HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-08 City Arts Commission Meeting Agenda PacketCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, April 8, 2021 - 5:00 PM City Arts Commission Members: Marie Little, Chair Arlene Greer, Vice Chair Maureen Flanagan, Secretary Miriam Baker, Commissioner Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Ritch LeGrand, Commissioner Leonard Simon, Commissioner Staff Members: Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING COVID-19 On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California as a result of the threat of COVID-19. On March 12, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-25-20, which allows City Arts Commissioners to attend City Arts Commission meetings by electronic means. Please be advised that to minimize the spread of COVID-19, City Arts Commissioners may attend this meeting either electronically or telephonically. Also, please be advised that on March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-29-20, which allows for the public to participate in any meeting of the City Arts Commission telephonically or by other electronic means. Given the health risks associated with COVID-19, the City of Newport Beach will conduct this meeting via Zoom. As a member of the public, if you would like to participate in this meeting, you can participate via the following options: 1.You can submit your questions and comments in writing for the City Arts Commission to consider. Please send them by email to the Library Services Department at ArtsCommission@newportbeachca.gov by Wednesday, April 7, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. to give the City Arts Commissioners time to consider your comments. All emails will be made part of the record. 2.You can connect with a computer by joining through Zoom. Click the link below to register for the meeting using a valid email address. You will receive a confirmation email allowing you to join the meeting: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oH1NyXEeT86FxGinIH84rg 3.Or you may connect by Phone/Audio Only by calling: (669) 900-9128. The meeting ID is 924 1417 2261#. Please know that it is important for the City to allow public participation at this meeting. While the City does not expect there to be any changes to the above process for participating in this meeting, if there is a change, the City will post the information as soon as possible to the City’s website. The City of Newport Beach thanks you in advance for continuing to take precautions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The City Arts Commission meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the City Arts Commission agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Library Trustees. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 717-3801 or thetherton@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Library Services Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. April 8, 2021 Page 2 City Arts Commission Meeting I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The City Arts Commission of Newport Beach welcomes and encourages community participation. Public comments are generally limited to three (3) minutes per person to allow everyone to speak. Written comments are encouraged as well. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the time limit on agenda or non-agenda items. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV.PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are invited on agenda items. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. Attendees must raise their hand in the Zoom module if they would like to speak. If attending by phone, press *9 to raise hand. V.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. City Arts Commissioners have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending an action. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the City Arts Commission votes on the motion unless members of the City Arts Commission request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item must raise their hand in the Zoom module if they would like to speak upon invitation of the Chair. If attending by phone, press *9 to raise hand A.Approval of Minutes of the March 11, 2021, City Arts Commission Meeting Draft of 3/11/2021 Minutes1. DRAFT OF MINUTES B.Consent Calendar Items Financial Report2. Review of financial information. FINANCIAL REPORT Cultural Arts Activities3. Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services. CULTURAL ARTS ACTIVITIES April 8, 2021 Page 3 City Arts Commission Meeting VI.CURRENT BUSINESS A.Items for Review and Possible Action Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Phases V and VI Grand Opening and Luncheon 4. Following discussions with Chair Little, staff recommends that the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Grand Opening event and luncheon, honoring both Phase V and Phase VI sculptors, be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021. SCULPTURE EXHIBITION GRAND OPENING AND LUNCHEON REPORT Newport Beach Art Exhibition Date Change5. Staff requests that the City Arts Commission reschedule the 56th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition for Saturday, October 9, 2021. NEWPORT BEACH ART EXHIBITION REPORT Proposal for Student Art Exhibition6. Staff presents a proposal for a student art exhibition. STUDENT ART EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Proposal for Plein Air Event7. Chair Little presents a proposal for a plein air event. PLEIN AIR EVENT PROPOSAL Central Library Gallery Exhibits8. The Art in Public Spaces Library Gallery Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommends that the City Arts Commission approve exhibitions by Rob Williams, Shant Beudjekian, and Helen Polins-Jones in the gallery space in the Central Library lobby. CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS REPORT CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS REPORT- ATTACHMENT A CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS REPORT- ATTACHMENT B CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITS REPORT- ATTACHMENT C April 8, 2021 Page 4 City Arts Commission Meeting B.Monthly Reports Art in Public Places Library Gallery Ad Hoc Subcommittee9. Commissioners Miriam Baker, Arlene Greer, Marie Little Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee10. Commissioners Maureen Flanagan, Arlene Greer, Marie Little Newport Beach Arts Foundation Liaison Ad Hoc Subcommitee11. Commissioner Maureen Flanagan VII.CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) VIII.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda items. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The City Arts Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. Attendees must raise their hand in the Zoom module if they would like to speak. If attending by phone, press *9 to raise hand. IX.ADJOURNMENT DRAFT Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 11, 2021 Regular Meeting – 5:00 PM Civic Center Council Chambers (Via Zoom) 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER – 5:00 P.M. II.ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Marie Little, Chair Arlene Greer, Vice Chair Maureen Flanagan, Secretary Wayan Kaufman, Commissioner Ritch LeGrand, Commissioner Commissioners Absent: Miriam Baker, Commissioner Leonard Simon, Commissioner Staff Present: Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director Camille Escareal-Garcia, Cultural Arts Assistant Francine Jacome, Administrative Assistant III.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC IV.PUBLIC COMMENT None. V.CONSENT CALENDAR A.Approval of Minutes of the February 11, 2021, City Arts Commission Meeting 1.Draft of 2/11/2021 Minutes Motion made by Chair Little, seconded by Secretary Flanagan, and carried (5-0-0-2) to approve the February 11, 2021, meeting minutes as written. AYES: Little, Flanagan, Kaufman, Greer, LeGrand NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Baker, Simon B.Consent Calendar Items 2.Financial Report – Review of financial information Library Services Director Tim Hetherton reported that there had been little spending outside of expenditures in January for maintenance of the Sculpture Exhibition. More expenditures are expected in April when the checks for the Cultural Arts Grants go out and staff begins planning future events. Overall, they are well funded and conserving money during the pandemic. 5 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 2 3. Cultural Arts Activities – Monthly review of cultural arts activities from the Library Administrative Office for upcoming Library and City arts events and services Library Services Director Hetherton announced that City Council approved Phase VI of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Park in February. Staff has disseminated the contracts. Sculptor Chris O’Rourke withdrew Windows from the exhibition over insurance concerns and it has been replaced with first alternate Leaf Spiral. Library Services Director Hetherton stated that Cultural Arts Assistant Camille Escareal-Garcia is conducting the art inventory and is working on a local history project documenting landmarks in Newport Beach. The Commission will review this work upon completion. Motion made by Chair Little, seconded by Commissioner LeGrand, and carried (5-0-0-2) to approve the Consent Calendar. AYES: Little, Flanagan, Kaufman, Greer, LeGrand NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Baker, Simon VI. CURRENT BUSINESS A. Items for Review and Possible Action 4. Community Arts Survey Results - The Community Arts Survey Ad Hoc Subcommittee will present the results of the recent public arts survey. Library Services Director Hetherton said that in 2020 the Commission approved a survey that was disseminated beginning in mid-September and closed November 9, 2020. Participation and response were both rather positive and he asked Chair Little to present the findings. Chair Little read the City’s description of the City Arts Commission (CAC) out loud. She explained how she and Vice Chair Greer approached Library Services Director Hetherton about a Community Arts Survey. The objective of the survey was that answers obtained would be used as a tool for improving the Arts Commission’s choices in the planning of future Arts programming and events. Chair Little formed the Community Arts Survey Ad Hoc Subcommittee (the Subcommittee) and appointed Vice Chair Greer, Commissioner Simon, and herself. The Subcommittee reviewed and revised the draft survey presented by staff. Afterwards, the Commission released a call to the public via the press, City website, and social media. The survey was for residents and nonresidents alike. Chair Little reported that the Subcommittee highlighted results from the survey and shared its takeaways from participant responses. The Subcommittee also recommended improvements to arts and cultural programming and events based on the survey. Some of the Subcommittee’s recommendations are up for immediate consideration while others are for future consideration. Out of a total of 619 participants, 196 participants left personal comments that were read by the Subcommittee, and many more comments were addressed in its report and recommendations to the CAC. 6 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 3 Out of the total of 619 participants, 57.83% were Newport Beach residents, 46.5% were seniors, and 30% were adults with children. The survey results indicated that seniors and adults with children have more interest in the arts than other groups within the local population. Participants were asked how they learned about City Arts programs. The top six means used by survey participants are the Newport Beach Library email, Newport Beach City Website, word of mouth, outdoor advertising, and print newspaper. The survey found that a great number of participants are active with the City Library. 65.3% of participants learned about arts programs through the Library email and 76% would like to see more public art at the libraries. This group is mostly made up of students and seniors who utilize the library for academic, professional, or leisure purposes. Many adults also take their children to the library and attend cultural arts events offered at the Library. The Subcommittee believed these results give the Arts Commission justification to shift focus towards the interests of seniors and families with children or teenagers. The survey participants would like to see more sculpture (70.5%), themed gardens (70.1%), and murals (58.3%). The top four locations participants would like to see more art at are libraries (76%), community centers (66.4%), the Civic Center (63.6%), and beaches (54.2%). The ongoing gain in popularity of the sculpture exhibition at Civic Center Park has made it one of the most highly rated outdoor experiences in Newport Beach. Chair Little stated that the sculpture exhibition is the only exhibition of its type in Orange County. The State of California recognized it as an asset for the public, and in 2019 awarded Newport Beach a $500,000 grant to fully fund Phases V and VI. From Phase I to the most present phase, the City Arts Commission has received strong support from the City Council, which is expected to continue. Survey results showed that 81% of participants have visited the sculpture exhibition. The Subcommittee recommended the CAC continue raising public awareness of the sculpture exhibition at Civic Center Park, increase the numbers of visitors by finding ways to utilize the venue for more events, and improve upon the works selected for upcoming phases. The Subcommittee also wants to increase public interest and attendance at its annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition. 46% of the survey participants have attended the event and attendance has grown to over 2,000 people. The exhibition has been held annually for 55 years, with more than 160 artists participating and displaying more than 300 original works for sale to the public on the Civic Center campus. The event also features live music and food for purchase. The Subcommittee recommends the Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee present fresh ideas to the City Arts Commission about raising artist and public interest to further expand the exhibition and increase attendance. Chair Little said the Subcommittee feels the rotating gallery exhibition at the Central Library has enough visibility and does not recommend changes to the program. 7 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 4 The survey also found a moderate interest in performing arts. 51.5% of respondents have attended the Summer Concerts on the Green at the Civic Center. 33.1% attended at least once, and 18.4% attended “many times.” Survey participants were most interested in musical theatre performances (91%), classical music concerts (89%), jazz concerts (88%), rock/pop concerts (85%), concert pianists (82%), and ballet performances (80%). This suggests that survey participants want a wider range of programming than the CAC has provided. The Survey Ad Hoc Committee wanted to point out that in 2016 and 2018 the CAC hosted two Pacific Symphony Concerts where an estimated number of over 5,000 people attended. In 2019, the Queen Nation Tribute Concert drew the highest attendance ever recorded for a Summer Concert on the Green performance with an estimated crowd of over 7,000. The survey found a moderate interest in all types of programs offered by the CAC. The programs in order of popularity are: Summer Concerts on the Green (66%), the Sculpture Exhibition at Civic Center Park (62%), the Newport Beach Art Exhibition (52%), the Central Library Gallery Art Exhibition (49%), performing arts on the Balboa Peninsula (41%), and art lectures and receptions (34%). Chair Little noted that the program on Balboa Peninsula was most popular with peninsula residents largely because of density and parking concerns. The Subcommittee recommended a future presentation to the City Council for consideration of a private/public partnership initiative for an art museum. The survey found a high level of support for an art museum in Newport Beach, with 70.7% of respondents in favor and only 24.2% against. The Subcommittee supports a small art museum and feels there are ways to ensure success, however, while acknowledging the public’s desire for a museum, believes the CAC should take the project to the City Council in the future as a goal. In addition to allowing larger exhibitions, the Subcommittee believed a museum could serve as a venue for indoor art events and programs, as well as outdoor events where flat terrain is preferred. The CAC could host small venue programs for members of the community such as educational lectures and workshops. Other suggestions for revenue included designated spaces for rent from artists without galleries or representation to display their work. The museum could also be rented by private and public schools for student art exhibitions. Paid annual memberships could be available alongside daily visitor fees. The Subcommittee believed these were a few suggestions for revenue streams to support the museum. The Subcommittee found there was a higher level of support for Newport Beach to have its own Cultural Arts Center. The survey question was not in reference to the Central Library’s planned lecture hall, which is a public/private partnership. A Cultural Arts Center is generally much larger and is appropriate for use for all preforming arts. The Subcommittee thought a Cultural Arts Center could be used for CAC programming and events and could also be made available for use by local public and private entities. The Subcommittee recommended the CAC open a discussion regarding a cultural center with the Newport Beach Arts Foundation and City Council regarding an initiative for public/private partnership in the near future. As with the museum, fees would be set for outside use of the cultural center to defray the facility’s upkeep and an opportunity for passive revenue for the City. 8 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 5 Chair Little stressed that the Subcommittee believed that any cultural center or museum would have to be a public/private partnership. A show of public commitment would maximize the opportunity and strengthen the possibility for development. The CAC is responsible for the administration and preservation of historical aspects and landmarks in the City. The top historical sites survey participants visited in Newport Beach were Sherman Gardens and Library (74.1%), the Balboa Pavilion (61,6%), and the Balboa Island Museum and Historical Society (39.8%). Most survey participants placed high importance on the preservation of archives, historical sites, and buildings. 86.3% of survey participants wanted cultural resources available at libraries and museums, 84.3% were interested in commercial buildings of historical significance, 62.6% were interested in private vintage beach cottages, and 59.7% were interested in private residences of architectural significance. Chair Little said that although the CAC views historical aspects of Newport Beach to be of great importance, the Subcommittee believed the CAC’s involvement is sufficient at this time. The CAC can better use its time planning and providing arts programming and events. The Subcommittee recommended goals and objectives for the CAC to better align with the Arts Survey results. The first goal is to improve overall community engagement in arts and culture. Goal two is to elevate programming focus towards seniors and families with children and teenagers. Goal three is to promote more community investment and less reliance on public funding for the City’s art and culture. The Subcommittee’s first objective is to select future Summer Concerts on the Green and other performing arts programs based on the interest of the community. The second objective is to introduce more arts programs and events tailored to the interest of the seniors, children, and teenagers. The third objective is to launch public/private partnership opportunities utilizing the Newport Beach Arts Foundation to initiate community collaboration of public/private funding for arts and culture. Chair Little hoped the report was helpful to the CAC, the Cultural Arts staff, and members of the public. She acknowledged that the survey was not all inclusive and said it should be viewed as a starting point. The CAC intends to conduct additional surveys in the future. She thanked survey participants and said the Subcommittee learned that the majority valued art and its benefits. The arts bind people together and strengthens a community’s character. Chair Little invited Vice Chair Greer to share her thoughts as a Subcommittee member. Vice Chair Greer said that in focusing on the next survey she hopes to have the community focus on the public/private partnership and to invest in arts programming. Some people might choose for their businesses to support projects or events or people may wish to volunteer at events. Vice Chair Greer indicated the survey was a great steppingstone that yielded an incredible amount of information. In 2011, the CAC had two or three concerts per year and a small annual art show, so growth since then was considerable. She thanked everyone who contributed to the phenomenal growth of the programming. In response to Secretary Flanagan’s question, Vice Chair Greer indicated this was the first survey done by the CAC. The City previously engaged a Master Plan for arts and culture that many in the community took part in which is still online for review. Library Services 9 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 6 Director Hetherton stated he could send the document to any Commissioner who would like to review it. Commissioner LeGrand thought the survey was tremendously valuable. He suggested a survey of the CAC regarding their thoughts on the ideas generated by the survey. Chair Little explained how much time was spent on the survey and noted it was the Subcommittee’s intention for the CAC to use the survey as a guide going forward. There would be future surveys and this one was just the beginning. Vice Chair Greer added that the CAC always wondered about the response to the sculpture garden and the survey was wonderful. It documented that the sculpture garden is a wonderful program enjoyed by many at their own convenience. She thought City Council would be pleased with the response as well. Secretary Flanagan thought that during the pandemic the sculpture garden was particularly wonderful and able to be enjoyed. Chair Little agreed with Secretary Flanagan and said that negative comments about the sculpture exhibition were the minority. Overall, the sculpture exhibition was well known, well received, and enjoyed by the community and the general public. Vice Chair Greer moved that the CAC proceed with publicity in Westways Magazine for the sculpture exhibition as a getaway activity, especially during the pandemic. Library Services Director Hetherton stated staff could do that as part of the marketing for the sculpture exhibition and that the CAC did not need to vote on it. There is a marketing budget and grant funds available. Newport Beach resident Jim Mosher voiced confusion over what action the CAC would take on the survey as the agenda simply called for a report. Chair Little explained that there would be no vote on the report given. The Subcommittee’s recommendations will be dealt with in ad hoc subcommittees and be formally presented to the CAC. So, the survey will be digested in a process over time. Mr. Mosher stated he was still unclear if the CAC was asked to endorse the recommendations. He agreed that the survey has value. If the conclusions go to the City Council, they may question if it reached a broad cross section of the public or if it was self-selecting. He noted that more people attended the art exhibit than the Concerts on the Green, which seems to indicate a skewed response group. He thought a cultural arts center was a great idea, but he was not sure that the survey was clear that it was in addition to the library lecture hall. Mr. Mosher thought the City Council would not take the idea seriously unless the CAC suggested a site for the cultural arts center and a cost estimate. With respect to historical buildings, if the survey said “commercial” then that is what the question was, and it cannot be interpreted otherwise. Chair Little clarified that a commercial building could be privately, or City owned. Mr. Mosher stated that was not clear on the survey. Chair Little suggested Mr. Mosher move on and make his additional comments. 10 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 7 Mr. Mosher suggested mapping the zip codes of survey participants. He also asked if the Subcommittee reached a conclusion on or found any themes in the many public comments submitted. Chair Little stated that some of the recommendations made in the report directly addressed many of the public’s questions and comments. It was not feasible to respond to individual questions and she stressed that this survey was a starting point. 5. Recommendation of Sculpture Photo Contest Winners – The Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee will recommend the winners of the 2020-2021 Sculpture Photo Contest for City Arts Commission approval. Library Services Director Hetherton reported that the photo contest previously happened in 2018 and 2019. The contest is a way to get the public more involved with the sculpture exhibition. A large part of the CAC’s mission is to expose residents to different cultural experiences, so this contest invites people to create art with their cameras. The contest was popular with over 330 submissions and the work was exceptional. Chair Little said the Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee (the Subcommittee) consisted of Vice Chair Greer, Commissioner Baker, and herself. The Subcommittee went through the 330 photo entries, which are all posted for public viewing on the Cultural Arts section of the City website. On behalf of the CAC she thanked everyone who participated in the contest. The Subcommittee found the works beautiful, creative, and inspiring and selecting the 12 finalists was difficult. The Subcommittee separated the 12 finalists into two categories; one being “Human Interplay with a Sculpture” and two being “Enhancement of a Sculpture Using Nature.” Chair Little invited Cultural Arts Assistant Camille Escareal-Garcia to give a slide presentation beginning with the first category. She instructed Commissioners to vote for their two favorite photos within each category. Commissioners voted on the following categories: o 1st Category: “Human Interplay with a Sculpture” – 1st and 2nd prizes o 2nd Category: “Enhancement of a Sculpture Using Nature” – 3rd Prizes (4 in total) The winners are as follows: 1st Category: “Human Interplay with a Sculpture” o 1st prize: Photo 20-062 – 5 votes – “Catching Rainbows” – Sculpture: Fractured Peace o 2nd prize: Photo 20-169 – 2 votes – “Circles” – Sculpture: The Unbearable Lightness of Being 2nd Category: “Enhancement of a Sculpture Using Nature” o 3rd prize: Photo 20-078 – 4 votes – “Together” – Sculpture: Wind Swept o 3rd prize: Photo 20-161 – 3 votes – “Hurricane” – Sculpture: Hurricane o 3rd prize: Photo 20-262 – 3 votes – “Gentle Wind” – Sculpture: Chairman of the Board o 3rd prize: Photo 20-286 – 2 votes – “A Step Forward” – Sculpture: Contender Chair Little called for the public comment, but there was none. 11 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 8 Motion made by Chair Little, seconded by Vice-Chair Greer, and carried (5-0-0-2) to award the Sculpture Photo Contest Winners as listed above. AYES: Little, Flanagan, Kaufman, Greer, LeGrand NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Baker, Simon Chair Little congratulated the winners and thanked the entrants. 6. Central Library Gallery Display of Ocean Quest Collection – Staff presents a proposal to display items from the Ocean Quest collection in the Central Library display cases. Library Services Director Hetherton reported Ocean Quest was vacating their property and moving some exhibits to a facility in Santa Ana. A lot of their collection will enter storage and so Colleen D’Aluisio, the Director of Operations, offered to loan some pieces to Newport Beach. Library Services Director Hetherton stated he thought the idea was good and requested the CAC approve it, as the Central Library could accommodate rotating the collection on display. He explained the collection was varied, interesting, and detailed and would provide another cultural experience to the public. Secretary Flanagan stated that she saw no downside. Library Services Director Hetherton agreed and added that local history is part of the CAC’s mission. Chair Little said there were at least two comments in the Arts Survey regarding nautical history. Chair Little called for the public comment, but there was none. Motion made by Vice Chair Greer, seconded by Commissioner Flanagan, and carried (5-0-0-2) to approve the rotating display of the Ocean Quest Collection in the Central Library. AYES: Little, Flanagan, Kaufman, Greer, LeGrand NOES: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Baker, Simon B. Monthly Reports 7. Art in Public Spaces Ad Hoc Subcommittee - Commissioners Miriam Baker, Arlene Greer, Marie Little None. 12 Newport Beach City Arts Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2021 Page 9 8. Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Commissioners Maureen Flanagan, Arlene Greer, Marie Little Chair Little reported they continue to receive new entries weekly. The Subcommittee’s first meeting will be March 17th and a report will be given at the April CAC meeting. 9. Newport Beach Arts Foundation Liaison Ad Hoc Subcommittee – Commissioner Maureen Flanagan. Secretary Flanagan reported that Carol Lee resigned as the VP Membership Chair of the Foundation and has not been replaced. The focus of the meeting was on Greg Schultz of Creative Shoebox and the beautiful new website that will roll out at some point. Vice Chair Greer added that, in listening to Mr. Schultz’s presentation, she would ask the Foundation to focus more on the sculpture exhibition’s recent phases rather than Phase 1 and 2. Chair Little stated she advised them that many of the photos were older and they should use more current photos. She believed the Foundation thought her suggestion was reasonable and they would follow it. VII. CITY ARTS COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) • Announcements: ° Chair Little activated three ad hoc subcommittees: Newport Beach Art Exhibition Ad Hoc Subcommittee, Sculpture Exhibition Phase VI Ad Hoc Subcommittee, and Summer Concerts on the Green Ad Hoc Subcommittee. ° Chair Little sunset the Community Arts Survey Ad Hoc Subcommittee. • Future Agenda: ° Chair Little recommended to staff two new events: A Children’s Art Exhibition in midsummer and a Plein Air Painting Event centered around the sculpture exhibition at Civic Center Park in the fall. She will work on these ideas with Vice Chair Greer and bring them to the CAC for a vote. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Newport Beach resident Jim Mosher commented on Zoom Meetings and public attendance. He explained that he missed the last 30 minutes of the meeting due to a computer issue. He congratulated the CAC on the Ocean Quest vote, which he supported. Chair Little stated the CAC was sorry that Mr. Mosher had a computer issue. IX. ADJOURNMENT – 6:35 P.M. Chair Little adjourned the meeting at 6:35 P.M. 13 As of March 31, 2021 ACCT NAME / #BUDGET DATE VENDOR EXPENSES BALANCE NOTES Programming 60,500.00 01060603-841004 07/24 Restoration Artechs Inc.5,315.00 55,185.00 Marine monument restoration 07/31 GotPrint 438.81 54,746.19 Sculpture Exhibition brochures 07/31 Image 360 246.20 54,499.99 Sculpture placards 09/30 Amazon.com 50.00 54,449.99 Arts survey gift card: week 1 09/30 Amazon.com 50.00 54,399.99 Arts survey gift card: week 2 10/31 Amazon.com 50.00 54,349.99 Arts survey gift card: week 3 10/31 Amazon.com 50.00 54,299.99 Arts survey gift card: week 4 10/31 Amazon.com 50.00 54,249.99 Arts survey gift card: week 5 10/31 Amazon.com 50.00 54,199.99 Arts survey gift card: week 6 11/30 Amazon.com 50.00 54,149.99 Arts survey gift card: week 7 11/30 Amazon.com 50.00 54,099.99 Arts survey gift card: week 8 12/31 CaFE (WESTAF)525.00 53,574.99 NBAE adminstrative renewal TOTAL 53,574.99 Professional Services 15,954.00 01060603-811008 07/31 Hector Dominguez 3,350.00 12,604.00 "Metalfor" restoration (deposit) 07/31 Jose Martinez 398.75 12,205.25 "Sunset Years" bench restoration 08/21 TAVD Visual Assistant 144.00 12,061.25 Transcription of Minutes (7/20) 08/28 Crown Building Services 825.00 11,236.25 Sphere 112 cleaning 09/18 TAVD Visual Assistant 281.25 10,955.00 Transcription of Minutes (8/20) 09/25 William McClelland Ent.600.00 10,355.00 Bronze sculpture restoration 10/16 TAVD Visual Assistant 150.75 10,204.25 Transcription of Minutes (9/20) 11/20 TAVD Visual Assistant 110.25 10,094.00 Transcription of Minutes (10/20) 11/27 Alan Scott 235.00 9,859.00 Art installation (Bow Seat) 12/11 TAVD Visual Assistant 132.75 9,726.25 Transcription of Minutes (11/20) 01/15 Alan Scott 302.50 9,423.75 Art installation (William Leung) 01/22 William McClelland Ent.330.00 9,093.75 Bronze sculpture restoration 03/05 TAVD Visual Assistant 569.25 8,524.50 Transcription of Minutes (2/11) 03/12 Alan Scott 235.00 8,289.50 Art Installation (Animal Kingdom+) TOTAL 8,289.50 City Grants 30,000.00 01060603-821006 TOTAL 30,000.00 Sculpture Garden (III/IV)58,818.34 (Contract Art Services)07/24 Karl Unnasch 3,000.00 55,818.34 "Burnt Matchstick" honorarium (2/2) 01060603-811054 TOTAL 55,818.34 FY 2020-21Cultural Arts Division 4/1/2021 1 of 2 14 As of March 31, 2021 ACCT NAME / #BUDGET DATE VENDOR EXPENSES BALANCE NOTES FY 2020-21Cultural Arts Division Sculpture Garden (Ph V/V 141,436.00 01060603-811059 07/01 Roger Heitzman 2,075.00 139,361.00 "Cosmo" honorarium (1/2) 07/01 Dominic Panziera 3,000.00 136,361.00 "Individuality n.1" honorarium (1/2) 07/01 Curt Brill 3,000.00 133,361.00 "Seated Diana" honorarium (1/2) 07/01 Andra Broekelschen 1,100.00 132,261.00 "Window to the Sea" honor. (1/2) 07/01 Nancy Mooslin 1,750.00 130,511.00 "Fractured Peace" honor. (1/2) 07/01 Joe Sackett 3,000.00 127,511.00 "Dude Ascending" honor. (1/2) 07/01 Patricia Vader 3,000.00 124,511.00 "Unbearable Lightn." honor. (1/2) 07/01 Ronald Whitacre 2,250.00 122,261.00 "Marble Shooter" honorarium (1/2) 07/01 Monica B. Wyatt 3,000.00 119,261.00 "I'm Listening" honorarium (1/2) 07/31 Grant Irish 2,000.00 117,261.00 "Primemover" honorarium (1/2) 08/14 Arts Orange County 38,651.00 78,610.00 Phase V mgmt (8/8) & installation 09/04 Arts Orange County 4,350.00 74,260.00 Relocation of "Dude Ascending" 09/25 Arts Orange County 3,000.00 71,260.00 Phase VI management (1/10) 10/16 Arts Orange County 3,000.00 68,260.00 Phase VI management (2/10) 12/25 Arts Orange County 3,000.00 65,260.00 Phase VI management (3/10) 01/29 Arts Orange County 3,000.00 62,260.00 Phase VI management (4/10) 02/26 Arts Orange County 3,000.00 59,260.00 Phase VI management (5/10) TOTAL 59,260.00 Special Events (NBAE)0.00 01060603-521450 03/24 WESTAF (CaFE)(614.30)614.30 February Entry Fees Deposit TOTAL 0.00 4/1/2021 2 of 2 15 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, thetherton@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Tim Hetherton TITLE: Cultural Arts Activities for March 2021 2021 Cultural Arts Grants At the March 9 regular meeting, City Council approved the recipients of the 2021 Cultural Arts Grants. Grantees include: Arts & Learning Conservatory: $2,500 The Arts & Learning Conservatory proposes to use these funds to support Ensign Middle School’s musical theatre virtual program. These productions serve students of varying cultural and socio- economic backgrounds and are an effective tool to address social-emotional learning. All sessions will be held live virtually. Multiple casts will allow more students to participate, and small breakout groups allow for specific theatrical skill development and instruction such as individualized vocal, acting, and dance instruction. Backhausdance: $4,000 Backhausdance proposes to utilize grant funds to stage Dance Expressions: Creativity and Choreography, a new contemporary dance and movement workshop series for high school students. The workshops will be held at two Newport-Mesa Unified School District schools – Corona del Mar Middle/High School (grades 8-10) and Back Bay Continuation High School (grades 11-12). Dance and creative movement instruction are not currently included in K-12 core curricula, so this programming offers a unique amenity to students. Distance learning and the social-emotional impacts on youth during the pandemic were taken into consideration in development of this in-depth dance residency project. Baroque Music Festival: $4,000 Baroque Music Festival proposes to present a prerecorded virtual performance in May of A Bach Keyboard Extravaganza. The performance, in co-production with Ars Lyrica Houston, will feature harpsichordist and organist Matthew Dirst. The video will be viewable online on multiple platforms (free of charge) and in-person (ticketed) on June 24th during the Festival week at Sherman Gardens and St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Funds will also be used to subsidize $5 student tickets to proposed live concerts during the festival. Laguna Playhouse: $5,000 Laguna Playhouse’s Theatre for a New Generation program proposes to present a virtual streaming of The Outsiders. The presentation will also include a panel discussion on social equity with the cast and director. The target audience is teens and young adults ages 14 through 25. Laguna Playhouse will engage Newport Beach high schools with the goal of reaching 650 students and will partner with community organizations to serve at-risk youth. 16 Pacific Symphony: $5,000 Pacific Symphony proposes to offer the Class Act music education program for students at Anderson and Newport Coast elementary schools during the 2020-2021 academic year. The 2021 program theme will be Symphony at the Movies II – Myths and Legends. This musical curriculum is common core-based for grades K-12. The program has been adapted for virtual learning with online and digital student activities, arts workshops with Symphony musicians, and Youth Concerts and Bravo assemblies. South Coast Repertory (SCR): $5,000 SCR proposes to use grant funds to present the Theatre for Young Audiences Program, comprised of two family-friendly productions presented in different formats for 2021: a free online classroom viewing of Red Riding Hood and a live outdoor production of You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown (minimum 6 ticketed performances at Mission San Juan). Both productions strive to provide a meaningful introduction to theatrical arts for young children. Outreach to Orange County school districts will include Newport Beach schools with the goal of serving at least 700 Newport Beach students, teachers, and families—the same number that was served last year (2019-2020) through two in-person productions. The City Arts Commission granted $25,500 of the available funds, leaving a balance of $4,500. City Council approved an Arts Commission request that allows the Cultural Arts Division to retain the remaining $4,500 from the grants budget to fund virtual arts programming to be determined and scheduled for the current fiscal year. Grandmother’s Spirit On March 23, City Council approved the acquisition of Grandmother’s Spirit into the City Art inventory. UPCOMING CENTRAL LIBRARY GALLERY EXHIBITIONS: •"Fake or Fortune: Provenance and Attribution" (exhibition and lecture): May 10 - July 2 •Quilts on the Wall (Textiles): July 5 - September 3 •Richard Ferncase (Photography): September 7 - November 5 •Sunny Kim (Acrylics): November 8 - January 7, 2022 17 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, thetherton@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Tim Hetherton TITLE: Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Phases V and VI Grant Opening and Luncheon RECOMMENDATION: Following discussions with Chair Little, staff recommends that the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park Grand Opening event and luncheon, honoring both Phase V and Phase VI sculptors, be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021. DISCUSSION: In past years, the Newport Beach City Arts Commission has held a grand opening celebration for each phase of the Sculpture Exhibition in Civic Center Park. As part of the grand opening festivities, the Newport Beach Arts Foundation funds a luncheon for the artists whose sculptures were selected for the Phase. The Arts Commission also hosts City Council, Arts Foundation leadership, and key City staff. The 2020 Grand Opening and luncheon was cancelled as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. Phase VI of the Sculpture Exhibition will be installed in May of 2021. Staff had previously suggested that a combined Grand Opening and luncheon for Phases V and VI could be held on Saturday, June 12. However, uncertainty about when restrictions on public gatherings will be lifted has served as the impetus to move the date to mid-September. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item)., if A 18 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, thetherton@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Tim Hetherton TITLE: Newport Beach Art Exhibition Date Change RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the City Arts Commission reschedule the 56th Annual Newport Beach Art Exhibition for Saturday, October 9, 2021. DISCUSSION: Since 2014, the Newport Beach Art Exhibition has been held in June in the Civic Center Community Room. Given the current uncertainty over when public gatherings can be held, staff thinks that the June 26 date may not be feasible. After discussions with Chair Little, staff recommends that the City Arts Commission stage the exhibition on October 9, 2021. Hopefully, by this date public gatherings will be permitted. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item). if A 19 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, thetherton@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Camille Escareal-Garcia TITLE: Proposal for Student Art Exhibition RECOMMENDATION: Staff presents a proposal for a student art exhibition. DISCUSSION: Following discussions with Chair Little, staff recommends that the City Arts Commission approve a student art exhibition to be held in August 2021. Staff believes that providing an art exhibition for young artists will meet one of the City Arts Commission’s goals to provide events centered around families with children and teens, a key demographic for program outreach according to the Community Arts Survey report given at the City Arts Commission meeting on March 11, 2021. The Student Art Exhibition would be open to all students from grades pre-K through 12. Young artists may submit one original work of art, two-dimensional format only, that will be displayed virtually on the Cultural Arts website. Participants will also have the option to have their art displayed in the Children’s Room (grades pre-K through 6th) or the Teen Center (grades 7th through 12th) at the Central Library. Artists may submit their entries online or in-person at the Central Library. A juror will select winning entries and awards will be distributed. Participants will have a week to pick up their art after the exhibition ends on August 28. Staff will work with the Library’s Web Team and Teen and Youth Services to run the exhibition. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item)., if 20 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, thetherton@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Tim Hetherton TITLE: Proposal for Plein Air Event DISCUSSION: En plein air, a French expression meaning “in the open air”, refers to the act of painting outdoors with the artist’s subject in full view. Plein air artists capture the spirit and essence of a landscape or subject by incorporating natural light, color, and movement into their works. Chair Little is interested in determining the feasibility of the City Arts Commission hosting a plein air event in Civic Center Park amongst the Sculpture Exhibition. To this end, Chair Little will appoint an ad hoc subcommittee to: •Obtain the support of the Arts Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, Visit Newport Beach, local businesses, and other organizations. It can often be advantageous to combine more than one organization to support an event. •Determine why the Arts Commission should develop a Plein Air Event: fundraising opportunity, raising community awareness, promoting the arts, tourism, furthering arts education, or other. •Create a mission statement for the Plein Air Event. •Develop significant community interest in the form of volunteers and art buyers. The committee will be asked to determine a list of potential tasks: •Determine a budget •Create the prospectus •Advertise and promote the event •Create and distribute marketing materials •Develop a website and social media •Solicit and manage volunteers •Communicate with artists •Accounting •Solicit contributions •Create artist information packets •Create and maintain events calendar •Select a judge •Award(s) •Photography – during the event and the awards ceremony •Develop a sponsorship program NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item). 21 TO Newport Beach City Arts Commission FROM: Library Services Department Tim Hetherton, Library Services Director 949-717-3810, thetherton@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Tim Hetherton TITLE: Central Library Gallery Exhibits RECOMMENDATION: The Art in Public Spaces Library Gallery Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommends that the City Arts Commission approve exhibitions by Rob Williams, Shant Beudjekian, and Helen Polins-Jones in the gallery space in the Central Library lobby. DISCUSSION: The City of Newport Beach maintains two exhibit spaces at the Central Library. The Lobby Gallery in the Central Library has approximately 38 feet of linear wall space designed for two-dimensional pieces of art. Additionally, artists may apply to exhibit three-dimensional works in the two display cabinets that were added to the lobby of the Central Library in 2010. The display cases are approximately 24” high x 24” deep x 24” wide. Artists who want their work considered for display submit a completed Application for Review and Consideration of Art. The Library Services Director manages the gallery space. The City Arts Commission’s Art in Public Places Ad Hoc Subcommittee meets periodically to review artist's submissions. Staff notifies artists of acceptance and arranges the staging of the art. At their March meeting, the Art in Public Spaces Library Gallery Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommended that the work of artists Rob Williams, Shant Beudjekian, and Helen Polins-Jones be exhibited subject to City Arts Commission approval. NOTICING: This agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Arts Commission considers the item)., if A ATTACHMENT A: Examples of Rob Williams’ photographs ATTACHMENT B: Examples of Shant Beudjekian’s acrylic paintings ATTACHMENT C: Examples of Helen Polins-Jones’ watercolor portraits 22 ATTACHMENT A 23 24 ---­� � 25 ,/' ,· "" "'/'',/ 26 27 ATTACHMENT B 28 29 30 31 32 ATTACHMENT C 33 34