HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181206_Proof of Publicationlto.s Angde.s <l!ime.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport.Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that on Thursd•Y• Oecfmber 06, 2018, at4:00 p,m, or soon thereafter as the matter !hall be hNrd, a public hearing will be cor.duaed in lhe Counal {hambets at 100 {Ivie Crnttr Orivt, Newport Beath, The Planning Commission !If the City of llewport Beach will consider the following appllcatJon:: E Art Gallery· A requen for a minor use permltto operate a tattoo studio !Personal Se1vim, Restricted land use) aild att gal!ety with ait clasm, within an existing commercial tenant spa<e. Proposed hours of ope1ation are 10:00a.m. to 8:00, p.m .. dally. The project imtegorically exempt under Section 1S301, of the State <EOA {California Envircmmental Quality Act) G!Jldelir.es -(laii 1 {uisting fatilltifl). All Interested parlies may appear and presenueslimony in regard to 1hu application. If you challenge this project In court, you may be limited to ra~ing only those issues you raised at lhe public hearing 01 In written correspondente dehveitd 10 the Ci1y1 a1, or prior to, the public htarlng. Admlnistratil'! procedures far appeals are pro~ided in the Newport Beach Municipal Code Chaplet 20.64. fhe application may be co111inued 10 a specific Mure meeting date, and if such an action occu,s, additional pub lie notice of the conlin uance v,111 not be provided. The agenda, staff report, and corresponding documents will be aYailabl! by erid.cf business day on tile Friday preceding rtie public hea,1119, and may be reviewed at the Community Development Department Permir {enter (Bay C·lst Flow), at 100 Civi<: Center Drive. Ne,.,..port Beach, Ca~rornia, U. 92660 or at the City cf Newpllft Beach website at Yi.!'L'!Y.~~~rinqrommiss1cn. lndlviduals not able to attend the mel!ting may contact tne Planning 01\'Hicn or access the City'1 website ·after the meeting 10 rev,ew the action on this application. All mail Dr" wnnen (ommunlt,11ions (indudlng email) horn the public, resklents, or applicants regarding an agenda item must be submitted by 5 p.m; on the business cay Immediately prior to the meellng. This allows time fur the .Planning Commissltm to adequately (Onsider the submitted correspondence. For qUHtions regarding this public hearing item plme contact Chim Crager, Assaciace Planner, at 949-644-3227, ccrage1:Znewponli2ach,a.gc~. Projed: File No.; PA2018• 177 Zone: CC (Commercial Corridor) Location: 2721 East Coast Highway, Suite 104 Activity No.: llP2018- 014 General Plan: CC (ConidOf Commercial} Applicant: E Art Gallery Lee Lowrey, Secretary, Planning Ccmminlori, City of Newport Beach 5999409 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 lto.s An.adc.s mtme.s MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on June 19, 1952, Cases A24831 for the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Nov 24, 2018 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Chicago, llli~~is f (/ on this ~I day of __jJ__, 2o_D. £#fz [signature] 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 5999409 -Newport Harbor News Press Combined With Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2 Jto.s Angde.s fflimt.s MEDIA GROUP Sold To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 Bill To: City of Newport Beach -CU00072031 100 Civic Center Dr Newport Beach,CA 92660 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS · HEREBY GIVEN. that on Thursday, December 06, 2018, at 4:00 p,r'n, or soori thereafter as the matter 1haH ~ hNrd, a public hearing will tie cor.l!ucted l!I the Counlil {hambtrs at 100 {lvlc Cent tr Drlvt, Mt1'1J)OTI Beach, The Planning Commission cf the City of Hewport Beach 1•Jill.coosidet the following appllcal]on:: E Art Gallery-A requen for a mlnoi Ille pe1mlt to operate a tattoo studio f Pe1sonal Se1~1m, Reuricted land vie) and art galfeiy with att clasm, within an eMisting commercial tenant spate. Propoied hours of ope1atlon are 10:00 a.m. to 8:00, p.m .. daily. The project imtegorlcally exempt under S,ctwn 1S301, of tlie State CEOA {(alifG111ia Envfrimrinintal Quality Ari) Gtildelir.es • Class 1 {Eiistlng facilities). All interested parries may appear and present ttis11mony In reqard to rhu application. If you <haller.ge this project in rourt, you may be limned to raiSing lll'lly those issues you raised at the Jlllblic hearing or In written corresponde11ce delivered io the Cuy, at, or prior to,. the public hearing. Admfnimatil'! prC!ffi!ures far appeals are pravids in die Newport Bead, Municipal Code Chaple, 20.64. The application may be continued 10 a specific futu,e meeting date, and if sudl an action o<curs, additional public notice afthe continuance viirl not be providl!d. The ager.da, staff report, aild corresponding documents will be available b1 erid cf business da~· on the Foday pmeding the public hearing, and may be re\•iewed at the Community Deve~pmEflt Department Permit Center (Bay (•1st fl®I), at 100 CMc Center Drive. Nev.port Beach, CaliFolllia, CA 91660 or at the Cit}' of NtwpMt Beach website al .V:IDY.,ntWP£rlbta¢ca.gov~fl.Sfl!!!J.!!l.'ll!9l\, lndlViduals not able to attend the mP.ting may contact the Planning Olvuion or access the (1ty'1 website after the meeting to re\•iew the action on this application. All mail or written communkarions (irtdudlng email) ftorn the public. residenu, or applicants regarding an agenda item must be wbmitted by S p.m; on the business cay lmmed1a1ety p1ioi to the meetmg. This allows time for the flannlng Commission to adequately <onsider tht submitted correspondence. fllf qUHtions rega1di119 this public hearing item plme cont.let ChlsN Crager, Associate Planner, at 94~44-3227, magerznewpcrtbeachca.gc~. Projed: Fjle No.: PA2G1S· 177 Zone: CC (Commercial Corridor) Locatlon:2721 East Coast Highway, Suite 104 Activity No.: UP2018~ 014 General Plan: CC (Corridor Cornme,cial} Applicant: E Art Gallery lee Lowrey, Secretary, Planning Ccmmissior,, City or Newport Beach 5999409 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 2 of 2 Jto.s .Angete.s fflime.s MEDIA GROUP PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P .) STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the action for which the attached notice was published. I am a principal clerk of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, which was adjudged a newspaper of general circulation on Jan 14, 1938, Cases A6214 for the City of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, and State of California. Attached to this Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was printed and published on the following date(s): Nov 24, 2018 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Chicago, lllinol·s l f on this .2J day of l. , 20_. 160 N Stetson Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 5999409 -Orange Coast Daily Pilot Page 1 of 2