HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190219_Coastal Hazards Analysis Report 01-25-19 P M A C O N S U L T I N G , I N C . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 28161 Casitas Ct. PH. (714) 717-7542 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 e-mail: p.petrov@pma-bg.com January 25, 2019 Scott Hudgins, Architect Hudgins Design Group, Inc. 1107 South Coast HWY Laguna Beach, CA 92651 RE: COASTAL HAZARDS ANALYSIS REPORT FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Milan Panic; Applicant 2104 East Balboa Boulevard City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PMA Job #24818 Dear Mr. Hudgins, PMA Consulting, Inc. is pleased to provide this report regarding Coastal Hazards Analysis for the proposed development at the subject site. The site is adjacent to Newport Bay, thus it may be subject to Coastal Hazards such as, flooding, wave runup, and erosion. This study investigates the potential for the aforementioned hazards to impact the proposed development on the site over the next 75 years and addresses compliance with Coastal Hazards Analysis Report requirements and standards of NBMC Section 21.30.15.E.2. STATEMENT OF THE PREPARER’S QUALIFICATIONS Plamen Petrov, P.E., the preparer of the Coastal Hazards Analysis Report on this project, holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from University of Architecture, Structural Engineering & Geodesy of Sofia, Bulgaria, and is a Licensed Civil Engineer by the State of California Certificate No. C66947. For the last 19 years of his professional career he has been actively involved in the design and entitlement of many Waterfront Developments such as custom homes, seawalls, piers, platforms, floating docks and marinas. A great number of Coastal Hazards Analysis Reports prepared by him have been reviewed and accepted/approved by California Coastal Commission. All the above being said, Plamen Petrov, P.E. shall be considered a qualified preparer for the Coastal Hazards Analysis Report on this project. Requirements in Appendix A for Step 1: Establish the project sea level rise range for the proposed project’s planning horizon (life of project) using the current best available science. The State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance 2018 update developed by the Ocean Protection Council in close coordination with Policy Advisory Committee with representation PA2019-033 from California Natural Resources Agency, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, and the California Energy Commission provides a bold, science-based methodology for state and local governments to analyze and assess the risks associated with sea-level rise, and to incorporate Sea- Level Rise into their planning, permitting, and investment decisions, and it is considered the current best available science. As reflected in the clouded area of the enclosed Table 28, based upon direct interpolation of the data for High emissions 2090 & 2100 and Low Rick Aversion, over the project’s planning horizon of 75 years, the estimated Sea-Level Rise for year 2094 shall be 2.90’, which is the Sea- Level Rise for the proposed project. Based on the highest high tide of +7.38’MLLW (7.20’NAVD88) with 0.3 feet correction for the wave setup recorded in the project area, the above established Sea-Level Rise will account for bay water level of +10.10’NAVD88. Requirements in Appendix A for Step 2: Determine how physical impacts from sea level rise may constrain the project site, including erosion, structural and geologic stability, flooding, and inundation. According to the attached Site Plan A 101, finished 1st floor elevation of the proposed development is at +11.00’ NAVD88=+11.18’MLLW which is higher than the Base Flood Elevation established for the area. The highest high tide reached in Newport Beach of +7.38’ MLLW is approximately 3.8’ below finished 1st floor elevation of the proposed structure and will remain below it until after year of 2094. As we well know, majority of the public streets in Newport Bay area are currently at much lower elevations than the subject site and they will flood due to Sea Level Rise way before the development on this site becomes subject to flooding. FLOODING HAZARD The primary hazard due to flooding from the ocean waters for this site, like majority of the sites located adjacent to Newport Bay, would be due to long term Sea-Level Rise. The current water levels in Newport Bay are reflected on the enclosed Datums for Newport Bay Entrance. According to the enclosed seawall DWGS SW-0 thru SW-2, top of the proposed Concrete Stem Wall on top of the Concrete Coping shall be at +10.10’ NAVD88 which equals +10.28’ MLLW and follows the current City of Newport Beach Waterfront Projects Guidelines and Standards. While Sea-Levels have been Rising for decades, higher rates of raise are forecast for the coming century because of climate change – see enclosed table 28. Increases can be attributed to warmer temperatures, which cause water to expand, as well more liquid mass caused by melting of ice caps. Current estimates of future Sea-Level Rise generally fall in the range of 1-3 ft for the year 2100. Global warming may impact flooding in other ways as well. Warmer water could intensify North Pacific storms, bringing greater wind and wave energy to shoreline in winter and higher intensity precipitation. The Newport Beach Peninsula portion of the Pacific Institute California Flood Risk Map is shown herein as OE S Quadrangle. The dark blue colored areas show the areas where a 100-year Sea- Level Rise of 55 inches is added to the existing FEMA coastal flood elevation shown in light blue. Obviously, the entire Newport Bay area will be affected if sea level rises 55 inches by the year 2100. If the sea level rises in the next several decades as currently estimated, regional measures to mitigate the potential flooding hazard shall be taken. Since finished 1st floor elevation of the proposed house will be at +11.00’ NAVD88, it will remain below the High Tide until after year 2094. PA2019-033 WAVE RUNUP Wave runup is the uprush of water from wave action on a shore barrier intercepting Stillwater level. On steeply sloped shorelines, the rush of water up the surface of the natural beach, including dunes and bluffs, or the surface of a manmade structure, such as revetment or vertical wall can result in flood elevations higher than those of the crest of wind-driven waves. See wave Runup Sketch below. Due to its location, this site is not a subject to typical ocean waves and the associated wave runup. Bay generated waves that may arrive at this site are very small wind waves and boat wakes. These types of waves are generally dampened by the moored vessels and dock systems located in front of the site and have no significant energy and runup effect. Tsunami type waves that approach from the ocean shoreline will likely not reach the site for several reasons. There is no significant near field source of a tsunami like the geologic conditions of some other places on Earth such as Japan, for example. A far field tsunami reaching the ocean shoreline will likely not reach the site because of the distance and developments between the shoreline and this site. A near or far field tsunami propagating into Newport Bay proper would likely cause a seiche or standing wave on the order of 1.3 feet traveling within the bay. Even at the highest anticipated tide in Newport Beach of +7.38’MLLW this shall not result in overtopping of the bulkhead/seawall. Due to its very infrequent occurrence – 500-year recurrence interval – tsunami should not be considered a significant impact over the life of the proposed structure -75 years. EROSION HAZARD Erosion refers to the wearing or washing away of coastal lands. Beach erosion is a chronic problem along many open ocean shores of the United States. To meet the needs for comprehensive analysis of shoreline movement, the United States Geological Survey has conducted analysis of historical shoreline changes along open ocean sandy shores of the conterminous United States and has produced an Open-File Report 2006-1219 entitled “National Assessment of Shoreline Change Part 3: Historical Shoreline Change and Associated Coastal land Loss Along Sandy Shorelines of the PA2019-033 California Coast”. The report looks at survey data of the following periods: 1800s, 1920s-1930s, and 1950s-1970s, whereas the lidar shoreline is from 1998-2002. The report looks at both long-term and short-term changes. According to the report, the average rate of long-term shoreline change for the State of California was 0.2±0.1 m/yr., and accretional trend. The average rate of short-term shoreline change for the state was erosional; with an average rate of -0.2±0.4 m/yr. The beach footprint of this site is stabilized and not subject to significant long-term erosion. Review and analysis of historical aerial photographs and field measurements for seawall repairs in the area show no change in the position of the shoreline over the last several decades. The future shoreline changes over the next 75 years are assumed to be the same as in the previous several decades. However, there is a rapid rate of Sea-Level Rise predicted in the next 75 years. If that prediction holds true, the rapid Sea- Level Rise may accelerate shoreline erosion, but it shall not impact the structure on the subject lot over its economic life. CONCLUSION In conclusion, flooding, wave runup and erosion will not significantly impact this property over the proposed life of the development. Once the existing seawall/bulkhead is repaired/reinforced in compliance with the enclosed preliminary drawings SW-0 thru SW-2, need for a new shoreline protective devise is not anticipated over the economic life of the proposed development to protect it from flooding, wave runup or erosion. If found not adequate for the actual sea level rise over the next 75 years, the bulkhead assembly allows to be increased in height per the enclosed STD-601-L without further seaward encroachment. If during this period the seawall displays any sign of distress that requires immediate attention, it should be repaired or replaced at that time accordingly, without seaward encroachment from its current location. The above conclusion was prepared based on the existing conditions, proposed drawings, current projection of future Sea-Level Rise, and within the inherent limitations of this study, in accordance with generally acceptable engineering principles and practices. We make no further warranty, either expressed or implied. PMA Consulting, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to work with you towards the successful completion of your project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, Plamen Petrov, P.E. Principal PA2019-033 Enclosures: Location Map Aerial View Topographic Survey Architectural Lower Level Floor Plan A 101 Table 28: Projected Sea-Level Rise (in feet) for Los Angeles Datums for Newport Bay Entrance City of Newport Beach – STD-601-L Newport Beach OE S Quadrangle Seawall Drawings SW-0 thru SW-2 PA2019-033 PMA l;onsoliing"' In~. Consulting Structural Engineers 28161 CaBitas Ct., Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Phone: (714) 717-7542 E-Mail: P.Petrov@PMA-BG.com 2104 EAST BALBOA BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 LOCATION MAP JOB. 24818 SHT. DES. PBP DATE 01 /25/19 PA2019-033 PMA l;onsoliing"' In~. Consulting Structural Engineers 28161 CaBitas Ct., Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Phone: (714) 717-7542 E-Mail: P.Petrov@PMA-BG.com 2104 EAST BALBOA BOULEVARD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 AERIAL VIEW JOB. 24818 SHT. DES. PBP DATE 01 /25/19 PA2019-033 BENCHMARK NOTE:OCSBM NB1-4-71ELEV=7.828NAVD88 DATUM, 2015 ADJ.EASEMENT NOTE:THE PLAT FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT A TITLE REPORT.UNPLOTTED EASEMENTS MAY EXIST ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY.JOB NO.SHEETOFPREPARED FOR:APVD. DATER E V I S I O N SBY DATEAPPD.:DATE:DWG. NO.H. SCALE:V. SCALE:SURVEY DATE:CHD.:DRN.:VIKTOR P.MEUMNo. 86821"=10'-6-12-187-2-18MCHMSFVM1811311TP-01PROPERTY LEGALPROPERY ADDRESSTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYBOUNDARY NOTE:SCALE: 1"=10'PA2019-033 T.C.9.419.469.52 T.C.9.82 T.C.9.78 T.C.9.499.56 T.C.9.55 T.C.9.99 T.C.9.499.499.99 T.C.9.54 T.C.9.55 T.C.9.449.719.9910.0810.089.989.8510.010.310.310.3610.2010.1610.1110.0610.0210.3510.310.110.1710.410.710.910.7010.4910.4510.411.010.811.912.111.411.812.1814.017.514.011.811.210.910.811.010.711.810. valveFire hydrantWater meter4" OutletWater meterCable box10"12"12"12"12"10"4" Drain12"12"12"12"10"12"14"12"12"12"Electric boxSewer cleanout12"Thick hedgecovering wallFd. tag LS2528Fd. tag LS541116.46 T.W.12.94 T.W.16.37 T.W.19.62 T.W.16.43 T.W.17.27 T.W.15.88 T.W.33.45 Roof ridge16.48 T.W.12.11 T.W.16.47 T.W.12.92 T.W.12.14 T.W.17.62 T.W.17.59 T.W.33.19 Roof ridge37.13 Roof ridge16.52 T.W.12.26 Threshold16.55 T.W.16.53 T.W.13.57 T.W.13.49 T.W.12.92 T.W.8.55 T.W.8.54 T.W.8.54 T.W.12.82 T.W.11.26 T.W.11.27 T.W.12.62 T.W.8.42 Deck22.97 Deck33AABBCCDDEEFFGG55442211NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGBASEMENT LEVEL: -1.00' F.F.LEVEL 1: 11.00' F.F.LEVEL 2: 21.50' F.F.LEVEL 3: 35.00' F.FROOF LEVEL: 41.00 T.R2%SLOPE1152%SLOPE2%SLOPE1112245131110872422AVG. 254' - 10"A VG. 53' - 7 1/2"271011214961718161620213 % REFER TO CIVIL4921914191425261623+10.92+10.75+10.83+10.92+10.92+10.92+10.77+10.77+10.83+10.83+10.83+10.83+10.83+8.42+9.92+10.92+9.67+10.29+10.92+10.67+8.83+8.92+1.50-1.04+10.83N 19°35'47" E 248.73'N 9 0 °0 0 '0 0 " W 3 5 .0 1 'N 10°42'25" E 261.07'R 955.40' 04°24'03" L = 73.38' SYSB 4' - 0"SYSB4' - 0"FYSB30' - 0"DRIVEWAY21' - 3"4' - 5"7' - 9 1/2"29' - 3"75' - 5"47' - 1" 22' - 5 1/2" 54' - 1 1/2"29' - 7 1/2"29' - 7 1/2"47' - 7 1/2"43' - 10" 1' - 5" 22' - 5 1/2" 1' - 1 1/2" 23' - 6" 6' - 0" 23' - 6"17' - 6"199' - 1"32' - 2"44' - 4 1/2"21' - 11 1/2"23' - 5"5' - 7 1/2"16' - 3 1/2"2' - 10" 6' - 9 1/2" 4' - 9"43' - 7"6' - 0"23' - 6"4' - 6"59' - 9 1/2"9' - 0"2' - 8"45' - 10"11' - 3 1/2"4' - 6"25' - 0"3' - 5 1/2"+1 0 .2 4 +1 0 .9 2 +1 0 .5 0 +1 0 .2 2 +10.37SCALE:PLOT DATE:laguna beach, ca, 92651949.322.79221107 south coast hwyhudgins design group, inc.info@hudginsdesign.comSHEET NUMBER:1/8" = 1'-0"SITE PLANP A N I û R E S I D E N C E18-1214A1012104 EAST BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92657PROJECT NORTHTRUENORTH38 FIRE RATED GLASS 'FIRELITE' BY IGU39 CAR ELEVATOR40 CAR TURNTABLE41 MINIMUM ½" GYP BOARD IS REQUIRED BETWEENDWELLING WALL AND A GARAGE, GARAGE CEILING TOBE 5/8" TYPE X IF HABITABLE OR SLEEPING ROOMSARE ABOVE (SEC. R302.6) SEPARATION TO EXTENDFROM FLOOR TO ROOF SHEATHING42 STRUCTURAL COLUMN / BEAM PER STRUCTURAL43 ROOF RIDGE44 ROOF CRICKET, BUILT-UP AS REQUIRED45 ROOF DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPESPER CPC TABLES 11-1 AND 11-246 DECK DRAIN W/ OVERFLOW AND CONCEALED PIPES47 NOT USED48 EDGE OF WALL (ABV./BLW. AS OCCURS)49 EDGE OF ROOF / FLOOR (ABV./BLW. AS OCCURS)50 SHOWER W/ HOT MOPPED PAN RECESSED 4" BELOWADJ. F.F W/ FLOOR TO CEILING TILE PER OWNER51 SINK52 WASHER / DRYER BY OWNER PROVIDE CLOTHESDRYER MOISTURE EXHAUST DUCT. MIN. 4” DIA. TO THEOUTSIDE, EQUIPPED WITH A BACK-DRAFT DAMPER.DUCT LENGTH IS LIMITED TO 14’ WITH 2 ELBOWS. SEEMEP SHEETS53 CASEWORK54 STAIRS W/ MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4"AND A MINIMUM OF 4". MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALLBE 10". PROVIDE ILLUMINATION LEVEL ON TREAD RUNSOF NOT LESS THAN 1 FOOT CANDLE (CBC 1205.4)55 SKYLIGHT (ABV/BLW/ BYD AS OCCURS, ICC-ES ESR2415 W/ AUTOMATIC BLACKOUT SHADES56 RECESSED CURTAIN/SHADE TRACK, MOTORIZED W/REMOTE57 INFRATECH DRY SAUNA, DESIGN PER OWNER58 SHOWER W/ HOT MOPPED PAN RECESSED 4" BELOWADJ. F.F W/ FLOOR TO CEILING TILE PER OWNER59 STEAM UNIT BY OWNER60 WINE STORAGE61 FLOOR DRAIN61 MINIMUM ½" GYP BOARD IS REQUIRED BETWEENDWELLING WALL AND A GARAGE, GARAGE CEILING TOBE 5/8" TYPE X IF HABITABLE OR SLEEPING ROOMSARE ABOVE (SEC. R302.6) SEPARATION TO EXTENDFROM FLOOR TO ROOF SHEATHING62 SECANT SHORING PILE63 INSULATION PER T24 ENERGY REPORT1 PROPERTY LINE2 BUILDING SETBACK / MAX HEIGHT 29'-0"3 ADDITIONAL THIRD FLOOR SETBACK4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT5 ADJACENT STRUCTURE6 (N) DRIVEWAY - SLOPE PER CIVIL7 (E) CURB / EDGE OF PAVEMENT8 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT OF WAY9 (E) SEA WALL TO REMAIN10 (E) DOCK TO REMAIN11 (E) SITE WALL TO REMAIN13 (N) SITE WALL - MAX 62" IN SYSB, 42" IN RYSB14 EXTERIOR STAIRS/STEPS - REF. CIVIL DRAWINGS15 SITE GATE, MAX 6'-0" ABV. F.S16 PLANTING / SOFTSCAPE - REFER TO LANDSCAPE17 HARDSCAPE18 REFLECTING POND W/ 12" DEEP STANDING WATER (18"MAX)19 OUTDOOR FIREPLACE / FIREPIT W/ DRAINAGE +18"A.F.F20 TRASH STORAGE LOCATION21 A/C EQUIPMENT, SCREENED W/ SOUND ATTENUATION22 PROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 800 AMP MAX.(MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANYOBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISONPROPOSED MAIN SERVICE PANEL, 800 AMP MAX.(MAINTAIN 36" CLEAR FROM FACE OF PANEL TO ANYOBSTRUCTION) - VERIFY LOCATION W/. SO. CA. EDISON23 PROPOSED GAS METER LOCATION24 (E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEYDWGS)(E) WATER METER LOCATION (REF CIVIL & SURVEYDWGS)25 POOL26 SPA27 POOL EQUIP. W/ SURROUNDING SCREEN WALL28 GUARDRAIL - MIN 42" ABV. ADJ FF.29 HANDRAIL 36" ABV. ADJ. FF30 OUTDOOR SHOWER, COLD WATER ONLY, NO DRAIN31 ELEVATOR 'SUPERMEC' BY ELEVATOR BOUTIQUE32 ELEVATOR - MACHINE CABINET AREA. PROVIDE ELEC.33 BBQ, PROVIDE GAS AND ELEC. PER OWNER34 WATER HEATER - TANK, VERIFY SIZE REQ'D. W/. MFGR.(PROVIDE WATER & GAS)35 FAU - PROVIDE GAS S/O,ELEC, VENTING PERMFGR.(CMC 904. 1)36 WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM37 GAS FIREPLACE - 'HEATNGLO' MEZZO 60 - ANSIZ21.88-2014/CSA 2.33-2014. TO BE DIRECT VENT, SEALCOMBUSTION TYPE.PA2019-033 Probabilistic Projections (in feet) (based on Kopp et al. 2014) H++ scenario (Sweet et al. 2017) *Single scenario MEDIAN LIKELY RANGE 1-IN-20 CHANCE 1-IN-200 CHANCE 50% probability sea-level rise meets or exceeds… 66% probability sea-level rise is between… 5% probability sea-level rise meets or exceeds… 0.5% probability sea-level rise meets or exceeds… Low Risk Aversion Medium - High Risk Aversion Extreme Risk Aversion High emissions 2030 0.3 0.2 - 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 2040 0.5 0.4 - 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.7 2050 0.7 0.5 - 1.0 1.2 1.8 2.6 Low emissions 2060 0.8 0.5 - 1.1 1.4 2.2 High emissions 2060 1.0 0.7 - 1.3 1.7 2.5 3.7 Low emissions 2070 0.9 0.6 - 1.3 1.8 2.9 High emissions 2070 1.2 0.8 - 1.7 2.2 3.3 5.0 Low emissions 2080 1.0 0.6 - 1.6 2.1 3.6 High emissions 2080 1.5 1.0 - 2.2 2.8 4.3 6.4 Low emissions 2090 1.2 0.7 - 1.8 2.5 4.5 High emissions 2090 1.8 1.2 - 2.7 3.4 5.3 8.0 Low emissions 2100 1.3 0.7 - 2.1 3.0 5.4 High emissions 2100 2.2 1.3 - 3.2 4.1 6.7 9.9 Low emissions 2110* 1.4 0.9 - 2.2 3.1 6.0 High emissions 2110* 2.3 1.6 - 3.3 4.3 7.1 11.5 Low emissions 2120 1.5 0.9 - 2.5 3.6 7.1 High emissions 2120 2.7 1.8 - 3.8 5.0 8.3 13.8 Low emissions 2130 1.7 0.9 - 2.8 4.0 8.1 High emissions 2130 3.0 2.0 - 4.3 5.7 9.7 16.1 Low emissions 2140 1.8 0.9 - 3.0 4.5 9.2 High emissions 2140 3.3 2.2 - 4.9 6.5 11.1 18.7 Low emissions 2150 1.9 0.9 - 3.3 5.1 10.6 High emissions 2150 3.7 2.4 - 5.4 7.3 12.7 21.5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEA-LEVEL RISE GUIDANCE APPENDIX 3: SEA-LEVEL RISE PROJECTIONS FOR ALL 12 TIDE GAUGES | 72 TABLE 28: Projected Sea-Level Rise (in feet) for Los Angeles Probabilistic projections for the height of sea-level rise shown below, along with the H++ scenario (depicted in blue in the far right column), as seen in the Rising Seas Report. The H++ projection is a single scenario and does not have an associated likelihood of occurrence as do the probabilistic projections. Probabilistic projections are with respect to a baseline of the year 2000, or more specifically the average relative sea level over 1991 - 2009. High emissions represents RCP 8.5; low emissions represents RCP 2.6. Recommended projections for use in low, medium-high and extreme risk aversion decisions are outlined in blue boxes below. *Most of the available climate model experiments do not extend beyond 2100. The resulting reduction in model availability causes a small dip in projections between 2100 and 2110, as well as a shift in uncertainty estimates (see Kopp et al. 2014). Use of 2110 projections should be done with caution and with acknowledgement of increased uncertainty around these projections. PA2019-033 PA2019-033 PA2019-033 NOTE: 2-#4 CONT. EPOXY-COATED PER ASTM A934 8" CONCRETE BLOCK WALL ADDED TO TOP OF EXISTING BULKHEAD #5 @ 24" O.C. DRILL AND EPOXY BARS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EXISTING COPING TOP OF IMPROVEMENTS ~ 2" ~~---~----+-------, 6" MIN. EXISTING TIE R\D ~ ...... · ... · .... · ·· · ALTERNATE "A" (CONCRETE BLOCK) 11/2" CHAMFER {TYPICAL)-----~ #4 CONT. EPOXY COATED A934 ---~ CONCRETE: f'c = 5,000 PSI (MIN.)---~ W /C RATIO = 0.40 (MAX.) #5 @ 24" O.C. DRILL AND EPOXY BARS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EXISTING COPING 6" TOP OF IMPROVEMENTS--MIN. EXISTING TIE ROD ~ _. _ .. · l_ .·· '-.·· ) .. -·· ALTERNATE "B" (POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE) EPOXY SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C881 STANDARD AND BE USED IN STRICT ACCORD WITH THE MANUFACTURERS PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS. 8" / PROPERTY, BULKHEAD OR OTHER BAYWARD LIMIT ••...=T T -ELEVATION + 10.0 M.L.L.W. U) &, w.-t ; .s cc : >N .... ROUGHEN FOR BOND AND APPLY EPOXY EXISTING COPING C I ·, ~EXISTING BULKHEAD I PROPERTY, BULKHEAD OR OTHER BAYWARD LIMIT 1 ELEVATI0N + 10.0 I M.L.L.W. ROUGHEN FOR BOND AND APPLY EPOXY BONDING AGENT PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. EXISTING COPING --------EXISTING BULKHEAD REV. 01/17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVED: DETAIL FOR RAISING BULKHEADS Drawn: R. OKADA Date: JULY 2004 DRAWING NO. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Scale: N.T.S. STD-601-L PA2019-033 Newport BeachNewport Beach Costa MesaCosta MesaCosta MesaCosta MesaHuntington BeachHuntington Beach ¬«1 ¬«55 ¬«1 ¬«55 117°52’30"W 117°52’30"W 117°55’0"W 117°55’0"W 117°57’30"W 117°57’30"W 118°0’0"W 118°0’0"W 33°37’30"N 33°37’30"N 33°35’0"N 33°35’0"N 33°32’30"N 33°32’30"N 33°30’0"N 33°30’0"N 407000mE 407000mE 08 08 09 09 410 410 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 419000mE 419000mE3707000mN 3707000mN08 08 09 09 3710 3710 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 3720 37203721000mN3721000mN This information is being made available for informational purposes only. Users of this information agree by their use to hold blameless the State of California, and its respective officers, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors for any liability associated with its use in any form. This work shall not be used to assess actual coastal hazards, insurance requirements, or property values and specifically shall not be used in lieu of Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data Sources: US Geological Survey, Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Coastal ServicesCenter (CSC), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Phillip WIlliams and Associates, Inc. (PWA), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), California Coastal Commission, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Imagery from ESRI and i-cubed. Created by the Pacific Institute, Oakland, California, 2009. California Flood Risk: Sea Level Rise 00.511.520.25 Miles 01230.5 Kilometers 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: Seal Beach Newport Beach Tustin not printed Laguna Beach not printed not printed not printed867 1 2 3 54 §¨¦ £¤ ") ¬« Interstate US Highway State Highway County Highway Grid coordinates: UTM Zone 11N meters Adjoining Quadrangles: Map extents match USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps Project funded by the California Energy Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research Program, CalTrans, and the California Ocean Protection Council Newport Beach OE S Quadrangle NAD83 GCS degrees Coastal Zone Boundary Current Coastal Base Flood (approximate 100-year flood extent) Sea Level Rise Scenario Coastal Base Flood + 1.4 meters (55 inches) Landward Limit of Erosion High Hazard Zone in 2100 PA2019-033 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. CONSTRVC110NSHALLBEINCONFORM1Tl''MTHT1-IE2016EOIT10NOF"THE M.J.APPUCA8l£LOC.&,LAN0STATE PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY r,v.TERIAL AND/OR COMlolENONG WORK /\ND SHAl..l. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO "PMA CONSULTING. INC." HEREINAFTER CALL£0 i ~i~;:~~ :~~AR~~;~~~;:~:;;~;::;;SOR 1RiNG.ETC.,ANOREPORT1'NYPR08L.EMS 10.DRA'MNCSTAKEPRECEDENCE=SPECIFlCATIONS.DETAILEDDRAWINCSANO SPECIF1CATIONSTAKEPRECEDENCEO\-£RGENE~ORA'MNGSANO SPEC1F1CA110NS. 1k -:~i;i:J~:~~~(:i:..c.~~~rf'~~:s~~~B~R~EI) AS REQUIRED ON ALL STRUCTURES. ADEQUATE TOPR0'.10EFUU.S1RUCT\JRAl.STABU~YAND DUMPSITE. 17.SEE1HEL>.TEST"GENER"1.GRAOINGSPEQF1CAT10NS"OF"THEBU1LOING DEPARTMENT FOR THE CITY'S: GEHCRALNOTES, EROSION CONTROLS, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. GRADING FILLS/ans a ALL NECESSARY DOCUIENT ... 1100. ,, ,= ~" ==mo=~ ~Kr~ii:,:':.:m::,ru,~ FOUNDATIONS 1. THECOHRACTOR S1-1ALLESTA8USH AU.CONSTRUCTION UNESANO PROCEEC WITH THEEXCAYATIONOF"AU.FOOTINGSASCALLEOFORONTHEOR"'MNGS. 2. FOOTI NCSSHALLBEARONN-'TIJRALUNOISTIJRBEOUNIFORMEARTHORENCINEERED ca.lPACTEDFll.L J. NO REINFORONG STEEL ANO tiO CONCRETE SHAU. BE PLACED IN ANY EXCAVATION ffilORTOAPPROVALBYTl-lEEJJILOINGDEPARTMENT. PADSHAU.BE INSPECTEOANOAPPR0\-£0BYT1-IESOILSENCINEERPRIORTO PLACINGANYCONCRETE.THEPAOSHALLBEKEPTMOISTffilORTOTHE PLACINGOF"CONCRETE. 7. FOI.JNDATION OCSIGN IS BASED ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS CQ,ITAINEO IN THE SOILS RCPORTONFlLE""THTHEBUILOINGDEPARTMENT. ~~~·1··~~~·E·~·~·y: .•.•••.•.••.••.••.•.•.. ~11~~A:1~ti:~~ P1--IONENUMBER: •• (949)642-9309 FAXNUMBER: ...................................... (949)642-1290 ~~ ~~~ ~~~; :·:::::::::::::::·:::::::::::::::·.:·:::::::::::~~{~_{18 GRADING NOTH ' 9. EROSIONCONTR<J..DE"1CESSHALLBEAVAILAII.EON-SITE8ET'IIEENOCTOBER1S ANDMAYIS 10· ~T~~O 1~~~JA~iN~~~N'MI~~ i~w:_sO~~c:~~~JTY OfRAINEXCEEDS30PERC£NT.DURINGTHEREMAINDERorTl-lE'l'CAR.THEY " f,~~~~~~;;;;~~i;~;:~;:r~ 12. ~:~~ ~L~1\,~~~~~~ENTHiE~~CT~AU. BE INSTALLED AND 1J. DAlUM: AU. a.EVATlONS ARE BASED ON MU.W >H>/!;P. NAVS88 DAlUM STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES BACKFILLING A COMPACTION NOTES :: ii~~~t:F: :y:~:~A::::~:T:::::ICAU.Y . THECBCAPPENOIXSECTIONJJ13. ~ FlLTERCLOTHSHAU.BEMIRAF1141»1-SER1EStiONWO',£NPCt."l"PROPn.ENEGEOTEXTILE ti ~~A~R~ ~JsiJt r,.:~AFI orco~~ANeJ~JDSHEX~:OM~N~~.;-~~DETHfD ~ lt\iii!~iitif if t~~~' NOT EXCEED 6 INCHES IN SIZE & IS NOT STACKED. LAYERED OR PLACED ABOVE ELE\IATION +7.0'&ISAPPROVEDBYTl-lEGEOTEa-lNICALENGINEER. STEEL 1.STRUClURA1.STEELSHAPESANOPLATESSHAU.C0tif~TOA.S.T.M.A572.GRA0E 2. ~TE~ ~:: ~:~S-.:D ~,i,ER STEEL PIPE STRUClURAL MEMBERS SH"1..1. CONFORMTOA.S.T.M.~,GRAOEB. J. isTR~ilURAL STEEL lUBING SHAU. CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. AS00, GRADE B. fy- 4. BOLTS SH"1..1. CONFORM TO A.S.T.M. AJ07. UNLESS NOTEC OTHER'MSE. WHERE g~\t:! !~kl?~::·l!!Pnlc~H~r~ii!i\~" tlr..!i~~N~.y A REGISTERED DEPUTY INSPECTOR APPRO-.£D BY THE BUILDING 5. Al.I. Bet.TS HOI..ES IN STEEL MEMBERS SHAU. BE STANDARD H01..£S. U.N .O. :: P£TI:J:cSLL~iiif~~;J;~1~~i~~N:&!~;~· 5 ' A)fORlBGA.THICKANOLIGHTERSTEEL: A446.GRAOEA(GALVANIZEO) ~~~~~RG~~ JJ OR A611. GRADE C -AU. HA,,.,NG MINIMUM or 3J KSI B)FOR16GA.THICl<ANDHEA"1ERSTEEL: M46,GRADED(GALVANIZEO) : J~~}~~::C::ON:::;.:::: ::r:A;;~~:O:::~~;~;:. BIJRNINGOFHOLESSHAU.NOTBEPERMITIEO. 10.AU.STEELSHALLBESTAINl.£SS,HOTDIPGALVANIZEOOREPOXYCOATED. WKLDINO 1. "1..1.WELDINGSHAU.BEOONEUSINGTHESHIEI..OEDELECTRICARCPROCESSBY 2. ~~~D orYIE~~R~~~~~o;xB~~c:~rfi~E DONE 1111TH LOW H\'OROGEN J. ~~::IR~lJ~:Ji~O~ ~Jf<il1c SPECIAL INSPECTION NEED NOT HAVE SPECIAL INSPECTION WHEN YIELDING IS DONE IN AN APPROVED FABRICATOR'S 4, ~~t~g~~~~!J:SJ!~ff~~:t~A~R~~TE or CONCRETE 1. AU. CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS. CONFORM:NG TO a-lAPTER 19 Of ACI 316-14, TABLE ~it~tlfii:i~,!~~~rf.~fffBEIS THEPANEI.S. 12. NO CAI.CUM CHLORIDE SHAU. NOT BE USED IN ANY CONCRETE. 1J.AU.CONCRETE TOBECUREOFORAMINIMUMOF"JDAYSBYAMETHOOACCEPTABL.E TOTHEENGINEER.f0RMSMAY8ESTR1PPEDONLYAFTERTHECONCR£TC HAS ATIAINE0MIN1MUMC0MPRESS1-.£STRENCTHorJOOOPSI. 14. CHAMFER EXPOSED CORNERS~· U.N.0. REINFORCING STEEL 1. FOR STRUClURES EXPOSED TO SALT WATER SPI..ASH OR IMMERSION, REBAR REINFORCEMENTSHAU.CONFORMTOASTMA706.UNLESSNOTEOOTHER'MSEON ~, 4. AOOITIONALREINfORCINGREOUIREllFORERECTIONOFPRECAST CONCRETEPANEI.S 5. ;~Bt:~~r=. ~~~~~~N~~ SHAU. BE AS FCUOY4 A) CONCRETE BELOW GRADE OR IN CONTACT 1111TH SOIL: \lltiEN CAST AGAl!<IST EAFIT'rl J",\lltiENFORME02" ~l ;~~~c:~~~:::~~~~~TERIOR FAa: 1·. : [~;6r!lSs{;A::~~:r:~::::~:::::: ::;N: 7. :'.i?J. -::rs SHAU.Bt:MINIMUM 16 GAUGE, II.AC( ANNEALED. CONFORMING TO : ~~~~:;~1?lS::L r; :a R~:~s.GREAS£ OR OTHER MATERIAL NAILING AND FASTENERS 1. AU.NAILSANDFASlENERSSHAU.BECORROSIONRESISTANTMEETlNGASTM ~~~M<;.tt}iA~TI~OJE~~ ~ii'r!~JE~~ :A~~YUC ADHESIVE OR 2. ALLNAILSSHAI.LBE 16d{0.148"DIAMETER)HEUCALTHREAONAILS.'MTH J. ~~~Jt J'~~N~:N~o&-TR:GiircZ; ~PHRrGM~~~ u6~'0THE ORAWINGSSHAU.BEINACCOROANCE....,THTABLE2J04.9.1 0FTHECBC. NAILS FOR ROOF ANO FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL HAVE A MIN Of 1)!;" 5. :~EJ:J"2::R~N:..11E ~fi:~o~~~rrisTANT COMPLYING WITH HDG G185 FlNISHANDBE MANUfAClUREDBY "SiMPSONSTRONG-TIECO.,INC."(OR APPRO-.£DEQIJAL).ANDSHAU.HA'o£AVALIDICCNUMBERONTHE PRODUCT. AN Y DE"1AT10N FR~ THE APPROVED PRODUCTS MUST BE APPRO-.£DBYTHEBUILDINGDEPARTMENT. NOTBYTHEFlELDINSPECTOR. 6• =t~tr~~~~~~U: ~~tLJ-E~:~ ~o"'f~Ai~~:SLE ANO WIU BE 7. :!:fN~i:CHANICAL OR ADHESIVE ANCHORS/DOYIELS ARE INDICAlED ON A)MECHANICALANCHORSSHALLBESTAINLESSSTEELHILTIKWIKBOLTKB-TZ ANO BE INSTAUEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICC ESR-1917 B) ADHEsi,,i~:~T;H~ 1~E A~~~l~~~~i;w ~~-;~~7 ~ MAX-SO" ~Ts";!:~ i!1Tcc~~.i.5~E s:;t~cTI[~:_E;~r EPOxY" ADHESIVE C) HOLES SHAU. BC ORIUED WITH NON-REBAR-CUTTING DRILL BITS. D) CONTINUOUS INSPECTION IS REOUIREO FOR THE INSTAl..l.ATION or THE Al.I. ANCHORS/DOWELSBYAREGISTEREDSPECIALINSPECTCAAPPROVED BYTHEBUILOINGDEPARTMENT.THEINSPECTORSHALLVERIFYTHE INSTAU.ATION or ANCHORS/DOWELS IN ACCORDANCE 'WITH MANU FAClURER'S RECOM MENDATIONS INQ.UDING CLEANLINESS or DRIU. HOl..£SANOPROPEREMBEDMENT. E) UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS, USE MINIMUM%" DIAMETER AT 24" ON CENlER ....,TH A MINIMUM or 5" EMBEDMENT. ANCHOR RODS 1· ~r t:~r:c~ si;~A~~f~R~ :1~~0Ail-2s:~s 150 2. ~~~11~N~J~~tr::A&C::~Gcr~:~~C~~iTEli>TI~ or ANCHOR BEAM. TENSION ROOS TO 1,000#. COMPLETE BACl<FlLL & COMPACTION TO ROUGH GRADE & TENSION ROOS TO 5,000,. GENERAL SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ~w::~D (~lJ~,J1~~J1 ~ ~~:ioouf~SP~~'"to:'.t.r~~~OO BY A CITY A) SITECONCRETEWORK(COPING&ANCHORBEAM): .......... CONTiNUOUS. B) INSPECTSHEETPILEFORLENGTH&DAMAGE: .............•.. NON -CONTINUOUS C) T&GLOCKlt.GorPANEI.S: .............................................. NON-COOTINUOUS. 0) ANCHORROOTENSl0ti1NG: ••.•..•...•..•..•..•..•..•...•..•..•..•..•...•.•• CONTINU0US. E) GROUTINGCKPVCSLEEVES• ..•..•..........•..•..•..•..•......•..•..•..•. NON-CONTINUOUS. f) PIUNGINSTALLATION: ...................................................... NOO -CONTINUOI.JS. ,, 4· i1?iJ~~fri\f~~t;EA;t;;;;TM~N~:L:~ :: ~1gi§~ir~~;~,J~i.:!::~:~~~ND 7· i£\!~~tfl~~;~:,:::::~R:::~J Bt: CAISSON INSTALLATION PROCEDURES : !({~~\J1t~~,,{j:~~:!~:; =~~l~~~Wr&~lR~G:TorPRl::.OTOPSl~E CONCF!£TE HAS CONCRETE REPAIR AFTER THE REI NFORONG Of THE EXISTING SEAWAU. IS ca.!PL.ETED IN COMPLIANCE""THTHEREQUIREMENTSASSHO\IINOOTHISSETOFORAWINGS,IT ISRECOMMENDEDTl-lATTHEO'IINERSHAU.HIREACOMPANYSPECIAUZINGIN ~~uf:1'iic p:~tfl<:,,~ F)J( THE CURRENT CRACKS. 'IIHERC OCCUR. AT ABBREVIATIONS A.B. .......... ANOIORBQ.T DN ········-···OO'IIN A.C. ASPHALTCONCRETE OP .........•.. DEEP ~P. ··::::·:::~~=TE PA"1NG g~ ·:·::.:·.::.=:~)T t---~ ·~ C.J. COMSTRUCTION..lllN,"" ~····::::::·~OEJOIST a. ......... . CLG .. . CI..R ••• C.M.U. "'-.. =" =< =, CONT •••. =~ =• "' -~, DF ... D.F. DRIN~l'IG fOl.!NTAIN OIAG ........ OIAGONAL DIAPH ...•. -.• DIAPHRAGM OIA OIMICTOf OIM ......... Olt.lENSION FlR •.•.••.• FLOOR F.0.C .......... fACEIYcCOMCRCTE f.0.M ..•.•.•. fAC[()f"MAS(HIY F.O.S. ......... FACE~STUD f.N ............ flELDNAIUNG f.S. .•.......•. FAFISIOC FT .... f"EETORFOOT fTG ..• FOOllNG GALV GALVANIZED GA .•.•.•.•• GAUGE G.I. ,., .......... GALVANIZED IRON GI.B ••••••• Cl.U-LAMIIEAN GL.P ••••••••••• CLIJ-LAMPURI.JN GYPBD * .•. G"l'PSUM80ARD HDR .•.• -.•.. HEADER HGR ... HANGER HK. ..,HOOi( HDRIZ ••* .. HDRIZO~TAL H.P. ····-·····HIGHPOINT HT •.••.•.. HEIGHT OFF -· OFFICE l.f .•.•.•.•.• TOPOf"FOOTING H.S. , .•.•.••.•.• IIGHSTRENCTH a>NG .••..•. a>ENING l .B. ..•....•.•.. TOPOf"BEAM HVAC ...... , .•.• ~ATING,Mt!TIL.ATING & OPP HO ...... OPPOSITE HANO TG •••••••••••• TAPERED CIRDER AIRCOODITIONING O.S.f .••.• -... OUTSUlEFACE T.O. TOPOFOIRDER IN ............. IND! P.C. .•....•.... PPECCUMN THK .....•...... THICK ::~o ... ::::::::::::=~~llOII ~ ............. ~~iE~~RTY UNE rLRU. ·:::·::::::~~LEDGER J.B •.•...•.. JOISTBEAFl':NG P1LAS ........ PILASTER T.N ·····-···TOPDFNAII..ER J.G ..•.•....•.... JOISTGIRDER Pl.'NIO .....•. PI.YWOOCI T.O. •...•. -.•. TOPOf" ::r :-:: .. ::: ... : ~ ~ .... * .... ~~=~ ~ ~~ r..rc11 ~:g:i .......... ~~~~ET/PANEL K.O. ............. KNOCKOl.!T P.T .......... PRESERVATIVE TREATED TOT ...... . t,d ........... : t_:~AL ~R· ... : .:::·:~~~~~ BAR =~ LDR .•.. LIDGER fil.B. .•....•.•..• ROOFBEMI TS LG .............. LONG REQ'.I ...•....•. REOUIRED T.S. ·-····· LLH ............ LONGLEGHOFIIZOIITAL RONf ~Cl!CINQ r.w ....... . U.V •.......... LONGLEG'.OITICAL REF ........•.. REFERENCE TYi' .......... n'PICAL t~GI~ .... ::::.::: t:Cl~~AL ~~ ·::::·::::·:: ~~sic;.ST ~f .. : ... :::.:~~AL NOTED OTHER'IIISE LT .•.••.•..•. UGHT RN ...•........ ROOM V.lf ..•.. , .•.•.. ',UIJ'I" I~ FlElD =:!'" .:.:.:·::::·.=~n:i! ~ ::::::::.::.:~°;/:i~ENNG ::t :::·:::·:·:::·~ M.B ........... MACHNEBQ.T SECT •••••••• SECTION W .......•.... "MOCFl.ANOE ~[ ·:::··:i'.i~ ~E~a.T f[ ... :.::i::.~.::_:~lti:NT f ::;::::};;~;~;:~:~TSTANT MEZZ ....... MEZZANINE S.P ........... SPUCEPOINT w.w.r ......... VIEi.OED W.RE FABRIG Mfll .. * ...... MANUFACRIRED SPA ..•..•.•..• SPACING X .............. EXTRASTRONG ~';:' ····::::·:::=::ii~ruRER ;:;E~ .• ······:::~~TIONS io: ............. DOU9l£EXTRASTRONG Mi5C .* .• NISCEU.ANEOUS STAGG .... STAGGERED M.f,0, ••••• ,METALFRMIEO OPENl!<IG STD .•.•.•.•. -.STANDAFIO =~.H_-·· .... ·.=~H8f;: ~~tT •. :.::::·.::.:·~~ER tr ~;:'-=-lit:::i~~~ rilr~~~- PRIORTOPERFORMINGANYWORKINTHECITY RIGHT-Of-WAY AN ENCROAQ-IMENT PERMI T MUST Bt:OBTAINEOFROMTHEPUBI..ICWORKS DEPARTMENT. .... " ,l .s !i 'Oil . ~" i . i· ,! .l,ij 'i ·'!~i ahn .3 fm ; Ji ~ II,, (.) f ~ ~ Cl'. ::; "' ci ~ >"' -'<( <De., c§ :f ;~ <D<D ~~ i'.liir 11;: _w "'z '\'\ q \ "\. ~ . :::; 210• East Balboa ".tt' i" f:: ... ..,. , 8ou levasa ~ 11.. '• ~ ~ :,,,I' ~<\ w > "-~ 'I\.!; I: 4 (!) !:i: : PROJICT if g l ~g ~ SIT! '\. \ ~__J W 0 Q... "'" i ~Oci~ ~ I"· -f(k, :Cl ·' w ~ ~ c( c( ... .,.." 0,. lookout POffll q w I CD ~ ffi -. I~ c§:i: Z ~ ffi; ~ ~ S1a1e Beach ~ ~ ~ :§ ~ Corona dei Ma~ ~ :3 ~ ~ ~ '"' ~;:li:!!~ if VICINITY MAP et: Cl) ;; !l! ti SCOPE OF WORK, 1. TO REINFORCE THE EXISTING SEAWAU BY UTILIZING NEW OYVIIDAG TIE-BACKS CONNECTING THE SEAWALL TO NEW CONCRElE CAISSONS PLACED BEHIND IT. rl ;I i ~ N w ~ 0 : J~ f-~~~~~~~~~· •• 2. TO RAISE TOP OF THE EXISTING SEAWALL TO +10.05'NA~88 AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH. NOTE TO THE BIDDERS, AFTER THOROUGHLY EXAMINING THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THE SITE: 1. NOTIFY Tl-IE ARCHllECT AND/OR THE ENGINEER IN 'NRITING, REGARDING ALL DISCREPANCIES REQUIRING CLARIFI CATION. PRIOR TO THE "BID SUBMITIAL". i---.~ «: z 2. If THE ARCHITECT ANO/OR THE ENGINEER IS NOT NOTIFIED, AS REQUIRED PER :~A~B~,TI~G~t}L1:~1~ JlriA~oTHJ~f!tCi:J"'r1 CCO~s:,~r~TH THE MOST SlRINGCNT CONDITIONS. J. Tl-IE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE EN TITLED TO ANY AOOITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR ANY DISCREPANCY DISCOVERED AFTER THE -Cl.OSE Of THE BID-. SW-0 ~ :::; w et: ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------~~---~a. PA2019-033 < 1-------- 1 I I 1------ 1 I I ! :==-,,--- ' L __ ,, _____ _ I 1------ 1 I I 1-------- 1 I I ; 3 0 CJ) ~ ~~0 1/25/19 REINFORCE THE EXISTING SEAWALUBULKHEAD LOCATED AT: I ...... 1--~24~8-18'--< 2104 EAST BALBOA BLVD . !ii DAA:.PETROVA CHECKEO P.PETROV NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 SITE PLAN & ELEVATION PRELIMINARY OWNER/ APPLICANT MR. MILAN PANIC 2104 EAST BALBOA BLVO. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92661 11-------.J 11------------l I L ________ .J I I I c h I ll Il l ce I I I I I I I I '" Il l " <" I ____ _J I --, : I I PMA Coll8ulting, Ine. s ConsultingStruclural Fnwnec,- 2816 1 C...i1t<11Ct.,Ulfl"'IIIN~CA92677 Phone:(714)7 17-7542 E-.\laili P.P""""°PMA-BC.oom I I • ! ;; H•j '" > ~ m, Ul i~~~ '""' to i ·~d > i~ ~ t--< to 3 ~ 0 > to s:; t, llllil!jii 1ii!ill!!III!! 8 1,i1l .. 1i,1!th.llj·•I ~ ··,1·· !"'Tr , !!l!!lil11i!lli!1li 3 ~o !ill !Hi;!!1!l11:1!: ,~ m1i'i111111:1ii! 1.: ~. '~ '!i'll"IF ;. ~~ ljl:l11il -~ ll1i1:1h1ljlii ~- ~ j:j:1; 1"il,ij1 11t1 ! 11, llli!.!:,lj: 1lijl·i'l 1 i·I 1,.1 I I I REVISIONS PA2019-033 CONT TOP RAIL PERARCHT I EPOXY CO.-.TEO 14 CONT f!ORIZ 0 MAX 12 O.C, ~~CHAMFER i .• . .,r - 1 -I 1.-.-1 I I I •J I -·,"] ~ ·~ .. J I_ .1 i ~ :1 : .. :-: I ··1 I , -~ : I r-:·~ (E) SE.4.WALL-------i •-.1 1 ... -I [>.·:-1 1 ...... 1 t. : I ··1 [·.:·: i I I •J 1·· .. I I ·1 :. :j ' 1. ·1 el t" .. I 5 I. I ~(E)~MDLINE ~--1 i I..··: .I ./. -I•_ I ~11~0J!i;~:~~tJ~PERED PANELS WITH MIN Fb •14 KSI. INSTALL CONT POLYVINYL CHLORIDE SETTING BLOCK AT BOT or CONT 1Hi° WIDE X ~- DEEP GROOVE CENTERED AT CONC ANO fill ABOVE WITH "RAPIO SET" OR "POR-ROC" NON-SHRINK GROUT e I • ·I 1-•1 i'. J I •. I : .• Jm1 11 I 11 1 1"--I t· ... : I · .; ~ t .... : I · I I 4 ;1 1.·.-1 k l 1. -"•I 1-, I I I L~._J Ot CLOSED TIES ORSPIR.-<J..PER CAISSONS NOTE ON PLAN TYPVERTREINF PER CAISSONS NOT£ ON Pl.AN CONC CAISSON PER PLAN SECTION CD g&f;:M ~f~R~ tir°:1L /R ,. " ________ ,. LWrk~A~~ND .. ;~1'11 ct' , ----re······----WC ~~<OC ~ ~ ·1· :1 . n ---l------------ ,;,'!--' ' ' ~'O'S-' it, ' ' ' , ,___ -----i i , "·"""-i f=======J=====-----r ---' ,_::::::::,····r··------1 1 I L ~.-· : : -____ J l-I _______ _,' :_:_-: ---------------' : ' ------,- ME AN HIGH TIOE •+4.65' M.LLW. ' 1·:.1 1·,1 i';;J I -~ -I 1>-;j f·: :.:~ 1 •. ·,·1 SEAL PANEL JONTS AT I "' :I BAYWARO FACE Of" PANELS l ,'. •. I rn ,~o ~C M,Ce>TIOO !<) ::·::.:] MEAN LO'ft£R LOW WATER -+o.oo' M.LLW. f·':1 ~~N~A~U :~·: ::: 1:·_-1 (E) MUOUNE· ~~ ·::1 ):-+----+---~ I i:~: :1 ------______ J I I _____ _J ~R~~O'l'WIDAG TIE-BACKPERLJL'i Pt.AN&OCTAILV (N)REINFORCED CONCCAISSON,SEE OCTAJLt§!/'f"P ,----------------1 I I _,<=;, r::=Y -, I I I I I I I I *r ._ _____________ [!J TYPICAL SECTION 5" SCH40 PVC SLEEVE ---f-, OYWIDAGTHREADBAR PERPLAN -- ~=JEG~J~~~ ~EOP -. ~(E)CONC --,------4""{ ~NG PER I I I I BLOCKOlJT CAISSON FOR ANCHOR CONN. AFTER ~TJ~~~:Gw~~bNOING AGENT AND fill WITH ~BrSETNON-SHRINK '-BEARING PLATE 1Hi·~10· SO TYP 1 BAG (94 LBS.) TYPE Ill PORTl.ANO ~\M_Ef GAi. WATER f-----,(N) CONC /~--~-,/'-~--------~ ~SON PER 0.75 LBS. INTRUSION AID LS I I L ____ J a::+=~' SANDBAG VE:LOCITY RE:DUCER DETAIL K " .i .5 s . . u lt I ,!fi:~ij 1nu ; ro 1~ ""ll~'l <!I! UJ ~ I ~ . II. (.) f ~ ~ er ::; ~ 0 w ,_ "' ci ~ >"' -'<( <De., c§ :f ;~ <D<D ~~ i'.liir 11;: _w "'z (!)< ~g - ,_ _J "' ~-----------~---,~~woo~ ~ t5 :j ~ VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL a TIE-BACK TO CAISSON & COPING CONNECTION 1 1;2·-1·-0·1 N ~~~~~~==~==~~~--~-~w~~~ I...JQ:C TIK) ROi.$ OF SANDBAGS THRff BAGS HIGH 1NE ROW OF SANDBAGS ~BAGS TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION DETAIL = ~~~1~lA~l~Atfp AAFf~r"' iR~.i:c\N:J rJRJ~~wiArcr"'~"nf~~AJEO UNDER "EROSION CONlROI. NOTES" ON SHEET S-0. ~~;~ ~3~~ ~~~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ et:: 00 N z O ml ~I ~ --> :;:;-~ ~ ~ N w -ci a_ ~ 0 : J~ ~ ~ l ,---I SW-2 I TYPICAL CAISSON REINFORCING! ,;,·-,·-,· I R I I T I I I u I TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION I ,.,.s. I V I I PA2019-033