HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200220_PC_Proof of Publication PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 08, 2020 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Fountain Valley, California on this 21st day of February, 2020. ____________________________________ [signature] 10540 Talbert Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 7672888 - Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 [os Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach - CA11072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660-3267 Bill To: City of Newport Beach - CA11072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660-3267 7672888 - Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 [os Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 6:30 p .m . or soo n thereafter a, the ma tter sha ll be heard, a public hearing will be conducted In the Council Chambers at 100 Civic Ce nter Drive, Newport Beac h. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will consider the following application: Amendment to Setback Map No . 5-lA - Amendments 10 TIiie 20 (Zoning Code) and Title 21 (Local Coastal Progr am Implementa tion Plan) revising Setback Map No. 5-1 A to adjust the required setbacks for property located at 6501 and 6503 Seashore Drive. In conjunction with the amendments, the request includes revoca tion of Variance No. VAOOl 2 and Modificat ion Permit No. MD2343, which previously authorized setback encroachments on the site for the exlsling dwelling. The projea is ca tegorica lly exempt under Section 15305 -am 5 (Mi nor Alterations In Land Use Limitations) of the State CEQA (Cali forn ia Environmenta l Quality Act) Guidelines. All Interested parties may appear and present testimony in reg ard to this application. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to rais ing only those Issues you raised at the pu blic hearing or in writ1en correspondence delivered to the City, at, or prior to, the public hearing. Administrative procedures for appeals are provided in the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter io.64. The application may be conti nued to a specific future meeting date, and If such an action occurs, additional public notice of the continuance will not be provided. The agenda, staff report, and corresponding document., will be available by end of business day on the Fri day preceding the public hearing, and may be reviewed at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay (-1st Floor), at '100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach , CA 92660 or al the Gty of Newport Beach webs ite at www newoortbeachca.aov/olannlnacomm sslon Individuals not able to attend the meeting may comact the Planning Division or access the City's website after the meeting to review the action on this application. All mall or writ1en communications (incl uding email) from the public, residents, or applicants regard ing an agenda Item must be su bmitted by 5 p.m. on the business day immed iately prior to the mee ting. This allows time for the Planni ng Commission to adequately consider the submitted correspondence. Fo r questions regarding this public hearing item please contact David Blumenthal, AICP, Plann ing Consul tan t, at 94~44-3200 or dbluwcnthal@newooabeacbca aov Project FIiā€¢ No.: PA2019-216 Zona : R-2 (Two-Un it Resident ial) Coastal land Use Plan: RH Two Un it Residential (30.0 -39.9 DU/ACI Location : 6501 and 6503 Seashore Drive Activity No.: CA2019-008 and LC2019-007 General Plan : RT (Two-Unit Resident I al) FILING DA TE: October 22, 2019 Applicant: Pamela M. Dow Trustee of the Fe ldman Fami ly Adminis trative Trust Lee Lowrey, Secre tary, Plann ing Commission, City of Newport Beach