HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210121_Title CommitmentThis page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 1 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California Commitment ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company File No: NCS-1032674-CO COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued By FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY NOTICE IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMMITMENT TO ISSUE POLICY Subject to the Notice; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions; and the Commitment Conditions, First American Title Insurance Company, a Nebraska Corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A, only when the Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed Insured. If all of the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements have not been met within six months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. If this jacket was created electronically, it constitutes an original document. First ,American Firsl America.n Title .ln-surance Company c9-,,.../ dL 4 ;c~ PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 2 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California COMMITMENT CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) “Knowledge” or “Known”: Actual or imputed knowledge, but not constructive notice imparted by the Public Records. (b) “Land”: The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term “Land” does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. (c) “Mortgage”: A mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. (d) “Policy”: Each contract of title insurance, in a form adopted by the American Land Title Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. (e) “Proposed Insured”: Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed Insured of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (f) “Proposed Policy Amount”: Each dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Policy Amount of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (g) “Public Records”: Records established under state statutes at the Commitment Date for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. (h) “Title”: The estate or interest described in Schedule A. 2. If all of the Schedule B, Part I—Requirements have not been met within the time period specified in the Commitment to Issue Policy, this Commitment terminates and the Company’s liability and obligation end. 3. The Company’s liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without: (a) the Notice; (b) the Commitment to Issue Policy; (c) the Commitment Conditions; (d) Schedule A; (e) Schedule B, Part I—Requirements; and (f) Schedule B, Part II—Exceptions. 4. COMPANY’S RIGHT TO AMEND The Company may amend this Commitment at any time. If the Company amends this Commitment to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commitment Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company shall not be liable for any other amendment to this Commitment. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY (a) The Company’s liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed Insured’s actual expense incurred in the interval between the Company’s delivery to the Proposed Insured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from the Proposed Insured’s good faith reliance to: (i) comply with the Schedule B, Part I—Requirements; (ii) eliminate, with the Company’s written consent, any Schedule B, Part II—Exceptions; or (iii) acquire the Title or create the Mortgage covered by this Commitment. (b) The Company shall not be liable under Commitment Condition 5(a) if the Proposed Insured requested the amendment or had Knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing. (c) The Company will only have liability under Commitment Condition 4 if the Proposed Insured would not have incurred the expense had the Commitment included the added matter when the Commitment was first delivered to the Proposed Insured. (d) The Company’s liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Proposed Insured’s actual expense incurred in good faith and described in Commitment Conditions 5(a)(i) through 5(a)(iii) or the Proposed Policy Amount. (e) The Company shall not be liable for the content of the Transaction Identification Data, if any. (f) In no event shall the Company be obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part I—Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. (g) In any event, the Company’s liability is limited by the terms and provisions of the Policy. PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 3 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California 6. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT (a) Only a Proposed Insured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commitment. (b) Any claim must be based in contract and must be restricted solely to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. (c) Until the Policy is issued, this Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of this Commitment. (d) The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part II—Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. (e) Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company. (f) When the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Company’s only liability will be under the Policy. 7. IF THIS COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company’s agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance commitments and policies. The issuing agent is not the Company’s agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services. 8. PRO-FORMA POLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed Insured, a pro-forma policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro-forma policy neither reflects the status of Title at the time that the pro-forma policy is delivered to a Proposed Insured, nor is it a commitment to insure. 9. ARBITRATION Arbitration provision intentionally removed. PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 4 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California Schedule A ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company File No: NCS-1032674-CO Transaction Identification Data for reference only: Issuing Agent: First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services Issuing Office: 1125 17th Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202 Commitment No.: NCS-1032674-CO Issuing Office File No.: NCS-1032674-CO Property Address: 3040-3050 East Coast Hiway, Lots 5 and 6, Block P, Tract No. 32, NWC of Pacific Coast Hwy & Jasmine, Corona del Mar, CA Escrow Officer/Assistant: / Revision No.: Phone: / Email: / Title Officer/Assistant: Brandon Orcutt/Anna Habarth Phone: (303)876-1158/(303)876-1112 Email: borcutt@firstam.com/ahabarth@firstam.com SCHEDULE A 1. Commitment Date: September 29, 2020 at 7:30 AM 2. Policy to be issued: (a) ☐ 2006 ALTA® Policy Proposed Insured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ 0.00 (b) ☐ 2006 ALTA® Policy Proposed Insured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ 0.00 (c) ☐ 2006 ALTA® Policy Proposed Insured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ 3. The estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in this Commitment is Fee 4. The Title is, at the Commitment Date, vested in: Tamar Carson, as to a life estate; and Hugh Carson Family, LLC, a California limited liability company as to the remainder 5. The Land is described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof First .American PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 5 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California Schedule BI & BII ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company File No: NCS-1032674-CO Commitment No.: NCS-1032674-CO SCHEDULE B, PART I Requirements All of the following Requirements must be met: A. The Proposed Insured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any party not referred to in this Commitment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. B. Pay the agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insured. C. Pay the premiums, fees, and charges for the Policy to the Company. D. Documents satisfactory to the Company that convey the Title or create the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivered, and recorded in the Public Records. E. Releases(s) or Reconveyance(s) of Item(s): None F. Other: None G. You must give us the following information: a. Any off record leases, surveys, etc. b. Statement(s) of Identity, all parties. c. Other: None The following additional requirements, as indicated by "X", must be met: [X] H. Provide information regarding any off-record matters, which may include, but are not limited to: leases, recent works of improvement, or commitment statements in effect under the Environmental Responsibility Acceptance Act, Civil Code Section 850, et seq. The Company's Owner's Affidavit form (as provided by the company) must be completed and submitted prior to close in order to satisfy this requirement. This Commitment will then be subject to such further exceptions and/or requirements as may be deemed necessary. [] I. An ALTA/NSPS survey of recent date, which complies with the current minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/NSPS land title surveys, must be submitted to the Company for review. This Commitment will then be subject to such further exceptions and/or requirements as may be deemed necessary. First American PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 6 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California [X] J. The following LLC documentation is required from: (i) a copy of the Articles of Organization (ii) a copy of the Operating Agreement, if applicable (iii) a Certificate of Good Standing and/or other evidence of current Authority to Conduct Business within the State (iv) express Company Consent to the current transaction [] K. The following partnership documentation is required : (i) a copy of the partnership agreement, including all applicable amendments thereto (ii) a Certificate of Good Standing and/or other evidence of current Authority to Conduct Business within the State (iii) express Partnership Consent to the current transaction [] L. The following corporation documentation is required: (i) a copy of the Articles of Incorporation (ii) a copy of the Bylaws, including all applicable Amendments thereto (iii) a Certificate of Good Standing and/or other evidence of current Authority to Conduct Business within the State (iv) express Corporate Resolution consenting to the current transaction [X] M. Based upon the Company's review of that certain partnership/operating agreement dated Not disclosed for the proposed insured herein, the following requirements must be met: Any further amendments to said agreement must be submitted to the Company, together with an affidavit from one of the general partners or members stating that it is a true copy, that said partnership or limited liability company is in full force and effect, and that there have been no further amendments to the agreement. This Commitment will then be subject to such further requirements as may be deemed necessary. [] N. A copy of the complete lease, as referenced in Schedule A, #3 herein, together with any amendments and/or assignments thereto, must be submitted to the Company for review, along with an affidavit executed by the present lessee stating that it is a true copy, that the lease is in full force and effect, and that there have been no further amendments to the lease. This Commitment will then be subject to such further requirements as may be deemed necessary. [X] O. Approval from the Company's Underwriting Department must be obtained for issuance of the policy contemplated herein and any endorsements requested thereunder. This Commitment will then be subject to such further requirements as may be required to obtain such approval. [] P. Potential additional requirements, if ALTA Extended coverage is contemplated hereunder, and work on the land has commenced prior to close, some or all of the following requirements, and any other requirements which may be deemed necessary, may need to be met: [] Q. The Company's "Indemnity Agreement I" must be executed by the appropriate parties. PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 7 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California [] R. Financial statements from the appropriate parties must be submitted to the Company for review. [] S. A copy of the construction contract must be submitted to the Company for review. [] T. An inspection of the Land must be performed by the Company for verification of the phase of construction. [] U. The Company's "Mechanic's Lien Risk Addendum" form must be completed by a Company employee, based upon information furnished by the appropriate parties involved. PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 8 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California Schedule BI & BII (Cont.) ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company File No: NCS-1032674-CO Commitment No.: NCS-1032674-CO SCHEDULE B, PART II Exceptions THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEDERAL LAW BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. The Policy will not insure against loss or damage resulting from the terms and provisions of any lease or easement identified in Schedule A, and will include the following Exceptions unless cleared to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter that appears for the first time in the Public Records or is created, attaches, or is disclosed between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Schedule B, Part I-Requirements are met. 2. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 3. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 4. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 5. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 7. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2020-2021, a lien not yet due or payable. 8. The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 commencing with Section 75 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. First American PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 9 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California 9. An easement for road and incidental purposes in the document recorded as Book 962, Page 495 of Official Records. 10. An easement for state highway and incidental purposes, recorded January 19, 1939 as Book 981, Page 20 of Official Records. In Favor of: State of California Affects: As described therein 11. A waiver of any claims for damages by reason of the location, construction, landscaping or maintenance of a contiguous freeway, highway or roadway, as contained in the document recorded January 19, 1939 as Book 981, Page 20 of Official Records. 12. A lease dated January 07, 1960, executed by Robert M. Carson and Rena Carson as lessor and John R. Waters and Byron W. Tarnutzer, a co-partnership known as Waters & Tarnutzer as lessee, recorded February 15, 1960 as Book 5098, Page 176 of Official Records. Defects, liens, encumbrances or other matters affecting the leasehold estate, whether or not shown by the public records are not shown herein. 13. The rights, if any, of a city, public utility or special district to preserve a public easement in alley as the same was vacated by the document recorded June 2, 1982 as Instrument No. 1982-188336 of Official Records. 14. Any claim that the Title is subject to a trust or lien created under The Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930 (7 U.S.C. §§499a, et seq.) or the Packers and Stockyards Act (7 U.S.C. §§181 et seq.) or under similar state laws. 15. Any defects, liens, encumbrances or other matters which name parties with the same or similar names as Robert M. Carson. The name search necessary to ascertain the existence of such matters has not been completed. In order to complete this preliminary report or commitment, we will require a statement of information. 16. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not shown by the Public Records. 17. We find no outstanding voluntary liens of record affecting subject property. An inquiry should be made concerning the existence of any unrecorded lien or other indebtedness which could give rise to any security interest in the subject property. 18. Rights of parties in possession. PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 10 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California INFORMATIONAL NOTES ALERT - CA Senate Bill 2 imposes an additional fee of $75 up to $225 at the time of recording on certain transactions effective January 1, 2018. Please contact your First American Title representative for more information on how this may affect your closing. 1. Taxes for proration purposes only for the fiscal year 2019-2020. First Installment: $4,953.74, PAID Second Installment: $4,953.74, PAID Tax Rate Area: 07-001 APN: 459-186-16 (Affects Lot 6) 2. Taxes for proration purposes only for the fiscal year 2019-2020. First Installment: $644.39, PAID Second Installment: $644.39, PAID Tax Rate Area: 07-001 APN: 459-186-17 (Affects Lot 5) 3. According to the latest available equalized assessment roll in the office of the county tax assessor, there is located on the land a(n) Commercial Structure known as 3040 and 3050 East Coast , Newport Beach, CA. 4. According to the public records, there has been no conveyance of the land within a period of twenty- four months prior to the date of this report, except as follows: None 5. This preliminary report/commitment was prepared based upon an application for a policy of title insurance that identified land by street address or assessor's parcel number only. It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine whether the land referred to herein is in fact the land that is to be described in the policy or policies to be issued. The map attached, if any, may or may not be a survey of the land depicted thereon. First American Title Insurance Company expressly disclaims any liability for loss or damage which may result from reliance on this map except to the extent coverage for such loss or damage is expressly provided by the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy, if any, to which the map is attached. PA2021-009 This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA® Commitment for Title Insurance issued by First American Title Insurance Company. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I-Requirements; Schedule B, Part II-Exceptions. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. Form 50003700 (8-23-18) Page 11 of 11 ALTA Commitment for Title Insurance (8-1-16) California Exhibit A ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company File No: NCS-1032674-CO File No.: NCS-1032674-CO The Land referred to herein below is situated in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and is described as follows: LOTS 5 AND 6 IN BLOCK P OF TRACT NO. 323, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 14, PAGES 40 AND 41 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED ALLEY, PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT ENTITLED "RESOLUTION NO. 82-60" RECORDED JUNE 2, 1982 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1982-188336 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. For conveyancing purposes only: APN 459-186-16(Affects Lot 6) and 459-186-17(Affects Lot 5) First .American PA2021-009 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: ALBRECHT & BARNEY (KJH) 1 Park Plaza, Ste. 900 Irvine, California 92614 WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Mr. Robert M. Carson, Jr. 29 Chapital San Clemente, California 92672 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111 21 · 00 * $ R O O O 7 7 8 4 7 9 2 $ * 2015000441409 2:37 pm 08/25/15 65 414 G02 F13 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Space Above For Recorder's Use) APN: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS declare: Documentary Transfer Tax is $NONE. No consideration given. The Grantors and the Grantees in this conveyance are comprised of the same parties who continue to hold the same proportionate interest in the property. Conveyance is tax-exempt under California Revenue & Taxation Code Section 11925( d). FOR NO CONSIDERATION, ROBERT M. CARSON, JR. and KRISTIN CARSON ANDERSON, Trustees of the CARSON RESIDUAL TRUST created under the WILL OF ROBERT M. CARSON, dated August 24, 1987, hereby grant to HUGH CARSON FAMILY, LLC, a California limited liability company, an undivided fifty percent (50%) interest in the real property in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IN CORPORA TED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE Commonly known as: 3040 and 3050 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California Dated: Fe bcvaa:~ z C, .-zo,s R~.::,]., Trustee of the Carson Residual Trust created under the Will of Robert M. Carson, dated August 24, 1987 [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON FOLLOWING PAGE) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Mr. Robert M. Carson, Jr., 29 Chapital, San Clemente, California 92672 E•\EP\30891\AGR\DOCS\COASTHWY(?).DED PA2021-009 [SIGNATURES CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE] Dated: ~A, ~tOL5 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: istin Carson Anderson, Trustee of the Carson Residual Trust created under the Will of Robert M. Carson, dated August 24, 1987 Mr. Robert M. Carson, Jr., 29 Chapital, San Clemente, California 92672 E:IEP\3089JIAGR\DOCS\COASTHWY(7).DED PA2021-009 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF oca.n~-e, ) ) ) On ~l:,{o.1(1..( Z,I, 10 , before me, Ctts:~ t-{ .f,.{ +ci , Notary Public, personally a peared Robert M. Carson, Jr., who~ ed to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) CASEY M. PYTEL Commission# 1967531 z Notary Public -California z Orange County • My Comm. Expires Jan 26. 2018 CAPACITY(IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S): Individual(s) Partner(s) Trustee(s) [] [] [X] [ ] Corporate ______ _ [] [] [] [] Attorney-In-Fact Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: ------- Officer(s) _____ _ Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies): Name of Instrument: Title(s) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: ROBERT M. CARSON, JR. GRANT DEED PA2021-009 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF .. CALIFO~I': _\) <'-fe\ exr-~'!N) COUNTY OF ORAlqOE'. ) On lY\A VLh ~ ) 5 , before me, l Qf'Q & ~ , Notary Public, personally appear6d KRISTIN CARSON ANDERSON, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ whose name~ is/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha~/she/ibey executed the same i~er/thetr- authorized capacity~ and that by .aimher/lhcirsignature(-S, on the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the fore going paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. LENA ANCONA ublic (SEAL) CAP ACITY(IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S): Individual(s) Partner(s) Trustee(s) [] [] [X] [] Corporate ______ _ [] [] [ ] [ ] Attorney-In-Fact Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: --------Officer(s) ______ _ Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies): Name of Instrument: Title(s) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: KRISTIN CARSON ANDERSON GRANT DEED PA2021-009 • • EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Lots 5 and 6 in Block "P" of Tract 323, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14. Pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County. Assessor's Parcel Number: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 PA2021-009 • RECORDING REQUESTED BY: ALBRECHT & BARNEY (KJH) 1 Park Plaza, Ste. 900 Irvine, California 92614 WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Mr. Eric R. Carson 39100 Paula Road Temecula, California 92592 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111 15 · 00 * $ R O O O 7 7 8 4 7 9 3 $ * 2015000441410 2:37 pm 08/25/15 65 414 G02 F13 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Space Above For Recorder's Use) APN: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS declare: Documentary Transfer Tax is $NONE. No consideration given. The Grantors and the Grantees in this conveyance are comprised of the same parties who continue to hold the same proportionate interest in the property. Conveyance is tax-exempt under California Revenue & Taxation Code Section 11925(d). FOR NO CONSIDERATION, ERIC R. CARSON, Trustee of the ERIC R. CARSON LIVING TRUST, dated January 23, 2013, hereby grants to HUGH CARSON FAMILY, LLC, a California limited liability company, an undivided sixteen and two-thirds percent (16 2/3%) interest in the real property in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IN CORPORA TED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE Commonly known as: 3040 and 3050 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California Dated: o<-1'?-~ 0 I'$ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Eric R. Carson, Trustee of the Eric R. Carson Living Trust, dated January 23, 2013 Mr. Robert M. Carson, Jr., 29 Chapital, San Clemente, California 92672 E:IEP\3089IIAGRIDOCS\COASTHWY(6).DED PA2021-009 • A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los AN6ftf,r; ) ) ) On ff.BR~ J q, 2..015 , before me, /?YJ'(JJ D . B~wtvE , Notary Public, personaly appeared ERIC R. CARSON, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personyef whose name¢ is/cµl subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/~/tl}ey executed the same in his~/t~r authorized capacity(ipef,' and that by hisfru{/th,dr signatureyef on the instrument the person(/5, or the entity upon behalf of which the personp6 acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. j* o o o a a a a •RQfN 8.1. 3~f • • •1 ... Oommt111on # 2070107 i Notary Public -California I· Loa Angeles County .. M comm. Ires Jun 1, 2018 (SEAL) CAPACITY(IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S): [] Individual(s) [] Partner(s) [X] Trustee(s) [ ] Corporate _____ _ Officer(s) _____ _ Title(s) [] [ ] [ ] [ ] Attorney-In-Fact Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: . ______ _ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies): Name of Instrument: ERIC R. CARSON GRANT DEED PA2021-009 EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Lots 5 and 6 in Block "P" of Tract 323, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14, Pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County. Assessor's Parcel Number: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 PA2021-009 ~ •' , RECORDING REQUESTED BY: ALBRECHT & BARNEY (KJH) 1 Park Plaza, Ste. 900 Irvine, California 92614 WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Mrs. Kimberly Carson 4615 Hampden Road Corona del Mar, California 92625 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll 111111111111111 lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111 15 . oo * $ R O O O 7 7 8 4 7 9 4 $ * 2015000441411 2:37 pm 08/25/15 65 414 G02 F13 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Space Above For Recorder's Use) APN: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS declare: Documentary Transfer Tax is $NONE. No consideration given. The Grantors and the Grantees in this conveyance are comprised of the same parties who continue to hold the same proportionate interest in the property. Conveyance is tax-exempt under California Revenue & Taxation Code Section 11925( d). FOR NO CONSIDERATION, KIMBERLY CARSON, Trustee of the KIM CARSON 2002 TRUST, dated August 14, 2002, hereby grants to HUGH CARSON FAMILY, LLC, a California limited liability company, an undivided sixteen and two-thirds percent (16 2/3%) interest in the real property in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IN CORPORA TED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE Commonly known as: 3040 and 3050 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: imberly Car on, Trustee o the Ki Carson 2002 Trust, dated August 14, 2002 Mr. Robert M. Carson, Jr., 29 Chapital, San Clemente, California 92672 E:\EP\3089JIAGR\DOCSICOASTHWY(2).DED PA2021-009 • A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF f}fisJJt C ) ) ) On f'f.f,/2,JJ£/" )3, :Jo/S , before me, l 1 -/J AU.2'lJ.;;/os Notary Public, personally appeared KIMBERLY CARSON, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s1 whose nru¢ts) is/ar.e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that ~/she/tpey executed the same inMs/her/thetr authorized capacity(i?'), and that by p/slher/theit signature(8' on the instrument the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) Individual( s) Partner(s) Trustee(s) Signature of Notary Public CAPACITY(IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S): [] [] [X] [] Corporate ______ _ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Attorney-In-Fact Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: ·-------Officer(s) _____ _ Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies): Name of Instrument: Title(s) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: KIMBERLY CARSON GRANT DEED ' PA2021-009 • EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Lots 5 and 6 in Block "P" of Tract 323, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14. Pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County. Assessor's Parcel Number: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 PA2021-009 · RECORDING REQUESTED BY: ALBRECHT & BARNEY (KJH) 1 Park Plaza, Ste. 900 Irvine, California 92614 WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Ms. Carey Carson 3111 East Vermont Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder I IIIII I I IIIIII Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 1111111111111 15 . 00 * $ R O O O 7 7 8 4 7 9 6 $ * 2015000441412 2:37 pm 08/25/15 65 414 G02 F13 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Space Above For Recorder's Use) APN: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS declare: Documentary Transfer Tax is $NONE. No consideration given. The Grantors and the Grantees in this conveyance are comprised of the same parties who continue to hold the same proportionate interest in the property. Conveyance is tax-exempt under California Revenue & Taxation Code Section 11925(d). FOR NO CONSIDERATION, CAREY CARSON, Trustee of the CAREY CA~SON FAMILY TRUST, dated June 1, 2000, hereby grants to HUGH CARSON FAMILY, LLC, a California limited liability company, an undivided sixteen and two-thirds percent (16 2/3%) interest in the real property in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IN CORPORA TED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE Commonly known as: 3040 and 3050 East Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California Dated: cl--/ 'I-cJ-~ /6 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Careycarso,Trustee of the Carey Carson Family Trust, dated June 1, 2000 Mr. Robert M. Carson, Jr., 29 Chapital, San Clemente, California 92672 E:\EP\30891\AGR\DOCS\COASTHWY(J).DED lf PA2021-009 • A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OFCiArLIFOffiHA A-,r"~., ... COUNTY OF /J"lpt,"'t' rl .t?G ) ) ) On 6L I I 'I h S , before me, 1/trtt fu,.,. Gi c,'v. :, Notary Public, personally appeared CAREY CARSON, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) ra tu Ml ..... IAI I Op 1\,11 llfQIIIITJi ■· Signature of Notary Public CAPACITY(IES) CLAIMED BY SIGNER(S): [] Individual(s) [ ] Partner( s) [X] Trustee(s) [] Corporate ______ _ Officer(s) _____ _ Title(s) [] [] [ ] [ ] Attorney-In-Fact Subscribing Witness Guardian/Conservator Other: ------- SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of Person(s) or Entity(ies): Name of Instrument: CAREY CARSON GRANT DEED ' PA2021-009 EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Lots 5 and 6 in Block "P" of Tract 323, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14. Pages 40 and 41 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County. Assessor's Parcel Number: 459-186-16; 459-186-17 PA2021-009 I I I I I I 495 l i ne of Lot 1 in Bl ock "A" of L , cd Tract No. 470, with the center 1 tne or C'>bBt Boul evard as Sh own on Sil.id r.iao of f r,;.ct No. 470 ; thence f ro:n s -,td not ~t of beginnt~g, al-,ni:; sc,.td c enter ltne a s shown ,n sRl d r.iap, s. 50° 22 1 E., a di stance of 31.7s fe0 t;thence leavi ng said cent or l tne o~ Coae: B,ul evard, S?uthea::it erlv al,-,ng a tani;;ent curve concave S?uthwesterly and il&.vtng a ra,H us of 1600 f eet , t'1ro•igh an angl e of 35° 00 1 30 ", an arc dist ance of 977,62 f ee t to the potnt of ta!l'lency o f sai d curve w1tt¥'a ltne p r&l. l el with and distant 10.00 feet East erly, :neasur ed at ri ght angl es, fro:, the center l t ne of Coust B-,u1evard, 8') feet ·11tde , as said Coast B,ul evard t s sh?wn ,~ !.lap of l'ract ,,o. 323, recor.ied t n Book 11+, pages -+O and 41 of Ut scellaneo1 s .,1aps, rec,rd s of sut d Or "J1J;;e Count,; thence .long sat d pa rullel ltne, S. 15° 211 3011 E. 192. 75 feet to the 1nt e-Aect11n tr3-pof wt t h the Wt>s ter lv prolonr;atlo~ or t h e 3nltherlr l tne of Lot 5 1n Block "L" of sat d Tract No. 3 ~3. The 9·1r !'?se of t hl s :1econveyance l s to enuble t he State of C1111 f,rnt a t o acqutrt> the r tght of way he-etn described, by Deed or Deeds f ro:l the owne r of sul d :,rop0 r ty f ree and clear of the l ~en ere~ t ed b·: the Deed or Transf er heret nbe~ore r eferred t o. 1'ht s 'leconveynnce does not t n 11ny ::i nner ,..,lease or -econvey any of t he propt>rt v/descrt bed tn said Deed or Transfer, p xcept thi,t 1!1ten.:1ed by the owner to be de0 dcd to the Sta te -,f Caltfornla. for ht ,h Y'aV n•1r ··oses r•ntch ul d P"Ope-t y l s he.,.e1n .:1eFcr1be.'i. The rem al'l~-ir, r>'"Opertv descrt red ln ~ai d DeP.'! or 1'r&nef er sh.al l c"Jntlnue t o be held bv sai d Trus tee undPr t he t erns o ~ ~std Deed or Transf er and us t her e1 ~ ;::,rovt dcd. Tht s pa .,.t l al reconveyr,.nce l e ::le.le with,ut affec ting the personal 11ab 111ty of uny pe-son for pa yment of the t -id.ebtednes s secu-ed bY/sui d Deed or Transfer, or t he e~fect of S1'1d DPe-.i or rrun°fer up1n the -e::-at nt~~ pronp-ty covered t he-ebY. n: "'I TNESS '.V'-'E'lEOF, the und<>rFtPned ,s rrus•ee has cuised these present s to be s11,;ned and eYP CUt ed thl s l ~t h day of Sept e:iber, 193s • ..,ZLIA!:CS -:'I :LC: CO!.'J'Al:i:, ,.s 1'-us tee . Sy J ,hn A. Hurvey, Pr~s1dent. By 1.1. G. L·.ss1 ~er, Ass t. Sec.,.ot a ry. S'fA'.'E OF CALIFDRNIA , AC Kl!O\'ILEOOl,'.EN'r OF T1'1.UiTEE (Co:-nOM t ~ n ) Co•inty of O'"an..;e . )sn. O'l. t!11s 15t h J.ay of Sc t e·.ber, t n t he YPa-:-one ~,v.,usund nt-ie !"tun.:ired and t t-1rt ~r-e 1ght , bPfo re :ie, D. D. F-a:e rson,a l~o,;,.r y Publl c t n and for s,t 'i c,unty, ce-c-,nall y ... ppea -ed J'lhn A. !iarvey, and .. i. :;. La s et t e.,., know~ t o me to be the p-,.es ld.ent and Ass 't . Secretary o~ t!'l e corpore.t i ?n deccrtl'ed tn and v•ho eyecuted the wt t hl.n i nstrument as l'runt ee and also <nown t o :ie to be t he per s1ns 1•/ho e xecuted t t:e ·111t ht n t ns-r unent on behalf <Jf such ~or9or .t t ,: and acknowled.:e1 to ::ie t h t such cor:-,~-, tt,n e::ecut ed the s~rne anJ as T~~r:ee as t ~e-P1~ s et f ~~th. 1:: •:1nrE'3'.l •;EO:"!EO:, I have ~<':-Punto sP-t :ny t:and 11nd u~fl :,ed r.ir ,fftc i al seal t he day a nJ. year l n t hi s ce.,.tt~i c ~e f1"!'s t ab:>--e ·: -t ttPn. ((SEA:.)) 0. o. Pate,.0 on Not:.ry Publ i c t~ and ~or the County of o,-~n~e , 3tn:e o~ c~.l !f ? ta . (CS"TI :ICA E: OF AC".>2P 7AllCE:, CI VI L ':ODE, SSCTI~N 1158 ) TP.IS IS TO CS"TI FY, Tn..t the S a t e o~ C·,l tfornla , a cttn by an.5 thnu,h t he Depart cient of ?ubl 1c i'lorks , 01·,tsi ,n of iilghways , ne r eby consents to exe cutl'Jn and recorJatlon o~ the wlsl1l n pa-ttal recon\'eyance under trust dee a , and ucc.:pt s f or publ1c :,urpos es the r eal prope r ty t<Od/or lnter est t1.e ,-·1n, and/or e usenent t . ereon, tneretn de s cri bed a nd releaaeJ . !!; '.'iin;r:,,~ W'"E.,',;OF , I huve her .,unto set :ny nanJ, t hl s 20th day o f '3ept e:iber , 193a. oescr:.pt l ~n ApproveJ. H. ,. r. C:arl Lee K~lly, Di rector of ?utl l :: nks By R. C. J.lyers, At to-ney t n Fact and As st. D1Rtr~~t Offi ce Eng tneer , EYecut l on ,.,-,prove,i R,L,V. 01·,t sl 'Jn of i:t g11ways . 27319 RecorJ.ed "" Request of Jrar.tee, a t 30 .an. past 3 P .i.l. Oc t. ~, 1J3o, tn Bo:ik 9 62, p,..,e 494, Of flctal 1'\ecor ds of O.,..inge County, Cul 1for n1a . J.F.:Sidebo t,oci, County R.ecord~r . c .... r.:>l ;o,.dln.; co .. A'll:.u Dorotny IJurvln ooo 27320 'u::SOLUr I JN NO, 1399 1'.'HE:"lC:AS, 11 ce,-t a 1n Deed -!it,.:hway Euser.tent , date,i the _ J11y of _, 1J33, f r o::i the Ci t y of N~wport 3each, a ::iunlclpbl corporati on of t he Sta-e of Cal1forn1a,to ~he State of Calt fornl a, granting, conveyi ng and J.edtcatlng to the '3tate of Callfornt a , th e rlght of way and l nct dents thereto for oubl l c hl~hway upon, over and t1 cross all that c ortatn real property sltuateJ. tn t he Cl ty of Newport Dea.ch, County of Qr,.,nge , State of Calt fornta , and r.iore ;::,a,.t l cularlY des crtbed a s f ?llows: A atrl.,> of l and 20 feet wl de, being the Westerly 20 feet of Lots 1 , 2, 3 , 4, 5, and 6, 1n Bl ock "P" of ·Twct No , 323, as per :nap reco.,.ded tn Book 11+, pai7,es l+o and l+l of Mi scellaneous Waps, i n the of ~l ce of the County Recorder of suld County. was presented to the Ci ty Council of the Cl ty of Newport Beach, Callfornia; and "rnE'lE:AS, t he CltY Council of the City of Newport Beach deems that i t t s for the be st interests of sai d Ci ty that said E:as eoent be grunted upon the tems and cond1t1ons therei n set PA2021-009 496 II fort!'!, a nd other v aluable cons1deratlons, 1nc,lud1ng t he w1dening of H1ghway No. 101, t hrough tha t por tion of the city of Newport Beach known as Corona Oel Mar·, 1/01'1, THE:q£FORI,;, B!s I'r R£SOLVl::D: Th...t the Mayor and CltyfClerk of t he Clty of Newport Beach be, and t hey a re hereby d1rect1ed, author1zed a nd 1nstruct ed to execute sa1d Deed - li1-.;hway Easeoent.·, 1n t he naoe of and on behalf of t he c1 ty of Newport Beach, und that t he C1ty Clerk del1ver a duly executed copy thereof t o t he State of Californ1a , 01v1s 1on of Hi ghways. I I I hereb v certify thut the above and foregoing Resolut1,,n was d.ul, and regul arly pasRed I b y t he C1ty Council of the Cl ty of Newport Beach, a t a n adjourned r egul&r mee ting thereof held on the 19t h .'iay of Septer.iber, 1930, by t he followJ ng vote, to-wlt: Ayes , Councilmen: Gordon, Clai re, Whi tson, Brown, W11 11amson. Noes, Co•rncllmen: None Absent, Counci lmen: N,ne ( (COR?ORA1'!:: SEAL)) Harr 7 H. Wl lliaoson, Uuyor of the Ci ty of Newport Beach Attes t: Frank L. Ri nehart, Cl tY Clerk of the Ci ty of Newport Beach. Ely si de: Sta . 7-29-3$ Wri tten by HSl' Checked by WOH Cor.1pared b y AP 17lf65 to 175tl3 a pprox, No. 3-6-A Distr1ct VII 00::ED--HIGHWAY i,;A>:JE:MENT ( CORPORATI ON) County ORA Rou •.e 60 Section Npt. B. Kt-iOV/ ALL l.!EN BY. THSSE P";!ESl::iJTS: Cll'Y CF NEWPORT BEACH, a munic'.pal corporatl.1n organized and ex1stlng und.er :;.nd by v1rtue of t he laws of t he Star,e of California, owner of the her e 1nafter des cribe,i l an,:fs, for a nd i n consi der ati on of O!'le and No/100 Dollars ($1.00 ), to i t 1 !'l hand paid t he recelp t whereof l s hereby acknowl e .'iged, and t he benefi ts to a ce-rue to 1t by reaso n of the locat i on and eat .... bl l.shr.lent by the Sta te of Ca l l.forn1a of a r,ubllc h1ghway upon! over a!'ld across said lands, d.oes hereby si gni fy i ts ~pproval of and. consent to the l ocati,n, establishment and 1 cons tructlJ n of Auch hi ghway t r,ere0n and i t does her eby GRAN'£, CON'IEY: an,i DEDIGA'£E to the STA,E OF CALIFOR!l!A, the rl,.ht of way and 1nc1de ntR t here to for such publ1c !11ghway upon, over and acros s all tha t certain r eal property hereinafter descri bed, lying and be l ng i !'l the Clty of Newport Beach , County of Orung e, State of Ca l1forn1a, a nd par t1cularly descri bed. as f ollows, A strlp of land 20 fee t wi de, being tile 1'.'esterly 20 f aet of Lots l , 2 , 3, 4 , 5, a11d 6 i n Block "P" of Tract No. 323, as per map recor.'led. l.n Book 14, Pages 40 and 41 of l,,i scellane-,us IL ps l n the office of t he County Recor.'ler of sa l.i County. And the sai d grant or doe s h ere bi• w ... 1ve all clal m fo r cornpensat1on for any and all. .iaouges on acco•,nt of the locati?n, establi shment and c Jnstructlon of sal d hl ,shway; e.n.i .ioes he reby grant to the State of c ... 11fornl a all t rees, g rowths (1:1r0w1ng or th .. t may hereafter grow) and rcad.b:.illdl ng "18.ter i al a w1 t hi n sa i d r l ght of way, toget nPr/Nith the rlght to use t ne'si,:ie 1n such manner and a t such loca t1,ns as sal d grantee may deem proper, needful .:.r necess«r Y i n t he constructlon, reconstruction and. malnten .... nce of sa i d h •ghway. I K WI Nl::S S WHERi,;OF, sai d. corporat1on has caused 1ts corporate name an..1 seal t o be affix ed herH to a nd t hi s 1ns trument to be executed bv i ts .,lavor and City Clerk t hereunto duly auth,rized t hi s 19th da y of September, 193$. (\CORPO'tATE SEAL)) srAJ'E Or CALIFORNIA·, THE: CITY OF NC:WP01.T BEACH By Harry H. W111!~1son , BY Fran;.. L. Rinehart, 11.avor Ci ty Clerk, County of Orange. )ss . On t h1s 21 d.ay of Sept ., 193s, before e,e, H .... rry O. Hyde, a Notary Publ1c ln and for sai d OrRnBe Co unty, personally appea red Harry H. VI ill i ar.ison, known to me to be the t.layor, and F,:-ank L. :-l.tnehart, known to r.ie to be the City Clerk of Ci ty of Newport Beach , t he corpor&tl,n tha t execut ed. the w1thln and fo regotng l.nstru- oent, and. known to oe to be the persons who executed t he with in i ~st rument on behal f of the corpor1.,tion th e1"el n naoed, and acknowledged. to e,e that suc/1C,,rporation executed t he same. WITNESS :,,y hand and o~ f1c1al seal. (( EAL)) Harry 0. Hyde Notary Publ ic i n .. nd for t h e County of Or-ange , >:ltate of Cal1f ,rni a. My coci:01ss 1on e ypi res Sept ember 27, 193s. (CE~'rIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, CI VIL cooi:::, SECTI ON 1158) THIS IS TO CC:RTIFY:, Th at the State of Californi a , acting by and through t11e O.,pa r t oent of Publi c Works, D1v i s 1on of Hi ghways, her eby consen,s t o execution and recor da t1on of the with- i n deed,and .... ccepts for purli c purpos es t h e r eal property an,i/or interest tnereln and/or ease- ~nt t hereon, therei n descri bed. I N WI N89S WHEREOF , I have h·e reunt o set oy ha nd thl.s 4th day of October, 193s. Description Approved H.S.T. E;,:ecution Approved J.F.'N . Earl Lee Kelly,D1r e ctor of Publi c Works By R. C. Myers , Attorney i n Fee t and Asst. District Off1ce ~ngtneer Di vi sion of Highways, I I I I I PA2021-009 I I I I I 497 27320 qecorded a t Requ,~st of Grantee a t 30 t.!1.n . past 3 P.M. Oct. 4, 19~, 1n Book 962, Page ~95, 0ff1cl a l Records of Orange County, Cal1for n 1a. J .F.S1debott om, County Recorder. 27379 Carol Fordl ng . C0.1PA'l£D Doroth y Ma rvi n o'.lo Ti'IS DEl::D OF qu Jr, e1a.ie t !"li s j Oth day of Jul Y, 1938, bptwePn LIWA GROI'E:, also known us Len" A. Grote, an un,wrr i o>d w0:llln, a nd 1.iI Nl:IE G'lOTI::, a n unmarri ed W".l:'.lan , he,.e ln cal led r'hJSs OR, "HI:: FiilS 1:;. I ;1:AL llAHK OF O~NGS, a c ort,~ra tl )n, of 0:-ani-;e, Caltfnnt a , herei n calle.i 'rRus:::::,, and l O>iINA ii. DA .. t.!AI,, a wl now, he-etn -oal led si;;t:EFI CIAqY. WI rN:SSEi'H: hb.t rua tor JRAN r~ to 1.U~!'s·: 1:-: RUS , WITH ?0 . .'iS!1 OF SALE, that _,roperty i n the Clty of Orun::e, C:,•mty of Ora,ige, Sta:e of C.;l lforn1a,de scr1bed b.B: he Kort h 46 fee t of Lo t ·ent:-four 124) and tne ti:,uth ~ feet of Lot renty-three 123) of Henr y G,.ote's A.idtt.l on to O,.,,n,;e, as per ,.1ap the:-eof reco-ded tn Book 25 , page 1 7 of l.lt scel lune:,us 'lec:,r ds of Los An,,;ele~ C'.l•mty, Cal lfo-ni a, >:iul::Ject t'.l c )n.:llti:,ns, restri c tlons and -~servatl:,ns of record, Subject also to the Pffec t of " deQd e1a,ie by Jo11n H. Large and >Jal:t e La-rge, hi s wi fe , t'.l Adeline :ta,_oss, v,i fe of F .VI. :1.a.,;oss , .ia~ed uct ober 27 , 1633 e.nd r ecor.i<c:.i J anuary 10 , l oj.3, i n Book 37 , p-,.;e 257, of De ed s ,rec or .s of o ~arige County, Californi a . I ncl 'Jdtng a ll b uiLdi nr s and i '1;irovement s t r.ereon or t h, t ::1ay te e Tectec thereon, to- ;.;ether v.·lth all .:....nd. s tngulc:.r the tener.ients, h ereJ.t tar.1ents a!'l.d a9purtenances, v•~t.er, wat?r s t'Jck £.!1d wa~er rl .:-nts, ,,l pco, flu□P.s «nd .5.t tches t !°:e"PUnto belori,:i ,i;;; or ln anyw1se a pperta\ni n;;, and the r r·verst•i!'l and re\'erst0ns, remal nder ;;;.nd re:.U1tn.iers, r,.,nts , i ssues u1~j profi ts t fi e~·~0 f ; FOR HS PU'PO~i: OF ~O:CURl:-:G puyme:,t of theftndebtedness evidenced by one ,,r o,ii ssory note substhnti ully i n t !le f ol lo.vtn,; f'Jrel and perforr.iance of each e.,;ree:oen t of ' ru s t'.lr h er ein Jon t .::i.l ned: $ RAIGM NOTC: ~3.000.00 Or;,ni;;e, California, July 3:::i, 193$, <hree ycurs after d,,te, for value ~ecet ,·ed, we pro:.ii se to pay to noslna ii. Dar.1:oan , or or.ier , at Oran.:e, Californi a , the s l.11!1 of rhree '£housand and no/10'.) Dol lurs, wi th 1nterest from date unti ~)a1d, at the r a t e of si x per cent per annum, pa.~bl e seni -annual l y . Should t he i nt erest not be so !')ai d it shall be '-'d ceJ t o the !')rinci p~l a nd t he,f'after bea~ like i nterest ~s t he 1"rincipa l , Should Jef,,.ult b e m,de 1n the payment of an y i ns t allment ,'J f 1ntPr st when due, then tt'.e wr,o le s uri of ;ir1nc1pul and iriterest Shull beco,:1e lm"1ed1ately due und pay1,.bl e a t the op tion o f t he ho1:ler of tl1i s ,.,o,.e. Sh,u::.d sui t te coe1C1enced to col lect t hi s '10te or any P•?r\;1,n t!:'.ereof, suc h our.1 as the G?urt MY dene1 reuso:,,,.ble,snall be ,,dJe,i !1e,-e,t'J b.S ut:or!'l<c:Y1 s fees. P:-t ncl pal and i n terest pa:n.bl e ln l awful r.,uney -of tne Unl t e.'l :at es of Ameri ca. £i.i s n?te l s secured bv a cer t ,,i n Dee,i of 'r ust tdihe ?1-st Ka it0nal Bank of 0°ange, u corp".)rl..1.tt-:,n. Lena A. Grot e : .. 1n::le ~rote A. ro PRO:'EC1' ,HE S2Cc:Un OF I'HI.3 DEED c.F 'lU,:', '.:'"!US:OR .~GRS":S: (1) ro keep sui .i p~operty t n r,ood ro"lJi t l ?n and repa i r ; not to renove or denoli sh any butldt•¥-; the-ea,; t o cor1r,lete or -estore pr o:,p~lv and '.n i;:-ood ... na workn1anli ke "1anner uny b utld- t n.; wh lch may be conHsru,,,;cd , da,~H,1e.i or .ies tr)yed t nereont.,,id t o pa y when Jue all clal ms for l abor pe~for:.1e.i and :r11,.,er1 als furni shed t here f or; to coC1ply with a l l Ls.ws ,~pec t tn;· satd :)rop- erty or -e quirin,; uny a l ter ~tt:,ns or i nprovee1Pnts to be ,1t1.ie t r.e-eon; not r.o comcii t or per::1i t w ttS :e thereof; not -:;o co:1·,1 t , euf f er or pe m i t a.'1Y a.<' t upr;n atii d prope r tr tn v1 ?lat t 'Jn of l uw; ,;o cul t i ve,te, i rri i;ate,ferti ll ;:P, fuC1l:'.::.te , ,:,rune und ,b ull ~the 't" ,.c·s whi ch fro., the ctu.r uc- t er or use of sut d pr'lpPrt v r.iay i,e ~eaaonubly necessury, she sper,i fic enumer ,,t ions he,-e t n not exclu di "l;s the .;ene r ol. 12) .o prov t de ,matnta i n and Jell ver t o Beneflci ary ~i re tnsumnce satlsf ac tory t o 1rnd wi t h loss payubl e to Bene f1c1c,ry, The anount collected under any fi -e or othe r i nsumnce policy ::,i,y be applied by Be nefi ciC<rY upon any 1ndebted!1ess secu-e d her eby and tn such o rder e.s Benef 1 c i ury may dete rm'.ne, or a t op t i on of Bene f t ci ,ny the en t1 -e ar~o unt s o c,:,lle cted or any pi.rt t hereof cia y be rel eased t o rrus tor. Such ap?l lcatlon or -eleas e s l'.all not cu-e or ••ai ve .,ny .ief a ult or noti ce of def .. uli here under or inva l 1.iat e any act done pursuant to such not i ce. 131 To appear i n and defend any action or proceed1ng purp'lrttng to aff ect the secur i ty PA2021-009 20 1576 Recorded at Request or Bank of Amerioa, Anaheim, at 12 Min. paat 9 A,M. Jan. 19, 1939, in Book 9s1, Page 19, orrioial Records of Orange Coantr, California. J.F.Sidebottom, Countr Recorder. Ely side; St.a, 7-20-3g Written bf HST Clleoked bf WOH Compared br HST Carol Fording COMPAqEO Oorothf .iar v1n ooo 171~~5 t.o 175+13 approx. No, 3-6 D1striot Countr VII ORA DEED--HIGHWAY KNOW ALL MEN BY 'l'HESE PRESENTS, We, LESTER ~AUL SIIIS and Route Section 60 Npt. B HA'l&:L R, SIMS, husband and w1fe, Grantors of County of Loe Angele~ State or Californ1a, owners ot the hereinafter described lands, tor and in consideration ot One and No/100 Dollars ($1.00), to us in hand paid, by the State or Californ1a, or on its behalf, the receipt whereof is herety acknowledged, and the benefits to accrue to us by reason of the location and eetabliBhment by the State of California of a public highway upon, over and across said lands, •·e do hereby signify our approval or and consent to the location, establishment and construction of such highway thereon and we do by these presents hereby grant, convey and dedicate to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA,grantee, the right of way and incidents thereto tor such public highway upon, over and across all that certain real propertr hereinafte~ deeoribed, lying and betng 1n the City ot Newport Beach, County or Orange, State or calitornia,and particularly described as follows, to-wit: A strip of lend 20 feet wide, being the Westerly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block •p• of Tract No. 323, as per map recorded in Book 14, pages 4o and 41, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder or said County, For the considerations named above, the undersigned hereby grant to the State of California the privilege and right to extend and mainta1n drainage structures, 1 to 1 excavation slopes and 1-1/2 to 1 embankment elopes on the land of the undere1gned, beyond the li~1te of the above described strip of land, where ~squired tor the oonstruction and maintenance or a 100-root width of roadbed; also the privilege and riRht to plant and maintain grase, plants and/or trees on said Alopes for the protection and beautiticatlon or same. And we the said granters, do hereby waive al 1/claim for compensation ror any and all damages on account of the location, eetab:iehment and construction ot 3aid hif,hway; and do hereby grant to the State of CaU.fomia all trees, growths, ( growing or that may hereafter grow) and roadbuilding materials within said right of way, together with the right to use the same 1n such manner and at suonll.ocations as said grantee may deem proper, needful or necessary ln the construction, reconstruction and ~alntenanoe or said highway. IN WITNESS WHERE:OF, we have set our hands and seals this 2nd day of January, 1939. Signed, sealed and delivered in Lester Paul Sime (seal) the presence or Harold W.Le~nard ~azel R.S1ms (Seal) as Subscrib1ng w1tnesa. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS County of Loe Angeles. )se. On th1S 10th day or January, in the year one thousand n1ne hundred and thirty-nine, before me, Aethore Clark, a Notary Public 1n and ror said County and State, residing therein, duly oommissioned,land sworn, personally appea:red Harold W. Leonard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the 111 th1n instru- ment as w1tness thereto, who, be1ng by me duly sworn, deposed and ea1d; that he ree1dee in County of Loe Angeles, State of California; that he was present and saw Lester Paul S1ms and Hazel R. S1ms, (personall y known to h1m to be the persons desor1bed in, and who executed the ea1d w1thin ~netrument ae parties thereto) sign, seal and del1ver the same; that the sa1d parties duly acknowledged in the presence of ea1d aff1ant,that they executed the same and ·that he the said affiant, thereupon, and at the request of said parties subscribed h1s name as witness thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed mrpti'ioial seal, at 111y off1ce in the said County or Loe Angeles, State or ca11tornia, the day and rear 1n th1s ce:rti- flcate f1rst above written. ((SEAL)) Aethore Clark Notary Public 1n and for the County of Loe Angeles, state of call rornia. MY oommieeion expires 6/15/41. (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE,CIVIL COOE, SECTIOll 115S) THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the State of California, aot1ng by and through the Oepa:rtment ot Public Worke, 01v1eton of Highways, hereby consents to executton and recordation ot the w1 thin deed, and accepta for publ1o purposes the r eal prope rtr and/or interest there1n and/or easement thereon, therein described, IN WITNESS WHERE:OF, I have hereunto set my hand, th1B 17th day ot JanuarY, 1939. , Desor1pt 1on Approved HST Exeout1on Approved JF'fl Frank w. Clark, 01reotor of Public Works BY s.v. Cortelyou, Attorney in Fact and 01etriot Engineer, Diviston or Highways. I I I I I PA2021-009 I I I I I 21 15gg Recorded at Request of Grantee, at 24 Min. past 9 A.M. Jan. 19, 1939, in Book 9g1, Page 20, Official Records of Orange Countr, ca11rornia. J.F.Sidebottom, Countr Record.er, Carol Fording COMPARED Oorothr Marvin West side: Sta. 152tg4 to 153+35 approx. g_3_3g Written by HST Checked by WOH 000 Oistrict VII ()ompared by AH OEEO--HIGHWAY No, 22 countr ORA Route 60 Section Npt, B KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I, CARRIE WALKOEN, a B1ngle woman, Granter, of Countr of Orange, State of California, owner of the hereinafter desoribed land, for and in considera- tion of One and No/100 Oollare ($1.00), to me tn hand paid by the State or California, or on its behalf, the ~ece1pt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the benefits to accrue to me br reaeonpf the location and establtahment by the State of California of a public highwar upon, over and across said lands, do herebr signify mr approval of and consent to the location, establishment and construction of such highway thereon and do, by these presents hereby grant, conve, and dedicate to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, grantee the right of way and inoidents thereto for such public highway upon, over and acr~dS all that certain real property hereinafter described, lYlng and being in the City of Newport Beaoh, County or Orange, State of California, and particularly de scribed as follows, to--wi ti All that port1on or Lot 4 in Block "B" or Tract No. 470,ae per map recorded in Book 17, pa._e 2S or Miacellane0us Maps, records,bf said orange County, included within a strip or land 100 feet wide, be1ng 50 feet w1de on each s1de or the following described center 11ne: Beg1nr.ing at the intersection of the Northeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly 11ne of Lot l 1n Block "A" d: said Tract No. 470 with the center line of Coast Boulevard as shown on said map of Tract No. 470, thence from ea1d po1nt of beginning, along said center line as anown on said map, s. 50° 221 E., a distance of 31. 7g feet; thence leavir,g said center line of Coaet Boulevard, Southeasterly along a tangent curve concave Southwesterly, and ns.vtng a radius of 1600 feet, through an angle of 35° 001 30•, an arc distance of 977,62 feet to the point of tangency of said curve with a 11neparallel with and distant 10.0C feet Easterly, measured at right angles, from the center 11ne of Coast Boulevard, So feet w1de, as sa1d Coast Boulevard 1s shown on map of Tract No. 323, recorded 1n Book 14, pages 4o and 41 of Miscellaneous Mapa, records of said Orange County; thence along sa1d parallel line, s. 15° 21 1 30• E., 192,75 feet to the intersect1on thereof with the Westerly prolongat1on or the Southerly line of Lot 5 1n Block "L" of said Tract No. 323. And I, the said Granter, do hereby waive al~claim for compensation for any and all dW!lagee on account of t he location, establishment and construction/of said highway; andlio hereby grant to the State of Califomia all trees, growths (growing or that mar hereafter grow) and roadbu1lding materials with1n said r1ght of war, including the right to take water, together with the right to use the same 1n such manner and at such locat1one as said grantee mar deem proper, needful or necea1>ary 1n the coriatruct1on, reconstruction and maintenance of said highway, IN WI'l'NESS WHERECf, I nave set my hand and seal tnis 10th day of December, 193s. Signed, sealed and de!.ivered in Carrie Walkden (Seal) the presence or Harold W. Leonard as Subscribing Witnesa. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) P.CKNOWLEOGMENT OF SUBSC!UBING WITNESS County of Loa Angeles. )ea. On this 29tn day of Oecember, in the year one thousand nine hundred and tnirtY-eight, before me, Asthore Clark, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, rea1ding/tnerein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appear- ed Harold w. Leonard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the w1thtn instru- ment as witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed and said: that he resides in County of Los Angeles, State of California; that he was present and saw Carr1e Walkden, (per- sonally known to him to be the person described 1n, and wno executed the said w1th1n instrument as party thereto) sign, eeru. and deliver the same; that the satd Carrie Walkden, duly acknowledged 1n the presence of said affiant, that she executed the same, and that ne, the said aff1ant, thereupon, and at tt.~ ~equeat ot said rarrie Walkden subscribed hiB name as witness thereto, IN WITNESS WHSREOF, I ha~e hereunto set my hand and affixed mr urficial sea:, at mr office in the said Countyof Loe Angeles, State of California, the day und year in this certifi- cate first above written. ((SEAL)) Aethore Clark Notarr Public in and for the County or Loe Angeles, State of California, My comm1sa1on expires 6/15/41. (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, CIVIL CODE, SECTION 115S) THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the State of Cal1fom1a, aot1ng by and through the Department PA2021-009 20 1576 Recorded at Request or Bank of Amerioa, Anaheim, at 12 Min. paat 9 A,M. Jan. 19, 1939, in Book 9s1, Page 19, orrioial Records of Orange Coantr, California. J.F.Sidebottom, Countr Recorder. Ely side; St.a, 7-20-3g Written bf HST Clleoked bf WOH Compared br HST Carol Fording COMPAqEO Oorothf .iar v1n ooo 171~~5 t.o 175+13 approx. No, 3-6 D1striot Countr VII ORA DEED--HIGHWAY KNOW ALL MEN BY 'l'HESE PRESENTS, We, LESTER ~AUL SIIIS and Route Section 60 Npt. B HA'l&:L R, SIMS, husband and w1fe, Grantors of County of Loe Angele~ State or Californ1a, owners ot the hereinafter described lands, tor and in consideration ot One and No/100 Dollars ($1.00), to us in hand paid, by the State or Californ1a, or on its behalf, the receipt whereof is herety acknowledged, and the benefits to accrue to us by reason of the location and eetabliBhment by the State of California of a public highway upon, over and across said lands, •·e do hereby signify our approval or and consent to the location, establishment and construction of such highway thereon and we do by these presents hereby grant, convey and dedicate to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA,grantee, the right of way and incidents thereto tor such public highway upon, over and across all that certain real propertr hereinafte~ deeoribed, lying and betng 1n the City ot Newport Beach, County or Orange, State or calitornia,and particularly described as follows, to-wit: A strip of lend 20 feet wide, being the Westerly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block •p• of Tract No. 323, as per map recorded in Book 14, pages 4o and 41, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder or said County, For the considerations named above, the undersigned hereby grant to the State of California the privilege and right to extend and mainta1n drainage structures, 1 to 1 excavation slopes and 1-1/2 to 1 embankment elopes on the land of the undere1gned, beyond the li~1te of the above described strip of land, where ~squired tor the oonstruction and maintenance or a 100-root width of roadbed; also the privilege and riRht to plant and maintain grase, plants and/or trees on said Alopes for the protection and beautiticatlon or same. And we the said granters, do hereby waive al 1/claim for compensation ror any and all damages on account of the location, eetab:iehment and construction ot 3aid hif,hway; and do hereby grant to the State of CaU.fomia all trees, growths, ( growing or that may hereafter grow) and roadbuilding materials within said right of way, together with the right to use the same 1n such manner and at suonll.ocations as said grantee may deem proper, needful or necessary ln the construction, reconstruction and ~alntenanoe or said highway. IN WITNESS WHERE:OF, we have set our hands and seals this 2nd day of January, 1939. Signed, sealed and delivered in Lester Paul Sime (seal) the presence or Harold W.Le~nard ~azel R.S1ms (Seal) as Subscrib1ng w1tnesa. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS County of Loe Angeles. )se. On th1S 10th day or January, in the year one thousand n1ne hundred and thirty-nine, before me, Aethore Clark, a Notary Public 1n and ror said County and State, residing therein, duly oommissioned,land sworn, personally appea:red Harold W. Leonard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the 111 th1n instru- ment as w1tness thereto, who, be1ng by me duly sworn, deposed and ea1d; that he ree1dee in County of Loe Angeles, State of California; that he was present and saw Lester Paul S1ms and Hazel R. S1ms, (personall y known to h1m to be the persons desor1bed in, and who executed the ea1d w1thin ~netrument ae parties thereto) sign, seal and del1ver the same; that the sa1d parties duly acknowledged in the presence of ea1d aff1ant,that they executed the same and ·that he the said affiant, thereupon, and at the request of said parties subscribed h1s name as witness thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed mrpti'ioial seal, at 111y off1ce in the said County or Loe Angeles, State or ca11tornia, the day and rear 1n th1s ce:rti- flcate f1rst above written. ((SEAL)) Aethore Clark Notary Public 1n and for the County of Loe Angeles, state of call rornia. MY oommieeion expires 6/15/41. (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE,CIVIL COOE, SECTIOll 115S) THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the State of California, aot1ng by and through the Oepa:rtment ot Public Worke, 01v1eton of Highways, hereby consents to executton and recordation ot the w1 thin deed, and accepta for publ1o purposes the r eal prope rtr and/or interest there1n and/or easement thereon, therein described, IN WITNESS WHERE:OF, I have hereunto set my hand, th1B 17th day ot JanuarY, 1939. , Desor1pt 1on Approved HST Exeout1on Approved JF'fl Frank w. Clark, 01reotor of Public Works BY s.v. Cortelyou, Attorney in Fact and 01etriot Engineer, Diviston or Highways. I I I I I PA2021-009 I I I I I 21 15gg Recorded at Request of Grantee, at 24 Min. past 9 A.M. Jan. 19, 1939, in Book 9g1, Page 20, Official Records of Orange Countr, ca11rornia. J.F.Sidebottom, Countr Record.er, Carol Fording COMPARED Oorothr Marvin West side: Sta. 152tg4 to 153+35 approx. g_3_3g Written by HST Checked by WOH 000 Oistrict VII ()ompared by AH OEEO--HIGHWAY No, 22 countr ORA Route 60 Section Npt, B KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I, CARRIE WALKOEN, a B1ngle woman, Granter, of Countr of Orange, State of California, owner of the hereinafter desoribed land, for and in considera- tion of One and No/100 Oollare ($1.00), to me tn hand paid by the State or California, or on its behalf, the ~ece1pt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the benefits to accrue to me br reaeonpf the location and establtahment by the State of California of a public highwar upon, over and across said lands, do herebr signify mr approval of and consent to the location, establishment and construction of such highway thereon and do, by these presents hereby grant, conve, and dedicate to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, grantee the right of way and inoidents thereto for such public highway upon, over and acr~dS all that certain real property hereinafter described, lYlng and being in the City of Newport Beaoh, County or Orange, State of California, and particularly de scribed as follows, to--wi ti All that port1on or Lot 4 in Block "B" or Tract No. 470,ae per map recorded in Book 17, pa._e 2S or Miacellane0us Maps, records,bf said orange County, included within a strip or land 100 feet wide, be1ng 50 feet w1de on each s1de or the following described center 11ne: Beg1nr.ing at the intersection of the Northeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly 11ne of Lot l 1n Block "A" d: said Tract No. 470 with the center line of Coast Boulevard as shown on said map of Tract No. 470, thence from ea1d po1nt of beginning, along said center line as anown on said map, s. 50° 221 E., a distance of 31. 7g feet; thence leavir,g said center line of Coaet Boulevard, Southeasterly along a tangent curve concave Southwesterly, and ns.vtng a radius of 1600 feet, through an angle of 35° 001 30•, an arc distance of 977,62 feet to the point of tangency of said curve with a 11neparallel with and distant 10.0C feet Easterly, measured at right angles, from the center 11ne of Coast Boulevard, So feet w1de, as sa1d Coast Boulevard 1s shown on map of Tract No. 323, recorded 1n Book 14, pages 4o and 41 of Miscellaneous Mapa, records of said Orange County; thence along sa1d parallel line, s. 15° 21 1 30• E., 192,75 feet to the intersect1on thereof with the Westerly prolongat1on or the Southerly line of Lot 5 1n Block "L" of said Tract No. 323. And I, the said Granter, do hereby waive al~claim for compensation for any and all dW!lagee on account of t he location, establishment and construction/of said highway; andlio hereby grant to the State of Califomia all trees, growths (growing or that mar hereafter grow) and roadbu1lding materials with1n said r1ght of war, including the right to take water, together with the right to use the same 1n such manner and at such locat1one as said grantee mar deem proper, needful or necea1>ary 1n the coriatruct1on, reconstruction and maintenance of said highway, IN WI'l'NESS WHERECf, I nave set my hand and seal tnis 10th day of December, 193s. Signed, sealed and de!.ivered in Carrie Walkden (Seal) the presence or Harold W. Leonard as Subscribing Witnesa. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) P.CKNOWLEOGMENT OF SUBSC!UBING WITNESS County of Loa Angeles. )ea. On this 29tn day of Oecember, in the year one thousand nine hundred and tnirtY-eight, before me, Asthore Clark, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, rea1ding/tnerein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appear- ed Harold w. Leonard, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the w1thtn instru- ment as witness thereto, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed and said: that he resides in County of Los Angeles, State of California; that he was present and saw Carr1e Walkden, (per- sonally known to him to be the person described 1n, and wno executed the said w1th1n instrument as party thereto) sign, eeru. and deliver the same; that the satd Carrie Walkden, duly acknowledged 1n the presence of said affiant, that she executed the same, and that ne, the said aff1ant, thereupon, and at tt.~ ~equeat ot said rarrie Walkden subscribed hiB name as witness thereto, IN WITNESS WHSREOF, I ha~e hereunto set my hand and affixed mr urficial sea:, at mr office in the said Countyof Loe Angeles, State of California, the day und year in this certifi- cate first above written. ((SEAL)) Aethore Clark Notarr Public in and for the County or Loe Angeles, State of California, My comm1sa1on expires 6/15/41. (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, CIVIL CODE, SECTION 115S) THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the State of Cal1fom1a, aot1ng by and through the Department PA2021-009 ,,JUi.5098 t,l;f t7t: ~ ~ ~ !! ! ~.1592 "THIS LEASE, made and entered lnto thle 7P. day of January, 1960, by und b•tween ROBERT M. CARSON and RENA CARSON, husband ur,d wire, hereinafter dealvnated as "Leasor1•, and JOHN R. VATERB &ud BYRON W. TARNVT2ER, a co-partnership known ae WATERS il TAR- NUTZER, hereinafter deslrnat~d as ~Lessees•• WITNESSETR I WHEREAS, the Lessors are the owners or certain real proper- ty situated in the City of Newport Beach, Cou.1ty or Oranre, Stat, of Callfornla, and de·scrlbed aa: I Lota 5 and 6, Block P, Tract No, )2), as per mAl.p-reoorded-rn-Book 14 at pac,es Uc and 4:.., Re- cords or said Oran~o County, Californl•, and located at the Northwest corner of Pacific Coast Hivbway and Jasmine Avenue in Corona del ►1ar, Cal1rorn1tl,; aM --\---i 3,23 i WHERE.AS, said property is unimproved lind t,he Leseeos are I desirous of leaelnv the Bald premle~a for a term or yearn and thtl Lessors are wlllln~ to enter into such leaee, now, therefor•, ._L I'l IS AGREED AS FOU.OWS: That in oone1deration or the covenants herein contained on the part or tht: Lessees to be observed nnd performed, the Lessors do hereby demise and lease unto the Lessees the property heretnabovo described, located on the Northwest cor- r.er er Paolfio Coast Highway and Jasmine Avenu&, Corona del Mar, Callfornla, for• term of r1fty-rlve (55) years, oommeno1nr on the let day of March, 1960, and endln~ en the 28th day of February, 2015. 2, Lessees avree to pay ns rental for said demised pro111lsos the sum or Two Hundred Thirteen Thousand and 00/100 ($2lj,OOO.OO) Dollara, payable &s follnwe: Thlrty-slX Hundred and 00/100 ($3,600,00) Dollnrs upon the execution c: thl ■ • -l- ASHTON. OROI-IAN ,.,.c,•~ MQFIOA.Jf ~141 N, .. ..,n ■ouu•••o I', O ■o• Ha .. awl"Q•T IICACH, C•~•~o-.. ,. o•,o•• 1•7••0 • ~•. PA2021-009 lease, vhioh shall be the rental for the f1rst twelve (12) month• or aa1d lease, sa1d rental payments to date rrom the lst day or Karch, 1960, and the eWll or 'l'hirty-elx Hundred and 00/lOO ($J,600.00) Dollars per annum for the balance or the rtrst rtv• (5) years of eatd term and, thereafter, ror the balance or aatd t~rm, the sum ol° Thirty-nine Ht.ndrtid and OC/100 ($3,900,00) Lolls.rt per annWI. PAYMENT OF RENT: P~yment or rr.nt under thla lease en&ll be 1n lawru.l money or the United St&t£s, without de- ductions, or orrsats, prtor notice or demand, to the Lessor■ or thetr agent at Newport ee11.ch, C&l1fornta, or at ,;;;1ch other place in the State of California as may be dssi~nated tn wrttinv fro■ ti~e to time by the Lessor,. Said payments shall be due and payable commenctn~ on tho let day of Marob, 1960, lind &nnually thereafter on the anniversary of said data during the term hereof. The plactn~ of said payments in the United States Matl shall be deemed 1n compltanoe herewith. Time le of the essence of thle lease and part1cularly of this clause thereof, and any failure to comply therewlth shall, at th• option of the Leaaore, automattoally termtneta this lease. 4, ADJUSTMENT OF RENTAL: It le further a~roed by and between the parties to this lease that the rental heretnabon speclfled shall be subject to adju1:1tment, up or down, as thtt ease llllo.Y be, which adjustment shall be determ1ned at the end of the flret ten (10) years of the term of thie luce and at the end or oach ten (10) years th<?reafter. Sald ndJuetroent shall be baaed u- pon the Bureau of Labor Statletlc• Pr1ce Indr.x, published 1n the Fedor&l Reserve Review, and upon the coat ot 11v1nv index thereof, and shall be controlled by the cost or 11•1nv. ind.ex publlehed by anid Department illllilediately before January let of each year. Tho initial index shall be that tmmed1ately before Janu6ry 1, 1960, In the oYent ti"IB.t said cost of 1.1.vln.:r index shall, on nny annlvcr,,. • • i I = PA2021-009 \IVUft '-' '-"" ._. >J 1 "~-.&. • ♦ sary bere1n epec1r1e4, ha.Te 1noreaaed or deoreaee" over the 1n1t1al 8 index of January 1, 1960, 1n the perlo~ betveen the date of ea1d "' ~ 1n1t1al 1ndex flnct ei.ch ann1vereary, the monthly rental payable hereunder sh&ll 1ncreaee or deoreaec in a llke a.mount. In the C event or dieconttnuance or puhllcatton or such etat18t1oa by the Department of Labvr o~ the Unlted States Government, then the publ1oat1on or similar etat1st1c1 by any other Department of the Federal GoTernment, or bys recognl~ed priv•te apency, shall be taken as ti'.e index oontrolltn~ this olauas or the leaae. OPTION TO PURCHASE: Leseora hereby vrant to Lessees ~n option to purchase ree title to aa1a property at any time durlnR" the eleventh (11th) year or thi£ lease ror a total pur- ch•se prlo• or not lees than Seventy Thousand ($70,000,00) Dol- lars. The actu&.l purchase price ahttll be det,rmlned by Leasers and Leset:es, each seleotln,.,. a recoPnized, c.ompetent appraiser ot their respective choice, the two appraisers Are th1:-n to select• third appraleer or tb~lr choice. The three appraisers ar~ then to deter~ine the actual ens~ value or the rse title to th~ property. exoludin~ any and all 1mp~ovemente thereon, to be not less thlln SeTenty Thousand ($70,000.00) Dollars, no of the date or vritten nDt1ricatlon to the Lessors of Le1ueea1 1ntent to exerc1e11 said op- tlon, Such notice ehnll be a th1rty~ay ( JO) not1ce served AS re- quired ln Para"raph 21 hereof. Sellers ehB.11 not be requlred to accept more thl,n 29~ down payment nor more th.e.n 29, thorenrter durln~ e~ch year. The balance or slnd purchase prlce to be Pecured by a etandard trust dted on eald property bear1nr interest at the r~tu or 6~ per annua. Lessees avrcc to pay all property taxee, aesese~entE, improvement bonds or other amercements aaneseed and levied aualnet the s.bovt· deaorlbed property, includlnr nll taxes ltvicO «nd assessed aua1nst tho improve~ents thereon. Payment t!.creor si1all be mode on or before del1nquenoy i.r.d failure so to p1.y the sar.:.e ahell ooneti tute a breach of this lease. Taxes for tne year 1959-1960 i,hall be pro-ratl'!d to dat~ or recordatlon ot -3- • • PA2021-009 . ' ; ;;J., <./-'?7 '2---.' / __ _ th1s leaae. Leseora a«ree to turnlsh a pollo:r or Tltle Insurance at the1r expense showlnP t1tle to be free end clear or all encum- brances except cond1t1one. reet~lot10n1, reservations and rlvhta or vay or record, and taxes for the fleoal year 1959~1960. 7, UTILITIES: Lessees shell cause all connection1 for vaa, eleotrlolt:r, or other utility services to be uaed on the precleee to be lnatalled 1n thetr name and upon their appllc•tlon, and ln addition to the rent herelnbeforc reeerved, the Leaeeea shall pay, before dellnqueno:r, all ohar~es ln connection therewith. 8, USE OF PREMISES: Lessees 8./rree that esld prern- lees shall be used only ror the purposes permitted under the land use ordlnanoe or the City of Newport Beach, County or OrnnP:C, State or californ1a, and aueh neeeeeary and incidental uees as may be pertinent thereto. Thie parap-reph shell not be by way or lim- itation and Ldeeeea may conduct thereon an, lawful bualneaa. 9, l MPROVEMENTB: Lessees ap-:-ee that they w1ll, wltCin a period or twelve (12) months from and after March 1, 1960, oauae to be eonatruoted and erected upon the leased premleea lm- pron:n;onte in the rorm of a buildinl:" or bt:1ldlnP's ooetlnP' not lese th~n Thirty-five Thousand and oo/100 (SJ5,000.00) Dollars, which improvements shall be constructed and erected in accordance with plane and opeclf1cat1on11 furnished by the Leeeeee and approved by the Lesso:-a, which approval by Leeeore ohall not be unreasonably w1 thheld. Such 1mprovemente shall be conett-ucted and erected at ti:le oole cost and expense or Leseeea. 10, ALIENATlON OR ASSIGNMENT OF_RIOHTS OR INTrnEsT IN THE ~: Neither this lease nor any interest therein, ~he- ther legal or equitable, ehall be aeairned, 1n whole or 1n p&rt, a11enated, pledp-ed, mort~a~ed or hypothecated, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written oonoent of the Leeeora, which ooneant aha.11 not be arbitrarily withh&ld; however, the Leeeeee eIWll hove the rl~ht to aubleasa, without the oonaent or Leasora, office and co::.unerc1ul space to tenants of the 1► • • i • ! PA2021-009 ~\ .,, I •J};m~~ fl:1. 180 provements to be constructed on the property; nor shall this le&e6 be aubJect to ~arn1ehment or sale under execution ln any suit or proooed1n~ which may be brou~ht •~alnst or by the Lessee,. Ir the Lessees, without eecurinP' prior written approval of the Lessors, attempt to effect such a transfer, &eal~ment, mortaave or hypotllecat1on, or a transfer ocoure by operation or law, or thts lease or any interest therein le subjected to varnlehmeni or sale under any execution in any suit or proceedlnv brourht ava1n1t or by the Lessees, and the same le not releaaed within l.5 day1, or if the Lessees are adJudved bankrupt or insolvent by any court or upon the Lessees• maklM an aselvnmsnt for the benefit of cred- ltore, the Lessors Cl&y, at their option, forthwith term1nate th1• lease upon vr1ttsn notice thereof to the Lessees and thereupon the Lessee, shall have no further r1~hts hereunder. No consent by the Lessors to any ass1vnment or hypothecat1on of thitl lease or any part thereof or the ~rant1n~ or any concessions or licensee by the Lessees shall bo held to waive the covenants contained herein without th~ ~ritten consent of the Leacore ao to any further aae1vnment 1n whole or tn part or hypothecatioa or the vrantinir of any further concessions or 1101ne11. Anyth1nc in the precedin~ pnraPra.ph to the contr&ry notwlth- at~ndlnv, Leases~ may, arter there hus been constructed upon said pre:r.isee improvements exceadin"' in value the sum of Thirty-five Thousand (SJ5.000.00) Dollars, sselvn and tranaro~ their rtPhts and interest under this lease and in and to the structures &nd im- provements erected on the leased premises, to a corporntlon orl"an- 1.zed by them under the laws of the State or California, t~e maJoi- lty of aharee or wh1oh eh.all be held by the Leeeeee, proYided that such corporation ehall covenant ~n~ &t1Tee 1n writ1nP to keep and perform and be bound by each and all of the oondltions of thia lease on the part or the Leseees to be kept and performed; nnd, provided further, that any such tran[fer by the Lessees to any aealvnoe or transferee which hB.& been approved ln vrltlnr-by the Lessors, l.i.nn when such a.eeiPnee or transferee ho.ve, in wr1t1rur, -5-• • J .. PA2021-009 i ---. I ;;}_c/,y-7'2,_ / __ ···---- aaaumod and •~re11d to perform all the oondtt1ona of th1a leaao on thu pa..rt of tho Loaeoea to be kept and performe4, or the tranefor to a oorpor4ltlon •• •bo•o ■peolflo4, ■hall rel~•ne tho Leaeoe■ from the1.r ~1•r11unal Llbl1t1at1ona or 11Ab111 tle11 hereunder. ll. HYPOTHEOATIOM: wrltt11n ooneont to tha hypothooat.l.on of th• L1■1,1noo 1 lnteroat hereunder by mort"•"• or truat 4eeo., Whloh oom1ont, •h•ll not b11 un- reauonkbly w1thh•l4, no mortvavee or tru1toe, nor anyone who olftlme by, throu"h, or un,111r auoh mort,a,-o or dead of tru■t thert1ot, 11hall by •trtuo tl1!"lrnof •o~utro an,-tl'roator or more extandf!d. rlP'ht1 thnn thl'I l.e11111ea under thle ll'l&OII nnd any auoh mort,,.arree or truEtea ant1 all 1111roono who r,lalm by, throuf"h or unt'l.er auch mort- P'•v• or duid or tru11t ahall 1n e<rory re•poot be ou~Ject to all of tho oondl.t1ona, oovtinante llnd •D'rcernente or th1e leaae and the rl.p-ht ■, povure tt.nd pr1Y1loa•11 or the Le1soro. E&oh and every p~reon aoqulr1nv. tl.tlt1 under 111Md 11ol'tll"RV0 or deed of trust to the lf'l&Bf!- hol,1 1ntcr••t vrantei\ by th1• le•eo, elther by roreoloaur• or ""'lci unltor povor of ■al•, 111\Mll oxpreeuly o.ooept &nd ••eumo all t.h1.1 t111rn1t1, novonant.a, conllltlono and avreornflnte or thle loa,ie to bfl k.vvt i.,.n,1 p~rror111ed by the, Le111001, and ehnll become pernonally \JounJ to comply thert<w1 th ..,nd porfor111 th~ •a.a•• l! th11 loauhold lntorest h1:1rl!lby ortiatod eha.ll·, wtth th• wrltt•n oonal!lnt of Lo1eor be mortvn~od or con~•yod by deed or trust by Lo■11.1111, oiid .tr the, Leuori· al1ull be nottr1ed tn wr1t1nP" there- of 1111('1, r,t' tli~ nM-mo 11.11d •d.d1•ua1t of the mortv&P"IIO or truatee, Leeoor ■ ai·.All not t,u-1111.n•to thta lt1a■ e beoauae or any default or breRcb. htn•eun,1er on tho pllrt of Lea1ees, RO(\ \ r the holt1er or e•1d mort- ~a~• or tru•t deed, v1th1.n th1rty (JO) daye after eorvtoe of Wt'1t\•n not1o• rrom L•aaora or tho1r 1ntent1.on to torm1nat• th11 la••• ror nuoh i\erault or br••ob, Hhall el ther ouro 11uch r\ofaul\ or br••.:ih, .tr th11 ••i.,ei oo.n• bt1 ouri:sd by th1l payment of mon.ty, or \I 1t11{1h (\o,r■ult. or br■ .. 11h lg not ao our•hl• 11.nr\ oannot be remflc\led •ltt1\n ita\,1 \Q-C.ay 11cir1od, \I' t.!111 holitar or a•h'I mortra,-a or tru1 t • • ;;;:.;: I I ■ - ■ I a PA2021-009 1 ~ If' 7Y Y_, ) . •-----•••~a-•-~--~J ··:·~,~- ,,,,..',098 ,,,, JB~ deed, wlthln aald period, shall (1) comienee 1n ~ood faith to our• ouch default or breach anG thereafter dlllventl1 prosecutes the eawe to oompletlon, and (2) 1net1tutas prooeedtn~e for the foreclo- sure or such mort~•~e or trust deed and thereafter dillrently con- c~udes the same, and()) W1dertakee in ..-rltln,r, with and for the benetit of Lesec,re, to keep nnd perform, and ehnll keep and per- form, all or the ooTenants and condltlone or this lease herein provided to be kept and performed by Leae•ee until such tlm• ns the leasehold hereunder oh.all be sold upon roreoloeure pursuant to any such aort~AR• or trust deed o~ shall be released from said mortgaee or reoon•eyed under ea1d trust deed; provided, however, that .!.! the holder or said mortP.'P.P'e or truet deed shall fall or re- !uae to oomply with any or all of the condltlone of this clauu, then and thereupon Lessore shall be released from the covenant of forbearance herein contained. Les~ees shall furnish Lessors at the time of such consent a complete copy o~ guch mortra~e or trust deed, torether w1th the address or the holder thereof. 12. LIABILITY INSURANCE: Leeftees shall, at the1r own coot and expene•, at all t1mee durlnrr the term of thla lease. rno1nta1n &nd carry for the benefit of Leaaeea, se well as for the b~neflt of Lessors, property dam&P'O and personal 11ab111ty lneur- ance, by the terms or which Lessees And Lessors ahllll be lndemni- r1ed a~alnst all liability for any damnoe o~ injury to the prop- erty or person of any invitee or licensee or Lessees, or other person 1;1nter1nv upon or ueinP' the leaoed premises, or any part thereof, and ar1e1n,:, fro.:c. the uet: and occupancy thereof. Such ln- aurance policy or policlee ehall be vrltten and ma1nta1ned on the min1111um baeie of Twenty-ftve Thoueand (t25.ooo.oo) Dollfl.ra for daruai:re to property, and Fifty Thoueand (150,000.00) Dollare ror ?eraonal inJury to one peraon, and Ona Hundrer Fifty Thou"and ( 1150 ,000.00) Dollars for peraonal 1nJur·• to two or .nore Person•: and Lcaaeea shall del1v.i-r to I..eaeora the c•rt1rlcat,: of ,,.ch in- surance carrier na to ench euch lneurance policy • • • I PA2021-009 lJ. FIRE INSURJJICi.: Lea11e1 avree to take out flr• and extended ooverap,e insurance with an insurance oarrler eatia- tactory to the Leaaor1 to protect from loee the lntereet of the Lee1oes tn any lmproTemente or tnstallattona on the leased premiees. Buch 1neurancs sball be in nn amount not leas than 80% of the sound and insurable value or the tmprovemente. Cert1r1catee or such insurance ehall be filed wlth the Loasora and Bhall be eatla- faotory ln form to the Leeeora. Bald policies ehBll have a non- cancellatlon-·11 thou.t-notlcc clause and shall provide that coptee of all cancellation notioee shall be sent to Lessor. Ir the Leaseea fntl to procure or renew euch insurance, Lea- sers may, in the1r dlaoretlon, procure or re~ew such insurance &nd pay any ,;nd all prem.1UJDa in oonneot1on therewith. All moneye so paid by the Lessors shall be repaid by the Leeseee to the Les- sors upon demand, vlth interest or 7% per annum t'l'om date or pay- ment by Lessore und until repaid. 14. PUBLT~ RIGHTS AND INTERrERENCES: It 1i under- stood. antl agrt1ell thut the r11"hts of Lesaeee hereunder are and shall be aubJeot to the rl~hta, 1r nny, or the United States, or or the State or Cbl1forn1a, or their respective author1~ed depart- ~ento or aP,enoie1, ln and to the leased pre~lses. In the event tii.e leased prem1eee or any part thereof la taken and condemned by publlc nuthorlty under the laws of eminent doma1n, then the leasehold estate and interest of Lessees ln ea1d premises or part thereor taken chall forthwith oeaee and term1nate, and Lessees shall be entl tled to any compeneatlon awarded for the value or or damavce to any bu1ld1no', structure or other 1mprovement erected or placed by Leeeeea on said premises, but all other compensation or dama.ves awarded shall be payable to and be th~ sole property or Lessors. Le1a1ee shall baYe no claim avalnat Leasor• for any dama~eo or othervla• should Leeaeee1 poee1ae1on or aald pre~lsee or any part thereof be disturbed or prevented by reason or any euoh publlo tak1RP' or by the ~doptlon or any publlo lav, ordlnano• • • PA2021-009 I r.' • or ro~ulat1oa, or by reason o! any aot of any leP&l voTern.m.ontal authority or order or Judvment of any court of oompotont jur1ed1o- t1on, prevontlnfl' the use ti.nd o~oupanoy of salti premleoa or any part thereof tor the purpoeee h~reln epeo1f1ed, or otherw1••• It any euoh public tak1ru, or other action ~hall affect the whole or wo much or sald premltuto 11,ii to matortally 1ntcirter• 111 th or-pro't'ent the conduct of L••••••1 oporat1on1 thereon, then L•••••• may, at their option, term1nat1 thl■ leaao; but 1f only a port~on or s&14 pr~w1oea ls so affooted as not to materl•lly lntorfere with or prevent euoh operatlona, then thla lo••• shall continue tn fore• aial orreot as to tho portion of tho leased premise■ not affected by auch public action and the ront thereafter payable hereunder tor the remainder or the term hereof shall be reduced (oaloulated to the nearest dollar) in the proportion that the area or lnnd er- !eoted eh.all bear to the aroa leased. 15. DESTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS_OR IM?ROVEKENTS: rr there b• a partial des- truotlon of any or the buildinge or improvements or any nature lo- cated on the leaaed property• the Leaeeee ohall as soon as reaP.on- ably poasiblo oommence to repair ann re~tore ould damn~•. and shall cont1nue d111~ently to complete en1d repa1re. Suoh part1al deetruot1on shall not 1n any way cancel or annul th1s lease, but Leeeeea shall have a reduced proportionate m1n1mua rental dur1nv the repairin~ perlod, ln acoordance w1th and baaed upon the actual 1nterf•renco whlch 1e caused by the ro&k1n~ or 1uoh repairs. (b) Total. Deetruotlon. In the event of the totnl deatruotlon of any bulldln~, structure or improvement, Le1so11 shall aa aoon •• r•aaonably poeaible commence the conetruot1on. re- oonstruot1on and restoration or eald hulldln~ nnd shall proaecut• the aamo d111~ently to oomplet1on. Any auoh total destruction shall 1n no wia• annul thla leaoo except that the Leaeeea shall ba entitled to a proportlonato reduotlon or the ■1n1aw:a rental whll• euoh reatorat1on or r-obu1ld1nl" 1o in proceae to the extent to vhlch -9- • • I PA2021-009 ,~ r; is,' ' f": i ~ r £1 "" -CD w u.. C ,, ... th.-rebu11411U". or restoration or aald bu1ld1u, atruoture or 1 .... provement shall interfere v1tb the bua1ne1e carried on by Le11•e• on eald loaeed premleoe. 16. MJJNTENANCE AND REPAIRS: (a) Leaeee to Ma1nta1n all Landecaplrw, Bu1ld1n~e and In- provement1. L•■aeee covenant and arreo that durln~ the term of this lease they will, at their own coat and expense, ma1n- ta1n the vrounds, landec•p1n~, and all bulldln~o, and any other 1mproTemonts or any kind or nature oonetruotod or installed on the leased premises by the Lessees, at a hl~h standard of ms.1ntenanc1 nnd repair. Ma.lntenanoc shall include palnttru,. (b) Lessors may Elect to Repair and Maintain at Expense or Le1seos. Ir, ln the Judt>ment of the Lessors, euoh etand&rde or maintenance and repair are not be1n~ maintained, they may at their option, after written notice thf:reor to the Leeeeee and Les- sees' failure to co.11!.!Dence ln ~ood faith to remedy the same wltr~n the time proTlded and thereafter dill~ently prosecute the same to completion, ,leot to correot any deficlenoJ, whether it be ln ref- erence to ~rounds, l~ndacapinv, buildin~. or impr0Tement1. Lee- 1eee covenant and &ftt'ee to pay to tte Leaeors on demand any and all au.me expended by them in correotirw any such defiolenoy to- aether wlth an equal B!ll' aa liquidated dama~es by reason or Leaeeea1 f&llure to perform and keep this coTenant. It, in the JudPment of the Leasor,, the disrepair or lack or mnintenanoe eonetitutee an emerpenoy, the notice h1re1n provided shall be a 2"-houre notlo• to remsdy; 1n all other oaees it shall be a 5-<iaye1 notio•. (~) Lesaor11 Rirht of Inepeotion. Lessors reserve the r1~ht by their authorised a~•nts, employeee or representatlvea to enter the leased premises to inspect the same or any part thereof at an7 time and to attentl or proteot the Lessor•' interest under this lea••• (d} Compliance vith Laws, Ord1nanoea and ReC"Ul&tlone. L•••••s oovenant and a~rae to comply vlth all rules, re~latioa■, • • PA2021-009 t <ii V "' .,, -a, '"" ic ... ,.;.. .. .,,. .1 •• ' st•tut~s, ordinances and l••• of the state of Ga.11forn1a, County af or•~•, the City of Jevport Beach, or any other vovernmental body or •~enoy hav1nv lavful Juriad1ot1on over the leaaed premise■ or the buolneas, enterprleea, or act1v1t1ea conauoted thereo•• l?. MECHANICS LIEMS: Leaaee ■ shall pay all ooata or buildlnvti, atruotur•• or i■provement■ to be erected on the leaaed premises, and shall keep the lenaed premiaea and the lmprovomenta looated thereon tree and olear of mochanlce liena. Lesa••• shall indemnify and save the Leaeora harm.leas from any and all maotian1ce lieno or claims of lien, ooete and expenaee which may accrue, 11row out or or be inourred·.by reason or or on •ooount of auch lien or claim of lien. Loeaora shall have a_t _all times the rlo-ht to poet and. keep posted on the leased prem1eea such notices provided ror under and by virtue of' the lava or the State or ca11rornla for the protee- t1on of the leaaed premises from meoh&nlca liens or liens of• a1m1lar nature. 18. BVCC~SSOR8: S.ch and all of the terma and avr•~- ments heroin contained ab.all be bindinv upon and inure to tho bene- fit or tho he1ra1 •4._IJ!,inl•trator• or aaal~ns of tho Leasor•, aod whoreTar the condition admits or re,u1roa, the helre, adm.1n1atra- tora or aaai~ne of the Leaaoe1. 19. LICENSES AND PUBLIC REGttLATIONS: Le1aeee 11hall comply wltl: all regulationo of the Health Department of the City of Newport Beach or of the County of Oran~•. State or ca11rornla, or other publio bodlea oh.arved wlth the re~latiori thereof, and with all lawful rules. re1711lat1ona and oondltione affoot1nv tho conduct of the bua1nete herelnabove specified. 1eaaesa shall aeoure and maintain, in their own n&11ee, all 11oeneoa and peraito r•~u1re4 in th• operation of ea10 bua1n•aa. 20. DEFAVLT PROVISIONS: Thle leaae 18 mad• on the oxpre1a oondit1on that Leeeeoa ahall perform all of tho covenant ■ and avroomonta on their part to be porformea. rr, al any tlat, -11- • 11 ----• .. ;;; PA2021-009 i ,) '; t s • z o o a N5I: rc,7----- tilers le a derault on the part or the Loeeeea 1n tho pe,-ent or rent or 1n the perrormanoe or any or the other oondltlone or th1■ lease on the1r part to bo performed, the Lessors shall haTe the op- t1on to immediately terminate th1s lease ant to rorfe1t all r1vhte or the Lessees bere1n. 9aid option shall bo cxeroieed by the Losaors by v1vinv a notice in vr1t1n~ or the1r intent to terminat• said leaee, vhlch notlce shall be not leee than a JO-day notice, after whlch time the Lessors may, without further demand or notloe, have the full r1P-ht to enter upon the deaieed premises and take •1.nmedlate poesesa1on thereof and 1n add1t1on, they may brlnP' suit tor and oolleot all charv.es accrued ava1nst the Leseeca to the date or such termlnatlon. From the tlme or euoh notice and entry, all rl~hts hereln ~ranted to the Lesaees ahall become void to all intents and purposes and this provision of the lease shall not be excluslT8 and Lessors ariall be entitled to any anrt ~ll remedles otherv1s• provided at law or under the terms or this lease. In the •vent that any uctlon ls 1net1tuted, or attorneys em- ployed, for the enforcement or any of the terms of th1e lease, or for recovery or posaese1on thereof, or otherwise, by either or the parties hereto, the preva1lin~ party ln auch action shall be entitled to recover h.ls coats e.n~ attorney fees ir. euoh e..m.ount ae may be fixed by a court or competent Jurled1et1on nnd the other party ureos to pay the same. 21. NOTICES: All notices required by the t~rms or this lease, or otherwise, shall be aerTed upon the Lessors at 125 Via Genoa, Newport Beach. Callfornla. or at such other add- re1, as may from t1me to time be epeo1t1ed by Leeeore, and upon the Lessees at 410 West Coast H.tghway, New-port Bench, Callrornia, or at such other addreaa as Leeeees may from timo t9 time epeclty. by re~letered or cert1f1ed mall. 22. POB8EB8IO•: Th• Lessors covenant that they are now tho owners 1n rou e1mple or the property here1ne.bove deeorlbed; tl"u1.t the lAeaees ahall enjoy the same w1 thout any lavrul d1atw- -12- • • PA2021-009 J] I ; ~-c/-;9 j,,_I /_ __ -- bance and that the ea.me 1a fi,ee from all encuabrances, exoept those or record, and the Lessors do hereb1 warrant to the Leeseee all or eald property a.a:alnet B•ery person lawfully olalaln~ th~ ea.me. Posaeeoton of the premises shall be turned over to the Les- sees on tho let day or Haroh, 1960, provided, howcYcr, that Lessees shall have aooesa to aatd premises rrom and after the date or the a1~n1n~ or thle lease ror the purpose or aurveylilP' and propar1nv plans tor the oonslruotlon or such improvements as Leaetoa desire to make on such premises. IN WITNESS VHEREor. the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals thll day and year first above vrltten. ~~.,:-_:.\ \_1_._ C,,,,-- <Robert M. Carson) WATERS I: TARNVT~ • • PA2021-009 -~~~% Pleasa return to: ~-s~ ei, City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 ~•C\1;1,rl Blvd. P.O. B.:r.t 17~8 Newpr.:rl ..;:::;:;.::h, CA 92663-3884 NO CONSIOERA TION 62-188336 -4~ PM COGII RICMWr Lll "-111NlCII, RESOLUTION NO. __ 8 __ 2_-_6_0 __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF AN EXISTING 14 FT, ALLEY, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD SAID RESOLUTION ONLY UPON COMPLE'l'ION OP THE ABANDONMENT OF TBB EXISTING WATER MAIN IN SAID ALLEY {NE OF E, COAST HGWY BETWEEN IRIS & ALLEY W OF IRIS IN BLOCK 535, CDM TR) {RBSUB 721) (DWG NO. A-5095-L) WHEREAS, the Public Works Director of the City of Newport Beach has presented to the City council of the City of Newport Beach a certain map, prepared by the Public Works Department, dated April 5, 1982, and entitled •Alley vacation• - Drawing No. A-5095-L, (two pages) showing the area the City is considering vacating, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach approved and adopted said map on April 12, 1982, and directed the City Clerk to file same in the proceedings for vacation and abandonment; and WHEREAS, on May 10, 1982, the City Council held a public bearing for the purpose of hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of the above-described alley; and WBERBAS, the City Council finds and determines, from all of the evidence submitted, that that portion of the subject alley described herein as being a portion of an existing unimproved 14 foot wide alley located northeasterly of East coast Highway between Iris Avenue and the alley westerly of Iris Avenue, in Block 535, Corona del Mar tract, and which area is more particularly depicted on a map attached to Resolution No. 82-48 as Bzhibit •A•, is unnecessary for present or prospective public use; and PA2021-009 / ,I 82--188336 WHEREAS, the public utilities easement previously requested by Southern California Edison will not be required; however the existing water main in said alley is to be abandoned to the satisfaction of the Utilities Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that that portion of the subject alley, which is more particularly depicted on City's two-page map No. A-5095-L, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit •An, be and hereby is ordered vacated and abandoned. BE IT PUR'l'BER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and hereby is ordered to cause a certified copy of this Resolution, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City of Newport Beach, to be recorded in the Office of the county Recorder for the county of orange, upon satisfactory completion of the abandonment of the water main referred to above in connection with said vacation proceedings. ADOPTED this -1.Q.th day of tra;z , 1982. Mayor ATTEST: AYES, COUNCll MEMBERS Heather, Hummel, Cox, // J ~ cfJ /? _/.A~ . _ .!J!!t, Plummer, Maurer, Strauss ' , 'tq~--G' ~ COUNCIL MEMBERS--:Nc.;;ou=e ______ _ City Clerk ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS None ---------- 051082 -vacation ~e~ aft' ct.eU: Of THE CITY OF N~RT BEACH 2 DATE, PA2021-009 82-188336 iXHIBJT A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DRAWN RMM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED 1---.....;.,_.;;;,=_.;.:;=:.:.;;..-=.:::.:..:;:;.:.:.:=.:..:...-----1 A~LEY VA&ATl"N ("~£.SU& ~/.9) PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR R.E.NO, __ DRAWING NO. A-Sl:19$'-L.. PA2021-009 82-188336 AV£. I 1 ll ,ff J ,, ,/ I DRAWN PMtf! DATE fl ~ APf'ROVED PUBLIC WORKS DIRECl'OR R.E.NO,_ DRAWING NO, A-S09S-L -------·----- PA2021-009 ~ ------~-:-G_.,-.r.;,.:;--.,-_______ --:_-_--::-::_~---=--=-~~~..!""::-_=---..:-_-::-:-:---":'::-:: l(l .,,so•n·e /(/ t;;i'g. ' \t 5HEET I OF c SH EET5. TRACT N~ 323 Beinb a Resubdivision of a portion of Corona Del Mar as shown on a map -thereof, recorded in M,s,c/. Map BooK 3, p~e5 41 and 42., records of Ora2!?e c;ounty, California. '!!!:,!nw,,,,&W .•-·· .s.so•n·e -~ so. -----, ,,;s 6093 --1.• .; < 1---'137,41:Trr----i Lus;J 7 [·)(:) 715.()() ,,. .oo 5022 Sd.s3 ----, I 0: l.Y :I l.u c,'. I L :·, I :::> 4179 ~,:\? ---...... :!,,,~ ;t K /1~0 .h· ~:::,,-~I -----i :z.~ ~uJ ~ ILJul ~ :j " .s;, ---, t 1!,;2 .,~l\~"~,• ~ i~!--__'.:_'1-~,I .~ ---:_---f 11.J~I ' 5/aleo/0/t/ornia) . ; ,r--~ I z~ ~~ ~ :::)::, ~ s,•• 3 ~~ ~ ._ = ', '/ q: >1 tl / ·~fZ·· ,, I '.:><(:ij= " Counly o/'OrongeJs:J: II wa.:s an f-he.:2 ___ day of.---. _____ A,Ol!JZ:Z, .. ~i ll-zz.: . "'"' . . " ·~a. , :.'I, ac:cr----~ -----J ~'1 . I ~~ ~ I ~ Lu';!~ I a"' 2 ~~ B : .f: ./3 6 ~-'' 4 so i6 -_J ,5 ( ' ~ ,· ~~ ordered 6y /he cJao,d o/ Su,.oervi:;or.5 of S(7/Q G,vnly d Siok Iha/ this : ><' '" ~.. -.4 ~ "'~ Sf/ ' -,,::',; 'I< ~54•22e. 11 .. 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I "El olw "'! ~---1 -- .:Slaleo/co1fo,,,10 ( ;t: lLJ 1--:'O I I ::)"1 ~ ~ .c____s,;a,;........,,_=::..1 ' t' 'ZD CovnlyPjus.4njt!les)ss: On//,;s_r._ci,,tf_Jfpb._A,0./~2Z, -I -,r.-:-_. -,--I z::~t.:' ,l· "'.,..~ '7:,":.~;;---T~o"--,..,,i! 50 l½-:-::--1 r F. D. COENeLL COMPANY ~ ~OeT6~t~-~~~A,f.T.,CE ,m~, --~-~~f/dil~'aZPJ,rf. ~ TIT~~IN~:;:~~ 7 ~~o ~~~----· .. 5/okojC,;tflY/lld I ~~rV~•dur ,__.,__,,_ s==uJ' {ow/yujf,.,An,1eks).:JJ:Q,f,fo' __ $ .... "obyof-~-IJ./:J.2?,6e/oreme, .. -Q.,,_(?.,_~ __ o#olo7R,Mi 1n C1l1d for sr,id Gt.,,,.y 0/kl ..5'.hk, rd,d!nf lkn,yn, dvly CMJmls:;io//ed ond SWdm, p,""""'717 ol'f'=red_J::r:._~~ -~ ~w11 I.me /4 ,k /l,,: ____ ltf.f"n:3idm6 ond_J:.., _C"...,_~~~"wn tJ meh be ~~reh,y of //,e .F.O.GJrnell tun- pony Me c,,r,oon,hdn d=r;6,x/ in ond lhuf execvled fk w,lhm 111Slrumenf, ond t'nown Iii me lo 61! 11,e pel'.1'cn~ who execult!d lk wil/21,i =lrvmenl ,,,., kAo/f ,f /1,e cup:,rr,l,dn llrere1n nome~ ond ,;ckmwkt(j>ed /4 me llu,f svcA CH'J"W'<7hin =ec,,led /1,e some. In Wifn.,-:ss Whereof, I hove herevnlo .:sd ,ny !J®d and affexed 11?Y off/chi seol /1,e oby ondyeor ;,, //113 cerlf<i>k pr:Sf "~"" wr,#en. ,;;;,,;,-,!3:;,~_r::,.;.L.;,~ ."S/,,/,:-,,CC.,/'r"m✓'a. Sfafeo/Co/ifom,;,., 2 (J Af,;J,/ -~ . +.•, ~vnljg//4.,,.fnyiesJ.5S:011/IHUJ.-~d?_f°I..Ujv_~~A•°:l~2.1,befveme,&ll41/~/_.~~---·,, H..-'ory_fo~ ✓-• mo✓td far .,,,,Q' CrX111/y 0//rl S/4,/4, ro1dtnf &rem, dvfr=m1wt1M7 ontl sw-.m, perSMo//y Of',Pt!!l.1r,:, ~~. l!,own A, me.$ 6e ,16,Jl11d}wo'e,,f, andi{/~.;r,,J;;f~.zf),wn h me I!> Je 1/;e .kt'r.:-/ory of e ,;;tf!:: G'=ronk Comf"Jny Ille C11✓,W17lt,in at::JcriJed 1n ond lllr,/ a.:cv/ed II,,: wi~,,,; ,nslrvmen/; <7nd ifmvn n.me h /,,: /he per.w,s wh• e;ra:,,hd Ille will,;,; inslrumenl on od,,1/f of' /he corf'Ol17l1on ll,ell!'m named, ond ocb?,,w/er(fed /2, ,ne, Mal svc/J co"J"'if<?l,i,n e:xecvled 11,e Some. In Witneos Whereof, I h<>ve hereunlo .1d my hone! en,/ t7fl)xed my ,;/icd,I se:o/ 11,e cloy om:lyear ,h 1111.J cerl/i"cdle fiisl o.M>'e wrdlen -----~~24~d,-,.LL. ____ _ Ntlltt,f' p,,Jlli: "' tNtdf!!: u~_!'_n,1de.1 atv.#ly,.. :s/4#(: "'I Cb//ftVn10' beforerne,-__ 1:./i_GJ:.een_e ___ o/loloryPvJltc1nondfarsoH/ ~ L____:_---j I-~----1 ~~ l . ., 5q<e..,.~ 1--'~-..-.-'--- Covnly and Slole, res1cl1n9 fkre,,h, dvly commi.ss1,,ned ond swor~ t= I __ '.'.:J..tL-I· k __:~~ <( :~ f4 ~ ~ cc! L i b l21,t5 perS1'1JOllyof'p=red __ L;J;_'iie_y_'fJ..Q."ll.,._tn~w~lome/ol,ef/2e.Yi_2L&.11denl;ond :j~~r"<:< 13 I 50 ; 44 / ~ 2:;~, -~-I - _Jj_._~_Yfi_J~g7L ____ /:nawn"4me/4t5&,.,1Jecrelaryof'l/,e 7t'l/elnsvr<7nce ond fj I L" 1,'. ~ .. ' 5 ' -~ -i ?.-1 ,-- Trv.,/ Gm,.oon'Y /1,e corp:,roh,;n descnkd1h and /,.fol exlXt/led IAe .w'tlhn .mlrvmM~ ~------j I -:;-! r,; ' G ~ ~ '/. ., . .,.., "-1•11f 0' · ,& lL . j a •· 1 1o ~, v/ ~ c rw,., o/ ,.,.,,. ond i:n11wn ~ me~ le,& per.:sonJ who ext:cvkd /he wi//11n I/Jsfrv11?.-nf 011 k/20lf I ---c:::, I -;-~ g :;-\ ~ ,i<, "' ~~ J,,._ '> ~ / / j of lne cor,PYJratin IAem,n nomecl,ond C1Ch7owf:t&e.d lo me Iha! .7vcl, e,71p,rol/v, --.-:---n:: 01-- -,:-1.:t1 ~N..,,~:;9 Sa ,t~ · "'°' Ay.L:-.. / / -. LL I ' s I z: .. 1 t::..1,,✓.,.. r, UJ ) ~ ·c-o / / execuled me .Sqme, r---:-7 UJ::l,--~····1--=---::>ui ,.,. P In Wifne65 When!of, //Jove hereunlo sef my /,qnd om/ offixed my t:ffciol seal I ,-:>~) Q f--4 I .'3 ~ z~ <' 2 ....,.;.,.~.... / . I -~ --U 1--au .. ~ i),' "' 3 1§' !Aecloyand year,;, 1111.; cerl,jia,/4 firsf wrilfen. _A~ ,.. ! 11~ <::> I , .. , 2. / , ! ,.8 _J >~ ~ .-' ~~ ,... ~ __________ (dftf~ --=~•~-~; \D ~~NUE., ;J~"-o <(y "' 1W-!dryAl.!okc;w,.,,dfor~~A11,:p11r-;o-_-,~-5h'iJo;a,1i_rormilr w. $4'!!! p A / ,,_, 1f: ~_.,.,.i'---'6'e,.:;·°'""=-'-""--f': ---, r---7 ~iO ..:..._~ _!_/--=l so,.. ,, ... 5foko/Co1,/on110 j A I I .,_ ,I : 7 L~2.'.._ t ___ ~~ Covnlyo£./.sof>iJn.lX!..b_J.Js: Onfhf3JJ_fAc1oyof-~b.ff;.,4.0./90, /Jejoren,e;_bJi,(~Jlf,..t,_~1111'1-l.Ji _____ affqhrv 11 ;,., 0 L ~~ r · r ''~t, · / · ·:....____.i ~ rs.8 ,z,13 ?u,Mc 1o'fncl µr said Covnlyonc/Sfale,res1dlny l/2emn, dulycomm1~i,"'7cl 011(/ sworn, ,oersan,;,/,y <7,Pp,t,rcd I L 17 I I-,, I -18 ~'4 i? 11 .,vi .:&: ·-s& ... ~-{I" ~ !Y':~.:.§.1?~1:!'~-~~s!.f:.!_!~~/_?_1!1!_s..,_!!~~{ff:_Sj_'.!:-£.,,_~/_j-=!..l:i"-!'1:~ fi!!'=.cf._e.!.L!!~~!__B.:..Q_ .. ede I~ II. c. ?a.,.,eff I ----J o~1 -------4t, Jf.LfM _________________ -------------------------------------. ~-;.;-~--j id~---/~_::-~ .t:,J4wnhm~ ~ klAe ;,e~=s. d,:scr;/,ec/1n,ano'w/2osenames. ,m: .:sv.oscr/kr/ lo /1,e wh'l!1n' m.:s-frvrnc:nl, ancl ~w/edyet:14-•.f.,j±___::~ --1 .:c I _ _!:~_-;:-d.. l-c-__!~ ~_:I tu ==>..i :z:1 11.J.., >~ <( H lcmdhal Mey execul-ed ~esome. ' j ). ,,.L ,?:-..1.._?-oO [_!!:_ -4J.'.\~ ~ ~ '" W,1",M Wh,~,f, !ho~,,,,_,,,. ,d my t-1 <W,ffp<dmy <f""'I-/ :~.-'~ :;;,:: f--~;(J_;'.1..L@. ?_, -~ ~ ~...,., ~1,1 y cU~.o1 cr.;;?.0 ;~ii 1f2._ . ;J. ~~,-4 ~.~ PA2021-009 TRACT '' -~--, ~ -~•·--;;-~ ' >M,,; ~--1., , -C -'7' -•:-~'<-,; p C_ --',,, ,_,,,_~ w=-c-, -'c& -~ .,;;---..J ii.if/ \ el'I! On!! no heh:s f« unpo. M.-: /n:Jcf of land cc..,.e~ ----1 "'' • = ,_,, 5HEE.T 2 OF 2 SHEETS. N~ 323 ' "'r-----,. ---' "-' ~ -·-J "•,__ "' ::r \"\" ·. ~•p. , AM,, ,-_ -'! '";J# ,.._ "/ .,_,. M,; "" .. ·r ---"'-''1:.\i a -.,. )n, . . I -:0:-....:,,.,] •.. _ :!-, -c~ 1~-'ico/ _•_µf ,_, /C~-~----- w~ hereby cerl,jy Iha! we hov~ CAO/mlled & /oh of /lu.:i .suw,:,.;s,CJn a., .sh~w/7 .on l/2.¢ will,,,,; mo~ Qhd o,,opnwe of :/'hem /or c&mrrXn:-/0/ and rt:·.1/den//QI C/Je,$, ~~---.:.:··· ;;;.-------:..-. ,,,., 4Vtf'fuc_ ----:-::::_ p.l...O..c;t. -~-, \~ ,., 1 1,,,/f;) --}- \ I \J ., I '-'t,;1-,..._,ir I [J·-<i I I .j. ~-l5:,L 2 ----1 - -i~~t~-~---- . ~ ~~- I, W,t:M/'j,;,m:; c;,;,,;t e,,?:rlleet; /2!fre6y ~!ii /6af M 1/Je.../~.1~~~- day., e/-Ju.Ly-~;;.· __ .4,o,;922_ cm QCfuol,.-WtM mode ~rn1y dt,,·ecltcn I l I.;..' I,'/----~.._ .. , L r--------'~'tt; : / ',:-, I L . ~.,.. c,; •I ' • ' _________ , ,d,,r_,--,---...___, 'Q , y I ,d,,_,..- ! '----.:_ _ __,_, .. ,;,-, __, '" I , ,._,, --; A,, -, k •p-•d •, ,~ ""---"~-,,_ J '>,L__ •• d &.d,& SJ, -AMU. <'" ~-L .. _ •c= _r • .. • 4 ~'""' -v I:}. -------. M :.:; =IL ;o/ 4--r Cr' ~4 -, __ 7-, _,_ •/ =4 ~-,, C'''J-..::::,--,,ri~--"c_ ~/C , .. ,~ & --. • • ---~"¼-Y•-------=--• ,.-~ .. 1 / Ci -, ~c:------_._\..'(, on lk !frou,,J co.,,err:d by Me OCCDRlJ30A,Y,,;,f mapJ c;,11o' ,1/;q,/ M~ sa~ 1.5 o cor~ I ma? the/'l!'oj'. -~----...._ .• / > c • A'-'y ls --, ~:... ,i;, : I ,, ,,__ ~w-""" ----. . -r---=-· r • •---i t--:;...__ • .. ,, .. ,;;.; ~~ J. # :::. :::.~+.; M•'"" &_, ;;;;;, -,,. -;;v.,:;~:c:;:,;:;; ~; ,'.'.; :-.:1::::::'.-:;~ , ---._.._.__,,, / C•, ,. 07, ~o/ Tcr • ,' -.,-.,,. '" A -----~ • '------'"-.. "/ ',';,' _ _, Yy CM k ,.,.,,..; ~~~----••# -• ~ ~-r,~ "'.:~ <c ,y_ -,... ';;, ~ -,...,it :t l_ : __ "_-; -..lf--. -.. --, c,,y M,,.~p ----, •-.,,,.. "''-,, d >,,, e ~,~,; ~ kU" ,-/,-. :..1 -----PI-,, ' .., ' -. . ;,,,,~,-.. ,,,,,__ =,; ·- .., ..__,: d: .. :::;_t r ;--/ -, ' ' , •-Y"3/ -, / =v/or ,,,,,.,,1,r,7 . , Bo,rd d',i/ by o J£ ' --------., -. ' ~---••, --,., • '-·----·c.. "-'• I ' . ' ,._, ., ,~ ~--. ,,.,_ • .,, . S ----i {::jiJ-' / •--~ i fi-w-:7:,':£: za=•• -'••A~---. ---£' : ' .. --: °" ""'l" ,,,,_, ---• --Z_ --I "'C:< --._/ -I I I I : s":: <27.77 : du'· pas""" 0¢ en, Is ond olle1s .,;,~,,.. m S ---.../ 8 ' -'-----... I · '"<,u , '! JI, In, srre« ,;... r-----•.,__ / I ---1 SD I L _JJ / I oflh,p,, ,c ---'=•, • , ' -'----::-, ~-·---. . I/ -;;..,_,,, __ -~, . ' <-~ /----.> ec-.. , •• ; I ~ ~ ~C---!:Ji;ft ,~--i.; t---.cC ~ f--_?---i-J r: 1 't! ,---_ __J. L_ I I I I E.LE.CTfi>1c; --7 r--.., r------, I~ ·-~. ~~---;--_ t;j;J"'---"11ic;-:.--i--l ,____' ~ ~---'--. I , ',,----1 L.. ______ 11 C---:,---1 -. ... . , -,, . ' . ---, ,. ,____ . . "''· • / -.. • ·, -•-. ~--i--1 • --'' </f:i:r--; '--:JI 1}L~1 •:.r-::---/ f-__--:-----1 ·I--. R---;,,/.. "•_. >, ,, •-. -•••• • .--. [iii;;;;''" I ~\......rJ ~ ,) --..:. ~ n"-!o. 'II ' "s ~ . • . ' --' ' - -. ·-~ i ·" , I "-' ~• •' ~~;.. ..{-J. • / ----7 ., ,._ • • • • • • • • •••• • ---'C ' ~ ' ,,, ·•. ~.. • -• .. ., ._,' !~-----~ . . .. 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' ' ~,._ ---J 1--" fr '-, 'tc.--!--1'kJ •'' !g -~c_ ->a • /"<'-. • ,:a ' • • 1---✓cc._ ,. ,___ -'± ---J , ,_,------,__ -"'----1 1._ '":s---___, !J,. c ---,,_ ,. L11 , '" __, "--, ~ ---,____ ,,-,_ 1 r---,~ /-'' ~---.c-,-----J /____ •_, -----hi/ S's "'I f>. -.. -..--/ "! r-·> ~>;~~ .__J /. , -""""---- ''l341 ~ '-----f /---,~-/ /..._ ?,---/ 1---~'.C_' /fi c•."ij----! /-----''-.---, cJ!t"-°j,'-_"fj[,..!,:_-2.:.,, ·• I,\ ''fr-~r';--¥t,;; _,'.:: ' Q,. So -------lt---....... .4, 7 <::/..... -::;1-----,,,, I 1}2c--·,,, rv,i,:, __ I_/ I -,'7 :t -- 1 5o :·, ----:; o ,•,~ ---i I --..:...I 00 1 -----___ ,, ; --. -1--.. . ' ~ '---....J ,.___ •; I r----• -J-.. ,•, --.........._..,,L.__.!!__ 'f. ;---1 /.....-0±-----J --- I I <-> :ti,,J.~, ;; [-. ' .• ....,.(~(v v,t: L ..). ?{,ti t::u-nt~ "r ,)!'..S. -----, ------1 t;;:i . -- /"' 'y / ~ ~ PA2021-009 -~~~% Pleasa return to: ~-s~ ei, City Clerk City of Newport Beach 3300 ~•C\1;1,rl Blvd. P.O. B.:r.t 17~8 Newpr.:rl ..;:::;:;.::h, CA 92663-3884 NO CONSIOERA TION 62-188336 -4~ PM COGII RICMWr Lll "-111NlCII, RESOLUTION NO. __ 8 __ 2_-_6_0 __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF AN EXISTING 14 FT, ALLEY, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD SAID RESOLUTION ONLY UPON COMPLE'l'ION OP THE ABANDONMENT OF TBB EXISTING WATER MAIN IN SAID ALLEY {NE OF E, COAST HGWY BETWEEN IRIS & ALLEY W OF IRIS IN BLOCK 535, CDM TR) {RBSUB 721) (DWG NO. A-5095-L) WHEREAS, the Public Works Director of the City of Newport Beach has presented to the City council of the City of Newport Beach a certain map, prepared by the Public Works Department, dated April 5, 1982, and entitled •Alley vacation• - Drawing No. A-5095-L, (two pages) showing the area the City is considering vacating, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach approved and adopted said map on April 12, 1982, and directed the City Clerk to file same in the proceedings for vacation and abandonment; and WHEREAS, on May 10, 1982, the City Council held a public bearing for the purpose of hearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation of the above-described alley; and WBERBAS, the City Council finds and determines, from all of the evidence submitted, that that portion of the subject alley described herein as being a portion of an existing unimproved 14 foot wide alley located northeasterly of East coast Highway between Iris Avenue and the alley westerly of Iris Avenue, in Block 535, Corona del Mar tract, and which area is more particularly depicted on a map attached to Resolution No. 82-48 as Bzhibit •A•, is unnecessary for present or prospective public use; and PA2021-009 / ,I 82--188336 WHEREAS, the public utilities easement previously requested by Southern California Edison will not be required; however the existing water main in said alley is to be abandoned to the satisfaction of the Utilities Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach that that portion of the subject alley, which is more particularly depicted on City's two-page map No. A-5095-L, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit •An, be and hereby is ordered vacated and abandoned. BE IT PUR'l'BER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and hereby is ordered to cause a certified copy of this Resolution, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City of Newport Beach, to be recorded in the Office of the county Recorder for the county of orange, upon satisfactory completion of the abandonment of the water main referred to above in connection with said vacation proceedings. ADOPTED this -1.Q.th day of tra;z , 1982. Mayor ATTEST: AYES, COUNCll MEMBERS Heather, Hummel, Cox, // J ~ cfJ /? _/.A~ . _ .!J!!t, Plummer, Maurer, Strauss ' , 'tq~--G' ~ COUNCIL MEMBERS--:Nc.;;ou=e ______ _ City Clerk ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS None ---------- 051082 -vacation ~e~ aft' ct.eU: Of THE CITY OF N~RT BEACH 2 DATE, PA2021-009 82-188336 iXHIBJT A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DRAWN RMM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPROVED 1---.....;.,_.;;;,=_.;.:;=:.:.;;..-=.:::.:..:;:;.:.:.:=.:..:...-----1 A~LEY VA&ATl"N ("~£.SU& ~/.9) PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR R.E.NO, __ DRAWING NO. A-Sl:19$'-L.. PA2021-009 82-188336 AV£. I 1 ll ,ff J ,, ,/ I DRAWN PMtf! DATE fl ~ APf'ROVED PUBLIC WORKS DIRECl'OR R.E.NO,_ DRAWING NO, A-S09S-L -------·----- PA2021-009 Description: Orange,CA Assessor Map 459.18 Page: 1 of 4 Order: 3 Comment: TH IS MAP WAS PREPARED FOR ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPT. PURPOSES ONLY. THE ASSESSOR MAK[S NO GUARANTEE AS TO ITS ACCURACY NOR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITY •OR OTHER USES, NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. 4LL RIGHTS RESERVED, t> COPYRIGHT ORANGE COUNTY ASSESSOR 2018 _J ql 8 j ql 8 j ex, l:,, ~ -<::J ,.., 7 MARCH 1983 ~ "' " crj ;:; ~ -< <::J ::>;) ~ la HELIOTROPE COR, PROJECT 938-01-756,157 ,~1(2 33,90•214 ~ P:,;,'. ~Blt~,, PIIOJfcr L • . ~_,t®·),1 , , = I 82 I -j_5 _3J_ 145· la IRIS P.'i,.l ., ,,,. lpROJ, IJ§_-f) ·-~I ,© .20't P,11, 5 I 14) ';10/i• PROJtP/ ~ 11 1 11"'."~~• -9'§b· !f,1 !' _ PAR3 JTj . :" 19 16 (1 ~ AC, 22' 11~:61 il: ~ ~ I 34TH, AVE. J ,o· I . I 4 Ll·~: /t I 6~J 10 ~21 2 ~ P.11.1w· I 517 tfit&f!"' 5@9=1(20 ,:J,:~'f,,A!:2 .• ,M9-J1, ,. 135TH. AVE. J -"o-, P.M. 9 . l41i @ 17 AVENUE l!:l PAR. 1 0 O. 981 AC. @ 1!,_QI' ~ c.,r:::,"tt ,.,, I !! _. r" ~ VENUE ... ~ ~ ' :l :,-.G + i '-8-3 .0 ,.,, t,.., "':>, 72S' I I ""-""'-=-' ' J7" I JO' AVENUE• JO' C?k~c6 20122 r1 /9121 8 ,@101---~1 /_ H[L IOTROPE AVENUE [ [ ~[ il: ~ ~[ ~ m· LO 0 la JASMINE 136TH. ./n ~~ §~ JASMINE 136TH. AV[, J AVENUE • 19 ' 19 V)" CORONA DEL MAR M,M. 3-42 TRACT NO. 323 M.M. 14-40, 41 PARCEL MAP P.M. 51-20, 93-21, 163-23, 111-24 PARCEL MAP P.M. 213-25, 249-43, 260-38, 215-49 PARCEL MAP P.M. 339-31, 344-16, 345-28, 356-38 NOTE -ASSESSOR'S BLOCK & ASSESSOR'S MAP PARCEL MAP P.M. 351-18, 356-38, 362-11, 314-6 PARCEL NUMBERS BOOK 459 PAGE 18 PARCEL MAP P.M. 382-15, 384-36, 381-1 SHOWN IN CIRCLES COUNTY OF ORANGE 459-18 1" = 100' D PA2021-009 Description: Orange,CA Assessor Map 459.18 Page: 2 of 4 Order: 3 Comment: PROJECT NO. 938-01 BILLING NO. 938-01-219 938-01-220 Page 1 of 1 CONDOMINIUM INDEX, PARCEL HAP 260-28 PARCEL MAP 260-28 NO. PARS 1 A.P. NO. 459-181-16 LOCATED ON PAR UNIT NO. COMMON AREA Par 1 1 Und. 1/2 Int in Par 1 2 CON DOMIN UM INDEX, PARCEL MAP 249-33 PROJECT NO. 938-01 PARCEL MAP 249-33 NO. OF PARS. BILLING NO. 938-01-310 938-01-311 LOCATED ON PAR Par 1 UNIT NO. 1 2 Page 1 of 1 4'5'Jl8,0/ A. P. No. 459-181-17 COMMON AREA Und. 1 /2 Int in Par 1 PA2021-009 Description: Orange,CA Assessor Map 459.18 Page: 3 of 4 Order: 3 Comment: Page 1 of 1 CONDOMINIUM INDEX, PARCEL MAP 213-25 PROJECT NO. 938-01 PARCEL MAP 213-25 NO. PARS 1 A.P. NO. 459-182-24 BILLING NO. LOCATED ON PAR UNIT NO. COMMON AREA 938-01-108 938-01-109 Par 1 1 2 Und. 1/2 Int in Par 1 ·-·--·------CONDOMINIUM INDEX, PARCEL MAP 339-31 I PROJECT NO. 938-01 PARCEL MAP 339-31 NO. OF PARS: BILLING NO. LOCATED ON PAR. UNIT NO. 938-01-526 Par.2 1 938-01-527 2 938-01-528 Par.1 1 938-01-529 2 45918. ('/;J.. 1 of 1 2 A. P. No. 459-182-26 I COMMON AREA Und. 1/2 Int. in Par. 2 Und. 1/2 Int. in Par. 1 PA2021-009 Description: Orange,CA Assessor Map 459.18 Page: 4 of 4 Order: 3 Comment: l .J ~ Page 1 of 1 CO!ft)OMINIUM INDBX, PAkCBL MAP 275-49 PROJECT NO. 938-01 PARCEL MAP 275-49 NO. PARS 2 A.P. NO. 459-184-15 BILLING NO. LOCATED OK PAR UNIT NO. COMMON AREA 938-01-259 938-01-260 938-01-261 938-01-26:Z Par 1 It Par :Z 1 2 3 4 Und. 1/4 Int in Pars 1 & 2 It PROJECT NO. 938-01 BILLING NO. 938-01-312 938-01-313 CONDOMINUM INDEX, CORONA DEL MAR BLK 336, LOT 5 CORONA DEL MAR NO. OF LOTS: LOCATED ON LOT Lot 5 UNIT NO. 1 2 Page 1 of 1 159l8.te3 A. P. No. 459-184-16 COMMON AREA Und. 1/2 Int in Lot 5 PA2021-009