HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA2017-228 Comment 72_04262019_GeogheganFrom: Stefanie Geoghegan <stefanieg@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 2:02 PM To: Zdeba, Benjamin Cc: Planning Commissioners Subject: Proposed rezoning on Old Ford Road I am writing to express my strong opposition to the rezoning of the parcel on old Ford Road for the purpose of building residential units. I am opposed to this project on many levels. 1. The prospective builder will not specify his intent to what type of unit he is proposing. Apartments or condos? I feel this is deceptive and he is setting the city up to approve the zoning to pull a bait and switch at a later date. 2. This street and the adjoining park parking lot are already overcrowded. The adjacent lot does not adequately provide space for the park for regular soccer games, tennis events, etc. The lot is frequently overflowing onto street space. 3. The fields at Mesa View and Ford road have no lot parking available and the cars are often lined the entire length of the street with parents often double parked to drop off and pick up, causing a traffic hazard in itself. Any multi housing project would only add to traffic issues on this already busy stretch. 4. I have serious concerns about the ingress and egress of vehicles to the project. The cars would immediately enter a sloped driveway crossing over a heavily used bike path and sidewalk. On any given morning look at the multiple children who use this pathway to travel from Harbor View to Corona Del Mar Middle and High schools. As cars exist the driveway, visibility over the crest will be limited posing a safety threat to those children. 5. How do they intend to deal with deliveries and moving vans for this project. There appears to be no onsite parking available to them, leaving them to try to double park on a busy street or use the adjacent park parking lot. 6. The houses on Port Sheffield will be directly affected by headlights of exiting vehicles directly into their back windows. Not to mention these people purchased and built their homes knowing that the area behind them was not zoned for residential, they now have to deal with a loss of privacy with residents right across the road on what was zoned as open space. 7. The AT&T building , while an eyesore, is now camouflaged by the trees around it. If the proposed project proceeds, much of that vegetation will be removed making the building more visible. Please do not rezone this property. Find a better use that is more in line with what the area needs and wants. Stefanie Geoghegan 20 year resident of Harbor View.