HomeMy WebLinkAboutR2021-0225 - Permit Application=Frl orrm City of Newport Beach COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION dot /rn22� 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RBR# U www.newportbeachca.gov (949) 644-3200 Application for Report of Residential Building Records Application Fee: - $194.00 Notice: (For All Residential Buildings) Applications with insufficient fee payment Reinspection Fee $129.00 or incomplete will be returned Please type or print and complete all information #of Units: Address. r, No- P1a(� City: Newport Beach! State: CA_Zip: C17�PC93 Escrow Company:Escrow #: - 4l Escrow Address: F c,+ p eI,�J J City: S (4 /qA a n i State: FTT Zip Code: q2E' p 1 _ - -1 Escrow Phone: '7114..- 2SD- LjooL�( Email Report to: For Inspection call (Name): Direct Phone: CONSENT TO INSPECT (FORM MUST BE SIGNED & DATED BELOW) I authorize inspections and re -inspections of the property listed above. I understand that if violations are discovered l will be responsible to correct said violations uildingorZoning Owner/Agent's signature to authorize inspection: Date: OR Owner/Agent'ssignature todecline inspection: \ Y Date: Account # 01050504-521040 .................Make checks payable to: CITY OFNEWPORTBEACH BWlding Division\Forms\R3R_7-30-20