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X2021-0475 - Alternative Material & Methods
O��gWPOR 6 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ��- u y. S BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Boz 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 ogtrvoaN www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CASE NO.: REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO PROVISIONS OF TITLE 9 (FIRE CODE) OR TITLE 15 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $284) u REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE MATERIAL OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $284) For above requests, complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 below by printing in ink or typing. FOR STAFF USE ONLY Plan Check # 0`1'69 -? 7V # of Stories Occupancy Classification 5 Use of Building %4+tr Ct.V P, # of Units 1 Project Status APP(toy IEP Construction Type VV Verified byG 4� No. of Items 1 Fee due I Moil DISTRIBUTION: Ek Owner Plan Check ®. Petitioner Lj Inspector ❑ Fire ❑ Other 1 I JOB ADDRESS: I PETITIONER: 11 SITE ADDRESS: _ 1701 Bayside Drive Owner CRC Marinas - Irvine Company Address 1137 Bayside Drive Corona del Mar. CA Zip 92625 Daytime Phone ( 949 ) 721 0111 Petitioner's Petitioner John Hill / Robinson Hill Architecture 7leaedoner to be architect or engineer) Address 3195 B Airport Loop Drive Costa Mesa, CA Zip 92626 Daytime Phone ( 949) 283-7937 Email: hill@rhainc.net / salazar@rhainc.net to illustrate Position ARCHITECT CA Professional Lic. # C23553 FOR STAFF USE ONLY ACTION: In accordance with: ❑ CBC 104.11/CFC 104.9 (Alternate materials & methods) CODE SECTIONS: 11 B-705. ❑ Concurrence from Fire Cade Official is required. ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved By: Date ❑ Request (DOES) (DOES NOT) lessen any fire protection requirements. ❑ Request (DOES) (DOES NOT) lessen the structural integrity Request is: Granted (Ratification required) Print Name 05/25/2021 ❑ CBC 104.10/CFC104.8 (CBC Modification) ❑ Written Comments Attached ❑ Denied (See reverse for appeal Information) OFFICIAIpats 1�12 APPEAL OF DIVISION ACTION TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS (See Reverse) (Signature, statement of owner or applicant, statement of reasons for appeal and fling fees are required.) CASHIER RECEIPT NUMBER: ��t [ 40 5 FonnsWodff 02/25/21 Guidelines for Approval of Alternate Materials Design and Methods of Construction Basis For Approval For the Chief Building Official and Fire Code Official or their designated agent to approve a request for modification or a request for alternate material or method of construction, he/she must determine that special, individual reasons exist that make compliance with the strict letter of the Code impractical and that equivalency is provided. The resulting condition must be in conformance with the spirit and purpose of the Code provisions involved and that such modification does not lessen fire protection, structural integrity or occupant safety. The applicant must provide sufficient information with this application to allow the above evaluation to be made. Requirements for Submittals The applicant design professional shall prepare a Written Report that describes the alternate proposal along with the applicable data listed below: • State specific code provisions for which alternative is requested and why request is being submitted. • Describe by code section those provisions for which alternative is desired. • Compare the proposed alternative versus the code requirements in terms of structural strength, suitability, effectiveness, fire resistance, safety and health impacts affecting the building or user of the building. • Demonstrate that the proposed alternative is compatible with balance of code requirements. • When applicable, specify how authoritative consensus document(s) are used to substantiate proposal. (Reference draft ICC Building Performance Code Commentary Section for background information). • Provide assumptions, references, and documentation of evaluation methods utilized. This includes intended use, input data, anticipated outputs, and limitations of computer models and other analytical tools or methods. • Specify when and where special inspection and testing are required and the standards of acceptance for demonstrating compliance. Show how the proposed alternate, if accepted, will be identified on the job site. • Where land use restrictions and building setbacks are required, deed restrictions may be an appropriate method to ensure continued compliance. • State how and where alternate proposal is incorporated within construction plans and prepare plan amendments as necessary. The design professional has the responsibility to coordinate all construction documents and ensure compatibility between documents. • The report and design documents shall be dated, signed and stamped by the design professional according to the plan submittal procedure. • For alternate methods of design requests, the applicant shall set performance criteria for his design. Performance criteria shall be reviewed, amended and approved by the Building or Fire Code Official prior to start of design. _Alternative Design ReviewNerification The Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official has the responsibility to review design submittals for compliance to the adopted codes and procedures. If the Building or Fire Code Official does not have the expertise on staff to make a thorough and competent review, the Building or Fire Code Official shall select a consultant that possesses the necessary qualifications to perform a third -party or peer review. Cost of peer review shall be paid by applicant to the Building Division prior to commencing the review. • Verify that all applicable information and justifications listed above as requirements for submittals is received and verify that evaluation and design methods used by designer are appropriate to the alternative proposed. • Verify products are being used in accordance with their listing conditions as required by recognized listing agencies. If not available, require documentation and/or testing to demonstrate compliance with intent of code and intended use. • Evaluate performance of material and possible flaws that could affect performance of material in its installed state. • The reviewer shall document that the submittal has been reviewed and accepted as meeting the alternative materials, design and methods of construction provisions of the code. If the Building or Fire Code Official is not satisfied that the applicant has met the conditions, the request should be denied in writing with the applicable reason(s). Inspection/Field Verification The alternate proposal as approved in the construction documents must be verified by inspection, and, where necessary, testing as follows: • To verify that alternate materials, systems and fabricated products comply with accepted design criteria and the manufacturer's and engineer's installation procedures, inspectors should check product labeling, certification, quality assurance processes, and testing, as applicable. • When appropriate, an approved third party quality assurance inspection and testing service may be required for continuous and complex inspection and testing activities. This is intended to verify that construction complies with the code and the approved plans. Appeal trom the determination or action of the Chief Building Official or Fire Code Official or their designated agent may be made to the Building and Fire Board of Appeals. To appeal, the applicant must provide special individual reasons that make compliance with the strict letter of the Code impractical. Appeals or ratifications pertaining to State Disabled Access Standards require complete evidence to substantiate that the proposed design is equivalent to that prescribed by that standards or that due to legal or physical constraints, compliance with the standards or providing equivalency would create an unreasonable hardship. Appeals must be submitted on the Appeal Form available at Permit Counter accompanied by the proper fee. You will be notified in writing of the appeal hearing's time and date. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND PUBLIC HOUSING 1111.705.1.1.1 Dome size. Truncated domes in a detectable warning surface shall have a base diameter of 0.9 inch (22.9 mm) minimum and 0.92 inch (23.4 num) maximum, a top diameter of 0.45 inch (11.4 rnm.) inininuum and 0.47 inch (11.9 rnnn) maxirnuum, and a height of 0.2 inch (5.1 mint). 11B-705.1.1.2 Dome spacing. Truncated domes in a detectable warning surface shall have a center -to -center spacing of 2.3 inches (58 inti) minimum and 2.4 inches (61 mm) maximum, and a base -to -base spacing of 0.65 inch (165 mm) minimum, measured between the most adjacent domes on a square grid. Exception: Where installed in a radial pattern, u•ur - cated domes shall have a center -to -center spacing of 1.6 inches (41 inin) nuininuutn to 2.4 inches (61 nun) narimann. top tliameter or 0.45-0.47 114 fain -1 1. 9 Inni base diameter of 229nun 229.92-23.4Inm \ 0.2 5.1 min a) elevation (enlargea) 2.3-2.4 58-61 0.65 min 2.3-2.4 o b =_ 0 0 0 0 Pr) plan FIGURE 118-705.1. SIZE AND SPACING OF TRUNCATED DOMES lIB-705.L1.3Colo ural contrast electable warning stay aces at transit ooruing p at nrnn edges, bits stops, hazardous vehicular areas, reflecting pools, and track crossings shall comply with Section. 11B-705. Detectable warnings at other locations shall comply with either Section JIB -705. or Section 11B- 705. The material used to provide visual con- trast shall be an integral part of the surface. 118.705. Detectable warning surfaces shall be yellow and approximate FS 33538 of Federal Standard 595C IIB -705.1.1.3. Detectable warning surfaces shall provide a 10 percent ininimurn visual contrast with adjacent walking surfaces. Contrast in percent shall be determined by: Contrast percent = [(Bl-B2)1B1] x 100 where BI = light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area and B2 = light reflectance value (LRV) of the darker area. Exceptions: Where the detectable warming sur- face does not provide a 70 percent ininimttm con- trast with adjacent walking surfaces, a 1 -inch (25 nun) wide rnininium visually contrasting ,staf ice shall separate the detectable warning front adja- cent walking surfaces. The visually contrasting surface shall contrast with both the detectable warming and adjacent walking surfaces either light -on -dark, or dark -on -light. IIB-705,1.1.4Resiliency. Detectable warning surfaces shall differ front adjoining surfaces in resiliency or sound -on -cane contact, Exception: Detectable warning stufaees at curb ramps, islands or cut -through medians shrill not be required to comply with Section IIB -705.1.1.4.. 11B-705.1.2 Locations. Detectable warnings at the fol- lowing locations shall comply with Section IIB -705.1. 1111.705.1.2.1 platform edges. Detectable warning surfaces at platform boarding edges shall be 24 inches (610 mm) wide and shall extend the full length of the public use areas of the platform, IIB -705.1.2.2 Curb ramps. Detectable warnings at curb ramps shall extend 36 inches (914 mm) in the direction of travel. Detectable warnings shall extend the full width of the ramp run less 2 inches (51 ntnt) maximum on each side, excluding any flawed sides. Detectable warnings shall be located so the edge near- est the -curb is 6 inches (152 nit) minirntun and 8 inches (203 rant) maximum front the lime at the face of the curb marking the transition between thecurband the gutter, street or highway. Exception: On parallel curb ramps, detectable warnings shall be placed on the taunting space at the flush transition between the street and sidewalk. Detectable warnings shall extend the fidl width of the turning space at the flush transition between. the street and the sidewalk less 2 inches (51 nun) maxi- nutnt on each side. 118.705.1.2.3 Islands or cut -through medians. Detectable warnings at pedestrian islands or cut - through medians shall be 36 inches (914 min) minirnuunt in depth extending the full width of the pedestrian path or cut -through less 2 itches (51 run) inaximum on each side, placed at the edges of the pedestrian island or cut - through median, and shall be separated by 24 itches (610 mm) minimum of walking surface without detect- able warnings. Exceptions Detectable warnings shall be 24 inches (610 ruin) ntiniinuin in depth at pedestrian islands a• cut through medians that are less than 96 inches (2438 nim) in length in the direction of pedestrian travel. 11B.7053.2.4 Bits stops. When detectable warnings are provided at bits stop boarding and alighting areas, the detectable warnings shall extend the fill width of the boarding/alighting area and shall be 36 inches (914 nun) rninirnum in depth. IIB -705.1.2.5 Hazardous vehicular areas, Detectable warningsat hazardous vehicular areas .shall be 36 inches (914 rnm) in width. 616 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE See: https://www.stronggo.com/color-contrast-calculator COLOR CONTRAST CALCULATOR AOIAe COLOR CORTRAST CALCULATOR According to the ADAAG, the color and contrast of detectable warning materials must adhere to the following rule- 705.1.3 Contrast: Detectable Warning Surfaces shall contrast visually with adjacent walking surfaces either light -on -dark, or dad: -on -light According to the ADAAG, the color and contrast of detectable warning materials must adhere to the following rules 705.1.3 Contrast: Detectable Wamin g Surfaces shall contrast visually v✓ith adjacent we [king surfaces either light -on -dark, or dark -on -light. This tool helps in establishing light -on -dark or dark -on -light contrast differences, allowing the selection of a detectable ADA Tile color and a surrounding concrete color while displaying a percentage of contrast based on the LRV scale. This percentage of contrast can assist the governing body in developing the level of contrast that best meets the needs of the community. What is LRV? Light Reflectance Value (LRV) is a universal value for 'contrast. It measures the proportion of useful light reflected by a colored object. It represents a relative light and darkness value rather than an actual color. meaning dissimilar colors could have the same LRV. LRV is measured on a scale of 0 to 100, 0 being an all absorbing black and 100 being an all reflecting white ADATile Color Concrete Color Natural Colors Federal Colors LM ADA Tile Color F?tl�r3l ElaCc �jI Concrete Color ca°o�Lz -JI Armor -Tile Tactile Systems MATERIAL WARRANTY* Contract No./Date: 21ICMA014.C1 / March 22, 2021 *issued on a per project basis Project Description: CRC- BYC MARINA ACCESS GATE UPGRADES Contractor/Sub: TBD Owner: Fremont CRC Marinas ro uct Installed: x4 On Bac Engineered Plastics Inc. warrants to the Owner that Armor -Tile Detectable Warning Tiles manufactured by Engineered Plastics Inc. are free from defects in workmanship and material including deformation, breakage and delamination for a period of Five (05) years from the date of acceptance of the project. EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES. Engineered Plastics Inc., at its cost, will repair or replace defective material promptly reported to Engineered Plastics Inc. during the warranty period. This warranty includes labor costs and cost of removal of the product. Repair or replacement will be done on site. WARRANTY LIMITATIONS. Engineered Plastics Inc. warranty of Armor -Tile products does not apply to conditions resulting from improper installation, improper use, external causes, intentional misuse or abuse, neglected or improper annual maintenance, vandalism, modifications to the Armor -Tile products or installation procedures with the exception of the Owner's right to immediately eliminate an unsafe condition. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The above warranties are the Owner's exclusive warranties. No other warranty, express or implied, shall apply. Engineered Plastics Inc. specifically makes no warranty of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. IN NO EVENT WILL ENGINEERED PLASTICS INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, LOST PROFIT, DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR ECONOMIC DAMAGES. MATERIAL SUPPLIER: kineered P antics Inc. A horiz ig ature Name: John Heffner Title: Vice President Date: March 22, 2021 ENGINEERED PLASTICS INC. 3001nternational Dr., Suite 100, Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: 1-800-682-2525 Fax: 1-800-7694463 www.armor4ile.com SURFACE APPLIED DETECTABLE/TACTILE WARNING SURFACE TILE Section 32 17 26 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions and Division 1 Specifications Section, apply to this Section. 1.02 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies furnishing and installing Surface Applied Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tiles where indicated. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's literature describing products, installation procedures and routine maintenance. B. Samples for Verification Purposes: Submit one (1) 6" x 6" or 12'x12" size tile sample. C. Shop drawings are required for products specified showing fabrication details, composite structural system, tile surface profile, fastener locations, plans of tile placement including joints, and material to be used as well as outlining installation materials and procedure. D. Material Test Reports: Submit complete test reports from qualified accredited independent testing laboratories to qualify that materials proposed for use are in compliance with requirements and meet or exceed the properties indicated on the specifications. All tests shall be conducted on a Surface Applied Warning tile (or approved equal) as certified by a qualified independent testing laboratory. E. Maintenance Instructions: Submit copies of manufacturer's specified installation and maintenance practices for each type of Warning tile and accessory as required. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide Surface Applied Warning tiles and accessories as produced by a single manufacturer with a minimum of three (3) years' experience in the manufacturing of Surface Applied Warning tiles. B. Installer's Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer certified in writing by Surface Applied Warning tile manufacturer as qualified for installation, who has successfully completed installations similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for the project. C. Provide Surface Applied Warning tiles which are in compliance with the following standards (or most recent): a. Americans with Disabilities Act (Title III Regulations, 28 CFR Part 36 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN, Appendix A, Section 4.29.2 DETECTABLE WARNINGS ON WALKING SURFACES). b. California Code of Regulations (CCR): Provide only approved DSAAC detectable warning products as provided in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24, Chapter 2, Surface Applied Detectable/ Tactile Warning Surface Tile January 2020 Section 32 17 26 Page 1 Section 202 definition of "Detectable Warning". Section 118-247 and 118-705 "Detectable Warnings And Detectable Directional Texture" D. Vitrified Polymer Composite (VPC) Cast in Place Warning tiles shall include: continuous strand woven fiberglass sheet matrix embedded within an epoxy polymer composition with a ultra- violet coating employing aluminum oxide particles in the truncated domes; "Armor Tile" as distributed under license by Engineered Plastics Inc. (1-800-682-2525) or equivalent product approved in writing during bidding process. E. Dimensions: The tile shall incorporate an in-line pattern of truncated domes measuring nominal 0.2" height, 0.9" base diameter, 0.45" top diameter spaced center -to -center 2.35" as measured on a diagonal and 1.67' as measured side by side in-line; except for tiles installed in California. Tiles installed in California shall incorporate an in-line pattern of truncated domes measuring nominal 0.2" height, 0.9" base diameter, 0.45" top diameter spaced center -to -center 2.35" as measured side by side in-line as required by the California Building Code, Title 24. For wheelchair safety the field area shall consist of a non -slip surface with a minimum of 40 - 900 raised points 0.045" high, per square inch. Surface Applied Warning tiles shall be held within the following dimensions and tolerances: ADA -S-2424 24 x 24 ADA -5-2436 24 x 36 ADA -S-2448 24 x 48 ADA -S-2460 24 x 60 ADA -5-3648W 36 x 48 ADA -5-3660W 36 x 60 Note: Dimensional tolerances + S% Strength M . Product Data: Vitrified Polymer Composite (VPC) Surface Applied Warning tiles shall meet or exceed the following test criteria: t Fes�Ref f encs 3 est lli_ iptFo } ., �•� R a d x 72'r...� •Wheel Load Tests .t ®Compressive Stren Flexural Strength off . ®Tensile Strength M . Surface Applied Detectable/Tac[ile Warning Surface Tile January 2020 Section 3217 26 Page 2 ASTM D 5420 Impact Resistance >_ 550 in-Ibf/in ASTM D 696 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 2.78 x 10-6pF ASTM C 1028 Static Coefficient of Friction >_ 0.80 ASTM E 84 Flame Spread Index 525 ASTM D570 Water Absorption <0.05% ASTM C 501 Abrasive Wear Index Iw > 500 ASTM D 2486 Abrasive Scrub Test 50.06 ASTM B 117 Salt Spray (300 hrs) No Failure ASTM D 1037 Accelerated Aging Cycle Testing No Failure ASTM D 543 Chemical Resistance No Failure ASTM G 155 Accelerated Weathering AE < 3 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Surface Applied Warning tiles shall be suitably packaged or crated to prevent damage in shipment and handling. B. Surface Applied Warning tiles shall be delivered to location at building site for storage prior to installation. 1.06 SITE CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions and Protection: Maintain minimum temperature of 41°F in spaces to receive Surface Applied Warning tiles for at least 24 hours prior to installation, during installation, and for not less than 24 hours after installation. B. The use of water for work, cleaning or dust control, etc. shall be contained and controlled and shall not be allowed to come into contact with the general public. Provide barricades or screens to protect the general public. 1.07 MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY A. Surface Applied Warning tiles shall be warranted in writing for a period of five (5) years from date of substantial completion. The guarantee includes factory defects, breakage, and deformation. 1.08 INSTALLATION WARRANTY A. Surface Applied Warning tile installation shall be warranted in writing for a period of two (2) years. Alternate products approved during the tendering process must be guaranteed for an additional three (3) years. Product must be guaranteed from defective work. Surface Applied Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tile January 2020 Section 3217 26 Page 3 Surface Applied Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tile January 2020 Section 3217 26 Page 4 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. The Vitrified Polymer Composite (VPC) Surface Applied Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tile specified is based on Armor Tile as distributed under license by Engineered Plastics (1-800-682- 2525). Existing engineered and field tested products, which have been in successful service for a period of three (3) years are subject to compliance with requirements, may be incorporated in the work and shall meet or exceed the specified test criteria and characteristics. B. Color: Color shall be homogeneous throughout the tile. I Federal Yellow 33538 Light Gray 26280 Dark Gray 36118 Onyx Black 17038 Pearl White 37835 Brick Red 22144 Ocean Blue 15817 Ochre Yellow 23594 Colonial Red (Brown) 20109 2.02 MATERIALS A. Fasteners: Color matched sleeve (where appropriate), corrosion resistant, flat head drive anchor: %" diameter x 2" long Stainless Steel fastener as supplied by Engineered Plastics Inc.. B. Adhesive: Tactile Bond and Seal (TBS) as supplied by Engineered Plastics Inc. C. Sealant: Tactile Bond and Seal (TBS) as supplied by Engineered Plastics Inc.. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. During all surface preparation and installation procedures, ensure adequate safety guidelines are in place and that they are in accordance with the applicable industry and government standards. B. The application of all tiles, adhesives, mechanical fasteners, and caulking shall be in strict accordance with the guidelines set by their respective manufacturers. Not recommended direct asphalt applications. Surface Applied Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tile January2020 Section 3217 26 Page 5 C. Coordinate with the Contractor or Engineer to ensure that the surfaces being prepared and fabricated to receive the tiles are constructed correctly and adequately for tile installation. Review manufacturer and contract drawings with the Contractor prior to the construction and refer any and all discrepancies to the Engineer. D. Set the tile true and square to the curb ramp area as detailed in the design drawings, so that its location can be marked on the concrete surface. A thin permanent marker works well. Remove tile when done marking its location. E. The surface to receive the Surface Applied Warning tile is to be mechanically cleaned with a diamond cup grinder or shot blaster to remove any dirt or foreign material. This cleaning and roughening of the concrete surface should include at least 4 inches around the perimeter of the area to receive the tile, and also along the cross pattern established by the corresponding areas on the backside of the tile. Those same areas should then be cleaned with a clean rag soaked in Acetone ensuring all dust and debris are removed. F. Immediately prior to installing the Surface Applied Warning tile, the concrete surfaces must be inspected to ensure that they are clean, dry, free of voids, curing compounds, projections, loose material, dust, oil, grease, sealers and determined to be structurally sound and cured for a minimum of 30 days. G. Using Acetone, wipe the backside of the tile around the perimeter and along the internal cross pattern, to remove any dirt or dust particles from the area to receive the adhesive. H. Apply TBS to the backside of the tile, following the perimeter and internal cross pattern established by the tile manufacturer. Sufficient adhesive must be placed on the prescribed areas to have full coverage across the 2" width of the adhesive locator and shall be applied to within %" continuously around the perimeter edge of the tile. The entire tube of adhesive shall be applied to the back of each tile, sizes 24 x 36 in. and greater. I. Set the tile true and square to the curb ramp area as detailed in the design drawings. J. Working from the center of the tile outwards, proceed to drill and install all fasteners in the tile's molded recesses. K. Standing with both feet applying pressure around the molded recess provided in the tile, drill a hole true and straight to a depth of 3'/:" using a''/<" masonry drill bit. Drill through the tile without hammer option (on the drill) until the tile has been successfully penetrated, then with hammer option (on the drill) to drill into the concrete. Maintaining foot pressure on both sides of the hole while drilling prevents concrete dust from accumulating between the tile and concrete which can affect the tile being installed flush and may compromise installation integrity. L. Immediately after drilling each hole, before moving on to the next, and while still applying foot pressure, mechanically fasten tiles to the concrete substrate using a leather bound or hard plastic mallet to set the fasteners. Ensure the fastener has been placed to full depth in the dome, straight, and flush to the top of dome. Drive the pin of the fastener with the mallet, taking care to avoid any inadvertent blows to the truncated dome or tile surface. M. Following the installation of the fasteners, the concrete dust should be vacuumed, brushed or blown away from the tile's surface and adjacent concrete. Using Acetone on a rag, wipe the concrete around the tile's perimeter to ensure a clean, dry surface to receive perimeter sealant. Surface Applied Detectablejractile Warning Surface Tile January 2020 Section 3217 26 Page 6 N. TBS perimeter caulking sealant should be applied following the sealant manufacturer's recommendations. Tape all perimeter edges of the tile back 1/16" from the tile's perimeter edge and tape the adjacent concrete back Y2" from the tile's perimeter edge to maintain a straight and even caulking line. Apply sealant around tile perimeter using care to work sealant into any void between the tile and concrete interface. Tool the perimeter caulking with a rounded plastic applicator or spatula to create a cove profile between the tile and adjacent concrete. Remove tape immediately after tooling perimeter caulking sealant. O. Do not allow foot traffic on installed tiles until the perimeter caulking sealant has cured sufficiently to avoid tracking. Curing time is weather dependent (average cure time at 75° F is 30 minutes). Adhesive or caulking on the surface of the Armor -Tile can be removed with Acetone. P. If installing adjacent tiles, note the orientation of each tile. Careful attention will reveal that one of the long edges of the tile is different than the other in regard to the tiny dotted texture. You may also note a larger perimeter margin before the tiny dotted texture pattern begins. Consistent orientation of each Armor -Tile is required in order that the truncated domes on adjacent tiles line up with each other. Q. In order to maintain proper spacing between truncated domes on adjacent tiles refer to the drawings for correct installation. The use of a continuous rim Diamond blade and a straightedge to guide the cut if required. All cuts should be made prior to installation of the tiles. If installing adjacent tiles, care should be taken to leave a 1/8" gap between each tile to allow for expansion and contraction. R. If tiles are custom cut to size, if pre -molded recesses (to receive fasteners) are removed by the cut, or to maintain a tight installation to the substrate then any truncated dome can be center - drilled with a''/<" masonry drill bit to create a through hole, and the through hole must be countersunk with a suitable carbide countersink bit to receive mechanical fasteners. Care should be taken to not countersink too widely or deeply. Fasteners should be flush with the top of the truncated dome when countersunk properly. 3.02 CLEANING, PROTECTING AND MAINTENANCE A. Protect tiles against damage during construction period to comply with Warning tile manufacturer's specification. B. Protect tiles against damage from rolling loads following installation by covering with plywood or hardwood. C. Clean tiles not more than four days prior to date scheduled for inspection intended to establish date of substantial completion in each area of project. Clean tile by method specified by tile manufacturer. D. Comply with manufacturer's maintenance manual for cleaning and maintaining tile surface and it is recommended to perform annual inspections for safety and integrity. END OF SECTION Surface Applied Detectable/Tactile Warning Surface Tile January 2020 Section 32 17 26 Page 7 SCALE:/32"= 1'-0" 05.28.2021 Site Plan - Alternate Materials Exhibit BYC Marina Gate Improvements 1701 Bayside Dr, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 robinson hill architecture, inc. ® 4D A California Corporation 3195 BArpon Loop Drive Ccsta Mesa.Celdornia92626 relephone:714.825.8888 @CopyngM2021 Alkght served 18'-0" VIF �J 18'-0" 03 F 01 1 8'-8" 41-0" 8'-8" EQ. EQ, o o o o (N) SLOPE 0000 00 00 (N)SLOPE p 1:10 MAX o�oo 00 00 1:1/ OMAX M i 0000 00 00. o I _ u> 10'.0, 'o D,C r 0.:N O 5% MAX LEVEL 5%a MAX LANDING l L:o a I 1,a 4'0" CLRD��D�Q��C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (E) MEN'S RESTROOM SCALE: %a' = I'-0" 05.28.2021 Enlarged Site Plan - Alternate Materials Exhibit BYC Marina Gate Improvements 1701 Bayside Dr, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 01 (N) CONSTRUCTED CONCRETE RAMP 02 (E) PARKING STALLS 03 (N) 3 -FOOT WIDE STRIP OF BLACK TRUNCATED DOMES. REFER M DETAILS ON SHEET A4.1 robinson hill architecture, inc. 0010 ACaldomia Coryorffion 3195 B A,.n Loop Drive Conn Mesa, Caldomh 92626 reIephone:714.825.8888 ©C.,right 2021 Al M,g Reserved