HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-077_20190507_Incomplete LetterI:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2019\PA2019-077\PA2019-077 Incomplete Ltr.docx Tmplt. 02/09/11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE FILING May 07, 2019 Frank Orozco M Squared Wireless 1387 Calle Avanzado San Clemente, CA 92673 forozco@interlinkpg.com Application No. Minor Use Permit No. UP2019-015 (PA2019-077) Address Public right-of-way adjacent to 190 (CS) NEWPORT CENTER DR (SLC5824) Please be advised that after reviewing the subject application, your submittal has been deemed incomplete and further information is required before we are able to proceed with the application process. The following documentation is required to complete the application: 1. Agreement. Please be advised: a. Please note, a bond is required prior to construction. b. Please note, a master license agreement amendment is required prior to construction in order to identify the specific site locations approved under the agreement. c. Please note, an encroachment permit is required prior to construction. 2. Project Description. Update the project description/justification to include a description of the service type (5G or other) and site type (macro, micro, or pico) as well as a discussion of alternative locations considered. Elaborate further on the consideration of alternative preferred sites or other streetlights with this specific project design. 3. Visual simulations. A photograph or description of the telecom facility as originally constructed, if available; a current photograph of the existing facility; and, a graphic depiction of the facility after modification showing all relevant dimensions. Please provide five reduced (11” x 17”) sets of plans that are revised to reflect the following information. a. Please provide five reduced (11-inch by 17-inch) hard copy sets of the visual simulations. I:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2019\PA2019-077\PA2019-077 Incomplete Ltr.docx Page 2 b. Update the visual simulations to reflect the revised pole location and reduced project height to 35 feet. 4. Project Plans. See the attached plans from Planning, Public Works, and Utilities for additional redlined comments/clarifications of comments. Please provide one full size (24” by 36”) set of plans and five reduced (11” x 17”) sets of plans that are revised to reflect the following information. SCE Power Supply a. Identify the proposed SCE power source location and identify any work required to make the power connection on the project plans. Please refer to the attached City issued Meter Pedestal Denial Letter needed to submit to SCE. General Notes: b. Note on the Plans “An approved encroachment permit is required for all work activities within the public right-of-way.” c. Note on the plans, “Contractor shall provide lane closure Plans per WATCH handbook and State of California Department of Transportation standards.” d. Note on the plans, “Contractor to return (E) street light and light arm to the City of Newport Beach Utilities Yard. If damaged during the removal, contractor shall be required to purchase and deliver a replacement. City of Newport Beach Utilities Yard: 949 W. 16th Street Newport Beach CA 92663. Contractor shall dispose of the existing street light pole and arms if unwanted by the City for any reason.” e. Note on the plans, “Where removed or damaged by construction, all curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be replaced in entire sections between expansion joints. No saw cutting and partial patching shall be permitted. All construction details for replacement sections shall be per City of Newport Beach Standard Drawings.” f. Note on the plans, “The contractor shall repair, replace or re -route all landscape, irrigation lines and fixtures in kind including line size, head type, spacing and control where damaged by construction to the satisfaction of the City of Newport Beach.” g. Note on the plans, “The contractor shall replace all existing groundcover, including sand and all other landscaping including turf, shrubs, and/or trees in kind including size, species and spacing where damaged by new construction to the satisfaction of the City of Newport Beach.” Site Plan (Sheet A-1): h. The proposed streetlight must be replaced in the same location. Please make this clear on the plans. Refer to redlines. i. Please clarify on the site plan that the proposed hand holes are provided below grade. j. Please include power supply information and details on the project plans. If saw-cut work in the public right-of-way is necessary to provide power connections, this information should be included on the project plans. k. Dimension from the curb face to the light pole, from the light pole to the edge of sidewalk, and from the curb face to property line. I:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2019\PA2019-077\PA2019-077 Incomplete Ltr.docx Page 3 l. Show existing signs. Protect and reinstall in same location. If signs are dirty or damaged, they are to be replaced by the contractor. Elevations (Sheets A-2 and A-3): m. Reduce the antenna height to comply with the 35 -foot height limit in accordance with Section 20.49.050, Subsection C3 of the Zoning Code. n. The proposed streetlight must be replaced in the same location. Please make this clear on the plans. o. Please dimension the diameter of the existing and new streetlight pole on the plans (identify on Sheet S-1 as well). p. Provide the banner and bracket mounting details. q. Update unknown pole ID Site Image (A-4): r. The proposed streetlight must be replaced in the same location. Please make this clear on the plans. Details s. Provide details for the new luminaire. t. Submit structural calculations including wind loading with banners. See City Council Policy L-16. Please include these details in the wind loading calculations. u. Site listed as “Pico” but details 8 and 9 show Micro design from MLA exhibit B 5. Traffic Control Plan. Please submit a traffic control plan that complies with the 2016 watchbook requirements. The plan should explain how traffic and closures will be managed during project construction including pedestrian detours, shoulder, lane, and/or bike lane closures. 6. Electronic copy. All of the above submittal items are required to be submitted in electronic format (i.e., CD-ROM or PDF via email). Please be advised that redlined comments from the Utilities department are still pending. They will be provided to you as soon as they become available. Upon verification of completion, the application will be processed and scheduled for a Zoning Administrator Hearing. Should you have any questions regarding submittal requirements, please contact Joselyn Perez, Planning Technician, at 949-644-3312 or jperez@newportbeachca.gov. By: I:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2019\PA2019-077\PA2019-077 Incomplete Ltr.docx Page 4 Attachments: Meter Pedestal Denial Letter Planning, Public Works, and Real Property redline plan sets c: City of Newport Beach Lauren Wooding, Real Property Administrator Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive, Bay 1D Newport Beach, CA 92660 lwooding@newportbeachca.gov New Cingular Wireless, LCC dba AT&T Mobility c/o Ericson, Inc. 330 Commerce, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92602