HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210503_Zoning Compliance Letter COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER May 3, 2021 Reference No. PA2021-076 The Planning & Zoning Resource Company Attn: Sheneetra Scroggins 1300 South Meridian Ave Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 sheneetra.scroggins@pzr.com RE: 1666 San Miguel Drive APN No: 458-351-07 Dear Ms Scroggins, The above referenced property is currently located within the CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zoning District and is designated as CN (Neighborhood Commercial) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The property is not located within a Planned Unit Development or an overlay district, but it is located in Anomaly 64. Excerpts from the Municipal Code and General Plan are attached for your information. The properties abutting the subject parcel to the south and west are located in the CN (Commercial Neighborhood) Zoning District and the General Plan land use designation is CN (Neighborhood Commercial) respectively. The properties to the east across Pacific View Drive are located within RM (Multiple Residential) and have General Plan land use designations of RM (Multiple Residential). The property to the north across San Miguel Drive is located within the PC3 (Harbor View Hills) Zoning District and the General Plan land use designation is RM (Multiple Residential). Page 2 Zoning Compliance – PA2021-076 At the time building permits were finaled, the building requirements were in substantial conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the properties:  Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2013-013 and Modification No. MD2013-018 (PA2013-201) Approved by the Zoning Administrator on December 12, 2013 to authorize signage for the Harbor View Shopping Center and exceed the height and width requirements for proposed monument signs.  Use Permit No. UP1528 Conditionally Approved by the Planning Commission on April 29, 1971 to allow for a drive-up auto teller facility at the Newport National Bank. The links to these discretionary applications are provided in the attachments list shown below. The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at (949) 644-3215 and the Building Division at (949) 644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plat maps or public rights-of way, please contact the Public Works Department at (949) 644-3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at Victoria Kim at (949) 644-3235 or vkim@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, Page 3 Zoning Compliance – PA2021-076 Enclosures: Aerial Map Use Permit UP1528 Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2013-013 and Modification No. MD2013-018 (PA2013-201) Table LU2 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan Figure LU6 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 4/26/2021 0 200100 Land Use Element Newport Beach General Plan 3-18 Table LU2 Anomaly Locations Anomaly Number Statistical Area Land Use Designation Development Limit (sf) Development Limit (Other) Additional Information 1 L4 MU-H2 460,095 471 Hotel Rooms (not included in total square footage) 2 L4 MU-H2 1,052,880 2.1 L4 MU-H2 18,810 11,544 sf restricted to general office use only (included in total square footage) 3 L4 CO-G 734,641 4 L4 MU-H2 250,176 5 L4 MU-H2 32,500 6 L4 MU-H2 46,044 7 L4 MU-H2 81,372 8 L4 MU-H2 442,775 9 L4 CG 120,000 164 Hotel Rooms (included in total square footage) 10 L4 MU-H2 31,362 349 Hotel Rooms (not included in total square footage) 11 L4 CG 11,950 12 L4 MU-H2 457,880 13 L4 CO-G 288,264 14 L4 CO-G/MU-H2 860,884 15 L4 MU-H2 228,214 16 L4 CO-G 344,231 17 L4 MU-H2 33,292 304 Hotel Rooms (not included in total square footage) 18 L4 CG 225,280 19 L4 CG 228,530 21 J6 CO-G 687,000 Office: 660,000 sf; Retail: 27,000 sf CV 300 Hotel Rooms 22 J6 PI 85,000 Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) 23 K2 PR 15,000 24 L3 IG 89,624 25 L3 PI 84,585 26 L3 IG 33,940 27 L3 IG 86,000 28 L3 IG 110,600 29 L3 CG 47,500 30 M6 CG 54,000 31 L2 PR 75,000 32 L2 PI 34,000 33 M3 PI 163,680 Administrative Office and Support Facilitates: 30,000 sf Community Mausoleum and Garden Crypts: 121,680 sf Family Mausoleums: 12,000 sf 34 L1 CO-R 484,348 35 L1 CO-R 199,095 36 L1 CO-R 227,797 Land Use Element Newport Beach General Plan 3-19 Table LU2 Anomaly Locations Anomaly Number Statistical Area Land Use Designation Development Limit (sf) Development Limit (Other) Additional Information 37 L1 CO-R 131,201 2,050 Theater Seats (not included in total square footage) 38 L1 CO-M 443,627 39 L1 MU-H3 408,084 40 L1 MU-H3 1,426,634 425 Hotel Rooms (included in total Square Footage) 41 L1 CO-R 327,671 42 L1 CO-R 286,166 43 L1 CV 611 Hotel Rooms 44 L1 CR 1,619,525 1,700 Theater Seats (not included in total square footage) 45 L1 CO-G 162,364 46 L1 MU-H3/PR 3,725 24 Tennis Courts Residential permitted in accordance with MU-H3. 47 L1 CG 105,000 48 L1 MU-H3 337,261 49 L1 MU-H3 16,000 90 Dwelling Units 50 L1 CG 25,000 51 K1 PR 20,000 52 K1 CV 479 Hotel Rooms 53 K1 PR 567,500 See Settlement Agreement 54 J1 CM 2,000 55 H3 PI 119,440 56 A3 PI 1,343,238 990,349 sf Upper Campus 577,889 sf Lower Campus In no event shall the total combined gross floor area of both campuses exceed the development limit of 1,343,238 sq. ft. 57 Intentionally Blank 58 J5 PR 20,000 59 H4 MU-W1 247,402 144 Dwelling Units (included in total square footage) 60 N CV *3,035,000 2,150 Hotel Rooms (2,960,000 square feet for hotel rooms and related commercial uses identified in Newport Coast LCP) 75,000 square feet for Day Use Commercial Newport Coast LCP Planning Area 13 *Correction per Planning Commission Resolution 2030 adopted October 6, 2016 61 N CV 125,000 Newport Coast LCP Planning Areas 3B and 14 62 L2 CG 2,300 63 G1 CN 66,000 64 M3 CN 74,000 65 M5 CN 80,000 66 J2 CN 138,500 67 D2 PI 20,000 68 L3 PI 71,150 69 K2 CN 75,000 70 D2 RM-D Parking Structure for Bay Island (No Residential Units) 71 L1 CO-G 11,630 Land Use Element Newport Beach General Plan 3-20 Table LU2 Anomaly Locations Anomaly Number Statistical Area Land Use Designation Development Limit (sf) Development Limit (Other) Additional Information 72 L1 CO-G 8,000 73 A3 CO-M 350,000 74 L1 PR 56,000 75 L1 PF City Hall, and the administrative offices of the City of Newport Beach, and related parking, pursuant to Section 425 of the City Charter. 76 H1 CO-G 0.5 FAR 1.0 FAR permitted, provided all four legal lots are consolidated into one parcel to provide unified site design 77 H4 CV 240,000 157 Hotel Rooms (included in total square footage) 78 B5 CM 139,840 79 H4 CG 0.3/0.5 Development limit of 19,905 sq.ft. permitted, provided all six legal lots are consolidated into one parcel to provide unified site design 80 K1 MU-W2 Nonresidential Development: 131,290 49 Residential Units For mixed-use development, residential floor area shall not exceed a 1:1 ratio to nonresidential floor area 81 K1 RM 296 Residential Units 82 Reserved 83 Reserved 84 Reserved 85 B5 CV-LV 103,470 sf of hotel Accessory commercial floor area is allowed in conjunction with a hotel and it is included within the hotel development limit. Municipal facilities are not restricted or included in any development limit. 86 L4 MU-H2 Nonresidential Development 297,572 329 dwelling units LU 4.2 Prohibition of New Residential Subdivisions Prohibit new residential subdivisions that would result in additional dwelling units unless authorized by an amendment of the General Plan (GPA). Lots that have been legally merged through the Subdivision Map Act and City Subdivision Code approvals are exempt from the GPA requirements and may be re-subdivided to the original underlying legal lots. This policy is applicable to all Single Unit, Two Unit, and Multiple Unit Residential land use categories. (Imp 6.1) LU 4.3 Transfer of Development Rights Permit the transfer of development rights from a property to one or more other properties when: a. The donor and receiver sites are within the same Statistical Area. Land Use Element Newport Beach General Plan 3-21 b. The reduced density/intensity on the donor site provides benefits to the City such as, but not limited to, the (1) provision of extraordinary open space, public visual corridor(s), parking or other amenities; (2) preservation of a historic building or property or natural landscapes; (3) improvement of the area’s scale and development character; (4) consolidation of lots to achieve a better architectural design than could be achieved without lot consolidation; and/or (5) reduction of local vehicle trips and traffic congestion; c. The increment of growth transferred to the receiver site complements and is in scale with surrounding development, complies with community character and design policies contained in this Plan, and does not materially degrade local traffic conditions and environmental quality. d. Transfer of Development Rights in Newport Center is governed by Policy 6.14.3 (Imp 2.1, 5.1, 10.2) !56 !8556TH ST55TH STSTREET52ND47TH ST48TH ST49TH50THSTREETWEST BAL B OA BL VD51STOCEAN DRIVE LIDOSANDS DRS U PERIOR AVE FRONT AVENUESTREETSTREET54THNEPTUNE AVENUE HIGHWAY DRIVE NEWPORTOLDWESTCOAST HWY W D R IV ENEWPORTHOAG53RDSEASHORE SANTA ANARIVERSIDEDRIVEC LI FF REDLANDSCLIFF DR TUSTIN AVESTREET AVENU ELA JO L LAS A N T A AVEAV O N A N A WEST ST38TH 41ST42NDSTREETBALB O A STREETDRIVESTREETWEST RIVER AVE BLVD PLACE 44THCHANNEL 43RDSTREETSTREETSTREETOCEAN FRONT SEASHORE 39THNEPTUNE AVE48TH 45TH46THSTREET47TH ST40THSTREETOPORTOVIA MALAGA LID O 32ND STREET WAY30TH STREET STREET BLV D BLVDDRIVE SEASHORE OCEAN FRONT WEST 32ND33RDSTREET34TH34TH ST35THSTREETAVENUE36THSTREETAVENUE MAR CUS STREETSTREET31ST FINLEYAVE NEWPORTVIAAVE VIA AVE 38TH ST 38THST 39TH ST37TH STLANE LAKE40THMARCUS FINLEY AVE39THST ST CLUBHOUSESHORT 35TH STFINLEY AVE36TH STREETCENTRALAVENUECHANNEL PLACE BALBOA AVEVILLALAFAYETTE40THPARK BALB O A VIA LID O S O U D LID O P A R K D R NORD COVES V IA DIJON20TH STPLACEA R CADE AVE22ND ST 22 NDST 26TH ST THE MCFADDEN21ST ST 26TH25THSTREET24TH23RD STBALB O A O CEAN 27THSTREETSTREETSTREETFRONT 29TH AVEWAY VILLA STREET 31STW ESTSTRE ETSTREET 30TH29TH28T H ST R E ETSTREET32ND STV IA A N T IB E S BA R C ELONA VIA V IA CORDOVALIDO WEST AVON ST COAST HIGHWAY EL MODENA AVEAVE RIVERSIDETUSTINAVENUECLIFF P LVIAOCEANVIEW P A RKBLV D BL VDNEWPORTN E WP O R T BLVDCOURTLAFAYETTE 28TH ST 18THBALBOABLVD W20TH STPLACE CABRILLO ST STREETVILELLE DRCHANNEL RD FREMONT B E A C H W AY EL PASEONOMADDRAKE ST ST D R BAYAVEWST B EA C H SHIPYARD WAY SHIPYARD WAYANZA STBOLIVAR AN C H O R A GE BAY AVE W 15TH STGENOA VIA LID O SO U D GRAZIANAEBOLIFIRENZEPIAZZA V IA FLO R E N C E GENOAVIAVIAVIAVIAVIAVIA HAVRESTREET19THV IA FER M O PIAZZA VIA LIDO SOUD STOCEAN ST16THFRONT 15TH STWEST17TH 14THBALBOA BLVD WSTLA JO L LA LA N ERS-D CV-LV CG RMCN RM RT PF 0.5CV MU-W2 156 du 5 duRM RM36 /ac RM CN PR RT MU-W2 MU-W2PI PF MU-H4 PR 20 /ac RT 36 /ac RM5 du RM CC CC CV RS-D PR PR CG MU-W2CG CM PF CM 0.5 0.3 28 du 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.3 RM 217 du CM 0.5 CV 0.5 RM 34 du MU-V CV0.5 !78 H2A3 B5 H4 B2 B4 D1 B3 C1 !56 !8556TH ST55TH STSTREET52ND47TH ST48TH ST49TH50THSTREETWEST BAL B OA BL VD51STOCEAN DRIVE LIDOSANDS DRS U PERIOR AVE FRONT AVENUESTREETSTREET54THNEPTUNE AVENUE HIGHWAY DRIVE NEWPORTOLDWESTCOAST HWY W D R IV ENEWPORTHOAG53RDSEASHORE SANTA ANARIVERSIDEDRIVEC LI FF REDLANDSCLIFF DR TUSTIN AVESTREET AVENU ELA JO L LAS A N T A AVEAV O N A N A WEST ST38TH 41ST42NDSTREETBALB O A STREETDRIVESTREETWEST RIVER AVE BLVD PLACE 44THCHANNEL 43RDSTREETSTREETSTREETOCEAN FRONT SEASHORE 39THNEPTUNE AVE48TH 45TH46THSTREET47TH ST40THSTREETOPORTOVIA MALAGA LID O 32ND STREET WAY30TH STREET STREET BLV D BLVDDRIVE SEASHORE OCEAN FRONT WEST 32ND33RDSTREET34TH34TH ST35THSTREETAVENUE36THSTREETAVENUE MAR CUS STREETSTREET31ST FINLEYAVE NEWPORTVIAAVE VIA AVE 38TH ST 38THST 39TH ST37TH STLANE LAKE40THMARCUS FINLEY AVE39THST ST CLUBHOUSESHORT 35TH STFINLEY AVE36TH STREETCENTRALAVENUECHANNEL PLACE BALBOA AVEVILLALAFAYETTE40THPARK BALB O A VIA LID O S O U D LID O P A R K D R NORD COVES V IA DIJON20TH STPLACEA R CADE AVE22ND ST 22 NDST 26TH ST THE MCFADDEN21ST ST 26TH25THSTREET24TH23RD STBALB O A O CEAN 27THSTREETSTREETSTREETFRONT 29TH AVEWAY VILLA STREET 31STW ESTSTRE ETSTREET 30TH29TH28T H ST R E ETSTREET32ND STV IA A N T IB E S BA R C ELONA VIA V IA CORDOVALIDO WEST AVON ST COAST HIGHWAY EL MODENA AVEAVE RIVERSIDETUSTINAVENUECLIFF P LVIAOCEANVIEW P A RKBLV D BL VDNEWPORTN E WP O R T BLVDCOURTLAFAYETTE 28TH ST 18THBALBOABLVD W20TH STPLACE CABRILLO ST STREETVILELLE DRCHANNEL RD FREMONT B E A C H W AY EL PASEONOMADDRAKE ST ST D R BAYAVEWST B EA C H SHIPYARD WAY SHIPYARD WAYANZA STBOLIVAR AN C H O R A GE BAY AVE W 15TH STGENOA VIA LID O SO U D GRAZIANAEBOLIFIRENZEPIAZZA V IA FLO R E N C E GENOAVIAVIAVIAVIAVIAVIA HAVRESTREET19THV IA FER M O PIAZZA VIA LIDO SOUD STOCEAN ST16THFRONT 15TH STWEST17TH 14THBALBOA BLVD WSTLA JO L LA LA N ERS-D CV-LV CG RMCN RM RT PF 0.5CV MU-W2 156 du 5 duRM RM36 /ac RM CN PR RT MU-W2 MU-W2PI PF MU-H4 PR 20 /ac RT 36 /ac RM5 du RM CC CC CV RS-D PR PR CG MU-W2CG CM PF CM 0.5 0.3 28 du 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.3 RM 217 du CM 0.5 CV 0.5 RM 34 du MU-V CV0.5 !78 H2A3 B5 H4 B2 B4 D1 B3 C1 STATISTICAL AREAB3, B4, B5 CITY of NEWPORT BEACHGENERAL PLAN Figure LU6 Industrial Districts Commercial Office Districts General Commercial OfficeCO-G Medical Commercial OfficeCO-M Regional Commercial Office Public, Semi-Public and Institutional Private Institutions Single-Unit Residential Attached Single-Unit Residential Detached RS-A Residential Neighborhoods RS-D Two-Unit ResidentialRT RS-A Multiple-Unit Residential Detached Multiple Unit Residential RM-D RM Commercial Districts and Corridors General Commercial Recreational and Marine Commercial Neighborhood Commercial CN Corridor CommercialCC CG CV Visitor Serving Commercial CM Regional Commercial CR Airport Supporting Districts Airport Office and Supporting UsesAO Mixed -Use Districts Mixed Use VerticalMU-V Mixed Use HorizontalMU-H Mixed Use Water RelatedMU-W IndustrialIG Public FacilitiesPF Open Space PR Parks and Recreation OS City of Newport Beach Boundary Statistical Area Boundary Land Use Delineator LineRefer to anomaly table B4 0 1,000500 Feet Tidelands and Submerged LandsTS PI CO-R LU6_Cannery.mxd 03/10/2016 2010-105 GP2010-005 PA2010-052 09/14/2010 Change MU-W2 to CV 0.5 for the properties located at 2102 W. Ocean Front and 2306 W. Ocean Front ;Change Lido Peninsula to RM and CM, establishing Anomaly 78 and CM 0.5 from MU-W3Change RM 20 du/ac to MU-W2 for the property located at 3366 Via Lido. CC Resolution No.GPA No.Project No.Adopting Date Description 2013-26 (re-adopted)2011-79 GP2011-003 PA2011-024 03/12/201306/28/2011 Change RM 20 du/ac to MU-V for the propertylocated at 3363 Via Lido.(11/15/2012)* *California Coastal Commission Approval 2010-105 GP2011-010 PA2011-209 03/27/2012 Change RT to CV 0.5 FAR or the propertylocated at 200 30th Street(11/15/2013*) 2013-77 GP2012-005 PA2012-146 11/12/2013(03/12/2014*)Change PI 0.75 FAR to RM 20 du/ac for the propertylocated at 3303 Via Lido Visitor Serving Commercial Lido VillageCV-LV 2016-29 GP2012-002 PA2012-031 02/09/2016 Change PF to newly established designation of CV-LV and establishment of Anomaly 85 for the property located at3300 Newport Boulevard and 475 32nd Steet.(03/10/2016*)