HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200908_Application. Community Development Department Planning Permit Application 1. Check Permits Requested: D Approval-in-Concept -AIC # D Lot Merger Iii Coastal Development Permit D Limited Term Permit - D Waiver for De Minimis Development D Seasonal D < 90 day 0>90 days D Coastal Residential Development D Modification Permit D Condominium Conversion D Off-Site Parking Agreement D Comprehensive Sign Program D Planned Community Development Plan D Development Agreement D Planned Development Permit D Development Plan D Site Development Review -D Major D Minor D Lot Line Adjustment D Parcel Map 2. Project Address(es)/Assessor's Parcel No(s) 1408 Via Lido Nord ·'y~'l.kfl\J-t-,'(rl ~. CA. r <o /1J.) . S-v\J · . 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment D Staff Approval D Tract Map D Traffic Study D Use Permit -□Minor □Conditional D Amendment to existing Use Permit D Variance □ Amendment -□Code □PC □GP □LCP D Other: 3. Project Description and Justification (Attach additional sheets if necessary): Demolish the existing 2-story single family residence and construct a new 2-story single family residence with attached 2-car garage and roof deck. A I. t/C · N Katelynn Rodgers -Brion Jeannette Architecture 4. pp 1can ompa....-n-=-y_a_m_e_---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_::-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_::-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-...=------;:.-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=---=----=----::::. Mail in g Address ,:__l 4_7o_o_ld_N_e_w_po_rt_D_r ___________ .---_-_-_-_-_-_~ _-_--::::._S_u_i_te/U nit ";::..-=.-=--=--=--=--=-=====:: City I Newport Beach State lcA I Zip _19_26_6_3 ___ ~ Phone 1949-645-5854 Fax 1949-645-5983 I Email lkatelynnr@bja-inc.com C t tic N Amy Creager -Brion Jeannette Architecture 5. on ac ompany,...._a_m_e~===================================-=------.---_-_-_-_-_---:....---_-_-_-_~ Mailing Address ,:__l 4_7o_o_ld_N_e_w_po_rt_D_r ___________ ...... ------=-----=--_-_-_-_-_-::'..._S_u_i_te/U nit ,:__1_ 9_2_6-=-6-=-3-=--=-======: City I Newport Beach State ,:__I c_A_,.... -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:::.I _z_i ___ p~I-=--=-----_-_-_-_-_:::-_ -_::::: Phone 1949-645-5854 Fax 1949-645-5983 I Email lamyc@bja-inc.com 0 ·. N I Kevin and Vicki Coop 6. wner ame -'-~,.... ______________ --__________________________________________________________________________ -_::::-------...... -_~ _________ -~_:-_-___ ___._ Mailing Address "'-I 1_1_6_V_ia_G_e_n_o_a ____________ :=========--'--S_u_i_te/Unit ,:__l,-- 2_2 __ 0 _________ -_-_ -_ ~-~- City I Newport Beach State ,:__I c_A_r--_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_-_~_I _z_;ip_ --'9=26=6=3=======.::; Phone 1949-645-5854 I Fax "---_____ ____.I Email linfo@bja-inc.com 7. Property Owner's Affidavit*: (I) (We).,___ _____________________ ___, depose and say that (I am) (we are) the owner(s) of the property (ies) involved in this application. (I) (We) further certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Signature(s): ______________ _ T·itle·.1 Katelynn Rodgers -BJA I Date: lo41os12020 DD/MO/YEAR Signature(s): ______________ Title:---------~' Date: _I _____ _ *May be signed by the lessee or by an authorized agent if written authorization from the owner of record is filed concurrently with the application. Please note, the owner(s)' signature for Parcel/Tract Map and Lot Line Adjustment Application must be notarized. F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Applications\Application_Guidelines\Planning Permit Application -CDP added.docx Rev: 01/24117 I:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates\Office Use Only Form Updated 01/27/2020 2700-5000 Acct. Deposit Acct. No. ________________________ For Deposit Account: Fee Pd: _______________________________________ Receipt No: ____________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed: _______________________ APN No: __________________________ Council District No.: _________________ General Plan Designation: ____________ Zoning District: _____________________ Coastal Zone: Yes No Check #: __________ Visa MC Amex # ____________ CDM Residents Association and Chamber Community Association(s): _______________________ Development No: __________________________ _____________________________________________ Project No: ________________________________ _____________________________________________ Activity No: _______________________________ Related Permits: ___________________________ Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FILING THE PLANNING DIVISION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECENTLY RECEIVED A COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: &~1snNG 1-s1a.__y A NEW 1• S'rO'l&Y LOCATION: '#02> 'llfA. U 00 NOit'> APPLICANT: S,,J OIi JEAN• II.. ARC.fl •Dau«F APPLICATION NO.: --------------------- DATE NOTICE POSTED: ------------------- The public hearing for this application has not yet been scheduled. When the hearing, or determination are scheduled, further notice will be provided. The application is available for your review at the Community Development Department Permit Center (Bay C-1st Floor), at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, California, CA 92660. Prior to the public hearing, the a·genda, staff report, and documents may be reviewed. For more information, call (949) 644-3200 (please reference the application number). City of Newport Beach CDP Information & Requirements -Page 8 of 14 (Posted: 03-02-2018) Rev 02/14/17 Brio.n· J·eannette Arch.itecture '' ., ' . . . ' '· September4, 2020 : Attn: Pla'nni'ng Dept. City of Newport: Beach. ·100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 To· whom it may con·cer.n: We are pleased to submitthe plans and supporting documents for the Coast~I Development Permit of the c8op R~sidence located at 408 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach, CA. · · The proposed project include,s the demolition of the existing 2-story ~inglefamfly residence and the · construction 'of a new 2-story single family residence with roofdeck and attached 2:-car garage. The .new house inch:,1des 3,513 sq. ft: of livab!e space and a 482 sq. ft. attached garage, for' a total structure of · 3,995 sq. ft. · · · -. Pursuant to Section 20.52'.080 Fofthe Newport Beach Municipal 'Code·, the house complies with th,e R-1 : zoning district requirements~ is compatible and harmonious with the neighborhood, does not impact the .. . safety of pedestria'n orv.ehicular access in a·r,y way, protectssignificarit views from public right-of-way, .. s:1nd has nb · negative irDpact on gen~ral welfare of persons residing or working .in the n'eighborhood of the proposed development. ' Please contact our office if you have any further questions .. 470 Old Newport Blvd . Newport Beach, CA 92663 . 949.645.5854 · lnfo@bja-inc.com . www.CustomArchitecture.com Energy Efficient Design TRANSMITTAL ":/~· Brion Jeannette Architecture '~ To:· City of Newport Beach Attention: Planning Dept. Job Name: _C_oo__,.p_-_N_o_rd ________ _ Job No: 20-036 Date: 9/10/2020 8:31 AM We are sending you the following items via =D....ae;..;.l.a..;iv'""'e'"""r .... v.;../B=..;;.;in;..;.....;d=r....ao_p~o...a.ff.a..;__-..a.;M=R;...;;... ______________ _ D Prints D Vellums Item Date 2020.09.10 Action: 181 For Your Use 181 As Requested D Shop Drawings D Change Order D Photocopies D Samples D Disk/ Electronic File Transferred: _______ _ □---------- Copies 1 Description/ Filenames Check -$497 Outstanding CDP fee balance -public noticiting costs D Stamp & Sign D For Proposal Due on ____________ _ D Review & Return by ______ _ D For Bids Due on _____________ _ D Review & Comment D Please Return ___ Items □------------------- Remarks: Hello, Included is the remaining fee for the Coastal Development Permit submittal for 408 Via Lido Nord -PA2020-259. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you, CC: ___________ _ Signed: Katelynn Rodgers 470 Old Newport Boulevard • Newport Beach, CA • 92663 • Tel 949.645.5854 • Fax 949.645.5983 MEMBERS AIA & NCARB • ENERGY EFFICIENT ARCHITECTURE If this transmittal has not been received properly, please contact us immediately