HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190710_Sign Program" ~ Pattison Sign Group Powering Your Brand 555 Elles mere Roa d Custom Service-Sign Item #1-2-3 Specifications: Illuminated Facility Service Signage THREE (3) required Sun shin e Gra y Fa ce Panels Moul ded Lo gos: JV7 LV8 Whi te Int ern al LED Illum ination (T ) 4 16.759 .1 11 1 Toronto, Ontario, Ca nada M l R 4E8 www.patti so nsig n.com (F) 1.855 .759.4 965 (TF ) 1.800.268.6536 ., iJ I a , D -All Exposed Metal Finished Sunsh i ne Gray SERVICE CENTER : Bu il t up acry li c letters Faces are stain less stee l · mirror polished Re t urns are painted : RAL 901 6 Back of the letters are opal ac ryli c i·®, This Sign to be installed In accordance wirh the requirements of Ar1icle 600 of the Nalional Ek:c:1riea l COO<l and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the Sign. I ® 3'-5 l lfltt (1,063 mm) LR oval __ L ~ Floorescent, Neon and HID lamps contain /11.ercury (HG). Disp<>S(!of1he lamps Ktording to LO(al PrOYindal. Stare o, Federal Laws. MH3-23816 Da t e: FEB-5-2019 Sc ale: 1/4"=1' -"O Sales: A. DiMarco Desig ner: C. Kos tecki Rev.#: R3 Date: APR-16-2019 Rev ision Note: Update Service letters specs Information Required: ·~~·,·•Jill•: Signature MM/oof(vvv lt is theCustomer'sresoonsibilityto ensureth:.itthestructureofthe buildincisdeiir.nedandconsm.1e1ed to:.iccept1he instal la t,onofthesicns belnr,O!'dered.Please:.iskPSG roprovidefurtherdetailsifrequired. A!lrichureserved.The:.inwork depicted hercin:.irccopyrightand arc 1hee.11clusivepropertyof PaltlsonSir.nGroup:.indassuch Cilnnot be reproduced In whole or in part without written permissi on byP:.i rtisonSir.nGroup. PA2019-135 .,,,=,r~=·s I tii__:-_:_~~--r ----- ® ~~T·;4'LEVATION ~~Dr~ ,.. ---, .... r~=· -,,,..2..N!_ __ -+--"----.f:!Zllrl'.ii ~ Pattison Sign Group Po wer ing You r Brand SSS Ellesmere Road Toronto, Ontario, Canada MlR 4E8 www.pattisonsig n.com (T) 416.759.1111 (F) 1.855.759.4965 (TF ) 1.800.268.6536 -r 'f tJ + :::::: o __ ..,,,,._,,_ rx•-,,. • - @ @ Thisslgntobcins1alllldinac:cordancewi1hth<?r~i,cm<!ntsof • ":'L Ar 1ic.le600of thcN.11ionalF.k!ctrical Codcand/oro1hcfapplicabk?localcodes. c s c us This lnc;ludos proper g,-ounding and bonding of the sign. @ '~ fluorescent. Neon .md HID !limps contain Mercury {HC,). Dispose of lhe tamps acco,dingtoLocaL Pr0Yindal,S1a1eorFcderallaws. Da t e: FEB-6 -2019 Scale: N.T.S. Sa les: A. DiMarco Designer : C. Kostecki Rev.#: R2 Dat e: APR-3-2019 Revi sion Note: Smaller Entrance logos. Information Required: Signature MM7fjfi"/vm It is the Customer's resPOns ibi!itv to ensurethatthestructureofthe bu lldinr,lsdeslr,nedandconmucted toacccptthc inst:a llauonof thcsicns bclncordcred.PlcaseaskPSG toprovide further details;frequired. Allrichtsresel'\'l!d.Theartwork depictedhereinarecopyrichtand are the exclus ive property of PattlsonSir,nGroupandassuch cannotbcreproducedinwholeor inpart wilhoutwrittenpermission byPatlisonSlr,nGroup. ~-@) JLR Newport Beach -R0314S 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA -92660 Page PA2019-135 JLRLM Side Branding-Sign Item # 4 JLRLM Side Branding-Sign Item# 5 ADL-300-Serv,ce Sign Item # 6 6 .57SQ.FT. 9'-1 7/u,· (2,77 9 mm ) ,r .21 1.· (1,276 mm ) 2'•1 I/a" 1'·9 l/•" (638 mm ) (552 mm) ~:2!:!..1.0;EOF FXI S1 + M::Cl iscii:EE'7 ---P,------------ ~l ® FRONTELE VATION campu s Drive o r ~ ~ Pattison Sign Group Powering Your Brand 555 Ellesmere Roa d Toro nt o, On t ari o, Canada MlR 4E8 www.partisonsign.com 8.29SQ.FT. 3'·11 S/J6" (1,201mm) (T) 416 .7S9.llll (F) l.8SS.7S9.496S (TF) 1.800.268.6S36 2·-1 111· (638mm ) 5 .79SQ.FT. t: ,,.,,,,,. ~ ~~~~~~ ~::, ~-®, fhlssigntobeinstalled inaccordancewlththl'requi,emenu or AHk le600 ofthc Natio nalEIC'(:lfical Codeand/orothe1appllcabl e local codt's. Thl s lndudespropergrounding an.dbon.dingolthesign. @ Custom Entrance Service · Sign Item # 4-5-6 Specifications: illuminated Individual Letters & Logo Facade Signage JAGUAR: JV4 Moulded Chrome Leaper & Letters White LED Halo Il lumination LAND ROVER OVAL: LV4 land Rove r Ellipse Moulded Decorated to Corporate Colou rs SERV ICE LETTERS Built up acrylic letters Faces are stainless stee l · mirror polished Returns are pai nted : RAL 9016 Back of the letters are opa l acrylic +...:..!!:!'-+ ,15·q --+ Fluorescent, Nl:'O n and MID lamps contain Me1Cu1y (HG). Dispose oft he lampi accordingto local,P,ovl nd al,State o,Fedcrallaws. MH3-23816 Date: FEB-5-2019 Scale: 1/4"=1'-"0 Sales: A. DiMarco Designer: C. Kostecki Rev.#: R2 Date: APR-3-2019 Revision Note: SmallM logos. Information Req uired : 13tbH::lil ·iU·ii·f%11 Signature MM7fifi/YYYY It is theCustoml!(s res ponsibilily 10 l!nsur!!lhatthcstrudure ofthe bu ildin&is desti:nedand constructed 1o accl!'pttheinst:iHatK>n olthc!slins beineordl!'red. Pk-a~e .11.k PSG to p,oviclelurthe rdetailslfrequired. Allr!r,htsrr.servt?d.Tht?artwork de p1ctcdhe reinarr.co pyr1r,h1and are 1he exdusive pro perty of l';Mtison Sir,n G,oupand .11.such c:i nnol bc-reproducedlnwholeor 1npartwithoutwriuenperm1ssion byP;ntison Si&n Group. ~@ JLR Newport Bea ch -R0314S 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA -92660 Page PA2019-135 ~ 2'-8 9/16 " 827 mm 7 7/a " 200 mm 8'-4 3/16" 2,545 mm ~ 4'-6 1/," I 1.385 mm ~EWPOR°t 1 ,·-69/16" BEACH 471mm I I : I~ Dotted Line denotes 1/4 Height Clear Space -··············-11/4H I clear space 7.02SQ.FT. -+'"···~;;::,<;;;:;----+----·- ~~ --·-~-1- ~l i ® F_RONHLE VATI ON C1mpus Dr iv~ (I 4' 8' .. _....,.., 555 Elle smere Road (T) 416.759.11 11 • D ADL-200-Sign Item # 7 Specifications : Illuminated Individual l etters OBA Signage Built Up Acryli c Letters Gloss Black Faces w ith Opal Acrylic Returns White Ha lo LED Il lumination II Black Acrylic Faces Opal Acrylic Returns I +~+ •15'.IJ'--·-+ Pattison Sign Group Powering Your Brand Toronto, Ontario, Canadi'I MlR 4E8 www.pattisonsig n.com (fl 1.855.759.4965 (Tf) 1.800.268.6536 ~ ® This sign tobc ins1alledlnaccordaocewi1h thcrcquiremct1uof • .L Ar 1ic.le 600 ofthcNahonalElcc.1ricalCod<!and/ororhcrapplicablelocalcodes. c s c us This inc:IUOOS proper g,oundir.g and bondil'lg o( the sign. ® Fk.Jorescen1,Noon and HID lamps (O(l!ain W.cn::ury (HG). Oisp(IS(!of 1hc lamps accordingtolocal,Provil'IC~I.S1a1eorfcd=l l a'.'A MH3-23816 Da te: FEB-7-2019 Sca le: 1/2" = l' -0" Sale s: A. DiMarco Des igner: C. Kostecki Rev.#: R2 Date: APR-3-2019 Revisio n Note : Smaller Entrance logos. Information Required: Sign ature M M75fjfiyYY It is the Cus1omel"s rcsp0nsibility to l!f'lsurcth;itthcstructurcof thc buildinc isdesir,nedand construc1ed toacceptthc innall;inonofthcslr.ns belnr.ordered.PlcaseaskPSG toprovidefurtherdetails if req ulred. l\ll r lr,h tsresr.rved.lheartwork dcpict edhert:l narecopyrir,htand aretheexcluslvepropertyof Patt,sonSir,nGroupandassuch cannot be reproduced in wnole 0t in part without wriuen permission byPattlsonSlr.nGroup. ~@ JLR Newport Beach -R0314S 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA· 92660 Page PA2019-135 ~ 5'-10 11/,6" (1,795 mm) -i-- 11 13/16 " (300 mm) _L_ SERVICE • D S.79SQ.FT. -+:~·.g· TOfOF"ffi' + MECHSCREEN---~,----~ ------- ~q ® :~~;.~;EVATION ~amp.~,o,~· -."""'!i " Pattison Sign Group Po wering Your Brand 555 Ell es mere Roa d Toronto, On tario, Canad:.i M lR 4E8 www.pattiso nsign.com {T l 4 16.759.1111 (F ) 1.855.759.4965 (TF ) 1.800.268 .6536 rll:!Al[fl ~ ~ ~ ® Thissi911 1obcinstal~ln acc;ordancewith1hc!requiremcn1S of • IJL Attkk! 600 of 1he Nat iona l El!?C trica l Code and/orot~r applica ble local cod~. c s c vs Thisincludcsp,opcr 9,o,.111dingar.dbondingof thesi9n. ADL-300-Sign Item # 8 Sp eci fic ations: Illuminated Individual Letters Service Si gna ge Built Up Acrylic Letters Gloss Black Fa ces with Op al Ac ryl ic Returns White Halo LED Ill umination Black Acr ylic Faces Opal Acrylic Returns I ® Fluorescent, Neon and HID lamps coo tain Mercury O,,G). Dispose of the lamps a,(ord in9 10Local.Provil'ICial.S1a teorFOOera l laws. Da te: FEB·S·2019 Sc ale: 3/4"=1 ' -"O Sales : A. Di M arco Des igner : C. Kostecki Rev.#: R2 Date: APR-3-2019 Revisio n Note: Smaller logos. Infor mation Required: Signature MM/DD/YYYY lt is the Customer's respcns ibllity to eosurethilt the structure of rhe buildinc is deslr,r'ledilndconm uct ed 10 :iccep1theinst:ill:i11on ofthesir.ns beinr.ordered.Ple:ise ;isk PSG 1oprovide fur l her detilils if 1equired. Al lrir.htsrese rved.Theartworlf depicted herei n :ire copyri,:ht:ind ;ire the e~c lusive property of P;inison Si cnGroup andas such cannot be reproduced in whole or In p.irt wl!houl wrin en permission byP:ittison Sl r.nGroup. ~'@) JLR Newport Beach -RD314S 21 0 1 Dove St reet Newport Beac h, CA -92660 Page PA2019-135 ~ JV2N-Sign Item # 9 11 3/a " 288 mm I I 2'-0 S/a " 625 mm 1'-3 3/4" LV2N-Sign Item # 10 1'-11 13/15" 11 7/a" 604 mm 300 mm I I J -- 9 1/2'' 241 mm 10 W ' 260 mm 11 " 279 mm '-+---~-----~~6 ~----t·-~o mm -·---f -'A~UAR 1'-3 3/4" 400 mm --~-, 1'-0 1/,'' 319mm Pattison Sign Group Powe ring Your Brand 555 Ellesmere Road Toronto, On tario, Canad:i Ml R 4E8 www.pattisonsig n.com (T J 416.759.1 11 1 (FJ 1.855.759.4965 (TF J 1.800.268.6536 6'-11 1/4'' 2,112mm @ ® Thissig,,1obeinstallcdinac:c01daOU!withtht!1equircmc:ntsof • \IL lvticle600of1heNation:tl£lectrie.alCodeand/t1101hefapplicablelocalcodcs. c s c us Thisinciudesprol)(?fgroondingandbondingofthesign. @ Specifications: Reception Screen Logo Non-Ill uminated Wal l-Mounted Flush F1uOfeKCnt. Neon and HID lamps c:ontain Mercury {HQ. Dispose of the lamps <K:COfding to Loc:at Provincial, S1ateor Fedetal laws. MH3-23816 Date : FEB-5-2019 Scale: 3/8"=1' -"O Sales: A. DiMa rco De signer: C. Kostecki Rev.#: Rl Date : MAR-10-2019 Revi sion Note: Information Re quired: Signature MM/OO/YYYY It istheCustornc(sresponsibili ty to ensureth:itthestructureofthe buildinr,isdesir,ned:ind constructed toacceptthe ins1:i llat10llofthe sir,ns bel nr,ordered.Ple:ise :iskPSG toorovidefurtherdetail s if reQu ired. Nlrir,htsreserved.Theartwork depictedhereinarecopyrich1and :iretheexc!us lvepropertyof P:ittisonSir,nGroup:indassuch cannotbe reprod ucedinwholeor inpartwithout wri nenpermiss.ion byP:itt1sonSicnGroup. PA2019-135 1 51,5 " 33mm 3/4'' 20mm -- 3 ,, ... I 100mm 1'-11 5/a " 600 mm 1'-3 ,,, .. 400 m m ATWV-50 Sign Item # 11 Specifications: Window Graphics: 3M 7725SE·314 Du sted Crystal Vinyl Applied Second Surface to the Inside Face of Glass Final Hours of Operation & Telephone Numbers to be Supplied by Dealer I 3 ,,, .. 100 mm ~ Pattison Sign Group Powe ri ng Yo u r Brand 555 Ellesmere Roa d Toronto, Ontario, Ca nad;:i MlR 4E8 www.pattisonsign.com (T) 416.759.1111 (Fl 1.855.759.4965 (TF) 1.800.268.6536 1'-11 5/a " ----600 mm NEWPORT BEACH Opening Hours • So rvtce b O O O 0 00000000 Mon.fr! 9:00 am • 8:00 pm $,t 9 :00.'.lm • 4 :00pm s,a 10:00am. 4:0 0pm 24 hour emergency calls Te l. 1112223333 b O O O 0 00000000 5'-3" 1.600 mm @ ® ThissigntobeinstallcdioKCOl'dancewi1hthc1equircmcntsof • 'l Article 600 of the Natinnal Eklctrk;al Code .and/Ofolhcr applicable loc.al codes. c s c us Thlsincl udcsproper 9roundingand bond1ngof1~si9n. 0 J [ 0 J [ @ ]000000000000 JOOOOOOOOOOOO FluOfesccnt, NCOl"I ar,.d HID lamps COl"ltain .V.crcury (HG). Dispose of the lamps a<(o rding10Loca!,Provincial,S1a1eorFedt'.?rallaws. M H3 -23816 Date: FEB-S-20 19 Scal e: 11/2"=1'-0" Sa les: A. DiMa rco De signer: C. Kostecki Rev.#: R1 Date: MAR-10-2019 Revision Note: Information Req uired: Signature MM7fjo'/YYYY lt is th cCustomcr'srcsponslbilitvto cnsu rcthiltthcstructurcofthc bul ldinc isdcsicncdandconwuctcd toacccpl thcinstallauonofthcsir,ns b<:incordcrcd.PlcascJskPSG to provide further deiails if rcqu;rcd. Allrlr,htsrcservcd.Thc artwork dcpictcdhcrcinarccopvrir,htand arc thccxcluslvc oroocrtvof PattlsonSicnGrouoandassuch cannotbercproduccd lnwholcor lnpart wlthou twrittcnpcrmlssion byPalli~n Sir,n Group, PA2019-135 ~ r L Patti son Sign Group Po w ering Your Brand HMWMiMif •• • ••• 2" 50mm --n · •II•• I Li 2" 50 mm 2" 50mm ~ _g,> 0 0 0: E Dusted Crystal vi nyl sq uares (50 x 50 m m) applied to inside face o f glass .g ## # /i" // 7 DDODDDDDOO O OOOODDDDD # ,;i" /ff ,;'/ /ff )' cooooooooooooooooooo ## # Floor Level 555 Ellesmere Road Toronto, Ontario, Canad:\ M l R 4E8 www.pattisonsign.com # # 7 ,7 (Tl 416.759.1111 (F) 1.855.759.4965 (Tf) 1.800.268.6536 Detail -Not to Sca le ,'7 / 7 ## # # DDDOOOOOOODODDDDDDDO # # DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD ' # ; # # # ,'> Floor Level 0 :is _J • Specifications : I I I ' ( nyl Window Graphics in Dusted Crystal -3M 210-3 14 pplied Second Surface to the Inside Face of Glass EQUIRED : (Linear Footage Has to be Calculated) Bands of Linear Vinyl Each band contains 4 Meters Linear) I -r 4'-11 1,500 2'-11 71,s " '"Imm J ... mm Recommended Dimensions @® Thissign1obeinstalk?dina«ordal'lCcwiththe1cquiremCl'luof • \IL /v1icle600ofth<! National Electric.alCodcar,d/oro1herapplicablelocalcodc!s. c 5 c us Thisindudespropcrgroundingandbondingof 1hc ~gn. I ® Fluorescent. Nt!On and HID lam~ contain M1irc;ury (HQ. Dispose of the lamps acc.ordingto LocatProvincial,Statcor Fecleral laws. Da te: Sca le: FEB-5-20 19 N .T.S. Sa les: A. DiMa rco Designer: C. Kostecki Rev.#: Rl Da t e: MAR-10..2019 Revision No te: " Info rma tion Re qu ired: ~gn ature MM7fj"fifiyyy 11 is l he C~tomer's rcsoonsiblli 1v 10 cosure thatthes1rue1ureof 1he buildinr,isdesir,nedandconsiructcd to accept theinstallallon ofthesicns l>clnr,order(!d.PlcaseaskPSG toprovidefurthcrdetailsifrequir<:d. Nlrir,htsresNved.Theartwork depict<:dhcrcinarecopyrir,htand aretheexclusiveprooenyof PamsonSlr,nGroupandassuth cannot be reproduced Jn wh otc or inpartwithoutwrift (!npermission byPathsonSir,nGroup. <>-.., @) JLR Newport Beach -R0314S 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Page PA2019-135 ~ Pattison Sign Group Powering Your Brand i 3'-5 3/a" 1,050 mm i i 3'-5 3/a" 1,050 mm i 7'-2 ,,, .. 2,200 mm 6'-1 0 3/4" 2 ,100 mm L_ 100 m m SIDE A· Parallel to Street SIDE B • No Graph ics 555 Ell es mere Road Toronto, Ontario, Canad a MlR 4E8 www.patti so nsig n.com AWS ·Dl· Sign Item # 13 23.79 SQ.FT. Specifications: Welcome Sign 1050 x 2100 mm Face • 5/F Non-Illuminate d -3mm Thic k Aluminum Com posite Panels -Finished Sunshine Gray -Silver Graphics Quantity: TWO NOTE : The Welcome Sign must be located beside the Main Vehicle access to the Site, Parallel to the Road & Set Back Sufficiently to Maintain Good Visibility & Loca l Regulations (Tl 416.759.1111 (F) 1.855.759.4965 (TF) 1.800.268.6536 @ ® ThiSsl!Jr1 10beinstallcdinKCOfdancewilhthc 1cquiremcntsof • IJL Article 600 of 1he National Elewital Code 11nd/OI' other applicable local codes. c s c us Thisincludespropcr9roundlng andbondingof1hesign. I ® Fluorescent, NllOl"I and HID lamps (Ol'ltain W.crc:ury (HGJ. Dispose or the lamps acco rdin9 t0Loca!.Provincial,S1a1eorFedcral Laws. Date: FEB-5·2019 Sca le: 3/8"=1 '-"0 Sales: A. DiMarco Desig ner : C. Kosteck i Rev.#: Rl Da te : MAR-10-2019 Revision Note : Information Req uired : 0 12ov 0 347V O other __ _ ·=· Signature MM7ooffiYY II is theCust omcr'sresponsi bill ty to ensure that the struClure of the bui ldinr,is desir,nedandconstructed toacceptthe instalbuonofthesir,ns beinr,ordered.PleaseaskPSG toprovidefurtherdetails ifrequired . Allrir,htsreserved. The artwork depictedherein;irecopyrir,ht and 3retheexcluslve proDenyof P3t ClsonSir,nGroupandas such cannot be reproduced in whole or lnpartwithoutwri nenpermis!olon byPa tt1son SlcnGroup. ~'@ JLR Newport Beach -R03145 21 01 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA -92660 Page PA2019-135 3'-3" 4._0 .. 990.60 mm ··~~ 5'-1 5/g" 1,565.95 mm ~ Pattison Sign Group Powe rin g Your Brand 555 Ellesmere Road Toronto, Ontario, Canad ~ MlR 4E8 www.pattisonsign.com I •I I lS'-S" 4,699.00 mm S'-1 'la" 1,565.95 mm Cu stom -Sign Item # 14 61.70 SQ.FT. Specifications : Custom Service Monument-0/F Dual Brand 1575 X 4950 mm Note: No Visib le Fixings -Internally Illuminated with White LE Ds -3mm Thick Aluminum Composite Panels Finished Sunshine Gray · Moulded Logos: JV4 • LV4 • SERVICE CENTER-Push -Through Opal Acrylic Letters • Faced with Si lver M irror vinyl 3M 7755-420 -Satin Silver Anodized Aluminium Edging & Trim . Black ABS Skirt Quantity:TWO 5'-1 5/s " 1,565.95 mm same configuration on both sides (Tl 416.759.1111 (Fl 1 .855.759.4965 (TFJ 1.800.268.6536 @ ® Thissign1ob(!instalk?dln;,i,c.c0<~a ncewiththc1equiremenuor • . L Article 600 o f the! Nalional Elecu ,al Code and/0< 01hcr applicable local codes. c s c us Thisincludesproperground,ngandbonding oftN!sign. ® LR (!)va l 110 5/s''{ 269.88 m I Flu0<escent, Neon and H1D I.Im~ contain W.crcury (HQ. Dispose o r the lamps ;,i,ccord ing to Local, Provincl!t, S1ateor Federal laws. M H3-238 16 Dat e: FEB-5-2019 Scale: 1/2"=1'-0" Sales: A. Di Marco De signer: C. Kos tecki Rev.#: Rl Date: MAR-10-2019 Revision Note: Signature MM/oDfmY lt is theCuslomcr's responsibili ty to cri sure1hatthestructureofthe buildinr. ls desir,ncd and constructed toacceptthe lnsta llatiooofthesir.ns bcinr,ordered.P!easeask PSG toprovidefurtherdetails ifrequired. tJlrir,h1Sres erved .Thear1work deoictedhereinarecooyrir,htand are the e~c luslve property of Pa111son S1 r.nGroupandassuch C.lnnot be reproduced in whole or in p.irt without wriuen oermiu ion byPathson Si r,nGrouo. ~@ JLR Newport Bea ch -R03145 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA -92660 Page PA2019-135 ~ 4 3/4" 120mm I I r 6'-10 11 /]6" 2,100mm l 100mm Pattison Sign Group Powering Your Brand 555 Ell esmere Road To ronto, On tario, Canad :\ M lR 4E8 www.pattiso nsign.com Opposite Side is Blan k Opposite Side is Bla nk r--3'-S '/1•" ~ 1,050 mm r--3'-S'/1•" ~ 1,0 50 mm Parking ~ Parking f- Reception ~ Reception f- Service ~ Service ~ Parts ~ Parts ~ Front Side {V iewed from Stree t ) ATDF2100 • Sign Item # 15 ATDF2100 · Sign Item # 16 23.79 SQ.FT. 23.79 SQ.FT. Specifications: Sp ec ification s: Non-Illuminated Post-Mounted Directional Signage -Silver RA L 9006 Al u minu m Composite M aterial Non-Illuminated Post-Mounted Directional Signage -Sil ver RA L 9006 Al uminu m Comp osi te M aterial -Satin Blac k Vinyl Copy & Arrows Text and arrows T.B.D. (T) 416.7S9 .11 11 (F) 1.8SS.7S9.496S (TF) 1.800.268.6S36 -Sa tin Bla ck Vi ny l Copy & Arro w s Text and arrows T.B.D. ~ ® Thi ssign tobeinstalledinacc0<da1"1Ccwi 1hthc1cquircmcn1 sor • 'L /\rt iclc(>()(lo(thcNat1 onal Elcc 1rica l Codc and/oro1hcrappllCilblclocill cod<!s. c s c us This inc.l udcs propcr 9roundin9 and bondin9of thesign. I @ Au ore~<!nl, NQOn and HID lamps con1ain f,,',er<;ury (HG). Dispos<!of the lamps accordingrolocal,Provincia l,Sta1eorfcdC1al laws. Da te: FEB -5-2019 Sca le: 3/8"=1' -0" Sa les : A. DiMa rco Des igner: C. Kostec ki Rev.#: Rl Date: MAR-10-2019 Rev ision Note: Inform ation Re quired: 13Mi·i,,i4i·iU ·li ·i%11 Signature MM/DD/YYYY lt isthcCustomel"srcspo nsibilityto <!nsurc that thestructurcofthe t:Juildinc isdesicnedandconw uct ed toa~cepl the lnstallauonof1h<?sir,ns t>einr,ord<!red.PleaseaskPSG ro provide furtherdetalls if required. llll rir,htSreSCfVC:d.Theart work depictedherei nare copyrir,htand ;irethc<!Kcl usive pr operty of Pan,sonSi&nGroupandassuch cannot be reproduced in whole OI' in partwithout writteo perm isslon byPattison Sir,n Group. ~-@ JLR Newport Beach -R03145 2101 Dove St reet Newport Beach, CA -92660 Page PA2019-135 ~ Pattison Sign Group Pow ering Your Br and SSS Elles mere Roa d Toronto, Ontario, Cana d.:i MlR 4E8 www.pa tti sonsi gn.com ,w,- .(.S9_mm) r-1'·11 S/a" (600mm) ~ Customer Parking Area 3'·\\1/4" (1,200mm) ,1 .. ,.~ I m I ll/u," ll/16" 120 m m )~ I 120 m m) :_t6Qmm) • Fro nt Side (Viewed from St reet) 7.75 SQ.FT. ATDF1200 · Sign Item# 17 (T l 4 16.75 9.111 1 Specifications : Non -Illumin at ed Cu stomer Parking Totem Signage • Silver RA L 9006 Al uminum Com posite Material -Satin Blac k Vi nyl Co py Quantity:TWO (Fl 1.855 .75 9.4965 (T FI 1.800.268.6536 ~ r.i:'\ This sign 10 be instalk!d In accordance wirh the requircmenls of ~· ~ Anic:lc600of 1heNarionalEk!ctricalCodeand/Ofothcfapplkablelocal c.odM.. c s c us Thisinclud<!sp,-opcrg,oundingandbondingofthesign. I ® Fluorescent, Neon and HIO lamps ('.()l'\lail"l t,,l(!fCury !HG). Di~ of the lamps acco,ding1otocal.Provinclal.S1areor Fedoollaws. MH3-238 16 Date: FEB -5-20 19 Sc al e: 3/4"=1'-0" Sales: A. DiMa rco Desig ner : C. Kos tecki Rev .#: Rt Date: MAR-10-2019 Revi sio n Note: Information Re qu ired: li®i·I,,19i·i4 ·1i·l'kil Signature MM/DO/YYVY tt is the Cunomcr's responsibility to ensure that the structure of1hc buildinr,isdcsir,ncd.ind constructed toacccp!the lnstallat\onof thesir,ns beinr.ordered.PleaseaskPSG to provide further details if required. J\llrir,htsreserved.Theartwork dcpicted hercin;irecopyrichtJnd arc thecxcluslvcpropertyof Pa !hsonSir,nGroupandassuch cannotb!!rcproduccd in wholeor in part without written permission bvPattiso,iSicnGroop. ~-LAND • •ROI/EH JLR Newport Beach -R0314S 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA -92660 I Page PA2019-135 Totem Parking Signs Sign Items# 17 JLR Custom Servic::.e.::S:,,igc:..:n.::ag"-'e=---______ __, ______________________________ ~ Sign Items # 3 DirectionalSignage ______ oov, sr a ~ _________ _ Sign Item # 15 0 Welcome Signage Sign Item # 13 . [~ I .8 81 8 i1"flflP l8 t8 lJ---'Jl [-o-r;i----------;-------------o-i-;;;i-- JLR Custom Service I -~. !~ : _. . -r-__ -:-l,'J LJ I [ LJ LJ Signage Sign Items# 2 JLR Custom Service Signage II I I 'l=r.i= 1 • EfT 'Is . , • I Sign Items # 1 · · · · · · '' JLR Entrance Service Signage ! Sign Items# 4-5-6 ~ .l. Welcome Sign age O T Sign Item # 13 ---i ~ 1 Directional Signage Sign Item # 16 ____ __,_ 1 ---41-i-f--" JLR Service Monument Signag 1 ~::-:!· 1rrr ~ Sign Item # 14 _____ a-----6 DBA Signage ~ Sign Item# 7 Service Signage 111 1 LC;LL! .. L ' U .L I. .L .. 1 JLL.L !~--L.! .L ... l .U .. .I Sign Item# 8 EXlSTJNG SERviCE"ceNTER ~Ul~t,lj - -------1 ======'..)~ 0AJ_ELLJ_i_Erai,,. \ I~ I~ t JLR Service Monument:..c::..Si-'=g'-n"-ag"'-e::.._ _________________________________________________ _, Sign Item # 14 ~ Pattison Sign Group Pow ering Your Brand 555 Ellesmere Road Toronto, Onta rio, Ca na da MlR 4ES www.pattisonsig n.com (TJ 4 16.759.1111 (FJ 1.855.759.4965 (TFJ 1.800.268.6536 ~ ® Thissigntobcinstalledlnaccoidancewi1hthercquircmet11sof • 'L Ar1 ide600oftheN.ltionalEk!ctric:alCodl!and/oro1hcfapplieabk?localcodes. c s c us This inc.JudM proper grounding and bonding ohhe sign. N ~ NOTE : Sign Symbols(-) are NOT to Scale @ Fk.iorescent. Noon and HID lamps conlair'I ~,cury (HG}. Oispos(!of 1he lam1>5 according to Loe.al. Provincial. Sta1eor F«!Ml laws. Date: FEB·S-2019 Sca le: N.T .S. Sale s: A. DiMarco Designer: C. Kostecki Rev.#: Rt Date : MAR-10-2019 Revisio n Note: Information Required: Signature MM/DD/YY'N It is 1he Customer's resoorisibilily to cnsurelhillthestruclureorthe bui !dirir,is deslr.riedandconstructt!d 1oacceptthe iristalla11onorthc:sir.ris bc i11r,ordercd.PleaseaskPSG to provide further detail~ if required. Nlrir,htsreservc:d.The:irtwork deplctedherel narecopyrir,hta11d :irethetxclusivepropertyof PattlsonSir,nGroupanclassuch cannot be reproduced iri whole or in part without writteri permissiori byP:illisonSir,nGroup. """"''· -JLR Newport Beach -R0314S 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach, CA -92660 l Page PA2019-135