HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191113_Coastal Appeal - PHNSTA TE OF CALIFORNIA• NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTII COAST DISTRICT OFFICE 301 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 300 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90802-4830 (562) 590-5071 FAX (562) 590-5084 WWW.COASTAL.CA GOV <'~c€.\VEO By -;OMMUNITY DEV1:LOPMENT NOV O 7 2019 CITY OF .11~, r-...C"<" . ,11.oORT e~r IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NEW APPEAL APPEAL NUMBER: A-5-NPB-19-0197 LOCAL GOVT PERMIT NUMBER: CD2019-034 APPLICANT(S): William Guidero APPELLANT(S): Charles Kobe DECISION BEING APPEALED: GA VIN NEWSOM, GOVERNOR Page: 1 Date: November 04, 2019 Appeal of the local CDP to demolish approx. 1,700 sq. ft. duplex and construct 3,477 sq. ft. single family home with 626 sq. ft. two car garage. PROJECT LOCATION: 1808 W Ocean Front, Orange County, CA, Orange County (APN: 047-173-29) UEARING DATE AND LOCATION: DATE TIME PLACE PHONE Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9:00AM Oceano Hotel & Soa · ITEMNO: 280 Capistrano Rd .. Half Moon Bav. CA 94019 (415) 407-3211 HEARING PROCEDURES: W2ld New appeals undergo a two-step process before the Commission, known as the 'substantial issue' phase, and 'de novo' phase. At the 'substantial issue' phase, section 30625(b) of the Coastal Act requires the Commission to, hear, an appeal unless the Commission determines that no substantial issue is raised by the appeal. If at least three Commissioners request to take public testimony at the substantialissue phase of the appeal prior to determining whether or not to hear an appeal, the only persons qualified to testify orally before the Commission are the applicants, persons who opposed the application before the local government (or their representatives), and the local government. Testimony from other persons must be submitted in writing. IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NEW APPEAL Page: 2 r-, Date: November 04, 2019 Unless a majority of the Commissioners present finds that the appeal raises no substantial issue, the Commission will proceed to the de novo stage of the appeal hearing. The de novo stage of the appeal hearing may occur at the same Commission meeting, immediately following the 'substantial issue' phase, or be continued to a later Commission meeting. Please contact the appropriate staff person and/or see the staff report, which will indicate whether Commission staff is recommending that the de novo hearing occur at this Commission meeting or a later one. Anyone may testify on the merits of the proposal during the de novo phase. People wishing to testify on this matter may appear at the hearing or may present their concerns by letter to the Commission on or before the hearing date. If the Commission finds that the appeal does not raise a substantial issue, then the local government's action on the coastal development permit is final, and there will be no 'de novo' phase of the appeal hearing. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORT: A copy of the staff report on this matter will be available no later than 10 days before· the hearing on the Coastal Commission's website at http://www.coastal.ca.gov/mtgcurr.html. Alternatively, you may request a paper copy of the report from Alexander Yee, Coastal Program Analyst, at the South Coast District Office. SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN MATERIALS: If you wish to submit written materials for review by the Commission, please observe the following: Submit your written materials to the Commission staff no later than 5 :00 p.m. on the Friday before the scheduled Commission meeting (staff will then distribute your materials to the Commission).Note that materials received after this time will not be distributed-to the Commission. Mark the agenda number of your item, the application number, your name and your position of support or opposition to the project on the upper right hand comer of the first page of your submission. If you do not know the agenda number, contact the Commission staff person listed on page 2. A current. list of Commissioners' names and addresses is available on the Coastal Commission's website at http://www.coastal.ca.gov/roster.html. If you wish to submit materials directly to Commissioners, we request that you mail the materials .so that the Commissioners receive the materials no later than Thursday of the week before the Commission meeting. You must provide Commission staff with a copy of any materials that you provide to Commissioners. Please mail the same materials to all Commissioners, alternates for Commissioners, and the three non-voting members on the Commission with a copy to the Commission staff person listed on page 2. You are requested to summarize the reasons for your position in no more than two or three pages, if possible. Please note: While you are not prohibited from doing so, you are discouraged from submitting written materials to the Commission on the day of the hearing, unless they are visual aids, as it is more difficult for the Commission to carefully consider late materials. The Commission requests that if you submit written copies IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NEW APPEAL Page: 3 Date: November 04, 2019 of comments to the Commission on the day of the hearing, that you provide 20 copies. ALLOTTED TIME FOR TESTIMONY: Oral testimony at the substantial issue stage is limited to 3 minutes combined total per side to address the question of substantial issue. Oral testimony at the de nova stage may be limited to J minutes or less for each speaker depending on the number of persons· wishing to be heard. ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES: No -one· can predict how quickly the Commission will complete agenda items or how many will be postponed to a later date. The Commission begins each meeting session at the time listed and considers each item in order, except in extraordinary circumstances. Staff at the appropriate Commission office can give you more information prior to the hearing date. Questions regarding the report or the hearing should be directed to Alexander Yee, Coastal Program Analyst, at the South Coast District Office (see contact information provided in the letterhead on page I).