HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA 128 MASTER PLAN PRECISE PLAN NO 2 I 1 CITY CLERK March 9, 1959 Planning Director J. W. Drawdy City Clerk Margery Schrouder For the completion of your records', the following to an excerpt of the minutes of the Council meeting held January 12, 1959: "A discussion regardingg Precise Precise Plan No. 2 of the Streets and 14 ghways Unit of the Mastar Plan, to establish the location of QW4ation Avenue between First Avenue and Bayside Drive, continued from the meeting of December 22, 19580 to January 12, 1959, was had. "Resolution No. 49129 approving and adopting Precise Plan No. 2 as shown on the City Engineer a Drawing No. 93-26H, dated November 17, 1958s was adopted." MS:em ?s.tB 1' RESOLUTION NO.. 2 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THI CITY OF NZWPORT BSkH, ADOPTING A 'MCISE FLAN 3 4 WHBRLAS , the Planting Commission, of the City of Newport 5 Beech has recommended the adoption of a precise plan as shown on 6 Drawing No. 93-2671 dated November 170 19580 on file in the office 7 of the City Engineer; ,and ' 8 iillElWO the City Council, after notice as required by 9 law, has held a hearing on ,said proposed, precise plan; and 10 'WHEREAS, it is necessary from time to time to adopt 11 precise plane for .the systematic execution of the Master flan 12 .,adopted by 'Adsolution No. 4728 of the City Cov kill ' et 13 "WHEREAS, it appears there mould be an improvement in 14 the street pattern and it would further the execution of the 15 Master Plan if Carnation Avenue between Fir'at Avenue .and Bayside 16 give were relocated as shown on said drawing, 17 tom, DWS) BE IT RESOLVED that Precise Plan No. 2 18 of the Street and Highway unit of the' Mastar Plan as shown on 19 Drawing No. 93-2671 dated November 17, 1958, on file in the office 20 of the City Engineersbbe adopted to establish the location of 21 Carnation Avenue between )First Avenue and Baysids Drive. 22 This resolution was adopted by the City Council of the 23 City of Newport Beach at a regular meeting on the /,A A.14 day of 24 wl� , � 195,E * by the following vote, to Vitt 25 �- AUS, CoUNC1LMENt,4 25 27 NOES, COUNCILMICNt..,. 2 ABSENT CdUNC1Lb�Nt �+ 29 ATTSS'T: 30e.. Se. 31 32 yor t"s R ' 6, MMC t rAm a • ' ry ly Cy HOPOR-V MACH ADOPTING A, PRECISE 11" ,rr 3 4 N!{"aEtus#, the planer% Commission at the C1tY' of Nertrart 5 Beach has reoommorWed the adoption Of at prsolvo pleas sa RbOM at 6 ntrarring No. 93"2671 datod November 17, 190* at file in the office 7 of the City znglmer3 NA 8 irfm-uss the City Cognollr after "too as required by i 9 loony has holds hsrrrjU ax Bald proposed p also plan; and 10 WM$F4EAS, it Is natressary from Sala to tim to adopt 11 preaue plaw for the systofttia sweau on of WO wAter Plax! 12 a+9opted by Resolution moo 4796 of City. Cotxneill arm 13 E1tEAS� it appears Kat1d bs arr ixprov at In 14 the street pattern arm it would er the ox0oution of the 15 ouster Plan It Carry UOn Avenure tsMsn FIrst Avers«ts sud SAY6140 16 Drive were reloaoLtod as shoern said dray U*l . 17 fi t 'i ik,Pt7 �%� I'1' RLMLYEA that Trreaise PIM NO, 2 18 of the Street and aghwly It of the *toter Plan as shoWn on 19 Draxiag No. 93-2671 dot Novwh*r 170 29580 so file in the affios 20 of the :City, Enguwoerrx 440pted to establloh the looatiat of 21 Carnatim Avenue he on First�a snd Nayside Strive, 22 This rosy ution ytaet .adopted by the City 000411 of the 23 A et City of ttovwt aah at: a roplar matim at the 4 44 of 24 ....�M.M....,.,r.t 1O, 'LO by the fol.1,t1Mift votes to Witt 25 26 27 25 J� AXSMM CWMCXL M: la , 7itia 29 30 Al"FWTs 31 y er CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT Date December 4, l958 To: City Clerk From: City Attorney Subject: Precise Plan No. 2 Forwarded is a proposed resolution which, if adopted by the City Council, will adopt Precise Plan No. 2 which was r� recommended by the Planning Commission at their meeting ��,,.✓ of November 20, 1958. Note that it is neceaaa= that the City Council hold at least one public hearing before the adoption of Precise G ` ` ;� P an o. propose the omm�.ssion. It 3`s ✓. necessary to give ten days notice or the nearing. In case any change is made in the proposed Precise Plan, it should be referred back to the Planning Commission for a report on the proposed change. Also attached are copies of the resolution adopted by the Planning Commission and a copy of Drawing No. 93-2671, Plalter ff. Charamza 1-n[C:mee City Attorney Enos . cc - City Manager Planning Director d� A�C�tDT�X` Tint city 1010rk 10rom; City Attorney 504ectz 7Pre004 flan No. por►far4ed is 4 proposed resolution which, if adopted. by the City Codicil Will edoPt 'Preoise Pjsn eta: 2 Which wens rmoomer4od by tA"o planning Comisslon *t their meet of NoVemtar 20* 1958s Note that it is tae000elary - that the City Council hold at leant one public hOax'ing, 'before the adoption of Praise Plan Na, 2 progoW by the Plannins 0*ix4 *A* It is , anoa+ras r to give• ten days s notice of the hearifig. In aaae any chsngeE Sa tde ill 'tkxa"prbpaser� Precise #IAA; should 'bek xeeiearreid 15a#k t0 thC! Plat ng Ca asioh for a x'+tport on thet prcpo�pad Qhe►nge. ' Also attached are copies of the resolution oAopt*d by the Flaming COM13410m and a copy of D rAwUs, No-A 93-671• Walter fit,' Charama WMCCte�a City Attorney S'nas r oa � City Menagpr --------------- Plsntitix'tg 713re�staa* 1 Toy C .ty dexk ftml City Attoomoy Subjeot. 'ree��eNt P aKc roe Fororded 16 a proposed reNOWUM If Stdopted[ by tho city CG41A oU4 ifill Adopt pFme man No• 2 itmeh was a reaoanre�ztdedt bi► the 111mming corm- lion at their 30O of x0vootor 20* IWO Not* tbkt It 3x t'►aOOBOarY AbAt th* O ter Cdnztolx hold att least oft p,uib',114 hearlt+, bMstwo the s4optlon of PrO0,164 Mean No* 2 propoe:ed by Plaaning COYM40010Av Xt tta Agoeerrrr to give tong deyel notio or the boarust itt oeO any owe If Mdte in th* proposed Prealso Plane ft should by reform d back to the PlaWAng Ca +extol for a report on the VrOpo*ad ohan . A1ea attachod are oopiee of the reMOUtI t Mopted by th* plaming Coan 4041oa +tm N o0py of Drawing Nam 93»26xa a Walter Xe charawa '�f14Czeeea C�� AttoxneY ' 4i� " pU7 SM04WS�totor a Only ATTO" 01tr Mork �t City A'Ltdmy hu a aatfwoolse pISA Ko. 9 I'orrwsarded Sea a gX*Oo t ftX*1 tion Whiohs If Adopted by the City Cow%oik,* will r4opt oiSe Plan No* p AM NOe oow*MXovr od by *�+ora $n Cowdsolon At chair ti x0to that it is r*oaarxW thaat thw CItir Caf 011 Wd at least om prtU�ia hoArlm ' otom the adoption Of P'r�'atOIM Plan Ito. 2 propoW, by tho 1' ,ann#x Caa ta►sion It 16 z>*O*XVWV 'to $JVs tsar dr YA' anoticat Ot the haaurt � I t * #W *m** is made in that proposed *I#* ?I*n,# it should bar roi'orrod back to the Pik Cmajosim for as rroport on the prososod ohaw• Also attaebod *m gopiars Ot tho V,0001utift AdOPtOd W th* �Pi ttixr Cp¢ t>itt#,a Ct94da 4opy of DrOM11W i OPN 93" 10 1t�tCr t3�.t� It#tt�k�i0y City XNAAW 81aat131M hai"Otoar i rt city clerk city Altom-.Y the amity CoMuff WIS t ftoolso 71sA )(00 :P *hiesh wit Or jlk'*VOra r L-O* 143N Xoto tboLt it to necaswaa( thut tho CClty +C04MOU hOld At lewwt PUMIM xa:"Irlo hot the *400tim a max" 71aA Yoe, � vwopoaO is W. AMM146 vt 0010no, it- 10 A#O#,jaazy to give tan d4tysr mtloa. of they 11ourlat. Xa O .0 'Ohmo xa mda In 00 propow .?cols* PIOA& it whi aad to rcisrro Xrax to the .,-ismuw cowwwion for rop .art ,om the City Attomoy t at 1 ' M '! W �4t �+�artSa a: om�ooae resolution bblabir It sdaPtod br is ••;Ity cowoils ilea w�aggt p o"O °,Ian No* b, il4 JG4w Ac' propM 2O b th `"fix �.OMIVMION U. 1% nVaesagry to give on 00YAt Mtn. -V the boaring# Irt' cow ;, -ohpno is wwilo 4n tho prow :�►td� ��t � it rorrwv ok to t '�lr ml coms4imlonfor ti 4a4 .�+ s� 1�Aii63 d�{A NaR w,.- +lr!,P' Or city 4NIIAY +`I r Or Dimur C11W Mork k-ow: C11W Attercm Jeat i p oeaim P1MM no* Yormw*A 1s a VrQPWMd jV40lW ao Ift4ho it 191► this C11W Cml MUM ww 66vt Preol+se Ply Now 2 *dab was t*som"aw o lint► nomuse com"Mim at their W"tU g at Rovember a** 19998. NO" "O t 3t is n"Soomy tit the city eesNoil at least am pablls betwe tho &*WU46 at prmd" Plan No. a vm.%p4wA t pumnift C . it. 1e moo"ary to at" ostt asys a t uea at too mum. is *as* am omw 1s s e In a* ts*eeise plaas it be bask to the nsnmtft CarwWtS"em fvat A POPMM`t M the Also attomod we OWMHli or ww rein *60ted vo na 6 C� �W s ow tit' � No. 9i3U ��ltatr : WWC:MO City Atbolmy L Lila r planuft DUO~ t Y iv Ate �a � S1j10N r• � COUNCI q D1SP4fy7-� DISPDSIT WWC:mec zz- g Zv 12/4/58 ILE: ��' (�� � RESOLUTIONJ� NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING A PRECISE PLAN WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Newport Beach have heretofore adopted a Master Plan for land use, streets and highways and parks and recreation; and WHEREAS, it now appears that precise plans with respect to planned rights-of-way are required for the systematic execu- tion of the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, after notice and hearing in accordance with law, the Planning Commission has reviewed Drawing No. 93-2671 dated November 17, 1958, on file in the office of the City Engineer, and approved the relocation of Carnation Avenue between First Avenue and Bayside Drive as shown thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commis- sion of the City of Newport Beach that Drawing No. 93-2671 dated November 17, 1958, on file in the office of the City Engineer be recommended to the City Council for adoption as Precise Plan No. 2 of the Street and Highway unit of the Master �ru Plan to establish the location of Carnation Avenue between First Avenue and Bayside Drive . Regularly passed and adopted by the Planning Commis- sion of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 20th day of November, 1958. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Secretary Chairman WWC:mec 12/4/58 PLANNTNG' COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 631 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RECOMMENDING A PRECISE PLAN WHEREAS; 'the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Newport Beach have heretofore adopted a Master Plan for land use, streets and highways and parks and recreation; and WHEREAS, it now appears that precise plans with respect to planned rights-of-way are required for the systematic execu- tion of the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, after notice and hearing in accordance with law, the Planning Commission has reviewed Drawing No. 93-2671 dated November 17, 1958, on file in the office of the City Engineer, and approved the relocation of Carnation Avenue between First Avenue and Bayside Drive as shown thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commis- sion of the City of Newport Beach that Drawing No. 93-2671 dated November 17, 1958, on file in the office of the City Engineer be recommended to the City Council' for adoption as y Precise Plan No. 2 of the Street and Highway unit of the Master XPlan to establish the location of Carnation Avenue between First Avenue and Bayside Drive. Regularly passed and adopted by- the Planning Commis- sion of the City of Newport Beach, State of California, on the 20th day of November, 1958• Lo: moor* Rudd, Smttb# Sturtevaut AYES. n1�n a# lrn=e'ii n* 77evtn_ KAa..s_ T_iriA NOES: ABSENT: Secre ary Chairman r AFFIDAVI*F POSTING • CITY OF NEIVPORT BEACH STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) as: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the day ofC � _� lg-LL at 1 O ?� - , I posted Notice of Public Hearing regarding ^n� � xa �NaTA No. , in accordance with Ordinance No. 635, Section of the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach, on the following described property: Legal:* &X.Z Address: • • ,�o a• , o Nam of os r �— Subsoribed .ancl sworn to before me this // ( day of �u , 19 n � Notary public in and or said County and State. 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on Precise Plan No. 2 of the Streets and Highways Unit of the Master Plan to establish the relocation of Carnation Avenue between First Avenue and Bayside Drive. Notice is hereby further given that the said .public hearing will be held on the 22d day of December, 1958, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Newport Beach at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. Margery Schrouder City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, California N II II �- ----— II II II I , . II I s Ex/sfi»y CLrb I Ex/sfmy G-onc- �bveman�' � 2"P/anf M/x I C'omb/no�iar� CY/�b � G'u�'�r Cons /, 2 " P/oni Mix Cons¢, /.S Cv"a6' g C I on 4 " U.R. 8. — Curb Guf/an j� I -. �/,�?S T- ,mil VAN U� ". „F'. <d �1�, I-- _� _ _ __ _ —— — — — — — — — -- • \\ y TYPi c4 z SEcrro,41 - FRo/VTr cE /?O/; D 7->---P/C.4L no - ,84 y<5loE 1J iv.E I62Pl • , � Y h ;, '�' „�C �m'I � � � � ,:,,„ ` � � q U �' I II II �/may ��� q � • E d I' I � d / �---•----'"-``- - � II II � ; I -nb/n��,;on Cu/b � h -1 ' U�b ,2od• 2o'R` —__� `_��� i� C C _ ��/' moons/. C GU�6 �,ti (v,o'. 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'/MP.20VEMENT � y �. e .oriv nn`` I L7i N - Oot : /.9-5 'V1 am ins 4 L w o: 93 27L2 e Nov Oi-:'•0/DG y l9 � � N y R} d FIR S 7- .4 E �/ C. ' E 3 t � Q 0 I 4 3 � � R� 1�'!f � ti tJ :"._.. D h 4 •• U, t'2, G. � �Q � L1' h3 C r PSG ^Gu� f� n ix l r y a F N fi i�l.�O R TSB EACtV PCA N O A CQ RNaTr © v .4vEivu EA C / GNMEN' T - y From First Ave . to BaysidcT DrIVO / D.rwq. No: 93 -2671 Dalo AIL ._ "REfr Uo.; c) r / APProvod .Cr r r/ c r_Q i•'70er O one