HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191212_ZA_MinutesMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 12/12/2019 Page 4 of 5 existing pattern of development in the vicinity. The site is protected by an existing private bulkhead that has been inspected and determined to be in generally good condition. If future improvements to the bulkhead are needed, a separate review and permits will be required. Public coastal access will not be affected or altered by the proposed development. The project complies with all applicable development standards, including the standards and approval requirements of the City’s Local Coastal Program. Applicant Bill Guidero, on behalf of the property owner, stated that he had reviewed the draft resolution and agrees with all of the required conditions. The Zoning Administrator opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one from the public wished to comment, the public hearing was closed. Action: Approved ITEM NO. 8 100 Bayview Circle Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2019-005 and Modification Permit No. MD2019-002 (PA2019-093) Site Location: 100 Bayview Circle Council District 3 Joselyn Perez, Planning Technician, provided a brief project description stating that the request is for a Comprehensive Sign Program and a Modification Permit to authorize design parameters for eight different sign types at an existing office building. The Comprehensive Sign Program contains four deviations from the Zoning Code: 1) the installation of wall signs above the second story; 2) the installation of wall signs outside the middle 50 percent of building or tenant frontage; 3) tenant identification signs located on adjacent walls on the same building and separated by a distance of less than 30 feet whereas the Zoning Code requires a minimum separation of 30 feet; and 4) the installation of up to four freestanding monument signs on one site whereas the Zoning Code allows a maximum of one freestanding sign per site. A Modification Permit is required because the program proposes two sign types that exceed the maximum sign area allowed by the Zoning Code. The Modification Permit is for Sign Type 1 and Sign Type 7. Sign Type 1 is a primary tenant ID sign, proposed in multiple locations, and would have a maximum sign area of 252 square feet. Sign Type 7, a building entry address, is a window sign with a maximum sign area of approximately 450 square feet. It would be located on the windows above the building entrance and would face the private street Bayview Circle. Ms. Perez stated that staff is able to make the required modification findings for Sign Type 1. The largest maximum sign area allowed on any of the surrounding development in the area is 330 square feet and the requested maximum sign area for Sign Type 1 is less. Additionally Sign Type 1 maintains visual compatibility with the scale of signs on the other tall buildings in the vicinity. Ms. Perez explained that staff is unable to make the required findings for Sign Type 7. The proposed sign area for Sign Type 7 exceeds the allowable sign area of any signs in the immediate area and it specifically exceeds the largest allowed sign area for the neighboring twin building by 120 square feet. Ms. Perez added that vehicle speeds along Bayview Circle are not accelerated enough to require an increased sign area to ensure visibility. While the applicant has stated that the requested sign will provide shade and sun protection for the building lobby, staff believes there are feasible alternatives to the proposed sign. Specifically, an artistic image that does not communicate a message could be used. Staff recommends that Sign Type 7 be reduced in size to a maximum of 48 square feet which is the maximum sign area the Zoning Code allows for on a secondary frontage. Zoning Administrator Ramirez clarified that staff’s recommendation is for approval of all the sign types with the exception of Sign Type 7 and Sign Type 7 may be included in the approval if it is reduced in size to 48 square feet. Zoning Administrator Ramirez then stated that the building at the project site has multiple sides and the plans show signage at the top level of the building, middle level, and bottom. Zoning Administrator Ramirez asked Ms. Perez if she believed this amount of signage would allow individuals to locate the building. Ms. Perez stated that she believed there would be adequate signage and added that there would also be monument signs with the building address. Zoning Administrator Ramirez stated that public comments had been received by staff regarding the project. Comments addressed both sign type size and illumination concerns. Ms. Perez explained that a resident of the MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 12/12/2019 Page 5 of 5 neighboring condominium complex was concerned with the approval of an illuminated sign facing Bayview Place as there had been a sign there previously and the light was an annoyance to residents. Austin Evelo of JB3D, stated that he agreed with all conditions of approval except for the reduction of size for Sign Type 7. Mr. Evelo then explained that he did not believe the graphic should be considered a sign simply because the graphic contains letters or numbers. The purpose and intent of Sign Type 7 is to modernize the building entry and provide an artistic sunshade. He stated that the design team of JB3D does not feel that 48 square feet is reasonable for a building of this size and that alternatives such as blinds or window film were considered but not selected for various reasons including difficult to operate, boring, and obstructing the outside view for internal users. Additionally Mr. Evelo added that the Zoning Code is to regulate items visible from public rights-of-way and this sign is only visible from a private street. Zoning Administrator Ramirez asked staff if the neighboring twin building had any permits for signage. Ms. Perez responded that the neighboring building does have a modification permit for signage and that permit proposes tenant identification signs larger than the currently proposed tenant identification signs however none of the approved signs for the neighboring twin building are similar in size to the proposed Sign Type 7. Zoning Administrator Ramirez stated he agreed with staff’s recommendation for the reduction in size and then asked the applicant if they would agree to a condition of approval turning Sign Type 1 off at 10 p.m. in order to address the previous public comment and protect the nearby residents. The applicant agreed. Zoning Administrator Ramirez added two additional conditions of approval: 1) prior to final of the building permit for Sign Type 1, a night time inspection shall be conducted to ensure signage lighting is not causing a nuisance and 2) each illuminated sign shall be subject to a 30-day review period, during which time the Director may determine that a reduction in illumination or turning off of illumination is necessary due to negative impacts on surrounding property or the community in general. In addition, and at any time, the Director may order the dimming or turning off of any illumination found to be excessively bright. The Director’s determination will be made without regard to the message content of the sign. The Zoning Administrator opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one from the public wished to comment, the public hearing was closed. Action: Approved V. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:54 p.m. The agenda for the Zoning Administrator Hearing was posted on December 5, 2019, at 5:40 p.m. on the digital display board located inside the vestibule of the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Center Drive and on the City’s website on December 5, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. James Campbell Zoning Administrator