HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2019-212PA2019-212 Batch 600544 7 Confirmation RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh l\lguyen, Clerk-Recorder 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 13 .oo *$R0011532163$* 2020000095409 9:27 am 03/04/20 90 SC5 C17 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. CO2019-024 (PA2019-212) California Government Code Section No. 66499.35(c) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Owner: Brian M. Kingman, Trustee of The Brian Kingman Living Trust dated May 11, 2017 Site Address: 311 Poinsettia Avenue City of Newport Beach, County of Orange Assessor Parcel Number: -~0~5=2~-1~3~3~-~1~6 __ Number of parcels for which this Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded: One (1) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 11 and the southwesterly ½ of Lot 13, of Block 242 of Corona Del Mar, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Tmplt: 09-10-18 Page 3 of 8 https ://gs. secure-recording.com/Batch/Confirmation/ 600 544 7 03/04/2020 PA2019-212 Batch 600544 7 Confirmation 311 Poinsettia Avenue Page: 2 of2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE California Government Code Section No. 66499.35(c) CONTINUATION Newport Beach Certificate of Compliance No. CO2019-024 (PA2019-212) Notice: This document certifies compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act, specifically Government Code 66499.35, and the local subdivision ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. The parcel described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted thereto. Development of the parcel may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. CityofN~ Liz Westmoreland, Associa e Planner, for Seimone Jurjis, PE, CBO Community Development Director ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY NOTARY PUBLIC 3/03/2020 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Page 4 of 8 On \--torch 3 20~ before me, \.(\ \'\'\. 'R, t~ l No-tor-'! \>\l~ lee. personally appeared L '"'2. W-e.sf MDr-e..lcu-J (Place Notary Seal Above) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person{,g)whose name'5f is/¥"'subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that.befshe/tRey executed the same in,biefher/tlleir authorized capacity.£iesj, and that by J;!ts/her/th_eir signature'8, on the instrument the persollkS'), or the entity upon behalf of which the persorw acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my h_;m;!trnd official s~al. s;gnature / <--..,.._ ~ Signature ofN~ https :// gs.secure-recording.com/Batch/Confirmation/ 600 544 7 03/04/2020 PA2019-212 Certificate of Compliance Community Development Department Planning Division 100 Civic Center Drive/ P.O. Box 1768 / Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949)644-3204 Telephone/ (949)644-3229 Facsimile www.newportbeachca.gov Property Owner(s) Name Biran Kingman Address 311 Poinsettia Avenue Email brianmkingman@gmail .com Applicant(s} Name Brian Kingman Address 311 Poinsettia Avenue Email brianmkingman@gmail.com Site/Pro· ect Address 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 City, State Corona Del Mar, CA Phone No . I Fax No . City, State Corona Del Mar, CA Phone No . I Fax No. Assessor's Parcel No . 052 -133-16 Along with the above portion of this form completely filled out, please submit the following : I Zip Code 92625 I Zip Code 92625 1. A legible copy of the latest Recorded Grant Deed or Contract of Sale showing current ownership, include the Title Insurance Policy if available. 2. A copy of the latest Tax Bill and Assessor's Map. 3. A copy of any and al I documents supporting original creation of the parcel (e .g. Grant Deeds, Contracts of Sale, Records of Survey, Building Permits, or other documents). 4 . If the project is improved, include legible copies of: • A Plot P Ian, fully dimensioned on an 8½ " x 11" sheets hawing entire parcel, al I improvements, and parcel area in square feet. • A Building Permit for a Principal Building on the Property. 5. An application fee in the amount of $330 ($318 + QC Recorders Fee $12) payable to the City of Newport Beach . Please note parcels not in compliance with Subdivision or Zoning regulations may incur additional 00~. / Do Not Complete Application Below This Line -For Office Use Only PA No . M 2.0 t c1 -2--\ z Submitted : Wl16 I 1q Planner N I ext.32.~Y L\ CO No . Fee Paid : Date Mailed D No . Form of Payment: Check No . Date of OR 0 Check D Credit Card Pin Chck No . Receipt No . OR No. Remarks : Updated 02/28/19 PA2019-212 <3 BRANDON ARCHIT ECTS TO: City of Newport Beach Attn: Liz Westmoreland C ity of N ew port B eac h -Building Di v ision 100 C ivic Cent er Dri ve N ewp01i B ea ch , CA 9266 0 T: 94 9 .644 .32 7 8 DATE: 0 7/25 /201 9 Memo: 311 P oin setti a Ave nu e, Pl a n Chec k N o.: 1553-2019 D e ar Li z, FROM: Brandon Linsday C.C. Mir Gaskari Bra nd on Archit ec t s, Inc . 151 Ka lmus D rive., Suit e G-1 Co sta M esa , CA 92626 T : 714 .754.4040 T hank yo u fo r takin g th e tim e to review o ur pl ans . B e low yo u w ill fi nd po int-b y-poi nt resp onses to yo ur pl an c heck correc ti ons . Co pi es of res pon ses fr o m o th er tra des are a tt ac hed to thi s me m orandum fo r yo ur conve ni ence. GENERAL: 1. Please see th e s urvey , s heet TOP O . The p ro p ert y lines a re no t a p erfect rec tang ul a r of 45 'x 11 8', we are u s ing th e actu a l p ro p ert y lin es le ng th a nd o ri entati o n b ase of th e survey whi ch are as fo ll ow: a . N49 °24'47" 118.13' b. N40°35'38"E 45.00' c. N49°24'52"W 118.15' d. N40°34'34" 44.99' If you ju st simply use the (118.13 -25}X(45-8}=3,445 .81 s.f., however, we did not hand calculated this value and instead used Revit to calculate the most precise value we could. 2 . Ac kn owled ge d , pl ease see th e a tt ac he d d ocume nts . 3 . Ac kn owle dge d , to p offences lowered to compl y w ith th e m ax height limitati o n w ithin the fro nt ya rd . 4 . Roof over th e elevator shaft r evised to comply, plea se see the revi sed roof plan and elevations sheets A-3 .0, A-4 .0 and A-4 .1. 5 . Acknowledged, pl ease see the revised plans. 6. Plea se see th e surveyor re spon se s and r evi se d sheet 7 . Acknowledge . A ll co ncern s and co mm ents have b een reviewed & ac kn owle dge d. M o re inform a tio n , d e ta il s a nd full se t of pl ans that a dd ress yo ur comme nts w ill b e prov id ed for our fo mial building d ep a rtm ent submitta l. P lease fee l free to co ntac t m e if yo u have a ny qu es ti o n s rega rdin g thi s m a tt e r or wo uld li ke furth er c lari fica ti on . T ha nk yo u, B ra nd o n L in sd ay Proj ec t A r c hitec t, A I A 151 Kr1111111s lJ11vti St111A (i 1 I CtJsla Mei,,1 C.1l1fo11w1 lJ762fi I 714./114 4041) OFFIC F. hrnrnlnnarl'll11Pcls <'0111 PA2019-212 O ra nge C o umy T reas ure r-Tax C o ll ecto r P.O. BOX 1438 • San l a Ana , CA 92702 -1438 625 N. Ross Street , Build ing 11 , Room G58 , Sant a Ana ON !ce Hour s: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday -Friday Phone Hour s: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM (714) 834 -3411 Em all: ttclnfo @ttc .ocgov.com • Web si te: ocgo v.com/octaxbl ll SUPPLEMENTAL PROPERTY TAX BILL oo,y;·n .oc,o5-n PDF[l-766623 0C T001 #BWNL TGT """'"'AUTO"MIXED ANX:-926 #052133160200 190# , I II, I' 111111111111 I 11 h I 11,, 11,, I 1111, 111 1I1 11111 I• 1,11 I,, 11 I 11 I Information Protected per CA Govt Code Sect 6254.21 052-133-16.0200 2019 •• Information Protected per CA Govt Code Sect 6254.21 10 / 12 = 0.83 •· 08-17-1 8 • 06-3:l-19 =318 DAYS 07-001 08-17-18 • 06-3:l-19 = 318 DAYS CONTROL NUWBE R: B0000859 ATTENTION Tl-<IS SECURED SUPPLEMENTAL TAX Bill IS IN AOOfTICN TO YOU R REGULAR TAX BILL SEE PARAGRAPH 1 OM REVERSE SIDE. IF YOU HAVE AN IMPOUND ACCOUNT, THI S Bill MAY NOT BE PA ID BY YOUR MORTGAGE LEN DE R. PLEASE CONTACT THEM TO DETER MINE WH ETH ER PAYMEN T Will BE MADE ON YOUR BEHALF PAY YOUR TAX Bill ONLI NE AT NO COST USING CHECK ING OR SAV N GS ACCOUNT (ECHECK) AT CCGOV.COMQCTAX BI LL THI S BILL IS CALCULATED BASED ON NUMBER OF DAYS ONNED . ---~-----~--~ PROPERTY LOCATION 31 1 POINS ETTIAAVENEWPORT BEACH ASSESSED SUPPLEMENTAL VALUES TYPE OF VALUE NEW BASE ROLL SUPPLEMENTAL YEAR VALUE VALUE VALUE LAND/ ll'IN RTS 3,130,360 3 ,1 15,360 15,000 IMPROVE MENTS/ BLOGS 284,640 284,640 OTHERS 7MOMEOWNER 7 ,000-7,000- NET TAXABLE VALUE 3,408,000 3,393,000 15,000 ~*ll&1;;w1£tiNUli1 ■tt1tt1iH1 ti•t:@ ' . ' 08-17-18 r 01-24-19 ~ 318 /318= 1.000000 0.83 X 1.000000 = 0.830000 AMOUNTS LEVIED BY TAXING AGENCIES SERVICE AGENCY BASIC LEVY RATE COAST cavM OOLLEGE DIS T NEWPORT MESA UNIFIE D METRO WATER D-MVVDOC TOTAL: SUPPLEMENTAL VALUE 15,000 15 ,000 15,000 15 ,000 TAX UNADJUSTED RATE (%)= 'TAX 1.00000 150.00 0.03052 4.57 0 .0 1682 2.52 0.00350 0.52 1.05084 157 .61 COMP. FACTOR= 0.830000 0.830000 0.830000 0.830000 0.830000 SUPPLEMENTAL TAX DUE 124 .50 3.79 2.10 0.43 130.82 DELINQUENT PENALTIES WILL BE CHARGED IF PAYMENT IS RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED AFT ER DUE DAT ES. FIRST INSTALLMENT DUE 02-28-2019 ( ] SECOND ( ] ( ] $65.41 INSTALLMENT $65.41 TOTAL DUE $130.82 . . DUE 07-01-2019 . -· ------· R·,;tH@l~\11t%i=l§;IW 052-133-16.0200 M ake c hec ks payabl e to Co unty of Orange COUNTY OF ORANGE ATTN : TREASURER -TAX COLLECTOR P.O. Bo x 1438 Santa Ana , CA 92702 -1438 RETAIN TOP POR TI ON FOR YOUR RE CORDS ith your mortgage may not be pai d account ADD ITI ONA L PENA LTIES ARE CHAR GED IF TAX ES ARE NOT PA ID BY: 06-30-2020 SECURED SUPPLEMENTAL TAX BILL Pay lax es online by eCh eck at no cost or by cr ediVdebit card (fee) eCheck &l~~,c No Cost .■ ~ ~-• VISA 2.3% Fee Min. S3.95 ocg ov.com/octaxbill Second Installment £i'1 Due July 01, 2019 ~ AMOUNT DU E AFTER 07-01-2019 (INCLUD ING 10% PENA L TY + $23 COST) $94.95 □205213316020082019020701190000006541063020000000949500000000000000001 W;@81~1 1Mii=l§;f@W 052-133-16.0200 M ake chec ks payab le to Co unty of Orange COUNTY OF ORANGE ATTN : TREASURER -TAX COLLECTOR P.O. Box 1438 Sa nta Ana , CA 92702 -143 8 with your mortgage pr t may not be paid nd acco unt TO PAY TOTAL DUE RETURN BOTH STUB S BY 02-23-20 19 W ITH PA YMENT OF: $130.82 SECURED SUPPLEMENTAL TAX BILL Pay laKes on lin e by eC hcck at no cost or by cre diVd ebi t cilrd (fee ) eCheck ~bi~'c No Cost .■ ~ ~-· VISA 2.3% Fee M,1. S3.95 ocg ov .com /octaxbi ll First Installment o Due February 28, 2019 AM OUNT DUE AFTER 02-23-2019 (INCLUD ING 10% PEN AL TY) $71 .95 □205213316020082019010228190000006541063020000000719500000000000000005 PA2019-212 R-T AX R » Tre;;surer -Tax Collector Home • Onhne Pa yme nts / eSep.1c es • Aqency B•l~ng I Collectio ns » In ves tment s » Prooertv Ta ,, Info rmation " Fm anoal Reoorts I S,atis ,cs » Resou rces fla,111P,1I of ',l()~l[)IP. T,1, PiH(;P.1 /1<!,'i P1 or QM T;1, 01hs Pl LAR ~ lrivesln-nn• fl,]port ',ub cr-pt1011 I roper ', ra Au~hO'l '<ubscc pt1ori Change o'. Mii·l•ng Adrt:e<' F orrn fop 20 fa,p;i,ers In. lallrn.cnt f an, Iii S.1IP. r:,re•: Important Dat.> Pror<JC<I, C.i ,torn a Co<le t nange o Ma•l1nq Aod<PSS F O'm As H sme, t App,~al: fa, O<ala.,ttcrf l'roperl'li< RP.~orcl!!d f'1ooe1 ) t ,,r. • Ct1,1nge o \),• nrir r11p I or111 811 ,1ne, Proo;,rt, 1 .1lt,;it on"= T r · asur r-T ax oll ctor Property T1u tn fo rmellon th,, p.lg e l)fesents lax 1nf0<ma lt0n on the parcel you llave selec ted Pa yments to11ect104U and/or oll'ler ad)u$1rl enls made tooa y may not be renected un t!I !l'le ne xt bu MS$ da y Ple3se note your paymen t mil rece 1·.e same da y cred~ as of the da te you comp leted II e tr an$ac on oni,ne Par cel No . P r OPl'rty L.oca!lo n Tax Ra te A rea: Roll Type tntta ll ments First lnslaltment Seco nd In s tallment Tote• Oue and Payabl e os:i . 13~ 16 0200 v ,ew Eli See St o,~c1 a,me, 3 11 POIN Sf.TTV,AV 01.001 Secured Sul)p lemeo l al Da le Due 02r.?8120 19 07/0 1/20 19 Statu s PAID PAID Amount Due so 00 so 00 so 00 You will rec · 1ve me day er dil to, your tran aciion, HI IN FOR MA TIO N I CURR f A OF TODAY' DATE . Rem ark s The amoun t abo•,e repre$e Is the tllrrenl amount due !01 ll'le curren t tax year onty and includes an y corre ctions pen albes and fees no l ,enecled rn yo ur o,~1na1 tax b~I You m y 90 back to the preV10us p<19e for any pno, year in formation For any ques tions ca ll us at \7 IJ , 834. 3411 or al tt , rfo{PHc oc9 0·, com beh•,een 9 a m and S pm Payment S11mm11ry Installments Fust Ins llrnen t Se co n d In sta llmen t A neued v luet aod ElcemptloM Date Paid 02 1'2 r'.?0 19 06126/2019 To tal Amt Paid Amount Paid S65 4 1 sos 41 $ 13-0 .82 Remark Oetcri ptlon Hew Al)l)flll ed Value Pnor Roll Val ue Su pplemental Va lue Lend S3 130 360 $3.115 360 SIS 000 Mmeral Righ ts so so so lrnp,ov ement1 S2SJ 640 S28J 640 $0 Persona l Prope rty so so so O t hen so so Total Values (Leo) Exemption, HO EOWNER 1S7 000 , 1s1 ooo , so To tal Ne t Taxa b le Val ue $3 408 000 S3 393 000 SlS 000 Total Computed Ta• SI )0 82 Tax Con 1ohdolion on Su pplemental Propeny Ta x Bill For a de laMed b1eak<lown of ll'le l ax r ate s and ta., amou nts on ;ou1 a.< b(.1 c~ck on Ille hnk belOlv tf you hav e rurther que,hons ca ll ou r orrice al 7 14 -8 34 -.3 4 11 \900 am lo S 00 pm M•F) To tat Due and Payab 'e tnforma!lon 1s currenl as of OS, 16/20 19 fo, the curren l ;·ear rot /Jc ~ H<>rq fnr D'1Ml lf'd lnforrm,11on an Wh<II ~·•••~ u,, Your f 1• ~ llole he ton pu l ed lax am oun t does nol include pe11a",es and tee s to oo PA2019-212 FREE □□m ESCROW I Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com BUYER'S FINAL SETTLEMENT STATEMENT PROPERTY: 311 Poinsettia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92625 BUYER: Brian M. Kingman, Trustee of The Brian Kingman Living Trust dated May 11, 2017 DATE: CLOSING/RECORD DATE: ESCROW NO.: August20,2018 August 17, 2018 052766-JW DEBITS CREDITS FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION Total Consideration 3,415,000.00 Deposit from The Brian Kingman Living Trust Deposit from The Brian Kingman Living Trust Deposit from Raymond James Bank, N.A. FBO Brian Kingman living trust PRO RATIONS/ADJUSTMENTS County Taxes at $1,847.86/semi-annually from 07/01/2018 to 08/17/2018 COMMISSION CHARGES Villa Real Estate TITLE/TAXES/RECORDING CHARGES -Chicago Title Company Title -Owner's Title Insurance Title -Binder Credit Title -Binder Fee to Chicago Title Company Title -Messenger Fee Title-Messenger Fee Recording Grant Deed Miscellaneous Recording Fees Transfer Tax -County to Orange County ESCROW CHARGES -Freedom Escrow Title -Escrow Fee Total Refund TOTAL 50,000.00 4,587.00 416.00 14.09 15.25 35.00 14.00 3,756.50 5,000.00 125.66 $ 3,478,963.50 SAVE THIS STATEMENT FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES 102,450.00 2,357,377.80 1,014,087.47 472.23 4,576.00 $ 3,478,963.50 PA2019-212 OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR CLAUDE PARRISH PROPERTY VALUE NOTICE 2019-2020 TAX YEAR #BWNKSXT *Auto*I09,894/359 #052133162# KINGMAN, BRIAN MTR THE B KINGMAN LIVING TR 15237 SUTTON ST SHERMAN OAKS CA 91403-4051 1111l1 1•1111111 l1 11•1l11•1111111•11 11111•111ll1 11 ••1•1 1•1111•1111 SECURED PROPERTY VALUATION (THIS IS NOT AT AX BILL) P.O. Box 149 Santa Ana, CA 92702-0149 (714) 834-2727 w,vw.ocgov.com/assessor Date: JUNE 27, 2019 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA A VE Owner on January 1 : KINGMAN, BRIAN MTR THE B KINGMAN LIVING TR The property referenced above has been reviewed by the Assessor Department for the 2019-2020 tax year. Market conditions, comparable sales information and any new construction that occurred between January I and December 31, 2018 have been considered during our review. The property tax bill you receive this fall will be based on the 2019-2020 Proposition 13 Factored Base Year Value listed below. The Proposition 13 Value is based on the market value of your property when it was acquired, PLUS any new construction, PLUS an inflation rate of no more than 2% per year. Under certain circumstances your taxable value can increase by more than 2% per year (such as a change of ownership, new construction, market value restoration, because of a Prop 8 reduction). The Proposition I 3 Value is the maximum taxable value to which your assessment can be increased. The market value of this property was greater than the Proposition 13 Value on lien date, January I, 2019. THE 2019-2020 CALIFORNIA CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) INFLATION RA TE OF +2.00% IS INCLUDED IN THIS ASSESSMENT. UNDER PROPOSITION 13, THE CPI INFLATION CAN BE UP TO A MAXIMUM OF +2.00%PER YEAR. Land Buildings & Improvements Other Improvements Personal Property Total Assessed Value Net Assessed Value 2019-2020 PROPOSITION 13 FACTORED BASE YEAR VALUE (YOUR TAXABLE VALUE) 3,130,360 284,640 0 0 3,415,000 3,415,000 PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THIS PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Percentage Change From Last Year: 931.227% Prop. 13 Base Year Land: 2019 Improvements: 2019 Assessor Parcel Number (APN): 052-133-16 1111111 lllll 111111111111111111111111111111 IIII IIII PA2019-212 11111 1111 1111lll111l1 1h111••1 1••1111 1•111 1l1 1ll 111•1•11111 111l 11 Information Protected per CA Govt Code Sect 6254.21 311 POINSETTIA AVE NEWPORT BEACH ASSESSED SUPPLEMENTAL VALUES TYPE OF VALUE NEW BASE ROLL SUPPLEMENTAL YEAR VALUE VALUE VALUE LAND / MIN RTS 3,130,360 3,115,360 15,000 IMPROVEMENTS/BLDGS 284,640 284,640 OTHERS RliH!llilJMl=liDNli ASMT. YR. RATE YR. 7/HOMEOWNER 7,000-7,000- 052-133-16.0200 2019 I I Information Protected per CA Govt Code Sect 6254.21 • ••· I • 10/ 12 = 0.83 08-17-18 -06-30-19 = 318 DAYS 2018 08-17-18 -06-30-19 = 318 DAYS NET TAXABLE VALUE 3,408,000 3,393,000 15,000 lffl•-•1·1t t1tltllll·III lltl,ff!IU 08-17-18 01-24-19 r r .,.. 01-28-1' .. . . . 318 / 318 = 1.000000 0.83 X 1.000000 = 0.830000 AMOUNTS LEVIED BY TAXING AGENCIES SERVICE AGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL TAX UNADJUSTED COMP. SUPPLEMENTAL VALUE RATE(%)= TAX FACTOR= TAX DUE BASIC LEVY RATE 15,000 1.00000 150.00 0.830000 124.50 COAST COMM COLLEGE DIST 15,000 0.03052 4.57 0.830000 3.79 NEWPORT MESA UNIFIED 15,000 0.01682 2.52 0.830000 2.10 METRO WATER D-MWDOC 15,000 0.00350 0.52 0.830000 0.43 TOTAL: 1.05084 157.61 0.830000 130.82 DELINQUENT PENALTIES WILL BE CHARGED IF PAYMENT IS RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED AFTER DUE DATES. FIRST INSTALLMENT DUE 02-28-2019 [ ) SECOND [ ) [ ) $65.41 INSTALLMENT $65.41 TOTAL DUE $130.82 _ _ DUE 07-01-2019 . .__ ------- Make checks payable to County of Orange RETAIN TOP PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS ith your mortgage p ent may not be paid d account COUNTY OF ORANGE ADDITIONAL PENAL TIES ARE CHARGED ATTN: TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR IF TAXES ARE NOT PAID BY: 06-30-2020 P.O. Box 1438 Santa Ana, CA 92702-1438 SECURED SUPPLEMENTAL TAX BILL Pay taxes online by eCheck at no cost or by credit/debit card eCheck No Cost .■ !ms~J C,,, VISA 2.3% Fee Min.$ ocgov ,com/octaxbill Second Installment £i1 Due July 01, 2019 ~ sss:;;§ AMOUNT DUE AFTER 07-01-2019 (INCLUDING 10% PENAL TY+ $23 COST) $94,95 0205213316020082019020701190000006541063020000000949500000000000000001 L"'Mllli!Jiildlllmlii~ 052-133-16.0200 Make checks payable to County of Orange ith your mortgage ent may not be paid d account SECURED SUPPLEMENTAL TAX BILL Pay taxes online by eCheck at no cost or by credit/debit card eCheck Na Cost ■ i'~I •-VISA 2.3% Fee Min. s ocgov.com/octaxblll _,.-. PA2019-212 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Chicago Title Company AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Brian M. Kingman 15237 Sutton St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Title Order No.: 58601805971 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County Hugh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 35 -00 * $ R O O 1 0 2 9 2 5 3 3 $ * 2018000301982 11 :22 am 08/ 17 I 18 47 NC-5 G02 4 07 1878.251878.25 20.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY: Escrow No.: 052766-JW GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $3,756.50 [X] computed on full value of property conveyed, or [ ] computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. [ ] Unincorporated area [X] City of Newport Beach AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Jon W. Adams and Jennifer 5. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 hereby GRANT(s) to: Brian M. Kingman, Trustee of The Brian Kingman Living Trust dated May 11, 2017 the real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF Also Known as: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 AP#: 052-133-16 SUBJECT TO: (1) General and Special County and City (if any) Taxes for the current fiscal year, not due or delinquent, including any special levies, payments for which are included therein and collected therewith. (2) Lien of Supplemental Taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. (3) Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, reservation easements for public utilities, districts, water companies, alleys and streets, rights and rights of way of record, if any; also exception of oil, gas, minerals and hydrocarbons, and/or lease, if any, without the right of surface entry. GRANT DEED CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Mail Tax Statement to: SAME AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below: Page 1 of 2 PA2019-212 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Chicago Title Company AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Brian M. Kingman 15237 Sutton St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY: Title Order No.: 58601805971 Escrow No.: 052766-JW GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $3,756.50 [X] computed on full value of property conveyed, or [ ] computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. [ ] Unincorporated area [X] City of Newport Beach AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 hereby GRANT(s) to: Brian M. Kingman, Trustee of The Brian Kingman Living Trust dated May 11, 2017 the real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF Also Known as: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 AP#: 052-133-16 SUBJECT TO: (1) General and Special County and City (if any) Taxes for the current fiscal year, not due or delinquent, including any special levies, payments for which are included therein and collected therewith. (2) Lien of Supplemental Taxes, it any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. (3) Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, reservation easements for public utilities, districts, water companies, alleys and streets, rights and rights of way of record, if any; also exception of oil, gas, minerals and hydrocarbons, and/or lease, if any, without the right of surface entry. GRANT DEED CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Mail Tax Statement to: SAME AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below: Page 1 of 2 PA2019-212 CONTINUATION OF GRANT DEED Escrow No.: 052766-JW Dated: August 6, 2018 Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & ated 2/2/20 A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF QV4n1,t,, , J • On ltu&U$-r 1, 2.-01& beforeme, IJ-1,~on !TA/t:f.f}t.S ANotaryPublicpersonally appeared Joo w. ;4:dAm~ ~nd Jtnn,·+<.,r C'. M.am,r who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official ~~,al. / ~-~,-::> Signature ~;1-K (Seal) 1 .. -.. ALISON HAJ~'GOS 1 Soi , • Comrnluion No.2142942 ft 1! • . • NOTARY PUBLlc-cALIFORNIA .. I . f.tlv&RSIPE COUNTY I . M, Cofflffl. r.,. FE~ 11; 2020 I I .. PA2019-212 Document Recording and Collaboration Solutions GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 I certify under penalty of perjury that the notary seal on the document to which this statement is attached reads as follows: Name of Notary ·d ·. Notary Identification Number '! \ L l L l) L \ ~L Vender Identification Number County Where Bond Is Filed Date Commission Exp Place of Execution ~- DATE: __ ~C___, ) ·1 / 2018 \ SYNRGO Inc., as agent Signature PA2019-212 For APN/Parcel 1D(s): 052-133-16 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 11 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 1/2 OF LOT 13, OF BLOCK 242 OF CORONA DEL MAR, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. PA2019-212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 791B4A8E-2C91-4158-B4A8-02720DFD8788 BOE-502-A (P1) REV, 13 (06-17) PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT To be completed by the transferee (buyer) prior to a transfer of subject property, in acccrdance with seclion 480.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. A Preliminary Change of Ownership Report must be flied with each conveyance in the county Recorder's office for the county where the property is located. FOR ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY Brian Kingman 052-133-16 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams SELLERITRANSFEROR BUYER'S DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER brianmkingman@gmail.com BUYER'S EMAILA STREET ADDRESS OR PHYSICAL LOCATION OF REAL PROPERTY 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 ) YES ) NO This property is intended as my principal residence. If YES, please indicate the dale of occupancy MO DAY YEAR or intended occupancy. ) YES '-!_) NO Are you a disabled veteran or an unmarried surviving spouse of a disabled veteran who was compensated al 100% by the Department of Veterans Affairs? MAIL PROPERTY TAX INFORMATION TO (NAME) Brian Kingman "' r /l. u s-, ."' ZIP CODE (.)/l/f.' PART 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION Please complete all statements. This section contains possible exclusions from reassessment for certain types of transfers. YES NO ( ) ( • ) A This transfer is solely between spouses (addition or removal of a spouse, death of a spouse, divorce setl/emenr. ale.). ( ) ( ) B. This transfer is solely between domestic partners currently registered with the California Secretary of State (addition or removal of a partner, death of a partner, tennination settlement, etc.). )" C. This is a transfer: ( ) between parent(s) and child(ren) ( ) from grandparent(s) and grandchild(ren). r D. This transfer is the result of a cotenant's death. Date of death~~--~--~--------- )* E. This transaction is to replace a principal residence by a person 55 years of age or older. Within the same county? ( ) YES ( ) NO )* F. This transaction is to replace a principal residence by a person who is severely disabled as defined by Re1Jenu~ and Taxation Code section 69.5. Wilhin the same county? ( ) YES ( ) NO G. This transaction is only a correction of the name(s) of the person(s) holding title to the property (e.g., a namrJ change upon marriage). If YES, please explain: H. The recorded documen"'t-=c,..re-a7te:-:s:-,7te=-=rm=in-a7te,..s:-.--o ... r-re-co=n-ve'"'y_s_a_l;:,e,,.n"'de""r.,.'s..,i-nt,...e-re-s7t~in-l~h-e_p_ro_pe_rt~y-. --- 1. This transaction is recorded only as a requirement for financing purposes or to create, terminate, or ,econvev;., security interest (e.g., cosigner). If YES, please explain: J. The recorded document substitutes a trustee of a trust, -m,.,o"'rt,_g.,.ag'"e-,-o-r-o"'th-:e-,r.,.s,..im..,i,..la-r-.d-oc-l-,m-e_n.,.t-. --- K. This is a transfer of property: 1. to/from a revocable trust that may be revoked by the transferor and is for the benefit of [ ] the transferor, and/or [ ] the transferor's spouse [ ) registered domestic partner. 2. to/from an irrevocable trust for the benefit of the [ ] creatorlgrantor/trustor and/or [ J grantor'sltrustor's spouse ( ] grantor'sitrustor's registereo domP.stic partner. l. This property is subject to a lease with a remaining lease term of 35 years or more including written opliom,. M. This is a transfer between parties in which proportional interests of the transferor(s) and transferee(s) ;n e3c1·, and every parcel being transferred remain exactly the same after the lransfer. N. This is a transfer subject to subsidized low-income housing requirements with governmentally imposeo restrictions, or restrictions imposed by specified nonprofit corporations. )" 0. This transfer is to the first purchaser of a new building containing an active solar energy system. ) P. Other. This transfer is to •Please refer to the instruction_s_i~o-r~P~a~rt~1--------------------- Please provide any other information that will help the Assessor understand the nature of the transfor. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION PA2019-212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 791B4A8E-2C91-4158-B4A8-02720DFD8788 SOE-502-A (P1) REV. 13 (06-17) PART 2. OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION APN#:~ Cheek and complete as applicable. A. Date ot transfer, ii olher than recording date: ______ _ B. Type of transfer: ( X ) Purchase ( ) Foreclosure ( ) Gift ( ) Trade or Exchange ( ) Contract of sale. Dale of ccntracl ) Merger, stock or partnership acquisition (For,n BOE-10C-B) ) lnherttance. Dale of death: ) Termination of a laase. Dat1~,~,,~a-=-sa=beg=an°': ____ _ ( ) Sale/leaeeback ( ) Creallon~o~, a~le-ase----(~~) Assignment or a lease ( Original term In years llnO/Udlng written opl/Ons): __ _ Remaining term In years (inotudlng written op~ons): __ Other: Please explain: ____________________________________ _ C. Only a partial lnleresl In the property was transferred? ( ) YES ( X) NO lfYES. indlcale the percentage transferred ___ _ PART 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS OF SALE Check and complete as appllcable. A. Total purchase price B. Cash down payment or value of trade or exchange excluding closing costs_ Amount $ ________ _ :C. First deed of trust @I. _____ % Interest rate for _years. Monthly Payment $ ____ _ Amount s __ -4,...c'>i>+II "'\""' ..... - ) Var!able Rate )FHALDiscountPolnts} l car-Vet ( )VA LDlscounlPoints) I )RxedRate ) Bank/Savings & Loan/Credit Union ( ) Loan Carried by seller } Balloon Payment S . Due Date: ________ _ 0. Second Deed of Trust@ ____ % interestfor ____ yeara. Monthly Payment S. ______ Amount $ _________ _ ( ) Fixed Rate ( ) Variable Rate ( ) Bank/Savings & Loan/Credit Union ( ) Loan carried by seller ( J Balloon Payment $,_____ Due Date: ________ _ s ________ _ E. Was an Improvement Bond or other public financing assumed by the buyer? ( ) YES ( ) NO Outstanding balance s ________ _ F. Amount, if any, of real estate commission fees paid by the buyer which are not )llcluded in the purchase price G. The property was purchased: ('f) Through real estate broker. Broker name: j) i''{l IC\ Wl U' RA(' i ) Direct from seller ( ) Fi6m a family member-Relationship ____ , ____________ _ ~dr'1. ,.,7 1 1 '' •• () y·l (_,: Phone Numbcr<..'._1..:J.~.L....2...:. · '·· ( }Other: Pleaseexplain:. ______________________________________ _ H. Please explain any special terms. seller concessions.broker/agent fees waived, financing, and arri other information (e.g. buyer assumed lhe exisling loa:1 1>2lance) that would assist the Assessor in the valuation or your property: PART 4. PROPERTY INFORMATION A. Type of property transferred ( )/') Slngte-ramlly residence ( '> Multiple-family residence. Number of unils: ( ) Other. Description: (I.e., timber, mineral, w-a,~e-rr~ig~h~,.-, e~lc,} Check and complete as applicable. ) Co-op/Own-your-own ) Condominium )Timeshare ) Manuraclured hamc ) Unimproved lot ) Commercial/lndusllial 8. ) Y ersona usiness property, or incen ves, provided by seller to buyer are Included In the purchase price. Exampkls of personal property are furniture, farm equipment. machinery, etc. Examples of incentive sare club memberships, etc. Attach list if available. If YES, enter~ value of the personal/business property: s_________ Incentives s C. ( ) YES ( ) NO A manufactured home is Included in the purchase price. If YES. enteifi value attributed to the manufactured home: s ( ) YES ( NO The manufactured home is subject to local property tax. Ir NO, enter decal number: ______ _ D. ( ) YES ( NO The property produces rental or other Income. · If YES. the I e is from: ( )Lease/rent ( ) Con~ra ( ) Mineral rights ( ) Other: , E. The c:ondHlon oftha property al the lime ofsate was: ( ) Good ( ) Average ( ) Fair · ( ) Poor Please ~escribe: · • _______ .. CERTIFICATION I certify (or declare} under penihyol perjury under lhe laws of thii Slate al Cal/rom,e ihatthe foregoing and a// ,nfoiirial/on hel!lOn. lncludlna any acc-Jm;:any!llg statemen/s or documen/s Is 11118 and correcl ltl oW/e and belief. This dee/aration is bind in on each and every buyerftr.msferce. _____ _ SIGNATUREOFBUYER/IRANSFEREEORCOR ~EQFFIC~. DA TELEPHONE .• . . 1' ......... -,--8 I:, ~~ C'3llVjJ ':> .. · U4ii I NAM OF DUYER/TRANSFEREE/LEGAL REPRES ·TE OFFICER (PLEASE PRINT) f:MAIL AOORESf< 1 Y'lll n t.,1¥' N),_('\ i The Assessor's office may c ntaot you for addlllonal Information regarding thl& transaction. PA2019-212 DocuSlgri Envelope ID: 012ED789-D28A-48F2 Date: August 6, 2018 Page 5 of 5: B55F07EA46 Escrow No.: 052766-JW ESCROW COMPANIES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GIVE LEGAL ADVICE. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVICE, CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAS READ THE ADDITIONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN AND APPROVES, ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE BOUND THEREBY. ALL PARTIES SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THESE. INSTRUCTIONS. . I/We agree.to pay FUNDS REQUIRED TO CLOSE ESCROW UPON DEMAND. SELLER(S) ONLY: The foregoing terms, provisions, condillons, and 'instructions, and those "General Provisions" contained herein are hereby approved and· accepted in their entirety and concurred in by me. I will hand you necessary documents called for on my part to cause title lo be show,n as above which you are authorized to deliver when yo4 hold for my account _the sum of $3,415,000.00 within the time as above provided, pay your escrow charges, my recording fees, charges for evidence of lille as called for, whelher or not this . escrow is consummated, except those buyer agrees to pay. You are hereby authorized to pay bonds, assessments, taxes, and any liens of record to show title as called for, affix documentary lax on deed as required. · SELLERS: BUYERS: PA2019-212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 77 AEC14D-6C42-48CC 190420141 E6 Phone: (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180,; Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com FREEDOM ESCROW IS LICENSED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT OF THE ST-ATE OF CALIFORNIA, LICENSE NUMBER 963-0422 Jason Watrous .Escrow Officer SUPPLEMENTAL ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS Escrow No.: 052766-JW Date: August 6, 2018 T-he following instructions shall be deemed supplemental to those escrow instructions contained in that certain CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS dated August 3, 2018, with an Acceptance date of August 4, 2018, together with those certain Counter Offer(s) None thereto, by and between Jon w: Adams ar:id Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017, Seller herein, ani::l Brian Kingman, Buyer herein, (hereafter, collectively, the "Agreement''). Buyer has handed FREEDOM ESCROW initial deposit in the amount of ··-·-··--············--... -.......... _ ....................................... -.. -.. -..... -................................... -.................... _ ..... --......... 102,450.00 Prior to close of escrow, buyer will deposit an addit!onal amount o~·-··-···· ................. _ ..................................... _ ............. -............... ..3,312,550.00 Total Consideration ...................................... _ .................. -... ··-··-··· ....... -........................................ -................. _. ___ .... _ ............................................. $3,415,000.00 Furthermore, I will execute and deliver any instruments and/or funds which this escrow requires to show title as called for, all of which you are instructed to use on or before August 20, 2018 provided you hold a Policy ofTitle Insurance with the 11sual title company's exceptions, with a liability of not less than $3,415,000.00, covering property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 SHOWING TITLE VESTED IN: Brian Kingman CONTINGENCY DATES: The following contingency dates have been agreed upon between Buyer and Seller and are provided here for informational purposes only: Loan Applications CLOSE OF ESCROW August 20, 2018 ALL CASH TRANSACTION: All parties are aware this is an "All Cash" transaction and no financing will be secured on the subject property. Additionally, Escrow Holder is instructed to close this escrow without regard or concern about fire insurance coverage for the subject property. Buyer is to obtain'their own insurance coverage outside of escrow and release Escrow Holder from any resporisibility In connection therewith, · · CLOSING, COSTS: Buyer is to be at sole expense for all title and escrow fees, recording fees, and transfer tax. (CONTINUED) Seller's Initials: I ---B ,:. Buyer's Initials: __ _ t PA2019-212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 77AEC14D-6C42-48CD Date: August 6, 2018 Page 2 of 5: '90420141 E6 Escrow No.: 052766-JW CITY REPORT ONLY: Seller herein agrees to provide Buyer with a City of Newport Beach Residential Property Report ONLY. Buyer and Seller are aware this report has been paid for outside of escrow. ZONE DISCLOSURE REPORT: At Seller's expense, written Zone Disclosure report(s} shall be deposited with Escrow Holder, issued by First American NHD. Buyer and Seller are aware this report has been paid in full outside of escrow. TRUST AGREEMENT: Seller to provide and deposit into escrow a complete copy of the Trust Agreement, any amendments to the trust and/or a signed trust certification, together with any other documentation necessary and required to satisfy the title insurance company requirements. AUTHORIZATION TO PAY EXPENSES: Buyer and Seller are aware that Freedom Escrow may incur certain expenses during the course of processing this escrow which must be paid prior to the close of escrow. Such costs include, but are not limited to, association transfer fee and document fees, messenger fees, overnight mail service and city building reports, if applicable. Escrow Holder is authorized and instructed to release funds for payment of such costs, prior to the close of escrow, from funds deposited into escrow by Buyer. At close of escrow, Escrow Holder is authorized to charge the appropriate party for costs incurred. Should this escrow cancel Buyer and Seller are aware that monies disbursed are not refundable. Buyer and Seller agree to release escrow holder from any and all liability in connection with complying with this transaction. DEPOSIT DEEMS APPROVAL: All conditions of this escrow will be deemed to be satisfied or waived by Buyer upon Buyer's deposit Into escrow of sufficient funds to close this escrow, and Buyer's deposit of said funds shall be deemed Escrow Holder's unconditional authorization to proceed with closing of this escrow. PRORATIONS: Escrow holder is hereby authorized and instructed to prorate real property taxes (general, special and supplemental, if any) based upon the currently available tax bill as of date of close of escrow. Prorate as of Close of Escrow Real Property taxes based on latest tax bill or on amount furnished by title company. There shall be no other prorations calculated herein unless instructed to the contrary by the parties. CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT & JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS: BUYER AND SELLER HAVE CAUSED THEIR EXECUTED CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT & JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS TO BE DEPOSITED INTO ESCROW. THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, SUBJECT TO THE FOREGOING, COMPRISE ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE ESCROW HOLDER. JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS TO ESCROW HOLDER: Escrow holder shall be concerned with only the following paragraphs, or applicable portions thereof, of the California Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions of Buyer and Seller to Escrow Holder: Paragraph 3 4B SA 6 7 10C 13 14H 17 Subject Offer Finance Terms Sale of Buyer's Property Addenda .Other Terms Allocaiion of Costs Withholding Taxes Title and Vesting Effect of Cancellation on Deposits Proration or Property Taxes and Other Items Paragraph 18A 19 20 26 29 30 31 32 Paragraph D Page 10 Subject Brokers Compensation Representative Capacity Joir.t Escrow Instructions to Escrow Holder Assignment Time of Essence Entire Contract;Changes Definitions Expiration of Offer Acceptance of Offer Real Estate Brokers (CONTINUED) DS K Seller's Initials: / ---Buyer's Initials: ___ / PA2019-212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 77AEC14D-6C42-48CD-f Date: August 6, 2018 Page 3 of 5: I0420141E6 Escrow No.: 052766-JW ADDITIONAL ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND PROVISIONS 1. DUTY AS ESCROW HOLDER/EXCULPATORY PROVISIONS: The parties hereby acknowledge that Freedom Escrow Corporation has the responsibilities of an Escrow Holder only and there are no other legal relationships established in the terms and conditions of the escrow instructions. The parties hereby acknowledge that (a) Escrow Holder is not an attorney or tax advisor; and (b) no communications between Escrow Holder and the parties hereto relating to this escrow shall be considered legal or tax advice. Freedom Escrow recommends that you seek proper legal and tax counsel before signing these instructions. Escrow Holder is to use its usual document forms or the usual forms of any title insurance company or title company and in these instructions Insert dates and terms on the Instruments if incomplete when executed. Escrow Holder shall have no obligation to inform any party of any other transaction or of facts within Escrow Holder's knowledge, even though tile same concerns the property involved herein, provided such matters do not prevent Escrow Holder's compliance with these instructions. Escrow Holder shall not be responsible for (a) the sufficiency or correctness as to form or validity of any document deposited with Escrow Holder, (b) the manner of execution of any such deposited documents, unless such executions occur in Escrow Holder's premises and under its supervision, or (c) the identity, authorit~· or rights of any person executing any document deposited with Escrow Holder. Escrow Holder's duties hereunder shall be limited to the safekeeping of such money and documents received as Escrow Holder, and for the disposition of the same in accordance with the written instructions accepted by Escrow Holder in this escrow. Ur:iless otherwise· Instructed in writing, Escrow Holder shall not be required to take any action in connection with the collection, maturity or apparent outlaw of any obligation deposited in this escrow. Escrow Holder shall not be liable for any of its acts or omissions unless the same shall constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct. Escrow Holder's duty to act as Escrow Holder does not commence until these instructions. signed by all parties hereto. are received by Escrow Holder. However, release of Buyer's funds will require mutual signed release instructions from both Buyer and Seller, judicial decision, or arbitration award, pursuant to the CAR Real Estate Purchase Contract and Joint Escrow Instructions (and Receipt for Deposit). If the date by which Buyer's and Seller's performances are due shall be other than Escrow Holder's regular business day, such performances shall be due on the next succeeding business day. Unless otherwise instructed in writing. Escrow Holder shall continue to process the escrow after the agreed upon close of escrow date until completion. 2. DEMAND AUTHORIZATION: Escrow holder is hereby authorized and instructed to obtain demand from lender(s) of record and to pay for same from Seller/Borrower's proceeds at the close of escrow, including prepayment penalties, interest and such other costs, if applicable. 3. FUNDS RECEIVED IN ESCROW: All funds received in this escrow shall be deposited with a State or Federal bank with other escrow funds and disbursements shall be made by an escrow trust account check of Freedom Escrow. Checks not presented for payment within six months after date are subject lo service charges in accordance with your fee schedule in effect from time to time, which may include, but are not limited to, stop payment processing fees and storage retrieval fees. All documents and funds due the respective parties herein are to be mailed to the addresses provided to Escrow Holder. Our signatures on any documents and instructions pertaining to the escrow indicate our unconditional approval of same. Whenever provision is made herein for the payment of any sum, the delivery of any instrument or the performance of any act "outside of escrow", you as Escrow Holder shall have no responsibility therefore, shall not be concerned therewith and are specifically relieved of any obligation relative thereto. 4. CONFLICTING INSTRUCTIONS: All notices, demands and instructions must be in writing. Should Escrow Holder, before or after close of escrow, receive or become aware of any conflicting demands or claims with respect to the escrow, the rights of any party hereto or any funds, documents or property deposited with Escrow Holder, Escrow Holder may elect to do any or all of the following: (i) withhold performance of Escrow Holder's obligations and stop all further processing of this escrow pending resolution of any conflict by and between the parties hereto; and/or (ii) lile an action in imerpleader. All of the parties to this escrow hereby jointly and severally promise and agree to pay promptly on demand, as well as to indemnify Escrow Holder and to hold Escrow Holder harmless from and against a!I liligation and interpleader costs, damages, judgments, allorney's fees, expenses, obligations and liabilities of every kind which. in good faith, Escrow Holder may incur or suffer in connection with or arising out of this escrow, whether said litigation, interpleader, obligation, liabilities or expenses arise during the performance of this escrow or subsequent lhereto, directly or indirectly. 5. AUTHORIZATION TO FURNISH COPIES AND COMPLY WITH LENDER'S INSTRUCTIONS: Escrow Holder is authorized to furnish copies of these instructions, supplements, amendments, notices of cancellation, closing statements and/or any other documents deposited in this escrow, to the real estate broker(s) representing the parties as evidenced by separate commission instructions, if necessary. and any lender to whom a party to this escrow had made application for a loan and/or the attorney's involved in this transaction. Escrow Holder is to follow the lender(s) instructions, if any. 6. TAXES: Escrow Holder is not to be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any personal property tax which may be assessed against any former or present owner of the subject property described in these escrow instructions, nor for the corporation or license tax of any corporalion as a former or present owner. (CONTINUED) OS K. Seller's Initials: ---Buyer's Initials: ___ / PA2019-212 DocuSign Envelope ID: 77AEC14D-6C42-48CD-l Date: August 6, 2018 Page 4 of 5: 90420141E6 Escrow No.: 052766-JW 7. PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS: Escrow Holder is instructed to make prorations and adjustments on the following basis: (a) on a 30 day month, (b) taxes and assessments on the latest information from the title company, or handed Escrow Holder, (c) fire insurance from premiums shown in policy(s} handed Escrow Holder and/or as shown on beneficiary's statement, and you may assume that necessary premiums !lave been paid and policy is in force, {d) interest from information shown in beneficiary statement, and (e) rents from statement handed you by Seller or agent thereof, (f) Homeowner's Association dues from statement deposited into escrow by the Homeowner's Association or its management company. The phrase "close of escrow" {COE) as used in this escrow is the date on which documents are recorded and relates only to proralio:is and/or adjustments unless otherwise specified. 8. INSURANCE: In instances wherein Buyer is purchasing a new policy of Insurance, H shall be the Seller's responsibility to cancel the existing insurance policy. 9. EXECUTION OF ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND ADDENDA: These instructions may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original regardless of the date of its execution and delivery. All such counterparts shall constitute one and the same document. A party's signature on all instruments and instructions pertaining to this escrow indicates that party's unconditional acceptance and approval of same. No notice, demand or change or instruction shall be effective unless executed and in writing. Any amended, supplemented or additional instructions shall be subject to the foregoing conditions. 1·0. REPORTING TRANSACTIONS: Escrow Holder is required by law to report the total "gross" proceeds (total consideration/sales price) on all real estate sales lo the IRS at closing. In addition, parties are further made aware that Escrow Holder will also be required by H.R. 638 "Home Sale Tax Fairness Act of 1992" to report to I.R.S. the amount of real estate property taxes apportioned between the parties al close or escrow. Seller is to complete, sign and return a Seller's Certification for Real Estate Report Requirements to Escrow Holder, {all sellers MUST sign}, and this escrow MAY NOT CLOSE if this form is not received prior to closing. This is an I.R.S. requirement, and any questions should be directed to the United States Treasury Department and not to Escrow Holder. NOTE: Corporations are automatically exempt from I.R.S. 1099 reporting. Pursuant to the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18662 for sales of California real property that close on or after January 1, 2003, withholding Is required when the seller is a nonresident, a corporation with no permanent place of business in California, and resident individuals, subject to certain exemptlo,,s. In the evenl withholding is required, Escrow Holder shall charge a CalFirpta processing fee of up to $100.00 per Form 597 delivered to the State of California Franchise Tax Board. 11. USURY: Escrow Holder is not to be concerned with any question of usury in any loan or encumbrance involved in the processing of this escrow and Escrow Holder is hereby released of any responsibility or liability therefore. 12. SIGNATURE: All parties to this transaction instruct Escrow Holder to accept signatures forwarded herein via Fax Machine (faxed signatures) to close escrow, with the original thereof signed to be forwarded to Escrow Holder directly upon such faxing. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL FORWARD THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURES VIA REGULAR MAIL, acknowledging that the Corporate Commissioner of the State of California requests original signatures on all files. 13. DISCLOSURES: Escrow Holder is not to be concerned with the giving of any disclosures required by Federal or State law, specifically but not exclusively, RESPA (Real Estate Selllement Procedures Act), Regulation Z {Truth in Lending disclosures), Zone Disclosure Reports or other warnings, the release or discharge of hazardous or toxic wastes on the subject property in the past, present or future, or any warranties, express or implied. Neither, nor is Escrow Holder to be concerned with the effect of zoning ordinances, land division regulations, or building restrictions which may pertain to or affect the land or lmprovements that are the subject of this escrow. 14. SUBDIVISION MAP ACT: The parties to this escrow have satisfied themselves outside of escrow that the transaction covered by !his escrow is not in violation of the Subdivision Map Act or any other law regulating land division, and you as Escrow Holder are relieved of all responsibility and/or liability in connection therewith and are not to be concerned with the enforcement of said laws. 15. DESTRUCTION OF FILES: Escrow Holder is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of any and all documents, papers, escrow instructions, correspondence and records or other material constituting or pertaining to this escrow at any lime after five (5) years from the date of: (1) the close of escrow: (2) the date of cancellation: or (3) the date of last activity without liability and without further notice to the parties. A nominal fee of $50.00 will be charged to retrieve a file from storage after six months from the COE. ·t6. FREEDOM ESCROW: This company is an independent escrow company licensed by the Department of Corporations, State of California, License no. 963-0422. 17. THIS AQREEMENT: This agreement in all its parts applies and inures to the benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devises, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, and whenever the context so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine gender and neuter, and the singular number includes the plural. All parties indemr.ify Escrow Holder against forgery in the execution of any/all instructions/documents in this transaction. Seller's Initials: (CONTINUED) ~ .. ,: Buyer's Initials: ___ / PA2019-212 DocuSlgn Envelope ID: 77AEC14D-6C42-48CD-l Date: August 6, 2018 Page 5 of 5: ;J0420141E6 Escrow No.: 052766-JW ESCROW COMPANIES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GIVE LEGAL ADVICE. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVICE, CONSULT YOUR-ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING, EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAS READ THE ADDITIONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSliRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN AND APPROVES, ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE BOUND THEREBY. ALL PARTIES SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS. I/We agree to pay FUNDS REQUIRED TO CLOSE ESCROW UPON DEMAND. SELLER(S) ONLY: The foregoing terms, provisions, conditions, and Instructions, and those "General Provisions" contained herein are hereby approved and accepted in their entirety and concurred in by me. I will hand you necessary documenJs called for on my part to cause title: to be shown as above which you are authorized to deliver when you hold for my account Jhe sum of $3,415,000.00 within the time as above provided, pay your escrow ~harges, my recording fees, charges for evidence of title as called for, whether or not this escrow is consummated, except those buyer agrees lo pay. You are hereby authorized to pay bonds, assessments, taxes, and any liens of record to show title as called for, affix documentary tax on deed as required. SELLERS: . · ~i~11y: 'B...:-, K,· -Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & --, J• Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 '=r ""'!frffl"""....,,.""IDffllj,.,,....~..-.. -. --------- By: -,----:-,-,.........--,---=---=-------Jon W. Adams, Trustee By: ....,...........,...,...___,,........,....,,----=,------- Jennifer S. Adams, Trustee / PA2019-212 Phone (9'19) 644-3939 • 1200 Newpoft Celller Drive, Ste. 180 • .Newpoll Beach, CA 921180 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomesarow.com ESCROW NO.: 052766-JW PROPERTY ADDRESS: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92626 INFORMATION REQUEST In order for us to obtain statements of account from your existing lender(&) or homeoWner's association, please provide us with the following Information on your accounts. We must have accurate and complete Information on your accounts, as some take up to 30 days to retum OUI' request Please fill out and return this form as soon as possible. PLEASE MARK "N/~" IN THOSE AREAS THAT DO NOT APPLY TD YOUR PROPERTY. Appllcable Regulation require& authorization In writing from you before a lander can release any payoff Information ,O an escrow holder. A delay In returning this algnad and completed form could dalay the close of escrow. . . - Approx. Balance:~ ,i.1h"'6U . PhoneNo.: ------- Lender Name: J ·-Ap_prox. Balance:$ _____ _ SECOND TRUST DEED 49 EQUITY LINE: YES ( ) NO ( ) Address: £.V f Loan No.: _______________ Phone No.: ______ _ HOM~WNER'S ASSOCIATION (If app~· bla} Association Name: -----~_,_,. _________________ _ . Management Co.. c/ Address: !.J.7 _.f. Account No.: ' Phone No.: ______ _ Dues per Mon : $ _____________ Paid to: _______ _ Is there a sub-association? ( ) YES .,V ) NO If so, please provide pertinent informatlorf.' Our signatures beloW are to be considered inslrucllcns for obtaining statements; to comply with the instruelions of the above named companies; and our aufllorizallon to freeze any equity line(s) that may be encumbered ~ this property; and our aulhorlzallon lo pay from funds due µs at the close of escrow 88id companies' fees, Including, but not llmlled _ to: Slalef!lent Fees, Late Fees, Prepaymen~ Penalties, lmP.Ound Account Shortages wi!hout Ollr further approval. Pleaae Provide Y~rdl~df below, so funds or documents may be sent to you after~ of escrow. ·~ LJ1%l:r/' ?M ,~ .. -8/4/zK . Social Security/Tax.l.D:· No.: t;f).).'J'/il/i) Social Security/Tax I.D. No.: ~~..fS--I~ · nnifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J 017 PA2019-212 TAXABLE YEAR ■ CALIFORNIA FORM 2018 Real Estate Withholding Certificate 593-C Part I -Sellerrrransferor Information Return this form to our escrow com an • Name Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 21212017 Spouse'&IRDP's Name (ii joinity owoed) Property address (ir no &tree address, provide pa«:al number and county) 311 Poinsettia Avenue, New rt Beach, CA 92625 SSN or ITIN 9;..;..3-~ Spouse's/RDP') or~~~ OJ4TIN Cd jointly owned) ~»-.. /y /o,,::r I J FEIN I ] CA Cori: no. I l CA SOS file no. Ownership __pei;._centage 'PD% To certify that you qu,lify for a run or paltlal wlthholcllng exemption, check all boxes that apply to the property being sold or transferred. (Sae in&tructions) Part 11-Certifications which fully exempt the sale from withholding: 1. ~) The property qualifies as the seller's/tra11sferor's (or decedent's, if sold by the decedent's estate or trust) principal residence within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 121. 2. ( The seller/transferor (or decedenl, if sold by the decedent's estate or truat) last used lhe property as the seller's/lransfero(s (decedent's) principal residence within Iha meaning of IRC Section 121 without regard to the two-year lime period. 3. [ The seller/lransfel'or has a loss or zero gain for California income tax purposes on lhjs sale. To check lhis box you musl complete Form 593- E. Real Estate 'Al'it!iholdlng..Compulatlon of Eaumaled Gain or Loss, and have a 1011 or zero geln on nne 16, 4. [ The property is being compulsorily or involuntarily converted and the seHer/lransferor Intends lo acquire property lhat i& similar or relaled in seNice or use to qualify for nonrecognition of gain for California income tax purposes under IRC Section 1033. 5. [ The transfer qualifies for nonrecogf!ltion treatment under IRC Section 351 (transfer to a corporation controlled by the lransferor) or IRC Section 721 (contribution to a partnership in exchange for a partnership interest). 6. ( The seller/lransfal'OI' is a corp01allon (or a Hmited liability company (LLC) classified as a corporation for federal and Caliiq_rnia income tax purposes) that is either qualified through lhe Cafifornla Secretary of State (SOS) or has a pem,anent place of business in California. 7. [ The seRer/transferor is a California partnership or a partnership qualified lo do business in California (or an LLC that is classified as a partnership for federal and California income tax purposes and is not a single member LLC that is disregarded for federal and California income tax purposes). 8. [ The seHer/lransferor is a tax-exempt entity under California or federal law. 9. [ The seller/transferor Is an insurance company, Individual retirement accounl, qualified penslon/proflt sharing plan, or charilable remainder lrust. Part Ill• Certifications that may partially or fully exempt the sale from withholding: Real Estate Escrow Person (REEP}: See instructions for amounts to wilhhold. 10. [ ) The transfer qualifies as a simullaneous like-kind exchange within the meaning of IRC Section 1031. 11. [ I The transfer qualifies as a deferred like-kind exchange within lhe meaning of IRC Section 1031. 12. ( J The transfer of this property is an inS1allment sale where the buyer/transferee is required to withhold on the principal ponlon of each Instalment payment. Coples of Form 593-1. Real Estate Withholding Installment Sale Acknowledgement, and the promissory note are allached. Seller/Transferor Si nature To learn about your privacy rights, how we may use your information, and the consequences for nol providing the requested informa!lon, go to ftb.ca.gov/forma and search for 1131. To request this notice by mail, call 800.852.5711. Under penalties of peri11ry, 1 declare that I have examined the Information on this fonn, including accompanying schedules and staternents, and to the best of my knowledge and beHef, ii is true, correct, and complete. I fur1her declare under penalties of periury 11, I if the facts upon which this form are based change, I will promptly notify the REEP. ~ Seller's/Transferor's Name and Tille Jon W. Adams, Trustee Seller's/Transferor's Signat'f'llt,.!~~!!!Z..D•.V f ~ Spouse's/RDP's Name Jennifer S. Adams, Trustee Spouse's/ROP's Sig ~ Date f. ~ <, I Sellert If you checked any bolt in Pan II, you are exempt from real estate withholding. Transferor If you checked any box in Part Ill, you may qualify for a partial or complete withholding exemption. ■ Except as to an fnstallment sale, if the seller/transferor did not c:hecll any box in Part II or Part Ill of Form 593-C, lhe wlthholding will be 3 1/3% (.0333) oflhe total sales price or the optional gain on sale withholding amount from line 5 of Form 593, Real Estate VVithholding Tax Statement, If the eeller/transferor does not retum the completed Form 593 anti Form 593.c by the real estate transaction, the withholding wlll be 3 1/3o/o (.0333) of total sales price, unless the type of transaction Is an tnstaHment sale. If lhe transaction is an Installment sale, the withholding wiU be 3 1/3% (.0333) of the down payment. If you are withheld upon, the REEP should give you one copy of Form 593. AHach a copy to lhe tower front of your Califomla income tax return and ma~e a copy for your records. ~ 7131184 I Form 593-C 2017 ■ i I PA2019-212 Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Cenler Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport B89ch, CA 92660 • Fex: (949) 844-3938 www.lreedomescraw.com TO: Freedom Escrow SELLER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NONFOREIGN STATUS Date· August&, 2018 ESCROW NO.: 052766-JW Section 1445 of the lntern11I Revenue Code provides that a transferee/buyer of a U.S. real property interest must withhold tax if the transferor/seller is a foreign person. To inform the transferee/buyer Iha! withholding of tax is not required upon the disposition of a U.S. real property interest. Property located at: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 by Jon W, Adams and Jennifer s. Adams I hereby certify to the following (If an entity transferor, on behalf of the transferor); INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR($): 1. I am not a nonresident alien for purposes of U.S. income taxation; r1 .,~~ 2. My U.S. taxpayer identification numberjSocial SecuriW~ '~$ ---..:, 3. My home address is 2-0!6. 71/l,IRlrJ ~ ~-A, !4.,):7' LLC, CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, TRUST OR ESTATE TRANSFEROR($): 1. -------------------~(name of transferor) is not a foreign corpcration, foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax RegulatlOn(s); 2. ---------------------(name of transferor) U.S. employer identllicaUon number Is _________ end; 3. ~-------------------(name of transferor) office address is Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams (name of lransferor) understands that this certificallon may be disclosed to lhe Internal Revenue Service by transferee and lhat any false statements I have mede here for, for entity transferor. contained herein) could be punished by flne. lmprisorllTlent. or both. Under penellies of pe1ury I declare that I have examined this certification and to the best of my knowledge and belief ii is true, correct and complete (and, for entity transferor, I further declare that I have authority to sign this document on behalf of Jon W. Adam and Jennifer S. Adams (name of transferor). NOTICE TO TRANSFEREE (BUYER): An affidavit should be signed by each individual or enUty transferor to whom or which ii applies. Before you sign, any questions relating to the legal sufficiency of this form, or to whether ii applies to a particular transaction or to the definition of any of the terms used, should be referred to a certified public accountant, attorney, or other professional tax advisor, or to the Internal Revenue Service. and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of st dated 2/2 PA2019-212 ,,.. W:Pn~ Phone (949) 644-3939. 1200 Newport Center Drive, Sle. 180 I Newport Beach, CA 92660 I Fax: (949) ~4-3938 www.freedomescrow.com TO: Freedom Escrow SELLER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NONFOREIGN STATUS D!'le: August a, 201~ ESCROW NO.: 052766.JW Seclion 1445 of lhe lniernal Revenue Code provide& that a lransfer~uyer of a U.S. real property intere&t must withhold tax if the transferor/seller is a foreign person. To inform the transfereelbuyer that wilhholding of tax is not requi_red,u~n_ the disposilion of a U.S. real property interest. Pro;ierty localed at: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 by Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams I heteby certiFy to Iha following (if an enllly transferor, on behalf of the transferor); INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR(&): 1. I am not a non~sldent alien for purposes of U.S. income taxation; rr, 2. My U.S. taxpayer identification numbe~Social Securily.Jll'!l~r) i~ B:Ec'1D '.J) 3. My home address is ,d:i~ 7/ldR(,J ~ ~-{4f _ , (A 1 ?)4:27 LLC, CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, TRUST OR ESTATE TRANSFEROR(S): 1. 2. 3. (name of transferor) '"is_n_o.,..t a-.,fo,_re..,.ig ... n-co=rpo=ra"'U ... on:-, -zro~re.,-,lg""n_pa___,rln,-et&hi--,-.,-..p-,-.fore=ig:-n:-_,l.::lll-::S:.-I,-::o-:-r =roreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax RegulaUon(s); · .,.,..,---,-....,...,----,,...--,,--"""T"--,---------<name of transferor) U.S. employer lllenllllcallon number is _________ and; 1 (name of lransferor) office address is Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams (neme of transferor) understands that this certlfic:atlon may be disclosed to the Internal Reven!le Service py transferee and that any false statements, I have made here for, for enlity transferor, contained herein) could be punished by fine, Imprisonment, or bolh . . Under penalties of petjury I declare that I have examined this certlDcatlon and to the best of my knowledge and belief il ls true, correct and complete (and, for entity transferor, I further declare that I have authority to sign this document on behalf of Jon W. Adams and Jennlrer S. Adams (name of transferor}. - NOTICE TO TRANSFEREE (BUYER): An affidavit should be signed by each indiviclual or ently transferor to whom or wl}ich it applies. Before you sfsn, any questions relaUng lo Iha legal sufficiency of this form, or lo whether ii apples lo a particular transaction or to Iha daffnltion of any of the terms used, should be referred lo a certlffed public accountan~ attornay, or othar professional tax advisor, or 10· the Internal Revenue Service. nnlfer S. Adams, Tl\lslees of stdaled 2/ I PA2019-212 1099 CERTIFJCA TION TO: Freedom Escrow ESCROW NO.: 052766..JW We understand that you must provide information pertaining to this escrow to the Internal Revenue Service as required by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Internal Revenue Code Section 6045(e), 6676, 6722, 6723 and 7203 and issue a Form 1099. The undersigned Seller(s) hereby provide and authorize the use of the following information for this reporting purpose and ur.derstand that if the correct information is not provided, civil or criminal penalties may be imposed by law. PURCHASE PRICE: $3,415,000.00 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beac~. CA 92625 This is to advise ti,at the TIN Taxpayer's Identification Number (or Social Security Number) for the Seller(s) in this escrow are as follows: NOTE: If Seller Is an entity (Trust, Partnership, etc.), please provide the entity's TIN/FEIN number, othe,wise, if providing a social security number, the 1099-S must be filed with the IRS as an individual. SELLER: -7i°4Lhl, ~ Full Name (Please Print) Social Security OR Tax Identification Number Full Name (Please Print) Social Security OR Tax Identification Number PROPERTY OWNERSl-!IP STATIJS: Individual Husband and Wife ")( Spouses -------- Corporation Partnership ------Trust ___ LLC_ Percent of Ownership: _ _./,,_'t>O=--'~-'t>.....,_ ___ % (If% of ownership is not 100% another form must be filled out for each Seller). IS THIS YOUR PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE: EXCHANGE TRANSACTION: ARE YOU A FOREIGN PERSON: (nonresident alien, foreign partnership, foreign estate, or foreign trust) Yes-,4 No ( ) Yes () No~ Yes () N~ IMPORTANT: Address for malling the 1099 at or after the close of escrow will be: )l¼S 7ilJ1P1,J irJ,,f, urit_ ~Jc,. P~ I e ereby certify the above number(s) and information are true and accurate. Seller. PA2019-212 Part Ill -Certifications That May Partially or Fully Exempt the Sale From Withholding Complete Part Ill only if you did not meel any of the exemptions in Part II. Line 10 -Simultaneous Exchange If the California real property is part of a simultaneous like-kind e1<change within the meaning of IRC Section 1031, the transfer is e1<empt from withholding. However, if the seller/transferor receives money or other property (in addilion to property that is a part of the like-kind exchange) exceeding $1,500 from the sale, the REEP must withhold. Line 11 -Deferred Exchange If the California real property is part of a deferred like-kind e><change within the meaning of IRC Section 1031, the sale is exempt from withholding at the time of the initial transfer. However, if the seller/transferor receives money or other property (in addition to property that is a part of the like-kind exchange) exceeding $1,500 from the sale, the qualifled intermediary must withhold. If the exchange does not take place or if the eKchange does not qualify for nonrecognition treatment, the intermediary or accommodator must withhold 3 1/3% (. 0333) of the total sales price. Line 12 -Installment Sale The REEP reports the sale or transfer as an installment sale if there will be at least one payment made after the ta>< year of the sale. The withholding is 3 1/3% (.0333) of the down payment during escrow. Buyers/Transferees are required to withhold on the principal portion of ail payments made following the close of the real estate transaction unless an approval letter for elect-out method is received. When the withholding amount on the down payment is sent to the FTB, the FTB must also receive a completed Form 593-1, Real Estate Withholding Installment Sale Acknowledgement, a completed Form 593, and a copy of the promissory note. Seller/Transferor Signature You must sign this form and return it lo your REEP by the dose of the real estate transaction for ii to be valid. Otherwise, the REEP must withhold the full 3 1/3% (. 0333) of the total sales price or the optional gain on sale withholding amount from line 5 of Form 593 that is certified by the seller/transferor only for the. optional gain on sale election. Penalty • Any seller/transferor who, for the purpose of avoiding lhe withholding requirements, knowingly eKecutes a false certificate is liable for a penalty of $1,000 or 20% of the required withholding amount, whichever Is greater. Page 14 Real Estate W/H Forms Booklet 2017 l • PA2019-212 Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: {949) 644-3938 www .freedomescrow.com VESTING FORM Date: August 6, 2018 Escrow No.: 052766-JW TO: Freedom Escrow ESCROW HOLDER IS HEREBY INSTRUCTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT TITLE TO THE PROPERTY IN THIS ESCROW TO BE VESTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. YOUR NAME(S): Brian Ki Tan Livioft Trust You will need a picture identlcation in•t is•name for your signature to be notarized. 2. PLEASE INDICATE ONE: X Who are married to each other Spouses · Husband and Wife Wife and Husband A Married Man as his sole and separate property ** A Married Woman as her sole and separate property ** A Single Man (r.ever been married) A Single Woman (never been married) An Unmarried Man (divorced, final filed) An Unmarried Woman (divorced, final filed) A Widower (male) A Widow (female) Domestic Partner 3. ** IF YOUR STATUS IS SEPARATED OR YOU ARE MARRIED OR A REGISTERED DOMESTIC PARTNER, AND TAKING TITLE ALONE, your vesting will show "as sole and separate property." In this case, we will need the name of your spouse/partner. A Quitclaim-Deed will be drawn am;I sent to you for your spouse's/partner's signature. IN THIS CASE, PLEASE PRINT YOUR SPOUSE'S/PARTNER'S NAME HERE: 4. IF TWO (2) OR MORE PEOPLE ARE TAKING TITLE TOGETHER, please check one of the following: As Joint Tenants As Community Property (husband and wife or domestic partners only) As Community Property with Right of Survivorship (husband and wife, domestic partners or same sex marriage only) As Tenants in Common 5. ***IF TITLE IS HELD AS "TENANTS IN COMMON", or if more than one marr'ied or reg·1stered domestic partnered couple are taking title as Tenants in Common, please give the percentage of vesting interest of each person/couple to hold title: NOTE: SHOULD THERE BE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR VESTING, CONSULT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR C,P,A. t I I ! I ! I I PA2019-212 Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949} 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com ESCROW NO.: 052766-JW PROPERTY ADDRESS: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 TO THE BUYER In order that we may expedite the closing of your escrow, please furnish us with the following information: FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY: Name of Company: _ ...... N .... a ... ti .... o ..... o .... w ... id .... e_.T .... os .... 1 ..... 1r...,ao ... ce..._ _______________ _ Address: ___________________________ _ Phone Number: _______ Name of Agent: _____________ _ NEW LENDER: Name of Company: _....,_.""------------------------ Address: ---------------------------- Phone Number: _______ Loan Agent/Officer: ____________ _ MAILING ADDRESS AFTER CLOSE OF ESCROW: J S237 Sutton Street, Sherman Oaks. CA 91403 PLEASE COMPLETE ANO RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOURSIGNED ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. I I I i ~ I PA2019-212 ~EED □m ttttKit•ll Phone (949) 644-3939, 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 •·Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com VESTING FORM Date: August 6, 2018 Escrow No.: 052766-JW TO: Freedom Escrow ESCROW HOLDER IS HEREBY INSTRUCTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED THAT TITLE TO THE PROPERTY IN THIS ESCROW TO BE VESTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. YOUR NAME(S): l? ~ I /.I Al ~-K f I\/ (r#ltf A-"1. You will need a picture identification in this name for your signature to be notarized. 2. PLEASE INDICATE ONE: Who are married to each other Spouses Husband and Wife Wife and Husband A Married Man as his sole and separate property ** A Married Woman as her sole and separate property •• A Single Man (never been married) A Single Woman (never been married) V An Unmarried Man (divorced, final filed) An Unmarried Woman (divorced, final filed) A Widower (male) A VVidow (female) Domestic Partner 3. ** IF YOUR STATUS IS SEPARATED OR YOU ARE MARRIED OR A REGISTERED DOMESTIC PARTNER, AND TAKING TITLE ALONE, your vesting will show "as sole and separate property." In this case, we will need the name of your spouse/partner. A Quitclaim Deed will be drawn and sent to you for your spouse's/partner's signature. IN THIS CASE, PLEASE PRINT YOUR SPOUSE'S/PARTNER'S NAME HERE: 4. IF TWO (2) OR MORE PEOPLE ARE TAKING TITLE TOGETHER, please check one of the following: As Joint Tenants ___ As Community Property (husband and wife or domestic partners only) As Community Property with Right of Survivorship (husband and wife, domestic partners or same sex marriage only) As Tenants in Common 5. ***IF TITLE IS HELD AS "TENANTS IN COMMON", or If more than one married or registered domestic partnered couple are taking title as Tenants in Common, please give the percentage of vesting interest of each person/couple to hold title: NOTE: SHOULD THERE BE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR VESTING, CONSULT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR C,P..A. PA2019-212 FReeoom Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 o Fax: (949) 644-3938 Jason Watrous Escrow Officer Property·Address: · www.freedomescrow.com Date: August 6, 2018 Escrow No.: 052766-JW· 311 Poinsettia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92625 INSTRUCTIONS TO PAV COMMISSION At the close of your above-numbered escrow, you are authorized and instructed to pay the following: Pay Commission to TOTAL COMMISSION Villa Real Estate 450 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Agent: Sandra Hauser $50,000.00 This, instruction irrevocably assigns the above stated commission to the above named Broker(s). This , instruction may not be amended or revoked without the written consent of the Broker(s) hereinabove named. BUYERS: Brian Kingman Villa Real Estate BY: --------.,.....,.,--.--........ .----,--Authorized Signature Li_cense #01925726 \ ' / / PA2019-212 FREE□om Phone: (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com FREEDOM ESCROW IS LICENSED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS OVERSIGHT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LICENSE NUMBER 963-0422 Jason Watrous Escrow Officer SUPPLEMENTAL ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS Escrow No.: 052766-JW Date: August 6, 2018 The following instructions shall be deemed supplemental to those escrow instructions contained in that certain CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS dated August 3, 2018, with an Acceptance date of August 4, 2018, together with those certain Counter Offer(s) None thereto, by and between Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017, Seller herein, and Brian Kingman, Buyer herein, (hereafter, collectively, the "Agreement"). Buyer has handed FREEDOM ESCROW initial deposit in the amount of ___ 102,450.00 Prior to close of escrow, buyer will deposit an additional amount of ............................................................................................. 3,312,550.00 Total Consideration ............................ -.............................................................................................................................................................................. $3,415,000.00 Furthermore, I will execute and deliver any instruments and/or funds which this escrow requires to show title as called for, all of which you are instructed to use on or before August 20, 2018 provided you hold a Policy of Title Insurance with the usual title company's exceptions, with a liability of not less than $3,415,000.00, covering property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 SHOWING TITLE VESTED IN: Brian Kingman CONTINGENCY DATES: The following contingency dates have been agreed upon between· Buyer and Seller and are provided here for informational purposes only: Loan Applications CLOSE OF ESCROW August 20, 2018 ALL CASH TRANSACTION: All parties are aware this is an "All Cash" transaction and no financing will be secured on the subject property. Additionally, Escrow Holder is instructed to close this escrow without regard or concern about fire insurance coverage for the subject property. Buyer is to obtain their own insurance coverage outside of escrow and release Escrow Holder from any responsibility in connection therewith. CLOSING COSTS: Buyer is to be at sole expense for all title and escrow fees, recording fees. and transfer tax. (CONTINUED) Seller's Initials: / ------Buyer's Initials: PA2019-212 Date: August 6, 2018 Page 2 of 5: Es_, __ _. No.: 052766-JW CITY REPORT ONLY: Seller herein agrees to provide Buyer with a City of Newport Beach Residential Property Report ONLY. Buyer and Seller are aware this report has been paid for outside of escrow. ZONE DISCLOSURE REPORT: At Seller's expense, written Zone Disclosure report(s) shall be deposited with Escrow Holder, issued by First American NHD. Buyer and Seller are aware this report has been pald in full outside of escrow. TRUST AGREEMENT: Seller to provide and deposit into escrow a complete copy of the Trust Agreement, any amendments to the trust and/or a signed trust certification. together with any other documentation necessary and required to satisfy the title insurance company requirements. AUTHORIZATION TO PAY EXPENSES: Buyer and Seller are aware that Freedom Escrow may incur certain expenses during the course of processing this escrow which must be paid prior to the close of escrow. Such costs include, but are not limited to, association transfer fee and document fees, messenger fees, overnight mail service and city building reports, if applicable. Escrow Holder is authorized and instructed to release funds for payment of such costs, prior to the close of escrow, from funds deposited into escrow by Buyer. At close of escrow, Escrow Holder is authorized to charge the appropriate party for costs incurred. Should this escrow cancel Buyer and Seller are aware that monies disbursed are not refundable. Buyer and Seller agree to release escrow holder from any and all liability in connection with complying with this transaction. DEPOSIT DEEMS APPROVAL: All condit:ons of this escrow will be deemed to be satisfied or waived by Buyer upon Buyer's deposit into escrow of sufficient funds to close this escrow, and Buyer's deposit of said funds shall be deemed Escrow Holder's unconditional authorization to proceed with closing of this escrow. PRORATION$: Escrow holder is hereby authorized and instructed to prorate real property taxes (general, special and supplemental, if any) based upon the currently available tax bill as of date of close of escrow. Prorate as of Close of Escrow Real Property taxes based on latest tax bill or on amount furnished by title company. There shall be no other prorations calculated herein unless instructed to the contrary by the parties. CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT & JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS: BUYER AND SELLER HAVE CAUSED THEIR EXECUTED CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT & JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS TO BE DEPOSITED INTO ESCROW. THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, SUBJECT TO THE FOREGOING, COMPRISE ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE ESCROW HOLDER. JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS TO ESCROW HOLDER: Escrow holder shall be concerned with only the following paragraphs, or applicable portions thereof, of the California Residential Purchase Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions of Buyer and Seller to Escrow Holder: Paragraph 1 3 48 5A 6 7 10C 13 14H 17 Seller's Initials: Subject Offer Finance Terms Sale of Buyer's Property Addenda Other Terms Allocation of Costs Withholding Taxes Title and Vesting Effect of Cancellation on Deposits Proration of Property Taxes and Other Items Paragraph 18A 19 20 26 29 30 31 32 Paragraph D Page 10 Subject Brokers Compensation Representative Capacity Joint Escrow Instructions to Escrow Holder Assignment Time of Essence Entire Contract;Changes Definitions Expiration of Offer Acceptance of Offer Real Estate Brokers (CONTINUED) ---Buyer's Initials: ___ / __ _ / PA2019-212 Date: August 6, 2018 Page 3 of 5: Es_, -.. · No.: 052766-JW ADDITIONAL ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND PROVISIONS 1. DUTY AS ESCROW HOLDER/EXCULPATORY PROVISIONS: The parties hereby acknowledge that Freedom Escrow Corporation has the responsibilities of an Escrow Holder only and there are no other legal relationships established in the terms and conditions of the escrow instructions. The parties hereby acknowledge that (a) Escrow Holder is not an attorney or tax advisor; and (b) no communications between Escrow Holder and the parties hereto relating to this escrow shall be considered legal or tax advice. Freedom Escrow recommends that you seek proper legal and tax counsel before signing these instructions. Escrow Holder is to use its usual document forms or the usual forms of any title insurance company or title company and in these instructions inser. dates and terms on the instruments if incomplete when executed. Escrow Holder shall have no obligation to inform any party of any other transaction or of facts within Escrow Holder's knowledge, even though the same concerns the property involved herein, provided such matters do not prevent Escrow Holder's compliance with these instructions. Escrow Holder shall not be responsible for (a) the sufficiency or correctness as to form or validity of any document deposited with Escrow Holder, (b) the manner of execution of any such deposited documents, unless such executions occur in Escrow Holder's premises and under its supervision, or (c) the identity, authority or rights of any person executing any document deposited with Escrow Holder. Escrow Holder's duties hereunder shall be limited to the safekeeping of such money and documents received as Escrow Holder, and for the disposition of the same in accordance with the written instructions accepted by Escrow Holder in this escrow. Ur,iless otherwise instructed in writing, Escrow Holder shall not be required to take any action in connection with the collection, maturity or apparent outlaw of any obligation deposited in this escrow. Escrow Holder shall not be liable for any of its acts or omissions unless the same shall constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct. Escrow Holder's duty to act as Escrow Holder does not commence until these instructions, signed by all parties hereto, are received by Escrow Holder. However, release of Buyer's funds will require mutual signed release instructions from both Buyer and Seller, judicial decision, or arbitration award, pursuant to the CAR Real Estate Purchase Contract and Joint Escrow Instructions (and Receipt for Deposit}. If the date by which Buyer's and Seller's performances are due shall be other than Escrow Holder's regular business day, such performances shall be due on the next succeeding business day. Unless otherwise instructed in writing, Escrow Holder shall continue to process the escrow after the agreed upon close of escrow date until completion. 2. DEMAND AUTHORIZATION: Escrow holder is hereby authorized and instructed to obtain demand from lender(s) of record and to pay for same from Seller/Borrower's proceeds at the close of escrow, including prepayment penalties, interest and such other costs, if applicable. 3. FUNDS RECEIVED IN ESCROW: All funds received in this escrow shall be deposited with a State or Federal bank with other escrow funds and disbursements shall be made by an escrow trust account check of Freedom Escrow. Checks not presented for payment within six months after date are subject to service charges in accordance with your fee schedule in effect from lime to time, which may include. but are not limited to, stop payment precessing fees and storage retrieval fees, All documents and funds due the respective parties herein are to be mailed to the addresses provided to Escrow Holder. Our signatures on any documents and instructions pertaining to the escrow indicate our unconditional approval of same. \Nhenever provision is made herein for the payment of any sum, the delivery of any instrument or the performance of any act "outside of escrow", you as Escrow Holder shall have no responsibility therefore, shall not be concerned therewith and are specifically relieved of any obligation relative thereto. 4. CONFLICTING INSTRUCTIONS: All notices, demands and instructions must be in writing. Should Escrow Holder, before or after close of escrow, receive or become aware of any conflicting demands or claims with respect to the escrow, the rights of any party hereto or any funds, documents or property deposited wilh Escrow Holder, Escrow Holder may elect to do any or all of the following: (i) withhold performance of Escrow Holder's obligations and stop all further processing of this escrow pending resolution of any conflict by and between the parties hereto; and/or (ii) file an action in interpleader. All of the parties to this escrow hereby jointly and severally promise and agree to pay promptly on demand, as well as to indemnify Escrow Holder and to hold Escrow Holder harmless from and against all litigation and interpleader costs, damages, judgments, attorney's fees, expenses, obliga!ions and liabilities of every kind which, in good faith, Escrow Holder may incur or suffer in connection with or arising out of this escrow, whether said litigation, interpleader, obligation, liabilities or expenses arise during the performance of this escrow or subsequem thereto, directly or indirectly. 5. AUTHORIZATION TO FURNISH COPIES AND COMPLY WITH LENDER'S INSTRUCTIONS: Escrow Holder is authorized to furnish copies of these instructions, supplements, amendments, notices of cancellation, closing statements and/or any other documents deposited in this escrow, to the reel estate broker(s) representing the parties as evidenced by separate commission instructions, if necessary, and any lender to whom a party to this escrow h~d made application for a loan and/or the attorney's involved in this transaction, Escrow Holder is to follow the lender(s) instructions, if any. 6. TAXES: Escrow Holder is not to be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any personal property tax which may be assessed against any former or present owner of the subject property described in these escrow instructions, nor for the corporation or license tax of any corporation as a former or present owner. (CONTINUED) Seller's Initials: I Buyer's Initials: PA2019-212 Date: August 6, 2018 Page 4 of 5: Esv, v .. ' No.: 052766-JW 7. PRORATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS: Escrow Holder is instructed to make prorations and adjustments on the following basis: (a) on a 30 day month, (b) taxes and assessments on the latest information from the title company, or handed Escrow Holder, (c) fire insurance from premiums shown in policy(s) handed Escrow Holder and/or as shown on beneficiary's statement, and you may assume that necessary premiums have been paid and policy is in force, (d) interest from information shown in beneficiary statement, and (e) rents from statement ha:ided you by Seller or agent thereof, (f) Homeowner's Association dues from statement deposited into escrow by the Homeowner's Association er its management company. The phrase "close of escrow" (COE) as used in this escrow is the date on which documents are recorded and relates only to prorations and/er adjustments unless otherwise specified. 8. INSURANCE: In instances wherein Buyer is purchasing a new policy of insurance, it shall be the Seller's responsibility to cancel the existing insurance policy. 9. EXECUTION OF ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND ADDENDA: These instructions may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original regardless of the date of its execution and delivery. All such counterparts shall constitute one and the same document. A party's signature on all instruments and instructions pertaining to this escrow indicates that party's unconditional acceptance and approval of same. No notice, demand or change or instruction shall be effective unless executed and in writing. Any amended, supplemented or additional instructions shall be subject to the foregoing conditions. 10. REPORTING TRANSACTIONS: Escrow Holder is required by law to report the total "gross" proceeds (total consideration/sales price) on all real estate sales to the IRS at closing. In addition, parties are further made aware that Escrow Holder will also be required by H.R. 638 "Home Sale Tax Fairness Act of 1992'' to report to I.R.S. the amount of real estate property taxes apportioned between the parties at close of escrow. Seller is to complete, sign and return a Seller's Certification for Real Estate Report Requirements to Escrow Holder, (all sellers MUST sign), and this escrow MAY NOT CLOSE if this form is not received prior to closing. This is an I.R.S. requirement, and any questions should be directed to the United States Treasury Department and not to Escrow Holder. NOTE: Corporations are automatically exempt from I.R.S. 1099 reporting. Pursuant to the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 18662 for sales of California real property that close on or after January 1, 2003, withholding is required when the seller is a nonresident, a corporation with no penmanent place of business in California, and resident individuals, subject to certain exemptions. In the event withholding is required, Escrow Holder shall charge a CalFirpta processing fee of up to $100.00 per Form 597 delivered to the Slate of California Franchise Tax Board. 11. USURY: Escrow Holder is not to be concerned with any question of usury in any loan or encumbrance involved in the processing of this escrow and Escrow Holder is hereby released of any responsibility or liability therefore. 12. SIGNATURE: All parties to this transaction instruct Escrow Holder to accept signatures forwarded herein via Fax Machine (faxed signatures) to close escrow, with the original thereof signed to be forwarded to Escrow Holder directly upon such faxing. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL FORWARD THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURES VIA REGULAR MAIL, acknowledging that the Corporate Commissioner of the State of California requests original signatures on all files. 13. DISCLOSURES: Escrow Holder is not to be concerned with the giving of any disclosures required by Federal or State law, specifically but not exclusively, RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act), Regulation Z (Truth in Lending disclosures), Zone Disclosure Reports or other warnings, the release or discharge of hazardous or toxic wastes on the subject property in the past, present or future, or any warranties, express or implied. Neither, nor is Escrow Holder to be concerned with the effect of zoning ordinances, land division regulations, or building restrictions which may pertain to or affect the land or improvements that are the subject of this escrow. 14. SUBDIVISION MAP ACT: The parties to this escrow have satisfied themselves outside of escrow that the transaction covered by this escrow is not in violation of the Subdivision Map JI.ct or any other law regulating land division, and you as Escrow Holder are relieved of all responsibility and/or liability in connection therewith and are not to be concerned with the enforcement of said laws. 15. DESTRUCTION OF FILES: Escrow Holder is authorized to destroy or otherwise dispose of any and all documents, papers, escrow instructions, correspondence and records or other material constituting or pertaining to this escrow at any time after five (5) years from the date of: (1) the close of escrow: (2) the date of cancellation; or (3) the date of last activity without liability and without further notice to the parties. A nominal fee of $50.00 will be charged to retrieve a file from storage after six months from the COE. 16. FREEDOM ESCROW: This company is an independent escrow company licensed by the Department of Corporations, State of California, License no. 963-0422. 17. THIS AGREEMENT: This agreement in all its parts applies and inures to the benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devises, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, and whenever the context so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine gender and neuter, and the singular number includes the plural. All parties indemnify Escrow Holder against forgery in the execution of any/all instructions/documents in this transaction. (CONTINUED) Seller's Initials: Buyer's Initials: I ✓ PA2019-212 Date: August 6, 2018 Page 5 of 5: Es". v .. ·No.: 052766-JW ESCROW COMPANIES ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GIVE LEGAL.ADVICE. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL ADVICE, CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. EACH PARTY SIGNING THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAS READ THE ADDITIONAL ESCROW CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN AND APPROVES, ACCEPTS AND AGREES TO BE BOUND THEREBY. ALL PARTIES SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THESE lt:JSTRUCTIONS. . I/We agree to pay FUNDS REQUIRED TO CLOSE ESCROW UPON DEMAND. SELLER(S) Ol')JLY: The foregoing terms, provisions, conditions, and instructions, and those "General Provisions" contained herein are hereby approved and accepted in their entirety and concurred in by me. I will hand you necessary documents called for on my part lei cause title: to be shown as above which you are authorized to deliver when you hold for my account the sum of $3,415,000.00 within the time as above provided, pay your escrow charges, my recording fees, charges for evidence of title as called for, whether or not this escrow, is consummated, except those buyer agrees to pay. You are hereby authorized to pay bonds, assessments, taxes, and any liens of record to show title as called for, affix documentary tax on deed as required. SELLERS: BUYERS: Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 Brian Kingman By: --:---:-:-':""""C"--,----=----,-------Jon W. Adams, Trustee By: -,------:--:---,:~-,----=--.....,....-----Jennifer S. Adams, Trustee PA2019-212 Date Prepared; OB/03/2018 1. OFFER: 9921 C59059Ei .'"TfL..JWUU-.IUL.U CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS (C.A.R. Fonn RPA-CA, Revised 12115) A. THIS IS AN OFFER FROM Brian Kingman ("Buyer'). B. THE REAL PROPERTY to be acquired is 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 , situated in Corona Del Mar (City), Orange (County), California, 92825 (Zip Code), Assessol's Parcel No. ____ __;("Property"). C. THE PURCHASE PRICE offered is Three MIIUon, Four Hundred Fifteen Thousand --,-=:=,----------~----------------Dollars S 3,415,000.00 D. CLOSE OF ESCROW shall occur on □-------------(date)(or[i 15 Days After Acceptance). E. Buyer and Seller are referred to herein as the "Parties.' Brokers are not Parties lo this Agreement. 2. AGENCY: A. DISCLOSURE: The Parties each acknowledge receipt of a Ii 'Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Agency Relationships' (C.A.R. Form AD}. B. CONFIRMATION: The following agency relationships are hereby confirmed for this transaction: Listing Agent ----......-,-----------,------------(Print Firm Name) is the agent of (check one): D the Seier exclusively; or O both the Buyer and Seller. Selling Agent VILLA REAL ESTATE (Print Firm Name} (if not the same as the Listing Agent) is the agent of (check one): ii the Buyer exdusively; or O the Seller exclusively; or LJ both the Buyer and Seller. C, POTENTIALLY COMPETING BUYERS AND SELLERS: The Parties each acknowledge receipt of a [i "Possible Representation of More than One Buyer or Seller -Disclosure and Consent" (C.A.R. Form PRBS). 3. FINANCE TERMS: Buyer represents that funds will be good when deposited with Escrow Holder. A, INITIAL DEPOSIT: Deposit shall be in the amount of ....... , .................................... , $ 102,450.00 (1) Buyer Direct Deposit: Buyer shall deliver deposit directly to Escrow Holder by electronic funds transfer, Ocashier's check, □personal check, Dother ________ within 3 business days after Acceptance (or...,.,-,---,,.-...,...--,-..._,,..----,---,--,----....,.--,-,------>; OR (210 Buyer Deposit with Agent: Buyer has given the deposit by personal check (or _______ _ to the agent submitting the offer (or to ,,...-..,....----,~...,,..,,--,-,-,---.,.....,..-..,.,,..,----), made payable to --:-:,c-=---,-,-----,..,.,.....,..,.----,-. The deposit shall be held uncashed until Acceptance and then deposited with Escrow Holder within 3 business days after Acce;>tance (or _____________ ). Deposit checks given to agent shall be an original signed check and not a copy. (Note: Initial and increased deposits checks received by agent shall be recorded in Broker's trust fund fog,) B. INCREASED DEPOSIT: Buyer shall deposit w~h Escrow Holder an increased deposit in the amount of. . . . . . . . . S ______ _ within __ Days After Acceptance (or -------,-----------------). If the Parties agree to liquidated damages in this Agreement, they also agree to incorporate the increased deposit into the liquidated damages amount in a separate liquidated damages clause (C.A.R. Form RID) at the time the increased depostt is delivered to Escrow Holder. C, ~ ALL CASH OFFER: No Joan is needed to purchase the Property. This offer is NOT contin~ent on Buyer obtaining a loan. Written verification of sufficient funds to close this transaction IS ATTACHED to this offer or D Buyer shall, within 3 (or ___ ) Days After Acceptance, Deliver to Seller such verification. D. LOAN(S): (1) FIRST LOAN: in the amount of ...............................•..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ This loan will be conventional financing or OFHA, OVA, □Seller financing (C.A.R. Form SFA), ------- □ assumed financing (C.A.R. Form AFA), D other,-..,...,.-...,,.,...,...,,.,..,.....,· This loan shall be at a fixed rate not to exceed ____ % or, Dan adjustable rate loan with initial rate not to exceed ___ %. Regardless of the type of loan, Buyer shaN pay points not to exceed ____ % of the loan amount. (2) 0 SECOND LOAN In the amount of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____ _ This loan will be conventional financing or D Seller financing (C.A.R. Form SFA), D assumed financing (CAR. Form AFA}, D other--------· This loan shall be at a fixed rate not to exceed ___ %or, Dan adjustable rate loan with initial rate not to exceed ___ o/,. Regardless of the type of loan, Buyer shall pay points not to exceed -,---.,---% of the loan amount. (3) FHANA: For any FHA or VA loan specified in 30(1), Buyer has 17 (or __ ) Days After Acceptance to Deliver to Sellar written notice (C.A.R. Form FVA) of any lender-required repairs or costs that Buyer requests Seller to pay for or otherwise correct. Seller has no obligation to pay or satisfy lender requirements unless agreed In wriUng. A FHP-NA amendatory clause (C,A,R, Fonn FVAC) shall be a part of this Agreement. E. ADDITIONAL FINANCING TERMS: __________________ _ F. BALANCE OF DOWN PAYMENT OR PURCHASE PRICE in the amount of ...........•............... $ 3,312,510.00 to be deposited with Esc:row Holder pursuant to Escrow Holder Instructions. 09 G, PURCHA:~ PRICE (TOTAL): .............................................. , . , .. Gt . , , , , r'"Jt 3,415,000.00 Buyer's Initials E___i ( ) Seller's lnltlala ~ l::...._; (!) G 1991-2016, Clllfomla Aasaclation of REAL TORS®, Inc. ...,.:_ RPA-CA REVISED 12115 (PAGE 1 OF 10) ......... CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT RPA-CA PAGE 1 OF 10 \'illli RIIII !tot■••· ~fl! No,,pon Ctn•or Dmo, Suire 100 NUlli:iort Dtuch CA 92'410 Pllone: Nf541DH70 Fax: ,-196911991 SANDIIA IIAUSt.:K PradJ1;41d 'Nilh zipFarmlD bl/ zipl.agbr 18070 Flftaan Mila Raad, FruHI, MictigSI 48026 www zlpl 99!1 opm PA2019-212 Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Date: August 3, 201B H. VERIFICATION OF DOWN PAYMENT AND CLOSING COSTS: Buyer (or Buyer's lender or loan broker pursuant to paragraph 3J(1)) shall, within 3 (or __ ) Days After Acceptance, Deliver to Seller written verification of Buyer's down payment and closing costs. ( D Verification attached.) · I. APPRAISAL CONTINGENCY AND REMOVAL: This Agreement is (or O is NOT) contingent upon a written appraisal of the Property by a licensed or certified appraiser at no less than the purchase price. Buyer shall, as specified in paragraph 146(3), in writing, remove the appraisal contingency or cancel this Agreement within 17 (or __ ) Days After Acceptance. J. LOAN TERMS; (1) LOAN APPLICATIONS: Within 3 (or __ ) Days After Acceptance, Buyer shall Deliver to Seller a letter from Buyer's lender or loan broker stating that, based on a review of Buyer's written applicalion and credit report, Buyer is prequalified or preapproved for any NEW loan specified in paragraph 3D. If any loan specified in paragraph 3D is an adjustable rate loan, the prequafification or preapproval letter shall be based on the qualifying rate, not the initial loan rate. ( 0 Letter attached.) (2) LOAN CONTINGENCY: Buyer shall act diligenlly and in good faith to obtain the designated loan(s). Buyer's qualification for the loan(s) specified above is a contingency of this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in writing. If there is no appraisal contingency or the appraisal contingency has been waived or removed, then failure of the Property to appraise at the purchase price does not entitle Buyer to exercise the cancellation right pursuant to the loan contingency if Buyer Is otherwise qualified for the specified loan. Buyer's contractual obligations regarding deposit, balance of down payment and closing costs are not contingencies or this Agreement. (3) LOAN CONTINGENCY REMOVAL: Within 21 (or __ ) Days After Acceptance, Buyer shall, as specified in paragraph 14, in writing, remove the loan contingency or cancel this Agreement. If there is an appraisal contingency, removal or the loan contingency shall not be deemed removal of the appraisal contingency. (4) D NO LOAN CONTINGENCY: Obtaining any lean specified above is NOT a contingency of this Agreement. If Buyer does not obtain the loan and as a result does not purchase the Property, Seller may be entitled to Buyer's deposft or other legal remedies. (5) LENDER LIMITS ON BUYER CREDITS: Any credit to Buyer, from any source, for closing or other costs that is agreed to by the Parties ("Contractual Credif) shall be disclosed to Buyer's lender. If the total credit allowed by Buyer's lender ("Lender Allowable Credit") is less than the Contractual Credit, then (i) the Contractual Credit shall be reduced to the Lender Allowable Credit, and (iQ in the absence of a separate written agreement between the Parties, there shall be no automatic adjustment to the purchase price to make up for the difference between the Contractual Credit and the Lender Allowable Credit. K. BUYER STATED FINANCING: Seller is relying on Buyer's representation of the type of financing if)ecified (including but not limited to, as applicable, all cash, amount of down payment, or contingent or non-contingent loan). Seller has agreed to a specific closing date, purchase price and to sell to Buyer in reliance on Buyer's covenant concerning financing. Buyer shall pursue the financing specified In this Agreement Seller has no obligation to cooperate with Buyer's efforts to obtain any financing other than that specified in the Agreement and the availablllty of any such alternate financing does not excuse Buyer from the obligation to purchase the Property and dose escrow as specified in this Agreement. 4. SALE OF BUYER'S PROPERTY: A. This Agreement and Buyer's ability to obtain financing c1re NOT contingent upon the sale of any property owned by Buyer. OR B. 0 This Agreement and Buyer's ability to obtain financing are contingent upon the sale of property owned by Buyer as specified in the attached addendum (C.A.R. Form COP). 5. ADDENDA AND ADVISORIES: A. ADDENDA: 17 Addendum # (C.A.R. Form ADM) Back UD Offer Addendum (C.A.R. Form BUOl I I Court Confirmation Addendum lC.A.R. Form CCAl Seotic, Well and Prooert.v Monument Addendum (C.A.R. Form SWPll Short Sale Addendum (C .A.R. Form SSA) I !Other B. BUYER AND SELLER ADVISORIES: on Advisory (C.A.R. Form BIA} Probate Advise C.A.R. Form PA rand Seller Advis C.A.R. Form $BSA TrustAdviso C.A.R. Form TA C.A.R. Form REO 6. OTHER TERMS: Agent is related to Buyer 7, ALLOCATION OF COSTS A. INSPECTIONS, REPORTS AND CERTIFICATES: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this paragraph only determines who is to pay for the inspection, test, certificate or service ("Report'') mentioned; it does not determine who is to pay for any work recommended or identified in the Report (1) 0 Buyer D Seller shall pay for a natural hazard zone disclosure report, including tax D environmental D Other: ___ _ ,.....,..---,--.------prepared by First American (2) 0 Buyer O Seller shall pay for the following Report ____________________ _ J!!:epared,!!y ___________ .,..--=-______________________ _ (3) LJ Buyer LJ Seller shall pay for the following Report ----------+cr---=o=s ___ ___,_r,s------ prepared by ______________________ Lt--'fftc-----+~--i-1,,_ ___ _ Buyer's Initials ~ ~-__,) Seller's Initials <~ __ _,) ( C:_ RPA-CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE 2 OF 10) CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 2 OF 10) Produced willl zlpF"""® by z,pl.ogix 18070 Fifteen Mile Roaci, Frasm, Mtchigan 480:16 W)!W trplogjgom JI 1 Paintenia PA2019-212 9921C59059E7 ...,..,._.._,.,,.._, .......... OocuSlgn Envelope 10' FA77598C-D963 4770-B097-247E7960!1828 Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar. CA 921125 _____ Date: Auqusr 3, 21118 B. GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS AND RETROFIT: (1) D Buyer O Seller shall pay for smoke alarm and carbon monoxlde device installation and water heater bracing, ~ required by Law. Prior to Close Of Escrow (''COE"), Seller shall provide Buyer written statement(s) of compliance in accordance with state and local Lew, unless Seller is eKempt. (2) (i) 0 Buyer [J Seier shall pay the cost of compliance with any other minimum mandatory government inspections and reports if ~uired as a condition of dosing escrow under any Law. (ii) fJ Buyer O Seller shall pay the cost of compliance with any other minimum mandatory government retrofit standards required as a condition of closing escrow under any Law. whether the work is required to be completed before or a~er COE. (iii) Buyer shaH be provided, within the time specified in paragraph 14A, a copy of any required government conducted or point-of-sale inspection report prepared pursuant ID this Agreement or in anticipation of this sale of the Property. C. ESCROW AND TITLE: (1) (a) IK}Buyer0Seller shall pay escrow fee Buyer will pay escrow fee not to exceed a total of $5000 (b) Escrow Holder shall be .:;,B.:;,ur..,e::.r-='s-=C=c-=h=o"'ic_,.e-:-::-----:-:---,----,-.....,..---,::'"'."'"~"'77"..,..,...--,---;---..,.----- (c) The Parties shell, within 5 (or ) Days After receipt, sign and return Escrow Holder's general provisions. (21 (a) lij Buyer O Seller shall pay forownar's title insurance policy specified In paragraph 13E ________ _ 08 (b} Owner's title policy to be Issued by Chicago Title. Binder Policy not to exceed $500 ______ _ 111.,.. ~-Ol(eu,1"' ~, aoy ""' "'""""' poicy '""''"" B,yefs ....... "'"" ..,...,,. ''""' h •~l"9.) l..:.: (11 •Buyer Seller shall pay County transfer tax or fee ___________________ _ 08 (2 uye Seller shall pay City transfer tax or fee,_....,,,,.,,.,,...,...,..,.-...,........,.....-------------- (31 Buyer _ Seller shall pay Homeowners' Association ("HOA") transfer fee (4) Seller shall pay HOA fees for preparing documents required to be delivered by Civil Code §4525. (5) D Buyer[. Seller shall pay HOA fees for preparing all documents other than those required by Civil Code §4525. (61 Buyer to ~y for any HOA certification fee. (71 ~ Buyer Seller shall pay for any prlwte transfer fee (81 Buyer Seller shall pay for __________________________ _ (9) Buyer Seller shall pay for ___________________ ..,.... ____ ...,.... _ __, (101 Buyer Seier shall pay for lhe cost, not to exceed $ __________ , of a standard (or LJ upgra~) one-year home warranty plan issued by ..---,....--,....,.....---,-......,.. _______________ , with the following optional coverages: OAirConditioner LJ PooVSpa Oother: --:----:-~--:---::-----::-~--:----=---,---;-;-. Buyer Is Informed that home warranty plans have many optional coverages in addition to those listed above. Buyer Is advised to investigate these coverages to determine those that may be suitable for Buyer. ORlil Buyer waives the purchase of a home warranty plan. Nothing In this paragraph precludes Buver's purchasing a home warranty plan during the term of this Agraement. B. ITEMS INCLUDED IN AND EXCWDED FROM SALE: A. NOTE TO BUYER AND SELLER: Items listed as included or excluded In the MLS, flyers or marketing materials are not included in the purchase price or excluded from the sale unless specified in paragraph 8 B or C. B. ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: Except as otherwise specified or disclosed, (1) All EXISTING flldures and fittings that ere attached to the Property: (2) EXISTING electricai, mechanical, lighting, plumbing and healing fixtures, ceiiing fans, fireplace inserts, gas logs ams grates, solar power systems, built-in appliances, window and door screens, awnings, shutters, window coverings, attached floor coverings, television antennas, satellite dishes, air coolers/conditioners, pooVspa equipment, garage door openers/remote controls, mailx>x, in-ground landscaping, trees/shrubs, water features and fountains, water softeners, water purifiers, security svstemslalarm& and Iha following 1f checked~ all stove(s), except _________ : 0 all reftigerator(s) except._,--......,.,,,..,...-,.-------; O all washer(s) and dryeJ(s), except ___________ , (3) The following additional items:--------------------------,- (41 Existing integrated phone and home automation systems, including necessary components such as intranet and Internet- connected hardware or devices, comrol units (other than non-dedicated mobile devices, electronics and computers) and applicable software, permissions, passwords, codes a!ld access information, are ( 0 are NOT) induded In the sale. (5) LEASED OR LIENED ITEMS AND SYSTEMS: Seifer shall, within the time specified in paragraph 14A, (i) disclose to Buyer if any item or system specified In paragraph BB or otherwise included in lhe sale is leased, or not owned by Seller, or specifically subject to a lien or other encumbrance, and (11) Deliver to Buyer all written materials (such as lease, warranty, etc.) concerning any such item. Buyers ability to assume any such lease, or willingness to accept the Property subject to any such lien or encumbrance, is e contingency In favor of Buyer and Seller as specified in paragraph 14B and C. 181 Sellar represents that all Items included in lhe purchase price, unless otherwise specffiad, (I) are owned by Seller and shall be transferred free and clear of liens and encumbrances, except the Items and svatema ldenUlled pursuant to 88(5) and __ ....,,, ____ _,,.......,.,.........,... ..... _______ , and (ii) ere transferred without Seller warranty regardless of value. C, ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM SALE: Unle• otherwise specified, the foffowing items are excluded from sale: (i) audio and video components (such as flat screen lVs, speakers and other items) If any such Item la not ltaelf attached 10 the Property, even If a braekel or other mechanlam attached to the component or item le attached to the Property; (ii) furniture and other Items aecured to the Property for earthquake purposes; and (iii) ______________________ _ __,,,....__,....,.._...,.__,,....,,,...-.,,,..... __ ,_. Brackeca attached to walls, floors or calllnga aay auch c or Item r!:' rvrna11n with the Property (or O wlll ba removed and holeB or otMr damag •',! be repal , Buyer's Initials ---( ) Seller's lnl!lals RPA·CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE 3 OF 101 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 3 OF 10) Ptoductd •Ill ll!lFClffllll tov ziplagnc 18070 F'Pll-Mrl• ROlld, Fram. l.llcl-igan <1111211 -riM mill m nt, furniture not painted). (!) n~.,..,,.., ............. J PA2019-212 l921C59059E7 .,,r-, wvuvu•v Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Date: August 3. 2018 9. CLOSING AND POSSESSION: A. Buyer intends (or O does not intend) to occupy the Property as Buyer's primary residence. B. Seller-occupied or vacant property: Possession shall be delivered to Buyer: (i) at 6 PM or ( D AMfO PM) on the date of Close Of Escrow; (ii) 0 no later than __ calendar days after Close Of Escrow; or (iii) D at_ DAM/ 0 PM on ______ . C. Seller remaining In possession After Close Of Escrow: If Seller has the right to remain in possession after Close Of Escrow, (i) lhe Parties are advised to sign a separate oCCtlpancy agreement such as D C.A.R. Form SIP, for Seller conlinued occupancy of less than 30 days, 0 CAR. Form RLAS for Seller continued occupancy of 30 days or more; and (ii) the Parties are advised to consult wilh their insurance and legal advisors for information about liability and damage or injury to persons and personal and real property; and (iii) Buyer is advised to consult with Buyer's lender about the impact of Seller's occupancy on Buyer's loan. D. Tenant-occupied property: Property shall be vacant at least 5 (or _) Days Prior to Close Of Escrow, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Note to Seller: If you are unable to deliver Property vacant In accordance with rent control and other applicable Law, X!!u may be in breach of this Agreement. 0RLJTenantto remain in possession (CAR. Form TIP). E. At Close Of Escrow: Seller assigns to Buyer any assignable warranty rights for items included in the sale; and Seller shall Deliver to Buyer available Copies of eny such warranties. Brokers cannot and will not determine the assignability of any warranties. F. At Close ot Escrow, unless othe,wise agreed in writing, Seller shall provide keys, passwords, codes and/or means to operate an locks, mailboxes, security systems, alanns, home automation systems and intranet and lntemet-connected devices included in the purchase price, and garage door openers. If the Property is a condominium or located In a common interest subdivision, Buyer may be required to pay a deposit to the Homeowners' Association ("HOA') to obtain keys to accessible HOA facilities. 10. STATUTORY AND OTHER DISCLOSURES (INCLUDING LEA[).BASED PAINT HAZARD DISCLOSURES) AND CANCELLATION RIGHTS: A. (1) Seller shall, within the lime specified in paragraph 14A, Deliver to Buyer: (i) if required by Law, a fully completed: Federal Lead- Based Paint Disclosures (C.A.R. Form FLO) and pamphlet ('Lead Disdosures"); and (Ii) unless exempt, fuffy completed disclosures or notices required by sections 1102 et. seq. and 1103 et. seq. of the Civil Code ("Statutory Disclosures'). Statutory Disclosures include, but are not limited to. a Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement ("TDS'), Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement ("NHD'), notice or actual knowledge of release of iUegal controlled substance, notice of special lax and/or assessments (or. if allowed, substantially equivalent notice regarding the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 and Improvement Bond Act of 1915) and, if Seller has actual knowledge, of industrial use and miHtary ordnance location (CAR. Form SPQ or ESD). (2) Any Statutory Disclosure required by this paragraph is considered fully completed if Seller has answered all questions and completed and signed tt-.e Seller section(s) and !he Listing Agent, if any, has completed and signed the Listing Broker section(s), or, if applicable, an Agent Visual Inspection Disclosure (C.A.R. Form AVID). Nothing stated herein relieves a Buyer's Broker. If any, from the obligation to (i) conduct a reasonably competent and dilgent visual inspection of the accessible areas of the Property and disclose, on Section IV of the TDS, or an AVID, material facts affecting the value or desirability of the Property that were or shoukl have been revealed by such an inspection or (ii) complete any sections on all disclosures required lo be completed by Buyer's Broker. (3) Note to Buyer and Seller: Waiver of Statutory and Lead Disclosures is prohibited by Law. (4) VVithin the time specified in paragraph 14A, (I) Seller, unless exempt from the obligation to provide a TDS, shall, complete and provide Buyer with a Seller Property Queslionnaire (C.A.R. Form SPQ); (ii) if Seier is not required to provide a TO$, Seller shall complete and provide Buyer with an Exe~t Seller Disclosure (C.A.R. Fonn ESD). (5) Buyer shall, within the time specified in paragraph 149(1 }, return Signed Copies of the Statutory, Lead and other disclosures to Seller. (6) In the event Seller or Listing Broker. prior to Close Of Escrow, becomes aware of adverse conditions materially affecting the Property, or any material inaccuracy in disclosures, information or representations previously provided to Buyer, Seller shall promptly provide a subsequent or amended disclosure or notice, in writing, covering those items. However, a subsequent or amended dlsciosure shail not be required ror conditions and material Inaccuracies ol which Buyer is otherwise aware. or which are disclosed In reports provided to or obtained by Buyer or ordered and paid for by Buyer. (7) If any disclosure or notice specified in paragraph 10A(1), or subsequent or amended disclosure or notice is Delivered to Buyer aNer the offer is Signed, Buyer shall have the right to cancel this Agreement within 3 Days After Delivery in person, or 5 Days After Delivery by deposit in the mail, by giving written notice of cancellation to Seller or Seller's agent. B, NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD DISCLOSURES AND OTHER BOOKLETS: Within the lime specified in paragraph 14A. Seller shall, if required by Law: {I) Deliver to Buyer earthquake guide(s) (and questionnaire), environmental hazards booklet, and home energy rating pamphlet; (II) disclose if the Property is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area; Potential Flooding (Inundation) Area; Very High Fire Hazard Zone; State Fire Responsibility Area; Earthquake Fault Zone; and Seismic Hazard Zone; and (iii) disclose any other zone as required by Law and provide any other information required for those zones. C, WITHHOLDING TAXES: Within the time specified in paragraph 14A, to avoid required withholding, Seller shall Deliver to Buyer or qualified substttute, an affidavit sufficient to comply with federal (FIRPTA) and California withholding Law (C.A.R. Form AS or QS). D. MEGAN'S LAW DATABASE DISCLOSURE: Notice: Pursuant lo Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, infonnation about specified registered sex offenders is made available to the public via an Internet Web site maintained by the Department of Justice at www.meganslaw.ca.gov. Depending on an offender's criminal history, this information will include either the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and ZIP Code in which he or she resides. (Neither Seller nor Brokers are required lo check this website. If Buyer wants further information, Broker recommends that Buyer obtain information from this website during Buyer's inspection contingency period. Brokers do not have expertise in this area.) E. NOTICE REGARDING GAS AND HAZARDOUS LIQUID TRANSMISSION PIPELINES: This nolice is being provided simply to inform you that information about the general location of gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines is avsilable to the public via the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Internet Web site maintained by the United States Department of Transportation at http://www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov/, To seek further information about possible transmission pipelines near the Property, you may contact your local gas utility or other pipeline operators in the area. Conlact information for pipeline operators is searchable by ZIP Code and county on the NPMS Internet Web site. F. CONDOMINIUM/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISCLOSURES: (1) SELLER HAS: 7 (or _ I Dav• Afte, A""Pla"" to '""°'° lo Buye, W Iha Property ~,.ond:m:"Qoi' : boalad ;, a planned l;;lopme;t or other common interest subdivision (C.A.R. Form SPQ or ESD). Jd Jd ~~ ( ) ~~ & RPA-CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE 4 OF 10) .,.......,..., CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 4 OF 10) _,.,. Produced wlllt zipFonn4'>by zipl.ogi,c 18070 Fifle•n M~• Road, Frasor, M1chl110n 4802& l'fl\'Y,' >:jplagQ< com lll roias•Uia PA2019-212 )921 C59059E7 ...,, l.,..IQ\11/ollJ._U Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Date: August 3, 2018 (21 If the Property Is a condominium or Is located In a planned development or other common Interest subdivision, Seller has 3 (or ) Daya After Acceptance to request from the HOA (CAR. Fenn HOA1): (I) Copies of any documents required by Law: (ii) disclosure of any pending or anticipated claim or litigation by or against the HOA; (Ill) a statement containing the location and number of designated par1<lng and storage spaces; (IV) Coples of the most recent 12 months of HOA minutes for regular and special meetings; and (v) the names and contact infonnation of all HOAs governing the Pr01)8rty (collectively, "Cl Disclosures"). (vi) private transfer fees; (vii) Pet fee restrictions; and (viii) smoking restrictions. Seller shall itemize and Deliver to Buyer aH Cl Disclosures received from the HOA and any Cl Disclosures in Seller's possession. Buyer's approval of Cl Dladosures is a contingency of this Agreement as specified in paragraph 148(3). The Party specified in paragraph 7, as directed by escrow, shall deposit funds Into escrow or direct to HOA or management company to pay for any of the above. 11. CONDITION OF PROPERTY: Unless otherwise agreed in writing: (I, the Property is sold (e) "AS-IS" in its PRESENT physical condition as of the date of Acceptance and (b) subject to Buyer's Investigation rights; (II) the Property, Including pool, spa, landscapin9 and grounds, Is to be maintained in substantially the same condition as on the date of Acoeptance; and (Ill) all debris and personal property not included in the sale shall be removed by Close Of Esaow. A. SeDer shall, within the time specified in paragraph 14A, DISCLOSE KNOWN MATERIAL FACTS AND DEFECTS affecting the Property, Including known insurance claims within the past five years, and make any and all other disdosures required by law. B. Buyer has the right to conduct Buyer Investigations of the Property and, as specified in paragraph 14B, based upon information discovered in those investigations: (i) cancel this Agreemen~ or (ii) request that Seller make Repairs or take other action. C. Buyer is strongly advised to conduct investigations of the entire Property in order to detennlne its present condition. Seller may not be aware of all defects affecting the Property or other factors that Buyer considers Important. Property Improvements may not be bullt according to code, In compllance with current Law, or have had permits Issued, 12. BUYER'S INVESTIGATION OF PROPERTY AND MATTERS AFFECTING PROPERTY: A. Buyer's acceptance of the condition of, and any other matter affecting the Property, is a contingency of this Agreement as specified in this paragraph end paragraph 14B. Within the time specified in paragraph 14B(1), Buyer shall have the right, at Buyer's exPense unless otherwise agreed, to conduct inspections, in\188tigations, tests, surveys and other studies ("Buyer Investigations"), including, but not li'nited to: (I) a general physical inspection; (ii) an inspection specifically for wood destroying pests and organisms. Any inspection for wood destroying pests and organisms shall be prepared by a registered Structural Pest Control company; shall cover the main building and attached structures; may cover detached structures; shall NOT Include water tests of shower pans on upper level units unless the owners of property below the shower consen1; &hall NOT include roof covering&; and, if the Property is a unit in a condominium or other common interest subdivision, the inspection shall indude only the separate interest and any exclusive-use areas being transrerred, and shaU NOT include common areas; and shal include a report ("Pest Control Report") showing the findings of the company which shall be separated into sections for evident infestation or infections (Section 1 > and for conditions likely to lead to inrestation or infection (Section 2); (ill) inspect for lead-based paint and other lead-based paint hazards; (Iv) satisfy Buyer as to any matter specified in the attached Buyer's Inspection Advisory (C.A.R. Fonn BIA); (v) review the registered sex offender database; (vi) confirm the insurability of Buyer and the Property including the availability and cost of floocl and fire insurance; and (vii) review end seek approval of le1$8$ that may need to be assumed by Buyer. Without Seller's prior written consent, Buyer shall neither make nor cause to be made: Invasive or de5lructlve Buyer Investigations, except for minimally Invasive 1estin9 required to prepare a Pest Control Report; or Inspections by any governmental building or zoning Inspector or government employee, unless required by Law. B. Seller shell make the Property available for ell Buyer lnveatigetions. Buyer shall (I) as specified in paragraph 14B, complete Buyer Investigations and either remove the contingency or cancel this Agreement, and (Ill give SeHer, at no cost, complete Copies of ell such Investigation reports obtained by Buyer, which obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreemenl C. Seiler shall have water, gas, electricity and all operable pilot lights on for Buyer's Investigations and through the date possession Is made available to Buyer. 0. Buyer Indemnity and seller protection for entry upon property: Buyer sheU: (i) keep the Property free and clear of liens; (Ii) repair all damage arising from Buyer Investigations: and (Ill) indemnify and hold Seller harmless from all resuHlng llability, claims, demands. damages and costs. Buyer shall carry, or Buyer shall require anyone ading on Buyer's behalf to carry, policies of liability, workers' compensation and other applicable insurance, defending and protecting Seller from liability for any Injuries to persons or property occurring during any Buyer lnve&tigations or work done on the Property at Buyer's direction prior to Close Of Escrow. Seller ls advised that certain protections may be afforded SeUer by recording a "Notice of Non-Responsibility• (C.A.R. Form NNR) for Buyer Investigations and work done on the Property at Buyer's direction. Buyer's obligations under this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement 13. TITLE AND VESTING: A. Within the time specified in paragraph 14, Buyer shall be provided a current preliminary title report ("Preliminary Report"). The Preliminary Report is only an offer by the title Insurer to issue a policy of title insurance and may not contain every item affecting title. Buyer's review of the Preliminary Report and any other matters which may affect tiUe are a contingency of this Agreement as specified in paragraph 14B. The company providing the Preliminary Report shall, prior to !sluing a Preliminary Report, conduct a search of the General Index for all Sellers except banks or other institutional tenders selling prope,ties they acquired through foreclosure (REOs), corporations, and government entities. Seller shal Within 7 Days After Accepta,ce, give Escrow Holder a completed Statement of lnformalion. B, Title Is taken in Its present condition subfect to all encumbrances, easements, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights and other matters, whether of record or not, as of the dale of Acceptance e,ccept for: (I) monetary liens of record (which Seller Is obligated to pay off) unless Buyer is assuming those obligations or taking the Property subject to those obligations; and (II) those matters which Saller has agreed to remove In writing. C. Within the time specified In paragraph 14A, Sellar has a duty to diaclose to Buyer all matters known to sener affecting t1U1, whether of record or not. D. At Close Of Escrow, Buyer shaD receive a grant dNd conveying title (or, for stock oooperative or long-term teeee, an assignment of stock certificate or of Seller's leaaehold interest), including oH, mineral and water rights if currently owned by Seller. Tltle shall vest as designated in Buyer's supplemental escrow instructions. THE MANNER OF TAKING TITLE MAY HAVE SIGNIFICANT LEGAL~~ T: ~EQUENC••· CONSULT"" APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. r; Gd' Buye,'s Initials ( ) Saller'a lnH~ L.W RPA-CA REVIS D 15 (PAGE 5 OF 10) CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 5 OF 10) Pnicued wllh zlpfcnnGD by zlpl.oglx 18070 Fifteen Mlle Road, Fraur, Michigan 48029 IK)WI •lplggil! t11D m Pot ..... u. PA2019-212 :1921 C59059E7 ..,...,-.,vvr1v1vu ... DocuSign Envelope I.J: FAn59BC-0963-4770-8097-247E79605828 Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Date; August 3, 201 B E. Buyer sh11D receive a CLT A/AL TA "Home-r's Policy of Tille Insurance", 1fapplicable to the type of propel1y and buyer. If' nOI, EscraN Holder shall notify Buyer. A litle company can provide informaUon about the avaHabi:ily, coverage, and cost of other title POiicies and endorsements. If the Horneowner's Policy is not available, Buyer shall choose another policy. instruct EscrO'N Holder in wrttlng and shall pay any Increase in c:cst. 14. TIME PERIODS; REMOVAL OF CONTINGENCIES; CANCELLATION RIGHTS: The followlng time periods may only be extended, altered, modified or changed by mutual written agreemenL Any removal of contingencies or cancellation under this paragraph by either Buyer or Seller must be exercised in good faith and in writing (C.A.R. Form CR or CC). A. SELLER HAS: 7 (or _ ) Days After Acceptance to Deliver lo Buyer all Reports. disclosures and informalion for which Seller is responsible under paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 88(5), 10A, B, C, and F, 11A and 13A. If. by the lime specified, Seller has not Delivered any such ilem, Buyer after first Delivering to Seller a Notice lo Seller to Perform (CAR. Form NSP) may cancel tllis Agreement B. (1) BUYER HAS: 17 (or ,fiF,J Days After Acceptance, unless otherwise agreed in writing, to: (i) complete all Buyer lnvesligalions; review all discloiures, reports, lease documents lo be assumed by Buyer pursuant to paragraph 88(5), and olller applicable information, which Buyer receives from Seller; and approve all matters affecting the Property; and (Ii) Deliver to Seller Signed Copies of Statutory and Lead Disdosures and other disclosures Delh1ered by Seller in accordance with paragraph 10A. (2) Wnhin the time specif''ed in paragraph 148(1), Buyer may request that Seller make repelrs or lake any other action rega1ding the Property (C.A.R. Form RR). Setler has no obligalion to agree to or respond to (CAR. Fonn RRRR) Buye~s requests. !31 By lhe end or the lime specified in paragraph 148(1) (or as otherwise specified in this Agreemenl), Buyer shall Deliver lo Seller a removal of the applicable contingency or cancellation (C.A.R. Form CR or CC) of this Agreement. However, if any report, disclosure or information for which Seller iS responslble is not Delivered within the time specified In paragraph 14A, lhen Buyer has 5 (or _) Days After Delivery or any such items, or the lime specified in paragraph 148(1), whichever is later, to Deliver 10 Sellar a removal or the applicable contingency or cancellation of this Agreement. (4) Continuation of Contlngencv: Even after lhe er.d of the lime specified In paragraph 148(1) and before Seller cancels, if al al~ pursuanl lo paragraph 140, Buyer retains the right, in writing, to either (i) remove remaining conlingencies, or (ii) cancel lhis Agreement based on a remaining oonlingency. Once Buye(s written removal oi all conlingencles is Dellvered to Seller, Seller may not cancel this reemenl pursuant to paragraph 140(1). s to Property: Buyer shall have access to the Property to condud inspections and investigations for 17 (or __J Days After lance. whether or nol any part of the Buyer's Investigation Contingency has been waived or removed. VAL OF CONTINGENCIES WITH OFFER: Buyer removes the contingencies specified In the attached Contingency val form (C.A.R. Fonn CRJ. If Buyer removes any conUngency without an adequate understanding of the Property's c dition or Buyer's ability to pun:hase, Buyer Is acting against the advice of Broker. ELLER RIGHT TO CANCEL: (1) Seller right to Cancel; Buver Contingencies: If, by the lime specified in this Agreement, Buyer does not Deliver to Seller a removal of Ille applicable contingency or cancellation or lhis Agreement, lhen Seller, after first Delivering to Buyer a Notice to Buyer to Parfonn (CAR. Form NBP), may cancel lhis Agreemenl in such event, Seiler shall authorize the return of Buyer's deposit, except for fees incurred by Buyer. (21 Seller right to Cancel; Buyer Contract ObligaUons: Beller, after first delivering lo Buyer a NBP, mav cancel lhis Agreement if, by the time specified in this Agreement, euver does not take lhe following adion(s): (ii Deposit funds as required by paragraph 3A, or 39 or if the funds deposited pursuant lo paragraph 3A or 38 are not goOd when deposited; (ii) DeKver a notice or FHA or VA costs or tenns as required by paragraph 30(3) (C.A.R. Fonn FVA); (iii) Deliver a letter as required by paragraph 3J(1); (Iv) Deliver verification, or a satisfactory verification if Seller reasonably disapproves of the verification already provided, as required by paragraph 3C or 3H; M In writing assume or accept leases or liens speclf18d in 8B5; (vi) Relum Statutory and Lead Disclosures as required by paragraph 10A(5); or (vii) Sign or initial a separate liquidated damages form for an increased deposit as required by paragraphs :m and 21 B; or (viii) Provide evidence of authority to sign in a representative capacity as specified in paragraph 19. In such event, sener shall authorize the return or Buyer's deposil, excepl for fees incurred by Buyer. E. NOTICE TO BUYER OR SELLER TO PERFORM: The NBP or NSP shall: (I) be in writing; (ii) be signed by the applicable Buyer or Seller; and (ill) give the other Party at ieasl 2 (or _) Days After Delivery (or untll lhe lime specified in the applicable paragraph, whichever occurs last) lo take the applicable action. A NBP or NSP may not be Delivered any earlier than 2 Days Prior to the expiration of the applicable time for the other Party to iemove a contingency or cancel this Agreement or meet an obligalion specified In paragraph 14. F. EFFECT OF BUYER'S REMOVAL OF CONTINGENCIES: If Buyer removes, in wrHing, any contingency or cancellation rights, unless otherwise specified in writing, Buyer shall conclusively be deemed to have: (i) completed all Buyer Investigations, and revie_w of reports and other applicable information and disclosures pertaining to that contingency or cancellation right; (Ii) elected to proceed wilh the transadion; and (iii) assumed al liability, responsibility and expense for Repairs or corrections pertaining to that contingency or cancellation right, or for the inability to o!itain financing. G. CLOSE OF ESCROW: Before Buyer or Seller may cancel lhis Agreement for failure of the other Party to close escrow pursuant to this Agreement, Buyer or Seller must first Deliver 10 the :ilher Party a demand lo close escrow (C.A.R. Form DCE). The DCE shall: (i) be signed by the applicable Buyer or Seifer; and (ii) give the olher Party al least 3 (or __ l Days After 0e•very to close escrow. A DCE may not be Delivered any earlier than 3 Days Prior lo the scheduled dose of escrow. H. EFFECT OF CANCELLATION ON DEPOSITS: If Buyer or Seller gives written notice of cancellation pursuant to righll duly exercised under the tenns of this Agreement, the Parties agree to Sign mutual instructions to cancel the sale and escrow and release deposns, if any, lo the parfy entitled to the funds, less fees and costs incurred by that party. Fees and costs may be payable lo service providers and vendors far services and products provided during escrow. Except as specified below, release of funds will require mutual Signed release instructions from the Parties, judicial decision or arbitration award. If eilher Party fails to execule mutual instructions to cancel escrow, one Party may make a written demand to Escrow Holder for the deposit. (C.A.R. Form BORD or SDRD). Escrow Holder, upon receip~ shall promptly deliver notice of the demand lo the other Party. If, within 10 Days After Escrow Holder's notice, the other Party does not object to the demand, Escrow Holder shall disburse the deposit lo the Party making lhe demand. If Escrow Holder complies With lhe preceding process, each Party shall be deemed to have released Escrow Holder from any and ad claims or Nability relaled to the disbursal of the deposit. Escrow Holder, at its discretion, may n'lheless require mulual cancellalion "-""''· A .... ..., _, '"~,ct lo • ,1,11 ,..,.,~ of op lo ""'° lo,"""''' lo ••a """7 1"'!!111"000 •no,.., faith dis(;! exls~ as to who is entitled to tile deposited funds (Civil Code §1057.3). ~ Buyer's lniUals ( ) Seller's Initials ( J11. ) {=) RPA-CA REVISED 12115 (PAGE 6 OF 1D) ~'::' CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 6 OF 10) :trodufeCli witn ZipFotmSby :(d..~it 1eo10F1rtoen •~It Aoao, F,aser, M1ct'ip, a>26 nov ZIPI ogjg mm JJI Poi■Hld1 PA2019-212 l921C59059E7 "Tlri-4v"\l'-'""''-'6,1,1 Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona De/ Mar, CA 92625 Date: August 3, 2018 16. FINAL VERIFICATION OF CONDITION: Buyer shall have the right to make a final verification of the Property within 6 (or U_) Days Prior to Close Of Escrow, NOT AS A CONTINGENCY OF THE SALE, but solely to oonfirm: (i) the Property is maintained pursuan1 to paragraph 11; (II) Repairs have been oompleted as agreed; and (Ill) Seller has complied with Seller's other obligations under this Agreement (CAR. Form VP). 16, REPAIRS: Repairs shall be completed prior to final verification of condition unless otherwise agreed in writing. Repairs to be performed al Seller's expense may be performed by Seller or through others, provided that the work complies with applicable Law, including governmental pennit, inspection and approval requirements. Repairs shall be performed in a good, skillful manner with materials of quality and appearance comparable to existing materials. It is understood that exact restoration of appearance or cosmetic items following all Repairs may not be possible. Seller shall: (I) obtain invoices and paid receipts for Repairs performed by others; (II) prepare a written statement indicating the Repairs performed by Seller and the date of such Repairs; and (Ill) provide Copies of invoices and paid receipts and statements to Buyer prior to final verification of condition. 17. PRORA TIONS OF PROPERTY TAXES AND OTHER ITEMS: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the following items shall be PAID CURRENT and prorated between Buyer and Seller as of Close Of Escrow: real property taxes and assessments, interest. rents. HOA regular. special, and emergency dues and assessmenls imposed prior to Close Of Escrow, premiums on insurance assumed by Buyer, payments on bonds and assessments assumed by Buyer, and payments on Mello-Roos and other Special Assessment District bonds and assessments that are now a lien. The following items shall be assumed by Buyer WITHOUT CREDIT toward the purchase price: prorated paymenls on Mello-Roos and other Special Assessment District bonds and assessments and HOA special assessments that are now a Hen but not yet due. Property wiH be reassessed upon change of ownership. Any supplemental tax bills shall be paid as follows: (I) for periods after Close Of Escrow, by Buyer; and (ii) for periods prior to Close Of Escrow, by SeDer (see CAR. Form SPT or SBSA for further information). TAX BILLS ISSUED AFTER CLOSE OF ESCROW SHALL BE HANDLED DIRECTL V BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER. Prorations shall be made based on a 30-day month. 18. BROKERS: A. COMPENSATION: Seller or Buyer, or both, as applicable, agree to pay compensation to Broker as specified in a separate written agreement between Broker and that Seller or Buyer. Compensation is payable upon Close Of Escrow, or If escrow does not close, as otherwise specified in the agreement between Broker and that Seller or Buyer. B. SCOPE OF DUTY: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that Broker: (I) Does not decide what price Buyer should pay or Seller should accept; (ii) Does not guarantee lhe condilion of the Property; (Ill) Does not guarantee the performance. adequacy or completeness of inspections, services, products or repairs provided or made by Seller or others; (Iv) Does not have an obligation to conduct an inspection of common areas or areas off the site of the Property; (v) Shall not be responsible for Identifying defects on the Property, in common areas, or offsite unless such defects are visually observable by an inspection of reasonably accessible areas of the Property or are known to Broker; (vi) Shall not be responsible for inspecting public records or permits concerning the title or use of Property; (vii) Shall not be responsible for Identifying the location of boundary lines or other items affecting title; (viii) Shall not be responsible for verifying square footage, representations of others or information contained in Investigation reports, Multiple Listing Service, advertisements, flyers or other promotional material; (ix) Shall not be responsible for determining the fair market value of the Property or any personal property included in the sale; (x) Shall not be responsible for providing legal or tax advice regarding any aspect of a transaction entered Into by Buyer or Seller; and (xi) Shall nol be responsible for providing other advice or information that exceeds the knowledge, education and experience required to perform real estate licensed activity. Buyer and Seller agree to seek legal, tax, insurance, title and other desired assistance from appropriate professionals. 19. REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY: If one or more Parties is signing this Agreement in a representative capacity and not for him/herself as an individual then that Party shall so indicate in paragraph 31 or 32 and attach a Representative Capacity Signature Disclosure (C.A.R. Form RCSD). \Nherever the signature or initials of the representative identified in the RCSD appear on this Agreement or any related documents, it shall be deemed to be in a representative capacity for the entity described and not In an individual capacity, unless otherwise indicated. The Party acting in a representative capacity (i) represents that !he entity for which that party is acting already exists and (ii) shall Deliver to the other Party and Escrow Holder, within 3 Days Alter Acceptance, evidence of authority to act In that capacity (such as but not fimiled to: applicable portion of the trust or Certification Of Trust (Probate Code §18100.5), letters testamentary, court order, power of attorney, corporate resolution, or formation documents of the business entity). 20. JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS TO ESCROW HOLDER: A. The following paragraph&, or applicable portions thereof, of this Agreement constitute the joint escrow instructions of Buyer and Seller to Escrow Holder, which Escrow Holder is to use along with any related counter offers and addenda, and any additional mutual instructions to close the escrow: paragraphs 1, 3, 4B, SA, 6, 7, 10C, 13, 14G, 17, 18A, 19, 20, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32 and paragraph D of the section tilled Real Estate Brokers on page 10. If a Copy of the separate compensation agreement(s) provided for in paragraph 18A, or paragraph D of the section titled Real Estate Brokers on page 10 is deposited with Escrow Holder by Broker. Escrow Holder shall accept such agreement(s) and pay out from Buyer's or Seller's funds, or both. as applicable, the Broker's compensation provided for in such agreement(s). The tenns and conditions of this Agreement not set forth in the specified paragraphs are additional matters for the Information of Escrow Holder, but about which Escrow Holder need not be concerned. Buyer and Seller will receive Escrow Holder's general provisions, if any, directly from Escrow Holder and will execute such provisions within the time specified in paragraph 7C(1)(e). To the extent the general provisions are inconsistent or conflict with this Agreement, the general provisions w~I control as to the duties and obligations of Escrow Holder only. Buyer and Seller will execute additional instructions, documents and forms provided by Escrow Holder that are reasonably necessary to dose the escrow and, as directed by Escrow Holder, within 3 (or _) Days, shall pay to Esa-ow Holder or HOA or HOA management company or others any fee required by paragraphs 7, 10 or elsewhere in this Agreement. B. A Copy of this Agreement including any counter offer(s) and addenda shall be delivered to Escrow Holder within 3 Days After Acceptance (or --,,--~--=-~-----,--=,----,----c-~-c-c--.,.,...,----:----). Buyer and Seifer authorize Escrow Holder to accept and rely on Copies and Signatures as defined in this Agreement as originals, to open escrow and for other purposes of escrow. The validity of this Agreement as between Buyer and Seller is not affected by whether or when Escrow Holder Signs this Agreement. Escrow Holder shall provide SeUer's Statement of lnfonnation to Tille company when received from Seller. If Seller delivers an affidavit to Escrow Holder to satisfy Seller's FIR.PTA obligation under paragraph 10C, Escrow Holder shall deliver to Buyer a Qualified Substitute statement that complies wi1h federal Law. ~ Buyer's Initials ) ( ) RPA-CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE 7 OF 10) os ~Os s,u,,, 1ruu,1, ~ ~ (=)' CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 7 OF 10) Prom.iced wlih >lpForm® by z,pl.ogix 18070 Fifteen Mile R~ad. Fraser, 1.1,c111gan ~8028 VC/ffl Ziplogj>< a,m JI) l'OinJfflil .., ... ,_ ........ ,. I PA2019-212 9921 C59059E7 ·""'~'..:,uv..,...,~""' Property Address: 311 Poinsettia. Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Dale: August 3, 2018 C. Brokers are a party to lhe escrow for the sole purpose of compensation pursuant to paragraph 18A and paragraph D of the section tilled Real Estate Brokers on page 10. Buyer and Seller irrevocably assign to Brokers compensation specified in paragraph 1 BA, ancl irrevocably instruct Escrow Holder to disburse those funds to Brokers at Close Of Escrow or pursuant to any other mutually executed cancellation agreement. Compensation instructions can be amended or revoked only with the written consent of Brokers. Buyer and Seller shall release and hold hannless Escrow Holder from any liability resulting from Escrow Holder's payment to Broker(s) of compensation pursuant to this Agreement. D. Upon receipt, Escrow Holder shall provide sener and SeBer's Broker \/8rificalion of Buyer's deposit of funds pursuant lo paragraph 3A and 3B, Once Escrow Holder becomes aware of any of the following, Escrow Holder shall immediately notify all Brokers: (I) if Buyer's initial or any additional deposit or down payment is not made pursuant to this Agreement, or is not good at time of deposit with Escrow Holder; or (Ill if Buyer and Seller instruct Escrow Holder to cancel escrow. E. A Copy of any amendment that affects any paragraph of this Agreement for which Escrow Holder is responsible shall be delivered to Escrow Holder within 3 Days after mutual execution ot the amendment. 21.REMEDIES FOR BUYER'S BREACH OF CONTRACT: A. Any clause added by the Parties specifying a remedy (such as release or forfeiture of deposit or making a deposit non-refundable) for failure of Buyer to complete the purchase in violation of this Agreement shall be deemed invalid unless the clause independently satisfies the statutory liquidated damages requirements set forth In the Civil Code. B. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: If Buyer falls to complete this purchase because of Buyer's default, Seller shall retain, as liquidated damages, the deposit actually paid. If the Property is a dwelling with no more than four units, one of which Buyer intends to occupy, then the amount retained shall be no more than 3% of the purchase price. Any excess shall be returned to Buyer. Except as provided In paragraph 14H, release of funds will require mutual, Signed release Instructions from both Buyer and Seller, judicial decision or arbitration award. AT THE TIME OF ANY INCREASED 0••0&1r RAND SELLER SHALL SIGN A SEPARATE LIQUID:e:MArrOVISION INCORPORATING THE INC Ej~D DEP0SIT AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (C,A.R. FO ~flD), jd. Buyer's lnili I___ Seller's lnttial / 22. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: A. MEDIATION: The Parties agree to mediate any dispute or claim arising between them out of this Agreement, or any resulting transaction, before resorting to arbitration or court action through the C.A.R. Real Estate Mediation Center for Consumers (www.conaumennediation.org) or through any other mediation provider or service mutuaHy agreed to by the Parties. The Parties also agree to mediate any disputes or clalms with Broker(s), who, in writing, agree to such mediation prior to, or within a reasonable time after, the dispute or claim is presented to the Broker. Mediation fees, if any, shall be divided equally among the Parties involved. If, for any dispute or claim to which this paragraph applies, any Party (i) commences an action without first attempting to resolve the matter through mediation, or (ii) before commencement of an action, refuses to mediate after a request has been made, lhen that Party shall not be entitled to recover attorney fees, even if they would otherwise be avallable to that Party in any such action. THIS MEDIATION PROVISION APPLIES WHETHER OR NOT THE ARBITRATION PROVISION IS INITIALED. Exclusions from this mediation agreement are specified in paragraph 22C. B. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES: The Parties agree that any dispute or claim in Law or equity arising between them out of this Agreement or any resulting transaction, which Is not settled through mediation, shall be decided by neutral, binding arbitration. The Parties also agree to arbitrate any disputes or claims with Broker(s), who, In writing, agree to such arbitration prior to, or within a reasonable time after, the dispute or claim Is presented to the Broker. The arbitrator shall be a retired Judge or Justice, or an attorney with at least 6 years of residential real estate Law experience, unless the parties mutually agree to a different arbitrator. The Parties shall have the right to discovery in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure §1283.05. In all other respects, the arbitration shall be conducted In accordance with Title 9 of Part 3 of the Code of Clvll Procedure. Judgment upon the award of the arbltrator(s) may be entered Into any court having Jurisdiction. Enforcement of this agreement to arbitrate shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act. Exclusions from this arbitration agreement are specified in paragraph 22C. "NOTICE: BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW YOU ARE AGREEING TO HAVE ANY DISPUTE ARISING OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE 'ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES' PROVISION DECIDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRATION AS PROVIDED BY CALIFORNIA LAW AND YOU ARE GIVING UP ANY RIGHTS YOU MIGHT POSSESS TO HAVE THE DISPUTE LITIGATED IN A COURT OR JURY TRIAL. BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR JUDICIAL RIGHTS TO DISCOVERY AND APPEAL, UNLESS THOSE RIGHTS ARE SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED IN THE 'ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES' PROVISION. IF YOU REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AFTER AGREEING TO THIS PROVISION, YOU MAY BE COMPELLED TO ARBITRATE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS VOLUNTARY." "WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING AND AGREE TO SUBMIT~~"'TES ARISlrf,j OUT OF THE MA TIERS INCLUDEDm;'ARBITRA TION OF DISPUTES' PROVISION TO NE ,,L ARBIT'fA]fN," Buyer's lnili s !!.._ ,___ Seller's Initial / ~ C. ADDITIONAL MEDIATION AND TION TERMS: (11 EXCLUSIONS: The following matters are excluded from mediation and arbitration: {ii a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure or other action or proceeding to enforce a deed of trust, mortgage or Installment Ian, ale contract as defined In Clvll Code §2985; (ii) an unlawful detainer action; and (ill) any matter that is within the jut!:'°" of a probate, small claims or banlf"Jalcy court. ~s ~~~----'' l ~~ A RPA-CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE B OF 10) ~ CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 8 OF 10) Proou,;;ecl Wltlulpf~ by <lplogbt 18070 Fiftuen MIio Road, Fra..,,, Mlc11fgal\ 48021i WWW zlplognc com )II rolawnla PA2019-212 DocuSiari Envelope ID: 1 E9E68DA-280C-4CDD-, L,f\l\,IU\J1§11 L.ll•GIV~ 11.J, I Ml tVOUV'"'IJO,.,,V-,r IIJ•t.1 ~921 C59059E7 "'Tt•rc,uvvuc.u Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Date: August 3, 201B (2) PRESERVATION OF ACTIONS: The following shall not constitute a waiver nor violation of the mediation and arbitration provisions: (I) the filing of a court action to preserve a statute of llmltatlons; (II) the filing of a court action to enable the recording of a notice of pending action, for order of attachment, receivership, Injunction, or other provisional remedies; or (iii) the filing of a mechanic'& lien. (3) BROKERS: Brokers shall not be obligated nor compelled to mediate or arbitrate unless they agree to do so in writing. Any Broker(s) participating In mediation or arbltraUon shall not be deemed a party to this Agreemenl 23. SELECTION OF SERVICE PROVIDERS: Brokers do not guarantee the performance of any vendors, service or product providers ('Providers'), whether referred by Broker or selected by Buyer, Seller or other person_ Buyer and Seller may select ANY Providers of their own choosing. 24_ MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ("MLS"): Brokers are authorized to report to the MLS a pending sale and, upon Close Of Escrow, the sales price and other terms of this transaction shall be provided to the MLS to be published and disseminated to persons and entities authorized to use the information on terms approved by the MLS. 25. ATTORNEY FEES: In any action, proceeding, or arbitration between Buyer and Seller arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing Buyer or Seller shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs from the non-prevailing Buyer or Seller, except as provided in paragraph 22A. 26. ASSIGNMENT: Buyer shall not assign all or any part of Buyer's interest in this Agreement without first having obtained the separate written consent of Seller to a specified assignee. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any total or partial assignment shall not relieve Buyer of Buyer's obligations pursuant to this Agreement unless otherwise agreed in writing by Seller. (C.A.R. Form AOAA). 27. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY: The Property is sold in compliance with federal, state and local anti-discrimination Laws. 28. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OFFER: This is an offer to purchase the Property on the above terms and conditions. The liquidated damages paragraph or the arbitration of disputes paragraph Is Incorporated in this Agreement If initialed by all Parties or if Incorporated by mutual agreement in a counter offer or addendum. If at least one but not all Parties in~ial, a counter offer is required until agreement is reached. Seller has the right to continue to offer the Property for sale and to accept any other offer at any time prior to notificat10n of Acceptance. The Parties have read and acknowledge receipt of a Copy of the offer and agree to the confirmation of agency relationships. If this offer is accepted and Buyer subsequently defaults, Buyer may be responsible for payment of Brokers' compensation. This Agreement and any supplement, addendum or modification, including any Copy, may be Signed in two or more counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same writing. 29. TIME OF ESSENCE; ENTIRE CONTRACT; CHANGES: Time is of the essence. All understandings between the Parties are incorporated in this Agreement. Its terms are intended by the Parties as a final, complete and exclusive expression of their Agreement with respect to its subject matter, and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be ineffective or invalid, the remaining provisions wiD nevertheless be given full force and effed. Except as otherwise specified, this Agreement shall be Interpreted and disputes shall be resolved in accordanc.e with the Laws of the State of California. Neither this Agreement nor any provision In it may be extended, amended, modified, altered or changed, except In writing Signed by Buyer and Seller. 30. DEFINITIONS: As used in this Agreement: A. "Acceptance" means the time the offer or final counter offer is accepted in writing by a Party and is delivered to and personally received by the other Party or that Party's authorized agent in accordance with the terms of this offer or a final counter offer. e. "Agreement" means this document and any counter offers and any incorporated addenda, collectively fanning the binding agreement between the Parties. Addenda are incorporated only When Signed by all Parties. C. "C.A.R. Form" means the most current version of the specific fonn referenced or another comparable fonn agreed to by the parties. D. "Close Of Escrow'', Including "COE", means the date the grant deed, or other evidence of transfer of !Hie, is recorded. E, "Copy" means copy by any means Including photocopy, NCR, facsimile and electronic. F. "Days" means calendar days. However, after Acceptance, the last Day for perfonnance of any act required by this Agreement (including Close Of Escrow) shall not include any Saturday, Sunday, or leAal holiday and shall instead be the next Day. G. "Days After" mean& the specified number of calendar days after the occurrence of the event specified, not counting the calendar date on which the specified event occurs, and ending at 11:59 PM on the final day. H. "Days Prior" means the specified number of calendar days before the occurrence of the event specified, not counting the calendar date on which the specified event is scheduled to occur. I, "Deliver", "Delivered" or "Dellvery", unless otherwise specified in writing, mean& and shall be effective upon: personal receipt by Buyer or Seller or the individual Real Estate Ucensee for !hat principal as specified in the section titled Real Estate Brokers on page 10, regardless of the method used (i.e., messenger. mail, email, fax, other). J. "Electronic Copy" or "Electronic Signature" means, as applicable, an electronic copy or signature complying with California Lew. Buyer and Seller agree that electronic means will not be used by eilher Party lo modify or alter the content or integrity of this Agreement without the knowledge and consent of the other Party. K. "Law" mear.s any law, code, statute, ordinance, regulation, rule or order, which is adopted by a controlling city, county, state or federal legislative. judicial or executive body or agency. L. "Repairs" means any repairs (including pest control), alterations, replacements, modifications or retrofitting of the Property provided for under this Agreement. M. "Signed" means either a handwritten or electronic signature on an original document, Copy or any counterpart. 31. EXPIRATION OF OFFER: This offer shall be deemed revoked and the deposit, If any, shall be returned to Buyer unless the offer is Signed by Seller and a Copy of the Signed offer is personally received bv Buyer, or by Sandra Hauser who Is authorized to receive It, by 5:00 PM on the third Day after this offer is signed by Buyer (or by LJ 12:00 on Auaust 4, 2011 (date)). 0 One or more Buyers Is slgnln tb!~.A~:~: a representative capacity and not for him/herself as an Individual. See attached Representative Capacity Signatu n~re .A.R. Form RCSD-B) for additional terms. Date 8/3/2018 7: 58: i§~ P . • (Print name) Brian Kingman ·1c::;ac:,q111Rtmr~-------------------------- 0ate _____ BUYER _____________________________ _ (Print nam••-------------------------+--:-=:D:=-s ____ ..,...._1111r------- OAddltional Signature Addendum attached (C.A.R. Form ASA). RPA.CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE 9 OF 10) ~ ......... _ CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 9 OF 10) - l'raciJald with zipForm9 by ziplagix 18070 F"t.11n Mlle Road, Frasat, Michigan 48028 www ZJQlqgQS cgm 311 l'ola,ettill PA2019-212 , ~.,c~SJ!W, ~y.eJ?,P,.e_ I!?;_ 1, ~~-~~~'?.~·--LB.9.£--1.C::~P:t/_ 121C59059E7 .. ...,.,.._,".,,.,..,..,c.u Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Date: August 3, 2018 32, ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER: Seller warrants that Seller is the owner of the Property, or has the authority to execute this Agreement. Seller accepts the above offer, and agrees to sell the Property on !he above terms and conditions. Seller has read and acknowledges receipt of a Copy of this Agreement, and authorizes Broker to Deliver a Signed Copy lo Buyer. 0 (If checked) SELLER'S ACCEPTANCE IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHED COUNTER OFFER (C.A.R. Fonn SCO or SMCO) DATED: 0 One or more Sellers is signing this ~reement in a representative capacity and not for him/herself as an individual. See attached 8/ij1f¥~Uftative Capacity Signature \C s fW°~.R. Fonn RCSD-S) for additional terms. Date ____ SELLER ___ t---"jb'-11\. __ ~ __ S ------------,---t~ u&lgnelHl,~.--------- (Print name) Jon W. Adams Trustee• 1!/lJlfRIOJJlftJams Livin Trust Dated 02/0212017 -~ Date 8/4/2018 SELLER -----------------'c='lQD8ffl"Eli!78Clr.i:r.;:------- (Print name I Jenn/fr s. Adams. Trustee -The J and J Adams Living Trust Dated 02/02/2017 □Additional Signature Addendum attached (C.A.R. Form ASA). ( __ , __ ) (Initials) (Do not initlal Jr making a counter offer.) CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE: A Copy of Signed Acceptance was .ei!rsona.!!X received by Buyer or Buyer's authorized agent on (date) --c:-:~-=-=----,----,,---al _____ _ LJAM/ U PM. A binding Agreement Is created when a Copy of Signed Acceptance is personally received by Buyer or Buyer's authorized agent whether or not confinned in this document Completion of this conflnnatlon is not legally required In order to create a binding Agreement; It is solely intended to evidence the date that Conflnnatlon of Acceptance has occurred. REAL ESTATE BROKERS: A. Real Estate Brokers are not parties to the Agreement between Buyer and Seller. B. Agency relationships are confirmed as stated In paragraph 2. C, If specified in paragraph 3A(2), Agent who submitted the offer for Buyer acknowledges receipt of deposit. D. COOPERATING BROKER COMPENSATION: Listing Broker agrees lo pay Cooperating Broker (Selling Finn) and Cooperating Broker agrees to accept, out of Listing Broker's proceeds in escrow, the amount specified in the MLS, provided Cooperating Broker is a Participant of the MLS in which the Property is offered for sale or a reciprocal MLS. If Listing Broker and Cooperating Broker are not both Participants of the MLS, or a reciprocal MLS, In which the Property Is offered for sale, then compensation must be specified in a separate written agreement (C.A.R. Fann CBC). Decfaratlon of License and Tax (C.A.R. Fonn DL T) may be used to document that tax reporting will be required or that an exempllon exists. R(atgp~g~elling Firm) Y/LLA REAL ESTATE ORE Lie. #.,.a;O,,,.f9'-F,~ln-ni26~,T,..-,-.,...,-"" BY.~ Alf.. 'A. andra-Hauser-DR6-Lic.-#.01 -1B267 -ate....8l3.C~lL8_:_0A.:.!L etv,_ PD--T~---- By .. o,...;1-1A--DRE Lie.# ________ Date ________ _ Address 450 Newport Center Drive. Suite 100 City Newport Beach State~ Zip ..... 92...,.6"'"60'--__ _ Telephone (949J600-0S1Jl, .F.axl,949)698-1991 E-mail shauser@villareafestate.com Be.al..EsJate.».rols_er ' DRE Lie.# ______ _ By ______________________ DRE Lie. # ________ Date _______ _ By ____________________ ---:-,---□RE lie.# ________ Date _______ _ Address __________ -=-----City ___ ..,,.... ______ Stale __ Zip _____ _ Telephone Fax E-mail PRESENTATION OF OFFER:(---~---) Listing Broker presented this offer lo Seller on ____________ (date). Broker or Desi nee Initials REJECTION OF OFFER: ( ) ( J No counter offer Is being made, This offer was rejected by SeHer on _______ (date). ~fs iiiiiiais ©1981· 2015, Caliromia AssociaUon or REAL TORS®, Inc. United Stale$ mpyright law (TIUe 17 U.S. Code) forbids the unaulhorized dls~ibulion, display and reproduction or thls form, or any portion thereof, by pholocopy machine or any other means, fndudlng racslmlle or computemed formats. THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® (C.A.R .). NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ACCURACY OF ANY PROVISION IN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS . IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. Ii,",: I] Pubffshed and Distributed by: Buyer Acknowledges lhat page 1 o is part or this Agreement b,___J ( REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES , INC . Buyer's Initials a subsidfaryof Iha CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF RE:AL TORS® • 525 Soulh Virgil Avent1e, Los Angeles , califomfa 90020 RPA·CA REVISED 12/15 (PAGE 10 of 10) CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT (RPA-CA PAGE 10 OF 10) Produtad w~h zipF011110 by zfpLogix 18070 Fifteen Mile Road, F111sar, Michigan ◄8026 www ziploqig com 311 Poinscni, PA2019-212 9921 C59059E7 .. -,,,_,,..,...,..,.u.,a.y DISCLOSURE REGARDING REAL ESTATE AGENCY RELATIONSHIP (Selling Finn lo Buyer) (As required by the Clvll Codel (C.A.R. Fonn AD, Revised 12/14) 0 (ff checked) This form is being provicled in connection with a transaction for a leasehold interest exceeding one year as per Civil Code section 2079.13{k), (I) and (m). ·~en you enter Into a discussion with a real estate agent regarding a real estate transaction, you should from the outset understand what type of agency relationship or representation you wish to have with the agent in the transaction. SELLER'S AGENT A Seller's agent under a listing agreement with the Seller acts as the agent for the Seller only. A Seller's agent or a subagent of that agent has the foUowing affirmative obligations: To the Seller. A Fiduciary duty of utmost care, integrity, honesty and loyally in clealings with the Seller. To the Buyer and the Seller. (a)Diligent exercise of reasonable skill and care in performance of the agent's duties. (b)A duty of honest and fair dealing and good faith. (c)A duty to disclose all facts known lo the agent materiafty affecting the value or desirabiUty cf the property that are not known to, or within the diligent attention and observation of, the parties. An agent is not obligated to reveal to either party any confidential information obtained from the other party that does not involve the affinnalive duties set forth above. BUYER'S AGENT A selling agent can, with a Buyer's consent, agree to act as agent for the Buyer only. In these situations, the agent is not the SeUer's agent, even if by agreement the agent may receive compensation for services rendered, either In full or in part from the Seller. An agent acting only for a Buyer has lhe following affirmative obligalions: To the Buyer: A fiduciary duly of utmost care, inlegrlty, honesty and loyalty In dealings with the Buyer. To the Buyer and the Seller: (a)Diligent exercise of reasonable skill and care In performer.ca of the agent's duties. (b)A duty of honest and fair dealing and good faith. (c)A duly to disclose al facts known to the agent materially affecting the value or desirability of the property that are not known to, or within the diligent attention and observation of, the parties. An agent is not obligated to reveal to either party any confidential information obtained from the other party that does not involve the affirmative duties set forth above. AGENT REPRESENTING BOTH SELLER AND BUYER A real estate agent, either acting directly or through one or more associate licensees, can legally be the agent ot both the Seller and the Buyer in a transaction, but only with the knowledge and consent of both the Seller and the Buyer. In a dual agency situation, the agent has the following affirmative obligations to both the SeHer and the Buyer: (a)A fiduciary duty of utmost care, integrity, honesty and loyally in the dealings with either the Seller or the Buyer. (b)Other duties to the Seifer and the Buyer as stated above In their respective sections. In representing both Seller and Buyer, the agent may not, without the express permission of the respective party, disclose to the other party that the Seller will accept a price less than the listing price or that the Buyer will pay a price greater than the price offered. The above duties of the agenl in a real estate transaction do not relieve a Seller or Buyer from lhe responsibility to prolect his or her own interests. You should carefully read all agreements to assure that they adequately expre$S your understancling of the transaction. A real estate agent is a person qualified to advise about real estate. If legal or tax advice is desired, consuH a competent professional. Throughout your real property transaction you may receive more than one disclosure fonn, depending upon the number of agents assisting In the lransadion. The law requires each agent with whcm you have more than a casual relationship to present you with this disclosure form. You sl:lould read its contents each time it is presented to you, considering the relationship between you and the real estate agenl In your gpecifie: transaction. This dlaclasure fann Includes the provisions of Sections 2079.13 to 2079,24, inclusive, of the Civil Code aet forth on page 2. Read It carefully. I/WE ACKNOW SliullliQ6IPT OF A COPV OF THIS DISCLOSURE AND THE PORTIONS OF THE CIVIL CODE PRIN:ED ON THE BACK (OR A SEP ~~-81312018 7: 58: 53 PM PDT Ii Buyer O Seller O Landlord □ Tenan"'a:r.~:.t4!1ll}!Mff4F9;;;----------------Date ________ _ D BU1er O SeRer D Landlord □ Tenant _____________________ Dale ________ _ Age Pacoo.,,r 1 .,. V1UA REAL ESTATE ORE Lie.# .... Of:.:::9=25=72-=-6=---------- By r-. , .,. "-iw.St.r Real Estate Broker (Firm) / / O 3 ~;,;:;;OJA.IJ'<=="'="=-'...,.,,.-,------:--:------:---:-:--,---=----:-·DRE Lie, # .... o1'-"1=82=6..,76'---------Date 8 3 2018 8: 4: 4 PM PDT MOSACt5'D"onA,. (Salesperson or Broker-Associate) Sandra Hauser Agency Disclosure Compliance (Civil Code §2079.14): • When the listing brokerage company also ;epresents Buyer/Tenant: The LisHng Agent shall have one AD form signed by Seller/Landlord and a different AD form signed by Buyer/Tenant. • \"lhen Seller/Landlord and BuyerlTenant are represented by different brokerage companies: JO.~he Listing Agent shall have one AD form signed by Sellei IIIGAllllll'ldb(ii) the Buyel'srrenanrs Agent shall have one AD form &ig q~~Will\vi( and either that same8°J .f;2i[f1'6nt AD form prese t~ ~l~lord for signature prior to pres,rJa'~611!1e offer. If the sa ~ ~Y sign here: Seiler/L 8088D1076434 ... Date Jon W. Adams, Trustee . The J and J Adams 0 T991·2010, California As,ociation o4 REALTORS®, Inc. AD REVISED 12/14 (PAGE 1 OF 2) Seller a Jenn/fr s. Adams, Truffff • The J 1111d J Adams Date DISCLOSURE REGARDING REAL ESTATE AGENCY RELATIONSHIP AD PAGE 1 OF 2 Vilb l!OII EM•lo. 450 Newport Cea!..-Drlvt, Suko 190 l'!cwpor1 llaohC.t 91660 Phone, 94!1!11100&70 Fa.. '496'/81991 S.4!'111Ri\ IL\USJ\R Produoed with zipF~ by ziploglx 18070 Frf:een Mio Road, Fraser, Michigan 4/1028 www •iPL cpgjx cgm Jlf r,ln.'L1lil PA2019-212 DocuSion Envelooe ID: 1 E9E68DA-280C·4CDD· lJ\IV¥YISi,11 l.:IIV'w•Vyc:. IIJ, f l"\I t ,J~LJV•UOVY"'"'Tt '1,,1•• 9921C59059E7 ;."Tr I. I U\,IUWU.r.U CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 2079,24 (2079. 16 APPEARS ON THE FRONT) 2079,13 ~ used In Sections 20711.14 to 2079.24, lnclus.'ve, lhe following terms have the following meanings: (aJ "Agent' means a person acting under provisions of Trtle s (commencing with Section 2295) in a real property transaction, and includes a person who is licensed as a real estate broker under Chapter 3 (commencing w~h Section 10130) of Part 1 of DMsion 4 of the Business and Professions Code, and under whose license a listing is e,recuted or an offer to purchHe ls obtained. (b) "Associate licensee· means a person who is licensed as a real estate broker er salespe11on under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 10130) of Part 1 of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code and who is e~her licensed under a broker or has entered int0 a written contract with a broker to act as the broke~s agent in connecti0n with acts requiring a real estate license and to function under the broker's supervision in the capacity of an associate licensee. The agent in lhe real property transaction bears responsibiity for his or her associate licensees wh(I perfonn as agents of the agent. \Mlan an associate licensee owes a cMy to any principal, er to any buyer or seller who is not a principal, in a real property lransaction, that duty Is equivalent to the duty owed to that party by the broker for whom the associate ftcensee functions. le) ·euyer" means a transferee In a real property transaction, and Includes a person who executes an offer to puichase real property from a seller through an aganl, or who seal<& the services of an agent In more than a casual, transitory, or preliminary manner, with the object of entering into a real property transaction. "Buyer'" Includes vendee or ll!ssee. (di ·commercial real property" means all real property in the stale, except single-family residential real property, dwelling units made subject to Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 1940) of TIiie 5, mobilehomes, as dafinad In Section 798.3, or recreational vellides, as defined in Section 799,29. l•I "Dual agent" means an agent acting, either directly or through an associate licensee, as agent for both the sailer and the buyer in a real property transaction. (fl "Listing agreement' means a contract belween an owner of real property and an agent, by which the agent has been authorized to sell the real property or to find or obtain a buyer, (g) 'Listing aganr means a pe11on who has obtained a fisting of real property to ad as an agent for compensation. (hi 'Listing price" is the amount eJqJressed In dollars specified In the listil11 for which the sailer is wilring to sell the real property through the listing agent. (II "Offering price' Is the amount expressed In dollars specified in an offer to purchase for which the buyer is wilHng to buy the real property. (jJ "Offer to purchase• means a written contract executed by a buyer acllng through a sellng agenl that becomes Ile contract for the sate of the real property upon acoeptanc;e by the seller. (k) "Real property" means any eatale &pecified by subdivision (1) or (2) of Section 761 in property that constitutes or is improved with one to four dwelllna units. any commercial real property, any leasehold in these types of property exceeding one year's duration, and mobilehomes, when offered for sale or sold through an agent pursuant to the authority contained In Section 10131.6 of the Business and Professions Code. (I) "Real property transaction• means a transaction for the sale of real property In which an agent is employed by one or more of the principals to act in that transaction, and includes a listing or an offer to purchase. (m) "Sell," ·sara,• or "sold" refe11 to a transaction for the transfer of real property from 1he seler ID the buyer, and includes exchanges of real property between the seller and buyer, transactions for the c,eaUon or a real property sales contract wllhin the meaning of Section 2985, and transactions for the creation of a leasehold exceeding one year's duration. (n) "Si!ller" means !he transferor in a real property transaction, and includes an owner who lists real property with en agent, whether or not a transfer results, or who receives an offer to purchase real property of which he or she is the owner from an agent on behalf of another. "SeUer" includes both a vendor and a lessor. (o) 'Sefflng agenr means a lisUng agent who acts alone, or an agent who ads In cooperaUon with a llsUng agent, and who SIiis or finds and obtains a buyer for the real property, or an agent who locates property for a buyer or who finds a buyer for a property for which no lisUng exists and presents an offer lo purchase to the seller. (pl 'Subagent" means a person to whom an agent delegates agency powers as provided in Artlcle 5 (commencing with Section 2349) of Chapter 1 of TIiie 9. However, "subagent" d0es not inclJde an associate licensee who Is acilng under the supervision of an agent In a real property transaction. 2079.14 Listing agents and selling agents shall pro\Mfa the seller and buyer In a real property transaction with a copy of the disclosure fonn specified in Section 2079.16. end, except as provided In subdMslon (c), shall obtain a signed acknowledgement of receipt from that seller or buyer, except es prollided in !his section or Section 2079.15, as foDows: (a) The fisting agent, if any, shaU provide the disclosure fonn to the seler prior to enteling into the llsting agreement. (bl The selling agent shall provide the disclosure form to the seller as soon as pracllcable prior to presenting the seller with an offer to purchase, unless the selling agent pravk>usly prov.dad the seller with a copy of Iha disclosure form pursuant to subdivision (a). lcl \Mlere the seUing agent does not deal on a faoe-to-faoe basis with the seller, the disclosure form prepared by the aeliing agent may be furnished to Iha seller (and acknowledgement of receipt obtained for Ila selling agent from the seller) by the listi11,1 agent, or the selling agent may deliwr the disclosure form by certified mal addressed to the seller al his or her last known addre&&, in which case no signed acknowledgement of rec.eipt is required. (di The selling agent shell provide the disctosLJe fonn to the buyer as soon as practicable prior to execution of the buyer's offer lo purchase, except that If the offer ID purchase is not prepared by Iha selling agent, lhe sailing agent shall present the disclosure fonn to the buyer not later than the next business day after lhe selling a11ent reoeives the offer 10 purchase from the buyer. 2079.15 In any circumstance in which the seler or buyer refuses to sign an acknowledgement of receipt pursuant to Section 2079.14, the agent, or en associate licensee acting for an agent, shall sel forth, sign, and date a written declaration or Iha facts of the refusal. 2079.16 Reproduced on Page 1 of this AD form. 2079.17 (a) Ni soon aa practicable, the selling agent shal disclose to the buyer and seller whether the seJUng agent is acting ,n the real property transaction excluslYaly as the buyer's agent, exdu&Mly as the selle~s agent, or as a dual agent representing both the buyer and the seller. This relationship shal be oonftrmed in the contract to purchaEe and seB real property or in a Eeparate writing eirecute,;i !!r ackncmtedced by the se!!lr, the buyer, and the selling agent prior to or coincident with eicecutlon of !hat contract by the buyer and the seller, respectfvely. (b) As soon as practicable, the listing agent shall dfsclose 10 the selerwhelher the listing agent is acting in the real property transaction exclusively as the sel~s agent, 01' as e dual egenl representing both the buyer and seller. This relationship shaO be confinned in the contact to purchase and sell real property or In a separate wrting executed or acknowledged by the seller and the listing agent prior to or coincident with the execution of that contract by the seller. (c) The contlrmation required by subdlvisions (a) and (b) shall be In the following lonn. (DO NOT COMPLETE. SAMPLE ONLY} Is the agent of (check one): O the seler exclusively; or O both the buyer and seller. (Name of Listing Agent) {DO NOT COMPLETE. SAMPLE ONLY) is lhe agent of (check one): Othe buyer exclusively; or0the sellerexcluslvely; or (Name or Selfing Agent If not the same as the Ustina Agent) O both the buyer and seNer. (di The disclosures and confinnation required by this section shall ba in addition to the disc:loswe required by Section 2079.14. 2079.18 No selling agent In a rul property transaction may act as an agent for the buyer orfy, when the &eling agent Is also acting a& the !Isling agent In Iha transaction. 2079.19 The payment of compensation or the obligation 10 pay compensation to an a11ent by the seller or buyer is not 11ecessarUy determinative of a partk:ular agency relationship between an agent and the seller or buyer. A listing agent and a selling agent m11y agree to share any compensation or commission paid, or any right lo any compensation or commission for which an obligation arises as the result of a real estate transaction. and the tenns of any such agreement shall not necessarily be detenninalive of a particular relationship. 2079.20 Nothing in this article prevents an agent from selecting. as a condition of the agenrs employment. a specific form of agency relationship not specifically prohibited by this article ir the requirements of Section 2079.14 and Section 2079.17 are complied with. 2079,21 A duel a11enl shall not disclose to the buyer Iha! the seller is willing lo sell the property at a price less lhan the lfsting price, without the express written consent of the saner. A dual agent shall not disclose to the &all er that the buyer is wlmlng to pay a price greater than the offering price, without the express written consent of Lie buyer. This section does not alter in any way the duty or responsibmty of a dual agent lo any principal wtth respect to contldential lnfonnatlon other than plioe. 2079.22 Nothing In this artide pradudes a listing agent from also being a selling agent, and the combination of these function& in one agent does not, of ~self. make Iha! agent a dual agent. 2079,23 A contract between the principal and agent may be modified or altered to change the egency relationship at any time before the performance of the act which Is the object of the agency with the wrinen consent of Iha parties to the agency relationship. 2079.24 Nothing in this article shall be construed to either diminish the duty of disclosure owed buyers and sellers by agents and their asaociate licensees, subagents. and employees or lo relieve agents and their associate lcenseei., subagents, and employees from liability for their conduct in connection with acts governed by this article or ror any breach of a fiduciary duty or a duty of disclosure. Pub110hed and D11tnbuted bf: C 1991-2D10, California Associahon of REAL TORS®, Inc. [THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED REAL ESTAlE BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. BY THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® (C.A.R.). NO REPRESENTATION IS a subsid/81)' of the CaMfomie Aucxia/iOn of REALTORS® MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ACCURACY OF ANY PROVISION IN ANY SPECIFIC • 52SSauthVrgilAvanue,LosAngele1,Ca!1klmia90020 TRANSACTION. A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON AD REVISED 12/14 (PAGE 2 OF 2) REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. DISCLOSURE REGARDING REAL ESTATE AGENCY RELATIONSHIP (AD PAGE 2 OF 2) ProducedwllhzipF0tm€>1>yzlpLogix 11!070FllleenMllo Road, Fraser, MICl1111M 48026 WWYt•IPb9995 com 311 Poinscnta PA2019-212 ~921C59059E7 L.-,11...IVVUUU<l-.'-,II D.JJ,\J,?~~ ,E!?~~l~J'~¥f P..:, 1, ~~,'=;6u8~'2.~?J9S:.::1..q~g:) ,-~ CALlfORNJ.'\ ~.:"J Ass O CI Al Io N POSSIBLE REPRESENTATION OF MORE THAN ONE BUYER ~ o F RE ALT o Rs 11 OR SELLER • DISCLOSURE AND CONSENT (C,A.R. Fonn PRBS, 11/14) A real estate broker (Broker}, whether a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship, may represent more than one buyer or seller. This multiple representation can occur through an individual licensed as a broker or salesperson or through different individual broker's or salespersons (associate licensees) acting under the Broker's license. The associate licensees may be working out of the same or different office locations. Multiple Buyers: Broker (Individually or through its associate licensees) may be working with many prospective buyers at the same time. These prospective buyers may have an interest in, and make offers on, the same properties. Some of these properties may be listed with Broker and some may not. Broker will not limit or restrict any particular buyer from making an offer on any particular property whether or not Broker represents other buyers interested in the same property. Multiple Sellers: Broker (individually or through its associate licensees) may have listings on many properties at the same time, As a result, Broker will attempt lo find buyers for each of those listed properties. Some listed properties may appeal to the same prospective buyers. Some properties may attract more prospective buyers than others. Some of these prospective buyers may be represented by Broker and some may not. Broker will market all listed properties to all prospective buyers whether or not Broker has another or other listed properties that may appeal lo the same prospective buyers. Dual Agency: If Seller is represented by Broker. Seller acknowledges that broker may represent prospective buyers of Seller's property and consents lo Broker acting as a dual agent for both seller and buyer in that transaction. If Buyer is represented by Broker, buyer acknowledges that Broker may represent sellers of property that Buyer is interested in acquiring and consents to Broker acting as a dual agent for both buyer and seller with regard to that property. In the event of dual agency, seller and buyer agree that: (a) Broker, without the prior written consent of the Buyer, will not disclose to seller that the Buyer is willing to pay a price greater than the offered price; (b) Broker, without the prior written consent of the seller, will not disclose to the buyer that seller is willing to sell property at a price less than the listing price; and (c) other than as set forth in (a) and (b) above, a dual agent is obligated to disclose known facts materially affecting the value or desirability of the property to both parties. Offers not necessarily confidential: Buyer is advised that seller or listing agent may disclose the existence, terms, or conditions of buyer's offer unless all parties and their agent have slgr.ied a written confidentiality agreement. Whether any such information is actually disclosed depends on many factors, such as current market conditions, the prevailing practice in the real estate community, the listing agent's marketing strategy and the instructions of the seller. Buyer and seller understand that Broker may represent more than one buyer or more than one seller and even both buyer and seller on the same transaction and consents to such relationships, Seller ~/,!U1ufihi.Y.!!r acknowledges reading and understanding this Possible Representation of More Than One Buye o'A Se11,,;:_ptsclosure and Consent and agrees to the agency possibilities disclosed. S/ 120 8 J~IA.. tl.~5 DoouSlgned by: 4 1 Seller Jon w. Ad11ms, Trustee-The J llnd J Adams Date Seller DacuS19ned by. Jenn/fr s. Adams, Trustee-TlleJ and J Adams Date -s+/4.t-7F.'2H't)l4148- Buyer 'JI.,._. ~...,-Brian Kin man Date 8/312018 7 : 58 : 5 Buyer ·· Date ----- Real Estate Broker (Firm) _________________ DRE Lie #· ____ Date ___ _ By DRE Lie# Date ___ _ R8~1&:Swl~irm) "'"'Vl=LLA=--'-R=E.=:A-=L=-=E=S:..:..T.'"":A""'TE=----------DRE Lie# 01925726 __ DRE Lie# 01182676 aflMWb•r Date Date-s-7-37...,2-01-s-s: 04 : 4 @ 2014, Cairomla Association of REAL TORSel, Inc. United States copyrlcjh1 law n,ue 17 U,S, Code) for1>1ds the unauthorized dlatrfbudon, display ana repraclucllan of this form, or any portion thereof, by photocopy macnlne or any other means, induding racslmlle or computerized formal1. THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® (C.A.R,), NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIOITY OR ACCURACY OF ANY PROVISION IN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION, A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. This rorm la made available to real estate profe&&ional& through an agreement with or purchase from the Calltomla A&soclaUon or REAL TORS®. II la not Intended 10 laenllfy the user a& a REAL TOR®. REALTOR® is I registered colleclive memberahrp m1rk which may be used only by members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® who subscribe 10 its COde of Ethics, Publlahad and Olstrlbutall by: REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES. INC. • subsidiary of IIJe Ca/lfomia Associ1tion of REAL TORS® ~ S~S Soulh Virgil Avenue, Los Angelea, California 80020 PRBS 11/14 (PAGE 1 OF 1) POSSIBLE REPRESENTATION OF MORE THAN ONE BUYER OR SELLER PRBS PAGE 1 OF 1 VIII ■ Rffl £11111, 4M 11'111p1n C:1111er Urive, 51111 lllO N,,.pnn 11,Hh CA 916~0 Phone: 9~9!1G0Ol7fl Fax 949Mll9' I RA:'ll>RA IIAUHK Produc:od WRh zlpFor~ by z,pLogDC 11070 FlftHn M4• Raad, Frasar, Mlohig;r, 49028 www,ZfpLCXD cqn 311 Poln•l'ITI• / PA2019-212 ./~. CALIFORNIA "__,.~ ASSOCIATION ~ OF REALTORS® WIRE FRAUD AND ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER ADVISORY (C.A.R. Form WFA, Revised 12/17) Property Address: 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 WIRE FRAUD AND ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS ADVISORY: ("Property"). The ability to communicate and conduct business electronically is a convenience and reality in nearly all parts of our lives. At the same time, it has provided hackers and scammers new opportunities for their criminal activity. Many businesses have been victimized and the real estate business is no exception. VVhlle wiring or electronically transferring funds is a welcome convenience, we all need to exercise extreme caution. Emails attempting to induce fraudulent wire transfers have been received and have appeared to be legitimate. Reports indicate that some hackers have been able to intercept emailed transfer instructions, obtain account information and, by altering some of the data, redirect the funds to a different account. It also appears that some hackers were able to provide false phone numbers for verifying the wiring or funds transfer instructions. In those cases, the victim caUed the number provided to confirm the instructions, and then unwittingly authorized a transfer to somewhere or someone other than the intended recipient. ACCORDINGLY, YOU ARE ADVISED: 1. Obtain phone numbers and account numbers only from Escrow Officers, Property Managers, or Landlords at the beginning of the transaction. 2. DO NOT EVER WIRE OR ELECTRONICALLY TRANSFER FUNDS PRIOR TO CALLING TO CONFIRM THE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS. ONLY USE A PHONE NUMBER YOU WERE PROVIDED PREVIOUSLY. Do not use any different phone number or ac:count number included in any emailed transfer instructions. 3. Orally confinn the transfer instruction is legitimate and confirm the bank routing number, account numbers and other codes before taking steps to transfer the funds. 4. Avoid sending personal information In emails or texts. Provide such information in person or over the telephone directly to the Escrow Officer, Property Manager, or Landlord. 5. Take steps to secure the system you are using with your emall account. These steps Include creating strong passwords, using sec:ure Wifi, and not using free services. If you believe you have received q1.1estionable or suspicious wire or funds transfer instructions, immediately notify your bank, and the other party, and the Escrow Office, Landlord, or Property Manager. The sources below, as well as others, can also provide information: Federal Bureau of Investigation: https://www.fbi.gov/; the FBl's IC3 at www.icJ.gov; or 310-477-6565 National White Collar Crime Center: http://www.nw3c.org/ On Guard Online: https://www.onguardonline.gov/ NOTE: There are existing alternatives to electronic and wired fund transfers such as cashier's checks. By signing below, the undersigned acknowledge that each has read, understands and has received a copy of this Fflffil and Electronic Funds Transfer Advisory. ~ i'.•_ --.-- Buyerffenant ....__'IICJ96R5'~•~d-by>-----------------=B==n:...:.:·a==-n.:..:K:..:,1:.:..,·n=m,.,,a=-=-nDate 8/312018 7 : 53 : 53 1 Date 8/4/2018 --i,---arM,--#1,,f,,~~-====;:---------------Jon w. Adams, Tl'llfflf. T1te J and J Adams LiVing T111S1 Date Buyerffenant Seller/Landlord Seller/Landlord -.... s,..,..,4,_,7,.,.2""0 rrcsr- n s. Adams, Trustee. The J Md J Adams Living Trust Date ----- @2018-2D17, Cllfomla Alsoclallon of REALTORS8, Inc, Un IIH c:apy . ht law criae 17 U.S. Codt) rOlilldl the Lll8uthorized dlstrlbl/llon, display and repl'Dlluctian of this form, gr any portion th1reor, by photor:opv maohlne or any other m•ns, lndudlng facalmlla or computerized format&, THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSID, NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ACCURACY OF Arf'f PROVISION IN NIY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. A REAL ESTATI. BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL, Thia lorm la made ■V11l■bla to real estate profeulonala through an agreement with or purcnaae fram the Call'omia ABSOclatlon of REAL TORS4D. It le not Intended lo identify Iha u11r n a REAL TORe, REAL TO~ la a ra;llllllred collacllva mambarahlp mark which may be usld only ~ men'beNI or the NATIONAL ASSOCIA TlON OF REALTORSGD who aublerlbe to 11$ Code of Ethics. [] Publiehed and Oi1tributed by: REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES, INC, I ■ublld/lry fJI 1111 CaNffH71/a Anoc/atlon or REAL TORS® • 526 Soulh Vllgl Avenue, Los An911l11, Clil'orria 90020 WFA REVISED 12/17 (PAGE 1 OF 1) WIRE FRAUD AND ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER ADVISORY A PAGE 1 OF 1 VIiia Rell KIIUe, 450 i'<llll'por1 c.", .. Drht, Sllltt 100 """Port .. ell CA 9M6CI Pnone: ,o!IOOOflo FIX' Nfflll991 SA.'IDAA HAUSER Produced with zlpFarml>b~ 11pLaglx 18070 Flflean MIi Road, FcalGI, Mlchlga,, 48026 ,...,., rlPf pgjf AQfD Qt ----........ 311 l'llinllllil PA2019-212 1921C59059E7 ... _,...,_..,..,...., __ BUYER'S INSPECTION ADVISORY (C.A.R, Fonn BIA, Revised 11/14) Property Address 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 1. IMPORTANCE OF PROPERTY INVESTIGATION: The physical condition of the land and improvements being purchased is not guaranteed by either Seller or Brokers. You have an affirmative duty to eKerclse reasonable care to protect yourself, including discovery of the legal, practical and technical implications of disclosed facts, and the investigation and verification of information and facts that you know or that are within your diligent attention and observation. A general physical inspection typically does not cover all aspects of the Property nor items affecting the Property that are not physically located on the Property. If the professionals recommend further investigations, including a recommendation by a pest control operator to inspe::t inaccessible areas of the Property, you should contact quallfled experts to conduct such additional investigations. 2. BROKER OBLIGATIONS: Brokers do not have expertise in all areas and therefcre cannot advise you on many items, such as those listed below. If Broker gives you referrals to professionals, Broker does not guarantee their performance. 3. YOU ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO INVESTIGATE THE CONDITION AND SUITABILITY OF ALL ASPECTS OF THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING. IF YOU DO NOT DO SO, YOU ARE ACTING AGAINSTTHE ADVICE OF BROKERS. A. GENERAL CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY, ITS SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS: Foundation, roof (condition, age, leaks, useful life), plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, mechanical. security, pooVspa (cracks, leaks, operation), other structural and nonstructural systems and components, fixtures, built-in appliances, any personal property included in the sale, and energy efficiency of the Property. B. SQUARE FOOTAGE, AGE, BOUNDARIES: Square footage, room dimensions, lot size, age of improvements and boundaries. Any numerical statements regarding these Items are APPROXIMATIONS ONLY and have not been verified by Seller and cannot be verified by Brokers. Fences, hedges, walls, retaining walls and other barriers or markers do not necessarily identify true Property boundaries. C, WOOD DESTROYING PESTS: Presence of, or conditions likely to lead to the presence of wood destroying pests and organisms. D. SOIL STABILITY: Existence of fill or compacted soil, expansive or contracting soil, susceptibility to slippage, settling or movement, and the adequacy of drainage. E. WATER AND UTILITIES; WELL SYSTEMS ANO COMPONENTS; WASTE DISPOSAL: Water and utiltty availabiltty, use restrictions and costs. Water quality, adequacy, condition, and perfonnance of well systems and components. The type, size, adequacy, capacity and condition of sewer and septic systems and components, connection to sewer, and applicable fees. F. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Potential environmental hazards, including, but not limited to, asbestos, lead-based paint and other lead contamination, radon, methane, other gases, fuel oil or chemical storage tanks, contaminated soil or water, hazardous waste, waste disposal sites, electromagnetic fields, nuclear sources, and other substances, materials, products, or conditions Qncluding mold (airborne, toxic or otherwise), fungus or similar contaminants). G. EARTHQUAKES AND FLOODING: Susceptibility of the Property to earthquake/seismic hazards and propensity of the Property to flood. H. FIRE, HAZARD AND OTHER INSURANCE: The availability and cost of necessary or desired insurance may vary. The location of the Property in a seismic, flood or fire hazard zone, and other conditions, such as the age of the Property and the claims history of the Property and Buyer, may affect the availability and need for certain types of insurance. Buyer should explore insurance options early as this information may affect other decisions, including lhe removal of loan and inspection contingencies. I. BUILDING PERMITS, ZONING AND GOVERNMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: Permits, inspections, certificates, zoning, other governmental limitations, restrictions, and requirements affecting the current or future use of the Property, Its development or size. J. RENTAL PROPERTY RESTRICTIONS: Some cities and counties impose restrictions that limit the amount of rent that can be charged, the maicimum number of occupants, and the right of a landlord to terminate a tenancy, Deadbolt or other locks and security systems for doors and windows, including window bars, should be examined to dete,mine Whether they satisfy legal requirements. K. SECURITY AND SAFETY: State and local Law may require the installation of barriers, access alarms, self-latching mechanisms and/or other measures to decrease the risk to children and other persons of existing swimming pools and hot tubs, as well as various fire safety and other measures concerning other features of lhe Property. L. NEIGHBORHOOD, AREA, SUBDIVISION CONDITIONS; PERSONAL FACTORS: Neighborhood or area conditions, Including schools, law enforcement, crime statistics, registered felons or offenders, fire protection, other government services, availability, adequacy and cost of internet connections or other technology services and installations. commercial, industrial or agricultural activities, existing and proposed transportation, construction and development that may affect noise, view, or traffic, airport noise, noise or odor from any source, wild and domestic animals, other nuisances, hazards, or circumstances, protected species, weUand properties, botanical diseases, historic or other governmentaUy protected sites or improvements, cemeteries, facilities and condition of common areas of common interest subdivisions, and possible lack of compliance with any governing documents or Homeowners' Association requirements, conditions and influences of significance to certain cultures and/or religions, and personal needs, requirements and preferences of Buyer. By •lgnln_g below, Buyers acknowledge that they have read, understand, accept and have received a Copy of this Advisory. Buyer ai'l"l\lm'8.17taged to read It carefully. Buyer ~ ,::.....,;-8/3/2018 7:58:Sgu~ P_D_T ____________ _ Cf991-2004, Calllornla Aasoclation Df REALTORS®, Inc. THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE C.I\LIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS@ (C.A.R.), NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ACCURACY Of' ANY PROVISION IN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. [] Published and Distributed by: REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES, INC, a SU/JS/diary of 11,8 California Associ1tion of REAL TORS/19 • 525 Soul/1 Virgil Avenue. Loa Angele&, California 90020 BIA REVISED 11/14 IPAGE 1 OF 1) (!) BUYER'S INSPECTION ADVISORY BIA PAGE 1 OF 1 ......... IG --\'Illa Rcol Ellllv, 45D :olei,port CrolerDrive, Rullo IOD Newport U-C':A 9Z660 Ph<lna: 949!IOU037Q FIX' 9496fll991 SAJ'IDM IL\USER Pr<iduced wtll1 zJpF0/111$ DY zlpl.oglx 18070 Flftaon Mlla Raad, Fraser, M'IChlaan 48028 WWW •lpl OQIX Mm lll "'11a,l!fflll PA2019-212 D_OB.':J§i~!!. E!!~!l!~JJ;)P.; .1 ~J.sft~[2~:~~9.9·1.9u'2.I?.:; ~.1£t9Jl~.~ i~. C A L I F o R N I .I\ CONTINGENCY REMOVAL No. 6~ AS SOC J AT f ON (C.A.R. Form CR, Revised, 6/16) ~ OF REALTORS® 1 In accordance with the terms and conditions of the: ii Residential Purchase Agreement (CAR. Form RPA-CA), D Request For Repair (C.A.R. Form RR), D Response And Reply To Request For Repair (C.A.R. Form RRRR) or D Other __________ _ ~~--:-::-==-=--:-::-------,--:-----------::,..,-:--::--c----:-.,.....-::----=-....,...,,.:--~:--:--:-=------('Agreement''), dated 08/03/2018 , on property known as 311 Poinsettia, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 f'Property"), between Brian Kingman ("Buyer") and Jon w. Adams, Trustee-The J and J Adams Lwlflfl Trust Datvd 02/0'112017, Jenn/fr S. Adams, nvsiw • The Jlnd J Adams Living Trust Daled (''Seller'1, I. BUYER REMOVAL OF BUYER CONTINGENCIES: 1. With respect to any contingency and cancellation right that Buyer removes, unless otherwise specified in a separate written agreement between Buyer and Seller, Buyer shall conclusively be deemed to have: (i) completed all Buyer Investigations and review of reports and other applicable information and disclosures; (II) elected lo proceed with the transaction: and (Ill) assumed all liabilily, responsibility and, expense, if any, for Repairs, corrections, or for the inability to obtain financing. Waiver of statutory disdosures is prohibited by law. 2. Buyer removes those contingencies specified below. A, ONLY the following individually checked Buyer contingencies are removed: 1. Loan (Paragraph 3J) 2. Appraisal (Paragraph 31) 3. Buyer's Physical Inspection (Paragraph 12) 4. Al Buyer Investigations other than a physical inspection (Paragraph 12) 5. Condominium/Planned Development (HOA or OA) Disclosures (Paragraph 10F) 6. Reports/Disclosures (Paragraphs 7 and 10) 7. Title: Preliminary Report (Paragraph 13) 8. Sale of Buyer's Property (Paragraph 48) 9. Review of documentation for leased or liened items (Paragraph 88(5) 10. Other: ________________________________ _ 11. Other: OR B. D ALL Buyer_c_o_n-c:ti-ng_e_n_c.,...le_s_a-re_re_m_o_v_e-:-d,-=E==x.,..,c=-=E==P"=T,....: "TU-r-L-oa_n_C,...o_n_tin_g_e_ncy_(=P-ar-a-gr-a-ph-3J..,.)-; T"LJ"TAp-p-ra-is_a_l _C_o_nu-·n-g-en_cy_ {Paragraph 31); LJ Contingency for the Sale of Buyer's Property (Paragraph 48); 0 Condominium/Planned Development .(!:!OA) Oisdosures (Paragraph 10F); 0 Other OR C. ~ BUYER HEREBY REMOVES ANY AND AL-....,L"""B~U-::-YE=R-=c'""o.,,.,N=r1=N=G=EN,..,.C=-=I=Es,,...._------------ 3, Once all contingencies are removed, whether or not Buyer has satisfied him/herself regarding all contingencies or received any lnfonnation relating to those contingencies, Buyer may not be entitled to a return of Buyer's deposit if Buyer does not close escrow. This could happen even If, for example, Buyer does not approve of some aspect of the Property or lender does not approve Buyer's loan. NOTE: Paragraph numbers refer to the Callfomla Residential Purchase Agreement (C.A.R. Form RPA-CA). Applicable paranraph numbers fQl;..-oi,Onlingency or conlractual action in other C.A.R. contracts are found in Contract Paragraph Malrix (C.A.R. Form CPM).~. K,· Buyer ~-Date 8/4/2018 8:44:53 AM POT an Buyer __________________________ Date ______ _ II. SELLER REMOVAL OF SELLER CONTINGENCIES: Seller hereby removes the following SeUer contingencies: B Finding of replacement property (C.A.R. Form SPRP); Oclosing on replacement property (CAR. Form SPRP) Other ______________________________________ _ Seller _____________________________ Date _______ _ Date _______ _ '.'o..::111!!!1::""_/ __ ) (Initials) CONFIRMATION q/if)i'o~\fT: A copy of this signed Contingency Removal was personally received uyer LJ Seller or authorized agent on ________ (date), at ____ DAM I □ PM. ~ 2003,2016, Calllornfa Assoclallon of REALTOR8e, Inc:. THS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORSdll. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ACCURACY OF ANY PROVISION IN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE. TRANSACTIONS. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APl)ROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. [] Published and Dielrlluled by; 1 aubsicliary of the California Association of REAL TORni 3 525 South Vlrgll Avenue, Los AngeJea, California 90020 CR REVISED 6116 (PAGE 1 OF 1) CONTINGENCY REMOVAL CR PAGE 1 OF 1 l'UII Rnl l!11110, ◄N> P/cwporl Cenlor llrk-o. 8ul1t lOD Ntwporr llellcb CA PZUO Phgne; '4tMnll870 Fu: '14'6'11PH s.-.r.:oKA IIAUSl!:K Produced wllh zlpfarrn9 by i_,Laglx 18070 FVteen MIia Road, Fraser, Mlc:tipan ◄8028 WWW ZIPI oghc oom 311 Polnsd1l1 PA2019-212 PA2019-212 DocuSfgn Envelope ID: 012ED789-D28A-48F2·A: 155F07EA46 Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com Date: August 6, 2018 Escrow No. 052766-JW PRELIMINARY REPORT We Hereby acknowledge receipt of .a copy of the Preliminary Report Issued by Chicago Title Company, covering the property known as 311 Poinsettia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92625. Dated: 8/6/2018 3: 32: 19 PM PDT SELLERS: Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of Th ,,..i..i=1oe1,.fllljilili§i iving Trust dated 2/2/2017 s BUYERS: Brian Kingman PA2019-212 OocuSlgn Envelope'ID: TTAEC14O·6C42-48CD-1790420141E6 treE □am .t&iil•)D . ' . I 1 I • I Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com Date: August 6, 2018 Escrow No: 052766-JW PRELIMINARY REPORT We Hereby ,acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Preliminary Report Issued by Chicago Title Company, covering the property known as 311 Poinsettia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92625. Dated: 8/6/2018 3: 5~: 11 PM PDT SELLERS: c~R$rdby: 'B,...:...... ~-,.._,, Jon W .. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of· · --, The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 1c:=r:mffi""ffll'i1cnmrigliffin""'"""" ...... --------- By: -,---:-:-:--:--,---=---:-------Jon W. Adams, Trustee By:-------------Jennifer S. Adams, Trustee PA2019-212 8/15/2018 coJniy oi Orange -Treasurer-Tax Coll£ --· .......... ,\:,I Enilre Co1mly Q Search ... ONLINE PAYMENTS/ SERVICES AGENCY BILLING / COLLECTIONS INVESTMENTS PROPERTY TAX INFO& CONTACT US FINANCIAL REPORTS / STATISTICS HOWDOI Treasurer-Tax conec1or TREASURER-'.fAX COLLECTOR Treasurer· Tex Collector Home Online Payments / eServlces Agency Billing/ Collections Investments Property Tax Information Anandal Reports / Statlst!cs -How Doi Resources MOST POPULAR Unsecured Tax Bil Seaired Tax Bill Reminder Payment of Multiple Tex Parcels Reminder Investment Report Subscription Property Auctions . Property Tax Auction Subscription View Prior Year Tax Bills Change of Mailing Address Form RESOURCES Top 10 Taxpayers Tax Sale Excess Proceeds California Codes Change of Meilng Address Form Assessment Appeals Tax Defaulted Properties Installment Plans Important Oates Recorded Properly Liens Change of Ownership Fonns Business Property valuations PAY /VIEWTAXBILIS Treasurer-Tax Collector Property Tax Information FISCAL YEAR 2017•2018 W View Cart ( Empty J This pa9c presents tax Information an the parcel you have selected. Payments, correctlan1 and/or other adjustments made tadav will not be reflected as PAID for lwo business davl\. Please note vour pavment will receive same dav credit as of the date you compi.ted Iha transaction onllne. Parcel Na. Property Location Tax Rate Area Roi Type Installment& First Installment Second Installment Total Due and Payable 052-133-16 311 POtNSETTIAAV 07-001 Secured Installment Payment Status Deadline 12/11/2017 PAID 04/10/2018 PAID View Original Bill (See Bill Disclaimer) Amount Due S0.00 so.oo $0.00 You will receive same day credit for your transaction, Remarks however the onllne payment status will not be updated for two business days following the onllne payment. THE INFORMATION IS CURRENT AS OF TODAY'S DATE. The amount above represenls the amount due for the current lax year only, and Includes any corrections, penalties and ,_ not reflectsd in your original tax bHI. You may go back to lhe previous page for any prior year infarmaUon. For any questions, please cantac1 the Treasurer-Tax Colecto(s Olftce at (714) 634-3411 or Sl!lld an emall to 11c1nro@t1c.ocgav.com. . Payment Summarv Installments First Instalment Second lnslallment Total Ami Paid Assessed Values and Exemptions Data Paid 11/01/2017 02/05/2018 Doscrlptlon Full Value Land Mineral Righls lmprovemarts Pel$0nal Property Others - Total Values (Leas) Exemptions HOMEOWNER Total Net Taxable Value Total Dua and Payable Tax Consolidation on Secured Property Tax Bill $81,098 so $243,568 so so $324,666 ($7,000) S317,666 Amount Paid $1,847.86 S1,847.86 $3,695.72 Remarks Computed Tax For a detailed breakdown of the tax rates and tax amounls on your tax bill, clici( on the link below. If you have furlher questions, call our offica at 714-834-3411 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F). Cl/ell Here for Detailed tnronnaUon on What Mallas Up Your Taxesl SECUREDTAX http://tax.ocgov.com/tcweb/detail_sec.asp?ReqParcel=052-133-16&SlreetNo=&Direction=&StreetName=&APN=05213316&Suffix=OO&CmpRevDte=79829280&R, PA2019-212 8/15/2018 County of Orange• Treasurer-Tax Coll · KJ',J~ll NU t'.11<. ~ l(j I"\ U I' Saw, postage and "Go Gl'Hn El8cttonlca«y" Dy u,Jng out no cost 11Chsck payment option. 0, pay your lllllGS USing your VISA, Mas/flrCa,d, AITlfllican Express or Dlsool/&r card 11/lhar or.-rm11 or by lalaphMa al 714-834-3411. Pllymants made by cmdil card wtll be charr,ed a 2 3" sel\'k:e fH (mirllmum chllffl9 of S3.96}. For Visa Pefl/0/II/ Deb/I C8rds. a llal fee of Sl.96 w/11 be charged, All o/hBr debit cards will /NJ charged a 2.3" flJe tw,/11 a minimum Chalf/8 of SJ.95) PROPERTY TAX FAQS HuU nf ,\1b11l11l•lrn1in11 3~ I I\' llnnln Ann 111,•,I, ~a111, ,lnl, l'A•J~7<11 .,.,,,,N•M,Ml)(I lnfonnabon is current as of 08/14/2018 for Iha cunanl year rol. Navigation OCHom• About t'10 County Agenclas & Deparbnant& Business How Doi Residents Services Quick Links Acr.epla~lo Use A111:,.s~itil1ly ConlaC: llm County DISl:luln~r Silenap Resources Charnbecs of Cornmcn:o !"111fcr11I Gwornmunl General lnlorr.:ation Orango County Cities 1:lel11led (iovemrnent Age:id11a :3clluol Disl<icls Slate Ooverrmonl V.Hllor Burea,.s Connect With OC Makiug Orrmge County a :;11.fl', hr11ltl1.v, "r11f.li1~/illi11:; i1/11a! fo !il•e, 1~'tJrk, ,mil pill]/, mdny 11111/ _ti,,-,1<e11er11/ion:; /11 cr111w, by providing f111fstm1.l111g, cost ,:{f-1!rfir4• r,·,-;ii11111/ /'t:blir srn1in!s. http://lax.ocgov.com/tcweb/detail_sec.asp?ReqParcel=052-133·16&StreetNo=&Direction=&StreelName=&APN=05213316&Suffh<=OO&CmpRevDle=79829280&R, PA2019-212 Jason Watrous From: Sent: To: Subject: Busanovitch, Corey <BusanovitchC@CTT.com> Monday, August 13, 2018 5:23 PM jw@freedomescrow.com RE: New Sale Order-Binder In order 58601805971 Yes 11 dollars is correct as long as the sales price don't change THANK. You, COREY BUSANOVITCH TITLE OFFICER CHICAGO TITLE 16969 VON KARMAN #150 JRVINE, CA 92606 PHONE 949 263-69·60 FAX 949 263-0196 EMAIL : BUSANOVITCHC@CTT.COM Click Here to Order a Closlng Protection Letter• www.OrangeCPL.com ALERT! Effective 1/1/2018 California Senate Bill 2 goes into effect. This will lead to an additional $75 fee per document for many recordings. Please review the linked bulletin for further information on how and when the fee will be assessed: http://www. chicagotitlecon nection. com/lmages2 017 /PDF /CASenate Bi I IS B-2. pd f ALERT: Please contact our office for wire instructions before wiring funds. If you receive an email with "new" wire instructions please contact this office immediately. From: Jason Watrous <jw@freedomescrow.com> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 4:20 PM To: Busanovitch, Corey <BusanovitchC@CTT.com> Subject: RE: New Sale Order -Binder In order 58601805971 IMPORTANT NOTICE• This message sourced from an external mail ser,er outside of the Company. Sales price 3,415,000.00 Regards, Jason D. Watrous Tel. (949) 644-3939 Fax (949) 644-3938 PA2019-212 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY PRELIMINARY REPORT Order No.: Property: 58601805971-CB 311 Poinsettia Avenue Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 In response to the application for a policy of title insurance referenced herein, Chicago Title Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a policy or policies of title insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an exception herein or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations or Conditions of said policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage and Limitations on Covered Risks of said policy or policies are set forth in Attachment One. The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance is less than that set forth in the arbitration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. Limitations on Covered Risks applicable to the CL TA and AL TA Homeowners Policies of Title Insurance which establish a Deductible Amount and a Maximum Dollar Limit of Liability for certain coverages are also set forth in Attachment One. Copies of the policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. The policy(ies) of title insurance to be issued hereunder will be policy(ies) of Chicago Title Insurance Company, a Florida corporation. Please read the exceptions shown or referred to herein and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in Attachment One of this report carefully, The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide you with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered. It is Important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condition of title and may not list al/ liens, defects and encumbrances affecting title to the land. Countersigned By: Authorized Officer or Agent Cl TA Preliminary Report Form. Modified (11/1712006) Chicago Title Insurance Company By: President Attest: Secretary Printecl· 08.07 .18 @ 09:08 AM CA-CT -FWK0-02180.055B6NiPS-1 -18-58601805971 PA2019-212 Visit Us on our Website: www.ctic.com CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY ISSUING OFFICE: 16969 Von Kannan Ave Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92606 FOR SETTLEMENT INQUIRIES, CONTACT: Freedom Escrow 1200 Newport Center Dr., Suite 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949)~3939 • FAX (949)644-3938 Title Officer: Corey Busanovitch Email: BusanovitchC@ctt.com Phone No.: (949)263-6960 Fax No.: (949)263-0196 Title No.: 58601805971-CB PRELIMINARY REPORT PROPERTY ADDRESS(ES): 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Corona Del Mar, CA EFFECTIVE DATE: July 30, 2018 at 07:30 AM Escrow Officer: Jason Watrous Email: jw@freeaomescrow.com Phone No.: (949)644-3939 Fax No.: (949)644-3~38 Escrow No.: 052766-JW The form of policy or policies of title insurance contemplated by this report is: ALTA Homeowner's Policy of Title Insurance 2013 1. The estate or interest in the Land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee 2. Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J and J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 3. The Land referred to in this Report is described as follows: S.EE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF CLTA Prellmlnary Report Fonn-Modllied (11117/2008) 2 Printed: 08.07.18 @09:08 AM CA-CT-FWKO-02180,055860-SPS-1-18-58801805971 PA2019-212 For APN/Parcel ID(sJ: 052-133-16 EXHIBIT '.'A" Leg~I D~~cription THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 11 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 1/2 OF LOT 13, OF BLOCK 242 OF CORONA DEL MAR, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE; STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE C.OUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. PA2019-212 Title No,: 58601805971-CB AT THE DATE HEREOF, EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN SAID POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: 1, Property taxes,"which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2018-2019. 2. Property taxes, including any personal property taxes and any assessments collected with taxes, are paid. For proration purposes the amounts were: · Tax Identification No.: Fiscal Year: 1st Installment 2nd Installment: Exemption: Code Area: 052-133-16 2017-2018 $1,847.86 $1,847.86 . $7,000.00 07-001 3. The lien of supplemental or escaped assessments of property taxes, if any, made pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 75) or Part 2, Chapter 3, Articles 3 and 4, respectively, of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California as a result of the transfer of title to the vestee named in Schedule A or.as a result of changes in ownership or new coristruction occurring prior to Date of Policy. 4. Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not disclosed by the public records. 5. Covenants. conditions and restrictions but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, in~luding but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital ·status, dlsability, handicap, national origin, citizenship, immigration status, primary language, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth in the document Recording No: Book 180 1 Page 37 1 of Official Records. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat the lien of any mortgage or trust deed made in good faith and for value. Cl TA Pretiminaiy Report Form• Modified (11/17/2008) 4 Prtnteo: 08.07 .18 @ oe:oe AM CA-CT-FWK0-02180.055860-SPS-1-18•58801805971 PA2019-212 EXCEPTIONS (continued) Tille No.: 58601805971-CB 6. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below. Amount: Dated: Trustor/Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Loan No: Recording Date: Recording No.: $2,040,000.00 July 23, 2018 Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of the The J and J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 Unionbancal Mortgage Corporation Mufg Union Bank, N.A. Not Shown July 24, 2018 2018-000270059, of Official Records. 7. Any invalidity or defect in the title of the vestees in the event that the trust referred to herein is invalid or fails to grant sufficient powers to the trustee(s) or in the event there is a lack of compliance with the terms and provisions of the trust instrument. If title is to be insured in the trustee(s) of a trust. (or if their act is to be insured), this Company will require a Trust Certification pursuant to California Probate Code Section 18100.5. The Company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested documentation. 8. In order to complete this report, the Company requires a Statement of lnformatjon to be completed by the following party(s), Party(s): All Parties The Company reserves the right to add additional items or make further requirements after review of the requested Statement of Information. NOTE: The Statement of Information is necessary to complete the search and examination of title under this order. Any title search includes matters that are indexed by name only, and having a completed Statement of Information assists the Company in the elimination of certain matters which appear to involve the parties but in fact affect another party with the same or similar name. Be assured that the Statement of Information is essential and will be kept strictly confidential to this file. 9. The Company and Its policy Issuing agents are required by Federal law to collect additional information about certain transactions in specified geographic areas in accordance with the Bank Secrecy Act. If this transaction is required to be reported under a Geographic Targeting Order issued by FinCEN, the Company or its policy issuing agent must be supplied with a completed AL TA Information Collection Form ("ICF") prior to closing the transaction contemplated herein. To protect the private information contained in the attached form and photo ID, please return via a secured method. END OF EXCEPTIONS CL TA Preliminary Report Form -Modified (11117/2006) 5 Printed: 08.07 .1 S @ 09·09 AM CA-CT -FWK0-0218D.055880-SPS-1-t 8-5B601805971 PA2019-212 Note 1. Note 2. Note 3. Note 4. Note 5. Note 6. Note 7. Title No.: 58601805971-CB NOTES Notice: Please be aware that due to the conflict between federal and state laws concerning the cultivation, distribution, manufacture or sale of marijuana, the Company is not able to close or insure any transaction involving Land that is associated with these activities. Due to the special requirements of SB 50 (California Public Resources Code Section 8560 et seq.), any transaction that includes the conveyance of title by an agency of the United States must be approved in advance by the Company's State Counsel, Regional Counsel, or one of their designees. Note: The only conveyances(s) affecting said Land, which recorded within 24 months of the date of this report, are as follows: Granter: Grantee: Recording Date: Recording No.: Roger Kempler and Andrew Kempler, as Successor Co-Trustees of the Kempler Family Trust Dated August 14, 1981 U/T/A Last Amended and Restated September 26, 2014 Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J and J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 July 24, 2018 2018-000270058, of Official Records. Pursuant to Government Code Section 27388.1, as amended and effective as of 1-1-2018, a Documentary Transfer Tax (DTT) Affidavit may be required to be completed and submitted with each document when OTT is being paid or when an exemption is being claimed from paying the tax. If a governmental agency is a party to the document, the form will not be required. OTT Affidavits may be available at a Tax Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. NOTE: When this title order closes and if the Company is handling the loan proceeds through a sub-escrow, all title charges and expenses normally billed will be deducted from those loan proceeds. Title charges and expenses would include Title Premiums, any Tax or Bond advances, Documentary Transfer Tax, Recording Fees, etc. Note: None of the items shown in this report will cause the Company to decline to attach CL TA Endorsement Form 100 to an Extended Coverage Loan Policy, when issued. Note: The Company is not aware of any matters which would cause it to decline to attach CLTA Endorsement Form 116 indicating that there is located on said Land a Single Family Residence, known as 311 Poinsettia Avenue, in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of, California, to an Extended Coverage Loan Policy. Cl TA Preliminaiy Report Form -Mo<llfied (11/17/2006) Pnnted: 08.07.18@09:09 AM CA-CT ..fWK0·02180.055860·SPS·1·18°58601805971 6 PA2019-212 Title No.: 58601805971-CB NOTES (continued) Note 8. NOTE: The policy of title insurance will include an arbitration provision. The Company or the insured may demand arbitration. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision or other obligation. Please ask your escrow or title officer for asample copy of the policy to be issued if you wish to review the arbitration provisions and any other provisions pertaining to your Title Insurance coverage. Note 9. If a county recorder, title insurance company, escrow company, real estate agent or association provides a copy of the declaration, governing document or deed to any person, California law requires that the document provided shall include a statement regarding any unlawful restrictions. Said statement is to be in at least 14-point bold faced typed and may be stamped on the first page of any document provided or included as a cover page attached to the requested document. Should a party to this transaction request a copy of any document reported herein that fits this category, the statement is to be included in the manner described. Note 10. Any documents being executed in conjunction with this transaction must be signed, in the presence of an authorized Company employee, an authorized employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the insured lender, or by using Bancserv or other approved third-party service. If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number provided in this report. Note 11. A Preliminary Change of Ownership form is required upon a change in ownership of the Land. Section 480 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California requires that a grantee of real property complete a Preliminary Change of Ownership statement, which is to be filed at the time that a grant deed is recorded. In the event that the statement is not completed and presented at the time of the recording of the deed, the County Recorder will assess the grantee an additional charge to record the deed. In addition to the additional charge at the time of recording, the County Assessor may assess additional fees and penalties for failure to file the Ownership Statement within the required time. Note 12. The Company will require either (a) a complete copy of the trust agreement and any amendments thereto certified by the trustee(s) to be a true and complete copy with respect to the hereinafter named trust, or (b) a Certification, pursuant to California Probate Code Section 18100.5, executed by all of the current trustee(s) of the hereinafter named trust, a form of which is attached. Name of Trust: The J and J Adams Living Trust END OF NOTES CLTA Preliminary Report Form -Mocflned (11/17/2006) 7 Printed. 08.07 .18 @ 09:09 AM CA-CT-FWKO-02180.055880-SPS-1-1 B-58601805971 PA2019-212 ::1w1RE SAFE. I lnquirebetoreyouwirel WIRE FRAUD ALERT This Notice is not intended to provide legal or professional advice. If you have any questions, please consult with a lawyer. All parties to a real estate transaction are targets for wire fraud and many have lost hundreds of thousands of -dollars because they simply relied on the wire instructions received via email, without further verification. If funds are to be wired in conjunction with this real estate transaction, we· strongly recommend verbal verification of wire instructions through a known, trusted phone number prior to sending funds. In addition, the following non-exclusive self-protection· strategies are recom,:nended to minimize exposure to possible wire fraud. • NEVER RELY on emails purporting to change wire instructions. Parties to a transaction rarely change wire instructions in the course of a transaction. • ALWAYS VERIFY wire instructions, specifically the ABA routing number and account number, by calling the party who sent the instructions to you. DO NOT use the phone number provided in the email containing the instructions, use phone numbers you have called before or can otherwise verify. Obtain the number of relevant parties to the transaction as soon as an escrow account is opened. DO NOT send an email to verify as the email address may be incorrect or the email may be intercepted by the fraudster. • USE COMPLEX EMAIL PASSWORDS that employ a combination of mixed case, numbers, and symbols. Make your passwords greater than eight (8) characters. Also, change your password often and do NOT reuse the same password for other online accounts. • USE MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION for email accounts. Your email provider or IT staff may have specific instructions on how to implement this feature. For more information on wire-fraud scams or to report an incident, please refer to the following links: Federal Bureau of Investigation: http://www. fbi. gov Internet Crime Complain Center: http://www.ic3.gov Wire Fraud Alert Original Effective Date: 5/11/2017 Current Version Date: 5111/2017 58601805971-PR -WIRE0016 (OSI Rev. 12/07/17) TM 1md C Fidelity Nstion11I Financial. Inc. and/or 11n affiliate. All rights reserved PA2019-212 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL PRIVACY NOTICE Revised May 1, 2018 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. and its majority-owned subsidiary companies (collectively, "FNF", "our," or "we") respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Notice explains how we collect, use, and protect personal information, when and to whom we disclose such information, and the choices you have about the use and disclosure of that information. Types of Information Collected We may collect two types of information from you: Personal Information and Browsing Information. Personal Information. FNF may collect the following categories of Personal Information: contact information (e.g., name, address. phone number, email address); • demographic information (e.g., date of birth, gender, marital status); • identity information (e.g. Social Security Number, driver's license, passport, or other government ID number); financial account information (e.g. loan or bank account information); and other personal information necessary to provide products or services to you. Browsing Information. FNF may automatically collect the following types of Browsing Information when you access an FNF website, online service, or application (each an "FNF Website") from your Internet browser, computer, and/or mobile device: Internet Protocol (IP) address and operating system; browser version, language, and type; domain name system requests; and browsing history on the FNF Website, such as date and time of your visit to the FNF Website and visits to the pages within the FNF Website. How Personal Information is Collected We may collect Personal Information about you from: • information we receive from you on applications or other forms; • information about your transactions with FNF, our affiliates, or others; and information we receive from consumer reporting agencies and/or governmental entities, either directly from these entities or through others. · How Browsing Information is Collected If you visit or use an FNF Website, Browsing Information may be collected during your visit. Like most websites, our servers automatically log each visitor to the FNF Website and may collect the Browsing Information described above. We use Browsing Information for system administration, troubleshooting, fraud investigation, and to improve our websites. Browsing Information generally does not reveal anything personal about you, though if you have created a user account for an FNF Website and are logged into that account, the FNF Website may be able to link certain browsing activity to your user account. Other Online Specifics Cookies. When you visit an FNF Website, a "cookie" may be sent to your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your Internet browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. Information gathered using cookies helps us improve your user experience. For example, a cookie can help the website load properly or can customize the display page based on your browser type and user preferences. You can choose whether or not to accept cookies by changing your Internet browser settings. Be aware that doing so may impair or limit some functionality of the FNF Website. Web Beacons. We use web beacons to determine when and how many times a page has been viewed. This information is used to improve our websites. Do Not Track. Currently our FNF Websites do not respond to "Do Not Track" features enabled through your browser. Links to Other Sites. FNF Websites may contain links to other websites. FNF is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any of those other websites. We advise you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit. Privacy Statement SCA0002565_ CTLA.doc / Updated: 07. 13. 18 Printed: 08.07 .18 @ 09:09 AM by OM -CT-FWK0-02180.055651-58601605971 PA2019-212 Use of Personal Information FNF uses Personal Information for three main purposes: To provide products and services to you or in connection with a transaction involving you. To improve our products and services. To communicate with you about our, our affiliates', and third parties' products and services, jointly or independently. When Information Is Disclosed We may make disclosures of your Personal Information and Browsing Information in the f~lowing circumstances: to enable us to detect or prevent criminal activity, fraud, material misrepresentation, or nondisclosure; to nonaffiliated service providers who provide or perform services or functions on our behalf and who agree to use the information only to provide such services or functions; to nonaffiliated third party service providers with whom we perform joint marketing, pursuant to an agreement with them to jointly market financial products or services to you; to law enforcement or authorities in connection with an investigation, or in response to a subpoena or court order; or in the good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with legal process or applicable laws, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of FNF, its customers, or the public. The law does not require your prior authorization and does not allow you to restrict the disclosures described above. Additionally, we may disclose your information to third parties for whom you have given us authorization or consent to make such disclosure. We do not otherwise share your Personal Information or Browsing Information with nonaffiliated third parties, except as required or permitted by law. We reserve the right to transfer your Personal Information, Browsing Information, and any other information, in connection with the sale or other disposition of all or part of the FNF business and/or assets, or in the event of bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, receivership, or an assignment for the benefit of creditors. By submitting Personal Information and/or Browsing Information to FNF, you expressly agree and consent to the use and/or transfer of the foregoing information in connection with any of the above described proceedings. Please see "Choices With Your Information" to learn the disclosures you can restrict. Security of Your Information We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard your Personal Information. We limit access to nonpublic personal information about you to employees who need to know that information to do their job. When we provide Personal Information to others as discussed in this Privacy Notice, we expect that they process such information in compliance with our Privacy Notice and in compliance with applicable privacy laws. Choices With Your Information If you do not want FNF to share your information with our affiliates to directly market to you, you may send an "opt out" request by email. phone, or physical mail as directed at the end of this Privacy Notice. We do not share your Personal Information with nonaffiliates for their use to direct market to you. Whether you submit Personal Information or Browsing Information to FNF is entirely up to you. If you decide not to submit Personal Information or Browsing Information, FNF may not be able to provide certain services or products to you. For California Residents: We will not share your Personal Information or Browsing Information with nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by California law. For Nevada Residents: You may be placed on our internal Do Not Call List by calling (888) 934-3354 or by contacting us via the information set forth at the end of this Privacy Notice. Nevada law requires that we also provide you with the following contact information: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number: (702) 486-3132; email: BCPINFO@ag.state.nv.us. For Oregon Residents: We will not share your Personal Information or Browsing Information with nonaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes, except after you have been informed by us of such sharing and had an opportunity to indicate that you do not want a disclosure made for marketing purposes. Privacy Statement SCA0002565_CTIA.doc/ Updated. 07.13.18 Printed: 08.07. 18 @ 09:09 Nii by OM -CT-FWK0-02180.055851--58601805971 PA2019-212 For Vermont Residents: We will not disclose information about you creditworthiness to our affiliates and will not disclose your personal information, financial information, credit report, or health information to nonaffiliated third parties to market to you, other than as permitted by Vermont law, unless you authorize us to make those disclosures. Information From Children The FNF Websites are meant for adults and are not intended or designed to attract persons under the age of eighteen (18). We do not collect Personal Information from any person that we know to be under the age of thirteen (13) without permission from a parent or guardian. International Users FNF's headquarters is located within the United States. If you reside outside the United States and choose to provide Personal Information or Browsing Information to us, please note that we may transfer that information outside of your country of residence for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. By providing FNF with your Personal Information and/or Browsing Information, you consent to our collection, transfer, and use of such information in accordance with this Privacy Notice. FNF Website Services for Mortgage Loans Certain FNF companies provide services to mortgage loan servicers, including hosting websites that collect customer information on behalf of mortgage loan servicers (the "Service Websites"). The Service Websites may contain links to both this Privacy Notice and the mortgage loan servicer or lender's privacy notice. The sections of this Privacy Notice titled When Information is Disclosed, Choices with Your Information, and Accessing and Correcting Information do not apply to the Service Websites. The mortgage loan servicer or lender's privacy notice governs use, disclosure, and access to your Personal Information. FNF_ does not share Personal Information collected through the Service Websites, except (1) as required or authorized by contract with the mortgage loan servicer or lender, or (2) as required by law or In the good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal process or applicable law, to enforce this Privacy Notice, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of FNF or the public. Your Consent To This Privacy Notice; Notice Changes By submitting Personal Information and/or Browsing Information to FNF, you consent to the collection and use of the information in accordance with this Privacy Notice. We may change this Privacy Notice at any time. The revised PriV!:ICY Notice, showing the new revision date, will be posted on the FNF Website. Each time you provide information to us following any amendment of this Privacy Notice, your provision of information to us will signify your assent to and acceptance of the terms of the revised Privacy Notice for all previously collected information and information collected from you in the future. We may use comments, information or feedback that you submit to us in any manner that we may choose without notice or compensation to you. Accessing and Correcting Information: Contact Us If you have questions, would like to access or correct your Personal Information, or want to opt-out of information sharing for affiliate marketing, send your requests via email to privacy@fnf.com, by phone to (888) 934-3354, or by mail to: Privacy Statement SCA0002565_CTLA.doc/ Updated: 07.13.18 Fidelity National Financial, Inc. 601 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32204 Attn: Chief Privacy Officer Printed: 08.07.18@ 09:09 AM by OM -CT-FWK0-02180.055851-58601805971 PA2019-212 ATTACHMENT ONE CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY -1990 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are e,cpressly excluded from !he coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building or zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or goverr.mental regulations, except to the ex.en! that a notice cf the enforcement thereof or a notice of a detect, lien, or encumbrance resutting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise fflereof has been recorded in the public records al Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) whether or not recorded in the public records at Date ot Policy, but created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if ihe Insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage or for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with the applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the insured the estate or interest insured by this policy or the transaction creating the interest of the insured lender, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency or similar creditors' rights laws. EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE -SCHEDULE B, PART I This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by lhe public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of ;he land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements. liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. and which are not shown by the public records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (bl reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether er not the matters excepted under (a). (bl or (c) are shown by the public records. 6. Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material not shown by the public records. Attachment One (05106/16) PA2019-212 ATTACHMENT ONE (CONTINUED) CL TA HOMEOWNER'$ POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (12-02-13) AL TA HOMEOWNER'$ POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS In addition to the Exceptions in Schedule B, You are not insured against loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses resulting from: 1. Governmental police power, and the existence or violation of those portions of any law or government regulation concerning: a. building; b. zoning; c. land uss; d. improvements on the Land; e. land division; and f. environmental protection. This Exclusio:i does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 8.a .. 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23 or 27. 2. The failure of Your existing structures, or any part of them. to be constructed in accordance with applicable building codes. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 14 or 15. 3. The right to take the Land by condemning ii. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 17. 4. Risks: s. that are created, allowed, or agreed to by You, whether or not they are recorded in the Public Records; b. that are Known to You at the Policy Date, but not to Us, unless they are recorded in the Public Records at the Policy Date: c. that result in r.o loss to You; or d. that first occu~ after the Policy Date -this does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 7, 8.e., 25, 26, 27 or 28, 5. Failure to pay value for Your Title. 6. Lack of a right: a. to any land outside the area specifically described and referred to in paragraph 3 of Schedule A; and b. in streets, alleys, or waterways that touch the Land. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described in Covered Risk 11 or 21. 7. The transfer of the Title to You is invalid as a preferential transfer or as a fraudulent transfer or conveyance under federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws. 8. Contamination, explosion, fire, flooding, vibration, fracturing, earthquake or subsidence. 9. Negligence by a person or an Entity exercising a right to extract or develop minerals, water, or any other substances. LIMITATIONS ON COVERED RISKS Your insurance for the following Covered Risks is limited on the Owner's Coverage Statement as follows: For Covered Risk 16, 18, 19 and 21, Your Deductible Amount and Our Maximum Dollar. Limit of Liability shown in Schedule A. The deductible amounts and maximum dollar limits shown on Schedule A are as follows: Covered Risk 16: Covered Risk 18: Covered Risk 19: Covered Risk 21: Your Deductible Amount 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or S2,500.00 (whichever is less) 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or SS,000.00 (whichever is less) 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or S5,000.00 (whichever is less) 1.00% of Policy Amount Shown in Schedule A or S2,500.00 (whichever is less; Our Maximum Dollar Limit of Liability S 10,000.00 S 25,000.00 5 25,000.00 S 5,000.00 Attachment One (05/06116) PA2019-212 ATTACHMENT ONE (CONTINUED) 2006 ALTA LOAN POLICY (06-17-06) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs. attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (al Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land: (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1 (a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1 (b) does net modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or Iii.lit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens. encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, !:>ut Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant: (d) attaching or created subseq;ient to Date of Policy (however. this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 13, or 14); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with applicable doing-business laws of the state where the Land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability in whole or in part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-lending law. 6. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency. or similar creditors' rights laws, !hat the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for ar.y reason not stated in Covered Risk 13(b) of this policy. 7. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage in the Public Recoras. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11(b). The above policy form may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also include the following Exceptions from Coverage: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE [Except as provided in Schedule B -Part II,[ t[or T]his policy does not insure against loss or damage, and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: [PARTI [The above policy forrr. may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition lo the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy_ will also include the following Exceptions from Coverage: 1. (a) Taxes or assessments that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments an real property or by the Public Records: (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Tille that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (bl reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 6. Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material not shown by the Public Records.] PARTII In addition to the matters set forth in Part I of this Schedule, the Title is subject to the following matters, and the Company insures against loss or damage sustained in the event that they are not subordinate io the lien of the Insured Mortgage:] Attachmer.t One (05/06116) PA2019-212 ATTACHMENT ONE (CONTINUED) 200.6 ALTA O\!VNER'S POLICY (06-17-06) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees. or expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (inch.iding those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohib~ing, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; {iii) the subdivision of land; or {iv) environrriental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ord:nances, or governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1 (b) does r.ot modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or Hmit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by lhe Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Dale of Policy {however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 9 and 10}; or (e) resulting in ross or damage that would not have been sustained if ttie Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim. by reason of the operation of federal bankr:iplcy, stale insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is {a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; o.- (b) . a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this policy. 5. Any Hen on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A, The above policy form may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also Include the following Exceptions from Coverage: EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage, and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by reason of: (The above policy form may be issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, the Exceptions from Coverage in a Standard Coverage policy will also include the following Exceptions from Coverage: 1. (a} Taxes or assessments that are not shown as exist:ng liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency that may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2. Any facts, righls, interests, or claims that are not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession of the Land. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 4, Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 5. (a) Unpatentec! mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under {a). (b), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 6. Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material ,,ot shown by the Public Records.) 7. [Variable exceptions such as taxes, easements, CC&R's, etc., shown here.] Atlachment One (05/06/16) PA2019-212 ATTACHMENT ONE (CONTINUED) ALTA EXPANDED COVERAGE RESIDENTIAL LOAN POLICY -ASSESSMENTS PRIORITY (04-02-15) EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit. or governmental regulatior. (including those relating to building and zoning) :-estrictlng, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision of la;id; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, er governmental regulations. This Exclusion 1 (a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5, 6, 13(c), 13(d), 14 or 16. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion 1(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5, 6, 13(c), 13(d), 14 or 16. 2. Rights of er:,inent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims. or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Kr.own to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 11, 16, 17, 1 B, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 or 28); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the Insured Mortgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured to comply with applicable doing-business laws of the state where the Land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability in whole or in part of the lien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and is based upon usury, or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-lending law. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 26. 6. Any claim of invalidity, unenforceability or lack of priority of the lien of the Insured Mortgage as to Advances or modifications made after the Insured ha& Knowledge that the vestee shown in Schedule A is no longer the owner of the esta:e or interest covered by this policy. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 11. 7. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching subsequent to Date of Policy. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 11 (b) or 25. 8. The failure of the residential structure, or any portion of it, to heve been constructed before, on or after Date of Policy in accordance with applicable building codes. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided in Covered Risk 5 or 6. 9. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 27(b) cf this policy. 10. Contamination, explosion, fire, flooding, vibration, fracturing, earthquake, or subsidence. 11. Negligence by a person or an Entity exercising a right to extract or develop minerals, waler, or any other substances. Attachment One (05/06/16) PA2019-212 Notice of Available Discounts Pursuant to Section 2355.3 in Title 10 of the California Code of Regulations Fidelity National Financial, Inc. and its subsidiaries ("FNF") must deliver a notice of each discount available under our current rate filing along with the delivery of escrow instructions, a preliminary report or commitment. Please be aware that the provision of this notice does not constitute a waiver of the consumer's right to be charged the filed rate. As such, your transaction may not qualify for the below discounts. You are encouraged to discuss the applicability of one or more of the below discounts with a Company representative. These discounts are generally described below; consult the rate manual for a full description of the terms, conditions and requirements for such discount. These discounts only apply to transactions involving services rendered by the FNF Family of Companies. This notice only applies to transactions involving property improved with a one-to-four family residential dwelling. Not all discounts are offered by every FNF Company. The discount will only be applicable to the FNF Company as indicated by the named discount. FNF Underwritten Title Companies ere -Chicago Title Company Available Discounts Underwritten by FNF Underwriters CTIC -Chicago Title Insurance Company CREDIT FOR PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORTS AND/OR COMMITMENTS ON SUBSEQUENT POLICIES (CTIC) Where no major change in the title has occurred since the issuance of the original report or commitment, the order may be reopened within 12 to 36 months and all or a portion of the charge previously paid for the report or commitment may be credited on a subsequent policy charge. DISASTER LOANS (CTIC) The charge for a Lender's Policy (Standard or Extended coverage) covering the financing or refinancing by an owner of record, within 24 months of the date of a declaration of a disaster area by the government of the United States or the State of California on any land located in said area, which was partially or totally destroyed in the disaster, will be 50% of the appropriate title insurance rate. CHURCHES OR CHARITABLE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (CTIC) On properties used as a church or for charitable purposes within the scope of the normal activities of such entities, provided said charge is normally the church's obligation the charge for an owner's policy shall be 50% to 70% of the appropriate title insurance rate, depending on the type of coverage selected. The charge for a lender's policy shall be 32% to 50% of the appropriate title insurance rate, depending on the type of coverage selected. No~ce of Available Discounts SCA0002585_CTLA.doc / Updated: 07.13.18 Printed: 08.07 .18 @ 09:09 AM by DM -CT-FWKO-02180.055851-58801805971 PA2019-212 ALTA INFORMATION COLLECTION FORM Under 31 U.S.C. § 5326(a), the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a Geographic Targeting Order to title insurance companies requiring the collection of beneficial ownership information for certain real estate transactions. Please complete the below questionnaire. This Company will rely on the answers provided to meet its reporting obligations. Who is completing this form? Name Position/Title Company/Law Firm Postal Address (Headquarters) City I State Zip EIN No. Phone Email Fax License No. Transactional Information Property Address (If multiple properties see NOTE below): City State Zip County Date of Settlement I Total purchase price (If multiple properties see NOTE below) i$ I Type of Transaction: □ Residential (1-4 family) □ Commercial Bank Financing: □ Yes □ No Purchaser type: □ Natural Person □ Corporation □ LLC □ Partnership □ Trust □ Other NOTE: If more than one property is purchased, list each address and purchase price on an addendum. Purchase Funds Information Total Amount paid by below instruments: $ I Which type of Monetary Instruments were used (Use check boxes below) D U.S. Currency (Paper money and coin) □ Foreign Currency Country: □ Cashier's check(s) D Money order(s) □ Certified check(s) □ Personal or Business check(s) D Wire or other funds transfer(s) D Virtual Currency Copyright 2006•2018 American I.and TIUe A1aoclaHon. All rights m1rv1d. The use of thia Form (or any derivaUve thereof) is restncted to AL TA licensees and AL TA members in gaoa standing as of the date of use. Al other usea are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land TIiie Association. AL TA lnfarmat10n C9llection Form SCA0002585_CTLA.doc / Updeled: 07.13.18 Printed: 08.07,18 (!1109"09 AM by OM -CT-FWK0-02180.056851-58801805971 PA2019-212 American Land Title Association ALTA INFORMATION COLLECTION FORM l'ro1toe1inj\ 1hc ,\mcrlcm, Drl•am Since 1907 Individual Primarily Representing Purchaser (Defined as the individual authorized by the entity to enter into legally binding contracts.) Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Type of ID Issuing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name M.I. Date of Birth I Occupation I Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none• enter reason code from below) Address City State Zip Purchaser's Name and Address Name of Purchaser Taxpayer ID No. or EIN I I Doing Business Name (OBA) (If none write NIA) (If none write NIA) Address I City I State I Zip TRUSTS ONLY -Indicate who conducted the transaction: D Trustee D Settlor D Other Complete the following pages if the real estate purchase is being made by a corporation, LLC, partnership, other legal entity or trust. For Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships and Other Entities provide the information for: • Each BENEFICIAL OWNER who, directly or indirectly, owns Twenty-Five Percent (25%) or more of the equity interests of the Purchaser. If a legal entity or a series of legal entities is the beneficial owner of the Purchaser, provide information for the ultimate beneficial owner of all the legal entities. For Trusts provide the information for: • Trustee, settlor and EACH beneficiary of the trust. If the trustee, settlor or a beneficiary is a legal entity, provide information for the entity and the ultimate beneficial owner that directly or indirectly owns Twenty-Five Percent (25%) or more of that entity. (Note: It Is NOT necessary to complete the address fields if the Information Is on a legible copy of the government Issued ID submitted to the title underwriter.) Copyright 2006-2018 American Land TIiie Association. All rights reserved. The u&e of this Form (or any derivative !hereof} 1s reatricled to AL TA licensees and AL TA members In good standing as of Iha data of use, All olher waes are prohibited. Reprlmed under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA 1ororma110n co11action Form SCA0002585.CTLAdoc / Updated: 07.13.18 Printed: 08.07 .18 @ 09:09 AM by OM .CT-FWKO•02180.055851-58601805971 PA2019-212 _American Land Title. Association ALTA INFORMATION COLLECTION FORM Prp1tlc:1liig !l)C American D!ClirTi Since 1907 Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Ty,pe of fD Issuing State or Country % of ownei:5hip interest Last Name First Name IM.I. Date of Birth Occupation •. I Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none write NIA) Address City State I Zip Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Type of ID Issuing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name IM.I. Date of Birth Occupation Taxpayer ID No. or EIN • (if none write NIA) Addr.ess City 'State I Zip Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Type of ID l~suing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name M.I. Date of Birth Occupation Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none write NIA) Address City State Zip Copyright 2008-2018 American Land ,Title Association, All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) la restrlclld lo ALTA llcensees and AL TA members In good standing as of the dale of use. All other uses are prohibit~. Reprinted under license from the American Land TIiie Association. ALTA k)[grmallon CoUecUon f POD SCA0002588_CTIA.doc /Updated: 07.13.18 Printed: 08.07.18@ 09:09 AM by DM -CT-FWKO~2180.055851-588D18051171 PA2019-212 American Land Title Associ:ation · ALTA INFORMATION COLLECTION FORM Pio1-.:c1ing 1hc:>'Aincrican Dream Since .1907 Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Type of ID Issuing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name M.I. Date of Birth I Occupation I Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none write NIA) Address City State Zip Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Type of ID Issuing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name M.I. Date of Birth Occupation I Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none write NIA) Address City State Zip .. Attach Legible copy of government issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Type of ID Issuing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name M.I. Date of Birth Occupation Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none write NIA) Address City State Zip Copyright 2006-2018 American Land THI• Assocla!lon. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derlvauve thereot) is reslrtcted to AL TA licensees and AL TA mambeni In good 1111ndlng as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. ALTA lnfgrmatjgn CgHection Form SCA0002585_CTLA.dor. I Updated: 07.13.18 Printed: 08.07,18@09:09 AM by OM -CT•FWK0-02180.055851•58801805971 PA2019-212 • A.merican Land. Ti.tie.Association , Prllic\clhig tl)c Ainc~lcan Drc~m Sii1cc 1907 ALTA INFORMATION COLLECTION FORM Attach Legible copy of go~ernment issued identification (i.e. passport, driver's license, etc.) Jype of ID . -' Issuing State or Country % of ownership interest Last Name First Name M.I. Date of Birth I Occupation Taxpayer ID No. or EIN (if none write, NIA) Address City State Zip I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information I have furnished is true, correct and complete. I understand that this Titl~ Company will rely on this information for tlhe purposes of completing any reports made pursuant to an obligation under 31. U.S.C. § 5326(a). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this document on the date(s) set forth below. I l.gnature . ~~e• or Print Name ,~~ TiHe: Copyright 2006-201B American Land "Fttle Aa1oclatlon. All rtghts nsarved, The use or lhis Farm (or any derivative thereoQ is restricled to AL TA ticensaas and AL TA'meinbera In goqd standing as of the date of use. All other uses are prohibited, Reprinted under license rrcm the American Land nae Association. ALTA Information Collection Form SCA0002585_CTLA,doc I Updated: 07. 13.18 Printed: 08,07, 18 @09:09 AM by DM -CT-FWKO-02180.055851 •58601805971 PA2019-212 459-20 ~CORONAG) .JO ib .. 28 26 24 22 @BLK. 20 ii 74 © i: ·- 12 (';;'\ b ~ \:.) n ,o ------------- ... . .. 29 ----------- 27 ------------ 25 111· 2J 21 /9 240@ 9 5 il ______ :_1 __ _ @ !I @ --------';...i ,_J _______ --1 2 1 r,::;::,.9 ® 'el \.-__ _..: ... ___ __.,. \.-----l·--__ __. s SE'AVEW MARCH 1949 11 CORONA DEL MAR PARCEL MAP ... ... ----'--r 459-21 r .J ALLEY :r _J -_;.;;=-,,,,. .. ---.;., ALLEY 101.11· ,_ ®7. PAR. I a M' 0 C-:\ ~ ~_.._ __ _® _____ ; 1----,n-.11-· -----1_ ®PAR. 2 ~ ..,_ ... 312-16 111' 21 ii 'I-------- .. r.::\ i: . ____ 0__ 26 25 22 i: 0 BLK. 20 19 241@ ® © @) g ..,_ ______ ..;.;18;,..i >-t'l"-7...,........,...-----i ._· ___ @_2 _ ___,;;16~~ :~_B _____ ~ . . :II I 50' il b .. 28 26 24 22 20 • (';\ i, ~ ----~---., 18 ... JI 29 27 25 2J 21 242 Jg @ u tJ ii " /J 31 12 0 10 8 6 4 2 I!: -----?;;... ----. 3 ® ~ " s J .., . 10 8 6 f 2 11 g , 5 J © l, ., ,__ ___ -.,._ __ __., . .._ __ --",..,._ __ _ @DEL MAR!: \.---.....:111'=----~"' \.-----:•::;.' ___ ....., (SIST PUCCJ I M.M. 3-42 I P.M. 38-44, 312-16 14 NOTE -ASSESS R'S BW '}( & PARCEL NUMBERS SHOWN IN CIRCLES ASSESSOR'S MAP I BOOK 052 PAGE 13 COUNTY Or ORANGE AVENUE b " 1 • = 6( dJ PA2019-212 RECORDING REQUESl'ED B\': AND.WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: AND MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Jon Adams Jennifer Adams 2065 Thurin Street Costa Kesa, . CA 92627 Order No. 58601803445 Parcel No. 052-I 33-16 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANTDEED THE UNDERSIGNED ORANTOR(S) DECLARE(B) THAT DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS SJ,'740.00 _X_computed on full value of property conveyed, or __ computed on full value Jess liens or encwnbrances rmaining at the time of sale. __ unincorpol'ated area: _L City of Newport Beach ( Corona. Del Ma.r Area ), and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowled~ed, Roger Kempler and Andrew Kempler, as Succesllor Co-Trustees ofTlle~Kemp;J.er Family Trust Dated August 14, 1981 U/T./A Las"t • .Amended and ~t~~--S~~~er _!~.•-2~Jl.4 '~ hereby GR;ANT~ .to ,lj!_n. w:~A-da~;~nd Jennifer S •. Adams, Trustws·of 'l'he.J·&-J· Adams·Livin~·Trust dated-~n017 ~~-·--~J the following described real property In the City of Newport Beach ( Corona Del Mar Area), County of Orange, State of California: . Lot 11 and the South:,vesterly one:half ofL9t 13, of Block 242 ·or Corona Del Mar,·in the City of Newport Dea.ch, Co~nty of Orange, State ofCalifomie; in tbcrOffice of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. · · · · ·-·~ Colt)Jllonly known as: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Nc,wport Beach ( _Corona Del Mar Area), CA 92625 Date 1une25,2018 , The Kempler Family Trust D"ted August 14, 1981 Uff/A Last Amended end Restated September 26, 2014 By~~cessor Co-Trustee SEE EXHIBIT'~• ATTACHED A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to wWch this certificate is attached and not the truthfulnes or validi of that document. }s.s. •r, I certify under PBNALTY OF PERJURY undBr the laws of tho State of Ce.Jlfomla that the foregoing paragraph is tn1e and ~-~::-~ (Seal) PA2019-212 For ~PN/Parcel ID(s): 052-133-16 EXHIBIT "A" Leg!:11 Description THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNT'(OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 11 AND THE SOUTHWESTERL Y.1/2 OF LOT 13, OF BLOCK 242 OF CORONA DEL MAR, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN SAID COUNTY. CL TA Praflmlnaly Rijart Porm • Madlled (11/1712008) Plfntld: 08.Z5.IICD 1D:11 AM CA.CT•l'WK0-021BD.Dlili880,SPS-1•1H8II01B03'145 PA2019-212 Tax Search Orange, California Searched: 052-133-16 Non-Order Search Company: CHICAGO TITLE I IRVINE CUSTOMER SERVICE I 01 I CRN: 00021-00006 APN: 052-133-16 Tax Year: 2017-2018 Tax Cover: 07/06/2018 Searched By: PETER ZOETEMELK Searched On: 8/6/2018 4:09 PM Described As: A-TRACT: CORONA DEL MAR BLOCK: 242 LOT: 11 CORONA DEL MAR WT 11 BLK 242(AND SWLYl/2 LOT 13 BLK 242 Address: City: Billing Address: Assessed Owner(s): Search r\s: Tax Rate Area: Use Code: 311 POINSETrlA AV NEWPORT BEACH 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR CA 92625 KEMPLER, IRWIN TR KEMPLE!{ FAMILY TR Tax ID 52-133 Parcel 16 07-001 Value Land: 81,098.00 I Improvements: 243,568.00 Conveyance Date: 05/28/2015 Conveying Instrument: 708621 Date Transfer Acquired: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Personal Property: Vesting: Region Code: Pixtures: Year Built: Flood Zone: Inventory: Year Last Modified: Zoning Code: Taxability Code: Exemptions Homeowner: 7,000.00 Square Footage Tax Rate: Inventory: Land: Personal Property: Improvements: Religious: Bill#: All Other: Tax Defaulted: Issue Date: Net Taxable Value: 317,666.00 Total Tax: 3,695.72 Installment Amount Penally Due Date Status Payment Date Balance 1st 1,847.86 184.78 12/I0/2017 PAID 11/01/2017 0.00 2nd 1,847.86 207.78 04/10/2018 PAID 02/05/2018 0.00 Total Balance: 0.00 Account Special Lien Description Amount Al BASIC LEVY 3,344.48 B3744 VECTOR CONTROL 1.92 8A744 MOSQUITO, FIRE ANT ASSESSMENT 6.72 C7820 MWD WATER STDBY CHG 11.60 U4916F OCSD SEWER USER FEE 331.00 Open Orders Compnny Department Title Unit Order No. Date Created Chicago Title Irvine -Market Center 01 601803445 0S/01/2018 THE INFOl{MATION PROVIDED IS A SUMMARIZED SEARCH OF OUR RECOKDS. BLACI\'. KNIGHT DOES NOT WARRANT NOR GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY NOR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN. A FULL/EXTENDED TAX SEARCII IS RECOMMENDED. 052-133-16 Orange, California Page 1 of 2 Non-Order Search Printed by peterz on 8/6/2018 1:09:24 PM PA2019-212 052-133-16 Orange, califomia *** END OF REPORT *** Page 2 of 2 Non-Order Search Printed by peterz on 8/6/2018 1:09:24 PM PA2019-212 CHICAGO TITLE COMPANY RECORDING REQUESTED !IY AND WHEN RECORDED r .. AIL DOCUM&NT TO: -• Jon & Jennifer Adams =~• 2065 Thurin Street :,rw~m Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Recorded in Official Records, Orange County lilgh Nguyen, Clerk-Recorder 11111n111m11111111111~1~11111llllllllllllillllllll 32.00 • S R O O 1 0 2 3 9 9 7 6 S A 2018000270058 2:34 pm 07/24/18 47 rc-s Go2 3 01 1870.001870.00 20.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY GRANT DEED Title of Document Purallant to Senate B1112-Bulldlng Homes and Jobs Act (GC Code Section 27388.1), effective January 1, 2018, a fee of aeventr,.flve doll11rs ($75.00t ahan be paid It Iha Orne of recording of every raal eatale Instrument, paper, or notice reqUlrad or permitted by law to be recorded, eXGept thoae expres■ly exempted from payment of recording fen, par each ■Ingle tnnaactlon per parcel of real property, The fee lmpo■ed by this ae!)tlon shall not exceed two hundred twenty-five dollars ($226,00), ' G Exempt from the fee per GC 27388.1 (a) ~2); This doc1.1ment Is s1.1bJact to Documentary Transfer Tax D Exempt from fee per GC 27388.1 (a) (2); recorded concurrently ''In connection with" a transfer subject to tha Imposition of documentary transfer tax (OTT), D Exempt from fee per GC 27388, 1 (1) (2); recorded conc11rrontly "In connection with" a transfer of real property that la a raaldantlal dwelling to an owner-accupler, 0 Exempt from fee per GC 27388.1 (a) (1); fie cap of $225.0D reached, D Exempt from the fee per GC 27388, 1 (a) (1): not related to real prop1rty. THIS COVER SHEET ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION ($3.00 Additional Recording Fee Applies) PA2019-212 r-REE □□m Phone (949) 644-3939 • 1200 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 180 • Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Fax: (949) 644-3938 www.freedomescrow.com Chicago Title Company Attn: Corey Busanovitch 16969 Von Karman Avenue Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92606 Your Order No.: 58601805971 Date: August 15, 2018 Escrow No. 052766-JW Re: 3'i 1 Poinsettia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92625 In connection with the above referenced order number, enclosed please find the following document: -Statement of Information from Seller -Statement of Information from Buyer -Grant Deed with PCOR -Demand for payoff issued by Union Bank -Certification of Trusteesfor the Adams Trust Please abstract and hold for further instructions Please date down taxes PLEASE NOTE: Our wire instructions are as follows: Bank: Mechanics Bank, Address:, City/State: Walnut Creek, CA, ABA: 121102036, Credit to: FREEDOM ESCROW, Account No.: 3301014753, Reference: Jason Watrous, Escrow Officer, Escrow No.: 052766-JW *0 At the close of escrow, DO NOT SEND THE TITLE POLICIES TO ESCROW, please send Title Policies directly to the appropriate parties*** Sincerely, Freedom Escrow Jason Watrous Escrow Officer PA2019-212 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Chicago Tille Company AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Brian M. Kingman 15237 Sutton St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY: Title Order No.: 58601805971 Escrow No.: 052766.JW GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $3,756.50 [XJ computed on full value of property conveyed, or [ ) computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. [ ) Unincorporated area [X] City of Newport Beach AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & J Adams Living Trust dated 2/2/2017 hereby GRANT(s) to: Brian M. Kingman, Trustee of The Brian Kingman Living Trust dated May 11, 2017 the real property in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, described as: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF Also Known as: 311 Poinsettia Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92625 AP#: 052-133-16 SUBJECT TO: (1) General and Special County and City {if any) Taxes for the current fiscal year, not due or delinquent, including any special levies, payments for which are included therein and collected therewith. (2) Lien of Supplemental Taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 75) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. (3) Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, reservation easements for public utilities, districts, water companies, alleys and streets, rights and rights of way of record, if any; also exception of oil, gas, mlnerals and hydrocarbons, and/or lease, if any, without the right of surface entry. GRANT DEED CONTINUED ON NEXT ?AGE Mall Tax Statement to: SAME AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below: Page 1 of 2 PA2019-212 ,1'-. CONTINUATION OF GRANT DEED Escrow No.: 'Q.52766-JW Dated: August 6, 2018 Jon W. Adams and Jennifer S. Adams, Trustees of The J & ated 2/2/20 A notary public or-other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached and not the truthfulness, accura or validl of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF O~t.-Ll • On IJu~J,($.-/-~I~ before me~ .f!.''''n,.J"'/;(4fl4.S ANotaryPublicpersonally appeared J __ -= _AmS ""'el Jtn11 i'.f:...._ ~._A_ s. who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evid~nce to be the person(s) whose name(s) ls/are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that h~/she/they executed the same In his/her/their authorized capaclty(les), and that by his/her/their slgnature(s) on the instrument the perscn(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing par.agraph Is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) I At1~ "~~~os ·t _ Ha eom~onNo.21~~-A---.... _ • NOTARY PUIUc.cAUFOBNIA,. ... ., 1 -llNEIIIP.E CQUNT.Y.. .. 1 · . ; i CclMln: . ,,-. 1t;'ami1 i ....... -.~ ~-... --·~-, PA2019-212 For APN/Parcel ID(s): 052-133-16 ,, '· EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description THE LAND REFER.RED TO .HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN. THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF°ORANGE, ·STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND'IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 11 AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY 1/2 OF LOT 13, OF BLOCK 242 OF CORONA DEL MAR, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY: PA2019-212 ... , ~ RnrAmtllC'-at.l Nlt,n/ H•unl O~da•ure, ~ ~NHD Residential Property Discl, re Reports Map of Statutory Natural Hazards For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL I\AAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Map of Statutory Natural Hazard Zones , ;f~ 4)--1 ~ Jr D Sub1ect Properly ~ Special Flood Hazard Area C:=J A•ea o1 Potential Floodlng, Dam Failure ~ Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone c::==J V\1ldland Area, SUbstanlial Fotesl Fire f;isk ~ Ear1hquake Fault Zone ~ Seismic Hazard Zone, Landslide ~ Seismic Hazard Zone, Liquefaction miles This map Is provided for convenience only to show the approximate location of the Property and is not based on a field survey. Po..i"d 7/J.7 by other ©2018 -Firsl American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Commerce, Sultie 100. Irvine. CA 92602 Phone. (800) 527.0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 1 of 37 PA2019-212 Flts1Americla N1r,.J,.IH•urrl Di:,cfMuta • ~NHD Residential Property Disch ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Statutory Natural Hazard Disclosure ("NHD") Statement and Acknowledgment of Receipt The transferor and his or her agenl(s) or a third-party consultant drsclose the following information with the knowledge that even though this Is not a wa1TDnty, prospective transferees may rely on this lnformaUon in deciding whether and on what tenm to purchase the Property. Transferor hereby authorizes any agent(s) representing any principal(&) In this aclIon to provide a copy of this statement to any person or entity in connection wrth any actual or. anticipated sale of the Property. The following are representations made by the transferor and his or her agenl(s) based on their knowledge and maps drawn by the State. This information is a disclosure and is not intended lo be part of any contract between the transferee and the transferor. THIS REAL PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS AREA(S)· A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA (Any type Zone "A" or "V") cesignated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency Yea_ Noll Do not know and Information not available from local jurisdiction_ AN AREA OF POTENTIAL FLOODING shown on a dam failure inundation map pursuant to Section 8589.5 of the Government Coae. Yes_ Noll Do not know and information not availat:le from local jurisdic1ion_ A VERY HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE pursuant lo Section 51178 or 51179 of the Government Code. The owneI of this Property is subject lo the maintenance requirements of Section 51182 of the Government Code. Yes_ Noll A WILDLAND AREA THAT MAY CONTAIN SUBSTANTIAL FOREST FIRE RISK AND HAZARDS pursuant to Section 4125 of the Public Resources Code. The owner of this Property is subject :o the maintenance requirements of Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code. Additionally, it is not the state's responslbll1ty to provide fire protection services to any building or struc1ure located within the wildlands unless lhe Department of Forestry ano Fire Protect,on has entered Into a cooperative agreement with a local agency for those purposes pursuant to Section 4142 of the Public Resources Code. Yes_ Noll AN EARTHQUAKE FAULT ZONE pursuant to Section 2622 of the Public Resources Code. Yes_ Noll A SEISMIC HAZARD ZONE pursuant to Sec1ion 2696 of the Public Resources Code. Yes (Landslide Zone)_ Yes (Liquefaction Zone)_ Noll Map not yet released by state_ THESE HAZARDS MAY LIMIT YOUR ABILITY TO DEVELOP THE REAL PROPERTY, TO OBTAIN INSURANCE, OR TO RECEIVE ASSISTANCE AFTER A DISASTER. THE M.,_PS ON WHICH THESE DISCLOSURES ARE BASED ESTIMATE WHERE NATURAL HAZARDS EXIST. THEY ARE NOT DEFINITIVE INDICATORS OF WHETHER OR NOT A PROPERTY WILL BE AFFECTED BY A NATURAL DISASTER. TRANSFEREE(S) AND TRANSFEROR(S) MAY 'MSH TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE REGARDING THOSE HAZARDS AND OTHER HAZARDS THAT MAY AFFECT THE PROPERTY. Signature cf Transferor(s) Date Signature af Transferor(s) Date Signature of Agent Date Signature of Agent Date D Transferor(&) and !hair agenl(s) represent that the information herein is true and correct to Iha best of their knowledge as of lhe date signed by the lransferor(s) and egent(s). l!I Transferor(s) end their agenl(f) acknowledge that they have exercised good faith in the selection of a third-party report provider as required In Civil Code SecUon 1103.7, and that lhe representations made in this Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement are based upon information provide<! by the independent third-party disclosure provider as a subslituted discloaure pursuant to CivU Code Section 1103.4. Neither transferor(•) nor their agent(s) (1) has lndependendy verified the information contained in this statement and Report or (2) is personally aware of any errors or inaccuracies in the information contained on the statement. This statement was prepared by the provider below. Third-Party Disclosure Provider(s) EIRSTAMERICAN PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES, INC, OPERATING THROUGH IJS FANHD DIVIS!DN. Date 20 Jur.e 2018 Transferee represents that he or she has read and understands this document. Pursuant to Civil Code Section 1103.8. the reoresentations in this Natural Hazard Disdosure Sletement do not constitute all of the transferor's or agent's disclcsure obligations ;n this transaction. Signature of Transferee(s) Date Signature of Transferee(s) Date TRANSFEREE(SI REPRESENTS ABOVE HE/SHE HAS RECElVED. READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE COMPLETE filNHD DISCLOSURE REPORT DELIVERED WJJH THIS SUMMARYi A. Addlllonal Property-specific Statutary Diadosurea: Former Military Ordnance SNe, CommerclaVlndustrial Use Zone, Airport Influence Area, Airport Nol&a, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development District Jurisdiction (In S.F. Bay countle& only), California Energy Commiaslon Duct Sealing Requirement, Nollca of Statewide Righi to Farm, Notice of Mining Operations, Sex Offender Database (Megan's Law), Gas and Hazardous Liquid Transmlsalon Pipeline Database. B. AddlUonal County and City Regulatory Determlnaliona as applicable: Airports, Avalanche, Blow Sand, Coastal Zona, Dam/Levee Failure lnundal1on, Debris Flow, Erosion, Flood, FauN Zone, Fre, Groundwater, Landllide. Liquefac1ion, Methane Gas, Mines, Na1urally Occurring Asbestos, Redevelopment Area, Righi to Farm, Runoff Area, Seiche. Seismic Shaking, Seismic Ground Failure, Slope Stability, Soil Slabihly, Sublidence, TRPA, Tsunami. C. General advisories: Methamphetamine Contamination, Mold, Radon, Endangered Species Act, Abandoned Mines, Oil & Gas Wells, Tsunami Maps (coastal only). D. AddlUonal Reports • Enclosed if ordered: (1) PROPERTY TAX REPORT (includes state-required Notices of Mello-Roos and 191 s Bond Act Assessments, and Notice of Supplemental Property Tax Bill, (2) ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING REPORT (dlsdoaes Transmtsslon Pipelines, Contaminated Sites, and 011 & Gas Wells). Enclosed rf applicable: Local Addenda. E. Goverrment Guides In Combined Booklet with Report, Refer tc Booklet (1) ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: "A Guide for Homeowner&, B,uyers, L1111dlord1 and Tenant,": (2) EARTHQUAKE SAFETY: "The Homeowners Gulde To Earthquake Safety" and included "RESIDENTIAL EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REPORT FORM": (3) LEAD-BASED PAINT. "Protect Your Family From Leed In Your Home": (4) BRIEF GUIDE TO MOLD. MOISTURE AND YOUR HOME: (5) WHAT IS YOUR HOME ENERGY RATING? Government Guides are 11so evallable on the Company's "Electronic 9ookehelf' at http·//www fanhd.coml @2018 • F:rst Amerlc.an Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Commerte, Suhe 100. lrvlne. CA 92602 Phone: (600) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 2 of 37 PA2019-212 ,NHD Residential Property Disclc re Reports Contents .For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property")· · Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Tabl°e.of Contents Map of Statutory Natural Hazards .................................................................................. 1 Statutory NHD Statement and Acknowledgment of Receipt.. ......................................... i Table ·of Contents ............................................................................................................. d Summary of Disclosure Determinations ......... -..... : .......................................................... 4-5 NHD Report .................................................................................................................... 6-26 Tax Report ......................................... : ............................................................................ 27-35 Terms and Conditions ..................................................................................................... 36-37 02018: First American Prolessional Real Estate Serv!CES, Inc. • 200 Commerce, SIJite 100. lriine. CA 92002 Phone: (600) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854•9625 -Page 3 of 37 PA2019-212 ,NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Summary of Disclosure Determinations For ORANGE County Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") APN: 052-133-16 Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 PROPERTY DISCLOSURE SUMMARY -READ FULL REPORT r·-----------------·- , Statutory NOT Map IN IN N/A' ! NHD Determinations -··--·· --· ··---... -·-· ' Flood Dam Very High Fire Hazard Severity Wlldland Fire Area Faull Landslide Liquefaction . County-level NHD Determinations Tsunami Ground Shaking Expansive Soils Fault Liquefaction Landslide Debris Flow ; City-le~el NHD ~etermina_tions Fault Erosion Tsunami Fire Hazard ; Additional Statutory Disclosures Former Mili1ary Ordnance Commercial or Industrial Airport Influence Area Airport Noise Area for 65 Decillel California Energy Commission Right to Farm Act Notice of Mining Operations IN X X X IN X IN X X X X X X X X X NOT IN .. .. X X X X NOT IN X X X ·--. --.. --· NOT IN X X X X X Map N/A' Map NOT IN a Special Flood Hazard Area. The Property is IN a FEMA-designated Flood Zone(s) X. NOT IN an area of potential dam lnundatlon. NOT IN a very high fire hazard severity zone. Not in a wildland-state responsibility area, NOT IN an earthquake fault zone designated pursuant to the Alquist-Prlolo Act. NOT IN an area of earthquake-induced land sliding designated pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Acl NOT IN an area of potential liquefaction designated pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. Property Is: .. .. . NOT IN a mapped tsunami runup area IN Seismic Shaking Z.:>ne B, a mapped relative seismic shaking zone with intermediate shaking potential. IN a mapped area with tow soil expansivity potential NOT WITHIN one-eighth of one mile of a mapped fault trace NOT IN an area of high or moderate liquefaction potential IN an area of moderately low (Zone 2) or very low potential (Zone 1) for massive bedrocll landslides under earthquake conditions. NOf IN a mapped source area of high propensity lor either mu(!. debris flow or rock fall during periods of exceptionally high rainfall or during seismic shallng NIA' Property Is: ·Map NIA' NOT WITHIN a designated Fault Disclosure Zone. NOf IN a designated Coastal Erosion Hazards Zone. NOT IN a designated 100· or 500-year zone for tsunami inundation at extreme high tide. IN a de&ignated Low to No Fire Suscepbbtlity Area. Property Is: -. NOT WITHIN one m~e of a formerly used ordnance site. WITHIN one mile of a property zoned to allow c:ommercl1I or Industrial use. NOT IN an airport 1nnuence area. NOT IN a dehneated 85 dB CNEL or greater aviation noise zone. IN a cltma:e zone where properties are usually subJecl to duet sealing and tesUng requirements NOT IN a one mile radius or designated Important Farmland. NOT IN a one mile radius of a mapped mining cperaUon that requires a stalutory "Notice of Mining Operation" be provided In this Report -NHo ---7 Report I page: 1 § § z z !! !! NHD Report page: .1Q .1Q 11 .1Q 1Q 1Q. 12 NHD Report page: ll 12. ll ll NHD Report page: 1i li ll 1§ ll C>2018 • First A:neriClln Professional Real Eslate Servtces, lie .• 200 Commerce, Suitt tOO, lrvme. CA 926il2 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 4 of 37 PA2019-212 ~NHD Residential Property Disch re Reports Summary of Disclosure Determinations For ORANGE County Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property"} APN: 052-133-16 Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Registered Sex Offender Data Base (Megan's Law) Notice , Gas and Hazardous Liquid Transmission Pipeline Database Notice Methamphetamine Contaminauon Mold Radon Endangered Species Abandoned Mines 011 and Gas Wells Tsunami Map Advisory i. DHcrlptlon Provides an advisory required pursuant to Section 290,46 of the Penal Code. lnfarmaUon about specified registered .ex offenders is made available IC the public. Provides a notice required pursuant to Section 2079.10.5(a) of the Civil Code. lnfom,ation about transmission pipeline location maps ii made available ta the public. Provides an advisory that I disclosure may be rec;uired pursuant to the "Melhamphetamlne Contaminated Property Clean141 Ar.I or 2005", Provides an advisory that au prospec:live purchasers of residential and commen:ill property 1hould thoroughly inspect the subject PfOpelty for mold and sources for addltlonlll information on lhe origins of and the damage causad by mold, Provides an advisory on the rillk a1aocleted with Radon gas concentration ■. Provides an adllisory on resourcas to educate the public on locales of endangered or threatened species. Provides an advisory on resources to educate the public on the hazard& posed by, and aome or the general locales of, abandoned mines. Provides an advisory an the potential existence or oil and gas wells and sourc .. for addltlonal general and/or specific IntormeHon, Provides an advisory about maximum tsunami Inundation maps Issued for Jurtsdlc:IIClllal emergency planning. NHD -i Report ~l page: .J .2Q ll &l .ll ~ Zi ~ ~ ~ Property Tax Determinations 1s. IS R::lt · I NOT ~--=P_m,_;...pa_rty-:......la_: ___________ _cpac__.;:g_a: _ _,· _ Mello-Roos Districts 1915 Bond Aet Districts Other Direct Assessments SRA Fire PrevenUon Fee X X NOT SUBJECT TO a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District. ll X NOT SUBJECT TO 111915 Bond Act D1stricl ll X SUBJECT TO one or more other direct assessments. Zl!. NOT SUBJECT TO the Stale Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fee (SRA Fee is i;us~nded until 2031 by Aesembly Bill 396 of 2017). ~ Determined by First American PrcfesslDllal Real Estate Services, Inc For mont detailed infomu,tion as to tha fongoing datarminatlona, please read 1h11 entire R1port. ©2018 -First American Professional Real Estate Ser¥ices, Inc.• 200 Commeroa, Si.jte 100, !Nine. CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 5 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ Finl Aater:Cao Nauro/ llaz.srd DiulMurn • 1NHD Residential Property Disch re Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Natural Hazard Disclosure Report Part 1. State Defined Natural Hazard Zones Statutory Natural Hazard Disclosures Section 1103 of the California Civil Code mandates the disclosure of six (6) natural hazard zones if the Property is located within any such zone. Those six "statutory" hazard zones, disclosed on the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement ("NHDS") on Page one of this Report, are explained below. Note that the NHDS does not provide for informing buyers if a property is only partially within any of the delineated zones or provide additional flood zone information which could be very important to the process. The following summary is intended to give buyers additional information they may need to help them in the decision-making process and to place the information in perspective. SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA DISCUSSION: Property in a Special Flood Hazard Area (any type of Zone "A" or "V" as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("F!::MA") is subject to flooding in a "100-year rainstorm." Federally connected lenders require homeowners to maintain flood insurance for buildings in these zones. A 100-year flood occurs on average once every 100 years, but may not occur in 1,000 years or may occur in successive years. According to FEMA, a home located within a SFHA has a 26% chance of suffering flood damage during the term of a 30-year mortgage. other types of flooding, such as dam failure, are not considered in developing these zones. Flood insurance for properties in Zones B, C, D, X, X500, and X500_Levee is available but is not required. Zones A, AO, AE, AH, AR, A 1-A30: Area of "100-year" flooding - a 1 % or greater chance of annual flooding. Zone A99: An "adequate progress" determination for flood control system construction projects that, once completed, may significantly limit the area of a community that will be included in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Such projects reduce but do not eliminate, the risk of flooding to people and structures in "levee-impacted" areas, and allow mandatory flood insurance to be available at a lower cost. Zones V, V1-V30: Area of "100-year" flooding in coastal (shore front) areas subject to wave action. Zone B: Area of moderate flood risk. These are areas between the "100" and "500" year flood-risk levels. Zones C, D: NOT IN an area of "100-year'' flooding. Area of minimal (Zone C) or undetermined (Zone D) flood hazard. Zones X: An area of minimal flood risk. These are areas outside the "500" year flood-risk level. Zone X500: An area of moderate flood risk. These are areas between the "100" and "500" year flood-risk levels. Zone XSOO_LEVEE: An area of moderate flood risk that is protected from "100-year flood" by levee and that is subject to revision to high risk (Zone A) if levee is decertified by FEMA. Zone N: Area Not Included, no flood zone designation has been assigned or not participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. Notice: The Company is not always able to determine if the Property is subject to a FEMA Letter of Map Revision ("LOMR") or other FEMA letters of map change. If Seller is aware that the Property is subject to a LOMR or other letters of map change, the Seller shall disclose the map change and attach a copy of the FEMA letter(s) to the Report. Contact FEMA at http://msc.fema.gov for additional information. For more information about flood zones, visit: http:/lwww.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/pages/flooding flood risks/defin;ng flood risks.jsp PUBLIC RECORD: Official Flood Insurance Rate Maps ("FIRM" ) compiled and issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") pursuant to 42 United States Code §4001, et seq. AREA OF POTENTIAL FLOODING (DAM FAILURE) DISCUSSION: Local governmental agencies, utilities, and owners of certain dams are required to prepare and submit Inundation maps for review and approval by the California Office of Emergency Services ("OES"). A property within an Area of Potential Flooding Caused by Dam Failure is subject to potential flooding in the event of a sudden and total dam failure with a full reservoir. Such a failure could result in property damage and/or personal injury. However, dams rarely fail instantaneously and reservoirs are not always filled to capacity. Please note that not all dams (such as federally controlled dams) located within the state have been included within these dam inundation zones. Also these maps do not identify areas of potential flooding resulting from storms or other causes. PUBLIC RECORD; Official dam inundation maps or digital data thereof made publicly available by the State of California Office of Emergency Services ("OES") pursuant to California Government Code §8589.5, ©2018 • F1rat American Professi011al Real E1tate 5efvices, Inc. · 200 Comme~. Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 6 of 37 PA2019-212 fir.tlAmeric:H Nlll.rua/ H•urd Discla.u.rn• ,NHD Residential Property Discl< ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 VERY HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE (VHFHSZ) DISCUSSION: VHFHSZs can be defined by the California Deparbnent of Forestry and Fire Protection ("Calfire") as well as by local fire authorities within "Local Responsibility Areas" where fire suppression is the responsibility of a local fire department. Properties located within VHFHS Zones may have a higher risk fer fire damage and, therefore, may be subject to (i) additional construction requirements such as a "Class A" roof for new construction or replacement of existing roofs; and (ii) additional maintenance responsibilities such as adequate vegetation clearance near the structure, spark screens on chimneys and stovepipes, leaf removal from roofs, and other basic fire-safety practices. Contact the local fire department for a complete list of requirements and exceptions. · PUBLIC RECORD: Maps issued by Calfire pursuant to California Government Code § 51178 recommending VHFHSZs to be adopted by the local jurisdiction within its Local Responsibility Area, or VHFHSZs adopted by the local jurisdiction within the statutory 120-day period defined in California Government Code§ 51179. WILDLAND FIRE AREA (STATE RESPONSIBILITY AREA) DISCUSSION: The State Board of Forestry classifies all lands within the State of California based on various factors such as ground cover, beneficial use of water from watersheds, probable damage from erosion, and fire risks. Fire prevention and suppression in all areas which are not within a Wildlarid -State Responsibility Area ('WSRA") is primarily the responsibility of the local or federal agencies, as applicable. For property located within a WSRA, please note that (1) there may be substantial forest fire risks and hazards; (2) except for property located within a county which has assumed responsibility for prevention and suppression of all fires, it is NOT the state's responsibility to provide fire protection services to any building or structure located within a WSRA unless the Department has entered into a cooperative agreement with a local agency; and (3) the property owner may be is subject to (i) additional construction requirements such as a "Class A" root for new construction or replacement of existing roofs; and (ii) additional maintenance responsibilities such as adequate vegetation clearance near the structure, spark screens on chimneys and stovepipes, leaf removal from roofs, and other basic fire-safety practices. The existence of local agreements for fire service is not available in the Public Record and, therefore, is not included in this disclosure. For very isolated properties with no local fire services or only seasonal fire services there may be significant fire risk. If the Property is located within a WSRA, please contact the local fire department for more detailed information. PUBLIC RECORD: Official maps issued by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection ("Calfire'') pursuant to California Public Resources Code§ 4125. SRA Fire Prevention Benefit Fee Advisory In 2011, the California Legislature and Governor enacted a "Fire Prevention Fee" on habitable structures in the State's wildland fire responsibility area. The yearly fee, levied on property owners, paid for various activities to prevent and suppress wildfires in the SRA, and was most recently at the rate of $152.33 per habitable structure on the property. Effective July 1, 2017, as authorized by Assembly Bill 398 and signed by the Governor, that fire prevention fee is suspended until 2031. For more information, please refer to "Part 6. State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fee" in the FANHD Property Tax Report. C,2018 • Firs; Americill Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. • 200 Commerce, ~lie 1 oo. Irvine, CA ~2602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax. (800) 854-9625 Page 7 of 37 PA2019-212 Fht.Amcn,;,n ,,.,,,rn ll11urd DiJclo~■nl 0 .NHD Residential Property Disclc e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property'') Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 EARTHQUAKE FAULT ZONE DISCUSSION: Earthquake Fault Zones are delineated and adopted by California as part of the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone Act of 1972. Property in an Earthquake Fault Zone ("EF Zone") does not necessarily have a fault trace existing on the site. EF Zones are areas or bands delineated on both sides of known active earthquake faults. EF Zones vary in width but average one-quarter (1f4} mile in width with the "typical" zone boundaries set back approximately 660 feet on either side of the fault trace. The potential for "fault rupture" damage (ground cracking along the fault trace) is relatively high only if a structure is located directly on a fault trace. If a structure is not on a fault trace, shaking will be the primary effect of an earthquake. During a major earthquake, shaking will be strong in the vicinity of the fault and may be strong at some distance from the fault depending on soil and bedrock conditions. It is generally accepted that properly constructed wood-frame houses are resistant to shaking damage. PUBLIC RECORD: Official earthquake fault zone or special study zone maps approved by the State Geologist and issued by the California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey pursuant to California Public Resources Code §2622. SEISMIC HAZARD MAPPING ACT ZONE DISCUSSION: Official Seismic Hazard Zone ("SH Zone") maps delineate Areas of Potential Liquefaction and Areas of Earthquake-Induced Landsliding. A property that lies partially or entirely within a designated SH Zone may be subject to requirements for site-specific geologic studies and mitigation before any new or additional construction may take place. Earthquake-Induced Landslide Hazard Zones are areas where the potential for earthquake-induced landslides is relatively high. Areas most susceptible to these landslides are steep slopes in poorly cemented or highly fractured rocks, areas underlain by loose, weak soils, and areas on or adjacent to existing landslide deposits. The CGS cautions these maps do not capture all potential earthquake-induced landslide hazards and that earthquake-induced ground failures are not addressed by these maps. Furthermore, no effort has been made to map potential run-out areas of triggered landslides. It is possible that such run-out areas may extend beyond the zone boundaries. An earthquake capable of causing liquefaction or triggering a landslide may not uniformly affect all areas within a SH Zone. Liquefaction Hazard Zones are areas where there is a potential for, or an historic occurrence of liquefaction. Liquefaction is a soil phenomenon that can occur when loose, water saturated granular sediment within 40 feet of the ground surface, are shaken in a significant earthquake. The soil temporarily becomes liquid-like and structures may settle unevenly. The Public Record is intended to identify areas with a relatively high potential for liquefaction but not to predict the amount or direction of liquefaction- related ground displacement, nor the amount of damage caused by liquefaction. The many factors that control ground failure resulting from liquefaction must be evaluated on a site specific basis. PUBLIC RECORD: Official seismic hazard maps or digital data thereof approved by the State Geologist and issued by the California Department of Conservation, California Geological Survey pursuant to California Public Resources Code §2696. STATUTORY NATURAL HAZARD DISCLOSURE REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported if any portion of the Property is located within any of the above zones as delineated in the Public Record. ''NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is located within any of the above zones as delineated in the Public Record. Map Not Available shall be reported in areas not yet evaluated by the governing agency according to the Public Record. Please note that "MAP NOT AVAILABLE" will be applicable to most portions of the state. Official Seismic Hazard Zone ("SH Zone'') maps delineate Areas of Potential Liquefaction and Areas of Earthquake-Induced Landsliding. C>2018 • Fht American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Commeret, Si.jle 100. tl'lfne. CA S2602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 8 of 37 PA2019-212 lvs1AmnicM N•r•rol H11ul'tl OiJcfot11ru· ,NHD Residential Property Oisclc e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Part 2. County and City Defined Natural Hazard Zones HAZARD MAPS IN THE LOCAL GENERAL PLAN General Plan regulates property development. There are currently over 530 incorporated cities and counties in California. The slate Government Code (Sections 65000 el seq.) requires each of those jurisdictions to adopt a comprehensive, long-term "General Plan" for its physical development. That General Plan regulates land uses within the local jurisdiction in order to protect the public from hazards in the environment and conserve local natural resources. The General Plan is the official city or county policy regarding the location of housing, business, industry, roads, parks, and other land uses. Municipal hazard zones can affect the cost of ownership. Each county and city adopts its own distinct General Plan according to that jurisdiction's unique vegetation, landscape, terrain, and other geographic and geologic conditions. The "Safety Element" (or Seismic Safety Element) of that General Plan identifies the constraints of earthquake fault, landslide, flood, fire and other natural hazards on local land use, and it delineates hazard zones within which private property improvements may be regulated through the building-permit approval proCEss, which can affect the future cost of ownership. Those locally regulated hazard zooes are in addition to the federal and state defined hazard zones associated with statutory disclosures in the preceding section. City and/or County natural hazard zones explained below. Unless otherwise specified, only those officially adopted Safety Element or Seismic Safety Element maps (or digital data thereof) which are publicly available, are of a scale, resolution, and quality that readily enable parcel-specific hazard determinations, and are consistent in character with those statutory federal or state disclosures will be considered for eligible for use as the basis for county-or city-level disclosures set forth in this Report. Please also note: • If an officially adopted Safety Element or Seismic Safety Element map relies on data which is redundant of that used tor state- level disclosures, this Report will indicate so and advise Report recipients to refer to the state-level hazard discussion section for more information. • If an officially adopted Safety Element or Seismic Safety Element cites underlying maps created by another agency, those maps may be regarded as incorporated by reference and may be used as the basis for parcel-specific determinations if those maps meet the criteria set forth in this section. • Because county-and city-level maps are developed independently and do not necessarily define or delineate a given hazard the same way, the boundaries tor the "same" hazard may be different. If one or mare maps contained in the Safety Element and/or Seismic Safety Element of an officially adopted General Plan are used as the basis for local disclosure, those maps will appear under the "Public Record(s) Searched" for that county or city. REPORTING STANDARDS A good faith effcrt has been made to disclose all hazard features on pertinent Safety Element and Seismic Safety Element maps with well-<lefined boundaries: however, those hazards with boundaries that are not delineated will be deemed not suitable for parcel-specific hazard determinations. Some map features, such as lines drawn to represent the location of a fault trace, may be buffered to create a zone to facilitate disclosure. Those map features which can not be readily distinguished from those representing hazards may be included to prevent an omission of a hazard feature. If the width of a hazard zone boundary is in question, "IN" will be reported if that boundary impacts any portion of a property. Further explanations concerning specific map features peculiar to a given county or city will appear under the "Reporting Standards" for that jurisdiction. PUBLIC RECORDS VS. ON-SITE EVALUATIONS Mapped hazard zones represent evaluations of generalized hazard information. Any specific site within a mapped zone could be at less o~ more relative risk than is indicated by the zone designation. A site-specific evaluation conducted by a geotechnical consultant or other qualified professional may provide more detailed and definitive information about the Property and any conditions which may or do affect it. PROPERTY USE AND PERMITTING No maps beyond those identified as "Public Record(s)" have been consulted for the purpose of these local disclosures. These disclosures are intended solely to make Report recipient(s) aware of the presence of mapped hazards. For this reason -and because local authorities may use on these or additional maps or data differently to determine property-specific land use and permitting approvals --Report recipients are advised to contact the appropriate local agency, usually Community Development, Planning, and/or Building, prior to the transaction to ascertain if these or any other conditions or related regulations may impact the Property use or improvement. @2018 • Frst American Profass1onal Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Commerca, Suite 100. lrlfne, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (8001854-9625 Page 9 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ F,n,t.Aarer,tat ~rur;f lfn1•rd Disdrnutti~ ~NHD Residential Property Discli ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 ORANGE COUNTY GEOLOGIC ZONES DISCUSSION PUBLIC RECORD(S) SEARCHED: The following Public Records, incorporated by reference into the Safety Element of the General Plan as adopted by the County Board of Supervisors in 2000, is utilized for those county-level disclosures below: "Environmental Geology of Orange County," a map series prepared by California Geological Survey, Open-File Report 79-8 L.A. FAULT • Active faults (Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone): These faults have evidence of displacement during the most recent epoch of geologic time, the Holocene epoch, generally considered to have begun about 11,000 years ago. • Potentially active faults: These faults show activity within the past 2 million years but show no evidence of movement within the past 11,000 years • Inactive faults: Faults which show no evidence of movement during the past two million years and show no potential for movement in the future. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is situated within one-eighth of one mile (660 feet) of a fault trace as delineated In the Public Record, "WITHIN" shall be reported. DEBRIS FLOW, MUD FLOW, AND ROCKFALL Areas of potential mud and/or debris flow may occur during periods of exceptionally high rainfall. Rockfall zones may experience falling rocks during periods of exceptionally high rainfall or seismic shaking. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Mud Flow Zone as delineated in the Public Record,, "IN" shall be reported. If any portion of the Property is within a Rockfall Zone as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL Liquefaction Is a liquid-like condition of the soil which sometimes occurs during earthquake shaking where the ground water level is close to the surface and the subsurface materials are loose and cohesionless (such as sandy soil). These factors have the potential to combine to produce liquefaction in local areas. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property 1s within a Liquefaction Zone as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. SEISMIC SHAKING Several seismic zones have been defined by Orange County to separate areas having varying responses to earthquake shaking. The zones were defined utilizing a variety of geologic, hydrologic and slope gradient information, but by necessity, have been generalized. Any single property within a Seismic Zone could be at less or more relative risk than is indicated by the zone designation. If site-specific informaiion regarding seismic hazards is desired, this company recommends that a geotechnical consultant be retained to study the site. • Seismic Shaking Zone A: Zone A represenis areas of least earthquake shaking. The maximum expected damage to modern construction due to shaking is expected to be minor to moderate in this zone. • Seismic Shaking Zone B: Zone B represents areas of intermediate earthquake shaking. The maximum expected damage to modern construction due to shaking is expected to be moderate in this zone. • Seismic Shaking Zone C: These are areas of high geologic hazard only if strong earthquake shaking produces liquefaction. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Seismic Shaking Zone as delineated in the Public Record, only the more/most severe shall be reported. TSUNAMI This area has been designated as a zone of moderate risk for tsunami (seismic sea wave or "tidal wave ") run-up. Properties in a tsunami zone may be inundated with waves which recur on the average of once every 100 years. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Tsunami Run-up Zone as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. LANDSLIDE / SLOPE STABILITY ZONES The relative slope stability zones represent average slope stability conditions. This Report discloses Slope Stability Zone for conditions under seismic (earthquake) conditions, not aseismic (normal) conditions, as detailed in the Public Record. • Zone 1: Very low potentlal for massive bedrock landslides under normal and seismic/earthquake conditions. • Zone 2: Moderately low potential for massive bedrock landslides under seismic/earthquake conditions. • Zone 3: Moderately high potential under seismic/earthquake conditions with a greater slope failure risk during earthquakes if the slope gradient is greater than 20% and the slope is underlain by relatively weak bedrock or weak soil materials. • Zone 4: High potential for massive bedrock landslides under seismic/earthquake conditions. • Zones 5 and 6: Very high potential for massive bedrock landslides under seismic/earthquake conditions. ~018 • First >6.merican Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Commerce, Sulle 100, lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone: (BOD) 527.()()27 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 10 of37 PA2019-212 ~ ffn.tAmrricn ~lfU'tll /l~rd Din.lostll'fl""' ~NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 • Zone W: Coastal areas which have unstable slopes resulting from periodic wave erosion. Please note that the boundaries of this Slope Stability Area W are not defined in a manner suitable for definitive parcel-specific disclosure; therefore, this zone is not disclosed in this Report. Reporting Standards: "Very High, High, or Moderate" shall be reported if any portion of the Property is within Slope Stability Zone 3, 4, 5, or 6. "Moderately Low or Low" shall be reported in the Property is completely within Slope Stability Zone 1 or 2. EXPANSIVE SOILS Expansive soils occur throughout much of Orange County. These areas are subject to the seasonal shrink-swell cycles of soils, as well as slope yielding if locally on a slope. Three possible conditions related to expansive soils exist in the County. • Dlfferentlal Swell is the uneven tilling or lifting of a structure by the greater expansion of thicker soils on one side of the structure. • Concentric Swell is caused by the migration of water toward the center of a structure, causing expansion of the soils, and lifting of the center of the structure. • Slope Yielding is a slow down slope movement of soils, causing tilting of the foundation of a structure. Experts agree that no residence is completely safe from cracking, slipping or sinking to some degree. Expansive soil problems can be mitigated, in most cases, through structural and design modifications and, in some cases, through soil treatment techniques. Mapped areas of expansive soils are identified as: • Areas of Man Made Land with Extremely Variable Expansivity Potential • Areas of High Expansivity Potential • Areas of Tldal Flats with Hlghly Variable Expansivity or Shrink Potential • Areas of Moderate Expanslvlty Potential • Areas of Low Expanslvity Potentlal Reportjng Standards: If any portion of the Property is within an area of Low. Moderate, or High Expansivity Potential or is within a Tidal Flat as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported for the more/most severe condition. ©2018. First American Professional Real Estele Services, Inc .• 200 Commen:e, Su11e 10O. lrvfne. CA 92602 Phone: (600) 527-0027 FaK: (800) 854-9625 Page 11 of37 PA2019-212 ffn,1A,11erialn /1111.turwl lfanrd DiuW.11tts • ~NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH GEOLOGIC ZONES DISCUSSION PUBLIC RECORD(S) SEARCHED: The following Public Records, contained in the Safety Element of the General Plan as adopted by the City Council in 2006, are utilized for those city-level disclosures below: Maps of "Seismic Hazards," "Coastal Hazards," and "Fire Hazards." FAULT Current California Geological Survey Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone maps do not recognize the presence of an active fault that has shown signs of surface fault rupture within the past 11,000 years within the City; however, the Public Record identifies a segment of the Newport Inglewood Fault within the City as a "Fault Disclosure Zone." This Zone hugs the coastline from Newport Shores in a southerly direction until it extends into the Pacific once it passes to the south of Newport Pier. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within the "Fault Disclosure Zone" as delineated in the Public Record, ''WITHIN" shall be reported. LANDSLIDE According to the Safety Element, strong ground motions can worsen existing unstable slope conditions, particularly if coupled with saturated ground conditions. Seismically induced landslides can overrun structures, people or property, sever utility lines, and block roads. Much of eastern Newport Beach has been identified as vulnerable to seismically induced slope failure. Approximately 90 percent of the land from Los Trancos Canyon to State Park boundary is mapped as susceptible to landsliding. Additionally, the sedimentary bedrock that crops out in the San Joaquin Hills is locally highly weathered. In steep areas, strong ground shaking can cause slides or rockfalls in this material. Rupture along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone and other faults could reactivate existing landslides and cause new slope failures throughout the San Joaquin Hills. Slope failures can also be expected to occur along stream banks and coastal bluffs, such as Big Canyon, around San Joaquin Reservoir, Newport and Upper Newport Bays, and Corona del Mar. Reporting Standards: The boundaries of the City's Potential Landslide Area are the same as those for earthquake-induced landslides delineated on official maps issued by the California Geological Survey pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. For more information, please see Seismic Hazard Mapping Act Zone discussion contained in this Report. LIQUEFACTION Liquefaction, a geologic process that causes ground failure, typically occurs in loose, saturated sediments primarily of sandy composition. According to the Safety Element, Balboa Peninsula, Newport Bay and Upper Newport Bay and vicinity, the lower reaches of major streams in Newport Beach, and the Santa Ana River Hoodplain are susceptible to liquefaction and related ground failure. ft is likely that residential or commercial development will never occur in many other fiquefiable areas, such as Upper Newport Bay, the Newport Coast beaches, and the bottoms of stream channels. However, infrastructure in these areas is vulnerable to damage from liquefaction if mitigation measures have not been included in design. Reporting Standards: The boundaries of the City's Potential Lic;uefaction Area are the same as those for areas of potential liquefaction delineated on official maps issued by the California Geological Survey pursuant to the Seismic Hazard Mapping Act. For more informalion, please see Seismic Hazard Mapping Act Zone discussion contained in this Report. COASTAL EROSION HAZARDS Significant coastal bluff retreat, bluff-top erosion, gullying, and beach erosion are occurring along the eastern Newport shoreline. Erosion rates depend on the underlying geologic units and their different responses to the weathering effects of water {including rain and waves), gravity, and wind. Coastal erosion occurs as a result of natural processes such as long- shore drift, storm surge, and sea level rise. Sea bluff erosion occurs as a result of processes that impact both the bottom and top of the cliffs. If the sediments exposed in this zone are soft and highly erodible, eventual collapse of the bluff can occur as it is undercut by wave action. Unchecked foot and vehicular traffic and rodent burrowing can also cause significant damage at the top of the bluffs. Reporting Standards: ff any portion of the Property is within a "Coastal Erosion Hazards Zone" as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. TSUNAMI INUNDATION The Safety Element states that Newport Beach is generally protected from most distantly generated tsunamis by the Channel Islands and Point Arguello, except for those generated in the Aleutian Islands, off the coast of Chile, and possibly off the coast of Central America. Nevertheless, since the early 1800s, more than thirty tsunamis have been recorded in Southern California, and at least six of these caused damage in the area, although not necessarily in Newport Beach. Tsunamis generaled in the Alaskan region take approximately six hours to arrive in the Southern California area, while tsunamis generated off the Chilean coast take 12 to 15 hours. Given those tlmeframes, coastal communities in Southern California can receive adequate warning, allowing them to implement evacuation procedures. Reporting Standards: ff any portion of the Property is within a "100-year Zone for Tsunami Inundation at Extreme High Tide (Inundation Elevation= 13.64 Feet)" as delineated in the Public Record, "IN" shall be reported. FIRE HAZARD ®20i8 • First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Commerce, suue 100, ll'line, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 12 of 37 PA2019-212 FintAmt-1"111 N111um1 Hanrd Dndosure~~ ,NHD Residential Property Disch ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 The City of Newport Beach defines a wildland fire hazard area as any geographic area that contains the type and condition of vegetation, topography, weather, and structure density that potentially increases the possibility of wildland fires. The eastern portion of the City and portions of the Newport Beach region and surrounding areas to the north, east. and southeast include grass-and brush-covered hillsides with significant topographic relief that facilitate the rapid spread of fire, especially if fanned by coastal breezes or Santa Ana winds. In these areas the Fire Department enforces locally developed regulations which reduce the amount and continuity of fuel (vegetation) available, firewood storage, debris clearing, proximity of vegetation to structures and other messures aimed at "Hazard Reduction." New construction and development are further protected by local amendments to the Uniform Building Coce. These amendments, which are designed to increase the fire resistance of a building, include: protection of exposed eaves, noncombustible construction of exterior walls, protection of openings, and the requirement for Class "A" fireproof roofing throughout the City. Additionally, a "Fuel Modification" plan aimed at reducing fire encroachment into structures from adjacent vegetation must be developed and maintained. Reporting Standards: If any portion of the Property is within a Fire Susceptibility Area ("High," "Moderate," and "Low" ) as delineated in the Public Record, the more/most severe shall be reported. END OF LOCAL AREA DISCLOSURES AND DISCUSSIONS SECTION &?2018 • First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200Comn,;in:e, Suite 100. lrvlne, CA ffl02 Phone. (SOO) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 13 of 37 PA2019-212 FinlAmtrica N.tunl llaunJ CJ;1closure1· ~NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Part 3. Additional Property Specific Disclosures FORMER MILITARY ORDNANCE SITE DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: Former Military Ordnance (FUD) sites can include sites with common industrial waste (such as fuels), ordnance or other warfare materiel, unsafe structures to be demolished, or debris for removal. California Civil Code Section 1102 requires disclosure of those sites containing unexploded ordnance. "Military ordnance" is any kind of munitions, explosive device/material or chemical agent used in military weapons. Unexploded ordnance are munitions that did not detonate. NOTE: MOST FUD sites do not contain unexploded ordnance. Only those FUD sites that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has identified to contain Military Ordnance or have mitigation projects planned for them are disclosed in this Report. Additional sites may be added as military installations are released under the Federal Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Act. Active military sites are NOT induded on the FUD site list. PUBLIC RECORD: Data contained in Inventory Project Reports, Archives Search Reports, and related materials produced for, and made publicly available in conjunction with, the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense Sites by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Sites for which no map has been made publicly available shall not be disclosed. REPORTING STANDARD: If one or more facility identified in the Public Record is situated within a one (1) mile radius of the Property, "WITHIN" shall be reported. The name of that facility or facilities shall also be reported. COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: The seller of real property who has actual knowledge that the property is affected by or zoned to allow commercial or industrial use described In Section 731 a of the Code of Civil Procedure shall give written notice of that knowledge to purchasers as soon as practicable before transfer of title (California Civil Code Section 1102.17). The Code of Civil Procedure Section 731a defines industrial use as areas in which a city and/or county has established zones or districts under authority of law wherein certain manufacturing or commercial or airport uses are expressly permitted. The "Zoning Disclosure" made in this Report DOES NOT purport to determine whether the subject property is or is not affected by a commercial or industrial zone. As stated above, that determination is based solely upon ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE of the seller of the subject property. In an effort to help determine areas where this may be applicable, this disclosure identifies if a property exists within one mile of the seller's property that is zoned to allow for commercial or industrial use. Very commonly, a home will have in its vicinity one or more properties that are zoned for commercial or industrial use such as restaurants, gasoline stations, convenience stores, golf courses, country club etc. PUBLIC RECORD: Based on publicly-available hardcopy and/or digital zoning and land use records for California cities and counties. REPORTING STANDARD: If one or more property identified in the Public Record as "commercial," "industrial," or "mixed use" is situated within a one (1) mile radius of the Property, "WITHIN" shall be reported. Please note that an airport facility that may be classified as public use facility in the Public Record will be reported as "commercial/industrial" in this disclosure. @2018. First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200Commen:e, Suite 100. lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527~027 Fax: (800) 8S4,9625 Page 14 of 37 PA2019-212 FTm-N.ranJ/laurdOi1.tlosores'" ~NHD Residential Property Discl< ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREA DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: Certain airports are not disclosed in this Report. FANHD has made a good faith effort lo identify the airports covered under Section 1102.6a. Sources consulted include official land use maps and/or digital data made available by a governing Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) or other designated government body. Most facilities for which an Airport Influence Area has been designated are included an the "California Airports List" maintained by the California Department of Transportation's Division of Aeronautics. Not disclosed in this Report are public use airports that are not in the "California Airports List", airports that are physically located outside California, heliports and seaplane bases that do not have regularly scheduled commercial service, and private airports or military air facilities unless specifically identified in the "California Airports List". If the seller has actual knowledge of an airport in the vicinity of the subject property that Is not disclosed In this Report, and that Is material to the transaction, the seller should disclose this actual knowledge in writing to the buyer. Most facilities for which an Airport Influence Area has been designated are included on the "California Airports List" maintained by the California Department of Transportation's Division of Aeronautics. The inclusion of military and private airports varies by County, and heliports and seaplane bases are not included, therefore, airports in these categories may or may not be included in this disclosure. NOTE: Proximity to an airport does not necessarily mean that the property is exposed to significant aviation noise levels. Alternatively, there may be properties exposed lo aviation noise that are greater than two miles from an airport. Factors that affect the level of aviation noise include weather, aircraft type and size, frequency of aircraft operations, airport layout, flight patterns or nighttime operations. Buyer should be aware that aviation noise levels can vary seasonally or change if airport usage changes. PUBLIC RECORD: Based on officially adopted lane use maps and/or digital data made publicly available by the governing ALUC or other designated government body. If the ALUC or other designated government body has not made publicly available a current officially adopted airport influence area map, then California law states that "a written disclosure of an airport within two (2) statute miles shall be deemed to satisfy any city or county requirements for the disclosure of airports in connection with Jransfers of real property." REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported along with the facility name(s) and the "Notice of Airport in Vicinity" if any portion of the Property Is situated within either (a) an Airport Influence Area as designated on officially adopted maps or digital data or (b) a two (2) mile radius of a qualifying facility for which an official Airport Influence Area map or digital data has not been made publicly available by the ALUC or other designated governing body. ''NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is within either area. e:!O 18 • First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc .• 200 Commerce, Suite 100, IIW18, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 15 of 37 PA2019-212 @ FrrltAmtrican ff4la1vl llaunl Diu/osun,1 .. ~NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County - APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 AIRPORT NOISE DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: California Civil Code §1102.17 requires the seller(s) of residential real property who has/have actual knowledge that the property in the transaction is affected by airport use must give written notice of that knowledge, as soon as practicable, before transfer of title. Under the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Program Part 150, certain 65 decibel (dB) Community Noisa Equivalent Level (CNEL) contour maps have been produced for some airports. Not all airports have produced noise exposure maps. A property may be near or at some distance from an airport and not be within a delineated noise exposure area, but still experience aviation noise. Unless 65d8 CNEL contour maps are published, helipads and military sites are not included in this section of the Report. The Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Program is voluntary and not all airports have elected to participate. Furthermore, not all property in the vicinity of an airport is exposed to 65dB CNEL or greater average aviation noise levels. Conversely a property may be at some distance from an airport and still experience aviation noise. Buyer should be aware that aviation noise levels can vary seasonally or change if airport usage changes after a map is published or after the Report Date. FANHD uses the most seasonally conservative noise exposures provided. Federal funding may be available to help airports implement noise reduction programs. Such programs vary and may include purchasing properties, rezoning, and inst.:lating homes for sound within 65dB areas delineated on CNEL maps. Airport owners have also cooperated by imposing airport use restrictions that include curfews, modifying flight paths, and aircraft limitations. PUBLIC RECORD: Certain 65 decibel (dB) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) contour maps produced under the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Noise Compatibility Planning Program Part 150. REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shalt be reported if any portion of the Property is situated within a 65 decibel Community Noise Equivalent Level contour identified in the Public Record. "NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is situated within a 65 decibel Community Noise Equivalent Level contour identified in the Public Record. ©2016 -First American Proressional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Commerce, Suite 100. Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (600) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 16 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ Fil'IIA.,,.,;.,. N•rur.1J Haan/ Di1®so~s ... iNHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property'') Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION DUCT SEALING & TESTING REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION: According to the California Energy Commission ("CEC") most California homes have improperly sealed central air conditioning and heating system ducts such that approximately 30 percent of the conditioned air actually leaks outside the home. Effective July 1, 2014, in order to combat this waste of energy and money, the CEC updated its residential duct sealing and testing requirements in the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24). Previously, such duct sealing and testing was required only in certain CEC-designated climate zones when a central air conditioner or furnace is installed or replaced. The revised standards now make duct sealing and testing mandatory in all California climate zones when such a system Is installed or replaced. Ducts found to leak more than 15 percent or more must be repaired. Once a contractor tests and fixes these ducts, you must have an approved third-party verifier determine that the ducts have been properly sealed. The CEC cautions homeowners that a contractor who fails to obtain a required building permit and fails to test and repair your ducts "is violating the law and exposing you to additional costs and liability." If you do not obtain a permit, you may be required to bring your home into compliance with code requirements for that work and may incur additional penalties and fines that have to be paid prior to selling your home. Remember that ycu have a duty to disclose whether you obtained required permits for work performed to prospective Buyers and appraisers. Local governments may mandate more stringent requirements. Please note there are specific alternatives that allow high efficiency equipment and added duct insulation to be installed instead of fixing duct leaks. Please also be advised that there are separate regulations which govern duct insulation levels required by climate zone and HVAC system. For more information please contact the California Energy Commission or visit the official CEC "2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards" portal at: http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2013standards/index.html PUBLIC RECORD: 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24). REPORTING STANDARD: "WITHIN" shall be reported regardless of CEC-designated climate zone pursuant to the revised Title 24 Standards. COOLING AND HEATING ENERGY-EFFICIENCY ADVISORY Effective January 1, 2015, new federal energy-efficiency standards apply to the repair and replacement of residential healing, ventilation and air conditioning ("HVAC") systems. The new standards raise the minimum efficiency requirements for air conditioning systems and certain types of healing systems. Energy efficiency is measured by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio ("SEER"), which compares the amount of cooling (or heating) output by an HVAC system to the amount of energy (electricity or gas) input over its operating season. The higher the system's SEER value, the more energy-efficient ii is and the lower the unit cost of cooling (or heating) a home. For the first time, federal minimum-efficiency standards will vary by region. Prior to 2015 one standard, called SEER 13, applied nationwide. Now, in California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico (the Southwestern Region), SEER 13 has been replaced by the more efficient SEER 14 standard. In the Southwestern Region the new rule allows repairs to existing SEER 13-compliant systems. However, in many cases a full system replacement (both the indoor and outdoor unit) will be necessary to make the system compatible, and replacement is allowed only with a SEER 14-compliant unit. The higher standard may increase the replacement cost to the property owner because the SEER 14 efficiency improvements require increased complexity of the new equipment, and the SEER 14 units may not fit in the existing space, requiring structural modifications at the owner's expense. In some cases the SEER 14 standard could double the cost of replacement over the earlier replacement cost. For applicable details and codes, see the California Energy Commission web page at: http://www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2013standards/residenlial manual.html (The new federal standards go into effect on January 1, 2015, which is six months after the July 1, 2014, effective date of the 2013 Standards.) ©2018 -First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Commerce, Sulie 100. trvi11e. CA 92002 Phone: (800) 527.()027 Fax· (800) 854-9625 Page 17 of 37 PA2019-212 F"nl~rad lulu,al Hu•rd D11dosa~i• ~NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 STATEWIDE RIGHT TO FARM DISCLOSURE DISCUSSION: California has a "Right to Farm Act" (Civil Code Section 3482.5) to protect farming operations. When agricultural land within the State's agricultural areas is bought and sold, the purchasers are often not made aware of the fact that there are right-to-farm laws. This has lead to confusion and a misunderstanding of the actual uses of the land or uses of the surrounding agricultural lands. In 2008 the State of California enacted Assembly Bill 2881 to limit the exposure of farmers to nuisance lawsuits by homeowners in neighboring developments. The mechanism of this bill is a formal notification of the Buyer, through a "Notice of Right to Farm" in an expert disclosure report that advises the Buyer if the subject property is within one mile of fa nm land as defined in the bill. If the seller has actual knowledge of an agricultural operation in the vicinity of the subject property that Is not disclosed in this Report, and that is material to the transaction, the seller should disclose this actual knowledge in writing to the Buyer. PUBLIC RECORD: Based on the most current available version of the "Important Fanmland Map" issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, utilizing solely the county-level GIS map data, if any, available on the Division's Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program website, pursuant to Section 11010 of the Business and Professions Code, and Section 1103.4 of the California Civil Code. REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" shall be reported and the ''Notice of Right to Farm" provided if any portion of the Property is situated within, or within ona mile of, a parcel of real property designated as "Prime Farmland," "Farmland of Statewide Importance," "Unique Familand," "Farmland of Local Importance," or "Grazing Land" in the public record. "NOT IN" shall be reported if no portion of the Property is within that area. Some counties, or parts thereof, are not included in the Public Record because they have not been mapped for farmland parcels under this State program. Typically, this is because the county area is public land and not planned for incorporation, or, in the case of San Francisco, the county is entirely incorporated. In those instances, we report "Map Not Available" above, or "Map NIA" in the table of summary determinations at the beginning of this Report. @2018 -First America., Professional Real Estate Seivlces, Inc. -200 Connnerce, Sul19100. lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone· (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800} 854-9625 Page 18 of 37 PA2019-212 Rr,1Am,rl<o,, N11 ■rvl ll•urd DinJoun.a ... ~NHD Residential Property Disch ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 NOTICE OF MINING OPERATIONS DISCLOSURE If the Property has been determined to be located within one (1) mile of a reported mining operation(s), the following notice is provided as mandated by California law: NOTICE OF MINING OPERATIONS This property is located within one mlle of a mine operation for which the mine owner or operator has reported mine location data to the Department of Conservation pursuant to Section 2207 of the Public Resources Code, Accordingly, the property may be subject to inconveniences resulting from mining operations. You may wish to consider the impacts of these practices before you complete your transaction. DISCUSSION: Historically mining operations have been located in remote areas. However, increasing urbanization has resulted in some residential projects being developed near existing mining operations. California Public Resources Code §2207 requires owners and operators of mining operations to provide annually specific information to the California Department of Conservation ("DOC"), Including but not limited to, (i) ownership and contact information, and (ii) the latitude, longitude, and approximate boundaries of the mining operation marked on a specific United States Geological Survey map. The Office of Mining Reclamation ("OMR") is a division of the DOC. Using the mandatory data specified above, OMR provides map coordinate data that can be used by GIS systems to create points representing mine locations ("OMR Maps"). For more information please visit OMR's Mines Online Map Viewer (http:f/maps.conservation.ca.gov/mol/index.html). Effective January 1, 2012, California Civil Code §1103.4 requires the seller of residential property to disclose to a Buyer if the residential property is located with one (1) mile of mining operations as specified on OMR Maps. Special Notes: 1. This statutory disclosure does not rely on the OMR's "AB 3098 List," a list of mines regulated under the Surface Mining and Redamation Act of 1975 ("SMARA") that meet provisions set forth under California Public Resources Code §2717(b). The AB 3098 List does not include map coordinate data as required under California Public Resources Code §2207 and may not include all mining operations subject to the "Notice of Mining Operations" disclosure. 2. This "Notice of Mining Operations" disclosure is not satisfied by disclosing abandoned mines. An abandoned mine is NOT an operating1 mine. California Civil Code §1103.4 is satisfied only by disclosing based on OMR Maps. PUBLIC RECORD: Mining operations as provided on OMR Maps made publicly available by DOC pursuant to California law. REPORTING STANDARD: "IN" is reported if any portion of the Property is located within a one (1) mile radius of one or more mining operation(s) identified in the Public Record for which map coordinate data is provided. if "IN", U,e name of the mining operation(s) as it appears in U,e Public Record is also reported. "NOT IN" is reported if no portion of the Property is located within a one (1) mile radius of a mining operation specified on OMR Maps. ®2018 -First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Cor.unerce, Suite 100. Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527--0027 Fax: (BOO) 854-9625 Page 19 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ FinrAm<ncan /'l.al•ral H•urd {)udasuru• ~NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property'') Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Part 4. General Advisories REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER DATABASE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT ("MEGAN'S LAW") Notice: Pursuant to Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about specified registered sex offenders is made available to the public via an Internet Web site maintained by the Department of Justice at www.meganslaw.ca.gov. Depending on an offender's criminal history, this information will include either the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and ZIP Code in which he or she resides. DISCUSSION: California law (AB 488), signed by the Governor on September 24, 2004, provides the public with Internet access to detailed information on registered sex offenders. The Sex Offender Tracking Program of the California Department of Justice (DOJ) maintains the database of the locations of persons required to register pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 290.46 of the Penal Code. The online database is updated with data provided by local sheriff and police agencies on an ongoing basis. It presents offender information in 13 languages; may be searched by a sex offender's specific name, zip code, or city/county; provides access to detailed personal profile information on each registrant; and includes a map of your neighborhood. Callfomla Department of Justice Information Sources: Megan's Law Sex Offender Locator Web Site: http:/lwww.meganslaw.ca.gov California Department of Justice Megan's Law Email Address: meqanslaw@doj.ca.gov Local Information Locations For The Property: All sheriffs departments and every police department in jurisdictions with a population of 200,000 or more are required to make a CD-ROM available free to the public for viewing. Although not required, many other law enforcement departments in smaller jurisdictions make the CD-ROM available as well. Please call the local law enforcement department to investigate availability. The following are the law enforcement departments in your county that are REQUIRED to make information available: Orange County Sheriffs Department Anaheim Pollce Department Santa Ana Police Department Explanation and How to Obtain lnfonnation (714) 647-7040 (714) 765-4311 (714) 245-8300 For over 50 years, California has required certain sex offenders to register with their local law enforcement agencies. However, information on the whereabouts of the sex offenders was not available to the public until implementation of the Child Molester Identification Line in July 1995. The available information was expanded by California's "Megan's Law" in 1996 (Chapter 908, Stats. of 1996). Megan's Law provides certain information on the whereabouts of "serious" and "high-risk" sex offenders. The law specifically prohibits using the information to harass or commit any crime against the offender. The Information on a registered sex offender includes: name and known aliases; age and sex; physical description, including scars, marks and tattoos; photograph, if available; crimes resulting in registration; county of residence; and zip code {from last registration). Accessing the online database requires agreement to the DOJ's terms of use on the web page. @2018 • First American Prole5slonal Real Estate S81Vices, Inc,• 200 c~mmerce, Suite HJO. lrvlne. CA 92d02 Phone: (800) 527.0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 20 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ m,Aatrraa N.,1blll./ Jlaz•rd Dis.rlou1ffl" ,NHD Residential Property Disclo e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 GAS AND HAZARDOUS LIQUID TRANSMISSION PIPELINE DATABASE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT DISCUSSION: Following a number of pipeline disasters in the U.S., such as the 2010 San Bruno explosion in Northern California, there is an increased awareness of the potential dangers associated with underground transmission pipelines. As a result, the California Legislature unanimously passed Assembly Bill 1511 (Bradford), signed by Governor Jerry Brown on July 13, 2012. This law, which becomes effective January 1. 2013, is chaptered as California Civil Code Section 2079.10.5 and mandates the disclosure of the following notice to Buyers: NOTICE REGARDING GAS AND HAZARDOUS LIQUID TRANSMISSION PIPELINES This notice is being provided simply to inform you that information about the general location of gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines is available to the public via the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) Internet Web site maintained by the United States Department of Transportation at http://www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov/. To seek further information about possible transmission pipelines near the property, you may contact your local gas utility or other pipeline operators in the area. Contact information for pipeline operators is searchable by ZIP Code and county on the NPMS Internet Web site. (California Civil Code Section 2079.10.S(a)) Civil Code Section 2019.10.5(c) adds, "Nothing in this section shall alter any existing duty under any other statute or decisional law imposed upon the seller or broker, including, but not limited to, the duties of a seller or broker under this article, or the duties of a seller or broker under Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1102) of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of Part 4 of Division 2." Such "existing duties" include the disclosure of actual knowledge about a potential! hazard, such as may be created by the delivery of a letter from the local utility company informing the seller that a gas transmission pipeline exists within 2,000 feet of the Property. Beginning on the law's January 1, 2013, effective date, except where such"existing duties" apply, "Upon delivery of the notice to the transferee of the real property, the seller or broker is not required to provide information in addition to that contained in the notice regarding gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines in subdivision (a). The information in the notice shall be deemed to be adequate to inform the transferee about the existence of a statewide database of the locations of gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines and information from the database regarding those locations." (California Civil Code Section 2079.10.S(b)) The disclosure of underground transmission pipelines helps the parties In a real estate transaction make an informed decision and is In the best interest of the public. Buyer should be aware that, according to the NPMS Internet Web site, gas and/or hazardous liquid transmission pipelines are known to exist In 49 of California's 58 counties, the exceptions being in rural mountainous parts of the state. Every home that utilizes natural gas is connected to a gas "distribution" pipeline, which is generally of smaller size and lower pressure than a transmission pipeline. For More Information To investigate whether any pipeline easement (right-of-way) exists on the Property, Buyer should review the Preliminary Tille Report. Buyer should consult an attorney for Interpretation of any law. This notice Is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. @2018 • First AAJerk:an Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Comml!IW, Sulli! 100. lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone: (300) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 21 of 37 PA2019-212 FrruJ\m«tem Na1ural lluard Din'"ures·• ,NHD Residential Property Disclo e Reports Natural Haza.rd Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 METHAMPHETAMINE CONTAMINATED PROPERTY DISCLOSURE ADVISORY DISCUSSION: According to the "Methamphetamine Contaminated Property Cleanup Act of 2005" a property owner must disclose in writing to a prospective buyer if local health officials have issued an order prohibiting the use or occupancy of a property contaminated by meth lab activity. The owner must also gi11e a copy of the pending order lo the buyer to acknowledge receipt in writing. Failure to comply with these requirements may subject an owner to, among other things, a civil penalty up to $5,000. Aside from disclosure requirements, this new law also sets forth procedures for local authorities to deal with meth-contaminated properties, includirg the filing of a lien against a property until the owner cleans up the contamination or pays for the cleanup costs. @2016 • Fl11t Amencan Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Commerce, s~11e 100, Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 22 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ RmAmer.ican N.tunJHanrdDirdnam" NHD Residential Property Disclo a Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") · · Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 MOLD ADVISORY DISCUSSION: The Buyer is hereby advised that naturally occurring molds may exist both inside and outside of any home and may not be visible t'o casual inspection. Persons exposed to extensive mold levels can become sensitized and develop allergies to the mold or other health problems. Extensive mold growth can damage a structure and its contents. All prospective purchasers of residential and commercial property are advised to thoroughly inspect the Property for mold. Be sure to inspect the Property inside and out for sources of excess moisture, current water leaks and evidence of past water damage. As part of a buyer's physical inspection of the condition of a property, the buyer should consider engaging an appropriate and qualified professional to inspect and test for the presence of harmful molds and to advise the buyer of any potential risk and options available. This advisory is not a. disclosure of whether harmful mold conditions exist at a property or not. No testing or inspections of any kind have been performed by The Company. Any use of this form is acknowledgement \;Ind acceptance that The Company does not disclose, warrant or indemnify mold conditions at a property in any way and is not responsible in any way for mold conditions that may exist. Information is available from the California Department of Health Services Indoor Air Quality Section fact sheet entitled, "Mold in My Home: What Do I Do?" The fact sheet is available at https://archive.cdph.ca.gov/programs/lAQ/Pages/lndoorMold.aspx or by calling (510) 620-3620. The Toxic Mold Protection Act of 2001 requires that information be developed regarding the potential iss1:1es surrounding naturally occurring molds within a home. Information was written by environmental authorities for inclusion in the Residential Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Buyers, Landlords and Tenants booklet developed by the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Health Services. It is found in Chapter VII of that booklet, and includes references to sources for additional information. For local assistance, contact your county or city Department of Health, Housing, or Environmental Health. '\ 02018 • First American Professional Real Estate Selvices, Inc.• 200 Commeroa, SuilB 100, lrvk)e, CA 92602 Phon&: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 23 of37 PA2019-212 ¥ PintAmcrican N•1mral ll•unl Di•dosuni" 1NHD Residential Property Disclc e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 RADON ADVISORY DISCUSSION: For its Radon Advisory, FANHD uses the updated assessment of radon exposure published in 1999 by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Columbia University, under support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Science Foundation, and the US Department of Energy (published online at http://www2.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/radon-risk-website.h:ml). Based on this recent assessment, FANHD radon advisory is as follows: All of Callfomla's 58 counties have a predicted median annual-average llvlng-area concentration of radon below 2.0 pCI/L (picocuries per liter of indoor air)•· which is well below the EPA's guideline level of 4 pClfL and equivalent to the lowest hazard zone (Zone 3) on the 1993 EPA Map of Radon Zones. The "median concentration" means that half of the homes in a county are expected to be below this value and half to be above it. All houses contain some radon, and a few houses will contain much more than the median concentration. The only way to accurately assess long-term exposure to radon in a specific house is through long-term testing (sampling the indoor air for a year or morel. The EPA recommends that all homes be tested for radon. Columbia University's "Radon Project" website offers help to homeowners in assessing the cost vs. benefit of testing a specific house for radon or modifying it for radon reduction (see http://www.stat.co1umbja.edy/~radon/). NOTE: FANHD does not use the EPA's 1993 map for advisory purposes because that map shows "short-term" radon exposure averaged by county. It was based on "screening measurements" that were intentionally designed to sample the worst-case conditions for indoor air in US homes--using spot checks (sampling for just a few days), in the poorest air quality (with sealed doors and windows), at the worst time of the year (winter), in the worst part of the house (the basement, if one was available). These short-tenn, winter, basement measuremenis are both biased and variable compared to long-term radon concentrations (averaged over a year) in the living area of a house. Long-term concentrations are a more accurate way to judge the long-tenn health risk from radon. For the above reasons, the EPA expressly disclaims the use of its 1993 map for determining whether any house should be tested for radon, and authorizes no other use of its map for property-specific purposes. For additional information about EPA guidelines and radon testing, see "Chapter VII-Radon", in the California Department of Real Estate's Residential Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Homebuyers, Landlords and Tenants. ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT ADVISORY DISCUSSION: The Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 ("ESA"), as amended, requires that plant and animal species identified and classified ("listed'') by the Federal government as "threatened" or "endangered" be protected under U.S. law. Areas of habitat considered essential to the conservation of a listed species may be designated as "critical habitat" and may require special management considerations or protection. All threatened and endangered species -even if critical habitat is not designated for them --are equally afforded the full range of protections available under the ESA. In California alone, over 300 species of plants and animals have been designated under the ESA as threatened or endangered, and over 80 species have critical habitats designated for them. Most California counties are host to a dozen or more protected species and, in many cases, 1 O or more species have designated critical habitats within a county. ADVISORY: An awareness of threatened and endangered species and/or critical habitats is not reasonably expected to be within the actual knowledge of a seller. No federal or state law or regulation requires a seller or seller's agent to disclose threatened or endangered species or critical habitats, or to otherwise investigate their possible existence on real property. Therefore, Buyer Is advised that, prior to purchasing a vacant land parcel or other real property, Buyer should consider investigating the existence of threatened or endangered species, or designated critical habitats, on or in the vicinity of the Property which could affect the use of the Property or the success of any proposed (re)development. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Complete and current information about the threatened and endangered species in California that are Federally listed in each county-including all critical habitats designated there •• is available on the website of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Federal authority which has enforcement responsibility for the ESA. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Endangered Species Database (TESS) http:1/ecos.rws.gov/tess public/ ®2018 • First American Professional Real Estale Services, Inc.• 200 Commerce, Suite 100. Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800)854-9625 Page 24 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ rlrstAmencan N.tutr1I lfuud /Jucf05un:1"' ,NHD Residential Property Discl< ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 (" Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 ABANDONED MINES ADVISORY DISCUSSION: According to the California Department of Conservation, Office of Mine Reclamation, since the Gold Rush of 1849, tens of thousands of mines have been dug in California. Many were abandoned when they became unproductive or unprofitable. The result is that California's landscape contains many thousands of abandoned mines, which can pose health, safety, or environmental hazards on and around the mine property. Mines can present serious physical safety hazards, such as open shafts or adits (mine tunnel), and they may create the potential to contaminate surface water, groundwater, or air quality. Some abandoned mines are such massive problems as to earn a spot on the Federal Superfund environmental hazard list. No California law requires the disclosure of abandoned mines in a real estate transaction, unless the existence of an abandoned mine is within the actual knowledge of the Seller and is deemed to be a fact matenal to the transaction. The Office of Mine Redamation (OMR) and the U.S. Geological Survey maintain a database of abandoned mines -however, it is known to be incomplete and based on maps that are often decades out of date. Many mines are not mapped because they are on private land. The OMR warns that, "Many old and abandoned mines are not recorded in electronic databases, and when they are, the information may not be detailed enough to accurately define, differentiate or locate the mine feature, such as a potentially hazardous vertical shaft or horizontal adit or mine waste. " (See reference below.) Accordingly, this Report does not contain an abandoned mines disclosure from any government database or map or any other source, in order to protect the seller from liability for non-disclosure of unrecorded abandoned mines. Parties concerned about the possible existence or impact of abandoned mines in the vicinity of the Property are advised to retain a State-licensed geotechnical consultant to study the site and issue a report. Other sources of information include, but are not limited to, the State Office of Mine Reclamation at (916) 323-9198 (website: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/OMR), and the Engineering, Planning or Building Departments in the subject City and County. FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information visit the State Office of Mine Reclamation's website at: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/omr/abandoned mine lands/Pagesfindex.aspx OIL & GAS WELL ADVISORY California is currently ranked fourth in the nation among oil producing states. Surface oil production is concentrated mainly in the Los Angeles Basin and Kern County, and in districts elsewhere in the state. In recent decades, real estate development has rapidly encroached into areas where oil production has occurred. Because the state's oil production has been in decline since the 1980's, thousands of oil and gas wells have been shut down or abandoned, and many of those wells are in areas where residential neighborhoods now exist. According to the California Department of Conservation ("DOC"), to date, about 230,000 oil and gas wells have been drilled in California and around 105,000 are still in use. The majority of remaining wells have been sealed ("capped") under the supervision of the DOC's Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. A smaller number have been abandoned and have no known responsible operator -these are called "orphan" wells. The state has a special fund that pays the cost of safely capping orphan wells, however, that program is limited in its scope and progress. Buyer should be aware that, while the DOC database is the most comprehensive source available for California oil and gas well information, the DOC makes no warranties that the database is absolutely complete, or that reported well locations are known with absolute accuracy. For More lnfonnation For a search of the state's databases of oil and gas wells and sites of known environmental contamination on or near the Property, please obtain the FANHD Residential Environmental Report. For general information, visit the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources at http://www.consrv.ca.gov/dog. ©2018 • First Mterican ProfesS1onal Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Comrneroo, Suite 100. Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax. (800) 854-9625 Page 25 of 37 PA2019-212 FirsrNll!trtU11 IMtunl lt1Jurd DJ,d~un:1 • 1NHD Residential Property Disclc ·e Reports Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property'') · Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 TSUNAMI MAP ADVISORY DISCUSSION; The California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA), the University of Southern California Tsunami Research Center (USC), and the California Geological Survey {CGS) have prepared maps that depict areas of maximum tsunami inundation for all populated areas at risk to tsunamis in California (20 coastal counties). The maps were publicly released in December 2009 with the stated purpose that the maps are to assist cities and counties in identifying their tsunami hazard and developing their coastal evacuation routes and emergency response plans only. These maps specifically contain the following disclaimer: Map Disclaimer: This tsunami inundation map was prepared to assist cities and counties in identifying their tsunami hazard. It is intended for local jurisdictional, coastal evacuation planning uses only. This map, and the information presented herein, is not a legal document and does not meet disclosure requirements for real estate transactions nor for any other regulatory purpose. The California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA), the University of Southern California (USC), and the California Geological Survey {CGS) make no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy of this inundation map nor the data from which the map was derived. Neither the State of California nor USC shall be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages with respect to any claim by any user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of this map. A tsunami is a series of ocean waves or surges most commonly caused by an earthquake beneath the sea floor. These maps show the maximum tsunami inundation line for each area expected from tsunamis generated by undersea earthquakes and landslides in the Pacific Ocean. Because tsunamis are rare events in the historical record, the maps provide no information about the probability of any tsunami affecting any area within a specific period of lime. Although these maps may not be used as a legal basis for real estate disclosure or any other regulatory purpose, the CGS has, however, provided diagrams of the maps online which the public can view. To see a maximum tsunami inundation map for a specific coastal community, or for additional information about the construction and/or intended use of the tsunami inundation maps, visit the websites below: State of California Emergency Management Agency, Earthquake and Tsunami Program: http://myhazards.calema.ca.gov/ University of Southern California --Tsunami Research Center: http://www.usc.edu/dapVtsunamis/2005/index.php State of California Geological Survey Tsunami Information: http:/lwww.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/geoloqic hazards/Tsunami/index.him National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency Center for Tsunami Research {MOST model): http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/time/background/mcdels.html END OF NATURAL HAZARD DISCLOSURE REPORT SECTION See Terms and Conditions at end of this Report. C2018 -First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Corrmeroo, &lilt! 100. lrvme, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax. (800) 854-9625 Page 26 of 37 PA2019-212 PlntAmfflt:a NalfrnlJHa,ar,lnisd,nwd' ~NHD Residential Property Discl1 ·e Reports Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 · ("Property") · Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 California Property Tax Disclosure Report The parties for whom this Report was prepared are the owner ("Seller'') of the Residential Property ("Property") on the Report Date, the buyer ("Buyer") of the Residential Property from Seller as of the Report Date, and their respective licensed real estate agents (:'Agents"). Seller, Buyer and the Agents are sometimes referred to herein as "Party" or "Parties." Part 1. Introduction and Summary This Tax Report section discusses the results of an electronic search of specified government lists C'Databases") containing real property tax information and geographic data concerning the Residential Property. To understand the information provided, please read this entire Report. The Resldentlal Property: IS Summary of Property Tax Determinations ISNOT A; . . . t · , . ?f. : · NO~ SL!BJECT TO .a rl/1e\lo-R~os Community Fac,ililie~ Dist~!~-. , 2~ -·----·-----·"'-. ------_._. __ -· ---... ------·--·-···-··"----·---. . ---· ---- B. X NOT SUBJECT TO a 1915 Bond Act District. 28 ·c. D. ••.. • •.•. l I' ' • • ,• , , ,,· . •. ' --•--•~--.----. ----~ ~ SUB,JECT 10 one or mo_re other direqt asse~ments. 29 --·--· ---~-·----· ·. -----· -'·-----. ' ----------~ X NOT SUBJECT TO the State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fee 34 (SRA Fee is suspended until 2031 by Assembly Bill 398 of2017). Determined by First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. THIS IS A DATABASE REPORT ONLY: The tax information in this Report only provides data derived from County Tax Assessor's Databases ("Databases") identified in this Report. While FANHD has made good faith efforts to report from the Databases as accurately as possible, the quality, accuracy, and currency ("Database Date") of the information contained in these Databases can vary greatly. For more information regarding a specific Datab~se, please read Part 2 of this Report. By use of this Report, transferee agrees this' is a Report product and not an insurance policy and is subject to the Terms and Conditions attached hereto ' and incorporated herein. This Report satisfies Seller's obligations to disclose (a) Mello-Roos and 1915 Act Bond Assessments applicable to the Residential Property as required by California Civil Code Section 1102.6b, and (b) Supplemental Taxes as required by California Civil Code Section 1102.6c. 02018 -First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200Commette, Slite 100, 11\'ile, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 27 of 37 PA2019-212 ,NHD Residential Property Oisclc ·e Reports Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property'') Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Part 2. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX/ASSESSMENT Special assessments, also referred to as direct or fixed assessments, are charges that are not based on the value of the property. These charges are levied to provide funding for services or improvements that directly benefit the property. Mello Roos Community Facility Districts and 1915 Bond Districts are also classified as special assessments. Certain special assessments may be subject to accelerated foreclosure if allowed to go delinquent. TO THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER OF THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AT THE ADDRESS REFERENCED ABOVE: THIS IS A NOTIFICATION TO BUYER PRIOR TO PURCHASING THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. A. Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts This Residential Property Is NOT SUBJECT to Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts. Database Date: 2017-2018 B. 1915 Bond Act Assessment Districts This Residential Property is NOT SUBJECT to 1916 Bond Assessment Districts. Database Date: 2017-2018 C. Accelerated Foreclosure Information Certain assessment or bond issues may contain accelerated foreclosure liens which have priority over other real property taxes and are a legal right included as part of the security for the obligation. The issuers of such bonds are often contractually required to monitor and collect delinquent assessments quickly. Accordingly these assessments are not subject to the five (5) year waiting period applicable to ad valorem real property taxes. If the real property is subject to such an assessment and the taxes are not paid promptly, the real property may be foreclosed upon and sold at public auction on an expedited basis. Therefore, it is extremely important that the real property tax bill be paid on time to prevent the accelerated foreclosure. D. Notice of Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program Property assessed clean energy (PACE} programs allow property owners to finance energy eff,ciency, water efficiency and renewable energy projects on residential and commercial structures through a voluntary special tax assessment on the property. PACE programs are offered by many city, county and regional planning agencies, and have repayment periods ranging from 5 to 20 years however some may be longer. WHAT THIS MEANS: If a property owner voluntarily enters into a PACE program, a contractual assessment lien is placed on the property. The lien is repaid through installments collected on the property owner's secured county property tax bill. In certain situations the program administrator may bill the property owner directly. If the property is sold and the contractual assessment is not repaid in full. the new owner may be responsible for future assessments contributing towards repayment of the PACE contract. DISCLOSURES AT RESALE: A PACE lien runs with the land. This means that the responsibility to repay the PACE lien may fall to the new owner upon transfer of the property unless the lien is paid off before closing. This fact may be material to a buyer's decision to purchase or price offered for the property. In addition, the buyer's lender may require the lien to be paid in full before closing (for certain federally backed mortgages, for example). Therefore, the property seller and his or her real estate agent may have a duty to disclose the existence of a PACE lien on the sale property. DISCLAIMER: This Property Tax Report only discloses PACE special taxes documented in the county's 2017- 2018 property tax roll. The Report does not include PACE special taxes first assessed or recorded after FANHD obtained this tax roll information. To discover a PACE llen on the Property executed more recently, the buyer should read the preliminary tltle report and obtain and read all exceptions listed therein. Note that, In the title report, lien exceptions are named as recorded with the county; therefore, a PACE lien may be listed under a name that Is not obvious. E. Approved Assessment Districts Which Have Been Formed and Authorized But Are Not Yet Funded Certain assessment districts may have been formed and authorized but have not yet been funded. Accordingly no assessment lien will appear in the County Assessor records. However, the information regarding such districts may appear on your preliminary report issued by a tiUe company. If the assessment district has not been formed or funded, the improvements have also not been constructed. If the district is subsequently formed, the assessments may then appear on the property tax bill. 02018. First AmerlcAn Professional Real Estate Services, Inc .• 200 c0111merte, Suite 100. ll'fine. CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 28 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ "HD Residential Property Disclo t Reports Fin.,Aml!!nicM N11,11'lll Huard Db•elt>Surr:&• Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property'') Part 3. Current Property Tax Bill Summary A. Summary of 2017-2018 Property Tax BIii APN: 052-133-16 Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 The following is a summary of Database infonnation obtained from the ORANGE COUNTY Secured Property Tax Roll for Tax Year 2017-2018 ("Database Date"). This summary is provided for informational purposes only. The summary includes Ad Valorem taxes which are based on the property's Assessed Value as well as other Non-Ad Valorem Direct or Special Assessments. Upon transfer of ownership, the Assessed Value may be reset to the Current Market Value or Sale Price which may result in a substantial change in the Ad Valorem taxes assessed. Please see Parts 4 and 5 of this Report for more information regarding Ad Valorem taxes and Supplemental taxes. Total Assessed Value: 1st Installment Due 11/01/2017 2nd Installment Due 02/01/2018 Total Annual Tax Liability General Ad Valorem Taxes AGENCY ORANGE COUNTY $317,666.00 $1,849.95 $1,849.95 $3,699.90 DESCRIPTION GENERAL ADVALOREM TAXES TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES Direct and/or Special Assessments AGENCY DESCRIPTION ORANGE COUNTY VECTOR VECTOR CONTROL CHG CONTROL DISTR ORANGE COUNTY VECTOR MOSQ,FIRE ANT ASSMT CONTROL DISTR MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Ml/VD WATER STDBY CHG ORANGE CO SANITATION DIST OCSD SEWER USER FEE TOTAL DIRECT ASSESSMENTS B. Available Senior Citizen Exemptions AMOUNT CONTACT PHONE $3,348.66 714-834-2727 $3,348.66 AMOUNT CONTACT PHONE $1,92 (800) 273-5167 $6,72 (800) 273-5167 $11.60 (714) 963-3058 $331.00 714-834-2727 $351.24 Certain districts that levy special taxes or assessments may offer exemptions to Senior Citizens. These exemptions can result in substantial savings to qualified tax payers. The filing of an application along with annual renewal may be required. Below is the contact information for requesting details on filing exemptions for districts that may offer a Senior Citizen Exemption. Additional Direct Assessment Districts may offer exemptions. Therefore you may want to contact the districts to determine their policy on Senior Citizen Exemptions. No Senior Citizen Exemptions listed as of the most recent update from the County. See Part 4B for additional information on other exemptions that may be available to Buyer. ©2018 • First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Commerce, Suile 100. Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 29 or 37 PA2019-212 ~NHD Residential Property Discl1 re Reports First AIDt'nNff f/4tvnJ U•r•rd Dfulosarc,"" Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") APN: 052-133-16 Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Part 4. Estimating Property Taxes After the Sale Instantly calculate estimated property taxes and supplemental taxes on our website (or manually calculate them below): https://o:derform. fanhd. com/Order/TaxCalcForm?guid =852F98D930BE4811873560F99F 3951 FB A. Calculating Property Taxes After Sale (ESTIMATE ONLY) PROPERTY TAX ESTIMATOR The following calculation method is provided to assist Buyer in estimating the approximate amount of property tax charges that the Residential Property may be subject to for the upcoming tax year based on the assessed valuation being equal to the sales price. The amount derived is only an estimate and is not a substitute for a tax bill from the County, nor does it anticipate new property tax charges, fees or other changes in the property tax rates for future tax years. 1 Estimated Sales Price............................................................................................................... • $ ----- 2 Estimated Ad Valorem Tax Rate............................................................................................... • 2 0.0105400 3 Multiply line 1 by line 2. This is your Estimated Ad Valorem Tax.............................................. • 3 $ ----- 4 Direct Assessments including Mello Roos Special Taxes and 1915 Bond Act Assessments if applicable ................................................................................................................................... 4 $ 351.24 ----- 5 Add lines 3 and 4. Total Estimated Annual Tax Amount After Sale........................................... • 5 $ ----- The information in this subparagraph A is an estimate only. The purpose of this "ESTIMATOR" is to assist Buyer in planning for property taxes which will be applicable after the Sale Date. This "ESTIMATOR" requires the Buyer's projection of the purchase price of the Residential Property. Please note tha! potential exemptions and exclusions are not reflected In this estimate. Additionally, undeveloped or recently developed properties may be subject to additional Direct Assessments not included in this estimate FANHD is not responsible or liable for any losses, liabilities or damages resulting from use of this Property Tax Estimator. B. Exemptions & Exclusions to Ad Valorem Taxes California law provides certain exemptions from reassessments. The following is a list of common exemptions which may be available: • Homeowner exemption (California Constitution Art XIII, §3 & R& T Code §218) • Honorably discharged veterans (California Constitution Art XIII, §3 & R& T Code §205) • Disabled veterans (California Constitution Art XIU, §4 & R& T Code §205) California law also provides certain exclusions from reassessment. The following is a list of common exclusions which may be available: • Persons over 55 years of age (R&T Code§ 69.5) • Severely and permanently disable persons (R&T Code§ 69.S(a)) • Transfers between parents and children and grandparents and grandchildren (R& T Code § 63.1) • Transfers into revocable trusts (R&T Code§ 62) • lnterspousal transfers (R&T Code§ 63) • Improvements for seismic retrofitting (R&T Code§ 74.5) • Improvements for disabled access (R&T Code§ 74.3) • Replacement of property damaged or aestroyed by disaster (R& T Code § 69) In order to determine if Buyer may qualify for any exemptions or exclusions or to obtain a comprehensive list of available exemptions and exclusions. please contact the county tax assessor's office (714-834-2727) or visit the county website at http:ffocgov.com/gov/assessor. Additional information is also available on the website for the California Board of Equalization at www.boe.ca.gov @2018 • Rrst American Professional Real Eslale Services, Inc.• 200 Commerce, Sulle 100, Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 30 of37 PA2019-212 NHD Residential Property Disclc ~ Reports """'""'""" Property Tax Disclosure Report Nat um I J/114,d DM>el~ura-. For ORANGE County Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Part 5. Supplemental Property Tax Information A. General Information Regarding Supplemental Taxes APN: 052-133-16 Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 California law mandates the county assessor to reappraise real property upon a change in ownership or completion of new construction. The assessor's office issues a supplemental assessment which reflects the difference between the prior assessed value and the new assessment. This value is prorated based on the number of months remaining in the fiscal tax year which ends June 30. Notices of the supplemental assessment are mailed out to the property owners prior to the issuance of the supplemental tax bill or refund if the value Is reduced. The taxes or refund based on the supplemental assessment are in addition to the regular annual tax bill. The supplemental tax will be due from the current owner in addition to the regular tax assessment. Accordingly for the first year of ownership, Buyer should plan for this additional payment. B. Supplemental Property Tax Disclosure The following notice is mandated by California Civil Code Section 1102.6c: NOTICE OF YOUR "SUPPLEMENTAL" PROPERTY TAX BILL "California property tax law requires the Assessor to revalue real property at the time the ownership of the property changes. Because of this law, you may receive one or two supplemental tax bills, depending on when your loan closes. The supplemental tax bills are not mailed to your lender. If you have arranged for your property tax payments to be paid through an impound account, the supplemental tax bills will not be paid by your lender. It is your responsibility to pay these supplemental bills directly to the Tax Collector. If you have any question concerning this matter, please call your local Tax Assessor or Collector's Office." ORANGE County Assessor Phone: 714-834-2727 Website: http://ocgov.com/gov/assessor @2018 -First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200 Commerce, Sulle 100. lttine, CA 92602 Phone· (800) 527--0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 31 of 37 PA2019-212 Fm, Am«icu N1tflml H-,ard fJudtnW'ff ... \!HD Residential Property Disclc t Reports Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 C. Calculating Supplemental Taxes After Sale (ESTIMATE ONLY) Instantly calculate estimated property taxes and supplemental taxes on our website (or manually calculate them below): https://orderform. fanhd.com/O;der/TaxCalcF orm?guid=852F98D930BE4811873580F99F3951 FB. SUPPLEMENTAL TAX ESTIMATOR The following schedule is provided to estimate the potential amount of the supplemental taxes on a given property and does NOT include the amount of the regular annual ad valorem property tax. The following calculation provides an estimate of the supplemental property taxes that can be expected during the first year of ownership, and should be used for planning purposes only. 1 Estimated Sales Price ............................................................................................................... • 1 $ ----- 2 Estimated Current Assessed Value........................................................................................... , 2 $ 317,666.00 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1. Estimated Supplemental Assessed Value................................................................................. • 3 $ ----- 4 Multiply line 3 by 0.Q105400 (the Estimated Ad Valorem Tax Rate for the Residential Property). • 4 $ Estimated Full-Year Supplemental Tax Obligation................................................................... ----- If the Sale Date for the Residential Property falls during the months of January through May, Buyer will receive TWO supplemental tax bills: (a) one for the current partial tax year; and (b) one for the next full tax year. The supplemental taxes can be estimated by completing lines 5 through 8 below: 5 Enter the Month-of-Sale Factor from TABLE 1 below.............................................................. , 5 6 Multiply line 4 by line 5. Estimated Supplemental Tax Bill # 1................. .............. .. ..... ..... ......... ..... ..... .... ..... .................. • 6 $ ----- 7 Enter the amoont on line 4. Estimated Supplemental Tax Bill # 2........ .... ...... .... ..... ...... .......... .... .......... ..... ......... ...... .... .. ..... . • 7 $ ----- 8 Add lines 6 and 7. Total estimated Supplemental Tax Bill ......................................................... , 8 $ ----- If the Sale Date for the Residential Property falls during the months of June through December, Buyer will receive ONE supplemental tax bill, The supplemental tax can be estimated by completing lines 9 and 10 below: 9 Enter the Month-of-Sale Factor from TABLE 2 below.............................................................. • 9 10 Multiply line 4 by line 9. Total estimated Supplemental Tax Bill ................................................ • 10 $ ----- TABLE 1. Month-of-Sale Factor TABLE 2. Month-of-Sale Factor Jan 0.4167 Jun 1.0000 Feb 0.3333 Jul 0.9167 Mar 0.2500 Aug 0.8333 Apr 0.1667 Sept 0.7500 May 0.0833 Oct 0.6667 Nov 0.5833 Dec 0.5000 The information in this subparagraph C is an estimate only. The purpose of this "ESTIMATOR" is to assist Buyer in planning for the supplemental taxes. The estimated supplemental tax is not a substitute for the supplemental bill and may not be relied upon as such. This "ESTIMATOR" requires the Buyer's projection of the purchase price of the Residential Property as well as month in which the transaction will be consummated. Please note that potential exemptions and exclusions are not reHected in these ©2018 -First Ameiican Profess1011al Real Estate Services, Inc. • 200 Commerce, Suite 100, lr.lne, CA 92602 Phone: (600) 527-0027 Fax: (800-j 854-9625 Page 32 of 37 PA2019-212 \NHD Residential.Property Disch ·e Reports Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Prop,erty· Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") · · Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 estimations FANHD is not responsible or liable for any losses, liabilities or damages resulting from use of this Supplemental Tax Estimator. 02018 • Fnt Amelican P1ofessional Real Estate Seivices, Inc. -200 Commen:e, Suite 100, livlne, CA 92e02 Phone: (800) 527--0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 33 of37 PA2019-212 ~HD Residential Property Dlsclc t Reports Prop_erty T-x Dlselosure Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") · Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 .Part 6. State Responsibility Area Fire._Prevention Fee In 2011, the California Legislature and Governor enacted a "Fire. Prevention Fee" on habitable structures in the State's wildland fire responsibility area ("SRA"). The yearly· fee, levied on property owners, paid for various activities to prevent and suppress wildfires in the SRA, and was most recently at the rate _of $152.33 per habitable structure on the property. Effective July 1. 2017, as authorized by Assembly Bill 398 and signed by the Governor, that fire prevention fee Is 'suspended untll 2031. · The fire prevention activities supported by the fee will continue, but instead will be funded through a different State program -one aimed at curbing Industrial emissions of carbon dioxJde (also known as Callfomia's "cap-and-trade" program). For more information, please refer to the text of the .Assembly bill at the following llnk:http:,aeqinfo.legis!ature,ca.gov/faces/biUNavClientxhtml?bm jd=201720180AB398 @2018-FirstAmerican Professional Real Estate Services, Inc. -200Conmerca, Sula 100. Irvine, CA 92602 Phone: (BOO) 52!-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 34 of 37 PA2019-212 NHD Residential Property Disch ·e Reports Property Tax Disclosure Report For ORANGE County APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 Part 7. Private Transfer Fee Advisory Private Transfer Fee. This is a fee imposed by a private entity such as a property developer, home builder, or homeowner association, when a property within a certain type of subdivision is sold or transferred. (It is commonly known as a "Private Transfer Tax".) It is NOT the same as a city or county Documentary Transfer Tax. A Private Transfer Fee may apply in addition to government Documentary Transfer Taxes that are due upon sale or transfer of the Property. Transfer Fee Defined. California Civil Code Section 1098 defines a ''Transfer Fee". Effective January 1, 2008, if the payment of any Transfer Fee Is required In the sale or transfer of the Property, Civil Code Section 1102.Se requires Seller to notify Buyer of the existence of the fee and to disclose certain specific information about the fee. How to Determine the Existence of a Transfer Fee. If a Transfer Fee does exist affecting the Property, the document creating the fee may be on file with the County Recorder as a notice recorded against the Property and should be disclosed in the preliminary {title) report on the Property. However, !he preliminary (litle) report will merely disclose the existence of the documents affecting title, not the content of the documents. The title of a document may also not be sufficient to disclose that a Transfer Fee is included in its temis. Accordingly Seller should (a) request the title company which issued the preliminary (title) report to provide copies of the documents shown as "excepiions," and (b) review each document le determine if it contains a Transfer Fee. Parties are advised that documents regarding any Transfer Fee should be obtained early in the sale process in order to avoid delays in the transaction process and to ensure f'IIII disclosure as required by law. To determine If the Property is subject to a Transfer Fee, OBTAIN COPIES OF ALL OF THE EXCEPTIONS LISTED ON THE PRELIMINARY (TITLE) REPORT FROM THE TITLE COMPANY AND READ THEM TO DETERMINE IF ANY TRANSFER FEES ARE APPLICABLE. END OF TAX DISCLOSURE REPORT SECTION See Terms and Conditions at end of this Report. @2018 • first American Professional Real Estala Serllices, Inc .• 200 Commerce, Suite 100. lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854-9625 Page 35 of 37 PA2019-212 ~ Fwl ~ N.:1tu(tl.l IIH•rtl Di•do-t1u·q ~ ,NHD Residential Property Disch ·e Reports Terms and Conditions APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 TERMS and CONDITIONS ACCEPTANCE OR USE OF THIS REPORT CONSTITUTES APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONS STATED HEREIN. The Report ('Report'') is subject to each of the following Terms and Conditions. Each Recipient (defined below) of the Report agrees that the Report Is subject to the following Terms and Conditions, and each Recipient agrees to be bound by such. Use of this Report by any Recipient constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions to the Report. The Terms and Conditions below are incorporated by this reference into the Report. This Report is not an insurance policy. This Report is made for the real property specifically descnbed in the Report (the "Property'} and solely for the transaction for which it was originally purchased ("Transac;ion"). The Property shall not include any property beyond the boundaries of the real property described in the Report. The Property shall not include any structures (whether located on the Property. or not), easements. or any right, rnle, interest, estate, or easement in any abutting streets, roads, alleys. lanes, ways, or waterways. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Transferor(s) and transferee(s) shall read the complete Report in its entireiy before the close of escrow. A "Signature Page• or "Summary Pages" document may be included in the electronic delivery of this Report. Those documents do nol replace the complete Report or remove the need lo read lhe complete Report, and do not remove the requirement to disclose. The Signature Page and Summary Pages documents are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the complete Report. A. No Third Party Reliance on This Report. Only the transferor(s) and transferee(s), and their agents/brokers, If any, involved •n the Transaction (collectively, the "Recipients") may use and rely on this Report and only after lhey have paid in full for the Report. \Mille disclosures made on the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement in the Report may indicate certain risks to lhe Property, the disclosures are only " ... between the transferor, the tran&feror's agents, and the transferee, and shall not be used by any other party, includmg, but not limited to. insurance companies, lenders, or governmental agencies, for any purpose." Cal. Civil Code section 1103.2, St;bdivision (g). B. Seller and Seller's Agent's Responsibility of Full Disclosure. Recipients are obligated to make disclosures, and always disclose material facts, Iha! are within their actual knowledge. C. Scope of Report. This Report Is limited to determining whether the Property is in those specified natural hazard zones and property lax districts, and in proximity to those specified environmental siles (depending on lhe report product ordered), as defined in the Report. The Report is not a geologic report or a land survey and no site inspection has been made in producing the Report. FANHD makes no determination, expresses no opinion or view, and assumes no responslblllly In this Report concerning the right, entitlement, or ablllly to develop or Improve lhe Property. FANHD has no Information concerning whether the Property can be developed or improved. No determination is made and no opinion is expressed, or intended, by this Report concerning structures or soils on or outside of the Property. including, withou; limitation, habitability of structures or the Property, suitability of the Property for construction or improvement. potential for soil settlement. drainage. soil subsidence. or other soil or site conditions. The Recipient(s) is advised lo consult the local Planning Department to determine whether factors beyond the scope of this Report may limit the transreree(s) ability to use or improve the Property. The Report Is not a title reporl. and no determination is made and no opinion is expressed, or intended, by this Report as to title to the Property or liens against the Property, reco,ded or otherwise, or whether the Property is comprised or legal lots in conformance with lhe California Subdivision Map Act or local ordinances. The Report is not a property inspection repat, and no determination is made and no opinion is expressed, or intended, by this Report concerning architectural, structural, mechanical, engineering, or legal matters, or the marketability or value of the Property. FANHD has not conducted any testing or physical or visual examination or Inspection of the Property, nor is this Report a substitute for any such testing, physical or visual examination, or inspection. D. Tax and Environmental Disclosures (If included In Report). No determination is made a~d no opinion is expressed. or intended. by the Report concerning the existence of property tax liabilities, or the existence of hazardous or toxic materials or substances, or any other defects. on, under. or 1n proximity to the Property, unless specifically described in the Report FANHD's total liability for any error or om1ss1on if'I its disclosures relating lo taxes and/or environmental matters shall be limited lo actual proven damages not to exceed $10,00C. E. FANHD Database Updates. Esch database used in this Report is updated by the responsible agency at various intervals. Updates for a database are determined by the responsible agency and may be made at any lime and wtthout notice. FANHD ma1nta1ns an update schedule and makes reasonable efforts to use updated information. For these reasons, FANHD reports information as of the date when the database was last updated by FAN HD. That date is specified as the "Database Dale" for each database. F. Statutory and Additional Disclosures, Advisories, and Local Addenda (if included in Report). No determination is made and no opinion 1s expressed, or intended, by this Report concerning the need to purchase earthquake or flood Insurance for the Property. In preparing the Report. FANHD accurately reported on information contained in Government Records. FANHD reviewed and relied upon those Government Records specifically identified and described in the Report. FANHD has not reviewed or relied upon any Government Records ttiat are not specifically identified in the Report. FANHD also has not reviewed any plat maps, survey maps, 61K\/eyor maps, assessor maps, assessor parcel maps, developer maps, or engineering maps, whether or not such maps have been recorded. No determination is made and no opinion Is expressed, or Intended, by the Report concerning any matters 1denUfled In Government Records that were not raviawed Dy FANH0. Local Addenda, where applicable, are Included "AS IS" as an accommodation to the local real estate board that provided the content; FANHD assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information included in the Local Addenda. G. FEMA Flood Determination Certificate (If accompanying the Report). No determination is made and no opinion 1s expressed. or intended, by the Report concerning the requirement for or cost of flood Insurance on the Property. Rec1pient(s) understands rhat a lender may require flood insurance to secure its loan collateral independent of whether FEMA may require flood insurance under the Natrona! Flood Insurance Program on a federally backed mortgage. The FEMA Flood Determination Certificate ("Flood Cert1f1cate"), which may accompany the Report, Is produced by a third-party expert certified by FEMA lo provide Flood Certificates. FANHD assumes no liability for errors in that third-party flood determination. H. Ch1mgas to Government Record after Report Date. This Report 1s issued as of the Report Date identified in the Report. FANHD shall have no obligation to advise any Recipient of any information learned or obtained after the Report Dale even if such information would modify or otherwise affect the Report. Subsequent to FANHD acquisition of Government Records, changea may be made to said Government Records and FANHD is not responsible for advising the Recipient& of any changes. FANHD will update thrs Report upon request and at 110 charge during the transaction process for which this Report was issued. but not to exceed one year from the date of the Report. Likewise, FANHD is not liable for any impact on the Property that any change to the Government Records may have. 02018 • First Amencan Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 2CO Ccmmerce Sulla tOO, lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone: (800) 527.0027 Fax· (800) 85'1·9625 Page 36 of 37 PA2019-212 ~NHD Residential Property Disch _ ·e Reports Terms and Conditions APN: 052-133-16 Property Address: 311 POINSETTIA AVE CORONA DEL MAR, ORANGE COUNTY, CA 92625 ("Property") Report Date: 06/20/2018 Report Number: 2313012 I. Government Record Sources.FANHD relies upon the Government Records specifically identified in the Report without conducting an independent investigation of their accuracy. FANHD assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the Governmem Records identified in the Report. FANHD makes no warranty or re;,resentation of eny kind, express or implied, with respect to the Report. FANHD expressly disclaims and excludes any and all other express and implied warranties, including. wdhout limitation, warranties of merchantabilitt or fitness for a particular purpose. The FAN HD Report Is "AS IS". J. Limitation of FANHD's Llablllty 1. FANHD is not responsible for: • Any inaccuracies or incompleteness of the information in the Public Records. • Inaccurate address information provided for the Property. • Any other information not contained in the Public Records as of the Report Date. • Any information which would be disclosed by a physical inspection of the Property. • Any Information known by one of the Parties. • The health or risk 10 humans or animals that may be associated with any of the disclosed hazards. • The costs or investigating or remediatlng any of the disclosed hazards. 2. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in these Terms and Conditions, FANHD's total liability anc responsibility to all Recipients collectively for any end el liabilities, causes of action, claim or claims, including but nol 5mited to claims for breach of contract or negligence, shall be for actual proven damages only caused directly by FANHD's error. In no event shall FANHD's total ~abilit~· exceed the difference between the amount ectueHy paid for the property end the fair market value on the date of the disclosure, as measured by a retrospective aporaisal performed by a licensed profes..qonal appraiser under the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. FANHD expressly disclaims any liabi~ty for Recipients' indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages, including, without limitation. lost profits, even if such damages are foreseeable, and Recipients he:-eby waive and release eny right to assert a claim against FANHD for such amounts. In the event of any error, omission or inaccuracy 1n the FANHD Report for which FANHD is liable, FANHD shall have no duty to defend or pay any attorneys' fees, costs or expenses incurred by the Recipients, or any of them. The Recipients. and each of them, expressly waive the benefits of California Civil Code Sect10n 2778 and 1542 and any other similar provisions. Section 1542 provides that "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affecled his or her settlement with the debtor." 3. This Residential Property Disclosure Report Is only intended for transactions involving Residential Real Property as defined by 12 USC § 1464{c)(6)(A). In the event that this Report is used in any other type of transaction, including but not limited to commercial transactions, the limitation of liability for FANHD in connection with thrs Report shall be limited, in all circumstances, to the cost paid for the Report. K. Reporting of Risk Elements for Condominium Projects, Planned Unit Developments, and Other Properties with Common or Undivided Interests. Because California's Residential Natural Hazard Disclosure Law requires disclosure if any portion of the Property is located w1th1n a specified natural hazard area/zone, the Report must IndIcate that the subject Property falls within the area/zone if any portion of such a condominium project, planned unit development, or common area is located within a specified hazard area/zone. L. Governing Law. The Report shall be governed by. and construed :n accordance with, the laws of the Slate or California. M. Small Claims or Arbitration. This provision constitutes an agreement to arbitrate disputes on an individual basis. Any party may bring an individual action in small claims court instead of pursuing arbitration. All disputes and claims arising out of or relating to the Report must be resolved by binding arbitration. This Report to arbitrate includes, but is not limiled to, all disputes and claims betweer. FANHD, lransferor(s) and transferee(s) and claims that arose prior to purchase of the Report. This agreement to arbitrate applies to transferor(s) and transferee(s) successors in interest, assigns. heirs, spouses, and children. As noted above, a party may elect to bring an individual action in small claims court instead of arbitration. so long as lhe dispute falls within the jurisdictional requirements of small claims court. Any arbitration must take place on an individual basis. FANHD, transferor(s) and transferee(s) agree that they are waiving any right to a jury trial and to bring or participate In a class, representative, or private auorney general action, and further agree that the arbitrator lacks the power lo consider claims for injunctive or declaratory relief, or to grant relief effecting anyone other than the individual claimant. The arbitration is governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (the "AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modifred by this Agreement, and will be administered by the AAA. Company will pay all AAA filing, administration and arbitrator fees for any arbitration it initiates and for any arbitration initiated by another party for which the value of the claims is $75,000 or less, unless an arbitrator determines that the claims have been brought in bad faith or for an improper purpose. In which case the payment of AAA fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. A COPY OF THESE RULES IS AVAILABLE FROM THE AAA'S WEB SITE AT WWW.ADR.ORG OR ON REQUEST FROM THE COMPANY. THE ARBITRATION AWARD MAY INCLUDE ATTORNEY'S FEES IF ALLOWED BY FEDERAL, STATE, OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW AND MAY BE ENTERED AS A JUDGMENT IN ANY COURT OF PROPER JURISDICTION, The arbitration will take place In the same county in which lhe property covered by the Report is localed. The Federal Arbitration Act will govern the Interpretation. applicab!llty and enforcement of this arbitration agreement. This arbitration agreement will survive the tennination of this Report. N. Severabillly. II any provision of the Tanns and Conditions to this Report is determined to be invalid or unenforceable lor any reason. then such provision shall be treated as severed from the remainder of Iha Terms and Conditions, and shall not affect the validity end enforceabIilty of all of the other provIsIons of the Terms and Conditions. 0. Other Agreements. This Report constitutes the entire. integrated agreement between FANHD and Recipients, and supersedes and replaces all prior statements. represenla~ons, negotiations, and agreements. END O_F REPORT @2018 • First American Professional Real Estate Services, Inc.• 200 Commeroe, Suite 100. lrvlne, CA 92602 Phone. (800) 527-0027 Fax: (800) 854,9625 Page 37 of 37