HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190307_ApplicationCommunity Development Department Planning Permit Application CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Application_Guidelines\Planning Permit Application - CDP added.docx Rev: 01/24/17 1.Check Permits Requested: Approval-in-Concept - AIC # Lot Merger Staff Approval Coastal Development Permit Limited Term Permit - Tract Map Waiver for De Minimis Development Seasonal < 90 day >90 days Traffic Study Coastal Residential Development Modification Permit Use Permit -Minor Conditional Condominium Conversion Off-Site Parking Agreement Amendment to existing Use Permit Comprehensive Sign Program Planned Community Development Plan Variance Development Agreement Planned Development Permit Amendment -Code PC GP LCP Development Plan Site Development Review - Major Minor Other: Lot Line Adjustment Parcel Map 2.Project Address(es)/Assessor’s Parcel No(s) 3.Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): 4.Applicant/Company Name Mailing Address Suite/Unit City State Zip Phone Fax Email 5.Contact/Company Name Mailing Address Suite/Unit City State Zip Phone Fax Email 6.Owner Name Mailing Address Suite/Unit City State Zip Phone Fax Email 7.Property Owner’s Affidavit*: (I) (We) depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): ________________________________ Title: Date: DD/M0/YEAR Signature(s): ________________________________ Title: Date: *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)’ signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. AT&T to remove and replace existing concrete streetlight; install a single omni-dIrectional antenna with related radio equipment within a radome shroud mounted at the top of the new streetlight within the public right of way. See attached project plans and description for additional details. (HBNPB_033) Exhibit - A PA2019-044 \\cnb.lcl\data\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Office Use Only.docx Updated 08/15/17 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: _______________________ 2700-5000 Acct. APN No: __________________________ Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ Council District No.: _________________ For Deposit Account: General Plan Designation: ____________ Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Zoning District: _____________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ APPLICATION Approved Denied Tabled: _________________________ ACTION DATE Planning Commission Meeting Zoning Administrator Hearing Community Development Director Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): ________________________ APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: ________________________ Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3/7/2019 440 251 04 4 RM PC7 Canyon Mesa Comm. Assoc, Harbor Cove Comm. Assoc, Newport Center Assoc.PA2019-044 UP2019-009 & TP2019-003 D2019-0110 cell site M Squared Wireless 1387 Calle Avanzado, San Clemente, CA 92673 March 7, 2019 Via Hand Delivery City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 RE: AT&T Application for a Minor Use Permit to place a Small Cell Wireless Facility at the following location: NW Jamboree Rd. at San Joaquin Hills Dr.; AT&T Site ID HBNPB_033 and FA No. 14807363 Dear Ms. Makana Nova: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a AT&T Mobility (“AT&T”) submits the enclosed application materials to obtain all necessary authorizations to construct small cell wireless facility at the above referenced location. If any additional applications or information are needed for any phase of this project, please let me know. Small cells are low-power, low-profile wireless communications facilities that improve signal quality and capacity within AT&T’s existing wireless network. The proposed small cell facility will help AT&T provide and improve critical wireless services in this area. Application Contents Pursuant to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 20.50.040 B Application Contents, this application includes the following materials and information: 1. Minor Use Permit Application (Exhibit A) 2. Project Description and Justification (Exhibit B) 3. Public Noticing Materials (Exhibit C) 4. Plans; one (1) set of 24” x 36” and four (4) sets of 11” x 17” drawings (Exhibit D) 5. Letter of Authority (Exhibit E) 6. Pole ownership information, construction responsibilities and maintenance: o The subject pole is owned and operated by City of Newport Beach (“City”). o The City will retain ownership of the existing structure and AT&T will be responsible for the replacement, maintenance and repairs of such structure. o AT&T will maintain the antenna communication portion of the new facility. o AT&T will replace the existing streetlight as shown on the plans. o Details of the existing and new pole height, diameter and antenna equipment is provided on the attached plans. o The project will be designed without a meter pedestal subject to the city’s issuance of a meter denial letter. 7. Evidence of compliance with FCC RF rules: FCC Appendix A – categorically excluded (Exhibit F) 8. Photo simulations (Exhibit G) 9. Preferred location/alternatives analysis; see Exhibit B - Project Description and Justification. 10. Maintenance and Monitoring; see Exhibit B - Project Description and Justification. Application Review Under federal law, the City of Newport Beach (“City”) must determine whether the application is complete within 10 days and take final action on the application within 90 days from this submittal (the “shot clock”). See 47 C.F.R. § 1.6003. Within the same period of time, the city must also take action with respect to all necessary authorizations and approvals for construction and operation of the proposed small cell. The shot clock begins today and runs unless or until it is tolled, either by mutual agreement or based on a timely and proper notice that the application is materially incomplete. To toll the shot clock for incompleteness, the city must, within ten days, identify in writing the missing information that is required by local codes or other published application guidelines. In the case of a timely and proper incomplete notice, the shot clock stops and restarts at day 0 once AT&T PA2019-044 AT&T Small Cell Application City of Newport Beach Page 2 of 2 M Squared Wireless 1387 Calle Avanzado, San Clemente, CA 92673 submits the additional information required. If the City fails to act before the shot clock expires, the City will be in violation of state and federal laws. • This Application was filed on March 7, 2019. • Notification of incompleteness is due by March 18, 2019. • Absent tolling, the City must take final action by June 5, 2019. The City must grant all necessary authorizations as the proposed facility is consistent with applicable law and there is no basis for denial under the local code. Applicable Law Approval is required under the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. §§ 253, 332 (“Act”). The Act, which was enacted to prioritize and streamline deployment of wireless technologies, limits the ability of state and local governments to regulate wireless service. The Act establishes substantive and procedural limitations on the review of wireless facility siting applications. A state or local government cannot take action that would unreasonably discriminate against AT&T in acting on the application. A state or local government cannot take any action that would prohibit or effectively prohibit the provision of wireless services. An effective prohibition occurs when the jurisdiction’s denial of an application materially limits or inhibits AT&T’s ability to provide or improve wireless services. A state or local government may not consider the effects of radio frequency emissions when considering this application. The city must review this application within a reasonable period of time, as defined pursuant to the shot clock. Any decision to deny the application must be in writing contemporaneously with the decision and supported by substantial evidence contained in a written record. The written denial must provide the basis therefor with a recitation of findings of fact and conclusions of law supporting the denial. Pursuant to the California Constitution and Section 7901 of the California Public Utilities Code, AT&T has a statewide franchise right to construct telecommunications facilities and place poles within the public rights-of-way so long as it does not incommode the public way. AT&T’s right is subject only to the municipality’s authority to impose reasonable and equivalent time, place and manner restrictions pursuant to Section 7901.1 of the California Public Utilities Code. AT&T’s proposed small cell facility does not incommode the public way. Payment of an application deposit totaling $2,631.00 is enclosed with this letter. Questions or notices related to this Application may be directed to: Franklin Orozco Michele Vernotico forozco@interlinkpg.com michele@interlinkpg.com (619) 632-2569 (949) 922-1334 We look forward to working with you to complete this wireless communications project in Newport Beach. Sincerely, Franklin Orozco Agent on behalf of AT&T and Ericsson PA2019-044    Exhibit  B     New  Cingular  Wireless  PCS,  LLC  d/b/a  AT&T  Mobility   AT&T  Site  ID:  HBNPB_033  and  FA#14807363   In  the  Public  Right-­‐of-­‐Way  near  NW  Jamboree  Rd.  at  San  Joaquin  Hills  Rd.,  Newport  Beach     Project  Narrative       New  Cingular  Wireless  PCS,  LLC  d/b/a  AT&T  Mobility  (“AT&T”)  is  proposing  to  install  new  small  cell  wireless   telecommunications  facility  to  serve  residents  and  businesses  in  this  portion  of  the  community.  Small  cells   are  low-­‐power,  low-­‐profile  wireless  communications  facilities  that  improve  signal  quality  and  capacity  within   AT&T’s  existing  wireless  network.  The  proposed  small  cell  facility  will  help  AT&T  provide  and  improve  critical   wireless  services  in  this  area.       AT&T  estimates  that  since  introduction  of  the  iPhone  in  2007,  mobile  data  usage  has  increased  470,000%  on   its  network.  AT&T  forecasts  its  customers’  growing  demand  for  mobile  data  services  to  continue.  Customer   needs  require  AT&T  to  design  and  maintain  its  network  to  provide  and  improve  wireless  signal  quality  and  to   increase  data  rates  sufficient  to  stream  video.  Areas  that  do  not  meet  this  minimal  standard,  or  where   wireless  service  is  otherwise  compromised,  represent  service  issues  that  must  be  addressed.       Specifically,  this  proposed  small  cell  facility  will  help  improve  AT&T’s  wireless  services  by  offloading  network   traffic  carried  by  existing  macro  facilities  in  the  area.  In  addition,  faster  data  rates  allow  customers  to  get  on   and  off  the  network  quickly,  which  produces  more  efficient  use  of  AT&T’s  limited  spectrum.  By  placing  the   small  cell  facility  in  areas  where  AT&T’s  existing  wireless  telecommunications  facilities  are  constrained  and   where   AT&T   experiences   especially   high   network   traffic,   AT&T   can   address   the   existing  and   forecasted   demand  and  support  5G  speeds  in  the  near  future.       Improving  signal  quality  and  Increasing  data  speed  is  critical  to  providing  the  mobile  experience  customers   demand  and  to  manage  the  unprecedented  increase  in  mobile  data  usage  on  AT&T’s  network.  The  Center  for   Disease   Control   and   Prevention   (CDC)   tracks   the   rates   at   which   American   households   are   shifting   from   landlines  to  wireless  telecommunications.  According  to  the  CDC’s  latest  Wireless  Substitution  Report,  more   than  70  percent  of  Americans  rely  exclusively  or  primarily  on  wireless  communications  in  their  homes.1  In   addition,  the  FCC  estimates  that  70  percent  of  all  911  calls  are  made  from  wireless  devices.2  And  with  AT&T’s   selection  by  FirstNet  as  the  wireless  service  provider  to  build  and  manage  the  nationwide  first  responder   wireless  network,  each  new  or  modified  facility  will  help  strengthen  first  responder  communications.       AT&T  selected  the  proposed  facility  as  the  best  available  means  to  address  its  service  objectives  in  this   portion  of  the  city.  The  overall  site  location  and  design  will  comply  with  applicable  code  provisions,  General   Plan,  and  other  published  siting  guidelines.  The  proposed  small  cell  facility  will  be  located  in  the  public  right-­‐ of-­‐way,  where  AT&T  has  a  right  to  place  its  equipment  pursuant  to  Section  7901  of  the  California  Public   Utilities  Code.  The  project  will  involve  the  placement  of  a  small  antenna  and  associated  small  cell  equipment   on  a  replacement  streetlight.  For  this  small  cell,  AT&T  proposes  to  install  a  10-­‐inch  diameter  omni-­‐directional   antenna  and  radios  at  the  top  of  a  replacement  streetlight,  fully  concealed  within  a  12-­‐inch  diameter  shroud.     The   facility   will   not   obstruct   pedestrian   or   vehicular   traffic.   It   will   not   adversely   affect   the   surrounding   properties  and  will  have  a  minimal  physical  and  aesthetic  footprint  in  this  area.  In  addition,  the  proposed                                                                                                                             1  See  Wireless  Substitution:  Early  Release  of  Estimates  From  the  National  Health  Interview  Survey,  January-­‐June  2018,  available   at  http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhis/earlyrelease/wireless201812.pdf.       2  See  911  Wireless  Services,  available  at  https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/911-­‐wireless-­‐services.       PA2019-044  Exhibit  B    Page  2  of  3     facility   fully   complies   with   applicable   design   criteria.  Therefore,   the  City  can   easily   make   the   necessary   findings  for  approval  for  this  small  cell  facility.       The  project  scope  will  consist  of  the  following:     • Removal  and  replacement  of  a  streetlight.   • Installation  of  a  single  omni-­‐directional  antenna.   • Installation  of  four  remote  radio  units  and  raycap  disconnect  switch  within  a  shroud.   • Installation  of  below  grade  power  and  fiber  handholds.     Project  Code  Compliance     The   subject   project   complies   with   the   City   of  Newport   Beach’s  Wireless   Telecommunications  Facilities   Ordinance  in  the  Public  Right-­‐of-­‐Way,  Chapter  21.49  in  the  following  ways:     1. The  proposed  wireless  facility  is  a  small  cell  installation  to  be  installed  on  a  replaced  streetlight  in  the   public  right-­‐of-­‐way  to  match  the  existing  pole.       2. The  project  is  allowed  subject  to  the  city’s  approval  of  a  Minor  Use  Permit.    The  proposed  installation   will  not  interfere  with  the  use  of  the  existing  right-­‐of-­‐way.       3. The  proposed  facility  is  a  low  powered  antenna  designed  to  work  in  conjunction  with  other  small  cell   sites  in  the  area  and  to  off-­‐load  capacity  from  an  existing  macro  facility.    The  installation  will  comply   with   applicable   regulations   of   the   Federal   Communications   Commission   as   demonstrated   in   the   enclosed  FCC  Local  Official  Guide  to  RF  –  Appendix  A.   4. The  replacement  streetlight  is  consistent  with  the  size,  shape,  style,  and  design  of  the  existing  pole,   including  the  attached  light  arm.     5. The  replacement  streetlight,  placed  within  the  public  right-­‐of-­‐way,  does  not  exceed  thirty-­‐five  (35)   feet  in  height  above  the  finished  grade.       6. No  above  ground  mounted  equipment  is  proposed,  and  the  support  equipment  is  proposed  to  be   placed  in  underground  handholes.     7. All  transmission  equipment,  including  remote  radio  units  and  the  raycap  disconnect  switch,  are  fully   concealed  within  the  shroud.     8. Signage  displayed  on  the  wireless  facility  will  be  in  the  smallest  permissible  size.  There  will  be  no   advertising  signage.     9. The  applicant  will  conform  to  all  City  of  Newport  Beach  requirements.       Conformance  with  FCC  Regulations     The   proposed   low   powered   antenna   installation  attached   to   the   utility   pole   is   considered   categorical   excluded  by  the  FCC  based  on  the  analysis  included  in  the  FCC  Optional  Checklist  for  Determination  of  the   Local  Official’s  Guide  to  RF  (attached).  Installation  that  are  categorically  excluded  are  considered  to  meet  or   exceed  the  FCC  standards  for  RF  Emissions.       Construction,  Maintenance  and  Monitoring     Construction  of  the  proposed  project  will  take  approximately  30-­‐days.  All  construction  will  be  done  in  a   manner  that  minimizes  impact  to  residents  and/or  businesses  in  the  area.  Existing  underground  or  overhead   power  and  fiber  connections  will  be  used  with  minimal  trenching.  Directional  boring  will  be  used  when   deemed  appropriate  for  each  specific  location.     PA2019-044  Exhibit  B    Page  3  of  3     Maintenance  of  the  subject  facility  is  minimal.  The  telecom  operator  will  be  responsible  for  maintenance  of   the  telecom  facility  including,  but  not  limited  to,  any  missing,  discolored  or  damaged  screening,  all  graffiti   removed  promptly,  and  the  facility  kept  clean  and  free  of  litter.  Monitoring  is  typically  done  from  AT&T’s   switching  offices.  If  needed,  a  site  visit  to  change  any  radio  equipment  will  be  coordinated  with  the  city   through  the  appropriate  process.     Site  Preferred  Location  and  Alternative  Analysis     Per   the   Newport   Beach   Municipal   Code   (NBMC)   section   20.49.050   General   Development   and   Design   Standards,   installations   in   the   public   right -­‐of-­‐way   (Class   3)   are   the   third   preferred   location   for   telecom   facilities  in  the  City.  Collocation  onto  existing  street  infrastructure  is  the  most  preferred  alternative  design.       AT&T  is  committed  to  providing  wireless  telecommunications  services  and  faster  data  rates  throughout  the   City  of  Newport  Beach  and  is  doing  so  by  installing  the  least  intrusive  technology,  with  the  least  intrusive   design  at  the  least  intrusive  locations  in  the  service  coverage  gap.  Rather  than  construct  traditional  tower   facilities  in  or  near  residential  neighborhoods,  AT&T  is  choosing  to  deploy  very  small  facilities,  called  “small   cells,”  that  can  be  installed  on  utility  infrastructure  in  the  public  right-­‐of-­‐way.     A  small  cell  is  a  low-­‐powered  cell  site,  which,  when  grouped  with  other  small  cells,  can  provide  coverage  in   areas  where  traditional  macro  wireless  facilities  are  discouraged.    Although  the  signal  from  each  small  cell   antenna  covers  a  shorter  range  than  a  conventional  tower  site,  small  cells  can  be  effective  tools  to  help  close   significant  gaps  in  service  coverage  with  a  minimal  environmental  and  aesthetic  footprint.  Node  HBNPB_033   will  help  AT&T  close  a  significant  gap  in  service  coverage  in  this  area  of  the  City  by  the  least  intrusive  means.     The  proposed  Node  is  within  a  residentially  developed  area,  neighboring  two  gas  stations.  Although  certain   properties  zoned  for  residential  development  prohibit  the  installation  of  telecom  facilities  per  the  NBMC,  the   use  of  existing  street  infrastructure  is  encouraged.  There  are  no  alternative  preferred  locations  under  Class  1   &  2  that  could  be  considered  for  the  proposed  small  cell.       PA2019-044 Exhibit - E AT&T April 26, 2018 LETTER OF ALTHORI Z ATION E ricsson its employees and vendor M Squared Wireless are authorized representatives of AT&T Mobility and have been contracted to perform cellular site development (such as real estate leasing, land-use entitlements, m a t e rial procu rement, a r chitectural engineering, equipment installation, design, construction, building permits and other permit as needed, etc.) on behalf of AT&T Mobility in connection with their telecommunications facilities. As authorized representatives of AT&T Mobility, Ericsson and its vendor M Squared Wireless may submit/order (land use applications and permits, utilities, real estate leasing, etc.) on behalf of AT&T Mobility. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sinccrc lv . ' Ted Suekawa Project Manager AT&T Mobility-Los Angeles F:: T S 4994 (a),att.com P: 714-721-3010 PA2019-044 FCC/LSGAC APPENDIX A Optional Checklist for Determination Of Whether a Facility is Categorically Excluded Local Official’s Guide to RF Exhibit - F PA2019-044 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF Optional Checklist for Local Government To Determine Whether a Facility is Categorically Excluded Purpose: The FCC has determined that many wireless facilities are unlikely to cause human exposures in excess of RF exposure guidelines. Operators of those facilities are exempt from routinely having to determine their compliance. These facilities are termed "categorically excluded." Section 1.1307(b)(1) of the Commission's rules defines those categorically excluded facilities. This checklist will assist state and local government agencies in identifying those wireless facilities that are categorically excluded, and thus are highly unlikely to cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. Provision of the information identified on this checklist may also assist FCC staff in evaluating any inquiry regarding a facility’s compliance with the RF exposure guidelines. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Facility Operator’s Legal Name: 2. Facility Operator’s Mailing Address: 3. Facility Operator’s Contact Name/Title: 4. Facility Operator’s Office Telephone: 5. Facility Operator’s Fax: 6. Facility Name: 7. Facility Address: 8. Facility City/Community: 9. Facility State and Zip Code: 10. Latitude: 11. Longitude: continue PA2019-044 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF Optional Local Government Checklist (page 2) EVALUATION OF CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION 12. Licensed Radio Service (see attached Table 1): 13. Structure Type (free-standing or building/roof-mounted): 14. Antenna Type [omnidirectional or directional (includes sectored)]: 15. Height above ground of the lowest point of the antenna (in meters): 16. Check if all of the following are true: (a) This facility will be operated in the Multipoint Distribution Service, Paging and Radiotelephone Service, Cellular Radiotelephone Service, Narrowband or Broadband Personal Communications Service, Private Land Mobile Radio Services Paging Operations, Private Land Mobile Radio Service Specialized Mobile Radio, Local Multipoint Distribution Service, or service regulated under Part 74, Subpart I (see question 12). (b) This facility will not be mounted on a building (see question 13). (c) The lowest point of the antenna will be at least 10 meters above the ground (see question 15). If box 16 is checked, this facility is categorically excluded and is unlikely to cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. The remainder of the checklist need not be completed. If box 16 is not checked, continue to question 17. 17. Enter the power threshold for categorical exclusion for this service from the attached Table 1 in watts ERP or EIRP∗ (note: EIRP = (1.64) X ERP): 18. Enter the total number of channels if this will be an omnidirectional antenna, or the maximum number of channels in any sector if this will be a sectored antenna: 19. Enter the ERP or EIRP per channel (using the same units as in question 17): 20. Multiply answer 18 by answer 19: 21. Is the answer to question 20 less than or equal to the value from question 17 (yes or no)? If the answer to question 21 is YES, this facility is categorically excluded. It is unlikely to cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. If the answer to question 21 is NO, this facility is not categorically excluded. Further investigation may be appropriate to verify whether the facility may cause exposure in excess of the FCC’s guidelines. ∗"ERP" means "effective radiated power" and "EIRP" means "effective isotropic radiated power PA2019-044 FCC/LSGAC Local Official’s Guide to RF TABLE 1 (cont.) SERVICE (TITLE 47 CFR RULE PART) EVALUATION REQUIRED IF: Personal Communications Services (part 24) (1) Narrowband PCS (subpart D): non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna < 10 m and total power of all channels > 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP) building-mounted antennas: total power of all channels > 1000 W ERP (1640 W EIRP) (2) Broadband PCS (subpart E): non-building-mounted antennas: height above ground level to lowest point of antenna < 10 m and total power of all channels > 2000 W ERP (3280 W EIRP) building-mounted antennas: total power of all channels > 2000 W ERP (3280 W EIRP) Satellite Communications (part 25) all included General Wireless Communications Service (part 26) total power of all channels > 1640 W EIRP Wireless Communications Service (part 27) total power of all channels > 1640 W EIRP Radio Broadcast Services (part 73) all included PA2019-044 © 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement. *In its recent small cell deployment order, the FCC rejected the need for wireless providers to demonstrate a significant gap to support a wireless siting application. The FCC explained that a local government could effectively prohibit wireless service “not only by rendering a service provider unable to provide existing service in a new geographic area or by restricting the entry of a new provider in providing service in a particular area, but also by materially inhibiting the introduction of new services or the improvement of existing services. Thus, an effective prohibition includes materially inhibiting additional services or improving existing services.” So, such maps cannot be required. Nonetheless, to comply with the city’s application requirements, AT&T is submitting signal strength coverage maps that depict its wireless service coverage for LTE service at 1900 MHz as it exists now and as predicted after the small cell is installed and on air. Note, however, that the city’s requirement for these maps is inappropriate under applicable law and not relevant in any event because AT&T’s proposed facility provides capacity relief within the existing wireless network. AT&T Coverage Maps* Small Cell Node HBNPB_033 Exhibit PA2019-044 LTE 1900_Coverage without Small cell © 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement. Macro site Proposed small cell Nodes PA2019-044 LTE 1900_Coverage with Small cell © 2016 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement. Macro site Proposed small cell Nodes PA2019-044