HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191108_Coastal Hazards Analysis for CDPOctober 18, 2019 PMA CONSULTING, INC. CONSUL TING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 28161 Casitas Ct. PH. (714) 717-7542 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 e-mail: p.petrov@pma-bg.com Cynthia Childs, Architect 2732 East Coast HWY, Suite B Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 RE: COAST AL HAZARDS ANALYSIS REPORT FOR COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Gary & Sherri Moore; Applicant 732 Via Lido Nord City of Newport Beach, County of Orange PMA Job #29219 Dear Ms. Childs, PMA Consulting, Inc. is pleased to provide this report regarding Coastal Hazards Analysis for the proposed development at the subject site. The site is adjacent to Newport Bay, thus it may be subject to Coastal Hazards such as, flooding, wave runup, and erosion. This study investigates the potential for the aforementioned hazards to impact the proposed development on the site over the next 75 years and addresses compliance with Coastal Hazards Analysis Report requirements and standards ofNBMC Section 21.30.15.E.2. STATEMENT OF THE PREPARER'S QUALIFICATIONS Plamen Petrov, P.E., the preparer of the Coastal Hazards Analysis Report on this project, holds a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from University of Architecture, Structural Engineering & Geodesy of Sofia, Bulgaria, and is a Licensed Civil Engineer by the State of California Certificate No. C66947. For the last 19 years of his professional career he has been actively involved in the design and entitlement of many Waterfront Developments such as custom homes, seawalls, piers, platforms, floating docks and marinas. A great number of Coastal Hazards Analysis Reports prepared by him have been reviewed and accepted/approved by California Coastal Commission. All the above being said, Plamen Petrov, P.E. shall be considered a qualified preparer for the Coastal Hazards Analysis Report on this project. Requirements in Appendix A for Step l: Establish the proiect sea level rise range for the proposed proiect's planning horizon (life of proiect) using the current best available science. The State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance 2018 update developed by the Ocean Protection Council in close coordination with Policy Advisory Committee with representation PA2019-230 from California Natural Re. .rces Agency, the Governor's Office o. d1111ing and Research, and the California Energy Commission provides a bold, science-based methodology for state and local governments to analyze and assess the risks associated with sea-level rise, and to incorporate Sea- Level Rise into their planning, permitting, and investment decisions, and it is considered the current best available science. As reflected in the clouded area of the enclosed Table 28, based upon direct interpolation of the data for High emissions 2090 & 2100 and Medium-High Risk Aversion, over the project's planning horizon of 75 years, the estimated Sea-Level Rise (SLR) for year 2094 shall be approximately 6.00', which is the Sea-Level Rise for the proposed project. Based on the highest high tide of+7.88'MLLW (7.70'NAVD88) recorded in the project area, the above established Sea-Level Rise will account for bay water level of+ 13. 70'NA VD88. Requirements in Appendix A for Step 2: Determine how physical impacts from sea level rise may constrain the project site, including erosion, structural and geologic stability, flooding, and inundation. According to the enclosed Site Plan T-1, finished 1st floor elevation of the proposed development is at +12.98' NAVD88=+13.16'MLLW which is higher than the Base Flood Elevation established for the area. Based on the SLR established in Step 1 above, 1st floor of the proposed structure will remain below High Tide sea level approximately until year of 2085. As we well know, majority of the public streets in Newport Bay area are currently at much lower elevations than the subject site and they will flood due to SLR way before the development on this site becomes subject to flooding. FLOODING HAZARD The primary hazard due to flooding from the ocean waters for this site, like majority of the sites located adjacent to Newport Bay, would be due to long term Sea-Level Rise. The current water levels in Newport Bay are reflected on the enclosed Datums for Newport Bay Entrance. According to the enclosed seawall DWGS SW-0 thru SW-2, top of the proposed Concrete Deck at Seawall shall be at+ 12.41' NA VD88 = + 12.59' MLLW, which is higher than the minimum top of seawall elevation in accordance with the current City of Newport Beach Waterfront Projects Guidelines and Standards. While Sea-Levels have been Rising for decades, higher rates of raise are forecast for the coming century because of climate change -see enclosed table 28. Increases can be attributed to warmer temperatures, which cause water to expand, as well more liquid mass caused by melting of ice caps. Current estimates of future SLR generally fall in the range of 4.5-6. 7 ft for the year 2100. Global warming may impact flooding in other ways as well. Warmer water could intensify North Pacific storms, bringing greater wind and wave energy to shoreline in winter and higher intensity precipitation. The Newport Beach Peninsula portion of the Pacific Institute California Flood Risk Map is shown herein as OE S Quadrangle. The dark blue colored areas show the areas where a 100-year Sea- Level Rise of 55 inches is added to the existing FEMA coastal flood elevation shown in light blue. Obviously, the entire Newport Bay area will be affected if sea level rises 55 inches by the year 2100. If the sea level rises in the next several decades as currently estimated, regional measures to mitigate the potential flooding hazard shall be taken. As determined in Step 2 above, 1st floor elevation of the proposed structure will remain below High Tide sea level approximately until PA2019-230 year of 2085. After that, i :cessary, the seawalls can be raised i .ccordance with the attached STD-601-L to an elevation of+ 13. 7'NA VD88 (based on 6.0 feet of SLR) without bayward encroachment of the bulkhead footprint to protect the structure on the lot from flooding. WAVERUNUP Wave runup is the uprush of water from wave action on a shore barrier intercepting Stillwater level. On steeply sloped shorelines, the rush of water up the surface of the natural beach, including dunes and bluffs, or the surface of a manrnade structure, such as revetment or vertical wall can result in flood elevations higher than those of the crest of wind-driven waves. See wave Runup Sketch below. Wave Runup Sketch Due to its location, this site is not a subject to typical ocean waves and the associated wave runup. Bay generated waves that may arrive at this site are very small wind waves and boat wakes. These types of waves are generally dampened by the moored vessels and dock systems located in front of the site and have no significant energy and runup effect. Tsunami type waves that approach from the ocean shoreline will likely not reach the site for several reasons. There is no significant near field source of a tsunami like the geologic conditions of some other places on Earth such as Japan, for example. A far field tsunami reaching the ocean shoreline will likely not reach the site because of the distance and developments between the shoreline and this site. A near or far field tsunami propagating into Newport Bay proper would likely cause a seiche or standing wave on the order of 1.3 feet traveling within the bay. Even at the highest anticipated tide in Newport Beach of + 7 .88'MLL W this shall not result in overtopping of the bulkhead/seawall. Due to its very infrequent occurrence -500-year recurrence interval -tsunami should not be considered a significant impact over the life of the proposed structure -75 years. PA2019-230 EROSION HAZARD Erosion refers to the wearing or washing away of coastal lands. Beach erosion is a chronic problem along many open ocean shores of the United States. To meet the needs for comprehensive analysis of shoreline movement, the United States Geological Survey has conducted analysis of historical shoreline changes along open ocean sandy shores of the conterminous United States and has produced an Open-File Report 2006-1219 entitled "National Assessment of Shoreline Change Part 3: Historical Shoreline Change and Associated Coastal land Loss Along Sandy Shorelines of the California Coast". The report looks at survey data of the following periods: 1800s, 1920s-1930s, and 1950s-1970s, whereas the lidar shoreline is from 1998-2002. The report looks at both long-term and short-term changes. According to the report, the average rate of long-term shoreline change for the State of California was 0.2±0.1 rn/yr., and accretional trend. The average rate of short-term shoreline change for the state was erosional; with an average rate of -0.2±0.4 rn/yr. The beach footprint of this site is stabilized and not subject to significant long-term erosion. Review and analysis of historical aerial photographs and field measurements for seawall repairs in the area show no change in the position of the shoreline over the last several decades. The future shoreline changes over the next 75 years are assumed to be the same as in the previous several decades. However, there is a rapid rate of Sea-Level Rise predicted in the next 75 years. If that prediction holds true, the rapid Sea- Level Rise may accelerate shoreline erosion, but it shall not impact the structure on the subject lot over its economic life. CONCLUSION In conclusion, flooding, wave runup and erosion will not significantly impact this property over the proposed life of the development. The existing seawall required to protect the proposed structures on the lot, the adjacent properties, public facilities and infrastructure; thus, it can't be removed. Removal of the seawall will result in erosion and undermining the foundations of the structures and site walls at the subject site and both adjacent sites. Once the existing seawall is reinforced in compliance with the enclosed drawings SW-0 thru SW-2, need for a new shoreline protective devise shall not anticipated over the economic life of the proposed development to protect it from flooding, wave run up or erosion. If found not adequate for the actual sea level rise over the next 75 years, the existing seawall assembly allows to be increased in height per the enclosed STD-601-L without further seaward encroachment. If during this period the seawall displays any sign of distress that requires immediate attention, it should be repaired or replaced at that time accordingly, without seaward encroachment from its current location. The above conclusion was prepared based on the existing conditions, proposed drawings, current projection of future Sea-Level Rise, and within the inherent limitations of this study, in accordance with generally acceptable engineering principles and practices. We make no further warranty, either expressed or implied. PMA Consulting, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to work with you towards the successful completion of your project. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact us. PA2019-230 Respectfully subm{ ... , Plamen Petrov , P.E. Principal Enclosures: Location Map Aerial View Topographic Survey Architectural Site Plan T-1 Table 28: Projected Sea-Level Rise (in feet) for Los Angeles Datums for Newport Bay Entrance City of Newport Beach -STD-601-L Newport Beach OE S Quadrangle Seawall Drawings SW-0 thru SW-2 PA2019-230 t..ldo Isle PMA Consul( ~g~ In~. Co 11~ul1i11 g S tnl<'turnl Engineefo 28161 Cnsitn;; Ct., IJngLUHl Niguel , CA 92677 Phone: (7 1-±) 717-75 42 E-M ail : P .Pe trnv@PMA-BC.cn rn San Remo flark Q Udo Isle Yacht Club,Q N wp,orl ,hi.,nnr,-1 732 VI A L . J NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Baysho r Mari t'l ~ PROJECT SITE ,732 \'Ila l'..id o Nord Compe li li ve f!Jt Edlge Promotions Y LOCATION MAP JOB . 29219 SHT. DES. PBP DA TE 10/18/19 PA2019-230 PMA Consul~ 1g~ In~. Couti ul ting S tru<'l urnJ E ng irn !c rs :28 1 6 1 C n::;it n::; Ct., Lngunn Niguel, CA 9'2677 Pho ne: (7 1 ➔) 717-75-1'2 E-Ma il: P.Pe t nw@P i\'IA-BC.cnrn 732 VI A L J NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 AERIAL VIEW JOB . 29219 SHT. DES. PBP DATE 10/18/19 PA2019-230 )i; ~anru -~ PROJECT __ -'t-_VIA 1=1D0 NORD7~-~ TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 732 VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 APN: 423-261-07 ~ ~ 2 "'I t "'< (( (( 'i t Cl ~ =-e (( ~; ~ \ ~ ., ~ ,~ n . ~ 0 " .er ~ "'I \ .. t <~ "'< NO. Of:SO!PTJJN PA2019-230 VICINITY MAP LEGEND PROJECT INFORMATION l_ 1'11.0JF.CT DESCIUl'TICI:>: f_'(JSTl:,.'G GllADF. ESTABLISIIMENT.,.., A.0 fl' rn,asn l'I.OOR EI.F.VATION TC TOP Of C\JRII ,,. (f.X.l <"L l'ROl'ERTYLl:,.11:: ~.XJSTJ:-C. Cl;:-.'Tl:RLINI;: S,·w c11n~•ruc1Kln ~r, :-srory ~in~lc F.,rnily Rc1i-dcncc .. i1h anad,nl 1,1r.:,g,·.I (12 ~~ • 1:.~o • 1 ~-~~ • •~-~~• -.. ,. 11.~1 f..Ci. Hi Fl:,:J~ll GRAD!: FL FLOWUt-'f. FS FJSJSILSIJRh\l'f. Pl.1\~lNC.ARE,\ DO\~ l.f.G,\L l}ESCRJl~no:,.i Lor::.44 ,nd 1tlc(Lo•ll4~ o(Tr:rclr. Q(l7.A.l'X-t:~-1ol..:l7 I . l;,'.~'..~~m,>.•c~;:" PROJ E(T DIRECTORY c:~n.,1<10C1i:>n T)pc: VII. Sp,inklcNd l11nm,: Ill 0\\1'ER (;3') .~ Sherri M"""' 7.1:Vbl.irlo:-:~,d Nc"'pcu1 Jk;x:h, CA 'l~ftnl '"· ARCIIITF.CT (lk$isnftok·,im,u1,n lt~~n,il-kl."hl.r..:<'l ('~'f11hi3 Child>. Arch,1«1 C',,,n~ci: l"ynrhb Child> :7J1 E.••• c~.••' H~. Sic. H c.,ronalkl :\br.C:,\ '):(',2~ Ph.ll'o,, ('l~~I 71 ~-3~:~ SURVF.YOR Ap<',t;;;asur>cy1n1,luc .. Con1xt: l'aulCr.:ifl g~ I~ O.,k) Cir;;I,_. lluntingr;,nllci:h,CA0:~~ l'h: 17141 4~~-~(l(lfi LOT Toral t.o, S!lc(~:.~· ~ <xn: t111ild:ihk,\t<"•(•U5.,71>'1: l'li."' 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F.F.•12.98@ARSTFLOOR rir------t-----J;..+l--U+--__,i : ; !: Ii FF•l~1..---I---I> , F.F.•2340@SECONOFLOOR I ; • .i:' :::::i:,] ·~ ,. •• •.• I . ,. /: ::::t • · '" '• r--,_,c__--1-+-J----' ..... t IT ----f-j . =-~-,1[:~c:-.. l '!___ ,,,..I,_! _ __, ii i~ m.~,.,,..,..~.".~.r-c: .. "v"~ .. -h= .. == .. -;=~=;-~1-, "\... __ ------,1 -----.J .,~ , ,l -"';Pl/ LJ di --!------t,i+-------1--l •w• ~ :C~?i~?-~~p SITE PLAN ~~i'/\Q}~1 .. SHEET INDEX ARClllT~.C:-nJR,\l.5\11·1-'TS T-1 T,Hr!-bc.-r&S11crbn I of! 1°\l>lmgSur.cj ,\-il 0p<"n\"olwncC:•kul,11r11 ,\.0 l Fli.or,,,r<">C:>kul:ui~n ,-\•I l'tc-rofC"dF,r.ill'loorl'l:w, A•l l'r<•po"'-•dScconJFh•.•rl'l;u, ,\.:, l'r<>po1NIR,;,.:,fl'L1>1 ,\.J.I l'r~pr,<.-dR.~fPla11-T:,1:,lR.,i,l,\rc3f"ak. A-}.: 1•r~po,-·d Roor Pl,n -l'b• Rnnf An;, Cale. ,,.~ l'r.,ro ... -d f.l~,.,i;;ns ,\.7 l'rt•p<>.-•dl:lc,-;ih.-.n,i u 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,• ~ j i u ~ J ~ t 8 >, u 0) M '-' ,c C: ~ 0) "' ~ "Ee; ~ Z-5 ,.J C ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~i C N-:;. :E ~z z -< ...J c.. Lil --1-1--Lil C/l wO :r:: Lil C/)C/l wO ...Jc.. 1-0 -0:: I-c.. .H CHECKED cc DATE i16:J12t1J'l :;CALE AS1'-O1'1'1) J06NO, T-1 PA2019-230 Hig h em issions 2030 2040 20 50 Low emissions 2060 High em iss ions 2060 Low emis sions 2070 High emi ssion s 2070 Low emiss io ns 208 0 Hig h emissions 2080 Low emissions 2090 High emi ssion s 2090 Low em iss ions 210 0 High emissions 2100 Low emis sions 2110 ' High emission s 2110 ' Low emiss ion s 212 0 High emissions 2120 Low emissions mo High emi ssion s mo Low emissions 2140 High emissions 2140 Low emis sions 2150 High emi ss ions 2150 STATE OF CALIF ORN I A SEA-LEVEL RI SE GU I DANCE TABLE 28: Projected Sea-Level Rise (in feet) for Los Angeles Probabilistic projections for the height of sea-level rise shown be l ow, a l o n g w ith th e H ++ scenario (depicted in b l ue in the far right co l umn), as seen in the Risin g Seas Report. The H ++ projection is a si ngl e sce n ari o a n d does n o t h ave a n associ ated l i ke lih ood of occu rrence as do t h e probab ilisti c projectio n s. Probabilis tic p r oj ecti ons a r e w ith respect t o a basel i n e of the year 2000, o r mor e sp ecifically th e a v erage re la t ive sea level o ver 799 7 -2009. Hig h e missio n s rep resen t s RCP 8.5; l ow emissi o n s represents R CP 2. 6. Recommended projections for use in low, medium-high and extreme risk aversion decisions are outlined in blue boxes below. Probabilistic Projections (in feet) (based on Kopp et al. 2074) MEDIAN 50% probability sea-leve l nse mee t s or exceeds .. 0 .3 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.9 LIKELY IU1NGE 66% probabt!,ty sea-l eve l nse is be t ween Low Risk Aversion 0 .2 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.1 0 .7 1.3 0.6 1.3 l-lN-20 CHANCE i l-lN-200 CHANCE 5% probability sea-l evel nse meets or exceeds .. 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.8 0.5% probabili ty sea-l eve l r ise meets or exceeds ... Medium -High Ri sk Aversio n 0 .7 1.2 1.8 2 .2 2 .5 2.9 Extre me Risk Aversion 1.0 1.7 2.6 3.7 1.2 0.8 1.7 2.2 3.3 5.0 L~ 1.0 0.6 1.6 2.1 3.6 i~ ? ~ 1.5 1.0 2 .2 2 .8 6.4 Jo9 ~ 1.2 0.7 1.8 2.5 A.~ 1.8 1.2 2.7 3.4 8.0 1.3 0 .7 2.1 3.0 2.2 1.3 3.2 4.1 1.4 0 .9 2.2 3.1 2.3 1.6 3.3 4 .3 7.1 1 1.5 0 .9 2 .5 3 .6 7.1 SAY 6 .0 FOR 2 .7 1.8 3.8 5.0 8.3 YEAR 2094 1.7 0.9 2.8 4.0 8 .1 3.0 2.0 4.3 5 .7 9 .7 16.1 1.8 0.9 3.0 4.5 9 .2 3.3 2.2 4 .9 6.5 11.1 18.7 1.9 0.9 3.3 5.1 10.6 3.7 2.4 5.4 7.3 12 .7 2 1.5 'Most of th e available climate model experiments do not extend beyond 2 700. The resul ting reduction in model availability causes a small dip in projections between 2100 and 2170, as wel l as a shift in uncertainty es tim a t es (see Kopp et al. 2014). Use o f 2170 projections should be done wit h cau tion and with acknowledgement of increased uncertainty around th ese projections. APP END I X l: SEA-LEVEL RI SE PROJECTI ONS FOR All r z TID E GAUGES I 72 PA2019-230 9410580 NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BAY ENTRANCE, CA Home (/) / Products (products.html} / Datums (stations.html?type=Datums) / 9410580 NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BAY ENTRANCE, CA Favorite Stations..,, Station Info..,, Tides/Water Levels..., Meteorological Obs. Phys. Oceanography Datums for 9410580, NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BAY ENTRANCE CA NOTICE: All data values are relative to the MLLW. Elevations on Mean Lower Low Water Station: 9410580, NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BAY ENTRANCE, CA Status: Accepted (Apr 17 2003) Units: Feet T.M.: 120 Epoch: (/datum_options.html#NTDE) 1983-2001 Datum: MLLW Datum MHHW {/datum_options.html#MHHW) MHW (/datum_options.html#MHW) MTL (/datum_options.html#MTL) MSL (/datum_options.html#MSL) DTL (/datum_options.html#DTL) MLW (/datum_options.html#MLW) MLLW (/datum_options.html#MLLW) NAVD88 (/datum_options.html) STN D {/datum_ options. html#STN D) GT (/datum_options.html#GT) MN {/datum_options.html#MN) DHQ {/datum_options.html#DHQ) Value 5.41 4.68 2.80 2.78 2.71 0.92 0.00 0.18 -3.33 5.41 3.76 0.74 Description Mean Higher-High Water Mean High Water Mean Tide Level Mean Sea Level Mean Diurnal Tide Level Mean Low Water Mean Lower-Low Water North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Station Datum Great Diurnal Range Mean Range of Tide Mean Diurnal High Water Inequality PA2019-230 Datum Value ::ription DLQ (/datum_options.html#DLQ) 0.92 Mean Diurnal Low Water Inequality HWI (/datum_options.html#HWI) 5.08 Greenwich High Water Interval (in hours) LWI (/datum_options.html#LWI) 11.15 Greenwich Low Water Interval (in hours) Max Tide {/datum_options.html#MAXTIDE) 7.67 Highest Observed Tide Max Tide Date & Time (/datum_options.html#MAXTIDEDT) 01/28/1983 08:06 Highest Observed Tide Date & Time Min Tide {/datum_options.html#MINTIDE) -2.35 Lowest Observed Tide Min Tide Date & Time (/datum_options.html#MINTIDEDT) 01/20/1988 16:30 Lowest Observed Tide Date & Time HAT (/datum_options.html#HAT) 7.18 Highest Astronomical Tide HAT Date & Time 12/02/1990 16:06 HAT Date and Time LAT (/datum_options.html#LAT) -1.92 Lowest Astronomical Tide LAT Date & Time 01/01/1987 00:00 LAT Date and Time Tidal Datum Analysis Periods 01/01/1980 -12/31/1993 To refer water level heights to NAVD88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988), apply the values located at National Geodetic Survey {http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/Tidal_ Elevation/diagram.jsp?PI D=DX 1968&EPOCH= 1983-2001 ). 5 Datums for 9410580, NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BAY ENTRAN All figures in feet relative to MLLW DHQ: 0.74 MHW: 4.68 ·•------+-- PA2019-230 2-#4 CONT. EPOXY-COATED PER ASTM A934 8" PROPERTY, BULKHEAD OR OTHER BAYWARD LIMIT 8" CONCRETE BLOCK WALL ADDED TO TOP OF EXISTING BULKHEAD ~-r=~==r=--ELEVATION + 10.0 M.L.L.W. NOTE: #5 @ 24" O.C. DRILL AND EPOXY BARS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EXISTING COPING TOP OF IMPROVEMENTS 6" --· " • \;, MIN. ____ 1>,-----J EXISTING TIE ROD~ ------------------• ·I\;, \-------------- ALTERNATE "A" (CONCRETE BLOCK) 11/2" CHAMFER (TYPICAL)------ #4 CONT. EPOXY COATED A934---- CONCRETE: f'c = 5,000 PSI (MIN.)---- W / C RATIO= 0.40 (MAX.) #5 @ 24" O.C. DRILL AND EPOXY BARS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS INTO EXISTING COPING 6" \> I " 8" MIN. TOP OF IMPROVEMENTS~ ~~===~~*~ l " . \;, EXISTING TIE ROD~ ---------------------1>,-------:~ \;, \------------- ALTERNATE "B" (POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE) I • EPOXY SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C881 STANDARD AND BE USED IN STRICT ACCORD WITH THE MANUFACTURERS PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DETAIL FOR RAISING BULKHEADS APPROVED: Drawn: R. OKADA Date: JULY 2004 DRAWING NO. (I) 00 w .... ""'0 0:: .... <C = >N .... ROUGHEN FOR BOND AND APPLY EPOXY EXISTING COPING EXISTING BULKHEAD PROPERTY, BULKHEAD OR OTHER BAYWARD LIMIT ELEVATION+ 10.0 M.L.L.W. ROUGHEN FOR BOND AND APPLY EPOXY BONDING AGENT PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. EXISTING COPING EXISTING BULKHEAD REV. 01/17 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Scale: N.T.S. STD-601-L PA2019-230 .tJ"JU'IJ"N California Flood Risk: Sea Level 83-~e ( Newport Beach OE S Quadi 6le PACIFIC INSTITUTE • --us~v 0 -Slai.11,glrway () -Coon1yH>ghw•y □ -~ Cu,ren1 Coa,ti1l 8aseF1ood {appnuimal& 100-y-.vllood••t.nl) Su l evolR.uoSc.enatio Coawl 8neHood •1.o4=te•tt55inchesJ Land-~l imilol E,ollonHighHa2:¥dZOMln2100 This lflformation t$ being made available forlnformatiooal pu,poses only. Use<S ol Un inlonnation agrff by U111ir us11 to hold blameless the Slate or C alilomia, and ~s respective officers. employees, ag,enls, eo ntradors, and $Ubwn!1actors lor any ~abitity a$$0clall!d with its uso in any l orrn. Th is worlt. shalnolbo usod toassessac1ual eoastal haza rds.iw.;uranco roqu;ro men1s.or p1opl!rtyvaluos and spocif,c;ai ly shall not bo uud in lieu of Flood l nsur.mce Studies arid Flood Insurance Rato Maps i!.sutd by lhe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). o.,,.So<,r • .,, us~-.,.-~a1eo......ru(OOC/.N,a,tb\al0<.,.,..~nc1~ ....,,,....,1otr.....,,(NOI..A~N.o1>an.1l ~.,Sc,.....t>10S~Co.ut.olS<ww...C...U<(CSC) So,pP'I ~•- 0.25 0 .5 Miles 0.5 Kilome ters Created by the Pac ific lns6tute. Oakland. Cali1omia, 2009. Projoci tu l'ldlld by the Ca•lorrna Ene,gy Comrnis,k)n"s Public .,1erest Eoetgy Rosea1ch P,og ,am, CalTrans. and the Caij fomia Oteilll Proleclion Council 1.5 GridCQDrdinales: UThl Zone l\N me1el"5 N,\l l~J<i('SJq:ru1 Adjoiniflg Ouadr30gkls: 1, S.al Buch 2: NewportBtiach J ; Tustin 4: nolprinrod 5: LagunaBeath 6: nolprinlt,d 7: nolprinltXi 8: nolprinltXI alOc ... O\Jl'IIP\~.PIIApV..._.....i .... ,,odHn, tlc.\P'NA),USO.parwnontofA~•lUSO...), c.1ot .... couU11~ • .,,.,.nc1H-..... ........USardSp,tooAd.....,,u,ai..c,,,,N"5AJ_ ~,YltomESRla'\6-C<ttd. ,,,, -Map extents ma 1th USGS 7.5 m:nute topographic maps PA2019-230 . i 0 ~" RE INFORCIN G THE EX ISTING SEAWAL L (/) 10/18/19 LOCATED AT: ~ 29219 732 VIA U DO NORD s ORUS I M.P[TROVA NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 0 (NECl<CO STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES & VICIN ITY MAP P.PETROV I <) .. !" ... !-" ., -"Tl I OlltlER / APPUCMIT 0 C z 0 ~ i5 z ., GARY & SHERRI MOORE 732 V IA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BECH, CA 92663 P 1llA C'o11sulii111,t, l11c.~ .!):1ro1 1 ,:.::::~::•:.~~;:~:~':;,'::_';.~,•.,~,.:-~ 11, .••. -11 ~p.-·.~1 1.11,.,1 1•1• ...... ,.,1•11 1.n,;,.,., • I /J ~ m ,. () " .,, F .. iii G) • () 0 ii: .. ,. () 5 z z 0 ... m ., en -I ::D C: 0 -I C: ::D :I> r- C) m z m ::D :I> r- z 0 -I m en PA2019-230 < ,~ (/) :;§: I ..... (I) ., =i m "ti 8! ~~ 51?, :!;~ ~~ ! r I I I I I I I I I 1---L----------r-,----1 I I I I I I I ----7 I <= E =i t= " i= => E 3-~-B ,. i z ...... -I iii I :u 0 C --,I', ~ ~-,----f>,h:l,.;rl ----ts"° --(N29"0000"E9000) ___ ---~ -----j\'i: \ r1 !.: --f~~~-----------------tJ :o: I I I I ____ ...j I I I I I I I ----! !1 1 ----~ 0 11 -B : : i ~ : : ~ @ I -----11 \ ~ I I I I I I I I I I___________ I I I I I I I I I I I : : o: r----------------7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I :-------T------1 i l ___ : ___ l ________ l;J : i;~ ;::;===-==] : iii : : I n,.,, I I : ~-a : I I I I I : d=1: 1 /: wl!!i: : r : ffil)l1:::==== =] i~ : ml!!i 0 l (I) ! r ,. -< 0 C: -I !i~! ijj~ ~~;!!~ i:! r - z m " :a; -0 •, 0 ;u -i OJ ~ ,-o, ~ :11 II 1:::: ,1111 1:::: '!1 D ,i\ 111 1:::: 17 ]1111 I I -----'~~-----------------I I ~r:: :: 0 1 11 II Q,11 II 9!'i\ \\ ~:11 II ii:~ 17 ~,LlLJ _________________ I I ii_:-fi7:~ I I I I I ,JIii I I I I I I -:iTT-/,1 ,1 1 2t-0·1,1~T\'P I I I I ,111· 1111 I i : : : !ii ii ~====½~~~~~Y ~ l_:_LJJ:UJ ::: r1 ~. o, ,1111 !II •I-Fl=l----------7rr l'ff \!1 'II ---+ I ~------7 ~i~ ! : :-------~i gi!: 'II I I t I : : : 1 1 £ I I I I I i;i i:: : : o II 'II I I I I I I I I Iii II I Ill Ill ~===========:i.- ,- o, ...r:====== ~~ --~-----Wi1!! ~? I =111 _____ -__r--------(N29•oo·oo•e90]in-- ;! : l)lffi' "<; I 11=1 g : I I I I I I I I I DATE 10/18/19 REINFORCING THE EXISTING SEAWALL LOCATED AT: 1--~29~2~19c, 732 VIA LIDO NORD 0 O~ER/.-.PPUU,NT GARY & SHERRI MOORE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 732 VIA UDO NORD -~ M PETROVA i-,"-,~-Pm-PE_T_RO-v-t--S-IT_E_P_LA_N_&_EL_E_V_A_TI_O_N _________ _, NEWPORT BECH, CA 92663 P/tlA C'm,,.nltin!l, h,c. ,;_ • REVISIONS < ► r i5 0 z 0 ;u 0 PA2019-230 (J),+'6CONTEArACE N4TIESTYP (2)1S EA WAYxl'-6" LONC 0 EACH ANCHOR ROO NOTE: ~rORMATIONNOTSHOWN,SEEDETAILEB DEADMEN ELEVATION COUPLER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE HEAT SHRINK SLEEVE CENTERED OVER COUPLER I APPLYCORROSIONINHl8ITINCCREASET0THE8AREENOSOF THEBARSANOTH(INSIOEOFTHECOUPLER 2 CONNECTTHETW08ARENDSWITHTHECOUPLER EACH END ~~~~o~\Ll~REWED 1Nro THE COUPLER HA!.f THE LENGTH OF J. TORCUE BAR ENOS TOGETHER {200 fT LBS). 4 A0D"1110THERCOATOFCREASET08ARE8ARANOCOUPLER ANO WRAP WITH TWO LAYERS OF DENSO TAPE 5 CENTERHEATSHRINKSLEEIIEOVERCOUPLERUIDAPPLY HEATUNTILSLEEVEISFULLYRECOVERED DCP COUPLER DETAIL c'"""" ,..,,_.CS(N>) a=,~=~ SANDBAG VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL VELOCITY REDUCER DETAIL NOTE: TWO ROWS OF SANOBACS THREEBAGSHICH TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION DETAIL THISOETAIL SHALL APPLY AT THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF UIY EXCAVATED MATERIAL PILED UP AT THE PROJECT SITE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ITEl,I 6 UNOER"EROSIONCONTROLNOTES"ONSHEETS-0 TOE OF SLOPE PROTECTION L R ROD COUPLER (OPTIONAL),SEE ~)~C~g~H R~~~ / Yi' ANCHORPLATE1x6'!,x6'!, W/ANCHOR NUT BEHIND (2)65. lle:RT & HORIZ BARS NOTE: FORINFoRuATION NOT sHowN. SEE DETAILS ffi & EB CROUTSLEEIIE.OELETECROUT SLEEVE ON FIELD CUT TENDONS 2LAYERSOFM0LOA8LE OENSOTAPE OVERBARESARANDCOUPLER SPACEBETWE(NCOUPLER AN08AR TO BE COMPLETELY FILLED WITH CORROSIONINHIBITINC CREASE PREPARATION FOR FIELD CUT BARS: T. CUT CORROSION PROTECTION AND THREAD BAR WITH AN ABRl<SIVE SAW (00 NOT USE A TORCH) 2. CAREFULLY REMOVE 6" (± Y.") CORRUGATED AND CEMENT CROUT FROM THE END OF ™E NEW CUT B G 2:1 T.O. CUARORAIL ELEV•+1591' NAvbSs-" ______ _ r(N)CUARORAIL8Y -~n 0THERSUND€:RA II SEPARATEPERMIT,SEE II LANDSCAPE owes rnR r''--j THE HOUSE I I I I I I I I I I fil_!lRICKPATIOELE\1•+1241' NAII086=1fj' CONC DECK ELW-~C_U~Q. .B..EMO-~}_ __ STEM WALL ABOVE THIS LINE l" I :.,g§ :·'·] ~ I ,I (E)POUREO-IN-PLACE----1•1 CONC STEM WALL TO (. I REMAIN & BE PROTECTED I. I I I ~~.~~ ,T.._o. !.~L~~~1Nc f.•..:.1 __ 1 ,1-7~-17 AREAORAIN PER CIVIL TYP 1~-~ T~:~--{E)OREOCE LINE/MUOUNE (E)CONCPANELS TO REMAIN & BE PROTECTED------~,. ,. 1•1 SHOPGROUTEOFULLLENCTH ::~~ THE FOLLOWINC CROUT 1 BAG(94LBS.)l"l'PE111 PORrt.AND CEMENT 4,5-:1 CAL WATER 07SL8S INTRUSION AID LS ~;!E~l~ISH 8'I' {N)MIN4"THK CONCSLA88Y OTHERS ~ (N) #4x1'-o" LC 0 1B"OC ADHESIVE DOWELS 6" EMBED -\_. -·---: : I I L-0 (E)TIE-BACK~ & Q(Al)l,IAN, WHERE OCCUR, TOR[l,IAINTYP ) BLOC WALL co~Ec PSE~IT & -"-~;';, "''" ":::""" "" 1·; r'~:~·:::-{_ is\L~ --~-=~. ' I ' w J t TWL ___ _ roRTYPREOO.SEE T COUPLER@ WHERE _ (N)TIE-BACK PERPLANTYP FOR{N)CQNT CONCOEAMAN TYPSEEEB INSTALL(N)rlLTERCLOTH ATPANELJOINTSPERNOTES ON SHEET SW-0 OR SEAi. PANEL JOINTS AT SAYWARD FACEQFPANELSTOAIIOID SOIL MIGRATION : :1 5EEPI.IIN I'-£° 1··. :· .. :: <-------------~-J .!:'!Q!s: IN CASE CF PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTINGS INTERFERE WITH THE TIE-SACKS, DEEPEN F'OOTINGS PER STRUCTURALENCINEEROFTHEBUILDINCREOUIREMENTS ANO PROIIIOE SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVES FOR MINIMUM 2" CLEAR DISTANCE AROUND TIE-BACKS w a:: 0 0 ::e M ! TYPICAL SECTION T ANCHOR NUT rQROUEAS REOOBEFORE GROUTING K RAPIO SET NON-SHRINK CRCUT frSEALAROUNOHOLE BEFORE GROUTING CORRUCATEQP\IC -1-----1--,('--/---, ZSHEATHINC (SHOP I CROUTEDFULL LENGTH) . Lao, ...J ...J <( ~g;\i~~LtR (~)m;iPINC ~ ~~~ ~~;i!~~cW1TH ~ ~1~~o~~H A~~1b As~~ (9 ~ NON-SHRINK CROUT ~ NOTE: CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED SY THE CONTRACTOR NOT TO cur 1-ir a:: w I Cf) "' ir c3 "' OU 0:. o:c zU g~ -f--~ 0: "'0 ~i ~z -;~; ~iE TiN\T~~~~~ Ro~N~i;c~~~~~~:~~ 1~~;iR:ag~LLINC ~ ~ ------------~---~---+-------------~---~---1w ~ P CORE DRILL DETAIL Q ~ 5 >-0 . = SECTION 1.Jml. l~f PLAN I I I I I ~ 1~. ~J (E)POLRED-IN-PLACE : •• •\ 1 ALLIIOIOS'MTHINTI,ESTEELCAPSHALLBEFILLED'MTHCORROSIONINHIBITOR CONCW~L~ CREASE OR CEMENT CROUT. 2 CORROSION INHIBITOR GREASE SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST PTI MANUAL RECOMl,IEND-'TIONS, ANO SHALL BE WATERPROOF. NON-CORROSl\/1::, AND NON-HAROENINCSC:ALINCCOMPAUND, COVER CAP DETAIL NOTE: EPOl(Y COAT FACE OF ANY REBAR CUT BY CORE DRILL U I CORE DRILL DETAIL D'l'WIOAC THREl>OBAR PF;RPLAN CORRUCAT(OPVC ~~~~ 0 <t: o ~ a:::~ 9 J-~ 5 ~11~ ~g~~ ~ "'I "'I ~ .... N 0 ~ g] g: .... w 0 o O -2' ~::,; • SHEATHINC(SHOP CFIOUTEDFULLLENCTI,),-......~~~--1 5"1.0 SrQPIPE SLEEVE WELDED TO BEARING PLATE V SW-2 PA2019-230