HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200305_PC_Proof of PublicationPROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Feb 22, 2020 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Fountain Valley, California on this 28th day of February, 2020. ____________________________________ [signature] 10540 Talbert Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 7677391 - Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 [os Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach - CA11072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660-3267 Bill To: City of Newport Beach - CA11072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660-3267 7677391 - Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 [os Angeles mimes MEDIA GROUP CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GI VEN t ha t on Thursday, March 05, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter shall be heard, a public hearing w il l be conducted in the Council Chambe rs at lOO Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach . The Pla nning Commission of the Oty of Newport Beach w ill consider t he following applica tion: Newport Animal Hospital Expansion -A request for a cond itional use permit for the expansion of an ex isting 1,766-square-foot an imal clin ic for domestic pets Into a 1,S~uare-foot adjacent suite. The expansion will result In a 3,266-square-foo t clinic. The hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m . daily. Anima ls no larger than the la rges t breed of dogs will be given medical and surgical treatment and t he facility Is p rima rily for the treatment of oulpat ienK Only critical patienl5 will be kept longer than 24 hours an d boarding is not proposed. The applicant expects to assist 10 t o 40 clients per day. If approved, this CUP would supersede Use Perm it No. UP201 D-026, which would be rescinded. The project Is ca tegorica lly e•empt under Sect ion 15301 -dass 1 (Existing Faci lit ies) of the State CEQA (California En vi ronmental Qua lity Act) Gu ideli nes . The agenda, staff report, and correspond in g documen t s w il l be availab le by end of business day on the Fri da y preceding t he public hearing, and may be reviewed at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay C• lst FloOl'), at 100 Ci vic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 or at the Ory or Newpon Beach websi te at www.newportbeachca.ooyJplanningcommisslon Individuals not able to anend t he meeting may contac t th e Planning Division or access th e City's websi t e after the meeting to review the action on th is application. All mall or written communications (i ncluding email) from the pu b lic, residents, or appl icants regard ing an ag enda item m ust be submi t ted by 5 p.m. on t he bus i ness day immediately prior to t he mee t ing. This allows time for the Planning Commiss ion to adequate ly cons ider the submitted co rrespondence. For questions regard ing this public hearing item please contac t David S. Lee, As sociate Planner, at 949-644-3225, dlee newportbeacbca gov. Project File No .: PA2 01!,-268 Zone: PC53 (Newport Ridge Pla nned Community) Loutfon: 21159 New port Coast Drive Activ ity No .: UP2019-060 General Plan: CN (Neighborhood Commerci al ) Applicant: John A. Gi an none Lee Lowre y, Secretary, Planning Com mlss on, City of Newport Beach