HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191118_ApplicationCommunity Development Department Plannin g Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in -Concept -AIC # ~ Coastal Development Permit D Waiver for De Minimis Development D Coastal Residential Development D Condominium Conversion D Comprehensive Sign Program D Development Agreement D Development Plan D Lot Line Adjustment D Lot Merger ~ Limited Term Permit - D Seasonal D < 90 day ~>90 days D Modification Permit ~ Off-Site Parking Agreement D Planned Community Development Plan D Planned Development Permit D Site Development Review -D Major D Minor D Parcel Map 2 . Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) L····---·····~~~?CJ \N ...... eo_\ __ ~OC\ ~ \ vcl .............. JLlO~ -····N·~=:;;~-~~-~--~\·~~·::~~:-····· 100 C ivic Ce nte r Dri ve Newport Beac h. Cal i forni a 9 2660 949 644-320 0 nev.;por tbeachc a gov/c ornrnunitydevel o pment D Staff Approval D Tract Map D Traffic Study D Use Permit -OMinor 0Conditional D Amendment to existing Use Permit D Variance D Amendment -OCode OPC OGP OLCP D Other: 3 . Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): ~ --···-······. ··----··-·····················--------·-············------·-····-··--· ·············-···-·-·-·-·---·----·---·-···········-········-·-····-····-··········-······ .···-·--···· 1·· --·-···-···························--·-··········-··· ~T,r C,~\Slh. ~~11K;111j Me.c\..d. Pot Ht11.v'iV1~ f1-dt'v1h'<2S Put'vti'.J 6'.i'\c.l ()8::,o<..,f\.llcA. C.o<.c.~~, '-···---~~-~~-~~~--r~~~ . ········ r····-··-··------··-·---·-···-····--·-----··----·-··-·----·-·······-··--··--·--·······--·-··-···-... ··--···-----·-· .. ·········-··---·-·-· ···········--····-···. 4. App Ii cant/Comp~ n y Na me L_./1.1.~~-~~J ....... IS_~~--~..t_°-~------···--····-···--········-·······-···----···-··· I Mailing Address I 1-J Y ?i i .. €c:1,'"!~~" Ave. Suite/Unit '-/05 r-------·-····--··-··················· .......... . City I..... /fun "/~?./oq /j cc ... c h State CA Zip 9 ;;_ & 47 ·1 Fax c-···········-··-·---·························-----, Email l .. 0/c~~.~.'...: .. /(~/JV>fc. I @9rri~\/1.~eoi'1'] ·--·--··--·--·········-·---··· ' Phone I(~?()) 5·-s-o .~ I i..t 7 J. ............ ,. ............. -....... __________________ , ____ . __________________ ............... _ .. _ --------· 5. Contact/Company Name i J~_r;{ Cy/? Q .. !2v ~v. .. . i ..... /"J ···················-· . .. ·····--·····-·····-·-··-----··············-------·····-···················-··--·---···········-·----·········' , ... ,.-2 1··2.( Mailing Address l r/!J. r·----·········-----·-····· . I ......... ,/}··· ····-. I , /..,- City I .. /JlLt(~/~ -/_~(:?~ Phone ! t/lc 9 3? 2 {-, '~/ c:J Fax , 6 Owner Name Mailing Address r····--·· ............. . L. uc /a.no Po ! City ! IU €c..J pt»' f /3 eo..c ~ Phone (7q 9) 17 2 2 Gi 31 o Rusu 212/ Fax 7 . Property Owner's Affid a vit · (I) (W e) Suite/Unit f C11-·············-·: . State ........... . ............... ..... Zip . . E:~il ~i c Lu l/!/r'J 1 ift) State · Email C:fl Suite/Unit Zip depose and say th a t (I am ) (we ar e ) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application . (I) (We ) further c ertify , under pen a lty of pe rjury , th at the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and th e info rm a ti on herewith submitted are in a ll res pects t rue and c orrect to the best of (my) ( our) knowledg e and beli ef _..,,_...// ·,...£:::... -. Si;J nat ure(s ) ( Title Dat e 4-1 / 12 / 1 r D D!M O;Y [;\H Signa tu re(s) _____ _ Title : D ate May be signecl i)y th e !esse e or by an autt·1o r izecl agent if writ ten a u thorization fr om the owner of record is filed co ncuri-ently wi th the c1ppl icat1on Please note the ovm er (s) s igna ture for Parcel/Tract iv1ap and Lot Line Adjus tmen t Application rnust be notarizecl PA2019-236 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\Staff_Dir\Garciamay\Ruby\desktop\DESKTOP_\CUT_PASTE_DRAG_COPY\Office Use Only.docx Updated 08/15/17 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: _______________________ 2700-5000 Acct. APN No: __________________________ Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ Council District No.: _________________ For Deposit Account: General Plan Designation: ____________ Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Zoning District: _____________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ APPLICATION Approved Denied Tabled: _________________________ ACTION DATE Planning Commission Meeting Zoning Administrator Hearing Community Development Director Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): ________________________ APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: ________________________ Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.18.2019 047 162 26 and 047 120 04 1 MU-W2 MU-W2 PA2019-236 West Newport Beach Assn, Lido Peninsula Company, Newport Pier Assoc, Central Newport Beach Community Assoc. $1000.00 6436 RCP0011666 016-245559 CD2019-059 and XP2019-010 D2019-0202 PA2019-236 2000 West Balboa Blvd and 2406 Newport Blvd Letter of Agreement SoCal Cycleboats Inc. Business Agreement Date: 7/30/2019 To Whom it may concern: We (Mr G's at Peninsula Kitchen & Bar) have reached an agreement with SoCa/ Cycleboats Inc. for them to use our private docks for business purposes of passenger loading and unloading. The terms of the agreement apply for an initial 12 months and can be renewed during which SoCal Cycleboats Inc. will offer drink/beverage vouchers to customers of the business. Voucher will indicate the offer available to customers of which SoCal Cycleboats Inc. will fund up to 30 drink tickets during a monthly period. *** Drink voucher: When a customer purchases an appetizer, they will receive a free drink. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out. Our contact information is listed below. Contact Information: Mr. G's at Peninsula Kitchen &?;Bar ~ (q'iC\)""75-Y'··P-\kl . /> _. ---. 7) I , __ )cJ(;;F /t:}-- Pnnt Name: ~----v / SoCal Cycleboats Inc. Michael Kapusta 630-550-14 72 Michael. Kapusta 7@gmail.com ./ ,"··:> ,/ -__ , ... __ ........... _--- Signature:_~--:~_-L_·:/ ....... >-"-~;/_-------_-..... /'----"_->_:-' ... _.,,......._---_--_·/---·;_···_.,.:. ...._,,.-=---"'-,.-'-~_--:::: ___________ _ L--- PA2019-236 Letter of Agreement Re: SoCal Boat Tours Inc.* Parking for Limited Use Permit Date: 4/10/2019 To Whom it may concern: We (Balboa Fun Tours) have reached an agreement with SoCal Boat Tours Inc.* for them to lease 5 parking spots at our location (2000 W. Balboa Blvd) for off-site parking to operate their pontoon tour boat business. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out. Our contact information is listed below. Contact Information: Balboa Fun Tours ~~~~:~~-~~~~;;::~:L_:_ Signature: ______________________________ _ SoCal Boat Tours Inc.* Michael Kapusta 630-550-14 72 Michael. Kapusta 7@gmail.com Signature: ·"SoCal Boat Tours Inc. is a working /)Usiness narne pending approval of incorporation with the State of California -Secretary of State. PA2019-236 PA2019-236 BU)IN[)) D0CU M[N1A1ION & rROPO)[O Acnvn~ We are interested in bringing a unique entertainment group experience to the Newport Beach area different from your traditional boating tours. We are looking to purchase a "built to order" Pontoon Cycle Boat from Cascade Cycleboats in Bend, Oregon for the purpose of operating a commercial tour business. Cascade Cycleboats has placed over 40 Cycleboats in major cities like Chicago, Seattle, and Portland; this would be t h e first Cycleboat in all of Southern California. Our tours would last for roughly 90 minutes. We have incorporated the business with the California Secretary of State as SoCal Cycleboats, Inc. PA2019-236 A UNIQUf BO AHNG [XPf RHNU • IT'S GREEN -The operating time is powered by humans . Solar panels powe r the electronics. • IT'S ACTIVE -Ri ders get exercise while powering the boat • IT'S FUN -Perfect for any special occasion & group outings PA2019-236 BOA1 SHCIFICAHON) Our cycleboat wi l l h ave 10 cycle station s and accommodates 14-16 pas se ngers and 1-2 crew members. It sits on a 25 foot pontoon, has a 10 foo t bea m and measures 9 .5 feet ta ll sitting on the water with a 2 foo t draft. With the paddle wheel, it measures 31 feet in length . Un der p ure ly human pow er, t h e cycleboat goes about 3-5 mph . The pedaling is e as y like a bea ch cruiser and th e capta in ca n change the re sist ance by rais i ng or lowering the p addlewh e el. The cycleboat will a lso have a 30 HP gas motor t o relieve t ired pedd lers and m aneuv e r safely around other boats and docks . Th e cycleboat is designed and buil t to Coast Guard regula t ions for Small Passenger Ves sel s for commercial u se "fo r hire." Our cycleboat will be operating in Coa st Guard controll ed w aterways and is inspected multiple t i mes throughou t the b uild by regional inspectors. We u ndersta nd tha t the local Co ast Guard in Newport Beach will need to do a final in spection before w e a re issu e d a Certificate o f Inspection (COi ). PA2019-236 rROJt(1 D nAIL) Dedicated Parking= 2000 W Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Parking is located at Balboa Fun Tours as off-site parking for our tours . The off-site parking is .2 miles (approximately 5 min walk) away from where the boat will pick up and drop off passengers. Pick Up & Drop off Location -2406 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Passengers will walk to Mr. G's at the Peninsula Kitchen and Bar where our boat wi l l pick them up and drop them off. • • • r;-Srnl:t. ~ .. j . --. The Pemosu la l(,tehe,,& Bil r • • • • 0~:!;:a:~:01a1s .:..~~'.1;~ ~l;·:' I~ Q ~ PA2019-236 rROJ[(1 DnAIL) (CONHNU[D) • We will not be selling any food or beverages and will reach out to California ABC to make sure we are in compliance for any beverages the passengers bring on board. • Hours of operation: 9 am to 10 pm depending on booking schedule and weather. • Each booking will be 1.5 hours long . We will provide a captain for the operation of the boat. There will NEVER be any instance of our operation where a customer will be in control of the boat. • Noise control: the pontoon will have a speaker system that wil l be controlled by the captain. PA2019-236 lNTtNDtD ~OU1t N [W ron BtA(H -~ MIL[) PA2019-236 (ONTAC1 U) Have questions or want to know more? SocalCycleboats@gmail.com Michael Kapusta (630)550-1472 Chris Ferren Cirino (530)902-4193 PA2019-236