HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170330_ApplicationCommunity Development Department Planning Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: o Approval-in-Concept -AIC # 0 Lot Merger o Coastal Development Permit 0 Limited Term Permit- D Waiver for De Minimis Development D Seasonal 0 < 90 day 0 >90 days o Coastal Residential Development 0 Modification Permit o Condominium Conversion 0 Off-Site Parking Agreement o Comprehensive Sign Program 0 Planned Community Development Plan o Development Agreement 0 Planned Development Permit o Development Plan 0 Site Development Review -0 Major 0 Minor o Lot Line Adjustment 0 Parcel Map 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) 1015 MARINERS DR. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL: 117-663-03 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeaChC~AI::u~;.ve;:1; o Staff Approval 0 \ V -J LtS3t;iX., o Tract Map o Traffic Study o Use Permit -OMinor OConditional o Amendment to existing Use Permit o Variance o Amendment -DCod. OPC OGP OLCP o Other: 3 Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): Major remodel and addition to existing single story residence. Proposed residence shall be single story with a subterranean basement. Max height of proposed house will be 14' abv. ex. grade per HOA guidelines. 4. Applicant/Company Name ISkypark Homes, Inc. I Mailing Address 11340 Reynolds Ave. Suite/Unit ,;:1#=1=1=6=====1, City Ilrvine State I Ca 1 Zip 192614 1 Phone 1949-633-2030 Fax '-1 ______ ---'1 Email lplbowie@msn.com l Brett Coombs, Randall B. Coombs, Architect 5. Contact/CompanY~~N~a~m~e~======================~ ______ -,==========~ Mailing Address 117341 Grovemont SI. Suite/Unit ,;:1 ======', City Isanta Ana State Ica. 1 Zip 192705 Phone 1714-267-6826 Fax LI ______ ---'I Email lbrett.coombs@sbcglobal.net O N ISkypark Homes, Inc. 6. wner ame L-r======================~----'======; Mailing Address 11340 Reynolds Ave. Suite/Unit 1116 City Ilrvine State Ica. 1 Zi p ';:1 9=2=61=4=====' Phone 1949-633-2030 Fax LI ______ ---'I Email lplbowie@msn.com 7. Property Owner's Affidavit': (I) (We) ,-1 -,-7_i::_'{-,-r~-"-,---,-,H,-~----,,,-,--,~=~,---___________ -, depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): 7*Y~k !-\DHt:> .:tt--'c-Title: I IW~ <-512 ftk.<:1-') 1 Date: I ;-30 -I ') !;'t-p~ ~ DD/MOiYEAR Signature(s) ______________ Title: LI _________ -'I Date: '--1 _____ -' 'May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for ParcelfTract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized . F:IUsersICDD\Shared'IAdminIPlannina Division\Aooticalions\Aoolicalion GuidelineslPlannino Permit Aoolication -COP added.docx Rev: 01124117 PA2017-073 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Planning Activity History: 12-:2..) -1...a \~ APNNo: n1-{o~-:>-o3 Date Fil ed: 'S boh~ Council District No.: :, Fee Pd : ::;) \ 5U"O vC; General Plan Designation: RS -D Check #:)< Visa 16. Me 0 # Zoning District: f( -I -~(;§JO Receipt No: ~eom1;l(Q d- Coastal Zone : if(yes ONo O -rr-tlfT-566®Acct.lSi DepositAcct. No. Oleo -;»Ll5 3Sc Community Association(s): D~\~s,~ Development~~ D1,;.. (]-j>l) ~ . (1oa..oc:.. . Project No: ~~ \ 1-0 "1 Activity No: <' Q1P\'l-O}() APPLICATION o Approved o Denied o Tabled: ACTION DATE OPlanning Commission Meeting OZoning Administrator Hearing OCommunity Development Director Remarks: APPLICATION WITHDRAWN: Withdrawa l Received (Date): APPLICATION CLOSED WITHOUT ACTION: Closeout Date: Remarks: F:\Users\COD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Office Use Only.docx Updated 05/14/15 PA2017-073 IIltIH •• RANDALL ••• B, COOMB5 IJIB1ARCHITECT • ARCHITECTURE PLANNING 17341 Grovemont St, Santa Ana, Ca. 92705 Ph:714-744-1972 3/28/2017 Mariners Coastal Dev Permit 2, Coastal Hazards Report, 3, Bulkhead Condition Report 4. Geologic Stability Report 5. Waiver of Future Protection 6. Fuel Modification. 7. Erosion Control Plan WWW.RBCArchitect.com 8. Construction Pollution Prevention. WQHP. Required Documents: 21.30.015 General Site Planning and Development Standards, Section E 2. Coastal Hazards Report. Coastal development permit applications for development proposed in shoreline areas subject to current or expected future erosion, flooding/inundation, wave runup, or wave impacts, including those resulting from sea level rise, shall include a coastal hazards report. The coastal hazards report shall use the methodology in Appendix A and include the following: a. A statement of the preparer's qualifications; b. Identification of coastal hazards affecting the site; c. An analysis of the following conditions: 1. A seasonally eroded beach combined with long-term (seventy-five (75) year) erosion factoring in sea level rise; ii. High tide conditions, combined with long-term (seventy-five (75) year) projections for sea level rise; iii. Storm waves from a one hundred (100) year event or a storm that compares to the 1982/83 El Nino event; iv. An analysis of bluff stability; a quantitative slope stability analysis that shows either that the bluff currently possesses a factor of safety against sliding of at least 1.5 under static conditions, and 1.1 under seismic (pseudostatic conditions); or the distance from the bluff edge needed to achieve these factors of safety; and v. Demonstration that development will be sited such that it maintains a factor of safety against sliding of at least 1.5 under static conditions and 1.1 under seismic (pseudostatic) conditions for its economic life (generally seventy- five (75) years). This generally means that the setback necessary to achieve a factor of safety of 1.5 (static) and 1.1 (pseudo static) today must be added to the expected amount of bluff erosion over the economic life of the development (generally seventy-five (75) years); d. On sites with an existing bulkhead, a determination as to whether the existing bulkhead can be removed and/or the existing or a replacement bulkhead is required to protect existing principal structures and adjacent development or public facilities on the site or in the surrounding areas; and e. Identification of necessary mitigation measures to address current hazardous conditions such as siting development away from hazardous areas and elevating the finished floor of structures to be at or above the base flood elevation including measures that may be required in the future to address increased erosion and flooding due to sea level rise such as waterproofing, flood shields, watertight doors, moveable floodwalls, partitions, water- resistive sealant devices, sandbagging and other similar flood-proofing techniques. 3. Bulkhead Condition Report. Where a coastal hazards report shows that an existing bulkhead on the site cannot be removed and/or an existing or replacement bulkhead is required to protect existing principal structures or public facilities, the applicant shall submit a bulkhead condition report that includes the following: a. A statement of the preparer's qualifications; PA2017-073 b. An analysis of the condition of any existing bulkhead including whether the top elevation meets current City standards, the condition of the sheetpiles or panels, the condition of existing tiebacks and/or deadmen or similar, and any other relevant conditions; c, Recommendations regarding the need for repair, augmentation or replacement of the bulkhead or any parts thereof; d. If augmentation or replacement in the existing alignment is necessary, recommendations that will avoid seaward encroachment of the bulkhead; e. If replacement is necessary and the existing bulkhead is not in alignment with adjacent bulkheads, recommended alternatives that will relocate the bulkhead in as much in alignment with adjacent bulkheads, and as far landward, as possible. 4. Geologic Stability Report. In addition to the coastal hazards report required above, coastal development permit applications for development proposed in shoreline areas of known or potential geologic or seismic hazards shall include a geologic/soils/geotechnical report. The geologic/soils/geotechnical report shall use the methodology in Appendix A and include the following: a. A statement of the preparer's qualifications; b. Identification of geologic hazards affecting the site; c. Identification of necessary mitigation measures; d. A certification that the: 1. Site is suitable for the proposed development; 11. Development will have no adverse effect on the stability of the bluff, canyon, or shoreline; lll. Development is expected to be reasonably safe from failure and erosion over its economic lifetime without reliance on existing or future protective structures for stabilitY;l and iv. Adaptation options and mitigation measures have been incorporated to address potential risk without having to rely on existing protective structures or the need to install additional protective structures in the future;' e. An analysis of the following factors: i. Slope geometry and site topography, extending the surveying work beyond the site as needed to depict unusual geomorphic conditions that might affect the site; ii. Identification of the coastal bluff or canyon edge, where applicable; iii. Historic, current, and foreseeable erosion, including changes in shore configuration and sand transport; iv. Geologic conditions (e.g., soil, sediment, rock types and characteristics, etc.) in addition to structural features (e.g., bedding, joints, faults, etc.). The analysis shall include slope stability/failure analyses (i.e., analyses of the possibility that bluff retreat may occur suddenly and catastrophically through slope failure) and erosion rate estimates (i.e., estimates of the possible rate at which bluff retreat may occur over time); v. Evidence of past or potential landslide conditions, the implications of the condition for the proposed development, and the potential effects of the development on landslide activity; VI. Impact of construction activity on the stability of the site and adjacent area; vii. Ground and surface water conditions and variations, including hydrologic changes caused by the development; Vlll. The erosion potential of the site and mitigation measures to be used to ensure minimized erosion problems before and after proposed construction (i.e., landscape and drainage design); ix. Effects of marine erosion factoring in long-term (seventy-five (75) year) coastal bluff retreat projections for sea level rise; x. Potential effects of seismic forces resulting from a maximum credible earthquake; xi. Any other factors that might affect bluff, canyon, or shoreline stability; and xii. Identification of the geologic setback line (GSL) necessary to assure a 1.5 factor of safety (static) and 1.1 factor (pseudostatic) for seventy-five (75) years without reliance upon any deepened foundation system (e.g., caissons). 5. Waiver of Future Protection. As a condition of approval of new development, the review authority shall require an agreement between an applicant, including its successors and assigns, and the City in favor of the City, in a form approved by the City Attorney, and recorded by the applicant, waiving any potential right to future protection to address situations in the future in which development is threatened with damage or destruction from waves, erosion, storm conditions, landslides, seismic activity, bluff retreat, sea level rise, or other natural hazards. The applicant shall agree to: PA2017-073 a. Never construct structures or features over the economic life of the development to protect the development; and . b. Remove and relocate all portions of a development, including associated fallen debris at the base of a bluff or ctlllyon and/or State tidelands, if a government agency determines that the development is hazardous or a threat to the public. 6. Fuel Modification. a. Applicability. This subsection provides standards for development within and adjacent to wildland fire hazard areas. b. New development in urban-wildland interface areas shall be sited and designed to avoid fire hazard areas, minimize required fuel modification zones, and avoid the need to extend fuel modification zones into sensitive habitats and areas of visual prominence to the maximum extent feasible. Alternative means to thinning and/or vegetation removal of native vegetation for fire hazard management, such as minimizing the building envelope, and/or siting of the structure(s) away from hazard areas, and/or use of fire retardant design and materials are preferable. c. Fire risk reduction shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and may include the following, but is not limited to: 1. Compliance with Building Code and Fire Code requirements for project; 11. Tile roof treatments; iii. Irrigated buffer zones; IV. Installation of masonry or other noncombustible, fire-resistant walls; v. Boxed eaves; vi. Reduced landscaping; and V11. Other such alternative construction methods. d. Fuel modification zones abutting sensitive habitats shall consist of fire-resistive, native plant species from the City-approved plant list. e. Invasive ornamental plant species shall be prohibited in fuel modification zones abutting sensitive habitats. f. Fuel modification zones shall be located within the site being developed. Fuel modification performed by private property owners cannot go beyond property lines without agreement by the adjacent property owners. g. Fuel modification on public land to protect existing private development shall be avoided whenever feasible; if avoidance isn't feasible, measures must be employed to minimize the amount of fuel modification necessary on public land. h. No new division ofland shall be allowed that would require new fuel modification (e.g., vegetation removal) or new fuel breaks in environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESI-IA) or on public open space or park lands to protect new development within the resultant lots. 7. Erosion Control Plan. Applications for development located within one hundred (l00) feet of a bluff or canyon edge involving substantial alterations to existing buildings or site design, or construction of new buildings, shall include a site-specific erosion control plan. The plan shall be prepared by a registered engineer qualified in hydrology and soil mechanics, and shall incorporate drainage improvements, irrigation systems, and/or native or drought-tolerant vegetation into the design to minimize bluff or cffilyon recession ffild will eliminate or mitigate any adverse impacts on local shoreline sand supply to the maximum extent feasible. (Ord. 2016-19 § 9 (Exh. A)(part), 2016) Chapter 21.35 WATER QUALITY CONTROL 8. Construction Pollution Prevention. WQHP. Development that requires a coastal development permit and has the potential for adverse water quality or hydrologic (i.e., due to changes in runoff flows) impacts to coastal waters shall in most cases require both a constructioa-phase plan and a post-development plan for water quality protection. The water quality protection plans are summarized as follows: A. Construction-Phase Plan. 1. Construction Pollution Prevention Plan. A Construction Pollution Prevention Plan (CPPP; see Section 21.35.030) shall be required for development that requires a cO~lstal development permit and entails construction that has the potential for adverse water quality or hydrologi [' jill pacts to coastal waters. For the purposes of this section, construction includes clearing, grading, or other activities that involve ground disturbance; building, reconstructing, or demolishing a structure; ffild creation or replacement of impervious surfaces. The CPPP shall describe the temporary best management practices (BMPs) the development will implement to minimize erosion PA2017-073 and sedimentation during construction, and to minimize poilulion of runoff and coastal waters by construction chemicals and materials. B.. Post-Development Plans. Development may require one of two post-development water quality protection plans: 1. Post-Development Runoff Plan. A Post-Development ]l.unoffPlan (PDRP; see Section 21.35.040) shall be required for development that requires a coastal developmcnt pcrmit and has the potential for adverse post- development water quality or hydrologic impacts to coastal Willers. If the development entails activities or changes in land use other than construction (as defined in subsection (/\)(1) of this section), including subdivision or redivision of land, the scope of the plan may be reduced accordingly. The PDRP shall describe the runoff management site design strategies, pollutant source control llMPs, and other measures the development will implement to protect coastal waters after the developmcnt is completed. 2. Water Quality and Hydrology Plan. A Water Quality ,mel Hydrology Plan (WQHP; see Section 21.35.050) shall be required for development that requires a coastal develojlment permit, has the potential for adverse water quality or hydrologic impacts to coastal waters, and is a dcvclupl11cnt of water quality concern (see Section 21.35.050(A». Developments of water quality concern arc specificd categories of development that have a greater potential for adverse water quality and hydrologic impacts due to the development's size, type ofland use, and/or proximity to coastal waters. The WQHP shall be prepared by a qualified licensed proIcssinllal, and shall include a polluted runoff and hydrologic site characterization, a sizing standard for BMl's. lise of a low impact development (LID) approach to retain the design storm runoff volume on site, and documelll-.ion of the expected effectiveness of proposed BMPs. Additional plan components that may be required include ,m ,llciltatives analysis, and a description of the treatment control and/or runoff control BMPs the development will illl; !CJI\cnt to minimize potential post-development water quality and hydrologic impacts. (Ord. 2016-19 § 9 (Exh. /\)(I,art), 2016) Brett Coombs Randall B. Coombs, Architect C19185 0: 714-744-1972 C: 714-267-6826 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073 PA2017-073