HomeMy WebLinkAboutMASTER PLAN AMENDMENT # 26 January a, 1973 14r. L. McConvi 1 ie Road Commissioner and County Surveyor County of Orange 400 Civic Center Drive hest Santa Ans, CA 92701 Attention: 11. L. Yaun, Division Engineer, Engineering SubJec't: Proposed Amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways - 15th Street from Superior to Balboa Boulevard Gentlemen: Reference is made to your letter of November 29, 1972 concern- ing the environmental effects of proposed amendment to redesig- nate the location of an existing secondary highway between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard from an alignment southerly of 15th Street to a 15th Street alignment. Thisamendment has been approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach and in our opinion the highway reloca- tion contemplated is consistent with current highway and land use planning in the best Newport area. This amendment simply changes the location of a previously adopted secondary highway to a more northerly location. We feel that the proposed amend- ment will not have a significant environmental effect on the area. Vary truly, yours, B3 PA;MIEHT OF COM-M4tNItY DEVELOPMENT N �l. R. Y. iiX0 ce�e/ 2 Directorr� 3 OLW:hh 6. New /rr 19j3® r oR"op �i L. McCONVILLE ROAD COMMISSIONER AND COUNTY 9UflVEYOq w U NTY ENGINEERING BUILDING 3 - 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST v SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 T ELE PI'70NE 7I4-834-3456 Q U? ROAD DEPARTMENT November 29 , 1972 � ��i°•'IL�d t DEC, Mr. Joseph T. Devlin ! T' 19Dir )2 yCofrNew Newport BeachCH, of Works NfN�PORT gF City 3300 West Newport Boulevard �AUF A Newport Beach, California 92660 �� , Y SUBJECT: Proposed Amendments to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways Dear Mr. Devlin: In reference to the City' s adopted Resolution No. 7740 regarding additions and deletions to the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways within the City of Newport Beach, additional information is required before submittal to the County Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors . The changes you have requested to the County Master Plan may have significant environmental effects. The Board of Supervisors has adopted interim guidelines that require analysis of matters of this nature. To conform to these requirements it is necessary that the City' s planning body comment on the environmental effects of this proposed change and respond to this office prior to our referral of this item to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. We would appreciate your prompt reply. Should you have any questions, please call Mits Okayama of this office ,at 834-3578 . Very truly yours, L. McCONVILLE Road Commissioner 8 un Surveyor By C L. ZA N Division Engin - Engineering WLZ :HJK:JLS :hg January 4, 1973 „r. L. McConville Road Commissioner and County Surveyor County of Orange 400 Civic Center Drive Uest Santa Ana, CA 92701 Attention: W. L. 7.aun, Division Engineer, Engineering Subject Proposed Amendm*.eni to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways - 15th Street from Superior to Balboa Boulevard Gentlermxn: Reference is made to your letter of November 29, 1972 concern- ing the envirenmrstal effects of proposed amendment to redesig- nate the location of an existing secondary highway between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard from an alignment southerly of 15th Street to a 15th Street alignment. This amendment has been approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach and in our opinion the highway reloca- tion contemplated is consistent with current highway and land use planning in the West Newport area. This am. ndment simply c'ianges nA 2 location of a previously adopted secondary highway 4o a tmoi-a northerly location. tie feel that the proposed annd- rent will not have a significant environnwntal effect on the area, 'Very truly yours, iJcPIIRTrirIET OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT y=iJ vy C R. V. HOGAI "I Director � 3 DW:hh L. McCONVILLE ROAD COMM 15310NEPNEP AND COUNTY SURVEYOR (CDU ® - ENGINEERING BUILDING .r�.. Q 400 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST + d. ® SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 02701 TELEPtONE` 7I4-834-3438 ROAD DEPARTMENT November 29 , 1972 1 � �L' f;riC7 Mr. Joseph T. D'evlin ? T' 79�2 Di rector N£rV�Rr`QrA�t! 3300 West Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 SUBJECT: Proposed Amendments to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways Dear Mr. Devlin: In reference to the City's adopted Resolution No. 7740 regarding additions and deletions to the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways within the City of Newport Beach, additional information is required before submittal to the County Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors . The changes you have requested to the County Master Plan may have significant environmental effects. The Board of Supervisors has adopted interim guidelines that require analysis of matters of this nature. To conform to these requirements it is necessary that the City' s planning body comment on the environmental effects of this proposed change and respond to this office prior to our referral of this item to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. We would appreciate your prompt reply. Should you have any questions , please call Mits Okayama of this office at 834-3578. Very truly yours , L. MCCONVILLE Road Commissioner 6 un Surveyor By . L. ZAUN Division Engin - Engineering WLZ :HJK:JLS :hg June 26, 1972 TO: CITY COUNCIL ..,' FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: ANNUAL REQUALIFICATION OF CITY -IN THE COUNTY ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution advising the -Arterial Highway Financing Program Advisory Committee of •certain• changes in the Master Street and Highway Plan of the -City of Newport Beach and requesting that said changes -be adopted- into the County Arterial Highway Master Plan and made eligible for inclusion in the Arteriel 'Highway Financing Program. DISCUSSION: - The cities participating -in the County Road Department Arterial Highway Financing Program (AHFP) are required to adopt a resolution by July 1 of each year informing the Advisory Committee as to whether or•not any changes to the Arterial Highway Master Plan have been made within the City, and to request that the changes be adopted into the County Arterial Highway Master Plan and made eligible for inclusion in the program. . The only change to the City's Master Street and Highway Plan since July 1 , 1971 is the item scheduled for a Public Hearing at the beginning of this agenda (June 26, 1972). The proposed change is Amendment No. 26 to the Master Street and Highway Plan which will redesignate -the location of a proposed secondary highway northerly to the existing alignment of 15th• Street from Superior Avenue to Monrovia Avenue and then westerly-,to connect- with extended Balboa Boulevard. oseph . evlin ublic s Director WBD/ep core o4,v coPr t RESOLUTION NO. 7 7 2 8 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADOPTING AMENDMENT NO. 26 TO THE MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council i have heretofore adopted a Master Plan which includes as a unit thereof a Master Street and Highway Plan, with revisions; and ' WHEREAS, studies by the Planning Commission reveal that since the adoption of said Master Street and Highway Plan there have been changes in conditions which indicate that said Plan i should be amended to show new alignments, additions, street name corrections and classification changes; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, after notice as required by law, has held a public hearing on the proposed amendment and has recommended the adoption of the amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan, and WHEREAS, the City Council, after notice as required by law, has held a public hearing on said proposed amendment; and ' WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is desirable to amend said Master .Street and Highway Plan as recommended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach does hereby adopt Amendment No. 26 to i the Master Street and Highway Plan as shown on a map entitled Exhibit "A" attached hereto, redesigning thereon the location of a proposed 'secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue, thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. ADOPTED this 26th day of June 1972. _ ATTEST; 7�9 Mayor City Clerk 9 ¢�o >��oe�p o��o� M23/72 W N: � i ' \ Cb,Gfh1EP rho PL l ' • . o WQY ' ' •'' �i PdLMER ST. 1 /NGY/ITP/OL 4 1 •• � S1' ClYOF 'V O /SrH ' �'� NFJ'✓Po,PI'BE4 � v • colraaRrTrlCAI YARD O I' r< m 3 11Q I� O� I 0,4 A A0. 2 U FVK PRODS " . z Oi✓�+PA /CE RL2 Q .a ••1 �j i O n S HNOR/p $ CAA C\l. r( 05 ' � �� JEPARATIDN • DS c.,TE c cpd ANp$LID ��• \\) t� G� �> ctaptY WtidllE? 9l OCLI�sr H PAR o NF�o• V U�� 1 ,�r // w✓. l��•—rv—ER R Cr avE'• Q o L=7� C���C d C=1 CM /���-�=ter- -'�-;�` � . ��t,;'`•�y�„ •��,� © � � `•� /�p�'�J/ n Q N Q •� h '^ n° ab o b•, a �� ,^ 5� VAC • . 4� y�l r11 � I O"p� -12 m TER 'D L W' I- D. rr C6hlbO y C6py RESOLUTION NO. 7 7 4 n A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADVISING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF CERTAIN CHANGES IN THE MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND REQUESTING THAT SAID CHANGES BE ADOPTED INTO THE COUNTY ARTERIAL HIGHWAY MASTER PLAT AND MADE ELIGIBLE FOR INCLUSION IN THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach is a participant in the Orange County Arterial Highway Financing Program; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange Arterial Highway Financing Program Procedure^Manual requires that each city that s intends to participate in said program adopt a resolution informing the Advisory Committee of any changes made to the Arterial Highway Master Plan within said city; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 1972, by adopted of Resolution No. 77 28 , the City Council adopted a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan of the City of Newport Beach, which reflected certain changes shown on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach hereby requests the Arterial Highway Financing Program Advisory Committee to take action to cause the inclusion of said changes in the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways, as shownion said Exhibit "A" , in order that said street realignment may be included in the County Arterial i Highway Financing Program. j i 1 ADOPTED this 26thlday of June, 1972. 1 Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk c�F'Fc L N\` 1 nJ {000 mh fI a Q°oP� 6/22/72 ''( Cp^ Ili ,ilir y ,0r�: 5S a /6 MO [ Ct9,it/dE.P C/r1L JT. 1 - =•. • • /NLY/1T.PGOL .: � PdLr'dER ' . r �'� JJFJ'✓PC,PTgE � � v o COPPO,?LT/O// YOM � O O �/ Y: O $tad �� •. � / (.i L ♦ OWA14 RD.O h h .. l A 1�0t� Gt�0�1 P �I n ! RiA WY. ODD r, i o� PA !CE ow .a I SPA plgp Doti os `° �`�� • . CM 04 LETS• 0 �y j LBGP ' II r1 CJ/'aN • tNti'AJTfB ST 3r pW'1 ••i:• .: bVE. ] � r' c..ar•.QGrr1/"+7 �.v 10 \ra _ " RAVER ��w+' '!✓ � ll((��`J/ h •fir �O ,� _-..,` /? .4r--fOR7'G CT�V�•r.'� G !J /1 �<i .]` /. • V pas C � o 0 0 0 0 �o CfCc o o Q ©q �G � C� L, M. N 67 CV `�Q G L� � fir: � ' ,C9; -�,e•-•• r 1 City . Council Meeting June 12 ,,,1972 Council Agenda Number S June 6, 1972 ' J TO : City. Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Master Plan Amendment . No . 26 Proposal to redesignate the location of a, pro- posed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue ; thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways : Recommendation At its meeting of May 4 , 1972 the Planning Commission recomr mended approval (Commissioner Martin being absent) of Master Plan Amendment No . 26 to the City Council . Respectfully submitted WICLIR�t R. LAYUUCIC Zoning Administrator WRL : hh Attachments : Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes May 4 , 1972 To Council Members Only : Staff Report dated May 2 , 1972 with attachments COMMISS,PNERS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 3 MINUTES ct OLL CALL � May 4 , 1972 INDEX I • + 1 ,Item #17 Proposal to redesignate the location of a proposed ASTER secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment PLAN , between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard M NDMENT extended to an alignment commencing •at Superior qO . 26 Avenue thence westerly along the existing align- ment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue , thence PPROV'ED westerly to a point of •connection ,with Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . . 1� John Haskell appeared before the Planning Commis-I sion as an observer for Beeco Ltd . j • otion X Following discussion , Planning Commission adopted' econd X Resolution No . 752 entitled "A Resolution of- the 11 Ayes Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach '. Approving and Recommending , Amendment No. , 26 to I the Master Street and Highway Plan . " ADDITIONAL BUSINESS : 1 The following resolutions were adopted by the Planning Commission , same having been previously) discussed at the afternoon study session of May 4, 1972 otion X Resol,ution No . 753 entitled " A Resolution of the RESOLU- econd anning Commission of the City of Newport Beach/ TION 11 Ayes Fin ' g that the Proposed East Newport Heights • 'NV 753 1 Storm ain Project is in Conformity with the Adopted G eral Plan of the City of Newport),' Beach . " " otion X Resolution No. 75 etti-ng a Public Hearing for RESOLU- ' econd K May 18, 1972 , in conn tion with a proposed amend- TIO 11 Ayes ment to the Newport Bead Municipal Code by adding N754 sections to Title 10 and Ti a 20 regarding out- , ., door' lighting . � { otioh X Resolution No . 755 setting a Public. aring •for RESOLU- ; + econd X Wednesday , May 170 1972 at 7 :30 P .M . i onnectionlTI 11 Ayes with a proposed amendment to the Newport ch IN0-755 Municipal Code by adding - Section 20 .08.290I 1 it- ing the height of ,buildings in Newport Be ch . l Page 1.6 . I• Tj hV�.. --..'^ __ __ _. __ _"""__"_'� 1' '"',^""m;j•l Ir gom.+f I+.""T^"'� t91 Iln: ' 1 r:Y p '1 qr,l ",v,, n It''r I'.• i'I rl'{I .f J,1, .,'1'I ' {u 'I t,�r !�r, ,'A 11''I �J �li!�r 4. �I' '� Iprl' I �1 ',1'• L'I', _ r ,r'I ' I;' 1:ii,'Ii'tll l y�f.•r ,ihll ,1 I II',d 11 r ,l r P • ' r � II r {'iii,. I �ILI, .I,:'•II� ,1 ,,1.� n�,, If,'Ir�' I iij 1, ',� q , , ' .'I',�„ ulll',iti � I, •'11" !I 11'11 �i;'1 r l,r „+ III II 1, �,•,'r I)111 ' '1' I I I' II • •I ,, ,'11"i'1'lld• 1�11 i!i.'1'1�.' 'I�;,1,1:11',!,•'�u�{,l�{Il, 'I'L' illlJl,(��•I.i II ' . I'llilllll ,S,!! „tl ,l,tl(rllp(I,r�.'1'b'rir",I,r tll v'11•( ''j!,'t;r;',R " l 'J,1 ,i I I,II P r III'li li,tdrr i' I• ;.i''•I', '1�'I'i.,1, i i„ { I I �I , . r i'I I' 1 �' 111 'I I ' 1 r�', ' 'II1I' 1 p' �� Ii III,', l I�..1 1.1 k',!'\1•p' t r' llr , ' '' 1 . 1. , 1' it . Inl rl :il• '„r ' 1 , ;IIr,L)IJU • � it ' i Planning Commission Meeting May 4 , 1972 Item No, 17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH May 2 , 1972 TO : Planning Commission . FROM : Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Master Plan Amendment No. 26 Proposal to redesignate the location of a proposed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment •of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue , thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as . shown on the Master Plan . of Streets and Highways . Background At its meeting of April 6 , 1972 , the Planning Commission approved Use Permit Application No. 1585 of the Robert H . Grant Corporation for the development of a 494 unit residential development on 37 . 31 acres - of land located on the westerly side of Superior Avenue north of Pacific Coast Highway . A condition attached to the approval of the Use Permit states : "That the exercise of this use permit shall be held in abeyance pending resolution of the conflict between the proposed development and the east-west secondary street , northerly of Coast Highway as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . Prior to amending the Master Plan of Streets and Highways , concurrence with the amend- ment shall be received by letter from Beeco Ltd. and the Orange County Road Department. " Analysis By memo dated April 26 , 1972 , the City Engineer states : "The arterial highway relocation contemplated in Amendment 26 is consistent with current highway and land use planning in the West Newport area. "The alignment presently shown on the city ' s master plan is based on concepts for • the Coastal - Freeway and for the Newport Freeway which are now obsolete . Most significant is the change in the Newport Freeway from an alignment along Newport Boulevard to an alignment just westerly of Superior Avenue . Preliminary plans for the southerly end of the Newport Freeway indicate physical incompatibility with the present arterial location . The proposed 15th Street arterial alignment would continue over the Newport Freeway on a simple overcrossing . "This amendment- has been reviewed with the Orange County Road, Department , primarily ,because 15th Street between Superior - Avenue and the city limit line near Monrovia Avenue is in unincorporated County territory . The County first studied this matter in conjunction with the Newport. Freeway realignment studies several years ago. Their conclusion was. that the 15th Street alignment is preferable , and is in fact the alignment presently shown on the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways ., Recent contacts with the Road Department indicate that the 15th Street alignment is still preferred. Item No . 17 TO: , Planning Com�ission - 2 . " In summary , the propo edirealignment is compatible with current planning in the area , nd should provide better traffic servi.ce because of its more no therly- location . " , 'Recommendation Staff recommends that Amendment No. 26 to the Master Streets and (:r` Highways Plan be approved. Pursuant to the condition of approval on Use Permit No. 1585 , a letter from Beeco Ltd, dated. March 24, 1972 and indicating their concurrence in the amendment is attached . T It is anticipated that a letter from the. Orange County Road Department ; indicating their • concurrendeiwill be forthcoming . E Assistant Director �t1 • Y JDH/sm Attachments : Letter from �eeco , Ltd. dated 3/24/72 Map showing aster Pian •Amend. , #26 i . All r'ov ! :,V Road •!R OIII I, ' BEECO, LTD. u c a su1LDING OIO NORTH MAIN STREET ' .8A TA ANA,CALWORNIA OZ701 n 71, 0-9333 March 24, 1972 Community Development{Dept. a�..�t';• l;; City of Newport Beach f IA411 City Hall 3300 West Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, Califoria 92660 Attention: Richard Hogan, Community Development Director Gentlemen: You are processing a proposed development plan submitted by Robert -' H. Grant Corporation covering property in West Newport Beach owned +1. r by this company. ' In/this regard, you are considering the modification of the arterial " rLster plan for that area.,- Beeco, Ltd.' hereby approves of the 1 odification of the Orange County and the City of Newport Beach master plans of arterial highways if and as necessary to provide r for an arterial along 15th Street westerly from Superior Avenue through 'Beeco, Ltd, property to an intersection with an extension >`r of Balboa Boulevard. Ourfcompany recognizes that such arterial solution may cause a parking $ deficiency on the existing Bond 'Publishing property at the southwesterly + ' corner of 15th Street and Monrovia Avenue adjacent to Beeco, Ltd. land. ! Iri the event of such an arterial solution, Beeco, Ltd.• agrees to cooper- ate with the owners of the Bond Publishing property in solving such a ' deficiency. " r _ I I Sincere y, , BE EC LTD -` By HB:DD 'Hancock Banning III, Presiden I . � cc Mr. Ben Nolan, City Engineer i ' •I'Idi, • .I. r'� 114'! ` 1!1 J11,(''r1 I ,Itii I, y '',rl,hl{'��,.'Hli'i.'1'i'" '' ,d ,I,• 'rl','i{,';',:��.li'rl�i!i'.�1511�w!r it �4:d,�yifl Ili I,Il tlf i;l',�I Ifiil p�{q�'I �"Ir'j' '1''Irl J� 'rl "', ,•;rt 11'I rAlll,r '' r, '• I 11 '�''''Ir'r fib, r 1 t ,, r { t'/'"•r. ! ,!111•I1,!,�," ,I r'I•'1,4t', {• ,{1 It, �''(il 1 I11 „i.�'(:' fil' i; 11 ' 1 1,, 1, 11I ,,I I'I, rr�,I.111; ,,,+.rri't '1 "I�{. .I�I,�liil'�' I` I•II 'ir� 11r ' '� ,1f ' '' I {• i I`cI I,,,I;J� '',I', , I i 1 I1. .1,,, , .��•• H'r'r{I''1�f'�''I 'i,111 I,iIP'I. ,fl,lll�ll�' li{I���n p�I'Ilflj l ' 'I,' . � � . '1 'li`rli, '1 ,'I'lilil',�,i') I�'ii ''I iq,,Ili lll'll(flill••1�' f,lt„{ rl, 61r•!I,L'�. , 1 I ,',r•I ; , r 1 ',r,,�1• 17.J' 11 ,, r{1{(I{�' f� ., �''' 1, 1 , � �j� i� I Ili, I I r:"�•1 r,{'.' {,!�r,'.1j1' �1�(:',',.rf�'i ,I,� Ir, '!•ri • n ' r� " •4;!,'1'1 yrii I, '•II '} '4'I� II ,Ir II4,{ • .�II ❑��1h11, r "'r ,r.Jl f ,1,.r�',��, 'I 1'i Ii,11j', i;jr','I!' r I, r ,III 1 1'I'i rflr� l', ' 'r!ldil,J 11 {r'i tll;i f',..,Ir I•;,11,,,'r �, I i I I ,Ii"I�;'�'14,r'1: , I 1 • 'I,'/,!±' P It ,' i i ' , t4'". !1 I, 'f 1'I,t ,,, I";U',,,, r!„J.''„ •1: '0,1111 t I ' ' ,'.I .i II' ;',,,;�',°Ir,'',I., 1, .r1'0'i i t' ,• I,.I,li,l li,, d { i' , 1r,,Dr:,+• 1' �rli,{ 1�,1 ! •11 ,�I,t, • Ir,i i I,r,. ++, r' ,r , ! ,1',' , b r t'r,{•I l,l,' I 11 lr � � u /6 rH _ CT7,�fh1EPC/QL v ' WQY' C'NOX St I /NLYlJ7.P/dL •' Q dY 3 .. .. ST� CJTY Op , •• ' 'mac AlF.FYP02T8E � v WoePoen/o//y4m W 0 J � ir' p ep ,m ✓ � •1'%'� I� o �^P/NDR/ 0 �y C °4�i �D� � o << ° 6Do' �° Eon I 024DE • SEP4QaT�DN n ANO �NresrEQ sr s 1 Of G=���RYLC b ^ d rp ,1 I cl LA" °CI a o �' ff- 4 ,A4 �`�= a ./r ©C 1 C NI S 1. E L16 Y OF NEWPORT B`CH MINUTES COUNCILMEN REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Place: Council Chambers o�xPo 0 °o a-A Time: 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL �TvompaZwoc'9� pm Date: June 26, 1972 INDEX \Ayesx xxxxxxx Roll Call. x The reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of x x x x x x June 12, 1972 was waived, said Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. Motion x The reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under x x x x consideration was waived, and the City Clerk was directed Ayes x x to read by titles only. f 1EARINGS: 1. ayor McInnis opened the public hearing in connection Weed the Spring, 1972 Weed Abatement Program. Abatement A rep rt from the Fire Chief dated June 2, 1972 and the Ass sment List on abatement of weeds and other nuisances ithin the City were presented. No one desire to be heard. Motion x The hearing- was c sed. Ayes XXXXXXX Resolution No. 7726, co\1n, g the report of the R-7726 Fire Chief assessing thef the abatement of weeds and other nuisancrequesting the Auditor- Controller of Orange Co nter the amount of Motion x each assessment referr s 'd report on the Ayes xxxxxxx County tax roll, was ado 2. ' Mayor McInnis opened tinued pu is hearing Budget for the purpose of consithe prelim ary budget 1972-73 as prepared by the City er for the fis 1 year1972-73, pursuant to Se102 of the City harter.No one desired to be hea Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Resolution No. 7727, adopting the Budget for the R- 727 Motion x 1972-73 Fiscal Year, in the amount of $14, 233, 125. 00, Ayes xxxxxxx was adopted. 3. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing regarding Master Master Plan Amendment No. 26, a proposal to re- Plan designate the location of a proposed secondary high- Amendmat way from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment Volume 26 - Page 156 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNCILMEN MINUTES 90 n�00N NP\ �0220` .1 O ROLL CALL T� �N N �'v� �0 June 26, 1972 INDEX commencing at Superior Avenue, thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue, thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended. Richard Clucas spoke from the audience and asked if the City's traffic consultant agreed with the amend= ment. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Resolution No. 7728, adopting Amendment No. 26 to R-7728 Motion x the Master Street and Highway Plan, was adopted, Ayes x x x x x x x subject to the City's traffic consultant's concurrence. 4. Mayor McInnis opened the public hearing regarding Dist Ordinance No. 1445, being, Map 12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING DISTRICT MAP NO_ 12 TO DELETE THE ESTABLISHED 10-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR LOT 21 ON "L" STREET, AND TO ESTABLISH 10-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACKS FOR LOTS 21 AND 22 ON MIRAMAR DRIVE, Planning Commission Amendment 321. No one desired to be heard. Motion x The hearing was closed. Ayes xxxxxxx Motion x Ordi ance No. 1445 was adopted. Ayes xxxxxxx 5. Mayor Mc nis opened the public hearing regarding Outdoor Ordinance N 1446, being, Lighting AN ORDINA CE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADD SECTION 20. 08. 12 TO THE NEWPORT BE A H MUNICIPAL CODE,. ENTITLED "OUT OR LIGHTING,." - Planning Commission Ame dment No. 320, regulating outdoor lighting of swimming ools, tennis courts and other uses of a similar nature cated in a residential area. Volume 26 - Page 157 COUNCILMEN Y OF NEWPORT AACH MINUTES - ep , NA ZZ0 A O ROLL CALL T� �'a a yc "m June 12, 1972 INDEX Recreation Department for any additional construction or planting within the public right-of-way. (A report from the Public Works Director was presented. ) 9. The specifications for the helicopter liability insur- Helicopter ance were approved, and the City Manager was Insurance authorized to obtain competitive bids for one year renewal of aviation insurance policy for police helicopter operations. (A report from the City Manager was presented. ) 10. a purchase of a Library microfilm filing cabinet Library fo storing periodicals on microfilm was approved, in th amount of $310, from the Capital Outlay Budget, Library Fund. (A report from the City Libraria was presented ' 11. The use of the Community Youth Center facilities Comm at Grant Howal ark on an overnight basis by a Youth teen bicycling unit rom Lawndale was approved, Center subject to the condi'ti ns recommended by the Parks, Beaches and Recreatio Director. (A report from the Parks, Beaches and creation Director to the City Manager was presente ) 12. The application of William Ritte for Harbor Permit Ritter No. 225-1804 to revise the existin harbor permit Harb by repositioning the slip bayward of 04 South Bay Perm Front, Balboa Island, was approved. report from the Marine Safety Department was presen d. ) 13. The application of Lafayette Waterfront-Props ties Lafayette for Harbor Permit No. 221-2816 to revise the Waterfront existing harbor permit to a joint ownership permit Prop and to change the configuration by the addition of a Harb transverse finger float across the prolongation of erm the common property bayward of 2814 and 2816 Lafayette Avenue, was approved. (A report from the Marine Safety Department was presented. ) 14. Master Plan Amendment No. 26 to the Master Plan Master of Streets and Highways, a proposal to redesignate Plan the location of a proposed secondary highway from a Amendmt northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment com- mencing at Superior Avenue, thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue, thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended, was set for public hearing on June 26, 1972. (A report from the Com- munity Development Department was presented. ) Volume 26 - Page 152 t • � it City • Council Meeting June 12 , 1972 Council Agenda Number June 6, 1972 TO : City. Council FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Master Plan Amendment. No . 26 Proposal to redesignate the location of a, pro- posed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and -Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue ; thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . Recommendation At its meeting of May 4 , 1972 the Planning Commission recomr mended approval (Commissioner Martin being absent) of Master Plan Amendment No . 26 to the City Council . Respectfully submitted AR WI I , LTYCOCIZ' _j�/ Zoning Administrator WRL : hh Attachments : Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes May 4 , 1972 To Council Members Only: Staff Report dated May• 2 , 1972 with attachments COMMISSIPNERS CITY OF NEWPORT BPCH 3 h MINUTES fi ROLL CALL m May 4 , 1972 INDEX Item #17 Proposal to redesignate the location of a proposed ASTER secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard VENDMENT extended to an alignment commencing ,at Superior 10 . 26 Avenue thence westerly along the existing align- ment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue , thence ;PPROVED westerly to a point of connection ,with. ,Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . John Haskell appeared before the Planning Commis- sion as an observer for Beeco Ltd. Motion X Following discussion , Planning Commission adopted Second X Resolution ,No . 752 entitled "A Resolution of the All Ayes Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach Approving and Recommending Amendment No . , 26 to the Master Street and Highway Plan . " ADDITIONAL BUSINESS : The following resolutions were adopted by the Planning Commission , same having been previously discussed at the afternoon study session of May 4 , 1972 Motion X Resolution No . 753 entitled " A Resolution of , the RESOLU- Second K Planning Commission of the City of- Newport Beach TION All Ayes inding that the Proposed East Newport Heights WF753 St m Drain Project is in Conformity with the Adop d General Plan of the City of Newport Beach . ' Motion X Resolution 754 setting a Public Hearing for RESOLU- Second May 18 , 1972 , 1 connection with a proposed amend- IfION All Ayes ment to the Newpo Beach Municipal Code by adding T0.754 sections to Title 1 nd Title 20 regarding out- door lighting , Motion X Resolution No . 756 setting ublic Hearing for RESOLD- Second X Wednesday , May 17 , 1972 at 7 : P .M. in connection TION-- All Ayes with a proposed amendment to the wport Beach 0.755 Municipal Code by adding Section 20., 8 ,290 limit- ing the height of buildings in Newpor each . Page 16 . COMMISSIONERS CITY OF NEWPORT B11CH 3 MINUTES s � ROLL CALL May 4 , 1972 INDEX Item #17 Proposal to redesignate the location of a proposed ASTER secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard TUNDMENT extended to an alignment commencing ,at Superior 407 Avenue thence westerly along the existing align- ment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue , thence PPROVED westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways , John Haskell appeared before the Planning Commis- sion as an observer for Beeco Ltd. Motion X Following discussion , Planning Commission adopted Second X Resolution ,No . 752 entitled "A Resolution of the All Ayes Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach Approving and Recommending Amendment No . . 26 to the Master Street and Highway Plan . " ADDITIONAL BUSINESS : The following resolutions were adopted by the Planning Commission , same having been previously discussed at the afternoon study session of May 4, 1972 Motion X Resolution No . 753 entitled " A Resolution of the RESOLU- Second K nning Commission of the City of Newport Beach TION All Ayes Fin • g that the Proposed East Newport Heights NO. 753 Storm ain Project is in Conformity with the Adopted G eral Plan of the City of Newport Beach , " Motion X Resolution No . 75 etting a Public Hearing for RESOLU- Second K May 18 , 1972 , in conn tion with a proposed amend- ION All Ayes ment to the Newport Bead Municipal Code by adding N=754 sections to Title 10 and Ti a 20 regarding out- door lighting , Motion X Resolution No . 755 setting a Public aring for RESOLU- Second X Wednesday , May 17 , 1972 at 7 :30 P .M . i connection ,TION All Ayes with a proposed amendment to the Newport ach P76:`-755 Municipal Code by adding Section 20 ,08.290 1 it- ing the height of buildings in Newport Beach . Page 16 . • Planning Commission MeetiTfg May 4 , 1972 Item No. 17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH May 2 , 1972 TO : Planning Commission FROM : Department of Community Development SUBJECT: Master Plan Amendment No. 26 Proposal to redesignate the location of a proposed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia , Avenue , thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as . shown on the Master Plan . of Streets and Highways ., Background At its meeting of April 6 , 1972 , the Planning Commission approved Use Permit Application No. , 1585 of the Robert H . Grant Corporation for the development of a 494 unit- residential development on 37 . 31 acres - of land located on the westerly side of Superior Avenue north of Pacific Coast Highway . A condition attached to the approval of the Use Permit states : "That the exercise of this use permit shall be held in abeyance pending resolution of the conflict between the proposed development and the east-west secondary street northerly of Coast Highway as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . Prior to amending the Master Plan of Streets and Highways , concurrence with the amend- ment shall be received by letter from Beeco Ltd. and the Orange County Road Department. " Analysis By memo dated April 26 , 1972 , the City Engineer states : "The arterial highway relocation contemplated in Amendment 26 is consistent with current highway and land use planning in the West Newport area. "The alignment presently shown on the city ' s ,master plan is based on concepts for the Coastal Freeway and for the Newport Freeway which are now obsolete . Most significant is the change in the Newport Freeway from an alignment along Newport Boulevard to an alignment just westerly of Superior Avenue . Preliminary plans for the southerly , end of the Newport Freeway indicate physical incompatibility with the present arterial location . The proposed 15th Street arterial alignment would continue over the Newport Freeway on a simple overcrossing . "This amendment: has been reviewed with the Orange County Road, Department , primarily because 15th Street between Superior - Avenue and the city limit line near Monrovia Avenue is in unincorporated County territory . The County first , studied this matter in conjunction with the Newport Freeway realignment studies several years ago . Their conclusion .was that the 15th Street alignment is preferable , and is in fact the alignment presently shown on the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways ., Recent contacts with the Road Department indicate that the 15th Street alignment is still preferred. Item No . 17 • TO: Planning Commission - 2. " In summary , the proposed realignment is compatible with current planning, in the area , and should provide better traffic service because of its more northerly location . " Recommendation Staff recommends that Amendment No . 26 to the Master Streets and Highways Plan be approved. Pursuant to the condition of approval on Use Permit No. 1585 , a letter from Beeco Ltd . dated March 24, 1972 and indicating their concurrence in the amendment is attached. It is anticipated that a letter from the Orange County Road Department indicating their concurrence will be forthcoming . JDAES D. HE WICKER " Assistant Director JDH/sm Attachments : Letter from Beeco , Ltd . dated 3/24/72 Map showing Master Plan Amend . #26 RESOLUTION 'NO . 752 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING AND RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT NO . 26 TO THE MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN WHEREAS , the Planning Commission and the City Council have heretofore adopted a Master Plan which includes as a unit thereof a Master Street and Highway Plan , with revisions ; and WHEREAS , studies by the Planning Commission reveal that sihce the adoption of said Master Street and Highway Plan there have been changes in conditions which indicate that said Plan should be amended to show new alignments , additions , street name corrections and classification changes ; and WHEREAS , the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach , after notice as required by law, has held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Master Street and Highway Plan ; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Com- mission of the City of Newport Beach does hereby recommend Amend- ment No . 26 to the Master Street and Highway Plan be approved as shown on a map entitled Ek-hibit "A" attached hereto , redesigning thereon the location of a proposed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue , thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Boulevard extended as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways . Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach , State of California on the 4th day of May 1972 . AYES : Adkinson , Agee , Dosh , Glass , Hazewinkel , Heather NOES : None ABSENT: Martin ((}} Chairman ecretary April 26, 1972 TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -DEPARTMENT FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 26, ARTERIAL CONNECTION BETWEEN SUPERIOR AVENUE AND BALBOA BOULEVARD EXTENSION The arterial highway relocation contemplated in Amendment 26 is con- sistent with current highway and land use planning in the West Newport ,area. The alignment presently shown on the city's master plan is based on concepts for the Coastal Freeway and for the Newport Freeway which are now obsolete. Most significant is the change in the Newport Freeway from an alignment along Newport Boulevard to an alignment just westerly of Superior Avenue. Preliminary plans for the southerly end of the Newport Freeway indicate physical incompatibility with the present arterial location. The proposed l5th Street arterial alignment would continue over the Newport Freeway on a simple overcrossing. This amendment has been reviewed with the Orange County Road Department, primarily because 15th Street between Superior Avenue and the ,city limit line near Monrovia Avenue is in unincorporated County territory. The County first studied this matter in conjunction with the Newport Freeway realignment studies several years ago. Their 'conclusion was that the 15th Street alignment is preferable, and is in fact the align- ment presently shown on the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways. Recent contacts with the Road •Department indicate that the 15th Street alignment is still •preferred-. In summary, the proposed realignment is compatible with current planning in the area, and shoul-d provide better traffic service because of its more northerly location. Benjamin B. Nolan City Engineer BBN/bg %Z' j BEHCO, LTD. • Uca ©uiLo1NG ' 1010 NORTH MAIN STREET ' I ' .SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92701 I�• 0141558-9333 March 24, 1972 y+` �, 1'%� f �� 40�• ',o�� 96 Community Development Dept. City of Newport Beach j City Hall N f • 3300 West Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 ' Attention: Richard Hogan, Community Development Director j Gentlemen: You are processing a proposed development plan submitted by Robert ? H. Grant Corporation covering property in West Newport Beach owned ' by this company. `i -In this regard, you are considering the modification of the arterial l i master plan for that area. Beeco, Ltd.' hereby approves of the modification of the Orange County and the City of Newport Beach master plans of arterial highways ii'and as necessary to provide , �i for an arterial along 15th Street westerly from Superior Avenue ' through Beeco, Ltd. property to an intersection with an extension 1 of Balboa Boulevard. Our company recognizes that such arterial solution,may cause a parking deficiency on the existing Bond 'Publishing property at the southwesterly i corner of 15th Street and Monrovia Avenue adjacent to Beeco, Ltd. land. In the event of such an arterial solution, Beeco, Ltd.• agrees to cooper- ate with the owners of the Bond Publishing property in solving such a deficiency. I ! Sincore y, BEEC /LTD ancock Banning,III,, President •? % cc Mr. Ben Nolan; Cit-J Engineer CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUEST Date April 25 , 1972 gLl DVANCE PLANNING DIVISION �Qp �� OPLANS ATTACHED (PLEASE RETURN) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT-6 .�° ^� []TRAFFIC ENGINEER [IPLANS ON FILE IN ZONING AND []FIRE DEPARTMENT ORDINANCE ADMINISTRATION [[PLAN REVIEW DIVISION DIVISION CIPARKS & RECREATION ❑POLICE DEPARTMENT ❑HARBOR & TIDELANDS [[GENERAL SERVICES APPLICATION OF City of Newport Beach MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 26 FOR A QVARIANCE []USE PERMIT RESUBDIVISION []TRACT MAP J(XxR RPAXR Which proposes to redesignate the location of a proposed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue, thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue thence westerly to a point of connection with Balboa Blvd . extended . ON LOT BLOCK TRACT ADDRESS REPORT REQUESTED BY A.S .A. P. COMMISSION REVIEW May 4 .- 19,72 COMMENTS SIGNATURE DATE i nK u v 55 a /6 ni '6r" Ct9hfH1EQC/QL L ' �'QY• KNOX ST .. � PdLMER ST. 1 /cam rN 51: CITY OF do NEfYPORTBE � a j CORpoQjjl/OV Y4W 0 Cii7 I DA,NA RD.� R/A WY. O ' PA /CE RLx fV Qa ,:rj J I SPN itPlyr op1,�G� oti� ago 09 4 AA sgodeo DELETE VI b . Cad l ' •Pr t �1D ANDSclPAO' C CT.QVE JJ//fi�rr /scm CTj� ' -�:� = - - -5-5�t;=ti• Pv CCU U J /� �5=�` �•� :./4!• Quo - - V l h h h � � � � aj l9 ID ,l�0���'�-..S�•� M ry �A P z NO pL CO+tIiNE.PC/r1L VO c • waY� .eNox sr •, r /NGY/1'T+P/�L : • � P���R ST. j 5� C/TY OFrIq - �'< NEfYPORrgB Y� 1",W � C I �.• O m �� ��• o� C�rJ f 0. NA R�0 y U I a �� r7Q �- I Gt`p�I r-I / RiA WY. 2 O9d ofPA /CE RD ,a pp. J 0PJ OA Q9 GQQDE -� JEPaQ�DN 1 �F ANps r Llp • � J a� yC']��D�q Q 9N d N{V1! .:, +:,; RAVE Or �e cl ANN&a TUN 2 ��(�1 � �r•� rr..11 0 V ��:.,/�Q~1 v m i b as b V 2 \ nj` VIt C nN in ;� �n V1 ^� y (q b ti MAS1 .R PL M 4ME D ZG Planning Commission Meeting Apr 6 , 1972 I Item No . 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I April 4 , 1972 i TO : Planning Commission i FROM: Department of Community Development SUBJECT: • ,, Use Permit Application No . 1585 Request to permit a residential development of 494 attached single family dwellings on 37 . 31 acres of . land . LOCATION : Portion of Lots 1 and 2 , Tract 463 , located on the i westerly side of Superior Avenue , north of Pacific Coast Highway and at the southerly end of Monrovia, ( Avenue . ` ZONE: R-3-B-2 and Unclassified APPLICANT: Robert H . Grant Corp . , Anaheim OWNER: Same as applicant ! Application : This application requests approval of a 494 unit residential development of 37 . 31 acres of land presently zoned R-3-B-2 and Unclassified . Pursuant to Section 20 .36 . 050 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code residential uses in the R-3-B-2 District are premitted at a density not to exceed one dwelling unit for each 2, 000 sq . ft. of building site area . Section 20 . 34 . 020 pro- .•vides that all uses not otherwise prohibited by law shall be permitted in the "U" District subject to the securing of a Use Permit. Inasmuch as it is the intent of the developer and the desire of the staff to create a unified residential development covering the entire property the Use Permit applied hereto is intended to encompass the entire project. Characteristics of the Proposed Development The project is generally divided into nineteen residential clusters which share common recreation facilities and are interconnected by a system of pedestrian and vehicular rights-of-way . Land Area ( gross ) 1 ,625 ,300 sq . ft . Public and Private Streets 426 ,500 sq . ft. Net Land Area 1 ,198 ,800 sq . ft . Building Coverage 527 , 500 sq .ft . Ratio (Building Coverage + Net Land Area) 44 . 0% Permitted Ratio ( R-3-B-2) 60 . 0% Number of Units 494 Land Area per Dwelling Unit 2 ,427 sq . ft . Minimum Permitted Land Area per Dwelling Unit ( R-3-B-2) 2 ,000 sq .ft . Parking Spaces Provided Individual Garages 988 Driveways and Bays 437 On Streets 108 Total I 533 Parking Spaces Required 988 Item No . 2 . i 1 i 1'0 : Planning Commission - 2 . Characteristics of the Proposed Development - Continued Height of Buildings 34 feet (±) Size of Units 1 , 250 sq . ft. to 2 ,000 sq .ft. Number of Bedrooms 2 - 198 3 - 227 4 - 69 I Street Widths : Public Street 60 feet i Private Loop Streets 36 feet Private Cul -de-sacs 28 feet r Subject Property and Surrounding Land Use The area proposed for development is situated on a gradual incline which falls from an elevation of approximately 101 feet near Monrovia Avenue to a'n elevation of 44 feet at the toe of the slope along the southwesterly boundary of the site . The property is presently,:vacant. Surrounding land uses and zone classifications are as follows : j North City R-3-B-2 Undeveloped West County R-4 , C-l (o ) Oil •Producting Southwest City Unclassified State Right-of-Way South City R-4-UL Undeveloped P-C Versailles on the Bluff East City R-4-UL Undeveloped County R-32 R-4 Scattered Residential Uses and Vacant Parcels Superior Avenue, which borders the site on the south , is presently classified as a Primary Highway on the City ' s Master Street and i Highway Plan and will be widened an additional 20 feet to provide . a four-lane divided highway. Comment and Analysis DENSITY - The density of this project is 13 . 2 dwelling units per gross acre which is approximately one/third the density of Versailles development adjoining to the south and one/fourth the density per- mitted on the R-4 site adjoining to the south and east. The density of• this project represents a reduction of approximately 33Z from that permitted under the existing R=3-B-2 zoning which was established in June 1964 to conform with Amendment No . 9 to the Master Land Use Plan which was adopted six months earlier . SETBACKS - Setbacks for the area classified R-3-B-2 are specified under Section 20 . 36 . 020 of the Newport Beach Municipal . Code as follows : Front Yard 15 feet Rear Yard 10 feet Side Yard 10 feet The setbacks dimensioned on the plot plan either comply with or exceed these minimum standards . Setbacks for the unclassified area lying on the southwesterly side of "A" Street are determined thru the Use Permit procedure and are Illustrated on the plot plan as follows : Superior Avenue 15 - 37 feet "H" Street 15 feet South P/L 10 - 20 feet West P/L 12 - 18 feet North P/L 10 - 12 feet Item No . 2 . i TO : Planning Commission - 3 . Setbacks from the private streets are not dimensioned but scale the following approximate dist•ances : r Front Yard 5 - 20 feet Rear Yard 10 - 25 feet Side Yard 2 - 12 feet UTILITIES - Both water and sewer service will be provided by the City of Newport Beach . Facilities for sewer and storm drainage ' have not been designed . However , alternatives exist to bring the sewer down to the County Sanitation District trunk in Coast Highway along the proposed alignment of Balboa Boulevard extended or across lands owned by the State lying between the Coast Highwa.y and the i subject property . CIRCULATION - The City ' s Master Street and Highway Plan presently ! contains three highways which are affected by the development of the subject property - 1 . Superior Avenue , a four lane divided primary j adjoining to the south ; I 2. The northerly extension of Balboa Boulevard , a four lane divided primary adjoining to ,the west ; and 3 . A proposed four lane undivided secondary highway which would extend from Superior Avenue in a westerly direction to Balboa Boulevard extended . The plan as submitted reflects the required widening far Superior Avenue and the westerly boundary of the project has been drawn to allow for the proposed extension of Balboa Boulevard . However , no provision has been made for the secondary highway which is intended to connect the two streets together . In its place the applicant has proposed that 15th Street be extended from Monrovia Street thru the Bond Publishing site westerly to connect with the northerly extension of Balboa Avenue-. Inasmuch as the extension of 15th Street will sever the Bond Publishing Building from a portion of Its adjoining parking facilities , Beeco Ltd . , by letter dated March 24 , 1972 has indicated their willingness to accommodate additional parking on property adjoining to the west . It should also be noted that the extension of 15th Street would pass a distance of approximately 200 to 400 feet north of the subject property and thereby create a parcel on either side of the proposed local street which1will require development independent of this project at a later date . In view of the changes to the Master Street and Highway Plan contemplated by the proposed development and the need to estab- lish the general alignment and location of the streets and highways which will ultimately border this project , it is recommended that public hearings on the required amendments precede the issuance of any building permits . Internal circulation within the development is planned via a public and private street system. Initial access to the project is pro- vided via a public street 60 feet in width which will ultimately connect with the westerly extension of 15th Street . As indicated on the Preliminary Grading Plan this street will be designed with a sidewalk and parkway section of twelve feet so as to accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle circulation . The private streets within the development are 28 and 36 feet in width , the latter designed to accommodate parking on one side only . City Council policy provides that "the Planning Commission shall consider the recommendations of the Police Department in all tenta- Item No . 2 . TO : Planning Commission - 4 . tive map or use permit proceedings where a private street system is proposed" . The report from the Police Department indicates that "the la,r.ge use of private streets will make the area difficult to keep clear for emergency vehicles . Unenforceable private streets are a problem' to the inhabitants of an area as well as the Police Department" . To supplement the normal street ingress and egress to each cluster , three additional access points have been established for fire and emergency vehicles as indicated on the plot plan . City Council policy L-4 sets forth the conditions whereby considera- tion will -be given for police enforcement of the California Vehicle Code on private street systems . The staff recommends adherence to this policy, a copy is attached . PARKING - A total of 988 required on site parking stalls for resi- dents are being provided in the form of two spaces per dwelling within an enclosed garage . In addition, 439 spaces for visitors and guests are proposed to be located either in parking bays or driveway aprons . A minimum of 108 spaces are accommodated on street. It•� i-s the feeling of the staff that a minimum of one space per unit (494) for visitors and guests should be provided in bays or on private driveways and that on street parking should not be counted toward fulfilling this requirement. POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS - The market report prepared for the client I indicates that the type of project and the densities proposed for the subject property are more conducive to an adult housing market rather than to families with young children . The report further recommends ! that the project should include a model which would adopt itself 1 to families with teenage children . Other than a general reference to the high percentage of one person (24 .4%) and two-person ( 35 .8%) families in Newport Beach no specific information as to anticipated family size or age group has been provided . Receipt of this informa- tion has been promised prior to the public hearing . Pending receipt of this data the impact that this project will have in terms of total population , schools and recreation facilities cannot be evaluated . SCHOOLS - Copies of this application were furnished to the Newport Mesa Unified School District on February 28 , 1972 . To date no response to our request for review of the plans has been forthcoming . RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE - Recreation facilities and open space within the project are divided into three catagories : 1 . An active recreation area of 28 , 200 square feet con- taining two tennis courts , a sand volley ball court, a swimming pool , cabana and open turf, 2. Semi-active and passive recreation areas within each cluster which contain a total of 41 , 200 square feet and provide facilities such as putting greens , shuffle board courts , conversation areas and etc . , and 3 . Connecting green belts with meandering walks , benches , turf and landscaping contain an additional area of 261 ,400 square feet exclusive of adjoining patios . Combined , all recreation and landscaped space areas within the project contain a total of 7 . 6 acres . This project was presented to the Parks , Beaches and Recreation Commis- sion on Tuesday evening April 4 , 1972 . The staff will present their finding at the time of the hearing . Item No . 2 . TO : Planning Commission - 5 . Recommendation It is the feeling of the staff that this project is generally well designed and planned in such a manner as to produce an environment which is in keeping with its surrounding neighborhood . 1f Pending receipt and evaluation of the requested population data the staff is prepared to recommend the approval of Use Permit No . 1585 subject to the following conditions : 1 . That action of the Planning Commission shall constitute a recommendation and final determination of this' applica- tion shall- be decided by the City Council . 2. That a subdivision be filed , and all improvements con- structed as required in conjunction with the subdivision . 3 . That water and sewer service be provided by the City of Newport Beach . 4 . That the exercise of this Use Permit shall be held in abeyance pending resolution of provisions related to off-site storm drainage and sanitary sewer facilities . 5 . That water system facilities conform with the require- ments established in the West Newport Water System Master Plan study currently under preparation ; and that water acreage or connection fees be paid if such are required as a result of the study. 6. That Superior Avenue be widened to its Master Plan width . I 7 . That provision be made for right-of-way dedication and Developer ' s share of the improvements of the proposed extension of Balboa Boulevard adjacent to the westerly side of the property being developed . 8 . That there be no interference with continued use of the existing vehicular way along the northeasterly boundary of the property unless and until it is established that the rights of others in such use either do not exist or are terminated . i _ 9 . a r� e n e m o o e h 1 g f �. Apr s e oc pu c . s et r t- ay t lu. Inaz zne proposed local public street be provided with a cul -de-sac pending its ultimate intersection with the westerly extension of 15th Street. 11 . That the proposed public street shall be improved to a cross - section of sixty-two feet with a distance of forty-four feet between curb faces . That a sidewalk six feet in width shall be installed on the easterly side of the right-of-way and that westerly twelve feet shall be improved for pedestrian and bicycle use in a manner meeting the approval of the Director of Parks , Beaches and Recreation and the City Engineer, 12 . That the exercise of this use permit shall be held in abeyance pending resolution of the conflict between the proposed development and the east-west secondary street northerly of Coast Highway as shown on the . Item No . 2 TO : Planning Commission - 6 . Master Plan of Streets and Highways . Prior to- amending the Master Plan of Streets and Highways , concurrence with the amendment shall be received by,,letter from Beeco Ltd . and the Orange County Road Department . 13. That the proposed private street system conform with the requirements of the City ' s private street policy. 14. That the applicant shall submit a formal request to the City Council for police enforcement of the • California Vehicle Code on the private street system. 15. That the access points designated for fire and emergency vehicles shall be signed, designed and improved in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief and the Director of Community Development. I 16. That detailed plans showing provisions for pedes - trian circulation and street and area lighting shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer, Police Chief and Director of Community Development . 17. That detailed landscaping plans , including a water- ing system and schedule for installation , shall be prepared by a landscape architect and shall be sub- ject to approval -by the Director of Community Development. Said landscaping may consist of lawn , ' trees , shrubbery and other plant materials . The landscaping and watering system shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan and shall be properly maintained . In the event installation of landscaping is not completed on schedule , the City of Newport Beach may require a reasonable• guarantee for completion of said landscaping . 18. That the design and improvement of all recreation areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Parks , Beaches and Recreation . 19. That the types and locations of street trees shall be installed and maintained in compliance with a • plan approved by the Director of Parks , Beaches and Recreation , and that the inspection fee be paid . 20. That a minimum of one parking space per dwelling unit shall be provided for visitors and guests . A minimum of fifty percent of the required guest parking shall be provided within parking bays . . The remaining required guest parking shall be pro- vided in private driveways on site , provided that no more than one space per driveway may be counted toward fulfilling this requirement . 21 . That all parking spaces shall conform to City standards . All driveways and off-street parking areas shall be paved and. d'elineated by varying the color ; texture or type of paving material . 22. That a minimum distance of five feet shall be main- tained between the garage and the back of sidewalk or right-of-way line, whichever is greater. However, Item No . 2 TO : Planning Commission - 7 . I i if the garage is set back a distance exceeding the allowed five feet , a minimum setback of twenty feet shall be maintained. All garages observing the' five foot setback shall be equipped with auto- matic garage door openers . 23. That a building setback of not less than fifteen feet, measured from the right-of-way line , be established from public streets . 24. That building setbacks , measured from the right- of-way line , be established from private streets as follow : Front yard - 5 ft. Rear yard - 10 ft . Side yard - 10 ft. 25. Th,at the applicant shall submit a plan showing areas designated for patio construction and the relation- ship of these areas to adjoining rights-of-way and common areas . All patios adjoining streets shall - remain uncovered and shall observe the setbacks specified for the main building . Patios may be fenced to the extent that said fence does not exceed a height of three feet . 26. That all trash shall be stored and shielded from view ' within a building or within an area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. Arrangements for trash collection service shall be the responsi - bility of the applicant . 27: That there shall be submitted a declaration of coven- ants , conditions and restrictions setting forth an enforceable method of ensuring the installation and continued maintenance of the landscaping , lighting , walls , walks , and physical features such as buildings , parking areas and trash storage areas acceptable to the Director of Community Development and , in respect to legal enforceability , the City Attorney. J S D. HEWIC'KER s stant Director JDH/hh Attachments : Revised site plan , grading plan and elevation Report from Police Department dated 3/6/72 Report from Parks , Beaches & Recreation Director dated 4/5/72 Letter from Newport Mesa Unified School District dated 4/4/72 Letter from Grant Corporation dated 4/5/72 Letter from Beeco Ltd . dated 3/24/72 Letter from West Newport Beach Improvement Assoc. dated 3/l /72 City Council Policy regarding private streets Item No . 2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT cv March 6, 1972 �ao�.v°; ti /A TO: B. James Glayas, Chief of Police _ �pP� i c;, r 5 01 FROM: Special Services Section Superviso SUBJECT: Newport Crest Tract Sir: Plans for- the Newport Crest Tract were reviewed by Lt. Hamilton, Sgt. Campbell, Lt. Blue, and myself. ACCESS: Limited, with one road for ingress and egress onto an already heavily traveled roadway. Coordination with the Versailles on the Bluffs Tract is mandatory regarding access roads onto i Superior Avenue. 1 STREET CONFIGURATION AND TRAFFIC FLOW. The large use of private streets w1:1X ma a the area difficult to keep clear for emergency vehicles . Unenforceable private streets are a problem to the inhabitants of an area as well as the Police Department. The private street concept can only be justified under the theory of j limited access. Limited access in this context means denial of entry to all but residents and friends . There must be a point at which access can be denied to the area. The developer should furnish the City a traffic projection for the tract. LIGHTING. The individual cluster design of the tract indicates many patrol problems and could be a haven for opportunist criminals, petty thieves and burglars. Adequate lighting will help to reduce this problem potential. The Police Department should assist the developer • in .lighting layout. NUMBERING SYSTEM. The numbering of the clusters and individual ' units will be extremely important for public safety services. The Police and Fire Departments should have the opportunity to { review any numbering system and assist in this area. The cluster type development with green belt landscaped areas may cause police problems because of limited vision and access . . Proper lighting and landscaping can keep this problem potential to a minimum. Respectfully, ez� . Petersen, Lieutenant Special Services Section Supervisor CITY OF NEITORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES & RECREATION DEPARTMENT April 5, 1972 I i I TO: RICHARD HOGAN, Ca�k\MrIa^ DEVEIAPINM DIRECTOR FRCS'!: PB $ R Director r � SUBJECT: TRACT MAP #7817 -• 'WBIPORT CREST" I ' i At its meeting of April 4th the PB $ R Commission reviewed' sketches showing ' the recreational and open-space aspects that are planned in the- development, and agreed unanimously to recommend to the Planning Commission that this project be approved in principle, based on open-space and recreation facili- ties provided. , I The Commission also said they would like an opportunity to review the . landscape pldns of the entire project once they are completed. CALYIN C. SI MT f CCS;h cc; Mr. 'Hall Seely, Chairman. PB $ R Commission asoocn�o �nc 01 Oc�e\O P�' �vj12r� 3 NEW PORT-MESA Unified School District post office box 1368 • netvport Peach, california 92663 (714) 645-0600 JOHN W.NICOLL,Superintendent REo mo �i April 4, 1972 �� DFEPC c Newport Beach City Planning CommIss'diy, ��tS City of Newport Beach ) 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, California ! Gentlemen: Re: Newport Crest Development 1 In examining the Newport Crest Development, the price range is middle to above average and it appears to us that this development will' be mainly adult oriented. In taking the total of 494 units over an estimated one to one and one-half year period for completion and estimating at .68 children per family as an average, it would seem evident that there will be approximately 53 pupils attending the elementary level; 40 pupils attending the middle school level; and 87 pupils attending the high school level . I Elementary children, kindergarten through fifth grade, will attend Whittier School and will be within the three-fourths mile walking distance. Middle grade children, sixth through eighth grade, will attend Rea Middle School and would be bussed a distance of two and one-fourth miles. High school students, ninth through twelfth grade, will attend Estancia High School and would also be bussed to school a distance of two miles. Bus service in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District is free. Due to the general decrease in elementary enrollment, Whittier School would be able to house the pupils with no difficulty. Rea Middle School is being remodeled at this time and will be able to accommodate all pupils in its attendance area. The situation in the ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES 1601 Sixteenth Street 1901 Newport Boulevard 1857 Placentia Avenue Newport Beach,California 92660 Costa Mesa,Californja 92627 Costa Mesa,California 92627 (714)645.0600 (724)645.1100 (714)645.1100 a ' Newport Beach City Planning Commission Page 2 hi h schools is a litt le i tle different as the student decrease is not in effect in that age group; in fact there is still a certain amount of growth:. But, considering the fact that this growth,of III pupils would be over a one to one and one-half year period and at four different grade levels, no appreciable effect on the Estancia High School attendance area is apparent. Sincer., jRaond R. Schnierer ss Manager I � i ' WilIiaL oo� i Coordinator, School Facilities I� l- { I ' i I N GRANT CORPORATION ri �V SO I i R5 3 � , •� �Q ca.� of pcN.• April 5, 1972 N*t)p�p a \q . Mr. James D. Newicker , Assistant Director of Community Development 3300 Newport Beach Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 ' Re: Newport Crest I ' Dear Jim: In reference to°your inquiry of April 4 we have gathered the following information which we shall document with a letter from our marketing research firm we have retained. I + They report findings of a sample of 40 attached ownership housing - P.U.D. 's and condominiums in Northern and Southern California with a profile of J 1500 families: 1 1. 44% had no children 2. 58% of those with children were less than 5 years old. 3. Average number of children was 1 .5 per household. f 4. Overall average 0.8 children per household. 5. Average household size is 2.5 1 6. 80% all married. j 7. 70% previously rented { Enclosed you will find a letter from Raymond R. Schnierer, the Business Manager I of Newport-Mesa Unified School District, commenting on the influence of our project to the school district. Attached is also the typical unit plan profiles upon which we have determined ^ our land utilization criteria. As we have discussed, the 1 Plan is not a delineated on the plot plan so that we would not confuse those people who had run the proposed land plan; but has been incorporated into our land utilization information. We will have the option of replacing the unit modules designated as Plan 4. The width change will necessitate dropping some units, but. 600 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE! NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92666 • (714) 644✓001 . A Subsidiary of Santa An,lo Consolidated, Inc. J GRANT +I Y i Mr. James D. Hewicker Page Two " April 5, 1972 conceptually it does not change the cluster concept. I hope this additional information will answer your •questions. Sincerely, GRANT CORPORATION John Bates JB/cgf Enclosures I I I I , q i I ' ••BOARD of DIRECTORS • • • ' ' 8fu5 an Fresldenl...........Mike Johnson 250 Prosis 6M16.3070 $112 River 642.3125 Tom Bland[ Vice President..........Pal Faster 4309 Seashore 673.8003 127-35th 675.3927 Russ Grlffllh Treasurer...........Lanse Abbott L 6004 W.Ocean Front 642.1471 6206 W.Ocean Front 645.2055 Les Reynolds Secretary............ Dick Clucas 112-46th 675.1004 4403 Seashore $73.2762 Hollis Wood 3901 Seashore 673.9266 � �w..,ry^.—.,�,�1D;�L•`.� /�""'+�.,.s,��-----�•^-,.:—c�^�,,r�/�.�t,•'^�—�'X.S� •s �•FiJ —'�� �.-. WEST NEWPORT BEACH Improvement Association • ' NEWPORT BEACH,CALIFORNIA e I March 1e 1972 r Co .9t, Ma 1fJ .`"i . � . • •• •: . - — 19.1,E Planning Commission - City of Newport Beach " i ', •. 3300 Newport Boulevard 1AWN CAR. Newport Beach, California Attention: Curt Dostt, Chairman Gentlemen: , "':' `• •_ Our West Newport Beach Improvement Association is extremely r " 'concerned with the impact of the proposed multiple unit grant .; development on the Banning West Newport Bluff property. Specifically, we are concerned with the water run-off 'and t. tra££ic congestion resulting from this development. We urge the City of Newport Beach to require a complete environmental •study prior to the approval of this development. Cordiall , i Me C.•� hnson Pres ' ent MCJ`:dm . CC: City Council CC: Robert Wynn, City Manager i Cc: Richard Hogan, Director of Community Development • ' CC: Robert Broxon, President, Newport Shores Community Assoc. L-4 PRIVATE STREETS 1. Private streets will be allowed in new developments where their use is logically ' consistent with a desire for neighborhood identification and control of access, and where special overall design concepts may be involved. The use of private streets will be subject to review and approval. by the Planning Commission and the City Council. 2. Private streets will be permitted only where a satisfactory means of providing for their maintenance and operation is demonstrated. 3. The use of private streets as.a device for permitting inadequate design will not be allowed. '• 4. The use of private streets is ordinarily limited to cul-de-sacs and to minor local streets not carrying_ through 'traffic. 5. The design of all-private streets shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department; and the construction shall be inspected by the Public Works 'Departme'nt'. with a standard inspection fee -to be paid. 6. The following design standards shall be used: j A. General 1. Where streets other than .minor local 'streets are proposed to be private, • the design shall conform in all respects to the requirements established for public streets, except as may be otherwise permitted under Number 2 below. 2. Where special circumstances exist, deviations from the standards will be subject. to approval by the Public Works Department after an individ- ual review. 3.• Streets shall be adequately designed to provide for lane delineation, street sweeping, and drainage control. Normally a standard crown section with concrete curb and gutter on both sides will be required, however other means of providing similar functional characteristics may be considered. 4. . Depressed approaches shall be used at all driveways where streets have curb and gutter. 5. Concrete sidewalks shall be provided in the right of way, unless other means of accommodating pedestrian traffic are provided in the development; • 6. Lighting adequate for pedestrian and vehicle safety and sufficient to minimize police problems shall ordinarily be provided. • I PRIVATE STREETS -- Page 2 i 7. Adequate provision for public utilities shall be made. A separate document dedicating exclusive public utility easements to the City shall be pro- vided when required in order to eliminate any conflict of rights between City utilities and other public utilities. 8. . Where it is proposed to reduce street widths by the elimination of curb- si'de parking, equivalent parking shal'l .be provided by other means subject to approval by the City. 9. Adequate provision shall be made for trash pick up and for emergency vehicle access. i 10. '• Adequate signs, subject to the approval of the City, shall be provided and maintained at all entrances to private streets clearly designating the private status of such streets. B. Minimum Widths 1. With parking on both sides: , 36' curb to curb 2. With parking on one side only: 32' curb to curb 3. Without parking: 28' curb to curb C. Grades t 1. Desirable maximum 10% 2. Maximum: 15%. for special circumstances 3. Minimum: - 0.4% i 4. Provide vertical curveslfor• grade breaks over 1%. - 5. Cross fall on curb tops and/or gutters shall not exceed 0.15' per 10' of roadway. i D. Alignment 1. Streets shall normally intersect at right angles and shall have at least 20' of tangent adjacent to intersections. The tangent length shall be increased where short radius curves are used near the intersections. 2. Cul-de sacs shall not ordinarily exceed 400' in length. Curb radius at the turn-around shall be at least 28' if parking is prohibited and 40' if parking is not prohibited. 3. Centerline radius shall be 150' minimum for loop streets over•800' in • length, and 100' minimum for cul-de-sacs and for loop streets less than 800' in length. Where right angled bends are used in the street pattern, PRIVATE STREETS -- Page 3 in lieu of the minimum radii required above, widening sufficient to accommodate truck turning movements shall be provided by use of knuckles or other appropriate means. f 4, Curb return radius shall be 15' minimum. v E, Structural Section 1. The minimum structural section shall ordinarily be 2k" AC over 4" AB over 6" of compacted subgrade. The section shall be revised as required by accepted standards of engineering design in accordance with the re- sults of soil tests on the native subgrade material. F. Vehicle Code Enforcement Consideration will be given by the City Council for police enforcement of the Vehicle Code on private street systems, when the following conditions have i been. met: 1. The city has received a formal request in compliance with the California I Vehicle Code. 2. The request is accompanied by a written report and recommendations from both the Police Chief and Traffic Engineer. i If the City Council decides to approve the request, the following minimum d • conditions shall apply: 1 1. All applicable provisions of the Vehicle Code shall be enforced. 2. All non-standard traffic control devices shall be removed by the appli- cant, e.g. , bumps, traffic signs, and traffic striping. 3. All unnecessary sight obstructions and encroachments shall be removed. G. , Planning Commission Review The Planning Commission shall consider.the recommendations of the Police Department in all tentative map or use permit proceedings where a private street system is proposed. 7. The City will assume no responsibility for enforcement of traffic control unless specifically requested and approved. d S.• The policies and standards are to be reviewed and revised as needed based on • continuing experience with the use of private streets.. tAdopted - November 23, 1964 Amended - March 9, 1970 iAmended - August 90 1971 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 26 Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on Master Plan Amendment No . 26 which proposes to redesignate the location of a proposed secondary highway from a northwesterly alignment between quperior Avenue and- Balboa Boulevard extended to an alignment commencing at Superior Avenue thence westerly along the existing alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue, thence westerly to a point of c9n► r tion with Balboa Boulevard extendeQ as shown on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. Notice is hereby further given that said public hearing will be held on the 4th day of May, 1972 at the hour of 7 :50 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall , at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear V.n1V%YW and be heard thereon. �ackie Heather, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission Publication Date Date v Byr.�.._ AFFIDAVIT F PUBLICATION AV O PU CAT ON NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN STATE OF CALIFORNIAJ ss. County of Orange I ..........ARVO............E. H.A.AP. .A ..... ................................. being first duly sworn, and on oath depose and say that I am the printer and publisher of the Newport Harbor Ensign, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of California, and that the..NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING .............................................................. ............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................of which copy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was LEGAL NOTICE printed and published in the regular issue(s)cof said NOTICE OF PUI3LIC HEARING newspaper, and not in a supplement, ........ ],MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT} tive times: to-wit the Issue(s) of NO. 26 April.. 20. ,1972............... PlanninNoticg Is Commissionnofatthe ............................ City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing onMaster Plan Amendment No. 26 which pro- p� poses to redesignate the loca- p ...................................................................................... tion of a proposed secondary highway from a northwesterly ...................................................................................... allgnment between Superior Avenue and Balboa Boulevard n . _ ( extended to an alignment com- (Signed)...4 T ..7.... mencing at Superior Avenue . 0t UUU i thence westerly along the ex- Subscribed and sworn to before me this...2.... h......day of 1 isting alignment of 15th Street to Monrovia Avenue, thence April westerly to a point of connec- �'tfon with Balboa Boulevard ex- Count of Orange, State ofCalifornia. F Phan S shgwn on the Master Plan of Streets and Highways. y .... .. Notice is hereby further given at said public hearing will be held on the 4th day of May; 1972, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. OFFICIAL 6 E A L in the Council Chambers of the .® A-tARY A, 1{ggpq , Newport Beach City Hall, at n'Ot°�Y Pub1Ic-C°I,fornla which time and place any and PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN all persons interested may ap- pear MY COMMISSION EXP RE�SNDECEMBER Zo 14-,5� � •and be heard thereon, Jackie Heather,Secretary d Newport Beach City Planning Commission Publish: April 20, 1972, in the , Newport Harbor Ensign.