HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180123_Coastal Appeal Period StatusPA2017-019 .STATl!.01' C'.AUl'Q~ 0NATIJRALJUlS<)~ A<)EN(:.Y CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION .. SOUl'fj CQ,UT l>lli'l'l'!IC:T OPJitCI! 200.0CeAtroATB,.141fffFl.00lt l.ONG BP.ACHiC:AUl'ORNlA !illi0k-ti6 (Sfii} $~011.FAX (562) 390-$084 · \\'WW.coASl',u,,q,,aov January 31, 2018 IanJ.N; Harrison .. Architect Attn: Ian Harrison 353S E. Coast Hwv .• #301 Corona de! Mar, CA 92~25 ~~ce1veo e,, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEBO 9 2018 Thi.s is to infoJ'.In.you lh4t th¢ Cotnrois$fon's lO'wotking cla~ appeal pe:,ti◊d Qn the City ofNe:wport Beach's Coa~I Development Permit Nb. CD2017-00S (5~NPB~1 s.;oot 6) expired on January23~ 2018. The CoasmJ Corrnnission received. no appeals on this, pennit. Thee Citf s permi(is therefore fi,rtal. tZ~4-~ Ch~r:le$ Po$ner · · ·· Cqastal Program Analyst cc: File City of Newport Beach PA2017-019 STATE OF CALIFORNIA -NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SOUTH COAST DISTRICT OFFICE 200 OCEANGATE, 10TH FLOOR LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90802-4416 (562) 590-5071 FAX (562) 590-5084 WWW.COASTAL.CA.GOV ~~pE.lVEO By COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JAN 16 2018 NOTIFICATION OF APPEAL PERIOD January 10, 2018 To: Liz Westmoreland City ofNewport Beach 100 Civic Center Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 From: Charles Posner Re: Application No. 5-NPB-18-0016 EDMUND G. BROWN JR., GOVERNOR Please be advised that on January 08, 2018, our office received notice of local action on the coastal development permit described below: Local Permit#: CD2017-005 Applicant: Description: Location: Ian J .N. Harrison Architect Demolition of single-family residence, and construction of a 2-story, 29-ft. tall, 2,992 sq. ft., single-family residence, with attached 2-car garage 2772 Bayshore Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92663 (APN: 049-191-28) Unless an appeal is filed with the Coastal Commission, the action will become final at the end of the Commission appeal period. The appeal period will end at 5:00 PM on January 23, 2018. Our office will notify you if an appeal is filed. If you have any questions, please contact me at the address and telephone number shown above. cc: Ian J.N. Harrison Architect, Attn: Ian Harrison File