HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210511_Zoning Compliance LetterCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 www.newportbeachca.gov ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER VIA EMAIL 5/11/2021 Reference No. PA2021-086 Attn: Johnathan Speaks johnathan.speaks@pzr.com RE: 2172 Bristol Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 439 352 15 Dear Johnathan Speaks: The above referenced property is currently located within the Santa Ana Height Specific Plan (SP-7, General Commercial (GC)) and designated as General Commercial (CG) within the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The property is not located within a Planned Unit Development or an overlay district. Abutting properties to the east and west are also within the SP-7 (GC) Specific Plan and designated CG under the General Plan. To the south, the property is within the Santa Ana Height Specific Plan (SP-7, Business Park (BP)) and designated CG under the General Plan. To the north of the subject property is Interstate 73. At the time the building permits were finaled, the building and parking requirements were in substantial conformance with the development standards of the City of Newport Beach Municipal Code. If the subject property does not comply with the current regulations, it is considered to be nonconforming and is subject to Chapter 20.38 (Nonconforming Uses and Structures) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Research of the permit and entitlement history of the property verifies that discretionary approvals were acquired from the City of Newport Beach Planning Division for development of the property. With the exception of the discretionary approvals for signs, copies of those approvals are attached. Please contact the Planning Division for further details on any discretionary application. Page 2 Zoning Compliance - PA2021-086 Tmplt: 08-15-176 The following discretionary approval was acquired from the Planning Division: 2172 Bristol Street • Planning Director’s Use Permit No. UP2005-009 (PA2005-037) - Originally approved on April 8, 2005 to allow the establishment of a 52-car storage lot and the construction of a 658-square-foot service building to provide shuttle service to and from John Wayne Airport for Fletch Jones Motorcars customers. The subject property does not have any active complaints on record. For information regarding code violations, please contact the Code Enforcement Division at 949-644-3215 and the Building Division at 949-644-3200. Please contact the Building Division to obtain copies of Certificates of Occupancy. For information regarding plat maps or public rights-of way, please contact the Public Works Department at 949-644-3311. Should you have any further questions, please contact me at 949-644-3227, pachis@newportbeachca.gov. Sincerely, On behalf of Seimone Jurjis, PE, CBO, Community Development Director By: Enclosures: Aerial Map Municipal Code Section 20.90.110 (General Commercial District: SP-7 (GC) Municipal Code Section 20.90.030 (Design Guidelines) Figure LU11 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan Planning Director’s Use Permit No. UP2005-009 Feet Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 5/11/2021 0 833417 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 1/7 20.90.110 General Commercial District: SP-7 (GC). A. Purpose and Intent. The GC District is established to provide regulations for the commercial areas along South Bristol Street and to ensure the continuation of commercial uses which offer a wide range of goods and services to both the surrounding residential and business communities. It is intended to promote the upgraded aesthetic image of the community and reduce conflicts between commercial and residential uses. B. Principal Uses Permitted. 1. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a minor use permit per Part 5 of this title: a. Retail businesses. b. Service businesses. c. Professional and administrative offices. d. Civic and governmental uses. e. Financial institutions. f. Print shops. g. Animal clinics and hospitals. h. Automobile parking lots and structures per Chapter 20.40. i. Automobile repair specialty shops. j. Automobile dealerships. k. Churches, temples, and other places of worship. l. Commercial recreation. m. Communication transmitting, reception or relay facilities. n. Day nurseries. o. Hotels and motels. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 2/7 p. Public/private utility buildings and structures. q. Restaurants. r. Wholesale business offices with samples on the premises but not to include general storage. 2. The following principal uses are permitted subject to the approval of a use permit by the Planning Commission per Part 5 of this title: a. Automobile washing. b. Mini-storage facilities. c. Retail sale of building materials. d. Automobile service stations per Section 20.48.210. e. Convalescent homes. f. Commercial kennels subject to issuance of a kennel license in accordance with Section 7.04.090. g. Helistops. h. Hospitals. i. Milk processing and distribution in connection with retail dairy outlets. j. Mortuaries. k. Sanitariums, mental and health. l. Any other use which the Planning Commission finds consistent with the purpose and intent of this district. C. Temporary Uses Permitted. Temporary uses are permitted subject to approval of a limited term permit per Part 5 of this title. D. Accessory Uses Permitted. Accessory uses and structures are permitted when customarily associated with and subordinate to a principal permitted use on the same building site including: 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 3/7 1. Detached buildings. 2. Fences and walls. 3. Signs. The following signs shall be permitted, subject to the restrictions specified and the provisions of Chapter 20.42: a. Wall Signs. Business or identification wall signs shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of frontage of the building, or portion thereof, involved. The total aggregate sign area for such signs shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet for each business. If the building frontage of any business is less than twenty-five (25) square feet, only one sign, with a maximum area of twenty-five (25) feet, shall be permitted for each business. b. Monument/Ground Signs. One business or identification sign, including the foundation, not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area or four feet in height may be permitted on each additional street frontage that is in excess of ninety-nine (99) feet in length. c. Larger Monument/Ground Signs. A business or identification sign, including the foundation, measuring more than fifty (50) square feet in area and/or exceeding four feet in height may be permitted subject to a use permit approved by the Planning Commission per Part 5 of this title. Applications for signs shall be accompanied by scale drawings indicating the size, sign copy, color, method and intensity of illumination, height, sign area, and location of all signs on the building site. d. Temporary Pole Signs. Temporary nonilluminated construction signs, real estate signs, and travel direction signs are permitted. However, no such sign shall be more than sixteen (16) feet in height or the following square feet in area: i. Construction Project Signs. Thirty-two (32) square feet maximum. ii. Real Estate Signs. For residential building sites with four or less units, six square feet. For residential building sites with five or more units, thirty-two (32) square feet. For nonresidential, thirty-two (32) square feet. iii. Off-Site Travel Directional Signs. Subject to approval of a limited term permit per Part 5 of this title. Sign location(s), number, and area shall be as specified in the permit. (For purposes of this specific plan, “travel direction sign” shall mean a sign to inform the 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 4/7 motorist as to the route or direction of travel in order to arrive at the residential development project for sale or rent to which it pertains.) e. Permanent Pole Signs. Business and identification pole signs may be permitted subject to a use permit approved by the Planning Commission per Part 5 of this title. Applications for such pole signs shall be accompanied by scale drawings indicating the size, sign copy, color, method and intensity of illumination, height, sign area, and location of all signs on the building site. f. Sign Programs. Multiple building sites that share a common access may develop a sign program subject to approval of a comprehensive sign program by the Zoning Administrator per Chapter 20.42. Applications for such sign programs shall be accompanied by scale drawings indicating the size, sign copy, color, method and intensity of illumination, height, sign area, and location of all signs on the building site. g. Other Signs. Except for signs specifically prohibited below, any sign may be permitted subject to a use permit approved by the Planning Commission per Part 5 of this title. h. Prohibited Signs. The following signs are specifically prohibited: i. Outdoor advertising signs or billboards. ii. Roof and projecting signs. iii. Banner signs. iv. Electronic message board signs. v. Portable signs. vi. Electronic flashing/blinking signs. vii. Rotating signs. 4. Any other accessory uses or structures which the Planning Director finds consistent with the purpose and intent of this district. E. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are specifically prohibited: 1. All uses not listed in this section as permitted. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 5/7 2. Automobile repair, tire retreading, fender and body repair and paint shops. 3. Automobile wrecking, junk and salvage yards. 4. Bottling plants. 5. Rental and sales agencies for agricultural, industrial and reconstruction equipment. 6. Warehouses, contractors’ storage and equipment yards, work and fabricating areas. 7. Welding shops. 8. Drive-through facility or restaurant abutting the REQ District, unless approved prior to September 20, 1996. F. Site Development Standards. 1. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Maximum of 0.5. 2. Building Site Area. No minimum required. 3. Building Height. Thirty-five (35) feet maximum. 4. Building Setbacks. a. Front Setback. No minimum required. b. Side Setback. No minimum required, except where a side property line abuts a residential district, in which case a minimum setback of ten (10) feet is required. c. Rear Setback. No minimum required, except where a rear property line abuts a residential district, in which case a minimum setback of ten (10) feet is required. A minimum setback of five feet is required adjacent to an alley. 5. Vehicular Access Regulations. Street openings shall be a minimum of twenty-two (22) feet apart and twenty-two (22) feet from any existing street openings, measured at the ultimate street right-of-way line; however, every building site shall be permitted to have at least one street opening. 6. Off-Street Parking. Per Chapter 20.40. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 6/7 7. Lighting. All lighting, exterior and interior, shall be designed and located so that direct rays are confined to the premises. 8. Loading. All loading operations shall be performed on the site, and loading areas shall be screened by a landscape or architectural feature. 9. Trash and Storage Area. All storage of cartons, containers and trash shall be enclosed by a building or by a wall not less than six feet in height. If unroofed, no such area shall be located within forty (40) feet of any residential district. 10. Enclosed Uses. All commercial uses and their related products shall be contained entirely within a completely enclosed structure, except for parking and loading areas, and except for outdoor uses expressly permitted by an approved modification permit or use permit. 11. Screening. a. An opaque screen shall be installed and maintained along all district boundaries where the premises abut areas zoned for residential or agricultural uses. A screen shall consist of one or any combination of the following types: i. Walls. A wall shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, tile or similar type of solid masonry material a minimum of four inches thick. ii. Berms. A berm shall be not more than twenty (20) feet in width at the base. It shall be constructed of earthen materials and it shall be landscaped. iii. Fences—Solid. A solid fence shall be constructed of wood or other materials and shall form an opaque screen. iv. Fences—Open. An open weave or mesh type fence shall be combined with plant materials to form an opaque screen. v. Planting. Plant materials, when used as a screen, shall consist of compact evergreen plants. They shall be of a kind, or used in such a manner, so as to provide screening, having a minimum width of two feet within eighteen (18) months after initial installation. Permanent watering facilities shall be provided. If, eighteen (18) months after installation, plant materials have not formed an opaque screen or if an opaque screen is not maintained, the Planning Director shall require that either walls, berms, or a solid fence be installed. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.110 7/7 b. Screen heights shall not be less than six feet in height except where a shorter height is required per applicable provisions of this Code. c. No signs or sign supports except those specified in the off-street parking regulations shall be permitted on any required screening. 12. Buffer Area. A minimum six-foot-high slump block wall shall be constructed along property lines abutting the REQ District, except within the front setback area, where the height shall be no greater than three and one-half feet. Landscaping adjacent to this wall shall be in conformance with the provisions of Section 20.90.030 (Design Guidelines) and Exhibit 20.90-7. (Ord. 2010-21 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2010) 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 1/17 20.90.030 Design Guidelines. A. Introduction. The intent of the Santa Ana Heights specific plan design guidelines is to promote a consistent, high quality character of development that will result in the overall enhancement of the aesthetic character of the community. Use of these guidelines in future project approvals will implement these objectives through the careful use of building forms and materials, streetscape concepts, setback and buffer areas and a unifying landscape concept. Combined, these elements will provide a sense of identity to the specific plan area and development which will complement existing and surrounding land uses while minimizing business park development impacts to the adjacent REQ District. Consolidation of smaller single lots within the business park area of Santa Ana Heights can provide for more flexibility in the design of office development, thereby enhancing the aesthetic character and cohesiveness of the development. Lot consolidation is encouraged within the business park area through the inherent benefits obtained when developing on larger consolidated parcels (e.g., the ability to dissolve setbacks along interior lot lines and to design more efficiency into parking areas), which will provide better business park development with fewer driveways and improve the overall community vehicular circulation. B. Architectural Guidelines for Business Park Uses. Due to the proximity of the areas designated for business park uses and residential uses, it is the stated objective of the City to provide architectural guidelines for business park uses which will blend with and complement the residential areas of the community. In order to achieve that goal, the following guidelines shall be of prime importance in the consideration of future development proposals. 1. Building Massing/Form. a. Building facades abutting streets shall not have the appearance of excessive massing or bulk. The use of grading techniques and grade changes should be considered in order to minimize mass and bulk of buildings. b. Special consideration shall be given architecturally to emphasize pedestrian areas such as entry ways, walkways, and courtyards/plazas (e.g., trellises, low parapet walls, extended roof or patio overhangs). c. Buildings clustered around a pedestrian area, such as a courtyard/plaza, shall be designed to minimize excessive shading and maximize light exposure. d. Long, uninterrupted exterior walls shall be avoided on all buildings. For architectural interest, walls shall incorporate relief features, including building elements, articulation, 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 2/17 window treatment, and negative space to create an interesting blend with the landscaping, other buildings and the casting of shadows. Incorporation of small-scale elements such as planters, installation of mature landscaping and landform manipulation will aid in softening the overall mass of structures. e. Particular consideration as to color, material, and form shall be given to the design and treatment of roofs because of their potential visual impact. f. Roof flashing, rain gutters, downspouts and vents shall be treated to match materials and/or colors of the overall building. All roof equipment shall be screened with materials/colors consistent with the treatment of the building. g. Utilization of windows and balconies shall be encouraged in order to extend interior space to the outside and to create a visual connection with the exterior setting of courtyard or plaza areas. However, usable balconies and unenclosed outside stairwells shall not be used on walls facing the REQ District. h. Walls and/or fences shall be used to screen utility and maintenance structures/facilities and storage areas. These surfaces shall match or be in harmony with the exterior finish of any structure with which they are in contact. i. Radical theme structures, signage, building and roof forms shall be discouraged. 2. Exterior Building Materials. The following shall be used as predominant exterior wall materials throughout the business park area. A combination of these materials is encouraged to soften and add architectural variety and interest to building facades. a. Wood. b. Brick, stone, rock or other appropriate accent materials. c. Architecturally treated concrete, concrete masonry, and block. These materials are to be painted or integrally colored in tones ranging from whites to earth tones. d. Stucco, with a machine-applied or smooth finish in natural gray or colors ranging from whites to earth tones. Accent materials and colors shall be coordinated to achieve a continuity of design with the overall structure and surrounding structures. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 3/17 3. Glazing. The use of glass shall be subdued and in harmony with the building and the natural surroundings. Glazing shall be used predominately for the purpose of lighting interior space. Glazing shall not be used as a major architectural element, but may be used as an accent feature to add variety to building facades. Mirrored glazing shall not be used. 4. Building Entrances. a. Site access, entrance drives and building entries shall be readily observable and inviting to the first-time visitor. b. Care shall be taken to provide minimum conflict between service vehicles, private automobiles, and pedestrians. c. Building entries shall be integrated with overall building form and should be highlighted by such features as: i. Entry porte cocheres. ii. Inviting pedestrian spaces such as plazas and fountains. iii. Special planters and plantings. iv. Textured hardscape. 5. Building Rooflines. a. Roofs may be sloped, in a hip, gable, or shed fashion. Flat roofs are permissible. b. Simulated wood and slate materials, lightweight concrete and tile roofs are encouraged and must meet Building and Fire Code requirements. Highly reflective metal roofing material is prohibited. Asphalt and fiberglass materials are permitted only on flat roofs where screened from view. c. In all cases, roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from the adjacent streets and adjacent REQ District residences with materials finished to match materials and colors in the roof and building. d. Uncovered trash enclosures shall not be located any closer than forty (40) feet from any property line abutting the REQ District and no closer than ten (10) feet from any side 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 4/17 property line and shall not exceed a height of eight feet maximum abutting the BP District. 6. Energy Considerations. Passive solar design orientation is encouraged. Solar collectors, if used, shall be oriented away from public view or designed as an integral element of the roof structure. 7. Sound Attenuation. All interior building areas shall be mitigated for noise, consistent with the General Plan Noise Element. Exhibit 20.90-2: Landscape Plan/Buffer Diagram 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 5/17 C. Landscape Guidelines. Landscape design is a crucial element in achieving a distinctive development character and in blending the development with the existing character of surrounding land uses. This character will be reinforced through the coordinated design and selection of landscape and paving materials and emphasis on special features such as entryways and signage. The overall landscape and buffer theme for the specific plan area is illustrated in Exhibit 20.90-2. Guidelines are specified herein for the following landscape components of the plan: streetscape, entry treatment, buffer design, parking lot design, hardscape and street furniture design and landscape maintenance. 1. Streetscape. a. Business Park Streetscape—Acacia and Birch Streets, and Orchard Drive. Acacia Street, Birch Street and Orchard Drive roadways were originally each designed with two eleven (11) foot and two thirteen (13) foot travel lanes and a six-foot walkway on either side. Acacia Street (within the Business Park District) is designed with a seventy (70) foot right-of- way with two twelve (12) foot travel lanes, a twelve (12) foot median lane, an eight-foot bikeway and a nine-foot parkway that will include a six-foot sidewalk on either side (Exhibit 20.90-3). Adjacent to the walkways outside the right-of-way, a ten (10) foot landscaped setback is required. Should it be appropriate, road dimensions within right-of-way may be modified as needed to accommodate existing structures. Birch Street is now designed with an eighty (80) foot right-of-way and Orchard Drive is designed with a seventy (70) foot right- of-way (Exhibits 20.90-4 and 20.90-5, respectively). Birch Street will have the same improvements as Orchard Drive but with the added feature of a ten (10) foot median/left turn pocket. The streetscape for the business park area will be installed by individual property owners concurrent with development of approved projects. Ongoing maintenance will be the responsibility of individual property owners. The ten (10) foot landscaped front setback shall be bermed at a 3:1 slope and planted with the designated street tree, Tristania conferta (Brisbane box), in one row, thirty (30) feet on center. All street trees shall be a minimum twenty-four (24) inch box size when installed. Later phases of development must provide trees in sizes comparable to existing trees, or the largest commercially available. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 6/17 Exhibit 20.90-3: Typical Section—Acacia Street Exhibit 20.90-4: Typical Section—Birch Street and Mesa Drive (W. of Birch) 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 7/17 Exhibit 20.90-5: Typical Section—Orchard Drive (In Business Park District) Exhibit 20.90-6: Typical Section—Cypress Street and Mesa Drive (E. of Birch St.) To screen parking areas, the remainder of the landscaped setback area shall be planted with a continual massing of shrubs and groundcover using the following plant palettes: 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 8/17 i. Shrubs. Hemerocallis spp.Daylily Hebe buxifolia “coed” Hebe Pittosporum tobira “variegata” Variegated tobira Raphiolepsis indica India hawthorne Agapanthus spp.Lily-of-the-Nile Pittosporum tobira “wheeleri” Dwarf tobira Xylosma congestum Shiny xylosma Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine All shrubs shall be a minimum size of five gallons. ii. Groundcover. Hedera Helix “Hahns” English ivy Turf is discouraged. b. Residential Streetscape—Cypress Street. The Cypress Street roadway is designed with two twelve (12) foot travel lanes, eight-foot on-street parking areas on each side of the street and, on the east side of the street, a five-foot-wide sidewalk adjacent to the street. On the west side of the street, a three-foot planted parkway will be located adjacent to the curb along with twelve (12) foot wide equestrian trail (Exhibit 20.90-6). Funding for implementation of the streetscape along Cypress Street may be through an assessment district, redevelopment agency, or some other future funding source. The surface of the equestrian trail shall be one of the following: i. Compacted decomposed granite. ii. Existing soil, graded and compacted. A three-and-one-half-foot-high split rail fence shall be installed on both sides of the equestrian trail. c. Residential Streetscape—Mesa Drive. The Mesa Drive roadway is planned with the same design features as Cypress Street, with an equestrian trail on the south side of the street and a pedestrian sidewalk on the north side. Exhibit 20.90-6 illustrates the typical 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 9/17 section for Cypress Street and Mesa Drive east of Birch Street. Funding for implementation of the streetscape may be through an assessment district, redevelopment agency, or some other future funding source. d. Residential Streetscape—Orchard Drive. The Orchard Drive roadway is designed with two twelve (12) foot travel lanes and eight-foot on-street parking areas on each side of the street. A ten (10) foot planted parkway will be located on the north side of the street. On the south side of the street, a ten (10) foot planted parkway provided with a meandering four-foot sidewalk. Funding for implementation of the streetscape within the residential area of Orchard Drive may be through an assessment district, redevelopment agency or some other future funding source. The streetscape improvements within the business park area will be installed by individual property owners concurrent with development of approved projects. The ten (10) foot landscaped parkways shall be planted with the designated street tree, Platanus acerifolia (London plane tree), in one row, thirty (30) feet on center. All street trees shall be a minimum twenty-four (24) inch box size when installed. The remainder of the landscaped area shall be planted with Vinca minor groundcover. 2. Entry Treatments. a. Business Park Entry Treatment. i. The primary purpose of entry treatment is the announcement of entry into the specific plan area. For the business park area, special entry treatment will be located at the intersection of Irvine Ave. and Orchard Dr. and on Birch St. just south of the South Bristol St. intersection (Exhibit 20.90-2). The two entry statements should be identical in design in order to reinforce project continuity and identification. These entries may include the following: (A) Landscape elements, i.e., accent trees, shrubs, and groundcover. (B) Entry monumentation. (C) Pedestrian crossings and signalization, if appropriate. ii. Recommended plant materials for the business park entryways include the following: Accent Trees: 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 10/17 Accent Trees: Cupaniopsis Anacardioides (multi- trunk) Carrotwood Erythrina caffra (multi-trunk) Coral tree Jacaranda mimosifolia (multi-trunk) Jacaranda All accent trees shall be a minimum twenty-four (24) inch box size. Shrubs: Hemerocallis spp.Daylily Hebe buxifolia “coed” Hebe Pittosporum tobira “variegata” Variegated tobira Raphiolepsis indica India hawthorne Bougainvillea spp.Bougainvillea Agapanthus spp.Lily-of-the-Nile Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia Photinia fraseri Photinia Pittosporum tobira “wheeleri” Dwarf tobira Xylosma congestum Shiny xylosma Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine Dodonea viscosa “purpurea” Hop seed bush All shrubs shall be a minimum size of five gallons. Groundcover: Hedera Helix “Hahns” English ivy Gazania spp.Gazania iii. Entry Monumentation. Building materials to be used for entry monumentation include the following: (A) Textured concrete. (B) Wood. (C) Stone. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 11/17 (D) Masonry. (E) Brick. b. Residential Entry Treatment. i. For the residential areas, entry treatments will be located on Orchard Drive between Birch and Cypress streets and at the intersection of Mesa Drive and Acacia Street (Exhibit 20.90-2). These entries should be identical in design and reflect a more residential character in landscaping and signage, clearly delineating to business park users the entrance to a residential neighborhood. These entries may incorporate the following: (A) Landscape elements: accent trees, shrubs and groundcover. (B) Entry monumentation. (C) Pedestrian crossings, if appropriate. ii. Recommended plant materials for the residential entryways include the following: Accent Trees: Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajeput tree Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda (multi- trunk) Liquidambar styraciflua American sweet gum Callistemon citrinus Lemon bottlebrush All accent trees shall be a minimum twenty-four (24) inch box size. Shrubs: Hemerocallis spp.Daylily Hebe buxifolia “coed” Hebe Pittosporum tobira “variegata” Variegated tobira Raphiolepsis indica India hawthorne Bougainvillea spp.Bougainvillea Agapanthus spp.Lily-of-the-Nile Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 12/17 Shrubs: Photinia fraseri Photinia Pittosporum tobira “wheeleri” Dwarf tobira Xylosma congestum Shiny xylosma Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine Dodonea viscosa “purpurea” Hop seed bush All shrubs shall be a minimum size of five gallons. Groundcover: Hedera Helix “Hahns” English ivy Gazania spp.Gazania 3. Buffer Design. Along all property lines where nonresidential uses abut residential uses, a ten (10) foot wide landscape buffer shall be required in order to screen and soften views from existing residential uses to business park uses (see Exhibits 20.90-2 and 20.90-7). The concept for planting the buffer areas will consist of a dense planting of trees and shrubs incorporating both low and high vertical elements. These elements will be combined with a six-foot high opaque wall at the property line. Planting will consist of evergreen trees and shrubs, to include the following: Trees: Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine Podocarpus gracilor Fern pine Cypress leylandii Cypress Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood tree Pittosporum undulatum Victorian box Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine Trees shall be planted at fifteen (15) feet on center and shall include at least one twenty-four (24) inch box tree, with adequate infill landscaping of approved shrubs and groundcover. Shrubs: Hemerocallis spp.Daylily Hebe buxifolia “coed” Hebe Pittosporum tobira “variegata” Variegated tobira 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 13/17 Shrubs: Raphiolepsis indica India hawthorne Bougainvillea spp.Bougainvillea Agapanthus spp.Lily-of-the-Nile Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia Photinia fraseri Photinia Pittosporum tobira “wheeleri” Dwarf tobira Xylosma congestum Shiny xylosma Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine Dodonea viscosa “purpurea” Hop seed bush All shrubs shall be a minimum size of five gallons. Groundcover: Gazania spp.Gazania Hedera Helix “Hahns” English ivy Heavy planting is recommended to screen views. 4. Parking Lot Design. Within parking areas, trees shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one tree per four parking stalls. Planting islands shall be located not less than every eight parking stalls. The planting islands shall be a minimum of three feet wide and equal in length to the parking space it abuts (see Exhibit 20.90-8). Landscaping in parking lot areas is to be protected by a curb at least six inches in height. Recommended plant materials include the following: Trees: Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajeput tree Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine Eucalyptus sideroxylon Red iron bark Eucalyptus ficifolia Red-flowering gum Cupaniopsis anacardiodes Carrotwood tree Shrubs: Hemerocallis spp.Daylily Hebe buxifolia “coed” Hebe Pittosporum tobira “variegata” Variegated tobira 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 14/17 Shrubs: Raphiolepsis indica India hawthorne Bougainvillea spp.Bougainvillea Agapanthus spp.Lily-of-the-Nile Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia Photinia fraseri Photinia Pittosporum tobira “wheeleri” Dwarf tobira Xylosma congestum Shiny xylosma Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine Dodonea viscosa “purpurea” Hop seed bush All shrubs shall be a minimum size of five gallons. Exhibit 20.90-7: Residential Equestrian Buffer Design 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 15/17 Exhibit 20.90-8: Business Park Parking Lot Landscape Design Concepts Groundcover: Gazania spp.Gazania Hedera Helix “Hahns” English ivy 5. Hardscape and Street Furniture Design. Hardscape and street furniture design elements incorporated into the overall design theme for development in the specific plan area shall include, but not be limited to: walls and fences, paving, light fixtures, bollards, benches, trash receptacles and planters. Hardscape and street furniture elements will function to allow a coordinated and consistent visual and physical connection between buildings and landscape materials within the specific plan area. Building materials to be used as key hardscape elements are specified below. All materials utilized for walls, fences, paving, lighting and street furniture shall be coordinated with and be complementary to architectural design details and materials. a. Walls and Fences. i. Concrete masonry: integral color, four-inch coursing maximum. ii. Brick: either red or in earth tones. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 16/17 iii. Concrete: textured, bush-hammered, rock salt, sandblasted, integral color in earth tones. iv. Wrought iron (as accents). v. Stucco: integral or painted color (same as building stucco color or approved alternative). b. Project and Individual Site Entry Paving (Outside Public Right-of-Way). i. Concrete: integral color, rock salt, exposed aggregate finish with brick or wood edges, or stamped concrete. ii. Paving brick: in earth tones. iii. Paving brick tile: in earth tones. iv. Textured concrete: in earth tones. v. Precast rough-textured pavers: integral color. vi. Quarry tile: in earth tones. vii. Rough-textured granite. viii. River-washed stones/cobblestones. ix. Asphalt; use of asphalt with the above-noted materials as accent features is encouraged. c. Lighting Fixtures. The following lighting elements may be incorporated into site plans for individual development proposals: i. Parking light standards. ii. Pedestrian pathways (bollard lights). iii. Pedestrian plaza/courtyards (bollard lights). iv. Landscape lighting. 5/11/2021 Chapter 20.90 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS SPECIFIC PLAN https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/NewportBeach/html/NewportBeach20/NewportBeach2090.html#20.90.030 17/17 d. Miscellaneous Hardscape. Miscellaneous hardscape elements include bollards, benches, trash receptacles and planters. All of these elements shall be designed and located so as to complement and enhance the building. 6. Landscape Maintenance. All landscaping shall be maintained as follows: i. All planting areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. ii. Lawn and groundcovers shall be kept trimmed and/or mowed regularly. iii. All plantings shall be kept in a healthy and growing condition. iv. Fertilization, cultivation and tree pruning shall be carried out as part of regular maintenance. v. Irrigation systems shall be kept in working condition. Adjustment and cleaning of system shall be a part of regular maintenance. vi. Stakes, guys and ties on trees shall be checked regularly for correct function; ties shall be adjusted to avoid creating abrasions or girdling to the stems. vii. Damage to plantings created by vandalism, automobile or acts of nature shall be corrected within thirty (30) days. (Ord. 2010-21 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2010) !2!1 !8 !16 !4 !3 !13 !18 !15 !10 !21 !17 !7 !21 !9 !11 !5 !6 !22 !21 !14 !14 !12 !12 !19 !19 !2.1 LA C A N A D A UNI V E R S I T Y MIR A L O M A PAPERLN AVENUEDR I V E SILVE RLNSW BIRCH STACACIA STDRI V E DRIV E ME S A ME S A D RBIRCHCYPRESS STME S A C IR C LELAN E GOLD E N A N NI VERSARYOR C H A R D D R ZE N I T H A V E CD M F R E E W A Y SE B R I S T O L S T R E E TCYPRESS STPLACECIRLN CT EGR E T PL CT COR M O R A N T CO RMORANT CIRCLECTBAY C R E S T CT BAYVIEWWAY BAYVIEWBAYCREST AV E BA Y F A R M P L AVENUEOR C H I D H I L L P L CIRCLE DOVE STUPPER BAY DRSPRUCEORCHIDAZ U R E AVENUESTREETBAY VIEWPELICAN CORMORA NT CT SHEARW AT E RSHEARWATER PLDR I V E OR C H A R D D R GANNETBAYVIEW BL VDROADBAYVIEW WAYJAMBOREES/E B R I S T O L S T BR I S T O L S T R E E T N O R T H ROADMACARTHURF A IR C H ILDAVENUESANTAANAMESA BRI S T O L S T R E E T N ST R E E T ORCHARD DRIVESANTA ANA AVEA V E N U EIRVINE BRI S T O L WESTERLY PLQU A I LDRIVECAMPUS STREETUPPER NE W PO R T PLAZA SPRUCE STST R E E T ST R E E T NO R T H BRI S T O L CD M F R E E W A Y ST R E E T BRI S T O L BIRCHBLVDMARTINGALE WAYMACARTHURV O NAVEDOLPHIN-STRIKER WAY RDNEWPORT PLACE DR QU A I L S T BOWSPRIT DRDOVE JAMBOREEST R E E T KARMANBIR C H S T ROADJAMBOREEDRIVE DRIVECAMPUSBIRCH STDO V E S T CAM PU S D R IV E VON KARMAN AVE DRI V E BI R C H S TBLVD BIRCH STREETWAY CORINTHIAN SCOTT DRMACARTHURCAMPUS TELLER A V E DRI V E CA M P U S ROADSW BIRCH STCD M F R E E W A Y UNIVERSITYDRIVEBARDEEN AVETELLER AVEMA R T I N DU P O N T D R UNIVERSITY DRIVE OR C H A R DRIVERSIDE DRPEGASUS ST KLINE DRKLINE DRINDUSST SAVANNALNBRUINBARKLN AUGUST L N REDLANDS DRRIVERSIDE DRRIVERSIDE DRREDLANDS DR RED RIV CYPRESS STESTUARYLNHAL F M O O N P L UPPER NEWPORT DRCA P I T A N C T RM 14 /ac 14 /ac RM 0.5 CO-G RS-D RM CO-G0.5 0.5CO-G 88 du RS-D CO-GRM 29 /ac RM 11 /ac RM 43 /ac OS AO MU-H2 MU-H2 MU-H2 PF CG AO CO-GMU-H2 CG CG AO AO PF CG CO-G MU-H2 65 C N ELN oiseContour65CNELNoiseContour65CNELNoiseContourJ6 AO !86 J5 L4J6 !2!1 !8 !16 !4 !3 !13 !18 !15 !10 !21 !17 !7 !21 !9 !11 !5 !6 !22 !21 !14 !14 !12 !12 !19 !19 !2.1 LA C A N A D A UNI V E R S I T Y MIR A L O M A PAPERLN AVENUEDR I V E SILVE RLNSW BIRCH STACACIA STDRI V E DRIV E ME S A ME S A D RBIRCHCYPRESS STME S A C IR C LELAN E GOLD E N A N NI VERSARYOR C H A R D D R ZE N I T H A V E CD M F R E E W A Y SE B R I S T O L S T R E E TCYPRESS STPLACECIRLN CT EGR E T PL CT COR M O R A N T CO RMORANT CIRCLECTBAY C R E S T CT BAYVIEWWAY BAYVIEWBAYCREST AV E BA Y F A R M P L AVENUEOR C H I D H I L L P L CIRCLE DOVE STUPPER BAY DRSPRUCEORCHIDAZ U R E AVENUESTREETBAY VIEWPELICAN CORMORA NT CT SHEARW AT E RSHEARWATER PLDR I V E OR C H A R D D R GANNETBAYVIEW BL VDROADBAYVIEW WAYJAMBOREES/E B R I S T O L S T BR I S T O L S T R E E T N O R T H ROADMACARTHURF A IR C H ILDAVENUESANTAANAMESA BRI S T O L S T R E E T N ST R E E T ORCHARD DRIVESANTA ANA AVEA V E N U EIRVINE BRI S T O L WESTERLY PLQU A I LDRIVECAMPUS STREETUPPER NE W PO R T PLAZA SPRUCE STST R E E T ST R E E T NO R T H BRI S T O L CD M F R E E W A Y ST R E E T BRI S T O L BIRCHBLVDMARTINGALE WAYMACARTHURV O NAVEDOLPHIN-STRIKER WAY RDNEWPORT PLACE DR QU A I L S T BOWSPRIT DRDOVE JAMBOREEST R E E T KARMANBIR C H S T ROADJAMBOREEDRIVE DRIVECAMPUSBIRCH STDO V E S T CAM PU S D R IV E VON KARMAN AVE DRI V E BI R C H S TBLVD BIRCH STREETWAY CORINTHIAN SCOTT DRMACARTHURCAMPUS TELLER A V E DRI V E CA M P U S ROADSW BIRCH STCD M F R E E W A Y UNIVERSITYDRIVEBARDEEN AVETELLER AVEMA R T I N DU P O N T D R UNIVERSITY DRIVE OR C H A R DRIVERSIDE DRPEGASUS ST KLINE DRKLINE DRINDUSST SAVANNALNBRUINBARKLN AUGUST L N REDLANDS DRRIVERSIDE DRRIVERSIDE DRREDLANDS DR RED RIV CYPRESS STESTUARYLNHAL F M O O N P L UPPER NEWPORT DRCA P I T A N C T RM 14 /ac 14 /ac RM 0.5 CO-G RS-D RM CO-G0.5 0.5CO-G 88 du RS-D CO-GRM 29 /ac RM 11 /ac RM 43 /ac OS AO MU-H2 MU-H2 MU-H2 PF CG AO CO-GMU-H2 CG CG AO AO PF CG CO-G MU-H2 65 C N ELN oiseContour65CNELNoiseContour65CNELNoiseContourJ6 AO !86 J5 L4J6 STATISTICAL AREAS J6, L4 CITY of NEWPORT BEACH GENERAL PLAN Figure LU11 L4 Industrial Districts Commercial Office Districts General Commercial OfficeCO-G Medical Commercial OfficeCO-M Regional Commercial Office CO-R Public, Semi-Public and Institutional Private Institutions Single-Unit Residential Attached Single-Unit Residential Detached RS-A Residential Neighborhoods RS-D Two-Unit ResidentialRT RS-A Multiple-Unit Residential Detached Multiple-Unit Residential RM-D RM Commercial Districts and Corridors General Commercial Recreational and MarineCommercial Neighborhood Commercial CN Corridor CommercialCC CG CV Visitor Serving Commercial CM Regional Commercial CR Airport Supporting Districts Airport Office and Supporting UsesAO Mixed -Use Districts Mixed Use VerticalMU-V Mixed Use HorizontalMU-H Mixed Use Water RelatedMU-W IndustrialIG Public FacilitiesPF Open Space PR Parks and Recreation OS City of Newport BeachBoundary Statistical AreaBoundary Land Use Delineator Line Refer to anomaly table 0 1,000500 Feet Tidelands and Submerged LandsTS PI LU11_Airport.mxd 09/22/2020 2011-21 GP2007-009 PA2007-213 02/22/2011 Increase the maximum allowable developmentlimit by 11,544 square feet and create anomalyNo. 2.1 for 4300 Von Karman. CC Resolution No.GPA No.Project No.Adopting Date Description 2019-14 GP2015-004 PA2015-210 02/12/2019 Change land use designation from General CommercialOffice (CO-G) to Private Institutions (PI) and amendAnomaly No. 22 to allow 85,000 square feet for Residential Care Facility for the Elderly located at101 Bayview place. 2020-84 GP2014-004 PA2014-225 09/222/2020 Change land use designation from Airport Office and Supporting Uses (AO) to Mixed-Use Horizontal 2 (MU-H2) and add Anomaly No. 86 (329 dwelling units and 297,572 commercial sq ft) for 4341,4361, and 4501 Birch Street; 4320, 4340, 4360, 4400, 4500, 4520, 4540, 4570, 4600, and 4630 Campus Drive; and 4525, 4533, and 4647 MacArthur Boulevard.