HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 - Amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery and Enacting NBMC Section 12.44.111 to Permit the Establishment of Overstay Charges for Parking SpaQ SEW Pp�T CITY OF z NEWPORT BEACH c�<,FORN'P City Council Staff Report March 23, 2021 Agenda Item No. 4 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Scott Catlett, Finance Director/Treasurer - 949-644-3323, scatlett@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Theresa Schweitzer, Senior Accountant, tschweitzer@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3140 TITLE: Ordinance Nos. 2021-7 and 2021-8: Amending Exhibit A to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery and Enacting Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 12.44.111 to Permit the Establishment of Overstay Charges for Parking at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations ABSTRACT: For the City Council's consideration is the adoption of Ordinance No. 2021-7, amending Exhibit A to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 related to cost of service recovery percentages or amounts and the adoption of Ordinance No. 2021-8, enacting Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 12.44.111 to authorize the implementation of an overstay charge for vehicles that remain plugged in at parking spaces designated for public electric vehicle charging stations. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because this action will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Conduct second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 2021-7, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending Exhibit A to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery; and c) Conduct second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 2021-8, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Enacting Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 12.44. 111 to Permit the Establishment of Overstay Charges for Parking at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. DISCUSSION: On March 9, 2021, after a noticed public hearing, the City Council introduced and passed to second reading Ordinance No. 2021-7, which updates Exhibit A to Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 related to cost of service recovery, and Ordinance No. 2021-8, which authorizes an overstay charge for vehicles remaining plugged into a public electric vehicle charging station. The overstay charge was established by Resolution No. 2021-21 at a rate of $0.10 per minute after a 10 -minute grace -period, effective April 22, 2021. 4-1 Ordinance Nos. 2021-7 and 2021-8: Amending Exhibit A to NBMC Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery and Enacting NBMC Section 12.44.111 to Permit the Establishment of Overstay Charges for Parking at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations March 23, 2021 Page 2 At the public hearing, the City Council requested that staff revisit their analysis of the costs associated with RGP dredging permits, including the frequency of permit issuance and any limitations placed on the annual volume of permits allowable. Following completion of staff's analysis, the requested information will be presented to the Harbor Commission for their review and comment. Staff will then return to the City Council for further direction as part of next year's annual fee update. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff estimates updates from the fee study Resolution 2021-21 adopted at the March 9, 2021, City Council meeting and associated Ordinance No. 2021-7 changes introduced at the same meeting will generate approximately $216,000 in additional revenues for the Water or Sewer Funds and a decrease in revenues of approximately $65,000 in the General Fund. However, this projection does not account for any fees where volume statistics are unavailable or change in future years. In addition to the above, removing the General Fund subsidy for the Junior Lifeguard Program fee will generate approximately $174,000 in additional revenue per year that would be used toward a portion of the capital costs for the new Junior Lifeguard facility. The removal of the Public Works Encroachment Permit Review subsidies returns the fee to full cost recovery and will generate an additional $20,000 in revenue, which is accounted for in the fee study revenue estimates in the paragraph above. The full fiscal impact of NBMC Section 3.36.030 subsidies is provided in Attachment C. The fiscal impact of the overstay charge adopted by Ordinance No. 2021-8 is unknown at this time. Information regarding electric vehicles remaining plugged into charging stations is limited and user behavior will likely shift with the adoption of this ordinance. There is no expenditure of funds related to this item. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). 4-2 Ordinance Nos. 2021-7 and 2021-8: Amending Exhibit A to NBMC Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery and Enacting NBMC Section 12.44.111 to Permit the Establishment of Overstay Charges for Parking at Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations March 23, 2021 Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Ordinance No. 2021-7 Attachment B —Ordinance No. 2021-8 Attachment C — Fiscal Impact from NBMC Section 3.36.030 Subsidies 4-3 Attachment A Ordinance No. 2021-7 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING EXHIBIT A TO NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 3.36.030 RELATED TO COST RECOVERY WHEREAS, Section 200 of the City of Newport Beach ("City") Charter vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges, or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, the City funds certain municipal services, which are typically performed without request by the user, benefit the public generally and are traditionally funded by tax revenue; WHEREAS, the City performs other services which are funded in whole, or in part, by a person requesting the service; WHEREAS, Subsection 3.36.030(A) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") provides the cost recovery for user service fees specifically requested by a person shall be at one hundred percent (100%), unless the amount is modified by the City Council in Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC; WHEREAS, the Finance Department conducts regular fee studies and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding adjustments that may be made to the cost recovery amounts provided in Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC, to ensure compliance with the law, consistency with current practices, and the maintenance of a high level of customer service for our residents; WHEREAS, on February 18, 2021, the proposed revisions to Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC, were presented as a receive and file to the City's Finance Committee; and WHEREAS, City staff recommends the City Council adopt the proposed revision as depicted in Exhibit A to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: 4-5 Ordinance No. 2021-7 Page 2 of 7 Section 1: Exhibit "A" to Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery Percentages) of the NBMC, is hereby amended to read as follows: Exhibit A The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services. Exhibit "A" limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below. Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Community Development Department Chapter 17.65 Appeal—Applicant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council — Applicant Unsuccessful $940 Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission — Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 Building Appeals Board Hearing—Applicant Successful 0% Appeals Board Hearing—Applicant Unsuccessful $1,715 Harbor Construction 50% Preliminary Plan Review First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter Planning Appeals to City Council $1,715 Appeals to Planning Commission $1,715 Coastal Development Permit Application Appeals from Zoning Administrator to Planning Commission 0% Reasonable Accommodation 0% Finance Department Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Parking Hearings 0% Payment Plans (Except Parking) $25 Short Term Lodging Permit Suspension or Revocation Hearing — Applicant Successful 0% Ordinance No. 2021-7 Page 3 of 7 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Short Term Lodging Permit Suspension or Revocation Hearing— Applicant Unsuccessful 50% Zero Bill Reprint 0% Fire Department Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support (ALS)— Nontransport $400 Basic Life Support (BLS)—Nontransport $400 ALS First Responder Fee $400 BLS First Responder Fee $400 Fire Prevention Candle Permit Program 76% Care Facilities 7-99 Clients 36% Care Facilities > 99 Clients 40.8% Commercial Day Care Facilities 36% Hotels/Motels 50-299 Rooms 36% Hotels/Motels 300 or More Rooms 92.4% Operational Permits—Level 1 40% Operational Permits—Level 2 38.1% Residential Care Facility Prelicense Inspection 96% Special Event Permits—Single Event 88% State Fire Clearance 82% Harbor Department Chapter 17.65 Appeal—Applicant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council – Applicant Unsuccessful $940 Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission – Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 Library Services Department Passport Photo $10 Use Fees—Materials $1 Inter -Library Loan $5 4-7 Ordinance No. 2021-7 Page 4 of 7 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Police Department Bike Licenses 17% Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% Registrant—Narcotics 0% Animal Shelter Adoption Fec—Dogs $150 Adoption Fcc—Puppics $225 Adoption Fee—Cats $90 Adoption Fee—kittens $110 Adoption Fee—Small Animals $45 Boarding Fee (per day)—Animals $25 Boarding Fee (per day)—Small Animals $10 Owner Turn -In Fee $100 Impound Fee—Dogs, Cats, Small Animals $55 Public Works Department Chapter 17.65 Appeal—Applicant Successful 0% Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council – Applicant Unsuccessful $940 Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission – Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 RGP Dredging Permit 42% Recreation and Senior Services Department Adult Sports 500/-95% Administrative Processing Fee $5 Badge Replacement $5 After School/Camp Programs Camps 20%-50% After-School/teen Program 200/-50% Pre -School Program 20°/v 50% Aquatics 200/-50% Contract Classes 50%-95% i ; Ordinance No. 2021-7 Page 5 of 7 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Class Refunds $74 or less $10 $75 or more $20 Youth Sports 20%-50% Special Events—Levels 1, 2, and 3 Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees for Level 1 0%-20% Resident, Levels 2-3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 20%-50% Nonresident, Levels 1-2 and Late Fees for Level I 20%-50% Nonresident, Level 3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 50%-95% Appeal to City Council 50%95% Natural Resources Programs 00/6-20% Senior Services Oasis Transportation $ I—$3 each way Contract Classes 20%50% Fitness Center 50%95% Utilities Department Construction Water Meter Establishment 50% Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Annual Permit 0% City Council, Board, Commission, Committee or Any Individual Member Thereof When Acting within the Scope of Their Official Duties Review from a Lower Body or Official $0 Section 2: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 2021-7 Page 6 of 7 Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 5: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other Sections, Subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. Section 6: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after its adoption. 4-10 Ordinance No. 2021-7 Page 7 of 7 This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 9th day of March, 2021 and adopted on the 23rd day of March, 2021, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: BRAD AVERY, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE a^-^— AARON C. HARP, CITY TToRM-Y 4-11 Attachment B Ordinance No. 2021-8 4-12 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ENACTING NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 12.44.111 TO PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF OVERSTAY CHARGES FOR PARKING AT PUBLIC ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS WHEREAS, Section 200 of the City of Newport Beach ("City") Charter vests the City Council with the authority to make and enforce all laws, rules and regulations with respect to municipal affairs subject only to the restrictions and limitations contained in the Charter and the State Constitution, and the power to exercise, or act pursuant to any and all rights, powers, and privileges, or procedures granted or prescribed by any law of the State of California; WHEREAS, the City currently owns and operates electric vehicle charging stations at various City owned properties including: Civic Center, Newport Coast Community Center, Oasis Senior Center, and Marina Park; WHEREAS, the number of electric vehicle owners and demand for public electric vehicle charging stations continues to grow; WHEREAS, parking spaces designated for use of public electric vehicle charging stations are intended to be occupied only while the station is in active use; WHEREAS, encouraging turnover at parking spaces designated for use of public electric vehicle charging stations is necessary to maximize station access; WHEREAS, the City's current Parking Violation Penalty Schedule adopted through Resolution No. 2020-30 includes a fine of $61 for parking at a public electric vehicle charging station while not charging or blocking a public electric vehicle charging station, which would be issued through a parking citation; WHEREAS, new "smart" public electric vehicle charging stations (i.e. network - connected) are equipped with technology to automatically charge drivers for overstaying in a parking space designated for use of a public electric vehicle charging station beyond the charging session; WHEREAS, although a parking citation may be issued to electric vehicles that are not plugged into and actively charging from the public electric vehicle charging station, to encourage turnover at parking spaces designated for use of public electric vehicle charging stations, staff recommends adoption of an automatic overstay charge. 4-13 Ordinance No. 2021-8 Page 2of3 NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 12.44.111 is hereby added to read as follows: 12.44.111 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station Parking. No person owning or operating a vehicle shall cause such vehicle to remain parked at a public electric vehicle charging station after the vehicle has completed charging. An overstay charge shall automatically apply to vehicles that remain plugged into the public electric vehicle charging station when the charging session has already been completed. Such overstay charge may be on a per -minute basis after a designated grace -period, which may be established and changed, from time to time, by resolution. Section 2: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4: The City Council finds the introduction and adoption of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 5: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other Sections, Subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. 4-14 Ordinance No. 2021-8 Page 3 of 3 Section 6: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance, or a summary thereof, to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) calendar days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the 9th day of March, 2021, and adopted on the 23rd day of March, 2021, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: BRAD AVERY, MAYOR ATTEST: LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY'S OFFICE 7 dL� C_ / AARON C. HARP, CITY AfTORNEY 4-15 Attachment C Fiscal Impact from NBMC Section 3.36.030 Subsidies 4-16 Fiscal Impact from Subsidies Department Service Percent of Cost or Amount to be Recovered Full Cost Subsidy Volume Annual Subsidy FY Budget Based On CDD Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council -Applicant Successful 0% $2,072.68 $2,072.68 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 CDD Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council -Applicant Unsuccessful $940 $2,072.68 $1,132.68 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 CDD Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission -Applicant Successful 0% $3,029.73 $3,029.73 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 CDD Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission -Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 $3,029.73 $1,779.731 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 CDD - Building Appeals Board Hearing -Applicant Successful 0% $3,427.50 $3,427.50 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 CDD - Building Appeals Board Hearing -Applicant Unsuccessful $1,715 $3,427.50 $1,712.50 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 CDD - Building Harbor Construction (Permit & Inspection) 50% $616.02 $308.02 84 $25,873.68 FY 2019/20 CDD - Building Harbor Construction (Plan Review) 50% $644.98 $322.98 71 $22,931.58 FY 2019/20 CDD - Building Preliminary Plan Review (per hour) First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter $255.62 $255.62 N/A FY 2019/20 Total CDD - Building $48,805.26 CDD -Planning Appeals to City Council $1,715 $4,121.28 $2,406.28 4 $9,625.12 FY 2019/20 CDD - Planning Appeals to Planning Commission $1,715 $4,121.28 $2,406.28 4 $9,625.12 FY 2019/20 CDD - Planning Coastal Development Permit Application Appeals from Zoning Administrator to Planning Commission 0% $4,121.28 $4,121.28 N/A FY 2019/20 CDD - Planning Reasonable Accommodation 0% $3,259.67 $3,259.67 3 $9,779.01 FY 2019/20 Total CDD - Planning $29,029.25 Finance Payment Plans (Except Parking) $25 $29.21 $4.21 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Finance Parking Hearings 0% $42.08 $42.08 248 $10,436.08 FY 2020/21 Finance Admin. Cite Hearings 0% $89.30 $89.30 50 $4,464.96 FY 2020/21 Finance Short Term Lodging Permit Suspension or Revocation Hearing- Applicant Successful 0% $1,018.91 $1,018.91 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Finance Short Term Lodging Permit Suspension or Revocation Hearing- Applicant Unsuccessful 50% $1,018.91 $509.91 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Finance Zero Bill Reprint 0% $14.29 $14.29 60 $857.63 FY 2020/21 Total Finance $15,758.67 Fire - EMS Advanced Life Support (ALS)-Nontransport $400 $1,286.02 $886.02 146 FY 2019/20 Fire - EMS Basic Life Support (BLS)-Nontransport $400 $1,274.49 $874.49 546 $200,000.00 FY 2019/20 Fire - EMS ALS First Responder Fee $400 $884.44 $484.44 $442.67 482 FY 2019/20 Fire - EMS BLS First Responder Fee $400 $842.67 FY 2019/20 Total Fire - EMS $200,000.00 Fire - Fire Prevention Candle Permit Program 76% $71.14 $17.14 20 $342.80 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Care Facilities 7-99 Clients 36% $1,226.05 $785.05 125 $98,131.25 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Care Facilities >99 Clients 40.8% $1,399.39 $829.39 160 $132,702.40 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Commercial Day Care Facilities 36% $695.60 $445.60 70 $31,192.00 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Hotels/Motels 50-299 Rooms 36% $695.60 $445.60 70 $31,192.00 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Hotels/Motels 300 or More Rooms 92.4% $431.03 $33.03 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Operational Permits -Level 1 40% $454.48 $273.48 176 $48,132.48 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Operational Permits -Level 2 38.1% $888.49 $550.49 1132 $623,154.68 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Residential Care Facility Prelicense Inspection 96% $308.94 $12.94 0 $0.00 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention Special Event Permits -Single Event 88% $184.69 $22.69 243 $5,513.67 FY 2019/20 Fire - Fire Prevention State Fire Clearance 82% $102.58 $18.58 28 $520.24 FY 2019/20 Total Fire Prevention $970,881.52 Harbor Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council -Applicant Successful 0% $1,550.89 $1,550.89 0 $0.001 FY 2020/21 Harbor Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council -Applicant Unsuccessful $940 $1,550.89 $610.89 2 $1,221.79 FY 2020/21 4-17 Fiscal Impact from Subsidies Department Service Percent of Cost or Amount to be Recovered Full Cost Subsidy Volume FY Budget Annual Subsidy Based On Harbor Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission -Applicant Successful 0% $1,796.43 $1,796.43 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Harbor Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission -Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 $1,796.43 $546.43 3 $1,639.29 FY 2020/21 Total Harbor Department $2,861.07 Library Passport Photo $10 $28.96 $18.96 485 $9,195.60 FY 2015/16 Library Use Fees -Materials $1 $5.46 $4.46 5,000 $22,300.00 FY 2015/16 Library Inter -Library Loan $5 $60.65 $55.65 460 $25,599.00 FY 2015/16 Total Library $57,094.60 Police Bike Licenses 17% $6.29 $5.29 20 $105.80 FY 2019/20 Police Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag Check 0% $10.05 $10.05 20 $201.00 FY 2019/20 Police Registrant -Narcotics 0% $246.95 $246.95 13 $3,210.35 FY 2019/20 Police Adoption Fee - Dogs $150 $258.97 $108.97 98 $10,679.06 FY 2019/20 Police Adoption Fee - Puppies $225 $268.97 $43.97 23 $1,011.31 FY 2019/20 Police Adoption Fee - Cats $90 $196.82 $106.82 28 $2,990.96 FY 2019/20 Police Adoption Fee - Kittens $110 $227.90 $117.90 80 $9,432.00 FY 2019/20 Police Adoption Fee - Small Animals $45 $77.68 $32.68 6 $196.08 FY 2019/20 Police Boarding Fee (per day) - Animals $25 $42.61 $17.61 N/A FY 2019/20 Police Boarding Fee (per day) - Small Animals $10 $26.36 $16.36 N/A FY 2019/20 Police Owner Turn -In Fee $100 $240.97 $140.97 13 $1,832.61 FY 2019/20 Police Impound Fee - Dogs, Cats, Small Animals $55 $135.36 $80.36 132 $10,607.52 FY 2019/20 Total Police $40,266.69 Public Works Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council -Applicant Successful 0% $1,461.48 $1,461.48 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Public Works Chapter 17.65 Appeal to City Council -Applicant Unsuccessful $940 $1,461.48 $521.48 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Public Works Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission -Applicant Successful 0% $2,130.66 $2,130.66 0 $0.00 FY 2020/21 Public Works Chapter 17.65 Appeal to Harbor Commission -Applicant Unsuccessful $1,250 $2,130.66 $880.66 1 $880.66 FY 2020/21 Public Works RGP Dredging Permit 42% $7,766.89 $4,504.89 20 $90,097.82 FY 2020/21 Total Public Works $90,978.48 RSS Adult Sports 50%-95% $481,285.00 $174,784.00 1 $174,784.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Administrative Processing Fee $5 $10.54 $5.54 26,870 $148,859.80 FY 2015/16 RSS Badge Replacement $5 $31.44 $26.44 4 $105.76 FY 2015/16 RSS Camps 20%-50% $347,787.00 $197,209.00 1 $197,209.00 FY 2015/16 RSS After-School/Teen Program 20%-50% $842,333.00 $635,167.00 1 $635,167.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Pre -School Program 20%-50% $185,425.00 $111,256.00 1 $111,256.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Aquatics 20%-50% $586,193.00 $454,734.00 1 $454,734.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Contract Classes 50%-95% $4,405,428.00 $1,396,013.00 1 $1,396,013.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Class Refunds $74 or less $10 $82.74 $72.74 193 $14,038.82 FY 2015/16 RSS Class Refunds $75 or more $20 $79.97 $59.97 373 $22,368.81 FY 2015/16 RSS Youth Sports 20%-50% $345,026.00 $258,770.00 1 $258,770.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees for Level 1 0%-20% $2,944.92 $2,492.92 120 $299,150.40 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Resident, Level 2 and Late Fees for Level 2 20%-50% $4,276.73 $3,337.73 21 $70,092.33 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Resident, Level 3 and Late Fees for Level 3 20%-50% $9,501.23 $6,835.23 12 $82,022.76 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Nonresident, Level 1 and Late Fees for Level 1 20%-50% $3,025.28 $2,134.28 4 $8,537.12 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Nonresident, Level 2 20%-50% $4,276.73 $2,264.73 3 $6,794.19 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Nonresident, Level 3 and Late Fees for Levels 2-3 50%-95% $9,501.23 $4,406.23 3 $13,218.69 FY 2015/16 RSS Special Events -Appeal to City Council 50%-95% $3,214.22 $1,588.22 1 $1,588.22 FY 2015/16 RSS Natural Resources Programs 0%-20% $229,561.00 $189,319.00 1 $189,319.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Oasis Transportation $1-$3 each way $1,119,331.00 $1,089,331.00 1 $1,089,331.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Contract Classes 20%-50% $1,749,310.00 $1,009,936.00 1 $1,009,936.00 FY 2015/16 RSS Fitness Center 50%-95% $331,639.00 $107,635.00 1 $107,635.00 FY 2015/16 Total RSS $6,290,930.90 Utilities Construction Water Meter Establishment 50% $200.48 $100.481 29 $2,913.84 FY 2020/21 Utilities Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Annual Permit 0% $179.74 $179.74 354 $63,626.89 FY 2020/21 Total Utilities $66,540.73 4-18 Fiscal Impact from Subsidies Department Service Percent of Cost or Amount to be Recovered Full Cost Subsidy Volume Annual Subsidy FY Budget Based On City Council, Board, Commission, Committee or Any Individual Member Thereof When Acting within the Scope of Their Official Duties Review from a Lower Body or Official $0 N/A Total Fiscal Impact to General Fund from Subsidiesl $7,813,147.17 CDD - Community Development Department RSS - Recreation and Senior Services N/A - Not Available 4-19