HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIGN_CODE_1970 IIIIIIN IIII III Ihtl IhIIII III IIIIII INl111llll SIGN CODE 7970 Chapter 15.16 SIGiN CODE' Sections: 15.16.010 Definitions. 15.16.020 Purpose and Scope. 15.16.030 Enforcement. 15.16.050 Interpretations and Exceptions. 15.16.060 Exception Permits Procedure. 15.16.070 Compliance Required. 15.16.080 Posting on Public Property Prohibited Exception. 15.16.090 Posting on Street Prohibited Exception. 15.16.100 Exceptions for Maintenance and Repair. 15.16.110 Permits. 15.16.120 Application for Sign Permit. 15.16.130 Exceptions. 15.16.140 Prohibitions. 2.For regulations pertaining to zoning—See Title 20. Warning signs on for-hire water craft—See Chapter 5.04. 310, JANUARY 1, 1970 iNaw")i Due"4.19.60) SIGN CODE 15.16.010 15.16.150 )?sea. 15.16.160 Proper Maintenance Required. 15.16.170 Inspections. 15.16,180 Design Standards. 15.16,190 Support Construction Requirements. 15.16.200 Materials. 15.16.210 Anchorage. 15.16,220 Table 8-5A—Limitation of Plastics in Signs. 15,16.230 Table 8-5B--Site,Thickness and Type of Glass Panels. 15.16,240 Ground and Pole Signs Design, 15.16.250 Combination Signs. 15.16.260 Display Surface and Height. 15.16.270 Roof Signs. 15.16.280 Wall Signs. 15.16.290 Projecting Signs. 15.16,300 Signs on Marquees. 15.16.310 Electrical Sign Materials. 15.16.320 Illuminated Signs. 15.16.330 Electrical Installations. 15.16,340 Temporary Signs. 15.16.350 Cloth Signs. 15.16,360 Nonconforming Signs, 15.16.370 Separate Penalty Provisions. 15.16.010 Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, the following abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall have the meanings herein assigned to them unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended: APPROPED PLASTIC MATERIAL. The term "Approved Plastic Material" shall mean plastic material which the Building Official has found to be suitable functionally for the purpose for which it is offered, which burns no faster than 21/._, inches per minute in sheets 0.060 of an inch in thickness when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard 52-2, or which is not consumed in less than two (2) minutes when tested in ac- cordance with U.B.C. Standard 52-3, the thickness of the plastic material to be determined by U.B.C, Standard 52-4. . .,BUILDING LINE. The term "Building Line" shall mean the set- back line established by ordinance beyond which no building may extend. A building line may be a property line. , BUILDING OFFICIAL. The term "Building Official" shall mean the Director of Building and Safety or other officer or person charged with the administration and enforcement of City regulations pertaining to buildings and structures, or his duly authorized deputy. COMBINATION SIGN. The term "Combination Sign" shall mean 311 15.16.010 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION any sign incorporating any combination of the features of ground, pro- jecting and roof signs. Each portion of a sign which is subject to more than one classification shall meet the requirements for the classification to which such portion is subject. COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. The term "Combustible Material" shall mean wood or materials not less combustible than wood. U DISPLAY SURFACE. The term "Display Surface" shall mean the area made available by the sign structure for the purpose of displaying the advertising message. ELECTRICAL SIGN. The term "Electrical Sign" shall mean any sign illuminated by electric lighting devices which are fastened to the surface or mounted on the interior of the sign. GROUND SIGN, POLE SIGN. The term "Ground Sign" or "Pole Sign" shall mean any sign which is suported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground which are not a part of any build- ing or enclosed within the exterior walls of any building and are separated therefrom by a distance of at least 6 inches. INCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. The term "Incombustible Material" shall mean any material which will not ignite at, or below, a temperature of 1,2000 Fahrenheit during an exposure of five (5) minutes, and which will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature. Tests shall be made as specified in U.B.C. Standard 4-1. vMARQUEE. The term "Marquee" shall mean a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting over public property. +- MOVING SIGN. The term "Moving Sign" shall mean any advertising structure which has any visibly moving or revolving parts which are more than 2 inches in any diameter,except clocks. v NONSTRUCTURAL TRIM. The term "Nonstructural Trim" shall mean the molding, battens, caps, nailing strips, latticing, cutouts or letters and walkways which are attached to the sign structure. PLASTIC MATERIAL. The term "Plastic Material' shall mean material made wholly or principally from standardized plastics listed and described in U.B.C. Standard 52-1. See Approved Plastic Material. --PROJECTING SIGN. The term "Projecting Sign" shall mean a sign, other than a wall sign, which projects from and is supported by a wall of a building or structure. PROJECTION. The term "Projection" shall mean the distance by which a sign extends over public property or beyond the building line. - ROOF SIGN. The term "Roof Sign' shall mean a sign erected upon or above a roof of a building or structure. SIGN. The term "Sign" shall mean any media, including their struc- ture and component parts which are used or intended to be used out-of- 312 1 SIGN CODE 15.16.020 doors to attract attention to the subject matter for advertising, directional or informational purposes.The area of a sign shall mean the space enclosed by the outer dimensions of the sign, or, if there is no border,the area shall be the space enclosed by sets of parallel lines containing the wording or im- ages composing the sign. - SIGN STRUCTURE. The term "Sign Structure" shall mean the sign, and the supports,uprights,braces and framework of the sign. -• STRUCTURE. The term "Structure" shall mean that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work ar- tifically built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. TEMPORARY SIGN. The term "Temporary Sign" shall mean any sign, banner, pennant, valance, or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, or other light materials, with or without frames, intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. The term "Uniform Building Code" shall mean the latest publication of the Uniform Building Code, Volume 1, published by the International Conference of Building Officials,adopted by the City of Newport Beach. U.B.C. STANDARDS. The phrase "U.B.C. Standards" shall mean the lastest publication of the Uniform Building Code Standards,known as Vol- ume III, Uniform Building Code, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, adopted by the City of Newport Beach. WALL SIGN. The term "Wall Sign" shall mean any sign attached to, erected against or painted upon the wall of a building or structure, the face of which is in a single plane parallel to the plane of the wall. WIND SIGN. The term "Wind Sign" shall mean a series of similar banners or objects of plastic or other light material more than 2 inches in any diameter which are fastened together at intervals by wire, rope, cord, string or by any other means, designed to move and attract attention upon being subjected to pressure by wind or breeze. (1949 Code § § 8503-8510 and§ § 8512-8525 as amended by Ord.873; May 11, 1959: § 8511 as amended by Ord. 1019; July 8, 1963: § § 8527 and 8529 as amended by Ord. 1093; August 10, 1964). 15.16.020 Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this Chapter is to pro- vide minimum standards to safeguard life, health,property and public wel- fare by regulating,qnd controlling the design, quality of materials, con- struction, locationr'elLkrification, ar4-maintenanoe.of all signs and sign structures in the City. The-provisions-of-this-Chapter-are-not-intended-to-modify-any-of-the provisions-of-the-Charteri,other-provisions-of this-code,-ordinance-or--spe- cial-Codes:-(1949-Code-J-8500-ae-amended-by-Ord.=873;-May 7i-1959). 313 th,wromrsue"le-Is.UI 15.16.030-15.16.060 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION 15.16.030 Enforcement. A. AUTHORITY. The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all the provisions of this Chap- ter. B. RIGHT OF ENTRY. No person shall refuse the Building Official or his duly authorized representatives permission to enter any building, structure or premises in the City at any reasonable time to perform any duty imposed upon him by this Chapter. (1949 Code § 8501 as amended by Ord. 960; April10, 1961). Interpretation and Exceptions. The Planning Commission shall have the authority and duty to performethe*Fallowingefunctinzvtw .4a.1awTj®interpret the provisions of this Chapter at the request of the Building Official or when a written appeal from a decision of the Building Official is filed with the Commission. ( et�the-prosedure= ereinafter-pro- vided, ing deviations from any of the p:ay vision this Chapter ex- cept: 1. The limi tions on the distance a sig project over public prop- erty as set out in Sec'on 15.16.290. 2. The prohibitions against a��ssit,% signal or device which imitates or resembles an official traffiZhsig;r signal or attempts to direct the move- ment of traffic or hides from'Nv'ew any official traffic sign or signal. 3. The prohibition gainst an device which directs a beam of light in a flashing sequentoward a street or highway or any electrical sign or de- vice that teres with the visibility ofy official traffic control device or wpmng signal. (Ord. 1204 § 2; FebruaryN 1967: prior 1949 Code § 850�1-(�parSNadded-b}+�Ord-960�Apri110;1963 , 15.16.060 Exception Permits Procedure. A. APPLICATION. Appli- cation for an Exception Permit shall be made by the property owner, or by the lessee if approved by the property owner, in writing on a form pre- scribed by the Planning Commission, and shall be accompanied by a fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100). B. PUBLIC HEARING. No public hearing need be held on any appli- cation; provided, that the Planning Commission may establish rules to de- termine when a hearing shall be held or may hold a public hearing on any application. When a public hearing is deemed necessary, notice of such hearing shall be given by publication in the official newspaper of the City and by posting the notice in not less than two conspicuous places on or close to the property at least ten days prior to the hearing or by mailing the notice, postage prepaid, at least five days prior to the hearing to all property own- ers whose names and addresses appear on the latest adopted tax roll as owning property within a distance of 300 feet from the exterior boundaries of applicant's property. 314 tmawromy MOcm tOHS•41 SIGN CODE 15,16.070-15,16.110 O3VHIq'ION�IC-I99U�rN('E:�In-vrsl - Pe rmi the Commission must find that granting such permit is necessgy to protect substantial property right, will not be contrary to the-purpose of this Ch ter as herein set forth, and will not be materially detrimental to the heal t , safety, comfort or general welfare of Poisons residing in the neighborh od, or detrimental or injurious to pr*erty or improvements in the neighb hood,or to the general welfarofthe City. D. AP 4 AL. In case the appl(asnt or any other person is not satis- fied with th action of the Plgnfii}iig Commission, he may within fifteen (15) days app al in writiript6"he City Council. The City unciLaWll set a date for public hearing and give notice as required in Sub on B.Notice shall be given to the Planning Commission of such the Commission shall submit a report to the City Coun- cil sett' g orth a reasons for the action taken by it, or shall be repre- sh The City Council shall render its decision within sixty (60) days after - he filing of such appeal. (Ord. 1204 § 3; February 14, 1967: prior 1949 Code § 8501.2 added by Ord. 960; and amended by Ord. 1274; September 10, 1968). 15.16.070 Compliance Required. No person shall erect, re-erect, con- struct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or equip any sign or sign structures, or paint a new wall sign, in the City, or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provi- sions of this Chapter. (1949 Code § 8502(a) as amended by Ord.1019; July 8, 1963). 15.16.080 Posting on Public Pkoperty Prohibited—Bxception. No per- son, except a public officer or employee in performance of a public duty, shall paste, paint, print, nail, tack, place or otherwise fasten any card,ban- ner, handbill, sign,poster, or advertisement or notice of any kind, or cause the same to be done on any curbstone, lamp post, pole, hydrant, bridge, wall or tree upon any public sidewalk, street, or public property, except as may be required or allowed by law, or by City Council approval. (1949 Code 18502(b) as amended by Ord. 1019; July 8,1963). 15.16,090 Posting on Street Prohibited—Exception. No person shall erect or construct any billboard or sign device upon any street, except as may be required or allowed by law, or by City Council approval. (1949 Code § 8502(c) as amended by Ord.1019;July 8,1963). 15,16.100 Exceptions for Maintenance and Repair. The provisions of Sections 15.16.070 through 15.16.090 do not prohibit normal maintenance and repair of lawful signs. (1949 Code § 8502(e) as amended by Ord,1019; July 8, 1963). 15A6.110 Permits. A. REQUIRED. Except as provided in Section 315 <HSWICST SUCH ISNS-U/ 15.16.120 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION 15.16.130, no person shall erect, re-erect, construct or perform structural alterations on any sign, or paint a new wall sign, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Building Official when the cost of such work exceeds Fifty Dollars ($50). Electrical permits must be obtained for all work on electric signs except normal maintenance. B. ISSUANCE. In accordance with the provisions of and subject to the exceptions in Section 3800 of the Labor Code of the State of California as the same now read or may hereafter be amended, each applicant must show that he possesses the contractor's license required by the State of California. C. EXPIRATION. Every permit issued shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit is not com- menced within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after work is started for a period of sixty (60) days, or if the work authorized by such permit is not completed within one hundred and eighty (180) days from date of issuance of such permit. Before such work may be started or recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained. D. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. The Building Official may suspend or revoke a permit issued under provisions of this Chapter when- ever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation of any of the provi- sions of this Chapter. If revocation is due to City error,the permit fee shall be refunded. E. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. The provisions of this section do not require a permit for normal maintenance and repair of lawful signs, including replacing of tubing and lamps. (1949 Code $ 8530 as amended by Ord. 1019; July 8, 1963). 15.16.120 Application for Sign Permit. Application for a sign permit shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Building Official. Such application shall contain the location by street and number of the proposed sign structure, as well as the name and address of the owner and the sign contractor or erector. The Building Official may require the filing of plans or other pertinent information where in his opinion such informa- tion is necessary to insure compliance with this Chapter. No permit shall be issued for any sign and no person shall cause or 316 lHaWPORT @me"to-16-40 SIGN CODE 15,16.130-15.16.140 permit a sign to be constructed, installed or erected which does not comply with all the provisions of this Chapter or which has less horizontal or vertical clearance from energized electric power lines than prescribed by the California Penal Code Section 385, the regulations of the California Public Utilities Commission, and the orders of the Division of Industrial Safety, State of California. (1949 Code r 8531 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11,1959). 15.16.130 Exemptions. The following signs shall not require a sign permit: (a) Real estate signs not exceeding 12 square feet in area which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which the signs are located. (b) Professional name plates not exceeding 2 square feet in area. (c) Bulletin boards not over 12 square feet in area for public, charitable or religious institutions when the same are located on the prem- ises of the institutions. (d) Signs denoting the architect, engineer or contractor when placed upon work under construction and not exceeding 12 square feet in area. (e) Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and .date of erec- tion when cut into any masonry surface, or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. (f) Signs of public service companies indicating danger, and aids to service or safety. (g) Replacing copy in theatre marquees and similar signs specifically designed for the use of replaceable copy. (h) Painted window signs. These exemptions shall not apply to electrical signs. These exemptions shall not relieve the owner of the sign from re- sponsibility for its erection and maintenance and compliance with the provisions of this Chapter or any other law or ordinance regulating the same. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure shall not be considered an erection or alteration which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made. (1049 Code § 8532 as amended by Ord.873;May 11,1959). 16.16.140 Prohibitions. A. TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMITATIONS. No person shall place, maintain or display upon or in view of any highway or street any unofficial sign, signal or device or any sign, signal or device which purports to be or is an imitation of, or resembles, an official traffic sign or signal or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or which hides from view any official traffic sign or signal. B. BEAMS OF LIGHT. No person not authorized shall erect or 317 IMCWMRr NCACN 2•19.011 15.16.150-15.16.160 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION maintain any device which directs a beam of light in a flashing sequence toward any street or highway, nor shall any person erect or maintain any electrical advertising sign or similar device that interferes with, the visi- bility of any official traffic control device or warning signal. C. TYPES. The following types of signs are prohibited: 1. Flashing or animated electrical signs. 2. Wind signs. 3. Moving signs. 4. Any other outdoor sign not expressly permitted in this Chapter. D. EXCEPTIONS. Provided, however, such signs may be permitted if an exception permit is obtained in each case in accordance with the procedure provided in this Chapter. (Ord. 1204 § 4; February 14, 1967: prior 1949 Code § 8533 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.150 Fees. The Permit Fee for a sign with a value of Fifty Dollars ($50) or more shall be Eight Dollars ($8). The determination of valuation shall be made by the Building Official. Exception: Where more than one (1) but not more than six (6) non- electric signs whose combined valuation does not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1000), are proposed to be erected at one address, and at the same time, this may be done under one permit, and for a single permit fee. Exception: Where temporary signs are proposed to be erected at one address, and at the same time, all such signs may be erected under one permit, and for a single permit fee. Exception: Where more than one (1) but not more than two (2) electric signs, whose combined valuation does not exceed One Thousand Dollars $1000), are proposed to be erected at one address and at the same time, this may be done under one permit, and for a single permit fee. Five Dollars ($5) per inspection may be charged for additional in- spections necessary as a result of faulty workmanship or material or the work not being ready for inspection. Notice of correction of faults or completion of work shall be given the Building Department and reinspec- tion requested. Where work for which a permit is required by this Chapter is started prior to applying for and obtaining a permit, the fees above specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any per- sons from fully complying with the requirements of this Chapter in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescribed. (1949 Code § 8534 as amended by Ord 1019; July 8, 1963). 15.16.160 Proper Maintenance Required. All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys and anchors, shall be kept in repair and 318 IM[WPORT M[AEN 2./9•21) SIGN CODE 1G.1G.170-1G.10.180 in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times, (1049 Code a 8535 as amended by Ord.873;May 11,1959). 15.10.170 Inspections. No person shall erect or install any sign for which a permit is required without first having such sign inspected by the Building Official. All such signs shall be brought to the Building De- partment prior to installation or erection for general inspection and at- tachment of identity number; or, if a request is made twenty-four (24) hours in advance, such inspection may be done at the job address prior to installation or erection of the sign. Also the following inspections shall be called for by the builder: (1) Attachment inspections shall be required for roof and projecting signs and the manner of securing sign to the build- ing shall not be covered until, such inspection has been made. (2) Final inspection within twenty-four (24) hours after completion of the job. Footing inspections shall be required for ground signs. No person shall erect or install an electrical sign which does not bear the label of an approved testing laboratory without first having the same inspected and approved by the Building Official, The Building Official may order the alteration or removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.14.160. All signs may be reinspected at the discretion of the Building Official. No person shall fail, refuse or neglect to report promptly the comple- tion of the work described in the permit to allow inspection by the Build- ing Official. (1949 Code $ 8536 as amended by Ord. 1019; July 8, 1963). 15.16.180 Design Standards. A. GENERAL. Signs and sign struc- tures shall be designed and constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as specified in this section. All bracing systems shall be designed and constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on buildings, the dead and lateral loads shall be transmitted through the structural frame of the building to the ground in such manner as not to overstress any of the elements thereof. The overturning moment produced from lateral forces shall in no case exceed two-thirds of the dead-load resisting movement. Uplift due to overturning shall be adequately resisted by proper anchorage to the ground or to the structural frame of the building. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be used in determining the dead-load re- sisting moment. Such earth shall be carefully placed and thoroughly compacted. B. WIND LOADS. For the purpose of design, and except for roof signs and combination signs, wind pressure shall be taken upon the gross area of the vertical projection of all signs and sign structures at not less 319 15.16.190-15.16.200 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION than 20 pounds per square foot for those portions less than 60 feet above the ground, and at not less than 30 pounds per square foot for those portions more than 60 feet above the ground. Wind pressure upon roof signs and combination signs and their sup- ports shall be taken at not less than 30 pounds per square foot of the gross area of the plane surface, acting in any direction. In calcu- lating wind pressure on cylindrical or spherical signs or sign structures, this pressure shall be assumed to act on six-tenths (6/10) of the projected area. In all open frame signs or sign structures, the area used in computing wind pressure shall be one and one-half (11/.,) times the net area of the framing members in the side exposed to the wind. C. SEISMIC LOADS. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces as provided in Section 2312, Ap- pendix, of the Uniform Building Code. D. COMBINED LOADS. Wind and seismic loads need not be com- bined in the design of signs or sign structures; only that loading producing the larger stresses need be used. Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall be assumed to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic loads. E. ALLOWABLE STRESSES. The design of wood, concrete or steel members shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 25, 26 and 27 of the Uniform Building Code. Loads, both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those permitted by Chapter 28 of the Uniform Building Code. The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the ultimate strength of the rope or fasteners. Working stresses for wind or seismic loads combined with dead loads may be increased as specified in Section 2303 of the Uniform Building Code. (1949 Code § 8537 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.190 Support Construction Requirements. The supports for all signs or sign structures shall be placed in or upon private property and shall be securely built, constructed and erected in conformance with the requirements of this Chapter. (1949 Code § 8538(a) as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.200 Materials. Materials for construction of signs and sign structures shall be of the quality and grade as specified for buildings in the Uniform Building Code. In all signs and sign structures, the materials and details of con- struction shall, in the absence of specified requirements, conform with the following: (a) Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with the U.B.C. Standard 27-1. Secondary members in contact with or directly 320. SIGN CODE 15.16.210 supporting the display surface may be formed of light gauge steel; pro- vided, that such members are designed in accordance with the specifica- tions for the design of light gauge steel as provided in U.B.C. Standards 274 and 27-3 and are galvanized to comply with American Society for Testing Materials "Standard Specifications for Zinc-coated Iron and Steel", A93.46. No minimum thickness is specified, Secondary members, when formed integrally with the display surface, shall be not less than No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not formed integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members shall be No. 12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot-rolled steel members furnish- ing structural support for signs shall be 2/4 inch ungalvanized and 3/16 inch if galvanized. Steel pipe 'shall be of such quality as to conform with U.B.C. Standard 27-4. Steel members may be connected with one gal- vanized bolt provided the connection is adequate to transfer the stresses in the members. (b) Anchors and supports for signs when of wood which are imbed- ded in the soil, or are indirectly in contact therewith, shall be pressure- treated with an approved preservative before erection. Such members shall be marked or branded by an approved agency. (c) No material, part, portion, or equipment shall be used in any sign which might become dangerous because of vibration, corrosion, dis- integration,or any other reason. (d) Restrictions on Combustible Materials: All signs and sign struc- tures erected in Fire Zone One shall have structural members of incom- bustible materials. (e) Ground signs and pole signs may be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of this Chapter, except as provided above. (f) Combination signs, pole signs, roof signs, wall signs, projecting signs, and signs on marquees shall be constructed of materials as specified in the Uniform Building Code and as provided in Subsection (g). No com- bustible materials other than approved plastics shall be used in the con- struction of electrical signs. For requirements on temporary signs see Sections 15.16.340 and 15.16.350. (g) Nonstructural trim may be of wood, metal, approved plastics, or any combination thereof. (h) Display surfaces in al types of signs may be made of metal, glass or approved plastics, in accordance with the area limitations set forth in Table 8.5A. (1949 Code § 8538 (part) as amended by Ord. 873; May 11,1959). 15.16.210 Anchorage. Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direc. tion, horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values. Braced ground signs shall be anchored to resist the specified wind or seismic 321 15.16.22"5.16.240 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION load acting in any direction. Anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effective resistance to pull-out amounting to a force twenty-five (25) percent greater than the required resistance to overturning. Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly attached to the base shall be so proportioned that the weight and size of the base will be adequate to resist the wind pressure specified in Section 15.16.180(B). Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall be safely and securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors, bolts, or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to support safety the loads applied. No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used in connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, except in the case of signs attached to wood framing. No anchor or support of any sign shall be corrected to or supported by an unbraced parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in accordance with the provisions of Section 2312, Appendix, of the Uniform Building Code. (1949 Code § 8538(e) as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.220 Table 8-5A—Limitation of Plastics in Signs. Area of Facing or Display Area Occupied or Covered by Surface (each face) Plastics (each face) 100 square feet or less 100 percent of display surface area Over 100 square feet 100 square feet plus 25 percent of the difference between 100 square feet and the area of the display surface (1949 Code § 8358 (part) as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.230 Table 8-511—Size, Thickness and Type of Glass Panels. Maximum Size of Exposed Minimum Glass Panel Thickness Any Dimension Area in Square of Glass in Inches Inches in Inches Type of Glass 30 500 % Plain,Plate or Wired 45 700 3/16 Plain, Plate or Wired 144 3,600 1/4 Plain,Plate or Wired over 144 over 3,600 1/4 Wired (1949 Code § 8538 (part) as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.240 Ground and Pole Signs Design. A. DESIGN. Ground signs and pole signs shall be designed in accordance with all requirements specified in this Chapter. 322 SIGN CODE 15.16.250--15.16.270 B. CLEARANCE AND HEIGHT. No person shall erect any ground sign or pole sign with a height greater than 25 feet above the level of the street upon which the sign faces without first having obtained an Excep- tion Permit as provided in this Chapter, which extends beyond the front property line except as permitted in Section 15.16.290, or which exceeds 200 square feet in area per face, (1949 Code § 8539 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959 and § 8540 as amended by Ord. 1019; July 8, 1963). 15.16.250 Combination Signs. A. MATERIALS. Combination signs shall be constructed of incombustible materials except as provided in Section 15,16.200. B. SUPPORTS. All supports of combination signs shall be placed in or upon private property and shall be securely built, constructed and erected to conform with all requirements specified in this Chapter. C. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. The individual requirements of roof, projecting and ground signs shall apply to combination signs incorpo- rating any of the features of roof, projecting or ground signs. (1949 Code §§ 8541, 8542 and 8543 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.260 Display Surface Area and Height. The display surface area and height of any roof sign, projecting sign or combination roof and projecting sign shall be governed by Table 8-5C; provided, however, that any such sign must conform to all other provisions of this Chapter for the type of sign that such sign incorporates. TABLE NO. 8.5C Height of Building, (ft.),Spires, 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 60 65 70 Cupolas, etc., to to to to to to to to to to to & Excepted 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 7o up Height to Top of Sign from (1) Roof Below Roof Signs Sign (in ft.) 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 28 30 (2) Height to Top Projecting of Sign Above Signs Top of Building Face (in ft.) 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 3o Height to Top (3) Combination of Sign Above Roof and Top of Building Projecting Signs Face (in ft.) 10 10 12 14 18 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 (4) Maximum Area Roof, Projecting in Square Feet and Combination Per Face signs 64 100 144 160 180 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 (1949 Code §85"as amended by Ord.1019;July 8,1963). 16.16.270 hoof Signs. A. MATERIALS, Roof signs shall be con- 323 15.16.280-15.16.290 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION strutted of incombustible materials except as provided in Section 15.16.200. B. DESIGN. Roof signs shall be thoroughly secured and anchored to the frame of the building over which they are constructed or erected, and shall be designed in accordance with all requirements specified in this Chapter. C. CLEARANCE. Passage clear of all obstructions shall be left under or around, and immediately adjacent to, all signs exceeding a height of 4 feet above the roof thereunder. Such passages shall be not less t6n 3 feet wide and 4 feet high and shall be at parapet or roof level. There shall be at least one such passage or access opening as follows: 1. For each roof sign upon a building. 2. Within 20 feet of walls and parapets when roof signs are at right angles to a face of the building. (1949 Code §§ 8545 and 8546 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959: § 8547 as amended by Ord. 911; January 25, 1960). 15.16.280 Wall Signs. A. MATERIALS. Wall signs shal be con- structed of incombustible material, except as provided in Section 15.16.200. B. DESIGN. Wall signs shall be designed in accordance with all requirements specified in this Chapter. C. PROJECTION. No wall sign shall have a projection over public property greater than 24 inches, nor extend above any adjacent parapet or roof of the supporting building. D. AREA. The area of a wall sign or wall signs on any wall shall not exceed 200 square feet nor forty (40) percent of the exposed finished wall surface area, including openings. (1949 Code §§ 8549, 8550 and 8551 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959: § 8552 as amended by Ord. 1019; July 8, 1963). 15.16.290 Projecting Signs. A. MATERIALS. Projecting signs shall be constructed .of incombustible materials, except as provided in Section 15.16.200. B. DESIGN. Projecting signs shall be designed in accordance with all requirements specified in this Chapter. C. PROJECTION. No sign shall project more than 5 feet over public property and may not project to within 2 feet of the curb line. Sub- ject to all limitations in this Chapter, the distance any sign may project over public property or beyond the building line is governed by Table 8-51). TABLE NO. 8-51) Distance Above Sidewalk or 8'to 10'to 121to 14'to 16' & Grade Immediately Below Sign 10, 12' < < 14' 16' Up Maximum Projection Over Property Line or Building Line 1'' 2' 3' 4' S' 324 SIGN CODE 15.16.300-15.16,320 D. THICKNESS OF PROJECTION. The thickness of any portion of a sign which projects over public property or beyond a building line is governed by Table 8.5E. TABLE NO. 8.5E Projection 5' 4' 3' 2' Maximum Thickness 2' 2' V W 4" 4' E. OTHER SIGNS. No projecting sign may be erected or attached closer than 10 feet to any other projecting sign. F. ALLEYS. No sign or sign structure shall project into any public alley whatsoever below a height of 14 feet above grade, nor more than 18 inches when over 14 feet. G. CLEARANCE. No sign or sign structure shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit or standpipe. No sign shall obstruct any window to such an extent that any light or ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by any law or ordinance. (1949 Code §§ 8553 and 8554 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959: § 8555 as amended by Ord.1019; July 8,1963). 15.16.300 Signs on Marquees. No projecting signs may be attached to a marquee. Signs hung from the underside of a marquee shall be clear of the sidewalk by not less than 8 feet. Signs may be placed on the outer faces of a marquee if they are made a part thereof and do not exceed the limitations of marquees. Cut- out letters may be installed on top of marquees. (1949 Code § 8556 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11,1959). 15.16.310 Electrical Sign Materials. Electrical signs shall be con- structed of incombustible materials, except as provided in Section 15.16.200. The enclosed shell of electrical signs shall be watertight, except that service holes fitted with covers shall be provided in each compartment of such signs. (1949 Code § 8557 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.320 Illuminated Signs. Illuminated signs shall be provided with Illumination as provided in this Section: (a) Illumination shall be furnished by means of incandescent lamps or luminous tubes either affixed to the surface of the alp or suitably mounted in the interior of the sign itself. (b) When such lamps are placed in the interior of the sign, approved translucent material shall be provided in the faces. (c) The maximum rating of individual incandescent lamps exposed on the surface of any sign shall be 40 watts. (d) The maximum nighttime brightness of any alp shall be 15,000 foot lamberte. $25 15.16.330-15.16.350 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION (e) The maximum brightness of any lamp used to illuminate any sign, as measured from any normal viewing angle, shall be 15,000• foot lamberts. - (f) The required illumination shall be uniformly distributed over the faces of the sign. The use of luminous tubes as borders and trim only shall not be construed to provide sufficient illumination. (1949 Code § 8558 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.330 Electrical Installations. Q. REQUIREMENTS. Electrical equipment used in connection with display signs shall be installed in ac- cordance with all provisions regulating electrical installations. B. ERECTOR'S NAME. Every electrical sign projecting over any street or alley or public place shall have painted on the surface of the sign the name of the sign erector and date of erection. Such name and date shall be of sufficient size and contrast to be readable from ground level. Failure to provide such name and date shall be grounds for rejec- tion of the sign by the Building Official. (1949 Code § 8559 as amended by Ord.873;May 11, 1959). 15.16.340 Temporary Signs. A. SIZE. No temporary sign shall ex- ceed 100 square feet in area. Temporary signs of rigid material shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, or 6 feet in height. B. DURATION. Temporary signs may remain in place for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days. C. EXCEPTION. Restrictions of time, size and height provided by this Section shall not apply to signs for which a Use Permit has been obtained under the provisions of Title 20. D. PROJECTION. Temporary signs, when 8 feet or more above the ground, may project not more than 6 inches over public property or be- yond the building line, (1949 Code § 8560 and 8562 as amended by Ord. 873; May 11, 1959). 15.16.350 Cloth Signs. A. SUPPORT. Every temporary cloth sign suspended over any public street or way shall be supported and attached with wire rope of % inch minimum diameter. No strings or wood slats shall be permitted for support or anchorage purposes. Cloth signs and panels hung in a manner so they are subject to wind pressure shall be perforated over at least 10 percent of their area to reduce wind resistance. B. PROJECTION AND CLEARANCE. Cloth signs may extend over public property. Such signs, when extended over a public street, shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of 20 feet. C. COUNCIL PERMISSION. Cloth signs may extend across a public street only by permission of the City Council and shall be subject to all applicable laws and ordinances. (1949 Code § •8561 as amended by Ord.1019; July 8,1963). 326 HOUSE MOVING 15.16.360-15.16.370 —15.164 0—Nonconforming-&igns A.—DENNED.—Signs-•existing-at time of'hdoption of this Chapter (July 8, 1963) which do not comply with the provisions hereof shall be regarded as legal nonconforming signs. B. REP'AAIRING AND PAINTING. Such signs may be removed for the purpose of keep\airing and repainting them, and may be replaced upon obtaining a permit4nd having the same inspected. Such sign may be re- moved and replaced under a single permit if the same is replaced within sixty (60) days of its re�oval. C. CHANGE OF 6WNERSHIP. Upon change of ownership of the business advertised by any such sign, the new owner may change any name or names on such sign so'9ong as the sign advertises the same type of business and there is no chang43n the configuration of such sign. D. REMODELING. Any such sign may be removed for the pur- pose of remodeling a building and repladed within thirty (30) days after the remodeling is completed. Such alp i ►ay be removed and replaced under a single permit. E. ALTERATIONS. Alterations to such highs may be made only upon obtaining an Exception Permit according to the provisions of this -Chapter.,i,MOwCade-"563-wramendedwb3-Ord-101-0;Juir8,=1963):-- 15.16.370 Separate Penalty Provisions. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any such violation is committed, continued, or permitted. (1949 Code 6 8502(d) as amended by Ord.1019; July 8,1963). 327