HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190815_Resolution_HO2019-001RESOLUTION NO. HO2019-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE HEARING OFFICER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REASONABL E ACCOMMODATION NO . RA2019-001 FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 101 VIA UNDINE (PA2019-050) THE HEARING OFFICER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FIND S AS FO LL OWS : SEC T ION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS . 1. An application was filed by Rhonda Moore ("Applicant"), authorized re prese ntat ive requesting approval of a reasonable accommodation, with respect to prope rty located at 101 Via Undine , Newport Beach, California and legally described as Lot 252 in Tract 907 in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, Assesso r's Parce l No. 423-251-14 ("Property"). 2 . The Applicant has submitted a reasonable accommodation application req ues ting re lief from Section 20 .30.040 (Fences, Hedges, Walls , and Retain ing Walls) and Se ction 21 .30.040 (Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Retaining Walls) of the Newpo rt Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") to allow a hedge along the perimeter of a front yard setback area to exceed the maximum height limit of 42 inches. The additional hed ge heigh t is requested to provide an individual with a disability privacy to utilize the yard are a on th e s ubject property. 3. Th e Property is designated Single-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D) by the Gen era l Plan Land Use Element and is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Zo ning Dis trict. 4 . T he Property is located within the coastal zone . The Coastal Land Use Pla n ca tego ry is S ing le Unit Residential Detached (RSD -C) and it is located within the Sing le-U nit Residential (R-1) Coastal Zoning District. 5. T he project is exempt from the requirements of a coastal development permi t pu rsuant to NBMC Sect ion 21 .52.035(C) because the hedge is considered accessory to the pri nci ple dwelling and would not result in any improvement to the dwelling structu re tha t res ults in changes in floor area exceeding ten percent (10%) of the existing floor are a or te n percent (10%) of the existing height , parking demand, or change the gene ra l leve l of activity within the neighborhood . 6 . A public hearing was held on July 31, 2019, in the Newport Beach Confe rence Room (Bay B -1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive , Newport Beach. A notice of t ime , place a nd purpose of the hearing was given in accordance with the Ralph M. Br ow n Act and the NBMC . Evidence , both written and oral , was presented to , and consid e red by, the Hearing Officer at this hearing . The hearing was held open until Mond ay , A ug ust 5, 2019 at 5 PM , to allow for submittal of additional documents and rebuttal the reto . Hearing Officer Resolution No . 20 19-001 Page 2 of 10 SECT ION 2 . CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERM INATIO N. 1. T hi s project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQ A") pursu ant to Section 15303 under Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures ) of t he CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6 , Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environmen t. 2. The project involves a minor accessory hedge that is pre -existing on an existin g s ingle-family property involving no construction . SECTION 3 . REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with NBMC Section 20.52 .070(0)(2), the following find ings and facts in suppo rt of such findings are set forth : Find ing : A. That th e requested accommodation is requested by or on behalf of on e or more in dividuals with a disability protected under the Fair Housing Laws. Fa ct s in Support of Finding: 1. A letter from Dr . Rimal Bera, MD, the treating physician, has been subm itted by the applicant supporting this claim and the necessity for the increase in he dge heigh t within the front yard setback . The statement indicates that due to the severity of the existing medical condition of his patient who is a resident of the subj ect prope rty, the accommodation is necessary to provide privacy to utilize the ou tdoor yard area on -site and outside the patient's bedroom slider. The increased hed ge heigh t is necessary for the patient to enjoy the yard and not have severe sy mptoms triggered by the exterior of the property. Supporting medical docum entation was submitted from a second treating physician, Dr . K. Himasiri Desilva, co nfirmi ng the diagnosis . Other supporting documents were submitted from UC Irvine Healt h describing the appointment schedule and a drug regime presc ribed fo r the disab led resident. A letter from the Social Security Administration confirmin g the disabled res ident was eligible for Supplemental Security Income due to hi s disa bility was al so s ubmitted. Most medical records were either redacted or sealed to protect d octo r-patient confidentiality and privacy, at the request of the applicant. The follow ing findi ngs a re adopted in support of sealing the documents : Cal ifornia Rules of Court 2 .550(d) describes findings required to se al records. They state fiv e findings . (1) There exists an overriding interest that overcomes the right of public access to the record. Here, the medical records contain doctor-patient communic ations that Fi nding : Hearing Officer Resolution No. 2 019-0 01 Page 3 of 10 are privileged and also raise privacy interests. They contain detailed diagnosis , medications, and appointment schedules. They also include detailed descri pt ions of the diagnosed condition . At issue is whether a mental disability exists. The Hearing Officer was presented with substantial, credible medical eviden ce fro m well established and recognized experts sufficient to make a determin ati on w hether a disability exists. As the alleged d isability is a mental impairment, any pub li c interpretation of this information and any challenge to its conclusions w oul d like ly require a third-party expert examination of the patient, which would f urt he r in vade the disabled resident's privacy interests . The probative value to the pub lic of t he details of the disability are outweighed by the prejudicial effect to the disabled resident of disclosing privileged and private information . The doctor-pa t ie nt a nd privacy interests in these details outweigh the right of public access to the detai ls of th e disability. (2) The overriding interest supports sealing the record. He re , the overriding interest is doctor-patient confidentiality and privacy . These are foundational inte rests and support the sealing of the records . (3) A substantial probability exists that the overriding interest will be prejudice d if the record is not sealed. Here, testimony at the hearing questioned the disa b ility and several opponents of the Reasonable Accommodation insisted on access t o medical records. If the medical records were made public there is a substan t ial probability the confidential material in the record would be widely di ssemin ated among opponents and neighbors, prejudicing the patient's doctor-patie nt confidentiality and privacy interests . (4) The proposed sealing is narrowly tailored. Here, the Hearing Officer sea led some of the records submitted by the applicant and released others w ith confidential information on the released documents redacted. This act io n is na rrowly tailored to protect only doctor-patient and privacy interests . (5) No less restrictive means exist to achieve the overriding interest. He re , t he medical information was necessary for the Hearing Officer to establish t hat a disability existed. There is no other alternative than to submit this inform at io n to t he Hearing Officer and there is no less restrictive means of conveying that info rmatio n while protecting the overriding interests of confidentiality and privacy. Further, Municipal Code section 20.52.070.C.4.d specifically requi res that "an y request for information regarding the disability of the individuals benefited co mplies with ... the privacy rights of the individuals affected." The documents req ueste d to be placed under seal were submitted at the Hearing Officer's request an d t he Hearing Officer must therefore observe the privacy rights of the disab led re s ident. B . That the requested accommodation is necessary to provide one or more individua ls with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. Facts in Support of Finding: Hearing Officer Resolution No . 201 9-001 Page 4 of 10 1. The additional hedge height is needed for the disabled resident to enjoy and utilize safe access to the outdoor yard area outside of their bedroom sliding door. 2. In the letter from Dr . Bera, MD of UGI Neuropsychiatric Center that has been submitted by the applicant supporting the claim and the need for increased hedge height, Dr. Bera recommends the increased hedge height due to the necessary use of a private yard due to the resident's existing medical condition . The incre ased hedge height would allow the individual privacy and alleviates symptoms trigge red by passing pedestrians, gardeners, construction workers, dogs, noise and lights. This particular pathway located on the other side of the hedge is frequentl y trave led and provides public access to the beach and clubhouse. The patient spen ds the majority of the time at home and utilizes this area located directly outsi de of the patients bedroom and bathroom and is accessed by the patient throu gh sliding glass doors. Dr. Bera concludes that this hedge that encloses the majority of the yard area allows this patient to continue to enjoy a more secluded , secu re, quiet and safe area inside and outside the bedroom. 3. With consideration of the factors provided by NBMC Section 20.52.070.D .3-4 , the requested reasonable accommodation is necessary to provide the disab led individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. If the reques ted accommodation is granted, the disabled person will be able to utilize the outd oor yard area. This area is outside their bedroom sliding door. Access to this protected outdoor yard area for the disabled resident that spends most of their time at their home on the subject property is thereby enhancing their quality of life. Any modifications necessary to create similar outdoor yard areas on the s ubject property with three front setback areas cannot be accommodated with in the existing residence without more significant disruption to the interior of the home and could be impossible without demolition of portions of the existing dwel ling . Approval of the accommodation will not alter the character of the neig hborho od, because the hedge is a nominal accessory feature common within the Lido Isle neighborhood and along the Stradas. 4. The requested reasonable accommodation to raise the hedge height from 42 inches to 78 inches is reasonable on its face, possible, feasible, and plaus ible. 5. Objections raised by opponents, including that there are potential alterna tives less impactfu l and that public and/or private views to the harbor will be impacted, do not establish that the request is NOT reasonable. Fin ding : C. That the requested accommodation will not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the City as "undue financial or administrative burden " is defined in Fair Hous ing Laws and interpretive case law. Facts in Support of Finding: Hearing Officer Resolution No . 2019-0 01 Pa ge 5 of 10 1. Allowing the additional hedge height would not impose an undue financi al or administrative burden on the City. There are no administrative costs beca use there are no building permits required. Fi nding: D . That the requested accommodation will not result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the City's zoning program, as "fundamental alteration" is defined in Fair Hous ing Laws and interpretive case law. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed accommodation would not result in any fundamental alte rat ions to the character and use of home or the neighborhood. The hedge only prov ides additional privacy for the existing yard area which is approximately 400 sq uare feet and does not change the use of the house or the yard. The hedge is no mina l in nature and maintains a design, bulk, and scale of development that is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood pattern of development. 2. The hedge is a common accessory within the surrounding Lido Isle Com munity and provides necessary privacy of the yard on the subject property. The prope rty is unique with three front setbacks. The only setback that includes an exterior yard area is the front setback on the Strada Trieste (public walkway). The propos ed increase in the hedge height represents a nominal change to the existing property and would not intensify the existing single-unit residential use of the prop erty; therefore, the requested accommodation would not undermine the exp ress purpose or land use identified by the City's General Plan. 3. While the requested reasonable accommodation may impact public and/or private views to the harbor, there are no identified City programs regarding the preservation of views to the harbor that are fundamentally altered. Finding: E. That the requested accommodation will not, under specific facts of the case , result in a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals or substantial physical damage to the property of others. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. There is a required site distance triangle adjacent the intersection of the Strada and Via Lido Soud, where the hedge will be trimmed and maintained at a max imum 36 inches to comply with the City Traffic Engineer recommendation pursuant to Zon ing Code Section 20.30 .130(E). Traffic Visibility Area to ensure the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists; therefore, the proposed project would not pos e a threat Hearing Officer Resolution No. 20 19-001 Pa ge 6 of 10 to the health or safety of other individuals or substantial physical dama ge to the property of others . 2. The City Police Department reviewed the request and did not identify any safety concerns . 3. While some private views to the harbor may be impacted, there is no ev idence that the requested reasonable accommodation will result in substan t ia l physical damage to any property of others. Fi nding : F. Tha t the burden on the applicant to show the request is reasonable on its face and/or possible was met while the burden on opponents to show that the reques t is eithe r not rea sonable, is an undue hardship, or is a fundamental alteration to a city program was not me t. Fa ct s in Support of Finding: 1. All arguments that the accommodation was NOT reasonable , was an undue hardship , or caused a fundamental alteration to a City program were considered and found not to be persuasive . Specifically, the subject resident met the defi nition of "disabled ;" the accommodation is necessary to allow the reside nt equal opportunity to use and enjoy the ENTIRE dwelling and surrounding prem ises; impacts on the existing public and private partial views caus ed by the accommodation do not outweigh the benefit to the applicant to en j oy and use the entire dwelling and adjacent premises; there are no fund a mental al te rations to a City program; all safety concerns have been mitigated; and no prop erty of others will sustain substantial physical damage . Fi nding: G. For housing located in the coastal zone, a request for reasonable accommo dation under Se ction 21.16 .020 (E) may be approved by the City if it is consistent with the findings provided in subsection (0)(2) of this section; with Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act of 1976; with the Interpretative Guidelines for Coastal Planning and Permits established by th e California Coastal Commission dated February 11 , 1977, and any subsequent amendments, under the Local Coastal Program . Facts in Support of Finding : 1. In accordance with Section 21.16 .020(E), (Reasonable Accommodat ions) of the Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan, the review authori ty may grant reasonable accommodations to the City's coastal zoning and land use reg u lations , policies, and practices when needed to provide an individual with a d isabil ity an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling in compliance w ith Fede ra l and State Fair Housing Laws . Hearing Officer Resolution No. 20 19-001 Page 7 of 10 2 . In accordance with Section 21.52.035(C)(1 )the project is exempt from the requirements from a coastal development permit since the hedge is access ory to the principal dwelling and the modifications do not result in an increase of gross floor area, height, or bulk of the principal structure by more than ten pe rcent (10%). 3. The requested reasonable accommodation is consistent with the City 's Loca l Coastal Program . The taller hedge will not encroach onto the Strada Tries te or any public walkway. Therefore, the public view that is afforded south down the Strada and across Via Lido Soud towards the beach on the Bay will not be impacted. Additionally, the public access via the Strada will not be significantly imp acted. Traffic and parking are not affected by the increase in hedge height. No potential adverse effects to the goals and policies of the California Coastal Act , Inte rpretat ive Guidelines, or Local Coastal Program were identified. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. T he Hearing Officer of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Reas onable Accommodation No. RA2019-001, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A , wh ich is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. The Hearing Officer Decision and Order, dated August 15, 2019 and attached as Exhibit B, in its entirely, is incorporated by reference herein. 3. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolu tion was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of NBMC Title 20 Planning and Zoning. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPliE HIS 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2019. PLANNING Hearing Officer Resolution No . 201 9-001 Pa ge 8 of 10 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved si te plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approva l. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2 . The applicant shall maintain the hedge at all times at the maximum height of 6 .5 feet except for the area within the 5 foot by 5 foot site distance triangl e fro m the intersection of Strada Trieste and Via Lido Saud where the maximum heigh t sh all not exceed thirty-six (36) inches at a ny time. 3. T he reasonable accommodation shall lapse if the exercise of rights granted by it are discontinued for at least one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days. 4. If the disabled person(s) initially occupying the residence vacates or conveys th e pro perty for which the reasonable accommodation was granted, the hedge shall be mo difie d and maintained at heights compliant with the Zoning Code. 5 . The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances , policies , and stand ards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 6. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws . Materia l vio lation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocatio n of t his Use Permit. 7 . A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval set forth in this Exhib it "A", s ha ll be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior t o iss uance of t he building permits. 8. Thi s approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within twe nty-fo ur (24) months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extensi on of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of NBMC Title 20 Pla nning and Zoning. 9. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defen d a nd hold harmless City, its City Council , its boards and commissions, officials, officers, empl oyees, and agents from and against any and all claims , demands, obliga t ion s, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilitie s, cos ts and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and co urt costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner re late (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of Moore Hedge Height Addition including, but no t limited to, Reasonable Accommodation No. RA2019-001 (PA2019-050). This in dem nification shall include , but not be limited to , damages awarded against the City, if any , costs of Hearing Officer Resolution No. 2019-00 1 Pag e 9 of 10 s uit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such cla im , action , causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City , an d/or t he parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify t he Ci ty for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enfo rci ng the indemnification provisions set forth in th is condition. The app licant shall pay to t he City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification re qu ire ments prescribed in this condition . Hearing Officer Resolution No. 20 19-001 Page 10 of 10 EXHIBIT "B" HEARING OFFICER DECISION AND ORDER CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH EDWARD J. JOHNSON ESQ., HEARING OFFICER REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION NO. RA2019-001 Hearing Location : Hearing Date: Application Number: Applicant : City Staff: Decision: Parties Present: Notice : N ewport Beach City Hall 100 Ci v ic Center Drive Newport Beach , CA 92660 Jul y 31 ,2019 ; 10:38AM RA2019-001 Rex and Rhonda Moore Melinda Whelan, A ssistant Planner The Reasonable Accommodation is APPROVED Edward J. Johnson , Esq ., appearing by Skype from Mariposa CA Melinda Whelan, City of Newport Beach Armeen Komeili , Newport Beach Deputy City Attorne y Rhonda Moore , applicant Sean Morrissey, attorney for applicant Notice of the hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to property owners within 300 fee t of th e site, and posted on the subject propert y at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Staff Report and Recommendation: C it y Community Dev elopment Department staff submitted a Staff Report describing a reque st for a Reasonable Accommodation under Municipal Code Sections 20.52 .070 and 21 .16 .020 , to a llo w a hedge along the perimeter of the front yard setback to exceed the maximum height lim it of 42 inches , and to instead be grown to a maximum height of 6.5 feet (78 inches). The additional hedge height is requested to provide privacy of the front yard area on the subject prope1iy for an individual with a disability. Staff reported that the City Traffic Engineer had reviewed the application and recommended a "sight distance triangle" whereby the hedge hei ght would be reduced to 36 inches in a five foot by five foot area along the corner of the lot so that pedestrians along the public way adjacent to the hedge could see travelers along the public way that was immediately perpendicular to the hedges. Staff reported that no public views would be obstructed. Staff reported that the City Police Department had also reviewed the application an d had no comments. Staff recommended approval. Standard of Review: The legal standard of review of all evidence in administrative cases is a preponderance of the ev idence , or evidence which is of greater weight and more convincing than the evidence offered in opposition to it , that is , evidence which as a whole shows that the fact sought to be proved is more probable than not. As this is an application for a benefit, the burden of proof and the burden of persuasion initially lies with the applicant. However, the burden of proof for a Reasonable 1 Accommodation in particular is not entirely settled law, as discussed in detail below. Essentially , it's a two part test. Initially, the applicant bears the burden of showing the request is "possible" and /or "seems reasonable on its face." Then the burden shifts to opponents to show the request is "not reasonable" and /or would cause "undue hardship." Findings: The request for Reasonable Accommodation is APPROVED. The only question presented by this request is whether or not the requested accommodation met the findings of Municipal Code section 20.52.070.D.2. The City Staff Report thoroughly describes the project description, background, Municipal Code requirements, and required findings and is hereby incorporated b y reference , as amended below, as a finding of this DECISION AND ORDER. Requested Accommodation: The Newport Beach Municipal Code allows reasonable accommodations so that an individual with a disability protected by Fair Housing Laws can have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. To approve such accommodation, five required findings must be made. Those findings are described in detail in the Staff Report, incorporated herein by reference, as amend ed . The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Fair Housing website (https://www.hud.gov/program _offices/fair_ housing_ equal_ opp/disabilities/inhousing) describes disability rights in housing as specified by federal law. The HUD website states that federal law defines a person with a "disability," in part, as"[ a[ny person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment. (See also School Board of Nassau County, Florida v. Arline, 480 U.S. 273 , 279 (1987)) Disability rights in private housing also apply to z oning and land use regulations. Here , the applicant requests a reasonable accommodation to exceed the front yard height limit for hedges to provide privacy for a disabled individual. The disabled person 's treating physician reported that the resulting privacy would be helpful in light of the applicant 's condition. Thi s reasonable accommodation request is a very minor alteration to the City's zoning and planning policies. As a general comment, this Hearing Officer offered cautions regarding the use of this proc edure at the hearing on a prior Reasonable Accommodation Request, NO. 2018-001, held on June 26, 2018 , and at another prior Reasonable Accommodation Request, NO. 2018-002 , held on Jul y 17, 2018, and repeats those cautions again here. The Hearing Officer is concerned that the use of a reasonable accommodation request should not substitute for what otherwise might more prop erly be a variance request or other type of more appropriate procedure . There appears to be no limit to what could be requested as a "reasonable accommodation," as this process allows exemption from any "zoning and land use regulations, policies , and practices" (see section 20.52.070.A, Purpose) limited only by the findings. Accommodations such as the one here will establish precedent for other requests , and may set a precedent for what might be required of private housing providers to make reasonable accommodations , especially for small housing proje cts like the land use at issue here . The City should be mindful of the federal definition of "disability" and the intent of the Fair Housing laws to assure that zoning and land use policies do not ke ep persons with disabilities from locating to their area, as described in the HUD website, when considering future reasonable accommodation requests. 2 Summary of Evidence Presented: Real Party in Interest At the outset of the hearing, Mr. Donald Fesler, a neighbor opposed to the accommodation , argued that the real party in interest was the owner of the property, who was not the applicant and who was not present, and that the application should be rejected. Mrs. Rhonda Moore , the applicant, testified that the owner was her mother-in-law who was aware of the application and had given approval for the filing. The Hearing Officer accepted these representations. Further, Municipal Code section 20 .52.070.C . l states that a request may be made "by any person with a disability [or] their representative ... " and here the application was submitted by "Rex and Rhonda Moore ," where the Moore's are the parents of the alleged disabled party who would be the beneficiary of the accommodation, and are the disabled party 's representative. Summary of Testimony in Support The City Staff Report recommends approval. The Staff Report stated that the disabled indi vidual requires the additional hedge height to provide privacy to alleviate severe symptoms triggered by passing pedestrians and others . The hedge would shield an outdoor open space used by the disabled individual , which is immediately adjacent to his bedroom, and accessed by the bedroo m sliding glass door. The disabled individual spends the majority of his time at home and use s thi s area frequently. Mrs. Rhonda Moore , mother of the disabled resident , explained that the request was for 78 inches in height because the disabled resident was 6 foot tall and she believed that an addition 6 inches over his height would most effectively screen him. The Staff Report included a letter from the disabled individual's physician describing the disability and stating that " It is imperative that my patient have the reasonable accommodation ... [to] alleviate[] symptoms [and] allow my patient to continue to enjoy a more secluded, se cure , quiet and safe area inside and outside his bedroom." Additional documentation of the disabili ty was submitted by the applicant , some of which was placed under seal at the applicant 's reque st , more fully discussed below. Mr. Eric Henn , Lido Isle Community Association President, appeared and presented a letter in qualified support, conditioned on the hedge not exceeding 60 inches , which the Association Board had supported for the general area. Hedges in excess of this height would impact pri vate and public v iews to the harbor , he argued. Summary of Testimony in Opposition Mr. Don Fesler, owner of property near the subject property , submitted written and verbal testimony. Mr. Fesler 's written declaration argued that there was only a redacted document supporting the disability and that any supporting medical information should be made public. He challenged the veracity of the applicant regarding the hedges and argued the application was just an attempt to circumvent the City's hedge height requirements. He argued that he had observed the alleged disabled individual jogging, skateboarding, walking the dog, driving, attending community BBQ 's, and working out, and challenged that there was a qualifying disability . He argued that the increased hedge height would not be effective in shielding noise or views thro ugh the hedge , and that there were alternative bedrooms and a interior patio open to the sky that prov ided alternatives for privacy , and therefore the additional hedge height was not neces sary. He argued that the accommodation would fundamentally alter the character of the communi ty because it would block views and be out of character with other hedges. He also questioned why 3 the Moore 's moved to Lido Isle as the close proximity of houses did not provide the same deg ree of pri vac y they would have if they did not live on the island. Mr. Fesler's oral testimony essentially repeated these objections , and also argued that the applicant placed the disability at issue which waives any privilege and case law required all details to be disclosed. Ms . Roberta Fesler, owner of property near the subject property , submitted written and verbal testimony. Her written testimony also challenged the veracity of the applicant and the moti ve for the application . She also challenged the need for the accommodation as alternative bedrooms and outdoor spaces were available. She also challenged the nature of the disability noting she t oo had observed the disabled individual jogging, skateboarding, and driving. She declared that she had personall y observed the interior patio and argued it was sufficient to meet privacy need s. She also objected to the redaction and sealing of medical records. She also believed that the hed ge would create a safety issue in that the subject residence was located on a busy comer and the over sized hedge would block the view of those traveling along the public way that was perpendicular to the hedges . Mrs . Fesler 's oral testimony essentially summarized her written declaration , and also argued that the definition of "dwelling" does not include the adjacent outdoor spaces and therefore a reasonable accommodation for the use and enjo yment of a "dwe lling" does not include the use of the outdoor spaces. Ms. Manal Bozarth, a nearby neighbor, appeared and objected that the increased hedge height would obstruct her and neighbors ' view of the bay , would create a safety issue , and would alter the look of Lido Isle. She questioned why the Moore 's would purchase a home on Lido with close living proximity and less privacy. She subsequently submitted written comments arguing that alternati ve bedrooms were available to the disabled individual and questioned the legitimacy of the disability. Correspondence in opposition was recei v ed from Mr. Wayne Graveline , a nearby neighbor , objecting that his view of the harbor would be blocked ; and from Ms. Sandra Abrahamian , a nearby neighbor, objecting that the oversized hedge would create a safety hazard for peopl e coming along the perpendicular public way . Rebuttal testimony from the applicant clarified that the disabled indi vidual may have been seen performing the activities discussed above but that the disability was not a physical one . She al so explained that she was not previously aware that a reasonable accommodation procedure was available which was the reason she had not submitted an application earlier. Summary of Other Testimony Corresponde nce was recei ved from Mr. Jim Mosher discussing the appeal procedures and sug ge stin g appeals should be first heard by the Planning Commission before being heard by th e C ity Council. The hearing concluded at 12:28 PM, but was held open until 4 PM Friday, August 2 for additional document submittal, and to 5 PM Monday, August 5 for rebuttal to any addition al submittals . Discussion: Municipal Code section 20 .52.070 .A defines the Purpose of a Reasonable Accommodation to be "to provide an individual with any disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwellin g." 4 To approve an individual Reasonable Accommodation, the Hearing Officer must find that the application meets all five required findings of Municipal Code section 20.52.070.D .2.a. They are: i. The requested accommodation is requested by or on behalf of one or more individuals with a disability protected under the Fair Housing Laws; ii . The requested accommodation is necessary to provide one or more individuals with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling; iii. The requested accommodation will not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the City as "undue financial or administrative burden " is defined in Fair Housing Laws and interpretive case law ; iv . The requested accommodation will not result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a City program, as ''fundamental alteration " is defined in Fair Housing Laws and interpretive case law ; and v. The requested accommodation will not, under the specific facts of the case , re s ult in a direct threat to the health and safety of other individuals or substantial physical damage to the property of others. First Required Finding: Disability The first finding requires that the application be for the benefit of "one or more individuals wi th a disability protected under the Fair Housing Laws." The Federal HUD website on Disability Rights in Housing, referenced above, states that the definition of a person with a disability includes "any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment." (See also Giebeler v. M&B Assocs, 343 F.3d 1143, 1147 (9 th Cir. 2003) "a phy sic al or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities.") Here , a letter from the treating physician was submitted as paii of the application packet. Based on a request from the applicant, the City Attorney redacted key medical information from the letter to protect privacy. The Hearing Officer requested additional unredacted documentation to determine if a disability existed . Applicant Rhonda Moore requested that such information be placed under seal to protect doctor-patient confidentiality and privacy . At the outset of the hearing , the Hearing Officer announced and gave notice that the request to seal documents would be considered, and announced the standards for determining whether to approve the sealing of documents. The Hearing Officer explained that the California Rule s of Court, Rule 2.550 , provides guidance on sealed records . Although the Reasonable Accommodation administrative hearing is not conducted by a Superior Court or other "Court" as envisioned by the California Judicial Council , it is a quasi-judicial proceeding and the Hearing Officer finds that the Rules of Court provide persuasive reasoning . Rule 2.550(d) describes findings required to seal records . They state five findings . 5 (I) There exists an overriding interest that overcomes the right of public access to the record. Here , the medical records contain doctor-patient communications that are privileged and also raise privacy interests. They contain detailed diagnosis, medications, and appointment schedules. They also include detailed descriptions of the diagnosed condition. At issue is whether a mental disability exists. The Hearing Officer was presented with substantial, credible medical evidence from well established and recognized experts sufficient to make a determination whether a disability exists. As the alleged disability is a mental impairment, any public interpretation of this information and any challenge to its conclusions would likely require a third-party expert examinatio n of the patient, which would further invade the disabled resident 's privacy interests. The probative value to the public of the details of the disability are outweighed by the prejudicial effect to the disabled resident of disclosing privileged and private informati on. The doctor-patient and privacy interests in these details outweigh the right of public access to the details of the disability. (2) The overriding interest supports sealing the record. Here, the overriding interest is doctor-patient confidentiality and privacy. These are foundational interests and support the sealing of the records. (3) A substantial probability exists that the overriding interest will be prejudiced if the record is not sealed. Here, testimony at the hearing questioned the disability and several opponents of the Reasonable Accommodation insisted on access to medical records. If the medical records were made public there is a substantial probability the confidential material in the record would be widely disseminated among opponents and neighbors , prejudicing the patient 's doctor-patient confidentiality and privacy interests. (4) The proposed sealing is narrowly tailored. Here, the Hearing Officer sealed some of th e records submitted by the applicant and released others with confidential information on the released documents redacted. This action is narrowly tailored to protect only docto r- patient and privacy interests. (5) No less restrictive means exist to achieve the overriding interest. Here, the medical information was necessary for the Hearing Officer to establish that a disability existed. There is no other alternative than to submit this information to the Hearing Officer and there is no less restrictive means of conveying that information while protecting the overriding interests of confidentiality and privacy. Further, Municipal Code section 20.52.070.C.4.d specifically requires that "any request for information regarding the disability of the individuals benefited complies with ... the privac y rights of the individuals affected." The documents requested to be placed under seal were submitted at the Hearing Officer 's request and the Hearing Officer must therefore observe the privacy rights of the disabled resident. The applicant submitted two sets of documents in response to the Hearing Officer's request for additional documentation of the disability, with requests that they be sealed. For the first set, guided by the above findings and requirements, the Hearing Officer announced the following at the hearing: An email requesting that the documents be sealed was held to be a public document. A letter to the Hearing Officer from applicant Rhonda Moore describing the details of the disability was to be sealed for privacy. An unredacted letter from the treating physician to the Heari ng Officer describing the disability would be sealed for privacy and a redacted version released as a public document. A second letter from the treating physician containing details of the 6 di sability was to be similarly treated. A report from UC Irvine Health describing m edic at io ns and appointments would be sealed for doctor-patient confidentiality and privacy. A letter from the Social Security Administration regarding Supplemental Security Income would be made public with confidential information redacted for privacy. A detailed description o f the disability characteristics would be sealed for privacy. A letter from UC Irvine Health regarding Jury Duty Exemption would be made public with information about the disability redacted for privacy. The Reasonable Accommodation application would be made publ ic with confidential information redacted for privacy . The second set of documents requested to be sealed was submitted by applicant Rhonda Moore after the hearing, but within the time allowed b y the Hearing Officer to submit supplemental documents. Guided by the above findin g s and requirements, the Hearing Officer finds the following regarding those documents: Reports from a second treating physician, Dr. K . Himas iri Desilva, describing diagnosis , medicine prescriptions , and appointments would be sealed fo r doctor-patient confidenti ality and privacy. The hearing was left open until 4 pm Friday, August 2 , 2019 for , among other reasons , an opportunity for opponents to submit case law or other authority arguing that the disability has been placed at is sue requiring all document to be disclosed, and no additional authority w a s re c eived b y that time. T h ere fo re , the preliminary determinations about sealed documents made at the hearing, and the determinations made herein about the second set of documents, are now final and the documents as d es cribed above shall be sealed and/or redacted. T h e diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan described in the documents of the two treatin g phy sicians , along with the letter from the Social Security Administration informing the subj ect di sabled individual that he met the medical requirements to receive Supplemental Security Income benefits , is substantial e v idence of a di sability. Accordingl y, I find that a disabili ty exists in accordance with statutory and case law definitions for Reasonable Accommodations. The First Required Finding for a Reasonable Accommodation can be made. Second Required Finding : Necessary for Egual Opportunity The second Reasonable Accommodation finding requires that "[t]he reque sted accommodation is necessary to prov ide one or more individuals with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enj oy a dwe lling ." (Emphasis added.) Further, Municipal Code section 20.52 .070.C.4.c, A pplication Required Submittals, requires that the applicant document that the requeste d m o d ification is the minimum necessary ... to use and enjoy the residence." (Emphasis a dded .) T he Si x th Circuit Court of Appeals di scussed the meaning of the terms "equal opportunity," "n ecessary ," and "reasonable" in the context of a reasonable accommodation in Smith & L e e Associates v. C ity of Taylor, Michig an , 102 F .3 d 781 ( 6th Cir 1996), which provides persuasiv e reasoning. (The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has cited to this case with general approv al in G ie beler , 343 F.3d at 1155.) 7 In Smith , the Court stated that the phrase "equal opportunity ," "is concerned with achieving equal results , not just formal equality ... [and that] the FHAA [Fair Housing Act Amendm ents of 1988] imposes an affirmative duty to reasonably accommodate handicapped people." (Id. at 795. Emphasis original , internal citations omitted. See also Giebeler, 343 F.3d at 1146-1147.) Further, the Court in Smith stated that "[t]he statute links the term 'necessary ' to the goal of equal opportunity ." (Smith, 102 F .3d at 795 .) "Equal opportunity is a key component of the nec essity anal ys is .... " (Gi ebeler , 343 F.3d at 1155 .) "The concept of necessity requires at a minimum the sho wi ng that the desired accommodation will affirmati v ely enhance a disab led plaintiff's [he re t he applicant] quality of life by ameliorating the effects of the disability ." (Id. Internal quot es and citat ions omitted.) With respect to what constitutes "reasonable," the Court stated that "an accommodation is reasonable unl e ss it requires 'a fundamental alteration in the nature of a p ro gram ' or imposes 'undue financial and administrative burdens."' (Id, quoting the Uni ted States Supreme Court in Southeastern Community College v. Davis, 442 U .S. 397 ,410 (1979 ). Emphasi s added .) The United States Supreme Court, in US Airways v. Barnett, 535 U.S. 391, 4 01-402 (2002), described "reasonable" as meaning "reasonable on its face ... feasibl e ... plausibl e .") T his discussion appears to shift the burden to the public entity to show that the accommod ation is NOT reasonable. This point was addressed by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Giebeler v. M&B Ass ocs . There, the Court stated it had "not decided previously whether the plaintiff [here the applic ant] or the defendant [here the opponents] in an FHAA case bears the burden of showing whether a proposed accommodation is reasonable." (Giebeler , 343 F.3d at 1156 .) The Court describ ed two variations of the burden . In the first variation, the applicant bears the burden of showing the accommodation was "possible ," whereupon the burden shifts to the opponents to show that it is N OT reasonable . In the second variation, the applicant bears the burden to show that the accommodation seems "reasonable on its face," whereupon the burden shifts to the opponent s to sho w that the accommodation would cause an "undue hardship." (See Id.) The Court in Gi ebeler did not decide thi s issue as it found that the applicant there met both standards. The Court went on to di sc us s "reasonableness" and stated that "[ o ]rdinarily, an accommodation is reasonable un der FH AA when it imposes no fundamental alteration in the nature of the program or undue financial or administrative burdens ." (Id. at 1157 ; internal quotes and citations omitted .) (N owhere in the case research did this Hearing Officer find a requirement that the burden i s on an applicant to show that the modification be the "minimum necessary" despite the City application requirement.) The above discussion by the Courts ties the Second Required Finding of Municipal Code sec tion 20.52 .070.D.2 to the Third and Fourth Required Findings and here they will be discuss ed together. Here , the applicant has requested that hedges along the frontage of Strada Trieste , a non- vehicular public way adjacent to the disabled re sident 's bedroom , be allowed to grow hi gh er than the max imum height of 42 inches, to a height of 78 inches. The disabled resident 's treatin g phys ician submitted a letter, partially redacted by the City for privacy , stating that this w ould a llo w pri v acy and alleviate symptoms triggered b y passers-b y. It stated that the privac y wo uld allo w the disabled resident to enjo y a secluded , secure , quite and safe area inside and outsi de of the b edroom. 8 Documents sealed by this Hearing Officer, discussed above, detail the symptoms of the disabl ed resident's mental impairment, describe how the symptoms can be aggravated, and concludes that the hedge can alleviate the symptoms triggered by passers-by. The diagnosis of the impairment is confirmed by sealed medical records from a second treating physician, Dr. K. Himasiri Desilva. The two treating physicians, who have treated the disabled resident for years, are best positioned to diagnose a mental impairment, its symptoms, and conditions that trigger those symptoms . Given that, I find that an accommodation for additional hedge height seems reasonable on its face , and the growth of oversized hedges is certainly possible, feasible, and plausible. This meets the applicant's burden under either variation described by Giebeler. The burden then shifts to opponents to show that the accommodation is NOT reasonable and/or that it would cause undue hardship , per the burden described in Giebeler. Here , opponents raise a number of objections. Essentially the objections that the requested reasonable accommodation is either not reasonable or an undue burden are summarized as follows: (1) The resident does not meet the definition of "disabled" as envisioned by the statutes; (2) The accommodation is not the minimum necessary because the requested accommodation would not be effective and alternatives are available; (3) The term "use and enjoyment of a dwelling" refers to the interior of the home and does not include the adjacent outdoor spaces; (4) The additional hedge height causes a fundamental alteration to the character of the community and an undue hardship regarding views to the harbor; (5) The higher hedge creates safety concerns; and (6) There is an improper motive behind the application. These objections will each be addressed in the order listed above. (1) Disability As discussed above, documents from two treating physicians, a document from the Social Security Administration confirming eligibility for Supplemental Security Income due to medical conditions, and the testimony and supporting documents from the disabled resident's mother are more than sufficient to find that a preponderance of evidence exists establishing the disability . This objection is unpersuasive. (2) Alternatives Opponents argue that the objective of privacy can be achieved by the disabled resident using another alternative, that is , by using a bedroom interior to the home that is not adjacent to the public way, and by using a courtyard open to the sky in the interior of the home for outdoor recreation which is also not adjacent to the public way. They argue this would eliminate the distractions that trigger the disabled resident's symptoms and obviate the need for the accommodation. They argue that two other Hearing Officer Reasonable Accommodation Decisions, one decided by this Hearing Officer, support that argument based on the availability of other alternatives. The two cases were RA2011-002 to exceed the allowable floor area ratio to enclose a breezeway leading to a handicap accessible bathroom, and RA2018-002 to allow a golf cart to park in the rear yard setback. However, those two cases are inapposite to the case here. RA2011-002 involved a major remodel to enlarge the ground floor kitchen and dining area, and to relocate an existing bathroom. To make the new relocated bathroom accessible to the di sabled 9 resident , the existing breezeway was proposed to be enclosed, thus exceeding the allowabl e floor ar ea ratio . The Hearing Officer found that the existing bath in its existing location was ade qu ate to p rov ide the disabled person equal opportunity to use and enjo y the dwelling, and its rel ocation was not nece ssary . In es sence , the existing condition was sufficient and the barrier wa s created by th e applicant himsel f to accommodate the self-serving interest of a larger kitchen and d ining area . Th e reasonabl e accommodation for additional floor area to enclose the breezeway was denied. RA 2018-002 in volved a request to allo w a golf cart to park in the rear yard so that the resident could more eas il y access neighborhood stores and services . The golf cart was in addition to the re sid ent 's famil y vehicle , which was not modified for any handicap accessibility, which the applicant testified he was able to drive , and which was lawfully parked in the resident 's garage. The Hearin g Officer found that the resident did not adequately establish his disability and that reasonable accommodations were intended to allow equal use and enjoyment of the dwell ing, which did not include convenient use and enjoyment of neighborhood stores and services. The request was denied. Both cases in volved a finding that no barri ers were present that needed to be removed a nd neither turned on the availability of othe r alternati ves . In fact , no where in the findin gs re q uire d by Municipal Code section 20.52.070.D.2 , nor in the findin gs that a Hearing Officer may consider in section 20.52.070 .D.3-4 , does the word "alternatives " appear . An other denial with facts somewhat similar to the Moore application was Howard v. B eave r cree k , 2 76 F .3d 802 (6 th Cir. 2002). The Sixth District Court of Appeals' reasoning there m erit s ex amination. There , the Court upheld the denial of a requested accommodation to raise a fe nce to s ix feet, which wa s in excess of city requirements. Mr. Howard, the disabled appl icant, argu ed he suffered from PTSD and believed his neighbors were spying on him, exacerbating his condit ion. T he fenc e w as for the purpose of privac y and eliminating any undue stress . The City , tri a l Court , and Appeals Court based their denial , in part, on the lack of a definitive opinio n from the treating physician, which stated only that it was fea s ible that the fence may relie v e the st ress . They al so found that Mr. Howard had li ved in his home for several years and had not earli er reques ted the accommodation, showing that he was not denied equal opportunity to enjo y the housing or community of his choice. The trial court further found that there was "uncontroverted ev idence " that the fenc e would cause a threat to pedestrian and v ehicular traffic. The App eal Court affirmed the denial. (Id. at 805 -807.) The Moore application here differ s in se veral key respects . First, h ere , the treating physici an was much more emphatic in the need for the accommodation, stating that the accommodation was "imp erati v e" and that the hedges "alleviates these symptoms" of the disability. Secon d, according to Mr. Fe s ler 's declaration, the Moore 's had only recently moved into the res idence in the summer of 2017 and began immediatel y planting oversi zed hedges. (Although Mr. Fesler argu ed it was not for the purposes of pri vac y for the disabled resident). Mrs. Moore testifi ed that the onl y reason she waited so long to apply for a reasonable accommodation was that she only recentl y learn ed such a procedure was available. Third , the City's Traffic E ngineer has determ in ed th at the required "safety triangle " trimming would mitigate an y safety threats , and the C ity Police Department 's review did not re veal any safet y issues. So the three princ ip al fa ctors determ ining Ho w ard, longevity in the nei ghbo rhood without the accommodation, an equivoc a l opinion from the treatin g phys ician, and threat s to pedestrian and vehicular traffi c, 10 were not present here. For those reasons, while instructive, the facts of the Howard case do not compel a similar finding of denial here, and its holding is by no means controlling here. The facts and reasoning of the above three denials are substantially distinguished from the Moore application and do not suggest denial here. The case here is much more similar to three other requests that were all approved, one by this Hearing Officer. They were RA2015-002, RA2016-001, and RA2018-001. All three involved requests to accommodate an elevator to the second story. The argument against the Moore's application here is that the disabled resident could simply confine himself to certain parts of the house, thus avoiding the accommodation for additional hedge height. Applying that same logic to the elevator cases, those residents could have been told to simply confine themselves to the first floor, thus avoiding the accommodation for an elevator. But that was not the standard for the three elevator cases and is not the standard for the case here for hedges. As discussed above, the term "necessary" is linked to the goal of equal opportunity. The required finding references an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. Here, a resident does not enjoy equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling when they are confined to only parts of the dwelling, effectively barring them from other parts of the home such as the second story in the case of the elevator requests or a specific bedroom as here. "The concept of necessity requires at a minimum the showing that the desired accommodation will affirmatively enhance the disabled [resident's] quality of life by ameliorating the effects of the disability." (Smith, l 02 F.3d at 795.) That minimum showing was met by the documentation from the treating physician as discussed above. This objection is unpersuasive. A few opponents questioned why the Moore's would move to this location, implying that other locations would provide an alternative where more privacy would be available. But living in the neighborhood of their choice is exactly the point. Every court reviewing a reasonable accommodation references this goal of the FHAA. For example, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals noted "Congress intended the FHAA to protect the right of handicapped persons to live in the residence of their choice in the community." (City of Edmonds v. Washington State Bldg. Code Council, 18 F.3d 802 (9th Cir. 1994); See also Smith, l 02 F.3d at 795, the Act prohibits excluding people with disabilities entirely from zoning neighborhoods or giving them less opportunity to live in certain neighborhoods than people without disabilities.) While it is true that Lido Isle is densely packed with very small lot sizes, high lot coverage, and minimum outdoor usable recreation space, the fact that other neighborhoods with more lot space and/or privacy are available as an alternative does not compel disabled persons to exhaust those alternatives and to forgo living in the neighborhood of their choice. This objection is unpersuasive. (3) Definition of "Dwelling" Opponents argue that reasonable accommodations must be limited to use and enjoyment of the dwelling, which they argue, is defined by 42 USC 3602(b) as only those areas within the enclosed home and not the adjacent open spaces. 11 . This is an overly narrow interpretation of the letter and intent of the statute. The intent is to prevent discrimination and to promote equal opportunity. FHAA section 42 USC 3604(£)(3), which contains the language for "reasonable accommodations," also defines "discrimination" in terms of the "premises" which suggests more than the four walls of the structure. (Black 's Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition, defines "premises" to mean "a house or building, along with its grounds." Emphasis added.) If barriers must be removed to the equal use and enjoyment of the interior of the home, it makes little sense to allow barriers to the equal use and enjoyment of the outdoor spaces of the premises immediately adjacent to the home. Any reasonable person would take for granted that , if their bedroom fronted on an outdoor space with a sliding glass door leading to it, they would be entitled to use that space as part of their dwelling and premises. Such is the case here. This Hearing Officer is unaware of any case law supporting this narrow interpretation. Notably, the case in Howard, discussed above, included the argument that a privacy fence was needed , inter alia , to prevent leaves from blowing into the y ard which exacerbated a heart condition when the applicant raked them. Although denied on other grounds , the Court there made no distinction that this outdoor area was disqualified from a reasonable accommodation request due to not meeting the definition of "dwelling ." Further, the interpretation of reasonable accommodations in all case law has been liberally applied , includi ng the reasoning discussed above that places the burden on opponents to show the accommodation is NOT reasonable. The argument that the home, or "dwelling," is limited to the space within the dwelling walls , without supporting authority applying this to reasonable accommodations , is insufficient to show that the accommodation is NOT reasonable. T his objection is unpersuasive. (4) Fundamental Alterations or Undue Hardship-Views Opponents argue that allowing oversized hedges in this location would create a fundamental alteration to the character of the community. Currently, all hedges located in the front yards in the neighborhood where the accommodation is requested are limited to 42 inches by City regulations. The local homeowners association (HOA), the Lido Isle Community Association, t e stified that they recently approved a CC&R requirement to allow hedge heights to increas e from 30 inches to 60 inches to allow privacy but which still allowed some view to the harbor. In addition to this requirement, the CC&Rs required all trees to be trimmed to 7 feet off the ground . This would allow a view corridor of 2 feet between the 5 foot tall hedges and the 7 foot tre e trimmings off the ground. The HOA argued that if this particular hedge was allowed up to 78 inches as requested, and trees are trimmed down to 84 inches , it would leave only 6 inches of view corridor. The HOA argued that the requested accommodation would impact all home s north (away from the water) of the accommodation looking toward the harbor and all homes on the applicant's side of the Strada (pedestrian public way) in that those homes would no longer have a clear view. The HOA supported an accommodation of 6 feet but not the 78 inches. Other neighbors objected that their view of the harbor and water would be restricted . They argued this restriction on the views would be an undue burden and fundamental alteration to their prop erty rights and to the public views. In water-oriented communities , views to the water are an important property interest that has significant economic value. Opponents were quick to point that out. However, the "fundam ental alteration" in the findings refers to the "nature of the City 's zoning program." Here , it is th e HOA's program for view preservation not the City 's zoning program that is affected . Whil e the accommodation may indeed affect the views of individuals and the public , it is not a fundam ental alteration to the zoning program and no such argument was presented . Further, no case authority 12 was presented in support of this argument that would show that private and public views were the type of fundamental alteration as "defined in Fair Housing Laws and interpretative cas e law " as required by the finding. Even if the HOA program were to be considered, the HOA jurisdiction includes many other streets and strada on the island which would be completel y unaffected by the requested accommodation. T hi s objection fails to show a fundamental alteration in the nature of a program. However , the Court in Smith , discussed above, did note that, in determining the reasonableness of an accommodation, cost to the objectors and benefit to the applicant merit consideration as we ll , and a court must balance the objector 's interest against the need for the accommodation. (S mith , 102 F.3d at 795 ; see also Bronk v. Ineichen, 54 F.3d 425, 429 (ih Cir. 1995) reasonab le acc ommodation not "an obligation to do everything humanly possible to accommodate a disabled person.") Here , after showing that the accommodation is reasonable and/or possible, the burden shifts to opponents to show that the accommodation is NOT reasonable or would cause undue hardship. Opponents argue the added hedge height would be a significant cost to them and cause them an undue hardship by limiting their views. But in a densely packed urban environment such a s thi s , many things may obstruct views, including the numerous other hedges and trees along the view corridor. The Staff Report, the applicant, and the HOA all reported that there are many other oversized hedges in the immediate neighborhood which presumably also block views. The existing private views argued here are limited at best and no v iew analysis was presented to substantiate the degree of loss. F urther, when the Courts in Smith and Bronk noted that costs and benefits should be balanced, they were referring to costs to the entity providing the accommodation. Here, the accommodator i s th e Cit y, and costs to the City are addressed in the Third Required Finding that there be no undue burden on the Ci ty, and the Fourth Required Finding that there be no fundamental al terat ion to a City zoning program. The City Staff Report declared there to be no such adverse impacts . Any impact to a third -party should be viewed in the context of those findin gs . Regarding private or public views , there is no City zoning program that has been identified for the protection of views. The subject property is within the coastal area and has an active local coastal progran1 (LCP), but no evidence was presented that any views to the coast or harbor are to be protected. Third-party impacts are also viewed in the context of the Fifth Required Find ing that there be no health or safety threat, or substantial physical damage to the property o f others. The City Traffic Engineer and City Police Department did not identify any health or safety threat ( di scussed more fully below). Further, the blockage of a partial harbor view is not the direct causation of physical damage to property of others. Even if such an attenuated argument coul d be made based on indirect causation, no evidence was submitted of "substantial" property d amage, or that a view to the harbor was even "property.". Third-party impacts could also be viewed in the context of the environmental review, and here the Staff Report found "no potential to have a significant effect on the environment." In short, third-party impacts should be reviewed in the context of the Fourth Required Finding for any adverse effects on the third-party relative to a City zoning program, or in the context of the F ifth Required Finding for any adverse effects on third-party health and safety or physical property damage , or the environmental review for any adverse effects on a third-party rel ative to 13 environmental impacts. In addition, the cost analysis should take into account the City's affirmative duty to accommodate the needs of disabled persons. On balance, the limited view obstruction for a limited number of people has not been shown to rise to a level to outweigh the benefit to the applicant to remove barriers to the equal opportunity for the use and enjoyment of a dwelling, and does not overcome the affirmative duty to provide reasonable accommodations. This objection is unpersuasive. (5) Safety Concerns Opponents argue that the additional hedge height will cause safety issues. The subject property is located on the comer of Strada Triese and Via Lido Soud. The o versized hedge is proposed to be along Strada Trieste, a pedestrian public way running generall y no rth- south to the harbor. It intersects with Via Lido Soud, running generally east-west, which is a pub lic street with an adjacent sidewalk . Opponents argue this is a very busy intersection fo r pedes trians and that the hedge , located on the comer of the intersection, will block the view of people coming around the comer at the intersection . T he C it y Traffic Engineer has recommended that the hedge be trimmed and maintained t o a m ax imum of 36 inches along this comer in a "sight distance triangle" measuring 5 foot by 5 foot along the comer, to address this safety issue. Further, the Police Department has reviewed the request and expressed no safety concerns , staff reported. T he City Traffic Engineer and the City Police Department have not expressed concern over safety and the City Traffic Engineer has recommended a mitigation measure to address any potential traffic and pedestrian safety issue. This objection is unpersuasi ve. ( 6) Improper Motive Opponents have argued that this reasonable accommodation request is merely an "end-run" around the City's hedge height requirements. There was much discussion at the hearin g and in written declarations about prior code enforcement actions by the City and homeowners association to enforce the existing requirements upon the applicants. Opponents argued that the re asona bl e accommodation application was just a circumvention of the rules and enforcement ac tions, and that the applicant only desires to have higher hedges. P r ior code enforcement actions are not before this Hearing Officer, and the City, nor thi s Heari ng Offi ce r , enforce homeowner association rules . Whil e this Hearing Officer has cautioned against u sing the reasonable accommodation procedure to circumvent other more appropriate proc edures for re sol v ing issues , this application must be taken at face value and reviewed pursuant to the Muni cip a l Code , relevant statutes and case law. Thi s objection is unpersuasive. All arguments presented by opponents in items 1-6 above were considered and ar e found no t to rise to the lev el of showing that the accommodation i s NOT reasonable. 14 The Second Required Finding can be made . Third Required Finding: Undue Financial or Administrative Burden on the City The City Staff Report concluded that there would be no financial or administrative burden on the City, and none were presented at the hearing. On this basis, and the on basis discussed under the Second Required Finding, the Third Require d Finding can be made. Fourth Required Finding: No Fundamental Alteration in City 's Zoning Program The City Staff Report concluded that there would be no fundamental alteration to the City 's zoning program. As discussed above, the argument that the allowance of this one hedge to exceed the height limit would cause a fundamental alteration to the character of the area and to the views to the harbor was found to be unpersuasive. On this basis, and the on basis discussed under the Second Required Finding , the Fourth Required Finding can be made . Fifth Required Finding: Health and Safety: Physical Damage to Property of Others As discussed above, the City Traffic Engineer and City Police Department have concluded that, as mitigated, the request would not threaten health or safety of other individuals. As discus sed above , opponents have argued that their view of the harbor would be obstructed and that a harbor view is a form of property which is damaged . As discussed above, this argument, in the co ntext of a reas onable accommodation, is unpersuasive. On this basis, and the on basis discussed under the Second Required Finding, the Fifth Required Finding can be made. En vironmental Findings The accommodation has been found to be exempt from environmental review, which is the mechanism for identifying environmental impacts including safety and impacts to others. Planning staff found the request to have no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Conclusion: State and federal Fair Housing Laws are intended to protect those with disabilities from housing discrimination and to provide them a level playing field to access housing. Providing reasonabl e accommodations in support of state and federal Fair Housing Laws is good public policy. It is a powerful tool for creative solutions. But it should be used judiciously and take into account th e impacts on others. The burden of proof requires that the applicant must first show that a disability exists. Here, the documentation from treating physicians confirms the disability. Then, the burden rests with th e applicant to show the requested accommodation is reasonable on its face , meaning it is feasib le , poss ib le , or plausible. Here, growing a hedge beyond the 42 inch requirement to a maximum of 78 inches meets this low burden. Then the burden shifts to opponents to show the accommodation is NOT reasonable or creates an undue hardship or will be a fundamental alteration to a city program . Costs to opponents are to be balanced against the benefit to the applicant. Here , the arguments that a height exemption for one hedge will be a fundamental 15 alteration to a citywide hedge height program or to the HOA island-wide hedge height CC&R is not persuasive . Further, although the accommodation may obstruct some private views which are currently partial at best, it has not been shown to be substantial physical property damage, and does not outweigh the benefit to the applicant to fully use and enjoy his dwelling and asso ciated outdoor recreational open space, and to live in the neighborhood of his choice . While there may or may not be other motives or benefits to the application, the application on its face compl ies w ith all required findings. Resolution: Resolution No. HO2019-001 , as pre se nted in Attachment No . 1 in the Staff Report and modified herewith, is adopted. This Decision and Order, in its entirely , is incorporated by reference into the Resolutio n. ORDER: Resol ution No. HO2019-001 , Approving Request for Reasonable Accommodation is hereb y ADOPTED. This Order is effective upon service on the parties. APPEAL OF DECISION ON REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: This DECISION AND ORDER is appealable to the Newport Beach City Council. Municipal Code section 20.52.070.B designates the Hearing Officer as the Re view Authority to approve , conditionally approve , or deny applications for a reasonable accommodation. Sub section D .1. b states that the Hearing Officer action shall be subject to appeal procedures identified for any other discretionary permit. Section 20 .50.030, Table 1, states that the Review Authority for an appeal of a Hearing Officer decision on a reasonable accommodation is the City Council. Subsection D.1 .c provides that "[ o ]n review the [City] Council may sustain , rev erse, or modify the decision of the Hearing Officer or remand the matter for further consideration .... " This action shall become final and effective fourteen days following the date this Resoluti on was adopted unless within such time an appeal to the City Council is filed with the Community Development Director in accordanc e with the provisions ofNBMC Title 20 Planning and Zoning and NBMC Title 21 Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan. IT IS SO ORDERED: Date: August .15 , 2019 16