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CSTAM_007 ASA rev 5-5-20
© 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T, Globe logo, and DIRECTV are registered trademarks and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. AT&T Small Cell Node Site ID: CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 Alternative Sites Analysis May 5, 2020 City streetlight No. SLC0902 located at the northwest corner of 38th Street and Lake Avenue, Newport Beach. 2 Map of Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 and Alternative Sites On this aerial map, AT&T’s proposed Small Cell Node CSTAM_007 is designated by a red marker and the alternative sites are identified by yellow markers. CSTAM_007 Proposed Node Alt #3 Alt #1 Alt #2 3 Proposed Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 •AT&T is committed to providing and improving wireless telecommunications services and faster data rates throughout the City of Newport Beach. •Rather than construct traditional macro facilities, AT&T ’s solution is to deploy very small facilities, called “small cells,” that can be installed on utility infrastructure in the public right‐of‐way. •A small cell is a low‐powered cell site,which,when grouped with other small cells,can provide coverage in areas where traditional macro wireless facilities are discouraged. •Small cells are effective tools to provide and improve critical wireless services with a minimal impact. By placing small cells in areas where AT&T’s existing facilities are constrained and where AT&T experiences high network traffic, AT&T can address existing and forecasted demands. •Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 will improve signal quality and capacity within AT&T ’s wireless network in this portion of Newport Beach. 4 •AT&T proposes to place a Small Cell Node on a replacement streetlight pole in the public right‐ of‐way. (Lat/Long 33.618299, ‐117.934413). The proposed node is located on the northwest corner of 38th Street and Lake Avenue. •AT&T’s proposed node is a stealth facility under City Code §20.49.030(N) and is designed to be as visually inconspicuous as possible. •The proposed node is located within a landscaped planter with tall palm trees, low shrubs and signs. An open area separates this location from nearby residences. •AT&T determined that this location is viable in that necessary utilities are available,and this location is feasible from a radio frequency perspective. The location is free of obstructions and has good line of site to meet coverage objectives.AT&T will need to replace the existing streetlight to accommodate a Small Cell. Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 -Proposed Location City streetlight No. SLC0902 located at the northwest corner of 38th Street and Lake Avenue •Photo Simulation of Proposed Small Cell 5 •Alternative Site #1 is a city streetlight in the public right‐ of‐way. The site is located approximately 135 feet west of the proposed node.The light is adjacent to a three‐story residential home and fence. •The existing streetlight is approximately 10 feet from the adjacent home and less than 3.5 feet from the existing concrete wall. •Replacement of the existing streetlight will not meet ADA requirements. •A small cell at this alternative location would be infeasible. Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 –Alternative Site #1 City streetlight No. SLC0903 located on the southwest corner of 38th Street and River Avenue 6 •Alternative Site #2 is a city streetlight in the public right‐ of‐way The site is located approximately 210 feet southeast of the proposed node.The light is adjacent to a two‐ story residential home and fence. •The existing streetlight is approximately 11 feet from the adjacent home and less than 4 feet from the existing fence. •Replacement of the existing streetlight will not meet ADA requirements. •A small cell at this alternative location would be infeasible. Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 –Alternative Site #2 City streetlight No. SLC0901 located on the southeast corner of 37th Street and Lake Avenue 7 •Alternative Site #3 is a city streetlight in the public right‐ of‐way The site is located approximately 227 feet northwest of the proposed node.The light is adjacent to a single‐story residential home and fence. •The existing streetlight is approximately 7 feet from the adjacent home and less than 3 feet from the existing fence. •Replacement of the existing streetlight will not meet ADA requirements. •A small cell at this alternative location would be infeasible. Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 –Alternative Site #3 City streetlight No. SLC0904 located on the northwest corner of 39th Street and River Avenue 8 Proposed Small Cell Node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 Conclusion •The proposed small cell node CRAN_RLOS_CSTAM_007 is an integral part of an overall small cell solution to help close AT&T ’s significant service coverage gap in this portion of Newport Beach. •The proposed small cell will provide wireless telecommunications service and faster data rates to the area residents and visitors. •The proposed small cell is the best available and least intrusive means to help AT&T provide and improve critical wireless services in the surrounding areas, adding low‐power, low‐profile equipment to utility infrastructure in the public right‐of‐way. •The use of a replacement streetlight allows a stealth design for the proposed equipment and antenna. •The proposed installation will enhance wireless communication with the least visual impact to the community.