HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200827_KollCenter_CityResponseLetter~~cE\VED 8y OMMUNITY RESIDENCES AT 4400 VON KARMAN 2nd Submittal City Comments DEVELOPMENT General Application 1 Property Owners Affidavit 2 Preliminary Title Report 3 Public Hearing Noticing Package Lot Line Adjustment 4 Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) Application Planned Community Development Plan Amendment 5 Koll Center Newport Planned Community Development Plan (PC15) Amendment Site Development Review 6a. Project Plans 6b. Architectural Site Plan 6c. Floor Plans 6d. Freestanding Parking Structure 6e. Pedestrian Connectivity 6f. Amenities for Public Use 6g. Private Open Space for each unit 6h. Landscape Notes & Plants 6i. Vehicular Circulation and Access 6j. Construction Management Plan 6k. Project Signage Title Page Owner Certification Section II, Project Description -Ownership Section IV, BMP -Project Performance Section IV, BMP -Site Design & Drainage plan Section IV, BMP -LID BMP Selection & Project Conformance Analysis Section V, BMP -Inspection/Maintenance Section VI, Site Plan and Drainage Plan Conditions: 1 Tract Map Acknowledged. Authorization pending. CITY OF Acknowledged. Reports to be submitted Acknowledged LLA document is provided PC Amendment has been revised per comments. Development areas have been revised to reflect accurate numbers. Project address has been revised. Building setbacks have been included on the architectural site plan and rounded to the nearest foot, refer to sheet A-O.1 Setback dimensions have been added to all building plans See new exhibit on sheet L.4 -Pedestrian Connecttivity to Uptown Newport Planned Community. No ground floor amenities are for public use. Only the public park area will be provided with public access. Proposed PC revision to remove private open space requirement See new exhibit on sheet L.9 -Tree Planting Plan which indicated tree species and location. Vehicular circulation plan has been created, refer to sheet A-5.7 Building sign location have been added to elevations. Refer to landscape plans for monument sign locations Residential density has been revised to reflect the correct density of 30du/acre Revised To be provided with final WQMP No association will be formed Provided Provided Provided Provided Provided Proposed development shall be handled through lot line adjustment for the existing parcel, and easement for the public park. Tract map is not anticipated at this time. 2 Horizontal Control All required mapping and monumentation shall be prepared during construction drawing/permitting phase. 3 Improvements Confirmed. Construction drawings shall follow public works requirements. 4 Broken or Damaged site elements Confirmed. Construction drawings shall reflect required item. 5 Von Karman Ave sidewalk Item shall be coordinated with The City to verify impacts of 12' bike lane. 6 Drive way approach Confirmed. Construction drawings shall reflect required item. 7 Underground exiting overhead utility lines No existing overhead lines present at the site, please remove this condition. a Provide water and sewer demand studies Confirmed. To be provided during construction drawing/permitting phase. g Water improvements Confirmed. 10 Unit water meters and sewer Building will be submetered for water system. Clean out shall be provided for all laterals servicing the structure. 11 Unused sewer laterals All unused sewer laterals shall be capped. 12 Existing Red lronbark Eucalyptus Existing Red lronbark Eucalyptus shall be removed and replaced as suggested. See note on Ground Level Landscape plan, sheet L.2 and updated Plant Legend, sheet L.8 for more information. 13 Sight distance requirements View triangles for the two impacted driveways have been added and plotted on the Conceptual Grading plans per the City standards. 14 Damage to public improvements Confirmed. Construction drawings shall reflect required item. 15 Onsite drainage Confirmed. All on-site drainage shall comply with OC TGD. 16 Traffic phasing ordinance Traffic phasing study in progress. 17 Parking lot design standards All parking within project complies with city standards 18 Storm drain easement Tait to prepare and submit memorandum outlining proposed methods of construction and City method of storm drain pipe maintenance based on proposed parking garage layout. 19 Von Karman outbound driveway Proposed development does not impact this outbound driveway and should not be required to make improvements to area not within its scope 20 New sewer cleanout Clean outs shall be installed on all existing sewers that service the proposed structures. 21 Construction surety Acknowledged 22 Sewer system management plan Confirmed. To be provided during construction drawing/permitting phase. Corrections: See Conceptual Limits of Impact Plan for existing easements. Proposed easements shall be 1 Show all existing/proposed easements provided upon City comments. 2 Site improvements See architectural plans for parking layout. Street and utility improvements shall be provided upon City comments. 3 Accessible parking stalls Accessible stalls are identified on buildings plans and occur on levels 1, 81 and 82 4 Parking study 5 Office parking within apartment building Office stalls are not proposed to be assigned to specific tenants 6 Basement gates Gates provided at basement level are to separate office stalls from the residential assigned parking. Gates will be operated by key fob and areas behind gate will only be access by residents. 7 Queuing at gates All ticket Kiosk gates provide queueing of three cars. Resident a Residential stalls Residents will have parking stalls assigned, guest parking will be provided in a pool 9 Parking for public park No parking spaces provided at this time, it is believed that the main users of this park will be residents or office tenant employees and dedicated parking stalls are not required 10 Trash pickup Trash bins will be pulled from internal trash rooms and staged along the southern internal street in the proposed loading zones prior to pickup and returned to trash rooms immediately following pickup 11 Kiosk/card reader locations kiosk/card reader location are located on sheet A-1.2 12 Gate operation Ticket kiosks and gating for office parking will work in a similar fashion to the existing Koll center parking. The driver will approach the kiosk take a ticket and proceed to any open office parking stall, upon leaving they will present that ticket at the exit kiosk and pay any fees. If a driver mistakenly enters a driveway leading to the building parking they will need to pull a ticket to open the gate and proceed directly to an exit where they will not be charged upon exiting. Residents will be provided with key fobs that allow access through the office parking areas to their assigned parking stall. 13 Dead-end drive aisles 14 Parking for public park Redline comments: G-0.0 Required parking Summary Provided parking Project Description G-0.3 Development Areas Legend A-0.1 Easements Von Karman Driveway Site plan Internal streets A-1.0 Parking Stall access Turnaround space A-1.1 Gate Operation Hammerhead and Turnaround space Fence A-1.2 Hammerhead and Turnaround space Turnaround at ticket kiosks Parallel parking stalls L.2 Driveway approach C3.01 Redline circles C4.01 Drivewa urations Surface lot Internal Street width Call out all easements and dimension C5.01 C6.01 ldentif Standard AG-1.0 Fully Dimension all levels Conditions: Dead end drive aisle in office parking areas are provided with turn around space at all dead ends and internal gates. Turn around space is not needed in resident parking areas because those stalls are assigned eliminates the need to search for a parking stall and possible having to turn around. 51 hammerhead provided at all dead end drive aisles. see response to correction #9 Parking ratio numbers have been presented and reviewed by planning. Numbers do not currently include numbers from freestanding structure, a separate line item has been added to reflect those numbers Project description has been revised per redline Development Area C name has been revised to reflect the correct use of easement, "Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Easement' Easements have been noted and dimensioned. Driveways have been revised to allow full left and right turn lanes, refer to sheet C4.01 Refer to sheet C2.01 for overall development site area, refer to sheet C3.01 for specific site limits of impact, refer to sheet A-5.7 for site circulation Internal streets dimensions have been provided, refer to sheet C4.01 for more detailed information Project parking complies with city standard STD-805-L-B, which states structural elements shall be allowed to encroach in a one square foot area at front corners of the stall. As designed the structural columns do not encroach into the parking stall required width. Additionally the provide parking is 91-011 wide exceeding the city standard width of 81-611 Parking stalls on level B2 are assigned stalls for residents only. Only the resident to whom that parking stall is assigned to will utilize that drive aisle. Additionally drive aisle is only 35' deep which allows drives the ability to look down drive aisle prior to turning. Refer to comments #12 response above for gating operation Turn around spaces and hammer heads have been provided at entrance side of gates only, gates will open automatically for vehicles approaching gate from exit side. Dead end aisles in resident portion are not an issue since parking stalls are assigned. The provided fence is to separate vehicular traffic from the office parking into the resident parking area Hammerhead and turnaround spaces are provided at all dead end drive aisles The existing office parking lots do not provide a turnaround prior to ticket kiosks. The current design intends to operate in the same fashion. If a vehicle mistakenly drives into the kiosk drive aisle they will only need to take a ticket and proceed directly to an exit where they will not be charged. Parking stalls are for guest parking at the apartment building. Dimensions have been provided on plans. The building has been redesigned at the Northeast corner comment is no longer relevant Refer to sheet C4.01 for dimensions of surface parking lot area. Refer to response above, no turnaround space required. Dimensions provided. Driveway approach provided Crosswalk revised planitng revised Dimensions provided on Civil Plans Please clarify relines on this sheet, there appears to be no comments with redlines Driveway striping provided Dimensions provided Dimensions provided. Easements provided on civil sheet 3. SD Design revised. Freestanding structure design awaiting public works decision regarding storm drain ' 1 1 Fire apparatus roads Confirmed, fire apparatus will be installed per Newport Beach Fire Department Guidelines C.0.1. The fire apparatus shall extend to within 150 feet of all the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building. 2 Fire lane staging Confirmed, the fire lane shall have an area for fire department staffing for medical emergencies (minimum width 10-feet wide and 105-feet long), which does not obstruct the "internal streets." The fire department shall be consulted for an approved area for staging. 3 Fire Hydrants Confirmed, this project will provide fire hydrants with 400 feet of all portions of every structure per the CCFC section 507 .5.1. 4 Fire flow Confirmed a fire flow test will be provide per Newport Beach Fire Department guidelines B.01 "determination of required fire flow". The fire flow will also determine the number of fire hydrants required for the project. 5 Emergency responder radio coverage Confirmed, an emergency responder radio coverage will be provided and comply with NBFD guidelines 0.05 "Public Safety Radio Coverage" and CFC section 510. 6 Emergency power and standby power system Part #1 : 7 Automatic sprinkler system a Standpipe system 9 Fire Alarm system 1 o Emergency power outlets 11 Elevator size requirement • Confirmed, emergency power will be provided for emergency lighting by an inverter system. Part #2: • Emergency power for the elevator is not require per code section 1009.2.1 Exception #1. Exceptions #1 : In buildings equipped throughout with an automatic fire sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the elevator shall not be required on floors provided with a horizontal exit and located at or above the level of exit discharge. We are providing a full 13 sprinkler system and have at least one horizontal exit therefor emergence power is not required for the elevator. • Per section 1009.4, 1009.4.1 and 1009.4.2 Elevators: In order to be considered part of an accessible means of egress, an elevator shall comply with the emergency operations and signaling device requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 8, division I, Chapter 4, subchapter 6, elevator safety orders. Standby power shall be provided in accordance with chapter 27 and section 3003: The elevator shall be accessed from either an area of refuge complying with section 1007 .6 or a horizontal exit. Exception #2: Elevators are not required to be accessed from an area of refuge or horizontal exit in buildings and facilities equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. We are not considering any elevator within this project to be part of an accessible means of egress and we comply with section 1009.2.1 exception #1 noted above therefor emergency power for the elevator is not required. Part #3: • Emergency power outlets are required as amended in the CFC Sec. 604. Provide and install electrical outlets (120-volt, duplex) that are connected to the emergency generator circuitry / system when a generator is required by section 604.2 of the California fire code. A generator is not required for this project therefor emergency duplex do not apply per this code section. For other emergency and stand by power systems, alarms, exits signs, smoke control and lighting an inverter svstem is beino installed. Confirmed, an fully 13 automatic fire sprinkler system will be installed in accordance with CFC section 903.2 amendment. Confirmed a standpipe system will be installed per CFC section 905.3. i . Confirmed a fire alarm system shall be installed per CFC section 907.2.9. Emergency power outlets are not required per items 6 part #3 Confirmed, at least (1) elevators shall be gurney sized and equipped as a medical emergency elevator as per CBC section 3002.