HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-192COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER VIA EMAIL 10/29/2019 Reference No. PA2019-192 Maria Cofano maria.cofano@pzr.com RE: 1500 West Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA 92663 APN 047-222-07 Dear Maria: The above referenced property is currently located within the MU-CV/15th St (MixedUse Cannery Village/15th St) Zoning District and is designated MU-H4 (Mixed-Use Horizontal) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The property is not located within an overlay district. The abutting property to the north is located within the PC-51 (Marina Park Planned Community) Zoning District and is designated PR (Parks and Recreation) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The adjacent properties to the west and to the east across 15th Street are located within the RT (Two -Unit Residential) Zoning District and are designated RT (Two-Unit Residential) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Properties to the south across West Balboa Boulevard are located within RT (Two-Unit Residential) and MU-CV/15th St (Mixed-Use Cannery Village/15th St) Zoning Districts and are designated RT (Two-Unit Residential) and MU-H4 (Mixed-Use Horizontal) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan, respectively. At the time the building permits were finaled, the building and parking requirements were in substantial conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is considered to be nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PA2019-192 Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the property. With the exception of the discretionary approvals for signs, copies of those approvals are attached. Please contact the Planning Division for further details on any discretionary application: The following discretionary approvals were acquired from the Newport Beach Planning Department: Use Permit No. UP0964 – approved June 20, 1963, by the Planning Commission allowing a service station. Use Permit No. UP1109 – approved on March 4, 1965, by the Planning Commission allowing outside parking of motorcycle rentals. Modification Permit No. MD3455- approved on September 27, 1988, by the Modifications Committee allowing the construction of a retail/office building with a parking lot, which encroaches 6 feet into the required 10 -foot rear alley setback, the installation of landscaping which encroaches 10 feet into the 10-foot rear alley setback, and the provision of a portion of the required parking as compact parking. The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at 949-644-3215 and the Building Division at 949-644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plat maps or public rights -of way, please contact the Public Works Department at 949-644-3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 949-644-3237, pachis@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, On behalf of Seimone Jurjis, PE, CBO, Community Development Director By: Enclosures: Aerial Map Use Permit No. UP0964 Use Permit No. UP1109 Modification Permit No. MD3455 PA2019-192 Patrick Achis Planning Technician Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 10/28/2019 0 200100 PA2019-192 ;Z ,,---0 :a -i 0:, m > n ::c 0 PA2019-192,. . .. 1. 2. 3. -IF APPROVED~ NOT EF'FECTIVE UNTIL 15 DAYS AFTER DATE FIUNQ.JJ~ptdQ, · Or~. No. 635 Cl!'Y OF NEWPORT BEACH FILING FEE f~O.OO c,t INSTRUCTIONS: (Read careful:y.) Tha applicant or his legal representative must be present at all public hearings. Fill ouc this application completely. It~ be accompanied by five copies of a plot plan to scale, and with correct dimensions, showing in detail all boundaries, existing buildings~ proposed slterations and additions. The applicant must sign conditions of Use Permit, if any, within thirty days after approval. Appli- cation shall be revok~d if not used within eighteen months from date of approval. ~Ad~-/~~w~~&ABL~ Applicant -Address Involved LOT{.) 2_,1 =_!,~-BLOCK //:s: SECTIO~ _____ TRACT 4 ;J.. ~ ZONE c:-/ DATE or HEARING -/u & e .;1 o , If'~ 2 Til1E__.% ..... · ....... t?._~---~: 4. Application Js hereby made Permit There are ___ sheets attached to and made a part of this arplication. I hereby certify that the foregoing statements~ maps, drawings, plans and specificati.o~.s attached hereto are true and correct. If approved this Use Permit will not adversely affect persons r~siding or working in the neighborhood. I further consent to any permit issued in reliance thereon being null and void in the event they are not true and cox·rect. _ . , 1 ,J # Al~ n?.[>IYd/f't:1~1('. ~L/2/&.,~ c:>t::1_-120/ Si~ureof Owner er Applicant ~ss Phone ~XXXXXX'lOOOCXXXXX>CKXlt10ClC.ll'X.Y.X JOCOOO!'.X.X.'lOClf.XXXXXXXX.lC!f.]C.XXlOClr.11'. XXXXXXXXXXX.'CXXXXXXXXX C XJQtX:X.. 'CX.X:lOQl:XXXXXlCX.XXXXJtX'l010tKXKXXXXXXXJOQOUQOi; FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION In accord with Sec tion~ _________ a Use Penni t is hereby.,.....~-----=--the abovP applicant subject to requirements of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction nnd subject to the following: The undersigned hereby agrees to all the above conditions. Signature of Grantee !:XXXXlOOQClClOOOOCXX:XXil.-XX :itx:lOCC •.. FINDINGS OF PLANNING COMMISSION: Upon a review of the evidence on file and testimony pr~- sented at the meeting the Commission found and detennined that, under t.he circumstances of the particular case, a service station at this ie&la: location would not be detrimental to the health, sofetYz peace, morals 2 comfort and general ~elfare of eersons residing or working in the neighborhood and, therefore, recommended approval. .DmmJf DENIED- APPROVED -By City Planning Commission APPROVED -By the City Council on the on the 20 day of June 19 63 ___ day of______ 19 __ _ ~d---_R_a_y_y ____ c_o_p~-e"Tfii7'-~n--~~~e~c-r_e_t_a_ry____________ Margery Schrauder, ~ity Clerk Newporc Beach Cicy Planning Commboion ~~R::tc•;oq~ 4-1 PA2019-192. . . . .., ·. . :,. l-S-1.JLlEY . :. _.q(. /t::Ji!J , @ LoT / LoT ~ ~c73 LcT 4- ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ kJ' f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ➔ "' ~ I ~ \ A ~ i ' = ~ fl <) ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Cl ~ ?: ~ ~ J 24!J" .. ' .a. ,,.:.,v 2., ... 0 0 " ~-I g 1' ,.,. ~ . APPLICANT -Draw a Plot Plan and any necessary elevLtions vi.th dimensions on this sheat. to scale, illustratil!{{ existing and proposed condit~.ons affecting the application, and to conform ~ ~--.... ... i ~ .. ' ~ ~ /a vi th the instructtona on the applica_:"'Ti_on~f_o_nn---:. -----=--------,---r---' tM~i:¼ fo >- \J (l " PA2019-192 • • IP AFPIOVED,. NOT EFFECTIVE • UN'IIL 15 DAYS AFDR DAU FILING FEE $ 30.(1 USI PERMIT APPLICATION Ord. No. 63S CllY OF lllWPOI.T BEACH PILING RE $30.00 HO. II O'f oAs Ee a , s::. ~ s- DIS?RUCTICNS: {Itead carefully.) l'he applicant or hi• leaal representative ID\lst be present at all public heariqs. Fill cue this applicaeioa coapletely. It!!!!!! be accompa:aied by five copiea of '\ plot plan to acale, •ncl "1th correct dimeuions. showing in detail all boundaries. existing buildings, proposed alterations and addit1ou. the applicant: ••t sign conc!itions of Use Permit, lf any, within thirty days after approval. Appli• cation shall be revoked if n~t used "'1:hin eighteen aonths from date of approval. 1 • f1 , L L a i? o F /v1 ,. c e £ Applicar.t IS'"'~ W BA 4 8 1 ,1 d~vi:, Addre•s Involved 2. LOT/ : i ;Y BLOCK It r SECTION _____ DACr. __ ~ ....... 3 ....... r _____ zORE C -J ,.... 3. DAD OF BEAa.:NG._ .... /!........,4.._R,_l!r...,l{ _ _.,:f;,......l_f.~4-,C.__ ___ TDIB ___ R_.:_o-p ___ P .N .. 4. AppU.cat1on is hereby made for a Use Permit from Section 9, o ,3 5".1 (q,) to pei-...tt:_ Ov1,, o € 0 a If K, D<<e ; oe There are. __ sheets attached to and made a part of this appllcatioa. ! hereby certify that: the foregoing •tatements, s:aaps, drawtags, plans and apecificaticna attached hereto are true and correc:. If apprcved this Use Permit will no: adversely affect persons residing or working in the neighborhood. I further consent to •~y permit issued in ~e thereon being null an! void in the eveut tbey an not tno and cornet. !Ufh~ ..J ~ «.-Iii,. f' ,e 84 t. &d :i4,, o, 6' ? il 11?::, Signacure of Ow:ter er Applicant Home Add~eas Phone FOR DEPAlt1'MElf'".AL USE ONLY PLANNIJC COMMUSION ACTION Ia accord with Sect-ion a use Peralt is hereby---~~~the above applicant subject to r""'eq_u_i!""r_eme_n_ts __ o~f-~~1~1-govermantal agencies lwving jurisdiction and subject to the following.: The undersigned hereby agrees tc all t:he above collditiou. PDIDIHGS OF PLANNING CCIIMISSION: Upan a review of the evidence on file apd gastimoqy pre• sented at the meeting the Conaission found a';ld determined that, under the circu•1CIDSCI of the particular case, the granting of this use peDit would no; be detrimengat CR Cbe health, safety. peace, morals, comfort and seneral welfare of per,eps t•tiding er wedstnr in the neighborhood and, therefore, recomaended approval. Mi IMH DIIIIID• APPROVED -By City Plam:.ing Coanission Anl.OVBD -By the City council OQ Che on the 4 day of Marsh 19 65, ___ day of 19. __ Ray f. c:,Q'~tary 6rger, Schrouier, city clerk llevport Beach City Plamu.va coaatasion Newport Beach, califoraf.a PA2019-192 • • UBI PIIMI? No. 1109 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WILL CONSIDER THE APPLICATION OF MILUID r, M0011 ----------------- TO PERMIT OU?IIDI fAUilm Of MOTOICYCLI UlffALI -------------------- _____________ ON PROPER~ LOCATED AT 1500 V, IALIOl BLVD. 1 DVPOl'f DACH NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT CONS!DERATION OF THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEW ON 1'HE __ 4 ___ DAY OF ____ MABC __ H _____ l9 _65 • AT THE HOUR OF 8 :00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF '!HE NEWPORT BEACH CIT~ HALL, AT WHICH TIME ANO PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD l'HEREON. PLANNING DIRECTOR NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL PA2019-192 ' ! TlltAI A - ... ~ - - -'I• • --... ) (c"J ,,:,~) r.:;, e,eier ) .. 8 Al.I• 11 I APPLICANT -Draw a Plot Plan and any necessary elevations with dimensions on this sheet, to scale, illustrating existing and proposed conditions affecting the application, and to conform ' with the inst.ructions on the a lic_ation form. .. . .. . ' • 0 PA2019-192 MODIFICATIQI. APPLICATION • CI'!'Y 0? NEWPORT BEACH App-iication Rec'd by: PL..~NNING DEPAP-TMENT 3300 Newpc~t Blvd. P. o. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (7141 644-3200 FEE: $ d:J I Addre"s o F Property Involvedc._ _ _,_/_,S":....:0..:0:::......!:UJ=•:_le..:°J=l!_,/..:h:c."'=A'-_,P.,'-'<l/.'-'v'-o/."'-'.'-------------- Existing nonconformitie~. ___ ......1.M:!!!.:!.&,~~L--------------------------- id, ✓I ,,.:,,L.!:,L~~~U:..d.J.;,i.Jw~~e,~:,_""~Lf.~,zJ.::L.U~~62[L,~~'.d!..!=s.?.d~~r.:z::...;t,-!::£:~:...-,,1.t.zi:!.!:i!!!!~:-:;:,_ C..:$Y~- Present Use Uav,, (er,,t )'.) Proposed Use. __ ,.O,c.-F:...,.f~''-'"=-' .,_c;,-/....,_R~...=ea,;l-c..:;.c-1_,.;.I ______ Zone C-1 -I Code Requirement Front setback 0 Right side setback 0 Left side setback 0 Rear setback lo Main building area Garage area o en space Parking spaces Building height Existing a 0 0 0 0 Proposed k 0 4- ;fS:,2Q Previous Modifications, Use Permits, Variance~, etc •. __ _,.,_a!i!-'"'-""--------------- Legal Description -'..,,,.. / ::i 3 4- J J .., of Property Involved (if too long, attach separate sheet) Et;,,,,/< /IC ff~ ef: ~3¥ &/J!«,nc,'· 1: 13,,.~,.1, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT (Tl (We) B/.'/.., /;:; C,;,-p. depose and say that (Tam) (~e) 'the owner(s\ of the property(ies) involved in this application. (I) .frle.l further certify, under penalty of perjury, that t!,e foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herew· h subm·tted are in all respects t1~e and correct to the best of (roy) (oJ,l.t.l. knowledge and be NOT~: An agent may sign for the owner if written authorization from the record owner is filed with the appiication. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--·----=========--==--=========-=--=--=--:::::::::::: Modifications P. C. Hearing, __________________ --'P. c. Action'--------------- Date _______________________ ...:Appeal ___ ...;. _____________ _ c. c. Hearing ___________________ c. c. Action. ______________ _ 1859 0 1 09/13/88 251.00 TOTl I PA2019-192 • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-8915 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 644-3200 September 29, 1988 Application No: 3455 Applicant: Balalis Corporation Address of Property Involved: 1500 West Balboa Boulevard Legal,Descri.ption: Lots 1,2,3,4, Block 115, Tract 234 Modification Request~d: Request to permit the constructian of ,1 parking lot which ...,ill encroach 6 feet. into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to an alley, the installation of landscaping which wi.11 encroach 10 feet into said setback, and che provision of a pcrtion of the required parking as compact spaces. The Modifications Committee on September 27, 1988, approved the application subject to the following condition: 1. That development shall be in subst.2.ntia.l conformance with the approved plot plan and elevations. The Modifications Committee determined in this case that the proposal would not bi;: Cet~·imental to persons, property or improvements in the neighborhood and that the modification as approved would be consistent with the legisla- tive ir:t:ent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, and made the follo·..:ing findings: 1. That the encroachment into the required rear yard setback adjacent to the alley will not restrict vehicular maneuverabiJ ity withi::. ~he alley due t·o the width of the alley and because there ,1r0-no garages on the upposite side of the alley. 2. That in conjunction with tl1c approv~l of Resubdivision No. 882, the Planning Commission reqttirccl that tl1e building be movt>d 6 fe::!t in a northel·ly direction. 3. That the number of compact spilccs (18.2%) is within the range co:1sistently approved by tlh~ City. That the proposed development wi 11 not be de tr imenta 1 to the surrou.id:.ng area or increase any detrimental effect of the P.:Xisting use. NOTE: This approval shall extend for a period of 21,. months from the ('ml of tl1e appeal period, and cannot be extended. The d.;;c:..:,:ion of the Committee may be appealed to the Planning Comrnis inn within 1 .... days of the date of the decision. Any appeal filt::d shall b1' accorr.pun:.•.:d by a filing fee~ of $610.00. No bui.lding permits may be issuPd u11til :h~ appeal period l1as expired. MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE PLANN!~G DEPARTMENT JAMES D. ,!EWlCKER, Di rec toe Appeared: James Cantwell 1511 West Balboa Boulevard 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach PA2019-192 • • ~~J-c,p:,,,,:,:: CU· TITLE COMPANY ORANGE COAST TITLE C0'1PANY furnishes you t:he fure~ioing information for· your sole use and benefit, subiect strictly t.o the understanding that this infotTh3.tion has bee,\ obtained from the current County County Assessors Tax Rol J.s. On this .!:>a.sis, ORANGE COAST TITLE l."CMPAt'J"Y verifies the infonnation f1 .. u-n.ished and assumes no Jiabi~ity in excess of lhe fee charged for th.is report. lW[ElJ: 640 N. TUSTIN AVENUE, SUITE 106, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705 7141558-2836 PA2019-192 • 'ID: Pl.A'lNING CD.'lMISSlON CITY OF: Newport Beach FROM: The Balalis Corporation ATI'N: Jim Neish LIT;,\[, DESC: I)~ 7-222-1)7 ( sui>·jn~t pn)pert:y) /\ 1 i st of Lhe oh·w-:.-rs of lands li )(~at('d w1th1 n d l 00 foot 1·.--HJtuH of the subj,-;(,t prop.'~rt:y, loqelht.~r wit.h ,·:1 map show.u-1q said ld.nd, 1s al:tadtt..'.>(l llf·!f'f:'Lu. 6<10 N. TUSTIN AVENUE, SUITE 106, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705 714/558-2836 PA2019-192 FUBLIC NOTICE Modification No. 3455 Notice is hereby given that Balalis Corporation is requesting a Modification of the Zoning Ordinance to per,.it the construction of a parking lot which will encroach 6 feet into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley, the installation of landscaping which will encroach 10 feet into said setback, and the provision of a portion of the required parking as compact spaces. Property located at 1500 West Balboa Boulevard A public hearing will be held by the Modifications Committee at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4, 1988 in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard. All interested persons will be heard and all correspondence read at that time. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the pablic hearing. For further information contact the Newport Beach Planning Department, Current Plans and Projects Division, (714) 644-3200. PA2019-192 PUBLIC NOTICE Modification No. 3455 Notice is hereby given that Balalis Corporation is requesting a Modification of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a parking lot to encroach 6 fe~t into the required 10 foot rear yard setback adjacent to the alley. Property located at 1500 West Balboa Blvd. A public hearing will be. held by the Modifications Committee at 3:00 lL..!!L. on Tuesday, September 27, 1988 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard. All interested persons will be heard and all correspondence read at that time. If you challenze this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public hearing. For further information contact the Newport Beach Planning Department, Current Plans and Projects Division, (714) 644-3200. PA2019-192 :/,.':},:'·:,.-' "Robert Gormly . .1745 Candlestick Lane Newpurt beach, CA 92660 047-212-18 Marshall Rowen 1282 cumberland Cross R Santa:.Ana, CA 92705 047-212-19 Pacific .Co··· 206-'-lSth Street North Highland Ave ·206-15th Street .tywooa, CA 90028 Newport Beach, CA 92660 047-222-06 047-223-20 City of ewport Beach Box 1768 Newport bea h, CA 92663 047-222-0'8 \ Michael Chase 204-15th Street Newport beach, CA 9266_3 047-223-22 Bishop of Roman Cath.Chu~chJ k . ac. Stearman 1441 West BAlboa Boulevard Box 4139 George llaggoner Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92661 047-212-25 047-223-01 200 15th Street #61 Newport Beach, CA 9.2663 047-223-23 Fred Wod~~th 1444 Wes· Bay Avenue Newport/ii ch, CA 92663 047-22!-0l Fred Woodworth 1444 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-221-01 John Dorris 1440 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660 047-221-02 Harry Neily III 1436 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-221-03 John Allen 1432 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92660 047-221-04 Ronald LaBowe 1229 West 1st Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 047-221-05 City of\Ne:~ort Beach V Box 17 6 8/. Newport 'Beach, CA 92663 047-222-02 \ /L/ . .-'/ \-~-~~-; City of Ne_wport Beach Box 1768 ./1 Newport ~,fa-::!:, C/1. 92663 ""., .... ... .... ,.. ... John McFadden 1425 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-223-02 Diana Will 1423 West Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-223-03 Wallace Bowen 341 Arbolada Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 047-223-04 Chester Acly 855 East Bennett Street Glendora, CA 91740 047-223-05 Raymond Rose 1417 ~est Bay Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-223-06 Paul Mayer 10234 Randwick Drive Temple City, CA 91780 047-223-07 Joseph Tatchell Box 53 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 047-223-13 City ffiiNewport Beach Box 1 8 / Newpor Beach, CA 92663 047-l,.90-_6 Robert McFadden 445 Cotton Street Menlo Park, CA 94025 047-211-01 Congetta Antista 1527½ West Balboa Newport Beach, CA 047-211-02 George Engelke 517 Garrett Drive Blvd. 92660 Corona clel Mar, CA 92625 047-211-03 Cynthia Smith 1523 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-04 Edward LaBass 1521 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-05 Angelo Zaby 444 West Katella Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802 047-211-08 United Methodist Church Grace Dove 1420 West Balboa Boulevard 117-15th Street c!ia., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA 92663 ,.. . ... ,., --... ~ " ' ' --.. PA2019-192 '"Edw&rd Healy .700 Cliff Drive Newport beach, CA 047-211-10 . Edwar,I!. Healy 700 CJ.':lff/J:>rive Newport )tieach, CA 92663 047-21J:-ll w. L. Vanornum 107-l5th Street Newport beach, CA 92663 047-211··13 John Mannix Securities Auto Leasing Box 6160 Burbank, CA 91510 047-211-14 John Noyes Box 99 San Gabriel, CA 91778 047-211-17 Charles Banks 1510 West Oceanfront Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-18 Alfred Gerrick 1512 West Oceanfronc Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-19 Joseph Mamelli 1514 West Oceanfront Newport Beach, CA 92663 04 7-211-20 Freclric .. Carroll 9182 Carrolltown Drive Huntington Beach,CA 92646 047-211-21 Frank Woodall 3805 Seasl1ore Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-22 Frank Hughes 1520 West Oceanfront Newport Beach, CA 92663 n47-?ll-?1 James Cantwell 4403 Woodruff Avenue Lakewood, CA 90713 047-211-27 W, L. Van Ornum 107-15th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-28 Donald Donaldson 1517 West Balboa Boulevard Newport beach, CA 92663 047-211-29 Mable Lundy 1519 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 047-211-30 / PA2019-192·•···-·-·-♦------: , real estate I~ ----- ~-re:jister inc ..... ,.u ., Tr1J11 BY PARCEL NUMBER · -, ) .3 a-· · , --, ; ,4, ~--i_j--.':,J ~4-88 EDITION 1(£00) '527-<;,J,'. OWNE• 1DDRiSS / CARE OF ex-vsr p AR(EL NO TYPE so.Fr.-F YA1ES snus AOORcss CITY l IP 11 1 • YEA// 1100.r er. Q,iTE LA~'/) VAL rrq VAL ________________________________ H(l~TS .-HC'I< 'ARKING AP LOTSJZ~ DOCL1~ENT:_l(_ ____ JMP VAL fLJ,.L VAL•YR ~~•ER P\•Jl. t •1:c31 RINOWI,> :,R JI 0/.7 22 7 0/-MLT 6Y3•1 $7~2 141~ W BAY AV NB •TE~fc~ C!1'. CAL 91780 •Lf -J-1 956 3-t-t.O f.'l/·'7t 547.700 $~4,500-F Ii 626 BLK to_,_OT , 2,715 0961 )~1'1 s~~'._40~-H2.105-!5 1£/R kOOM CT. S~.FT.-f UNITS YEAR ,00!'1 CT. 50.FT.•F IJNITS 1~48 5-2-2.0 8~0-2 ADDITIONAL STRUCTURE CIRELLO ANTHONY M •~ 0 BOX 352 JI 0/.1 223 08 APT •SV~PHUR. LA 70663 Lf --1953 TR 626 BLK 10 LOT 8 ATACHD BABCOCK fRANCIS J •NEWPORT BEACH. CA TR 626 BLK 10 LO; 9 TATCHELL FLORENCE 0 •NEWPORT BEACH. CA TR 626 BLK lC LOT 10 •1411 1/2 W BAY AVE •1409 1/2 W BAY AVE H•dL 0/. 1 22 ·• 09 APT 92663 Lf -• j -1948 (714) 675-3071 Af\CHO /-;~~ 041-!2}-101;~i (714! 673-6845 \TACHD -------·· 1800 2 1413 W BAY A, NB 6/15/70 $47 .700 $51.000-f 2.741 093160652 Sc7 .048 $74. 748-75 -·-. 1673 2 1411 W BAY AV NB 9/20168 S47. i'00 S51,000•F 2. 74 ~ 087.10160 $16.934 $64.634-1. ------·----- <;68 2 1409 W BAY AV NB 3.'15/,4 $4 7 .700 2J1d 84-109486-U $26.029 $73,729-75 -------~AOl,ON JA,-,ES 0 •NEWPORT SFACH. CA TR 626 BLJ 10 LOI 11 •1407 W BAY AVE Jr 926', l 041-223-11 AT~CHD ADI 193l 129, 2 .74' 2 i407 ~ BAY AV NB 8/01185 $162 .720 $185.000·F 85-284146 $28,121 $190.841-86 -------------------·--------------·--ARR IGO CONSTANCE J •NEWPORT BEACH CA T~ 626 BLK ;o LOI 12 •1405 •• BAY AVE. 926~1 041-223-1? 1;3i <714> 67~-e:31 5?8-1 s~.320 140: W 5-2 -1 .o 11,!0/87 ?.~41 8,-663787-G ---------------- BAY AV NB S204,322 $27,422 $231. 7'.4-87 YEAR ROO~ Cl. 10.Fl.·F ~~ITS YCA~ PtO~ CT. SO.tT.-F U~lTS 1955 3-1-1,Q 576-1 TA!CHELL JOSEPH a •REOON:)0 BEACH. CAL 'IR 626 BLK 10 LOI 13 •PO BOX 53 IIS 90277 ADDITIONAL :rRuCTURE 041-22J·-1} 1~~! DHCHD 800-2 4-1-1. 0 3.76" ----------------~,.o,r. 1401 w 111os1:o 1 ,95,'0201 qAY A; S86. 777 ",17,444 -------------------------------CHURCH UNITED IIETHODIST •OF NEWPORT BEACH 3-rR C/1 223 79 COM •1420 W BALBOA BLVD •NEWPORT BEACH. CAL 92603 Lf --1948 TR 23• LOT 1 BL• 114 -E• sr-ANO (OTS 2 10 9 INC 206 151H S!RfET •206'5THST. •~EWPORT BEACH(. TR 234 Bl< 11. LQ' ll --(HASE MlCH•fl R TR 234 Bl< ?14 LOT 12 w.,~~J~fq GfOAGf J •iUO 15TH ST 161 •~EWPCR1 REACH (~ TR 234 BL• 1•1 1 ;t ',1 A~O BL• 114 LOT 11 co 92660 1111 HW 92~63 -·-- C4/-Z25-20 1;:r AlA(HD 041-22..r-22 1~:r 041-22 5-2 3 l~~r s2;3 1420 W BAY AV 310117, $408,792 ?6,610 1626800Ef S263,0 7 4 ----------· 201 21.·6 15TH ST 2111188 $165,000 2,750 88•063'85-C S91.0C1 2431·2 2 204 --11TH ST 10105 '87 $210.368 2 .7~1i 87-'58796-Q S61. 33 7 ---:,863·2 4 ·--200 ·, SH s' 121 )4/87 SB0. G<:O 8,210 87-67,'161-·, S68. 113 ~•-· --·-•·-· -----"ll~I , ,., •• , -l2 1 ii43131J·w--BAY AV Bf,,•ENJc4~RrQ •124,WIISHIREBLVD#408H•NO 0/_1271 01 RES -•LOS •~r,fLES, (A 90017 Lf -.) -1951 TR 616 LOI 1 BL~ I •~O ALL ·EX ELY 30 FT• LOT 2 A'ACHO 8-3-3.0 9.' 1175 S216,i17 4,506 111oi1795 S66,i2o NB Sl'.8,000 $104,221·77 NB S671 .866· N& S108.000•f S260.000·B7 Nij S271, 705-84 NB s10•.ooo-1 S~98 113-~4 NB S28~.44~-76 --7 r -~--~--.--,rr-m.-·•-----------~-------------a•------=•--------•- ---- ,. I'\ .I.._ - PA2019-192I ~ '-'CUIIVtlllU ·-.. -· · real estate register inc.,."""., TRW I'll-\.:>, en r .n.:c BY PARCEL NUMBER 0•·38 ECITION OWNER ~OO~ES, / CARE OF EX·VSI PARCEL TV?f SO.FT.•f ZIP NO. YEA/I 11/JOII ('. HC/STS PHO~E PARKING -p LOISIZE 1------------------------------- OULIEN F~EDER:Ck ~ •NEWPORT BEACH, c, TA 626 BLk 1 LOT 7 CITY OF NEWPORT EEACH •PO BOX 1768 TR 234 BLk 115 LOT 13 •14iO W BAY AVE •3300 NEWPORT BLVD •NEWPORT BEACH, CA H•(P 92661 X•kX 92663 041-221-13 1:t~ 3921 ·2 10-6-5.5 3,850 041-222-02 WAX VAC•LANO TOES Si TUS liATE DOCUMENT•X V VV ( "'4) ·~~---· '." ' l _, ... ....,/ L -.... ._, 1,(8C0) 52. -'Z·,: AO DRESS IANIJ VAL !MP VAL CITY TF/1 VAL FULL VAL•YR S4,692 1420 W BAY AV NB 1464, 103-79 6/14/85 $349,113 85-217811 1114,990 118 150•~ W BALBOA BL NS $94.~02 ~~4 .~02•75 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH •HOO NEWPORT BLVD X•XX 0/7 222 03 ~HX VAC·LANO $18 -~0~ I 8Ac80A BL NB •PO BOX 17c8 •NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 'f --155,'21 I TR 234 BLk 115 LOI 12 -·· -----· --·-· S55,221•75 cr1 •~u:TF -;oo CR 0/1 '22 06 APT 7044 90028 'f -·--1961 •HOLLYWOOD, CA AN) LOTS 6 & l Al ALL IN BLK 115 ATACHO 8,809 .. _ .... '510 W BALBOA BL S528,500 S326.5CQ 9 8/~5/86 86•381420-L NB $85~,0•7 _ NB $550,000-87 JBIL FOUNDATION INC •150 E 42'10 ST CR 11/ 7 -, -, ') /17 SS VAC·LAND •150 E 42'10 ST . 117 ·q7 BE~CH, CA 101 LOT 1 BLk 115 ANO LOTS 2 TO 4 IN'. BLK 115 10,000 ANO LOTS 2 TO • 1F NEWPORT BEACH •3300 Nf~PDR• ~LVD X•XX •P. JOA 17,3 •NEWPORf BEACH, CA 92663 TR 234 LOT !1 BLK 115<AND 20 FT ABAN ~LLEY ADJ W 047-222-08 WHX .... STEARMAN Jt.CK S 'R •Po BOX 413Q H•NO 0/1 223 01 RES 1306•2 •~'WPORT ~EACH, (A 92661 'f --I 1940 6-~-2.0 TR 626 BL< 10 LOT 1 3,960 "C FAODE< JOHN C •1425 W BAY AVE H•JT 0/7 ')23 02 APT 1634 •NEW•OR' 8,ACH, CAL 92663 'f -c -1937 TR 626 BL< 10 LOT 2 (714) 673-8966 ~IACHO 2,700 WILL DIANA, •1423 ~ BAY AVE H• "J 0/1 2 ?3 03 RES 864-1 •~FJPORT BEAOI, CA 926 J "I -t:. -1937 4•2·!.0 TR 626 BLK 10 LOT 3 DTACHD 2,700 --------------------------------------------fO..;fN 'wt •rf !" TR •ArLAOf.l TR 626 B• LCf 4 --- •341 ARBOLADA OR ~A 91006 041-223-04 ~LT 1947 89,,-1 5·2·1.0 2 ,7CO \5,639 15JO W B•~B0A BL 1/12/87 $550,000 87•017870-G S187 215 15TH ST NS $2,342,103 $8•0 1429 W 2/21174 110800~-- s101,5;5 s>.44;,668-80 BAY A 1 $50,,0/ S36,56' NS S86,77s-75 2 1425 W BAY AV NB 9101/72 $47,700 S6t,,000·F 1<)3060489 113,778 $61,478-75 ··-----~---····-s, ,922 1423 W 3AY AV NB 6/26/85 '161,976 S189.000·F 85•2j2B38 S30,804 S192.780-85 .----· ---· ----· ---52 .066 1421 W B~Y AV I 12117/86 $161,010 86·623150 $32.851 $199,86 -79 •E•R ~Ot~ er. SQ,fT.-F UNITS •EAR ~OOM CT, SQ.FT.·• UNITS 1946 4-2-1.5 534.; ADDITIONAL STRUCTURE AD•C"ESTER E •855 E BENNETT ST •<JLf'IDOR.-. (Al. TR !126 Bl, 10 LOT 5 •174~ 041-.!23-C5 l;~l !818; 3~5-0404 'ff Ai:t RIJU,. ( ~. SQ.: r _,: IJ~I TS 1,4C 3-1·1.C '!5· ADDITIONAL 5TRUC1UR[ 2203 3-1-1.0 2,700 1419 ~ BAY '4.V '729 12101/71 099080~15 S47. 700 S20,6t,7 NB .... 165.00C-f S68,3t,7-75 YEAq ROO~ CT, SQ.F1.•f UNl'S ROSE RAY~ON) R •i41l W BAY AVE BL 0/1 "23 06 RES 1878-l S725 1:17 '< BAIAV NB ·~EwP0°T 8E4CH, (4 92663 'f -c -1940 7·4-2.Q 3106/b? \47,700 S45,JOO-F 1 TR 62, s,.K 10 LOT 5 _ <r 14 , 6 75.9 81 , 2,roo 0•~92os2b ,20,738 ,~e.4 3s-7s 1 ·-~-...----........ ------·-------------------- PA2019-192@:california rer? estate ~register inc ... """., TIIW MASTER FILE C 06 BY PARCEL NUMBER 04•88 EDITION {, :4) 38':,-~-24 ;. 1 ( 8(; 0 J ~-:·· 7 -.. _,, ------"-"'.A"'.'."D'.'.".DR:-::E"'.'."s'.'.".s ""'.,:--:-cA:-::R"'.'."E""'.il:-::f--E:-:x'.'.".--::-vs:-:r:---p-, A_R_C_E_L--A,0--:'.,v-::P7E-7so-=-.-=F7T-.-7F--=-r.,..Ax-=E7s-cs-:--1 ,-=-u-s--AD"-D""R:..::Es=s ZIP /1 ,r, • T{AI/ 1100/11 er. DATE UIND YAt HC/STS PHCNE PARKING AP LOTSllE DOCUMENl•M IMP VAL OWNER ------------------------------- (l'Y Tri/ VAt FUL•. VAl.•YR ENGcLKE GEORGE f •517 GARRETT DR JI 0/.7 211 03 l'ILT 1112·3 S710 1525 W BALBOA BL NB •cr,oNA DEL MAR. CAL 92625 '1 --1946 5-3-1.5 5101172 542,086 S53.000-f ~.IPORT BEACH SEC B BLK 15 LOT 16 2,562 101060119 S24,_9_60_ ... 567.046•75 YEAR ROOM CT. SO.FT.-F UNlfS YEAR ROOM CT. SO.FT.-f UNITS 1963 3-1-.0 608·1 ADDITIONAL STRUCfURE --··-··-. -·· -· . Sl'IITH CYNTH1A C lR •1523 W BALBOA BLVD NO 0/.1 211 0/. PfS 2389•2 5936 1523 • BALBOA 8L NB •NEi<PORT BEACH, CA 92663 '1 --'1 194l 5-2-2.0 4/05/85 542,086 NEWPORT BEACH sec B BLK !5 LOT 17 (714) j75-0159 2,550 85-120877 547,099 589,185•75 ---.. - LA BASS EDWARD L •1521 W ~ALBOA BLVD JI 0/.7 211 .15 RfS 513-1 S1,B1 1521 W BALBOA BL NB •NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 '1 --1.1 1948 5-3-1.0 11/15/82 572,437 NEWPORT BEACH SEC B BLK 15 LOT 18 (7141 675-2894 2,562 B2•399087•G $55,461 )127,898-77 ZABY AN',ELO •444 W KAfELLA AH Ji 0/.7 211 08 APT 1866 3 150'1 W BALBOA BL NB •ANAHE I~. CAL 92802 '1 --1948 3129/77 $70,999 $105 ,000-F NEWPORT BEACH sec B BLK 15 LnT 24 (714) 956-3888 ATACHD 2.563 121221031 $23.674 $99,673-78 DOV[ GRACE MTR •117 15TH ST APT A NO 0/.1 2 • 1 09 COM 6441 $1,752 117 151H S1 NB •NEWPORT BEACH, (A 92663 '1 -/ -1916 2118/87 $92,296 NEWPORT BEACH SEC B LOf 25 BLK 15 AND LOT 26 9LK 17141 673-5726 5,000 87-088523-H $67,469 $159,761-78 ·----·---------- HE ALY EDWAR~ G •700 Clli' DR 11S 0/.1 211 10 COIi 2603•2 $2,610 113 15TH ST NS •·NE,POPT BEACH. (~ 92663 '1 --1954 10131/80 S<Gl .534 S225.COO-, NcWPOrtf BFACH SEC b ~LK 15 LOT 27 2,500 138161487-G $4>,063 5250,897•81 t-------·--------------------------------------- HE~LY EDWARD G • ·oo CLIFF DR "'" 0/.1 211 71 C0/1 12<4 S2,300 111 15TH Sl NS •NE,•Fur.r BEACH, CA 92663 '1 --1954 10/,1/80 ~201.834 $10 NEWMRT BEA(H SEC B GLK 15 ,.or 28 2,500 138161005-G 521.185 S22l.019-81 VAN 0•1NL'M w L TR •101 15TH sr H·E/\ 04·? 211 13 COM 1512-2 $610 107 15TH ST ,a •NEWP01r BEACH, (A n663 / --1952 4102181 S36,8H NEWPCRr BEACH SEC 8 BLK 15 Llll 4 (714) 675•1632 2,500 140061624-H $27 .144 163.98:,- ------- "ANNIX JOHN C •CIO SECURITIES AUTO LEA SH 0/.1 ?f f 7/. COM 1083 S2,363 105 15fH ST NB •PO BOX 6160 •BURBANK CA 91510 '-f -'--'1 1951 9/251d7 $178,50'. S190.100·• NE~PORT BcACH sec 8 BLK :1 ,JI 3 2,50C 87-~40837-G S51,0Dv S229.·~o-e6 NOYES JOHN f •PO SOX 99 UM 0 1 211 11 APT 3204 ; 150d W uCEAN FRL~I ~8 •SAN GAB•IEL. CA 91778 4 - -1963 5/30186 S707.l~b s100.ooo-, ~EWPORT BEACH SEC B BLK 15 Lrr 5 3,075 8~·222197 $145.554 __ IB52.7:0-86 BAN. K( (HI.ALES~ •1510 W OCEAN FRONf H•CP 0/.1 211 18 APT l744 T 1510 W OCEAN fQONT NS •~EWPQRr ~EACH, (A 92663 '1 --1958 11111180 St,7,191 ~UPORT ?;ACM Sf: R 8LK 1, LOT 6 (7141 675-4688 l,075 1l87C0079•Q S59,5ls \126,7 25-77 ~~RICK ALfQED D •1512 ,I OCEA•1FRONT H-CP 0/.7 211 19 AH 23'1 2 1512·w OCE~N FRONT NS •NEWPORT 8:ACN, CA 92660 '1 --1940 7/19/83 $67,191 NEWPoo: 8fA(N SEC 8 3L~ 15 LOI 7 (714) 833-8268 ATACMD !.•'I 83-308891 \21,26• s,,.,1,-1 · MAME.LL! JOSE.PH( •1514WOCEANFRONI H•Jr 0/.7 211 ..,0 APT 2SL. ,·,s,~·w o·ceANfR0N1 '19 •NfWOCQf BEACH, CAL 92663 '1 --('_ 1957 5/16/7' "7,1S1 S1C7,000-! N•.c:o, "·•·a'" 9 °LX 15 lOI 8 (714) 67<-'416 • J,075 10127C,13 \,i,Q?. \qB,263-75 ... _ .. _,__..:Jl~-, .. -- PA2019-192f • real estate r ~1;a11eu1 u,u ., l'--· register inc .• """., TIIW Ow'<i'R ADDRESS/ CARE OF I'! A~ 1 t K t-rcc BY PARCEL NUMBER 04·88 EDITION EX•YSI PARCEL NO. TYPE SO.'l .·F ll~ YEAR R00/11 CT. (714) 385-2345 l('lOO) 527-3'3€:3 !AXES SIIUS AeOJESS I/ATE LANI) YAL l----------------------·-··~·-----·---------...... ,~---~ ..... I ,U u. DOCUMENT-_)(____ ___ lJllf _ VAL M(/,S;TS PHONE PARKING & D 1 nT r: r 7£: CI TY ffli l'AL FULL VAL•YR 52,431 1441 W 3AL80A BL NB RO~AN CATHOLIC BISHOP Of •ORANGE 3•CR 6123176 S470,930 041-272-251~~~ •1441 W BALBOA BLVD •NEWPORT BEACH, CAL 92663 !~ 234 LOT 15 BLK 14 ANO LOT~ 1~ TO 18 INC ANO ALL 1, n:11. _ .. __ __ _ ,.,... 117840827 S697,164 __ Sl,168,094•75 WOOD WORT:◄ FRED L •1444 W. BAY AVE •~W?ORI BEACH C~ 1R 626 0LK 1 LOI 1 WC,OOWORIH FRED L •WOODWORTH, FRED L •1444 W BAY AVE •NEWPORT BEACH, CA TR 626 BLK I LOI 1 DORRIS JOH~ P TF •1440 W BAY AVE •NEWPORT BEACH, CA TR 626 3LK 1 LOI 2 "ElLY HA•RY S 3FD •1436 W BAY AVE •~\IPOR! 8EACY, CA TR 626 9LK 1 LOc 3 BA<STN ALFRED •1436 W BAY AVE •No~POR! BEACH. CA TR 126 81K. LOT 3 &Ll:N JOHN C •1432 W eAY •'<EWPQR; BEACH CA TR 1:26 BLK I LOI 4 LI.S2'wE ~::NAL'> B •1229 W 1ST ,; •LOS ANGELES. CAL TP 62b 8l~ 1 LOT 5 SrfI~,f'f ARTHUR H •1428 W BAY AVE •~E~PCQT BEA:H~ CAL TR e26 BLK 1 LOT 6 (Qt!Q!LL JOHN •9220 SUNSET &LVO. 1320 •WEST ~ □LLfWOOO (~ TR 626 BLK I LOT 9 PC"•O•A~N F~:~ H •1410 WEST BA' AVE. •o· A.-.iGE CA TR bib BL~ l LOT 10 lllt'C~El:.. ',VLf B •1404 W BAY AVE •"-€ w..ioiH BC AC H, C .i\L T~ 626 SL~ 1 LJT 11 Rlii"3f••v fGO Iii •1400 W BAY AVE •NE••ORT BEAC>I, CA TR 6,6 8,~ I LOI ll fUN~A ~Ai.PH A •1418 W BAY Ave •~~-~OQr dfACH. CA TR•-, 3L~ l LQT B - HW 041-227-011~1~ 2241 ·2 92663 5·3-3.0 3,850 H•EA 041-227-07 ,~~i 2241•2 92663 5-3-3.0 H/C 3.850 H·NO 041-22 7-02 ,;~~ 2452•3 92660 7-3-3.0 (714) 675-4836 AIACHD ,,850 CP 041-227-031~1~ 2698·2 92663 7-4-3.0 ATACHO 3,850 CP 041-227-0J,~g 2698-2 92663 7-4-3.0 H/C 3.850 H,I 047-227-04 ,~H 3753-2 92660 8-5-3.5 LUI LIN 3.850 CP 041-22 !-05 ,~~~ 1942·! 90026 6·3-2.0 (213) 250·9800 ITACHD 3.850 H·BL 047-227-06 1:~J 3786-2 92663 11-4-4.5 (714) 540-0406 3,BU 51" 041··2 2 7-08 ,~~~ 22!o·2 90069 7-4-2.0 A!A(HO 3,850 HW 047-22 7-091~t6 2133·2 92661 '1 .. b·2.i A.TA.CHO J,850 H•BL 047-227-10 ,~B 2011-2 92663 1-3·3.0 (714) 675-2962 A1ACHO 3,PSO ~-UM 041·-2 2 7 -7 1 \~~6 2184· 2 92661 6-4-3.0 A!A(HO 3,850 CP 047-227-121~~~ 2359-2 92663 1·3·3.1 3,850 S7,764 1444 W BAY AV NB 4/06187 S650,443 87-186144•0 S114,556 S764,999•86 1444 W BAY AV NB $610,443 87•186144•U S114,556 5764,991-@6 ----- $1,89~ 1440 W BAY AV NB 9/30/82 5145,062 _s 1_9~ .~7-~• 82·344488-H S45,011 SB.550 1436 W BAY AV NB ?104187 P45,170 S835 ,000-f 87•06256f·G $89,HO $835.000-87 1436 w BAY AV NB 5745,570 87-062566-G $89.430 $835 ,000-87 -~--·-· 511,186 1432W BAY AV NB 4/10187 S98~. 723 $900.000•F 87-196852-G $103,530 S1 ,093.?53·82 52.710 1430 W BAY AV 6/15176 S226.367 117731615 S36.606 1428 W BAY AV $145.062 S103,435 i2.491 10/24/67 084130067 NB $240,000•F $262.973-77 NB $93,000-F 5248,497-75 ~----•----- $2.014 1412 W BAY AV N., 4/03/87 $145,064 $715,000 87•183051-G S49.653 $194,717·, 1410 W BAY AV S8,284 1/15188 85·020248-G t 1 • 90 7 \714,00c s,02.000 1404 W BAY AV \145 ,062 '46,216 140o".W8ff AV \828,410 \131.590 $9,154 1/29187 87-052811-G S8i199 141S°W--B)Y A, 7/ 4/81 \737,172 85·211701 Sb,.117 NB $',50 .GOC·F $816.000-~2 NB $191.278-75 NB S~l5.COO•f \960 ,COO•B7 ~8 \BOO .c0r,.f \800,699-86 ------------~-· PA2019-192('n7 california MASTER FILE D 06 . ~real estate resist1,r inc. Cl 1fflil ., TIIW BY PARCEL NUiVIBER (7:4) 3io ~ :: .. ;;-- 04•88 E~IT !ON 1(8Qf;) ":2 -' .. ' . ADDRESS I CARE ~F EX·VST TYPE S0.FT.•F TAxE; SITUS APDRESS .. OwiJE R PARCEL NO. (j1, !JP YfAN HOO/I/ er. PATE LANO YAI TFP VAi hC/S TS PHONE PARKING A p LOTSIIE OOCl'~ENT-X IIIP VAL FULL VAl•YR -----. --·--- CARROLL FREDRIC R •9182 CARROLLTOWN DR 926a 011-211-211~;~ 1300 2 1516 II OCEAN FRONT NB •HUNTINGTON BEACH. ,A 1/17td0 S3S2 ,67~ s32~.ooo- NEIIPORT BEACH SEC BBL( 15 LOT Q (714) 964·3375 ATACHO 3,075 134711203-G 116.693 S369, 37, -80 -----------·-.. WOODALL FRANK A •3805 SEASHORE DR H•EA 041-211-221~n 3660-7 2 1518 W OCEAN FRONT NB •NE~PO•T BEA(H, CA 92665 1125/74 S67,19" S181,500•F NEIIPOqT BEACH ;E( B Bl• 15 LOT 10 3,075 84-147399 160. 73Q 11:1,930-75 -------. --------- HUGHES FRANK M •1520 II OCEAN iRONT H•Jf 041-277-231:~; 1902 2 1520 W OCEAN FRONf NB •NEIIPOR1 BEACH, CA 92663 6/19179 167,1~1 NEWPORT BEACH ,EC B BLk 15 LOT 11 (714) 675-2067 ATACHD 3,075 1319;11170-A 516,652 183.843-75 ---------- JAMES R ANDERSON i •BEVERLEY Y ANDERSON TRU NO 041-211-24 1~n 2452 , 1522 W OCEAN FRONT NB •5849 ROL l I NG RD •IIOODLAN~ HILLS 91367 9/08/66 167,191 NEWPOxT BEACH SEC B Blk 15 LOT 12 CARPkT 3,075 86•408?.32-H 146,681 1113,872-7 -------· CHRISTENSEN DON TR •6,08 N VISTA ST EA 041-27 7-25 1;1g 30• 3-2 11,757 1526 W OCEA~ FRONT NB •SAN GABRIEL. CA 91775 9-4-2.0 11/21/86 S69 ,04 7 NEWPOiT eEACH SEC B BLK 15 LOT 13 (818) 285-3492 3,605 BS-575675 1·00.532 $169,579-75 ··- SCHIR9 JENNIE •824 REDOING WAY APT A BL 041-217-26 1~~~ 2312-2 SB20 1515 II BALBOA BL NB •UPLAND, CA 91786 10-6-2.5 8/02165 151,507 NEWPORT BEACH SEC B LOT 21 BLK 15 ANO POR LOT 22 DTACHO 4,100 076150612 526. 301 $77 .813-75 .. ---··---- CANTWELL JAMES R •4403 WOODRUFF AVE SM 041-277-211~~; 958 11.869 1511 II BALdOA Bl NB •LAKEWOOD. CA 90713 3-1-1.0 10/24186 1154,440 1101 ,000-L NEWPORT BEACH SEC BLOT 23 BLX 15 AND POR LOT 22 3. 588 80·504008 S,5,560 $180.0D0-8' ----·-------- YE ,\R ROOM CT, 10.fT.-f UNI TS YEAR ROOM CT. SQ.fl.-F UNITS i <;~ 3 3·1 ·T. 0 528· ADDJTIONAL 5TRUCTURE _____ ,. __ <• --··- VAN ORNlJM II L [ R •107 15TH ST EA C4 7-2 7 7-28 1~~; 3171 $983 103 15TH ST NB •NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 4/02/81 1~9 .o,;3 NEWPORT BEACH SEC BLOT 1 BlK 11 AND LOT 2 BLK 15 (714) 675-1632 5.000 140061625-H \21,344 190,437-7\ ------·------. - DONALDSON DONALD R •1517 11 BALBOA BLVD H•JT 041-2 7 7-29 1~i~ 2110 2 1' 17 II 3ALBOA BL NB •NEWPORT BEACH, CAL 92663 1131/73 $42,086 153,500-F NEWPORT BEACH S:C 8 BLK 15 LOI 20 (714) 67.1-786? AT AC HO 2.563 105360324 13).019 572 .105-,~ --------------- LU~D• MA9LE •1519 II BALBOA BLVD H•81. 04-1-2 7 7-30 1~:; 2110 2 1519 II BA·.aoA BL NB •NE~•CRI BEA(H, CAL 92663 12/14165 $42,08~ ~E~PORT BEACH SEC BBL< 11 LOT 19 (711,) 673-3042 ATACHO 2. 563 077720444 531. 1 31, $73,220-: JONES ALTA M fR •,411 W BALBOA BLVD H·M 041-2 7 2-06 1~~~ 16!2 2 1411 W BALB1A BL NB •~E••ORf BEACN, 'A 92663 ;/13/84 145,1\1 3 TR 234 8LK '-LC' 21 (7141 673-7664 3/:b3 84•244541-H $18,901 164,094-7'; t------------- WAGNER ••t•t~ R •200 291H ST JT 041-212-071~~; 23\8 4 1·;;os w--BALBOA BL NB •NEWPORT BElCH, CAL 92663 3/09173 145,191 \87.500·' :R 234 BL< 14 LOf 26 CARPRT 3. 163 105870422 \21.525 166 ,71ij•75 SijU~ tOWARD L •521.' 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ITEM .... _:__ APPLICATION~ I /r:i/ ~ 9/10/88 8826 THE BAL\US CORPOR.\TIOS' J.17\Vl'UD<l,SCrrfln NEWPDIIT DE.\CJl, 0!.!fOONl \ ,,,., TU.EP~ar.o;u,.,,_,,,., ~ PA2019-192 Zoning Compliance Applicatim'la y COMMUNITY Community Development Department DEVELOPMEN T Planning Division T o· 2 201 9 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach , CA 92658-Bg)i~ (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME ADDRESS CITY , STATE EMAIL PHONE NO . I FAX NO . APPLICANT(S)/CONTACT(S) NAME Maria Cofan o ADDREssl300 South Meridian Ave, Suite 40( CITY, STATE Okl h C OK a oma lty, CI TY OF '('- x.l>-Ci ;c>rn:ir '2, I ZIP CODE I ZIPCODE73108 EMAIL maria.cofano@pzr.com PHONE N0405 -546 -45 l 6 I FAX NO. 405-547-9513 SITE/PROJECT ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 1500 West Balboa Boulevard 047-222-07 INFORMATION REQUEST Please Check the box(es) next to the requested information 12} Current zon ing/General Plan designation of the property ti3 Overlay district ~ Abutting Zoning/General Plan designation l2J: Discretionary Approvals [x Legal nonconforming uses or structures 18 Developed with Site Plan approval □ Other (attach additional sheet(s)) if necessary: _______________ _ Date Received: \O · 1. , f 9 Fee Paid : Form of Payment: Receipt No . DO NOT COMPLETE APPLICATION BELOW THIS LINE -FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I Check No . Planner I Ext. Remarks : f-A pA "2<D l q -l q ~ Target Date : Date Completed Date Mailed : F:\Use rs\CDD\S hared\Ad m in\Pl a nni ng_Di visio n\A pplications\Zo ning Co mplia nce\lnfo&App.docx Upd ated 3/11 /13