HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201123_CDD Action Letter COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR EMERGENCY TEMPORARY USE PERMIT ACTION Subject: Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343)  Emergency Temporary Use Permit No. UP2020-186 Site Location 3300 Newport Boulevard Applicant Lido House, LLC Property Owner Lido House, LLC On November 23, 2020, the Community Development Director approved Emergency Temporary Use Permit No. UP2020-186. This approval is based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions. I. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED OPERATION An emergency temporary use permit to allow two large outdoor tents (approximately 900 square feet) within the existing patio area of Lido House Hotel abutting Newport Boulevard. The two tents are 15 feet by 30 feet (450 square feet each) and will cover an existing dining area. Tables are proposed to be a minimum of seven feet apart to observe social distancing requirements. II. CEQA DETERMINATION The proposed operation is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15269 (c) (the activity is necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency), Section 15301 Class 1 (Existing Facilities), and Section 15303 Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3. Section 15269 allows specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The Class 1 exemption includes the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. The Class 3 exemption includes a store, motel, office, restaurant, or similar structure not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, not exceeding 2,500 square feet in floor area or 10,000 square feet in floor area in urbanized areas zoned for such use. The project includes a 900- square-foot outdoor dining patio area expansion to an existing hotel and is within the parameters noted for these exemptions and will not have a significant effect on the environment. There are no known exceptions listed in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 that would invalidate the use of these exemptions. DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 The Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343) November 23, 2020 Page 2 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 III. EMERGENCY TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FINDINGS In this case, the Community Development Director has found that the temporary use would not create a hazard to the health, safety, or welfare of the community for the following reasons: 1. The operation authorized by this Emergency Temporary Use Permit is temporary and only valid during the emergency order established by Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-005; 2. The project, based upon the applicant’s project description, approved site plan, and implementation of all conditions of approval, will be operated safely thereby helping reduce the spread of COVID-19. The proposed operation is necessary to provide adequate space to allow for appropriate social distancing; 3. The permitted use shall adhere to applicable State of California and Orange County Health Care Agency guidelines for the safe operation of the use. It is the responsibility of the permittee to implement and follow industry-specific guidance of the State of California and the Orange County Health Care Agency guidelines; 4. The proposed operation has been reviewed by and is acceptable to the Building Division, Fire & Life Safety Division, and the Public Works Department. Conditions of Approval are included to help ensure this operation is not detrimental; 5. The proposed operation does not constitute an increase in the overall occupant load beyond what the existing Use Permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy allow. The authorized capacity of the establishment shall not be exceeded and all local public health protocols shall be observed; 6. An adequate supply of parking is available to serve the subject business and surrounding uses. 7. The proposed operation does not extend any hours of operation beyond those currently permitted by Use Permit No. 2016-015; 8. The permitted use must be operated in compliance with applicable State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) requirements; 9. The overall plan includes appropriate delineation of outdoor use spaces with temporary physical barriers or markers; 10. The proposed operation is conditioned to be accessible to all persons, including those with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); 11. The proposed operation does not contain ESHA, wetlands, or sandy beach area; DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 The Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343) November 23, 2020 Page 3 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 12. The proposed development will not result in the erection of any permanent structures valued at more than $25,000. 13. This action meets the criteria for a waiver of permitting requirements under Section 30611. Coastal Development Permit Waiver Request No. 4 obviates the need for emergency Coastal Development Permits (CDP’s) or for any required follow-up CDP’s that would normally be required after issuance of emergency CDP’s, so long as the development conforms with that described in the California Coastal Commission letter dated August 21, 2020 and City Council Emergency Ordinance 2020-005. IV. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Only that specifically described above and depicted in the attached site plan is authorized, subject to the conditions set forth below. Any additional changes require separate review and may necessitate separate authorization from the Director. The expanded dining area shall be in substantial conformance with the site plan and seating layout provided in Attachment No. CD 3. 2. As long as this Emergency Temporary Use Permit is in effect, all NBMC provisions and any restrictions set forth in an applicable discretionary permit regulating uses, nonconforming uses, development standards, parking and permit procedures that regulate the use and development of private or public property operations are suspended only to the extent that these provisions or restrictions set forth in a discretionary permit conflict with the terms of this Emergency Temporary Use Permit. 3. The expanded outdoor dining patio shall not exceed 900 square feet. 4. The existing allowed hours of operation of the establishment shall not be extended. The hours of operation of the area modified as part of this Emergency Temporary Use Permit shall not extend beyond 10 p.m. 5. The use of amplified sound within the temporary area shall be prohibited. 6. All dining tables shall be separated from other dining tables and/or waiting areas by a minimum distance of seven (7) feet to ensure proper social distancing is maintained. 7. The Applicant shall obtain and maintain authorization from the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) for all areas where the sale, service or consumption of alcohol is under the control of the Applicant. The establishment shall abide by all applicable regulations of the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 8. The sale of alcohol “to go” to patrons that dine within the restaurant or expanded outdoor patios shall be prohibited. DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 The Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343) November 23, 2020 Page 4 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 9. The establishment shall abide by all applicable Orange County Health Care Agency requirements. 10. Establishments that provide food service, shall abide by the COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Dine-In Restaurants provided by the California Department of Public Health and Department of Industrial Health. 11. The permittee shall provide adequate trash receptacles within the permitted patio shall and the operator shall provide for periodic and appropriate removal of trash, litter debris and graffiti from the premises and on all abutting sidewalks within 20 feet of the premises. Building 12. Any areas used for temporary commercial or institutional use shall be accessible to disabled persons. a. An accessible path to all functional areas shall be provided. b. Access to restrooms shall be provided at all times. c. Accessible parking stalls shall not be used for seating areas when on-site parking is provided. d. Detectable warnings are required when pedestrian paths cross or are adjacent to a vehicular way where no physical barrier are provided to separate the two. 13. Provide not less than 5 percent accessible seating at tables and counters with knee clearance of at least 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 19 inches deep. 14. The tops of dining surfaces and work surfaces shall be 28 inches to 34 inches above the finish floor. 15. All exiting paths shall be a minimum 36 inches free and clear. All public walks and sidewalks shall be a minimum 48 inches free and clear. 16. Large tents (over 400 square feet) shall provide plans from a licensed engineer to demonstrate a proposed design complies with anchorage requirements for wind loading. Large tents (over 400 square feet) must be setback 10 feet from interior property line. Fire 17. Fire lane(s) shall be identified on the plan. 18. Parking, displays, seating or other obstacles that interfere with emergency vehicles and personnel shall not be permitted in fire lanes. 19. Vehicles are permitted to stop in fire lanes awaiting service or delivery provided that the driver remains inside the vehicle and the vehicle is ready to move immediately upon orders from emergency personnel. DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 The Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343) November 23, 2020 Page 5 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 20. All Fire Department devices (fire hydrants, fire department connections, water valves, etc.) shall have a three-foot clearance in all directions. 21. Fire Department devices shall not be covered, blocked or otherwise hidden from plain view. 22. All building exits shall remain free and clear of any obstacles that would impede exiting from a building or suite and accessing the nearest public right-of-way. 23. Covered outdoor dining areas (separate or consolidated) shall comply with the following standards for tents larger than 400 square feet (2 or more walls) and/or canopies larger than 700 square feet (no walls or one wall): • Post maximum occupant load. • Do not exceed posted occupant load inside the tent or canopy. • Visible and Mounted Fire Extinguishers with current service tags. • No Smoking Signs shall be installed. • Illuminated Exit Signs shall be installed. • Emergency Lighting shall be provided. • Exit doors are not to be blocked and are to remain accessible as exits while the tent is occupied. • All interior decorative fabrics or materials shall be flame resistant. Provide Certificates of Flame Resistance. • If Propane is used, a permit is required: Cooking and heating equipment shall not be located within 10 feet of exits or combustible materials. • LPG containers shall be located outside and be adequately protected and secured, and a permit will be required. Open flame or other devices emitting flame, such as candles, are not permitted inside or within 20 feet of the tent, canopy, or temporary membrane structure. • Tents and canopies shall have the State Fire Marshall tag indicating fire resistance. • Tents and canopies shall be designed and installed to withstand the elements of the weather and prevent collapsing through weights and ground anchorage. Public Works 24. The Applicant shall install and maintain a substantial physical barrier between any area used and adjacent to any street, driveway or parking area. 25. There shall be a minimum of 5 feet of space around all overhead facilities, such as poles, and 15 feet of space around all underground facilities, such as vault lids, manholes, vent pipes, pad-mounted transformers, etc. 26. Seating or structures below overhead conductors and/or under the ‘drip line’ shall be prohibited. DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 The Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343) November 23, 2020 Page 6 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 27. Public eating/dining at tables shall not be situated on top of energized vault lids, energized underground structures, or next to vent pipes, etc. 28. Expanded outdoor dining areas shall adhere to the SCE clearance decal examples provided in Attachment No. CD 2. Miscellaneous 29. The Community Development Director or designee may inspect the modified area at any time during normal business hours. 30. The Community Development Director may immediately revoke this permit if the Director determines that there has been a violation of any condition of approval. Any revocation of an Emergency Temporary Use permit shall be deemed effective upon the posting of a notice of revocation at the site of the business granted the emergency temporary permit. 31. The Community Development Director may modify this Emergency Temporary Use Permit. The Director shall notify the applicant of any proposed modification and a decision to modify this permit shall be deemed effective upon the posting of a notice of modification at the site of the business granted the emergency temporary use permit 32. This temporary authorization shall expire fourteen (14) days after the emergency order established by Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-005 is terminated or repealed. 33. Upon termination or repeal of Emergency Ordinance No. 2020-005, the Applicant shall immediately work to remove the temporary improvements in a timely manner and shall restore the expanded area back to its original use and improvements. 34. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City’s approval of this Emergency Temporary Use Permit for The Mayor’s Table. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 The Mayor’s Table ETUP (PA2020-343) November 23, 2020 Page 7 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 V. APPEAL This decision may be appealed by the applicant/permittee to the City Manager by notifying the City Manager of the appeal within three (3) calendar days of the decision. The City Manager shall have authority to sustain, reverse or modify the decision of the Community Development Director and the City Manager's decision shall be final. On behalf of Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director. ______________________________ David S. Lee, Associate Planner MKN/dl Attachments: CD 1 Filed Application CD 2 SCE Project Decals CD 3 Site Plan Layout Applicant and Permit Recipient Acknowledgement and Agreement I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of this permit and that I have read and understand the permit and all conditions. I hereby agree to operate the authorized use consistent with this permit including the project description, approved site plan diagram, findings, and conditions of approval. This is an approved and executed permit and it constitutes a contract between the City and Permittee for all purposes. Insert applicant name and title Signature Date DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 General ManagerAdam Beer 11/25/2020 Attachment No. CD 1 Filed Application DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 Community Development Department Pl a nn ing Permit A pplication 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in-Concept -AIC # D Lot Merger D Coastal Development Permit D Limited Term Permit - D Waiver for De Minimis Development D Seasonal D < 90 day 0 >90 days D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit D Condominium Conversion D Off-Site Parking Agreement D Comprehensive Sign Program D Planned Community Development Plan D Development Agreement D Planned Development Permit D Development Plan D Site Development Review -D Major D Minor D Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) 13300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment D Staff Approval D Tract Map D Traffic Study D Use Permit -□Minor □Conditional D Amendment to existing Use Permit [!] Emergency Temp. Use Permit/CDP D Variance 0 Amendment -□Code □PC □GP OLCP D Other: 3. Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): joutdoor Patio Tenting 4. Applicant/Company Name I Lido House, LLC J Mailing Address I 33oo Newport Blvd Suite/Unit ';:==========I City I Newport Beach State I CA I Zip 192663 I Phone I (949) 524-8500 Fax ,_I _____ __JI Email I adam.beer@marriott.com I 5. Contact/Company Name I Matt Ewing I Mailing Address 1520 Newport Center Drive Suite/Unit 1600 I City I Newport Beach State J CA I Zip 192660 I Phone I (949) 247-4237 I Fax I Email I matt.ewing@rdodevelopment.com I 6 . Property Owner Namel Lido House, LLC Mailing Address I s20 Newport Center Drive Suite/Unit ';:I 6=0=0=========, city I Newport Beach State ,_I C_A-;::::::=====--I _.:z~i'..!:'.p....:::I =92=6=6=0==~ Phone I (949) 945-4189 I Fax ,__ _____ __.I Email ~j_on_a_t_ho_n_.v_o_p_in_e_k_@_r_d_od_e_v_e_lo_p_m_e_nt_.c_o_m_, . . J Jonathon Vopinek 7. Property Owner's Aff1dav1t*: (I) (We) '-------------------------__J depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury , that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): a ~ ___:-. Title: I EVP I Oate: I 11 12012020 >' DD/MO/YEAR Signature(s): _______________ Title:~----------' Date: ,__ _____ ....J *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY and FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL REGISTERED FLAME RESISTANT PRODUCT Product: CLEAR VINYL Product Marketed By: LARK INTERNATIONAL INC 9820 BELL RANCH DRIVE #102 SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 Reqistration No. F-10901 This product meets the minimum requirements of flame resistance established by the California State Fire Marshal for products identified in Section 13115, California Health and Safety Code. The scope of the approved use of this product is provided in the current edition of the CALIFORNIA APPROVED LIST OF FLAME RETARDANT CHEMICALS AND FABRICS, GENERAL AND LIMITED APPLICATIONS CONCERNS published by the California State Fire Marshal. I Expire: 6/30/2020 Deputy St ate Fire Marshal FR-8 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 1 Perez, Joselyn From:Matthew Ewing <matt.ewing@rdodevelopment.com> Sent:Friday, November 20, 2020 5:03 PM To:Perez, Joselyn Subject:Lido House Mayors Table Emergency Permit Application - Tent Structures Attachments:Emergency Permit Submittal Diagrams.pdf; EMERGENCY PERMIT SITE PLAN.pdf [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.  Good Evening Joselyn;    Thank you again for meeting with Jonathan and at the planning desk today. I wanted to reach out to you before your  Monday AM meeting and let you know that I spoke with Choura Events, who will be providing us the (2) 15x30 tents for  the outdoor dining patio regarding the heaters. Due to the size of the tents, we will not be utilizing space heaters within  the tent, heat will instead be pumped via electric heating unit from the outside of the tent via soft duct. I will forward  the specification sheet once I’ve received it, but I wanted you to have this information for Monday’s meeting in case I  don’t get the cutsheet in time.     Thank you,     ‐Matt    Matt Ewing Development Manager     520 Newport Center Dr, Suite 600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tel: (949) 271-1107  Cell: (949) 247-4237 Matt.Ewing@rdodevelopment.com  www.rdodevelopment.com      PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 Attachment No. CD 2 SCE Clearance Decals DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS UNIT Approved Decals June 8, 2020 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 D54 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 Tmplt: 05/22/2020 Attachment No. CD 3 Site Plan Layout DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 RIDGESLOPE SLOPERIDGESLOPE Temporary 15x30x10' tall Tent Structure. Anchored to Landscape & Ballasted Barrels Per Installer's Recommendations. Fire Extinguishers & Exit Signage to be provided by Tent Supplier. (Choura Events) Relocate (E) Festoons in (N) Tent Structure (Work performed by Electrician) Temporary 15x30x10' tall Tent Structure. Anchored to Landscape & Ballasted Barrels Per Installer's Recommendations Windowed Side Wall at West and South Sides 15'-0"5'-0"5'-0" Clear Egress Path from Tent Accessory Tarp / Cover Suspended between building and Tent Structure to provide covering from rain. PATH OF EGRESS PATH OF EGRESS60'-0"EXISTING OUTDOOR DINING (COVERED) EXISTING RESTAURANT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Installation of (2) New 15x30 Temporary Tents over existing uncovered outdoor dining patio at the Mayor's Table Restaurant of Lido House Hotel. Area covered is approximately 888 NET S.F. and will seat approximate 30 people under existing OC Health and Marriott Covid Guidelines (Procedures will adjust with local guidance) Hours: 6:30am to 10pm (As guidelines allow) Serving Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Utilizes Existing Seating Areas covered under existing ABC License Proposed Mayor's Table Tent Plan PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 15'-0"5'-0"5'-0" Clear Egress Path from Tent PATH OF E G R E S S PATH OF EGRESS60'-0"EXISTING OUTDOOR DINING (COVERED) EXISTING RESTAURANT Proposed Tent Area Seating Plan Plexiglass Barrier if needed between new and existing seating areas 6' Separation Guides (Typical) PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 PA2020-343 DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 BIKE LANE GGBIKE LANE BIKE LANE BIKE LANE BIKE LANEBIKELANE BIKE LANE EVEVVAN EVEVKEEP CLEARKEEP CLEARNOPARKINGVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETVALETLOADING ZONE NOPARKINGNOPARKING NOPARKING CLEANAIRCLEANAIR CLEANAIRCLEANAIRCLEANAIR CLEANAIRCLEANAIR NOPARKINGNO PARKINGVA N SB8x10 B3X5X4 19'-4" 20'19'-2" 60' FIRE AC CESS ZONE 60'FIRE ACCESS ZONE 3'14'14'3'31'12' 9' 5'9' 5'9'31'15'-3" 13'13'16'-8"14'-10"15'-6"26'26'26'17' 17'14'-6"14'-6"17'17'6'4'-6"3'-9"20'5' 26'34'17'5'20'40' 5' 9' 9' 60'70'1'12'5'17'18'17'17' 17' 17'9'9'9'8'-6" TYP.17' TYP. 8'-6" TYP.NEWPORT BLVD.FIRE DEPT.SINGLE LANEONE WAYFIRE DEPT. ACCESS 14' WIDE LANE AT GATE VIA OPORTOVILLA WAYFINLEY AVE. 32nd STREET VERTICAL OPENING CONTROL GATES & SERVICE ACCESS (SEE NOTE 1) VERTICAL OPENING CONTROL GATES & SERVICE ACCESS (SEE NOTE 1) 20'FIRE LANE ACCESS THROUGH SITE. EXTERIOR BUILDING WITHIN 150' THROUGHOUT. CONNECTS TO NEWPORT BLVD AND 32ND. STREET. KEEP CLEAR ZONE FIRE DEPT. ACCESS 14' WIDE LANES AT GATE. 31' WIDTH FOR 60' ON EITHER SIDE MAINTAIN 16 EXISTING 60 DEGREEPARKING REMOVE 3 EXISTING60 DEGREE PARKING P SINGLE LANE SINGLE LANE PROPOSE 7 SPACES FOR F.D. (REMOVED 8) MAINTAIN EXISTING 60 DEGREE PARKING. (32 SPACES) 6'-6" SIDEWALK SINGLE LANE SINGLE LANE 35' STACKING ABILITYSERVICE PROPOSED NEW CURB TRANSFORMER FIRE DEPT. ACCESS 20' WIDE FIRE HYDRANT (E) 3 EXISTING PARALLEL STALLS TO REMAIN 148 TOTAL HOTEL ON SITE PARKING LEASE LINE WITH FIRE DEPT. PARCEL = 181,916 SF LEASE LINE WITHOUT FIRE DEPT. PARCEL = 172,291 SF 5' SETBACK (ABOVE GRADE) 5' SETBACK (ABOVE GRADE) INDICATES FIRE TRUCK & HOSE DISTANCE TOBLDG., TYP. PROPOSED LEASE LINE (R.O.W.) LEASE LINE DIMENSIONS AND PARCEL INFORMATION PER CIVIL 2 ELECTRICAL VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS (FUTURE INSTALALTION) 20' SETBACK (0'-35' HIGH) 60' SETBACK (ABOVE 35' HIGH) 1' SETBACK (0'-35' HIGH) 70' SETBACK (ABOVE 35' HIGH) INCREASEDFRONT YARD AT FIRE STATION SITE (9) BOLLARDS AROUND TRANSFORMER RECYCLE BIN FOR NON-HAZARDOUS RECYCLING MATERIALS(2) BOLLARDS AROUND GAS METER 60 60 60 60 60 6060 60 60 60 60 60 TRASH SALT WATER POOL SALT WATERSPA TRASH 1" = 30'-0" OVERALL SITE PLAN1 3 ASI 025 4 4 PA2020-343 SEE ENLARGED PLAN0'8'16'32' SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45 Safe Use of Portable Gas-Fired Heaters by Businesses The City of Newport Beach wants to help your business operate safely and effectively outdoors as you modify operations in response to the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy and tier system. The following information (prepared by our colleagues at the Orange County Fire Authority) is based on the California Fire Code (CFC) and the California Code of Regulations (CCR) and should help to answer most questions concerning the use of portable gas heaters. In addition to abiding by these regulations, please be sure to always follow the product safety, and use requirements provided by the manufacturer of the gas-fired heaters utilized by your business. Design All portable heaters used by a business must be UL listed for commercial use (CFC 603. Guards and tip-over protections are required as outlined in Section 603 of the CFC and Title 19 of the CCR. Location Portable gas-fired heaters may only be used outside in well-ventilated areas (CFC 603.4.2). See manufacturer’s specifications for distance from umbrellas.  Prohibited outside locations:  Inside of tents, canopies and other membrane structures (CFC 603.  Within five (5) feet of buildings (CFC 603.  Within five (5) feet of combustibles (CFC 603.  Within five (5) feet of exits or exit discharges (CFC 603.  On exterior balconies (CFC 603. LP Tank Storage All propane tanks must only be stored outside, with the following separations (CFC 603.2.3.4):  Five (5) feet from a building with two means of egress  Ten (10) feet from a building with one means of egress  Ten (10) feet from combustible materials A maximum of seven (7), 20 lb. tanks are permitted at any single business, including empty tanks (CFC Table 5003.1.1). Questions? Please contact the NBFD’s Fire Prevention Division at 949-644-3106 for assistance. DocuSign Envelope ID: A8F0C03A-9771-4D15-85B5-597905A7FA45