HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191003_PC_MinutesPlanning Commission Minutes October 3, 2019 Deputy Community Development Director Campbell advised that the item is continued to October 17 due to a noticing issue. ITEM NO. 3 HORNBLOWER OFF-SITE PARKING (PA2019-143) Site Location: 2527 West Coast Highway Summary: A conditional use permit and coastal development permit to allow the addition of two charter boat vessels for Hornblower Yachts with up to 192 combined passengers/crew located at 2527 West Coast Highway. No physical alterations to the project location are proposed. The application includes the use of off-site parking located at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church at 798 Dover Drive on weekdays and 2201 and 2241 West Coast Highway during evenings and weekends. Recommended Action: 1. Conduct a public hearing; 2. Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15323 under Class 23 (Normal Operations of Facilities for Public Gatherings) of the CEQA Guidelines, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. PC2019-030 approving Conditional Use Permit No. UP2019-044 and Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019-036. Associate Planner Makana Nova reported a limited term permit for a period of 89 days was authorized in July for the vessels Dream Maker and Hornblower to relocate from other locations in the Harbor to 2527 West Coast Highway. The applicant requests authorization for the vessels to dock at this location permanently. The applicant currently docks the vessel Icon at the site. The existing docks were reconfigured in 2007 and can accommodate the vessels. The applicant proposes no changes to the docks or the structures. The property is located in the Mariners' Mile area, is zoned mixed-use water related, and consists of two parcels. A mix of office and retail uses, an event space, and the charter boat operation are located on the property. Offsite parking for the Icon is available at 2530 West Coast Highway and 2436 West Coast Highway. A new operation or additional intensity requires additional offsite parking. The Dream Maker accommodates a maximum of 141 passengers and crew. The Hornblower accommodates a maximum of 51 passengers and crew. The Zoning Code requires one parking space per three passengers and crew. Sixty-four parking spaces are required for both vessels. Associate Planner Nova continued, explaining that a conditional use permit is required for offsite parking at two locations. Offsite parking at 2201 and 2241 West Coast Highway provides 71 parking spaces and is available after 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and weekends. The majority of Hornblower's charters occur on evenings and weekends. Offsite parking at 798 Dover, Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, provides 75 to 85 parking spaces during the day on weekdays and 120 parking spaces on Saturdays. The church has requested a minimum notice of five days prior to use of the lot. Shuttle service will be provided for passengers and crew utilizing the church parking lot. Associate Planner Nova added that General Plan Policies LU 6.19.5 and LU 6.19.16 encourage the joint use of parking facilities in Mariners' Mile and support waterfront uses. Staff feels a Class 23 exemption from CEQA is appropriate for charter operations and offsite parking. In response to Mr. Masher's comments, staff proposes modifications to Fact 5 on page 1, Fact 6 on page 4, and Fact H.1 on page 8 of the Resolution. In reply to Vice Chair Weigand's inquiries, Associate Planner Nova advised that parking for the Icon is provided onsite and at 2530 and 2436 West Coast Highway. The parking lot at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church can provide more parking spaces than the 64 spaces required for both the Dream Maker and Hornblower. In response to Chair Koetting's queries, Associate Planner Nova explained that the church parking lot is needed for offsite parking during the day on weekdays when offsite parking at 2201 and 2241 West Coast Highway is not available. The applicant's parking management plan indicates during the reservation process, passengers will be directed to park at the offsite locations. Hornblower staff will be onsite to direct passengers and crew to the pathway to the dock location. 2 of 5 Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 2019 In answer to Commissioner Rosene's questions, Associate Planner Nova indicated the three vessels are operating from 2527 West Coast Highway. The Dream Maker and Hornblower vessels are authorized to operate from the site under the limited term permit, but the limited term permit expires in the next week or so. No impacts have been noted due to the vessels operating from this location. A light post will need to be relocated at 2241 West Coast Highway in order to provide a clear accessible pathway from the lot to West Coast Highway. Because the limited term permit is temporary, staff did not require any permanent improvements under the permit. Commissioner Rosene and Chair Koetting disclosed phone calls with the applicant and applicant's representative respectively. Vice Chair Weigand disclosed an email correspondence with the applicant in which he advised the applicant he had no questions. Commissioner Klaustermeier disclosed no ex parte communications. Chair Koetting opened the public hearing. In response to Chair Koetting's questions, Chandler Bell, applicant, reported most passengers arrive via motor coach, shuttle, car share, or taxi during the Christmas holidays. Hornblower and A'maree's communicate regarding holiday bookings such that Hornblower can insist passengers not arrive via personal vehicles. Motor coaches drop off passengers at 2241 Coast Highway and park in areas located off Coast Highway such as Fashion Island. Passengers must make advance reservations for vessels at the project site. The agreement for offsite parking at 2201 and 2241 West Coast Highway and the church will likely be renewed annually in order to comply with the applicant's marine activities permit (MAP). In reply to Vice Chair Weigand's inquiry, Mr. Bell explained that the applicant would insist passengers arrive via a mode other than personal vehicle should the church parking lot not be available. If necessary, the applicant can obtain temporary offsite parking at other locations near the project site. In answer to Commissioner Klaustermeier's questions, Marice DePasquale, applicant's representative, indicated buses can load and unload passengers at 2241 West Coast Highway any time after 5:30 p.m. Mr. Bell explained that in the past Hornblower has paid the City to reserve on-street parking spaces for loading and unloading buses during the day. Typically, Hornblower will not book an event if parking is not available. Ms. DePasquale added that the owner of 2201 West Coast Highway would likely allow motor coach loading and unloading during the day as it would not interfere with parking. In response to Vice Chair Weigand's query, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell related Condition of Approval 13 is written specifically to prevent the use of on-street parking for bus loading and unloading. Ms. DePasquale reported the applicant has read and agrees to the conditions of approval as currently drafted. Sandra Ayers remarked that the offsite parking will not be available during construction of the Newport Village project. Jim Mosher understood entitlements under the conditional use permit are permanent, and the conditional use permit requires the applicant to provide adequate parking. With respect to Finding K on page 9 of the Resolution, offsite parking at the church is not permanently available. Ms. DePasquale commented that Conditions of Approval 7 and 15 require the applicant to make other parking arrangements should conditions in the field change. Given the size and scope of the Newport Village project, the applicant would have ample warning that offsite parking would not be available. Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis added that construction of any project is not certain. Chair Koetting closed the public hearing. Motion made by Vice Chair Weigand and seconded by Commissioner Klaustermeier to adopt Resolution No. PC2019-030 approving Conditional Use Permit No. UP2019-044 and Coastal Development Permit No. CD2019- 036 with staffs proposed revisions. 3 of 5 Planning Commission Minutes October 3, 2019 Vice Chair Weigand remarked that Condition of Approval 6 allows the Planning Commission to revoke the conditional use permit should an issue arise. Conditions of Approval 14, 15, and 16 provide protections with respect to offsite parking. Chair Koetting commented that Hornblower has long been an important aspect of the community's nautical experience. The proposed offsite parking is safe for passengers walking to the site. AYES: Koetting, Weigand, Klaustermeier, Rosene NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Lowrey, Ellmore, Kleiman, VIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS ITEM NO. 4 REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT (RHNA) Summary: Staff will provide a presentation providing an update regarding the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process. The presentation will include the regional determination made by the State Department of Housing and Community Development and current draft allocation methodology recommended by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). [This item was continued.] IX. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER ITEMS ITEM NO. 5 None ITEM NO. 6 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION REPORT BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OR REQUEST FOR MATTERS WHICH A PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA. Community Development Director Jurjis reported staff is dedicating time and resources to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) and looks forward to presenting information to the Planning Commission. Staff will present RHNA information to the City Council on October 8. The General Plan Update Steering Committee will meet on October 16. A launch event for the Listen and Learn tour is scheduled for October 26. Deputy Community Development Director Campbell advised that the Planning Commission's October 17 agenda includes an amendment to the Cottage Preservation Ordinance, the Riverside Drive office parking structure project, the Sheehy residence appeal, and the RHNA presentation. In response to Chair Koetting's questions, Deputy Community Development Director Campbell indicated the parties continue to discuss design changes that could result in settlement of the Sheehy residence appeal. The applicant is redesigning the Koll Center project, and the Environmental Impact Report will have to be redone. The project probably will not return to the Planning Commission in the next year. ITEM NO. 7 REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES None IX. ADJOURNMENT-7:12 p.m. 4 of 5