HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210128_Applicationc;ommumty Development Department \lrt,~/ 'l,I H 100 Civic Center Dnve Newport Beach, Ca!Jforn.ia 92660 Plarming •prm~. 1~~i~Or)i, . 949 6'14-3200 ewrz,ortbeapttca.gov/cornmun.itydevelopment 1. Check Permits Requested: V I.-, Approval--in-Concept -AIC # D t Merger; EJ). St v,al Ii] Coastal Development Permit D !Limited 1 errm fqerrrnit - EJ Waiver for De Minimis Devel0pmel'ilt [] Seasonal IO < 9.0 aa¥, 0>90 day,s1 D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Pem:1it D Condominium Conversion D Off-Sit~ Parking Agreem D Comprehensive Sign Program D f?lanri1ed· C.omffl~1;1ity. [)ev D Development Agreement D Planned Development R D Development Plan D Site Oevelo ment Revi D lot Line Adjustment ID Parcel Map 2. PF<i>ject Address(es)/Assesser's Pa.,cel No(s'} 508 VIA LIDO NORD, NEWPOR1i BEACIY, CA/ APN: 47.5 051 04 3. Project IDescription and Justif CONS!JRIUCTl0N OF A NEW .SHNGtE FAMIL OTAL 3,552 SF. --t-'Oe:no i:;'1-\'S-\"\ J ., a,y t -J;,'.!Minorr O)ConditiQnal dniernt to existing Use Permit 't .. []eode,.'1JPC. ~GJ? {3LCP 4. Applicant/Comp~;---•-----....__..ff..:::.:=±.::;::-.::'.::::..;::..:::-.:::~1;-=.:::::-.:::'.::::-.=:.:::'.:::-..:::::-.::::-.=z;:-.:=-z-.::::-.:::;..;:::;;:-.:::,-:::.:::~~-....,."'-,-~....:.,..,,~~ ...... _;;:ee.,...~-"'--'e':....."""..,....'--"-...... .,....,.'---~----~_:....,_jJ ...... M1ailing A.ddr;:ess ,,_,\ :,--__ .,.....,,._,___,,~ _ __,_---"'--"--___.;;~..c.:_-L..a..::,-,--"'i~.;::,.:::-..::::.=::::::::±::=~-....-- c·t \.cosr A MES'A ·•·Y , -, Ph. I 7,1475440 one · CoAtactlComp Maili-=____::;.........,:;;...a;_----l)c::_'1:_1.:..-::..~e:::.'::..-=.~c:i'=--=--=--=--::i-=.':ir:::..'±-:e:::.-:=a.~?r:::..~ci:~r:~~~-'j,_½::...~-=-""::1;;:~~~~--.,.....;...,;;;:.. Cit~ "'-"--;::~==~::::==:c:::;=::;:::;:.[_:;;::3 ~=-......__-~,..;;..'----_:-_ ...;;;..-........ ..:.. ---rr~~ __. _ _.;;;_'ii-_ Pilon, 6. Own.er Mail'i.-= _ ____;;:;____L.._~_-_-_-_=-"-,......_-_-_-,....--:--"'--::-:::-=-,.,<;;.~.,:,,...;--..;;.,.~....;.;:.:--:;.;..,.,...:~.:.:,=.....:.'.:.,-:....;-:....;,-C-;;;;..c--'--"~=-=--'--,'-:-'--::::,-:.-..,.:::::,.-:_..::.,...=-..:::-.::;-.=-.3:'!:!-:t'=:-.::::l_..___..........,,,., City I ~;::::;:..;:;.=.=.::::.=..:::..=.:;:;;.::::..:::::..:::::t:::.z.=~z:~~-:;:;;::=:::$~~~~~ Phone ,___-'-~--'-------' 7:, P,roperty ©wr,aeri'· de~ose and say tn c,er.ti~, umde~ pem lneriewitm sl.lb , , Sigr:1at_1ime(~),: -s'L,_-■..-...__ -l!..,---'-..;.F---~:;__:__~~...------' ' I Ma~-.be1· sign·ed , ager.it 1ifi wriiltem qwthofitzati0n ftor,n fhe o . , 'Ofi r-ecord is filed concurrently with the aRplication .. Plea fo~ laareel/.I~act M~P and ILoU .ihe Adjustment Ap,plication must be notarized. PA2021-012 I:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\Office Use Only Form Updated 01/27/2020 2700-5000 Acct. Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ For Deposit Account: Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed: _______________________ APN No: __________________________ Council District No.: _________________ General Plan Designation: ____________ Zoning District: _____________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ PA2021-012