HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201207_Incomplete Letter_1COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE FILING VIA EMAIL 12/7/2020 Magellan Architecture Attn: Eileen Wade eileen@magellanarchitects.com Application No. Staff Approval No. SA2020-006 (PA2020-328) Address 320 Marine Avenue, Unit B Dear Eileen Wade: Please be advised that after reviewing the subject application, your submittal has been deemed incomplete and further information is required before we are able to proceed with the application process: 1.Property Development Standards. Please be advised, the project plans need additional information provided to determine if the proposed complies with all required property development standards identified in Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) Chapter 21.30 (Property Development Standards). Reference the attached for a list of required corrections and plan redline. 2.Project Description. Please revise narrative to establish restaurant type (e.g., sit down, to-go, fast casual) and explain how ordering and the service window function. Describe how/where customers would queue as plans shows little space between service window and the proposed tables. Include anticipated number of employees as well. Update trash enclosure discussion to reflect new design. 3.Electronic Copy. Please provide an electronic copy of the above revised and requested materials on a CD-ROM upon resubmission. Please note Building and Public Works’ comments may be forthcoming and will be forwarded to you once available. Upon verification of completion, the application will be processed and scheduled for a Zoning Administrator Hearing. Should you have any questions regarding submittal requirements, please contact Patrick Achis at 949-644-3237 or pachis@newportbeachca.gov. By: «HearingDATE» I:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2020\PA2020-328\PA2020-328_Incomplete Letter.docx Page 2 Attachments: Residential Zoning Corrections Excerpt of PA2010-079 (to be scanned into the plan set) c: Manouch Moshayedi manouch@mx3ventures.com NONRESIDENTIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 949.644.3204 or www.newportbeachca.gov PLAN CHECK NO. AIC NO. FIRST CORRECTION DATE PA2020-328 12/07/2020 Plan Checker: Patrick Achis, Assistant Planner Email/Phone: pachis@newportbeachca.gov - 949-644-3237 Date: 12/07-2020 Overtime PC: Address: 320 Marine Avenue APN: 050-151-09 NOTE: If you have questions regarding your plan check, please contact me at my email address or direct line listed above. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED: “1” = First Review “2” = Second Review “3” = Third Review (Other symbol/abbreviation might be used, e.g., * ) COVER SHEET Zone/P.C. Text: MU-W2 Setback Map No: General Plan Land Use: MU-W2 Proposal: New Addition Alteration Conversion of existing Suite C Other 1. 1 Indicate the scope of work and use of the structure on the cover sheet: Scope of work shall reflect conversion of existing storage areas into kitchen area and addition of an outdoor open patio. Remove reference to "indoor patio" for clarity and to verify this is not enclosed square footage. 2. 1 Indicate the use of the structure or tenant and suite number on the cover sheet: 3. 1 Indicate the Zone and General Plan land use designation on the cover sheet of the plans: 4. 1 Provide existing and proposed square footage calculations on the cover sheet: See Plan Check No. 1676-2011. 5. Provide existing and proposed parking calculations on the cover sheet: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: 11 Block: 14 Section: 4 Tract: Indicate the legal description on the cover sheet: Other: 6. Comments: COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 2 of 9 PROJECT COASTAL COMMISSION REVIEW The California Coastal Commission reviews projects within the Coastal Zone to determine compliance with the California Coastal Act. COASTAL ZONE: YES EXCLUSION ZONE NO 7. Exempt because: 8. Waiver No: Effective Date: 9. AIC No: Coastal Development Permit No: Effective Date: 10. Coastal Approval Letter (all pages) to be bluelined/blacklined into plans. 11. Comments: DISCRETIONARY ACTION 12. Application required: reason: 13. Please make an appt with: Phone: Email: 14. Previous Discretionary Approvals: 1.Application Type No. For: 2.Application Type No. For: 3.Application Type No. For: 4.Application Type No. For: 5.Application Type No. For: 15. Reference the previous discretionary approvals on the cover sheet of the plans. 16. Blueline (copy) resolution/approval letter into the drawings. Copy attached 17. 1 Compliance with the following conditions of approval is required: The proposed use would be subject to all the stated conditions of approval PA2010-079. (See attached copy and scan into plan set.) Note the hours of operation, prohibition of alcohol sales/service, maximum seat count, maximum "net public area," etc. Any future changes to the conditions of approval may be subject to a new use permit and coastal development permit with public hearing. 18. HOLD ON FINAL. The following items must be completed before the building permits are finaled: 19. 1 Comments: Please scan PA2010-079 into the proposed plan set for reference. (See attached.) CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) 20. The project is exempt per Class under CEQA 21. Please provide an environmental information form, attached. Further CEQA analysis may be required for the proposed scope of work. 22. Comments: LOT OR PARCEL STATUS-TITLE 19 (SUBDIVISIONS) OF THE N.B.M.C. COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 3 of 9 23. No person shall develop any structure including, but not limited to, a principal or accessory structure across a lot line per Section 19.04.035 (Development Across Property Lines) of the Subdivision Code. Please apply for a Parcel Map, Lot Merger, Lot Line Adjustment, or Certificate of Compliance to address underlying legal lot lines. 24. Comments: REQUIRED FEES-FEE SCHEDULE 25. Fair share Fee Contribution: 26. San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Fee: 27. Comments: SITE PLAN 28. 1 Provide Site Plan/Plot Plan, and Floor Plans, fully dimensioned. 29. 1 Show the location of all buildings on-site and dimension distance to property lines. 30. Dimension the distance from face of curb to front property line (verify with Public Works). 31. Indicate the second and third floor footprints (if applicable). 32. 1 Dimension all projections, label distance(s) to property lines. 33. 1 Dimension the distance between buildings. 34. 1 Comments: The existing floor plan of the submittal assumes work of 1676-2011 is complete (shown as exisiting), but this not correct as the building permit remains open. Please advise on the progress of the building permit (under 1676- 2011. Please final this building permit permit before submittting the subject plan check. PROPERTY LINES 35. 1 Dimension the property lines on the site plan. 36. Property lines should be consistent with the assessor’s parcel map or recent topographic boundary survey for the subject property. 37. 1 Comments: 1. Update site plan to show correct footprint of building and proposed patio cover. Also show property line dimensioned with setbacks. REQUIRED SETBACKS Setbacks are measured from property line to finished surface of structure, unless otherwise specified. Front: 0' (Marine) Left Side: 3' Right Side: 3' Rear: 5' (Alley) Other: COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 4 of 9 38. 1 Comments: Note all walls and the patio area must be compliant with the required setbacks. No new improvements are allowed in the setbacks. Dimension setbacks on proposed plan and confirm. Add note to plans, "all setbacks shall be measured to face of finish." EASEMENTS Easement(s) on-site: Yes No Verify with Public Works 39. Indicate the location of easement(s) plotted on site plan. 40. Comments: PARKING/TRAFFIC/CIRUCLATION-CHAPTER 20.40 (OFF-STREET PARKING) OF THE N.B.M.C. 41. PARKING RATE: Retail (1/250 sq ft gross floor area): Office (1/250 sq ft net floor area): Medical Office (1/200 sq ft gross floor area): Restaurant (By use permit, 1/30 to 1/50 sq ft net public area): Other: TOTAL: x SQ FT. REQUIRED PARKING = = = = = = 42. Comments: LANDSCAPING-CHAPTER 14.17 (WATER-EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING) OF THE N.B.M.C. Applies to landscape installation projects requiring a ministerial or discretionary permit and exceed the following thresholds: 1.New landscape project with greater than 500 square feet of landscape area 2.Rehabilitated landscaped project with greater than 2,500 square feet of landscape area 43. New Landscape Project: total sq ft of new landscaped area Provide Landscape Documentation Package prepared in accordance with Design Standards or, if landscape area is 2,500 square feet or less, comply with the Prescriptive Compliance Option (Appendix H of Design Standards). COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 5 of 9 44. Rehabilitated Landscape Project: total sq ft of rehabilitated landscaped area 1. Provide Landscape Documentation Package prepared in accordance with Design Standards; or 2. Rehabilitated projects with replacement plantings with equal or less water need than the existing landscaping and the irrigation system is designed, operable and programmed to comply with the City’s water conservation regulations are exempt from the ordinance and the requirement to provide a complete landscape documentation package. To qualify for this exemption, the applicant must provide a landscape and irrigation plan and letter from a licensed professional stating that the replacement landscaping and irrigation system complies with the terms of this exemption. 45. Comments: TRASH-SECTION 20.30.120 (SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLE MATERIALS STORAGE) OF THE N.B.M.C. 46. 1 TRASH AREA Indicate the location of the trash area on the site plan or floor plan. Relocate trash enclosure as no above-grade encroachments are allowed in the rear alley setback. 47. 1 TRASH ENCLOSURES Must have walls on three sides, gate(s), and must be covered. If new, must be constructed on a raised foundation with a drain going to the sewer system. Show detail(s) on plans of how these standards will be accomplished. Details should indicate height, width, and depth. 48. Comments: SITE LIGHTING-SECTION 20.30.070 (OUTDOOR LIGHTING) OF THE N.B.M.C. 49. FYI Outdoor lighting fixtures must be designed, shielded, aimed, located, and maintained to shield adjacent properties and to not produce glare onto adjacent properties or roadways. Parking lot light fixtures and light fixtures on buildings shall be full cut-off fixtures. 50. Please provide a photometric study. 51. FYI Light spillover may not exceed one foot-candle at the subject property line. 52. PARKING AREAS. Light standards shall be the minimum height required to effectively illuminate the parking area and eliminate spillover of light and glare onto adjoining properties and roadways. As a result, a greater number of shorter light standards are required as opposed to a lesser number of taller standards. 53. Comments: OUTDOOR STORAGE AND DISPLAY-SECTION 20.48.140 (OUTDOOR STORAGE, DISPLAY, AND ACTIVITIES) OF THE N.B.M.C. 54. Outdoor display, sales, and storage must be accessory to an allowed use in the zoning district and must be screened with fences, walls, hedges, or other materials. Fences or walls shall screen a display/sales are located on the side of a lot that abuts residentially zoned lots. Indicate the maximum height and location of screening materials and storage equipment on-site. 55. Outdoor storage is only permitted within setback areas in compliance with Subsection 20.30.110.D (Allowed encroachments into setback areas). 56. Outdoor display and sales areas must be on private property and may not encroach on required parking areas or landscaped areas. Displayed merchandise may not obstruct traffic sight areas, encroach upon landscaped areas, driveways, parking spaces, or pedestrian walkways, or otherwise create hazards for vehicle or pedestrian traffic. 57. Comments: ACCESSORY STRUCTURES COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 6 of 9 58. SITE WALLS Label the height, length, and location of all fences, walls, and self-closing/self-latching gates on the subject property. 59. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE ONTO SHEET NO. “Pools, spas, walls, fences, patio covers and other freestanding structures require separate reviews and permits.” 60. Comments: FLOOR PLANS 61. 1 Provide floor plan(s) fully dimensioned showing all room uses for all buildings on-site. 62. 1 Provide existing and proposed floor plans fully dimensioned showing all room uses for all buildings on-site. Confirm with 1676-2011. 63. 1 Plot property lines all floor plans with setbacks called out. 64. 1 Comments: Shade/distiniugh area of floor area addition. Shade/distiniugh area of net public area (i.e., dining area) FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) 65. 1 Lot Size: 2250 square feet Lot Dimensions: 30' x 75 List on title sheet and dimension site plan(Confirm) 66. 1 FAR: Nonresidential: Max 1,125 Residential: Mixed-use Total: 67. 1 Proposed Gross Floor Area: square feet 68. 1 Proposed Net Floor Area: square feet 69. Provide tissue overlay of calculations verifying proposed square footage (show dimensions & calculations on tissue). 70. 1 Comments: Please provide existing and proposed floor areas of each unit. (See 1676-2011.) Specify area to be removed and to be added. Floor area figures shall not show an increase in floor area as the structure is nonconforming because it exceeds the allowed nonresidential floor area limit. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS/SECTIONS HEIGHT/GRADE-SECTIONS 20.30.050 (GRADE ESTABLISHMENT) AND 20.30.060 (HEIGHT MEASUREMENT) OF THE N.B.M.C.  Measured from average grade to ridge of sloped roof or top of flat roof or other flat element (e.g. parapets).  Code allows an additional 5 feet to the peak of the ridge provided the roof is a minimum 3:12 slope.  Heights are measured to the top of all finished materials. Height Limit/Midpoint: feet Allowable Ridge Height: feet 71. GRADE (less than five percent slope): Four points of polygon taken from topographic survey averaged to determine grade: (1. +2.+3.+4. ) / 4 = COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 7 of 9 72. GRADE (greater than five percent slope): Please provide sections of the property at five evenly spaced intervals along the property. The first and last section shall be located at the intersection of the front and rear setback line with the side property line, respectively. The sections shall demonstrate the existing natural grade per the topographic survey and the proposed structures compliance with the height limit measured from the grade lines on each section. 73. The height will be measured from 9.0 (NAVD 88 datum). No habitable space for commercial and residential land uses shall have a finished floor elevation below the elevation established by the Flood Insurance Rate Maps recognized by the Building Department as part of flood safety requirements and maps adopted by City Council per Section 20.30.060.B.3 (Flood Hazard Areas) of the N.B.M.C. Notwithstanding the building elevations established by the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the minimum required ground floor finished elevation for interior living areas of all new structures shall be at least 9.00 (NAVD 88). 74. Provide topographic survey to establish existing/natural grade points on the parcel. 75. Plot roof plan over topographic survey to assist with determination of existing natural grade points located directly below all ridge peaks, midpoints, flat roof areas and/or parapets. 76. Label grade below at top of any ridge, parapet, etc. 77. Dimension heights from grade to: ridge peak any flat elements 78. 1 Provide a roof plan. Illustrating existing roof and proposed patio cover. State if patio cover is open (at least 50%) or solid. On A.3.1, label the open wall plane of patio "To remain open and unenclosed at all times." 79. Label and dimension roof pitches on roof plan and elevations. 80. 1 Label and dimension eave overhang to property line on all exterior elevations. 81. Label and dimension highest point of: all roof top equipment deck rails other: Rooftop equipment or screening structures may not exceed the height limit 82. Comments: OTHER SIGNS-CHAPTER 20.42 (SIGN STANDARDS) OF THE N.B.M.C. 83. 1 All signs shall be in compliance with Chapter 20.42 of the Zoning Code or an approved sign program and require separate review and permits. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE ONTO SHEET NO.A0.1 “Signs under separate reviews and permits.” 84. Comments: RESTAURANTS-SECTION 20.48.090 (EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS) OF THE N.B.M.C. 85. Proposed Net Public Area: 351 square feet 86. 1 Proposed Outdoor Patio Area: 351 square feet Please provide full dimensions of outdoor dining area to confirm the 351 square foot figure. 87. 1 Proposed Seating: indoor outdoor 8 (label on A0.1) 88. 1 Hours of Operation: 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. (label on A0.1) COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 8 of 9 89. 1 Alcohol License Type: Alcohol not permitted. Please add note to cover sheet "Alcohol sales or service is prohibited." 90. 1 WASHOUT AREA. Label the required washout area for floor mats and trash containers. The area must be a minimum unobstructed size of three feet wide by three feet deep by six feet high. Label the dimensions on the plans and show how the wash out area drains to the sewer system on the plumbing plans. 91. 1 GREASE INTERCEPTOR. On the plumbing plans, indicate where the grease interceptor is located and how it connects to the sewer system. 92. Comments: MIXED-USE PROJECTS-CHAPTER 20.22 (MIXED-USE ZONING DISTRICTS) OF THE N.B.M.C. DENSITY Minimum lot area per unit: Maximum lot area per unit: No. of Units Allowed: No. of Units Proposed: Demo Proposed Yes No No. of units to be demolished 93. Comments: GROSS FLOOR AREA 94. 1 Proposed Gross Floor Area (unit 1): square feet Proposed Gross Floor Area (unit 2): square feet Proposed Gross Floor Area (unit 3): square feet 95. Comments: OPEN SPACE Open space must be located within the buildable envelope (within the setback; under the height limit) Open space must be open on a minimum of one side 96. COMMON OPEN SPACE: Common open space must provide a minimum 15-foot length and width dimension Requirement = 75 sq ft/ unit x units = square feet 97. Common open space provided = cubic feet 98. PRIVATE OPEN SPACE: 5 percent of the gross floor area/unit. Private open space must provide a minimum 6- foot length and width dimension. Requirement (unit 1) = .05 x sq ft = square feet Requirement (unit 2) = .05 x sq ft = square feet Requirement (unit 3) = .05 x sq ft = square feet 99. Private open space provided (unit 1) = cubic feet Private open space provided (unit 2) = cubic feet Private open space provided (unit 3) = cubic feet 100. Comments: PARKING REQUIREMENTS The following dimensions are examples of minimum parking spaces by lot depth per Section 20.40.090.A of the Zoning Code: *35’ minimum depth for tandem parking COMMERCIAL ZONING CORRECTIONS (Cont’d) Last revised 09/11/2018 F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\ComZnCor-Online_Template Page 9 of 9 30 feet or less 9’-3” x 19’ single-car garage space* 17'-6" x 19' two-car garage space* 30.1 – 39.99 feet 10’ x 19’ single-car garage space* 18’6”" x 19' two-car garage space* 40 feet or more 10’ x 20’ single-car garage space* 20’ x 20’' two-car garage space.* 101. 1 Label interior dimensions of the garage free of all obstructions such as cabinetry, appliances, steps, posts, etc. (one riser is allowed, maximum 6 inches high, encroaching no more than 18 inches into garage). label 16'- 8" x 20' interior clear inside garage. 102. As a condition of approval for condo development, a two-car garage shall be physically divided so each condo has the use of a single-car garage having minimum unobstructed dimensions of 9’-3” by 19’-0”. Narrow lots will require a Modification Permit if the width cannot be accomplished. This does not change the required number of parking spaces per unit. 103. Comments: REQUIRED FEES-FEE SCHEDULE 104. Park Dedication Fee: 105. In-lieu Housing Fee: 106. Comments: MISCELLANEOUS 107. Covenant required. Please have the property owner’s signature notarized on the attached document and return with the filing fee payable to the Orange County Clerk Recorder. 108. INTERIOR FIREPLACES The overall chimney height for an interior fireplace is permitted to exceed the height limit by two feet above the roof plane plus an additional 12 inch maximum for the cap/spark arrestor. The additional 12 inch section is not only limited in height but also to 2 feet by 4 feet in width and depth. In addition, the chimney must be located a minimum distance of 10 feet from the nearest roof plane. Label dimensions of the chimney plus any portion of the cap/arrestor. 109. EXTERIOR FIREPLACES Exterior fireplaces, barbeques, pizza ovens, and similar structures are not permitted within the side and rear setbacks. 110. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Exterior fireplaces, barbeques, pizza ovens, and similar accessory structures, cannot exceed height limit. Please label height from natural grade below to highest point of structure. 111. ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ADVISORY) Issuance of a Building Permit by the City does not relieve applicant of legal requirement to observe covenants, conditions and restrictions which may be recorded against the property or to obtain community association approval of plans. 112. Comments: