HomeMy WebLinkAboutMASTER PLAN AMENDMENT # 8 �y THS:aw 10-24-63 RESOLUTION NO. 662 r A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 'a WHEREAS, a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for study and review; and WHEREAS, after notice and public hearing in con- formity with the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 8, of the Government Code of the State of California, the Planning Commission has reviewed said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the attached map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California" dated October 3, 1963; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined .that the adoption of said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopt the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan in accordance with the map attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission be directed to certify and transmit said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan to the Council of the City of Newport Beach for consideration and adoption. Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 3rd day of October, 1963. AYES: Higbie, Rea, Clemence, Downier, Autry NOES. Ficker, Jakosky, Clark ABSENT. Copelin Secretary Chairman THS:aw 10-24-63 RESOLUTION NO. 662 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WHEREAS, a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for study and review; and WHEREAS, after notice and public hearing in con- formity with the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 8, of the Government Code of the State of California, the Planning Commission has reviewed said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the attached map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California" dated October 3, 1963; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined .that the adoption of said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopt the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan in accordance with the map attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission be directed to certify and transmit said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan to the Council of the City of Newport Beach for consideration and adoption. Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 3rd day of October, 1963. AYES: Higbie, Rea, Clemence, Downing, Autry NOES: Ficker, Jakosky, Clark ABSENT: Copelin Secretary C airman THS:aw 10-24-63 RESOLUTION NO. 662 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMNDING THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WHEREAS, a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for study and review; and WHEREAS, after notice and public hearing in con- formity with the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 8, of the Government Code of the State of California, the Planning Commission has reviewed said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the attached map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California" dated October 3, 1963; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined .that the adoption of said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopt the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan in accordance with the map attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission be directed to certify and transmit said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan to the Council of the City of Newport Beach for consideration and adoption. Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 3rd day of October, 1963. AYES: Higbie, Rea , Clemence, Downing, Autry NOES: Ficker, Jakosky, Clark ABSENT: Copelin Secretary C airman I� THS:aw 10-24-63 RESOLUTION NO. 662 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WHEREAS, a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for study and review; and WHEREAS, after notice and public hearing in con- formity with the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 8, of the Government Code of the State of California, the Planning Commission has reviewed said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the attached map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California" dated October 3, 1963; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined .that the adoption of said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopt the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan in accordance with the map attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission be directed to certify and transmit said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan to the Council of the City of Newport teach for consideration and adoption. Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 3rd day of October, 1963. AYES: Higbie, Rea , Clemence, Downing, Autry NOES: Ficker, Jakosky, Clark ABSENT: Copelin Secretary C Airman Nick B. -Williams Editor, Los Angeles 'Times Dear Sir: On October 3, 1963, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach recommended to the City Council that it adopt a map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan" for the City of Newport Beach. The Master Street and Highway Plan as approved by the Planning Commission shows the Coastal Freeway Route as adopted by the Cali- fornia Highway Commission at a meeting held on 'May 22, 1963. In reporting this action by the Planning Commis- sion, the press has on several occasions conveyed , the inference that by its 'action the Planning Commission' had expressed approval of the State- adopted freeway route paralleling the present 101 Coast Highway. On behalf of all the members of the Planning Com- mission, I wish to point out that prior to our approval of the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan it was expressly stated at the meeting that the Planning Commission' s action should not be - considered as an endorsement of the State-adopted freeway-.-route. It was for this reason that the notation "State Adopted Route Only" was placed on the map -directly beneath the freeway route. Very truly yours, Alvan C. Clemence Chairman, Newport Beach Planning Commission CITY Of NEWPORT REACH , CALIFORNIA 6EpTEMSER 1, 1965 MR. A, Cw $IRHIE DEPUTY DISTRICT ENGINEER AOMiNiSTRATION Divisi0N OF .HIOHWAYS P) 0. BOX 2304 - TERMINAL ANNEX Los ANGELESp CALI'FORNIA, 90054 ATTENTIONS Mr L. BAUDERS 5116JECTI MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN DEAR SIR$ ENCLOSED FOR YOUR USE ARE TWO PRINTS OF THE MASTER STRECT AND HIGHWAY PLAN OF THE CITY OF NEWpORT OC ACH THAT WAS AOOPTEO BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION BY RESOLUTION NO. 622 ON OCTOBER 3, ' 1963$ AND BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY RESOLUTION NO: 5889 ON NDVEM- &KR 260 t963. THE PLANKING COMM'l$3ION 19 ABOUT TO BEGIN A REVISION OF THC MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO tNCLUDE RECENT' ANNCXATIONCy AS WCL4 AS TO RCFLEOT CHANGES IN OTHER AREAS Of THE CITY THAT ARE BEING DEVELOPED AT THE PRESENT TOME. THE MILEAGES INCLUDED IN THE PRESENT PLAN ARV CONSTRUCTED 21F..3g MILES FUTURE 10. 15 MILES THE MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS Of THE COUNTY OF ORANGE INCLUDES SOME) OUT NOT ALLI Of THE STREETS ON THE CITYIS MASTER STREET AND H14HWAY PLAN) IF THERE ARE ANY QUC$TIONSI PLEASE CALL ME AT 673-wo, EX- TENSION 27. VERY TRULY YOURS) KENNETN L. PERRY ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER ENCL. KLPiHE CCi PLANNING DEPARTMENT f } SEW Pp�,T CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH z CALIFORNIA C'9</FORN�P' City Hail 3300 W. Newport Blvd. 673-2110 November 19, 1963 Honorable City Council City of Newport Beach Newport Beach, California Dear Mayor and Gentlemen: At an adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission on November 7, 1963, it was unanimously recommended that a letter be drafted (copy attached) to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times setting forth the ' position in showing Planning Commission's poai $ e the Coastal Freeway Route on proposed amend- ments to the Master Street and Highway Plan and that subject letter be forwarded to the City Council for endorsement,prior to its transmission. Very truly yours, PLANNING COMMISSION BB J W. Dra d y ni12 Director JWD:hh Attachment a , Nick B. • Williams Editor, Los Angeles 'Times Dear Sir: On October 3, 19632 the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach recommended to the City Council that it adopt a map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan" for the City of Newport Beach. The Master Street and Highway Plan as approved by the Planning Commission shows the Coastal Freeway Route as adopted by the Cali- fornia Highway Commission at a meeting held on May 22, 1963. In reporting this action by the Planning Commis- sion, the press has on several occasions conveyed the. inference that by its 'action the Planning Commission had expressed approval of the State- adopted freeway route paralleling the present 101 Coast Highway. On behalf of all the members of the Planning Com- mission, I wish to point out that prior to our approval of the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan. it was expressly stated at the meeting that the Planning Commission's action should not be Ilo • considered as an endorsement of the State-adopted freeway route. It was for this reason that the notation "State Adopted Route Only" was placed on the map directly beneath the freeway route. Very truly yours, Alvan C. Clemence Chairman, Newport Beach Planning Commission November 191 1963 Honorable City Council City of Newport Beach Newport Beach# California Dear Mayor and,Gentlemans At an adjourned meeting of the Planniu$ Commission on Noveaber, 70 19630 it was unanimously recommended that a letter be drafted (copy attached) to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times setting forth the Planning Commissionts position in showing the Coastal Freeway ]tout® on proposed amend- ments to .the Muster Street and Highway Plan and that subject letter be forwarded' to the City Council for endorsement prior to its transmissions 3 very truly your$$ PLANNING COMMISSION By. J. W. DrAidy Planning Director JWD':hh Attachment c CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER October 1, 1963 TO: PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: MASTER PLAN FOR STREET$ AND HIGHWAYS The matter of indicating the Pacific Coast Freeway Route adopted by the State on our Master Plan was discussed in the council meeting last week. It was the general consensus of opinion that the State adopted route should appear on our Master Plan, but it should be identified as "State adopted F±eeway Route" and the date of the route adoption in the legend. in this way we are indicating that this is a State adoption and would not indicate official adoption by the City of Newport Beach. I think until the freeway agreement is signed we could not say that the City has officially adopted this route. On the other hand, it would seem most inconsistent not to show it on the map. This, of course, does imply that the old route which is in the Master Plan should be removed. 4016CO7 RETURN ONE COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION OR ACTION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER October la 1963 TO: 1',X;A1MVITG A 'CTQR FROM: City Manager SUBJVkCTs WWT,ER PLAN FOR STREETS 10D RX01 v3AYS Tjje matter of indicating the Pacific Coast VrCOWAY AOUtO adopted by the State on our tiaator plan Was discussed in the Council. ,seating last Steel.. It Was the general consensus of opinion that the State adopted route should appear on our Master 7Planj but it .should " adopted taewa 1.out0" and the date of the be ida�ntified as Skate pt cl F y route adoption in the legend. 11% this way we are indicating that this is a State adoption and would not indicate offic3ial adoption by the City of Newport Beach Z think until the freeway agreement is signed We could not may that the City has officially adopted this route. on the other hand, it< would seem most inconsistent not to show it on the map# %Ihi*A. of course# dogs impl that the old route which is in the Duster Plan should be removed. RQBSRT t RETURN ONE COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION OR ACTION • I1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT October 25, 1963 To: City Council From: Planning Director Subject: , Street and Highway Master Plan Map Because of reproduction difficulties, the map is not being submitted with this resolution. A large exhibit map will be on display in the Council Chambers at the study session on October 28. A map will be transmitted prior to the public hearing date. , W. D l ning Dir Director THS:aw 10-24-63 RESOLUTION NO. 662 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WHEREAS , a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for study and review; and WHEREAS, after notice and public hearing in con- formity with the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 8, of the Government Code of the State of California , the Planning Commission has reviewed said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the attached map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California" dated October 3, 1963; and WHEREAS , the Planning Commission has determined .that the adoption of said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopt the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan in accordance with the map attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission be directed to certify and transmit said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan to the Council of the City of Newport Beach for consideration and adoption. Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 3rd day of October, 1963. AYES: Higbie, Rea , Clemence, Downing, Autry NOES: Ficker, Jakosky, Clark ABSENT: Copelin Secretary C airman ' 7 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Clerk DEPARTMENT Date October 29, 1963 NO. To: Planning Director FROM: City Clerk Margery Schrouder SUBJECT: Planning Commission Resolution No . 662, recommending Amendments to the Street and Highway elements of the Master Plan was presented to the Council on October 28. The matter was set for public hearing on November 25. MS:gm P A - 9 CIV OF MVPORT $EACH October 25, 1963 To;, City Clerk - From: City Attorney SubJ eat,* Resolution AdopLing a Revised master Street and Rig sy plan Forwarded is a proposed resolution xvhich, if adopted by the City Cawncil, Will adopt a Revised Master Street and Highway flan as recommended by Aeaolution Vo. 662 of then Planning Cocnnission. A copy of the reap entitled "Revised Master Stroot and Hight;ay Plan,, city Of Newport Beach* Califora a" should be: attached to the zesolution. This resolution should be submitted to the Council for adoption if, after the hearing on the matter, it %s decided to adopt the Remised master Street and Highway Plan as 3recoma inded. Walter W. Charams, City Attorney Ly y eyaaoux Assistant City Attorney aw Znc s. cc: City Manager la i ire V�k nn ng for A. a THSoaw 10-25-63 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ADOPTING A REVISED MASTER STREET - AND HIGHWAY PLAN WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach has recommended the adoption of a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after notice as required by law, has held a public hearing on said proposed Revised Master Street and Highway Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is desirable and in the public interest to adopt said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan as recommended by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach does adopt said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the at map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California", recommended to the City Council for adoption by the Planning Commission on October 3, 1963. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to sign said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan to show that it has been adopted by the City Council, and that the same be placed on file with the Master Plan of the City of Newport Beach, ADOPTED this day of 1963. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk r 1 PLANNING October 25, 1963 City Clerk Planning Director Planning Commission Resolution No. 662 which proposes to amend the Street and Highway element of the Maotar Plan Transmitted herewith is Resolution No, 662 Adopted by the Planning Commission on October 3, 1963. Copies of these documanta should be Forwarded to the City Council and at the meeting on October 28) 1963 the City Council, should not the matter for public hearing aad+ It in ,order, shauid adopt by resolution on the public hearing date!, the new map showing the amandmanta to the Street and Highway element of the Master Plan. j A large map will be on display in the Council Chamber at the study session. on October 28. i 41 W. DRAIWOX JWDihh Planning Director k i r i 1 I k i THS:aw 10-24-63 RESOLUTION NO. 662 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A REVISED MASTER STREET AND HIGHWAY PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WHEREAS , a Revised Master Street and Highway Plan has been submitted to the Planning Commission for study and review; and WHEREAS, after notice and public hearing in con- formity with the requirements of Title 7, Chapter 3, Article 8, of the Government Code of the State of California, the Planning Commission has reviewed said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, as shown on the attached map entitled "Revised Master Street and Highway Plan, City of Newport Beach, California" dated October 3, 1963; and WHEREAS , the Planning Commission has determined .that the adoption of said Revised Master Street and Highway Plan is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach adopt the Revised Master Street and Highway Plan in accordance with the map attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission be directed to certify and transmit said and Highway Plan to the Council of the City Master Street H y Revised g Y of Newport Beach for consideration and adoption. Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the Newport ,he City of Ne ort Beach State of California, on. the 3rd day of October, 1963. AYES: Higbie, Rea, Clemence, Downing, Autry NOES: Ficker, Jakosky, Clark ABSENT: Copelin Secretary C airman MT-63 Orange Coast I N V O I C E • Newport Beach DAILY • Costa Mesa • Huntington Beach P.O. BOX 516 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA • LIBERTY B-5563 • Cm tm;'xT DIACK . 33W itiFltt' r BIRD. !]tKn MACH9 CAI A. ����yyww������ y}��yyOGBCRIPT�f OyN��� ■ DATE TIMES - RATE LINER INCHES I CHARGES ee at ALL ACCOUNTS ARE orange coast DAILY PILOT DUE AND PAYABLE BY THE IOTH OF PNBLIBHEO BY ORANGE COAST PUBLISHING COMPANY THE MONTH. P. O. BOX 516 • COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Authortzed'to Publish Advertisements of all kinds, including legal notices by Decree of the• Superior Court of nge County, Caafornla, Number A•6214, dated 29 September, 1962. STATE OF CALIFORNIA t Countv of Orange L ss• I ,,,,,•Wm.W111eeka...• being first duly sworn, and on oath depose and say that I am the 44MV Ae,ing•Diro of the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT, a newspaper of general LEGNOTICE I.) circulation, printed and published in the City of Costa Mesa, A NOTICE OR rugILia,sansmKr,�INse d NOTICE IS HERElY GIVEN He. iry'.` County of Orange, State of California, and that a Notice of I f Tannin;Commission AIN, ty of Ne wM c iJ�• Publicn li !�� .... ,,Hearing,City,•Newport, ]3eaoh�Calif F propeses to amend the stro►F and high- Way element of the Mad 'Men. NOTICE Is HEREBY'"'FURTHER of which copy attached hereto is a true and complete copy, was GIVEN that said public 4}arinv will be held on the ut day of AVevst Ife,1, at the hour of 1:06 F.M. the Council ranted and published in the regular Newport Beach, Costa Mesa Chambers K the Nowper l4each Cqv p p g p Hall, at which time and Platt any and be n„rdnsM Interested- may appear one and Huntington Beach issue(s) of said newspaper for .......... Ray. Y. C4ulin, heratary Newport ;each City f Funning commission ......}............. issue(z) of Fub6shWd Orebro coast Daily, Flto, Costa Mesa, Calif., July It, 1fe3 &R-#3� . JulY..; 9.....•................................ 196.5 ....................................................... ass.... ....................................................... ass.... .................. . ass.... ,. ..�. i96.... (signed`)-% � t�"""'""............ th Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... I.. . .........day of July.. ........ . .1�.... "' `�y........ Notary Public in and for the County of Orange, State of Californlw'omm My cission expires JOSEPH E. DAVIS ..Mx Cauu6isslpn.ExrucesJuna.2�,.,hss,•......... RE r U Motion: Yea�, ' No Higbie v✓/ Rea {/ Clark Clemence Copelin Downing Autry Df A13 RE Motion: es o Higbie Ficker Jakosky Rea / Clark V Clemence Downing Autry 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH WILL HOLD ONE PUBLIC HEARING ON MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT N0, 8 WHICH PROPOSES TO AMEND THE STREET AND HIGHWAY ELEMENT OF THE MASTER PLAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE lot DAY OF AUGUST 19632 AT THE HOUR OF 8:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL$ AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD THEREON. RAY Y. COPEUN, SECRETARY NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNIIG COMMISSION Publication Date Received for Pub Date Received