HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201201_Notice of AppealSTATE OF CALIFORNIA -NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT OFFICE 301 E. OCEAN BLVD .. SUITE 300 LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA 90802-4830 (562) 590-5071 FAX (562) 590-5084 WWW.COASTAL.CA.GOV '<'-iCEIV£,0 GJ,, COMMUNITY iW1;e·1 "•n-r-E.14 I •"":(' . '<·, i\t;.P.'-' COMMISSION NOTIFICATION OF APPEAL December 03, 2020 To: Benjamin M. Zdeba From: Re: City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Zach Rehm, District Supervisor Commission Appeal No. A-5-NPB-20-0071 GAVIN NEWSOM. GOJ'DINOR Please be advised that the coastal development permit decision described below has been appealed to the California Coastal Commission pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 30603 and 30625. Therefore, the decision has been stayed pending Commission action on the appeal pursuant to the Public Resources Code Section 30623. LOCAL PERMIT#: CD2020-119 APPLICANT(S): M Squared Wireless, Attn: Franklin Orozco DESCRIPTION: Appeal of City of Newport Beach's approval for the installation of a small cell wireless facility located within the public right-of-way on City Streetlight No. 0902. LOCATION: Public right-of way on City Streetlight No. 0902, on 38th Street near Lake Ave. and the Newport Island Bridge. LOCAL DECISION: Approval with Special Conditions APPELLANT: Gina Cruz DATE APPEAL FILED: 12/01/2020 The Commission appeal number assigned to this appeal is A-5-NPB-20-0071. The Commission hearing date has not been scheduled at this time. Within 5 working days of receipt of this Commission Notification of Appeal, copies of all relevant documents and materials used in the City of Newport Beach's consideration of this coastal development permit must be delivered to the South Coast District Office of the Coastal Commission (California Administrative Code Section 13 I 12). PA2019-113 Page 2 COMMISSION NOTIFICATION OF APPEAL Please include copies of plans, relevant photographs, staff reports and related documents, findings (if not already forwarded), all correspondence, and a list, with addresses, of all who provided verbal testimony. A Commission staff report and notice of the hearing will be forwarded to you prior to the hearing. If you have any questions, please contact Zach Rehm at the South Coast District Office. cc: M Squared Wireless, Attn: Franklin Orozco Gina Cruz File PA2019-113 STATE or CALIFORNIA-NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST ()!STRICT OFfiCE 301 E OCEAN BL VD . SUiTE 300 LONG BEACH CA 90802 (552) 590-5071 SOUTHCOAST@COASTALCA GOV APPEAL FORM GAVIN NE\'\$0M. G0c1ERNOR Appeal of Local Government Coastal Development Permit Filing Information (STAFF ONLY) District Office: South Coast Appeal Number: __ fl._· _f?_._N_f'_\?;_._w_. _(Jl)_1 \ Date Filed: ------------ RECEIVED South Cocist Region DEC O 1 2020 CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION Appellant Name(s): ___________________ _ APPELLANTS IMPORTANT. Before you complete and submit this appeal form to appeal a coastal development permit (CDP) decision of a local government with a certified local coastal program (LCP) to the California Coastal Commission, please review theappeal information_sheet. The appeal information sheet describes who is eligible to appeal what types of local government CDP decisions, the proper grounds for appeal, and the procedures for submitting such appeals to the Commission. Appellants are responsible for submitting appeals that conform to the Commission law, including regulations. Appeals that do not conform may not be accepted. If you have any questions about any aspect of the appeal process, please contact staff in the Commission district office with jurisdiction over the area in question (see the Commission's contactp.9.ill? at https:/LcoastaLc.a.g ov /con1actl#/). Note regarding emailed appeals. Please note that emailed appeals are accepted ONLY at the general email address for the Coastal Commission district office with jurisdiction over the local government in question. For the South Coast district office, the email address is Soutt1G9ast@coa5-t9 Lca.gov. An appeal emailed to some other email address, including a different district's general email address or a staff email address, will be rejected. It is the appellant's responsibility to use the correct email address, and appellants are encouraged to contact Commission staff with any questions. For more information, see the Commission's_ contactpag~ at https:/L coastal .ca .gov/contact/#/). PA2019-113 Appeal of local CDP decision Page 2 1. Appellant information1 Name: Gina Cruz Mailing address: 503 38th st, Newport Beach, 92663 Phone number: 714 604 5668 Email address: ginaunsworth@yahoo.co.uk How did you participate in the local CDP application and decision-making process? Ooid not participate !✓I Submitted comment Orestified at hearing Oother Describe: I had previously emailed to give my points regarding why it was not a suitable location and also included points as to why it was visually not adhering to regulations If you did not participate in the local CDP application and decision-making process, please identify why you should be allowed to appeal anyway (e.g., if you did not participate because you were not properly noticed). Describe: Please identify how you exhausted all LCP CDP appeal processes or otherwise identify why you should be allowed to appeal (e.g., if the local government did not follow proper CDP notice and hearing procedures, or it charges a fee for local appellate CDP processes). Describe: I am a resident of the area residing on 38th st and had previously submitted an email when the application was made 1 If there are multiple appellants, each appellant must provide their own contact and participation information. Please attach additional sheets as necessary. PA2019-113 Appeal of local CDP decision Page 3 2. Local CDP decision being appealed2 Local government name: NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL Local government approval body: PLANING COMISSION Local government CDP application number: _C_D_C_2_0_2_0_-_1_1_9 ________ _ Local government CDP decision: Date of local governm~nt CDP decision: l ✓lcDP approval D CDP deniab OCTOBER 22ND 2020 Please identify the location and description of the development that was approved or denied by the local government. Describe: Newport Island Bridge cell site (at Newport Bridge 38th st & River, 92663) 2 Attach additional sheets as necessary to fully describe the local government CDP decision, including a description of the development that was the subject of the CDP application and decision. s Very few local CDP denials are appeatable, and those that are also require submittal of an appeal fee. Please see the appeal information sl1eet for more information. PA2019-113 Appeal of local CDP decision Page 4 3. Identification of interested persons On a separate page, please provide the names and contact information (i.e., mailing and email addresses) of all persons whom you know to be interested in the local CDP decision and/or the approved or denied development (e.g., the applicant, other persons who participated in the local CDP application and decision making process, etc.), and check this box to acknowledge that you have done so. D1nterested persons identified and provided on a separate attached sheet 4. Grounds for this appeal4 For appeals of a CDP approval, grounds for appeal are limited to allegations that the approved development does not conform to the LCP or to Coastal Act public access provisions. For appeals of a CDP denial, grounds for appeal are limited to allegations that the development conforms to the LCP and to Coastal Act public access provisions. Please clearly identify the ways in which the development meets or doesn't meet, as applicable, the LCP and Coastal Act provisions, with citations to specific provisions as much as possible. Appellants are encouraged to be concise, and to arrange their appeals by topic area and by individual policies. Describe: 1-1 believe it violates section 21.49.040.B.6 for location sites 2-1 believe it violates section 21.49.050 The bridge is a scenic area for tourists and residences and the fact that the location is on the bridge it becomes within everyone's eyeline as they traverse the bridge from both directions. Please see my attached photo which highlights this point Less visually impacting locations were available. 4 Attach additional sheets as necessary to fully describe the grounds for appeal. PA2019-113 Appeal of local CDP decision Page 5 5. Appellant certifications I attest that to the best of my knowledge, all information and facts in this appeal are correct and complete. Print name GINA CRUZ Gina Cruz Signature Date of Signature ----------- 12-01-2020 5. Representative authorizations While not required, you may identify others to represent you in the appeal process. If you do, they must have the power to bind you in all matters concerning the appeal. To do so, please complete the representative authorization form below and check this box to acknowledge that you have done so. I have authorized a representative, and I have provided authorization for them on the representative authorization form attached. s If there are multiple appellants, each appellant must provide their own certification. Please attach additional sheets as necessary. u If there are multiple appellants, each appellant must provide their own representative authorization form to identify others who represent them. Please attach additional sheets as necessary. PA2019-113 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 45 FREMONT, SUITE 2000 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2219 VOICE (415) 904-5200 FAX (415) 904-5400 DISCLOSURE OF REPRESENTATIVES GAVIN NEWSOM, Govr:rmoR If you intend to have anyone communicate on your behalf to the California Coastal Commission, individual Commissioners, and/or Commission staff regarding your coastal development permit (CDP) application (including if your project has been appealed to the Commission from a local government decision) or your appeal, then you are required to identify the name and contact information for all such persons prior to any such communication occurring (see Public Resources Code, Section 30319). The law provides that failure to comply with this disclosure requirement prior to the time that a communication occurs is a misdemeanor that is punishable by a fine or imprisonment and may lead to denial of an application or rejection of an appeal. To meet this important disclosure requirement, please list below all representatives who will communicate on your behalf or on the behalf of your business and submit the list to the appropriate Commission office. This list could include a wide variety of people such as attorneys, architects, biologists, engineers, etc. If you identify more than one such representative, please identify a lead representative for ease of coordination and communication. You must submit an updated list anytime your list of representatives changes. You must submit the disclosure list before any communication by your representative to the Commission or staff occurs. Your Name CDP Application or Appeal Number ______________ _ Lead Representative Name -------------------------Ti tie Street Address. ---------------------City ________________________ _ State, Zip ______________________ _ Email Address Daytime Phone _____________________ _ Your Signature Date of Signature __________ _ PA2019-113 Additional Representatives (as necessary) Name _______________________ _ Title Street Address. City _______________________ _ State, Zip _____________________ _ Email Address Daytime Phone ____________________ _ Name _______________________ _ Title Street Address. ____________________ _ City---------------,.----------:----State, Zip ______________________ _ Email Address Daytime Phone ___________________ _ Name _______________________ _ Title Street Address. ____________________ _ City ______________________ _ State, Zip ______________________ _ Email Address Daytime Phone ____________________ _ Name _______________________ _ Title Street Address. ____________________ _ City _______________________ _ State, Zip ______________________ _ Email Address Daytime Phone ____________________ _ Your Signature. ____________________ _ Date of Signature __________ _ 2 PA2019-113