HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210525_Project DescriptionTHE UPTOWN NEWPORT RESIDENCES, PORTION OF LOT 1, TR17763 PER CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 12, 2019 PER INSTRUMENT #2019000523570 NEWPORT BEACH, CA PROJECT DESCRIPTION LOCATION The Uptown Newport Residences (PORTION OF LOT 1, Tr.17763) is a proposed for-sale luxury condominium development located on approximately 1.06 acre site (Assessor’s Parcel Number: 445- 134-17 as part of The Uptown Newport Planned Community development Plan (Zone PC-58) within the city of Newport Beach Airport Area (Land-Use MU-H2). Regional access to the project site is provided by Jamboree Road, Birch Street, Von Karman Avenue, and MacArthur Boulevard. Figure A, Condominium Map w (.) ~ ~ Q.. ci s w !'-::iE 0 ¥l 0 fi 0, LL .... z -' -:i:: I N40"38'21"E 147.32' R = 100.00' 6 = 23°25'11" L = 40.87' UNIT 1 LOT"N" N40'J8'21"E 495.91' T) N40"38"21"E 125.56' ~ffi PROJECT BOUNDARY UNIT2 N40"J8'21"E 155.56' N40"J8'21"E N40"38"21"E 311.12'(1) PROJECT BOUNDARY "PASEO". "OPEN SPACE" ANO "f'IJ8UC ACCESS' EASEMENTS DEDICATED TO lHE CITY Of NE\ll'ORT BEACH ANO RESER\el PER PARCR MAP NO. 2013-108. P.M.B. 378/10-12 LOT "A" UPTOWN NEWPORT DRIVE UNIT BOUNDARY LINE CONVEYANCE CONDOMINIUM PLAN (PHASE 1) PORTION OF LOT 1 -TRACT 17763 CITY OF NE\\l'ORT BEACH ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 12, 2019 6.81' PROJECT -46,329 SF± .. AVIDIIVAN■ ANDA880CIAT&8 INO. 17782 17th Street, Suite 200 Tustin California 92780 Phone: 714.665.4500 PA2021-120 Figure B, Uptown Newport Vicinity Maps DEVELOPMENT The development consists of a single multi-story residential building, which includes no more than 60 luxury residential units and one hundred and forty-seven (147) total in-garage parking spaces associated with their respective units and guest parking. Additional six (6) spaces are provided on Half Dome Place, as well as one 50’ loading zone. The perimeter is bounded on the west side by Half Dome Place, the existing 1-acre public park (Lot ‘A’) on the south side, by a 30’ wide paseo on the north side between the project and Lot ‘N’ of the future phase 2 development, and by a 30’ paseo on the east side between the project and Parcel 2 of Lot 1, as defined in the framework of the Uptown Newport Planned Community Development Plan. Figure C, Uptown Newport (Lot 1-Parcel 1) Site Plan PROJECT SUMMARY TOTAL SITE AREA: +/- 1.06 ACRES TOTAL UNITS: 60 UNITS DENSITY: 56.60 Units/PER ACRE PARKING: REQUIRED: 129 PROVIDED: 153 NOT IN PR I-(.) w -, D T ,L 0 a: a.. z I-0 z 0 ON-STREET PARKING O ON-STREET LOADING PA2021-120 Figure D, Overall Unit Summary DEVELOPMENT (Cont.) The as-designed heights of the building are 6-stories (75 feet), with corresponding residential floor-to- floor heights measuring at minimum 11 feet and 10 feet floor-to-ceiling. The building’s construction type is designated as Type 1A (concrete structure and floor slabs) with levels 1 through 6 of exterior and interior non-bearing stud framing. The gross building area for the project totals approximately 245,100 SF with overall site coverage of 32,776 SF (70.74%). Figure E, Building Section CONCEPTUAL PROGRAM Beds/Baths 1 Bedroom + 1.5 Bath 2 Bedrooms+ 2.5 Bath S.F. 1375 1485 1595 1640 2100 2220 2165 2255 2325 2345 2435 2445 2460 2485 2690 # Units 2 1 1 1 10 5 6 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 6 Totals SF per Tvoe 7.470 100,860 ---P8rfmg/Unit --:IDUnit 9 1.H/Urnl ,r:. ~ RESOENTIAL ~ RESOENTlAL ~ RESIDENTIAL b=~~ I '===~~~~~~ I 3 ~ RESIDENTIAi.. ; RESIDENTIAL lLI PARKING RAMP PARKING 112 PARKING RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL PARKING PARKING 3 Bedrooms + 3.5 Bath Totals 3015 2810 2840 2815 3060 4625 4650 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 .§2 146080 SF TI H1filiif.l_N0t $ ~ ~ _!,~~~; $ _!,~V:~f $ ~ ~ J.~~ J.i5~ _L~ _L~ ~ LOWER LEVEL --~ ~ LOWER LEVEL --~ RESDENTIAl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RESDENTIAl ~ 37.750 ~mt 24 110 G LL1 Visitm Parking 0.3/dwelllng unit 18 Total Parking (Required) 128.4 Total On-Site Parking (Provided) 147 Off-Site Parking (Provided) 6 Total Parking (Provided) 153 l !:!l.G~_ -L&r'~to~ $ _ L~E\~ $ -L2~~~0~ $ ~ LO:ER·~O~ $ Lll LO:ER·~O~ $ PA2021-120 BUILDING The building contains 7 residential units at the ground floor level, 11 units at levels 2 to 5, and 9 penthouse units at level 6. The overall unit mix includes five (5) 1-bedroom, single level units ranging from 1,375-1,640 sf/unit, forty-three (43) 2-bedroom, single level units ranging from 2,100-3,015 sf/unit, and twelve (12) 3-bedroom single level units ranging from 2,810-4,650 sf/unit. Private on-site parking is provided in two (2) below-grade levels. Lower level 1 accommodates seventy- five (75) spaces for the residents and visitors, and three (3) private garages for residents. Total of parking provided at Lower Level 1 is seventy-eight (78) spaces. Mechanical spaces are also provided at this level. Lower level 2 accommodates fifty-five (55) spaces for the residents and visitors, and fourteen (14) private garages for residents. Total of parking provided at Lower Level 2 is sixty-nine (69) spaces. Mechanical spaces are also provided at this level. All units are serviced by two (2) common passenger elevators on each floor, and one (1) service elevator. The units have additional vertical access via two (2) stairwells located on west and east wings of the building. The building program contains an open pool deck with open terrace amenity spaces at level 2 that overlooks the public park on Lot ‘A’, and an interior amenity room also on level 2. Amenity spaces on ground floor level include a 1,900 sf fitness center with yoga studio, and 1,582 sf club lounge. All amenity spaces are for the exclusive use of residents and their guests. ARCHITECTURE The exterior architectural style of the building is contemporary. Because the building fronts the park, a traditional geometry with clearly defined edges is envisioned to help to contain the urban open space. The concept for the shape of the building is to create a more formal and welcoming expression and to reduce the building’s volume as viewed from the park. The building above the ground floor will be U- shaped and is oriented with its courtyard open to the park. Its two “wings” will extend around the courtyard, like open arms, and creates a welcoming gesture to the community. The building will have a symmetrical and formal expression. The building form will have a clearly defined base, middle, and top. These elements will be distinguished by color, material, pattern of fenestration, horizontal banding, and cornice/ roof line. To further break down the mass, the building corners will be stepped with integrated terraces and articulated to have plane changes to provide a more varied architectural expression. Variation in building height will also break up the roof line. The facade facing the park is composed to show variation in expression to assure distinguishable separations between the building elements. All building elevations will be designed so that they are well integrated with the overall building composition. The primary façade will have a solid, stone-like appearance. Large windows will be provided to reduce its solid mass, to allow units to have ample daylight, and to capture views. Fenestration between floors PA2021-120 will be vertically aligned and fenestration in the main elevations facing the park will be designed to emphasize verticality. The wall will have minimal detailing; clean lines and joints allow for a more contemporary expression. Windows will be recessed from the exterior wall surface to highlight visual depth and to provide self-shading. Cornice lines and horizontal bands will be introduced as a subtle means to break up the façade. They will wrap the corners of the building, terminate at a perpendicular surface and will vary in depth. The building is crowned with a projected chamfered roof overhang in a wood tone that wraps around the building, unifying the overall building design. Building Materials & Palette Visually, the intent is to create a building that feels “natural” and to appear timeless in its context. The primary façade will feature a light and warm buff palette with warm accents. The main façade material will be clad with a masonry tile panel to simulate a stone appearance, or stucco. The light buff palette is warm and inviting, it will have a texture with an appearance similar to natural stone. The ground floor base facade will be clad with masonry panel with a slightly darker tone. Windows will be framed with aluminum and will have a bronze color finish. All glazing will be clear and neutral in color with low reflectivity. The glass selected will be energy efficient and will meet or exceed requirements of local codes. Metal and glass handrails will have a simple ornamental design. PA2021-120 Figure F, Building Perspective FIRE/EMERGENCY ACCESS Proposed circulation for service and emergency vehicles is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Uptown Newport Planned Community Development Plan. Fire access is provided from Half Dome Place. An appropriate fire turnaround is provided by the cul-de-sac at the north end of Half Dome Place. The building is also serviced by fire hydrants located on the north-west corner of the building and along the north paseo. Figure G, Fire Truck Access & Turn-Around I . llh I I 1 / I L __ ~ __ J_ _ _L_ LEGEND " I ---.=_ --~-~---= ~. tfQPARKINGAREAS.T\..RNAROUNO ~ ;J ...r -I -r-=_ A . EXISTINGFREHYORAHT WITH Bl.lA::MARKER -, )\_ 1-_ -.-__ ~~=j;~DREDCllUltoTAPAATOF '\_ ,... PROPOSED F~E HYDRAHTWTTH BU.IE REFLECTIVE FIRE HVDAANT MARKER. MARKER ~BEPLACE06'FROMCEKTERl.lhEOF mm ►-◄· 150'HOSEPJI.LOIST-'l'ICE•t.lAXMJM ----FREHYOAANTHOSEP\.U-1SO'Mo\XIMU.1 I I , w / I I u ....... _ I 1--- j LOT 1 WEST -r-1 a.. / I I w / -~ / I 8 // I --11 • l PA2021-120 CONSTRUCTION Is anticipated the project will begin construction later in 2021. PHASING Construction of the building will be sequential as the construction of various trades move from one level to the next. At this time, the sequence of construction and completion will commence with the excavation and shoring of the underground parking structures, the foundation system and superstructure will be next, followed by building enclosure and interior build out. PA2021-120