HomeMy WebLinkAboutR2020-0845 - Permit ApplicationPtint:Ealmsy City of Newport Beach COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION r� 100 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 RBR#KIM-y1 -ONS www.newportbeachca.gov (949) 644-3200 Application for Report of Residential Building Records Application Fee: - $194.00 Notice: (For All Residential Buildings) Applications withinsufficient fee payment Reinspection Fee $129 00 or incomplete will be returned Please type or print and complete all information #of Units Address: 1201 Dolphin Terrace City: Newport Beach i State: �CA Zip: 92 62 5 Property Ownerf DLI Properties, LLC ZipCode:F Owner Address: 14320 Ventura B1vd.,Suite 527 City:ls erman Oaks SCA Zip Code: j91423 Home Phone. j 0310) 294-8022 State: I 11_ I_mv Owner's Authorized Agent: I Amy A4r4�,.ar� my� Agent Address: 150 El Camino Dr., Suite 150 I Work Phone: 1 (310) 819-3250 City:lBeverly Hills State: CA Zip Code. 90212 Agent Email Address: I amy@thealtmanbrothers.com Escrow Company: IA and A Escrow Services, Inc. Escrow Address: 1 415 N. Crescent Dr, Suite 320 State CA Zip Code: FE70 Escrow#:l 104889 -AA City: F everly Hills Escrow Phone: 1 (310)550-6055'' Email Report to:, antonia@aaescrow.com For Inspection call (Name): Amy T..::mi@w= Hee Direct Phone: 310) 819-3250 CONSENT TO INSPECT tFORM MUST BE SIGNED & DATED BELOW) I authorize inspections,and re -inspections of the property listed above. I:understand that if: Building or Zoning violations are discovered I will be responsible to DU o.LLC Owner/Agent'e signatureto authorize inspecti*: Date: OR Owner/Agent's signature to decline inspection: Date: Account # 01050504-521040 ................. Make checks payable to: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH xwimn�oa�smn\corms\ann„7 i0.20