HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191108_Bulkhead Seawall RepairOctober 18, 2019 • ,A CONSULTING, I C. CONSUL TING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 28161 Casitas Ct. PH. (714) 717-7542 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 e-mail: p.petrov@pma-bg.com Cynthia Childs, Architect 2732 East Coast HWY, Suite B Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 RE: BULKHEAD/SEAWALL CONDITIONS REPORT FOR COAST AL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Gary & Sherri Moore; Applicant 732 Via Lido Nord City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PMA Job #29219 Dear Ms. Childs, PMA Consulting, Inc. is pleased to provide this report in accordance with Section 21.30.15.E.3 of City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. STATEMENT OF THE PREPARER'S QUALIFICATIONS Plamen Petrov, P.E., the preparer of this report, holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from University of Architecture, Structural Engineering & Geodesy of Sofia, Bulgaria, and is a Licensed Civil Engineer by the State of California Certificate No. C66947. For the last 19 years of his professional career he has been actively involved in the design and entitlement of many Waterfront Developments such as custom homes, seawalls, piers, platforms, :floating docks and marinas. A great number of Bulkhead Condition Reports prepared by him have been reviewed and accepted/approved by California Coastal Commission. All the above being said, Plamen Petrov, P .E. shall be considered a qualified preparer for the Bulkhead/Seawall Conditions Report on this project. OBSERVATION A cursory observation of the existing seawall was conducted by a representative of our office on July 22, 2019. Observed was the visible/exposed section of the waterfront face of the seawall. Due to the site conditions, existing tiebacks were not accessible; thus, not observed, but they shall exist. The condition of existing tiebacks is irrelevant though, because due to the age of the seawall, and taking into account the fact that at the old days tiebacks were installed bear steel in the ground, it is assumed that they have reached the limits of their anticipated life span, and will be replaced with new tiebacks connected to new concrete deadmen. FINDINGS The existing concrete seawall was found in a generally good condition, without noticeable PA2019-230 , evidence of distress or inf' ',ility, except for a few minor repairab y ·acks which are a normal condition for a concrete st1 -vture of this vintage. CONCLUSION Based on the cursory observation and upon review of the Architectural Drawings for the proposed development, we conclude that the existing seawall is required to protect the principal structure and site improvements on the lot , the adjacent properties, public facilities and infrastructure; thus , it can 't be removed . Removal of the seawall will result in erosion and undermining the foundations of the structures and site walls at the subject site, and both adjacent sites. Top of Concrete Deck Elevation at at+ 12.41 'NAVD88 meets and exceeds the current City of Newport Beach Standards. Once the existing seawall is reinforced in compliance with the enclosed drawings SW-0 thru SW-2 , need for a new shoreline protective devise shall not be anticipated over the economic life of the proposed development to protect it from flooding, wave runup or erosion. If found not adequate for the actual sea level rise over the next 75 years , the existing seawall assembly allows to be increased in height per the enclosed STD-601-L without further seaward encroachment. If during this period the seawall displays any sign of distress that requires immediate attention, it should be repaired or replaced at that time accordingly , without seaward encroachment from its current location. The above conclusion was prepared based on the existing conditions , proposed drawings, current projection of future Sea-Level Rise , and within the inherent limitations of this study , in accordance with generally acceptable engineering principles and practices. We make no further warranty, either expressed or implied . PMA Consulting, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to work with you towards the successful completion of your project. Should you have any questions regarding this report , please contact us . any questions regarding this report, please give us a call. Respectfully submitted, Plamen Petrov , P .E. Principal E nclosures: Seawall DWGS SW-0 thru SW-2 STD-601-L PA2019-230 N -~ z ,a u, ; -. •~'ii'-" ~ 0 ~~ g Ii " i~l8~i ;;l !n ~i ~ .~ ~~H~t ti ! ~5 ~i 0 i iifi~ Clli ~ -f f .. gli {~~ l-!2,., ::c 2; 'Tl ~f ;i ~~& ~H m 0 9•! ~~ ~ '"Ill or ;~iig~ a an 0 ~s < ./ ... ~ii~~i ~ o~ lll n ~~ i! ~ a,; 5i!2~~i :U z ~· 0~~~2 -!:" :::j ~~ n~~ ~~ ~ C -< k=> !§~ 1~ i C iii: p! n; a'~ ~ ,. .., ~§ ~~j ~, ! . ., I ,J ~~~ ~~ ! ~1 i¥M 't 0 ~~i ~i ~ f i:aa ~.,. ~ ~ i! ~ ,-.. ! 0 Cf) 10/18/19 RE INF ORC IN G THE EXISTI NG SEAWAL L LOCA TED AT: ~ 29219 732 VIA LIDO NORD """ I • M.PCTROVA NE WPORT BEACH , CA 92663 0 om:,m1 STRUCTURAL GE NERAL NOTES & VICI NITY MAP P.PETROV 0 1.NER / APPLICANT GARY & SHERRI MO ORE r------+------------------' 732 V IA LI DO NORD NEWPORT BEC H, CA 92 663 P i\lA C'on s nlfin~, In c. I •• ,..,~,u,~ + ........ J ~ ;n •• :;:1<,1r.,.,,.,.,,.1.,~,~·'•"'"'·'"'"~"- 11 •••. -... ~,~.--.~2 I .\1.,,1 I' I'.-.•• ,••I'll\,/~; .. "' m ► " " .. ;= C: z " .. 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( j i GARY & SHERRI MOORE PltlA Co11snlti11M, hie:.~ o,u~ PETR0VA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 732 VIA LIDO NORD f---,.-"-j;0~PE-T-RO-V+-S-IT_E_P_LA_N_&_EL_E_V_A-Tl-0-N----------l NEWPORT BECH, CA 92663 _c====== < ► r a 0 z 0 ;u 0 PA2019-230 (J)N6CONTEAFACE f4 TIES TY? {2)N5 EA WAYx1'-6" LONG O EACH ANCHOR ROO NOTE FOR INFORMATION NOT SHOWN, SEE OETAILffi, DEADMEN ELEVATION COUPLER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE HEAT SHRINK SLEEVE CENTERED OVER COUPLER I APPLYCORROSIONINHIBITINCGREASETOTHEBAREENOSOF THEBARSANOTHEINSIOEOFTHECOUPLER 2 CONNECTTHETWOBARENOSWlTHTHECOUPLER E/,.CHENO SHALL BE SCREWEO INTO THE COUPLER HALF THE LENGTH OF THE COUPLER J.TORCUEBARENOSTOCETHER(200FT LBS) 4 AOOAN0TH(RCOATOFGRE/,.SET08ARE8ARANOCOUPL(R ANO WRAP WITH TWO LAYERS Of" OENSO TAPE 5 CENTER HEAT SHRINK SLEEVE OVER COUPLER ANO APPLY HEATUNTILSLEEV(ISFULLYRECOVEREO DCP COUPLER DETAIL a--cc' S"S "" ""Oa<CS (NO) 1ea1s11=~ SANDBAG VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL I "' L ,N( ROW OF SAN08ACS rwoeAGS HICH TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION DETAIL NOTE: THISocrAIL SHALL APPLY AT THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF ANY EXCAVATED MATERIAL PILED UP AT THE PRO./(CT SITE IN COMPUANCE WITH ITEM 6 UNOER"EROSIONCONTROLNOTES"ONSHEETS-0 TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION R g>~C~g:r R~~"i / yf ANCHOR PLATE lxlil!,xlil!, W/ANCHOR NUT BEHIND (2)i5 VERT & HORIZ BARS • NOTE: fORINroRMATION NOT SHOWN. SEE DETAILS EB & EB CROUTSLEEVEOELET'ECROUT SLEEV£0NflEL0 CUTTt:NOONS 2LAYERSOFMOLOA8LE OENSOTAPE OV£RBAREBARAN0COUPLER SPACEBETWEENCOUPLER ANOBAR f08ECOMPLETELYFILLE0 WlTH CORROSION INHIBITING CREASE PREPARATION FOR FIELD CUT BARS: I CUT CORROSION PROTECnON ANO THREAD BAR WITH AN ABRASIVE SAW (00 NOT USE A TORCH) 2 CAREFULLY REMO\/£ 6" (±Jn CORRUGATED ANO CEII.IENT CROUT FROM THE ENO OF THE NEW CUT B G T.0.CUARORAILELEV•+tS.91' NAvbi!a-" ______ _ .. r{N)CUARORAILBY --n OTH(RSUNQERA II SEPARATE PERMIT, SEE II LANDSCAPE OWGS FOR ~~ THE HOUSE I I I I I I I I I I fil.!JRICKPATIOELE\1•+12.41' NAVOB8=1n "cQNC D£CK fLN"" ~ql~Q.BQ!.O.vLJE). _ -sTEM WALL A8oV£ rH1s uNr ls . , ~~§ :· ·! a I •I {E)POUREO-IN-PLACE----1'1 ~~~Nsr:Ma:A~~o~~CTEO :·: : I I AREAORAIN PERCIVlLTYP 1~-~ l"±FINISHBY 011,ERS (N)II.IIN4"THK g~:iRJLAB BY ~ (N) f4xl'-o• LC 0 18" OC ADHESIVE DOWELS 6" ENBEO ~ l::2 ~~:::~1\04 iA~i:ING t-•_:_i __ l ; ~~ (VERIFY W/CML) 1 J-.:-:-::::..:i_7 FORTYPCOUPk~~LT\ WHERt::REDD, V 'r ~~ J:1 CENfERLINE OFCONNTYP {E)OREOCE LINE/MUOUNE (E)CONCPAN(LS T_:~--SHOPCROUTEOFULLLENCTH ::~H THE FOLLOWING GROUT 18AG(94LBS.)TYPE111 PORTLAND CEMENT 4,5-~ CAL WATER 0.75 LBS INTRUSION AID LS -l· = -~ =·----1 : I I IC) ,,,_a,,c,_/L -~ 4:0(AOMAN, WHERE OCCUR, TOR(MAINTYP (N)TIE-6ACK PERPLANTYP ~g~C(NJe:2: TYP SEEffi TO REMAIN & BE PROTECTED--------',. INSTALL(N)FILTERCLOTH ATPANELJOINTSPERNOT'ES ON SHEET SW-0 OR SEAL PANEL JOINTS AT SAYWARD ,. )•) '., ~~7C i,6R~~~LS ro AVOID I• SEEPI.JIII 1'-6" 1•· • NOTE: I I -l· •• 1 .; .: ... ;§ i ! J ~-... =-______________ L:.J INCASEOFPROPOSEDBUILOINCFOOTINCSINTERFERE WITH THE nE-6ACl<S, DEEPEN F00TINCS PER STRUCTURAL(NCINEEROFTH(8UILOINCREOUIREMENTS ANOPROVIDESCHEOIJLE40PVCSLEEV£SFQRMINIMUM 2"CL£ARDISTANC(AR0UNOTIE-8ACl(S w a:: 0 0 ::;: r. ! TYPICAL SECTION T = """"":Y--""\_ SEAL "''" SCHE040 STEEL PIPE : SECTION -m' . t -' . PLAN ANCHOR NUT TOROUEAS R(QOBEFORE GROUTING K RAPIO.SET""""NoN-SHRINKGROUT SEALAROUNOHOLE BEFOR(CROUTING :::j <( ~g;EJ~~'iR(rO~~.PINC ~ ~~;~ ~~~~~~l~CvilTH ~ ~l~~~;:l:i:;~~EJ ~ r2 a:: w I (/) .. >-a:: c3 0 (3 ~ :i z (.) 0 :lj Q >--~ Q'. ~~ :;;w ~z NOTE: CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED BY THE CONTRACTOR NOT TO cur 1--~~ ~~E T~\T~~~~~ Ro~N~~;ch~~NOE~~II~~ 1~~;~~g:LLINC ~ ra w ~ P CORE DRILL DETAIL Q w ~ I o I I I I I I (E)POUREO-IN-PLACE I •: OYWIOAG THREAOB-.R PERPL',N CORRUGATED PVC SHEATHING(SHOP >-0 . ~ ~ ~ ~ -<( w ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ,_~"'I UJ u. <( <( ~ ...J ~ u 5 ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ii, ~1~ ~ . CROUTt:0 FULL LENCTH)lf--'--'--'---1 1 ALLVOIOS'MTHINTHESTt:ELCAPSHALLBEFILLEOWITHCORROSIQNiNHIBITOR CONCWALL~ 5"10.STOPIPE SLEEVE WELDED TOBEARINCPL.ATE CREASE QR CEMENT CROUT 2 CORROSIONINHIBITORCREASESHALLCONFORMTOTH(LATESTPTINANUAL RECOMNENOAnONS, ANO SHALL BE WATERPROOF, NON-CORROSIVE, AND NON-HARCENINCSEALINCCQl,,IPAUNO COVER CAP DETAIL NOTE: EP0XYCOATFAC(OFANYRE8ARCUT8YCOR(ORILL SW-2 U I CORE DRILL DETAIL V PA2019-230 NOTE: 2-#4 CONT. EPOXY-COATED-~ PER ASTM A934 8" CONCRETE BLOCK WALL ADDED TO TOP OF EXISTING BULKHEAD #5 @ 24" O.C. DRILL AND EPOXY BARS PER-- MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EXISTING COPING TOP OF IMPROVEMENTS 8" . " 6" -" • " MIN. ____ ",------•I EXISTING TIE R~D--:\ • • •; '. ALTERNATE "A" (CONCRETE BLOCK) 11/2" CHAMFER (TYPICAL)------ #4 CONT. EPOXY COATED A934---- CONCRETE: f'c = 5,000 PSI (MIN.)---- W /C RATIO= 0.40 (MAX.) #5 @ 24" O.C. DRILL AND EPOXY BARS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EXISTING COPING 6" TOP OF IMPROVEMENTS MIN. • I I . "'" 8" " . i " . " EXISTING TIE ROD~ _____________________ ",-------:," \-------------- ALTERNATE 11 8 11 (POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE) I • EPOXY SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C881 STANDARD AND BE USED IN STRICT ACCORD WITH THE MANUFACTURERS PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS, CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DETAIL FOR RAISING BULKHEADS APPROVED: Drawn: R. OKADA Date: JULY 2004 DRAWING NO. PROPERTY, BULKHEAD OR OTHER BAYWARD LIMIT ti) 00 w .... 1-1 0 a:: .... <C = >N .... ROUGHEN FOR BOND AND APPLY EPOXY EXISTING COPING EXISTING BULKHEAD PROPERTY, BULKHEAD OR OTHER BAYWARD LIMIT ELEVATION+ 10.0 M.L.L.W. ROUGHEN FOR BOND AND APPLY EPOXY BONDING AGENT PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. EXISTING COPING EXISTING BULKHEAD REV. 01/17 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Scale: N.T.S. STD-601-L PA2019-230