HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190722_WQMP Report_07-16-2019Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) CAMPBELL RESIDENCE Lot 2, Tract No. 907 APN 423-247-02 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California Prepared for: MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL 605 Via Lido Soud Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contact: Rosie Ou (949) 720-7022 Prepared by: TOAL ENGINEERING, INC. 139 Avenida Navarro, San Clemente, CA 92672 www.toalengineering.com Contact: ADAM L. TOAL, R.C.E. 59275 (949) 492-8586 atoal@toalengineering.com Prepared on: JULY 16, 2019 Template Prepared: December 20, 2013 PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Owner’s Certification Project Owner’s Certification Permit/Application No. ____-2019 Grading Permit No. ____-2019 Tract/Parcel Map No. Lot 2 Tract No. 907 Building Permit No. (TBD) CUP, SUP, and/or APN (Specify Lot Numbers if Portions of Tract) 423-247-02 This Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been prepared for Ms. Bridget Campbell by Toal Engineering, Inc. The WQMP is intended to comply with the requirements of the local NPDES Stormwater Program requiring the preparation of the plan. The undersigned, while it owns the subject property, is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this plan and will ensure that this plan is amended as appropriate to reflect up-to-date conditions on the site consistent with the current Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) and the intent of the non-point source NPDES Permit for Waste Discharge Requirements for the County of Orange, Orange County Flood Control District and the incorporated Cities of Orange County within the San Diego Region (South Orange County).. Once the undersigned transfers its interest in the property, its successors-in-interest shall bear the aforementioned responsibility to implement and amend the WQMP. An appropriate number of approved and signed copies of this document shall be available on the subject site in perpetuity. Owner: Title Bridget Campbell Company n/a Address 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Email Telephone # (949) 720-7022 Signature Date PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Table of Contents Contents Page No. Section I Discretionary Permit(s) and Water Quality Conditions ..................................... 3 Section II Project Description .......................................................................................... 4 Section III Site Description ............................................................................................. 7 Section IV Best Management Practices (BMPs) ............................................................. 10 Section V Inspection/Maintenance Responsibility for BMPs .......................................... 28 Section VI Site Plan and Drainage Plan ......................................................................... 30 Section VII Educational Materials .................................................................................. 33 Attachments Attachment A . .........................................................................................BMP Fact Sheets Attachment B . ................................................................................. Educational Materials Attachment C . .................................................................. Operation & Maintenance Plan PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section I Page 3 Section I Discretionary Permit(s) and Water Quality Conditions Project Infomation Permit/Application No. ____-2019 Tract/Parcel Map No. Lot 2 Tract No. 907 Additional Information/ Comments: Water Quality Conditions Water Quality Conditions (list verbatim) None. Watershed-Based Plan Conditions Provide applicable conditions from watershed - based plans including TMDLS. TMDLs for Lower Newport Bay: Nutrients (1998) Toxics (2002) Fecal Coliform (1999) PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section II Page 4 Section II Project Description II.1 Project Description Description of Proposed Project Development Category (Verbatim from WQMP): 5. Impervious surface of 2,500 square feet or more located within, directly adjacent to (within 200 feet), or discharging directly into receiving waters within Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). Project Area (ft2): 3,384 Number of Dwelling Units: 1 SIC Code: n/a Narrative Project Description: The project consists of the following: (1) demolition of the existing residence and associated hardscape, from Via Lido Soud up to, but not including, the existing cmu bulkhead wall adjacent to the bay and dock access; (2) construction of a new custom single-family residence and appurtenant hardscape, landscape, and drainage improvements. Project Area Pervious Impervious Area (sf) Percentage Area (sf) Percentage Pre-Project Conditions 270 8 3,114 92 Post-Project Conditions 465 14 2,919 86 Drainage Patterns/Connections See Section III.2. II.2 Potential Stormwater Pollutants The following table lists the expected stormwater pollutants based on land uses and site activities per Table 2.1 of the Technical Guidance Document for the Preparation of Conceptual/Preliminary and/or Project Water Quality Management Plans (TGD). Pollutants of Concern Pollutant Circle One: E=Expected to be of concern N=Not Expected to be of concern Additional Information and Comments Suspended-Solid / Sediment ◇E N PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section II Page 5 Nutrients ◇E N Heavy Metals E ◇N Pathogens (Bacteria/Virus) ◇E N Pesticides ◇E N Oil and Grease ◇E N Toxic Organic Compounds E ◇N Trash and Debris ◇E N PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section II Page 6 II.3 Hydrologic Conditions of Concern Hydrologic Conditions of Concern (HCOCs) do not exist for this project since site runoff is conveyed in a storm drain system and discharged directly into Newport Bay. II.4 Post Development Drainage Characteristics Post-construction surface drainage will be directed to the same ultimate discharge points as prior to construction. Runoff from the site will be collected in an area drain system and discharged into an infiltration trench at the front of the property. Storm flows that exceed the capacity of the trench will discharge to the street. The drainage system is shown on the Precise Grading and Drainage Plan and the Water Quality Management Plan for the project. II.5 Property Ownership/Management This property is privately owned by: Ms. Bridget Campbell 605 Via Lido Soud Newport Beach, CA 92663 Tel: (949) 720-7022 PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section III Page 7 Section III Site Description III.1 Physical Setting Planning Area/ Community Name N/A Location/Address 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California Project Area Description The subject property lies on the southerly side of Lido Isle inside Newport Bay. The island is developed exclusively with single- family residential units. Land Use RSD-A: Single Unit Residential Detached (0.0-5.9 DU/AC) Zoning R-1: Single Unit Residential Acreage Property: 3,384 s.f. (0.078 acres) Project: 3,384 s.f. (0.078 acres) Predominant Soil Type Per the O.C. Hydrology Manual Plate B, the project is underlain by soil Type A. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section III Page 8 III.2 Site Characteristics Precipitation Zone 0.7-in (TGD Fig XVI-1) Topography The subject property is a relatively flat residential lot. Elevations on the developed portion of the site range from a maximum of about 13.0- feet to a minimum of about 12.0-feet. A bulkhead wall exists at the back of the property separating the site from Newport Bay. Drainage Patterns/Connections Under existing conditions, the runoff from the site flows Newport Bay via the drain system in Via Lido Soud. Soil Type, Geology, and Infiltration Properties Per the O.C. Hydrology Manual Plate B, the project is underlain by soil Type A. Hydrogeologic (Groundwater) Conditions The results of the exploratory drillings in the soils report, which has been prepared by Coast Geotechnical, show that groundwater was encountered at approximately 8.5-9.0’ below grade. The design groundwater level is recommended to be at a level of 6 below grade, or an elevation of approximately 6.0. Geotechnical Conditions (relevant to infiltration) According to infiltration BMP feasibility criteria, infiltration of the entire DVC is feasible for this project. Off-Site Drainage The project site does not receive run-on from adjacent properties. Utility and Infrastructure Information Public and private utilities are already in place for this property. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section III Page 9 III.3 Watershed Description Receiving Waters Lower Newport Bay 303(d) Listed Impairments Chlordane, Copper, DDT, Indicator Bacteria, Nutrients, PCBs, Pesticides, Sediment Toxicity Applicable TMDLs Sediment, Nutrients, Toxics, Fecal Coliform Pollutants of Concern for the Project Primary Pollutants of Concern: Chlordane, Copper, DDT, Indicator Bacteria, Nutrients, PCBs, Pesticides, Sediment Toxicity. Other Pollutants of Concern: None. Environmentally Sensitive and Special Biological Significant Areas Lower Newport Bay. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 10 Section IV Best Management Practices (BMPs) IV. 1 Project Performance Criteria Project Performance Criteria If HCOC exists, list applicable hydromodification control performance criteria (MWQMP Appendix C) Per Section II.3 of this report, HCOCs do not exist for the proposed project. List applicable LID performance criteria (Section 7.II-2.4.3 from MWQMP) • Priority Projects must infiltrate, harvest and use, evapotranspire, or biotreat/biofilter, the 85th percentile, 24-hour storm event (Design Capture Volume). • A properly designed biotreatment system may only be considered if infiltration, harvest and use, and evapotranspiration (ET) cannot be feasibly implemented for the full design capture volume. In this case, infiltration, harvest and use, and ET practices must be implemented to the greatest extent feasible and biotreatment may be provided for the remaining design capture volume. Calculate LID DCV for Project. Simple Method per TGD III.1.1. 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷=𝐷𝐷 × 𝑑𝑑 × 𝐴𝐴 𝐷𝐷= (0.75 × 𝑖𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚+ 0.15) = 0.75 × 0.86 + 0.15 = 0.80 𝑑𝑑= 0.70 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖. 𝐴𝐴= 3,384 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠.𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓. 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷=0.80 x 0.70 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖.x 3,374 𝑠𝑠.𝑓𝑓.x �1 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓.12 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖.�=159 𝑐𝑐𝑓𝑓 PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 11 Worksheet B: Simple Design Capture Volume Sizing Method Step 1: Determine the design capture storm depth used for calculating volume 1 Enter design capture storm depth from Figure III.1, d (inches) d= 0.70 inches 2 Enter the effect of provided HSCs, dHSC (inches) (Worksheet A) dHSC= 0.00 inches 3 Calculate the remainder of the design capture storm depth, dremainder (inches) (Line 1 – Line 2) dremainder= 0.70 inches Step 2: Calculate the DCV 1 Enter Project area tributary to BMP (s), A (acres) A= 0.078 acres 2 Enter Project Imperviousness, imp (unitless) imp= 0.86 3 Calculate runoff coefficient, C= (0.75 x imp) + 0.15 C= 0.80 4 Calculate runoff volume, Vdesign= (C x dremainder x A x 43560 x (1/12)) Vdesign= 159 cu-ft Step 3: Design BMPs to ensure full retention of the DCV Step 3a: Determine design infiltration rate 1 Enter measured infiltration rate, Kmeasured (in/hr) (Appendix VII) Kmeasured= In/hr 2 Enter combined safety factor from Worksheet H, Sfinal (unitless) Sfinal= 3 Calculate design infiltration rate, Kdesign = Kmeasured / Sfinal Kdesign= In/hr Step 3b: Determine minimum BMP footprint 4 Enter drawdown time, T (max 48 hours) T= Hours 5 Calculate max retention depth that can be drawn down within the drawdown time (feet), Dmax = Kdesign x T x (1/12) Dmax= feet 6 Calculate minimum area required for BMP (sq-ft), Amin = Vdesign/ dmax Amin= sq-ft PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 12 IV.2. SITE DESIGN AND DRAINAGE PLAN Overview The ultimate plan of development for the proposed project is shown on the WQMP Site Plan in Section VI of this report. The project Precise Grading Plan shows the proposed grading, site improvements, and retaining walls necessary for construction of a single-family residence. Site Design Practices The project incorporates Site Design practices as follows: • Preserve Existing Drainage Patterns and Time of Concentration – The ultimate points of discharge are the same for the pre- and post-project conditions. Time of concentration will be similar, since pre-and post-project flow path lengths will be similar. Drainage Management Areas (DMAs) The site has two Drainage Management Areas. Drainage from DMA-1 & DMA-2 is directed into a shared infiltration trench at the front of the property. Storm flows exceeding the trench capacity will be discharged to Via Lido Soud. All roof runoff will be pre-treated by a downspout filter (TRT-2) prior to being discharged into the infiltration BMPs. DMA-1 DMA-2 Total Area (ac) 0.041 0.036 Total Area (sf) 1,800 1,584 Impervious Area (sf) 1,431 1,488 Pervious Area (sf) 369 96 imp 0.80 0.94 C 0.75 0.86 d (in) 0.7 0.7 DCV (cf) 79 80 PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 13 IV.3 BMP SELECTION AND PROJECT CONFORMANCE ANALYSIS Each sub-section below documents that the proposed design features conform to the applicable project performance criteria via check boxes, tables, calculations, narratives, and/or references to worksheets. IV.3.1 Hydrologic Source Controls The Hydrologic Source Controls to be used for this project are indicated in the table below. Implementation of said controls is discussed in the text that follows. Name Included? Localized on-lot infiltration Impervious area dispersion (e.g. roof top disconnection) Street trees (canopy interception) Residential rain barrels (not actively managed) Green roofs/Brown roofs Blue roofs Impervious area reduction (e.g. permeable pavers, site design) Other: Hydrologic Source Controls have not been used due to space constraints, including landscape area size and proximity to structure foundations. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 14 IV.3.2 Infiltration BMPs Infiltration BMPs to be used for this project are indicated in the table below. Implementation of said controls is discussed in the text that follows. Name Included? Bioretention without underdrains Rain gardens Porous landscaping Infiltration planters Retention swales Infiltration trenches Infiltration basins Drywells Subsurface infiltration galleries French drains Permeable asphalt Permeable concrete Permeable concrete pavers Other: The sizing has been done per the City of Newport Beach’s prescriptive requirements of “One 15’ long French drain per maximum of 2,000 sf of impervious area”. The sizing for each DMA is: DMA-1: Area tributary to BMP = 1,800 s.f. Gravel Volume within City’s 15’ Long Trench Drain = 15’L x 12”W x 12”D = 15 c.f. Sizing for infiltration gravel = 1,800 s.f. x (15 c.f./2,000 s.f.) = 13.5 c.f. (min. volume) gravel area DMA-2: Area tributary to BMP = 1,584 s.f. Gravel Volume within City’s 15’ Long Trench Drain = 15’L x 12”W x 12”D = 15 c.f. Sizing for infiltration gravel = 1,584 s.f. x (15 c.f./2,000 s.f.) = 11.9 c.f. (min. volume) gravel area SHARED INFILTRATION TRENCH FOR DMA-1 & DMA-2: Provided Gravel Volume per Site Plan = 18” wide x 12” deep x 30’ long trench = 45 c.f. 13.5 c.f. + 11.9 c.f. = 25.4 c.f. < 45 c.f. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 15 Table 2.7: Infiltration BMP Feasibility Worksheet Infeasibility Criteria Yes No 1 Would Infiltration BMPs pose significant risk for groundwater related concerns? Refer to Appendix VII (Worksheet I) for guidance on groundwater-related infiltration feasibility criteria. X Provide basis: Infiltration BMPs will not pose a significant risk to local groundwater. Groundwater in the vicinity of the project site is not used for drinking water. Pretreatment devices will mitigate entry of trash, sediment, and oil & grease into proposed infiltration BMPs. 2 Would Infiltration BMPs pose significant risk of increasing risk of geotechnical hazards that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? (Yes if the answer to any of the following questions is yes, as established by a geotechnical expert): • The BMP can only be located less than 50 feet away from slopes steeper than 15 percent • The BMP can only be located less than eight feet from building foundations or an alternative setback. • A study prepared by a geotechnical professional or an available watershed study substantiates that stormwater infiltration would potentially result in significantly increased risks of geotechnical hazards that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level. X Provide basis: 3 Would infiltration of the DCV from drainage area violate downstream water rights? X Provide basis: There are no downstream water right holders since site drainage is conveyed via the city storm drain system directly to receiving waters (Lower Newport Bay). PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 16 Table 2.7: Infiltration BMP Feasibility Worksheet (continued) Partial Infeasibility Criteria Yes No 4 Is proposed infiltration facility located on HSG D soils or the site geotechnical investigation identifies presence of soil characteristics which support categorization as D soils? X Provide basis: Proposed facility is located on HSG-A soils per OCHM Soil Maps. 5 Is measured infiltration rate below proposed facility less than 0.3 inches per hour? This calculation shall be based on the methods described in Appendix VII. X Provide basis: Infiltration rate is presumed to be greater than 0.3 inches per hour based on site’s HSG. 6 Would reduction of over predeveloped conditions cause impairments to downstream beneficial uses, such as change of seasonality of ephemeral washes or increased discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters? X Provide citation to applicable study and summarize findings relative to the amount of infiltration that is permissible: No downstream beneficial uses such as ephemeral washes or groundwater sources of drinking water are located downstream of the subject property. 7 Would an increase in infiltration over predeveloped conditions cause impairments to downstream beneficial uses, such as change of seasonality of ephemeral washes or increased discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters? X Provide citation to applicable study and summarize findings relative to the amount of infiltration that is permissible: No downstream beneficial uses such as ephemeral washes or groundwater sources of drinking water are located downstream of the subject property. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 17 Table 2.7: Infiltration BMP Feasibility Worksheet (continued) Infiltration Screening Results (check box corresponding to result): 8 Is there substantial evidence that infiltration from the project would result in a significant increase in I&I to the sanitary sewer that cannot be sufficiently mitigated? (See Appendix XVII) Provide narrative discussion and supporting evidence: No evidence of I&I has been provided by the local sewer agency (City of Newport Beach). No 9 If any answer from row 1-3 is yes: infiltration of any volume is not feasible within the DMA or equivalent. Provide basis: 10 If any answer from row 4-8 is yes, infiltration is permissible but is not presumed to be feasible for the entire DCV. Criteria for designing biotreatment BMPs to achieve the maximum feasible infiltration and ET shall apply. Provide basis: 11 If all answers to rows 1 through 10 are no, infiltration of the full DCV is potentially feasible, BMPs must be designed to infiltrate the full DCV to the maximum extent practicable. X PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 18 IV.3.3 Evapotranspiration, Rainwater Harvesting BMPs Evapotranspiration and/or Rainwater Harvesting BMPs to be used for this project are indicated in the table below. Implementation of said controls is discussed in the text that follows. Name Included? All HSCs; See Section IV.3.1 Surface-based infiltration BMPs Other vegetated BMPs Above-ground cisterns and basins Underground detention Other: The project site does not have an irrigation demand large enough to justify partial capture for irrigation demand. See Worksheet J from Section X of the TGD on the following page. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 19 Worksheet J: Summary of Harvested Water Demand and Feasibility 1 What demands for harvested water exist in the tributary area (check all that apply): 2 Toilet and urinal flushing □ 3 Landscape irrigation □ 4 Other:_______________________________________________________ □ 5 What is the design capture storm depth? (Figure III.1) d .70 inches 6 What is the project size? A 0.078 ac 7 What is the acreage of impervious area? IA 0.078 ac For projects with multiple types of demand (toilet flushing, irrigation demand, and/or other demand) 8 What is the minimum use required for partial capture? (Table X.6) gpd 9 What is the project estimated wet season total daily use (Section X.2)? gpd 10 Is partial capture potentially feasible? (Line 9 > Line 8?) For projects with only toilet flushing demand 11 What is the minimum TUTIA for partial capture? (Table X.7) 12 What is the project estimated TUTIA? 13 Is partial capture potentially feasible? (Line 12 > Line 11?) For projects with only irrigation demand 14 What is the minimum irrigation area required based on conservation landscape design? (Table X.8) 0.84 x 0.078 = 0.065 ac 15 What is the proposed project irrigated area? (multiply conservation landscaping by 1; multiply active turf by 2) 0.01 ac 16 Is partial capture potentially feasible? (Line 15 > Line 14?) No Provide supporting assumptions and citations for controlling demand calculation: PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 20 IV.3.4 Biofiltration BMPs Biofiltration BMPs to be used for this project are indicated in the table below. Implementation of said controls is discussed in the text that follows. Name Included? Bioretention with underdrains Stormwater planter boxes with underdrains Proprietary vegetated biotreatment systems Other: The use of Biotreatment BMPs on the siteis not required because the entire site is being treated with infitration trenches. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 21 IV.3.5 Hydromodification Control BMPs Hydromodification controls are not required for this project because Hydrologic Conditions of Concern do not exist for this project. See Section II.3. Hydromodification Control BMPs BMP Name BMP Description PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 22 IV.3.6 Non-structural Source Control BMPs Non-structural source control BMPs used for this project are described below. Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One If not applicable, state brief reason Included Not Applicable N1 Education for Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants N2 Activity Restrictions N3 Common Area Landscape Management No common areas present. N4 BMP Maintenance N5 Title 22 CCR Compliance (How development will comply) No hazardous waste. N6 Local Industrial Permit Compliance Not an industrial project. N7 Spill Contingency Plan No hazardous waste. N8 Underground Storage Tank Compliance No USTs on site. N9 Hazardous Materials Disclosure Compliance No hazardous waste. N10 Uniform Fire Code Implementation No hazardous waste. N11 Common Area Litter Control No common areas present. N12 Employee Training No employees. N13 Housekeeping of Loading Docks No loading docks exposed to storm water proposed. N14 Common Area Catch Basin Inspection No common areas present. N15 Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots No exterior parking areas. N16 Retail Gasoline Outlets None exist. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 23 N1 – Education: The Owner must understand purpose of all BMPs and how they work. The contractor who installs the BMP shall educate the owner and the owner shall share the information with any maintenance personnel. Additionally, the owner shall keep a copy of this WQMP, as well as the Operations and Maintenance Plan. Practical information materials shall be provided to the first residents /occupants/tenants on general housekeeping practices that contribute to the protection of stormwater quality. These materials will be initially developed and provided to first residents/occupants/tenants by the developer. N2 – Activity Restrictions: The following actions are prohibited on the project site: (1) disposal of solid waste on the property except in designated trash areas, (2) disposal of liquid waste into any solid waste container, (3) placement of hazardous waste in any solid waste container. Any activities that would violate the City of Newport Beach Water Quality Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 14.36). N4 – BMP Maintenance: The Owner shall be responsible for maintenance of BMPs as indicated in Section V of this report. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 24 IV.3.7 Structural Source Control BMPs Structural source control BMPs used for this project are described below. Structural Source Control BMPs Identifier Name Check One If not applicable, state brief reason Included Not Applicable S1 Provide storm drain system stenciling and signage Drain inlets on private property. S2 Design and construct outdoor material storage areas to reduce pollution introduction No outdoor MSAs. S3 Design and construct trash and waste storage areas to reduce pollution introduction S4 Use efficient irrigation systems & landscape design, water conservation, smart controllers, and source control S5 Protect slopes and channels and provide energy dissipation No proposed slopes or channels. Incorporate requirements applicable to individual priority project categories (from SDRWQCB NPDES Permit) S6 Dock areas None exist. S7 Maintenance bays None exist. S8 Vehicle wash areas None exist. S9 Outdoor processing areas None exist. S10 Equipment wash areas None exist. S11 Fueling areas None exist. S12 Hillside landscaping None exist. S13 Wash water control for food preparation areas None exist. S14 Community car wash racks None exist. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 25 S3 – Trash Enclosures: The Owner shall keep trash storage areas clean and orderly to reduce pollutant introduction. All trash container areas shall be paved with an impervious surface, designed not to allow run-on, screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash, and be provided with a roof or awning to prevent direct precipitation. S4 – Efficient Irrigation: The proposed project will utilize efficient irrigation systems as specified on the project landscape plans. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 26 IV.4 ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE PLAN (IF APPLICABLE) IV.4.1 Request of Waiver of LID BMPs Provide documentation of feasibility analysis if implementation of LID BMPs is technically infeasible. Refer to Section 7.II-3.1 in the Model WQMP. Calculate the amount of remaining obligation that must be met with alternative compliance (See TGD Appendix VI). IV.4.2 Water Quality Credits Determine if water quality credits are applicable for the project. Refer to Section 7.II-3.2 of the Model WQMP for description of credits and TGD Appendix VI for calculation methods for applying WQ credits. Description of Proposed Project Project Types that Qualify for Water Quality Credits (Select all that apply): Redevelopment projects that reduce the overall impervious footprint of the project site. Brownfield redevelopment, meaning redevelopment, expansion, or reuse of real property which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants, and which have the potential to contribute to adverse ground or surface WQ if not redeveloped. Higher density development projects which include two distinct categories (credits can only be taken for one category): those with more than seven units per acre of development (lower credit allowance); vertical density developments, for example, those with a Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) of 2 or those having more than 18 units per acre (greater credit allowance). Mixed use development, such as a combination of residential, commercial, industrial, office, institutional, or other land uses which incorporate design principles that can demonstrate environmental benefits that would not be realized through single use projects (e.g. reduced vehicle trip traffic with the potential to reduce sources of water or air pollution). Transit-oriented developments, such as a mixed use residential or commercial area designed to maximize access to public transportation; similar to above criterion, but where the development center is within one half mile of a mass transit center (e.g. bus, rail, light rail or commuter train station). Such projects would not be able to take credit for both categories, but may have greater credit assigned Redevelopment projects in an established historic district, historic preservation area, or similar significant city area including core City Center areas (to be defined through mapping). Developments with dedication of undeveloped portions to parks, preservation areas and other pervious uses. Developments in a city center area. Developments in historic districts or historic preservation areas. Live-work developments, a variety of developments designed to support residential and vocational needs together – similar to criteria to mixed use development; would not be able to take credit for both categories. In-fill projects, the conversion of empty lots and other underused spaces into more beneficially used spaces, such as residential or commercial areas. Calculation of Water Quality Credits (if applicable) This project does not qualify for the water quality credits listed above. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section IV Page 27 IV.4.3 Treatment Control BMPs Since the project is fully treated using Infiltration BMPs, utilization of Treatment Control BMPs is not required. Additionally, due to the shallow nature of the groundwater, downspout filters are being utilized as pre-treatment for the roof runoff prior to discharge into the infiltration trench. Treatment Control BMPs BMP Name BMP Description IV.4.4 Regional/Sub-Regional LID BMPs This project will not participate in Regional/Sub-Regional LID BMPs since the full DCV can be treated using LID BMPs. Regional/Sub-Regional LID BMPs IV.4.5 Other Alternative Compliance Measures This project will not make use of other alternative compliance measures since the full DCV can be treated using LID BMPs. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MR. ANDREW GABRIEL Section V Page 28 Section V Inspection/Maintenance Responsibility for BMPs Fill out information in table below. Prepare and attach an Operation and Maintenance Plan. Identify the mechanism through which BMPs will be maintained. Inspection and maintenance records must be kept for a minimum of five years for inspection by the regulatory agencies. Refer to Section 7.II-4.0 in the Model WQMP. BMP Inspection/Maintenance BMP Reponsible Party(s) Inspection/ Maintenance Activities Required Minimum Frequency of Activities INF-2 Infiltration Trench Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Visual Inspection, keep free of debris, perform more thorough inspection after storm events. Media (Gravel) Replacement Filter Fabric Replacement Twice yearly and immediately following each storm event. Every 10 years as req’d Once a year as req’d TRT-2 Filter Insert (Treatment) Owner via maintenance contractors • Filter Insert Replacement/Rotation • Once a year. Refer to Manufacturer’s O&M plan on pages 36-39 for details. • Remove Sediment and debris. • Three times per year and after storm events. Refer to Manufacturer’s O&M plan on pages 36-39 for details. N2 – Activity Restrictions Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Use dry cleanup methods.. Hazardous items shall be disposed of properly. As required. PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MR. ANDREW GABRIEL Section V Page 29 N4 – BMP Maintenance Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Visual Inspection, perform more thorough inspection if ponding water sits for more than 48 hours. Twice yearly and immediately following each storm event. S3 – Trash & Waste Storage Area Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Keep trash storage areas clean and orderly. Weekly S4 – Efficient Irrigation Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Ensure that sprinklers are working properly and minimize unnecessary irrigation. Weekly PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section VI Page 30 Section VI Site Plan and Drainage Plan VI.1 SITE PLAN AND DRAINAGE PLAN Include a site plan and drainage plan sheet set containing the following minimum information: • Project location • Site boundary • Land uses and land covers, as applicable • Suitability/feasibility constraints • Structural BMP locations • Drainage delineations and flow information • Drainage connections • BMP details VI.2 ELECTRONIC DATA SUBMITTAL The minimum requirement is to provide submittal of PDF exhibits in addition to hard copies. Format must not require specialized software to open. PA2019-142 WQMP LEGEND PROPOSED BUILDING PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PROPOSED HARDSCAPE RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION PROPOSED STORM DRAIN INLET PROJECT AREA BOUNDARY INFILTRATION TRENCH / GRAVEL AREA DETAIL PERFORATED DRAIN TRENCH ON-SITE PROJECT INFORMATION: BMP TABLE 1 3 9 A v e n i d a N a v a r r o San Clemente, CA 92672 9 4 9 . 4 9 2 . 8 5 8 6 www.toalengineering.com CIVIL ENGINEERING L A N D S U R V E Y I N G STORMWATER QUALITY PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section VI Page 31 Figure VI.1. Vicinity Map. Source: maps.google.com SITE PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section VI Page 32 Figure VI.2. Aerial Image. Source: maps.google.com SITE PA2019-142 Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Campbell Residence – 605 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, California MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL Section VII Page 33 Section VII Educational Materials Refer to the Orange County Stormwater Program (ocwatersheds.com) for a library of materials available. For the copy submitted to the Permittee, only attach the educational materials specifically applicable to the project. Other materials specific to the project may be included as well and must be attached. Education Materials Residential Material (http://www.ocwatersheds.com) Check If Applicable Business Material (http://www.ocwatersheds.com) Check If Applicable The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door Tips for the Automotive Industry Tips for Car Wash Fund-raisers Tips for Using Concrete and Mortar Tips for the Home Mechanic Tips for the Food Service Industry Homeowners Guide for Sustainable Water Use Proper Maintenance Practices for Your Business Household Tips Compliance BMPs for Mobile Businesses Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste Other Material Check If Attached Recycle at Your Local Used Oil Collection Center (North County) Recycle at Your Local Used Oil Collection Center (Central County) Recycle at Your Local Used Oil Collection Center (South County) Tips for Maintaining a Septic Tank System Responsible Pest Control Sewer Spill Tips for the Home Improvement Projects Tips for Horse Care Tips for Landscaping and Gardening Tips for Pet Care Tips for Projects Using Paint PA2019-142 ATTACHMENT A PA2019-142 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES XIV-24 December 20, 2013 INF-2: Infiltration Trench Fact Sheet An infiltration trench is a long, narrow, rock-filled trench with no outlet other than an overflow outlet. Runoff is stored in the void space between stones and infiltrates through the bottom and sides of the trench. Infiltration trenches provide the majority of their pollutant removal benefits through volume reduction. Pretreatment is important for limiting amounts of coarse sediment entering the trench which can clog and render the trench ineffective. Note: if an infiltration trench is “deeper than its widest surface dimension,” or includes an assemblage of perforated pipes, drain tiles, or other similar mechanisms intended to distribute runoff below the surface of the ground, it would probably be considered a "Class V Injection Well" under the federal Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program, which is regulated in California by U.S. EPA Region 9. A UIC permit may be required for such a facility (for details see http://www.epa.gov/region9/water/groundwater/uic-classv.html). Feasibility Screening Considerations x Infiltration trenches shall pass infeasibility screening criteria to be considered for use x Infiltration trenches, particularly deeper designs, may not provide significant attenuation of stormwater pollutants if underlying soils have high permeability; potential risk of groundwater contamination. x The potential for groundwater mounding should be evaluated if depth to seasonally high groundwater (unmounded) is less than 15 feet. Opportunity Criteria x Soils are adequate for infiltration or can be amended to provide an adequate infiltration rate. x Drainage area area is ≤ 5 acres and has low to moderate sediment production. x 2-3 percent of drainage area available for infiltration (generally requires less surface area than infiltration basins and bioretention areas without underdrain). x Space available for pretreatment (biotreatment or treatment control BMP as described below). x Potential for groundwater contamination can be mitigated through isolation of pollutant sources, pretreatment of inflow, and/or demonstration of adequate treatment capacity of underlying soils. x Infiltration is into native soil, or depth of engineered fill is ≤ 5 feet from the bottom of the facility to native material and infiltration into shallow fill is approved by a geotechnical professional. x Tributary area land uses include open areas adjacent to parking lots, driveways, and buildings, and roadway medians and shoulders. OC-Specific Design Criteria and Considerations □ Must comply with local, state, and federal UIC regulations if applicable; a permit may be required. Also known as: ¾French Drains ¾Rock Trenches ¾Exfiltration Trenches ¾Soak-aways ¾Soakage Trenches Infiltration Trench Source: www.dot.ca.gov PA2019-142 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES XIV-25 December 20, 2013 □ Placement of BMPs should observe geotechnical recommendations with respect to geological hazards (e.g. landslides, liquefaction zones, erosion, etc.) and set -backs (e.g., foundations, utilities, roadways, etc.) □ For facilities with tributary area less than 1 acre and less than 3 foot depth, minimum separation to mounded seasonally high groundwater of 5 feet shall be observed. □ For facilities with tributary area greater than 1 acre or deeper than 3 feet, minimum separation to mounded seasonally high groundwater of 10 feet shall be observed. □ Minimum pretreatment should be provided upstream of the infiltration trench, and water bypassing pretreatment should not be directed to the infiltration trench. □ Infiltration trenches should not be used for drainage areas with high sediment production potential unless preceded by full treatment control with a BMP effective for sediment removal. □ Ponded water should not persist within 1 foot of the surface of the facility for longer than 72 hours following the end of a storm event (observation well is needed to allow observation of drain time). □ Energy dissipators should be provided at inlet and outlet to prevent erosion. □ An overflow device must be provided if basin is on-line. □ A minimum freeboard of one foot should be provided above the overflow device (f or an on-line basin) or the outlet (for an off-line basin). □ Longitudinal trench slope should not exceed 3%. □ Side slopes above trench fill should not be steeper than 3:1. Simple Sizing Method for Infiltration Trenches If the Simple Design Capture Volume Sizing Method is used to size an infiltration trench, the user calculates the DCV and then designs the geometry required to draw down the DCV in 48 hours. The sizing steps are as follows: Step 1: Determine Infiltration Basin DCV Calculate the DCV using the Simple Design Capture Volume Sizing Method described in Appendix III.3.1. Step 2: Determine the 48-hour Effective Depth The depth of water that can be drawn down in 48 hours can be calculated using the following equation: d48 = KDESIGN × SACF × 48 hours Where: d48 = trench effective 48-hour depth, ft KDESIGN = basin design infiltration rate, in/hr (See Appendix VII) SACF = Surface Area Correction Factor = ranges from 1.0 (sides insignificant or not accounted) to 2.0 (sides plus bottom are 2 times the surface area of the bottom at mid depth) to account for the ratio of infiltration through the sides of the trench to the bottom footprint of the trench; should be based on anticipated trench geometry and wetted surface area at mid-depth. This is the maximum effective depth of the trench below the overflow device to achieve drawdown in 48 hours. PA2019-142 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES XIV-26 December 20, 2013 Step 3: Determine the Trench Ponding Depth and Trench Depth The depth of water stored in the ponding depth (i.e. above the trench fill) and within the trench itself should be equal or less than d48. Determine the ponding depth and the trench fill depth such that: d48 ≥ (nT × dT + dP) Where: d48 = trench effective 48-hour depth, ft (from Step 2) nT = porosity of trench fill; 0.35 may be assumed where other information is not available dT = depth of trench fill, ft dP = ponding depth, ft (should not exceed 1 ft) Step 4: Calculate the Required Infiltrating Area The required footprint area can be calculated using the following equation: A = DCV/ ((nT × dT) + dP) Where: A = required trench footprint area, sq-ft DCV = design capture volume, cu-ft (see Step 1) nT = porosity of trench fill; 0.35 may be assumed where other information is not available dT = depth of trench fill, ft dP = ponding depth, ft Capture Efficiency Method for Infiltration Trenches If BMP geometry has already been defined and deviates from the 48 hour drawdown time, the designer can use the Capture Efficiency Method for Volume-Based, Constant Drawdown BMPs (Appendix III.3.2) to determine the fraction of the DCV that must be provided to manage 80 percent of average annual runoff volume. This method accounts for drawdown time different than 48 hours. Step 1: Determine the drawdown time associated with the selected trench geometry DD = ((nT × dT) + dP) / (KDESIGN × SACF) × 12 Where: DD = time to completely drain infiltration basin ponding depth, hours nT = porosity of trench fill; 0.35 may be assumed where other information is not available dT = depth of trench fill, ft dP = ponding depth, ft SACF = Surface Area Correction Factor = ranges from 1.0 (sides insignificant or not accounted) to 2.0 (sides plus bottom are 2 times the surface area of the bottom at mid depth) to account for the ratio of infiltration through the sides of the trench to the bottom footprint of the trench; should be based on anticipated trench geometry and wetted surface area at mid-depth. KDESIGN = basin design infiltration rate, in/hr (See Appendix VII) Step 2: Determine the Required Adjusted DCV for this Drawdown Time Use the Capture Efficiency Method for Volume-Based, Constant Drawdown BMPs (Appendix III.3.2) to calculate the required fraction of the DCV the basin must hold to achieve 80 percent capture of average annual stormwater runoff volume based on the trench drawdown time calculated above. PA2019-142 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES XIV-27 December 20, 2013 Step 3: Determine the Trench Infiltrating Area Needed The required footprint area can be calculated using the following equation: A = DCV / ( (nT × dT) + dP) Where: A = required trench footprint area, sq-ft DCV = design capture volume, cu-ft (see Step 1) nT = porosity of trench fill; 0.35 may be assumed where other information is not available dT = depth of trench fill, ft dP = ponding depth, ft If the area required is greater than the selected trench area, adjust surface area or adjust ponding and/or trench depth and recalculate required area until the required area is achieved. Configuration for Use in a Treatment Train x Infiltration trenches may be preceeded in a treatment train by HSCs in the drainage area, which would reduce the required volume of the trench. x Infiltration trenches must be preceeded by some form of pretreatment which may be biotreatment or a treatment control BMP; if an approved biotreatment BMP is used as pretreatment, the overflow from the infiltration trench may be considered “biotreated” for the purposes of meeting the LID requirments x The overflow or bypass from an infiltration trench can be routed to a downstream biotreatment BMP and/or a treatment control BMP if additional control is required to achieve LID or treatment control requirements Additional References for Design Guidance x CASQA BMP Handbook for New and Redevelopment: http://www.cabmphandbooks.com/Documents/Development/TC-10.pdf x SMC LID Manual (pp 141): http://www.lowimpactdevelopment.org/guest75/pub/All_Projects/SoCal_LID_Manual/SoCalL ID_Manual_FINAL_040910.pdf x Los Angeles County Stormwater BMP Design and Maintenance Manual, Chapter 6: http://dpw.lacounty.gov/DES/design_manuals/StormwaterBMPDesignandrainage areaintenance.pdf x City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual (Soakage Trenches, page 2-82) http://www.portlandonline.com/bes/index.cfm?c=47954&a=202883 x San Diego County LID Handbook Appendix 4 (Factsheet 1): http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/dplu/docs/LID-Appendices.pdf PA2019-142 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES XIV-74 December 20, 2013 TRT-2: Cartridge Media Filter Cartridge media filters (CMFs) are manufactured devices that consist of a series of modular filters packed with engineered media that can be contained in a catch basin, manhole, or vault that provide treatment through filtration and sedimentation. The manhole or vault may be divided into multiple chambers where the first chamber acts as a pre- settling basin for removal of coarse sediment while another chamber acts as the filter bay and houses the filter cartridges. A variety of media types are available from various manufacturers which can target pollutants of concern. Feasibility Screening Considerations x Not applicable Opportunity Criteria x Intended for use when retention and biotreatment options are infeasible. x Recommended for drainage area with limited available surface area or where surface BMPs would restrict uses. x For drainage areas with significant areas of non-stabilized soil, permanent soil stablization must be achieved before before cartridge media filters are installed and put on line to minimize risk of clogging. x Depending on the number of cartridges, maintenance events can have long durations. Care should be exercised in siting these facilities so that maintenance events will not significantly disrupt businesses or traffic. OC-Specific Design Criteria and Considerations □ Cartridge media filter BMP vendors should be consulted regarding design and specifications. □ Filter media should be selected to target pollutants of concern. A combination of media may be appropriate to remove a variety of pollutants. □ If CMF are integrated with a vault for equalization, the system should be designed to completely drain the vault within 96 hours of storm event or otherwise protect aga inst standing water and mosquito breeding concerns. Computing Sizing Criteria for Cartridge Media Filters The required design flowrate should be calculated based on the Capture Efficiency Method for Flow- based BMPs (See Appendix III.3.3). Additional References for Design Guidance x Los Angeles County Stormwater BMP Design and Maintenance Manual, Chapter 9: http://dpw.lacounty.gov/DES/design_manuals/StormwaterBMPDesignandMaintenance.pdf Cartridge Media Filter Source: Contech Stormwater Solution, Inc. Also known as: ¾Manufactured Media Filters PA2019-142 TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT APPENDICES XIV-75 December 20, 2013 x SMC LID Manual: http://www.lowimpactdevelopment.org/guest75/pub/All_Projects/SoCal_LID_Manual/SoCalL ID_Manual_FINAL_040910.pdf x Western Washington Stormwater Management Manual, Volume V, Chapter 12: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/pubs/0510033.pdf PA2019-142 Submittal Package FLOGARD® CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTER PA2019-142 1 - Features & BeneFits 2 - accessories 3 - Product sPeciFications table of contentS PA2019-142 Features & BeneFits Section 1 PA2019-142 Call us today (800) 579-8819 or visit our website for detailed product information, drawings and design tools at www.oldcastlestormwater.com FLOGARD® CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTER INLET FILTRATIONRemoves Pollutants from Runoff Prior to Entering Waterways Efficient System Catches pollutants where they are easiest to catch, at the inlet. Focused Treatment Removes petroleum hydro- carbons, trash and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Variable Design Able to be retrofitted or used in new projects. Two-part stainless-steel insert to filter solids and oils/grease Easy to install, inspect and maintain, even on small and confined sites Treatment Train Can be incorporated as part of a “Treatment Train”. No Standing Water Helps to minimize bacteria and odor problems. Economical Earn a higher return on system investment. Maximum Flexibility Available in a variety of standard sizes to fit round and square inlets. Catch Basin Filter Test Results Summary UCLA U of Auckland Tonking & Taylor, Ltd. (for City of Auckland) U of Hawaii (for City of Honolulu) 80 78 to 95 80 70 to 80 Testing Agency % TSS Removal % Oil & Grease Removal 20 to 40 % PAH Removal By the Numbers*: Filter will remove up to 80% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), at least 70% of oils and grease and 40% of Total Phosphorus (TP) associated with organic debris as well as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH ) from oil leaks and spills. *Approx. for urban street application PA2019-142 (800) 579-8819 oldcastlestormwater.com © 2017 Oldcastle Precast, Inc. OSS_FloGard CBIF Insert_032017_v4 Multi-Purpose Catch Basin Insert Retains Sediment, Debris, Trash and Oils/Grease FloGard® Catch Basin Insert Filters are recommended for areas subject to silt and debris as well as low-to-moderate levels of petroleum hydrocarbons (oils and grease). Examples of such areas include vehicle parking lots, aircraft ramps, truck and bus storage yards, business parks, residential and public streets. Catch Basin Filter Competitive Feature Comparison Evaluation of Catch Basin Filters Oldcastle Stormwater Other Insert Filter Types** (Based on flow-comparable units) (Scale 1-10) Flow Rate 10 7 Removal Efficiency* 80% 45% Capacity - Sludge & Oil 7 7 Service Life 10 3 Installation - Ease of Handling / Installation 8 6 Ease of Inspections & Maintenance 7 7 Value 10 2 *approximate, based on field sediment removal testing in urban street application **average Long-Term Value Comparison Oldcastle Stormwater Other Insert Filter Types (Based on flow-comparable units) (Scale 1-10) Unit Value - Initial ($/cfs treated) 10 4 Installation Value ($/cfs treated) 10 7 Absorbent Replacement (annual avg ($/cfs treated) 10 2 Materials Replacement Value (annual avg ($/cfs treated) 10 10 Maintenance Value (annual avg ($/cfs treated) 10 7 Total First Year ROI ($/cfs treated) 10 5 Total Annual Avg Value ($/cfs treated, avg over 20 yrs)* 10 5 Flat-Grated Inlet Circular Frame Catch BasinCaptured debris from FloGard Catch Basin Insert Filter in Dana Point, California Combination Inlet PA2019-142 accessories Section 2 PA2019-142 U.S. PATENT #6,551,023 & 6,872,029 FloGard ® FILTER -INSTALLED INTO CATCH BASIN- GRATE ----1'« "ULTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURES STAINLESS STEEL SUPPORT BASKET Fossil Rock'" ABSORBENT POUCHES ~ LINER ---- SUPPORT BASKET --- CATCH BASIN (FLAT C:AATE STYLE) NOTES: DETAIL A EXPLODED VIEW 1. 2 Filter insert shall have a high flow bypass feature. 3. 4. Filter support frame shall re constructed from stainless steel Type 304. Filter medium shall re Fossil Rock installed and maintained h accordance with manufacturer specifications. Storage capacity reflects W /o of maximum solids collection prior to impeding filtering bypass. PA2019-142 Product sPeciFications Section 3 PA2019-142 STANDARD DEPTH INLET ID Inside Dimension (inch x inch) GRADE OD Outside Dimension (inch x inch) TOTAL BYPASS CAPACITY (cu. ft. / sec.) SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) SHALLOW DEPTH SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) FGP-1633FGO 16 X 33 18 X 36 7.0 2.5 1.7 FGP-1633FGO8 1.4 1.1 FGP-1836FGO 18 X 36 18 X 40 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1836FGO8 1.3 .9 FGP-2234FGO 22 X 34 24 X 36 8.1 3.6 2.1 FGP-2234FGO8 2.1 1.4 FGP-2436FGO 24 X 36 24 X 40 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2436FGO8 1.95 1.15 STANDARD DEPTH INLET ID Inside Dimension (inch x inch) GRADE OD Outside Dimension (inch x inch) TOTAL BYPASS CAPACITY (cu. ft. / sec.) SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) SHALLOW DEPTH SOLIDS STORAGE CAPACITY (cu. ft.) FILTERED FLOW (cu. ft. / sec.) FGP-12F 12 X 12 12 X 14 2.8 0.3 0.4 FGP-12F8 .15 .25 FGP-16F 16 X 16 16 X 19 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-16F8 .45 .4 FGP-18F 18 X 18 18 X 20 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-18F8 .45 .4 FGP-1836F 18 X 36 18 X 40 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1836F8 1.3 .9 FGP-21F 22 X 22 22 X 24 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-21F8 1.25 .85 FGP-24F 24 X 24 24 X 27 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-24F8 1.25 .85 FGP-2436F 24 X 36 24 X 40 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2436F8 1.95 1.15 FGP-2448F 24 X 48 24 X 48 9.3 4.4 2.4 FGP-2448F8 2.5 1.35 FGP-32F-TN 28 X 28 32 X 32 6.3 2.2 1.5 FGP-32F8-TN 1.25 .85 FGP-30F 30 X 30 30 X 34 8.1 3.6 2.0 FGP-30F8 2.05 1.15 FGP-36F 36 X 36 36 X 40 9.1 4.6 2.4 FGP-36F8 2.65 1.35 FGP-3648F 36 X 48 40 X 48 11.5 6.8 3.2 FGP-3648F8 3.9 1.85 FGP-48F 48 X 48 48 X 54 13.2 9.5 3.9 FGP-48F8 5.45 2.25 FGP-1633F 16 X 34 18 X 36 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1633F8 1.3 .9 FGP-2234F 22 X 34 24 X 36 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2234F8 1.95 1.15 STANDARD DEPTH -20 Inches- SHALLOW DEPTH -12 Inches- FloGard Combination Inlet SPECIFIER CHART STANDARD & SHALLOW DEPTH (Data in these columns is the same for both STANDARD & SHALLOW versions)MODEL NO.MODEL NO. FloGard Flat Grated Inlet SPECIFIER CHART STANDARD & SHALLOW DEPTH (Data in these columns is the same for both STANDARD & SHALLOW versions) STANDARD DEPTH -20 Inches- SHALLOW DEPTH -12 Inches- MODEL NO.MODEL NO. U.S. PATENT #6,551,023 & 6,872,029 * MANY OTHER STANDARD & CUSTOM SIZES AND DEPTHS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. PA2019-142 INLET, FRAME & GRATE INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACTDETAILSCompany: Job Name: Job Address: Contact Name: Email:TYPEInlet Type (e.g. PA Type M): Frame Model #: Grate MFG/Model (e.g. Neenah R-2060): Grate Type (Check One): Cast Iron Steel PLEASE PROVIDE MEASUREMENTS WITHIN 1/8" TO GUARANTEE ACCURATE INSTALLATION* THE FOLLOWING MEASUREMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO PLACE AN ORDER Notes: If any obstructions or protrusions exist within the catch basin, please provide photos and accurate measurements to ensure proper installation. Submittal of this form represents that the customer acknowledges that all details provided are accurate, and that any issues resulting from inaccurate information herein are the responsibility of said customer. * Use second page for additional catch basins. CONTACT INFORMATION Grate Grate outside dimensions A Grate outside dimensions B Catch Basin Frame clear opening or wall to wall inside the catch basin, whichever is less C Frame clear opening or wall to wall inside the catch basin, whichever is less D Grate section Square belly Round belly Flat Section through Catch Basin Bottom of frame to top of outlet pipe E Bottom of frame to floor of catch basin F Grate type (pick one): Belly width Belly width Belly depth Belly depth G H I J City/State/Zip: Phone: Pipe inside diameterDo you have inlet pipes?If yes, bottom of grate to top of pipeYN Need to be filtered?Y N Inlet Pipes? Please email completed forms to contactstormwater@oldcastle.com www.oldcastlestormwater.com Phone: (800) 579-8819 Measurement Chart for FloGard Inserts (Square/Rectangular Flat Grated Inlets) PA2019-142 PLEASE PROVIDE MEASUREMENTS WITHIN 1/8" TO GUARANTEE ACCURATE INSTALLATION A - Grate outside dimensions B - Grate outside dimensions C - Frame clear opening or wall to wall inside the catch basin, whichever is less D - Frame clear opening or wall to wall inside the catch basin, whichever is less E - Measure from bottom of frame to top of outlet pipe F - Bottom of frame to floor of catch basin * If grate has "belly" please include measurements for G & H or I & J, depending on belly style. Notes: If any obstructions or protrusions exist within the catch basin, please provide photos and accurate measurements to ensure proper installation. Submittal of this form represents that the customer acknowledges that all details provided are accurate, and that any issues resulting from inaccurate information herein are the responsibility of said customer. THE FOLLOWING MEASUREMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO PLACE AN ORDER Bottom of frame to top of pipeGrate outside dimensions Frame clear opening or wall to wall inside the catch basin A B C D E F Bottom of frame to floor of catch basinQuantity/ Drain # Square belly width G H I J Square belly depth Round belly width Round belly depth Square belly grate Round belly grate Please email completed forms to contactstormwater@oldcastle.com www.oldcastlestormwater.com Phone: (800) 579-8819 Measurement Chart for FloGard Inserts (Square/Rectangular Flat Grated Inlets) NOTES: PA2019-142 www.oldcastlestormwater.com 800-579-8819 BUILDING STRUCTURES OUR MARKETS TRANSPORTATION WATER ENERGYCOMMUNICATIONS FLOGARD® CATCH BASIN INSERT FILTER PA2019-142 ATTACHMENT B PA2019-142 "U'E3:)0 av pue U !eJP UUOlS 3\.{1 i';>q:,e;u )! ;JJOJ3q U0!1nuod don dt•ll l[!M •t•!J•,.wJo 1e•od•!P pue asn J.>do.1d ·uopnuod 11ouru. u-eqJn a:mp;u pu~ Al!fenb J;11Ei\\ ;;).\OJdfil! 01 pap~3U i! S31iS.1U!mq pm, ,1u•P!••• ,Ciuno::, ol!ue.io WOJJ uoddns ·,u~11.1p WJ01S Uf1'1Ufl'tll pm, l!U!dWnp 1d>11! :llell!)SO,\U! 'WOlS.C. UJ1'JP WJOlS 31{1 IJ!,DOUOJ JOl!UOW 'M!J•nb .1:)l-eM l=>310Jd 01 :>nqnd 3lfl 38e.tnOJU3 pue :)l~lnpa 01 ,Ciunoo ollu"-'o mottllnwl{l pado10,,ap uaaq •·'"ll swe.,$oJd ,uow,l!eu,:w .<1nenb ,,1 .. 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J800de:mup, org Huh.h Cue ARenc)"s Ocean and Bay Water Closure and Poi.ling Hotline (71 •1) 43~6400 or visit w,,"'·.ocbeachinfo.coin ln1egra1ed Waste Mlllllagemeot Depc. of Orange County (714) 83,1-6752 0( \'iS il W"iW.oclandfilli.COlll for information on howchold ha1.3.rdow "-'a.Ste coUcction ccntcn, recycling ccoten and solid wane coUection O.C. ~culture Commj,..;ooer (714) 447-7100 orvitil """'.ocagtamm.com Stormwa1er Be.t Management Pn.ctice Hmdbook ,ruit www.cabrnphandbooks.com UC Muter Gardeoer Hotlla.e (714) 70S-1646 onui1 www.ucccmg.com The Or.rnge County Stormwat.er Program 1w created and modcratca an clcef.tonic mailing tut to facilitilc commw1ica.Lions, tdc qucttioiu and c:xch.wgc idcu among il.1 wen about i.uuca a.nd topic, related 10 11onnwa1cr and w-ba.n runoff and the lmplCtUcntadon uf prugn,m clcwcr1u. To join the lu1. plc»c: a.cud ll.ll e mail LO oatonm•r4terinf0joinelltt.o<:wa;tcl')hcds.curn ·s~)CJ .lllS P~Aed pue s10 18up1Jud uo SU!el S l!O a ·J~1rnu1 :>nu:S..10 .1::>410 p ut? ';)lS'\!,\\ (l!U.(!UI! ·~"lu!dd!P UMl!l .'.l;)lln . ·s;ntL\ll)C UOll)tl.OSUO:> pue ~dc>spue11uOJJ S!JQJP ,s.ni>puc uo,so.1> 1!oS • ·~;:,.,ow:>.1 lll!l?d pue nqcd •uam-:ap JO 1-csodS!P .1;,doJdWJ a ·suueJ pue sua pJ ell 'SUM\!I WOJJ SJJZ!(!UJJ pul! s;:,pppsJ,I • ·s.>.l!l pue .8upl:!(d 1e1aw •1s1u 'm!cd pa.1a4na.,, '1sne4x;, d(:>!lp,, U! punoJ s1e1aJ,'1 • ·sp!nu ;,uµJu ;, Jatno pm! t!O p:,sn JO 1csod5"!p .1 :>cloJduq • ·smds pue s:,ca1 a,,!1omomv • 110!/lllJOd /JJ.1/IOS /ll!Od·IION Jo sa:wzos Am.Ju:i m Pu1Jlic \\'orb 0 1.>er.1lio11.s • , • , . , •• {71,1) R,·ea F.nginc,!ring. . . . . .... {71-1) 611c11a P:irl: Public \\'01k!i ...... (714) Co.sta Mcsa PublicSeniC'cs. . .... (71 ·1) G)1>rcu Public Works. . .... (714) Dana Point Public \\'orb. . {919) Fo un1ain Valle)· ()ublic \\'orb • . . •• (7M) Fullerton Engint..'<'ring Dc1>1.. , . . , .• , (7M) C;lrdc:11C«m:Publk\\'on..\ ••..•••.• , •• (7M) I h111 (j 11gto11 Beach Pul>lic \\'ork.s , • , • , • , •• (7M) lninc Public Work.\ .... , .•. , ..•.. , , • {9 l9) I.a 1-fabr':l rublie S,c:r'\iet>i ..•...•••.•••• (562) l .lt.Palm2 Publk \\'~),t:s . . ••• (71 ·1) Lagun a lk:ach \\'atcr Qu.alil)' ...........• (9•19) Lagun a I li lts Publi c Sen·ices •. L'lgun a Nigut:I Public Work.\ Laguna. WOC><b Public \\'ol"b •. We Forcsl Public \\'orb . ...•• (!M9) ....... (9,19) • •• (9·19) .(9l9) Los Alamitos C:>tmntmil)' Dev.. , • , , , • • • • • {562) Mu.Mon VieJO Pubhc \\'orlu , , , •• , .••• , • (919) Nt"""l.N)f"t Beach . Code & \\':Iler 99()..7(1(,4) 56'.?-3(.55 7!H-5323 229-0740 ~NS.358·1 59:$4,141 738-<l8o3 7'11-5%6 536-5,131 72·~15 90;.9792 (,9(1.:!$10 197-0378 707•2650 3fi2-1,s1 63!MBOO 461 ,:1-180 .131.:1;33 ,&70.:,056 Qualit)' f.nfo,etnu:111 . . . . . . ...... (9 19> 6+1•$215 Of"jluge Put,lic Worlu. • • • . . (iH) 532-6180 Pht.((:n1i:. Publi t Works . • . . • {71 •1) 993-82·15 Ranehu Santa Marg"'..uita . • . . ..... (949) 6'~1800 S,,1.n Clcmc:ntc ErwironmcnW Progn.nu ..... (9 .. 9) 361~1-0 Sanjuan Capi1trano Engineering ......... {949) 2344413 Sanla Ana Public Worb . . . . . (iJ4) 647-..,jAO Seal Bach Euginccrit1g • . . . . . . . . .• (562) ,t,31·2527 d l7 Stwton Pu.blicWOrb. . • . . . . . , .•. (714) 379-9~2~ x204 1\J,ltin Pu.blic\\l>rb/fAginecring ......•.. (7J4) !t7~130 \'ill.a P:&rk Ef'lglneering .• , , ..•.. , , ... , (714) 993-15'00 \\'e.u:n Uu1ct Publi( Wlfl'b/Engineering ..•. (714) 898-S3 I I x4·16 Yori» Unda Engineering .. (714) 961·71'8 Or.mgc County StormW',Ucr Program ...••.. (877) 897•7'455 Orange County 2-Ulour ¥.r,,1cr Pollv.1ion Problem RcpurUng Hotline 1-817-89-SPILL (1-877-897-7455) On-tine Water PoUution Problem Reponing torm w w w . o c w a t e r s h e d s . c o 111 ·de...,U.rtei\\ .mo Suµ.11u.i .IJOJ.Jq p.1l-C;.JJ110U S! SIJ!Up UllOl• U! J3ll!M '('1311()1 JO 5'1U!S WO.I]) CJ;)J\i;JS A.le:J !Uff U! J;JJ~ ;})mun !sw:>1SM J3M3S ,Um!ues .mo wo.q ;ne.rnd.1SdJ-C SU!"&JP two1s• ·S'U!WP uuo15 01lJ1 S{l:µ.neur pu-;,:,s 0"!" ue, II!"' JO a,04 uapJell e OIOJJ J:,J,W O[llH v• ·,u!&1.P twou OlU! P•ll .... " JO UM01q •q ue:, -u,u .. p pu, u,zmi.»J 1S~ppµsad 'l U!ed '[!O JOlOW d){!l -!i;}!iSatrJmq pu• ••piqa, .,,woq opi,,no »n ., ... su,l{JAuy . 'SU!eJP UU015 OlU] tnumnnod ueqJn J;)t[lO puc sSu!dd!P lL\\t:I '4ren s:>!-ue:> s.aJ.mos .t:.>lpO pue 8U!4SCJ\\ ~P!l(3A 'uoril!S!J.1! tuO.IJ .>S il J:)IE,\\ ~,\!SS-:>JX;) u~4,\\ JC::>,{ a111 JO ;'.>lU!] AUi! u::>ddet1 ueJ lJOUOJ ueq.l (l . ·1(CM ~t11 j uo 1c s1t1e:n11od dn ft u!~J!d ·ade:,spuet ueq.in ~lll asu~1 01 J:>1e.,, JO S-3wn10,, afl.1cl 3S1le) SlUJOlSU!l!.l U=>4.J\\ '(ICJll!C.I tUO.lj S'l ll\S:>J !IDU11J J:>ll!,\\UU01S. ·uopn11 od lJOUnJ ucqJn puc J dll!/t\lu.101s :uopn11od aJJnos lU !Od·uou JO sa<L(1 OMl a.1c :JJal u .• 'U0!111110d ,..;J)Jnos lU!Od•UOU,. p;>l(V.) S3W!14WOS S! llO !'llll(Od JO acL(1 S!tlJ. ''S'101 Su!~.1 ed pue s.:n!s uoriJ11.0suoJ •s-poo1poqqi !au 'S1aaJ1s ,{1p WO.IJ S;)WO:> U0 !111l[Od J;)Je,\\ JO a:>Jnos 1s.aj .1c 1 ;:>tll '1:>cJ UJ 'S'lue1d 1uaunv.JJl ."l~'P.a\\.)~ puv. s .lpol;)l~.J s-1: tptt~ s:.:unos .)!+J!J,)rl ~ WOJJ s.-,woJ se:>.rn tmqJn U! uopnuod J;)lt:'-'\ JO :>>J nos,sa8.1e1 a1111el{1 :>,IO!l"'l "ldoad 1so1~• illlOII){ 110.,{ P!G PA2019-142 Follow Lhcse s implesLeps to help reduce waler poll uLion : Household Activities a oo not rinse sp ill s wiLh water. Use dry cleanup methods such as applying cat liner or another absorbent matc,ial, sweep and dispose of in t he trash. Take items such as used or excess baltctics, oven cleaners, a.utomol.ivc fluids, painting producLS a n d ca1hodc ray tubes, li ke TVs and computei· m onilors, to a J l ouschold I lazardous Waste Collection Center ( 111 lWCC). •Fora H HWCC near you call ( 714 > 83-H; 752 or visi1 ,,ww.oclandfi1ls.com . • Oo 1'IOt hose down rour dri\'cwar, sidewalk or patio to the street, guucr or stonn drain. Sweep up debris and d ispose ofiL in the trash. Automotive •Take your vehicle to a commercial car wash whc,,cvcr possible. l(' you wash your ve hic le at home, choose soaps, cleaners, or deLcrgcnts labeled non-toxic, phosphate-free or biodegradable. VcgcLab lc and c iLrus-bascd products arc typicall y safesL for Lhc environment. • Do not allow washwatcr from vehicle washi ng lO drain hno t he su·cet, gutter ot storm drain. Excess was hw:ucrshould be disposed of in the sanitary sewer (through a sink. or toilet) or onto an absotbcm surrace li ke your lawn. •MoniLOr your vehicles for leaks and p lace a pan under lc;1ks. Keep your vehicles well main tained LO stop and prc,.cot leaks. a Never pour oil or antifreeze in the street, gutter or sto1m drain. Recycle these subsc...·rnccs at a service Slation, a waste o il collection center o r used oil recycling center. For t11c nearcsL Used Oil Collection Center call 1-800-CI.EANUP or visit \,ww. l800clc~11mp.o rg. Pool Maintenance •Pool a nd spa wa ter must be dechlorinated a nd free of excess acid, alkali or color LO be allowed in the su·cet, guuer or stonn drain. •\<Vheo it i.s oot raining, drain dechlorinated pool and spa \Yc\Ler di1·ectly into the sanitary sewer. •Some cities may have ordinances that do not allow pool ,.,.1cr 10 be disposed of in the stoi,n drain. Check with your city. Landscape and Gardeui11g • Do 110L over-water. Water your lawn and garden by hand to control the amount of water you use or set i1 l'igation systems to rdlcc1 scasoual water needs . tr wa ter flows off your yc1.nl onto your driveway 01 side"alk, your S)'Stcm is ovCM\'atcring. Pc1iodically inspcc1 and r.~ kak:. ctnd 111i~di1l:1.-t1:d sp1i11l,,.k1:,, • Do IIOL rake or b low leaves, c lippings or pruning waste into the street, gutter or storm drain. lnstcad . dispose of waste by composting, hauling it LO a p<·1'111i1ted lan<llill , nr as g 1·,·(•n waue.~ 1hro11gh ymn city's recycling program. • 1-"ollow directions on pestic ides and fertil izer. (measu re. do not estimate amounts) and do not use if rain is predicted within 48 hours. •·rake unwanted pesticides 10 a I IHWCC Lo be recycled. For locations a nd hours of HHWCC, call (714) 8346752 or visiL """·ocl;u1dfill.s.com. Trash a Place trash and liner t hal can not be recycled in securel)' covered lrash cans. •w henever possible, buy recycled producu. • Remember: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Pet Care •Always pick up afier your pct. l'lush waste down the toilet or dispose ofiL in the ,rash. Pct waste, if left outdoors, can wash imo the street, gutter or stonn drain. • If possible, bathe your pets indoors. If you must bathe your pe1 outside, wash it on your lawn or anoth er absorbcnt/penneable surface to keep the waslw,•.uer from cmering the street, gutter or stonn drain. •Follow direcli o ns for use of pct cal"e products and cli..sp<»c of any u n u.:scd pnxlucu al a HHWCC. PA2019-142 For m o re information , p l ease call the Orange County Stormwate r Program a t 1-877-89-SPILL (1 -8 7 7-89 7-7 455) or visit www.ocwatersheds.com To Report lliegal Dumping o f Household Hazardous Waste call 1-800-69-TOXIC To r e p ort a spill , call t h e Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem R e port ing Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (1-8 77-89 7-7455). For emergencies, dial 911. ' Rl':CYCLE USED0 J t .~ ... ••T P1i11te d o n Reqcl e <l Pape r PROJECT Po33ut,on PREVENTION PA2019-142 Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive \VI 1/:N POSS/BU:. l 'SI :· .V0/\1-//J\'h\Ul)OlT.\ OU IFSS-I IA'/AIU>Ol TS PUO/Jl 1CIX ingredients are considered to be "household hazardous waste" or "HHW." HHW can be found throughout your home, including the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room and garage. Disposal of HHW down the drain, on the ground, into storm drains, or in the trash is illegal and unsafe. Proper disposal of HHW is actually easy. Simply drop them off at a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center (HHWCC) for free disposal and recycling. Many materials including anti-freeze, latex- based paint, motor oil and batteries can be recycled. Some centers have a "Stop & Swap" program that lets you take partially used home, garden, and automobile products free of charge. There are four HHWCCs in Orange County: Anaheim: .................. 1071 N. Blue Gum St Huntington Beach: ......... 17121 Nichols St Irvine: ............................ 6411 Oak Canyon Sanjuan Capistrano: ... 32250 La Pata Ave Centers are open Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Centers are closed on rainy days and major holidays. For more information, call (714) 834-6752 or visit www.oclanclfills.com. Cornman household hazardous wastes • Batteries • Paint and paint products • Adhesives • Drain openers • Household cleaning products • Wood and metal cleaners and polishes • Pesticides • Fungicides/wood preservatives • Automotive products (antifreeze, motor oil, fluids) • Grease and rust solvents • Fluorescent lamps • Mercury (thermometers & thermostats) • All forms of electronic waste including computers and microwaves • Pool & spa chemicals • Cleaners • Medications • Propane ( camping & BBQ) • Mercury-containing lamps • Television & monitors (CRTs, flatscreens) Tips for household hazardous waste • Never dispose of HHW in the trash, street, gutter, storm drain or sewer. • Keep these materials in closed, labeled containers and store materials indoors or under a cover. • When possible, use non-hazardous products. • Reuse products whenever possible or share with family and friends. • Purchase only as much of a product as you'll need. Empty containers may be disposed of in the trash. • HHW can be harmful to humans, pets and the environment. Report emergencies to 911. PA2019-142 For m ore informatio n , ple a se call the Orange County Stormwater Program a t 1-877-89-SPILL (1-87 7-89 7-7455) or vis it www.ocwatersheds.com UCCE Master Gardener Hotline: (714) 708-1646 To report a s pill , c a ll the Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Problem Reporting Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (1 -8 77-89 7-7 455). For emergencies, dial 911. The ti p s contained in this brochure provide 11sefol informati on to h elp preven t wa ter poll ution while landscaping or gardening. If you have other suggestions, please-contact your c ity's stormwater representatives or call the O range County Stormwater Program . • #\. ••"' R O J I PA2019-142 Never allow gardening products or polluted water to enter the street, gutter or storm drain. General Landscaping Tips • Protect stockpiles and materials from wind and rain by storing them under tarps or secured plastic sheeting. •Prevent erosion of slopes b y planting fast-growing, dense ground covering plants. These will shield and bind the soil. •Plant native vegetation to reduce the amount of water, fertili zers, and pesticide applied to the landscape. •Never apply pesticides or fertilizers when rain is predicted within the next 48 hours. Garden & Lawn Maintenance •Do not overwater. Use irrigation practices such as drip irrigation, soaker hoses or micro spray systems . Periodically inspect and fix leaks and misdirected sprinklers. • Do not rake or blow leaves, clippings or pruning waste into the street, gutter or storm drain. Instead, dispose of green waste by composting, hauling it to a permitted landfill, or recycling it through your city's program. • Use slow-release fertilizers to minimize leaching, and use organic fertili zers. • Read labels and use only as directed. Do not over-apply pesticides or fertilizers. Apply to spots as needed, rather than blanketing an entire area. • Store pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals in a dry covered area to prevent exposure that may result in the deterioration of containers and packaging. • Rinse empty pesticide containers and re-use rinse water as you would use the product. Do not dump rinse water down storm drains. Dispose of empty containers i n the trash. •When available, use non-toxic alternatives to traditional pesticides, and use pesticides specifi cally designed to control the pest you are targeting. For more information, visit www.ipm.ucdavis.edu. • If fertilizer is spilled, sweep up th e spill before irrigating. If the spill is liquid, apply an absorbent material such as cat litter, and then sweep i t up and dispose of i t in the trash. • Take unwanted pesticides to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center to be recycled. Locations are provided below. PA2019-142 For m o r e infor mation, p lease call t h e Orange County Stormwater P rogram at 1-877-89-SPILL (1 -877-897-7455) or visit www.ocwate rshe ds.com To r e p ort a spill , call the Orange County 24-Hour Water Pollution Reporting Hotline 1-877-89-SPILL (l-8 77-897-7455). For emergencie s, dial 911. The tips contained in this brochure provide useful information to help prevent water pollution while maintaining your pool. If you have other suggestions, please contact your city's stonnwatcr representatives or call the Orange County Stormwatcr Program. Tli e Ocean Begins at Your Front Door PROJECT Poii~t,on _P R E V E N ,T-I O N PA2019-142 Many pools are plumbed to allow the pool to drain directly to the sanitary sewer. If yours is not, follow these instructions for disposing of pool and spa water. f Acceptable and Preferred Method of Disposal When you cannot dispose of pool water in the sanitary sewer, the release of dechlorinated swimming pool water is allowed if all of these tips are followed: • The residual chlorine does not exceed 0.1 mg/1 (parts per million). •The pH is between 6.5 and 8 .5 . •The water is free of any unusual coloration, dirt or algae. • There is no discharge of filter media. • There is no discharge of acid cleaning wastes. • Some cities may have ordinances that do not allow pool water to be disposed into a storm drain. Check with your city. How t o Know if You 're Following the Standards You can find out how much chlorine is in your water by using a pool testing kit. Excess chlorine can be removed by discontinuing the use of chlorine for a few days prior to discharge or by purchasing dechlorinating chemicals from a l ocal pool supply company. Always make sure to follow the instructi ons that come with any products you use. Doi ng Your Part By complying with these guidelines, you will make a significant contribution toward keeping pollutants out of Orange County's creeks, streams, rivers, bays and the ocean. This helps to protect organisms that are sensitive to pool chemicals, and helps to maintain the health of our environment. PROJl<T P0 Hut1 0 11 PA2019-142 ATTACHMENT C PA2019-142 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan for CAMPBELL RESIDENCE 605 VIA LIDO SOUD Newport Beach, California 92663 APN 423-247-02 Overall Responsible Party/Owner: MS. BRIDGET CAMPBELL 605 Via Lido Soud Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contact: Rosie Ou (949) 720-7022 PA2019-142 Exhibit B, Operations and Maintenance Plan BMP Applicable? Yes/No BMP Name and BMP Implementation, Maintenance and Inspection Procedures Implementation, Maintenance, and Inspection Frequency and Schedule Person or Entity with Operation & Maintenance Responsibility Non-Structural Source Control BMPs Yes N1. Education for Property Owners, Tenants and Occupants Practical information materials will be provided to the first residents/occupants/tenants on general housekeeping practices that contribute to the protection of stormwater quality. These materials will be initially developed and provided to first residents/occupants/tenants by the developer. Owner shall keep up to date with BMP requirements, and be responsible for educating maintenance personnel; As required. Owner No N2. Activity Restrictions Yes N3. Common Area Landscape Management Identify on-going landscape maintenance requirements that are consistent with those in the County Water Conservation Resolution (or city equivalent) that include fertilizer and/or pesticide usage consistent with Management Guidelines for Use of Fertilizers (DAMP Section 5.5). Statements regarding the specific applicable guidelines must be included in the project WQMP. Keep garden areas clean, planted, and weed free. Weekly. Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Yes N4. BMP Maintenance The project WQMP shall identify responsibility for implementation of each non-structural BMP and scheduled cleaning and/or maintenance of all structural BMP facilities. Visual Inspection, perform more thorough inspection if ponding water sits for more than 48 hours. Twice yearly and immediately following each storm event. Owner or contracted maintenance personnel No N5. Title 22 CCR Compliance No N6. Local Water Quality Permit Compliance No N7. Spill Contingency Plan No N8. Underground Storage Tank Compliance No N9. Hazardous Materials Disclosure Compliance No N10. Uniform Fire Code Implementation PA2019-142 Exhibit B, Operations and Maintenance Plan Page 2 of 7 BMP Applicable? Yes/No BMP Name and BMP Implementation, Maintenance and Inspection Procedures Implementation, Maintenance, and Inspection Frequency and Schedule Person or Entity with Operation & Maintenance Responsibility Yes N11. Common Area Litter Control The owner may contract with their landscape maintenance firms to provide this service during regularly scheduled maintenance, which should consist of litter patrol, emptying of trash receptacles in common areas, and noting trash disposal violations by tenants/homeowners or businesses and reporting the violations to the owner/POA for investigation. Keep site clean of litter. Weekly. Owner or contracted maintenance personnel No N12. Employee Training No N13. Housekeeping of Loading Docks Yes N14. Common Area Catch Basin Inspection The owner is required to have at least 80 percent of drainage facilities inspected, cleaned and maintained on an annual basis with 100 percent of the facilities included in a two year period. Cleaning should take place in the late summer/early fall prior to the start of the rainy season. Drainage facilities include catch basins (storm drain inlets), detention basins, retention basins, sediment basins, open drainage channels and lift stations. Records should be kept to document the annual maintenance. Inspect drain inlets and catch basins. Keep inlet covers clean. Weekly. Owner or contracted maintenance personnel No N15. Street Sweeping Private Streets and Parking Lots Structural Source Control BMPs Yes S1. Provide Storm Drain System Stenciling and Signage Provide stenciling or labeling of all storm drain inlets and catch basins, constructed or modified, within the project area with prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which discourage illegal dumping. Ensure that all catch basins are stencilled “No Dumping – Drains To Ocean.” Owner or contracted maintenance personnel No S2. Design Outdoor Hazardous Material Storage Areas to Reduce Pollutant Introduction PA2019-142 Exhibit B, Operations and Maintenance Plan Page 3 of 7 BMP Applicable? Yes/No BMP Name and BMP Implementation, Maintenance and Inspection Procedures Implementation, Maintenance, and Inspection Frequency and Schedule Person or Entity with Operation & Maintenance Responsibility Yes S3. Design Trash Enclosures to Reduce Pollutant Introduction Design trash storage areas to reduce pollutant introduction. All trash container areas shall be paved with an impervious surface, designed not to allow run-on, screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash, and be provided with a roof or awning to prevent direct precipitation. Keep trash storage areas clean and orderly. Weekly. Owner or contracted maintenance personnel Yes S4. Use Efficient Irrigation Systems and Landscape Design Projects shall design the timing and application methods of irrigation water to minimize the runoff of excessive irrigation water into the municipal storm drain system. Additionally, permittee shall: Employ rain shutoff devices, design irrigation systems to each landscape areas specific requirements, use flow reducers, group plants with similar water requirements together. Ensure that sprinklers are working properly and minimize unnecessary irrigation. Weekly. Owner or contracted maintenance personnel No S5. Protect Slopes and Channels No S6. Loading Dock Areas No S7. Maintenance Bays and Docks No S8. Vehicle Wash Areas No S9. Outdoor Processing Areas No S10. Equipment Wash Areas No S11. Fueling Areas No S12. Site Design and Landscape Planning No S13. Wash Water Controls for Food Preparation Areas No S14. Community Car Wash Racks PA2019-142 Exhibit B, Operations and Maintenance Plan Page 4 of 7 BMP Name and BMP Implementation, Maintenance and Inspection Procedures Implementation, Maintenance, and Inspection Frequency and Schedule Person or Entity with Operation & Maintenance Responsibility Low Impact Development BMPs Filter Insert (Treatment). TRT-2 • Filter Insert Replacement/Rotation • Remove Sediment and debris. • Once a year. Refer to Manufacturer’s O&M plan on pages 36-39 for details. • Three times per year and after storm events. Refer to Manufacturer’s O&M plan on pages 36-39 for details. Owner via maintenance contractors Infiltration Trench (Biotreatment). INF-2 And Bottomless Trench Drain • Visual inspection for debris, standing water. • Gravel/media replacement. • Filter fabric Replacement • Twice yearly and after each storm event. • Every 10 years as required. • Once a year as required. Owner via maintenance contractors PA2019-142 Exhibit B, Operations and Maintenance Plan Attachments PA2019-142 EXCHA.1.'IGE AND DISPOSAL OF E.\'.POSED FILTER MEDIU AND COLLECTED DEBRIS The fr equency of' li lt er m edi w11 pouch exchange will be in accor dance with th e existin g DPS-Customer Maintenance Contract. DPS recom m ends that the m edium be changed at least once per year. During the a ppropriate service, or if so determined by the service technician dur ing a n cn-schedulecl ser vice, the fi lter medium pouches w ill be r e placed with new pouches and the exposed pouch es placed in the DOT a pproved container, along with the exposed debris. Once the exposed pouches and lebris have been placed in the conta iner, DPS has possess ion and m ust dispose of it in accorda nce w ith local, state an d fede r al agen cy requirements. Note: As the generator, the landowner is ultimately respo11siblefor the proper di~po sal of the exposed filt er medium a/Zll debris. Because the materials likely C{)lztai11 petroleum hy tlro ca rb1J11~·, heavy m etals and other harmful polluta11ts, tire materials must be treated as an EPA Cla ss 2 Hazardous Waste a11d properly di~pose tl of. DPS relieves the landow11er of the actual disposal /a$k, anti provides certificalio11 of its c1)111pletio11 i11 accorda11ce with appropriate regulations. DPS also has the capability or servicing ,lll manner or c,ltch basin inserts and catch b.lsins without. inserts, underground oil /water separators, storm water interce ptors and other such devices . All DPS personnel a rc highly qualified technician., and arc confined space trained and certified. Call us at (888) 950-8826 for rurthcr inform ation and assistance. PA2019-142 Required Permits This section must list any permits required for the implementation, operation, and maintenance of the BMPs. Possible examples are: • Permits for connection to sanitary sewer • Permits from California Department of Fish and Game • Encroachment permits If no permits are required, a statement to that effect should be made. Forms to Record BMP Implementation, Maintenance, and Inspection The form that will be used to record implementation, maintenance, and inspection of BMPs is attached. Recordkeeping All records must be maintained for at least five (5) years and must be made available for review upon request. PA2019-142 RECORD OF BMP IMPLEMENTATION, MAINTENANCE, AND INSPECTION Today’s Date: Name of Person Performing Activity (Printed): Signature: BMP Name (As Shown in O&M Plan) Brief Description of Implementation, Maintenance, and Inspection Activity Performed PA2019-142