAYSIDE LLC CHARLES W LACEY GARY MATTHEWS 704 CANYON RD 1223 DOLPHIN TER 4721 DORCHESTERRD BOULDER CITY NV 89005 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 050-263-17 050-274-12 050-274-13 STEPHEN RIZZONE DEANNA WAGNER HAROLD C HOFER 1301 DOLPHIN TER 1429 DOLPHIN TER 1419 DOLPHIN TER CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 050-274-14 050-274-15 050-274-16 JOSEPH STEMLER TIEN Q NGUYEN DOLPHIN RUN LLC 1409 DOLPHIN TER 1401 DOLPHIN TER 1325 DOLPHIN TER CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 050-274-17 050-274-18 050-281-10 PHILIP R BERRY MARK K SANTORA ANNRCULLEN 1317 DOLPHIN TER 12008 FINN LN 1437 DOLPHIN TER CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 LOS ALTOS HILLS CA 94022 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 050-281-11 050-281-12 050-281-13 THOMAS CALLJSTER JAMES GREYNOLDS MARGARET HOWE 1501 DOLPHIN TER 1509 DOLPHIN TER 1517 DOLPHIN TER CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 050-281-14 050-383-04 050-383-06 BUDGE COLLINS IRVINE CO IRVINE CO 1523 DOLPHIN TER PO BOX2450 1099 BAYSIDE DR CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 050-391-11, 13 050-401-01 050-391-12 050-401-30 IRVINE CO BAYSIDE INVESTORS BAHIA CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB POBOX2450 4333 PARK TERRACE DR 100 1601 BAYSIDE DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91361 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 050-401-43 050-401-46 050-401-50 KINOSIAN ARAM JOHN M GUSTAFSON BRUCE P FABRIZIO 23595 ROAD 140 1421 BAYSIDE DR 1407 BAYSIDE DR TULARE CA 93274 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019934-32-001 934-32-002 934-32-003 CAROLE VIANI MARI OFFENBECHER JAMES L MOORE 1023 BAYSIDE CV 101 1025 BAYSIDE CV 102 1027 BAYSIDE CV 103 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-004 934-32-005 934-32-006 LYNCH NANCY M THE LYNCH GREGORY L HARDKE TIMOTHY B & KELLY KING BYPASS T 84 OLD COURSE DR 800 MANHATTAN AVE 2 1029 BAYSIDE CV 104 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 MANHA TT AN BEACH CA 90266 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-007 934-32-008 934-32-009 LEE C SHANNON BREWER SCOTT D GUENTHER 2216 W GREEN ACRES DR 995 BAYSIDE CV 202 20291 SW CYPRESS ST VISALIA CA 93291 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-010 934-32-011 934-32-012 JUNE LINKON DENNIS FRATT BETTY HAWKINS 3141 MICHELSON DR 1304 1005 BAYSIDE CV 301 1003 BAYSIDE CV 302 IRVINE CA 92612 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-013 934-32-014 934-32-015 DONNA D ANDERSON ZOLAN JUDITH MILLER & EXEMPT HELENE WINOGURA 1011 BAYSIDE CV 303 TRU 1013 BAYSIDE CV 305 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 15441 ALBRIGHT ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PACIFIC PALISADES CA 90272 934-32-016 934-32-017 934-32-018 ROCHELLE & LOUIS COHEN PCF INVESTMENTS LLC DENNIS JAMES M J M DECLAR OF 1048 IRVINE AVE 371 20320 SW BIRCH ST 100 TRU NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 716 COLLEGE RD LEBANON IL 62254 934-32-019 934-32-020 934-32-021 DONDTOBEY CAROL MW A YNE JOSEPH C CIRAULO PO BOX 765 1019 BAYSIDE CV 310 989 BAYSIDE CV 401 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-022 934-32-023 934-32-024 JOHN ROMM ROZAK KENNETH S ROZAK ALANLLEWIS 725 N SIERRA DR RESIDENCE 983 BAYSIDE CV 404 BEYERL Y HILLS CA 90210 PO BOX 10788 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 934-32-025 934-32-026 934-32-027 PAULINE L JOHNSTON MYRNA GROVER-TALLMAN PERRONE JOHN S THE PERRONE 981 BAYSIDE CV 405 977 BAYSIDE CV 406 FAMIL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 979 BAYSIDE CV 407 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-028 934-32-029 934-32-030 JAMES F LESNIAK JOHN H MERRELL LINDA MANLEY 975 BAYSIDE CV 408 973 BAYSIDE CV 409 971 BAYSIDE CV 410 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019934-32-031 JEANNINE E VOORHEES 29 CHELSEA PT DANA POINT CA 92629 934-32-034 REGINALD M JACKSON 500 VALENZUELA RD CARMEL CA 93923 934-32-037 THOMAS G MEEHAN 10580 WILSHIRE BLVD 19 LOS ANGELES CA 90024 934-32-040 ANDREW J & ROBIN FAZEKAS 1022 BAYSIDE CV 510 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-043 THOMAS E ADDIS 9660 N EASY ST HAYDEN LAKE ID 83835 934-32-046 RICHARD B DICKSON 980 BAYSIDE CV 604 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-049 ADRIAN & SARAH POWELL 976 BAYSIDE CV 607 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-052 JOHN GAAL 972 BAYSIDE CV 610 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-055 MARY KREBS 10 MARQUETTE 306 IRVINE CA 92612 934-32-058 ELLENMTAYLOR 996 BAYSIDE CV 802 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-032 CURTIS A ELLMORE 1008 BAYSIDE CV 502 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-035 THOMAS E DIENER 1012 BAYSIDE CV 505 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-038 MICHELE LOTTING 1020 BAYSIDE CV 508 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-041 MELINDA JACK 1026 BAYSIDE CV 511 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-044 ROBERT J TROELL 982 BAYSIDE CV 602 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-047 DEAN A GILLETTE 53 BALSAM CIR MILES CITY MT 59301 934-32-050 DAN BERKOFF 2764 CASIANO RD LOS ANGELES CA 90077 934-32-053 JUDE HAMMOND 994 BAYSIDE CV 611 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-056 ROBERT NOTARNICOLA 1030 BAYSIDE CV 702 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-001 LINDALGRAY 1201 BAYSIDE DR 101 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-32-033 TAMARALEE COX 1032 BAYSIDE CV 503 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-036 DENIS I INABA 1016 BAYSIDE CV 506 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-039 PETER FINE 4051 E FANFOL DR PHOENIX AZ 85028 934-32-042 JOY R DUNLEVIE 79555 SAINT MARGARETS BAY BERMUDA DUNES CA 92203 934-32-045 DE WITT RICHARD GST EXEMPT 9089 CLAIREMONT MESA BL VD SAN DIEGO CA 92123 934-32-048 HEADED REINFORECEMENT CORP 11200 CONDOR AVE FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 934-32-051 PATRICK J DIRI< 1808 S BAY FRONT BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 934-32-054 WILLIAM WHITE 3197 AIRPORT LOOP DRA COST A MESA CA 92626 934-32-057 SANDRA L KLOTZ 998 BAYSIDE CV 801 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-002 BCAP GROUP LLC 4045 S BUFFALO DR AIOI LAS VEGAS NV 89147 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019934-54-003 MICHAEL & HOLLY CONSTANTIN 740 WV ALENCIA MESA DR FULLERTON CA 92835 934-54-007 ANN LUCAS 1311 BAYSIDE DR CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-010 KATHLEEN A HOFF PO BOX 35B NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 934-54-013 JAN HERING 62 ROY AL SAINT GEORGE RD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-016,019,022,033 LEZLIE J GUNN 4045 S BUFFALO DR AIOI LAS VEGAS NV 89147 934-54-020 ROGER L WILLIAMSON 704 CANYON RD BOULDER CITY NV 89005 934-54-024 JOYCE UKROPINA 19 VISTA TRAMONTO NEWPORT COAST CA 92657 934-54-028 WESTERN GROWERS SERVICE CORP PO BOX 57089 IRVINE CA 92619 934-54-031 DIANE COYER 1102 ARDEN RD PASADENA CA 91106 934-54-035 RHONDA HILL-TOLAR PO BOX 12948 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 934-54-004 DARY UNDERWOOD 1219 BAYSIDE DR 104 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-008 DOLORES VIRTUE 1235 BAYSIDE DR 108 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-011 BRIAN BUSACCA PO BOX 82515 BAKERSFIELD CA 93380 934-54-014 JOHN CHAO 100 S 1ST ST ALHAMBRA CA 91801 934-54-017 DICKSON BARNHART 7181 E CAMELBACK RD 1303 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85251 934-54-021 CHARLES E YOUNG 1211 BAYSIDE DR 202 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-026 ERNEST BECKER 50 S JONES BLVD 100 LAS VEGAS NV 89107 934-54-029 DAVID PERRIN 1913 E 17TH ST 118 SANTA ANA CA 92705 934-54-032 PEGGY CAMPBELL 19342 SHETLAND LN YORBA LINDA CA 92886 050-141-01 OCCUPANT 1211 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 934-54-005 CRAIG A MC CALLISTER 3334 E COAST HWY 435 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-009 PETRY JOHN C THE PETRY 1000 QUAIL ST 160 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-012 NELSON E MILLS 1391 WEMBLEY RD SAN MARINO CA 91108 934-54-015 LUCAS ROBERT J A OF THE R & J LU 1111 QUAIL ST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-018 EUGENE H GALEN 724 N MAPLE DR BEYERL Y HILLS CA 90210 934-54-023 JOHNRTAYLOR 1221 BAYSIDE DR 204 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-027 JOHN A ADLER 901 DOVER DR 120 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-030 JEROME R LONDON 12130 IREDELL ST STUDIO CITY CA 91604 934-54-034 LEZLIE GUNN 4045 S BUFFALO DR AIOI LAS VEGAS NV 89147 050-141-32 OCCUPANT 325 ONYX AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-141-32 050-141-34 050-151-01 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 325 1/2 ONYX A VE 333 ONYX AVE 1411 NBA Y FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-02 050-151-03 050-151-04 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1407 1/2 N BAY FRONT 1405 1/2 N BAY FRONT 1403 NBA Y FRONT BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-04 050-151-05 050-151-06 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1403 1/2 N BAY FRONT 1401 1/2 N BAY FRONT 332 MARINE A VE APT A NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-06 050-151-08 050-151-09 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 332 MARINE AVE APT B 322 MARINE A VE APT B 320 MARINE AVE APT A NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-10 050-151-10 050-151-27 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 318 MARINE AVE APT A 318 MARINE AVE APT B 317 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-29 050-151-29 050-151-30 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 323 GRAND CANAL 323 1/2 GRAND CANAL 325 1/2 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-30 050-151-38 050-151-38 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 325 GRAND CANAL 324 MARINE A VE APT B 324 MARINE A VE APT C NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-151-39 050-151-39 050-151-40 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 326 MARINE A VE APT C 326 MARINE A VE APT D 321 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-01 050-152-02 050-152-02 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1311 N BAY FRONT 1309 NBA Y FRONT 1309 1/2 NBA Y FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-03 050-152-04 050-152-05 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1307 N BAY FRONT 1305 NBA Y FRONT 1303 NBA Y FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-152-05 050-152-06 050-152-06 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1303 l/2NBAYFRONT 1301 N BAY FRONT 1301 1/2 N BAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-07 050-152-08 050-152-08 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 330 ONYX AVE 326 ONYX AVE 326 1/2 ONYX A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-11 050-152-11 050-152-12 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 320 1/2 ONYX A VE 320 ONYX AVE 318 1/2 ONYX A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-152-27 050-152-31 050-152-31 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 317 MARINE AVE APT D 325 MARINE A VE APT B 325 MARINE A VE APT C NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-191-24 050-191-24 050-191-34 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 223 ABALONE A VE 223 1/2 ABALONE A VE 1511 BALBOA AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-01 050-192-02 050-192-03 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1601 BALBOA AVE 222 1/2 ABALONE A VE 220 ABALONE A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-03 050-192-04 050-192-22 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 220 1/2 ABALONE A VE 218 1/2 ABALONE A VE 217 CRYSTAL AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-22 050-192-23 050-192-24 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 217 1/2 CRYSTAL AVE 219 CRYSTAL AVE 221 CRYSTAL AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-24 050-192-25 050-192-25 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 221 1/2 CRYSTAL AVE 223 CRYSTAL AVE 223 1/2 CRYSTAL AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-192-28 050-192-29 050-193-23 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1607 BALBOA AVE 1605 BALBOA AVE 227 EBAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-193-24 050-193-25 050-193-25 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 231 EBAY AVE 233 EBAY AVE 233 1/2 EBAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-193-26 050-201-03 050-201-06 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 235 EBAY AVE 341 EBAY AVE 333 EBAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-08 050-201-10 050-201-11 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 325 EBAY AVE 321 EBAY AVE 319 EBAY AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-12 050-201-13 050-201-15 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 317 EBAY AVE 315 E BAY A VE APT B 311 EBAY AVE APT A NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-15 050-201-15 050-201-17 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 311 EBAY AVEAPTB 311 EBAY AVEAPTC 307 EBAY FRONT APT 1 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-17 050-201-17 050-201-17 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 307 EBAY FRONT APT 2 307 EBAY FRONT APT 3 307 E BAY FRONT APT 4 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-17 050-201-17 050-201-18 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 307 E BAY FRONT APT 5 307 EBAY FRONT APT 6 305 E BAY FRONT APT 1 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 050-201-18 050-201-19 050-201-20 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 305 E BAY FRONT APT 2 301 EBAY AVE 335 1/2 EBAY FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 BALBOA ISLAND CA 92662 050-201-21 050-202-01 050-202-02 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 337 EBAY AVE APT A 324 GRAND CANAL 322 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92661 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-03 050-202-04 050-202-04 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 320 GRAND CANAL 318 GRAND CANAL 318 1/2 RAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 RCHO STA MARGARITA CA 92662 RCHO ST A MARGARITA CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-202-06 050-202-06 050-202-07 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 314 GRAND CANAL APT A 314 GRAND CANAL APT B 312 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-07 050-202-08 050-202-08 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 312 1/2 GRAND CANAL 310 GRAND CANAL 310 1/2 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-09 050-202-10 050-202-10 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 308 GRAND CANAL 306 GRAND CANAL 306 1/2 GRAND CANAL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-16 050-202-16 050-202-19 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1514 BALBOA AVE 1512 BALBOA AVE 1511 ABALONE PL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-202-20 050-202-23 050-202-24 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1509 ABALONE PL 302 GRAND CANAL 1508 BALBOA A VE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-203-01 050-203-02 050-203-02 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 337 CRYSTAL AVE 1510 ABALONE PL 1510 1/2 ABALONE PL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-203-04 050-203-05 050-203-07 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 323 1/2 CRYSTAL AVE 331 CRYSTAL AVE 1518 ABALONE PL NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-204-03 050-204-04 050-204-05 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1604 BALBOA A VE 1608 1/2 BALBOA A VE 303 CRYSTAL AVE NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 050-204-05 050-263-03 050-263-06 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 303 1/2 CRYSTAL AVE 1125 DOLPHIN TER 1201 DOLPHIN TER NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 050-263-07 050-263-14 050-263-16 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1207 DOLPHIN TER 1215 DOLPHIN TER 1231 DOLPHIN TER CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019050-274-18 050-401-43 934-32-005 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1309 DOLPHIN TER 1401 BAYSIDE DR 1031 BAYSIDE CV 105 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-006 934-32-007 934-32-009 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1033 BAYSIDE CV 106 997 BAYSIDE CV 201 993 BAYSIDE CV 203 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-010 934-32-014 934-32-016 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 991 BAYSIDE CV 204 1007 BAYSIDE CV 304 1009 BAYSIDE CV 306 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-017 934-32-018 934-32-019 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1017 BAYSIDE CV 307 1015 BAYSIDE CV 308 1021 BAYSIDE CV 309 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-022 934-32-023 934-32-031 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 987 BAYSIDE CV 402 985 BAYSIDE CV 403 1034 BAYSIDE CV 501 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-034 934-32-037 934-32-039 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1010 BAYSIDE CV 504 1014 BAYSIDE CV 507 1018 BAYSIDE CV 509 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-042 934-32-043 934-32-045 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1024 BAYSIDE CV 512 984 BAYSIDE CV 601 986 BAYSIDE CV 603 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-047 934-32-048 934-32-050 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 978 BAYSIDE CV 605 988 BAYSIDE CV 606 974 BAYSIDE CV 608 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-32-051 934-32-054 934-32-055 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 990 BAYSIDE CV 609 992 BAYSIDE CV 612 1028 BAYSIDE CV 701 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 934-54-002 934-54-003 934-54-005 OCCUPANT OCCUPANT OCCUPANT 1209 BAYSIDE DR I 02 1215 BAYSIDE DR 103 1223 BAYSIDE DR 105 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019934-54-007 OCCUPANT 1231 BAYSIDE DR 107 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-011 OCCUPANT 1247 BAYSIDE DR 111 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 934-54-014 OCCUPANT 1309 BAYSIDE DR 114 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-017 OCCUPANT 1317 BAYSIDE DR 117 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-020 OCCUPANT 1203 BAYSIDE DR 201 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-026 OCCUPANT 1233 BAYSIDE DR 207 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-029 OCCUPANT 1245 BAYSIDE DR 210 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-032 OCCUPANT 1307 BAYSIDE DR 213 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 934-54-035 OCCUPANT 1227 BAYSIDE DR 106 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-009 OCCUPANT 1239 BAYSIDE DR 109 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-012 OCCUPANT 1301 BAYSIDE DR 112 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-015 OCCUPANT 1311 BAYSIDE DR 115 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 934-54-018 OCCUPANT 1319 BAYSIDE DR 118 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 934-54-022 OCCUPANT 1217 BAYSIDE DR 203 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-027 OCCUPANT 1237 BAYSIDE DR 208 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-030 OCCUPANT 1249 BAYSIDE DR 211 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-033 OCCUPANT 1323 BAYSIDE DR 214 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-010 OCCUPANT 1243 BAYSIDE DR 110 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-013 OCCUPANT 1303 BAYSIDE DR 113 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-016 OCCUPANT 1315 BAYSIDE DR 116 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-019 OCCUPANT 1321 BAYSIDE DR 119 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-024 OCCUPANT 1225 BAYSIDEDR205 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-028 OCCUPANT 1241 BAYSIDE DR 209 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-031 OCCUPANT 1305 BAYSIDEDR212 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 934-54-034 OCCUPANT 1325 BAYSIDEDR215 CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019"'· ~fl Advanced Listing Services Inc f/' .. · Ji• :JI.. Ownership Listings & Radius Maps (cY~~~ P.O. Box 2593 • Dana Point, CA • 92624 ~ ~~ Office: (949) 361-3921 • Cell: (949) 310-6869 www.Advancedlisting.com denise@advancedlisting.com I, Denise Kaspar, hereby certify that the attached list contains the names, addresses and assessor's parcel numbers of all property owners and occupants (residential only) of property located within a 300-foot radius, excluding intervening right-of-ways and waterways, of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel as they appear on the latest available assessment roll of the County of Orange of the property legally described as: Subject: APN: Subject Address: 11/16/2018 BAYSIDE MARINA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 PA2019-017APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019/ flAdvanced Listing Services Inc ,;17 ! \, :: 'fl Ownership Listings & Radius Maps (c)'(,~~ P.O. Box 2593 • Dana Point, CA • 92624 ~ ~ Office: (949) 36 J-392 J • Cell: (949) 3 J 0-6869 www.Advancedlisting.com denise@advancedlisting.com Subject APN: Address: 300' RADIUS (excluding abutting streets) BAYSIDE MARINA NEWPORT BEACH CA 92662 Not to Scale DESCRIPTIONAPP'DDATE BY REVISIONS REV ONE INCHAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONEINCH SCALE ACCORDINGLYDESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DATE: SCALE: 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE SEAWALL REPAIR SHEET NO. OF 4 R MASON R RAZONABLE F MASSABKI 01-03-2019 DRAFT The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE SEAWALL REPAIR THE IRVINE COMPANY OWNER: THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 MARINA OWNER NO CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, DEBRIS OR WASTE SHALL BE PLACED OR STORED WHERE THEY MAY BE SUBJECT TO INUNDATION OR DISPERSION IN COASTAL WATERS. ANY AND ALL EXISTING OR NEWLY-CREATED DEBRIS RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT ENTERS COASTAL WATERS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE IMMEDIATELY. LANDSIDE DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE WITHIN 5 DAYS. NON-BUOYANT DEBRIS DISCHARGED INTO COASTAL WATERS SHALL BE RECOVERED BY DIVERS WITHIN 72 HOURS AFTER LOSS. NO MACHINERY OR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS NOT ESSENTIAL FOR THE PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE ALLOWED AT ANY TIME IN THE INTERTIDAL ZONE. APPROPRIATE MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT ALL DISCHARGE OF FUEL OR OILY WASTE FROM HEAVY MACHINERY OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OR POWER TOOLS INTO COASTAL WATERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE TO CONTAIN ANY SUCH SPILL IMMEDIATELY. CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES AND DEBRIS REMOVAL: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SCOPE OF WORK: SEAWALL CAP REPAIR: MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE EXISTING SEAWALL. ACTIVITIES INCLUDE SPALL REPAIR OF THE SEAWALL CAP AND REPAIR OF REINFORCING BARS. CONSULTANTS: ANCHOR QEA ONE PACIFIC PLAZA 7755 CENTER AVENUE, SUITE 1060 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92647 DESIGN ENGINEER RANDY MASON, PE CA LIC. # C 30661 PHONE: 657.227.7454 CONTACT NOTES: 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM: CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE ZONE VI, NAD 83, U.S. FEET. 2. VERTICAL DATUM: MEAN LOWER LOW WATER (MLLW) VICINITY MAP Newport Beach CALIFORNIA NEWPORT BEACH, CA PROJECT ADDRESS: 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE DRAWING INDEX SHT NO. DWG NO.TITLE 1 T-1 TITLE SHEET 2 GN-1 GENERAL NOTES 3 SP-1 SITE PLAN 4 C-1 SEAWALL PLAN, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS CONTACT GREG SINKS 1137 BAYSIDE DRIVE CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 (949) 721-0111 T1 TITLE SHEET 1 NONE 1353 BAYSIDE MARINA E PACI F I C C O A S T H W Y BAYSIDE DR MARINE AVEJAMBOREE RDPA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 ,,_ "ft.ANCHOR \L,,QEA~ I SECTION 03930 CONCRETE SPALL PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnishing of materials, labor, transportation, tools, and equipment necessary to repair and restore spalled concrete areas in the repair documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. None 1.03 COORDINATION A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and Work of various sections of the specifications to ensure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements. B. Coordinate dumpster location, staging and storage requirements with the Engineer. 1.04 EXAMINATION A. Verify that existing site conditions and substrate surfaces are acceptable for subsequent Work. Beginning new Work means acceptance of existing conditions. B. Verify that utility services are available, of the correct characteristics and in the correct location. 1.05 REFERENCES A. Referenced Codes and Standards: Comply with the most recent publications of the following codes, specifications, and standards. 1. Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Corrosion (Guideline No. 03730) International Concrete Repair Institute, 1995 Copyright. 2. Guide for Selecting Application Methods for Repair of Concrete Surfaces (Guideline No. 03731) International Concrete Repair Institute, 1996 copyright. 3. ACI 301 Standard Specification for Structural Concrete. 4. ACI 308 Guide for Consolidation of Concrete. 5. ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 6. ACI 546RConcrete Repair Guide. 7. ASTM C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 8. ASTM C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete. 9. ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement 10. ASTM C260 Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 11. ASTM C309 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane- Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 12. ASTM C469 Standard Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio of Concrete in Compression. 13. ASTM C494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. 14. ASTM A 615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete 15. ASTM C881 Standard Specification for Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete. 16. ASTM C1042 Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Latex Systems Used With Concrete. 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data. B. Submit copy of recommended manufacturer's product installation instructions. C. Approval by Engineer is required before beginning Work affected by submittals. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.Contractor Qualifications: Acceptable to the Engineer upon furnishing documented experience of at least five (5) years experience on projects of similar nature. B. Comply with Manufacturers' instructions related to mixing and placing of the materials. C. Protection of Work: Protect installed work and the public from debris or falling hazards related to the work. 1.08 INSPECTION A. Inspections: Owner will arrange and pay for the services of an independent Inspector for inspections of all spall repair work. Inspector will make written reports to the Engineer, and certifications to the Engineer as to compliance with Repair Documents and Specifications. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE and HANDLING A. Deliver products in original unopened containers with the manufacturer's name, labels, product identification and batch number. B. Store and condition the specified products as recommended by the manufacturer. Products shall remain unopened until ready for use. C. Where mixing of components is required, use complete pre-measured units. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Degussa Building Systems Products (Hydrozo, Master Builders, Sonneborn, Thoro and ThoRoc) B. Other Manufacturers may be used upon approval of the Engineer. Alternate product data shall include verification that the alternate products are equivalent to the specified Master Builders products. All alternate materials must come from a single manufacturer to qualify for a “system warranty”. Submittal of request for use of alternate products must be submitted 10 days prior to bid date. 2.02 PATCHING REPAIR MATERIALS Subject to compliance with other requirements in this specification, provide the following materials. A. Form and Pour: Master Builders “Masterpatch 240 CR”. Provide single component, flowable, cementitious micro concrete for resurfacing distressed concrete. Material shall be a proprietary blend of portland cement, Pozzolans, graded aggregate, and additives, that meets or exceeds the following requirements: 1. The portland cement shall be ASTM C150, Type 1. 2. The aggregate used in the material shall conform to ASTM C33, top size 3/8” 3. The compressive strength shall meet or exceed 7,000 psi at 28 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C109. 4. The flexural Strength shall meet or exceed 750 psi at 7 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C78. 5. The slant shear bond strength shall meet or exceed 2,000 psi at 7 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C882 (modified, no epoxy bonding agent used). 6. The splitting tensile strength shall meet or exceed 500 psi at 7 days when tested in accordance with ASTM C496. B. Water: Clean and potable. 2.03 RELATED MATERIALS A. Anti-Corrosion Reinforcing Bar Coating: Provide polymer-modified, cement based coating with corrosion inhibiting admixture to provide protection for all new steel reinforcing where specified. See 3.01.B.1 for protection of existing reinforcing, exposed and left in-place. 1. Emaco P-24 by Master Builders. B. Liquid Membrane-Forming Curing Compound: Use curing compound conforming to ASTM C309, Type I at a minimum application rate of 300 square feet per gallon. 1. Masterkure 200W by Master Builders. 2.04 REINFORCEMENT MATERIALS A. Reinforcing steel: Conforming to ASTM A615, 60 ksi yield grade billet-steel deformed bars. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE PREPARATION A. All repair areas shall be prepared in accordance with International Concrete Repair Institute's “Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Corrosion” (Guideline No. 03730.) This includes but is not limited to the following. 1. Remove loose or deteriorated concrete around corroded reinforcing steel. Removals shall be performed with chipping hammers or other method, subject to the Engineer's prior approval. Chipping hammers shall not be in excess of 20 pound rating. 2. Concrete removals shall extend along the bars to locations along the bar free of bond inhibiting corrosion. Removals shall extend two inches minimum beyond the location of corrosion-free bars. 3. If non-corroded reinforcing bars are exposed during the undercutting, care will be taken not to damage the bond between the bar and the concrete. 4. Loose reinforcement shall be secured in place by tying to other secured bars or by approved method. 5. If the reduction of the cross sectional area of the existing reinforcing exceeds 25 percent, supplementing reinforcing will be required to match the size of existing deteriorated bars. 6. Repair configurations should be kept as simple as possible to minimize boundary edges. 7. At edge locations, provide right angle cuts to the concrete surface by saw-cutting 3/4 inch or less as required to avoid cutting reinforcing steel. 8. After removals and edge conditioning are complete, remove bond-inhibiting materials by abrasive blasting or high pressure water blasting. Protect the bay water from falling debris. Check concrete surfaces after cleaning to insure that the surface is free from loose aggregates. Protect adjacent structure or vessels from the sand or water blasting process. 9. Presoak repair substrate to a saturated surface dry condition. B. Bar Protection and Bonding (Existing Bars) 1. Following completion of repair preparation, apply Amerlock 400 coating to the exposed reinforcing and 3/4" of the adjoining concrete, all-around. 2. Bond the repair material to the prepared area by applying a slurry cement-rich bond coat to the prepared area with a stiff bristle brush. Do not allow the slurry to dry prior to installation of the repair material. Do not retemper this bond coat. 3.02 MIXING A. Mechanical mixing is recommended with the use of a slow speed drill and a jiffler type paddle, or in an appropriate mortar mixer. Typical mixing time is 3-5 minutes. Do not add more water (or Acrylic Polymer) than is recommended by the manufacturer. Do not mix longer than 5 minutes. B. Only that portion of material that can be properly mixed within 10 minutes of application should be mixed. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Coating for existing bars left in-place (See 3.01.B.1) B. Apply fresh concrete to the bond coat. Place repair concrete according to manufacturer's recommendations. C. Evaporation Retarder: Where rapid surface evaporation may occur, apply specified evaporation retarder according to manufacturer's recommendations. D. Finishing: Completed repair surfaces should be straight, true and match existing profiles. Do not overwork the surface. 3.04 INSPECTION A. During execution of Work, inspect Work to assure compliance with manufacturer's guidelines, these Specifications when they exceed manufacturer's guidelines, and good construction practice. B. Non-Compliant Work: If inspections reveal non-compliant Work or Work that was not installed per Specifications, and/or manufacturer requirements, remove adjacent Work until a location is reached where installation was performed properly. 3.05 CURING A. All repaired surfaces must be cured for a minimum of 5 days with one of the following methods. 1. Wet cure with burleen or wet burlap 2. Sheeting material 3. Curing Compound (See 2.03.B) B. Protect cured areas from storage and traffic during curing period. 3.06 CLEANING A. General: Keep area clean during repair operation, remove and clean promptly, mortar, or epoxy spills with appropriate tools and solvents without damaging concrete. Collect and maintain site in a clean and orderly condition. Remove debris daily from site. B. Final Cleaning: Remove all mortar splatters, epoxy spills from the repair area and adjacent structures acceptable to the Engineer. Trowel or "rub-out" surfaces where new and existing concrete are in the same plane. Jan 10, 2019 3:38pm rrazonable H:\AutoCAD Project Files\_Projects\0483-The Irvine Company\TIC-1353 Bayside Dr Seawall Repair\Construction Plans\0483-GN1_1353BS_NOTES.dwg GN1DESCRIPTIONAPP'DDATE BY REVISIONS REV ONE INCHAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONEINCH SCALE ACCORDINGLYDESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DATE: SCALE: 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE SEAWALL REPAIR SHEET NO. OF 4 R MASON R RAZONABLE F MASSABKI 01-03-2019 DRAFT The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 GN1 GENERAL NOTES 2 NONE PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 "'~ANCHOR ~QEA~ --,, DIG-8 ~RT ,,.-....,._ ~I ◄ I I ' ® • ® Know what's below. ' ! ~ Call 811 before you dig. -'-- Jan 10, 2019 3:38pm rrazonable H:\AutoCAD Project Files\_Projects\0483-The Irvine Company\TIC-1353 Bayside Dr Seawall Repair\Construction Plans\0483-SP1_1353BS_SITE.dwg SP10 SCALE IN FEET 30 60 PROJECT ADDRESS NOTES: 1. NO CHANGES TO NUMBER, SIZE OR LOCATION OF PARKING STALLS. 2. PROTECT-IN-PLACE EXISTING UTILITIES, GUARDRAILS, GANGWAY AND GANGWAY PLATFORM, AND FLOATING DOCKS. 3. "CONDITION"/REPAIR APPROACHES NOTED ON THE PHOTOGRAPHS ON THIS SHEET ARE ESTIMATED BASED ON VISUAL INSPECTION. ONCE DEMOLITION OF UNSOUND CONCRETE & REBAR IS COMPLETED, SPECIFIC REPAIRS CAN BE DETERMINED. DESCRIPTIONAPP'DDATE BY REVISIONS REV ONE INCHAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONEINCH SCALE ACCORDINGLYDESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DATE: SCALE: 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE SEAWALL REPAIR SHEET NO. OF 4 R MASON R RAZONABLE F MASSABKI 01-03-2019 DRAFT The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 SP1 SITE PLAN 3 AS NOTED NORTH 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA CAP REPA IREXTENTPHOTO 1 (CONDITION 1)PHOTO 2 (CONDITION 2) PHOTO 3 (CONDITION 1&2)PHOTO 4 (CONDITION 1&3) PHOTO 6 (CONDITION 1&2)PHOTO 7 (CONDITION 2)PHOTO 8 (CONDITION 2) PHOTO 5 (CONDITION 1&3) PHO T O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (E) GANGWAY PLATFORM SEE NOTE "3" PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 (/ ,,. ~ANCHOR ~QEA~ 0 13,3 13,9 X X 14.6 X 14,3 X 14,5 X 16.1 X - -- - MLLW EL. 0.0' DATUM NEWPORT BAY PARKING LOT MUDLINE BOT. OF PANELS TOP OF SEAWALL 47'± EXTENT OF SEAWALL CAP REPAIR 47'± EXTENT OF SEAWALL CAP REPAIR (E) GANGWAY PLATFORM (E) GANGWAY PLATFORM EL. VARIES (E) GUARD RAIL (E) TOP OF SEAWALL (E) CONC. CAP (E) CONC. PANEL (E) PARKING LOT MLLW = 0.0' (E) CAP DEBRIS (TO BE REMOVED) MHHW = 7.86' MINIMUM REPAIR ELEVATION +7.5' MLLW GALVANIC ANODES ON EXISTING AND NEW BARS @ 2'-0" O.C. #6 REBAR REPAIR MORTAR #3 DOWEL (E) CONC. CAP (E) TIE (TYP.) (E) HORIZ. BAR 4" 47'± 2.5" COVER NOTES: 1. REMOVE LOOSE OR DELAMINATED CONCRETE ALONG OXIDIZED REINFORCING STEEL. 2. CONCRETE REMOVALS SHALL EXTEND ALONG THE BARS TO LOCATIONS ALONG THE BAR FREE OF BOND INHIBITING CORROSION, AND WHERE THE BAR IS WELL BONDED TO SURROUNDING CONCRETE. 3. IF UNOXIDIZED REINFORCING STEEL IS EXPOSED DURING THE UNDERCUTTING PROCESS, CARE SHALL BE TAKEN NOT TO DAMAGE THE BARS' BOND TO SURROUNDING CONCRETE. IF BOND BETWEEN BAR AND CONCRETE IS BROKEN, UNDERCUTTING OF THE BAR TO REMOVE LOOSE MATERIAL IS REQUIRED. AT LEAST 3/4" OF CONCRETE (SOUND OR UNSOUND) SHALL BE REMOVED TO ALLOW NEWLY PLACED CONCRETE TO COMPLETELY BOND AROUND 360° OF THE EXISTING BARS. 4. CLEANING OF CORRODED REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE WITH WIRE BRUSH EQUIPMENT TO A LEVEL OF CLEANING CORRESPONDING TO SSPC-SP1 - SOLVENT CLEANING AND SSPC-SP3 - POWER TOOL CLEANING. SSPC-SP1 - SOLVENT CLEANING SOLVENT CLEANING IS A METHOD FOR REMOVING ALL VISIBLE OIL, GREASE, SOIL, DRAWING AND CUTTING COMPOUNDS AND OTHER SOLUBLE CONTAMINANTS. SOLVENT CLEANING DOES NOT REMOVE RUST OR MILL SCALE. CHANGE RAGS AND CLEANING SOLUTION FREQUENTLY SO THAT DEPOSITS OF OIL AND GREASE ARE NOT SPREAD OVER ADDITIONAL AREAS IN THE CLEANING PROCESS. BE SURE TO ALLOW ADEQUATE VENTILATION. FOR COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS, REFER TO SOCIETY OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO.1. SSPC-SP3 - POWER TOOL CLEANING POWER TOOL CLEANING REMOVES ALL LOOSE MILL SCALE, LOOSE RUST AND OTHER DETRIMENTAL FOREIGN MATTER. IT IS NOT INTENDED THAT ADHERENT MILL SCALE, RUST AND PAINT BE REMOVED BY THIS PROCESS. MILL SCALE, RUST AND PAINT ARE CONSIDERED ADHERENT IF THEY CANNOT BE REMOVED BY LIFTING WITH A DULL PUTTY KNIFE. BEFORE POWER TOOL CLEANING, REMOVE VISIBLE OIL, GREASE, SOLUBLE WELDING RESIDUES AND SALTS BY THE METHODS OUTLINED IN SSPC-SP1. FOR COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS, REFER TO SOCIETY OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 3. 5. WHEN CONCRETE REPAIRS ARE COMPLETE, REMOVE ALL "WASTE" CONCRETE AND "RUB-OUT" CONCRETE SURFACES TO CREATE A CLEAN APPEARANCE. UNOXIDIZED AND TIGHTLY BONDED BARS REFER TO NOTE #3 SEE NOTE #1 AND #2 WIRE-BRUSH ALL EXISTING REBAR TO BE LEFT IN-PLACE . COAT BOTH STEEL BARS AT ADJOINING CONCRETE WITH AMERLOCK 400 2 1/2" MIN #6 REBAR REPAIR MORTAR #3 DOWEL GALVANIC ANODES ON EXISTING AND NEW BARS @ 2'-0" O.C. ALONG THE LENGTH OF ANY GIVEN BAR 4" MIN. EMBED UNOXIDIZED AND TIGHTLY BONDED BARS REFER TO NOTE #3 SEE NOTE #1 AND #2 UNOXIDIZED AND TIGHTLY BONDED BARS REFER TO NOTE #3 SEE NOTE #1 AND #2 WIRE-BRUSH ALL EXISTING REBAR TO BE LEFT IN-PLACE . COAT BOTH STEEL BARS AT ADJOINING CONCRETE WITH AMERLOCK 400 2 1/2" MIN #6 REBAR REPAIR MORTAR GALVANIC ANODES ON EXISTING AND NEW BARS @ 2'-0" O.C. 4" MIN. EMBED 2 1/2" MIN #6 REBAR REPAIR MORTAR GALVANIC ANODES ON EXISTING AND NEW BARS @ 2'-0" O.C. 4" MIN. EMBED (E) CRACK (E) CRACK #3 DOWEL #3 DOWEL 3/4" MIN CLR (TYP) Jan 10, 2019 3:38pm rrazonable H:\AutoCAD Project Files\_Projects\0483-The Irvine Company\TIC-1353 Bayside Dr Seawall Repair\Construction Plans\0483-C1_1353BS_PLAN.dwg S1SCALE: EXISTING SEAWALL SECTIONA -1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: EXISTING SEAWALL PLAN1 -1/8"=1'-0"NORTHSCALE: EXISTING SEAWALL ELEVATION2 -1/8"=1'-0"A-SCALE: (E) SEAWALL CAP PLAN VIEW3 -N.T.S.B,C,D-SCALE: CAP REPAIR - CONDITION 1 B -N.T.S. DESCRIPTIONAPP'DDATE BY REVISIONS REV ONE INCHAT FULL SIZE, IF NOT ONEINCH SCALE ACCORDINGLYDESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DATE: SCALE: 1353 BAYSIDE DRIVE SEAWALL REPAIR SHEET NO. OF 4 R MASON R RAZONABLE F MASSABKI 01-03-2019 DRAFT The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 S1 SEAWALL PLAN, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS 4 AS NOTED SCALE: CAP REPAIR - CONDITION 2C -N.T.S.SCALE: CAP REPAIR - CONDITION 3D -N.T.S. DEMO/PREP DEMO/PREP DEMO/PREP PA2019-017 APPLICATION WITHDRAWN - 04/15/2019 ( ) ( ) 8 ------- --1---- -1----1----- -- ---- -1----1----~ - - r -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · .. _ •. -~ .·· ~ .·""•·-~· ·. 'er·_·~ • • • • • • • ... . . 9 ."'II •• .. • •• • . . .. 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