HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180525_Notice of Incomplete FilingF:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2017\PA2017-228\PA2017-228 Notice of Incomplete Filing_05252018.docx Tmplt. 02/09/11 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE FILING May 25, 2018 TRANSMITTED VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL MVE + Partners Attn: Pieter Berger 1900 Main Street #800 Irvine, CA 92614 pberger@mve-architects.com Application No.  Site Development Review – Major No. SD2017-009  Tentative Tract Map No. NT2017-004  General Plan and Zoning Code Amendments (PA2017-228) Address 4302 Ford Road Please be advised that after reviewing the subject applications, your submittal has been deemed incomplete and further information is required before we are able to proceed with the application process. The following documentation is required to complete the application: 1. Property Owner’s Signature. Please be advised, the property owner’s signature on an application for a tentative tract map shall be notarized. 2. Proof of Ownership. A Preliminary Title Report not more than six months old shall be submitted for all properties involved in this application. 3. Signatory Information. Please provide documentation that demonstrates Steven Ganalon has the authority to sign on behalf of the property ownership. 4. Environmental Review. A phase one environmental study should be considered prior the next submittal. As this project is a General Plan amendment, it is likely it will require a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). 5. Project Plans. Corrections have been issued on the project plans provided, please see attached. 6. Project Renderings. The majority of the project renderings appear to be from a perspective far above ground level. Please consider providing renderings that are more from a “human scale” perspective. For instance, if a person is driving through the intersection toward Bonita Canyon Drive, what will the project look like? May 25, 2018 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2017\PA2017-228\PA2017-228 Notice of Incomplete Filing_05252018.docx Page 2 7. Project Description and Design. The following concerns were identified in our meeting on May 24, 2018, and should be carefully considered and addressed prior to resubmittal: a. Height Limit. Given the project includes a rezoning, the design should comply with the maximum height limitations of 28 feet to a flat roof or flat element and 33 feet to the ridge of a sloped roof. Any proposed exceptions should be minimal. b. Materials. Please consider an alternate materials scheme. c. Parking. A major concern is the project’s adjacency to the parking lot for the Bonita Canyon Sports Park, a public park. The project’s design with underground parking and limited access will likely push vehicles onto the parking lot for the public park and create an enforcement issue. Please consider an arrangement with the adjoining AT&T switching facility site to use its parking as overflow and for loading/unloading. It should be made more clear that the parking lot for the public park is not part of the project throughout the plans. d. Trash, Moving Trucks and Deliveries. Similar to item (c), please provide details as to how trash, moving trucks, and delivery trucks will be accommodated. This should also be clearly identified throughout the plans. e. Public Benefit. Consideration should be given to an additional public benefit to the immediate area. 8. Project Review Requests. Please be advised, the project plans were routed to Building, Fire/Life Safety Services, Grading, and Public Works. Comments were received from Public Works. Comments are still pending on the Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (pWQMP). All comments received must be addressed prior to further processing of the application. 9. Digital Copy. Please provide electronic files for all of the resubmitted materials (i.e., CD-ROM). Be advised, the City no longer accepts USB flash drives. 10. Development Impact Fees. Please be advised, if approved, this project will be subject to Fair Share traffic fees, Transportation Corridor Agency fees, and In-Lieu Park Dedication fees. The current fee for each is detailed below. Both Fair Share traffic and Transportation Corridor Agency fees are assessed on the building permits for the project. In-Lieu Park Dedication fees are assessed prior to recordation of the Tract Map. a. Fair Share traffic fee: $1,792 per dwelling unit ($37,632) b. Transportation Corridor Agency fee: $2,462 per dwelling unit ($51,702) c. In-Lieu Park Dedication fee: $26,125 per dwelling unit ($548,625) May 25, 2018 F:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2017\PA2017-228\PA2017-228 Notice of Incomplete Filing_05252018.docx Page 3 Should you have any questions regarding submittal requirements, please contact me at 949-644-3253 or bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov. _____________________ Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP Associate Planner Attachments: Project Plans Corrections Sheet Project Review Requests, Returned c: Hines Attn: Scott Peterson 4000 MacArthur Boulevard #110 Newport Beach, CA 92660 scott.peterson@hines.com City of Newport Beach Community Development Department 100 Civic Center Drive / P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Phone: (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov PLANNING DIVISION PLAN CHECK CORRECTIONS F:\Users\CDD\Shared\Admin\Planning_Division\Current_Templates Revised 04-02-13 – CDD F:\Users\PLN\Shared\PA's\PAs - 2017\PA2017-228\PLNG PA2017-228 Corrections.docx Plan Checker: Benjamin Zdeba Phone No: 949-644-3253 Fax No: 949-644-3229 Email Address: bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov PLAN CHECK NO. PA2017-228 ADDRESS: 4302 Ford Road CORRECTION DATE: May 25, 2018 CORRECTIONS: 1. Please make the following corrections on Sheet Number A0.00: a. Verify consistency of the site area listed. “Lot Area” notes 1.049 acres and “Zone” notes 1.054 acres. In addition, these numbers do not match the area stated on Sheet Number VTM-1. b. Under “Setbacks,” please state the actual required side setback rather than the generic requirements from the Zoning Code. c. Density is based on actual lot area, not the allowable floor area limit. As such, please revise “Residential Density” to show the lot area divided by 1,200 square feet. d. Remove the “Private Balcony/Decks on Podium Level” listed under “Open Space,” as it is already included in the “Private Open Space” below. 2. On Sheet Numbers C-1, C-2 and C-3, the proposed building is labeled as “apartments,” which is confusing since the project will be condominiums. Please consider revising. 3. On Sheet Numbers L0.10, L0.20 and L0.30, please show the property lines. 4. On Sheet Number L0.20, please make it clear the existing public park parking lot will not be used by residents of the proposed project. Including it as item number 11 on the legend is confusing and seems to implicate it as part of the project. 5. On Sheet Number A0.01, please verify the areas listed under “Project Data” and revise the setback requirements consistent with corrections 1(a) and 1(b) above. 6. On Sheet Numbers A3.01, A3.02 and A3.03, it would be helpful to show a line that indicates the existing grade on the two-dimensional section drawings.