HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191203_Application'9 A'l ll.ct -~ '50 Communffy 5eve)opment Department Planning Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in-Concept -AIC # Iii Lot Merger Iii Coastal Development Permit D Limited Term Permit - D Waiver for De Minim is Development D Seasonal D < 90 day 0>90 days D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit D Condominium Conversion D Off-Site Parking Agreement D Comprehensive Sign Program D Planned Community Development Plan D Development Agreement D Planned Development Permit ClTY O F NEWPORT BEA CH 100 Civ ic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 ~;;a;rt~;~\~lopmeol D Staff Approval D Tract Map D T raffic Study D Use Permit -□Minor □Condit io nal D Amendment to existing Use Permit D Variance D Development Plan D Site Development Review -D Major D Minor □ Amendment -□Code □PC □GP □LCP D Other: D Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map 2. Project.Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) 107 and 109 Via Ye!la, Lido Island Newport Beach,CA 92663 PN#4234 275 10 and APN #423 275 09 3. Project Description and Justification {Attach additional sheets if necessary): ~emo existing single family residence at 109 Via Yells and remove all non conforming conditions at107Via Yella. lfhe proposed lot merger does not negatively impact coastal resoures or public access to the coast. I 4. Applicant/Company Name jwilliam Guidera [ 25 30th Street Mailing Address r S ·t /U ·t' b I ~------U_l_e n1 ';:I=====~- City jNewport Beach Phone j(949) 675-2626 State JcA I Zip 1 92663 I I Fax.,__ ______ ___,! Email jguiderodesign@gmail.com I 5 C t tic N \William Guidero l . on ac ompany~~a~m~e-====================.-----~======::;· M .1. Add 1425 30th Street S ·t /U ·t !23 l a1 mg ress u1 e ni ';=====~- City jNewport Be.ach State jcA I. Zip 192663 I Phone ~9) 6,75-2626 I Fax .c..j ______ __,\ Email jguiderodesign@gmail.com I 0 N jscott and Stephanie Bragg~ I 6. wner ame -'---;::::======================:;-------;::::======::;· M · .1. Add )107 Via Yella S •t /U •t j j a1 mg ress u1 e ni ';=====:=:::a City jNewport Beach . .. State jcA j Zip j j Phone 1(562) 208-9682 j Fax-'----------'' Email \scott.bragg;@braggscrane.com j 7 P rt O , Aff"d ·t* (I) /\At ) \~_co~tt_a_n_d_S_te_p_h_an_ie ___ B_ra_gg_s ________________ __,I _ . rope y wners I av1 : , •• e _ _ . depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. S ignature (s): l~~~ Title: ~jow_ner ____ ~I Date: \1112112019 ,--------------, DO/MO/YEAR --~ ~ [wn er I Date·.111/27/201 9 Signature(s): ~----cTitle: I" . -'---------' *May be signed by t he lessee or by an autho rized agent if written authorization fro m the owner of record is filed conc urrefltly with the application. Pl ease note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcelrrract Ma p and L ot Line Adjustment A pplication must be notarized . F :\Use rslCDDIShared\Adrni nlPlanning_DivisionlAppli catio nslAp plication_Guidelines\Planning Penni! A pplication -CDP ad ded.docx Rev: 0112411 7 PA2019-250 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY\ Date Filed: _______________________ 2700-5000 Acct. APN No: __________________________ Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ Council District No.: _________________ For Deposit Account: General Plan Designation: ____________ Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Zoning District: _____________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ APPLICATION Approved Denied Tabled: _________________________ ACTION DATE Planning Commission Meeting Zoning Administrator Hearing Community Development Director Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal Received (Date): ________________________ APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: ________________________ Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ LIDO ISLE COMMUNITY ASSOC. 423 275 10 AND 423 275 09 1 RS-D R-1 016-245562 $1000.00 RCP0011730 2546 PA2019-250 D2019-0593 2720-2019 CD2019-068 AND LM2019-006 12.03.2019 107 and 109 Via Yella □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ PA2019-250 Recording Requested by and Mail to: . City of Newport Beach Public Works Dept Attn: Subdivision 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 City of Newport Beach Lot Line Adjustment/Lot Merger Application Address(es) or P~operty Involved: ~ Owner(s) Affidavit 1J . e,, CA--------. __ 4u,b3 I 0Afe) hereby certify under penalty of perjury that 1) I am (we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application, 2) I (We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application, 3) the information submitted. in connection with this application is true and correct; and 4) I (We) consent to the recordation of these documents. RECORD OWNERS: l'° 7 v i.q Ye.1 l~ Parcel 42-5 Z.75' [O NAME: __ --11,<-,,___--=------;~,...._--l-___;t___;V~~-----+--~~-+---~--c;;.~--------- Signature of parcel owner , 101 v~ 'r~lk:, Parcel __.__,=-- NAME: v-, {._.tvtc-, 411 .. ~/krr --/rv{f~ Signature of parcel owner reel owner Parcel __ NAME:----'---------------------------- Signature of parcel owner Signature of parcel owner Parcel __ NAME: _____________________________ _ Signature of parcel owner Signature of parcel owner NOTE: Each of these signatures must be notarized, using the appropriate Jurat attached and completed by a Notary Public. Approved for Recording CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Surveyor: _____________ _ Date: ______ _ X:\Users\PLN\Shared\lntranetDocs\Applicatiatis\LA&LM\lnfo.docx Updated 11/24/10 PA2019-250 CALIFORNIA JURAT WITH AFFIANT STATEMENT GOVERNMENT CODE § 8202 ~ee Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1-6 below) □ See Statement Below (Lines 1-6 to be completed only b ocument signer[s], not Notary) 4 Signature of Document Signer No. 1 Signature of Document Signer No. 2 (if any) A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California le County of I O'S ~ Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this l Q day of l)ecenrike( , 20_1L, Seal Place Notary Seal Above by Date Month Year (1>H-~~~ (and (2) ~~~;(s) ~~ ), proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. Signature icnbQ ✓~J-db · WbtL Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though this section is optional, completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: ______________ Document Date: _____ _ Number of Pages: __ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ______________ _ ©2014 National Notary Association• www.NationalNotary.org • 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827) Item #5910 PA2019-250 EXHIBIT II A II CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LA (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) OWNERS MARSHALL SCOTT BRAGG AND STEPHANIE G. BRAGG, TRUSTEES OF THE M&S BRAGG LIVING TRUST MARSHALL SCOTT BRAGG AND STEPHANIE G. BRAGG, TRUSTEES OF THE M&S BRAGG LIVING TRUST PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EXISTING PARCEL NUMBER 423-275-10 423-275-09 - PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS PARCEL 1 PARCEL 1 REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: LOTS 387 AND 388 OF TRACT NO. 907, IN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 28, PAGES 25 THROUGH 36, INCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. THIS DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION 12/06/2019 SHEET 1 OF 1 PA2019-250 EXHIBIT II B" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LA (MAP) - OWNERS EXISTING PARCEL NUMBER PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS MARSHALL SCOTT BRAGG AND STEPHANIE G. BRAGG, TRUSTEES OF THE M&S BRAGG LIVING TRUST MARSHALL SCOTT BRAGG AND STEPHANIE G. BRAGG, TRUSTEES OF THE M&S BRAGG LIVING TRUST 423-275-10 423-275-09 LINE LEGEND PARCEL 1 PARCEL 1 VIA -----PROPOSED PARCEL LINE Liao NORD ----EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN - -EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO BE DELETED LINE TABLE NO. BEARING LENGTH L1 N66°45'03"W 5.00' L2 N66°45'03"W 12.00' @)® en --~ O') T. ci ~ L3 N66°45'38"W 5.00' L4 N66°45'38"W 12.00' ~ N66°45' 38"W 88.04' Ill I cl' : :t eJ -0• ~ I -~~ I ~J "''\~ "§<@ :t -~ miro ~ ~ I 0 ~ ~-.a ~o ,0 "'4.. PARCEL 1 §~• ~· L() -c.o • l, V I c.o " .... ~ w 5 ~ N66°46'02"W 88.04' ~ w I.LI •:q~g ~ - - - - - - - - -I gg >- Q '± ~ NET /GROSS: 5,284 SF, 0.121 AC. b I -:._i-~ rr,N' ~ ','"' I ~ I ~ ~ Q:z zg <fl ~/1' l~z I z~ ~ ~i g ~ +'f .~ : g i ~~--------N6-6-.4-5~'0-3~"W_8_8_.0_4_' ______ ~~-u-~ ~: l}J ~ 12· ~ NOTE: VIA LIDO SOUD THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED USING MEASURED DATA PER FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED DECEMBER 2019. EASEMENT: -~-- THIS MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION 12/06/201 PAUL D. C FT, P.L.S. 8516 SCALE: 1 "=20' @ AN EASEMENT, FOUR (4) FEET IN WIDTH, TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS DELINEATED OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON TRACT 907, M.M. 28/25-36. LICENSER NEWAL DATE: 12/31/2020 SHEET 1 OF 1 PA2019-250 EXHIBIT "C" CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LA (SITE PLAN) - OWNERS EXISTING PARCEL NUMBER PROPOSED PARCELS REFERENCE NUMBERS MARSHALL SCOTT BRAGG AND STEPHANIE G. BRAGG, TRUSTEES OF THE M&S BRAGG LIVING TRUST MARSHALL SCOTT BRAGG AND STEPHANIE G. BRAGG, TRUSTEES OF THE M&S BRAGG LIVING TRUST 423-275-10 423-275-09 LINE LEGEND PARCEL 1 PARCEL 1 -~IA LIDO NORD -----PROPOSED PARCEL LINE ----EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO REMAIN - -EXISTING BOUNDARY LINE TO BE DELETED LINE TABLE - - 0) m NO. BEARING LENGTH g u Nss·4s•o3"w s.oo· I")} ....,_L_2 --+-N-6-6·-45..,..•o-3..,.;."w--+-.,.;..12.,.;...o.;...o·_. 5 • L3 N66°45'38"W s.oo· rol& L4 N66°45'38"W 12.00' ~'(9) EXISTING HOUSE ~3 N66"45'38"W 88.04'~ : I ~ ~~ .._ eJ ~ ~o· ~ I .. ~ ~ ~®J EXISTING HOUSE "!!111 l[) ~ g "'" '2) ; ~ ~ 10.0' t'"> V '-....._ :.C ~-1 m \~t-, PARCEL 1 w 5 .!.LJ N66°46'0-...,2':='W_8_8_.0_4'.------4---l.l ~~ci~ ---- Q C c.o ~ ET /GROSS: 5,284 SF, 0.121 AC. ~~ ~ ~, a: z z 8 £<@ 'o''l, ... I g EXISTING HOUSE i'<'!I +•'l; ~~ ~--~--N Ill ~}LI .... oo --c.o I") ':..t-i r q ~--1 z~ fl) \I L-11 ~--_,~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:-,6-6-.4-5"!""''0-3'~'W_8_8_.0_4"!""''_-_-_-:-:.=_-~=.:-~=--:-=-~:~"'"" rt.. EXISTING HOUSE @;@ T L2-~ ~ NOTE: VIA LIDO soUD THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED USING MEASURED DATA PER FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED DECEMBER 2019. EASEMENT: ~ 12· ~ ~ ci -~-- THIS MAP HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION ..-..- 12/06/201 FT, P.L.S. 8516 SCALE: 1 "=20' @ AN EASEMENT, FOUR (4) FEET IN WIDTH, TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO AS DELINEATED OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON TRACT 907, M.M. 28/25-36. L NEWAL DATE: 12/31/2020 SHEET 1 OF 1 PA2019-250