HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170817_PC Staff ReportCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 17, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Staff Approval No. SA2017-004 APPLICANT: Geoff Sumich Design Inc. OWNER: Melodie Pacheco PLANNER: Liz Westmoreland, Assistant Planner (949) 644-3234, lwestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant is requesting an alternative rear setback due to the existing orientation of the lot and development limitations created by the Code required rear setback. Specifically, the proposal is to reduce the rear setback abutting a single-family residential lot from 10 feet to 5 feet. The requirements for side and front setbacks would remain the same, at 3 feet and 10 feet respectively. RECOMMENDATION 1)Conduct a public hearing; 2)Find this project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15305 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines - Class 5 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations), which consists of minor alterations in land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20 percent (%), which do not result in any changes in land use or density, including but not limited to: minor lot line adjustments, and setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcel; and 3)Adopt Resolution No. approving Staff Approval for an Alternative Setback Determination No. SA2016-004 with the attached Alternative Setback Determination letter (Attachment No. PC 1) that would establish a 5-foot rear setback. 1 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE2 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 2 VICINITY MAP GENERAL PLAN ZONING LOCATION GENERAL PLAN ZONING CURRENT USE ON-SITE RS-D (Single-Unit Residential Detached) R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Single Unit Dwelling NORTH RS-D R-1 Single Unit Dwellings SOUTH PR (Parks and Recreation) PR (Parks and Recreation) Public Beach EAST RS-D R-1 Single Unit Dwellings WEST RS-D R-1 Single Unit Dwellings Subject Property 3 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 3 INTRODUCTION Project Setting The 2,100 square-foot property consists of one lot on the easterly side of Island Avenue, just north of the East Ocean Front boardwalk. The topography of the site is relatively flat. The site is currently developed with a single unit residence. The residence is oriented to the south, with the main entrance of the home abutting Island Avenue. The existing development is nonconforming because it encroaches into the required rear and the side (interior) setback areas. The existing parking is also considered nonconforming because only one garage parking space is provided, whereas the Zoning Code requires two garage parking spaces. Project Description Pursuant to Section 20.30.110 C (Setback Regulations and Exceptions – Alternative setback area location) of the Zoning Code, the Community Development Director may redefine the location of the front, side, and rear setback areas to be consistent with surrounding properties in cases where the orientation of an existing lot and the application of the setback area are not consistent with the character or general orientation of other lots in the vicinity. Strict application to the subject property of the default setback regulations for an R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) property results in a floor area limit lower than other properties in the vicinity. The Community Development Director has referred these types of applications to the Planning Commission for review and action. The setbacks required by the Zoning Code are 10 feet from the front property line (adjacent to East Ocean Front), 3 feet on the sides, and a 10-foot rear setback. The lot is rectangular in shape, similar to other lots in the immediate area. The resulting buildable area1 of the lot is 1,160 square feet. If the requested 5-foot rear setback is approved, the buildable area would be 1,305 square feet (Attachment No. PC 3). Under existing conditions with a rear setback of 10 feet, redevelopment could result in a maximum floor area (including garage) of up to 2,320 square feet. Under proposed conditions with an alternative rear setback of 5 feet, redevelopment could result in a maximum floor area (including garage) of up to 2,610 square feet. 1 “Buildable area” is defined by Chapter 20.70 (Definitions) of the Zoning Code as the area of a development site, excluding the minimum front, side, and rear setback areas as applied to residential properties only. 4 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 4 Background The subject property and surrounding area were originally subdivided in 1904 (Attachment No. PC 4). At that time, Lots 11, 12, 13, and 14 were oriented west towards 1st Street, now named Island Avenue. Subsequent to the original subdivision, Lots 11 and 12 were reoriented to face Balboa Boulevard, and lots 14 and 15 were reoriented to face East Ocean Front. The subject lot does not have alley access, which was provided in the original orientation, thus garage access is from Island Avenue. The reoriented lots are highlighted below in Figure 1. Figure 1 - Block 11 Reoriented Lots Although the subject property has a required 10-foot rear yard setback, it was developed in 1922 (according to Orange County Assessor records) with a rear setback of zero feet with the garage abutting the rear property line adjacent to 104 Island Avenue. City permits show a variety of maintenance and alterations occurring since. Three of the four lots shown in Figure 1 currently have structures that encroach into the required setbacks. Subject Property Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 14 Lot 15 5 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 5 DISCUSSION Analysis To determine whether the proposed rear setback is appropriate, staff analyzed: 1) the compatibility of the proposed setbacks with the required setbacks on lots within the surrounding area; and 2) the resulting true floor area ratio (maximum building square footage allowed divided by lot size) to ensure that the proposed setbacks do not result in more floor area than neighboring lots with typical lot configurations. Setback Compatibility Staff believes the requested 5-foot rear setback is compatible with the existing and required setbacks of the immediately adjacent properties. Within the local vicinity, lots abutting alleys are subject to the standard 5-foot rear setbacks. If the subject property were still oriented to abut the alley to the east (Ocean Front Alley East), the property would be subject to a 5-foot rear setback. The majority of R-1 lots in this area of the peninsula have 5-foot rear setbacks. The 10-foot rear setback is not a typical setback for R-1 properties on the peninsula where typical lots have 5-foot rear alley setback. The existing development on the subject property has a zero-foot rear setback with no record of issues or negative impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, the original lot orientation would have required a 3-foot side yard setback adjacent to the neighboring property at 104 Island Avenue resulting in a 6-foot distance between the two homes. The proposed 5- foot setback combined with the 3-foot side yard setback results in a minimum 8-foot distance. Additionally, there are other street ends along West Ocean Front with similarly configured lots. Some of these properties received entitlements such as modification permits, to allow for alternative setbacks and associated FARs that are more in keeping with typical lots on the peninsula. For example, the property at 804 Ocean Front received a Modification Permit to allow the garage to encroach 3 feet into the required 3-foot side setback and 4 feet into the required 5-foot rear setback, resulting in a one- foot rear setback. Furthermore, the property at 704 West Ocean Front received a Variance to allow an encroachment of 7 feet into the required 10-foot setback, resulting in a 3-foot rear setback. FAR Comparison Due to the difference in lot size and variation in setback areas between the subject property and surrounding lots in the area, staff has employed a true floor area ratio (FAR) method by which the total building square footage allowed on the site is divided by the total site area. This method allows for an equitable comparison of floor area to lot area. A lot comparison exhibit is provided in Attachment No. PC 3. A more extensive lot comparison of the surrounding area is provided in Table 1: 6 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 6 Table 1 - FAR Analysis Table Property Address Lot Size (SF) Buildable Area (SF) Max Floor Area (Buildable SF x 2) (SF) Floor Area Ratio Required Setbacks 102 E. Ocean Front 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F:10 R:10 S:3 Proposed Alternative Rear Setback 2,100 1,305 2,610 1.243 F:10 R:5 S:3 Neighboring Lots 104 E. Ocean Front* 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F:10 R:10 S:3 106 E. Ocean Front 2,100 1,320 2,640 1.257 F:10 R:5 S:3 104 Island Ave. 2,100 1,440 2,880 1.371 F:5 R:5 S:3 101 E. Balboa Blvd.* 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F:10 R:10 S:3 105 E. Balboa Blvd.* 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F:10 R:10 S:3 107 E. Balboa Blvd. 2,100 1,320 2,640 1.257 F:10 R:5 S:3 500 W. Ocean Front 2,450 1,653 3,306 1.349 F:8 R:5 S:3 504 W. Ocean Front 2,450 1,653 3,306 1.349 F:8 R:5 S:3 107 Island Avenue 2,450 1,595 3,190 1.302 F:5 R:10 S:3 109 Island Avenue 2,450 1,430 2,860 1.167 F: 6 F:5 R: 10 S: 3 507 Balboa Blvd. 2,450 1,711 3,422 1.397 F:6 R:5 S:3 509 Balboa Blvd. 2,100 1,416 2,832 1.349 F:6 R:5 S:3 * Properties with similar configurations as the subject property, i.e. properties that were also reoriented. Figure 2 – Setback/Reference Map for Table 1 7 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 7 Because the properties immediately adjacent have similarly reduced buildable areas, staff has not included those properties in this FAR analysis2. Properties that are representative of the typical lot size and configuration within the surrounding area were used and are included in Table 1. The typical lot sizes in the surrounding area consist of 2,100 and 2,450 square feet. Properties to the west of Island Avenue, including 507 West Balboa Boulevard, 109 and 107 Island Avenue, and 500 and 504 West Ocean Front have lot sizes of 2,450 and FARs ranging from 1.302 to 1.397. Due to variation in required front setbacks, the property at 109 Island Avenue has a lot size of 2,450 but a FAR of 1.167. The property at 509 Balboa Boulevard has the same lot size as the subject site (2,100 square feet), but has a FAR of 1.349. Furthermore, to the east of Island Avenue, 106 East Ocean Front, and 106 and 107 East Balboa Boulevard, have lots sizes of 2,100 square feet and a FAR of 1.371 and 1.257 respectively. 105 East Balboa Boulevard, north of the project site, received approval for a modification permit to construct a carport that encroaches into the 10-foot rear setback, thereby resulting in a zero-foot rear setback adjacent to 104 Island Avenue. The 5-foot rear setback requested for the subject property results in a FAR of 1.243, which is less than the FAR for lots west of Island Avenue and similar to lots east of Island Avenue. The subject property would have a rear setback that is larger than that previously approved at 105 East Balboa Boulevard. Summary Staff believes the requested 5-foot rear setback is compatible with the nearby lots. As illustrated in the Table 1, the requested setback results in an FAR of 1.243, which is consistent with FAR of lots in the area. The requested alternative rear setback is consistent with the existing development on surrounding properties. It will allow re- development on the subject property that will be consistent with the scale and floor area ratio (FAR) allowed on other properties within the R-1 Zoning District and the subject block (Block 11 of Newport East Tract). Alternatives Should the Planning Commission find the alternative setback requested by the applicant or recommended by staff to be unreasonable, the Planning Commission should either prescribe more appropriate setbacks for the property or determine the property should be subject to the default rear setback required for residential properties within the R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) Zoning District. 2 Referenced lots would have the same true F.A.R. and buildable areas as the subject site under existing conditions. 8 102 East Ocean Front Setback Determination August 17, 2017 Page 8 Environmental Review The project is categorically exempt under Section 15305, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines - Class 5 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations), which consists of minor alterations in land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20 percent (%), which do not result in any changes in land use or density, including but not limited to: minor lot line adjustments, side yard, and setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcel. The Alternative Setback Determination does not constitute a major change that would require environmental review. Public Notice Notice of this hearing was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways) including the applicant and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. Prepared by: Submitted by: _____________________________ Liz Westmoreland, Assistant Planner ______________________________ Brenda Wisneski, AICP Deputy Community Development Director ATTACHMENTS PC 1 Draft Planning Commission Resolution including Exhibit “A” Alternative Setback Determination Letter PC 2 Draft Resolution for Denial PC 3 Site Plan and Lot Comparison Exhibit PC 4 Original Tract Map: Block 11, East Newport Tract 9 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE10 Attachment No. PC 1 Draft Planning Commission Resolution including Exhibit “A” Alternative Setback Determination Letter 11 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE12 RESOLUTION NO. ### A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING STAFF APPROVAL SA2017-004 FOR AN ALTERNATIVE SETBACK DETERMINATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 102 EAST OCEANFRONT (PA2017-099) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Geoff Sumich Design Inc. (Applicant) with respect to property located at 102 East Ocean Front, and legally described as Lot 14 (westerly half of lot thereof) and Lot 15 (westerly half of lot thereof) of Block 11, East Newport Tract requesting approval of a Staff Approval for an Alternative Setback Determination. 2. The Applicant requests approval of an Alternative Setback Determination to reduce the rear setback from 10 feet to 5 feet (see Exhibit “A” Alternative Setback Determination Letter). 3. The subject property is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Single-Unit Residential Detached (RSD). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single-Unit Residential Detached (20.0-29.9 DU/AC) (RS-D). 5. A public hearing was held on August 17, 2017 in City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15305, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines - Class 5 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations). 2. Class 5 exempts minor alterations in land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20 percent, which do not result in any changes in land use or density, including but not limited to: minor lot line adjustments, and setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcel. The Alternative Setback Determination does not constitute a major change which would require environmental review. 3. The Planning Commission finds that judicial challenges to the City’s CEQA determinations and approvals of land use projects are costly and time consuming. In addition, project opponents often seek an award of attorneys' fees in such challenges. 13 Planning Commission Resolution No. #### Page 2 of 4 05-26-2016 As project applicants are the primary beneficiaries of such approvals, it is appropriate that such applicants should bear the expense of defending against any such judicial challenge, and bear the responsibility for any costs, attorneys’ fees, and damages which may be awarded to a successful challenger. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. NBMC Section 20.30.110(C), Alternative Setback Area Location states the following: “In cases where the orientation of an existing lot and the application of the setback area are not consistent with the character or general orientation of other lots in the vicinity, the Director may redefine the location of the front, side, and rear setback areas to be consistent with the surrounding properties,” Pursuant to NBMC Section 20.30.110(C), the following findings are set forth. Findings: 1. The Municipal Code does not establish required findings for a review of a staff approval for an alternative setback determination. The rear setback requested was reviewed for consistency with lots in the vicinity based on an application of standard setback areas, the resulting floor area ratio (FAR), and other development standards. 2. The application of the default rear setback for the R-1 Zone limits development on the lot and results in an FAR substantially lower than other lots in the vicinity and in the R-1 Zoning District. 3. The application of the alternative rear setback will allow development on the property that is consistent with neighboring properties. 4. The applicant proposes to reduce the 10-foot rear setback to 5 feet. The applicant would be required to maintain the required 10-foot front setback and 3-foot side setbacks. 5. The proposed 10-foot rear setback will allow for the development of a single-unit dwelling on the property that is within the range of sizes at nearby lots and provides a reasonable setback from the adjacent residence. 14 Planning Commission Resolution No. #### Page 3 of 4 05-26-2016 SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves SA2017-004, subject to the rear setback set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 17th DAY OF AUGUST, 2017. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BY:_________________________ Peter Koetting, Chairman BY:_________________________ Erik Weigand, Secretary 15 Planning Commission Resolution No. #### Page 4 of 4 05-26-2016 EXHIBIT “A” Determination of Alternative Front Setback SA2017-004 for PA2017-099 Date: August 17, 2017 Site address: 102 East Oceanfront NBMC Section 20.30.110(C) (Setback Regulations and Exceptions – Alternative setback area location): In cases where the orientation of an existing lot and the application of the setback area are not consistent with the character or general orientation of other lots in the vicinity, the [Community Development] Director may redefine the location of the front, side, and rear setback areas to be consistent with surrounding properties. The reorientation of setback areas is not applicable to the bluff overlay district. For these types of Setback Determinations, the Community Development Director refers to the Planning Commission to establish the following alternative rear setback: Yard Setback Description Front 10’ (Standard) East Oceanfront Side 3’ (Standard) Easterly Property Line Side 3’ (Standard) Westerly Property Line (Island Avenue) Rear 5’ (Alternative) Interior On behalf of Peter Koetting, Chairman By: Erik Weigand, Secretary Attachment: Setback Exhibit 16 104 106 102 104ISLAND AVEOCEAN FRON T E 0 10 20Feet I102 OCEAN FRONT E PA2017-099 Determination of Alternative Rear Setback PA2017-099_102 OCEAN FRONT E Date: 08/02/2017 410 43 43 45 17 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE18 Attachment No. PC 2 Draft Resolution for Denial 19 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE20 RESOLUTION NO. #### A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DENYING STAFF APPROVAL APPLICATION NO. SA2017-004 TO MODIFY THE 10-FOOT REAR SETBACK TO 5 FEET FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 102 EAST OCEANFRONT (PA2017-099) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Geoff Sumich Design Inc. (Applicant) with respect to property located at 102 East Oceanfront, and legally described as Lot 14 (westerly half of lot thereof) and Lot 15 (westerly half of lot thereof) of Block 11, East Newport Tract requesting approval of a Staff Approval for an Alternative Setback Determination. 2. The Applicant requests approval of an Alternative Setback Determination to reduce the rear setback from 10 feet to 5 feet (see Exhibit “A” Alternative Setback Determination Letter). 3. The subject property is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Single-Unit Residential Detached (RSD). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Single-Unit Residential Detached (20.0-29.9 DU/AC) (RS-D). 5. A public hearing was held on August 17th, 2017 in the Civic Center Community Room located at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the public hearing was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC). Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Planning Commission at this public hearing. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. Pursuant to Section 15270 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, projects which a public agency rejects or disapproves are not subject to CEQA review. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. 1. The Municipal Code does not establish required findings for a review of a staff approval for an alternative setback determination. The setback areas requested were reviewed for consistency with lots in the vicinity based on an application of standard setback areas, the resulting floor area ratio (FAR), and other development standards. 21 Planning Commission Resolution No. #### Page 2 of 2 12-14-16 In this case, the Planning commission was unable to find that the proposed setbacks were consistent with lots in the vicinity. 2. The alternative setback determination will be detrimental to the surrounding properties. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach hereby denies Staff Approval No. SA2017-004 (PA2017-099). 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 17th DAY OF AUGUST, 2017 AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: BY:_________________________ Peter Koetting, Chairman BY:_________________________ Erik Weigand, Secretary 22 Attachment No. PC 3 Site Plan and Lot Comparison Exhibit 23 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE24 LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft 10'3'3'3'3'10'10'10'5'3' 3' 5'5'3'3'10'10'3' 3'10'10'3' 3'10'5'3' 3'8'5'3' 3' 3'8'5'3' 5'10'3'3'5'3'6'10' 3' 3'6'5'5'3' 3'6'5'Alternate10'Required35'60'LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ftLOT AREA: 2,450 sq ftLOT AREA: 2,450 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,450 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,450 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,450 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft LOT AREA: 2,100 sq ft ALLEY ALLEYALLEY ALLEYOCEAN FRONTISLAND AVE. BALBOA BLVD. BUILDABLE AREA: 1,160 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,320 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,440 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,653 sq ftBUILDABLE AREA: 1,653 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,160 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,430 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,416 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,711 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,320 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,595 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,160 sq ft BUILDABLE AREA: 1,160 sq ft 104 lot 5 104 lot 3 far : 1.37 FAR: 1.10 106 lot 6 FAR: 1.257 101 lot 1 105 lot 2 500 lot 12 FAR: 1.35 504 lot 11 FAR: 1.35 FAR: 1.10 107 lot 13 FAR: 1.16 509 lot 16 FAR: 1.34 507 lot 15 FAR: 1.39 107 lot 23 FAR: 1.257 109 lot 14 102 lot 4 lot 24 lot 26 lot 27 lot 22 lot 21 lot 20 lot 10lot 9lot 8 lot 17lot 18 lot 7 lot 23 FAR: 1.30 FAR: 1.10 FAR: 1.10 BUILD ABLE AREA: 1,305 sq ft ALTERNATIVE REAR SETBACK FAR: 1.24 Table 1 FAR Analysis Table Property Address Lot Size (Sq.Ft.) Buildable Area (Sq.Ft.) Max. Floor Area (Sq.Ft.) Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Required Setbacks (FT.) 102 E. Ocean Front 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F: 10, R: 10, S:3 Alternative Rear Setback 2,100 1,305 2,610 1.243 F: 10, R: 5, S: 3 Neighboring Lots 104 E. Ocean Front 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F: 10, R: 10, S: 3 106 E. Ocean Front 2,100 1,320 2,640 1.257 F: 10, R: 5, S: 3 104 Island Ave.2,100 1,440 2,880 1.371 F: 5, R: 5, S: 3 101 E. Balboa Blvd.2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F: 10, R: 10, S: 3 105 E. Balboa Blvd.2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F: 10, R: 10, S: 3 107 E. Balboa Blvd.2,100 1,320 2,640 1.257 F: 10, R: 5, S: 3 500 W. Ocean Front 2,450 1,653 3,306 1.349 F: 8, R: 5, S: 3 504 W. Ocean Front 2,450 1,653 3,306 1.349 F: 8, R: 5, S: 3 107 Island Ave.2,450 1,595 3,190 1.302 F: 5, R: 10, S: 3 109 Island Ave.2,450 1,430 2,860 1.167 F: 5, R: 10, S: 6, S: 3 507 Balboa Blvd.2,450 1,711 3,422 1.397 F: 6, R: 5, S: 3 509 Balboa Blvd.2,100 1,416 2,832 1.349 F: 6, R: 5, S: 3 558 33 581053 8 8 10 10 7 8 585 57551053 51010108 8 5 10 7 5 434 1055 5 1 5 18 7 8 10 10 5 55 10 7 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 20 4 7810 4 99 6 6 6 6 999 9 9 9 96 6 6 96 9 6 9 99 99 9 6 9 9999993STREETWEST ADAMSPALM STREETMAIN STEMERALDAVENUE BALBOA FRONT BLVDMONTERO AVENUEEDGEW A T E R A V E N U E E A S T AV E N U E WASHINGTONBA Y A V E EGARNET AVESTREETMEDINA WAYCORONADOAVENUE CORONADO STREETSTREETMAIN STREETBALB O A B L V D8THOCEANSTREETISLANDISLAND AVEBAY STREETEAST ADAMS STHA R D I N G S T R E E T BA Y ED G E W A T E R PL STREETW E S T 7THFRONT AVENUE EASTMEDINA WAY(PVT ST)FERNANDO STREETCYPRESS STREETBALBOA B L V D W E S T BAY VISTA BLVDEDGE W A T E R A V E W E S T BAY ISLAND ALVARADO PLACECYPRESS STREETPALMED G E W A T E R A V E N U E E A S T PA R K 6THLINDOAVENUEEAST STREETA STREETWEST BUENA WEST OCEAN ANADE AVENUEEA S T726719716712708811818814719720 205 108202 621618615604205 52470151851851450850450030511411832231331031 2338 320 306 314 328 321 202118122121132311 209213213208314 219107312 31622322111 315 319 328 324 205318 16 15 3 10 317416410412500501419514305313 31031131420 9 21 0 41942021380620 9 702 208 703305401136 111 14 5 110 111 118 808720710810801 203 628620617105709700 305520519512508500109 110111116320336329326 313 323 327 103329 20 218219302301124123128125308 124307212214306 310 317 3191132 317 323 121318 123317 319 321 20714 50650550820 4 306 308 310 306 317309 41841 8301 104603600700702430130109115 10 8 306 810306112 804800718714707813615614613613107 30151651551351050032 1 335316315 505503329 316 317 214216304117120119118127307 209218310 321 129315 211321 4 9 408417421421306318 311324312205 33 1303 401 41042250350550760160961370830911211110 6 119 80881380 4210 304107201 807105 718716709706808205 721711700201 62161661661261260960760660070531052151450910210410030632 5 31 4 324 307 330 332 319 318 311 323 325 206123309 120127310 201202207313 215307 326 329 320 324 13 310313404413404418208309303309 319 33 0 207 409411424217600106309120 118 204400300114 115 809111 717714806717704706107 627 617611610608605522314 604 511510511506106307 11411630951833 2 331 350311 317 501310 312 315 200122130200312 201207206217216308 210216309 311 315 302300308 117316 320 325 25 6 312400402403411414502503510304302316 310305 315 315413413403415426510 20 7 702705707428427117 810815204302113 120 110107 106812 713623619619614607707312318 517504502107112111113115326334342322 507321 308 320 322 10517 204208300115304 306 121205301 302 309 312 313 301318 325 319 324 325 201325215 711316423507509304307320313308 211 310406407605607700104710503144 208812814308116 722721720713810808620618608611201 203 523 304 30852151751450710011332 4 325 101313 327 18 210306311112117119120131316300109314 313 322 7 12 314406412406504416417 511206303307 311 328406419707 600 20 5 70 4 706309309124 140 200113 2068078091 0 6 310121723 715710711203 806800715105 109 200 204 606609109 601106 316 520515512506504501 107 101104105 108109112110307 31130531 8 324 309 326 319 19 212308114126126122204203206205211311 211215217212320 324 311 1 327 330 328 209323 23 8 11 315407409410415408500 312 314 307306 41541641341711170470320 4210 132 106 300 117 10560880 7 102 307 100328305315208107421501 801506425201 209423510508210 0 250125Feet Setback MapS-2E - Balboa Peninsula Name: S-2E / October 26, 2010 102 E. Ocean Front Subject Property 509 W. Balboa 507 W. Balboa 107 Island 104 E. Ocean Front 106 E. Ocean Front 104 Island 500 W. Ocean Front 107 E. Balboa 105 E. Balboa 109 Island 504 W. Ocean Front 101 E. Balboa 1 prj. north true nort h SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" SITE AREA DIAGRAM sumich design geoff sumich design geoff sumich design geoff sumich design geoff sumich design geoff sumich design geoff sumich design geoff sumich design geoff SITE PLAN - OCEANFRONT 102 E. OCEAN FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH CA AC.0OCEANFRONT / Monday, May 8, 2017 1:48 PM / Oceanfront-19.plnOCEANFRONT##/##/####PA2017-099 25 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE26 Attachment No. PC 4 Original Tract Map: Block 11, East Newport Tract 27 INTENTIONALLY BLANK PAGE28 29 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3a Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 1 Subject:FW: August 17 PC Meeting Questions Attachments:668-97.pdf From: Wisneski, Brenda   Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:06 PM  To: Kleiman, Lauren <lkleiman@newportbeachca.gov>  Cc: Crager, Chelsea <ccrager@newportbeachca.gov>; Westmoreland, Liz <LWestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov>  Subject: RE: August 17 PC Meeting Questions  Attached is the site plan of the existing development.  I will ask Liz include the photos in the presentation.   From: Kleiman, Lauren   Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 3:34 PM  To: Wisneski, Brenda <BWisneski@newportbeachca.gov>  Cc: Crager, Chelsea <ccrager@newportbeachca.gov>; Westmoreland, Liz <LWestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov>  Subject: Re: August 17 PC Meeting Questions  Thank you, Brenda. I didn't see the site plan attached. Can you please resend? Also, is it possible to add the attached photos to the record and use for tomorrow’s meeting? Thanks, again. Lauren Kleiman Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3b Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 2 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3b Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 3 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3b Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 4 On Aug 16, 2017, at 3:02 PM, Wisneski, Brenda <BWisneski@newportbeachca.gov> wrote: Lauren,      See the responses below in red.  Let us know if you have additional questions.      ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Kleiman, Lauren   Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 12:20 PM  To: Wisneski, Brenda <BWisneski@newportbeachca.gov>  Subject: August 17 PC Meeting Questions     Hi Brenda,     Below are some questions I had on this week’s agenda items:     102 E Ocean:     ‐When/how did orientation of lot change if door and garage both front on Island Ave?     Under existing conditions, the front of the home faces East Ocean Front. Access to the site is provided  via Island Avenue. The original tract oriented the front of the home towards Island Avenue, with garage  access via the alley at the rear of the property (see 104 Island for an example). The property no longer  has access to the alley. The lot was reoriented subsequent to creation of the original tract map in 1904.  Orange County Assessor records indicate that the site was developed in 1922.     ‐Does Site Area Diagram (handwritten p. 25) reflect setbacks per code or as built? If the former, would it  be possible to produce a similar exhibit using current as‐built setbacks?      The Lot Comparison Diagram (on handwritten page 25) illustrates the setbacks per code and proposed  conditions. The allowable buildable area and FAR are on top, and the lower portion shows the proposed  buildable area and FAR.      The existing development is subject to the nonconforming structures section (20.38.040) of the code  because the garage encroaches into the 10' rear setback. Any new additions would be subject to the  existing (10') or alternative/proposed (5') rear setback, thus no new encroachments would be  permitted. I have attached the site plan we have on file so that you may observe the existing  encroachments.     Property Address Lot Size (SF)  Buildable Area (SF)  Max Floor Area (Buildable SF x 2)  (SF)  Floor Area Ratio  Required Setbacks  Existing Standards 2,100 1,160 2,320 1.105 F:10 R:10 S:3  Proposed Alternative Rear Setback 2,100 1,305 2,610 1.243 F:10 R:5 S:3  Existing (As-Built) Conditions  Lot Size (SF) Footprint Existing Floor Area  Floor Area Ratio  Location of Existing Building  Existing Conditions 2,100 1,310 1,310 .62 F:10’ 6” R:0  S:4’ 6” S: 2’ 6”        Villas CUP:  Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3b Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 5    ‐Are there other approved CUPs in surrounding area (e.g., the Colony, Island Hotel, etc)? If so, what are  the time and other limitations imposed respectively?     There is no other residential complex in the vicinity the offers live entertainment together with alcohol.     The Island Hotel is permitted to operate Aqua Lounge with live entertainment, alcohol, and late hours  under Use Permit No. 3631 and Operator License No. OL2015‐002 (PA2015‐008). Aqua lounge is  permitted to have a single‐instrument musician during all operating hours of the lounge area (6 a.m. ‐ 1  a.m. daily), and a DJ or other amplified music is permitted from 9 p.m. ‐ 1 a.m. Thursdays, Fridays, and  Saturdays. The Aqua Lounge is open to the public.        Thank you.     Lauren Kleiman     Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3b Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3b Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 1 Subject:FW: Project File No. PA2017-099 -----Original Message----- From: Christine Tostenson [mailto:christytos@sbcglobal.net] Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 5:08 PM To: Westmoreland, Liz <LWestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov> Subject: Re: Project File No. PA2017-099 Hi Liz, Thank you for your reply. I would like to discuss the intent of the application and construction guidelines with you. Does it have to be before tomorrow’s meeting? We live in San Diego and our 104 Island Avenue home is a beach house which is for pleasure and not a rental. We will be coming to the meeting tomorrow - but if a discussion needs to be before the meeting please advise. I do not know if our property lines become an issue. But, before the utility undergrounding we had survey markers in the front of our house as well as in the back. When they redid the paving of the alley and the frontage sidewalk/curb area in the front they were removed. In case there is any dispute about property lines I would like that noted in the reports. Again thank you Liz, Chris Tostenson > On Aug 16, 2017, at 4:20 PM, Westmoreland, Liz <LWestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov> wrote: > > Hi Christine, > > Thank you for contacting me with your comments. I would be happy to give you a call or schedule a time to meet and discuss the intent of the application, as well as what could be constructed on the site. Would you have a few minutes to discuss? Please note that I have forwarded your comments, which will be added to the record. > > A design has not yet been proposed for the site. Once the application for the Alternative Setback Determination is approved or denied (or modified), the architect will begin designing the project per the standards. Any new residence would be required to comply with the established setbacks, parking, height, floor area limitations, etc. contained in the Zoning Code. > > Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to discuss the application or have any questions at this time. > > Best Regards, > > > Liz Westmoreland, Assistant Planner > City of Newport Beach | Planning Division Community Development > Department > 100 Civic Center Drive | Newport Beach, CA 92660 > Direct: 949.644.3234 > Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3c Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 2 > -----Original Message----- > From: Christine Tostenson [mailto:christytos@sbcglobal.net] > Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 2:18 PM > To: Westmoreland, Liz <LWestmoreland@newportbeachca.gov> > Subject: Project File No. PA2017-099 > > > Dear Ms. Westmoreland, > > I am the owner of the adjacent property to the rear of 102 East Ocean Front. Address: 104 Island Avenue. Before any questions regarding the “request for an alternative rear setback” (5-foot setback versus Code-required 10-foot setback) can be considered, I would have to see the building plans for the home and the location of the new two car garage and driveway. I have looked on the Newport Beach website under the Project File Number and found nothing. This seems odd. The only way for me to assess any impact of the 5-foot set back request, in regards to design, street parking etc. I would have to see the plans. > > My husband and I plant to attend the meeting tomorrow evening and hope these issues will be addressed. I just wanted to get something in writing to you before tomorrow as requested in the Public Hearing Notice. Would you please send a quick reply back confirming that you have received this communication. > > Thank you, > Christine Tostenson > Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3c Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3d Additional Materials Received (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Planning Commission Public Hearing August 17, 2017 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Community Development Department -Planning Division07/13/2012 2 Subject Property Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 07/13/2012 Community Development Department -Planning Division 3 F: 10’ 6” R:0 S: 4’ 6” S: 2’ 6” Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Section 20.30.110 C :Director may redefine the location of the front,side,and rear setback areas to be consistent with surrounding properties in cases where the orientation of an existing lot and the application of setback area are not consistent with the character or general orientation of other lotsin the vicinity. Default Rear Setback: 10 feet Alternative Rear Setback : 5 feet Typical Rear Setback (for peninsula) : 5 feet 07/13/2012 4Community Development Department -Planning Division Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Community Development Department -Planning Division07/13/2012 5 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 07/13/2012 Community Development Department -Planning Division 6 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination No new structure encroachments (A) Demolish existing structure and build new residence that conforms with all Code requirements, including setbacks and parking. (5’ rear or 10’ rear setback) (B) Remodel and/or addition to existing residence. 07/13/2012 Community Development Department -Planning Division 7 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 07/13/2012 Community Development Department -Planning Division 8 Loss of one on-street space Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination 07/13/2012 Community Development Department -Planning Division 9 Loss of one on-street space Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination Proposed 5-foot rear setback (1) Compatible with setbacks of surrounding properties (2) Consistent with Floor Area Ratios of nearby properties Staff recommends approval of Staff Approval No. SA2017-004 (PA2017-099) Community Development Department -Planning Division07/13/2012 10 Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination For more information contact: Liz Westmoreland949-644-3234lwestmoreland@newportbeachca.govwww.newportbeachca.gov Planning Commission - August 17, 2017 Item No. 3e Additional Materials Presented at Meeting - Staff (PA2017-099) 102 East Ocean Front Alternative Setback Determination