HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190409_Project_DescriptionApril 08, 2019 City of Newport Beach Attn. Community Development 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Project Name: Ford Road Residential Project Address: 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 To Whom It May Concern: This Project Description and Justification is for the proposed multi-family residential project located at 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660. The project will comprise of 21 dwelling units housed within a 2-3 story above grade building over 1 level of below grade parking. The project goal is to deliver dwelling units for downsizing families within the surrounding neighborhoods. The 21 dwelling units will benefit from custom home amenity features such as a pool and spa, a pool house with dining and BBQ areas, a club room, and a 3rd story amenity deck taking in sweeping views from North Orange County to Saddleback Mountain. Residents along with resident guests will park in a 1 level subterranean secured parking garage that is non-accessible to the public. Guests of the tenants are compelled to park in in the designated subterranean garage given the security and ease of access to the resident they are visiting. The project will provide over the amount of code required parking in the secured 1 level subterranean parking garage. The excess parking provided along with corresponding wayfinding signage will prevent residents and guests from parking in the adjacent park use. In addition, conversations have commenced with the neighboring AT&T Switch Station in order to propose a reciprocal parking agreement during events on a given number per year basis. Public benefit is being considered for the immediate area particularly at the Arroyo Canyon trailhead. The case study of Canyon Watch Park on San Juaquin Hills Road is being studied as a possible solution to mark the trailhead at the start of Arroyo Canyon leading down to Arroyo Park below with further connections to the ‘Mountains to the Sea’ trail and bikeway that runs along the Newport Back Bay. The project design recalls architecture prevalent in the adjacent Port Streets neighborhood. The interplay between cedar shingles and clapboard siding will make up the exterior material palette in a more traditional take on architecture. Wood shutters, expansive decks, and eyebrow window rooftop dormers will all add additional character details to the design. Finally, iconic corner Lighthouse forms will connect the building as a nautical theme that ties into the Port concept of the adjacent neighborhood. The proposed project is applying for a Major Site Development Review, a General Plan Amendment, a Zoning Amendment, a Lot Line Adjustment, and a Tract Map. The General Plan and Zoning Code Amendment is to change the existing Public Facilities (PF) Zone to a Multiple Residential (RM) Zone. The subject site is currently part of the neighboring AT&T Switch Station and therefore the site as it exists today, Ford Road Residential 4302 Ford Road, Newport Beach, CA 92660 April 08, 2019 underused neglected land, will remain as the front door of the iconic Port Streets Neighborhood as you turn from the main intersection of Bonita Canyon Drive and MacArthur Boulevard. The zone change to Multiple Residences allows the site to improve the front door image of the Port Streets Neighborhood as well as provide for an alternative housing option for downsizing home owners and families who live in the area. The proposed architecture and massing is complimentary to site adjacencies and will only add to the already existing value of the neighborhood. The Site Development Review application aims to achieve the findings set forth the Newport Beach Municipal Code (20.52.080 F). The project will only add value to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City. The proposed project will not only enhance the existing use and site conditions but it will provide for alternate housing solutions to one of Newport Beach’s most iconic and family oriented neighborhoods. The Tentative Tract Map application aims to achieve the findings set for the in the Newport beach Municipal Code (19.12.070). Due to the site adjacencies and constrictions, the proposed project is physically suitable for the type and density of the development. The massing respects surrounding building heights and view corridors and the implied ‘pride of ownership’ will promote tenants who only aim to enhance the existing neighborhood. The proposed project will avoid harm to any existing wildlife or their habitat as well as promote new construction that avoids any cause of public health problems. The Lot Line Adjustment application aims to achieve the findings set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code (19.76.020). A proposed Lot Line Adjustment will reconfigure the lot line shared between the proposed project as well as the AT&T Switch Station to the projects East. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will not prove in any way detrimental to the general welfare of people residing or working in the neighborhood or of the City. As a result, the same number of parcels will remain but with a more optimal size and configuration given the use of the proposed project and existing Switch Station. Legal access and vehicular access will remain in-tact and the proposed Lot Line Adjustment will not result in any reduction of the street side setbacks. Please review and inform us of your findings. Sincerely, Pieter Berger Senior Associate Partner, Senior Designer MVE + Partners