HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190412_ApplicationPlanning Permit Application Community Development Department -Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone (949)644-3229 Fax www.newportbeachca.gov 1. Check Permits Requested: 0 Approval-in-Concept -AIC # 0 Limited Term Permit - 0 Coastal Reside ntial Development D Season al O < 90 day 0 >90 da ys 0 Condominium Conversion O Modification Permit 0 Comprehensive Sign Program O Off-Site Parking Agreement 0 Development Agreement O Planned Community Development Plan D De velo pment Plan D Planned Development Permit D Lot Line Adjustment D Site Development Review -D Major D Mino r 0 Lot Merger ~ Parcel Map 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) 1613 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar; APN: 459-071-16 0 Staff Approval □Tract Map 0 Traffic Study D Use Permit -□Minor □Conditi on al D Amendment to existing Use Permit D Variance 0 Amendment -□Code □PC □G P □LCP 0 Other: 3 . Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): A duplex will be built to condominium standards. The application is to create two condominium units on the new parcel being created . A I. t N l waterpointe Custom Home Builders I 4. pp 1can ame ';::::=========================================.-------;:::==========~· Mailing Address 161 O Newport Center Dr. Suite/Unit ls9 o I City !Newport Beach, CA State l cA I Zip 192660 I Phone 1949.644.8900 I Fax ~-------'' Email l christopher@waterpointecustom.coj 5 . Contact Name !James 11 Buzz" Person Mailing Address l so7 29th Street City !Newport Beach Phone 1949-673-9201 Fax lnone 6. Owner Name !Narcissus Waterpointe, LLC I ~1 () Ne'"'port C 0 ..,+ar Dr Mailing Address I v 'v v, • .._,, ,....,, · I Suite/Un it ';:IA===========:' State lcA I Zip 192663 I I Email l buzzlaw@buzzperson.com I I Suite/Unit ls9o I -;=:========== City !Newport Beach Phone 1949.644.8900 State lcA I Zip 192660 I I Fax '---------'' Email lgarrett@waterpointecustom.com I . . Garrett Calacci I 7 . Property Owner's Aff1dav1t*: (I) r,Ne) _______________________ _, depose and say that (I am) (we a re) th e owner(s) of th e property (i es) inv olved in this application. (I) r,Ne) further certify, und e r pena lty of perjury, that th e foregoing statements and answers here in contained and the information herew ith submitted are in all respects tru e and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowl edg e and belief. Signatw.e(-sr~~-Titl e: Manager Date:--:7 J Z.. '\ \ \ q C:..--~ -?J DD/MONEAR Signa tur e(s): _______________ T itle : Date: *May be si gned by the lessee o r by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record i s fil ed concurrently w ith the appli cation . Please note, th e owner(s)' signature fo r Parce l/Tract Map and Lot Line Adju stment Appli cation must be notarized. \\cnb. lcl\data\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning _Division\Applications\Application_ Guidelines\P lanning Pe rm it App I icatio n. d OCX t 1 ..... ,-1,..~,..,.1 f"l7/.f/\/.f") L :,.1,-1,. PA2019-068 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\Staff_Dir\Garciamay\Ruby\desktop\DESKTOP_\CUT_PASTE_DRAG_COPY\Office Use Only.docx Updated 08/15/17 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: _______________________ 2700-5000 Acct. APN No: __________________________ Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ Council District No.: _________________ For Deposit Account: General Plan Designation: ____________ Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Zoning District: _____________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ APPLICATION Approved Denied Tabled: _________________________ ACTION DATE Planning Commission Meeting Zoning Administrator Hearing Community Development Director Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): ________________________ APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: ________________________ Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ PA2019-068 Attachment to PLANNING PERMIT APPLICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing thi s certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness , accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~ On the J.$t day of {fo.n f , 2019, before me, ?Jehor,,j .lkc,:.J.rl;,s notary public, personally appared Garrett Calacci, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instru- ment and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity and that by his signature on the instrument is the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Signature of Notary Publi for the State of California 1 • • • • 0o:!o:H;ES:AR~IN; • f • Notary Public -California ~ ~ ~ . -Orange County ;: · Commission # 2228873 · My Comm. Expires Feb 13, 2022 PA2019-068 ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP APPLICATION FOR 613 NARCISSUS AVENUE, CORONA DEL MAR a . The existing use of the property is residential. The purpose of the subdivision is to create a single parcel for two condominium units. b. A newly constructed two unit condominium building will be constructed on the property. The public utilities will be built in compliance with the building code and each unit will a separate service for water, gas, electricity and sewage. c. Each unit will have a separate sanitary sewage line to the main sewage line in the public right of way. d. No public areas are proposed unless imposed by the City of Newport Beach. e. No trees are to be planted except as shown on the landscape plan and/or imposed as a condition by the City of Newport Beach. f. There are no restrictive covenants to be imposed except for the Units' CC&R's, concerning the occupation and use of the property. This statement was signed this 11 th day of April, 2019, at Newport Beach, California. ~--~-===------ ~Garrett Calacci, Manager PA2019-068 NARCISSUS WATERPOINTE, LLC Waterpointe Custom Home Builders 610 Newport Center Drive #890 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Planning Department City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 April 11, 2019 Re: Tentative Parcel Map, 613 Narcissus, Corona del Mar Dear Planning Department: James C. (Buzz) Person, Jr. and/or Paul Craft are my authorized agents in this matter and is authorized to act on my behalf in any and all planning decisions which migh t come before you concerning the above described property, including but not limited to fil ing applications for planning permits, discussing my properties with Staff, and any and all other matters which involve a planning decision to approve the project at the City of Newport Beach which I might otherwise have to make concerning this property. They are authorized to act independently of eac h other if necessary. Thank you for your cooperation. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~C- ~ Garrett E. Calacci, Manager PA2019-068 Secretary of State Statement of Information (Limited Liability Company) LLC-12 IMPORTANT -This form can be filed online at blzflle.sos.ca.gov. Read instructions before completing this form. Filing Fee .;.. $20.00 Copy Fees -First page $1.00; each attachment page $0.50; Certification Fee -$5.00 plus copy fees 91u r 8 -3 f 7 4.6,1 FILED Secretary of State State of Califomia AUG O t 2018 2v 1~/e& Above Space For Office Use Only 1. Limited Liability Company Name (Enter the exact name of the LLC. If you registered in California using an alternate name, see instructions.) NARCISSUS WATERPOINTE, LLC 2. 12-Dlg it Secretary of State Entity (File) Number 3. State, Foreign Country or Place of Organization (only ifformedoutstdeof California) 201813010335 4. BusinessAddresses a. Street Address of Prlrclpal Office. Do not list a P.O. Box City (noabbrevfations) State Zip Code 610 NEWPORT CENTER DR STE 890 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 b. Mailing Address of LLC. lfd ifferentthan Item 4a City (no abbreviations) State Zip Code c. Street Addre$S d California Ofl::e, If ltem4a is noltn Callomia-Do not list a P.O. Box City {no abbreviations} Stale Zip Code CA 5. Manager(s) or Member(s) tt no managers have been appointed or elected, provide the name and address of each member. At leasl one name Ill.!! address must be Usted. If the manager/member is an Individual, complete Items 5a and 5c (leave Item Sb blank). If the manager/member is an entity, complete Items Sb and Sc (leave Item 5a blank). Note: The LLC cannot serve as its own manager or member. If the LLC has additional managers/members, enter the name(s) and eddress(as) on Form LLC-12A. a. First Name, If an lndwldual -Do not COTll!lete Item 5b I Middle Name I LastName I Suffix GARRETT CALACCI b. Entity Name-Do not complete ltem5a c. Address I City {noabbre.ilations) I State I Zip Cade 610 NEWPORT CENTER DR STE 890 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 6. Service of Process (Must provide either lndlvldual OR Corporation.} INDIVIDUAL-Complete Items ea and 6b only. Must Include agent's full name and California street address. a. Calif oma Agenf5 First Name (if agert is nota corporalon} Middle Name I LastName I Suffix GARRETT CALACCI b. Street Addreaa(if agert is not a corporaiai) • Do not enter a P.O. Box City {noabbreviatlons) I State I Zip Code 610 NEWPORT CENTER DR STE 890 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 CORPORATION -Complete Item 6c only. Only Include the name of the registered agent Corporation. c. California Registered Corixirate Agent's Name (if agmt is a corpora Ion)-Do not complete ltem6a ortib 7. Type of Business Describe the type of bushess or sevlOEIS of the Lim led Liability CaT1P3ny REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 8. Chief Executive Officer, if elected or appointed a. First Name Middle Name I Last Name I Suffix b.Address City (no abbrwiatlons) \ State t Zip Code 9, The Information contained herein, including any attachments made part of this document, Is true and correct. GARRETT CAL.ACCI Date Type or A-int Name of Person Coni:>leling the Form 1..LC·12 (REV 01/2018) MANAGER Title Signature 2018 California Secretary of State bizfile.sos.ca.gov PA2019-068